Ei r it • u . - Itusuirrg# - 4,ll,Ewv:z PUBMHZD-DAILYI :r 1, t PENNTIEM REFD & Proprietor& iwiltricAit, • - lonnit ware. • • T. P. WOUBTOX: ,1 X. P. =IN • ! Votive OFFICE: *AZETTE !tukt.pitip,Aos. 84 AND 86 FIFTH ST. OFFICIAL: PAPER Ur Pitallglit'Alleghesty• wad Allogiunir County. firets-Dally. I Semi- Weakly. o I Weekly.% . . thle year:.-..int.oolone year.s2.so Single e0p1.....1.50 One month. , 75 , 1312 mos.. 1.50 5 eopys, alp. 1. 1.0 311 the week, 15IThree mos 75 10 -115 maw c a r rier. i and one to Anent. FRIDAY,. JULY 3, 1868. Tire :Witsizt.y_GAziarrE, untied on *ed.«, sesdaysand Saturday, 0 the best andeheap: ad famay,neut&paper in Pennegivania.';, //, presents each week forty-eight columns of ' terid reading matter. it gives the furtest ai 1 as Me post reliablemarlistrifiiiif in ihe Btate. ' Its files are wed iitiu . il 11l th e Civif. °Peals °lAaeghen_l o P:lg 'WY or reference in important issues to determine, rulitig prices in the markets at the 10144 the -business transaction in - disoute. Tereis: nee 0517; -0 .0.1fociri $ 1 . 5 0 ; in dubs offiee,, 125; it) '40.61/.411 $1,15, and one free, So th e g e141;•,1 . 0, of the eittb. , Spftimen cop* amt fres to any address: , . t , ~ , WE !WET on the inside pages of ,-thip :. morning's`' GAZETTE : Second page: Tabtr Talk, Miscellaneous, Poetry. Third page,! • , CentrarLicts Stock Market, FinanCial Yaws in New York, 'Produce Markets, . I+riparta„ .Harked by-Telegraph. • Sixth page Finance and Thule, lime Hal:kegs, Oil .hiattent Ifisventk page: Fashions for July, Ettuaa 7 ! donut Matters. .• : • • , Gold•cloeed yesterday in New Yorls‘l4 -1401 . Tan Eakltt. Hour Law of Pennsylilittia became' Opdative. bit the lst inst. We'print its text aseWhere. THE iteptibilcans of Michigan-and Ver.: snout hod Stite.:ConventiOns on iyednes-. day, ndiniiiiiing their candidata for State' officers 'pd . :Presidential eledtors respective,: 13 , , and cordially endorsiog the action of tha liationul Convention at Chicago. TEE lleriublhnins of the Beventeentlt cm igressioail District of' Ohio hiv6 1101111118 W Hon. J. A. VT" TER, olColiunblina county, as their Aailiiidate for lisimedentatiVe. In the Eiglitee.itil l or Cleveland District, Hon. , 19'. UrsOst, of 'Summit county, is the liepublictui candidate. • . ', , Ifl4n*un 13;r4TES bonds to the amonnt, of *28,129,000 have been, issued to the several Pacific railroads, upon which, up to June 15th, the ifu i tu of *2,134,197 po, intorest was accrued.tY The amounts so far repaid by these companies, under the fifth section of the act of June 1864 is 4765,488 02. _ . , - Alt comma of the armY, now in New York, retnarked -On Wednesday, after-visit ing the hotels crowded with l Ea l uthernDern ecratic delegates,. that he !lever but once before saw so .many officers the rebel srmy—and that was when Fort Donaldsen surrendered: Tia resolution of the Noise, for adjourn .went on the lth, wilt not obtain the con: currenee•of the Senate. Nor is the popular branch now disposed to insist upon it. - The new tariff bill'which was reported on • Wed:i aseaday is to receive consideration and,„with other ithportant measures still incomplete, will fully occupy the attention of -Congress instil the Ist of August. ' Ta river-bridge question is to be disPoi ed of by'Congress, by the,• appointment of is I commission to decide each particular .case upon its exact merits, without• establishing any uniform system. The commission is to determine thewidth of span for each bridge applied for, with the plans for its construc tion, and having reference to any pectdiari ties of the channel at the designated site. This will dispose of the question very 4ell, provided the commission be composed, df military officers. If its functions be con fided to civilians, we may count upon anclt a degree of jobbery and corruption as Pre vious experience with commissions= thus conatitutefi,yourants rosin looking for. ;• • TILE ASSERTIONS, that certain distinguish -, 1 ed Democrats are not caadidates before their National Convention, must be accepted Ina Pichwickian sense. exan?ple,Mr. Hsx prams fleClines to_ be - a candidate-Lilian after his friend PENSLE.lter'shill be- found - unavailable. Gov. Szymaps positively de clines a nomination--unless it be sponta neously tendered to him. ANDREW Joss.' sox is no farther a candidate ,than: that be would he gratified to receive a heavy coma mentaiy Vote. The 'truth is; that each of these gentlemen is anxiously an aspirant, but neither'ortheni has the Eitiatglitforward frankacsk of. Judge RIIABE, = who avows his ambition without such flimsy disguise. TuiPledge of air. Cuess to support the nominecof the—Democratic Convention is stated to he in the. possession of a friend at New York,' killd 16: in the following lan guage: . r, .. ' "While I would pe grateful to receive the - nomination, I do 'not desire to. have 'my name used without a positive"iii3suratice of success. ',desire to put on record in ad vance of the meeting of the Convention, that I will support the nominee.r Quondam believers'in the' sincerity of the Judge''s 'Republicanism, or who may now claim 'for him Republica'n, - st ippo r t if he should be the Democratic candidate, can now form a more correct estimate of his Po liticalininciplys: Were not this pledge Viva 4quoted with ouch absolute precision and by, a correspondent` not only notoriously Well intornicd, but who is believed to be One of lir. , CHASE'S particular friends, • iir spite of, lis connection ,with, is Pendleton Journal, we could make some allowances for the in sof iv . ople =who haVe. ;heretofore admired the Chief Ju,sticer- WiL4.Fe.r, IliftitivelaißitiotporSonal iroattnesir political tergiversatilon.mplad_bq T ore gm _ i toi*ding than this absolute and uncondi tional surrender, by one So -Vale * I an d conspicuously honored Os d Republican, !, : poosing ...patty' :Which litistfPri4eYgrr: years maligned, his mative3, disputed his statesmanship said denopi4d, ;Ms' career. His judicial deg lotion-• 4 . possible, eclipsed by hispersonal and I his political disgrace. .