:;4 3 . toMais. -OLIN Prayer lieeftit-4,9.1.1 xi to 101:1'o'ciodi thelifithodaChureb,VittiC street, next doortol GAZETZIrOffiCO4 Meadvlltis . hai3 a - Giant Club, Saengerband..r.This organization Will hold's convention in City Mthis city, on the. first and. second days of September Street Committee on Monday EVolling.2-The laareet Committee will meet on Monday, sTeltdPg next, at City Engiueer'a-Room. A frill attendance is requested, as much bust.- mat will come before them. Tearing Down.—Workmen have com menced to tear down the old building on the corner of Penn str ere ction Trimble's al ley, preparatory to th of the new 'honseter thn odhg Alen's' Mercantile 'Li brary Atoadation. .1' violent 'rain itorm, accompanied by heavy Wind and thunder and lightning, prevailed last evening fohr miles from the city, on the Pcirrysvßle road, at about half past six and lasting till seven. Singular the storm didhot reach thtkeity. • , Uermony Street:—The workmen are en gaged in preparing the curb stone to be placed on Harmcm& street, the dividing line between the boroughs of Birmingham and East Birmingham. The street will be paved as soon a " the curbs are set. t* -o:ingression Confeiees of the Twenty : - Third District.—The Conferees of the TiviintytThird District, compriving part of this county and Butler and Armstrong counties. will meet at Freeport on Monday next, to nomiheta s Cougreomanth at district. • • . I)lsorderly Condttet.:-.Zire Myers alleges' that Margaret Neely, of Beech alley, in the Eighth ward, halt' Ivan conducting herself in a disorderly manner Al ~ and yesterday 'fite*ade information before derman Thomas, who issued a 'warrant for the ar . rest'of Margaret. - _ Water Pipe: The twelve inch water pipe ..whicli was .laid on Liberty street, from Cllymore to Smith, which we noticed.yes ' terday, is being continued on - Smith to Penn street, whereat will connect with the twenty.inch pipe t to be laid on Penn street loikreirehteville. ' ' .3 It4a i expacted that rapairs at Dam No. 2 oil the Monongafiela river, will lbe so far „advanced by-.the 10th of this Month that %the velEettkiats witl'fte ' able to come out. At present very, light• draft steamers are able to make occasional trips, the Zephyr arriving last night.' • • Assault and Battery.—Conrad Bohen made information before Justice Ammon -yesterday, charging William Grupp with **int and battery. The parties reside in .Temperanceville and were employed at Woods' iron mill. .svp:M,Ekt was issued for the arrest of Grupti. y et “ot" 'the Veace.--jaines E. Faber made information before the Mayor yester day against John Koffman, ,for surety of ''opeace- Vbellartats; rkable at the Juno- Of 'the Greensburg pike and Butler street, Lawrenceville: lioffnum was ar rested and held for,iheariog. Brutil_Outrage.--A little girl ten years Of age was brutally outraged st Sharon, v Pa., by a fiend in htman shape,. named Charles H. Stewart. He wasp romptly ar- Testddlof tiro wornenbittwulde his escape and was subsequently,osptnred by the po lies hndlodgod Mercer jail. our report of the Organics , Von of the . County Ezemitiie 'Committee the nante of our fellow citizen, Josiah Co! ben, Esq:, on the Committee on 'Natural'. salon was misprinted, and we make the correctiob, knowing that that gentleman will be one , of the most active members of the Committed.— - - Assaillt and Itattery...--Maigaret Ilerman made information yesterday before Alder man MeMasters against Henry Schap') for assault and battery with intentlo commit a rape. - She alleges that, the deffindant, on the /at of July,* knocked her down: and at tempted to commit the offence. He was arrested and held for a bearing', . , Senatorial Conferencer—The, Conferees of the Senatoilal District composed strong, Arm strong, Butler and Lawrence counties, will meet at the Nionongahels Spine on Tues - day the 7th inst., for the, iurpose of select ing from among the three gentlemen put forward by the different counties a candi date to represent that - district. - Trespass.—Mr. John H. Page made in formation before Justice Ammon yester 'day, against 'James Leech, Wm. Gleuzing and Joseph Walser, charging them with malicious trespass ; - He alleges that the no cased went into his oichard in East Bir mingham and destroyed the trees and fruit. A warrant, was issued for the arrest of the accused. MaiicLOUs Mischief.—Michael 'Riggers alleges that three boys, David Jones s,ly Ebe nezer and Nicholas Mores, maliciouen `toyed his garden in East ;Birmingham and deeitrOye his potatoes and cabbage. He made information before Justice Ammon charging thein*lth malicious mischief and tresspasia. , warrant *vies issued for the arrest, of the accused. - - • Painful Accident.-:Adam Slinger, an I employs at the Crescent Inbe_Works of Evans, .Clow & Dalzell, near Lock 'N0.,1 on the 'Mononghela river, was very seriously jajtiTed by being curbed around.one of the large wheels in the establishment over one hundred times. Ms injuries though se vere, are • not considered fatal, and it is thought he will recover. Aeeidenta Drowning.—On Wednesday evening, while a number of boys were bathing in a large pond located on the property of MT. - Bruce,' East Liberty, one - of theM maned William Wallace was seized with cramp and was drow ned before mist m su 00 - uid reach him. Cordner Claw Ami held an inquest on the body yesterday morning, and rendered a ve r dict in accord ance with the above facts. • . . • .. Cellialon.