IM MON WORM Also: I:Feivt; - " AvV: t. • • • ralgag, A N,D I • • • , . ' iiirc-rAcnitzt*AP .Bar Iron; • ; • , , Baitrodd **Aißats Ann *lts; • CarAlailes Rolled; - ' "•` tadiroiiit Car AXliell IllaroMatiied; kLoesactultrebirehtmein Loet7 l lo,,vell 11 4 / 1 1z 1 efit!giPe g i * • Milk* litimis; -!)lrekelrp Strips; ' . , •., ; ,leffitesi. Heads; . • • ' t~tesmlwat;9Lplls;• • Ilitesiinboat Cianks; p.itstom i , C ,.. 6 4 l F e t'A l T•a. 'r 'Office, No. 1.77` . PENN sail.E3%T, PITTIIBITROFH,, BYERS G RAFF, BYE & CO., i khdk."oPA.Crtrß.Lrtig e_ !AI E_ lLc ..r L Bar, Fop :and.` he° (mr WROUGHT IRON 4 .•,, , ihni.NoWli*aslottiwSteam, 'Thitei ME ALSO, :OIL Wal4 'TMAQ. IMS toffee; Ira water iva ts2-*iriksti4b3, ,rll7l;ttmqkx.,?a., • ••,- • KiENSINGTON IRON. WORKS. LLOYD- & -BLACKI MANUFACTURERS OF Best Common, ItetinWerukatienk JIZIATA _BLOO MO& MitIiCHANT BAR, ROUND-and SQUARE IRON HOOP, BANIL__T and ANGLE IRON. BOW= PLATE and §MEE*RON. MOWER , AND REAPERS CYLINDER and GUARD or 'NIGER IRON. SMALL T RAILS, 20 and 16 lbs. to the yard. WROUGHT, CHAIRS and SPIKES for same. FLAT RAILS, punched and Countersunk. COAL SCREEN IRON. NAILS AND SPIRES. Warviiiiiise land =(M oe at Hie ) 10444A5, 1 . GREEN 00011 STREET," (a continuation of First street, adloining the City Gas Works, Pittsburgh. EvEßsort, PuEsiros'&, Pennsyhruk,:lromiVorks. litairletViiiieltirntiSrtittEET opposite Hoxiotigaheps lEiblise';'LL:. • 1 , 144;11 1 1,: . „ . r!.T 3l =a BUEFFIELD - STEM SINGER, MICK - 66 CO., IT'rTSETTEiGH, `Mtiiinfiaturtis of eviry aeseitiaion of CAST,,O,O I6 E*Aff#F.I- , RAILWAY SPRINGS, • , RIALI=IO AND - PLATFORM SPRINGS* • • • : Irlr•r% nE•EL-. 1. 1 1 . 1 A-40•••• a•C Warehouse, 88 Water and 160''Firat Sta.. 5p18:067 WORKS. ANDERSON, COOK & CO:,' • WOCOESSOBS TO JONES, BOlitriiiloo,;.) litAzOnthetHirers of the - BM ; IMMO -USTI 1V1.F44 , iQuARE. , rt - Aer titan -41 1 ee: SAW pLATF,IIOE, FORK and SHEET. CAST STEEL; CAST STEEUVIDY t i 0:r•r):•! litesplug and Mowing Macddarse r• or zr.. fi v : Wei iir:W _ dxles,ltighdar4; • - 1 , : , • Cast and Common Plow 8c Spring Stool. OtSee—Corner FIRST ANT) ROSS MINETS, two loch above the 11.0tIOtbillAW 115.1.0:11!) VIFILLER, BAER lAPARKIN. GENZILAL WM. METCALF, I REUBEN MILLER, GlEOP:iW e lLtata, t $ CHAS. VASEPPLI, -f MritiiAL 3LI t. CRViSCE.NT STXEL W.OXITSJ3i urca...E.11., BARB & VAIIEEN, °Mee; No. 339 Libor* . St,i! gi t , ii i42; " •I - :. - PITZSBUSGEI, - .Y.A., • ; BLACK .DIAMOND .34T, PARK BROTHER & CO • 7 . •s" 314innictlitreor EST,. :office -and warebodse EEO, 122, 124 SECOND and 119 and L2II' , II24IIIREETS, • )-, .71 ierrnixsusen. 4:O:iIWNVAMD MARE Ming W t., LItiDSEY, STEREIT4 &WIC. 3r -Ift Itaniascturers and Importeis 1\ Elf „., ~3AYe , W A. it, ]F, , COTLERY' 887 L.IBERTX STB,E.,Err a. : '1 1 . !: • OORNER OF WAYLAY, • • ' - • . • I' • • _ • .Square BeJ w, sntq ROLM* 1 V4Trsaiiii4H. - • Q"**ente' fur ''vintßAlQß9' CAL TOBACCO IM''D OIGAREW &PIP. 4-k - 15 ; - 41 " 111 63 Dm= ill! ALL lIIfD6 O! rl,,k ns• - . • .^.1.1 ZA " /,FA Y TOBACCO ARD gEgAgs.., • . • • so.- m sixTrreriet#,,.Orittiolid'it4 7 " , meeeltai~ding • .S.ranch of 11* W'ster• surest N,;•lt.; • - epe , 77 „ , • • D . • •r 1 EXCEILSJORWQIII4. I 9: • 4g• 15 4,2 40 0 2 N 1 9.A 4 1 5 . 41 .nry Mantibituari azA Desleit la Tf!,.° 4 IIOI I tIAM i!.401514;.!!!***34. FOUND A TLAS WORILI,; 4 '"' 4. ' II-.1.4 .MORTON STREET, ;Ninth, Ward; •V7A Prl7l/11171WrIEL THOMAS N. MILLER ) . President. '. Thee* •Worke.ari. smog the tergimi Abe most complete estbblishments In, the. Weeh'briet ire now:. Oil Tsnlcs. - Railroad Casti n gs . : . • , . 3,' Bolling Mil- Canting& Engine C set i nße.7 ) : • , Irenthine Castings.: • : '6Feneral tannin*"•• ' • ORDEI:O3 o w , 1, • no9:ne9 • .. ATIONit FOUNDRY • • • • , lit , tOttelit `,3idgi,iiiiVactiariizi: of • CAS IRON.. BOWL PIPE, FP*, POS Abl***Tin ' ' 317 pipeß fl‘,st Pits, .43•1117 nand, and LI feet lengths: Also, tail swortment, of jot'. Gig and Water 'Works, I would also ealtthe attention Of Superintendents gr i angorks to my make:of REIM L. Q. LITINCISTON.W. 11. B ih nier,ty l l ai acklitseDV.J.fl e s L., ..,,spL.7.o+ 4k1 , 541,, .. . ..