The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, July 04, 1868, Image 2
Ell Et s vitt s tair( q,a,itttt. , ,_ B NS 1 : 112- .4 • - • 4 --- Tp): ..t,_ Written by tbs) , tea of a Fam1131..- - ; lEnd, caaake c tiO bogs?, of it;but I supPese 'that I am a happy man, from the fact of be ? lug the Posseelteir of a large number of very keenly-polatedlyeeig ar rsws—barbed, no toubt; but the tbarba have never yet torn flesh; winged, toe; doubtless they are, and iii`Adritot'ir'tiiiie they Will hate; Tani: pose, their flight; hut though they are !Teri expensive, and ; quiverfull weighs heavy quiver full back, I hope that the day of flight winging is far distFt : fit. . I want a governess for than; a quiet, staid, encyclopeedia of reference,' who will undertake to -do what mwife and 'live up as almost en holies si ty—namely, the answering 'of; all !, clues; I t s , 1 , ilo , and the•giving of satisfactory - replies to e various problems propounded , byi a series of philosophers, male' and ?female , of *tire of ripeness:varying from two to ten. . _Like Mrs:.; l'ipchin, I grow doubtful timid,.saspipous, and almost afraid of the holders of certain little minds of most opin ionative tendencies; such; for ininance, as ane.'who comes runningto Me in the hall while I am diVesting myself of hat alidover Coat, to overwhelm me with a pieee of in toimittion which hai been in my possession some six ' , hohrs,, namely, that there isa new baby;,, and when I have, exPressed a proper amount of snrprise, I am posed with the question, "Where did it comefrom ?" "Becati ise, pa, Mary says , tle doctor a bionghtlt, d nurse says it came from an der the lag rose tree in the garden, and one mast belvrong." 4 • 1. , '...9tafid: ' sent it, my dear; but little girls shouldn't 'tali such questions—What's that? What do you say ? ' , . . 1 ,_."I don ' t think God did send it; because if He had, Ile would not have sent it when my mamma was too ill to nurse it." However, it appears -that maid Mary's version is considered to be correet, and the doctor; ii watched with curious eyes from . around corners at his next arrival; while from the: direction of glances towards his pockets, I feel morally certain that were that overcoat takeneffand hung upon_ a peg in the hell, it ;Would besearched for babies, as surely ,as Mine often undergoes the same process for , oranges and bans. Mary's ver sion is. canvassed, too, largely; and another small sage thinks how nice it would be to go andlive at the doctor's since , there would be no further need for dolls, which get Chipped, bleed artiedust, and lose their eyes; and there Would be such lots of babies to play with. .:,We have:had our little o nes duly chris- tened, and we have i them instructed in the 1 matters setforth be learned in the vulgar tongue;, bu they will , not be content with learning all zepeating their lessons, relig ions and see r ular; they will) think, prepara tory to prounding:some ef the posers al ready allud to. One young female, aged 1 7 d. live. takes a walk with he s mother upon a hot day in summer, and ;after proceeding some distant begins te halt. Mamma per ceives that methmg is , *rong, so stoops, unfastens the strap' of a little, shoe, • • empties out some ' dut and sharp grains of stone, re places theoe, buttons the strap,. and on ward trips the little fairy again, but not smilingly; a eis Serious and deep in thought 3x l m for a few utes, and mamma . nerves her twirler wlia , site.foresees is coming. !` Didn't lon say, ma, thati was made of the dust ef the earth ?" • • . . " Yes, my. dear." . • - . r 't Then, I was,"—doubt implied—"lf I was, do yo think :I ever got into anybody's shoe?" ,'. 1 ; . • • • - • - , • Little Tom comes in with flaming cheeks, red as • if:reflections ;from the fire he had • ivatchedstill lingered in. the pleasant dim: pled spota-to patter along the passage, and liammer,at the door:of the workshop where I spend my reading and writing houra,—a region:tabooed to all; edicts: published daily that no one is to' go near papa's study under pain .of•_terrible, inflictions, but the edicts are always forgotten in times of excitement, as in this case; and Tom hammers away with hie -, hoop-atick, and his voice sounds like that of 'a ~ young rook, as lie eneigeti ugly, at twenty-second intervals, shouts out, "Pa I" - As he will not , go away, he is admitted, boiling, over with the inforstiatien that he has seen a man ;making a ."great, large— ever—so big horse." • . , . . ."But men dOn't make horses, my boy," ~ I say, as I perch the little form upon my knee, and the little legsbegin to swing vig oronsly :about. , ••"Don't'. put, your. hoop- Stick in, the ink i" ..; • ; • 'But they:do, pa, toz I saw one while :I ` was out, and Mary; stopped and let me;' and he'd got a hammer :And nails, and one leg bi hialap, and, I saw him keep on krocking till , he'd finished and put ;it down,: and the horse walked away; and will lon buy me a big horso- r one ever so big, pal" .... Then, again, "Totty should always:put her, hands behind her, when she is saying lessOius," , says mamma, andthe little, sticky, Met forgers go behind the small back., • , "Now,; Totty,": mamma goes on to say, "who waathe•first man 're", . . , - . , "Adam," .says Tony; ~ , ' - , ‘"Very. good: girl," says., mamma; "and mowo who , wad. he first woman r* ,-, . "Mrs. Adams" says, Totty, after. a min ute's reflectioni.but mamma does not seem .satisfied - with the mew reading, and Totty is, act right upon the point. ' It was this young lady. who , after a nother year's instruction M. Scriptural knoWledge, was one day . .questionedi concerning the .history of Jo sePhl.and.replied, that it was the chief but- Aer ok ;King , Pharaoh who was . in. prison mat Jacob's. younger son.. , • , , 'And now,"-said the querist, "who was the prison, with Joseph • and - the,citief butierr .', , ~., , ~- , It was evident.that Tottidid not' know; fOr , one shoulder forced itself out of don faining.streps,:and then the , other.- Tatty looked at the floor. and ceiling for informa tion,-but foiled it not, and the question wait -, .tl' ioW i'443,,i told you , just now. 'Mho was ix ,prison with Joseph - and the chief butter!!! • , i. 1..;;•,. n. : 1,1 -, ~c, , 7 . 1 . . Totty did pot know, but she could invent; she "would not give up; and her little: fate gleamed with triumph, as - directly after the question-wid propounded for the last time, "Who was in prism' With• Josep h, and the chief buttert".sha exclaimed!' ' •,' ivrhe chief footman rr .'• . ' • '' . i ' I're sorry/to say that Bobby is hot-hohest: Ile it 4 was , who helped liiinself to `Marty pespods , swill& bout& eltneli When 4asent the %Mingroce's and* as - bearing them Off, `crap' Mary perceived it in time; and insisted npon his takinerthen'baelt, - ,When the green ,oit Wnirctl:toliall "enough"tO laugh,'!and 't *t Itoy;ivithibit" :apple r Of red 'hue: Whtelll4ll elipOng Olt of the lingers not lac , iinougftd ' hold it. ' Bobhy, it IS ' .014 it the' baby- Wir:biliktng :awPY, 116 ciik il iv! We ibitidit hi; 'to devout • thp iieT; itteitietl,' iiiiikikisiiriebiliiiitglf. I haVA,My", forebodings about Bobhy, ~''and - 'though though - It was, no donlit,jtiattkly,' pttptto wet them 'laid ettOletlieili'oni Fe,' 041 W cheOks; and Orelietid;' . y:etltliiiii' itititi;*kiliiiill bid to be ii" I*TO ' T:cbtild ' 104 than; and'l'telt inPraltr c,erthin - ihnt ; ;Boli ... tvel*t',* l l 44 ' 0 61 9 * Piik,loo6 , , „ •". . " u . y. • '" "•• * - , - froni my study table, although he sturdily at nvito denied it, and Towed,th l it was Totty, who wept, and declaredM ,ce. He was caught in,ple act, Bobby t , en he blur been uPW' IF :thail: ll 4 , tOlcupl aid, wolfing the ailscsugari attdefoodeoplethed Woe his mother withaViglikirn at Is' embellishinibis ermeko --- - 44: i - -,,, - s .!.41f! Bobby, lkibby; - -eyoMstuttoji,;" ei elahuedmarama;s:iwhat have; yote:-been do-, ing ?" 'Nursing I" quoth Bob sturdily. "You naughty—naughty boy," said mam mai "why; what did you - do with the sugar basin? "Took'a poon out," said Bobby, gruffly. tilicinnryinrdhipihii-"latid-trignittnczan. grily; "but :what else do ; z ch, sir?" There was it pans° of a fewilionients, and then mammarepeate&herquestion—"What else did you do with thespoon i Bobby?" . "Put him backttgain," , saidßobby. I am sorry. to have to record- : that, Bobby was not punished .for , that saccharine theft, for mamma turned away and laughed, while when .reprimanded. for her unmaternal be havior,, and reminded of the boy inthe horn. • book ; ;who afterwards bit' off his mother's earlectiuse she hid not corrected hint fer this theft, ale,' is to say, Bobby's • mother, not the •thief's, declared that the story' :was "all stuff," and that the boy—Bobby—look edso silly and comical she could not help it. That is how boys are spoiled; and the longer I live, the more I feel convineed that mothers should never have a'hand in their edeCation. . We have had so many little fresh green queries—so much. fisted of a piquant flavor —that one has thrust the other from: mein- Ory. • One mite wants to know why it 'stint doll's hair 'never wants cutting; another stands like a little astronomer, with widely propping legs, gaiing up into the blue vault of