'0..,410""Y".;012.7::',42:1!..MV1V0:.140"4 Wants." "Anakat, ,, "NoTm*/.1 net sr. n Jvcrii LIIFB/4 ediek bc4surested titiob.„ •for , rirEs,rt..nrs' osNrs each zuSdittionat Pips' czars. 0 _ W ANTED --SITUATIONS _ 'll ANTED-SITUATIOL.--A tuition as BABAKEI3Parit 18 wanted b•ii trustiyarthrman. Address klAit-KKEPx.u, VAN TE D-ii IT A TlO.ll-Aii - BOOK-REFR, by a young man who can 3 , nee the most aatiatactory references as to char- Neter and capacity. Apply to *EL KING, at the lairrirmarrvaz. • • • WANTE 7 D --81 TITATION.--An ex .l:Perletwed and competent Banner and Man. F t rith email finttlyv wants a ;amnion on 'some etaan,e eetate. itnquire of J. KlNea, at the Azarrx. Orztca. WANTED-=.amp AN TED — BALERMAN.---To lielt orders for a celebrated PICTURE, that sel 'Log rapidly. Address R. It.. .Box thisottlee. env HIE reference and salary wantal. 11 ANTED — SALESMAN—A stiles ; • roan ho , Ls well acquainted with the whole e drug business, can find employment If corope itent and references satisfactory, by addressing ErIittIGUIST, Box H, GAZETTE °Mee. • A NT E D—BLACKSINITir _goo_ AB ill re L er ACKBMITH. that understands his _ a nregood wages and steady em good workman need apply,' as, _ e , nipe.ranenvalle, Pa., w:sx2TD—BoARDERti AMP fi V ,ANTE.D.--BOAIIDERS.--Alteis. tlemati Mad wife, or two single goon eaie 415 "lIKVOMIMOdftted with' Uses' boarding plo: IS WYLIE STREET. „Boom II o. trout mi ooOnd noon. and opens out on bolcony qi i firANTED--BOARD,z- Deorame board for a small family without. children, In p_l r ernt location on ?sun maybe 44 by Sing M. W. W., roatomee Box 570 . . fIIVANTED. ROAM) V board flue f r ont roo seenred at ss.bo per week.. "D lue l with ' ge gi e ' a l be t or ne° gentleman At ITlBbeardEßTYleCilat sarrEn-4oA IRDERS.—G, 13/1 tlemen boarders ,can be.accommoaated Ida board aad lodging at No. SW FERRY Nr. ME NIT/MTED--AGENTS .'etrirA , Nllol,--.1. GEN T S.—Several vr ore good Agents •wanted to sell a patent die. ry. Address PATENT, this once, with name, ;residenoe end references. • • - _ iIikrANTED--AGENTe--As • Tray •z ELING AGENT, a man well acquainted tw th ine lbeensware and Glass' business. None ,Iltherneedopply. Address P. 0. Lock Box 197. ;,otenianications conddentlat. • W - ANTS. , ~ ~,,,,,,,,,,,,,, • . , A T E -AT EAST LIBERTY,—A gentleman wants a. large 'furnished chamber, withiskEtst and tea , at East • %Itterty, tor some moonlit"! Address F.ELIX, at ;',3AZIIT3 .01 , 1 , 1C11. • • WANTED-.BOARD:-A Geiktlet-_ nom wife, one child said nurse wants board f:in a private family. Address BOA./t.fi, this odloo, .riving location and price' asked. - OB • the 18th' et.lnne In Allegbeny.a" pile of GOLD. SPECTACLE& e finder willconfer a great Arcor and receive the ('hanks of the 'owner by leaving them at the MS 'WATCH or G AZE TTE OFFICE - •73 ~..STRAIf- COW.--Strayed from the ~ resident:co( the subscriber, on last hfondav, a •s; Oarge, red and white COW, six years old, fres h 4. :Aby person knortint of her whereabouts or tret ruing her will be liberally rewarded for their • • itroutde. AUGUST NEWMAN, Shaler township. if2:11.73, ' z-- 70 LET—Two Office Ititontl---..-- o :‘ ". ' "..., • second door, Flfth street. S. CITTRB T L uNS, 85 Smithfield street. .. . :. LET -- EITORE-ROOM—No. 72 WYLTE STREET. Is now reads, for occupa. ;hon. Is forty-Ove feet In depth. skycllght back. - Wrench plate glass front, Sag pavement, and every. .. ‘ „.Phlng elegant and convenient. SZE TO' LET—STORE ROOM AND DWELLING. —BARE CHANCE.—Tbe Store decplm X6O test _ and Dwe ll ing Douse nresent , T .mixes. Jeweller, located at Nu ' eZDZKAL STREET, Allegheny, will be ze favorable terms. There are nine large ani n w le el d l I... 3 arranged rooms—three oncash of second. third a d • ; Aforlrth noon. Glut and water throughout the house. glass In store windows. Possess ion will be . • ;liven on Ananst Ist. Apply to . C. WATT/X. two ... t '.doors below. LI MP -4101 USE , A..two,iitory Frame Dwelling of eightruorcur gal threUgn. •iont the house, and large lot; situated'in Allegheny p b ity, near the auspension• Bridge. Possession can e given immediately. Apply to J. S. FERGUSON, No. 87 Fifth street. !.I..:'Prpo LET-11002C--A Ituige and I N *, -, pleasant second story Front Roon". wit:, ,‘'... • . ardlng, for rent, at No. Alb SIXTH STREET, or • site Trinity Church. Also, a limited :number et ; i ".