—H. B. Gibson made informs- Wirt before the Mayor, yesterday, charging Johrtlianson with malicious mischief. The protecutor drives one of Sumuerday hi er's sew s - 1 Int Machine waOns and ycet ivagon W-aiitisiiiting at the Duquesne Depot waiting for a load . ot goods, when, he alleg es, the segyseslostio‘ wise driving a heavy, WM wagon, run against b is " light wagon' and damaged it to the.amount of /5,50. A 'warrant was issued for; the arrest of the ac- 1 --- • Last ' A Bequest to the Chureh.— night ' about eight o'clock a fine little gi , rl b worldaby of but few days experience in .this , , wrapped up in an old shawl, ,WascarefUlly residence ited on the door steps of the:: Spiseo . • residence attached to St. Patti's. Lathe- . ritL, The little one was taken in and will '.'be kindly cared for, although the good ~ ch i n pe ople are not anxious to receive . gmy fu eradditions to the fold in such an , ha g egogr manner.No clue to 'tlie parents ' ' has eitri discovered., . , • Naar, Dlseevery.—The Altoona Tribinte says: ben ore is found In great muuditiest near ,Idelieltosritkabd ess than nine slab fossil ore betake, andfive hematite btualteare now opened. Wane' years since, a furnace and for weretearritst on there, but on'acoodntorhaving to obtain their ore from Jack's mountrAn, a Olsti9lo6 of eight males; it *as -stoprf,, °kola' now found ' within three hun red,lsfdA Ae face where the old Brooklyn furnace waft, crow , - tad, end although-they prospected'- for ore, at no !Imo did they, unearth tO PAT d e the =EI OEM • misehiprcOfriiisetatituL In .alieenjr.-- Over Seven Thousand Dollars' Worth of Property Destroyed._ • •Thoisday-itAre 1 3*LvWf : `, l .out in ,a frame building owned by Mr. S. Marks,. and occupied by Mr. John Slack as a chi- :penter shop, - on Miadle alley.)' near Samp son street, Second ward, Allegheny, which resulted in the , destruction- of over seven thotuaind dollars' worth o piatierty, and threatened for a time to devastate the wholes, iiiire inwhich it was located. Whe the fire woe first disCoVered it had not gained much headway, but such was the rapidity of its progress, that when the fire department .reached the ground, al-. though they had very promptly responded to the alarm, the whole building was a sheet of flame. Next to the shop, on the south• side, were two frame dwellings, also the propert,y of Mr. Marks, and occupied by-Fred. Lehman and Heim jaandressiwhiehquickly ignited and were destreyed, the occupants, how ever, fortunately sueceeding in the removal of their household effects. On the north side was'a large new frame stable, the prop erty of, and 'occupied by, Smith & Co., pentors and contractors, which, owing to the very combustible nature of. its con tents, was speedily reduced to ashes. There were in the stables at the time four horses and several sets, of harness, a buggy, barouche and wagon, • all' , of which • were saved, though not without con siderable difficulty. Immediately in the rear of the carpenter shop, on the property of Mr. Marks, was a small frame stable, in which were - two 'Wiggles and 'a valuable horse - and cow, which were removed with out being injured. - Through,..the almost superhuman exertions of the firemen, the large triune carpenter :shop - .of Measrs. 'Smith & Co., fronting onFederal street and running back nearly to the stable, was saved from - the tire, though about.- fifty thousand feet of lumber in the yard was so much damaged as to be 'of little future value. The firemen perceiving the impos sibility of saving any of the buildings - to which the fire had communicated, directed their efforts to, prevent the spread of the themes in which pthey were successful, :having in a short time the fire under com plete control. The loss, as near as could be ascertained, is something over seven thoosand dollars. Mr. Slack, whose shop the fire origina ted, estimates his loss at six or seven hun dred dollars,on which there'is .no insu rance.. Mr. arks' loss will• reach at least three thousand dollars, on which there is an insurance of six hundred dollars in the liational'lnsurarice Company of Messrs. Smith & Co. have insurance to the amount of three thousand five hundred dollars on their property, divided between the Etna and Lycoming, t both eastern com panies which will , prebebly fully cover thell,Aoss: • In regard to the origin of the fire various opinions are afloat, none of which, how ever, appear very plausible and the affair will `probably forever re main a mystery. The general opinion seems to be that it was wholly the result of accident, but how that accident occured none can tell, as no person had been working in the shop.whVre it occurred for several weess previous. In closing our account we cannot refrain.from awarding the highest praise to the firemen who labored like heroes to keep the con flagration from spreading. And had it. not been ' , for their tireless exertions, nn doubtedly the loss would have been much Treater. -.VAe -73 A Burglar hhot--111.11 Dying Confession. Some four or five= weeks ago a party of three burglars entered a clothing establish= ment in Ravenna, Ohio. They were over heard by a young lad sleeping in the store, who, seizing his gun, , flred at them. With a sharp cry of pain from one of the thieves, who had evidently been hit, the party fled. Daylight showed blodd to have been spit ted , but a thorough search of the village failed to reveal the criminal*. But three stran gers had been observed loitering about the village the previous evening, by a citi