GEM = 1 ME EIIMIE=II t=NTRATerocK -Plc or rag Pa Aeststiii G AL r TARBRAT., A 4.2, /812 1 VATM 7' 4. ore- M 4B 15 01 4 k, 11 . 43 .174 1 01 , :5uiTkr4. on Bala this-week; but•with a dimin. deinank imder the infttemee 'the: — "rat4e - ;AaAm. IlFc!nl' let sues a Onnone; and twmpared•with week ,prleee ;are.- lower :New .Vork ;.Ped full a dollar per cwt, thla week ;with g °El§ d In UM InsfkitM 163 - 4 - .1t,18:110t;t0 wondered that buy , askin'g fa' concession here.' Ttureeo, e rbeen -relatively- lower- in-ther ; ye- a the year the . fact that yirrtenkdrovra..cogld iLLA in&h "less „by r roatea,lhan by ,ray; of ylttabirgh; thusi . bx keeping Or, appp,l3 , Ilon, es naturgly , , kept/ up; 'Dow . frethUr: haw; beer .p9duced Vltts• . . ..:h 'has some show again} and •to ract/nayrheatt IbutedAlteiverY largely . :easeillarrivals at the cantrid Yards an- - ..: the past two weeks. ' , According he,tOi it advicee„4lcialuota ned_ft4l 'mate Pell: 0 9 1 1nd ltrt Ng, c -YoticsiV atiC past three or fourxceksVilleAe.thiji , ketitheiclin6"rdoeeNine-hWqrthi l ge, !jg. he quality of• the cattle has ".been.verk, d considering the Increased 'llllll2ber,''i whilliAnefP-Wre-a afet4g4l l E9lZnagitJ `lra and;.oxen with consmerabiy - more. I' e thantmeat,, and -old ,cOwn and'lltins;: by any means Imitable ter slattglitering,' re vteroulsoaiovert.falintedcberd4ond le, on sale,-though thevissa of . stoo4. as . r e n enii` thing is held Above; the •Vii*ll of ,'ere and in Mak.' inliancee has ‘r M id opea - Sast - oct.tmbeYsi - abootintd . at here Mee thelean • why,',PAttsbUrgh ';ht telebria:ef AAo r ratitastalattle..znar, •Et in the colvagy. fi-areftiedi..wece,"' half way betw'een - eNClforit, -- rnuadel= aruL.C4lpstine.llut alestriLVl h er :e this aavaiitage al - • fi, - el , 1 eV-. ,not sell here, theyman, ship Milt° New ‘ 'rk, Philadelphia or Baltimble; ail they' '.Y' ae. I'4. ''Allfurtr,lalrklbr--islitfilt r:.'Air . with of er poinur, nor: discrimination 1 dint us Iti the way tof help* 'ilia if tee treated fairly in this fes*t, there Is 'reason - why •Piqabnrgh ,s uld reataittle de pt - bet - stem ''ltnik, r,w York—a point yi,liikethe , ,Ogit4ra buy and itesternrshipper. can. meet toge#!l• • ph week and buy and -nett 'llll`the we : 5 r be:" "We UV Flhnrie_xge7tp - itt es or Inmunieation with ttio , •Weit; 'What we ~ I lt WWII apokh:vcil4tl ll o - .the - Ast r iiiir we "Aft olri Rived! lePifteb4l : 'enellMilleltelitviatt ii'hiehiels'e • • Al beimompleted- - through •tor Ba ltimore ;;bin the next two years. `:he sal Auxing...thelpeat , i'Weekii *ere •cely one half as Urgeaa during the week f:3cedingi and'as'-liW 'have' 'itfrespy'littl-, 1 . !Ited itrim zukuLsoiteliteiab...kimier..., ,lime shippi n g cattle atuppy fairly be rioted above 73 to73i whiter extra would i tr . ," ... 11 1 * (" 11 are b t oli b lg C 1 3,12 1 1 6 4" 4 11 311 e t f, .Fa year i viir Ihr . putting - on pasture,. may be l outed at t rAx•, as to 'quality and coh T , • ;lion. '- • r • acilmes - .allbetylatta,;lll3ld-423161#d10471 , rth 44 heart° another . party 'COS," twebrtiiretienalllotec... . . :st.liedges Taylor sold 38 head, s cows and ;';'fifers to.R.•Maynea 6t CO. at $5l r head; l'headdaffaidsh stock ta.Peter. w eu r at. 40; 35 to Maples - de C0.i . et 7, 54; .to vans ?:7; 18 to Rieman at 6+/' ' Xnapp,4 o+•,sold 08 head ' of : prime, fat .isle_ weiglifng 42,92§-fel: L. Sheinberg .at xa - .• . . . - ;Ahern was.a pretty sharp business -done thib @twee stook; the reported Balite for ;43 week ending e neetiet'' •noon, foot up • over, terk E lhot3and head, As , has ~:en thbtaae forlainiailme•- paid, prime fat. 