11 H II • .11:' • - lel wg: - alsut4' 4 .. 4 • AMi ',BI3BURDAIC THE COUST3. '•• - , ;': United Statew l 'Ogariettiotirsidge Mc ,. • - 'Canditts. 1 In the Cass of:thii'United . Btgteb vs: titre • distillery, et;'al.'Of Aiward. _Lyek'nt •livii, ~...._ . , - . . 4 " 4lo3 Perti - and also in the,casi3 of ,thc-unt. il ted States vx, twenthr-sir barrels:ofwhisky , - ,',i et: al., owned 'l4 MiCheei Weaver, of the 0 lace bondswereSled , siid . property - • , P s or eyed tnbe released: ; ....; .: ~! L . , the- case against 'thei `sifiabier;-Arnili -1 ';:' dl O, - `condemned and sold by order of ti inddmitalty;'llniftnan & Duff fi led ; th ir libel, end were allowed to intervene and provelheir elaiin before the Comniia. 1 stoner of Distribution. , - ' ''' I In the'ease of the Unittid States vs. ales; '1 tubes, stills, et. ahir owned by Jno. -W. O'Brien et. al., of - Engle Brewery, the ' Court ordered the money in the registry of .., the Court, to be , distributed i between eeo. Keyseri the informer, and - the United States. b ankruptcy -: • . ‘ , : ,:_.: -I i'. In the-b bianch like following additional Anal discharges were granted and‘certifsmtes , awarded::Florence: Kra-4 `-", mar, Pittsburgh; Josiah King, Allegheny; Isaac U.- Pennock, _Pittsnh,.nnd rJelin 1 400ns:ikon, Monongahela urg Gityi ' .f.,- , i :c ;? l' : Petitions forAlual discharge were illeii, by L tj John Fanrct, of Snags:wham% ) county. and 4 , . William Robb, lig Allegheny eatuity. ,_, ' - ~ , ~ A petitionwaa tiled bYblathims- Wininn, , of. rosperity,. Washington for him. "." self and ethers, asking that John Porter be declared a bankrur.,_ :..; loges that Portiirie indTtie peo itMoinine 1 : hundred dollarti,t Mid:that: he has given a ~, judgment,to , Mathew, Moustort.with a;view • of giving preference over, other„ creditors, . and %filth's_ view: of delaying or • defeating 'l' the,operstiens,of the,law. A rule to show cause was granted :and made redeemable on the 13th of July.. _ _ • Quarter Sesediudge Stowe. ' The following business was transaeted en FridaY: The first 'case takennp was that 'of the Commonwealth vs: Wm. Thomas, indibted for obtaining moheyly false .represental; I!. time, The defendant, it was slieged;*visf= ted the honao of Rudolph Kahl and there bor.rovi4tt; seven dollars - by representing' himself atiproprletorof a livery stable on Pennsylvania avenue, arid, that be : desired to pity for some "feed" hb had purchased. , r IA verdiatnf guilty was reuaere and de :3 fendatit Sentenced to pay a;line of 'filly (101- 1 . lass and costs. ' ' • •. • L. Burkhardt. as tried on an indictment for receiving stolan.goods, found enpon the oath of Jacques Mahler.. The jury returned 1, a verdict of notguilty.., • . • , 1 The case of. the Commonwealth vs. Wm.