zen who, the next day, taking the cars Rik Pittsburgh and Philadelphia, was surprised to see the same party on the train just before reaching Pittsburgh. One of them had his lace boandup and was appa rently in much suffering. The citizen tele graphed the fact back to Ravenna, to fol but if any effort was subsequently made low np the clue, itithe interests of justice, it was ineffectual. But, the same day, a man was brought to a hospital in this city, suffering from the effects of a gunshot wound. He received due care in that charitable institution, but it was unavailing • lingerld until last week, when, in his dying moments, he confessed the crime which he had attempt ed, and acknowledged the justice of its sum mary punishment, concealing his name to the last. Hie attendants succeeded, however, in divining it to be Hartzell. Re refused to give the names of his compan ions in the affair,. his confession being con fined to his own share in the attempt which had brought him to an end so 'wretched. His dying confessions were made known to the parties concerned at Sa vanna, through whom the facts have now. transpired. The dying burglar heartily exonerated the lad who inilictsd the wound, from all blame, commended his bravery in defending the property of his employer. and penitently resigned himself to the sae eni of a wicked life, with evidences eta . contrition so sincere as to make the deepest impression upon •those who attended his last monients. Verily, the way of the transgressor is hard Diamond Pin Recovered. three months since Mr. John Mon., Crossart, Proprietor of the Monongahela Souse of this city, lost a diamond cluster pin veined 'at $7OO, at the Opera Bonse, an account of which we published in the GA , ' ZETTE. the day following the occurrence: Chief of Police Green undertook to work up the case, and from the following whic h we, clip. from . the • Nationat Repub/ican, Washington, D. C., it will be seen that his efforts have been successful; Our energetic and: fax-famed detective, John 'Clarvoe, assisted by Chief of Police. Matthew Green 'of Pittsburgh, inceeede d ,in, recovering a Ailtinond cluster pin valued at $7OO, yesterday, which had been taken from the bosom of a gentleman, resident of the latter named place, while attending the theatre some three months back. Mr. Clarvoe found the pin in this city. Too much praise could not be accorded to,thetie gen ilatiten for their energy anti efficiency,and the, dispatch with ,which4bey workeeup this ease will characterize them a the most °Mutant pep in their line of hus , inese. ' . • , -- ---4- 1 1 'r —r .. Tuesday's Sto niste rm- r h. Mir Killed. A sad accident occurred in West Deer township during the prevalenae of the vio'. lent storm' on Tuesd a y list, by which ReV. A. O. Shaffer, a zealous'and earnest Chris tian and pastor of the.est Deer Township United Presbyterian Church; lost 'his ilfe. it seems that Mr. Shaffiir was standing , in his house 100 out on the stern], w i ren i , the lightning struck the building a few feet from where he was , and a portion o the electric fl uid, glancing off, struck him 1801 resulting in ,hie instant , death ., The deceaaeu, who was - about fift ears of age, had been cone ed with the West Deer Church • - for • the , past twenty-one years, 'and was very much beloved for his'uniny amiable virtuet4 not tenons' Acciden . t'. , only by his own congregation-but by all Yesterday evening, about nine o'clock, with whom he hadintererinraft..' The fah"' an accident ar a very serious nature occur- al took place yesterday afternoon, and was red at the corner of. PearlßY/VallilC AV3illlO and Gist streeton the Eighth-ward. Twoger.- largely attended by the friends and so' quaintances of the tardily. Bad 'be lilted until neat Sunday he would have colebra. tlesnen from Allegheny citv,oo,,M. Black- ted the twenty-first anniversary of Ida tak.' ' stock and Matthew J. Hall, were riding big charge of the 'Neat. -Deer congregation. in a buck wagon, driving a spirited os, 1,.. , which took fright while Pilesintr down Gist ; .:. • ; Settling ail jobiputt4- stretit:.and ran away, Fig run but v a' short Viistaneei when one of the Mist either 1 About ("Pie ed or was thrown out, and slightly in died: of Inuseatar Toting ; - Nog, retired The horse'doilthined on down the s treet to tte the metal Fard liii,hii.4ool.,. l4l4 ' bur i r . the Avenuevrtinning at a frightful rate. of , street, Fourth:ward . Aiegis'Ose' oi speed, when the vehicle °Winded with 'a sattbutan Old des - with envy wagon,andwas literally demolished. the list rules of ilniti AblOriger pum a driver was , throben 'ant striking, head mehng each other to Ihifitifieetie tent,. foremost. on the bobble stone , pavement, rot !bibbed hilt lut honfilWapparilnily be= calving serious , andrbelhalsr fatal Injury: !time ,Atiffied' with the deitleinebt and. - Ili Was removed to the bonsai:lf Mr. Ttlig withdrearro the jiver tovhiliholf die effliebi ten, wheo he was attended by Dr. Batten, of the evening's 000npatlon. \ I . Fatal Accident. Yesterday morning, about seven o'clock. a shocking and fatal accidentoccurred near Turtle Creek curve, on the Pennsylvania Railroad, about one male east of Winton Station. A gang of workmen, tenor twelve in number, under the ditoodon of Michael Matigan, divirsion boss, were proceeding eastward . on. a hand car. Just as the car turned the curve, the Latrobe aecommods ti n train, due in - his city at eight o'clock came in sight at the usual rate theftoeed. All