• , sy boarders will be accommodated with first class ardlng. . • • . . LET-11.0IISE,In Elewickler; nearly new, six rooms, wlttigarden attached, oaaantly located within flay minutes . , walls of th e tattoo. Enquire of D. N. WHITE, or J. H. • • ALD WIN. No. 118 Diamond street. O L ' i I X= FRONT ROOM.. second , etory. In Ideseant 1. • art of the city, sultahle tor iarn and wife. - En. 'quire at 41SMITHFUGLD STREET. EZI Lizr--nousn,-A two -iftry e . z; FRAME HORSE, of five rooms, on the corner st and Mulberry 'streets.' Sewickley. "The' Amuse and premLses have been newly fitted up. ;Ala), a large and excellent garden. Fossesalon %given at any lime. Inquire of W. M. LAIRD, ~.Broad street. Sewickley. • r11 10 "LET--HOVISE.—A new house, L with iron front situated at No. 151 Beaver ,T.street, Allegheny. Tbe house Is a good dwelling of rooms, and has a splendid Store Boom SS. feet deep. Is well situated for to kind of business. Inquire •of NEAROUSE NESPENHEID, next •. : door above. or at No.- 111 S OHIO STREET. • .70 LET—THE STORE -BOOM No. 1.00 Ohlo avenue, with dwelling above of rooms, with witter, gas and bath. Store room Et. ated up in the but manner, Inquire lated glass show 14windows and iron front. at office of FBA . saos., Ohio avenue and Sedgwlck street,Al fAgheny. 1.1 1 0 LET—HOIIIIE.— what desir • • ble Dwelling Nouse, N0..22 Liberty street, " entitling ten rooms, kitchen nod wamb-bOule. 4 ZEnquire of JAIL d. GRAY. No. 315 Sixth street. LET--ROOMS.--Three or four fd furnished rooms, with board or without, ;-41Ibly situated 012 Pam street. A!ldress H. M., wa : aiZZTIT. OPTICIL • FOR SALE ::i.FOR SALE —HOUSE-$4,60(1 Ni will purchase a desirable residence. No. Silt :1'14:171:".. "Milie'lle.gll4ll7r2ll4'abaTle,neillaTasill • , trashed attic; double parlors , with folding doors. ICorner lot BO by 100 feet, back to an alley. ' now: .. s rents forei4Oper year. Terms very easy. Ap.ply . •'''. to CROP it PHILLIPS, Beal Estate Agents: No. :1139 Fourth street. - • - • ._ 4 F OR SALE- STE AM BOATS.-The Allegheny Bluer Navigation - Company offer -''' - for sale steametECHO No. W-158 feet on deck. 30. , t i.feet beam 16 inch Cylinder, s,tt feet stroke. 'The 'learner WA - RBEB NO; B- ISO feet tin deck. ao' feet be IMP, 15inch cylinder. 5 feet stroke o with' all ::1 their tackle knd outfit, In good rnnultig,order,' In ', ki %tare 0f.a . 85* NE/CS, Euglne Builder, Duquesne FOR SALE -111 0178E8.—A. conve:. silent BRION HOUBA' or four rooms, stone i cedar and lot, on Peach auey, mar Pride street., House te new. and price only $1411.00.... Also, a HOUSE oniforbes street; for sale. Apply to WK. It . WILTObT, corner of Pride and Forbes street. I F OR ': 8.4i."--------------------E4-LOT 111,-.IIIeKEEI3 PORT.—The bait or. whole of a lot 60 feet. tby.l feet deep. situate on blarketl_pear Second street: "Per , particulars enquire of w• C. BULL; Bull's Store, Fifth.. near. the depot,,lkto4 Fisporti , or a.ldrsa JOfIEPAI i l /0 1 18rPli.E, 116 fth st - • Pittsburgh. • • 1 JEOR SAILEHOUSE AND LOT.— Onebesse and lot of trio acres of grcrand In Ifrosbutg. Raver county; . Ps. The house le a two-W triune, with seven rooms. The lot has ,a : numb ottruit trees. and all In toad order. There Is a el/tern on the_ premises,' and 'stable sudtither outbuildings. Wilt be. sold at a bargain by Eit.m. BEY It HALL, Reg/Estate" ....gents, Ho. OA Beaver street;'Atlegbeny. " • EM OBII9ALE r. -- HORSES.---At HOW. ARD , B LTVERY AND SALE STABLE' on e fine ILY HORSE Man three DAPPLE GREY HORSES! ose LARGE DRAUGHT RORRELthree MACK MARRS; two GREY F IRV STREET near Monongahela Hones. • Horses nought and sold on commission.., . . • , • "L 1 OR, SAL E--HOUSEv,4•A NICE .„ Bulex.nousg,, or eight roomsi Mo .aothemr wretut, near Seders', street. Enquire et Er. DEVITT, •ftrner Ecrntgomety avenue and Yeti. eras street,lAlle heny • • • iyOR SALE ;--P 0 STS.