4,1 :t i n " Arit aw ;VorL' ;I . )j:rt.tea:flit C1e5ed.it:140,1€11411144.,::-, ,1: -,. ph Tkeiraipti 'the - iirtiLtilitief:i' '' ''• -'' ' ' '• '' :'" - -eNgiv Yaiticjanij:i 3;468. 11 ; MONEY AN t o , Go t t 4t _;,l a J F. 24 i :. Mancy,rather ,more: activir.at ;4t@sclaiii c4l l .l...fiterlittgli.rm!..:at , llo%®l,l9,4‘;:r. kibld; ateAdir.lit 4.40,6@14416, - 'ii. - ,f, , 1.. t : -::':', .-.--)•;, . . - .1 b ... .i', c :livE.g*lilr I*A; CIE' I 6 T4 I / 4 1 ,1 14 1Fai . 71 . .• :,.': : : ; : .;.. 0rin5,;41.243,494,4931.—1n5rua5e b $5041,09/t • apeciersll,9s4i73o=-Inchisse, Ml;4so;:clicaV ' . . lation, •'534i032060-;-tiecirbaise, , 144,255;: d'e.' , Pitifto; . e 22l lo so ; Bo itPPiS r :01/0 3 r5 99 . tet l iit teindeii;: ( 44 125 . ,ti v q 1 43iresisie;41;727,-:., ~..,,, ~ i iki, E fi** : i r i,k;! • ! ; i ••• : t i: : . ‘ . oi - erCit1:1304,6401::, ,'Ciiii6iYii" Oeiti.s4 Ifs_Agl.l3,oe'.Al2,tuatX,,f'do!" , B4, - JII(VA. 11.(Wdti. ='65;:::4114/®lll,,V;'"de ne l / 4 4',10W 4 g10 . „,..8%; di:o '67;"10411091 de'.'' . 6Bi•- ) 100%00' I ` l6ll4o ithisi'l OlNf'!Spien-Tiiirtles*,'" 10%1008* I The Assistant Treasurer in.: 44 3 5 Raid.out 81,25(000_ art coinw:',..:...i - _ : •;i , :: .43oxdor tAtite,etecittictruitlg : PTlll.lll solne; inptallpeelhigi . #. ,-,.. ~--., ; ';: , . 1. ,.- in;:: - 4,1 , r: kr..., - ~!. . l f l °; ' Fl-i ,' k.I . -,.1.1;:.1,-.. .:.Ji ~, In the fiterk•Jrcarlieit -the.,feilture.:lnui - A; audden - deciine,,A4 l -47 0 Tffir , ...• 0 05 0 7k.. , .P 0 AUP_PA.,, from : 7(4,4AD 7,53,4„* 4,14:k ainaoat , uonup.intie iran3flO,7B.' , The, Aillaiies ottlic;Wit la AU O f and .b lid3r.;' ) In' 'the hga04000 . :00,114... '•!' k .cifici 1 Pelf fOrri'l99l4l4.9B: l and - Ti3ooe i • 'I, . 0 7 •;*. 0 , -cnoarilo ciirotkribriik'!;! ')")/', --'-‘. I The' folic:kith:lg --Are,lbb,',s:34o_ tricisi6an: . 1 ten;:= l 4 ; Oriinberlerid; ' 34,M3.5k-I.Wialiii, - 1 Eitelfessi , m,'@2sf Atniarlenn'Ex*itigi4k 047e ) Adams .) ExTiresia,B 63@iliay,j4:tnitekt . - 1 States: ..Extriess-la 46D44347:),(;) - 4 Merchants "CrilJoat..t. , •ExPreekl Zi .gilleDatßti,,, ,, Quickeilver . 221,; . : pacific Mad, 3% 99; Atlantic, 40; Western .T.TUiStß i artp.h...34 l 4®34%; New Tctr 14 41 : 1941 13 . pin Ppe, 79ti .®7ok; do. - lite erre : ; u son I . Bo© 139% : Mead - hie, 9 7 1 eilIartroik and Erie, :14%©15; Ohio atidilissiiiiiiiitrii:=29g':. ®3O;-Wabash, 48 @AN r.Sti Panl, . - -a. ~f@Ciir, , dair. - preferre&i: 7/350g7,8%;1 :Michigan F: Ceit- tral, -Utz •MichiganiSoutbern4l.9l34(4)9l3.(;' Pittehikrithy- 8707; , - ,Teleilei , : , llo3i: Fortokt lalapd, 105%® WV, !Norttiw,estern o 7X(o, 77;4;. do. Rt:eferTed;igr.,...,,,,,„.„,L Altari;'s3;Piiiiiie du hion.',irit preferred, 10 1 11`4c2 Cohirribi.* .8 *-7.'.lllinoia 'tititial,,. 1.57 g• :Ft.'Wkinb,'lo94'Qt lOW.' ' No'StoCk 136=41 tiii- Produce Market to-morrow, The, Erie ~ k att, la , yirtually-- c,o'hcluded,, suds . fdii: tale - rettio l iii Or "Eldrldg.l4:iiiyins , ts§eoi4 l ,tinarr 'vittit4ta'yrp . ! -..- - • . ; ' • ' The eniagexaep t t. tor t epeoie fog ehipment, to-morrow' • rinicilinte to.. nearly pne million dollars. , , • .2.0N11441;5ru1tF4,4. sliart 01111: GFegory;:so**6; Ptc4tiip ee;B7s• • - - §63-Tnasextr. _ Sali-Treasury, $1,656=2; pay. mtftfts, /1;574;902: B;tande,'''az6 f25;934. . , 'New 7iark Produce Market. ter Telegraph ,o the rttcpp T ith Gazest.e4 NEW Yoxs, 3nls 3.. Cotton firm, with. •salimipt I,6oCilDiales'iit.a2a34s for PlOnr „easigr;.- receipts, : 3,543 bbls; sales, 1 1,84bbls at $6,5047,00.. for superfine,-,State, and .87,50a9,60 for .extra western; . 810,00.f0r good. choice , white .wheat extra; $8,40aV,65, for, extra Si. Louis; 81.0a14,50 for gobilito • choine; do Closing :quiet and hei;:ealiforniabeavy, with - gab:Net 1,400 sacks st 810a10,25. ''Rye ilottr ' heavv,with aaltiabf.2oo-bhls at Bia 3it8.15. 'Cor - meal Whlaky ,, , N7l eat; rectiptii, '14,900; Balm, 21,000 bush at $1,4521,98%; retail lots' 1'46. 2spring sold at :$2,08. : No. I do white California at private ! terms. Rye! declin ing, ....Barley and. Barley , Malt , dull and nominal. :Corn 2c better tied closing Quiet, receipts, 40,603 hush; Sales, ' 7,300 bush at $1,02a1,05 for inix , d westernafloat; closing at'81;03a1;04, and $1;12 for western yellow. Oath—recelpts;,l4;ss3 latish: _the Market is' laZoletter; sales of-164 , 00 bush 4.'80;5.182c' for western afloat;'BoaBoA'c'lor State; ii3o for western; buyers next week. 'coffee. 'quiet. Molasses .4iominal.;!l; guitar. , /Inlet:. flops quiet. - Betroleuroil63fa.l7c for crude; 32M ,e34e for refined,-,boaded.- Provisions— Pork stea4.; sales of .1, /00 327,6.5 a 27,87 for new islesiretAing at $27,75 Zegn lars,s27,7sa2B for,old do; ,closing at .$2B. re i g 77 lar,l2;.`,Za2s for prline; w1e24,45 for Prime rtiUST also, 250 hbls new. Beef sellers. for, .Seit4.iber , s27,Bo: ' 'Steady; *tierce beef dull at 831a33c for prime mess; t3oi36 foOwliarngstau, - /.l3eefluturs dullzi sales , of. 50 bids at $25a35. Cut meats steady; sales 0f3200 packages: at 12a1Bc for ."shoulders; 1524a17c for hams; middles nominal. Lard quiet and steadv,;.sales„cd,4Bo .tierces at 15a 16%c for steam; rartqeldr lithe render ed; a150,,,500 tierces, steam. buyers for, July at 16y i ef.'.Pintlii: iitYkiVat '3,2gd'fol.''olllo; 30a45c for State. Cheese: quietat 7alsc. Freights to Livettskiltioehanged:' • ' Vkirksr--Flotir 'closed' dull and sniettlek freth , ground' Steady; old 'dull and saloo lower. Wheat dull heavy 411,05a1,96 for N 0.2, and $2,06a;04 for, No. ~1 spring. Rye dull' at $1,703];80. 