0 un EM l e/CRAP Qlfl FOR THE PEORIX0"• prim; ORRAr WESTERN HEE WORE'S iutte Wes ilrenovd__ to N 0.179 SMITHFIELD STREET, when 1 1. 94 attoallete tonatd the nod comptedde aseortmett. : I t__ avastis Aoteuenteselttomesed. Sport. niaerialr to tee city. AU kited. iv Gun. PtetoLe celrefudir repaired. Qua J'er ARMY RIFLES - and REVOLVERS. Send men) -'for iiiteetnagaf.. Circle/ay. Agent/.wanted iw "(V town in the United States. Address, J. H. JlMA lintit4tekt Street. Pittsburgh. W'JpRN N. PURVIALNCE, Register in Bankruptcy for lid District. ice. 115 IeEDER : A.L.STREET, ALLEGHENY. Si' 0516 e Loan-9 _A. x. to 5 p. m . !W IE OTiC.--Our :Stare . wil l be k. 1 ept opeo for bu,liiess, ;this Friday,) Esetting, till 9 o'clock. . 1 1 4 _,.. qo 8 TIIRDAY (Fonith of,liii)%,)" the 'Skirt Irtn )e don . b14011.11M &.4111:1LISLE,- i JY 3 : • _ • l9 FIFTH STREET. "N" ".. O ICE.—Le : haillmbeeitgrz A ART FANkiklEl/61 ;nk claims against he : :; re, duly authenticate ;JO etHN ate W. TAYW will make payit,i era Testamentary. ted me on the ESTATE OP deceased:all persons hav i estate will prrsent them to and all persona owing said. , entrjo me or my attorney, I - 04 .T 3 Grant street. 111131STQF trANGISEYER. Jy/a,41 July Rd, 1668 NOTICE • Is ,•xfatin tg betweehat: the n the Lim' :At EhilL . 801IALK, t:s this Day Dissol HEREBY GIVEN. d Copartnership beretotere ndersigned, under the name ed by Ilintued Consent.. E3lll. SCHALIC. : • CHAS. elphla, July 1, A..rp. 1 8 e 8 . • Plitsbargti snd Phils Jyaritt-p • . . HE AGRECULTITIaL COL• LEGE OF. PENNSYLVANIA., re-organlzed 1568 1b nSelentllc Benno!, glees ennmearof In l,tructlon- -GENERAL SCIENCE. • AtiItiCUL URE, MRCHANTU RE, 1 1 1ERCLIANICAL, AND :;;IVIL ENGINEERING, and ENGLISH "AWOL AS AC AL LITERATURE. r , r6t ' term' been* July '99th 'unbends Dee.tleth,•l.B6B,:: • . . For furper particulars applgto JAS. Y. BleK_EE,'Vle'ePresldent, rr jr2:e.V..F - Agricultural College, Centre Co., Fa. ,--- Itrztues "'Leyte, FROM • CROP ' 1808. " We are now retelling - a choler). lot of Southern Pi . heat from Tennessee and Alabama. from Which She are now . manufaciming. auperior quality. of amity Pibur, equal to the best bmnds in the United lvates, to which we invite the attention of dealers ,:••nti consumers. Our sacks are sealed and branded ••._ Crop of 1865, Pearl Steam Mill. Allegheny," with • ate. • • R. T . EENNEDY BRO. , - July 2,-1888. • : - . ::.r1 RAIDING AND PAYING. Prs ill be received by. the Committee n Mon ongah e la Wharf until 3151011:11L1r, • ',11:11:Iir I.3th. ;:'or the partial GRADING AND PAVING OP .:' AID WHARF., from Smithfield to Grant streets.- Bidders state the price they will allow, per erd for the cone now in the wha rf trr Proposals may be left at N t h et mAtt.KET St, MORROW, Chairman of Committee 173:4,40 ,'' .1: 1 -. S..IdARSHAL'EI•ONFICE, I • :, • - —..W. I). or Pennsylvania.., PrrMintrunit, July 3, lB6 B. AllB BALE. thiiiiii- ' , VI J. C. HAWLEY et - - iti. vs. STEAMBOAT eRAVELLER, No. 3, October .Term, 1868. In Sdmiralty. ' - By virtue , of iiiiiiiiiifttontemorstui issued out of the i; Oistrict Court of the kinaeo States, Western DisL• •.rict of PennsyDrauls,•and to me directed, I wilt ••••xliose to Patine Bale, on TUESDAY, the 1418 day ..:f July, A: 1), • 1888,-al 10 coelock A.' si., at the •,:ustom Rouse, hi Mac City of Pittsburgh; the •, , TEAMBOAT TRAVELLER, together wlth her •,'„,*" ts,machinery, tackle, apparel • •ic.. •• THOS. A. ROWLEY, IL'S. Marsha