=-LOCUST I Allegheny City.POSTS, ol'onyniee required, by JOHN DYER, corner of Ridge street and Allegheitlikreitue. HAT T.EIIiNIE' filiZE•FiOVltm I One carload ü ßededway v. , to arrlte: foi sale , , .'" ' - '''? ' NAJATI itIONZY *CO— 11NEFISM6PLOUR.;--600:busltiv ; Visirwr, meats, tcPatr_ivo b v rain for Wean , Pr , ;j3.4417'i •.•-iZ r -..'; IoJAILIMI DiliK;sl , 4k CO. ~i , it , P.Tar ,,,, ' l :,,roi t..Lic.. - . • , LOST EU4p)QVARTEIIS -6.IPLIEUE WORK:', Zinbraclng I and completeissaitinent SNAIL WORKS , Together with a large . vsriety ne it/Whitton .i• '" _LAYsticrargi f #.OOO of, ail styles: 1500 siose &started sizes. • I -' • • '" • .13 A L.O Cr TO 28 Ii t ZST 2102.•:. pRZ-4011201[182.8,::1 tonripDp*%-:i- Bpi) boils'ex " trs t 110. 1;1 , .; 1. ELEMMI:q!, ar,Br;.onms, OWHOTAV A 7 .1 4 .00 NPEOTTLINE88,' : 12 6end . 1128 - 11tood-litseet rs. ;ay AXI#JII=I3 4 1•••••••11.k 19/WILIP OLEO POE THE PEOPLE.... GEBAP WRSTIMrI3IIII WARES have been mama to No. 17981(271/17160 STREET, where WM always be fettled osoat eompW assortment sr Guns, Pistols, Ammunition and SPOrtet. tut MaterriieLp•deie., in to city. dliktuda oriatump and Pistols carefully repaired. Oath paid J'er ARMY RIFLES and BB t r at.VBZ,B. Bald otaUs, for fibutroted Cfroakm : .limtis Wavelet. fit mow town fa Me United States. Address, J. EL:JOH2f. !TON. 179 Zimffhteld Street. Pittaburerk 10 1- 301 EN g rintviANO &dater in Bankruptcy . 'Or 1141)10tfitt, Office, 116 mizRAL BThtz.z 41,/anlirPir; pffiee hours-9 A. M. toy P. X. • /X$ E.O 0 ND. PateliflatTEßLlK corner P'enn and Irwin streets, Rev. W. A. HOWARD. D.D. Paster. Divine set , : flee TO-MORROWK 10.3 i A. it. ,ad 7x.s. nev• H. B. lINSWORTEE rgErEVAAAMLICAUL ALISSOCIA—. nifi—Tnent *lO ' be _preaching In second - story or MOZART BALI...BUILDING bY the Rev. J. 11, 1 1 OLLINGE11, each Sabbath, at 10, are Invited to and IN r: att en It.' d. !Sabbath Sehobl at SI P. Y. All 6111tIgeriAN CHURCH xteets st C ad E i rrn ANIEL G' rge r City and Fourth streets. 'Services ev ery ard's Day at 101 x. and 731 P. u. The public are cordially PrFIRST. 'CHRISTIAN ..ttarucir, writer Beaier street and Mont ornet7 avenu ,e Allegheny. JOSEPH HMG, Pastor. --Preaching TO-MORROW (Lord's Day) at 10% 1. Y. and TX, P. x., Ry the Rev. spy. J. PETTI GREW, AO glt.,Loula, Ato... T.ttc sesta In thinChurcli are tree.eandedt are bordlalig•Martted: , -- • .• tarLATTER ,DAN SAINWS PRE`ACHlNG:—Therewill tie Preaching at TEMPLABIi HALL, Fourth street, between Woad and Market, on SABBATH, June lifithi ser vice at 1U A. H. at 3r. H. The pubic a r e Invited ALLIgrUNIVERSIST CHUTICiIi CORNER. FAAND THIRD STS. — Pairtor.Rev.: A.I4ObRER3 Alf. Pretteldng EVERY 13UNDA.Y at /04 A: 31. Sunday t3cboolst 114 A: 31:- epeeist subjects every morning. Free seats and a welcome to all. THE SECOND METHODIST cauRCH, Rebecca street, near Gas Works, Allegbeny. S. F. CROWTHER, Pastor. Preach ing every Sabbath. at 104 a. It, and TX p. -Bab-- bath &tool at P. Publics cordially invited. Preaehing 'to -morrow' „mornin by Rev. Mr. Mc GREGOR. Rvening - Subject, "The Spirit of De votion." .igg - sr.PAut's'EPISVOPA L CITURCII, Roberta street, Seventh Ward, fork arty Lacerrille, having been closed for repairs and renovation for 'some Weeks, will be reoiened tor divine service to-noirrore,'at 10:30 A: and 340 Ihr. • Itts now 'one of the neatest and moat comfort; able Chtitobee'in the'citt; n • ' Ai all the seat, an !lite; - church members 'sad others 'Lie cordially itivited to attetid the aervieeit. Sunday School tech** lit the afterneon. jyt Jr= Pop. SA,LE, We likuteiusky Street, ALLEGMINIF any. - • ESTERN DISTRICT OF PENN • SYLVANIA t Pittsburgh; the 3d day of July A. D. UM% men;nderalgu hemby_krives notice of his appoint as assignce-ofSfIBISTOPREB. MILLER, o the Borough of LawrencerlUe. in. the Countyof Al. f legheny and State ofrennsylvania, within said Dis tict- who has beet:a:Nudged a Bankrupt. Upon bis wn petition. by the District Court of said District. • JOEL& El. MACCON'NELL. Assignee, l74:049:8 Att'y at Law. No. 93 Diamond st. TO TRAVELLERS. . . A LARGE AND SPLENDID ASSORTMENT OF LADIES' AND