• Tulin/ 'isnot the slightest danger thet any portion of the. Democratic, party will.fail to stfstain the action of .:the Convention... Our success depends upon• our ability to win over a few votes fonm the other aide in five or six'States; milesi we can accoraplish this, last year's election ,returns show that we shall be defeated.—N. Y. Ilrorkl,' ' BOlting is not -a. Democratic habit;. they .prefer toleave that sort of thing to their pp- Oonents, invariably,for theniseives, sup porting their 'oWn tickets, , no matter how 4tontioated. The double Democratieltomi , nations: in 1860 resulted not from 'but from'a'schism in the Convention.' The' leader's of the Northern, party had been for: some time aware that the South was-deter— mined to set up for itself, and `.the' fiasco of the Charleston Convention was hut an *big; tive attempt to Iprevent it , After eight &ears, the entire party is re;united,S,gain, to' secure, if possible, the success of the '"lost cause" in a more peacefqbut'efficacions mode.- Their- .COnvention .will be stormy, ;and its results will astonish- the 'p,oliticians. But let no Jlepublicala Imagine that the . enioeratic party will be staggered by any thing the . Convention ,may do. Whether the'eariiiklaie tie PusoLarox 'Oximuc, liirtOcs or some one yet unknown, whether lliei greenbacks'or gold, for universal suffrage or a whiteman's Advernin'ent, the party will yery generally swallow., the proceedings With a gAlp, , And go in for that success whiehria this year to be•the objective Point fOr DeMOeratic effort. fact, the particular candidate:, is i of little tonsecpience: to that party: Whoever he ' , nay be, Ny '1 11: i&ei4 upon a Platforni "Which will hear.the most opposite interpre tetignel.44ooe?ltirC Pl!II . Y 1 ' 0111 'be "recon ciled to ,iIA Support.. That.the DeMocratic To i rty Mud "gain no 44i:onions to its , numL hers is allthat Vixen must see t • keep them; where. they are,tand even the Woild acknowledges, that, they must be de 'reated; • . - TIME CANVAS IN, PENNSYLVANIA. - Re d It 1B time that our Republics. friend s ens should understand that, if they expect to make their 'majority •of the votes 'of this State effective at the polls in October and November, it will be only accomplished by 'perfecting their organiiation and inatigur sting an active and thorough canvass... We can assure them that, at no time within our recollection of PenneYlvania polities, have' • the opposition laid their plans of operation broader or deePer; •or with va•More deter mined resolution to, achieve success in some way and at any cost. The• habitual, tradi. .tional, tactics of that paity r haie 'been forti fied, at each successive election, by grosser outrages against - the laws, and by more and - more flagrant invasionts,of the purity, of the suffrage. They enter upon the canvass this year with a determination to carry, it,' and to this end they not only mean to poll : every, vote lawfully within their ,reach, but we have fair notice that they will repeat the villainous frands or the last au tumn; tmdiminished, and o a din more ex-,, tended 'Sege. 'They wilt . `colonize'in, one diskriet, repeat in'anotliei; A and everywheiii that election'officers can be Tound to con- - 'dye, swamp the boxes:with fraud. ulent 'rind frirged' 'certificates of .nataraiiia tion. ; The Clearteld , s';'4l of X. 88 7 00, ,this4ay unpunished, willhe,repeated;with confidence in a continued - impunity, in oth. er,locialtfei 'of - the. and wherever anlaivfni,votes can be forced into the boxes, men will be found and the effo rt will he made. AA short:the' Democracy 111'7 tend to 'carry Pennsyrvania, not by a fait poll, foi they knowlhat to have 'been for: elkhe years synonymous with Democrat ic defeats, bat by the unsparing use of every outrageous fraud that experience, impunity and nerva•can- suggest. • • ; ; • We do not propose to our friends to meet that party with its own Wearies. -- kraudd and forgeries,' baptized aSthese have been WI the blood of poor CASEYi who was mur dered to punish • his indiscreet revelations, -and encouraged, p r o te c t e d .and more: than , half legalized as they are by the partizan . Court which the fiauds of laist year clothed With', judicial Power—these 'are not :the' means by which the Republicans of this State, incline to maintain the suriremacy of , their political sentiments. If we have not the Supreme Court at our backs, and at our beck; we have li clear majority of the honest; lawful votes of the Commonwealth. • All we need to do is to see to'it that on; majori ty be not cheated and bamboozled out of its rights by judicial humbugs; or robbed with the strong hand by the seAritndrels who insti gated and ,profited by Qsattv's murder. Thislmay seem to be plain language, but no fair-Minded citizen Who:bas read the pub,' 