l 17y3:•43 • . . • Western District orl's. • WALL PAPER, AT' REDUCED PRICES. • - AFTER JULY lsrj . We will-Offer our ;resent stock of • • " Wall Papers at. Greatly Reduced Prices. A larre'atsortiOcnt of SATIN riimns, for balls, . , celliossi Ac.. at • '.:ll . o.lo l l . ll4arket Street, near Filth. =7N . SOS. R. HUGHES & BRO. CONTROLLER'S ORRICE, t . pfrT .0. Al.tatcalsitic, July Od, 1888. QEALILED PROPOSALS will be ."4 rent laird at thin once until WEDNESDAY, ittp,o`olock r. for, • , • ' l l '4IIkATIING AND PAVTBfU' The following streets and alleys, ♦iz BIIIRMS STREET, from Allegheny avenue to ls Walker street.' • PEAR 1$ ALLEY. from Virgin alley to Liberty st. Also, for Gradlogal: ERA VISTA. STRIGILT, It ont Carroll streeCto Taylor areoue. Prothes, speeldestlens sad esrlmates can he seen In the taco of the Ulla Engineer._ _ • Blank forma fir bidding can be , h a d at my °Mee. ' - R. 13. FIUME! .. .0 - .IpOpOOFING SLATE. ~ ...A.Thi ! JOHN - GALT, • • .:. ;Wholeigile Dealer in Reoftig Slates. ~ ... sole Agent for NewTork Slate Co.; Middle Grin. :- iville Slate 04;._ at Allddle.'Graarllte,.- 5. Y.; Eagle • .)late Co.; C. 11: Davey:4 Co., and Josep h i Sheleon, '4 1 j,7, 9 6 . 11r1M ittr I d Mi l l re Etli n A r Pt3llll 7 . P i l l i n l .; : toigent for the Chapman, and - Leblgti elate co.s of , • :Yeunsylvanti r vTno rnarusts,et,ure . supertor Mack. .... ;' i te e r; mai - 61111 ' e, 21 ' and 93 TENTH A VENUE, , . . ew 'Work, rijestern ()Mee, 56 TICERACE, 6 u ffal C u.. '..• .Y. Al!' orders' ailed promptly, at the'. Jo w est •I:arket rates . Sen4llbrelrentar. JOH i r 4 • ,T, i i .•,. I jy3:l2a4 . ' 21 and 23, 'Tenth Avenue, ,Si.‘'..._ . M e . FOURTH ST. • . 1 1 r-_,„ JL.A.T.J• %F ' :„ 1 - " s • • JOHN D. BAILEY & BRO., r TOOK AND - REAL ESTATE- BROKERS AND AIICTIONEESS, . , . - . • ' lt,kre prepared to sell at. Auction STOCKS,. RONDO. • tend all kinds of SECURITIES, WEAL EkiTATE, .:, 1 5. ;HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE. • U., either on the remises or at the Board of Trade Rooms. - ; Particular attention paid. as-heretofore, to the Tystle of Real Estatent private sale. • ' , , , •• I: Bales of Real Estate in the country attended. .• LOilice. No. Ilb rot:MTH STREET. - TTa:O64 415 wool , ST tiAßßirriirio,T3 No. 116 Wood St., Plttobuigh, Pa" W 1.EE54414E' DRY mobs AND NOTIONS, , AT LorisTEAS • ( , ' 1 Br e. XI:MAINS ~. • ' i . • _ .- ALLEpriTENIV AVENIJE_, Corner OF trIIIO Ateltios, reereterici ..ALLIc -1 t i NY CITY. THIURADAS! MOEINING, Juts 9.11, at 10 O'cloek, w th i a li t verb risodide. a n r u abrelirt r p ' e n4,l 7: ll n i a n te ki nt le cern eri er Y aV l Al tY = leghenv , and (Ala AV( Hues, (the two finest avenues In Allegneny•t: sty.) A ilegh , isy avenue .betng that tuagninoent nevi oneolne..p9 feet %rid., to the riser. isliE T e_ lie ue c iss i g r ;rof e eei.l, Zall i ro n i A Alleg heny. -.l.oe n excelieut hourovement, 0, this lot lea two-story t ßr lob Ie ob let,welt withi back In irlF,Clr,,patr ecgaoic:talh k:liiOr,. with gas, anthou • andl.aeld ;e r 'l throne/out. ~,Also„ W11,b.,1101180, etable.,snd sla t er outnuildings. The grounds are tastefully tailyout In nbrubberv, and wllltfrul I and shadeltzben . iturfr' , i possession given ofthe prerulses., ~..„ ..., P. , .. , AitoO, 6 immeelately ..d)olithig lots eat& 514kteet: 'i, front on Allegheny avenue, and - -1.40 feet In depth to the ally,; This handsome iseoperiy la one of the moat conve ll "dent, elegant and destrablealtuatlorukof Allegheny ' . .ygparg , -Cite4lilrd cash bolsi:we Irt one Mitt two ", ..ro wlthattereat." , --- ', 1--- ' • - ' : ,It • itliaviatiE AutttOneer. ~, jr4 -.,'.