GENTLEMEN'S • TRAVELLING SACKS, Warranted Genuine Turkey. Morocco. For sale by Z. YEAGER, jyrksso • No. 110 Market street. WESTERN DISTRICT of PENN SYLVANIA. - • '--•-• At Pittsburgh, the 3d day of July.' 1868. - The un dersigned gives notice of his appolntment as as signee of JOSEPH M. ELLIOTT. o 6 Pittsburgh, in the county of Allegheny , and State of Pennsylvania, within said district. who has been adjudged a bank rupt upod his awn petition by the District Court of said district, - • JOHN H. BAILEY Assignor, • jy-4:549:6 Attorney -at-Law. 89 Grant street. SUPERIOR FLOUR, • FRoakt cuoixo. OF isles. Wheatr now receiving a choice lot of Southern from Tennessee and Alabama. from which we are now manufacturing a superior quality of Family Flour, equal to the best brands in the United States, to which we invite -the attention of dealers and consumers. Our sacks are sealed and branded 'Trap (11888, Pearl Steam Mill. Allegheny." with date. R. T. KENNEDY BRO. July 51., 1868. . jylksiti GEMMING. AND PAYING. •• • - Proposals will toe received by the Committee on Monongahela Wharf until . 11 KONXIA.12', J171.17t 13th. . . • For the p ial GRADING AND PAVING OP SAID ABP. from liatttbdeld to. Great streets. Bidders will state the price they wilt allow per yard for the stone now In the wharf. Proposals may be left at No. 8 MARKET sr; • , S. MORROW,. lyS:s4o Cludrman of Committee. FOURTH 8T: • 115. .115. JOHN 11:1.11AILEY & 8R0., . STOCK AND REAL - ESTATE BROKERS AND AIICTIONDERS, - • Are prepared to sell at Anettou STOCKS, BONDS, and all kinds of SECURITIES, REAL ESTA.TE, HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, ite., either on the premises or at the Board of Trade Rooms. Pa*scular attention paid. as heretofore, to the sale of Real Relate.at private sale. ~ Bales of Real Beate in the country attended. Office. No. I.lb FOURTH STREET. 172:664 . 115 wow) ST. ARBUTHNOT, SHANNON & No. llb Wood Sti PiftidnErgh, PH,, - DRY GOODS AND NO On AT•UnMT FOE iiii:ROß3i STOOK IN THE' WEST, Dealers are .solicited to azoixinie our /toe 14' 1 ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. U: tqi 11;i PI P U 4GtEd rijAMMO S'ATURVArta 4117 - _ =.M ~• 4 „ ; ;•• ~= ' G . 001)S I - EIMMEM Plain and Fifured Lawns Plain Chintz • , Chambray GlUgh anis; White Swiss, Whire Mull; Irish Linen, i'abie Linen; Ticking,. Checks; Prints, Ginghams; Cottonades and taiiiiimires. FOR airit Akio' tins , Wt.AR. COiWri Itose, 'F;ronts; A FULL AND' COMPLETE STOCK, Just Reetived at MIWIN.I'COMELL &CO'S, ..„ 178 Federal St.,. Ajkibeity. A GOOD ASSORTMENT - Or FANCY GOODS; AT WILLIAM *SF3IPLE'S, 180 & 188 Federal St., ,Alleges. NANSEILAES, PLAIN AND FIGURED aeooNrr, swims, BitILLIANTZ, LAWNS, CHINTZ. DRESS GOODS, LACE.SHAWLI3. _ LACE COLLARS,. LACE HANDERMOMEP'S, BILK LACE MITTS, • KID GLOVES, INTANTS' WAISTS, FANS, SLEEVE BUTTONS, And a Variety of othei Fancy Goods. SILK PARASOLS. atm racraucuas, HONNICTS, 817I'DOWNS. BATS., RIBBONS, mamma, #c., A. ZWI4CF. AL.SSEKIUM:EN'rio AT EXTREMELY LOW )4.ICPS, Wholesale and Retail, AT WM. SEMPLE'S, 180 Ii 182 Federal Bt., Allegheny tys FOURTH' OF JULY CELEBRATION, tIOLICE NOTICE.! I The Imminent dabger to life and property ate tending the dring of guns and pistols, and the ea-- plosion of flit crackers and tlre works in our public streets on the 'Fourth of July; and the sad seal:lents Which have annually resulted from this injudicious Mode' f ti lebrating our National Nolider, hire iI. duced a large number' of our most: influential citi zens; lucluding property •owners, underwriters, and others deeply Interested in..the 'safety of prop erty within our city precincts, to address me on the sablect. , reqnsisting that I Should enforce the CRY 6rdinances prohibitingjt. This lt is unquestiona bly my duty to do. mid I how hereby - give notice fenders ill give It my EftrZCIAL attention. All of againet the lavr will therefore b e ;rigidir prosecuted. and the flues led penalties imposed, In :Many CALi., without regard topenion. fez ite • • 4LACxII,IOIIE: 115. Will/it d r :i de) 3121 ALLEGHENY.. - • ;r, ORDINANCE TO PAY CERTAIN CLAIMS.' Be. 1. Be it