- Smith, indicted for maintaining a nuisance, was, called,but but.: postponed until Tues. day-next.: be remembered that. the "1 defendant secured the passage of an act by the. Legislature vacating spruce alley, in the Ninth . ward; with the consent of City . Councils and such restrictions .as as .they might impose. . Mr.. 'Smith. has been pying the, alley since, the act was passed, • although Councils have - not consented to the vaiiittlon. The points at issue are id' alegal ,; character and it is probable that 13ieW verdict will 130 rendered,: and that' , the. mat ter will bp Speedily adjusted.ly the . Qiurt: Jacques Mahler the prosecuting witness •1 , the case , of L. Burkhardt,was -cal ed up for s e ntence, having pleaded guiltylo the larceny 'Of softie- wearing • apparel from Lillie McDonald on the 2lst of April last: . Previous to 'passing sentence Judge'Stowe remarked that it seemedthe'only way to prevent the defendant from getting into trouble was to keep him - locked pp. Re ,17 then sentenced him tomidemettuveyears' e`piern Penitentiary Court then 'aillonrhed- , - until Monday 1 morning. • ' -'.Real Estate Transferw• ' The follow,ing deedli'were tiled of record befote H. Bmcely, EN,:ll4:nxßderi July Fl 3; leas. • . • Daniel Buckley to Jeremiah Buckley, JunO2s. L'.S; lot -4 , 4, Si, In ehnitl:sanrld,ol3l,Orti.i . c . ow ruib 4 ip 'Obio'aventic,_• 24 by 109141 - • • i on Geo. , l3lake SO Reel, Aprll24, 1881 -lota No. - 5. 6; 7 awl 8 in MeAJeees plan, Perrysville: llnut- Inc on-the plank mind 340 - thee and'extendlng In depth . . . .•. . Joseph C. Curry JOhn ......... UM on 'Fourth street ;' Second' ward;'Pitts ilt:gh, 23 by 84 113 et, with ' " ' " • • 45,000 Joseph C; • Carry to Ellzab'eth 111,• July 3, lECA; lot on Colwell street. Sixth ward; 71 , b: 90 feet...i.sl John D. Oltman to Joh n A. Strain and John C. littrin„ - jowl 35,-;18110; lot op -Merry ,Iliwilh40171 • 131rId :strict; eiltablfrgho 27 by , la rest. cco Paul. U. trustee, to"A.',Q.Graff. an'dPaul.ll. - Haake. 'June 23. 1858;.,5tx. lots'An the' town Orli*. boke rt. • by-120 feet _AL in T - A. J. Barb:lnk to A. C.'Gralif, 4une.10:2167: 10l in Collins township: «patittp.tps Acrls and Iti perches 4 .. with buildings.. . gle..too David, Wolter to Max'. ittiwrilan,..Jwho I. 16 5 / 4 - lotln Scott. to9znshlp, conk:3llog. 20 aereannd.4oDerclivo 62 5/0 Bev. John Nevin to Rebecca Oliver, July 18, INni lot. No. 23, Manenestet, on Fayette . stro ,et 402 feet ..... Francis !.} Walker to ehlltp Jelj 2d, 1168: lots Ts and 77 in the siatr.divisiou of McFarland's Grote. Awn,Ceitrestreets.6o-by GO Lost—, GOO C. IL Lona to AbralsauLCUntoD,'3llinst 18. leg; lots 164. 195 and 188, ..ove's plan, Chortlers town ship, Quarry avenue. &I by,loo feet 62 0 0 Bernard! Steinman .1.0:Cluos. -Archer, June ut. iscs; lot on M treet,illcgiicny. the rhind by lot! Nos. 314 and 30 in Warr. n, Painter B Lorentz's pion James Kyle" to Themaif 9tiller, • June IS, 1468: lot No. 31 Irwin's Dian, 'Fifth ward, Pittsburgh, on Li t hq street• 211 s-1,000 Sam I aneyei,Jil. e pr.:t ut-ci:AU 711107 . . Siptv•m bet " 181 U: live -s xths of Iwo tracts Orland in Versa tea townstdpolantalrilng.2l.lll acres...s2.o Alex. Wier; wirtirnisfratornfDr. George Huey, to .Nothat.tel H. Clark, Jan. 10, 1856; Dart of above trztcvallarlelknowntaslbp? `Croopol...ltln afar ae/ "ecnitalialitg - G6 terry and 11 Perches 011402 Thos. Mellon, and (ice. G. Negley, 'Exeeutors,,. y' to biro. Jane inswfal'July 14' BM:- let No . 