of the men jumped from escaped unhurt with the exception of John Redman, who remained on everuc,h WAS struck by the locomotiveand thrown from the trank, whett . be fell immediately in front of the engine on the track. The entire train ; passed over his body, mulalar . Ling it in horrible manner and causing' instant death. The accommodation train was running .on its" time, but it. Is stated , that the watch of the, boss was eight or ten minutes slow, and consetAuently he was not aware that the trai n was due. The deceased, was about twenty-two years Of age and,re-' sided at Cavitt'a Mills. • ~ - Coroner Clawson was notified and went to Bririton Station yesterday evening at thteetOcksik, to hold an inotteia; when the jury returned the following verdict: "That. deceased came to his deathim the 2d of July by being run over by the Latrobe Accommo dation train on the Petinsylvaniaßailroad, `arid fro'm "the 'testimony' of the witnesses the jury further find that no blame can be attached to the company, or its employee." _ V ; ! t •• ,) I CbsdritSail 1166= -e. , ,Tbe . .centrig,,l49.lfr-4..9fv)14 n.2snat TtdirOciftY aftf Wir c , 'ng,Jql-k & `#ste4-3tissl6l.'6''rne Craig, Ge tty, EarrisF4 l „. ista n NPV:Ist , Taylor s ,. Wilson, aid prusb, prel dent -.31 Mr;SerenelttitidWrcia appeared and pre sented a cornmunkation, signed by Samuel 1 • Ross as President, and Charles W. Levis. ' :14 - Secretory, i of the C,ollinitlßistrlc, School Board, stating that Mr. J. M. Littlehad resigned his seat. in the 7 Central Board of Education, and that Mr. Chadwick. had been elected to represent said' Ward in the Central , Board. 7 .' .' - 1 7 ,Y ,S Mr. Benjamin:VT. Morgan, alsolppeared and ii,kesented a domtnutdcatiOn, signed by JOhn B. Bell C as Piesident;ind Johtt Bid- Master as Secretary,, stating that Mr. ..3. M. Little, representative to the Central Board of Education, had removed fothe' State of Maryland, and r&piesting that his seat be declared vacant: Mr. Morgan also present ed credentials asßepresenta ive faom Col lins to the Central Board of Education. Mr. Hobbs moved that the resignation of Mr. Little be accepted, which was agreed to. ;Mr. P. IL Laufman presented credentials 'as representative from the independent district of Collins. • On motion of. Mr. Getty, the credentials of Ittr:"Laufmaii were accepted, and ho de clared a member of the Board. • Mr. Wilson moved that the ,contestants frcim Collins be heard, which was agreedto. Mr. Morgan stated that he represented the Board elected in-December last, and that the State Seperintendent had decided that said Board was legal, andpresented the communication ; from the Superinnd ent on that subject. • ' . tk..Cbadwick stated that the election for School Directorilist December ;had been hekl•without notice, and had been regarded as void, and that a decision to that effect had been received from the State Superin tendent in the case of another district. , - On motion of Mr. Craig, the credentials and acCompanying papers were referred to a Committee of three. . I . The Chair appointed Messrs. Craig, 'Wil son and Covert. • ' -, __. Mr. Wilson moved that a: Committee of three be appointed who shall, nt,the next meeting, report the proper time for the or ganization of School. Boards in such, dis tricts as have been diVided by; a late ordi nance of Councils, which WWI decided in the affirmative and Messrs._ Wilson, Getty and Taylor appointed: --- Thel trincipal , of the High School pre sented a report of the result of the exami nation of the applicants for admission to the • High School. On motion of Mr. Getty, candidates hold ing cards tyilihtho•following numbers ward declared entitled to admission to the High Schools, viv. No. 1,2, 3,4, 5,6, 7,8, 9, 10, 12, 17, 19, 20, 21, V-, 23, 24, 26, 28, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 41, 42, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 55, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 66, 67, 68, 69. 70, 71, 72,.73, 74, 75, 76, 77, 78, 79.80, 81, 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 88, SO, 90, 91, 92. 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98,100, 102, 103, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 109, 110, 112, 113, 114. 116, 117, 118, 119, 120, 123, 124,126, 127, 129, 130, 133, 134, 136, 137, 138, 140, 141, 142, 143, 144, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 153, 154, 155, 156, 162, 163, 165, 166, 168, 171, 172. On motion adjourned. • ' ---0.---- Teachers Elected.:, A meeting of the Sixth ward School Board, Allegheny, was held last even ing, when the following teachers were elected for the ensuing year : Professor B. F. Camber, Principal; Miss M.F.. Bally, Assistant Principal. Teachers—Misses IL S. McCain, L. E. Wilstin, 8. E. Patton, Mary E. Kelly, M.. 1. Cruthers, O. M. man- Hot. ler, Emma G. Boyd. Aggie Wilson, A da Bartley. Janitor, George Kirk. At is meeting of the Board of Directors of 'the Pllth 'Ward Schools, the following teachers were elected to serve for the ensu ing yearn • Principal—Prof. Andrew Burt. Grammar Department—Sites kennie_ stop, Maggiew McCroight and Rebecca Munn. . Intermedtate—Mrs. I. J. Yon', Misses Anna McClelland, Hannah Brooks, Heater Munn and Rosa McCleary. • Primary—lliac Maggie' Ilickson, Mary bicOreight, Maggie ficott,.A. A. lioey, Ella Hamilton, Lizzie Ring, _Melissa Bur' and Mary Harris. The Eighth Ward, Pittsintrgh, School Board met last evening and re,.electsd their corps of teachers for the ensuing