heaven and when asked at what he is looking, says he, 'tis wonderful how God could get up there." Again, another tod dles into our country, red-bricked kitchen, whose floor is as great a source of pleasure to our red-faced kitchen girl as the brilliant.. .Iy-blacked stove over whose lustrous face so many pounds of plumbago are expended per annum, while the red-brick floor isCare fully washed before breakfast every morn ing, and swept and sprinkled every after-. noon;—in toddles one of the small philoso phers, to stare at the spotted floor for some time, stoop down and touch one of the wet patches withs finger, ere- the moisture is absorbed by the sott-brick, and then the by. standera are with all 'due solemn) , informed, that the little piece of importance thinks that "Sarah's titchenyains.' One last little 'incident; but add: and this time, Wool() shaft of mine, but of a broth er fletcher, whose little arrow here display ed the barb, and made its wound in display ing something of the selfish element of the human heart. A little sister lay a, dying, and a fter due preparation, and being told—wisely, or not —that, bne was about to be taken away, the little boy was mined into the chamber to say farewell to the fading blossom, and gaz.e upon her with curious •eyes. .Then he said loudly ' "Is ?dilly going away?" "Yes,'darling;.but hush I don't speak so loud." ' "Is 'she going up to heaven?" "Yes—yes - butdon't speak like.that:" ,"And. will she never come back any more I" Thi; time in a whisper. "No, darling, never—never. You must say good-bye." "Ah . 311.11 y,, Willy," dried the boy loudly —leaping forward to get to•the bedside— "tell me where you hid my spade before you gor --Once a Week., • . • Our Flnt lay. There is little in boyish xperlences so In ._ delibly put in our memore as the impres sions from seeing our firs play. 'We know bow genfallY the essayist Elia bas depicted all those fresh 'senSation.. Many an auto-' biographer has dwelt lo -• _ly on the recital. Had we a dinry of , Shak•speare, wo might read of his flushed •exu tailor. in Iris first play at Kenilworth. S Ott recounts with delight the story of hls liest adquaintance with the scene. Soothe tells us how rap turously he doubted the i etuionsness of the action. 'Leigh Hunt lo aka back upon it, and exclaims, 'Then' w:. not critical, and could enjoy." The elde Matthews teds of the glorious two shilling:' worth of stealthy disobedience of that first night. Hans A.n derson, just, from the d lineation of Lear, fashions bilis joy some ittle puppets; and, dressing theta in costu • r, reproduces the mimic scene; while, as he cuts and sews their dresses, his mother, good soul ! having destined him to a tailor' stool, rejoices at Ids .pr . ecorlous snipping I The thqatre 'of Ludwigibufg opened to .m e rapturou§ Schil ler, a boy of nine, a vi:*.in of his future glory:. In the memoi of Ifiland and Kotzebue, of Henderso • , of. Frederic Rey nolds and George Frede is Cooke, we have the same tale of heated j. y and determinate future.—"ltlantie Month., for July. . -. . . English Praise of Ame can Diplomatists. The nomination of Mr Reverdy Johnson . . as Minister to England • . called out from 111 1 / 44 the London . Tele aph ; . highly laudatory article on the c r a • debility ofAmer lean diplomat& a d. At admits. that “Democracy. after all, •as formed.the best diplomatists," and on the other hand, that no serious.' man :.would pretend that the diplomatic, representatives of England are remarkable for intellectual ability.: Its ad , missions are ' justified by reference' to the names of Irving,. Bancroft. Motley and Hawthorne, to which It might halm added those of •three generations of Adernses, of "Franklin, Jay Tverett, Rives; Clay, Galls 'tfit;' Cass; _ Mtirah and Bigelow, and "of a' score of pther'Americau - diplomats ofAigh order_ of ability, who, as the .. Telegraph re marks, 'ftuive worthily iipbeld in society the credit of their country, * * and have taught Europe to, recognise in. tile best typo ot. the American gentleman . a combination of. English ~earnestuess with ',continental ease. made special, so to speak, by a sort of 'affectionate alacrity and almost' feminine gentleness." - '. ' ; ' • ;•Onr • English ceasing are 'really gett3Bl4 - mere t/iian civil... 4 -N. 7. •Eosning Post. '' . , 66+. lititunii,L, of Iowa; 'hii.parcloniid Catharine Mc/ladle, who wag se nt f ro m Jackson county four years ago - to the State Penftentiaryfor lifev She, confessed to the murder of her'hnsbandi and was sentenced to be hanged; but her sentence was Cfnumn ted tby Gov.. Storte. 