ordained and enacted- blithe Baled and Common Counctle a the °fey of Atkpheray, and dil is herto/ enacted by the authority of 014 tamp; That the Mayor of said city, upon the certificate of fthe City , Controller, Whereby, authorkett'and B ap: , lowered to draw his warrant on the City Treasurer or the sum of three thousand nine hundred and flity-one dollars still seventy cents (0115 i; 700 as s :mnhent on the city, On South and lfsat'Common; for construction ol ... Canal hewer." Also, the sum of seven thousand nine hundred and six dollars and seven cents, (.7,008 07.) IminE NO Per ct- o nbe whole amountA9tlessed übon the property en holders f Air construe ion of said sewer, assessed by the said on confirmation of that Viewrs, iteport. to• nether with the "Interest shall' be found to be iegslly upon both the feu going amounts; and fie much or the ',Contingent Fund , ' as win be ue ammtry to pay the said sum and. interest in hereby appropriated for the laid purposes. And the Bald sum of seven thousand nine hundred and six dollars and sewn cents.ahall ha relinbursed tattle city from assessed benefits from sewers hereafter to be built connecting with maid canal sewer, and that the. COB , troller be and •he is Warhead to charge said athouut to an account hall opened for that pfirpose. pug notify vi. , were o sewers contemplated to connect with the canal sewer; and' It shall be the duty,of viewers so notified ,te assess the amount sot ',required above and •beyend the aunt actually, necea-* nary to build sewer or , sewers connecting with said Contingent. • Fund le further sum of 11,92 50of the Fund la hereby spnropriated to pay N. ~, Hogg for that amount wro ngly•latialsed to= and; paid by him for constructing said sower, as Is full?, and Sewer' s In Janeport of the Cogutu r st d . e,o - ..,... e.o . andnal; ••1808. -•• • • 7.. 1 , 1... Ordained and enacted Into a law , this the 25th day Of ~ .June, .e. D. 1888. ._: :-• • - , , ..._ JABIES tiIeBIZTER. .• : 2roeklent of Select oouneil. • J. 8. SLAGLE. 4ueet President.a Ponanon,Couttell. •• , i e • r . BL AM& I" On trat V $ ° PVC " i.: )P " (II • , ~, 1.•• 0., • ~ ..„,Y.! Y. ! ‘ ,. ..4 •..5-,,,J.,tr., .H 1 i.. .ev.1..1 as =lll ■ Jaconets; 41ipdklirchiefs; &c. =I . . . .. .... • A ... -,.:,.......:4;A:4•,::::,-„, :,..,..,T.,-;;;Tiii,c..,..":?:Z.Z.2;:4=,:;4,6,,z,t.‘•:2,,t;f::.....,ca....,' .....„.....„,..,,,,.., ..i......,..4,,........if..,,,,..,4,1,,,x4,*4..-.l,&4o..avg#z:.y.mvLr ~,,w I• . ' AN .ORDINANCE • Ai; gtoal7.l2to Bing., Paying and Curbing. of Smittl man • ton titreet'' - - • Beenelt I. Beta ' - used and orieresed'pv Out Mg of Pittsburgh, in' BeSe and Common Council* as sembled. and if is enacted by authorit hemp game, That the City E ngineer be add he is authorized. and dire d to advertise for proposals for the Oragog., %Pay ng and Curbing 'of limaihnan street, trontligorrls at et to Morton street, and to let the same in the tier directed by an ordinance concerning streets; p sed August 3lst, 1857; also an act c o ncerning at ts, approved January 6th, See 2. That any o inane or part of ordinance condleting with the acreage of this ordinance at the Present timt,.be an the same is - hereby-repealed so fat as the same affec s this ordinance. . , ' • 1 Ordained and d into a law In COe,IICIII4 ULIS 28th day of June.* . D. 1868: ' - ' JAMES IicAULEY. - • • - • President of Seles6Counell. Attest,: E. B. /ifoßiumr • • Clerk of Select Council. W. C om monANSON. _. , President of Councils. Attest: BOOR Me , ASTlitli. ' , Clerk of 'ommon Connell. . .4.