881ANeg les plan, Collins tcpwnsitip, on Center street. 25 by Leg • molivenaixt, Same day ten mortgages were filed. Pockets Picked, Rat+' °Olt Yeeter , •offi cer Mulvaney, while on clUtrae.and pocket hooks lying in the metal yard --1)e• twee.q grant „ t. a_ad..Ll ftreptii, : pear the Union .Dep ot. Ono of the pocket books contained a bagg age r eck on the P. and C. R. R., No. 220, - 'from - Neir York to Cincinnati, and.a certificate of pa from 134 - I,VAV. tPi4tnittarr- 4.o.tietteraLt -reit 'Cilittine: ThlS 'etlii , i'chrietilinffilf SW ceipt to the saute person for, five dollars, and a Pasa ' 4lloiii * l tei ripttral Rail road as fOltthirig" ..12iPAR elitaltrFeather stone,frOm*pot to.dßot until further or derg.'dated Ist; 18418. These facts would indicate that the pocket boolotiVerp once the property of General Featherstoliti, and that that gentleman's pockets had been picked. -while, pillbbitia rtly?tigh this city.witi•aldelegate to the New York Convention and was a patisetter-vn , one of the - special. trains: 'he property described is at the Stayer's office, and will be delivered to the owner when called f0r..(...; City Mo'rtality. Dr. Ai feettrylloini,l'hys telttst MI the Board of Health, reports the tollowing in terments Su the city Of Pittsburgh, from 3atco , 2 tolliihe 'Maw 1 1 5 fAx:, r :':.co fiFeri; flu. ()vet dose:otlaudinium“ I:. pneumonia,- I;r.dixotiat of brain, I; poisop, 2;,. Oise/Ass of bowels,3; still horn, 1; soiriaticavt`rtneinfilea, 1; teeth ing, 2; nuirosmus,l;-epuvglitionti,i;. c h p i el:a infintruna: :Total, 24 ,Cif-theithavelluire -'Fear 8; fixu.ktfl.g.'. s l 2 to 5 9 2 : 5 tO leri it iOld le, 1; 20. to P, 1; 30 to dio, , * - 40 to 60, 2 p6010 60, 3; .71YVY IY,= l.' les, 11 ; %glutei 24; colonic], False '.ifiiifeirca 14- 4 12railifirAttf im b u charged with false pretence before Ald er: n:utrvMdfast4erssistcrtkir,fonruatliotAta drew Tacksob, was comtuittpd in default of three hundiedldellitiii bath •°' ...- , :iftGen4iNforifeet arrA ifed(Moiltd” , l tag tb'ffewing is from Wrgailfteff enefit • -2-F1 /316 * .i gik i i4;fri t /11 14 144 ) 44 4 0 ; 4 1 ": i„ •-• 1 1 . 4 oL, t7r/ , :f. I. r! . et, rIMV.l)...filtAFPArkv; •Enrrous thisssraus ,-Poar 1-,-Tbei rebel lormeralytchiefiofialasto ciliefforistaff reet v ia-liellasof. , lf: /ft:Fierntotoh e = r.of Fort illlowiendrsjbistiferry scientific ..and.9 plausible:l4 (lota:is:Mb/to theconduct;ofi"F,orrestat vßut alltha Writings nf rebel.gunerckle and efibm of-staff combined will mover! (wipe) old efface from the miUdelof itheliforthern_peof pie: and!: the soldiers Abet leamprithe Union army the horribleirombrabilet of that most cold-bloodeg r wholesale slaugh ten and -it wt•rae Qum Melees ta endeavor tOJemoulliaie the :Ibrritalityr and bartstrity perpetrated.,.