year, viz: Principal—L. B. Eaton: Ann Street Building. Grammar Department-11,1183es Mary D. Garvin, Eliza W. Lompro, Emma D. Wal lace.; Intermediate --Misses Chellnessa J. Brag don, Alice J. Jackson, liattie A. McMaster, Amelia ,Withertnr. Primary---Misses Caroli r ne M.'Hartley, Lizzie McClaren, Amelia McCreary, M. Ag nes McPadden,Etrima Neely, Jennie C. Simpson, Annie M. Sloss. Second Street Building. , Grammar, Department,- Alias . Mary I. Proudtbot. Intermediate—Mrs. VorbeLa Burns. Primary—Miss Annie M. Witter. . lief z • j (i • t .; 1 I I .1 a --- 1 7 1M 5 • ' .e = h ..glllWilEtaillitstkrit "AC CitrOfttnim A ‘. , ficrew Lowe tikdnestheite'M Under ;the above caption the - r • I { yes*** made an lauvitarsinted atteeto on. the , datable- and efficient clerks of City CPuticibl, because, foraooth, that journa ex krhilioes some little vexation in obtaining Inilloodniti.m . _ 1 : .M 1 ). 11 ) 1310 _ 439 '1:40114e.t injustice of the attack, we cannot see why the erks should*, stalled , to the. wilr and wishes of our neighbor; nor Canwe discover any real t cause Tor he sudden burst of wrath and 'undigniii coMplaint which . has been .81kowered on the ,headsrof thest mos cor, - reet and f 'thrill amongatiiiir muniti refil -1 Cers. Th clerks,. if they , desire to do so, can retai in their possession aliordiriances thirty daYs after their passage before and-. ing them to the official papers for -.1) blies- Lion.. This right, and privilege the have never exercised, striving. at all • ti es to hand them in promptly and, in goodse ason for publication. The verticality 0 Mice to wich reference is made by the Dap atch was sent to their office , in'vertgood Season for setting ' up, had it 'reached the me chanical department' of that'establistment instead of being loft in the connting room mi. - Mani the - -managing 'editees i - return to give the order to. send it to the ecmitiosing room. The greater portion of the matter in proof was deliverfai te DiOatch office before six - o'oloa, and the last. inatalment was in before ten o'cleek. ' The 'Commercial received the ; . proof at, the eitht3' time and printed the report entire yesterday) morn ing and We have heard no grumbling from that quarter. We hope the desire iif the Dispatch to lay the Matter before dontiona will be grati6ed, and we Will.ventUrci Our customary wager' of a big Pippin that both of the , - clerks will be fully vii Mated on the charges of bungling and lessness laid at their: doors by our ooteraperary. -. il - ' First Reformed 'Presbyterian .Ctn. leglieny. The of congregation' the First Reformed 1 Presbyterian Chinch, .Allegheny, Rev. Dr. plpronll, pastor, haVe caught 'the spirit -of improvement in ! Church architecture, , which is specially active in our vicinity just now, and have 'ixinimenced the area. . tion ,of a new chur ch edifice on the corner of Sandusky stree tand Strawberry alley, which they expect to have uuder roof , this season, and which, when completed, will be an ornament to that part of the city in which it is located, and a standing monu ment to the energy and enterprise of tho Congregation. The building, whiqh will be of pressed brick, `fronts gothic' In' design, and two stories high, will front; fifty-six feet on Sanduskyjstreet, with a "depth the. of ninety feet on Strawberry alley. On outside all the bUttreases, arches over the windows and openings will be capped'with the finest dressed Freeportstone, which, in contrast with the pressed brick ork, will present a very neat appearance. w The first the vestibule, floor will be taken up with lecture room and several smaller roonts in in the rear. Winding stairs lead from the vestibule into the auditorinni, which it is ,estimated, will , furnish sitting 'room for eight hundred portions, including the gallery built acroFs the Sandusky street end. The pulpit will be surrounded with the finest carved wood work, painted and grained in light oak imitation. One of Emerson's pate t gasolites will furnish all necessary light The ceilings will be paint i ri l ed and frescoe in diamond patterns: All the wood wor throughout the building will be painted and grained i ' imitation of 4 light oak. Th estimate cost of the strew= tare complete without the fitrnittire, is 530,000. Jam M. Ralph, of Allegheny, is the archlte t, and Mr. William Andel'. son is superintlindlog the building opera ,ions. , - ' • ' , ' 601 Impudence: , ' ' An information was made before the May orl yesterday, lharging Joseph Walsencraft , , with larceny. which developes the coolest es t ), piece of impudence Imaginable. The pros ecutor, J. Go dstein, a clothier on Market street, alleg tiiat the accused, in company , with another rson, Came into his store ea Wednesday t purchase some goods, and after lookin ver tho stook for some tinie,. bought an , ' fora pair,efeiamts and vest, which we up and d ivered to him; while 100 l l e goods, it is alleged, the accused 1 i in securing a pair of coat, which he carried . pants u: ay vri: On taking them home, however iscovered that they were boys' pf mtirely toesmall for him, whereul ,urned to-the store Thurs. day as en • whence he had taken them c y previous. and askeolto have ti langZtd , for a larger pair. The pro: :ates that)he missed the pants al :r trot:soh:li Ider left his es tablish: Idnesday, !and recognited them as , they were. returned. ;.The impud, 'as arrested and locked up for a hi )sion of a Roller. We t the Titusville. Herald, of June `,.