'tidied records of last fall's election-villainy perpetrated by , Democratic colltielana in' three , or four northern' counties, will say thit it is unwarranted: Ws want-an - honest electiowin this State. an d n n i ess we mistake the Republican feel inkin every quarter, •onr.friends intend to have' it. We attempted to prescribe legisla `tive ,precintions aiainst fraudu lent voting to that end enacted recently a hilt and impartial schema of registration; which took away the suffrage, from no citi zen who la, entitled to it, which txtriferted thejirivilege upon no one who dogs not al ready enjoy it under pre-existing laWs, and which „sipmly,proyided that the names ot eQ the lawful voters of the Commonwealth AO* •recorded, in advance, upon lists' open to kb - inspection and criticism : , of. ill' citizens 'of Whatever party., By this regis tratinn we justly hoped. to place eackcili: idn's riglit,beyond j dligrute, and -to Preclude' any 'possibility 'af ..frand)ii the poll, in the interests of; COY:, party whatever. This measure contetaplatedar(PMetit'election; to decided `by by incN 11 , Gll GAZETTE : YRIDAY, YII,PLY 3, 1868. PITTSB otherw=rlibrr,.-. - iiistrs:P precise-Asessan 4 ,ll,- wasunacceptable . F,l9, -1 , 4 i.P..o,lllsritcYl whiehindano-profit in= honest vote in *e.iinsYWL -Ooncoctiiii-tal flithiy ibiltil site - tons case ;fictitions in all_particulars sigqist in tgir%cuiiiiiiitfiiiii Tiostillii/Miti propounders, theY,OPPealeiliNithP.4 , f4'lay 9rfic,stti4 l 9 ll3 94 e , 8 4PVW9 cmnttloiciti, ing its decisiewegaintit the vonatitiitkmality; ,(1) of the law. ' , They imew predis4-15tat; "to - depend Upini.' They knew that Court to .he swayed by a Majority . of Judas who, first and last, are beidocnitle PartizanB;Bnd whose oaths of Office were evidently sworn ,with mental,„Detruktalie—rw7ati.9o.. Wit: They knew one A ot lIVE. JUOges•rtbren 'of the five being Democratic—owed bia i scat on that bench to pkeilely thiiiti fiatiati lent votes which this law - yrotad render im • possible hereafter,- )Thertaknew—;Denlei.-; critic party and - °Derittituntld 'Jridges. l 4luit' with the new -law validly in force; their. party and political success in this State` might bid iti 'eS'ell - othec , .a,lortglarewell,;', What more did they need„to knew, the result titi'befniO ' iiii-iiiii:Bitirena% Coat Ye4 1 40!8 - kklill iste:Oliat4Y - Ada Ito lia'pnconstitutional. They ftutherlield the' act disfranchising deserters to' be similarly invidid. 'VC ha r e no, invelitives ~ ,tii Waif upon these decisions. /legally ,iinsouncl. and politicalW Rartlaari as We believe theim, , ,we - expected nothiniless from that tribunal: - And we must accept the situation, ' We Ire mmittedtoilie did system, with all its imper,, Tectlons, an d: With all the facilities for fraud ~. . which Democratic expei;tenecv. has , Tillostrat. ' ted. But we are also remitted, with.a.bund.-, ant notice from - our opponents, to , greatei 'Vigilance in the protection, of the suffrage. 'They give us nOtiee, - in iministakibleteirds,' } that fraud is their game, td wenn', aslifil 1 coMprehend that they will 'win by these frauds, if we do not : Tatch i gunn and ,apply; other iidequaie means of preiention. We are; fairly forewarned. Shall we not--be forearmed?., . . ... DEatocwm„synlpathy with Bunn err,. One of the as' Bali Sins '4sf President Lrucnix, plainly enough' manifested in the follow 7 paragraph from ,tie -Troy r rlatiAl 404 an organ of unqiestiOnedileraocratio orttia doxy: f. _ "No' v, what is the use 'of badgering this' feilow any. longer. There scup. Weed to be little doubt that he was engaged in the plot •to abduct President Lincoln / ; which. was not-mbre ditgratiefbl 'than; the attempt to remove President Johnson, but' suppose be was engaged in the -conspiracy . to mur 'der President:l4pol% la,that act - (horrtnle as it is) any Worse than the conspiracy to take the lives of abetter men than Pretamt Lincoln." • Gnssit fiumi Clara: qolug West. With Gen. Dent, his brother-m-law, Mrs. Grant and the children only, General Grant will leave Washington in a few days for Newpoit l Datracks,'Kentucky. Close by, at Covington, he will, see Jesse Grant his father; for this trip is to be - dnty and iamily together •in all its plots. From Covington 'the General will either by.boat4r rail to Jefferson' 'Barracks, near St. Lillis ;. arid -while he : attends to military affairs at that point he, will also examine into a farm" that he owns near by—the same, probably, froth which he carted.wood to St. Lords to sell to the fast customer. Then Gen. Grant will go out on the line of the Pacific Run way from Omaha as far as the telegraph wires go, so as to be in constant communi cation with Gen. Rawlins, who will admin• inter the army order:Lamer:Mgt* directions'. relieived Gen. Graat. Retdrunig `crier the direct Pacific Road, Gen. Grant will take the other...Pacifie railway south witt4i and proceed over it as fax as `the wires"go s 4 • ; Meantime, Mr. Colfax . , will pack np - ,ltis traps, as soon ' as Congress ,adjourns, and he bas attended to his closing duties, and joined bims_;:siser,*othcr; faithet-in-late, will, proceed west to Cheyenni. vrlitre Mr. Colfax has o married sister }lyre will `Meet 'thafeinily of Oraht and the gentlemen of .he company ti ill !lieu go no Into the Ifoc . ,lr,y, Mountains, Vitiitilt4 Pe v. 