14'.was - afterwards found that slhi vailentirtily ihnocant of . the crime, and that 1161;ton:scat the guilty pt•r sOm.- save 'him from ,thti tho claimed to bithel.utirdeolls. , . , iStz are relinbli informed that overy one of.the inseetile nuisance of the grasshoppor hosts has upon one side of; it an exactf , ine , ture of a human face.' • Itisnot diScetnable to ithe naked - eye; but , ' when- looked 'id through a' microscope: is brouglitont iii clew; and titild view. The Ticture tkinppOcd'id be that'ef iheitisage of Brigham Young tor : it scemtikut , ho ~ a, make an 41;100810n iilVdiArPB/1001i4/1‘,44 7141;4159P4P1.744$ 41i,9040.44r- : Oulu: Temperesee!ticarventionmoill beheld in.Clareland, Ohio on Wedhesday; July, 24)th, , the lobject::boteg! te d 'iningere ileite; , disetee fttlidionditta)r pritiOilfs;` and seetitifi* bf ac amat tb r 13 keztO:OfitoW PITTSBURGH GAZETTE : SATTIRDAI, JULY 4, 18613. iCkw. , !LIY • " coxrr „ innotairmialu, A ?QLL lliArramonDEßms,„ AT DR- 1300TTS. A7B PENN•BTREET, 8D DOOR ABOVE BAND• ALL WOES WARRAITrED. (MIA; AND KX AKINS REMMERS 07;GENVIIIR VI:TLC** =E. . . : - • my9allitT, MLTUM. . 4 Mk • IA FOR OAS AND OIL. Jest received, the fined and largest sulaient ever opened in this eitv. - WELDON 4k - KELLY, 'l4l WOOD iTREET, COIL VIELGIN ALLEY. CEMENT, SOAP :STONE, FDRAMIC CEMENT. . _ an. STONE, • 1,A137'1r40 - itudirrY •, WATER PIM& BERRY 8. COLLINS, 95 Wood street. apl6:o7e DRY GOODS. 87. MARKET STREET. 87. GREAT .. ] REDUC T ION IN PRICES ! TO c - r-osm STOCK. OF Mt SS GOODS. 87 MARKET STREET. THEODORE PHMH'S. Si....MARICtr STREET DRESS GOODS! FOR THE - 4TH OF JULY, a..x...Bigtqww:* - .cirsi N 0.52 St. Mtk• Street, NEARLY OPPOSITE:THE' ST. CLAIR MOTEL. WHITE SWISH MIRILINS; . . warrE I.4Augsnotc. MEDILLNB:, WHITE MUHL MUmLINS: . LAWNSANDN E.T MUSLIMS; ORGANIMYS; WWI'S V. WS, from IMlce.nts up: (X>LORED fur 15 cents. worth . 41.1 x; GRENADINES. for H 5 rents yrorth 40c; BLACICHERNANDIES: LAOS SHAWLS AND bIANTILLAN . SHETLAND SHAWL; ' • •GREY HoODS, tint dultE.; • " BLACK AND- COLORED SILKS; THE BEST ASSOURENT IN THE CITY. No. 22 St. Clair'Street. 68. 1614. • - :NEW tioollll4. NEW , ALPAC,CAS. NEW; MOHAIR. BLACK SILKS. HOSIERY and 'GLOVES. F. ISOUCIC, fair No. 188 Wylie 16S. Cap30:1140) C A11 : 14 late W iI N w D n, l e ' arr & CactsO" WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Foreign and Domestic Dry • • -No. 911 WOOD STILEET. Third door aboye Diamond alley. ' . PITTSBURGH, Pl.' - CONFECTIONERIES. GEO;SCIECLELEThr," • Fan' ey Cake Baker it Confectioner • AND PALLS,II,I2f - tomes re. DomEtrric VBU rrS d znrrs, NO. 40. corner Federal and Robinson 'veleta, Alle gheny. liar C011'1,14417 on band. 1L cREAM, of !srlous HplaiSAC!l, Ceireitionery , anti 'Bakery _. yto, %leo k ß avairizi.x,:trrEarr, •. , , Between ii 43 1 ,11144 finfl,Pberti. ~ h .~.~ ; EOTIGE BE:I*EN; - - Candy MinntaCtu rer, And denies in FOREION lildElp.CAN 1111.7143 P1CK1,123, ' - • . N0..4151 Pederstatreetg• t goecoad dour from thoirtret. rif!ttottri Bradt.. Ill! 'ghoul City. , GLASS, , CIITLE!RYI fitAINS- AND gENSW ARE,' , pormwt isuLTED•rmst, PAIDIAN iTATUIT.I*.nM 'IIOIIEIV.. LASS, • .... „. And 'other STAPLE AND 'FANO"' GOODti, a great variety. , -,• ,• rucHAp.p.zoivt rp &, 60 mb27 ' ra*oglNE:El, rrußartEim AMERICAN CON.- -•; -• ". • . • • .BVIMI rBOLE Olirgitagant ?Oa: tittittra "-!" Bi#tN9 411801i1PrICLT livnge , UST riailtr!T ': 3s49 r i MittintlitgeAS l T l' 414. ArAgents wanted to sell =awn% ; 7CHASS' ,O .‘ rgumouusErszr,.... f f +' • Axe* Ikreilreiteria 11=6,111111111r,AMTIvithlilIBT ISTUJITIOrrer 14:041/Oree t• new EsilWpiEP Ble • • TV--- - A T 111 3 • - itik.oßtn4 ME BEET. too wotiii-snuom ME ESE '• No. 19 Filth Stieet. GREATLY - 'EDUCED GOO AFTER JULY IST: ON (LAdlesi.) for t . .... ... COOTOV, (Re i Art*to.l4) 10: LINER TIARDIiiRtiii.EIPS, ':.3 for . . ... RS SID Et,ovita l twarTiteo,) PAPIIR. COLLARS HOOP OKI* 5100 Egis. SPOOL opT.I.ON„ (pod) POCKET Bboki3, worth 50c MEN'S SII ER 5t 3 1 , ippEiiiinF.Es. MEN'Sim 14' tallivzis ' ' . , .All kinds onneta and Hats at Hair Cost . Kitt OAR ' CR CAINSI IN ALL ilmws GOODS Speel'al latest* Merehitits ifir Peelers. IMELOEVIVI 4k' CaItLISUI, CM I\I'EVF GOODS. " • " A-11 LARGEST. AND BEST STOCK THE CITY. LADIES' FINE BtraK NADETLETB,„ With Nlllissy 011n101 D . b, „mar_ and Tan. HOS* Yl',, Al* line of preneb, 4 „mid *ng4.; N C 7. • In Pak litoon slid Palm _ OPEILk.FANIS. , FRINGES, SEIVIDTO AND . BIILLION, In all colons to PARAS LI3, .131/4DE.D, /, ED. AND PLANT. -FULL ,OF HOOP SIGHTS. Also, some new iityles DROP SKLETS. CCESETS —A. complete Tariety, 'in white col erect, itir Ladies and /Moses. • _ _ MancOOK, Velvet llibbbas raper Collars; Irish Linen, • ' Rid Gloves, Paper Gaffs. Lawn,Silk Gloves. Striped Starts. , Swiss Lisle Gloves, Embolderies, Cambeke, I Cotton Gloves, " Ifibbons, etc. Also, THE NEW SARATOGA COLLAR. ri tt o aea . :pods are to : be had at the I.OWES2i Micarnit; caallPE Br., CO., IS and SO Market Street. alit CRAWLER' siti9eru.Aipys SUNK CRACKER BILKERY, 1311 Liberty Street. Our Crackers are baked on the OVEN EDT TOM, and are superior to any baked by hot sir or any other process.