-Like : thei%EngliShublowing the sepolli froth theinauthir;of their• 4=4 non, the stbry Vift , ."Forte-•Pillowl.? - - w il l , be handed dowriteluttumiretteratieue, wild bur children2e children willlook with loatidhil" and awntsbAgpoonitheln.ameetif BaFoaTest; the: rebel,,r3clib allowed deferfdelsiti- and wourubadmenlto bd.:measured, after: they wereOverwvered,:by the hrindred.: . IWhabiete•be thought bf-those Who, hem in the; South,?calli.themselvee'Deinocrata4 that:select N. 13-Forted as a delegate.to „t 4 convention to nominate& President of the loyal States.of this:Union:Z. llowthinkyun the Bald tars off -the• Union Wil t irctake Ltd speak of, the genuine( Democratic isoldierg; whoOelove:ot %gantry Ersceeded•tbeir riove of. party iin 488141.: Think • you- that.. these Men twill feel - flutte,red at the appointment also bitter mut active. a reba this matt Porrest , tetheir. ;National- ConVentioir. as-a delegate ? If such be-the case it is a farce to call_ tho equaiug gathering, op the , ithrof 3 4 1 Yleeithleg hut a rebel , conventiPhiehd• there are, illft tlve..men. in, the. country, who would 4tam.a l unanifnons nomination lusl support,. ./.eff Davis :and . ..Robert , E. ~- rip • .:•••• ; The se-AMJetit PemPeiatie , PertY •Musthe hard up for men to Jiarui. to their conven tion when, they,seleot . auch,• as N...a.,F0r ratt,._"3441.14 votes , to the nepublicatukt... • • Inglaike Al writer, in ocitititimitini iiPoifthe Man ner in whicli,.thtf•XhineselsklEitglishJ says: Pigeon Enid:hitt - is trmost amusing diabect--4e : Eton fttf- oEdestim,baby•tau Ithd one .would,tbink that.:in the-tima aChtniu Man.musktalte:tolearn 4t he Mighted well belearning :English. foreign. ere in Hong Kong must acquire it if they wish to be understood: If a lady would ask theprieifi of an -article hi e•ith44 . 4 ehe must ixiquire "bow: ranches dollar' f" ^ If yoriliould " inquire Ibr a , "geritlemari at his house;it is neetnatary to say tethesertient; "Yo massy thirbeil?" • At a dinner. .partY given, by an English merchant' ltil.eantorc the host sending an invitation to Oho of hitt guests to take a Mesabi .- sherry viith „VP, theineesegthias 41eliVered' by the Chinese waitat;- beoali Bt. fl ' Hi' ' yeti T—unmber• 'tine Malley topside (itrthe head...•of• the , table) wantee cateliee-wine lank; he." • "Nnivbee one" With them, ail' !ttith.tts; expresses the superlative degree bf - coolparison.' When' taught by the missionaries of the one God, it is very diffienltibr therniii seize the. idea that they are required to exclude= entirelyfrom their faith the multitude 'of' deities Wheat 'they worship; but, suppoihig that Jehovah claimsprecedence •over the rest, they call him “tinitiber one Josh." miesionary Mettler -was 'one dap someishat shoekedta tiear ber little Mil . exclaim 2 to her Pagati-ntirse;'ditring s'lleavy thunder. storm,- "Nninbeir one Josh'man up topside he talkee much big 1" aosiEr.