'eraf places despribe& b% ^lama. and as yet unvisited by Mr. Cnifii.x. It is nneertaiti as to whether Gen. Grant , will accompany this party, ovreturn Straightway to thy' East. Neither Gen: Grant nor• Mr. Colfax 'will take any part in the c(nning 'beyond general conferi•nee 'with each other. It may gratify a good Mien bled 4,e0., pie to know that betueen the twn-lßeininii can candidates, ollh'. land its ispportionmeet .. Is never discussed., It ib Colfax's aim Only to keep the Reprililiem party %trait on the way to victory anal public eintlidenee, by :keeping it right, tenipt.rate and progresA t ve. It' is Grant's aim only I gi t the e mi t try steady make it sathtietl, and giVO passe. l doubt that any two eanaladanai fur mutual honors of so logli ii rank lisNe ever schr med so little as, these men. _ lioth of ahem are tonfident in the eciiiht rye Grant works hard at the urialy ; when is in his .place steadily. execit. when he giv . es trio three:new candidates for the Sputiliership a Chance to take a l lcast.ivat Ft:aiding: 7 , Wash.: Cot. an. Qom. i= Another 'Slender Tranosed. The Deniocratic journals havelx en ex . Lensively circulating the following: GRANT IN 1861.-1 am a Democrat; ( very man in my regiment is a. Democrat,' and when I shall be convinced thatthis war has for its object any other" than what._ 1 have mentioned, or the Government designs using its soldiers to except° the purposes of the Abolitionists, I pledge you my honor ns a. , sOldier. Abet twill carry my sword on the other side, and nuttily lot.with that people. —OA U. 1:1 ; Grant, in 1861. . A few days since, Mr. Henderson, of the Allegan (Mich.) Journai, , addressed a. note of inquiry to Hon. E. B. Washburne, and received from him the followingresponse: - . HOME OF' Wasn- IN.GTON; 'D. C., dune 10,1865. —Dear Sir : It is idle for tl‘e.loyal men of Vl°, country to attempt to deny the rebel and enpperhend , lies now being put in circulation against General Grant. -,No sootier would one lie be exploded than Another would,he put in circulation. No . more silly) and ridiculous fabrication has been put forth than the pre tended.speech of Gem', Grant ' to . 'hie regi-. meat in,1861, which I have seen paraded in some of, the most disreputable, Aopper• heed newspapers. The whole thing is false, there not being the ishadow of a shade" of foundation for it." .; . Yours, truly, EB. WABIIIItrniTM -' Ceara:wren op G. A. R. r --,The: semi.an ?anal State Convention fhe ,Grand Army of the Republic, will be held at Pottsville, 4:m the Btkinst. On the 9th: a grand parade and raaleyr•pf tie delegates, will take piste,. and a pre rilesl to,b6 held in the fairgrounds. Delegates are expiated' to 'be Present from all.the posts# the , Btate, and , an , immense . crowd la l , autici Ti is expected that the railroads w issue excursion tickets to those atteidln the Convention. - EMU 7he Cincinnati CAtricksztAlp,, - A letter from lefrieud 1F!., 1 %1 18 0 1 4it9DA - Poi •,:* II 3FII +Us; f gives. M.. griThic, - -account of, :With*. m 6 "mo"*„. i 6 0* I r l o o eva 0' ot i llutt ink of fitkuty- sad boot hole r .pf.corivi , ... tion. It says: ,IL ) .- -; • :,' ~ : ...'r , Mo. ilentiiCii' Spr4ne, - With herttli, glen: :dirt Orson, stud .10;44, self-poiti*d'nios,': the acknowledgaleader of, Whim- tereils 11ui10nd04 31 *.4 . 04 Iroiq Pc thil-chctsi inovereent, and is graceitily Unbending to tui Werconrse, confidentialand-complimen tary, with the Democratid leaders. , t They are, wonderfully -Mate:m*l4nd Isicinated•by, I F the Fonda nsion. '1 ''‘ •- • - i - • ." - The 11 'Montezuma Dawkins, from the interior o Indiana or SenttickY; for 'exam- . PO, li itivited,to call. 'ln the , - presence 'of one - , , of the most exquisite, specimens of weithanly refinernent„surromidtd: by all IEB delicate upliolitery that; taste and Wealth : can accumulate, the Hon. Dawkins • Weak- 1 . ens. But to havetheinterested attentleinioft ..euelka ladyvito hove her ask efio4;4lB. D. 'slid Inc littleft:is;, to heaf,lier. ,co ieent. that eloquent, speeciz; on. imptenclunent,l 11, Disking' Ittsd Swims; he: is faseinate4i he. ,iiiiltistj andbithis dondltdonit passed over lathe Chid Justice, who hivitea him to' :If dejsurier at a foukekae,- w hich , Daiktdig , learns is breakfast.`- ~, ;.At these' . breakf asts ant WO( 'J . ,Uatite le famous. 'A. dialler phli„og, kind-affair, bat breakfast is a plet'istint, eaby thing,'llable tit Aonfiacnces. i • ~flqw• guteefully, the: Su, prenie'court unbends, in little aneodetee, ; witticisms...and. •epigramsv After breakfast Dawkins is treated to it superb ',cigar in the library, and leaves the Chief Justice to dia. course on the political condition' of 'the o i count ry Afte r this Dawkins is heard to express the opinion, lie very e ar nest way, 'that it is finte.,for the great De moc racy to - turn frOM • the dead past , and recognize the living is sues; that suceess:la a p ~ Chile necessary, to . save the ,ThiniOcrecy in- ,defhorelization;, that the country collet' r the beat statesman, ship, &clot°. u .;fl ,' ' ' 1 ,'.. C. ,- I know that this., e movement lel all stuff, yet I cannot help= sympathizingywith it [ on gra• /brave's account, She Is a UM*, clear-headed, accomplished Wortien;' who' has won her wil t - through sense, courage and tact; and up,frOM alt sorts of, trotibla that,, would have disconaged, any , other o l r woman., , she4as all li r illustrious hither's. - . Pack and indomitabl will,, added to ter womanly, instincts and delicate tact. , I sat. looking at her, the oth day, and weakened like poor !Dawkins ; n -at. what she said of 'big, but at what I kn ew of her.