„,„ .., i -, - , IRON POUNDEELS, "''' I - 1 I .1 . 12 E .LIGH.I' CASTINGS, All descriptions, tor Plumbers and du FitterdiAg arurall:)leneits, Cotton and Wooleraikia.gj a All TibWOrk promptly attended to. s . if:Slice and ; NForis—WASECNGTON ATENUX, r Outer Depot, Allegheny City, Pa. (MUNSON, BEA & CO., • 1 Successors to ItOSlNelYir, MnexS S IJITr yogi, ~ , , WASIIINOTON WORKS; FOUNDERSAND MACHINISTS, PITTS3UR6H, • Manufacturers of Boat 'and Stationary Steam En. CAI g ß , U eas t ef u ngs gli gti l te l s i crit i lt s gr (7112=ga Stills, Boiler and Sheet Iron Work. ,' _, _ ' • Office, No. 12. corner First and SmitrineldStreets. AgentsftFGAßPS pITNTAIJARiIfor s , feeding Bo ilers; :/u-", MONT BLANC. FOIINDRIV.I • t '''"Butier' Street, Ninth , Ward, ' (Opposite Unica Iron Hills,) . , PITTSBURGH. Bolling Mill a nd Bridge Castings, THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, MACHLNELBY AND CASTINGS 0217E1/ALLY. ordersproznptly and careetillynxecuted. ' Charges reasonable.: i ' ' ' PEDEBT & IIEACELIM I ocisam • , : • • • ." PRICE fsi: SIMS . Office and Warehouses.2o.Woo4 Street. Manufacture sod keep constantly on nand iridasable,iiikeAst and Pipwßoitosi , WAGON 1301. t is DOG IRONS, . 'SUGAR lAETTLES. IOLLQW .WARS. And Canine generally. *Noris TIM/WAS,xtv & CO., Pmrt ' iratil Klink and .Itiathine Marks, aI4iDIISIET ST - 4 ALLECOMINY CITY; ' Maaufaetwters of Steam Itngine2t. OS 'Pre etc..; Ptti leis, Shafting , Grist and Saw • Mel Work, Milts Ilfachine' Castings, Orate flata;' Weights •Wagon flexes, &c. BW, to' Order and have • on' fl • band Englnes . ot all steer.' mirl4:q6 CENTRAL FOIINDILY • . • • 2 SSO Penn Street. BOLL/MAN, BOYD 'at 'Bak& Chill Rolle, ]till Caitlngs, 801 l Lathes, &c. *Onus. ESTABLIBEIZD IN 1838. • ) hianuhtetory of STEMS ENGINES, all eltet an t d of the moomved s pattrur A r t itatlo r fTTr ;A%rutn yif pattern hon j pr •ENGSTES, liotvuaer will be -JIM.' at very • reduced •anissE. 0. ;Fifty miles below Pittsburgh,' on the Ohle Aver, and Ilea of C. &Y. It. • ' ' 1209:h2 I.4InYXBW. 1.111103EU2 LuazsEtu .ALEXASDEII - PATMISON YARDS selthble Street formerly Itlanebester, !mad No. 15Itacsi stre RE ivtiv ir G . !as Notkah • D.EL.;.E.14 RINDS' or Ala' aiui Plaited liumbert,. MI Pioosing, eatherboarding, Saab. , + ... g x.". ) E. Inglea, Mouldings, _.• firm still Lumber, ;- :' , Cedar. and Lonna Posts, Lath and Pallnge, Oak and Yellow Pins.. AL=SO—FIIM7BRICSeITUAkand cAAlti, igisxisi FORT PITT LIUMBIEIIiCOMPAOII' Capital, - a 125,000. PasannowT—ZDWA.RD DITHRIDGIE. ElscarTANT—T. A. WRIGHT. • IiarinurenraDANT—EDW.DAVISOK.- Edward Dayiaon, L. P. Duncan. ' JohWktellon. ' E. D. Dithrtdge, Doe.W Dlthrtdge, M.• LI Bistorte. 0. it. Johnston • ' • . f TAllD—Corner of LZGHZICT BTREETS, Moth Word. OFFIOE AT i g HT PITT Wish !ottani:street.- -:• • ~ 1.100;190 GAS AND ' Z DIAZ N e Joint m..Goorsir Joe.mAys, Amon' Baal. JN OHIPL . COOPER 8" CO - BRASS FOMMERS' GAS - ANT) 'STEAM 'FITTERS , Manif;gatarerset pu - sis AND BRASkiiiloini • evert desorlptton; deideri GAB r....Vri11i553 aFD TIIBIDTG, of au kinds. Corner of Pike 'and Walnut Sine* _ . f!irrsga.liftzti). niyomo , . SAME m.WitaKERMS" =ON. BRON.ER, 24 First 'Street, Pittsburgh, Fp. 4 • *. Amt tar the salmiX o r ti rtite. o semaisabivis teruAdenr,' sad other WV* ,C4Cuid CAS.' kaireo4l , A ' ' "41:614514W 4, ipoi l o : . 14 C ma 1 1.11.'1.3.1 CO arson ressalkalf REM . ... . . .... ..... •-•- - --.....,......--- --,-- .Ngrr , N.. --, t , ..7 , 5 - ,.. , - , ..` , .•-•••• , '• •••" 5x : , :7. 7 .7 - ' 7 ;.7 ,• ;r , ' . . L :V.•;;•?...n .- . : •W•:••;•1.W.:,..Y•i;'31,.. , .. 4 . , •, ;:ft;::Z.'Ff.. 1. :5751' . ..f , '2;•...71:17:••?7,-• . .: ,- . 5.71.---:- . ..-,-,....--, : .--..,...., ......; •,,--...