-rrroffee is a berry used in - the Manufacture A•fr a delightful beverairts'and fraridnient'•'. naturalization , - paper*: •As drink it is pleasant, hearty and stimulating tothe human system 9s _ Epic ingredient in coloring; Pliers, ',it Is. noaions.. poisonous and . deadly in, its effects on the body politic. Its as a -beyerage is world wide, and for centuries Jews, Gentiles and Christians' have sipped their fragrant coffee. plitatior' to the tilitaland asientes aa a - color ing Matter 'airta recently iliscoyercd' in Phil ipsberg sorim . ffo*n trodden m eallesitro Erin. From its anemia in changing' the compl4ion norßerunsylvantiti,last fel), It ius expected' tliat,the use opcogi e will be adCptad Py D emocr a tic Stitte,committees throughout the Union this fall, who willihe furnished with directions for its. reparation by liry • Oliairthan Wallace. • - ' MR. EDWIN Nona's* has just pablished the first volume of ai"Diclionary of the Cu neiform Charader and Language of As syria," a work, it is said, which no •other man in Europe, nnlefli - possibly- Sir, J;ieury RaWhisori; •00014 have - tindertak . en;, The number of scholars 'pitiable of using it is gobably under fitty4ao that it could inever be espeeled to pay the,cost of , its. publics.; tion, particularly as fonts of 800 or 400 new type hit& to be made to represent the tirrow headed characters,- Is fact, every copy of the Dietionaay east laore than Aloublo Abe price at whichzitas retailed, and the work will fill four orfive volumea. • The language lesicogrephised -ID Xlie volume /now .-•pub fished:is the Semitic tongue of the Asisynan recorder Incised 'elaPo 141ngvah, etc., of Which most ._ample and it Wso applies fa measure to the' galiSlo i .ilati hut griage;`but•with • • ' • 46 ". • • • A'Cnittontr Caukn.- I .A.7i+iantler •Domits, the InexhOnstible French • nodelist, " a verr.enriatui cane.. Thee . Dumas uses constantly,: is inatle of paptir, It' Itiinot blank parier, hdrtievef; , hitt-On. tains in fine 'ts prthe of "Three Musketeers ;' 1. 'Thiniaittif,greateg, the '*6" , io e l iPtf.::- 18 -;r9Ped • 4 *.- Yr 114Faned, find nl4l:f4:bity) Ake "pkoces* JIM ?tr , atro4g and shariely isne, woh;a. told „,beAd, npow on. strewing. mhich< .•thep firstqfew flines of the story are distinctly visible. Thls , shig, War cane, wasrmanofaetztred I, f en ' entlitlabietld prothiefal'adinirei of •X:' Dumat, and" ;i!eitf, to the greit idietkliefiatLl:Atiy mor4ago'," .14f!st,:tlittp Oa of Abe, present dap Abet. are loudly,;puffed ,through- the newspapers. ds hANdag, 4 great; curative, properties. are vile compoonda :and r hose Luipositions,:modajzi,, ing , no , medielnalivirtues whatever,and