The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, July 06, 1868, Image 4

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PENNIMAN, REED & CO., Proprietors.
7. N. rintartbiAN, I ,Josisu
F. 11017§TON. N.. P. RICSD,
Selltors ttnd-PrOprietors.
Of Plitsburg4,A.Uegheny AlleghanY
County'. . .
Terwur—Daily I Semi- Weelly.; liVeekty.
One year... gi:oolone Tenn.:J- 50 i Mee coPY • -:4 1 . 50
One month. 701 Six mos.. 1 . 50 1 5 copies, eaen. 1.55
By the week, 15!Threo mos 75110 I 1
undone to Agent .ls
(from carrier. ) i .
MONDAY, JULY . 6, 1868
WE. 'lasi On the inside 'pages of this
morning's •CIAZETTID : Second' page: Con- .
densed- Nevei. . A lirotnan Condemned to
Death. Third page: Interiiting Miseelkineons
.headingli - atter, iver NeW/L. ' Sixth page_
.Finance and Tra , Taxation of United
States Sputs, Petroleuin Ajfaii‘,' ifarketa,
Imporia. • - ,
GOLD closed' Xi* Yoik on Friday a
TIER XlVtb. ComtitUtional Amendment
has been ratified by - the' States of Arkansas,
FloridatOuiliana ands North Carolina:
Georgia . and South • Carolina will do the
same during the current week.
Tumpfriends of Judge CHASE hold that
the Adinesty,Proclamation does not go far
enougiti that it should, have made no ex
ception's, 'not even of rebels now under; in
dictment For a thorciUgh-going politician,
commend to us at any time a renegade
OLD Boum:Ens of the war of 1812, and the
widows of such soldiers, will be gratified to
learn that Auditor General HARTRAIIFT has
furnished the list of all the approted applica
tions for pensions under the law of 1808, to
the State ,Treasurer, and that the various
CountiTreasurirs will soon receive them,
together with the binds for payment The
individual. payments will range from $2O
to $6O.
Damecnxra in Western .Pennulvania,
especially those editors who held a meeting
a few'weeks since in this city, must be de
lighted to know that_the Pennsylvania dell
egation at New Yorkhas thrown their fa
vorite„.Plormanorr, overboard, , giVing the
vote of 114Eltate saa unit to PACIERE. The
Packerite party bas been small in this quar
ter, but of course it will be *Ally en
larged. ..•
IT is reported that many of, the Demo-
cratic delegates at. NeW York incline to dis
pose of the bond-redemption question, by
adopting the simple proposition that the
surplus funds in the Treasury, from time to
time, be tegularly._applied to the pixrchase of
these bonds: This, they hold to, be all the
expression on that matter which circum
stances require at this time. It is not only
good 'Republican doctrine, but, in fact, is
quite as be embodied in the New
York platform las any of the Pendleton hum-
Tar, long-patient Democracy of Alleghe
ny will have to wait about two days`longer
for their principles * . It will take at least
that lemth of time, before it can badecided,
at New York; whether the Democrats of
this region are in favor of equal suffrage or
of a white man's government,' of green
backsfor bends or, of a faithful com pliance
with the: letter and spirit of the contract
. • ,
with the public creditor. In the meantime,
our Democratic neighbors are exhorted to
patienci, smite abstain prudently from com
mitting tberaselves onthe wrong side.
Hosr...Tomf ric
Bsnem was nominated
for Congress, by acclamation; in' the Six-
Icenth,distrint of Ohio; on Friday last.. Ac
cepting the trust; lie set forthinatwo
speech the issues on which he should ask for
the support of the people, giving, great
prominence to the reconstruction policy . of
Congress. His constituents declare that
they will give him more votes than ever be
_They may be proudof him, for Judge
Brxcat#3l has maturely ripened into one of
the foiemost statesinen of the Republic. No
state, east or west, is represented bila mem
ber more radical in his convicticins, more
spotless in his public and private record, or
more sagacious and practical in his coun
sels. ,
WHOMEVER the candidates of the De
mocracy, and whatever their phttform,.the
Republican press will find a copious supply
of weapons to twill theia, already Supplied
i n th e files of thp„Democratic Aewspapers.
Whichever coulee that party may adopt in
escaping from its preserit 'dilemma, our
Democratic exchanges, of one class or an
other; have already Stated the objections to
its propriety in the most earnest and vigor
ow; terms. These journals have borne their
testimony with remarkable, indeed
fidelity, sonic to the unsoundness of Mr.
l'Ertinzrox's views, others to the perils in
volved in 'in endorsement of Mr. CHASE'S
opinions---aome to the folly of any attempt
to revive dead isines, and others to the sad
consequences of any departure from the
old huidiriarks; some. to the political and
constitutional need of a;white Imes Govl
ernment, and others to the loftier morality
which demands the just recognition of
• equal huMan rights; some to the, inftunous
exactions of the grasping and bloated bond
.holders, and others to the melancholy coh
sequexiees of a violated public faith; and
some again haVe put themselves on record
in language of the bitterest denunciation of
. the new illegal 'governments of the 'Benth
am States, protesting that they must be ab
solutely ignored; while other leading jimir:
nab; of Democracy point to the stubborn
facts, cite the strongest judicial preeedents
and invite the party to accept the inevitable.