• at about half-past one o'cloci Any morning, thh boiler at the Ft Igo. 2, Tallman Farm/ ex .plodei and bad'Wifter in it, cans ipg ti , death of one of the engi neers, T. Murray, and slightly liaogni4, ',her, Frank Fertlg, . who • „ale to relieve the Termer. Mr. Aurray was standing in front of the' fire-box, at the steam, guage. ,He -... was. blown about forty-five yards to. the' front, while the' boiler went in tbe,opposite diree lion about the same distance, -tearing•the engine house and derrick to the'ground, and passing through a small tank of oil. -furMura was a single man, about Oren , ty-o y ea r of age. Bis parents reside at i. Oil City. , • . ~ • - . - Itlischlevous Children. , . • Mrs. Gibson, residing on Hancock street; alleges that the children of Mrs. Costello,' a neighbor, are the cause of Considerable trouble totter, by. Climbing over the ience and throwing truck and stones at the house, thereby to a considerable tatentdo stroying •theosame and endangering the lives of the inmates; ' She states - that she endeavored to talk to •Mrs: Costotta in .ro gard to the - mischievous conduct of -the children, but that lady refused to copsider the matter at all. COnsequently the prose eutrix made inforniation against Ahem be fore Alderman 'Donaldson for 'malicious mischief. Mrs. Costana 'waived' a hearing and gave bail for an Opts:Jar:ince at Court. Camp Meetings. , - , ~. There will he a camp meeting for South= , .. east Pittsburgh District on .the ground 00, , ,cuPled last year, near Maßaealeirt, Pa. All persona desiring to . -have tents on the ground will please, most ilire,oßTutsiday, i 'July 7th, to'make the ' neCesitary 3 arrange mentaa . , , ; . • . The South Pittsburgh district camp meeting -will' be held near' lliitiongabela City, commencing Thursday, August t7th. It is hoped that every charge ititlse - district will ,be represpnted.„ Parties ‘ intekeated will meet on the grquwAThurtulah August 20th, at ten o'clock A. at., to propare the ground. Select sited for tents, iko. +• ,• . _ , Another Riot. '3 —l l ' ' Michael Ilicliet 'l3laat3 infOrrnitiOn before At the .. Mayor, yesterday, 5 aling J . 0 1 40 .11 - Campbell,. • in atrick:Egan and' Robert. Rep -1116411 with riot.` The '.atetuse.d are' coal 1 irninersi and were -on i ' strike for higher,' watt*, and, it is alleged : by the prasaeutor; that they went to AsmattonginidlolatheW e ' , Coal *Oki ' *herd lid ole H.) - and : fieter IN 'ertililoyed; didteafarld abnead: ~ . _thent.4eskuas.: _e.y . "mad not join 1# 4.the *Vila: nem War 0 that they leo* ducted themselves in a riotous- Aninner. Warrants` were issued for the arrest of the accused, ' linappeteral Reports I m.semid , p l9b andlB2,redersl St., IThe ipterthrly :report of .the ...Board of I Vilegbealy. • ,E. I United States Mfg IMP e e t "? rs Of' this port ' Gilger?)0111511,9:011 the very liberal for the'quarter e ndiniVine flOth', wasp re'. iiirOnage.betstoWed on bfin'by his friends , il i ranted in the 13`. S.. Court; yes terday. and a generois i public- for .. so Many lilt:wing. oie qtpinv , i_r emtimeed hi . the year s, It N chl f .,b•i, his endeavor in the report the :sosia, inspected ' thirty-five future „as it ,. hisit been in the past; , to meet -steamers, with an aggregate tonnage of their wants,: ft..,A ~m erit their .i continued 1 194 tone. ' Of thee° ten 'Were 'Passenger 9 ,patronage and confidence. .On ithe fourth boats,bur ferry -. boats, 'nineteen I towing- boats, and two freight boats. -.- .' • entire day, but in Order to accommodate The; board also . granted lieenset to fifty- his nurrierousihnstomers, it .will•lrernain eight engineers and' ninety-one pilots; of open on Thursday and Friday evenings ran the tirstraix were-original. and fifty-two le- 9 o'clock. I. _ evening s nights- of the letter three were so refused On and afteti'.3llmd",'Jnl,46th, till Sep eighty-eight renewals. - They also refused, ternber Ist, the , store y will oloded at - ,5 an applicaticrn for license as . second eul-. o,olock theleveningf except , seterdays, *Meer, and deelined'to-raite the grade s_ when it vtillbe closed• at-9 o'clock. second iinginee: to first. Two nasetinf collision were investigated one involving a loss of '11,090 , t il l undo cided'. vbe report also refers . open- Ing'of trade With Fort Belltart, Mids:3ol4llY 'ments the offilers and •men for ttiti success ‘whiolt they have achieved in the enterprise‘ , The inspec t ors as° 'refer:to the Coal inter est; and state-that upwards of ono -hun dred steamers are now engaged in the hula ness, the Operations of whichave been un usually. succeSsful 'during theyear riti -to the time of the break 'at-Dam this i th. The whole amount of tonnage from port ded; during the year hashever been defects e The report states - that enumber of d were found in (tie r bi pr s ompslyamers sl of which wete repai • Munson's Copper .Liglitning. Rea, [Prom the Chahmbers' burg rit:lti.o4ssit'ory.7 Cui,saturfenund. ,Sune Id6B. I 'take, pleasure in recommen gin the highest possible. terms,•Munson's Tubular Copper Lightning 'Rod. I knOw 'As merits thoroughly; it has been in use in Colum. bland county, New York,fOr ,eight years or more, giving ;the most .perfect, sa .tlafact don. A committee,waaient fromlbe neW Episcopal Church, in Hudson, N. Y., td New. York City, Albany, Troy;aridvariotuarither places, to find the best possible rod. Alter full xamination and rby the, advice of Bei. entitle men, they de m o to have this Rod, and One was put on theiripire:of 183-feet' in height. I may also be allowed to say . that I am porscinally acqudrited with Prob 'Brooks, Tyson;‘artd Fleet. Baird, of Bald-, more; and have 'entire confidence; in their judgment' and itclentifie IrroiNiledge pie matter. I. baVe 'taken are .1140 to' ex amine. it carefully upon the pare it . w knOir ith n principles of science,, to_ com, many, ahnost all 'Other rods in, use, and believe it greatly:stiperfor to an others .llt Is constructed' so aheeintely 1,4 accordance with scientific principles that vradtically it may be,, set to b'e - ,,perfect. 