„..... ~._...,.....,__..._ , . ':••:i4.;.*•.......,,,,_ . u;.....54,,-0,-.... . • .......„4: 3 4 :3 44, ,. . , gzay : . 4;44. t . i . :; .... i„ ~,...,., 1..., , ,z.i., ,, ,,, , e. ...1.V.,,...,.., ,- ,....._,A-1,A.„zz. , ,,,..q..- hr..,., 1,, ~,, , , , 1e. . 4„.,*14, . ., V .„.„ ~,,,,, .F .,. ... , x z i ,... „,..› ,,,,,- .. ,,, J,.. , 7 ,,, .. , -L ,,,, : , ?. - : ,, .... , ?., ,, :.,.f: ,, .. , 1 ::;.„-...:. .....1, ; ., ~;i,.. ~..,•••• ~...;.,,.„,-.. , .. , ,, , ,..c. .:. „., ~,...,,,..,,_, ~. ~,,. :,..., -. 4.„.,r-,.,;!...04,.... 1 .,-,-- -7 .. j- ..',.,; " -- . 4- 'fi . , 44;, , .,;..., ,, ..2,: , ~ ~...:, .b ~ ,,,, - " -laiiit: `.‘.,11.)..v-i--F , i,-*" .. , ,, , ,, .: , - , , , ‘ , . , ,- . , ... , :5.) , :% , >', ,, A... , i..,4.:. , 4 -:"..,,, ..; ,,,, };44,0,..ri. " .4.A. - q.. - . ... - - , :g..^.JA, " ."'f?:. - ,,P 4,2-7 A . .. , . - .,,.!•": ,,,, .....'• - : - ,,.,.". , .,...... , -. , , ~..., ..-,,,,.;..•„.-..,,.„.-,..,., ...-,...,„...„..._. `' - .. 1 .1. , .'*1.4"1 .:',',,41.3,.:4:ix...;.`4.AW:fr....ea, ..,;.„ - - 4.4.4.,..4144,W0V..%,,.:?0,49K,..4, .. ,k,...4 4* , V . ; -.....T...7e .:: ...-, . , :ci , , - .%',. ,• 5 , .: ,- .., -- ., , t‘' 1 5. , : . '- , ' . ..7......4.- . ..4' ....;;,..,:rj.,,, , ,..,.,'..1,1 , ...V.,,.. , ..z:: , Eit..,...:' , X . „ 4 - ~...,,Vm.,04.-,..t....t:V:.24,,,, -1.,,,,4......,,.5.-55.Y..;,..a..-!,......:,1:,i,.,...,...,!-.i.^.q..,*--:,-'.-.1,71:12e,,i;V:,-07-.*'::. • "-...',.•,.''.,.,..f5T.A;104ai::07..ei..,,,,,,,,5-Ec.....;17,..y.:1•...41...,.4;4,74.G.,r,,,,.,..r-z,,...4.-.........,t,c.L,,..!••••.;,.,%,•--.-,1',.-•-••:•,•-•-•...:-.,=•r.-''''','-:=r, ' ,- P•‘' ,- .'..t 2 k r.- - -1 - ‘r.-.., 4 ” 'i. ' • ' -••-,••• - . ' ,• ••;=:••:•-r.t,,,,,,q,•24.-40)1V.:40,,,ai'0•3,..,..,V9,-;•;,,,CAtl:11,.-.1•;1•P•-,irltfZ'ifict'i.3.t.:`-'f..4`.1.04.?'`•qq' . . , , • .4..i.'•.•.,,•.=4.%1.4.0A..1,..0.,Z,L4.,;,2•;,...%:•.*.....:;.?.----'4:'•.11-:•..I1•11P•I'4''-••-:5?.,";,91bAtr, . ' - -.! '' .. --- .. ? •A r . -.7 : -. .. 1 1 - /r"..4..... 4 ••i*FiN , : . . , 1 -1 - \ : , 4 - ,:itei.:• ,l v:!l‘.;• - 3... ,, , , ....7,•••':&•r- - ..,; , ,...•,• • IN.• , :cf,Y2: - . • • . • ' ' - '... ••••‘' , '"•••lc , "t•3 , •• - 'AY. , •-•:1•t.i*.5 . 45 V.... 1 "? .. F 4 ' . '2. , i2 . "&' , . - ....... ,4 1 4_ -‘,..'1.,',. LEER IRON BROKERS. rrrraftnlottTin rami -is-AtcritinviAroti)ti-iiogsT; ar,p, E 3 =REM FOR BO sffr: 'R I : STILL - AND TANI' -oti 143 3'3 W O R D ,-.. snub 1 s.' RROLL-241u8SYDER., maini74-xin op - • • .BOX INj - cIuaNDER; STEAM; 130rIgEBS:' • - .11111041''AVD'•014.;;TA14.E.% ' ttillittl4ll; islutgonNia•AND 401:rits;-. SETTLING. PANG. BALI 411 N, oo* tettlEr4V; • " • "' •.' :IBON Banmar.s; • • • • I xtl6o 2 trioolk l4 ±(4 l 6:4Miltti43l' n , •.; Office and Warehousa;leorger Beeon49 Third Short:and Liberty Streets; • • RGHy•Ta. . , , . .1111/cOrdere sent ' td' the atxtder'iddrese will be prom:lth attended to. tah7:P3 W. mon:tow—a/43. B. • ', 0 . . a 1 1110BROWBAR Is VOW 1 t. • r 4313 or S Agitators, ; ICANKS, PANS, cFABOtirEPBBN*BUGHT , 1 • 13 : 0 *P0085. ' %.007.7*91iti1VP84,&t.. • €o . 4Libertysecond Sta., - PITIBBBiItiB, PA: - • • B • ATBll4ll * rroin '; ' lydror VirminotrauLL 14. CO., • 130.1LVAIrIVIA:KVIRS . AND SHEET' IRON' WORKERS,:: NOS: - BO: 88, AO AND BIO.PiIiN ST. Having secured a large yatd and fOrnisbitii It *lth the mast approved Machinery, weave tegered to manufacture every descrlptlennVß to the best manner, and warranieVendat-teKant ade tf the country. Chimneys, Breethlug, Fire Bedi, Steam PipearLocomotite,Bollers,,Condenseralt Yawl, Ofr RUM ' Agttatoo 'Settling , rtnet; Boller Iron,'Bridges; Ourger'Pana,.and sole manu facturers ollarnhill's Patent Bollets. Repairing done an thvationestnottee. t :rAmEs M. RIT/pR, , to I Nes. 55 and 6(3 'Water Street, 1 1 J0.:„ or IRON OI TANKS,' BETTLINO PANS, COPTER . I3TEA,I4 PIPE. BOLI4NG NELL STACKS; And EHEET TECTIP.WORK, - . . ,Fiar Steamboat. JAM= X. Er.17911:D1. ) /M21 