I' , a; LP. • N WORKS I. V sum". Prmq W., P. Porto; Boit. 'lllllTriii,lll7Bl4lll FOliErE AND IRON CO., • 07 Rar Iran; sally riald NUR Bari and Bolts; Mallittad Car Axles Rolled; • reirld,, :We* MalOuneirei; 11111141Ve Frage es; Isheitnative Frame Oniarell Side Rods; • Tolths, Straps; Pist•Wileads; Riteassboat Shafts; ateantboat Croaks; Pistol Rods, Wrl4 l ll Nitmass Jaws, Collars, Re. Office, No. 177 PENN STREET, rIrrBBITIMII,. r • GRiFYI !EWERS Cen, lustrieottrlizm or • ' „, • , Bar, 0'9p , ,.*1 Sheet Iron, OfROIIiCKT WON T . Iron iteldeil Tates for Gas, Steam; Water, ite. ALSO, OIL WELL TUBING. Ofßee t 98 Water and 182 First Streets. PITTSBURGH, Pa. VID:eIIS KENSINGTON _IRON WORKS. LLOYD & BUM B4NUFA67IIBERS, OF west ConssolLoss, Defined, C ; AND ATMATA.-BLOO MIRON . MERCHANT BAR. ROUND and SgRAEMMTIONq HOOl BAND T and ANGLE IRON. BOILER PLATE and SHEET IRON. MOWER AND REAPER RAILS. CYLINDER and GUARD or e INGER IRON. SMALL T RAILS, AO and 16 Ips. to the yard. .R.B.MJGRIPEC.FIPAInEeS and tirI c KES for same.; ounteraunA COAL SCREEN P un ched an MAILS AND SPIKES. Warehouse and WWI at' the Worn, QUEEN MOH STREET. (a continuation of First street, adjoining the City Gas Works, Pittsburgh. BIFF.11801 1 1; PiLESTON & cp4: Pennsylvania. Iron .Works. Warehouse, Nos. 166 and 161 FIRST STREET Opposite Monongahela House, acal:ds prvrsayses.. STEEL. WORKS. SIIEFIFIELDiTEEL WORKS. mocK ac co. PTTTSSIIRGII, PJL, ltenufectorers of every description of . CAST AND 'GERMAN STEEL, - , RAILWAY SPRINI3B, h • ELLIXTIC AND PL ILTPORtif SPRINGS. AXLES, STEEL TIRE, ac.. &c. Warehoutteoll Water and 100 First St& spaquel prrrsoutunt STEEL .WORKS. ANDERSON, COOKA CO., - - • (SUCCESSORS TO JONES, BOYD a aid Manufacturers of the BEST, .li.E.lllmD, CAST STEEL,. FARB, FLAT and OpTAGOn_of au sizea___• BANC , TES,_IDE, Foss. and dUZET CAST EITZ.ZI4 AST STErA: Yo r Iltsaplim and alailisg - pad Plovr Wings Axles. Cfires, dic.w aGe Cast and Common Plow & Spring Steel. Office—Cosner FIRST AND ROSS STRZETS:two Leeks above the Monongahela Howl*. ocll2:dit MILLEB, , BARB &,PARR.IIII; courrau..rurrlrsatir wit. siETCALF, IfRUBEN MILLER. MEO. W. BARB, 1 CHMI. PARKIN. Brarm PARTIt2a-43. KIES. • CRES6ENT'STEF.L WORKS§ siCEL.l , vn, BASK' a v.A..rupag, Office, No. 339 Liberty St, PITTBBI3 ROB. PA. BLACK DIAMON STEEL WORKS. PARK, BROTHER & CO., Mluitifacturers.of air description' of rrwm - rr • • (Mee and Warehoubt,-1j461, 122, 124 SECOND Sad 119 and - 121 FIRST STREETn, • HARDWARE. E.ThWAILE HOUSE. 4- 1 1 LINDSEY, STERRIT & EIMER, 1 ltalufsetureriand Importers of iitAjt,,......* , .. CUTLERY, &C. 8871,IljEETrY STREET, - • CORNEA?. OP WAYNZ• One Belem , * Below Below Bert* PITTSBURGH. A . e mar mats for VAIKBANAS . SCALES. TOBACCO AND CIGARS. A' 1111 4. 41 / t , 1 44 1E1419 al° DZALNII IN ALL WINDS 07 ULF TOUAM LTD,SEGARS, 770. 8 tilITH' STREET. (Bational Bank of Com, Amerce Buildingo Branch of 17* Watei otreet„ Y. apcn77 EN€EI.O I O II wORF* . .31F,NoiNiscorc. *an ursetyrers awl LKsipn to Tobi Coo," gttlitf, Pip" &O.; No 0 IrgiDEBAL ALLEOILEITIM IMO• MN 11.41 .r - 001 14A 4.6lra. PCI"P - A TE WORKS, ifORTOIii-stitiiiill;4lllith, *Lid" e ibrr'l 4 333l7ft o Ei. =ORM' 11. 'Thesel Works are among the largest ane most mkmplete eMablishutente!ll at, W.MI./%151411Fe now PrePartid!.° • ./,‘, Engines, of every deserfPlifeiti • A , 7 Solders; Skeet Iron Work. , • 114imCastings. adi 11 4 11 / I ,Sl ll f n A lailthi V . , • •• • • Castings. , • • ' • ' General Castings. ORDERaliOtipiTitr - ,. not:nie NA i FIONL FOUNDIIit • AND PIPE WORK IN . Dorm (*Fr ,11 - stud 11*Salibfisi.01 11. 