1, do but justice to the manuffiethier And a favor to,the unity in speaking thus highly. of: what, triunity examination and Wide exTerience have led me at believe' the iaost perfect lightning nonductor,yet brolight hefore the • public: Inch{ IdAogg„ - A. ; PormerlY connected with the 'Astronomical; Obeervatory at Wiiiiiitnitifivn; Mass., and Principal' of the flpenftttitoWn Academy, - eh; AI- The Great Sacrifice Bale. , Neiier before in this 'city :has W ere been such a grand opportunitysfor the purchase of general dry , goods, ca -Pets, rugs, &C., &c., offered than at the present grant clear.- sacs sale of Messrs: Smithson; Vanbook & McClelland; Nos. 55 'end' 57' Fifth street: The stock held by this Aim is very large and of the most desirableonalityand linen It embraces seasonable goods, e fi goods, clothS; castimeres, towels, ' crash,, table' Cloths 'and' general goods, 'reed ' and boSV. Clothirrasols ,. sun shadee, strani bonnets. and -hits, end hundreds of %other 61110 W-too tedicios Month:M. ' The firm have resolved to' qiit entirely this branch of their businessiand are determined to 'defile out their stobk-ate ll great sacrifice.' Healers baY..to se again can obtain decided advantage in be stowing their patronage nt the MaSonic Hall Auction Roomsi while retail patrons will be afforded such bargahuVas never:be.. fore prevailed in this city. , The" Importance of ' p urchasing the •: . Sewing Machines. •-, ' Many persona starting out to purchatO a Se4ring Machiik are v'ejtidiejiditi , faver,of some partlci#6r kind which bu y with'- _.,, out examining others. Ater they ,have used it awhile they find out that little bi vestigation would have enabled , theni - to purchase a much better. 'one at the same A careful examinalion' of ail the, different machines is the only true way; to,discover the beet. No ,one• shonould isless. el ms. nany meaus look over SingeCs new e. ~ No matter how great vourprejucliee tuay . be in favor of any otho, machine, a visit to Straw at; Morton's, :corner of St..; Clair and Penn streets. and a careful ezaminatiOn will certainly convince you of the supeiior ity of the New Singer.. ch M The -m in esostg liberal terms .to purchasers. auara teed three years, and histructions fres;. ', . CArticross & Dixey's Minstrels, now play ing at the Opera Molise, are as much supe- riot' to the minstrel troupes 'yrhiCh have Pvisited this city within. the , peat ,two years in their line as Edwin Booth isthesuperior, of any , ordinary , stock actor. Their'enter tainments Are free front the low , order of jests cherecteristie of thette i and the music, both vocal and instrumental is of a very excellent ,char, , ter. The iltiarte club is decidedly•the -finest we have .ever" heard on the .stage; and some of theAlcdo singers are inlimitable— the base end tenor: solos .tvere 'executed, the, .very, highest style of ,the art, 'feet we' hive heard. many popular ,opera singers wliocOuld not compare: with ;either of them In ,richness'of tone or beauty`of exeention.The ‘lllliitalo Boys" are,w,orthy.of special attention and should be seen to be appreciate. .Ite i me her the matinee on, the.44t." An EinePep; Ayraugelx!ent• • The dry goods and trimming-merebants' !on Market street have:ntianlmiinsly adopt - - id an excellent - arrangement, whichwe think might-be-carried out,, in other Darts of the oity. with.,very wholesome results, ' Hereafter, nntfiloptemi:jer,next:,,all their stores will, picas at'fiVe O'clock ever* even ing, a change Nhlok cannot fatli#be very beneficial not only to the eriftfl N oYO ba to :the ' employers' themselves, o-,,feel..a.fr, mired thatthiS systern*llllfo In ADY•wAY injure , the liinifffie63, - '_fts tbigg. customers : wilt idadilY , accjulescd 'in` Its - Oble/t l an make, their pUrchisfii adodrdingly. , , , ~ _ . _ r it :Was adver t tls d - in t h e city papers that all business miti 'requiring: State licenses should have had them on or before this- 4E00. 1 _ Notwithstanding -, the notice given` more thin one-half of those who should have, procured un licens ue t taveitiss' 'net', done so . It is a very pleasan bus to . lint -.people to unnecessary - Casts' ad n I trouble, but I wilt Have -to_ giveiall i tlie liconsesnot,taketi up into the hand;of Alder ' men, in a few davi, for: Collection, its Is' directed by the State anthoritieS. • - 7 • , +, .. ' t ' 13;.:A ratintDßlVeliVrreaS Were, . duly Ist, 1888 *- - The ifflastregg• A Grand Social PitAsitiwillbe held at Mit= Farland's- Groye, the benefit of the ..r, under 'the auspices of the deg of St. ;Vincent '.'•De N Paul, St. Nulls -Conference - , on , 'Dinner: and adiMplon,tioists„6ocents; admisaion to the without t ickets,:-25 bents• regultß4 the. as ßenneylvsni Itailroad will leave ate Union lkiret he 'folio** , at_7:s9_ 'al/di/ 151 ar' inn and.in,the afternoon at 1 3:04,. 9:00 end b : l0o'olock ., IRetarntoirtraintiri' .111re' at Al 6, rt:50,'7415' , 9:39 litti•• _Otikliddo'Pagsenger,Eallway rink • hour. 8r ••` t 4: , ' • ; 0.1 i; Try the cheap shoe house, esFlfth street, • Diamond Front. 