In 'Mort,. there is no conceivable posts. = i
to Which 'the party is about to , be ,
committed, Width 11831111Xc t linttqlealta
lave not already shown to be untenabli„
This makes (Oa work for_ our 11ePtaittesit
• •
- •-nkr.We' 4 • ' •
his National gathering of a party once
monious and powerful, met at New
'rk on• Saturday to nominate a Presiden t
candidate, and to declare its political
p nions. Every State and Territory was
ul y represented, the South returning, for
th , most part its-old Democratic leaders, or
an hof them as have survived the war of
-e ellion and 'are not compelled to live as
;x les in a foreign land; among thern'were
in , laded • more thin a score of prominent
e 8 cers in the late rebel army, and twice as
tn. ny who were equally prominent m the
ci ' service of the Confederacy.
1 t is conceded as a fact among the know
in. oi••• •
nes at New York, that_Mr. CIIA.SE
• : - so far modified his opinions relating to
n-gro suffrage as to make them acceptable
to Democrats like f HORATIO SE,Y3IOITIL
T 'a, alien with his pledge to support the
a ion of the Convention, in any poplin's
ti n or platform, has materially improved
h prospects. Under that pledge, he must
s pport,BLAin, for example, if nominated,
a though the latter declares that, if Presi-
d nt, he would undo Reconstruction with
a Praire, and strong hand of mility
p, wer. Still, Mr. CixAsz is by no means
certain of his own nomination _
;:The Convention effected -a prelimintiry
organization, appointed theregtaar commit
tOes, heard the Declaration of Independence •
read, and then adjourned over to to-day.
She temporary chairman is claimed as a
ilendleton man, but this does note fully ail
-leear, while it is clearly evident that the 4p
vents of the Ohio , candidate found ht
t e difficulty in controlling the official
film of Saturday. The mob of noisy ad
rents who fill the streets and hotels of the,
etropolis with their clamor for the repudi
iftor, stand no chance Whatetty' in' a 'delib=
rtiVehody like this, where•parliamentary
ules prevail and parliamentary .tiictice twilactic's
adopted by the "co6l hands" who pare
thoroughly familiar •with• them, and who
will oppose Pmirsivrox with a bitter, and
as thingslook, with -a suecessful efficiency.
The question of abrogating , the two-thirds
rule did not come up, the understanding be
ing that it applies only .to the vote upon
platforms and candidates. It will be con
sidered probably to-day. . ,
It is conceded that' PENDLETON, if he
falls to secure the choice of that body, will be
able to control the decision in behalf of _any
other candidate. The South inclines to
support him, but the wisest delegates from
that section-think it better to- take theirene,
from the - great Statei of New York and
Pennsylvania. These States are not decis
ively committed to any candidate yet named,
and are evidently kolding back for a trade
of some sort, looking to an entirely new
man. As between Ctutsz and PENDLirox,
the majority of these delegates evidently
Prefer the former. •
There being three hundred and seventeen
Electoral votes, the Convention doubls that
number, casting two votes for each district,.
or six hundred and thirty-four votes in all.
The impression is general that PENDLETON
has nearly if not quite a majority, his friends,
indeed, claiming as high as three hundred
and eighty-six votes, on - the,first ballot and
that he will procure the requisite two-thirds
early in the•snbsequent, ballotings. Bat the
better conjecture is that he *lll lose rather'
than gain strength, as the ballots ppneed,
and that his supporters will find it necessary
to abandon him and console themselves by
controlling the final selection of some can
didate who is not obnoxious to them.
Very few of the Pennsylvania delegation
support PENDLETOrriiiertily; 'those who do
are from thewestern , counties. ; But. It •is
understood that the delegation, which votes
as an unit, is nutnifeathig much reserve and
that it is aiming to secure either the first or
second place on the ticket for one of their;
own citizens, to which end the pronounced
Pendietonians will sell out, at any moment.
The donvention re=assembles this morn
ing, and the permanent organization will
follow. This is likely - to be secured in the :
anti-Pendleton interest. Accorning to usage,
the platform should 'next lie ieported and
adopted before the ballotings commence.
There are indications, ho,w,evcr, that; inder
the peculiar circumstances, this may be post
poned until the struggle upon candidates has
been fought through. The Pendleton mob
will naturally incline to rush mutters in a
nomination first, but the - tactics of the old
and cool heads who oppose him may be to
weaken and disgust his supporters by the
precedent adoption of a platform so vague
and indecisive as to ignore his Main element
of strength with the Western Democracy,
Of course this is .all conjecture. Only one
thing is evident, viz: that the Convention
will not finish its work to-day, and may not
even succeed in the disposing of either of
the two main points—the principles and the
The New York World pointedly "exposes
to the Southern delegates in the Coitirein-
Ws, the absurdity of their clamor fora
Democratic -volley which shall ignore the
de facto recannynction of theit States.