2 4 4 11 , - . (NI NTB WARD,) IPlTl4iiiiNerli434-s PA. .711.arrix.fs*Warer-of, : CAST IRON BOWL PIPE, YOB GAB AND WATEIkWORNS: Ify Pipes are all cut trorartably id Piti , In"try aand, and 12 feet lengths. Also , full assortment of Gimtral Cistinis for Gas aid itatexifirlis. I would also call the atteon of titrititendhata of Gas Works to my make of RETOIi feliktio L. o. u. Innif. r ! ; i..noitUuoN; ask, L Y '6IIITON IRON FOUNDERS 9- mmitrricrursus or x • = - FINE LIGHT CASTINGS, All descriptions. tbi:Pliteb and Gaairitters;-.AB-. tieulturst implements, Cotton and Woolen Mlll Ma dr7Obt,Zork promptly attended to. ,DlEce and WorksWASHINGTON AVENUE. near Outer Depot. Allegheny City. Pa. ROBEVSONs REACMCOY • Successors So./101441CM MIMS & Vitals& WASHINGTON WORKS, Foui!DERSAND MACHINISTS, tithintlßGH. • Manufacturers of Boat and Stationary Steam En gines, Blast Engines, Mill Mad:apart, Gearing, Shafting, Castings of all descriptions: Tanks and Stills. Boller and Sheet Iron wort. °Mee, Nu. 1111, corner first and lind=eldlstena.: Agents for tiIFGARD'S PETENT I.N.fEC )E vor feeding Boilers. jalinta moNT BLANC FOUNDRY. Butler Street, Ninth Ward, (Opposite Union PITTSBURGH. Rolling IBM and Bridge Castinp, THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, MACHINERY AND CASTINGS - GENERALLY: ' Orders promptly and carefully executed. EBBEN k *kaiak& c•come • BERLIN FOUNDRY. PRICE & SIMS. Office and - Warehouse, 29 Wood Street. Mannlactate and keep constantly on band Minable, Skein and Pipe Boxes, WAGON BOSZS, DOG IRONS, SUfildit =Erase, HOLLOW WARS, And Castings generally. THOMAS CARLIPIF & CO., . loath Ward... Foundry *n Jocbiae Works, SA DUSKY ST., ALLEGHENY CITY. PA., Manufacturers of Tsui Zughvall w f:r . eases, Pot le s, Shaftingß Ban, Weights, Wagort Boxes. &c. Bald to Order and have on band Engines ot all sizes. utvl4:o CNTE4f' FPI3/41//Lii, AND ROLL WORKS 880 Penn Street» BOIT:NAN, BOYD & BA.GALrf Chill Batt. 8111 Cantu's% 'UM Lathes; 1143. rJLTON MACHINE WORKS. EISTABLISIIILD IN -1836. anufactory of STEAM ENOINES, all sizes and of the wd. apnroveldspastarph.for rural. vulg. . : A o. 4ll A tr , e ~410, 1,5 -end At i nse i Power ENGINF,d, willzb will be sold at very reduced prices, _ P. P. GEISSE. Wellsville. 0. Fifty miles below Pittsburgh, on the Ohio slyer, andit line or r., , a It." • - - x • herhb LUMBER! .. LUMBER! LUMRER! , ALEXANDER: PAITERSON, YARDS No. tle Preble Street formerly Manchester. and No. 157 Rebecca strret n. npixisite Gal Wofha, ALLE6II/LNY DEALER. !IN ALL KINDS OF• ' Bough and Planed Lumber, Plow . ing; Weatherboarding, Sash, Shingles Mou l dings , Saw 10111? Lumber. - Cedar atut . Locust Posts, I Lath' mid Palings, Oak and Yellow Pine. A1...0--FIRE BRICK. TILE and PLAY. f_allimas prrrmstraoli. "WORT PITT LUMI3EIt CORIPANIF Capital, - - $125,000. PrIDETEDWARI) D1T111044g.-- SZCRZTARY -T. A. WItIGHT. BUTZILINTSNDSNT-•EDW. DAVISODI. • DIESCTORBI Edward Davison, - Lo• F.. thmonn. John Mellon, E. D. Dithrldge. Geo. W. Dithrid t ige, M. L. Malone, • • E. Johnston.' LUMBER iltltD--Corner of BUTLIIS AND AL LEOHENY STREETS. Ninib Ward. OFFICE AT POET PITT (M AK; WORKS, Wash. ingaon Street., , 1,40:198 GAS AND STEAM FITTING. JOHN N. COOrKB.._, .308. KATZ moray glEß. JOHN M.. COOPE R OM, BRASS rouNDERs, GAS AND - STEAM FITTERS, Illanufactoreiti of PUMPS AND BRASS WORK,E every eve descriptiont, dealers:l4 .43.48 FPFrUnza 4.2 41) TUBING, of kinds 'Corner of Pike and MalnutStreets, PITT. BU4.GLY. • ~; ABIU . N. WACIL=IIIBABI, ' ' Egaiii ~ ' Agent ter the sale of eon DditgllaltArev an sephlne,. Isabella, Duneannon; ntiuthoJie. warden. and other brands of Anthracite, Ifoughlogheng Coke pad