13 DDIDAL, J ARED Ni. BRlpSflif r *Ekirri= . ' iILItIIAtC7I7IitIMA or ' Steam. Boilers, 'Mr, Stills, MIAs. . SBEET IRON WORE. &Cr. 61 Pram sweet, Pittsburgh, Pa. STOVES, CASTINGS, &C. 00010. STOVES. CET THE BEST. BISSEXAG tic CO.'S T11,11:M.P,4, FOB BrTumrzy-oz?a, 7afited ' Copk 14ke, or , Roast air Tre/1 itstiay other Store In the Union. • • , • • BiSS I PU, CO No 285 Liberty Seiect. Also com MEd aid tbr - ; rAlizos BTtSVES . , -11NATING HWY/0:- (MATZ fIIONT%. FKILIONNO. . • ..1 • • • .. .MANUES., eirEST "'Lex' t tfie City -f' 11 ! TO BUT Tait TRIUMPH COOKING STOVE,, at rto. 146 diLiaiT , tsTECiii.. * ' * ; ; 11 1 : baltliOnf. w 4 E,LN,G 4111) KING, . Co.l!=i 6 / 1 012 Nerd:Uinta sad Sroiera to Petroleum and Its Products, DALZELL'S BUILDING; DUQUESNE. WAY,' prrommon, PA. PHILADELPIIIA ADDBILSES, WAKING, KING & TACK BROTHERS, , COMMISSION RE'RCHANTS; AND DN,ALERNIN Petroleum and its Products. Pittabaro ostioe—peizztv Bum:ogre, ea 'ier of Daquaana Way and Irwin stieeta: Pidhae/phlaoNae- I YT WALNUT ST. • JACOB 61:ELVER, Je. & cp." Cu Consanission %robbers, , • • No. 3 TINQUISANN WAY, irUl buy and sell Crude and Ilerined 011 a, .Lubrleatlng; Tar. Benzine and Cooperage. - Our long experience. In'the Petroleunt trade manta es to offer ornulital Itiollltles and In dam/meats to operators.: tAs Iteretofont, we are de. terudned tomato It the Intereet, of.buyera and VA leo to give as a calla Turtles; having INle ter aids are omdfally Melted to brttorthelr samples: - - &. co, , Bwi:urAcrringits Or • Pl= - WHITE , BUSNING %Br rierrElte , . • . , /44 2 DMUO, ,BII , Way, PittsbuTthe FURNITURE. ,118 ; PILACtICAL 114 FURNITURE MANUFACTURERS, wllougsfaz 4NR:BETATL, LEMON 41c--, - WEiBE;z . -; .Pio• 11 6 !. POUF/W/1 ••STIIEIp7C , !. - • „. •. ~ • . C*ntissit i fi on tisnd .44ery varlety:or PAutkina g , l .c HAatb, PUBNIT Una:, togethervoila •4 : 00 plAte aseortibeat. of mammon Vartiltare at rat 7 Mamas or anything to War Una are oorgiallY Invited, to can before purehastog. , ; • Work "3 xuantotend. . „ • • • -- nka2/1,4: -I,Emtnt HATS AND CAPS. - MMOVijl4 l f4iWiß, )1.4 :(1 - werfa§../Pkvm b 4 ,01= 44° tpreiNS emisommipi igematelda OILS. In Wetlnca Street. IEI ...... 1 . 1 . 1 „-,, :x ... t 91.1 r 4:114 , 74 4 . 0.1 i; Ji 0 .I.'; 3 ?q!..1 61i I iier . ' % T ie. tratZt:eaill ..Fitifi:.Stblietai, i t (003/Eli i i r 4 tigl6 g..LBOTipk, .e . • .' -, .......‘:;.:',-! . „ . ..`,...'..,:., , C,' , •. , ;. GOLD I , SIINErkIiNa COURONS - '-',' Bought on the moat favorable terms. Sells LET TERS.QBIO.ItED4T osad;pgFrilirty . 43, 4r, IT Y part 4rg tiro pit - , • ' • " + " af • ' ETFosmilrecetved. subject,tp,check,sNTE4l INT "A.i rr .ib zox irhtE DEPOSITS."`" ' mg MEW illiKßß,Altyl. , 31 CO4 . ' ' ''. -. • - - tc .... Cornei Fouro :and „W01k:0,54 i-i . itt i ltAid i jk .; id , j - tiriiii: e I i•r:111.1r.1:1 51..1.,:l .' N., •: e ., ,;. , ' t'i • -BtrriNtiMCl..'L lir:iiittizbs of G9:V=TiWiTIBEGUIIITIESi: , ..,••• ~ .-,i , .. 7 ~-,-, • •,„ ' 99/ 3) , ; ' 13 /TITP" :OW COUP9;i4.,• : . ,: -..`-:.'. i .''-'' ON M O S T iiiiOßii3i6E. TERMS. ~ -,,,,r 4 4J , 4 3 : t o .4 5,1 t..__i /?.. ,%, , 3' 7' 4 3:0 C - . 0 Iv N: E :ET. r 0 {.;,,;-:.::, ~•-•., . 1 ''.,; ..1 :.' Tr; i;:P 4 Ta ;, • ; :fI III F '::-' f , i';.' ' . ... ,. . 'NEWii..2O' -C:,,0 ri:;ollrl3b.24rik. 1 1 ILO .;, ..., !t : ,-; -L.!e !: ..1; .-?',/,• • , .w--:p6AWicui - 1 1;nc: 41017 8/INVVirr itoiiiil3;'and Otheij approved collateral, at lowest ipi,41*.i,4,,0.,91,i. Lk ‘ft2-I , iiipL4iii44, and Smle. oefaOtill.S; iioitimand GOLD: • i - ' , I I , JAMES T. RAD'i Z!r-:air,i: Interest Allowed on Time Deposits. „a_r_iirraa____T#TwyEtt. ypav.l " TWIt6 t I k No. 169 Wood Street. CAPITAL, . . . . $2Q9,000. STOCKAOLDEBIINDIVIDUAiri LIABLE. DEALERS IN GOVERN -SEGURITIES, A D COLD. INTERit Collections made on all accessible pointy In the United States and Cal:mdse. DIRECTORS: kinvr ±lAndrew Miller, 1 13atEss M. Bailey. Prea't. - ',,J;IT • D. LEET D. Hostetter,. James Etordon - , D. Wallow, E. 