- ,-,.•): , . I • L.. , (... - .1 .":: "': .i . , ":‘, : ~` ' ! •, .. . : .7 - 7 - " , • ••-: •—' s,- , * • Tr • - . Ea AN ORDINANCE . . , For Opening Animas Avenue. • - ere: 1. Be U ordained and enacted by the My ef Ptttsburgh, in Select and Compton Counctia assent-. bled. and 4is hereby enacted bin the authority of the 'same, That the City Engineer be and be is hereby authorized and .direoted surveyand - open Aiken. Lane, in Liberty township, of the width of tiny feet 'from Centre Avert, to the Fanners and Mechanics Turnpike Road, ..ud to assess damages and award benekts caused thereby, R. C. BEATTY. 11.13.:' JUIIN R. id CROWS. and GEO, R. area P-. pointed Viewers td littOrdaned wittithirketicotAs , - eembly In such eases made and ProvldeL Sac. 2. That 'any ordinance or part of l eirdinance conflicting with theassage of this ordinance pt the preseot time, be and_ p the stifle is hereby repealed so far as the same affects this, orsilluirtee. , , Ordained and enacted into a law in Councils, this 319 tn gay of J nne, A. D. 1868. I JAMES IdeAULT.Y, 'President:of (elect Connell. Attest: r: is: XORROW, • Clerk of Select Council NV. A. TOMLINSON. President of Common Council. Attest: Munn mestAsTER, Clerk of Common Connell. .j 3 . . Jie It ordained and enacted by the City of Pittenirgh. in Select and Common Musette assem bled, and it it hereby enacted by the authority cif the sane, That the; City Engineer be and befit hereby authorized and :directed to. ad ctrLtse for proposals for the (trading, Paving and:Curbing of Wide Alley, from Logan street to 'Fulton street, smdrito let the same In the manner directed by an ordinance con .cerning streets, passed Aegntt 31st; 1957; 'also, an Act concerning streets, approved JlarY. GOL • 1862. 11 _ .19sc. 2. That any ordinance or part of rdluarice conflicting with the passage of this ordinance at the present time, be and the same Is hereby:pealed so Pares the same affects this ordinance. Ordained and enacted Into a law in Co ells, this 29tn day of . June, A. IL 1868. • JAMES MeAtILEY, , llresident of Select tonaell. Attest: Z. S. lfonnow. ' • Clerk of Select Connell. W. A. TOIdLINSON, President of Common Connell. '• Attest: HCOH MCMAST.EB, r Cleric of Common Connell. 1/2 AN ORDINANCE Oita Controller 115. I=ll SHANNON & CO., -A.D,VEATI ORDINANCE TO PATCESTAIN,.. IST.C. 1. Be it ordai;teci and Mailed by the Select andoCoratnon Council* of the Ott_y of Allegheny, and it is hereby by theritutiorßY 'Vl'tde acme. That the Mayor of said city, upon thircertilleate of the - Clty Controller, is nereby authorized and em powered to draw his warrant on the City •Treastirer roc the sum of three thousand nine hundred and tifty-one dollars and seventy cents ((13,051 70,) se. imminent on 'the City; on Southend East Contnitni:f for construction of **Canal !Sewer." ran' oT seven thousand nine hundred and six dollars and .semen cents, (,7.00007.) bot9P Pet!test.,ol , . the whole amounts:messed until sue property holders for conatruc ion of said sewer assessed by the said city, on confirmation of •the Viewer* , Report, to gether with the interest that shall be found to be legally due upon both the fan going 'aillonntst and so much of the ',Contingent Fund" sa will be ne-' country to pay the said