U. S. alelnoal ....1,1 . . , 'PIG- I:RONS. - . t , , y,.4:4~~~ LUMBER. wyltgan IRON B ' OILERS IRON 'BROHER,, t ,stieet, Igttsinwdt, Cone*menti sad order. rospectgully 101,0 A I=III N. ~B 4142 • .4,1 , 41ENGth'ES 130 4 M ik4l FOIAT PITT' . !BMW, STtIL-M - ,TANK. „ W CARROLL WRRYVER, tirla 0?. MANOTACTII TIII3I7LAB, DOBBLE-YLITED TIIBULA3, Trim BOX ANJ CYLINDER STEAM BOILERS. OT STILLS AND OIL TANKS. CHIMNEY% AND ASRANE, • • SETTLING PANS,BREECIIIN SALTG IU PANS AND CO*. TDENSERS; STEAM PIPES, , GASOMETERS AND _LBADN BRIDGES; •-• WORD/ DOORS Ai:TI/COAI. bailie and Warehouse, earner Seeead, Third, Short said Liberty Streets, PITTSBURGH, Pa. air Orders sent to the tboye adOrese , will be romnth attended to. inh7:l6, 3. M0880W..;JA11.13. PIAILIMILL....JAB.IILAIB• (VII[ARA 1101 t - • .11LORBOW BARNAILLA CO., , • - NAITITIPACTOrIitIa Or ' Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, Agitators, TANKS, SALT PANS. GASOMTIMIT% WROUGHT - _IRON BRIDGES, , SHEET IRON WOBK, Cor. Libeirty and jlecond Btu, PCrTSBDB9H, PA. lIMPAIItINCI promptly done. Jy4:b2 -IN. BARNHILL - IF. CO*, BOILER MAKERS AND SHEET IRON WORKER S, ' : :;„1.106. SO, SS, 516 AND A 6 ?INFEST. 'Having secured a large yard and furnished It with the most approved machinery, we are erred to manufacture every description Of BOILEBB' in'the beat manner, and warranted equal to any made In ,the, country. Chimneys, Breeching, Fire Beds, .filteamlPipes, Locomotive Bolter*. CondenwaraA Salt Pana,-Tanks, Oil Stilla r Agitators, Battling Boiler I Iron, BridgeNti. ale a n r t P;Lit, e and sole manu [ ..faciurers of B atepairing done on the shortest notice. Llas:cill TAIIIIES M. RITE% es. 55 and 56 Water Street, prirrastrison, IitAxIIVACTIMES 01 IRON OIL TANKS, scrruxe pica, coprza amens rum. BOLLING MILL STACKS, And BREXT IRON WORE, JAILZD IL BRUSH KDXIIISD D. DRUM JARED M. BRESH'& SON, ICILNprIrAcIVMS Or Steam Boilers, - Oil Stills, Tanks. • SUET IRON WORK, &ft 61 Penn Street, Pitteburgh, Pa. STOVES, CASTINGS, &C. COOS STOVES. CET THE. sEsr. BISSELL 1t CO.'S TRIUMPH, FOB BITICIMINOVS Warrouted w DA§ Bator knit as well se any other Store In_the-Untotk EMMA & Oaf No. 285 Liberty Street. . , Also an Azad and ibr NA% 'PARLOR. AToV O IS ; A ORATI , 1M1e„.73 1 8. . - , cOOKING NORA, to. rIHF.APEST PLACE in the city ' l "' • TO BUY THII I - TRIUMPH COO K!NC STOVE, Is at No. 1443 011. a NT BTRZZT. le2 P. C. D1:1177. - OILS. WARING AND ILIUM, Commission Mercbant's and Brokers is 'Petroleum and its Products, DALZELL'S BU , ILD,ING,DUQUESNEWAY, irkeesium , ni 11111,A.DELPHIA ADDRESS, WADING, KING &' CO., TACK BROTHEM, COMMISSION MERCHANTS •ND Petroleum and Its Products: . . I"l4stuirgh Ofilee-=DALZILLL, BUILDING,. ear. nes of Duquesne Way and Irwin streets. Philadelphia ofn9a—prir WALNAITIST. apt:1101D JACOB 'WEAVER,' Jr. & CO., OU Comnizission Jobbers, . . . . No. 3 pIIQUEIiNENIAIr, btty end tell Crude and Relined Oils., Luarleatlng, Tar, Bensine and Cooperage. Our lung experience in tee . Petroleum trade enables us to offer unusual facilities and In ducements to operators...As heretofore, we are de termined to Make ROM 'interest of buyer* and sel lers to give us a call. Parties baring Oils for tale ere cordially invited to bring their samples. a • Met r IWILMN 6 A. C 0 ,9 , MANUFAOTUBERS OF PUKE WilLyIE, BURNING Oily BratuI—"LUCI.FER." Nice, No. '2 111,x J. u. itUrFUlt ...C. A. KKn NAV ...W. 111. WILUT/LUBAD. Sl7O OIL WORKS. Mi.unfaccure iudhsve al' axle ailtfnd~ of ; LUBRICATINWOIII:6:- • 'lc°. 