'"Gentlemen," says the World, substantial
ly, "you have no 'raciness here unless you
intend to vote for the iteket as nominated.
The only votes you can give must be under
-the existing reconstruction, with submission
to the existing State Govermnente as estab
lished by the Congressional authority ; you
can vote in no other way for any Presta l n.
tial electors,.and even if you could, your
votes will never be counted by the Federal
College." The World assumes that they
:all understand this, and that they attend the
Convention fully prepared to support its
actionin conformity with the actual situa
tion of reconstruction in their own States.
And the ;World, conceding that the South
now holds the balance of power in the Con
vention, insists that, upon any other hy
pothesis than this of submission and acqui
escence, the BOuthern delegates would be
bound , to take no put in nominating a
ticket which therdo hot' intend to -support
in the only legal 'and 'practluel wiy, now
open. That journal concludes its argele
thee : 1 " - •
. -
"The Soutbus Destascss• esta te
wall &vary ugly stem orbßAir. Arms qm.
franchisairlorthts PreeldentlateleethittOeilletreatilr
such Vital 'importance to them. - or else they tuna
temporarily recognizetho pastardState - iinthorities
as governments delactoi and Vote - under them.
There Is no way out of this dilemma. except by the
sword, and the land has alreadpbeen drenched With,
too much fraternal blood."
This .
point lb the more Worthy of atteri:
tion, since the PENDLEToIi en in -the
West,: who rely upon Southern votes to se-,
cure:his nomination, are insisting, in the
same breath, that the Cdngressional recon
struction shall be ignored in thoSe.States,
and that the Presidential ticket shall be sup
ported under the old State organization's,
now defunct. The annexed paragraph from
the same article in the World of the 3d,
clearly exhibits the foolish inconsistency Of
this demand:
The forni of choostn,z Presidential 'Electors will .
certainly be gone through with under the seperin•
tendence of the bastard State movcruments. and
the result of no other voting wilt be recognized.
Southern Democrats might a. well get their tickets
printed and then use them to light their tobacco'
•plpes, as to deposit them anywhere else than In the
°Radical ballot boxes; We know who the President
of the Senate is. and who his backers are; we there
fore know it to be perfectly certain that he w ill open
no sealed list from those States which is not trans
mitted by the new State authorities. • •
It is quite likely.that the Convention Will
require to be fUlly satisfied f the intentiOmi
of its Southern members, to' support the
ticket effectively and in the, only way that
will do any good. The PENDLETON men
must therefcue do -wittout the Southern sup
port, or the Congressional reconstruction
policy be accepted as Valid in law and in
fact.. And that choi,ce, unpleasant: as ibis,
must lie made within ;the two days : maiming.
We regret to add that these timely and
pertinent admonitions, which the. World has
recently given to the DeMocracy, are so ex
cessively distasteful to the extreme men of
the party that they threaten to excommuni
cate that journal, as they 84, for its rank
heresies. They can better spare the entire
residue of the Democratic press.
The opinions pronounced by the Supreme
Court ott Thursday, at Philadelphia, upon
the-.constitutionalityef the Registry Law,
RTC before us in full. The grounds upon
which, mainly, the majority of the Judges
divide - against the law, are that it would
Have the effect to increase the constitutional
limit of ten days' previous residence qualify
ing the elector, to twenty days; that the
special application of portions of the law
to Philadelphia alone, is a violation of the
guarantee inthe bill of rights, that "elec
tions shall be equal;" that no other or addi
tional taxation or assessment than such as
the Constitution prescribes, can lawfully be
t required; and that the provisions of the law
for this assessment of tax are such as neces
-1 sarily to embarrasslthe right of suffrage, and
are therefore unconstitutional.
i But, of the three Judges constituting the
majority one, Judge .STRONG, concurs in
the opinion of the unconstitutionality of the
act, only in consequence of the sections ap
plying to Philadelphia alone; it must be in
ferred, therefore, that the law is otherwise a
valid one: Of the minority Judges, one,
Aoissw, delivered a very strong dissenting
iopinion, establishing by the clearest argu
ment, the constitutionality and practicabil
of the law. Judge READ concurs in his
, views and adds :
Nitte w nl„ c i'a s `2.o ` ,•el r. . K .l . ';!" . 1 ; .CAtil' and
..7 ° t ?..
t s
t r .
ed election cases I ' - was . 1,111;"e ‘ convince d t hat tu ' a u t t‘ tne -
Mellon laws were utterly Ineffielent lu presenting
, fraud. and subsequent experience has couriented me
I in my opinion. In sum. districts Of the city—
gue spots"—fraudulent voting Is the rule and
i . honestT in ueat voting the exception.
i _ I ant fully_ convpced. that nothing bu t a registry
republican c ure
l a n!