nre reaUy 1244 Ciaries 44. Banc-ker s Mordecai H. Louis, Tobtrui Wagner, . David ft. Rrclwrt,,, Samuel Grant,. (saw Lea, Jacob it. Snitch. Edna:de: Dale, Feorge W. Richards, 0-eork. Fates. CHARLES G. BAN 11".Eti, ifrrarleitt. EDW. C. DALE, Vice Fre/Aden . ._ W. C. STEELE. Sec_ 00 r_etar - FrAti t; ern. Atn i zrr, J..GARDIVEII North ' Weat corner . Ttdrd and Wood streets.. iirh•StertS . LLEGAI INSU RANCE COM- A c - A, PANT OF PPPTSBDROH. OFFICE., No. $7 EIFTR tiTRZETe. BA= Bloat Insr.ies against all kinds of Fire andklarine Risks, JOHN Jit.. President. JOHN D: IfcCOR,D, Vice President. ." • C. M. DONITELL, neeretatry. 'CAPP:WM, ORAN. General Agent. • tilits,Ceonni Crpt. Writ. Dean, L. Fatiaestaek, - W. M. Everson,' Robert H. Davis, ,Fratiels Selina,.. Calk'. J. T. Steekdale. Jahr' Irw !a. John, P. ilcOord, C. G..linasey, Harrey_Obilda. T.-J, Charka Elays, PEOPLES' .:: TWILLNIDE'' 1)01q7; orates,' N. E. 00EXER WOW), & id , p3. A Boum ComPeriY. flaking Fire end Marine Iliska I>inncrzvna; Wm. Phillips, , • Capt. 3ohn.t.Mboada,' Jaz Watt. Samuel Shrlver,. Johns. Parts :. Chalua Az_lsmlrlly Carit. James Illnet, Jam M. mrusm. :Wm. Van Mirk4 - JaMes'D. Vernet., • Samuel McGmotam WM PHILLIP*, ; Nresldent.ll_, JOlfli WATT, Vice President,. • , . • .W.:•I I %,'MARIPMEE. setre . paryl • • • ,QAPT.,4AI3.,pttIiMQ,N. Atnneral A.Re la. _ REPIRCHANT i TAtiJORS:" - ''' . , p ~;BIFARDLE, .. • .• . tiecENEtaXl. T rr.Arradoni ; No . 933 e 2 pnvasusen.-., 1 4' 11 !!?,P51;.!4;• • CLOTHS CASSIMERES't .VESTINGS • 3 I M/10: C+E.NT.I3 -111311141811,12110, 000D84 • .GRXT`e CLOTITINGIRLDETOORDIM!thei latle et stile. TIENItIr • • SUIROZIA.NT No. 78 BMITIiFIELD i3VREET,Dtt 6?"t41417 oubatui;ifiLifae,i 1714 0/038111NNE:viis' • rlllent or • ,2D:cies • 11)wirtx;41 0 0., nerekaut frallerfb, • 1 • .1 3:1-, • )11 . iti , c • PAIN, .10irtirtr i elvt4i,i4arge &nd Ne, I en,ltriO. stock of Pig.; siatisige tors fret elsbe cunforn t trnde. "Afeiti„ • liige iitca Nl' 4i 1r 41001*. t LITHOGRAPHERS. iiettrAmtri Zanni.kciani. OINGERLY fit: CLElN'lllopefwors soliWFot9 l lilPoo '„ '''tittAtrimp4L - 441raoiort*pg , *4 4 ,bifiti 4 , e 4i) it;st oft 0 n 'B nen birth:. tenor H. Bonds, ,LabclBo.llrintlinsc,Shoin Curds, DiPlamml• DeptoiltA. ltg e tt plUstninaco n Jr- &Blink a .F 1 W.ICED ifi[MClLy. ,, ,:i . ); l? .i.: ;,. , ,. 1••• `- 1 -4i t ict..rini:m vi! : [..z,N •:::‘iiirl() , :,. l .;.-;, , , i vli ' pgai.TER : 41 , 10)3UUDIARg th ii • -, : 4, •••• ntf' e. it.,- tr ..., :4 . 1 itirm •6.1.1' iffiritrat,„WW Tc 7 l -1 14 - , etee,Wc4lllll @rummest, + , ,, tilifi ) 'EM.I ,I :t1.•• LaD uns, .14"11%4°Ohlibtelf" Sa tifra li V" 4 441 orders 0 y linen et Wand' t 11 4 -112‘ rained. mamounrip.' fr , • • .1/11 W. /1 1 F tW14 ) -,Pffl/kifAHAFA.I* tEtal ESE 5 -- . „ . . rr ttikozdottili L1i(15:: rc-*F li t i, AM 4TH !". JVI 1 fri , E;IXEY kiNgritzto PERE'ORMANCIES. EMI . - 11) . F.tf 7! I.