18T. CLAIR t*TREET. '11101 7 701.1. nE IIII W & CO' 11.8 FURNITURE 'MANUFAdURERS, WUOLESALE AND REtATh I ' Odns tnnuy on hand ex_eriv‘riety of PARLOR and CHAMBER , FURNITUR ,t.ktogetber with a com plete anortment of common'iurniture at reduced Qrice s. ol • - ' 4 • • - • Whe In wont of anything, in our lino are cordially Invited to call before purposing. Work ousrentood. kg&lai ILEMON & W 13723. TZMIZEZ2VmIi%W.I7W.,—.:4MaIit%,,Fra-0, 2-1,322,1,11e41,1, mix io^woomor,••••••*••"•••••••NOWWW,•• • • BAIIKING COPANY No. 160 Wood - Street. CAPITAL } :: STOCKHOibi 11'41:1141bUM:Li LIABLE. : E.A.LEBS GoTERN...._ T.? 100.1=1 ,1 3,,f A D COLD. INTEIES WED ON TINE DEPOSITA. on an seeeasiblt plants In= .DERECTOSI3: IROLVKiiiit f Andre., Miler, 1' • .1 James M. Bailey. Collections mad' Milted Stutel snd D. Hostetter, James Gordon, D. WsDore, E. Iftwoett, SEYS El!i2 itkortzed,) $200,00 0 . DIRECTORS. H. 3. 17netk, - Wm, H . -- John Murdoch. IteArr) 5 °" 6 -Wet • William Espy, - Geo. Doren. Umbel Buckley, • • A GENERAL BANKING'BIJSINESS Ool'Melons made on all accessible points in Vie United times and,Can.mia. • , Merest Allowed on Than Deposits. UNITED STATES,SECUIUTIEU,BOUGHTAND 110kOr, H. J. LYNCH, President. GEO. T. VAN DOREN. cashier. airssoCKHOLDEliti iNtIVIDVALLY LIABLE NATIONAL RANK - OF COIIMEIIe Cor. of Wood and Sixth Sts. MEE 127 Walnut Street. uesue Way, Pittebn. raAcTicAL us. Malrinplk/IiNNO :CM LEON. Cashier. ONE ;; :K LIMIT STOLT, No. 29 81316111.,PAL TRANSACTED A. PATTERSOSt . .. . . . JOS. n. HILL Cashier. CAPITAL,,: $500,000. )=. ••-4 ME DIKECTORS: ' Hecate W• CU.. ) . A. PatterecT. --, , , ..- , HOB s ,l 4zillia* -.,-. Wm. H. Mein, -:‘ Chas. Lactase:. - __. Allen Kirkpatrick, .. Iv m W. d. Haven, Diuicoir l viTs :IL 1 AT an A. 699:04 CAUGHEIT & POOR . BANKERS AND BROXEILS, , Corner Third and Wood Streets, ItTerl3l7l l A 3l oraccnimmis T rtAIoTA. II mir .00.,) DMISIII II Exchange, Wu, cenOns, And particular attentiz e p:td WON" Purchase, and .CO ERNMENT SIONDS. Right Drell:* onMeondf m on. ' ! y1:1851 N. HOLMES ak, SONS, 313,426.1STSFPEXELIS7 57 Market Street, • i Collections made an sattbe pitiielVal 1 serum United is . fates and Canadas. .••, , , • Stodu3, l Bonds- and *het Seearities L BOUGHT MID BOLD OD 001CIDDION1 - Particular attention paid to the purchase and ode ot I;rnite4 States§ SeeurAtteif, jatlhat WEINERN SAVINGS' .HANK No. 89, Fourth Stmt. CHARTERED 1866. Interest paid on Time DaPosits " ANY SUM RECEIVICD FitOM ONE DOLLAR UPWARD: DEPOSITB SUBJE,CT TO, CIPLCB,Ii9T;HOPT -Discounts Daily at MI 'clock. N'ellidelite6THO :WWl*, Vice President—L. minitirrons: THOMPSONI3BI,4, IA. M. MARSHALL, JOS. WI-WORM/I - JOB:ALARZZ. J. J. GILLESPIE.: StoekbOlilers to whom we make inierencei Wm. Yorsythe, Joseph Dilworth; WM. Caldwell, • - • Hey. David lierr, • Willis Dalzell. Henry Lambert, D. W. C. Bidwell., . A. M. Brow n, Z. M. Fulton. - • Thomas Swine, EITTSBURtiii BANK -FOR- SitVINGS,i., • FORMERLY THE No. 67 Fourth Street. NEARLY OPPOSIZZ TOO ;BASOL" OP PIIIIIBUBOR. 'CHARTERED 114 UM. • ' • - OPEN DAILY from 9 to 4 o'clock,and on WED NESDAY and SATURDAY: to ENINUS,. from May Ist to November Ist, from 7 to 0 o'clock, and from November Litt.° May Ist, oto lito`elock. „ Books of Ity,ltatwa. forntsbeg at thehtliee.: This • institution especially offer to those whose earnings are limited, thc,oppotunity to accumulate, by small deposits, easily saved, 'sum which will be a resource when needed, and bearing Interest in stead of remaining unproductive. BOARD OF MANAGERS:: PUSSIDICNT. . , GEOIt()E.,A:-BknitY. - ' 11101 r. ?I,OISAIDENTS. B. VI, BiltrsLAN. t '4/04E8 PAKK,,IB.