0 Oats' and firm at 82c for westero. affoat. Corn, quiet at - Vl, - 02 for newmiked.weatetri afloat.. Pork more active 411(r:fin:tier; Scilas 2,000 bbls mess ats2B,7s.regu/tir, CloSing_With biayers at 'these quotations.. Beef stpadv. Cut masts unchanged. 'Bacon nominal. Lard quiet at 113!;a16:)4c for fair to prime steam. Eggs dull at 10a22c... • C4jpitu4Al Market. [By Telezraprd.dthe'lliti.Bl;iiiiiii C. 45 "th` 1 4 1 ..Ff , gr-`Flonr , dull, lower andikurifri t ifi fimity,,§oo,o,;so. tl Wheat dull and lower; No'. 2 winter; §I.00; No. 1, §2,20.. Corn'dull at' Rage for ear. Oats dull ,at 70472 c, Ryesl,osaf,6B. ; Cotton steady and in flair demaria sphincrs,: at 300 for mid- Tobadco steady and In ,good de mand.' 'Whisky $1,23a1,35 inliond. There was a baiter demand for ,provisions, at §27 fortness pork, Itiy,c for; lard, 10,}c for bulk shoulders, 13c for, sides, 11Na for' bacon shoulders and 15Xiip3c:for clear rib and clear, sides; brit all articles are held higher froda the fact Of .there , hoeing a demand made; holders wltbdi•ew"by patting rates, Sugar Otiiiid Hams I8.t•;0193i0 and the de mand fair. Butter• firm for , that in order at 20a30c; the'bot weather seriously injures a large_ portion of the recielpts. Eggs de alined' to 'l7o and`-market 411111. . ,• Cheese. ititatoes: dull, at/ $4 7 6 880: 0 0 in sto . i.e; sUPply , isige. • 'Linseed Oil 'held' at VI, with no &inland-' Seed" declined to $2. Gold. 140 'buying. Exchange dull at ;41t1-10 discount buying. Cleveland Market.' TBy:Tale.!cinah.qth; Pittibarsb 'OliztttO. i CLEVEr./.16,. July 3.—Flour dill ~ and' weak, XX red, wtuter cap made at $11,50s 11,75; do country at 1$10,§0a1; XX ibg citymade at410.111;50: 4 do toiltito at $9,25a 10.-..Wbeatleld!at. $2,20a2,21 for No. 1 red: 1;2,034,10 for No. 2: N 0..,/ spring , at the same as No. 2. red. Corn firm at 93e. Oata held 72e; Bye market doll and Inactive and` held at 1R,75a1,80' for rro. 1. Barley !market riciminal:-Petroleum, good inquir ing and veryfinm refined, bond at 290;tren at 0.140 c In, largeand small lots. , Memphis" Mar ket. ply,.*elnepti; Cbq Plitatiurgii ,tiajette.7 Jnly ; 3.-4otton „Arm; „u(Ock's Teceipte, 82. balsa; exporte,„ll6.tulleol 4 0 4 3 5, 451:bales.; Flour dull; super, 10,50, Watnet, 4 1 ,764. Corn, , 90a920. , Oats. dull st;:76c. Hay„ $16a16.. ;Bran' , $25a26, , Corp ; meal, 464,50a4,75. Pork, 09.. ;lard, 18a19d. • Die 4on ;dull; .ibouldera, 18a,14c;-. clear aides, /6364t17e. .Pototoes,l2a3 per. bbl. , , ,; • • • : Milwaukee - Market. , •.7 • LUTtelegriph to 'the Pitteborh thisett4:3 - M77;•VAVlcinr., July B.—Flone dull and' prices' unchanged.' Wbeist, quiet and - fithn' at $,i94 - 79c 71'0.1. and $1,76 for 2,' Corn arta.:,aitt ' fist": iteeetioigooo, bbbillaui;:18;006-busi'whiisti 4,430_ tins" TON; 7AOO bus cont. Elbiimisliti7.l7 - 000:-. 1 Pols • Ater. • :1 f: CBS Nl~eßisj3L k) the Pitui3inli ,Loth July 3.—Tobacoa: unchanged: Cattpig ,and np t hing very dull, with small sales spriag . extra at . ,, at 'Tv - double:extra at If 7,50a1a, hater figaies for choice; Wheat ,heavY add .'clotiod:100. lower; st‘les.of plitue to,,choice fall -14 ( 14 Corn easier - at 731i8.1c: "dale - very dull.'at: 71a74c. Bye loWer - at 41,35a1,41-' proyhdons very 11.Potivat,1128.c. ; Bacon unchanged, with*oulders at 12%c; ,c1,31F, sideint lame:" Sagar Cared Bain ' Lard held st , 27c:for:cholatitertur, hat tvitliJ out buyers- ReeeiPts-461111bAS flour, 4,800 bush Wheat, 2,28 . 0 bushioorni 3 000 bu t oats. - . „, - -Toleao Market' By XeiegraPh tone rittzbingti Gaztitte:7 Torxvo,..4uly ,k-rglottr, flail,. with , re cairns or or bbis. WheatLriaieilits oritSo bas, Frith sstl oY tAitelldichigirtfat 1 2 ; 3 09". amber ;at. 0242, 1 : ambetol - seller, - Augrust,, at $1,75. Corrit,reenipts_ol 27,749 tarsi opened steady, ItiVrtineeir to and - closed. win .- the advance lost;isales:Of Noll-tend lldiehhilirt at 90a91e, yellow seller, last" halt.of ,v at 920, buyer, Zuly, SHa9,4tic, ,Oats unclatilkedi TbeelptsVf2,s4o bus;With of .Nowl,attlige; antlZto: .2 stt O&M Frelglith d1 14 1 .... 1 44WhaP5e 41 . • ; •1 . 1 . • ICJ ;11° Ita • [my lielerni4tiltd4he txuti3iiii•gh•9lizelite:l' nominal. Wheat is dull at 1;2,2.5a2,grf0r, white, fad, $2a2,40 for red., Corn is firm $10.21 - g6 fbr Whitbl 7 : fhitit dtal'iirtoaßse. Mess :n•Ba0 . 911 =change& !Iri4rd: • f3tl-14eals•Cattlei.:111i zierirt. • C 137 Telegriphto•the 411 423 tWA t." toilii3; July 3.—Cattle.are, Jrx triodes : . ate local demand at 334ale,peesio - ie.`Btieip • ::"1 -$" . - IMPORT'S kit RAII,49+D. - eityikkrt. AND Piriantractxr. noAtr, `Juryi 2.-3 cars ' - iron ' ore," 'Chess, Smith, & C0;,4 ; do: do, Zug , . & Corl•do dd. Jones & Laughlin; I do .. do, Dllworthi:Por-, tei& CO; 4 cars bloodiS',".Park, Brcis & CO; '6 cars ply iron; 2 do: blootha; & Co; , 1 oarAn tuber, AlqEw.en•ik 8r0 , 2 do do; R A. • Clark & Co; 9. rouses-,copper, T Howe;: 128 bbls W S McFerrari; I 'Car' atone, :Outings 4 (3 0 ;b1e14-/,ou.tile,- Graff,Htighes & tel;,l car . clay, Miller, Barr . ~ P; 7 bxs, , B L PahnestoOk; 20 ht - bbls -fish, Win Cooper &Co; 10 'do , do, S Cooper; 23 boies starch, Carter, Mcgrew t Co; 20 dO cheese; 'Watt, Li* u & Co, 6 kgs butter, H Rea; 43 bxs oheekse, Graff & Reiteri'23 sks oats, H - J Lynch; /0-bbls ,eggs,-..Eetzer & Armstrong; 2 cars fertilizer, Seward it. gatapbell;•.g c a rs pig ikon ? WRibith; ' 28 sks osits„,74 - do corn, 110;do ;oats,. Sdotto . & Gisal; ipa d a do; R C Plrram.o.oll,i WAX NE. AND )thiat'AGO RAILROAD. JalY.' care metals ten: , & Co;- 3do do, 'Niruiek & ,Co; '1 do 'Union Iron Mills; 2 do do,Bryiln &CM:They; Ido do, Brown Co; 1 Fur middlings, Keil & Riteluittr 190 bbis flour, Kirkpatriek .