'Fawcett. KEICSTeNik n itaNK, No. 293 LIBERTY S L',:ilP,M l ..) . .11 ffr'!.'FFAfF , C 4 7 ) 4,oothOrbed l ) :I • • 14 00 2 0 00 e : .DIRECTORS. r lit ia l eti . litusi. H cat ar toepo llt re o e ,, n. ! W J E o . i ti l j O l . iam M l V E r e d s h o t : 7 l - ,..".; ' ' D r 12 .', -7 Samuel Bareicley, Geo. T. Van . • A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS 7ANrA,.. 74Collections made on - all z a .li., oiiicrijrthe United 23tatea and . Canada. i . , UNITED STATES SECURITIES BOUGHT AND .SOLD, H. J. LTNEE I I., 74 ETes!I7Sat..... GEO. T. VAN 111 . 416irSTOCKTIOLDERS INDVID NATIONAL BAN i G _ piatm A. PATTERSON .108. U. BILL CAPITAL, , : :. :. $500,090. ifv , :; -- - - s 2 • . f..•:••• 'I, ,-":, 1 ' - - DMECTORSi A. Patterson, ; George W: Cass, Wm. It. Brown, James McCandless, Chas. Lockhart, Win. Douglas, Allen Kirkpatrick, Wlll. Bead. W.B. 13 ''L .e P17i1_, - I Ir. .i.• :: '1 , 1)';.. , .' ;N. t? : DISCOUNTS DAILY, AT 11 A. 11. A ap9:027, CART, CAUGHEY & CO., ) BANKERS AND BROKERS, C(wwn" Thad and , Wpodfitreol PITTSBUEBGII; WIIC9 , ?64AEiS 'I'O , IELV4ISA, alr.'9,?,t, Eichange, Coin, Coupons, And partici:Oar situation pald tattle purohase and GOVERNMENT: BONDS. slieht, Drafts con London., mpl:sB2 N HOLMES & SONS; 3311.1V/K3E11121.1E11, 57 Market Street, PITTTBIHVRGH;'PA. Collections made on all the principal potato of the paired etatea and Canadaa. .-• ..'.'.i...;;)"....1 . (1:.;;'t. :.;::,) •:q . .1- , ! , .:. , :i 1; ba :StOcks, Bonds and other Securities BOUGHT AND 4041 C91„c,03!:119$ Parilcular Want!** pMd to ttie paitbase and sale of United. States Securities. WESTERN SAITINGIFIBANK, 1 Hp., •59, Fovrth, Street. CHARTERED 1866. 'lnterest iraidonThatinierposits ANY SUM RECISTATRD FROM ONEVOLLAR UPWARD DEPUtiITiS SUBJECT TO OBEC.N., WTI£IOI7T INTEREST. Dlionanti Daily it 113 o'clocy.. • zt•ltrZ•. „ President—THOMPSON' BELL. Am. THOMPSON BELL,REIIALL, JOS. DILWORTII. , J(143 t .11111.1, 1 J. J. GILLYZI•IE, • - ,•• , - Bt44cl:widen to *tom WO Wu/.tram. aldwoll, Wll)tit salt, ' • A. X. Fulton. „ COPPER. T ARE SUPERIOR " OMR VIM AND atimarso van, , le=.rtiintrw3mi. . . . _ PARIE4 , I•MOCUR4T & Co., • Copeter, 'Of fibs:stain& Srattera , and -Bel Copper, Mated Copper Bottouke,'ltaleed Still Pt tools; Natter ''Alao, Itapoel , ind'Dealeri In Metal. Tin PIO% Moa' stantly on band'Tltititir maelnueinki." 'foots. Warelioune, No. 140 , FiltST, BTitEeff and no SZCOND tiTßEET,rittabitirgh4 • - L " Spool al orders o,foopper out to any desired g, • art: •••:- .!*.; 11 . °L ; BELlfra'cO4 ANC HQR" COTTON.MILLS atan:Mu ere)e.l4ltek 'Llfitqc ANCHOR, AND ititAidoLl'A:-.:‘,; , ,, AND ''l3. jI3I3IEPII & FINCH do CO., • 3 •-• • j •,, 1 f 411 ! 181 1 6 2; 147 ! leiß , / 0 4; 1 . 11 ' 41 * 4 93 1 ;• • FIRST ISTHEEIT.,'!P.WT:44IO7II,O*I;- Or .r • bePPer Pure Hie 111040 v, • Also. &shin zintILIQUOBS; SOPS: : , ' .rutra,nui 41.1L1V011,1, t I tt , • terof Wet is ap4 Meabure6,, : I . 50. 5 FOURTH STREET, r ' ,` • V't ..ft t tEtettrevlrLitititylad it'erry stroets. • ordmiroolipth , i ota 40,4 gaVesnifitr al ehi r eat i nigh riilLLlen, g ~>l. .... ,t , to . :• . q. i ,:y. :: ' : flolgt ,':. 111 / 51,1'1E -A. OREN. Cashier. ,W 4 .4 0 A .APfP lIALLY LIABLE I OPTICH of THE TITTWIR: H GAZETTE, ? 4 , A'al-DA,I. _y3, .188.8—.1 i 1 Gold, remained stea4y, .. at.l. „4.0% mo 7 r 4. a YOF.Y. 49rtIto )!dal 7 east., importers cl,4ol.d4l2bacits and Felii, it . 01 2 1 Y Whore there is, no delay possible r ,l,Speculators al-i 7 th.944.wieving.i4 ,her.iprices for gold do not care , to buy ~yo . the, margin being eatirolYJWO. Mall 9Perato• , lt , '4 l az'' , 1 Pecied that, the hea 4 - 4 4 ab, ur_4Wats of the Treasury' 416tair id ftett'Weibk. will depress the market sn cientlx to . Al7 l a decided - lone to 4 tl4' bilir' ket 'bleier way. The export of coin for this week have been much smallerlhanlilt . 