- BECIII:TA1111 AND THI6ASUBILI4 L. E..BcKLNLEY, A. BRADLEY, Whl. K. hiLIKIOK. A. W. V. ItAHLts_ JOHN S. DD.woßytt; JOSITUA RitoDEB, G. VOLLANKURE OHN BCOTTt. L. GRAtLkI? R. o.'EcilhiEßTZ, EEO. ICITORS-D. W. 8:• BELL. mb14:1197. COP • Eit -EAR*. s urra Olt •• - "oqprzit, 1411 1 V;LIDllitiVIING W(11018 1 P:trrrri4ll3,l3.l:l"l PARK, ' McCURDY & PP 7 , , Mantle °timers of Sheathing, Brar.tera , andf Bel c o pper, l'resled Copper Bettoins, Raised StW 'But toms, ~..pelter Also, islitßpl,•la 4110 Dealers In Metal, Tin Ytatle Sheet I nna, .' t .ite. Con stantly en hand TI Tiers` Machines 1111. TOOIII. areheuse, No. 140 FIRST STRE4T and 120 - is • c 0111) ST REET ' Pittahtegh,:, : , .pealal orders or Copper ant to any desired ea: meis....?s,deer HATS AND 'OAPS. 1 7 411.T1N J141EV4,14, , : . • , - .DEALEB. IN -1.4%.213. C.A.pk4. A.141D , .E9MEgis . .. . lELLI , STREET, PlUshorgli, Ps. 7 Wholesale and Uetall Peltier I A T II° 'HUN M K. aI It u , rac VDLI r IIES, .1.e.. No. "OA surrs- Orders promptly famed and as ti s faction guaranteed, FIIMIEND r , • tt. Di • Ram= . . , . Corner of *rood and Fitt# Mrs GOVERNIBiI I AND Bwific IL BONDS, 1 - 7, GOLD SILVER - AND COUPONS • Bought ,on tbe most favorable teems. Sells LET TERS OF cEEDPP %ad DRAFTS istralloble In nnY „tort of Eiurot+. . . . 'DEPOSITS received amb3eet to emelt; or Thrpr . a - EST ALLOWS I ON TIME DEPOSITS; 6w 'ilutsm A_ Co;t Bey 11 U, Corner' Fourth and Wood Sts., 313.4L1VXL 311: t. Ol BUY AND BELL ALL BINDS OY GOVERIIMENT SECURI7,I2., you), SILTER tour6s, ON MST FAVORABLE TIM& CONVERTED 7-80's urro THa • , 5-20'e0171 i 6ir 1163 t). NE , Tir ,Er , , Allowed on Dernlts• moinw LOANED. ON , 60481MtiCi7. BONDS, initothei . . Ordieri executed ter the Pure Bale of SIThCIES,111:131 1119 said . . . JAMES T. BRADY .& CO. Cti.,•littounti:A. FINANCE AND TRIPE. Os rice THE iirrrissunou iStAxsTrx, • THURSEIDAY, July 2. 188&.. The gold market was very. dull to:flay, and slightly,offyi , thegternoorn.the.hea v y, paymentsbeginto exercise depre*qq., influence on the gold market, and never before was such' a:desire manifested to dis pose of theinterest on bonds than at prefl: s 'ent:lNext week is likely to witness DOwer rates on gold; .money will , then command' triirii. 4 to ", 6 ;Per Cent. on call, and large! amo , ints of bond* have Jobe carried or the price will decline, and capitalists may btly in at low rates. This pressure on thernoney market, as well.as the large amounts of money needed for,tnoving `the' crops'. will „make gold speeitflation tiro crpensive, and large amounts are expected to come on the market to realize A neavy prrisure on the bond market was noticeable to-day, and prices further, declined early in the morningviii - tliblif- - ' .ternoon the market was more steady, but With' no. orders . to auv. Any polyetful partp that*Ould attack. the, bond market could carry down quotations 2 , or 3,-,pen cent.: the confidence „ of ,haldera is not shaken yet by 'the decline of if per cent., but a further decline 'of a point .Or two would frighten holders, and cause a gene ral selling out. The market is steady to-, day, but before any reaction can take place, a further decline would be necessary and desirable. Stocks are very dull and generally lower throughout the eatire list, except North Western common and preferred. Whichadvanced in the face of all the de cline of the older , stocks. Border State bonds have declined some 8 ta 10 per cent. within three days on woo-' count of an injunction served to restrain the State from paying thelintereit yesterday. „ Express stoldt&direalt lower and dell: 41Iningehares are allghtlYoff andirilutiVeT. Money very scarce, and business quiet.,' •' ' (being quotaxions as received by Ph., R. Mika, were as folloine ' Gold, 140%; 1881 beads, 112; 1862 5 7 205, 112%; 1,864 do, 110; 105 • do. 110%; new,. 