su ms and .interest 14 hereby appropriated for the purposed.. And the cat • sum of seven thousand nine inaidred and sixdiollars and seven cents shall be reimbursed to the cM from assessed benefits from sewers hereafter to be, built connecting with said Canal sewer, anti that the Con troller be and he ‘:11, instructed' to ebirge said amount to an account to be opened for that purpose. and notify vi. wen on all. sewers contemplated to{ connect with theAanai deliver; and it s amo u nthe duty of vieweni do notilled' to ZSECestheso required above and beyond tha sum actually neces sary to build-seweror- sewers cow:metin q with said canal sewer ‘Andthelfuriher sum of 11,92.1600 f the Contingent Fund is hereby apnropriated to pay N. D. Hogg for that amount wrongly assessed to and, paid by - bim for constructing said sewer, as is fatly set Ibrth In the Report of the Committee on Streeta, and Sevren , ,,lnultilth, 18811. - - - _• ! Otilained'aaa enacted Into ii, Liar Ms' the 23th day allune, A. IL 111813. JAMES , MCBRIER, • ,••" Presideht of Select Council. J. S. SLAGLE. Attest: President of Caliente. Connell. • .MA.crirmeox Clerk of Select Council. H. Muorfowitt; letic of CommoreCoupell; • JO AN ORDINANCE ` AITTIIORIZING alritdittit. Paying aid Curbing of Wide Alley, from Login to Fulton' Ste. • AUTHORIZING THE Grading*, Plenfig mina Curbing of Street, from Carson Streiet to City Line. Sae. t. Se tt ordrifned and enacted by Pittsburgh, in Acted and Common Conn bled,. and U is hereby enacted by the auth same, That the City Engineer be and b authorized and n lrected to advertise for for the Grading. Paving and Curbing street, from Carson street to the old city 11 let the same la the manner directed by an concerning streets, passed August 31 ti I an Act concerning streets, approved J'au 1564; Sac. 2. That any ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting with the passage of this ordinance at the present time, be and the same la hereby repealed so far as thesame affects this ordinance. Ordained and enacted into a taw in Co nells, this 948111 clay of J use, 1565. a - AMPS IfeA EY, • President of Select 'ouncil. Attest: E. S. MORROW, Clerk of Select Connell. - • W. A. TOMLINSON, President of Common Conao4l. Attest: HCO/131CMASTRIT, Clerk of CM:MOO COUrteil. 3y3 AN .ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE Grading, Paving and Curbing of Erin gereei,, from llirdford Avenue to Centre Avenue. ( Bic-now 1. Be it ordained and enacted by the City of "[taboret, in t and Common Commits at tembkei, ow/ U is hereby enac ed by the authority of the same, That the City huulueer be and be Is here by authorised* and directed ta • advertise for propo sals fur the tirading, Pacing sad Outing of grin [treat, from BAC,. d avenue to Centre avenue, and to let. thit sans e in t lie ' manner directed by an ordi nance concerning Atm , ts. passed August Slat, 1857; Mao,. an Act concerning streets, approved JautuarY6tll.•lE464; , • ' • 'id That any ordinance orpart of ordinance contiletitagmith the passage of this ordinance at the present time. he and the same Is hereby repealed so tar as the Arno affects this ordinance. Ordained and enacted Into a law -In Councils, this 519th day of June, A. D. 1868. JAMES McAULEY, ' President of Select Council. Attest* E. S. lion sow. • -Clerk of Select Council. W. , A.