• • sir TUT. THIG3I.-fai . 1 : 1 -I st ,--.....-,..,.„........... 4* '• . ' 6 , "--Z ~ , • ' . ' 7 '. .7.i - 4 : i . i . 1:: i!• ..,..-,,..., . ,-.,. i, 4c..--.01. •: ? t 1 ~ ..I J.•'' ;l./.. . ... 1 .. 2 ...1- 4 „;.. . .ARE SUPERIOR TO ANY OTHERS OFFERED, IN THIS CITY. ' WP W AR, ROSTINR: V"Alt CREAM. TRENCH , ERS; SCuTCII owl KIL L (*A ISanifirr. CRAGS• MILS C For Sale by Every Grocer in the City. Bakery, No. 81 Liberty St. PIANOS. ORGANS, &O RUY THE BEST AND CHEAP' Eichoniacker's Gold Medal, Piano, AND ESTEY'S COTTAGE ORGAN, tienobs Ad ass PIANO' tarnish:tee ail the Latest valuable tmpmvements known In, the con struction of a drat class' Instrument . - and bast always been awarded' thejtighesl premium wherever ex hibited. Its tone is full, '<marmot and sweet. The 'wOrkuranship. stbe darabilltybeauty, surpass all others. Prices from 00 to $l5O . (according to style and tinish,-) !helper then; vat Other so-et Wed drat class Piano. • ILISTEY'S• OOTTMSIC Ottlikie • Stands et the hoed of:all reed, inatrumerita. in pro:r anch's the most perfect pipe motility or tone of, any similar Instrument 1p the United 'Rates:, It is Sint ple and compact In oonstructton, and.not liable to set out ol order. , • • • CAIIPENTER's PATENT " VOX 'HITBIANA TREMOLO , onty to be faund Ode Organ, Price from $lOO .t0k1350. Ali guaranteed for Ave years. BAR!. pat 4; BUTT , ST;Oljtili _STREET. SCOND E HAND • MELODEONS ' AND ORDA" I P eriect order. from 4 1 354) 6130. light CHARLajut . !Ad'esur aLbOTe FOOft BUSINESS ,'oNGE! • . Noingno.: ; t; • .• t libllerstploet , " has. lisioetatej with' ram In kuktbeee. dattog from Akirll .1st.,1%811„ Mr. VIIE1) et: WALL. Ms Ittou ASA B.' , and LOUIS ENOLICTIT. The style of the drat tube J, GILLUMPIE.J. bk . 'CO the ilia . ve:' *mom in stating that Ifiey willtontlimb f-' , LOOKlNG.istaim I :•,,,! :n. .r... hi 618 Wood "levet, where thry Interkitab offer - In" bnoements tb purchaser," rtoutieM the llnited titaUNl. - ~ . t• • - • - J J. ionssspra co. DYFER.AND , SCOURER, IT • - J. LANCE,' DYER ARCI SCOURER: • • - • • No. a T. cX4ArEt sP II32I F 3 T And P!‘ )16 185 . 234 137 'Phi, fitFoe.4 OH, ‘, ARO : 1 77 wiio:3. 3,, • „ eft • B , L ACAMIAIMUTIONJWILDINGIi 9 1 t 1 140 it OP 4:4lo"riliti XUAIIVRatiIw - Pau , 1 1 0en094. tivAtitt, OA-11. 1 114(4 11 itNICAISI WOE wawa and roam SIIILDRIGI F CARPETS.. „ 14CTW/THOtrANDIN4 THIS ; nfactitrera' recut advance Pro% we will continue to offer the Largestetock of Brussels, Velvets and Ingrain Comae in the city, at the.loWed Prices =delAlLis.Par son. Just,received, atm, IIIeCOS of a new and enquisite patterns of t r Roo]. Alinineter. OLIYBII,III'CLINTOCK & CO., iirO• Oa Mail Street L 00 1151 SUMMER STOCK 07 1: C ARPETS • White, lied, Checked; Striped and Fancy 1I - TT ICC 3 ig, IN GREAT Oil , Cloths, Window Shades. the. 1210 V ART), ROSE & CO;' • 21 MI . 15 19 FIFTH STREET. A bailee of 'White tilmt4 l4 4 lll ! o . CULIELI7WVISH, • • Atery fioerior ctia4ty of White, - - • .. - • -Fancy 8 0 1 Ped •And - Cheek - MATTINGSt. ~ • . ALL-WOOL INGRAINS, LY Biac k u-FE F .cor.:ms. .Eirices the Lowest in thfii McCALLIJ3I • BROS. • ••M Tuns STREET. Minya Wood. shades JUST RECEIVED. NOTTING RABI.: - CURTAINS. , . SWISS IAOEtI:III,T.AINS," Brass ,and Wood , Cornices, THE FEWEST AHD BEST :PATTERNS, (Many of wlttch cannot be bad eloevthere,) AT THE LOWEST ,:PRICES. • 111cFA1 LAYD &"COLLINS, 71 and 73 Pirtik street. jeOerTeaT (SECOND FLOOR.) r . 01 --to no • Most • !Atli': I_.;. '-:5--'.....,-;.;:. ''''.. -',- - ......'i .• r - - '-'-- ' - ---."-- ~. ....,._-.. 1 'o " ; : .f' T 7 :: :' ; ;-; Ai''''''''.::::,....f.l:;..--: '..?..'::: ..;.'..-....: -.',;,,:' ::.'''' ,;..2'.....'77.77:77 . ' 7,- .7 .-7-, ... - •_-,,•.....-. -.... ..,. Ki.....,,'.±-,47%,.....-.1....,-, -4,,..;-,,,..-`,....%.;?,--.:.;.;,--',,,,,2 t',....`, - ; .'..`.Yl -,..,-...f,,,--,..!" -, --• ... 1 7 , , -,,-,. -,-." , ..... '..,:;-;- 1,'.-''' - . ; 4' ... • n .... , ~..., ','. '..'.'"....,,,. ~ ...1.... . 1,77;15:VJU:',.7."V;..i.:Z,.-.?,,,,,....?....7-_ ... ...,),: .1 .: .'''.. -, :. 5 .,1? - ; 3...`.;;:=4., ~i.*,f,i‘...,%-.-5;',.gt,;',...'•'.:` i'.'Y'!.7;,l.-V-i.' * :;:ir" '..'