- A Bir ORDIN • AU „ T • I CoUstruestloU o Fourth Street, WoOd Street. . . AlmillegviON.l. Be a o • .. tned and - enacted by the City ttsburgh, in fkk and _Compton Votinetts ay. taed, and it fel - - ordained and enacted be i atitherUp qf the same, That the City Engineer be he Is h e authorized ,to advertise tfurproPo. Sala for the construction of a Publictlewer on gour_th litreet, • houl Cherry allel to Wood street, and to let the mum- In accordance with ordinances pt the city Providing therefor, and to make the aSsessmetttcon property benelltted thenc_by, MINAIt, TINDER, J. M. JUAN and JAB. TRIMBLE are hereby ap. pointed. ' ' Egg. 2, That any ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting with the passage of this ordinance abihe present time, be and the same Is bereb) repealed so,: far as the same affects this ordinance. - Ordained and enacted Into a law in Councils, this 519th day of dnue,,A. D..18f38. . . • . JAMES . McAULEY : , s..mowrac f i r r e . sideal of !Select Council Attest: 'E. Clerk of nelect.CouncU. W. A. TOMLINSON - Aiteatuican mc ir A B4l zit. ent of Common Council Clerk of COIXIMOD, C AN ORDINANCE Paving Market Street with Nieolson Pavement. Sac. t. a U. ordained and enacted by the OLty of "Patebtiryk, fit &lett and Common (Jeanette assem bled, and U to hereby enacted by the cdhorttyw, the same, That the City Engineer be and be is - hereby . authorized to advertise for proposals for the PliViDg of )larket street, from Liberty street to Fourth street.- (With the eaceptiml of Diamond liquare,) with Nicol son pavement, and to let the same In ac cordance with ordinances of the city. suC. 2. That any °Minium or'part of ordinance • eontlicting the passage of this ordinance at the pres ent time, be and the same is hereby repealed so far as the same affects this ordinance. Ordathedanditneete. Into a law In Conhelle, this !19th day of Jeue A D. JAMES 3 feAULET, Attest: E. S. stonsOlif, President of Select Connell Clerk of Select Connell. W. of TOM President CommLINSO N. on Council Attest: Rosin MeldAsTitn, Clerk of Common Conned. AN ORDINANCE Construetlng a Sewer on Miltenberger Street. SECTION 2. De It ordained and enacted by the City of Pittsburgh, In select sad Common Cannella as sembled, and it Is hereby ordained arid enacted by the authority et the Slam. That the City Engineer be and he is hereby authorized and directed to ad verthie for proposals for the constriction of a Sewer on Miltenberger street, from St. Patrkk's alley to Locust strst. and to let the same in aecordanee with ordinance of the city relating thereto, and to assess the benedts of the same, ADAIII WEAVER, JOHN. FLINIA and LEWIS KIM are hereby ap pointed. 'Sac. That any ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting with time passage of this ordinance at the present tune, be and the same is hereby repealed so Owns the same affects-this ordinance. Ordained and enacted Into a law in Councils, this 719th day of . June, A. D. 1585. J AMES • McAHLET, President of Select Council. Attain: E. S. Munnuw, Clerk of Select Council. W. A. TOMLINSON, President of Common Council. Attest: Utah MCMAATILit. Clerk of Commor 41. AseoulitNANcE °prolog Roberts Street, dross IGlntre Avenue to Reed Street. - • • Sec. I. Be lt ordalaed and enact. C o unc i ls COY Of Pittsburgh. In Select and Common assem bled, and It Is hereby ordained and enacted by au thority or the same, That the City Engineer be and he Is herebyauthorlzed and directed to surrey and open lioberta street, Trum Centre ayenue to Reed street, in accordance with the "City District Plan, and to .award damages and *peso beneath JAMES 011AEMBUS, YINA 5 T 1 NDLitandJ.D.SlMUM ate hereby appointed In accordance with an Act of Assembly, approved January SIC. 2. that any ordinanee or part of ordinance conflicting with the passage of this ordinance the present time. be and the sa same is hereby repea led so far as the same affects thls ordinance. Ordained and enacted Into a law In Councils, this 89111 day of Jdne, A. D. 1668. JAMES WAULT.T... Attest: E. 8. mci aze rw aldeot of Select Coupe • Clerk of Select Council. • i 16W. , A"aMmml N C ON zeAttest: Ec6u Clerk of Common Cousr.U. A N ORDINANCE 4 . 