1065, and 1867, 188%; Forties, 107%; in SOin Thirties, 108%. ' • . . “tlivr ' York Central, 134%; Erie, 69%; Michigan. Southern, 1%; Cleveland & Pittsburgh, 87%; - Nort western. common 74;4; : Preferred , ` 79; C c age & Reck Is: land, 105%; Pittsburg & Fort Wayne, 109%; Ohio & Mirudssip i Certificates, 29%; ;Merchants Union Ex ress, 24%; Western Union Telegraph, 34%qCoryilon, 89; Quick silver, 22%; QUarts 1111 . 1,15. • '• - -Closing quotations received byJamesT. Brady &Co.: • • ' Gold, 140%; U. 8. 6's, 1881'gi, 113%;,5- 2 / I 's, 1802, 113; 5-20's, 1e64, 11035; 6-20's, 1865. 110%; 10-40'a,..107;::15.20%, January , and July, , 65, 111%; 5-20's, January and . July, '67 108%; ' June 7.30'8;:108%; July ,740's, 10834; May Comp.. 186E4.119.40. . - , .-The Memphis .Avahinche, of June 2Stb, 1 announces another bank failure in that city. The Merchants' E National -Bank has been for some time in a precarious condi- I Mon, and most of th e smaller depositors withdrew, their but - the iretors , s ,d.c , they= ;thought made such arrangements as they- I thought would, enable the.bank to go on, when General Wilson, a, GovernMent agent, undeceived them. The Avalanche - he, result was another draw on the bank 'yestetday morning, this time from the di rector& By ten or eleven o'clock, so- per 'etstent was the demand, it was found ne cessary tti sustiend payment. - In' a little longer,. byrequest ' of! the' directers, Gen.' Wilson was in possession of the'keys;' books, lte.„ belonging to the institution, 'and had made an order of liquidation.. General Wilson found no faish-on taking possession, and nothing to the credit of the concern,with other banks: or .Correepon ;dents, Paoer, amounting to about 11301,0 00 ; had been sent to New 'York banks ,t tilt ' ihrent times to raise money on, all credited and discounted to the Merchant's National' Bank, and now Maturing. 'This,;of courae, will return protested; and be a liabilite . of. the collapsed institution, which, added to, the amount dne depoiltor--aav 5150,00 0 to 1.1400.000, •as variously estimated -swill , make the gross liabilities of the bank about Z500,= .001/. Ai for assets, hi addition to the , paper in Nevi 'York, the bank has here' abotit. 1400,0061n' paper, at least half of 'which tin,- der protest .or past due. ' Thuithe assets a ri t a rfai r' r g es oo ti l l llB4 tite; itre, apparently 8 0 7 r w ,l hi va ci i i i: and' indifferent; about 25 h er ' cent. is all that Fr o mm ecil lected hie ( Bak - nted times:. this : statement:the reader may judge of the chances of depositors. and stockholders. , The depositors caught bythe fanlike wbre mostly heavy ones, and a few in number, the small mies, - ,whh - , Aenerally make . -- rdo_iit no ise, having been ► paid, with a few, if any exceptions. The • he aviest sufferer by - the collarleVill`beithe' Metrcipoiltan liaiW of New ,York. In fact, tho weight of the fail ure is very.iargely In .New York, and will be felt herceonlyas:affects our tredit arid the depositeikto' Wbetnweliave .miide re-, ---- .ference. , ic. st.. y e outit (B efiC 14ttibarit; oliette.l 1 T.tLolns JUIv 2.—Oattli :easy -for buy:. ers at 3:1634e gross. Sheep and Lambs un changed. - - ~I ISOM UM MiSatracii MmtitErs. • Orrict . s**E6gitraftauM asz g lera t The excessively hot,weather • ,or • the putt. .. • „ two or 'three dsri • haS almost; squelched ' • • What life there 1917118 0 in . our market, and .? there - is but littlellresPeOlittßreeent of Ken immediate improvement. The demand even for hometconsumpilon, is very, much ; restricted, and there is an almost entire absence '.:of -anything , like a :speculating • BUITER—Is, dull, and under the enee of Ihereadedifirriihibthiricediare droop t.' ,•• lug :Prime to choice fresh packed is quo-_ I t e dat 23 4,025,-0.