I l e a st . which strikes Ville iooTionlsOUrrL an
! biltuttons.
The Philadelphia. Pres 3. referring to this
decision, tays,.
The court 'metros to stand as follow*: In favor of
a registry law, Judges Thompson, Strong, Read,
and Agnew, and against any such law, Judge !Mars
witenier the whe provisions of this Most witole
some law iir.all be delayed for another year deptudi.
:MGM the Executive of the State. Is is (Or him to
so whether the Legislature shall be re-convened
and the corrections made as 'migrated by the Su
preme Court of the State.
If competent legal opinions shall concur
in holding that the "corrections" referred to
can be made by the Legislature, so as to
obviate the objections ppresentedby_the
Court, We could not hesitate to unite' 111 tlie
appeal to the Executive to take the proper
steps for procuring the requisite actiott by
i the law-making power: The matter is one,
1 of vital importance to the purity of the suf
and if a remedy can bp found for. the
I existing dangers, it is the highest and most
urgent duty of the authorities to ensure its,
application before another election is held.
WE mum , this morning the full text of
the report and bill from the Ways and
Means Committee, providing for thetaxa
tion of bonds, as instructed by a vote of the
House. Submitting the bill as ordered.
the Committee takes very strong ground
against both the legality and the expediency
of tile proposed deviation from the contract
with the public creditors. - They are- pecu
liarly fortunate in exposing, briefly but most
pointedly, the direct operation of the tax,
to the extent 414 in the mode.proposedi as
substituting other terms for those first agreed
upon. Indeed, the bill which they report
presents its own injustice and bad faith flag
rantly upon its face, for,reciting the present
contracts to pay specified rates of interest to
the bond holder, it proceeds simply to enact
that a less rate shall be paid "all, conditions
and laws or parts of laWs to, the contrary'
notwithstanding." We remarked, in our
previous reference to this, matter, that the
bill, although of doubtful legality, might
pass the House, but that the . Senate would
defeat it, We also noted the variance from
the „National Republican platform , which
the proposition involve& It is now proba
ble that even the House ' will hesitate 'to
pass this bill: Membera who Would 'even
consent to increasing the income tax upon
a single class, the 'Gond holders. from' five to
fifteen.peicent, which would be the effect of
t h e bill, that will ,conclude the proposed
mode of its collection —at the Treasury—
will never answer. It looks too much like
what it is, a clear and . naked violation of
the contract with the bond=holder. True,
there is no other way to subject the foreign
holder of bonds to the tax, but even that
plea is not a , sufficient justification. And
fitithie equally due 'to ail our credi
tore,° whether' citizens or aliens. We
agreed to'par the bond-holder , specified.
tnim of_ money_ akintereat. By the contract,
are have no right to withhold a. mill from
tha'autlr4treed:' the'Ciedi=
ton is do already, by the income tax at
Ittlfliereftt.rorldelk bearempolv all' dams'
alike. We may, if we 1 lieept; - 4 jctst and
right,single out our bonds from: oiler descrip
tions of property, and lay iilteitdattienal tax,
as this bill provides, of tea per cent. inch
big fifteen per cent. upon the interest, or
very nearly one per cent. upon the principal,
but that; if it be done at all, must be
done through the tax-gatherer and not
through the Treasury, and the result would
be a specially oppressive burthen upon a
limited class of our citizens, the foreign
creditor escaping altogether.
The much wiser and more onest alterna
tive is to resort to, anew long loan, at lower
rates, untaxable and gold-pa 'able, and offer
its option to holders of pre- wit securities.
And this would entirely co' I tide with the
principles declared at Chic. go.
We skim the cream of the conjectures
aid assertions with which, our exchanges
are now filled, concerning the Democratic
gathering at New York, as follows :
The. Tribune says :'°'"Flaid a. prominent •
member of Tammany -, 'Pendleton has
sufficient strength to split the Convention
if he chooses, but he has not enough So,
make it nominate him.' The Pendleton op-,
position say they are tired of defeats, and
claiming not to be fools, know too much to
attempt to run a man with a tainted , war
The Advertiser says : "Assurances have
been circulated that the 'Chief Justice has
reconsidered his negro suffrage opinions, so
far as to make them conform to the constitn - -
tional principle that the States alone are
judges of the qualifications of their voters.
We have no positive - authority for believing
that thele assurances'are well founded; but
there can be no doubt,that the success of the
Chiet Justice will depend upon their truth."
A Washington dispatch to the same pa
per says : "The impression here is, that if
Chase should not be nominated,- there -will
be an entirely new man, brought out to the
exclusion of Pendleton and, other Well
known persons. It is understood that the
difficulties in the way of Mr. Chase's nomi:
nation have been removed by a frank inter
'change of sentiment between the friends of
the Chief Justice and of Governor Seymour,
respectively." '
A Now York dispatch to the Philadelphia
Ledger says : "There is authority for saying
that the New York delegation has been in
correspondence with Judge Chase, with a•
view to persuade him to modify his recent
letter on negro suffrage, but with no satis
factory result. The Chief Justice is will
ing to concede much on other points, but on
that he' is and intends to be inflexible.