- - Her. life has been a readable romance, in its' way. 'She is not lbeautiftd--she is not even hand some, if critically examined-:-but there is something about, thtt large ''lmititious blue.' eyes, lore ,eye 7 lashie,‘; derider,' : Aral:66li form, and exquisite dresikind'oddrees, that I have the effect Of, extreme beauty. ,To see her ttresidiig at.; the Executive, mansion, ~ and:-restoring ,:character to that house of , Misfortune would be worth a struggle 'and , mane sactilbm.• - . , I I , f . - . . Mrs: S. is more outspoken than her her, who is . naturally reticent' and cautioui. During the impeachment trial, the Chief Justice never said a wcird that-Indicated his laining to either side. But the anxious in .. heard enough from lira. S. to satisfy Uteri that the Chief Justice had gone - over to 'Johnson. • . _ . .. . An the same way they Judged of Senator Sprague, and made a mistake. The ambi.. von of the Senator'i lifb is to become con sidered irtdettendent of his wife and father -in-law. Belides, ii Vote for Johnson would 'have cost the'SeraitOr . a _pinion dollars .at his re-election to the Senate. ' - . _ TThe Re et Dempentey. The rebels of the whole South will be . heavily represented in the Dernocratic Ns . 'Lionel Conventionn the 4th (tf July. South Carolina will, usual, take the lead. , We find the , correct, • t of her delegation in tt the- Charleston Me qt. A few of the nabtes—a little of e.-history of this band of worthies, will be refreshing: exhibition to our readers: ' ' '!Wade Rampton„(ea-rebel General), ass. Chesnut (a seceding United States Senator and a member Of the rebel Congress), Judge Aldrich (last year removed by Gen. 'Canby front his Judgeship for open hostility to the .GCvernment), - ex-Governor John L. Man ni n.t (rebel Commissioner from South Caro- Plain 1861; ,anctmember of the State Con.: 1 voition that declared South Carolina out'or 1 the Union),. M. L. Bonham, (one of- the seceding members of the XX.lfilth Congress,' representative in the rebel - Congress; rebel Governor - of South Carolina, and one of the rebel Commissioners to Buchanan who de - mended that the General Govep*ent should not attempt to hold Fort Sumpter), and Robert Barnw,ell Ithett, the Calhoun of the rehellion—the first man who in the, United ,States Congress, of which he was 'Vogt a Representative and Senator, openly advocated the dissolution of the Union." Hothirlcks and Colfax. Once in Lake county, Indiana, a gentle man, informs me, Hendricks was melting butter over an audience, when, seeing Col fax in the . backpart of the Court House, he addressed him, saying: see ,before me your distineuishe4 fellow-citipm, Speaker Colfax. If I ath iivrong in'these positions, let him correct mi. . Hendricks knew that Colfax made At , cornhion to attend the meetings of his oppol nents, but never •to reply. At this time Hendricks was pushing an argument along upon the rollers of fabricated' statistics. Seting l , l as be supPoseed, that Colfax Said nothing, Hendricks continued to move, en his fictitious edifice, and again appealed to Then said Colfax, sempar pargfusi . "It my: friend thinks that by my, silence I assent to his figures.he is altogether wrong. And I have the official statistics in print in my pocket." Which he proceeded to read, whereby it was demenstrated that the speech of Hen ,dricks, like the system of Pantheism of Elpi • nose,• was reared upon altogether manufac tured definitions. • '' Idrint Versus' M6Cieilan. The World and other, Democratic sheets which want McClellan nominated at New York, assail general Grant fr9M . day to day as a heartless butcher who sacrificed nearly twice as many troops as Lee had in his en tire army. McClellan 105t:52,006 men, and 'at the end of a year and a half found him self at Rectortown, or fifty-"miles further from his objective point than when he as= Battled command.' Grunt lost 100,501 men,. midst the end ' of a year captured the rebel received the sword of the xebel cam : . minder, issued paroles through., biet subor dinates to all the rebel soldiers and restored peace to the country,. Before - Grant took command, the Army of the Potomac lost in killed, - wounded and missing -145,118 men. This subsequent losses were 100,501. Gen. Grant's operations embracethe great fight ing which caused the - rebellion to succumb. For hislosses he had something. to show, which'cannot be said of the other e,omman- GENERAL Hays; of 'Franklin, who was once a member of the Legislature, United Eitateslifarshal, and member of Congress, died'on the Bth inst, In his eightieth yea*, at his residence. , . • • 414 prolairient,.Muyil , • • • , tole presimhid to the New York ConTen -tiork,for th6l)restamitial - m n i . • -New YorkGeorg:B., YeCiellan, Bora tio Soymor, Samuel elson, Charles O'Con or, Brutus Corning. Ohick—Stdram P. Cbtuusitod , George H. Pendleton:: . • • f. Vennsylvania.,-.W. 0, riancocir...and. Asa Tacker. -Tennessee—Andrew Johnson. Vitsconsin--Sarns R. Doolittle . CalifornionFni3r H. tialglit and fitephen Connecticut—W. E. English. • :Indiana—Thornaa A. Hendncksi •! 