- • • ,EGRIS—In fair supply and dull ,ltut un changed at 20 to 21c. : HAT- Is Selling4l fifini‘ls to Mimi* ton, Sor common to strictly prime TlPOTAinot " hy TOliB=-Tbere Wis a : • • • :d r eirana , for New croPicoday at $6 to $ ,50 per bbi. Old crop almost exhaturted; grioteol 110MF-' flatly at.11;15 in .51,20 per bilshei. • , I DRIED Flturr-.48 doll • but • Jun.-- changed at 534 to 6)4c for Apples, and-A.O-X to 12c for Poaches. - ' CLIERSP,--UdchatifiedVat 13 to- 14 far - Western Reserve 'end HaMburg; 15 to:16 far Factory; 18 for Limburg, "and 181.4.20 for, (RAIN W heat light demand,' as the are buying very sparingly, under . 4 'the impression - that- there - will sooti u be material decline. - Two , cars of ma Ohio Red changed ban& the other 7ityl:iiti!* l . and 1 car new , Tennessee; tO.:arlisre - at same figure. •As there has been a Ch er - • able decline in Chicago and in the West ,'. : since zlien,, i these figures could hardly:' realized now. Oats qulet bit steady, Wills 75 to 76c offered, and •78c asked. Corn IS quiet' at $l to $1,05; sale of •1 car mixed, in elevator, at 11. Rye isfirm at $1,60 for , 'small lots, and a round •iot would'ornrimint $1,65 - to $1,70. .No Barley in market. . - LARD 011-4 a - quiet and a shade easier; We now quote at 51,20 for No. 2, and OAS to $1,40 for N0.:.1.• • 4 • - PROVISIONB-13acon,with the excep tion of Sugar Cdred Hams, for which there is an improved demand, facial' and 'a little , weiik. at' 13ii to .18}ipforSlamilders;' lffcs`to ' for Ribbed and Clear - Sides, and •1135 h" • ferf" Canvassed :Sumo -Cured HamS./. Lard, 17; to 1714 c, for priinii 'kettle. ren dered:, Dried Beef, 21 to 22e.• Mess Pork, 426175. • - .SALT.—Is „dull and, - 1101111111tW, changed; 51,75 tri'l,Bo"tci the trade, ands2,o. rerfunall lots. • •- • - - , • ~ SEEDS—The last sales Of ported were at $2,50 t 0.1455. LlME—Sales-at s2.per bbl. ; • PIO LEA D—Q,noted at 10 tolo l /0. FLOUR—While the. market to dull, the , dimiand being very light, there is, as yet, mieliiingelti prides. We continue to qnote at 18,50 , to 510 for ::medium'Sprint Wheat. and '110,25 t0,1111,50 - for good to choice do. Winter Wheat is still' qqc . ited 511,50, and fancy brandstit ‘l3lO 114:''stye` Flohr is am:hanged at $9 per bbl. ;- . PITTSBURGH PETROLEUM MARIM'r OrsicsoieTscirPrrfishOltoir Gasirtrsii he Crude 2;...1868." CRUDE— he ' Crude - •market was ¢egalD ; to-day, and with- • a sharp. do mend, continued favorable advices from thereast and a light supplyiPriPo B kW* : stint further advanced. The sales were larger than for,, some daya c reaching. over: 15,000 bbls, as follows': "2,000 fitife;Seller'S option, till December lst—ressile- of , con tract, difference in cash-at 1334e1 5,00 0 bble, all year, buyer's option resale of eontract;alffereried In casli=4lt l lots of 1,000 each for October, - Belled op- ; tion-, , at 14%c; two lots of I,oodeach.fOr . 1 vembor, seller's option, at 1434c;1,200 Jbly, • seller's option; at'1314%; 500 " tilt2oth =July." . • seller's option,--at 14qc; 808, spot, at 14X,c; and I,w° for,August at , 145.1 c. :From , :the abOVe it will be seen that an advance of from to %c has • been established. Oil City telegrams report the market arrest 11.5,25. • . 