There is much in the minor details of this
correspondence which is said to be of pecu
liar interest, but the net zeSult of all is just
what'l have stated." • • ,
A New York dispatch from "Mack" says
of the Amnesty Proclamation: "This bid of
Mr. Johnson for the Presidential nomina
tion will; it is thought, influence few, if any
delegates to the National Convention. His
purpose is too apparent, and looks like the
last gasp of "policy" which has run through
the present administration in all of its rami
The Traune says : "A careful figuring
of the votes has satisfied Pendleton's friends
that out of 632 votes in the' Convention,
Pendleton will receive 334, on the first for
mal ballot, and that if the Pennsylvania
delegation finally conclude to go for Pen
dleton be will receive 386 votes on that
ballot. From certain indications made yes
terday, it is believed the delegation from
the Keystone State will cast their votes for
Pendleton, thus rendeiing his nomination
almost a certainty." •
The Times says: At present the Pendle
ton managers claim 168 votes (out of 317
electoral) and say they will elect their man'
on third ballot. Well-informed and candid
opponents of Pendleton give him 160 votes,
and admit that everything looks like he
would be nominated. -
AN. Y. dispatch says : A skeleton of a
platform'was drawn up last night by a cau
cus of leading Eastern Democrats. This
document is not only adverse to the policy
of. redeeming 5-20 bonds in greenbacks,
but it points to a totally , different method of
dealing with the question, viz , : Applying
the surplus greenbacks in the Treasury to
the purchase of bonds in open market.
Whether this platform be adopted by the
convention or not, it is almost certain that
tbegreenback policy, as it is commonly un
derstood and advocated by Pendleton men,
cannot be endorsed in any outspoken and
unamblguons resolutions by the convention.
'Among the Tennessee delegates to the
Democratic Convention is one James G.
Williams, who is regularly accredited, and
cannot be refused admittance. Neverthe
less, the fact that he is black as charcoal
excites some doubts among the enthusiastic
Pendleton men from the rural districts in
the West as to whether this is a white man's
The liew York Advertiser of the 2il says:
Chase has almost united support of the New
England delegations. His previous career
as an anti-slavery man renders him particu
larly available in the doubtful States of New
Hampshire and Maine. ,
George • 11. Pendleton has a more' nu
merous retinue of volunteers,, and a.larger
support by the regular delegates than any
other ; candidate. Ho exFects to distance
every. competitor on the first ballot. But
the very fact of his strength at the outset is
thought by many to be fatal to his success.
'His friends will exnaust themselves during
the first two or three heats, and some other
animal will eventually win the race. The
East postively repudiates him.
A Washington letter to the 2 1 ribuns says:
The Democrats here who are opposed to.
Hancock, not only make a telling handle
of his prominence in the execution of Mrs.
Surratt by sentence of military commission,
but they comment with severity upon a cir
cumstance which the Republicans have re
frained from alluding to. It Is this: In
1865, or thereabouts, General Hancock ac
cepted the Presidency of the United Service
Oil Company, which, in the end, turned out
to be a gigantic swindle, by which many
honest men lost all their savings.- An affect
ing case In point occurred here a few days
ago, when a (leartermaster-Bergeant of
Marines committed suicide by blowing' his
brains out, and left two letters assigning as
the cause the loss of all. his earnings,
amounting to sl,too, by. the U. S. Service
Oil Company, of which . Gen. Hancock was
President. - •
Southern delegates who 'oppose Chase are
thus photographed by a New . York corres
pondent: rho chivalry have found an un
expected element in their favor in tlie North,
and they actually believe that a fresh' rebel
lion would give them their fancied nghts
end redress their self-intlicted wrongs.
They, say that sooner than accept the Chief
Justice With universal suffrage, and his other
notorious political'binsphemies; they will,
raise -the name of Wade Hampton, and go
down to renewed rein consistent to thelast,
like shoemakers. They're aqueer set, these
haughtysons 01 the South, with their shish
and slavish prototypes in the North; but,
Heaven he praised,' they've run their race
Their lastvictory was achieved -
Booth imm.Po troli the stage box of Ford"
, • • ••••
theatrel= -The-domiiiationzof men who wear
silver sheaths on their -boWie knives and
dirty stockings;"ou their feet has passed
away, and reading and writing are accom
plishments more respected than short cards'
and pistol shooting.
The New York TI77ICS says: "As a ques
tion of policy the Southerners are divided
about the nomination. There is a Chase
element in Georgia, also in North Carolina,
but none in the Virginia . delegates. Many
are willing to take Blair or Hancock, but
the sympathies of two.thirds at least are
with Pendleton, and they are beginning to
regard him as the available man for the
times.* , .