• T 4 thfUlfigiN, President of Common Council. • Attest: IrVolt WeStASTILIK, Clerk of Common Connell. AN ORDINANCE Locating Street at Baseloiood. arc. 1. Be U ordained and enacted by the MY of Pittetnirgh, in Select and Common Council* assern hlwl, and U ie hereby enacted by the i dutiterity of the sante, That the bane now Known aslblattou'e Lane, near he Hazel good ,tatlon , on the littsburgh and Omnellaville Railroad, be and the tame hi hereby dtch,tred to he a street fifty (150) feel. in width, as shown by .plana ,thereof in the Ulty Engineer's Sire 2. That any ordinance or. part mr ordinance Mind:ming with the passage of this ordinance at the 'present time, be and the same is,hereby repealed so Mr as the As,nle affects this ordinance. Ordained and enacted Into a law In Councils, this lithn day. 01'J une, A. LI, VAS. JAMES McAULEY, President of Select Council. Attest: E. B. Monnow, Clerk'of Se lect Ctioncit. . . , President of Common roithiN sag Council. Attest: Moil .11c31.012a8. Clerk of Cothmon Connell. 3y3 AN ORDINANCE Fora Sewer on Penneytrouts Avenues from Washington Street to Dinwiddle o street. • .• Sac. 1. Be it ordained and enacted - by the City of patiburyh, in Select and Common Counetie atom- J:ied, and it te hereby enacted by the authority of the Rama, That the City Engineer be and he in hereby directed to ad vertme ter proposals sor the construc tion of a pdhlle newer on Pennsylvania avenue, from Washington street to Dl:twiddle sue t, and to let the same In accordance with an Act of Assembly APPIOved Janhary Btb, 1884: OW. 2.. TERI , for the payment of expenses of said sewer, It Is hereby ordained and miscued that the property benedtted by the construction of said Asewer shall beitssessed equitably and fairly, and the Counclis do hereby appoint —, -- to make said I eyelid assessment, and return the alma in accordance with the Act' of. Assembly of January OM 1883. ' X. That any ordinance or part of ordinance conflicting the passage of this ordinance at the prea- ent time, be and the loam. Is hereby repealed so far, as the same affects this ordinance. . • Jane lagin, IEISB read, laid, over and ordered to be published one time in papers authorised to do pity rrintitig. • JANES MeAULEY, . C Attest; ' B. Monncra r r efi ' ldnt " beleat Council. Clerk of &lett Council. • • • W. A. TOMLINSON, Attest: HUGH litem Pr ik eeldent of Common Cot ic n. Tzn, Clerk of common Connell. jyllat T° TOUltifiTS AND . - PLEASURE SEEKERS: .EXCURSION TICKETS . Vin Niagara Pills and Lake Ontario and the Rjlip Idi of the lit. Lawrence, to .niontrealy Quebec. White 'ilfountains,.Lake George.. Saratoga, Boston, New York, M &c. via the Grand 'Trunk Railway and Royal ail Stainers, at greatly reduced rates.- - For information apply to wag.. nnvorrAzeri Jr le19:1 0 31., • • . No. 70 Fifth street, Pittsburgh ~ • . • =t211121 NZE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE : FRIDAY, JULY 3, 1868. NB~~A~I~SR A z sooD - AssoisTourarr „ow_ •... - • -„, • IANCY GOODS, ) • - AT WILLIAM SMUILE'S' ISO kr lei Federal 814 eileitteny. MI MARSEILLES, . - PLAIN AND FIGURED JACONE% ETWIEIB, - • LAWNS:tCRINTSL, tt. tt trt DRESS GOODS, LACE SHAWLS, LACE ws, i.kbE ELiNEKEROTIIEPS; SILK LACE KID GLOVES, INFANTS , WAISTS. •IPANS.,i =EVE: HUTTON% And a Variety of other , Fancy Goods. BILE EAMASOR, SUN UMBRELLAS, BONNETS, SIINDOWNS, HATS, RIBBONS, FLOWS2S, Le., Nic AssaryrneEpwr, AT EXTREMELY LOW PRICES, Wholesale and Retail, AT WM. BE.MPLE'B, ISO k Is 2 Federal St., Allegheny. a; SUMMER GOODS. Boys', Unth's red Children's. 