7: Hand any increase in the shipmts .f oil, cereals Or cottbtf fbnschie&thblit i :. .! lifilagiiiiiks rtiorplavorable at presentiWoiibi- cheapgn the rate of exelta,rige gated era*. t a Government bonds are nfl and negleCtr: edWithbutlittb3 dispotti ri4c; buy before the effect of tax bag . the i tiere'st cat, bonas, on Enrepean markets lies eVascertainea —on the other handAtlitk .4 "OtinVotiicaid's 1 offering for sale , are, very. .invited, and few .; holders care for - occupying present prices so 19 . pg, as money renripa 1 easy, in i liew York. "These discriptiona 4:sflionas quoted in the Europeati morkt4ta remain Very tirim also lies kid ten-fOrt.l6 are well sustain- . 1 ir 'g. ;. A /u3 iii .f t QFp a r e 4 1 9, 4 A 1 PR'ibiii?rflvot- , !-; . Li Stocks are dull an a Faction off; but steady at. gill:11410ns: ;, 1 ' ri er State honda are firm er . 0 4 ,411 . 1 ea5t io " 'it de si r e to in vest t han to cover short contracts. - The wild .speculation in the . bonds and - the recklessnm dis Played in .elling these se , onrities short at about'-10 -per: cent. blot Preside . nt Cashier the laighest pricen touche. nor in Erie, Fort Wayn Chien. Express shares with, but a light business., Mining shares !Ire isapri Some of our , hoax? 'Conn some imudoorne dividen rial movement, 43 /tote: can be . bought, but not s. sacrifice. Busin . epsyk rather 43E1 1 has been scarp) for she I: Closing quotations as... Mertz; were folinwst Gold; 140 Ni 'lBBl`bonde. 112%; 1 , 3&1,do„3.10 1 .4; ,1865 1885 arid 41367, - 168%; , flee. Seven Thirties, 108%. . , New. York Central, htietd,gtut Souttiant,ii 919 Pittsburgh„ 87'4; North we 77%; Preferred, 81;...Chi land s 405%0' Pittshitighi& 109%. Ohio & Melifaitti l PrOn: 41sr lffon Telegraph; 34% Co silver, 2235 Quartz HAW I ---.4llospgspiptationß rep tr. 4' dikez „ (4014314 140%. U. S. Ws, 141 , 6, 113-14; V 1862, 112, 420's, 1861, 1 o‘;' 6-21'8;` 1865. 111 W, -1040'9, t 106,4- Jatinstry And' ,July, '65,.108%; "6-20'e, Jpiluaryt-suiti '67 , 1083 4 f; :lune , 7-30's; I¢B , P,A. .71113 , 7-30's; MX; MEI/ Coinzi.,, 1865, 1.10.-‘lO. - _ 'sake vefilrenoe: Joseph ilwortb 4 Rev. David Barr, Henry tiinbert, ' Mo'4ltrown, Whonvia Porinc.. OFFICE OF THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, ; ;. - WRlffh -t'''4l/IYeN/1.86& The market has been quiet but firm, nevertheless, and while the sales, in the NtfiTegttie, IFere , ficill 3 PfirlOive, l 9.% Z l l ll 4Ol ,prioes were fully sustained. The supply of desirable brands of . forge irone e is pretty well reduoel , Lind, as' si general thing, dealers are pretty well sold up. W irr i litA PM Tl "'''," , •• I ' 90failiskted-' , l3hert. l ' 186 00L- 7 61 n0s 70 44 Red Short 36 00-5 mos 50 .IColighioglisq„No ;. . 86 g , • Grey' -loorgo- , • 0 " Neutral 37 50-4 mos 10.."...N0. Anthracite 38 00-4 mos -30 '1 4 4 Lebanon 50 Lebanon 36 53-6 mos mos " Neutral - 3 101/tefiii piailli=t.!tr . 4ti 00.4.4 too." ' - ,100 " Hot Blast H. R .. 43 00— time 50 " Hot Blast H. R 43 00— time $5 ""',UokßlaSt 11.71tr ,, :::::0 44-00-=;tiMB N41F.: 1 4 0 0 0 1 719 0 94 8 Marßetv. , ily Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette. • gplet, steady and firm for all staple fabrics. Heavy,rabeetings , command- :1734a1e0 for ;best makes; fine abeetings like A.tlantie'L 45altic; Agamaniton F, 13 %a1444-114etifqd 111,11c;Androscosegin bleachedltuslinS;lB l ,3o :,Bates„ ipe; • Lonsdalop • .48!,(ev 'Pepp tirell;• flife• ' Sheetings, 423045 e; Hamilton, ale; etv • Liston,3Bo; Aliebigab 1 1 1)...V3itu ,York, 26a; American StApes, Igamp L ggsp n , 154c5 Uneasy!' le, 1535A17e;litiytnaker'Deninas, 49a200;FrOliktitir 2 ,4150; W4gkirllllnekso2ft York, 30e; Arnoakeag Corait Jeans, /3 1 4 o; Crosa'tWiOns, 15e;' Unkin' Vheeka,'' , 2214471,40 i. American awlAndroacoggin, Chain Riga:' 4 ljo,nntt - Linvistolfao, WO. thirPete 6 ' 6 4 l4 4.XitrittAllUeir I'A . I • S EVI I MIA ttiIe 1111 3Sii COT a azegrUll to tur . a 4: wtte:f CMCIAGoiOIII3SOI.44%4I- 01:14)11K ptiss ,110a6 ,7 for fair to t gontb stow% lILINs tiro utothuldeegoncfftr4tWASAlZE inOn.. 1111,110a8,80 for thir to medium, titid • litiAla£l,Bll for good to extra choice, MEM ttf - c:,Z 1 V 1 .14E.. 1 exceedEctlU, et)r -r and Prairie do. f p weak and dull; ring - bat nies , hit* made 8, but- niate- P4.12103t eminl. 