The Chase men have a well-selected lobby,
and openly say they 'will secure the nomina
tion of their favorite by' the use of money.
The sums advanced for this purpose are es
timated variously from one to three millhais
of dollars. If the Chase men fall in first
preferenee, their next attempt will be to
secure the selection of Hendricks. .
Pennsylvania is • still the battle-pound.
If its vote is given to Pendleton, it is be
lieved the Northern majority for him will be
so emphatic thatseveral Sciuthern States will
at once vote for him and thus secure his
-nomination." ;• - ' • - ' -
Other correspondents . write : • "Chase'a
letter to Cisco, pledgingliimielf to support
the nominees,. was an -unexpected boot-1104.-
111 g attempt, and its effect was startling.'
Surprise mingled with contempt folloWed
the announcement of ,its receipt.'
"The Western antipathy to Chase is very
strong. The delegates from that region of
the country say they have had enough of
him during, the past thirty years, and if
Massachuestts wants him let her take him."
"One hears but little of the Chief Justice,
however, even as a possible candidate among
the great body of the country delegates;
but it is believed that, on the second' ballet,'
the entire Nevr York delegation can be got
to go over to him." '' - -
The Southern delegations are all , full.
They can easily be singled out by ,their
slouched hats, long hair, and quiet de
meanor., Some few of them are still wear
•ing the Confederate gray, not from choice
but of necessity it , may be. The general
disposition on their part is to counsel and
advise rather than to take aa active part in
• the' proteedings. The interviews between
them and their' - Democratic brethren who
I have served in the armies of the Union, .
I have been frequent and' fraternal.
To a Republican all looks well, for the
midst of this Babel of doctrine there is a
silent concession to the strength of Grant
and, to-the power of the. Republican party.
You meet with it everywhere. The logic
of the case is with us, not only as a neces
sity, but as a principle; not only because it
is right; but because it cannot be helped.
The Tribune of the Bfi says : Clement C.
Vallandigham, the Democratic martyr, ar
yesterday. He is exerting his limited
influence in favor of Chief Justies Chase.
:According to the statement of a number
of the 'Western Delegates, the • chances
for Pendleton's nomination are decidedly
slim. The Indiana delegation, it is said,
have decided to discontinue the support of
Pendleton, and to throw their entire strength
. in favor of Hendricks, notwithstanding the
withdrawal of the latter's name. ,
A portion of the Minnesota delegation
assert tat the Convention will last until
the 18th.
f July.
A W hington dispatch to the same jour
nal says , The feeling in favor of Mr. Chase
is bcco ing more- clearly and • more fre
quently anifest here, and in consequence
of clispa hes that have been. received from
1 New Y rk today and to-night ranch real
I enthusi -low been, teivakened for him.
I rki,
1 'All the outhern men who arrive here speak
lof him • the only man they will support,
and gen lemen from that section are to-night
freely I. ying wagers on hli nomination.
—....- • --.6...-________.
When the sestem is once affected it will not rally
of its own' accord; it needs help -It mast be
strengthened aud Invigorated; this is especially the
case whetethe -
Are affected. Far Immediate relief and permanent
Diuretic or Backache Pille
Are apt rfectly safe and reliable specific. This well
known remedy has effected a larce number of speedy
and renarkable cures, and have never failed go give
rullef when taken directions. .
Dr. Sargent's .packaelte
Are purely vegetable, and contain no mercury or
calomel; They dO Tait esflatlet the systein,'Dnt On
the contrary they act as a tonic. imparting new tone
and vigor to the organs and strengthening the whole
body. Thew Pulls have stood the test of thirty-Ave
years, and are still gAiningi ha popularity.
Price 50 Cents Pee Box.
I Wanting to ConntArfeiters, and a Can
tion to Puraasers.
No expense will be spared, no legal means .of
punishing fraud will be neglect:l4; in , the effort:to
prevent the counterfeiting of BUSTETTEIt'S
STOMACH BITTERS. But ~ e oundrelism; when its
eunniugnnd activity are stimulated by the hope of
gain, to very ijart ohm and industrious. The men
yrh -se despicable bulsiness it Mt° ilmuluto valuable
proprietary medicines, and who substitute therefor
dangerous or worthless preparatirma, are nroverr
bially difficult to catch. liftist of them have many
'allasee, and they flit from State to. State with sur
prising agilltyi, in the hope of evading the clutches
of the law. The proprietors of HOSTETTER'S
STOMACH BIT CERA are determined, lf possible,
•to hunt them down. Traveling agents etuployed
for this purpose, and whenever en offender is de
tested he is prosecutqd with the utmost ripe- qf the
law. No amount olNplianee; hoWev-r,' tan pre
vent the occasional in reduction of imitations and
counterfeits. 'lite public are therefore CAUTION
ED not to purchase any article' purporting to ba
HosT MTh STD RAUH BlTTlstts which Is not
Bulb. militated hy the - handsome government stamp
spec,Dily engraved for the 'proprietor, and also by
their superb net. label with is• beautiful vignette.
represen ing the conflict between bt. Ueorge and
the Dragon, at the:
top'; And a - miniature note of
hand, signed llostetter A Smith. at the top.