81TledER CL881:111:13RE SUITS, LINEN DUCK 13131TE1 In Every Style, of the Greatest Variety, (Liberty the old SUITABLE FOB, THE VISSICNT SEASON he City of , aasera ll y qrths n b bereby Lie, and to lornluance U 7; also ary 6th, Gentles:Lea will And a line assoritnest White and Wow° Duck Suits; Alpaoca and Flatattel Coats, &0., Every garment being specially, made tor as by the best Eastern holism OUR PRICES Are as Leiria Good Geelbs evil be Mold at by any rirm East or West. GRAY & L9GAN, 1 4'l St. Qair.Street. Je2Sir ELECTIC SUMMER CORDIAL, j An Infallible remedy for Summer Compliant, Diaz thee, Dysentery, - Vomiting, Sour Ptomach and Cholera Morbas. - Dit.,ll4lllll' CRIMP CBE, I - A specific for Cbcdera, Csarope and Pain In the Stomach, for sale tom ' HAM i& Corner of Liberty and Wayne Streets, AASUMNICIS 3. 801100NNAKER & SON'S PURE WHITE LEAD, McCOY'S VERDITER GREEN; Tbe oniv green paint that will not deteriorate by, (expOttire. It will look , better, bud longer and give more perfect mitiefactiun than any paint in the market. CITY HEADQUEIARTEJRB FOR, . - • qE 4 I-1120 WCOMKS. 9 , LARGEST STOCK IN THE WEST, Embracing s lull and complete assortment rf SMIT•L AND LARGE WORKS. Togethei with • large variety of flue Exhibltkin LANTERNS,' 1 FLAGS, 111,001:1of all styles.. (500 gross assorted alms 13A-LLOONS, 6 TO A 5 YEZT-111011. FIRS CRACKERS, TORPEDOES. 500 bow oxtis No. 1 Daders lini.solicited tir examine our , hock. ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. REYMER dz Bizonizits, wßominsoorrarnosias, • 1 . 126 and 12S1Prood Street. AT EATON'S, No. 17 Fifth Street. BILK, LINEN, PAPER AND PIL24 LZA:r tun Umbrellas and- IPitissolls NIINAT YARINTY. t ...,,,.~."x=+,~';.+,ad.--s :.ti ~, F c ~; ~ 7 ~ i 5a. , ~..c„-~ 4':i` ..ices x k~,x.. ^~,.» ~. fr.:.~ illa - ;11 11111 MO ME FLANNEL SUITS. ALPACA JACKETS. AND 600,000 `t~Ar7s~ FEZ rZ=M=ll 13 `~ rMI ~~,.- l'4 l drillinee Melded trials of other remedies, 4000 Stomach, Bitters, Blood Punier ladllicaid — PM ire the best medicines extant to cure the die eases for VP" awecommendo._ , • . . gila b k "DniggistrEntOrltrt. I'3" " , • t , 7 There is no medicine in use so efliesieoas as Dr. ..Bobaelt's Blood Purifier and Blood Pills Tor the permanent core of Blind or Bleeding Pilamthey strike at tho root of dhsesae, thereby retooling the cause. Sold by all Druggists Everywhere. • TEMPERANCE. There Is, perhaps, no onelthlng that has done so much to promote- the cause of temperance '-as that gentle ettmulatibg tonic, Rob As Stomach•Bittemil they strengthen and Invigorate without producing the 11l effects of alcoholic stint ants . . ',Sold by el Druggist Everywhete. Are Pills that have a direct atd r powerful action on . the liver, and relieve 'any `lnactivity - or 'congested state of that all important organ upon which de wilds the whole process of digestion. The linport ance. then, or procuring a Pill that shall have such. direct action without the 111 effects of Inircii4, Is manifest to every one; such Pills are Rona Blood Pills; they are warranted purely vegeta le, and can with certainty pe relied upon, and are afe • - Sold by all afirggists Everywhere. INDIGESTION " • • - - Is but another name'for Dyspepsia, and the parent of many ills. Boback's Btomaoh Bitters taken In Rine-nlass-full doses, direetly after each meal, will surely effect a permanent cure. -Do not take our word for It, but try them. • ' Sold by. all Druggists Everywhere. • NIGHT MARE