& Herron; , loododoiTlionial& Bro; 800 do do, owner; 30 bales wool,S Harbaugh &Oa; 168 sks oats, 7i eil Allitchart;lt3.- cks pearls, 34 bxs chbeSe, .T B Son; 19 cars iron ore, Superior Iron-Co; 661 gallestOne ware, Campbell di; Co; 30. kgs Duncan 'fit .T; 10 tics cheese,,Arbuckles sk Co; 25 do do. J S Dilworth it Co; 20 . &do, Gratr& Reiter; 20 bales corn husks, E Edmuzidson stpo; 4 .bbis tobacco, A Schaub; , ,,9 axs wool, W Barker Jr. PVITSBURCEEt, CINGINkAiI AND ElT.:LOtrlil RAILROAD,; 'JELIy CAT staves, • W' Hastings:l do do M. Beating; 1-do do; 'M P Adams & Bro; bbls, eggs, D Kyle; 15 doz 'brooms, Volgt; Mahal - if & Co; 4 bbls eggs, 4 do do, J W Manbeck; 30 sks oats, 5 do rye, .McHenry it Hood; 1 ear oats,. .M Steel 6; Son; .5 bbls oil, J 171 Parker; 10 do do, Jai' Lippincott; .5 'cks stiontders, Win Haslage & 0o; I.car corn, Stewart ,k Lang -enheina. ALLEOJECET VALLEY RAILROAD. July -3.-120 bbls oil. Leeeh - & - Wood; 1,920110 do, Fawcett, Logan •alt fkockdale: 44 'rolls, 2 bdIJI leather. Wm FlaCcus it Son; 60 bbls salt, S Ewart cfc Co, 3 • cars. metal,, Lewis, •Oliver'it Phillips; 2 , do do, 'Sheenberger di Blair; 6 bales wool, Jae Jones: le pkgs but ter, sdo eggs, 9 labials, 3 bales wool, John Klingensmith. • . , • th,tatatimsir Spailow, July 3.-- 1 oar met4od° limestone, Superior Iron CO: 2 do.metal, Lewikßalley 202 bgs oats, B McKee; 25 sks rags, A.,Jones,• 70 , bgs ilaxseed, -13 Suydam ; ; 50' bbls cider, Wail;!.6 carisiroh ore; Soong: Clkatfant dt Co; 50 bbls sugor 4 ,E ar. C.Magin; 2 oats lum ber, Taggart 4t Wilson; 1 do. J Gregg; I do - wheat, 13. T Kennedy; 11 - .bligS oats, J Schofield.' . • . - • PrrrtIBUROH; ANTI' OnicAuttsviLLi RAALROAD, Ail bbls, 4 lolappton dr, Paine; ±l2 billsleather GiRY Andirson; 70 bblsz , cement, 0 11, •Leedh; 4. eiritvinetal,- Yo4tiloghOLIPITIM c 4 ,0441 , Compank;,.4 vinegar,. Walker - 6_ Goo dr ..Co;,8 ; rolls, Clmusttiq. ' ' IziwntsrLiwtoriA • CrArittAn Rxti.itoms, July 2!—.5 rolls 'loather, Gety EL , "Anderson;• 236 bss, axes, Meßarm Aujer; ,isks:rags,f - AfeCallniigli, Smith & Co; I Pkg bacon-10 paihrbdtter,-11elid- & McitOrir; l balPEi Wool, H.Rarker;2s.bas.glasiriVitte, Best .5c Rob inson; 1 bbl vlusky Trauerumu 454, - Arn hold. RIVER NEWS: The t ,,river • remains about station-817, at this point with scant eighteen inchp, in the channel, . the, IVionongakelu, Marks. As we remarked in our last report, it is claimed" that there are several „more inches' in' the 'ehandel then the marks show.' The weather yesterday was the hot test of the deasen, the , thermometer at the Suariension Bridgelndicating in the; shade tindloo.6 , in the sun. • There has beep norarrlvals or departures Wine our, last report, nQr is. it. at all likely tbat there ,be Until there is a rise. Business, therefore, is completely suspend ed at the whari. , - ' The 3. N. McCullough arrived at Cin cinnati on Wedneaday, and is now laid up at that place. She will receive, a new _coat of pamt, and be put in condition for the fall and Winter busineas. •' , " • • Tho Wild Duck and Barkes ilassod Lou-! on Wednesday for ~ I!ittebu.rgh. , • L—We clip.tne following river items from the Cincinnati Conimerciat, of Thurisday:, , The Silver Claud' departs for , Si: Louis to ilay in charge of Capt. Andy-Robinaen:late of the office of the St. Charles • Captain, John B. Davis, of the MeMphls and White River Packet • Company, IS still'here'proa. , pecting., W,e hopehe, will find a packet. suitable for his trade....,.The G. A. Thomp son seems to be an' ill-fated i AL tediner„ idler as law is concerned. • On Puesday,t she was knocked down_ to ,Capt. F. Daykhian c b y the Sheriff. Yeaterday the thiltect,States Marshal attached and towed her to - the. bone-yard; indicating; another .salei : The fees and legaLexpensea will , eat up .the Thompson. pant. Muhleman tel that the Potomac wilrileibain at Wheeling until there is • Monk water.. The•Bureka Dry ,Dock Company ,ard the Marius Rail way and Dry Dock CaiiipAni, of ' Cinelif nati,,have Consolidate& The 'competition between these rival 7 intatinti °os tommed Work to be done at ruinous rates, lout now that they have consolidated an in the rates of dockage i - may be nate' pitted:, :We regret to learn that Capt. W. AP Gregg, of the Champion; is ill With a severe attack of cholera minima, —The Salli Gaty, on her way hence-to' Omaha, 04 Monday. struck a tinagi to w Pit h e e which t. w h e a tt e t b a t e th e : t a t c t li: on .ta bur i n o ß aa d to w 4th o e cargo. ~tlipe ,w4a ,ownt,d, uuniairim. Ben. 'Johnson and " Pred Dezier, si l aidoatlessitiviltod." The - Rimini;itir 'S .biurier, diesel to; the:burned: wreck at two b'el,uk lad? t i . nutryini6- I ,l l llt no eatqw,, u43o waileitioleig. 'TO iiewielitilit'dbgastei 4 ' t -T ti-JAAYrtilt, • • :13r •tax, ss • 1:14-1.1 M 47.tUl . ,02,3614.5,,E, f. 47.14 saniady_waircafit , ,in -IMO at Lentaville'c: Rentonk.7l,ls:7oslptairii John 41.43a1d54; and cost about $30,009.-. C. W. wee her' 'Oil liertrst'trip' hhe eXplfided rtelevirLoulinfille: She 'acquired - Considerable , I renown, in the little Water. • Papers Thursday, have the following items : • The Charmer; from : " BittehOrgh:-"te St. Jiellie.; received absiut. 