4 except at ii.pig• bkvcsi bill-E9careY days. , 118%:•1882 5-20 s, do, 111%; new, t• 'Forties, 106%; 34X: Erie, l 7o ./ 5 ; Altevelano & stern, common, &—Rock t . Wtwrief ''P ' ii - VI4BURGR METAL MARKET. pria . 4tmqrFßA.Prntl3rit . cat ciAzErrt, t. PitpAY: /Tay. s The general markets continue very dull' with ,Init'littlErikepectl:OL.anylifnreedvite: improvement. sr Tpe weather, for. serval. dikt4,.past hria been_ so - eiiiesnivelj , hot; 114: peoPlekenertilly are not disposed to (mot. 1 themselves any jn. ranking business, heiktes; itl*aysizi Cho, dulteat r tune the-year; ' '1 1313TT1. A dull and unchanged; good . prime fresh packed. 23 to 29. . - , r IDOS—CatnOtfaiklY 13e quoted . alxnre* notwithstanding the ., arrivals , are lathe r , i light. • - - ' ' ROTATIaVES.=-11sis—EotatoeS ' and in gooct.demane at, #0 to, 35,012 per bbl, as to ' CHENSR:7-ia4Uachang9d-at,'l 3 Sto.)l4olcpri3 Weidertk - Reierye and: Hamburg; 15.t0 igd I foiohio :Factory, 180 for .Limburg, and Is ' to 20c for SweitzelT' . " • • • -. Mr demand -*Uhl:l'l4lll*i !, saleafrom country mragons at $l5 to le of foUr car loads Flaxseed reporteA on pyivate i tio.4Frikand .I*- 4 , Clover oz TimiStßyl , ORA, 'Dl—Thbre is' "54:5 - 'little dOing ,?; Wheat that itiadifficultio quotwOrteetivr prime Red Catinbt, • lie - 41444,94 add WPfglirn t ß r Or .69 -th l i t i tiOlgew car loaddtalltilyridb t est( he sr _ ' ket. Oats appear ta x l:69 t tgiV ri mergh notkitibtablylfgibttlye tiel4.iiihopt ; at 75 to 76o'ciffered:" and 78.,asked Corn is. unchanged at si i oo to 81,08; an "WeitialitY 4 Rye, $1,60 for small Iota; and 91,65 t0f1 . ,70 fur round lots/--Inarkblkaltdostf .biffil MILL FEF,l)ltde - of r.vear 1 1 ,T,cc , ktisitix • dlings at 31440.. Bran' may, be qttOted at $1,15 to 31',25 as toquality. . - DRIED-FRUIT—Ie Mill sales ofßeaches (prittie' tialveS). . q 11W f and apples at's34 :th 634 9s to qiiality. , LARD umbanged,at-, 91,20 -for- ; Note; slid $l,B to 31,40 forlstos.l.' PIG r.l.,RAD4Citioted 10,•to 103‘. FLOUTtfiTho.ijohr_utarket. continues ?dull and'neglebte , And as yet, there kt Potiqaotabie, , .otiaßge,pticeg :Ate' ttrinfiK'4 !takeably tending downward. Weyontintlet -to quote at , 59,50 to' $lO Tor 'fair medium ,Spring Wheat; and 810;25 to $19,50 for primter:.choide-416: Wheatitir tbff. - ; '311,50, and Fancy brands $l4 to Vl5, - Rye . 1i , . • . .1 PITTSBURGIIPErnWpThi • - Owes of TECH i'irmsnuarr..fiaz.ETTE, FRIDAY; 'ROA ?NC ClttDE-Taemarket was, again very, much and exceedingly strong day, pad, aa cogeevertee, a.stilLinrther . ad.trancefiss oit lisfied. The •saled were" 'also large _footing, up over eels.; 8 thousiarid--barrelirraa-followsr -- 2;5lXr bola, s all year, buyer's optiiiitale of contract, diffarenefil, at 45;,, s,ool:learns delivery, eadititini and prte.;;; , 1200 bbls, on flPot; 14ci;soq, sellers ''iaption. till 15th July, at 1. 1 4 e 15c; 1,000, spot, at 150;` 260 do -at ;'Odd arLds7lloA4 BUY at 144‘e; I'sooetitlf.tra, Decembefat , 15e,'and1,000 bbls at- 1 IVenango city for immediate at: $5:30„. As wi ll be seen from the above, spot. • oil may be fairly quoteilat 15c, which is an; • advance of fallz_balf,a.centeorupared,with,..l yeireiday. Au. Oil :eity,telegram says: Market fi rm arid advancing; on creek, holders asking 0,00 : t0,f5,75;. buyers offer n • indss,lsTO $5,30. place, Sales at 4 'ss,6o—holders asking $5,75 to $5,80. REFINED- 7 Thet paarket :for, bawled, /Lot emery-alio unich' etaitell;7,a v. hd prleeS" have/ still farther itdvifinCed. The:sales- were 500, bbla, first half July at 34i - 500-dodo, at 34 500 last half at 34Mf" and 2,000, earl' this morning—Muni delivery? lAA the close holders were asking 35 • for• Slily. A/ Philadelphia telegraph 'gtuates as follow:a: sPoti 3 3 ; July, 34; August 34,4 and .Septem-l!