*: - " • , ~.'" rrr Matinee cdnmenceist 513 , 16 4 ctock i i ' • ALL NEW, BEAUTIFUL AND ATTRACTIVE. C°4ciudlilg*4 ttie:ireat new burlesque of UNDER) Txme, 'crAlataG-Frx 4 , With &lilts enlentild Bonnir efecistre44veo:dlg.btli with such'shotitg pi' Applause, . Jy4 igrBURIIIELVIC MUSEUM EXIkitiTIONO. Comprising IvortrsA or . ART And GAZAT, NAT. URAL L l VlRtfliatilOkTlES. • , :•• AT FpakrizeiAN 'HALL,' Filth street' opposite Pittsburgh Theatre. Cards of Admission, 86 cents. Doors open frau! 8 o'clock A. • anti:Dia • • 0111LTELLOWS' PICNIC, • BY,MECHAMICS' LODGE, NO 9 1 • - AT MOYeIPS ' GROVE, ROSS' STATION; - • "' (ABOVE SITARPt3BIJR43,I • JULY ' 4TH, 1868: air Trainif will "leave the Weeiein . ' Penna. and .Lfkileglkepy.yally:l!. T.he,krounda wit l y a : so r'elLCPea. Passenger CELEBRATION AND PICNIC • Cor - TEE • - • , . Eagle Fire Company; . . . The Eagle Fire Company ;011 hold agrand Cele , bratien and 'Picnic at MeNEE'S ItOCKS July 91. n. Easy of access byliost and 11anchester cars. • The steamer "Miens... Nay" will leave from . the !not of Market. 'street as follows: '9 and 11 o'elodlt ar..raniA 54 and 3il r. X:: And by F. & On aui Acconunociation Train's, stopping at Wood*, Bun', opposite pledie giainnda. Boal, sfubs , t. Man, cheater going and earning; • • • • 919911 All are invited to attend. • • • • • •• • ':171"' c'THE GRANDEST CELEgRA 2 TION OP TBE ,}3E4BON. • • - - • ON: SATURDAY,' JULY 4th,, GRAND- CELEBRATION • . . WILL BP, MELD • • = • = • • • 4 3 - larac*oo3s - 431-1 - tOVE, In' AID OP THE-PRANIISTOWN SCHOOL. -The best Band in the city ha4 t been engaged ter the occa sion. - Dinner will be served up in the heat of at% ie. Evergamngenietit Mimeeen made to glve all who attend an /ig, remade Trains will wave the De porof the Pittsburgh& Conneltsville Railroad every Je30•44 • agrLADIES 9 . FAIR AND STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL ! FOR THE BENEFIT OF, THE • ROSS 'STREET' M E 'CHURCW A - FAIR ANDTEEITIV.A.L aril be hold at pA. • FAYETTE HArLL, • • Every Evening During the Pr esent Week,' and VII Saturday. Aftentwort. For the benefit or the ,ROSo. STREET"M:-'H. CHURCH. A tine eel of-SHTer Ware and a Gold headed Cane are to, bexoted dor. • AdmianJon• 25 centa, Including Ice. Cream or IMil tarpitAlirlb:SOClAL * PICNIC. • ON THE , Ott or JULY, A Grand -SoCial , lllll be given at PATTER SON'b • . BEAVER FALLS, zefti Nemr B r i ghton, Under, the auspices_ oC this Ladles of. St. .7oserb's Congregiuton. - - Ample , 'arrangement a • have been made, stud,a good tiptedS expected.: - A rp4 clal •4.erdnimodation Train will leave .Bea- Ter Falltrfor A•llegnenk City at 43:15 An the evening for - pasties : coming borne.' • ; -y7t,,al • LINDEN GICOVE haling teen fitted up bi most superb style. with a,iarge and , elegant - Plat form, beautifully shaded, large Dining Tioom and two excellent bars,is IiDAY 13011 now-ready to rent to PIO- N P A ItT,IES, 431.7 - 001., CELEBRA TION:I, &c.. on the mostreasonable.terms. Parties holding Picnic.