50 tons, of _freight here, _yesterday, oonSititing" of iron pipe, - boilei iren and crocke r y. !She also got allot' of furniture: , .:..„..„Ciast. I. -R., Whittaker, who, passed ilown in. the office of the. Charmer yeateic day,' Will' Oti-his return, Prtieeect-to Pitts - burgh end takenommand of the R. C.,Gray: proposes ,to run her i below the falle,cia-, ring the low-Water season. .` —A St. Louis special to the Cincinnati ad.rette , says: is said tiOnairtnigroetainthis city threaten to mob Sam. Ray, ,Porter ,ofd tile . Great, tcpublic; for not ; testifying that hesaw Capt. Dontildion - shoot 'Henry dersen. - This ds.;lnudly. 'Probable, how ever- Still the- negrp element here, is tensely interested in the, pig, ar‘deterinititid t&ilci tlieY'estrtO secure the ,:conviction uof Donabton;;whosd guilt• they consider-a foregone, conclusion. The, of - Donaldson Will'Commefice.the first of:Aug:SW :11 t • ; . ;-'-riliet3t."'lonis - ' Deniocrati of: Tuesday, contatnedthe,„following:- A week ago the ladies of-Neuypo,lll. % presented Capt. Sen.-, •4 cerboi of vthite' oline;'With vaipitcher-' arid a goblet; ,:valued at , Istime ttkipg ,oyer•,,sso, as atoken oft-we don't know what. Brobably they .consider him tuniSitillYgtxid looking; - ' .:arhe steamer lititifon,%ll-otri Fort Benton, arrived at •Leavenworth.onNuesday, bring . ins it,cargo, of. furs veined at. 576,000. On her paitowb doWn'a holdkir - named Smith overboardand wasldrowned.- -• • ME ;1. , f;-)i NIMPMI • • Rive! an d, Weather:. [Thr Telegrap h the Piiisbi;rgh Gazette.: Vottistritirr,' July 3;1-River 'on [island mith.o64'eet. in 'canal. -Wehther dry and very warm. OATHp:M LLIITE PACKET COBILPANY. TESRECBLIBUSto ‘13513.] • The Only 'Through Litre 'Retnnlrtg'Bei; tureen lit,Lottle undi Eiti Paul. • „ . . . , - Shippers desiring their freightto go through with out re-shipping aboye St. Lou _ is please consign their .freight—.YLL NOUTHERN , I.agg; „ Through rates_givon over: 4 Pit.t.shurgh'Souts, end FLACK h cxnaawiiwooli, , 9. GRAY, No. 94 Water Street._ TO WHEAT GROWERS•• •fi i iAtind stiEit:pnesPir,aiF, OF LIME; The Allegheny Fertilizer Ca ,VETT.LBD& CAMPBELL, Office, -356 Fenn:Street ) P4tsbargh, The Teat rertillzer in 1.04, - and recognized by • - Farmers who-hare given--It a- trial, to be the stand ard for raiSing large crops of Wheat, .Tive, Oats, Corn,. Pola toes, e- We base published for gratu itous circulation a pamphlet , contaialug intere , ding and Taltuttile StateMenta of this Fertiliser. copies of which will be sent fur.e to say sending us their ad- TO FARRIERS. THE ILLY RARE 4,`WELCONE." . le the beet 'Halm It. rake 'hearter hay, 'carry It farther, load and unload Atself.ealler than an•-other fake'. It ts self-operating; a Wild kTeare old..can do ibA, work. of a full hand. liatolrads of .certlficstes could be given: one orwldeble !Mow: (a., 'iwaly, , Ea 1867. - ; ...I bak.e abed the IVelcorae Way Rake, haftnuthe tared h 9 W. W. Wallace. Pltteburgh, Pa.,.and :omineid It to farmers. It Ie imeel In DOA and heavy hay - la tap 011 luarf 'and home: •:..colnldeta aims. ler et grain and elob4/.; elm* in : construction an 'easily kept In order. ; • - I_ • JOSEP,II ARBUdIELF.., Alt .orde re dfreet ed to 319 Liberty :Street, MU - burgh. Pa.. or at the works. to Cohunblana, (Thlo, prorubdly attended to: Sold .wholesele and retail by W. W..WALLACK.. Bend orders In early, as supply b short. myt.S:d&T , • s, rpUE TWIN CITY SLATE CO., intinufacture 'a superior -brittle of • • . 13.400CIPINGk• EZPVITIoN:43 sevealth,sf., PlllBbiargh, Pa. J. s. Isig.WMEXER, Prps't. CC.lntrnoLLT:ft . s OFFICE', . Clll OF A.l.l4tOlteXY..Julyad, 1868. I 'SEALED. PROPOSALS, will be rectlvrct at thl* o ffi ce until wr.initsbnv: Bth itutztitt, at 3 o'clock P. T. fur . • , The folio+, tug streets and:alleys, ;viz: - from Allegheny 'avenue to Walker stree_t._ • - . , PPACII ALIJILY, TromVirgin firrtrta Liberty st. Alec, for Grading ylliTA-ISTEJLET. frOm Carroll . street t• Taylor *venue. Protile*,; epeolfloattutte and 'cad matte eau be seen to the ware of the 1111 v P.itgineer. Inman tarns for bidding Ism be , had at my office. • , • • •R rt: rizahrova; , • • irws City Controller. . , m , ARBErALAtoy . Fick • • • •W. 13. nsylvan a. • Fri-Tenuitutt. July 3, 1868. . • , MARSHAL'S SALE. it'A.WVE - 1" - et al. - vs. IiTEAMIIO. I 4.I` TrtAVELDEB, No. 3,?oetober Ten:47.1868, In• • Admiralty. Isy virtue of a vendatont expcnirsi Lured d out. of the District Court of the United Mates, Western Ms triet:of rennsylvs.nia, land to nie'dirted, will expose to Potato Md.% on ru KtmA.Y., t he 14th day of July; D. 0•18611,; at: 10 • Welock I A.: 41. at'tho Custom Novae, in the -City ,of Pitts:bulb, the PICEA/MOAT TRAVELLER, together = whit-her her u""ll ' l 4lski ll ' i lt i Ai t tri e , l l7.V.? liareh 1 - ' . . • Western District afar& oi.Ass ,itiANurkOrtuvus.