Is one of the many diseases of which Dyspepsia is the pirent. To effect a cure persons should avoid hearty food at night, and take a wineglass-full of . Itoback's Stomach B liters on retiring to bed. Sold by 41 Druggists Evecywberet EICOVATE. During the dpring months It is one of the regular household dutles to renovate, and.th city .of other diltlei one's own self ls, In a great measure, overioloked; thousands of valuable lives might be prolonged, and many doubtless saved from premature gravts by thoroughly renovating the system with Dr. Roback's Blood Pills, Stomach Bitters and Moll rudder. • Sold by all Druggist( Everywhert .BLELANFEEOLY Is one of tie many disorders of the nervous system, arising from a low state of the constitutional health or severe prostration after long continued elek.ness. and requires invigorating remedies Like Itoback's Stomach Bitters. to restore the nerves to their natu. ral vitality. ' geld by all Druggists Everywhere. WHO SELLS THEM ? f - The Agents for the Ulf! of ROBACK'S BLObD PILLS, STOMACIL BITTERS and:BLOOD PURI- . FIER are all Druggists over l ysthere. U. .8. PROPRIETARY MEDICINE, G ~ PROPRIETORS, • cxxcaNriarri, O. jefnialsar-F SUMMER EXCURSION& TIRE PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL -A- RAILROAD COWAN'S" tuia os silsiat their Oflce, Union Depot, Pittsburgh, ••• ROUND TRIP EXCURSION;TICKETS, TO ATLANTIC CITY AND CAPE MAY, Enabling parties to visit these porn/lir bathing re cols, and eeturn.home at a moderate cost. - CAPZIMAi rkEZENGERS can purchase Tickets to j 0 and return bj all it allroad, or they can arrange to take Steamer ln either direction, between Phila. dtgpails: and Capp . EXCURSION TICKETS are also for sale at the above Depot to NIAGARA FALLS, THE OIL RE GIONS, CIETTYtiBUIIti, and numerous Pointain Pennsylvania and New York. • :40/*PADMILE,TS. containing fell descriptions of the tarionalexenrstOn• Goatee by this IlAnui,• can be had on application at the Ticket Office, in the Union Depot. • . W. H. BECKWI'rII, • Irl:s2B TICKET AGENT. 'CHERRY SEIEDEII / . . 1 • • CHERRY SEEM& CHERRY SEEDEEL Every family using Cherries for _plea, tanning' or drying, should have one of these valuable machines. IC w.t will saves thee and labor, but will wore titan pay. for Itself la seeding one Intact of anti les. - it is anti?. durable and can be *Waited to all sizes of chestier For Sale, Wholesale and Metall, by •. JAMES BOWII, • • • No. 136 Wood. Street. .3030:Tur s-r~~.w x~~c~, AN IMMENSE STOOL All the Novelties of the Season) AT WCORD & CO.'S, 131 NV(lot) STIREP,T.' BLACK SILK SACQUES. s. Lama Lace 'joints, Summpr Shawitl, ( • • FOR SALE AT LOW PEW ST • WHITE, ORR *Fifthstrcet, ~. CIHEGARAY - INST TOTE, - _ , 'EMIL II AND FRKNCET. ‘—i .t‘Cyjt YOUNCiI LA.DIMAS. •• BOARDING AND Y.PIIP/14 , 1 1 ; 4 15117 slid Ogg St'ltUcE B ki.EXT„Thllsdelphis. Pi. will ro-open on RON DAT. dept. gad. French 1 8 t h e huntoot i c i f the :funk y amyl. LS 00Rdtrabeli ""k" In W hIADA/n e irgiuVlLL l K, rrtuoipat .3015;r38.-hiWP ::.• - • , , ~ • -- N_?'sti .~.. r .E.,wi,-.:,: ~. t..„ ..~.. _ra~+~-.fagS.iYin `i'.:s-""~•. s"~, ===!II! 2 dku)" urs AND OIL CLOTHS . , 'SUMMER OP ' 4 : - A - CARPETS.I White, lied, Checked, Striped and Fancy '• 3X A rie rr I N . Gl- S, IN GIIIMAJI" VAILIZEInr• Oil Cloths, Window Shades. ke.: EOVARD, ( ROSE & 21 FIFTH STREET. e29:4111-wF =I BE CARPETS. 'OT ' Man Fiona, Large and the lo ITHAITAEXPINIR THE , rs'-reeent Ovenee in e will