7: REFthED—icotwithstanding - the 'trans• ac ions in bonded oil were insignificant; • • compared with the lades. Aff Crttdat;the market, nevertheless, was" consider ably excited, and fully: as. stronekand prices have still further advanced. The . sales !ffirera: 500 bbls for Ant:half of Ju1y".4;33c5, 500, each . from{ August to, December at .840, - . • and 500- , each .from J.l:flyVecOMber,. I"Srivate terms., _Antwerp"bas inade other upward movement, being quoted to- • day at 48A .- frailas; . end - this, of comae,' to "': • some estent„ ; at lein4,-..lielpelAto strengthen I the , . market. The main reason why the sales of bonded olllvere not larger to-day, lies - „in the fact that the offer; nos to. •- • were light. ' ,GIL SIIIPMENTEA .111. V./Tiqt: eitieens Ref. do:, 200 ' bbls refine to Em pire Storage CO., • ; ;1'; it Lockhart:Frew & 'Co., 451 bias hens. to 1 - Warden, Frew & Co., . • , - Wormser, Myers & C 0.,• 201 bbls retitled '• to Warden. 7rew'et - 'Farztelt , Legaii,& Stoelidale, 2.0 do do }S . .. • ,‘ W. P 4 Logan & Bro., Philadelphia. McKeo & Hackett, l5 - do do to W. • Logan & Bro.; •'Philadelphia fZ' liicereery & Beatirnont,3oo do do to w. ' • , , l'.:Logari &Bro., Philadelphia. , : , Forsyth, ' Bra' & ' Co., 312 do do. to War den, Frew & Co:, Philadelphia - ' ' P. Weisenberer, 300dh'do•t0 Warden,; • Frew & Co., Philadelphia. `l4l;lngston & 8r0...fa10 .do..da to Warden,, Frew & Cp...Philadelphla; - - - -.• • •.a. 7 '...., B. W. Morgan & Co., 200 do do to War den, Frew & C 0:, ,, Ptiiladeli)hil. i i . f.,' ,'•,__'' LivinOlon & Bre., 50 do benzcire to War- . deb,,, Frew & Co., Philadelphia. - ' : z •J. out sniPmENTs FROM Duonssznt DEPOT. Warden & Batchelder, 56 bbls refined to , ' • Warden; Frew ,c Co., Philadelpnia. l - • Hutchinson Oil Ref. CO.; 85 bbls refined to Warden, Frew & Col . , Philadelphia: 'r ' ' '.“ 'Hutchinson Oil - Ref C 0.,. 75 do do r to Wiring, King & Co. ; Philadelphia. - , ',• H. M. Long .¢ co.; 166 do do to Waring, .' King & Co., Philadelphia.- '•: - . c,.. . , , Union Rec. & St. C0.. , 17 dod9 to W. P. -- ;., Lo ga n t t-Bmr.; Philadelphia: '4: W; 'lloldship, 50 do do to ' Waring, • King & Co., Philadelphia. -- - -Brooks, Ballentine & Co., 48 do do to 'WardeU Frovi,4sl;od4Rlxtlaslelpbio. , ,i,` C ' ''i Hutchinson Oil ReE Co., 2 8 7 do tar to W. p. Logan it Bro., Philadelphia. -Union Ref. R. St. Co., 30 410 tar to W. P. •Poga ll it . 13 .X 0 4 Plubidelphia. - , ~ , - New York Dry Goods' Market. flly Telegraph to the;Pitisliurglitasetteo 'NEW YORK, July 2.—Dry Goods market stead+, and firm for all staple fabrics or , coupn Gobili4"Wittri'OnlY .ror,whitee thefanev`sts;les are being-Cloace - out at low figures, which can hardly be regarded as a criterion. It is now generally - anticipated that all classee of,Goods, both- -domestic and 'foreign; will open l at higher J. 40314 but forthe present there is no partio-, ular change; Printing ClothsB34a9c; Print& and heavy: Brown Sheetings 16a. Milwaukee -Market. (By Tal9grailb to the Plttabtuth GUette.3 , •• ' MlLwiumits, July 2..—Flour is drill and prices are unchanged. is dull Mind to )6wer; and sales were made at 11,82 for Nt... 1, and $1,74 for Flo. 2. bats is'firth' at, 60c for No. 2.- aOemn is firm and unchanged.. The receipts fot the past tWentylour hours amounted to 300 barrels libur, 29.000 bush- • ills' wheat; 5;(100 .bushele opts, and • 4,001) • „bushels -: 'Oa abipnients, : to:4lo were 1,000 barrels floury .33,000 -tiushehowlieat, • 1,000 bushels ?/.0431,4n4!)•!3.i9q(lbushels:e9krit Ctkk,g9pil.ttp Market, Teisii4Akio'Aftei ).3 . CmoActo,. July g..,141.ve Stockmarket is more active. Beet Cattle,' sales ,at' , $6,268: 7,00 thr good; Itostikaly 'Cholkrei- Hogs sa tire at • iCalsc higher; sales common to choice lots at $8,00a8,75. II MEE