--,- -Thu undershen r eil bedew secured the sole Agen- FX, nbe "le rOTtrl i t at i 'P Ol d el AY. )Are now prapared th furnishi In Any. guautst ) th. those wishing to procure this superior article. nil ring tlitfwn yeertil.ube. thiefiCitto, we buve ar cred at pooh 'proportions as we. belleye Nehru It a better 'article for pots than any; intim triarkht,ttire , ,having secured an auerage. stand „af. BIZ, , in‘tfr, and TIiN apxTtiß.''We will•htrnish reeelpes'for the proper. tiros of the mixture of this,Clay.to persons.,Purells B- - ing. The Charts ground end tnoulded . ln lumps' for delivery.. - • . • • ,Fort Vitt illiass WarliN • Wasninoton Street; rittlimritte. N OTI ci E TO:CoriltitrAetbllS. • I - , err's!, will be received until J ULY It!ugli. Station SchooCHouse. Pleas ay.4 opotpust49tut,cfn "epp an oPOUIT ; • SIPEPHIEF.II , IIIOIOFX Jr* Irwin fritatl4c-june.gf isipc , Je3o;sib Srek.l)-. I !QTAToEs• f Intirty 'Morels , liiir,ristun. leor ;age • • men: t+(hrlatx 44iti ---7 1 TA ru • tor t Window. , quality find towyrit,tarit4,prim is !,110,n .1. 4 1 110•Wiree :IGlfahtir • vridthrprf•rlorlyedfroc • 11 : *06;Lit'S' 11" but ;48 mud !PS at, (noir itretti MUG q 4 rB` -411ANUFACrITRED BY EbIEtOI'IIIIFIT 4 OIIS, TAI 4 XiiTE'D 11463 AND 11407 GRADING AND PAVING Wnnriv S AMER GOODS. -0 4 .1 • . Ber4ToutlesarSchildren's° SCEs 94. 1 .iP 14 E 1 .45um5 , • d .1:: • LINEN EMITS, • r,bUGg UTrS . • .; • iwPA C A JACZETS, In Every Styl of the GreatefftVeriett 11141 ' Citiitlentia min and'a firm assortment • • • ; ,;"‘.• 'W414)141;4 B r own D uck Suits, aiNatsvaco., Every:garment ielng specially made for us by the best Eastern - _ ' ;)VA. , .„1 °iris -tpitic-F.s Are !ae : Loin al . Geed 1 1131ereds ape field at brany Firm Emil fee-West. ME '....:Gir(..AT::,"4":.:..,1,0,0A15T;. Mill 47 St. Clitr , Street; ELECTR OMER CORDIAL, An Infailiblp remedy for Summer Complaint, Mar.; rhea, Dysentery, Vomiting, -bum' Stomach and Cholera Slorbus,,,. " '6l DII. RABBIS' CRIMP ebilE, A specific for Cholera, Cramps and. Pain In ,the Stomach, for sale by IX,'NM7M & ENVING, Corner et Liikerfy and Wayne Streets. , EOM: SOHOONMAKER &SON'S, =MP PURE 'WHITE - LEAD,' AND VERDITER GREEN, . The Only green paint that will Pot , deteriorate by ezpooure. -II will took , batter. last longer and give more perfect satisfaction' than any paint in the market. ' • If.STABL NORTH .A2I3BRICAN MM=2===l Lightning Rod Manufactory. BRASS FOUNDRY AND 1110 1 1 i OXLVAISILLNG WORM: 30.000 Fs.= lIIASUFACTIMED DAILY THE CELEBRATED STAR GALVANIZED id[Girrivim - o .. ~ . . _ , . Manefacturcti at . these works, an • sold to all. parts of the continent, are admitted tosuperior Lonny do Rod In use; Brett tin unetneuta offered do Peddlers and ail:persona bu n.g - at wholesale. tt lw Alto, fine P a lailua Points, of all Inds and patterns, together wittiblasti MUMS." rastenlngs..Copper aria :Iron Connection Burs, Braces, etc.. Samples, Para. phlets and glecalars sent tree. , • ; . .. . .; :. ..• . . . . . EM3M -I gUNTER ' & CO., Nos. 08 and 491) St. John St., PutiatinErLysta. itr3OitoasT4V ..A.1111: Dried Beef: and Beef Tongues,' A LA*OF, STOCK, OF BEST BRANDI& AND CHOWEST EBBE., A largo stock of strictly BIJ6KR-Ctriti!...7 IiAiILS AND; BEEF TONGUES . The lArgest dock to the market, of — STRICTLY SUGAIt-CUBED, • - . . THE OLD RELIABLE EAGT 4 E BRAND, SUGAR-CHHED HAMS Hood •FAHTLY HAMS; canvassed nrplain, _ta , - gather with a large. stook of SHOULDEItEf, lesth rib and eleart. prime KilUtl.liondared LAHD, In Hansa, kap and hookahs. all of which we are offering to the ;rade to low ailhaflowesu. at 327, 320 and 331, Corner PENN and WAYNE tint. F. SEL,LERS,& CO.: )e.'26tr56 X•yric.E. TN ACCORDANCE: WITH: THE Act of incurpOratlen, books for subarription to tile Capita*, Mock of Nip Company to erect tt•Bridge over the Ohio Raver, from near the mouth of Saw Malt an . (Temperanoesille,) to Allegheny, will be opened as follows,vis: oboe °tn. H. &'B. R.' DAVIS, Allegbenk, July 6th and 7th. • . At HAHN'S HOTEL, Pittsburgh, July Bth and At &Bari of 1). L. PATTERSON, 'Allegheny. (late Manchester.) July 10th._ • • CO::'And at office of JOHN HALL : Borough of gemperancevilie, July . . ,• The Hooka will be kept open froth 10 o'clock A 6. By ord Of the lloomisaloriero. , HACNIMItritoN Z. DAVIS. Illeoretant. • • .13rnarr COMMISSION3tIt'S OFFICZ, t. • Ivrranunoll. June 26, 1868.. • .1 ' ..• "Proposals will be received at this JULY al 3, 9 . 0 1 00 k A., m u ,thr the lowering and remoit.; Ing . or all Stop gooks and Water l' aves that project. `above Om' level of tlio euiti atone. The cipense of lowering - mid retrieval to be, 'collected train: the 'own cre.of theyroperty, Nr?PO1 I AIO AO he submitted to tlie Street Committee. -' 1 ; • "'`''JOHN T. EttrNtElt; • .41tratt COnimlationer,:'Flret Diatrlct.• ,JOIIN p,,MCFAD.E.N, • Street CfOninilielonei. Oecond Dia;riet. MEI NOTIPE: : Opening of Gibbon Street. • 2Fdttea to LerotiyOven to tho . eer interested that thi , iteport of Vleviere, se modlne4 ;by -the Court, hne :been placed ; in my hatle. The asstemuents xtll ro-, in my once, No; 108 Fifth sti'eet, Pittsburgh, yo r r . purulent,' until the 21th dey' *hen tho4.e, not ml' l ll%lll be flied ln f:3 , 4 . nirt et liens; !! I 18011 June it ,FRO VAL , .BEND4ETT, 1 , ,rc,srnaazi.'titenrgnial. I aft 111. W;4. 179 F DRILakeREV.Tx,,ir m o.7kmp LEUIFIE -471 It r tlaß A pod ire te,nvou_ Pamitamm 4) tt6tiidamP-. .14atiaitiri: W 1• 4, .6) (J Moe, No • u , kii A sta t itti m :01141 3 4 Ot i ¢6 l N .c eaT, , ~.-,,,--;.;:...:-::-i,4;a--4.:74.%1",.i'i',4aZ c&'/INitssii)VAitikEtbi. VITA:ft teiiitt - . V Y:... WHOLESALE DEALERS , 12t . Grpcpries, flogr, 911,1419 PredinlelsP 7o ": Nos. 1.72 and .11.7.4,W00D §TRE*T, near I,lpertp, street. Plttsbtirgb. Pa.'' - • ' IF ; •. STEELE & Comm tBaton Merchiciats; • "AND DEALXRS 117-: .E7I.4OI7JEL F 0.11.1142 4 J, FEES, ;. 