'Massachusetts—Charles Francis Adams. Missourt—Fraucis.P. Blair, Jr. New retsey-L-Joel Parker. • I , • Itiryland—John Et: Garrets. - Z2l ME pod .Bargiary at on city., • The 'Tittmyllie , ffera4 l says: One •Or the most audacious 'burglaries that has • been perpetrated in the oil region for some time, occurred at 011 City AIWA doon yeaterdav, et niie of the •thost niigvented placis in the city.; TheOeitet officsaf r the Oil Creek and AltrigheAY:River Rallway„.losated in the .Passenger depot, wasAlm scene of ber ary, having been " en t ered by. means. of a ,window,while Mr. Randolph,. the cashier "was ni3sat, MA a package co tthdning $1,500 , !aVetractedikorathe,eare and cgried • atlfleata that , 2,l4l.Randolph had ,made up. his package.of money . - "tor; thalMrpose i .of remitting it. to. the treasurer. of the rott4.. He 'Placed tit in cme,of the,dintwers;:shat the eafe.door, and then went out taget bank checks cashed, aid. aka dinner. He was_away,fropt_, the; office. hnt.:ja Shert time • and ion ,return i mg liafound awinl dow?had' been tampered with, and glance at the Safe showed that the ,money drawer • had. !beau forced epeomitt•thaCtllft;il4W • had• disappeared., Alp tft-, &clock, lad evening the whereahouts.of tliejnoney, or who secured it, had_put boen.learned, We understand that - a rewardpf, POO has betm :offered for ; the apprehension, of' the ,imr- Slara. and recovery of ittairaane,Y. ; • • The followingia the eight boarlaiv which , went, into ' effect, ' o n liVedrOdkiSo in ihia Stat 4: • •-• • ,15, - • •., • SEOTIOW 1.. Bo enacted. 4e., , Thai: on . and after the first, ofJuly, eighteen ,hund ,red and.sittpeighivinght bonne , of; labor,. , betweenUteri:dug eadoetting of -the sun, shell, be ?deemed and 'held to be a legal day's work, in all maces of < labOr and,aer vide by the day, where there is no contract agteemept to the contrary. ; . t• Eac. 2. This act shall not 'aPply, or In any way affect farm or agricultural i labor or , services by theyearemonth• or week; nor, 'alkali soy perinn be - prevented, by any ;thing herein contained, fnim working, as , many hours overtime or extra , work •as he ore May see fit, ths'owiipensationt to be .kgre.sd upon between the employer ['lathe employ& •,-r f • - Sxo S. AU other aotwor parts of acts ro: 41 to &Imp hours of ;labor.. which ; shall cons tuts a daY'a work, in this S tate are beTe repealed a L • Real -Estate Tranaferal . I - The following deeds ;were filed:ofila6id before EL :Rowdy; - Thai., :Recorder, '.7rdy 2, 18Ef8. ' Nimes Trunie to Wan Maury. April 2, MS; 10 2 1 .0 . 1 in Snowden dt pgdenla plan, Temperancevlile, 60 •by te feet • ' - • • ' •; • • +logo , :Bernhard Bent to John Ilageennsta Apra 14.18 H; lot, 1 1n- Baldwin township, containing 3 acres otitat y perehe. A:tenth:ire Iterit'tdkiobsel "Hagerman, April 16.-11307. 1 tract of land , In' toarnshlp,• 00'1 , 1011111g 07 &cr. s and 14 perches • ir a Samuel B. Maley - Sheriff., to Jaanesldorann '.1868. Interest of NT,11. , Veacdt In . lots Hoe. .190:and; 1.91 In Itobinson:B - plan. 4So:ond ward. AlleSualaTsz &patio( 011.sgena mrert tbet . a.zr3 rfLqra-: '- • .. • • Elemnel-11....Fniton to.aridieWir 1145: parteflcu No., 251, In. Woode`, plop, oa blrat `street ritt 3ll 4 l o. 2 0 by tor feet vi ,Benjam i n Bikevrett etol. toJeharlee Sehliepe,- Ad , -; goo 1. 1885, loteiNoevlband 31 Beaver at reet,, 41.110- gheny, 40 by 100 .. ...... The Church et the Epiphany to the Mass street .E. Church, Pittsburgb,- November 1, 18lgn lot at. the. corner of Fourth and Buts ,Otre,lF.,..o3recolad ward, Pittsburgh, 40 by 80......:....... ... 5 1,060 Same day nine mortgages were filed.. When thou:stunts. once Affected it will 3104 MUT of its own peeord : . nude., help:Ai lapAC: strengthened mut inligoracd:4 llls 14 eancelAthythe cue when the, xpn/ETE,, BiADDEII . 6I7. VitiftAZT ORGA2iI4 ~,.. . . , Are affee!ed; . For bameiiiate relief jrad-Pe,nr.i,dent, , are stperfeesty isticand.rellable ipicirlo. This sell known rermeds, has effected &large number of speedy. vad reins; Stable cures, and bate nerds estle4l so glee teiler wherriaken scoording to Elbectiolus. Dr:Borgia/Is .Backriche;:.Pilts . • Are ?purely vegetables. and nellteln ;114; Mercury , or calomel. They do not exhaust thump:l=l,f , tintolt the contrary they act se atonic. impala ins new tone and vigor to the organs antketreng thenl eg pc whole body. 'These PILle hare stood the test.of, thirty,llve years, and , are atilt gaining In ,pivullirlay; , . so- FOR SktE . ' DEAL- Em fl MEDIOINE ZSLIttHEIIE. A Warning, to Countesfeitatv, an& a Cau tion to Purchaser& No expense. will' be spared:' no legal means of punishing fraud'vrllt be iteglect.,4 in the•effort 10 prevtnt' 'the counterfeiting 110STOTEROS STORACIT BIT TE11.9. Bet tcoue.ireilSm, Witen Its issuning'and activity a'rel stlintilited by' the hope of: gain, is vi tiy itip•nions an 'tidal:its - hies; The men whose despicrible btiameas it Is to' f linulste'Valuable proprietary medicines, and 'who substitute therefor daugerohs or worthless preparations, are prover-! bially difficult to catch: . Most 'ofi them hats many ellesee, and they Ott from. State to •State • withsur .priaing *laity, In the tome of .evadiug the clutches r the law.' •Tite broprietors of HOSThTTY.II% STittit OW BIT V 611.4 ate determines., If possible, to hunt them doom._ TrsvelittgageutalrlieWpkqed. for this purpose. and whenever tn tillernicr dc. Meted he la pretur.uted with the utniost rtOse of Me tem' NA) amount. of vigilance. however,. cell -Pre 'mutate ocemilonal Introduction of itnitations and counterfeits. 