-, ,- :...:q, ,, , ,I.;.•:.-4,-';;;r.--...,...y,:;..r.i._.?.:+.,..2-, ...,;-:-..- t._.".3.7..,. f., 0 %7 - ,..6.. p.t 32: 4 Z.- ~.e..N.,...:,,,-I,.'l,i's ~,,,,...--U.,.‘,..,',..:•'‘'''.;`'-' .. , e;;:nf . " . , r...-‘,'... , .: . r ,- " ,, ..e- 4 . , A j : , ..' , .`41 -, V -- ' ,. . ', 'X4'..:S,I-5,4.N.1,4,..2.,-;-...:1gtit;,..."i'e..A1, :5 37 -f, ` -.74 •'l.-,1-:..T..t-1,-,,-=‘(:36,f.,:4.3" 44c,F==-/:t.%,;". "i:r.l,E;.":•:',V,--k'+:'.,gr.-.,...., - ~ * bqt, - , : zg, ' - ' -',P., ,,,` "- Y •1-----,-4-....,-, 4"1-;,,,,...-.-e,---,.3...,i ~,,, -i•-1.-, ...5..,-.1., , ,, ,,, , ~ ....--- ~..11% ..L 4:07.54 * df i;. ,. .."; t 5 t i .4 17: :: i ,7; ' ,. ' , "7 , i , *: j j .. :•••••=113.-4.134%r" . ., ..i... , ~.,-,,,, ~., ;.:*,.,t;A:,-,;.,-.A•L,..kV.'sk',,,.t*.:,',;:';':'72,T;:".',r;'l:;-.4,'?'V;V':-A-'KzN.'," k3.;ti V . ,"5 ,. , - . &CRCs OA.IIPET . I3EATING. . . ESTABLISHMENT. - • Which TEN YEARS' TRIAL in New York and oth er Eastern cities has proved a complete success. • . . • ' ' ITS ADVANTAGES: • Ist—Fadlng and 13htlekage are z oompletely avoid ed. , • §2:: / p l A T e l ig i e g d a 4o a nn . -A d e gi l ,T4s.Or ' their larlde. the Caff s e c t o l l o g ohtf o i: 3 e4rg r ais gond as new, save the . 4th-1-Phan perfectly , clean. a Car Pet will wear as long again, a. desirable matter. as a mere point of economy, to say nothing of leeks. . ' • , , .•, , .• • . •, . - • ALL ORDERS , LEFT TIM OFFICE, 1170 tiberty !Street" yr S.ddreiSeito r. O. Box 473, will irecelve'ireirrit attention. • • - . • = (A0: - L.' 111cCLINTOCIE, - ; •• to d. 4: glittAtilkalksit and best Plppoc+iff tb market Also; ltd. ElFailiaaanlYDRAIILIC CEMENT for. We: • • • • A.444 - 41.;.1 1 R9P !KEW °mixAnd Mantatictiori;-01 . 40' TeinitdCA - Allogberiy. air Orders by moll vramptly attended ILIi:•II.TATIOE4 •,-, •- P-A•INAV'S R . -- suitkr o mushens., 'lti 2 ant I for e former e 11 patronage be! stowed upon me, I assure my *levels land the public generalAyAlst, Ite: •is m e pso, win =V, .thgevL4urvatre , Acilt.,aud hum 136 111.: • • q:zerstseis WoPLIM9Ti I q, , M II,I 4S.; o.'sviAinuNoToNsnatrrii ~‘ Neu Pittsburgh Grain Eletrlltke`.l . .. 1 1.147.)133EVEKVN. Mititaiotitrii• dOltii• MEAL, *mull CHOPPED FEED. I Onion% .dellaered Whet CUT pf charge. @rain i Ached. da'short entire. • • WEST COON • „.; NOrtlrire*feorniclOWnirC gav l e ma . and Steß - Stonoi • ... t e zt?.., f.lnvt4F, litatilts, 'O. Head au ant =3 4 • OrdersominntlY_exetntegiv. .ronsonabln. ICEI ICE! ICEY *jataFtliB Ice Dealer , ists "AllpitlCllltabiarght Otdera sere hate in at Biart care protein alaentien..f Idiltetan 4 2eitts and, Jungle:ldr ainnat • slo l e l oa+9 1 7 1 „": N I " Y. 73, 14 ,/i i 4 en461440:6ita,, A '3.:11.1 P:43llBKlNikki.prjairtri le t -ti - J 1: 110111 mi v zr.wiw treslisUppir time eige~. falvoi-Ins& ;W0 1 4 (1 ;10E 1 / 4 - ng t opekostAt T 4; 1 bie* vapyil i praftr,,, i 37; Cor, .141ouly and Iliiiastnieth-Ji FOR SALE--REAL . ESTATE. vox' sitr.„.,tr - xsxk r. -- 50g.AcR7dvor "wgrot 148 r; AND HRH. WIC etthialat WIND; , situated em Black Lick Creek. puMniteen felimatdp. Indian% tounty, Pa;, 9 Mlles from Hinevahetaiden, oa WS Pennell's' ant& 'Oentrairlialletad. and Aber 80jaares of cleared land, ender /good feneteg.. On the premises are ereeted_blth Gap 11111 with burrs and SI nin. of Atone* all comilete and intend Tanning or.. -oder 'ere SAW afil4 in eompletsrbrdet. cutting 3,000 feet pet day. One dwelimai house, two storiesrhlgh. with 1% rooms. 40x42 feet. • Y I one dwelling, 28:f ta40n feet, a rea m& One " 1 • • or One " 18.128 •" ' - One ' wr 18x26 • SI " - - 214a.26 " ": f , OnoStable4.2ox2.4 feet. 15 feet Ingb; Bliteksinlth Shop and other Onlbulldlogg.. 111,1 a, land „Meader -lai*Vitir income:el 'andiron' are. stall inerietrosli of never-faillngeprings of water, besides thelek running titian& thy cadre passages, 5i14411 be sold cheap ail on easy tests, gslegpaill Ptah a 1110 nbinMs B. AO 20 f 1.911 feets7aliwbietr leerectlid 18tejtory rame Girdling houses, of 0 rooms and ball each. These lots embrace a full square of ground. front; lt lug 800 reef oßeilford avengaiag& - /liditnagg on each end bye wide street, with an 18 feet al/ey In the rear. On the premises is is pump oi lasting and excellent water. ;mil the, outface of the , late la level end peedaheit*tilllitig llOrgraol4 folirePatethent forbnßAingpn and being t o Xneetteirtifthe city where property is lueressing very rapidly In value, make them desirable for au Investment, espey daily as the. present houses, rent for enough td - par a good interait on the sum asked for the whole proPeriy. , Call soottOn the. undersigned and secure a cheap, safe andpaving