840. , No. 95 OHIO STREET near East conaßop, T ALLEGHENY CITY:PA. JAMES B. MBAN'Ott ' • • " ' JOS. 71.68F811 MEANOR & HARPER, • ' •• - - imotrE, OR.U.NAND ritoptroz de*arrissexow•-ArEncyrArimis p2O:LIt3EIT,TY cliiikgrpnerits soliatte4. • G. 'Martin 6tistiiii Itiectlant r . National Bank; J. B..l)llworti & Co.. •B. , T. Ken nedy & 8r0..: PETER KELL JAS. E Y E g 'COMMISSIO'N MERCHANTS; ' "'Airs) 68Ailcai3 Tx • PLOtrit, iIitAIIf;SE,EDEI, linty FEED, ito:4 849 , 11bert3i 84, Pittsburgh, • ' , b 3l EMI J. BLANCHARD, f,J 'N o. 398 PENN STREET Ellffl ALZX. .. . - MeBAN - E & COMMISSION MERCHANTSI.: Dealers In FLOUR, GRAIN. and PRODUCE GEN ERALLY,, No. 141 WATER STREET, abo're Smithfield, Plryburgh. _ les F ETZER &, AJEINSTRONG, . . • TORWABDINEVAND 0011)118510HIMEANTS, • • For ttiesile•otPloti, A,"ttird, Butter, Seeds, Dried Fruit, and Prod ce generally, No. 16 BLANKET STREET,' corner of First', PittabOrgit. iikftli I. 110115X......EDW.,H0U51L......WX.X• .1 10 1 7 833. 4 - 011 N 111, • IEIOIISE' & BROS_±.Bnc cession to, JOI,IN HOUSE a. CO., Wholesale: metre and 'Cointntseloti" Mereltants, Corner of Smithlield,and Water Streeta.,.Flttabarsh,•Ptt, TT: R .:IDDLE, No 183 -LIBERTY STREET, Pittsburgh, Pa., Commission Me!-, c ant-and Wholesale Dealer In Country Produce, Groceries and Plttaburatillanufacturec ,IGSSEV:ad• - vatured on ponalgutuenta, and paid foeprudnee Ran orallT. ' nun' KNOX & BON, COMMISSIOr • MERCHANTSand,dratera In FLOUR; Glatt FFFFFFiiiiiillilll L PEED axul PRODUCE GENERALLY. kin ' 79 DIAMOND, oppimite Citysatl, Allegheny City Jal7:Ms •r. . . . • ;p4*.t i rtieiVellial),COMMlSSlON' i MERCHANT is PIG' 111.F.TAL, , " IlL;003113:: ,WILOUGAT 'SCRAP-1110N,, FIRE )3131C5, ,dICD CLAY, de. Witrelionte and Clillee;lios: 3641 andaillii - PENN 'STREET:- Storage titratelted. , ' • Consignments United. , oeg :JITTLEri---BAIRD & PATToN,. Whniesale.Grocers, Comthssion Merchants an . eater s , in 'Produce, Four, Bacon,, Cheese,Fish, Carbon and , Lard. 011 , - iron . libils,- trdase, - Cotton -Yarns and all Pittsburgh ,Manuractures -gene: l 4,l 112 and 114 SECOND STREET, Pittsburgh. - T - B. VANFIELD ! & SON" ,EOll1 -k ej U. 111SSION ,i. FORWARDISti MERCHANTS, andlYbolesale Dealers in Western Reserve Cheese,' Butter, Lard,- Pork ,1 Bacon , Flour ; Fish, Pot and - ,Pearl ,Pearl Ashes, And 0118, Dried EMIR and Produce terterally, Nos.l44'and 1.413 Front' street; Pitts urgh. ..iiiiiti•F.iiiiiO3. ~.7,... .. ... .. :::. ..A WAIdoACI6.. lIIPTOI%:.&..WAkiLACkI,I9WHOLE SALE lIIIOCERS AND PRODITCE DEALERS, .-6 SLIZTII-STItEET. l'lttsburgh, • lanirsB ..411,. __ CIT.Y .OF ALLEGII F. ::•1, t . - TIIVASEnra'S- OFFICE. June tith. 16 . 613. j LLEGHENIN. TANIES. • • Notice is hereby.gtven that the Assessors have now Wick! In the Tres.,urer's Oilier the duplicates 'from the several wards of , City, Poor, City- Business, School, School Building atid . Pablie Park Taxes, Aad of WATER - RENTS - , for_ Litt.' year 1868, and 'that sal() Trxes auk' rectived In Pursuance of the Acts of Assembly, of February.,lseo,- 'and of April 14th, 1863, subject 'tothe Ibllowbri 'regulations and allowarusesu, • 'Five p er cent: ff paid oil or before the arag,day. of July. . • . • Four per cent. if paid on or before the , first day of August. TWO, per- gent..llC.pald on. or before the !first day of SePtember. J first f-pald after the tiny of ffiepteint, and On or before-the first day,of Oct°. ) bee. no dedactiowwlll be,nuule. . lipoid after' the firtit day' of 'Octobe r, a nd on- or before' She first .day -of No. vernbert an addition Are per cent. shall.be • added-to and ,payable ,on the ,AFTER -TliE FIRST ‘Or.qcorr.mssit, • War roues wlll tu le.ued to erree the.eollectlon of all tatte.reainlita Unpaid ,' gethet with the percent age accrued therenavand the;costs., . • latTEßßOX,'city - Tteasn*. .ALLIO.Os.FY. Pa. Jobe :410),,188b: • • SEAt*NO / P ROPOSALS ,• ~ " - Will be ieeelVed'at tits liatee.lor the-following BUILDING BIATEIt.IALS 4 ``2 , ll i nt~ rd • , 439 barrel: , .1111 /tr,AIUI.I '9.000 bosheis sharp cicala SAND;' Nom) feet &EON b: el.O.tiislNcri • • 400 net:hemmer dressed STONE, for range All the above to be of best quality, and to be de? livened. within the Prlscinrwall.4,, as required by the Warden.' Further partleuliiiii may' be had 'at this * office; • No bids received after: duly Bth, 1868. . „inn: 22 rjr:IL. i .X.ESI-TAXESI2• . eirax Pa creof the consolidated Cita , or Pitts burgh, are her. by, notified that ,the Tax Hooks are now in the hands of the CRY - TreaSnrer, 'ready for molleetion. •.• • - • luxes Mid' water Items paid between the let of JUNE * and tholes of AUGUST,. will be received tit DISCO!! N'T OF FIVE PER CENT. And between AUGUST let, and the 15th of SEP-• TEMBE It, at a DISCIDU..NT OF. TWO PER CENT.' Froni the 15th of SEPTEM RER to the Ist of OC TOBER,-nil tuxes will be payable its asssssed. After the Ist of OCTOBER, FIVE per cent. will be added; and on the Ist of NOVE3IIIER, nil unpaid Taxes will be put into the hands or Collectors WITH ‘THE 'FURTHER ADDITION OF FIVE PER CENT., ranking , a difference 'or ; FIFTEEN , PER VENT, between those,paying July and these paying In lalovember.. , -. "J . . . ' ' - • ' 11:19 - Th e SPATE MERCANTILE LICENSES are now due, ana seek] be paid on or before' the lat.bf July,, to, sane cost and expense of suit. . City Treasurer. 