-! ber 35; this dispatch- must have .been re .ceived early in',the day as . July , sold at'f . , , ARRIVALS—The arrivals 7 of • oil ported to-day were as follows: , 1 D. M...Edgerton.lo4o Favicett;ll. & €4.1920[1 J. Wilkins ;240 3 ,Veisenb'rg'r4Co 480 , Fisher d Bros, 160 IJ. V7.'.lslCFarrati.. 52 Leech it Wood: .120 I • . • • • Total ' 4012 QXL.I3.III.PME4STS „PEN 44, SC- E`.l/. t" Lo&hart. Frew & Co.; .451 obis ref. to Warden; Frew. - ' • • Wormer, Myers & bbla - refined to Warden, Frew & Co.. Philadelphia. - • ' Fawcett; ;Ilan 4&••5teck410;• 2541 k5h?..4 0, ...0t W: TActan . mus - aerAna. Forsyth, Tiro. & Co.; 105 do do to ‘wa*-, deri; Frew dc , PhiladellitaW • Livingston & Bro.; 50 do do to Nttirden, -FrowA Coq - Plilladelphiti. a ;3. •-• ; k B. M 7. Morgan & Co., 100'.do'do to ,War-t •dett; - Prow"& Co.,,'Plaihtdelphia. • ' - ; ;. Jobnaton do Paine, 50 Aco.4s; k toir.p. Kart• -• •• Clark.& ElninitPr.•s9,3 do. do to P.-Wright k Sone, Philadelphia. •• ' TlratinrAt Wagner, 200 AO' . to Waring,•• "King tiz Co.; Philadelphia. • • E..lOgernan,2so,2do .do-to%„Woriog; Xing, & Co., , • • MelCalvy dt 8r0.,1511d0 benzole to W. P.' Logan`& Bro., Philadelphili, • ft.. • rtifinntes, 2931; .; 1 :1; : ydon, 30 Quick- Livingston & 60 "do bonzole to L. D. Saxton,Philadelphia. ' o.Kirkpatrielil& Mils' ief. W. P. Logan & Bro 4 I 281PalLY113: , FROM DUQUESNE DEPOT. veA by Jameg. Warden df-Jlateholder, 112 bbls relined to i Warden, 'Frew & Co., Philadelphia: Hutchinson 4pil Ref. • CO.l 336 do dot to Waring,''•llitig & Co'. - Philadelphia. ; FL M. _Long - aft do do to .Waring, Ring 6r Co ~:P. G.-- aloidship,-130.d0. do• to Waring, Ring &.03., Philadelphia. • _ Brooks, Ballentine • & • Co.; 48 'do do to Warden, n Philadelphia. - Lafferty _ h Waring 2:72 ,do do to War _ .ing, Kink & Co., lihila elphia." ftoggrn, 455 An dp to W.,P: Logan dc-Pro., utobinson- Oil Ref. Co.,= 85 bbls benzoic to Warden, Frear,.& Co., Philadelphia. Union Ref. & St. Co.; 50 dcv tar to W. P. Logan:& Bro., l'hAadeiphia. EBY TelegraPit to the• Pittsburgh Gazette.] - b. Orsromia; Jul,y . :3l,oilr is ' - iery dull, arid 'sales were , made , $lO, for Minnesota spring extra. Wheat is dull witksales of ' go:l. at 4.4N41,81, and, No $1,30a1,75, closing nominal at $1,75 cash for No. 2. Corn Aoderatelylacdve,; firmer i4c higher; with sales of Noil I. at 86 1 ,(a86)0, '2 at e 83KoMyo, and rejected 77a70c 0 1444 vikkbllleriier , No. :1: at 87)6, and sellers at , El7c. Oats; the market 'is quiet strid4gAluwer,:yritksales at $4.Na85;4c.; Mk: marketolosin*steady , at 653(e.. , Rye is dull and-stood ' Vales Wei* Ylancle gl',Cl3 ) ,Yor No. 1 instore.. Barley; there ig.nothing doing. Provisions areiLirerY dull: Mess , Pork is I.lollliflat Nkt $27,75. Lard inaetii# at Um:, 18e.7 - Dry. salted iskotildeikarilOcilillg at 11p: itir.packek Freights are dull at ".Sario on •:‘ ~corn to Buffalo: Receipts: 8,786 barrels flour, ga,123 hilskeliyvheat, 228,143 bushels corn, 53;110 tusheis oats, and 2,863 ; hand of ,; hogs. Shipnients: • 1447 'barrels flour, 31,- 255 bushels wheat, 120,868 hiishela corn, 5,13,Tt bushels' oats, and 6;387 Eitiad•ofhogs. • Louise 1110 Market. • (By Tejorraiti to tea, PlitaburgiiGaiette:] LoursviLLE, 3.—Saleit of 103 hhds 1ug1itat57,15419,23;„ Mallon county, medirini cutting, 18,yo. Wheat, , prime," lew, $1,8 , 5* 71 9: 11 r - 400011100,_ $l-. Coto., foa93c:. Oats 75c. Rye, *1,75. Mesa pork,' $27;750 -LOrd,-104409,',-Bacon-Talmuldere; 12%o; clear. rib f 1850; clear; sides 18%c; balk,ehoulders,‘llMo. • • Paltakrultiikl4.lt43.LFlour dull. Cora Prfk± •i,gato nu oagoil..,,Potroleurn:exa fodt,g.crukt.iii .51.0 2011* and itelikedi at 1.13ia330. Prw. vision aikolgoosed, dull Clltywo_ , ll . llfet.-