36 , . . Bic. I. Be It ordained and enacted by the City or Pittsburgh, in !Select and Common Councils ase• stabled, and it is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That Coleman, Balm dk Cu. bound are 'hereby authorized and permitted to build en addi tion to their Rolling Mill, upon their property in the Plith ward, simlJar to'buildings now thereonsteeled, not to exceed In also one hundred and city etasouare. The Creme work to herd' good 'abatis, timbers. and the whole ltba. stteetittiOr *wearied with - exc. 2. That any ordinance this pa of ordinance sontilotintt with the passage of ordinance at the present time, be and the same la hereby repealed so far as the same /Meets this ordinance. - - Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils, this 519th day of Jane, A. D. 1808: • • re •J s eistElil IicAIILET, en% of Select cu ac Attest: LS. MOunow, Clerk of Select Council. prei-idW..A. TOMLINSON Attest: 11[1011 AtchlAnTeAtur Comm on C. of Common Council. AN ORDINANCE To Provide for the Appointment of a Clerk to the Committee on Hiroo's. Bic. 1. It ordained and enacted by the City of Pittsbargb, lu defect and Common Councils assem bled, and ( That hereby enacted by the authority of the same lnimedlately after the passage of this erill Arm'. and annually thereafter, at the time for appointing' other City Officers, there shall be appointed in the manner hereinafter set ibrthi - a suitable person to be known as Clerk to the Com mittees ou Streets,,who shalt have his office in the attend of the meet i ngsineer, whose duty it shall be to • the of the Street Committee, the Hood ConalltWe and the Survey' Committee;, to keep the 'minutes of the wild Committees; to file and preserve ail papers which may come, to maid committees; and under the direetion %Of the 'City knelneer to ate and preserve all papers books, Plana, de. belonging to the City'Engineeris Ofilee, and to pe rform seen other detlea as. may •be pre-- rseribed by the Committees on Streets. • ~• SIC. 2. the calory of said Clerk shall be "deter. mined by the Finance Committee, /Subject to the ap. • provai of Councils, and shall be paid by warrants as Balm - lee of other city officers are payabie. '• • - OM 3. The said-Clerk shall be elected by theCont •mltiee on :streets, subject to the approval of Coen.' ells. The person first elected after the passage of this ordinance shall hold his adieu until One first day of February, 180 P and until his successor shaft pa duly qualified, an d-any person hereafter elected 'boll hold the oMeo for the term of one year and mOlllllB successor shall be duly qualified; Pro however, That said clerk rosy be sooner remove fro Ell office by resolution adopted b I n nay two of the Coiumittees above mentioned, and ease orremo val the Committees on btreets shall' cleat a person to serve the unexpired term, subject to the approval of Councils as aforesaid: . t: 'Any 'ordinance or parts of ordinance In consistent herewith Is hereby repealed. Ordained and enacted Into a law IP Councils, this Roth day of June, A. D. ISBB. preet" t dent!f l r,s.°447,LClCTon6 l l. At,teit:" E. S. Monnow. Clerk of Solent Council. - . 4 L. , TOIKLINSON, .! t President of Common Connell. liittest: Minn Idcidaixanti. Clerk of'Cotomon Connelt , - AN ORDLNANCE ' . . : ..-. ,_- • 1 i• nr.C:L Belt ordained 'and ensedid liy the eity‘of Pittsburgh, in Select and Counzion Councils &seem bieti. and It ‘ le • hereby ordalnetikud enacted by the• authority of the same. That Frank Ardary'be cad , . be Is hereby authorized to ereet• on the 'corner of mitkot Lot and Liberty street an ..iron Clad,' building of the sire of sixty feet (60)100g:by thi r ty' (30) feet wide and twenty (2,0) feit high. • - - • • Ski:. 2. That any ordinance th i sarr of ordinance A. D.-/668. - -- i - ' - - -,otigiciing with the passage of ordinance at the relLet o, 'fine, be and the salamis hereby repealed so far as the earn. greets Oils ormaw eet Ordained andwriaetedinto a law iitAii n i tte d i , t id e 2llth day of June. I ; sto I AALEBAILTILM ri t 1 Pitaidetir of Select Council. - Attest:lr. P. Monitow,X. . , Clerk of tieledt Cobut:lL I ~ , ...4.; 1 f '.I frzvr. At TIMICLIN/024 - , e- I . ' * bigP 4 1 ,9 1 1 %9 01 P/R9 l l WIPOlor i Aclfivlittraa .'