4JFPICY. or CITY EN GINIsEa: AND sittraYon. t Pittsburgh. Juno 114. ME& OTIVE -TO CONTRACTORS.. - BEADED raorouvi .for Giradlng, .PaYing dint STREET, from. ebster to Cliff street._ , TowNsEND , STREET. from Wylie to Decatur St, VINE ATAXY, from Federal' to.Washingtonbt. ICIREPATItICICASTREET, front. Centre avenue ! to Duncan street.' ' • FOURTH STREET; trom'ltoss to Try street. THIRD BTREET..,froni ROOD to Tri street. 31TUt "b!: received at tb intffice until FRIDAY, July '341, VW& ; Speelticationa and, blanks :for bolding 041 a betted by Calling at this °Mee. , '‘ .111. arroortm,' Oily Engineer.; Jelear6s M CITY CPAT:LEirIi - ENY,T - Pit,„ NoTiiTtAstrlttitql (lyrics, June. ILFICII46B ii . ,if • cE .AS.,IIEIRJENY...I4IVEN T 1) THE ROLPEP3 OF:TELE Sia r 4 %lids of Ihe of AlleOeny, , Pay- That the Cauppooaae'on laid Bonds, eonang doe July ist t iseS, will be paid on said (lap, Rosathe Mato tax at th e BANK. OF PlTTSBUttlin,•hi the City or l'AttPbilrg rip; ACF1:11110N• • Treseurer of the City of Allegheny, Fa. 'jonkritO a, • 10X:013 AirAlllllOOll2.llOW LOST 2 HOW . R EMBED 2. 4u;ft zi4tf9lud to.oo2loct smut: ope Prtfre, etc cents,. . I,EcToior. .ON THE , AURAL •IVIATBIEffTvind Radial gm* of, t s papitAtorfft n or Eendbol colc000s• lAvolunteiff :=lsatons, DobEtty mid hoped Mien te to Marl r b i lt 4) .:getl l l 2ll .ll3t i erlllaiVilsUaptkeilk. its!, •Idait ottil-rxtk. aocfel; al In!somodly. , re , 7 : CH4l34:o3,,l'AeltA culyer,„, ~94 • ...Askuthor of • , reen aa ; ,. it•A ,F 3( ,• 81 Th e ntligtiV le* Maim, I ,12r/irefilr Prick Ruh SISIDart 40 4 - . . 11•11 1= lllNfl= Wholesale P.etdl Ormust '6. A. SITALLENBERWER., EMI= E=M=M2ME= =I • • , . pirrsinnaGir and iR wa r • CONNELLSyILLE . • On and alter- THIBISDATv I . 3llarch-tith, ISB9 trains will arrive at and depart - R=lbn Depot, coe ner of Oral, at and Water streets, as follow}:..; - • pj zopi ~41.121. nu 'mil to and etrom trnion'n. 7:00 e. 0:00 * P. McKeesport AccommodVn.ll:oo A. Al., 0.05 r. Ex. to and from Unlorit'n. 3:00P. N. /010 4. Y. West Newton Accorainod'n 4:304r. M. 8: 5 A.ll. Braddock's Accommodavn 6:13 P. M. 7:50 P. 111. - Night Ace. to Arclieesportlo:3o r. M. 6:40 A. N. Sunday Church Train to and from West Newton • 1:00 r. x.10:00 A. it Par t4Ck r 4f 9P4r• •.1 )ilitiS . , • gnu W. D. STOUT, Superintendent. nth htI t ..LEGITAINIr : VALLEY. BAIL&Q&C.. • - - - DIRECT nous% To : o • • obis. Running through to Vetting..6C ty without change of cars—Connecting with trains East and West ma the Warre.. ,t Franklin Ballread s and, Atlantic. & Great Western Railways." Sliortest_od oluickest rottteto nil citr arid Frantlln, - ,:andln points to the On. andlafter April Sfeth, 1868`PilieenterTriibt win idave wont and arrive at the Pittsburgh Depot. corner Canal and Pike Ste. as followst rt. Arrive. Mail to and rm Yen. Expreca 'a 10c e.' It.11$1:115tt. Brady's Bend Accummod'n 3:00 e. at. 10:50 A. Y.- - Soda Works Accom'n 5:30 p. M. 7:55 A. X. First Hinton Accomod'n... 8:50 A. M, 1-114) A. , 7 1 16 Semind Rulton Accomod'u 111:01:0- ..P. • X. Sunday Church Train levee Soda Worhant A. m.,*. anteing. in Pittsburgh at 0:50 .111," turning,leavea Pittsburgh atl:in.P.ll.. a$ r Soda Works at 11:55 r. ' ' ' ' R. BLACFSTON4 Sur soY's' Ticket Agent. ' "a ni eL/ 4 1 &* , ) , Vt AIA . D ET.'a" CHANGE OE !LIKE. 74:invalid\ alter Jane 21st, 12137, trams will leave and arrive at ttta Union Depot, as foncrwitrrittsiterntme: L • Mall Express 91:15 a. m. 13010.$ alp .1 Fast Line 9:40 a. in. •9:15 p. rm. Fast Express ....... a. Mixed Way 6:10 a. In. 7;95 p. MeDonaltra 441 . 31:30.1.. , 11:46 ai" ibi I 3A55 . p. stu. Steubenville Accornmod'n. 3:55 p.m. 9:30 a. in. MeMenald , e, , ftee',ll, g•i• r. 1 0:3 15 :P., Pt. , 8:20x; argmAy a NcliqZ.—Sunday Ex'preis leaved at Salk p. m. arriving in Cincinnati at 6:00 a. m. the next The 9:40 a. m."l'Mitt leaves.daily, Sundayi ex cepted‘ a d makes,alue rennectione m• Newark toe Zanesville and 'points on Sanpeky. s klarlttelsl a ! , S.F. SCITL:p General Ticket- Agent. NIT-CARD: Snp`t•:. etenlienville.' • r . ....... reW11613,. W.'AND CLEV.S.LAND From 'June 7th, 1868, and arrive at the Irmo* time, 118 follows: -:team Chlcaga Ex.... 2:03 ami Cleveiandlir: 2 Was tif Erie& Yge,3ll .7:28 a ni; CI: .Ittirrop .6:13"a Chicago Sian— 6:58 a ml Cnicage'Eli,.•.- 9:43 a ml Cl.h idag Va o E g xEx.. - ; 4;43 p t WB., &Saga. 4:46,pial PepartAlrOhenit. N. Brlgt n. tlsB 'Leetsdale It/.11.3 sin m Rochester" - 51:i83 p m Weltqc'e Ace.. -aLit-apm Leetsdale 6Cc. 4:13 pm I N..Brigt'd ", • ,5:33pm S. lirtgVn " . 6:28 pm Lietaditte.'.'frr. 10:43pm AR- 1:56 p. m. Chicago sir Chia. Jee F. ItrE ' • 13 .1E NN. ELY_LVAICIALa; .i., - CI:INTR.:AM RAILROAD. Um and after; June 7thr;•ls6l3,•,Tralnt *lll ars... rice at and depart from the: Union Depot, corner of Washington and. Liberty streets. as. follows: • Arrive. • -Depart. Mall Train. - r., 1:15 a mDs.y F.xprells.. 2:25 ant Fast Line 1.:40 a m \Pairs No. 1.. 6:30 are Wail's No. S..' 6:20 a mitlall Train ~ . : • 7:50 am Latrobe Acen 7:50 a m . .einclunati Ear/ :40 a ZIL W \ all N' 's 0.•2.. 8:50 a m Wa ll 's N 0.•?... 11:51 - alir' f;lnclnnatlEx. 9:10 a m Johnstown Ac. 3:05 put • Johnstown Ac. 10:35 a m , lira drioeks No 1 4:00 pm ' al Btimore Ex. 100 p m Phila. Expres. 450 put . Phila. Express 1:20 pin Wall's NO:l.:'''o:loprri. " W all- s No. tr.., 2 :15:p m Wall's No.-i.... 6:05 pak • Ilraddocks Kol .5:50 p'm Fast Elue:::. . 7:30 pm Wall's No.. 4. 7 . :15y5t0 Latroins Age , n • 9;50 p,itb,, Altoona Ace's - • - ' SWistvale Ac`nl.o:so pm and Emigrant • • ; •.z,• •, ,r , ;•:i .