'I be pu Wit are %tiered:lie CAUTION-' Ell not lAA purchase' any article' purportingg to be HOST tva IST° MAC 11.1L11.1 c. its which , knot Ituth. ntleated bY the handstitoc • govenireentNitarnp 'spec) illy engraved for the 'proprietor,. and.also by their au perb 10b..1 witit,o., beautiful , vignette. represed leg the conflict between. St. I.4t:orse, and the brogue, It 'the top, and 'a miniature note Of hand, signed Hostetter...v. nuntheit the. top, • N R. .--Tbe genuine, lIITTI+IO are sold In:BOT TLES ONLY. All per-ons who. Prettut to sell the article lny the Kano* actstrreli.i ate • imposter:, 'snit • tho stuff they idler is a wo,thicas sad :,,robably poi sonous counterfeit. 7 Da. lExyaza 1 write te,think you.fbr your kind-, boss and .fiedentldc management or iret Posse. for, which I called to consult 'you some time in January , . - I - last. YQa remember that . l.,had co mullptilee • Of Ascetics, which dually endeffie a te rri ble astute, which I had been advised to -"late alone. r•nn ac eonnt of a haraising cough, which it was feared inight listen it 'einuarlangs. I knew that 'the peettl Yale, mode.of treating diseases like mine was by .a , cutting Operation. Which* If succosartil iat all. would naturally throw the diaease uptin the turigi'or sonic other vital orga n. 011 aQ,•Omit ut the uuddentwee of 'the care and the Uniutd late 'cheek ' 10 the' discharge, whio I believed wan a • salutary prorbiltin Or nature to get rid Of some inorbtd condition or the s y stem . I feel perfectly isiatiaded'• that Velar Method of treat at,, vi trifying; th krt, o s t la u t d. eut eu ,'a re, nd i l c omd atly n t a i n a p n l g lelt u lo i nz wtoitthtioeuntscinaltoutsusg. wbscivi and it:dld; sad happy - to report myself -Well in :every. pirtlcalar, wits 1 sounder and better healthlhanthave bad foe Veers: y would also add that the appiteatlons you made were almost pilules, •aml.have left. me a new man. with all the entree& pgd vigor ot restored health. Y qur l . , gra4irOlr. • • • "DR. 25.*304412.'S grp,t,TA110.2.4 DpoNtei ran en noloc a:ci 2.OItDET; from o 4 24 D 24111.3 cat. • - • June rith, 1800, , The'Efight Law: as-DEcEwEn. Diti, SALEM pi 108 - • Diuretic or ihrtekache Pries 80 Ciente Per Boil. CURE OPVIRTCUA':', sir NOTICES-4r, Ld," •..11ar Salo," "Lost,' ' 44 Winit4l 4l-11 VinaTilt" --1 7" i cerAlitti PO U.N.* fad' eb /min for 2' WEI" r Y.PLEI3 DENT S; sae.% additionat aIgITTB, -1 WANT ---SITUAT `StrIYA.TION44:-A tlAWYEEPlCitiir , watitvi. by , man. Address $Ai EEP ;) INTANTED nation ;. young. truntwurth thls oificni• , • , NV El SI TATA. TlON—Agi , c . BOOK-K EMIL by &young/aim who produce the moats ttifactory rtfereuces to to char acter sad' eartacit Appry to Ittlt.'XlNG,hitt tko. ..„ irrTANTE I : ITIVATION.-•411 ex. perlenced nd competent Farmer and Man. net, with a small ty, wants a poalttOrf elitase gentleMan'a eat If.nolre J. 10.2•14/. at tha 6.42.1c.TTY OFFICz. • , W TED--HELP.- for G' celtbrttid PICTUREOtttirt i Addres4 Bf R.. BR* q , AMA fAllCes. 841aty Wante. • - 7iITANTEEP V ltill i ß e ga l. g iving refcrente a, ••• t.EsmAN''it f 4 itellitemilinted•with the whole- e;1 can : find taitilgonbegt l ogim. le- 4 Bee satt-Teetery, by . 1 1 dre WANT E . in dnoikho sale drug busine:J ten& and - retkre nit GMAT, Box egSlat}:tl that, uudetstands.bla -ice' good wag Ind bteady ern-' ' but • geed.wutkUutn needzuptilyi , L:4' Temperaueeville, rs. A NIC-E y 7 stood BL busivess, will re Vic.RITInN"6I:+III D-L.BOARDERS: - =••• WANT ...-.-, 'NtAitTE 1 , ` BOAROLIRSIL gen. : ~ - i' tietnah - . d - Wiih, or Iwo angle geatlemiii; 'l' Miii . accommodated with iitiit claesboarding at ` i IN 0..113 W.YLIE STREET.: Booarle a reoaDdtie,, sit- ' ' seconi Boor. awil , •, , out.umbalooo . —r., ~!.;, ~.. 01 TITALAPT I AnD:" l , VV: board for Inuit fatally withont pleuant lowal. non Fenn .stroet,!malr o tb.o,nr(olll.!! addreidrig podomee B ox 6,2 WAIITTE 1110.11111113111044 , A100d , board, nAe front rOOllll4 fitlttu gas, Oan_ts Rioired #45.991Der r „ Melalb_l4:Ral -For singin gentteman. x . . . N .A,..„..1110 A RDEICS.- . 4leii—' . deinen warners can ba accommodated with. • ;. boardato; 515 TIM • . d lodging N .•MY ..WAN EDP ''-AGENT • ' d'ANTE a til;-• AGENT - v ; g tfMr t ii , ioiiiitted , io , tieti . 'it , tistiiik dig- '.; covert.. 44d*SCHATIGAT4 this,-(diteeJ vitt "tame. residence and reterences. - • .. ! r7 -I •wAirrED--rounTHoF JULY —e-•-•- • .; LAstswEztiv -, •!, ; ".11 g t JOHN HALL'S, liberty and Pitt street', .Akents for theta CHURN; , . - • Last week:'. Territory fo b • • . V T ETANG - Wei.ENT, $ man well anqiudntett with tne - Qtitei ware in& Gliss.buelneas. - None' ' other need adply ~ :Address 1.: O. -Lock• Bo.ra 197; Communtestion. noaddential. • • • •IN.ViIiNTEL: .' . -- J; .• .0-410A101.0 AT, EAST,,, , bteskiltst'in.l Its,: at East - „ e .11110;1111h0a :•Addresc e al A, 13 1 3R1 turnActtheim GAZECor:Ao TTE OPFIC WANTE. BOAIIIN:=-4Ventlio=" 6 y - =Ask lalfa.f , Ono child and anima Witna-boardl ,io,4lPriV4ta Addresa AUL/411,1,1ns Once. gliqug Incatina grid prlci• aakEd. , ' '''!`141•1!'• {-; itlie, - 113th'firertiioteT 'Allegbenr; pith. 'of , GOLD .SPECTloefige • tAinder irtit confers great favor . and? recehre-thW' , t, thanks of , tho ogner_ hy leitvigg ,thens st, the Itift. PATCH or GAZETTE . OFFICE; ; -. 0T11.41[ COWit-Stirayed from the residenee of the untweriber v ow , last; ldondirri ; lame, red and white CONV;;:alx.. year* ogegt i t,g,,, !, .muk. , Any person knowing • of her•whe returning her will -be: Ilbeyally_ , rewarded for t 1' AtleridT l't'ENYlLA.