N. FL—The-genuine BITTERS are' sold . in BOT
TLES ONLY. All per-ons who pre t sell the
article by the gallon - or barrel, ire imposters, and
the stile they offer Is a worthless and probably pot
k tenons counterfeit. • .' • •
.. . .. .
nese and scientific management of all di sease.
Da. Krrgitn IL I write to thank you forytlir kind
which I called to consult you some Wee in January
last. You will that 'Mid a
en ded re a comMlitatlon
of diseases, which finally terrible fistula,
which I Lad been advised to 'get alone," on at
count of a harassing cone, which it was feared
Might fitsin it, on my lungs- I . kne w that the peen
lair mode of treating.ib em " like mine was b y a
w ig e n, y• eueceasfUl at all, wont:4
cutting Operettion,:
naturally throw Ms disease upon the lungs or some
other vital er ex4en account of the. suddennoes of
1 • ediate check to the die tut '
the cure and tlie hum . e rgo.
yril as
len y believed w a salutary , provision of nature
to'get rid or 101110 morbid condition or the system.
„ ee , ~..r ieet ly satisfied that your method of treat
in& . tn i , .;; o ' eitons. sins system, aid Weed' applications
I Gad It did, and I am happy
to the Sistulons part, must cure, if anything could,
without cutting, which.
to re port myself well In every particular, with
scouter said better health than I have had for veers.
s• would also , add that the applications you, made
were almost Painless, and hatie left me a new man.
Alta all the energies And visor ot''•reatored health.
. Yours, irrateltillY,._ I ' 0""-, . - , "
DU. '808)01 , 8 . 0011 1 /15LTATION I100)15 roil.
.011102110 DISNVIVii,_ No. INO PUNIC STRENT,
feast lk 41.- lg. UNTIL 3 t vs
lase litli:1111114 ... "*. A 4Z ' ,• 4. ' : - r
;Er „ate/ CRS "To Let, ". "For, Ba id, r.
want*, "Ftninti," "Boarding," not ex.
ceediog RICE LINES each will be, :re then
columne.once for ,r WEATI- IV VS 1 CIEi.YTB ; ewes; 1.
'additional CSATS.' "
NT• nation :5..% Ft.I.II•HEEPEII7.-Is wanted by a -;
Toting. trustworthy - man. Address
this otlleu.
VBOOK-KEEPER', by a young mart who can,
produce she most satisfactory references as to char-i
aeter ant capacity. Appty to MB, KING, at the'.
perieuced and competent Farmer and Mao
age', with!u smelt family. wuntu 3 pgrAttqr) on some
g_entlernan'g estate. nquife' of J. at the
N.--To so-
We T 6 E rd p erslr A . l 4s ,B rnt trien:RE, that
is selling rApidly. Address B. it., Box 6 , , tlßrothce,
giving reference and s.lary wanted.
man -who
al wen accidahated with the,whole
se drug business'. can. tind ernplornienVif Coupe
'tent and references saibiLtetory, taidressing
DRUGGIST, Box ft, IDAZETT, . place. ,
good BLA.CE.SSII'I'II. - Cunt understands
businesa, will receive good wages and steady.' eta.
to oplyrnent. None.but a gnoftwoolnnati need apply,
Jon GRAHAM., Touperancevllle, Pa•
WAIE--BOARDERS. — A g e t' .. I
tleman and wife, or two single gentlemen,. . i
can be accommodated -with-Brut Mane boarding at ~1
No. 18 NITYLIE STREET. Room 15a front one, om
second floor,. and opens mat orobalcony , ,
AN'rED--BOARD- - ;
board for a small fandlp lirittiout. children
pleasantloention an Penn. street, sopmbe bT
addressing M. W. W, Postoffice Box hgw.
board, fine front roomo, with gee, can be
gemmed at $15.00 per week. Day boarding. 0.50.;
For single gentleman. At 46 LIBKETY
. -
Apt ANTE D-B 0 A RDERA.—Gen—
tfemen boarders can' be.accomincidcited with
good board ana lodging at No. 25 FERRY IT.
, .
N o A t G L R CAANTP AnIGNO G F O A O X DS ..w — i B th a o i r P w t t e h
One agent took 60 orders In one day.
Also, National Campaign Biographies ot both, 25
cents. Plus, Badges. Medals and Photos for De
mocrats and Republicans. Agents make lOtt per ct.
sample packazes sent post-paid for $l. Bend at
once and get the start. Address GOODSPEED &
CO.; 31 Park Row. N. T.. or Chicago. -
WANTED --A GENT S.—Sev er patent Ms al
good Agents wanted to sell a -
mem.' Address "PATENT, this office,' with name,
residence and references.