•., - • . • • • Trsin • • 9:3o'n rt. " Wall's The Church Train; teaces W f Station every: ' Sunday at 9:15 a. in., reachlhg. Pittsburgh at 10:04 'a. in. • Retnrning, leace.Pittsbargh at 12:50 p. m. ' and arris •..s at VS ll's St a tion at 9:00 p. In. Clneinnati Express le yes daily. • All othrtrtrains daily except Sunday. For further it:formatter: apply to • .. :• ' . ,W. H. BECKWITH, Agent. The' Peansylvantaltailroad COinpany will not ass , - mune any tislt for Baggage, except forwearlng,ap.. One parel, and limit their responsibility to llinairett' Dollars. In .value. All ßaggae exceeding that. amount luivalue will he at the r is k of the owner, ttn-• less taken by; special contract. r . - ;-; . ' , ...= . • EDWARD lErilithmalis_, • • . ice, •, • is-eneralSuperinte.plent, Altoona, ,Ps. , -,--.----,.-----.--..---..—......-.. W;ESTERN - PENNIF . :Lqi . • • " 'SYLVANIA ' RAIL R 41/.4.-4)ns:sad 'after •May:llorh; 1.867; tii4 • senger Trains on the Western Pennsylvania . Ball. • roan: will• Arrive =sand depart' groin , ther.Federa4 •Street'Depot, Allegheny City as follows; , J -',.. l' !•nrrtos: ..,:-_ _. it , t; cc I:Depart, ; •Springd'e No 1, 6:35 a m Mall 6;15 • rft.. Freepart No. 1. .8!.15 a In Freeport No.'l! 9:10 ant' Express 10:15 is rn littarpb'g No 1-}l2O a tit; • • Sharptrg Nos 1.; 1:25 lint Express - /:50pris - Freeport Nits. 2 4;10 pgn SpringdlANo 1, 3:1511.pra Mait:..,....,. t." s:so.pin F'reeport No: 2 - 6:05 p Ist Sprlngd'e No 2 ,74.0 p m SorluSd'hNca 2 ;40. 0W '. Ahoye trains rturdallyexpept sunday: ' .The Church Trails, leaves ,Alle i tieny -.Janet. event a ; ; . ;Shndartit 7:40 :won:, 'Peachin Allegheny City 9:50 a. mr. Returning,- leaves .Alteglierty, Oltynts .1 , 1:90 p. m. 'and irrlVe at Allegheny Jitnet. at 9:40; 9. m• COMMVTATION TICKETS-For'Stile' In packages of• T wenty,. between Allegheny Qty.-Chestnut street, Hems, Bennett, ti l , :e Creek Etna and tiltarpsbum, and Ord istly`on trainedttoppingnt Statlonifepe. cited on tickets. , ,The train; leaving,. Allegheny Pity 'at .6115 n. m. 'antll:so P. B. make direct connection at Freeport 'with whwerl,lineet'Stasee for Huller tridliainushar . town.' Through tickets ma) be purchased at the: • °dicer N0...3,tit. Clair ;!ttreet,.,near the "Stispenslott• , ` , Bridge Pittsburgh, and at the Depot, Allegheny. Fur further Information apply to • ••• '. • , • JAMES LEFFERTS, Agent, . ; W estern , • . . . ' ,• . t Federal" Street Depot. • The W Pennsylvania . Railroad will not 35- Burnt any Si:4rio'. Baggage, except OP wearing alp."' parel, and limit thel. responsibility to One liundse4, - Dollars In value: ' All baggage exceeding' thin amount In value will be at the risk of the owner, tubs ; Less taken by special contract.' ' • • • • EDWARD H. WILLIAMS,. cion's...al sunerintendent. Alteona. Pa. G~ i ruf l u i l fr:1 1 n IL % SWEIMAR . UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY* WARDL•V The SHORTEST .L.ND HOST ItELLLIALZ BOUTS; from the East to alt points in COlorado, . Utah; „ New Mexico, Idaho; • • regon: • Two 'Trains leaye` State Line and Leavenworth daily, (Sundays excepte d. lon the arrlyal of trains d, Pacinc.Rallroad from St.' Louts; and 9.l...nnitial an St. JO Railroad. from qulney, conneettn* at Law,. renee, tad Warne& with' sta.e.s for la points, in nazis. At. end of -track west of Ells -worth with e' UNITED STATES EXPRESS CONE PANT'S DAILY LINE OP OVER' .4ND, ;MAU& 'AND IMPRESS COACEIES'voir sAyAci T ! A 1:C1M, And all Points in the Territories, . . . :And - with SANDERSON% TRI-WEEKLY. LINE at oicacnas for Vert, Union,' Rent's Pori . ; Put; Albs.' Ve e w r 'teat?. ta s - N1 1 :.. 1 • 1 ".'"u 41121n* ! , n4 ..the ..recen : rad Itions of .roiling stock. and e4uipmenti and the •arrangements made with re-" sponsible . Oserl and .Trunaportation Lines front wastern'te.renttud, 'this !road now offers unequalled facilities for rile: tranaugsslon . of .freight to_ stiraz • Rest: • • • Ticiret,s for sale'at all' the, principal ,olliree In Lthe . i: Trailed Mites miff Carn4das. • !Re ..sure and -ask.' for tickets via TRE.RlifOrlt ROr".c., UNION rAcino RAnwear. 4 EASTERN' 10ap1RJ,02 , 1,1 : . STRiLBISHIPS. T O treltit i r L 'AND " .ere& QUE.EiiSTO'AVN:, TEE INNIAN-MAIL sirs:Lan:mum ithert4 tit4i4ittea` innung the celebrated., ; OPTY OF PAV:OI4; " 1 ' Crilr „ OP' i e qI4.4R,Z.BVPS,, TON 6 CITY kJ, A * Y 1 Whf ,P - .1; 'ii.„,,110.114,1341117ePURMU• Nitetiv.; a or tr.~Yort., Vsktpoosoage or "nether hiroehtle• _1•• . •.•41q:,; . • wummt.81 1 441,04.11r., • If° rirni'ATlll9MitikratitCitOinil4lll4G-. • lirZt Cist. ~•' r 'i .;,1;~ P 4? IWI?I,EI{OUM, "A`I . NK CHICAUO Rm . YITTSBII3IGYIES.I2: of, trains, will leaxe fres., Depoutmortll-1 gift% City,. ,• •i• ~,,,,-,.. 1454444,...i.: iChleago E.s. • . ,51:08 api, Ciatitlalld 'Ex i" MO g h Er icnileagogix...,7l.l„23 asp. ;Wheeling EX :3.1 - :sB`taa -- ~ st. Louis Ex..: 3:33 pa 'eh &.'Wh`e. Ex' 4:38 pas 1 gl r gigit i c i P2Lunt c l..t.wit,g;l2 l 7:08.p ns. 'AiVive' f7i Al eklitilv: N. Brl g ittr ik n zioirlt'-Ac.-a all"' ' " 13:28 aas wellsville— P.." , 8:53 A as: New Castle' " 10:13 a It Leetsdale:. :fr` - , 9:13 a at' , " " - I.oBpits N...Brig.tliii• ~)" ..3:4;.3 p sit : Leetsdale " 4;53 pat, ll • ,ti*t_;:: , j .4W: 0 i:38 ow . Express leaTes dslly. ~ • . • Extimes arrives daily. eett , al Ticket Agent. , . , , Wasldn . gton, A.:AIirDERMION. ; General Stiik;lnieildiur ! lEL: WEBSTIBIL, . 434 eT!eN Evght and,Tirket Agent Newt'? OPihnite Post Moe, PitteisA