1111=MMII - . fl e gr t sgt i crery. , • • , , ctreeri leaves hang , I ml isMthe brown !bust fly: When be Is shaken., .. -; Lone and forsakalt. • What• can an old Mad do but die?" . WhY; hike Plantation Bitters, to be Ernie, and with them aliew lease of life. -The old are made young again, the middle-aged re joice, and•ithe young , becoine doubly lull liant by using _this splendid Tonic. Djs. rpga , ac,ar-urnriiiver Come " t, Pain : n -the Side,. "Crick in >thr,i BacX,' and all syMptoms of, Stomachic Derangeraent yield at once, to the ,health -giving inilhonce of Plantation Bitters: They ,add strength to the - systetn and boitiatioy to tlio mind - . ! lit,kosOMl W.resittc--IA, delightful toilet article—surerior to Cologne, anditdrhalf the price: , , . . ..; ' :f;i .' Invicicr The Gose ate Ar.l33h. treat ; is pro mised:our-citizens on the morning of the rout th by Messrs. Bob. Hart and J. C. Campbell, who will drive six "getbe each, harnessed - to commoh washtubs. The race take , picker' on tthe , Allegheny river, frora,the 'Amid street bridge.to the oo Suspen- , sten b ...As usual in such open-air ex ' htbit t ione, the purse will. be made pp by a [ colleetle'n'friircithe spectators. "L•St every one Attendingplit iwenty-rive cents' in theri- Peckett, ibi it will be 'a treat and no mis take. The race will positively take place at ten o'clock a. m.l , 'ii • • - the, Perrysville plank;rnad, thedavorite drive of this neighborhood, :was rthronged i t o with vehloif3s of ell descriptions heat oven with Of:persons , Snizio,ds to. . escape he heat and, dust Ax li, GAY:, l'he• titan fol and 'popular 'resot lit Eli.: ,Todeph' .130 ng was throngi3dV mo ' ' thin fifty, couple taking supper there`thirlng the Ovehing;vihile the other .plaene .al o ng 100' r oute 'Aid a good i •bnainess.ii, .1.!-.).1 15, liriviite Sale ; . Day and , vetting.— At Palmexot.Viiillil44l Qpera louse Auc tibn f•(),:P"lfth ttoOtC. Shoes, Gaiters; Slippers,' tter Ladies, •Eients'i 3:l36Ys' and= eifildren'e 'moat% Mcitueitta Try. Goods, Whits, Fancy -Goods; Straw:Goods: thttlery and an endless variety ied notions, all; at ~auctltatt prices. .Call and,OsePre:Pqgfillm :f • r ,t T. *VVll•iyrs. Diamond. Frpnt, Shoe 11 - imine, 63 Fifth,stfnnt,Onnpent.clipuse in - ..! vat - The Starry Banner.l-aUnflirl t o- Morrow. The liesdiptaiters:for 'Flags, Met -Pittock!s, opp. Po. .f - 11- - :: ~. 9:.) . ._,-140rythi44.:iii;74,11608, DlMMind Front '. Shoe 'Titania. - is,new and of .the 'yap latest ' '• ' '• ' 1 w inhtlatlen.=-To-rdoirow !have:flags , played from every window, land Se them at Pittock!ao: ~. liodeiiiiidgnica lfliky„r-C4ehiate it well. '0qt,F14051411484; -:;:. .S. ~ - ( Fo oil 'ltztisith 7 ‘ tit Dihmtiatl Froht Shoo Mime, briChew hndnold-cheap. 'at heidqiitrfkiiN , 'FMK& pp. Opp. I w o:, iPittoolo hfis IWO all . sizes N . ~ • ... ~ :mA30.7 1 ' .14S ' '130,30i.4.!Ti .1., ' ; 3r...' .iiine.;GOth. toT iter. W. `./.... Divideoi4,ls:t:', at iiiii,iiildenee. of Gre'briGe•i,psieiti. Wiehleigton, Pei.. Acv. J. .1. .10148:8:: Vitetor ror,•PetinotliantalAVeinbe M. E. ,Ctintali., PlttOurgb; fond i Tillio VERVIRTA A. K . PIX Or tbi former plate ,- ,; . ..',.; ' , - , i) 04.L.GWEI.Le710$1409144—Atz.VIAGY Church, on Tuemi?l,Atuam aptui I*ltiortliCzol. I'Mton , km W.. 8. GA.l.lciir.El4. snit 8A.f.,1.4.144u51ii,ter of Geo. joirnitin,"itsil;, of Aneittei4 Ci t y. :,11; 0 , , ' $l.l, 1186111, MAT TIS:L. FAR LEY; eldest Mintier Ot'Allyis. Farley.' 'Z'T°Oce,9f figterlabk tik:glocßoM's:Pg9o: :13140Elvv_orms ,- . , iniffigierA KE W 11 No ' 166 FOUNT a nT.REZL:Pltkabargh, Pa.l kliS or all, kindly, ;CRAPES. taxly l P. and rt? /Inscription of T d ;CRAPE cutniehing uoode far.; nsbed.', Booms , Otben dny Mane andl cantages fuenlabed: : 1111; x.l ' • Itirriaalrczaev. DaVld Ir. D., Bev. Jaconas4). D. !Malian Erdal, Ea.ll‘ Jaeolili. ' _ • . ARLES 61.1PEEBLIdittNDER-I 811TAKEIT ) LIVERY STAB Eaceorner VENUE. B DUSKY STREET AND CHUP.CII A AlleghenY etty.,where: thetr eat lAN ROOMS oral , conatantly with real and Imitation Rose , wood,-Idaliug_any and,Walnut coma. *tree s rying from. eA to 1100, , licrdiee prepare Xor Inter meat: Deimos and Carriages turnpike ; also. nal . of Blonralng requirede. )0131ce I . 4 9 4 1 1 /P4 r/ 3.‘ ft," sad #- _ OBERT Ti ItODNEI4_ I IINDEI ts.I , T moat . AMA; EMBA.LbIEtt, Mad '45 01310 I En, . ILUMIWPI_,_ and , No. SQ...I3IAMOND 43 UARY.;(by' Jonv Wilson & Be ops alwaYll on,lianda , the, hest: .bietal, .RCAMIWOM, Walnut and . ni va l is ta ntow_lonaillsrrloted wCoododluee.,teci, Itiongenot;Cgror:srantre . earss, froat es 1 other_CoMitai . Drorga" , * • --7 GI " 'gist and - furnished at low, rases., Crepe. _ oyes., e Engraving' fdirdshed grail& Mon open day and .1 114404 4 , 'lF , '.; It^ • ':. ' - --.-.....^'. ':-•-•-...- i A , bum E 4:ITA C ialt. Vre itikte just received tromtbe menefactraer. 4 1T 1 4. , 4501tTlaili0 • . p. PERESCOPIC CILAS ES, €11211,1“3141' S V.V. -; • ' they ere the biwt yetofferefd tc4 ens 0644. IL/ ribEATM .: MASUENT . : • r -4161114 -BS AD P I ' I 0 04 ' 0 4 • 65 Fit-TH . IU OPPOSITE WiS9fiBCiNALL. ;; 11.6 za:Exicitlt.Ntr =I Dittisif ,- OS, *Tait.S . C • • Ds ? : ; „ 1. • ' Acipted to a imam : CLLAYSS litt#914,111.'1:11,110In Thitt TRADE, - y • ~Jl(7 , ctf ()IAII Ltl4l 13 'it :1'10;14 I I: . 1. ' elJ.l.lgai...lll6'Je DA..) Corner of Penn and St. , li} it , AND PE4Llat VVUUDI aaa** a ,i6itakL• ~::: EIMM Mil .;f ' 01, I ' 1..1%;1e, }l3r:t'u: Streata./