.yrANTEI)--AGENT.---As Trava'
' NLING,AGNNT, a 'maxi well acquainted':
th the Queensware and Gloss business. None
otherneedanply. •address P. 0. , Lock Bes'297.
Communications confidential. :01,
117" ANTE 11--BOARD At' EAST
1/ LIBERTY.—A gentleman wants lb large
furnished chamber, with - bre:dabs: and tea. at IC.ast .
Liberty, for some months. Address .IPELAT.,,as",
G.A2 Ertl{ °PPD.; 8. • • •
WANEII---1110ARD. -111 . Gentle 7
man, wife, one child and °arse wants board
in a private family." Address ;BOARD, this oinoe.
giving location and price asked.
kOST—On the , ISth nikluney in
Allegheny, a pair of GOLD SPECTACLES.
' finder will confer a great favor and .receive the
thanks of the owner by leaving them at the DIS
gTRAY COW.—Strayed from the
residence of the subscriber, ow,laat 'Monday, a
large, red and white COW, eix,years old, fresh in
milk. Any person knowing cf her'whereabouts or
returning her will he liberal 5 , reworded for their
trouble. AUGUST NEWMAN,- Singer, township. .
To LET—Two Office R,_ooms, on ,
second door, Fifth street. S. C,U:CHBEIIT
uris, S 5 Smithfield street. j j
WYLIE STREET. Is now ready for °coupe
non. le fortv-nve feet in - depth, ajty.light back.
French plate tlass front, nag pavement, and every
thing elegant and convenient. i
• -
ROOM • 60 te,t deep' and Dwelling House at present
occupied by T.. 11. Kluges. Jewi-ller.i located atliu.
1E49 FEDERAL tiTREF.T. Alleghenyt will be rented
on favorable terms. There are ninei large and well
arranged room--three on eseh of.second, third aed,
fourth doors.. . Gas and water throughout the house.
rooms. with water, gas
r ud iv iintb..:frrz.:7 6 - 7, - o . i r
ted up in the bust mann , with P 13 4.. s'" 6 "
windows and iron front. Inquire at office FA
ZIEIt BROS., Ohio avert e and tledg wick at L.: Al.
i ,
-T° . LET-1100 E.—That ilesira.
Lie Dwelling Nous . No. 71 Liberty !street.,
containing ten rooms, k3chen and witaleThottae.
Enquire - of JA.I3.'J.,GRAT:. No. 25 Sixth street:
----,---,---------------Th ._ _
will purchase ideal ble residence. li 294
Pel.tle°rlttlattreSetA. A l6 ll7::::4 l 7C rm i llij :::: E r : .— r e :D . : ri a Ap T ill an i :
ocation House b L as u t , e s,
, ro el o a m E i, sta b t a e .l, A ;e e l , r: N ini o l ,
I attic: double pa lore, with folding Poore.
Corner lot $lO by 100 fe t, back to, an alle 1 aipar
tin; Compan '
• °rule steamer ECHO o. 3—lsb feet on d,
steamer 18 inch cyliniler, 5X t•et strok;
ID A. REEFS No 2 - 136 feet on d
feet basin, 15 inch cylinder. .0 feet stroke, Iv
their tackle and oat t, in gnod running or dl
quire of JAN. BEE% Engine Builder, Dr
Way. 1
.L relent BRICE HO SE, of four, room.
cellar and lot, on Feu . alley, ht ar Prid -
Fromm Is new, and or cc - only 0,100. •
HOUSE on Forbes etre • t for sale. Apply
LT st . • . • . . . .
yoR SALE—LOT IN.. Mc !'
PORT. The half or whole of a lot :
rent by 140 feet deep. situate - on Afarke
Second :street. For particulars enquire .41
HULL, hull's Store, Fifth. near the de
Kresport; or address JOSEPH FORSYT
Fifth street, Pittsburgh.
V ,
one house and lot of two acres of irri):
llllpsburg. Beaver county, Pa. The ho
two-story irtume. with seven rooms. The t. •
num oer of fruit trees, and all in good order , I
Ina cistern on the prem i ses, and stable ..,
outbuildings. Will be sold at a . bargain I
SET , HALL, Real Estate Agents, No.
street, Allegheny. 1,
HORSE tßayit three DAPPL
sTREET, near Monongahela Rouse. ,
Horses bought and sold on commission. I
LO It 8 At. E--UOUSE.--4 1 NICE
BRION., MIME; of eight teems, / I Moat.
esem' aveette, near Federal street .. late of •
Kr. DalllTT, L eerner Moutgoraerr armee d Fed
eral street, AUeftheral:
yo r a i t7
. .t . u7 ii - ini ro
tir511. 8749. 70
r corner ot Memo A t aellbasvf Weal%
Mielkfib7 Oft.
I The
, -rko oThe•
!in% an
; r In
W o.
E feet
k, Mc
, 116
ad in
se le , a
has a
-1 eaver
I W.
ne ftne
• three