. . • - ~ • •,.. , 4 . - , 1 c i rr o t , 0m „,,.. ,e, ,,, -/...i.5. / h ~_ll 1,./ . -- -- - -'itrVNllPtvi.o.z.lnTaNto, :1..4 ' .bow iktnikab reulturidide vzo belil ikeiwarti out/ - .t" -.,..,11-:,, a44t , ~~10~~}: < , ~ -,,-- MEI ORIZING THE. PubllO Sewer on from therl7 Apo" , to , Asc. I. Be a ordained and enacted by Me City o f Pittigniroii. In &kat and Common Lbunelis assem bled, and a is hereby enacted by the authority of the same, That the City Engineer be and he is hereby authorised and directed to advertise for proposals for the Grading, Pavlag and Curbing of Wide Aile 7. from L,ogan street to . Fulhin reet, and to let the same in the manner directed hr an ordinance Con cerning streets, passed August asst. 1827: also, ant concerning streets, approved Jadnary 6th. 64. Bsc. 2 That any ordinance th i sart of ordinance coudicting with the pbassage of ordinance at the present time,. be and the same is hereby repealed so far as the same streets this ordinance. . Ordained and enacted - into a law in Councils, this ROW day of June, A. D. 1868.. A _ ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE ( trading, and Curbing of Libere7 Streit", from Carson Street to the old City Lime. Sze. I. 2is it ordained and enacted by the City rif : Pittsburgh. in Select and Common Councils mem bkd, and it is ktretry enacted by the authority of the same, That the City Engineer be and he is hereby authorized and directed to advertise for proposals for the Grading, thYring and Curbing of Lioerty street, from Carson street. o theold city line, and to let the same in the manner directed hymn ordinance concerning streets. passed August axis, 18.57; _also an Act concerning streets, approved January oth, 1864. Sze. 2. That any ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting with the passage of this.ordinance at the present time, be and-the same is hereby repealed so far aa the same affects this onlinance. Ordained and enacted into a law in:Councils, this 5111th clay or June, A. D. 18615. JAMES MeAULET. President of Selina Council Attest: E. B. Monnow, Clerk of Select Council. W. A. TOMLINSON, President of Common Council. Attest: aeon McnAsTica. Clerk of_Conunon Council. AN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE , • Grading. Paving and Curbing. of Erin ttrees.fron i - i forlAvenuc t o CratreArenne. • •h - ' . . . . , SECTION 1. Bs it .ordained and enacted by the City if Pittsburgh, in &tett and Common Counrits az tembkd, and it iirhereby ' enaved by the awtheratt el the same, That the City Engineer be and he.lahere by aorized and dlreeted to .adverShie for .propo. sale fur the ()railing, Paring and Curbing of Erin ttreet, from Bedfold avenue to Centre avenue, and to lot the same In the manner directed by an' ' ordis,, nano° concerning streetp, passed August atet,• 'sal ; also, an stet concerning streets, approved, January Otti,'lB64-. SEC. 2. That ally ordinance or part of ordinance 'condictipif.witli the passage of.thia ordinance at, the present Hine, be and. the same is hereby repealed so rar as the, same affects this ordinance. Ordained and enacted into a law in Connella, ilda 118th day or June, A. D. 1868. i ,•- - . -....„ ~ P.realdetattopielect coattell. Attest* . E. S.lronnoW Clerk of Select Council. : CeeTilri . W. A. TOMLINSON, - • Attest: Minn m ___. PrealdecSialwatt nt of On Connell..." , Clerk of Common Council. JyB _ -- 7--------------- AN oubitNA.Nom-t imea,*tstroet at itasetwoott, . 8.0.1. Be tt ordabied and enacted by the Ottli V Pitt e ,U nelifla Select and Common . Comurlle as:clu b/4d, and le hereby enacted by the authority_ La ne , eame, That the Lane now known as Watson's , near Abe liuelwood Station, on the Pittsburgh and Comiellavidle- Van road, be and the lame w i dth , by decimal:llolm a street. fifty, (1301 feet In as shown by plans thereof in the City Engineer's ofecr. SEC. 2. That any ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting with tbe passage of this ordinance at the present time, be and she same Is hereby repealed so far as the same alfeete this ortlblanoe. - . , Ordained and enacted Into a law In Councils, thla 29th day of June, A. D, lee& - - - --- - l .* ;; r.. , TAMEB. 2 4OI,DT A BY, .'• ' President of Select Connell. Attest: E. S. Monnow, Clerk of &Met Connell . ..... -... .. • ' ••,- W. A: TOXLINSON',_„ . . .. ,-,-, Piesldent Of Common Coancu• Attest: HVOR MoldAsTEn, ' Clerk of Common Council.- .113 mr --