% &m,- will 'find It to their advantage to secure the Grove. The tirove Oakland accessib Stall tut a. rev steps from*the Hallway Statlon...wholle care run regularly every fi ft een minutes. • . .11/r: Fur terms, apply at the. OFFICE .: O F . TILE OAKLAND RAILIVLY • CO. , inys:p6l OA.KLAND STATION AUCTION SALES ez-- rr BNITBSON, ViaiitOK Aue"ON'SALE. DRY GOODS,-NOTIONS, NVA'reIrEE3, afce., EVERY "E.VENll;,ilii,_.(Sittnidnin exoepted_,) 8 o'clock, nt,Manonic .13all. Auction Rooms. 'roe. and 131 Fifth btrf et, • I 1e25 & Auctioneers: Ity min o k u— rz: • •• . , -7 . . ALEGELIENV. , A VENUE,- .Cornei , , OF 01J10!AVE'filArrwR9.0PCETY;.ALLEe1 iNT cry. TIIURSDAY' MorslNOz - July 9:b, at 10 q•cloek, willhat t otti.,.eti Ito IllteXttisea, Irr Allegbery.iCAly, that s - e desirable.property situate at edruer,of Al legheny TM Obio (Menace, (the two finest avenael In Allegheny UM.) ;Allegheny avenue being sbat masinnoent neo.onenlng,6o feet wldai to ibe risen, . The, corner lot fa 1.4* lest 'front oa AllegbetlY avenue; Atfir'l4o ifeettn• depth. , to' a 10 tea. The excellent ltatirtiselnenton this let las twn.nun't Brick Doublell olpng , with .back,bulldlnß in Complete 'repair, containing 'lO Toomil: including' bath 4r°°m4 Wiga :: X*A‘i suor inn and' .culd *uteri throughout., ~..Ailtes , 010 , 0 itiomie, - - stable .and ,sthen thithulldlligs. - The gr ou nds are tastefully laid but I n ehruhberv, and with Miltand shade !rues. Early posiessien siVQI3 Or the:DINSMiSetIL g...r. • Al v et binmeelately_ adjaintuf tote,. each 24 fort front on Allegheny •nrenucii ani 140 - (Wilt, deptli laths alloy. ^ • _ gan sod This bandsomnproperiy, le on e, of the mast convp , tnent,'Otot divilriible Situation? ot Allegheny Tlegilt3r-ttne-ttrini leash; Waimea ono airttwo Tenrs„w , ll4 inte r nao. • • 373 • Atiettoneest. I.— L.. • • HOUSES ANI ‘I ILLOTS N ALLE. GHENT CITY-A-T.-MD:37ION. va AVHCHAIt, July Bth at 44Wock . 1 1.1,.Win bt)io/d, the pretnteli, ttie.hroperty No 15 Lm de- dneeet: Third ward,- -The lot It no by-1 1 0 0 . " , The• httilbe klP.lwP.•l4int7r ' o 9m% botand.evklay• " Aleg .111261 , 6 M itity thiientlit.. the Hone° an -td No; i i n &Antal street:stet 20 , 0 801 . boasea!tiek, glyx: rooms .11 an atan d c e .)lar,. c a ps .., in lfia:6o4 "A • :• ~• , LEGO.* uctloneee. 111* : fvder 2 4ritt . 4 3 1 7', . . 1111t F/ 13 ! 1 •••41:17CTIO.N.PFARS ",•••••:'• i:4nd I OoltrytatirOn- - ., 2lfertil . tants . „, • ",:,;h7,9,:'" ; !• OPERA , f .: . -1 1: 01 1$g SUCTION R:04,314. *O• 66 Fittil Stree4.:PittsbirghoPa. : BOOT!, 11140E9;14AR Dry Goodsand 'Ptitions,%'', • . VICIIVAMEZILLE.DAY ANDIRVXNLITEN J_so`,ll;•,ft • (" 1 00; /0,011044: Tnt Oft 'PE ft ifstraVoli A rt, •—raapuritta., mretululars tbn`u°i'llsulngttuty vt 7 4,n No retrlirtaivkwro z_To. eltitomieu ,smien t i t6L` -.g o t ) g ) Mrial airdgt, stre,cms artmalromuzitu 1 4. • IME st,e, ,, tsearkr. 12