investment. Also, A FARM Cif' .I.6O7AOICES of good land, situated in East Wheatfleld township. Indiana Co., Pa., 90 acres of t which la cleared lin di .fll ifolid (*i teration; 20 acres being in excellent meadow. The Improvements are atheystory. frame dwelling tonne of 4 rooms, a frame .bynk, barn, 36%80 feet, with, stabling underneath, and' other Outbuildings, illftts goal repair. It is to a good , neighborhood..eonvey nientlosellools, churches, stems. &c. :and will he sold very low for cash or anoreved securities. Aida a - RIVER BOTTOM PARR of 16 acres, VD miles from the city, In Elizabeth 'township, gheny county, Pa., on the Youghiogheny river, One half mile from Elrod's Station, - oil the Connellaville railroad; near aturches, schools, etorea.ste,in tha flourishing villages' ofi3oston and (item Ott. The I improvements area two-story brick house AA Mu I rooms, ball and cellar, 'a Rood frame hank bare with stabling underneath; an -other outbniltilittplt a ssaM of good 'standing water .ar the, door, and several I Minding springs ofwater' on the farm. - and - an oty chardof 7130 tree& of selected frtliteof apples:thee/. I de re ars t reaches, quinces and grapes. .npronyy ert "being located near the tine of the rallroad., ,• wit Monte hour's ride of the city, !bakes it very dew. I arable fdr• gardening ors dalry•firmt it is also a. good and'beautiful location, for country homea near, I' the city, lytngthiniediarely on the river, oil the ots- Doane aide from tide railroad. The West- Newton Acoommodation and ether ,trains Mithe ralithed sty Ora ,certni,n and frequent opportunities of daily ectnirnurtioution to and frain I tbe city. Will be sold as a whole or in iota of one acre or more, to sultpara C Also; rs FARM 01 11 113 AGUE% Misted bilk. I Clair township, Westmoreland county, - Pa; ;near the line of the Pennsylvania flathead at Houston Station. Improvements are a- two-story frame , house, with six rooms and goodoeliar, a framebaux barn 40 by 60 feet, and other onibuildings. - There is on the place a 'young apple and peach 'orchard; 120 agree cleared divided into fields of-canyty , nient'size, a itirgeoportion of which are we,lr set in cloverand - timothy;•the. residue of said-treat mak ered with good timber. . _ ;is well watered and nay derlaid with Soil and limestone and Is coliveslleelt • to chistehes; schools,: stores ; - mills end -binekshaltn shops. A real good bargain , ls , offered in Ode excel, I lent farm; and with it will be sold all 'the mamma, I property on the premises, ea:misting of noises; cows, stoat cattle, hogsandpoultry, harness, geinW wagon, plows, forming; implemeats aud householg and kitthen furniture., -Together will Ile sold Yet? low and oil easy' term,to a responsible purchaser.- / • Also, a desirable and: Verylertlle Treated , Land ' 155 ACRES AND 25 PERCHER ,pa Elizabeth,Ta, Allegheny, connty, l'a.; en the H litre, of the empling railroad. , and one and one-hair 1/11084km:is the Comfy I nellsyllie railroad at Suter' e: Stollen.; . this fares are 40 acres , of superior white Oak timber. which alone le now worth one-half the price asked fat the , whole tract. The , Imprcrvoments. are 'a loglainata; frame barn;ood fetteing,, and an apple orchard o good i fruit. tis well w atered and underlaid - with line..stone and flag atm:Mel a Superior qUality, Wulf atone coal for:the use of the farm.-• Also, The best PARS', • Fairfield towbs Westmoreland county., Pa.; of 250 ACRES., six - miles - south of the .Pennsylvanis Central-Mill road at llolivar illation. "Phu improvements are Also large - hewed dwelibigsi one of the largest end best trowel:sires In the township: , two apple' ors chards, in good bearing condition: corn crib, agcoe, sled and o th er outbuildings. The whole ferns is under a high 'state of e untvatton; neneing atlizefiret, rate order., and the lead of the best quality , ofilloey stone soll, about AGO aewa of which Is cleared arid the residue of the tract Iry good. timber, SUCIA au white oak, rock oak, hickory, walnut and, heath , . I This property; will be sold eery cheap and ougOod forma, as the owner- 'althea to essgagetn other ?mar ness. Per particulars enquire bf , • EL 144011WEIL: 164 Fourth Street. FOR SALE . -• ' • -, Two gouszs, Aro). LOT; on:Oarrl streets Allegheny. This property will be sold ow, Ae, k party is about leaving the city , and wisbe to dlepomr of the prooerty ; before removing. • SAS TWO,DWELL HOUSES TWO EARNS, with _good FARM, and about' SO O - scree. timberland. This rprOperty. sold low. Cads I:2l,soo—balance on time to haft:per. FARM OE:130 e sold for tweittl 'dollars per acre. Improvement.. emnfortable frame house and good barn: 50 tires of the land clear ) FARM OF 180 A.C.B.Ett, uear the line of xellroadi very well 'located for ridding stoCk; improvemento are good and substantial; 100 acre s , of the laud In meedow and - CITY PROPERTY.