*.h4a,lext•olcretoP. • FOR RENT; LET-wriivo' om e Booussi_ort - ; :second floor; Tint( etreet. , ' etrilliiittir " 88 Smithfield street. rrO LETEITORE-BOOM`—No. 72 -AL . WYLLgiiTHErn. h •gov re adv-rot Sion. - .fairtple feet4p.4epthe dr.plight,bsok.. ;-, I Freud:llol4e gl k (Mut, thug psfepiEttp and empryr . , g' -el thinegant a d'concenlest; mO LET=STOREBOOM"' _ • I bWELIANtl:—Rdit$ CilltaNCN.—The, Store, 4 , Boom GO dee ta ndUMellti House` at treaen . occuided - byT..ll. Magas.' jeweller, located at Nu. . • so i'ISDNUAL Adieshny, whir be rented on TOMUribie - terms. There are n ine large and well , :arransedrorrm‘—three on emir of serond,ttilrd and' fourth doors.- eta and water girt:Mahon% the honsti PAte Maas in *tore windows. „Possession ,wi t d.bld.,-,,t; wit en on'Auweit ISt. .khply : ' WATTLY,, dootw below. - ~ :. : ,,-i: , 110 'LET-li.ousx.,-.1-.A. -two!olory j c, ~,,, ALL, Fredric 'Dwelling 'of tight !Wind; tali thlitll- ~ ~ . 4 out Use house, and large 101 l situated In .Alleg ~.. CI% neertlle lansgenotOn , tirtage.qyossessl2lh.,Wi, he lighten itnmedlately. Apply, to .4110, pw,i.u.Dwli,,,„:3 :, . No. WI Filth street. ' - '' - 2[lo LET—ROOIII.-A large and Pleasant .seeond, papa ,Front ittxruiA:Ntitlr.. , l!o'. &Ming, torrenrrat No. Ira SLOTH STREET, op' , ..... Elite Trinity Church. Also, a limited number. ail •- , ' I Zwerders.WW :.he.actruninodirted W4llol'o elals.lli ,, T. ardlng. LET-41101111E--11irSeisieskatin,'.: • cmearly new. siximonisosititgiu.deit attached.' I `' c ' p valiantly located within ilve minutes, walk of rite Elation. Enquire of D. N. -WHITE. or J. 11. ' HALDWIN, No. 11.8 Dlomood osme,U : ‘ • ... _TO_ LET:R 0 a 111 lik=-Tilitk 'Larva" ' . • - ......).T.... , Becund' story; ha illlesee;lit .paulief the eltx,Lkultable foe mn_outtleint , tigfe!..rt , ' Anire,at*ISMLCHFIELD STULEW. ~• • • _ .- • rc • . LIZT:— HOUSE : --A' tilive•litOrt - '- I.I"RA-111C ll_Qtteis,',.of aye nioms,orilhatorner :: ~ , :f o . ant and Mulberry Mnmia.. Sewickley, g 4 Wzi,- , 1 bowie and premises Wave' been "newly atten 'no. Also. ii. large and exce llent , -garden. Possession -given It any time. laquire 14. W-c lit. kikUtßal Broad Street. Sewickley. . - . r[lo LET-1001.1SEA new house,„.,l„,- 'cub Iron front., eltuated tio.lBkileavez. eireet, Allegheny. Thg house la gOod dwelling 'Blt- ' -Trams; and haws splendlCetore Room 85 Mgt' deayi. la well altuated for any Mud of-hulloes*. .Inquire or •NEAHOUSE & RESPICNIXEID. pox* ;door - shoe/a,' or atlNo. 188 OHIO BTH EE C. - ryo_, LEVACILV. .fferimt: uoo Pi 0; 460 01110 ayentie" with dwellipg above oz. roolasotla water; zee an beth. Storeroom led tip la the Met .manner 4 with plated glue show f windows and, Iron. front. Ire at office or rue zi Fat it ROS:',4?Pici evezate and St?tlitortek attee, Al 1 ., 6 „Diaithilliat ,deSarae,. f j, ble rle .ttil!ng n o i ne Na; d tutle'rtystreet, or rooms, , kitkhen an w a s •house Enyotre JAS ud y . N o . 25 strza street: • - • IttfOOMS-Three dr, [(kir " orn room ; with bioard or without e 1121• c My situated orr Pena .Btrett. - Address U; . -:::!ftiFOlif;..SALE y,.dtto it . 4 AtE7;llov 8 E. 41,600 wia iniichisc a desirable residence. No., SRC. , - erar street."Allegheuy Clty,, a - very .pleasant •10eatton. , ' laciuse'•llm3 t6n rolitai.• • Mil, cellar and tiolbhud attic; doultle varlont folding.doom- - Corner lot, 20 by 100, feet, ack to an alley. _Novr. .rentA fur 1540 r vent: - Terms very easy. 'Algal t o c gk, o & pe Real ,Estare .Agen‘s,: 13! Fourth ittreet. • , . 7 - 10 1 OR SALE:-STEADTBOATIC-The Allegheny Itivr. , NlVilgatitnl COlrll4nY Nl' Sale titc3tller VA:110. se' fret,on deck, 30 feet an%. 10 hien cyllndec, 15. 1 4 tet btallke• The steamer - tiPAIiKES No: 0- 150 feet on deck. '3O" 'Amt. In am. 10 inch cylinder, 15. feet. stroke.; with , their tackle nod outfit, In gnod running luire of JA9. REES, Engine Builder,. Dully:am*, Flle O notSES -;' Meta BRICE 110 , 116 E, of etilit rooms. stout; star mid Tot, on•Peaell ntur "Pride street. Moose ls,tow, and: price only sl.loo. :.Alsa YS 11013 SE op Forlieti street, for sale. Apply 1.9 1 .1911,ev.. WILTON, corner of Pride apt Fortws , ottett.: :7 MOW SALE-11V1` IN ,INcILIENS—, POltt.'4 , f he' half Or whole. of a lot 60 feet front by 140 feet deep. .dust's ou hisritetnear Second street. • For, particulars enquire of C. HULL, 'Hull's Store. Fifth..near the slepoj„.Mo- K.-esport; or uldress .108EPII FORSYTHE, Pipit street, :Pittsburgh. •_ •. , .:. ,, F ... • •rt pOR ISALE--1110USE . *ND Let , . I , ..ormbotbe And lot of•two sereal of Kronen illipaberg. Beater county. -Pa. The tunnels C. two- story,t tame, with 'seven rooms. „The lot hoc a -nnutiwr of fruit trees, and all'itt guild wider. There is a cistern on the preualso4, and stable and other outbuildings.- Will he sold at a bargain:lls_4AM.. HEY & HALL, Heal ,Estate Agents,' No. 9.1-untver it SAILE.-L-00ESES:-4tHOW% AIM'S LIVERY AN , U BALE STABLE,,one !the :• MILY I.loll.sE* cllayr, three D'Applat. °REV'. HOMES: onerbARIAK IRAUtIIITINUMIELIAreket BLACK MAIM;• two' l/lIEY MARItM, STREET, near.Monougalaela (louee. t Flar.ea Imasht and gold on-comeetsaloni , -: W 4 0" ft 814101 V HOUSE,. of caght , rooms; on !Mont« •*, Etinkery avenuc ‘ • near•rederal , street. ,Enoalro ffir.I)RUITT. cOrncrtlontgomerrayriuo 1914 eral street. Allegheny. r •• •• • • " yo 13."- Al, E—: POS 4 STr - S:LOCII"`,% ToTrg, - or LO IdEfl 'JOH a , r , ,corner of ltldge.ettwtand - Allegheny avenna:. laieghern7-0/IY. r!. ; ONS.