—WiII sell. a good brick Manse, containing tive tooms, at Sixteen Hundred 12:Oars, 'end•would rent fur the nindunt years; • ••• A LARGE LOT. ,OF tiltollN,l3, • baying ' river front.. and very convenient of access. . TASNERI, convenient to the city, andliatid g 5 well established custom or Meat trade c o nnected therewith,. a good dwelling Rnd forty acres of land,- FOUR LOTS in Sharpsbinig : „ near the tailmindl would makee• good tidal yard. „.• i • 1, , L HOTEL FOR SALE.—That 'due Hotel property, „situated at )the Blalrsville Junction,- containing fourtemi"robras and' the necessarY outbuildings. with three sores , of. garden end trait treeaf , iValts well located hotel will be sold low, ea the proprie tor wishes to retire from In:airless. 'FOR . .One large -House, for-. Boarding Flocs • " One new Brick I-ionse, El rooms. , One new , Briek•House of 4 fawns: ' • One new Brick House of 3 roping. One 110n.,e ot. 5 rooms , and lot 55, by 140.. One House cf-Troortdrand Ibt 150 by'lso.• * Two new Brick Houses, .11 rooms exch. i• ' . One XieW.Frame rooms. • , • ' Twd nett Brick houses, 3 rooms each. - - A One new 'Frame Honse in, Wilkinaborg, , AlSiilli elx141011:15 and large lot. well snitedior garden. I acres that can. be divided Into acre lots • - 5 Lots in Oaklabd. Power and a In rge Boom aittl , Yard - for rent; m t good location. Will • be rented ,r0r•15404 (Or.. lan * ime. FUR LEASE OR . SALE-3 Lots on Morton street. Ninth Ward,-.,WANTED-300 0 feet of Flagging 3 to 4 Inched • TO LOILIvir--$50,000. ER' SWAB OF X6,000'-AND'XfPWAIID: APP .AT P, ILINTHEAUSTATE OFIIOII No. 91Graut Mi4rittiburgli• V° 111414116:1 gc l 7‘ : The: Leao-Furnitiaie and.:PixtareB of a - .„ In"! 4" . bittale ll3e;•prthelial etreele. Of. th e elly; hatalarge, ttermenewlitiof - ttausleat tuatora.• booth COMMIE'S -30 rbod-roonWeateltiblve: of dititroc•• roora r kltoltea.:ollice, do.. all furalehecl:i .Leaaelkaa. yearit' and 0 alunthsth ran; kent ia.1300. peg an -11111214". I The: tint: rooiri, stable Trod bellar • crate' fel -4.40, pvr- year., .This ls a Tare. eraportnnltylfor spy perpon CO etep into s aneetabliAliclltuplea!,?Sato. isnwtOryre4olls glren for selling. ••:, tor igloo told tarps apply. orluldress •• • - - CROFT '.iit..PlittallP/4; Real,ZethletAgeate..l3B -Fourth - * A FARM - AW NINETT'ACRESi'.: welt ImOoted! 'the erh* Coaneliaille• Itallr ad" paraea,arer IS. ' and...the g edieldadattub Tralni:stlrpaVlC stationeldit'to tbir liadee.. - draredzkananaktlektirdnly 14 ttsl. per day, and .tte traxel,on f 44yerr-tralsa arltbont iddttlonal.4heese: lietlettg linty alleawar framlbealty: be sold cheap or vic 7 i tpe propkr7.' . , ln ~y l wx of!tis t • •- - 3P 1, "'- , BfOkeri and'Reat•Zetite algenita ' • , :„ , t, - eirAinittliftelirMtreet. KM 011111R3PE9VIBitiLbINIATICOTS'iiiii Litatencr arri- thoawidiferori fur- sale. lln the thriving vilitge of Allentown, adjoining thribirin* Ingham line, ',rind only lifivert . min sea' waili„ from .the 'eraOr tife's,l6tentiiihtta' t own. i s goripgiimigity...ttrxr 410411)00 Wardrealtzed for iota s - ohl lastaeason. antr,r.wee,riftrueal,diveliinga‘weris fretted aturtugl.llo . o'easti.- gig," apeel4ltpiuc,mapt ta , lllooblllited, Wer-UtifwfillAttlb , i3klks . titu bars.*Or tho-lats 41 ./.4it NYA.,o*es4o9)3li4Aoll:to /WV ettrai., terma easter than paying , are ,on the prinuisea eveu afternoon frouritiOlit`eidek: or &PM/ ntte,artgage.:.ftrier Imd;blhith leittatreett,s•• t , ' 0.. fiac!.4o poIUNTICT 0 SESIDEN C El l' ' 'FOR • i hAl.r. 611,, ktZetk — stiti terse - -ttiiipstuty• dosbli 10 = 1; teglittg f tUran t d111111 - gatliTP. in Driivenanntdi .1 Mee: mf :gionist tltied: - vith•imlitt , Knities,bexriee4 ..1e.., IMO. seat, .1411sereville, AS tee temetreatioli or the Wyl ie greet Tikeemiger, cntil., The Woes et•the twills) otettleceliotiti th , Altmitivey• esimy,...tieb,lti.l melibbortivadV 0 Apply; st. W. A. we d ,- ..IliAliF m*Aitikir . 94R9l, r-li , C1 13 : 11 ._ _. m Z ..L.. • rt. F OR SALE Ali, a'a LEl+;:itiailices, and Lots jcatafAaAnddlaisA4l pf,tike,kity and an' lithe. Also, seversr — r /Limbs In gess locations. Mao, a emO,,W4X)LENr 4.IOTORtI ISO seems oflpt, cud Tit i ltssrevemeine. Ingc li i iii, eon (Usti niti lin Skate UMW "Beett Mutes t uit t tgbiAlritoilidnlPS•eetme. trtestithermil Misemise 1ntW0,9;,.4,444ft•...E91N1'M 41, 1 404 ' 'AU 119 filSilt street, oppeett4 ' StedriC A r ~ I ME ;~ i l