'llleep were in'demand,ned - ialld - rtlidilY at' , prices i while : common and +' inferior. •. into ware as dull taerer, and holderehad. accept' bilk 'figures order to etre& Prices ranged all , the way from $1 heaOltbsNo "per, potind, - .accorOing to 4 ,Jality and "condition. condition- Ve 'quote the fol A . wing sales: , . „ H. Defttliff.bBight threeoo4lo inic,lo. • finginkftn•ll to 4,30. : r •.• . • /i,Eriarnitp. bought in al twenty • ;.ve different dreier: at 'St° 634. • • .• , ;Pearce-./e Co. bough t three droveit from to if“ . it:: • IPanooast hought, three" qroves eiVrenn • John 'Void bought nine different lots at from 3,25 to 4,70. •Adats-pil;riolvibiumilt &Veythrfvek.St om sl:per head to 4340. per pound.. • sOci9.. • There was hut little Ilene: in Ingo, and,' t i citwithatandlpg r thelarrivoila dove Tuotrhoog ~nusnalrylarg.e, • prices .. have declined, • I .''angingfeurri742s to 90, gross. • The prin. , Plied buyers this —Week were" Wesley Jedgesrfart ',New:York,- and ? laiMnfr toff, - Crouse; Emeriek • Co., =and: Giir, • toff, - far '' • .", , New-Vert Pioduce.Market Br Telegraph to the Plttaborkti Goz:qito.l g Nxw Yoa '.71:11Y 4 11.--..oattair 'shade' firmer, sitlei . oti,lioo.biles,', at' 32c Flour; receipts 7,931hb15; . market dull,; h eavy' arid 10115 a lover sales' 6,900 tibial it .6,50a1,00 for aUpertine, • ;;Late and western; ;7,70a6,10 forextraState, 47,60a9,60fdrettra western; 1510030M2, 65for twhite vibegt'eitrat 18;4041265 for.R. II". 04' i38,50a10,50' for extra. St; and qloa -114.50 for-good to , choice da, closing , quiet; l i ncludcid in'"" the aileti were "2,50 bna xtra_ State for export. ,Californla .loin • dull ati& - ifeelin i rig; isles tOO ' sacks ' t 10a12,50: Rye tour qulet;•aalei of 250 bbla Pale. Corn Meal quiet; sales of 400 bbla. TBrandyttitin ;6,15. --Whi,sitY. -iWheat; . reeci p ts 114545 buidi; inarKet loirert .sales ot 8,000 btish:ln. wadi, • ijparcels, at 151,98a1,98% for No. 2 spring and . for 'choice " white - CalitOrala: ityiy q uiet and heavy; sales 0f.300 - bblisliaiithern at $1,76. -- Barley - nominal. Barley Malt ..c;quiet. 'darn): receipts '16;574 builtfiniaike,V. and closed dull and declinin g;' . .-P,sales of 82,000'bnsh, i11,00a1,03 far-Mixed 'i;western . afloat; 1t1,07 for whitewesteri4l,lo,' ; it old mixed western ;u store.;' Oati•L'reeelpta; .42,228 bush ; the market -opened-11rm and closed heavy t sales of -32,000 .bush" at 804 c 1 ;; for western . aflost; 79c.for Skitar. , -Bica.nom* inally unchanged. - Coffee . quiet.: Sugar in Ilwoderate reqeestfatformer pricesv sales of 175 hhda-Cuixiat,ll34ltl2c; :1,900 . boxoti Ha-. •41vans at irlvate terms. Molasses • nominal; I v unchanged. - - . Hare • 'quiet.. Petroleum'. firm, at 16 3. ' for "crude, an'd 8234a330 refined, bonded . Provisions—Bork,' heavy.. and lower; bales of I,2sotbWittil27;6§a2T.7ls‘ ;:t -c for nevif.Meflat• Closing at ;27;70. for _Cash; v27,75a28 for old do; closing, at ;27,87 regu-: 3lar, 1i2;27a23 - fOr prime; P4a24.25,f0r ;n om -lAeefateady; Sales of2l.7o`bbls,, • changed, tieree beef didlat sgleA2 tin i .pritner: m esa; ;wag for India meisis," Meer-. hares , quiet $25a35. • Cut meats steady; sales of 150 packages ati2als.3 for: shoulders,' Wino: cI for hams; 'Middles nominal. Lard dull; saloa offficktierces 0,15,1ia1f1340: . . for, steam, and 170 fs'ir: kettle rendered;•also 500 tierces -IN steam, *ellen-for the first • half , of fleptent bev, at licii . soo,do; seller lei all September; '.l.'st'l7o. Mittel ., quiet at 22a2346 :tor Ohlo;. 35c for State. Fre!ghts' to LiverOcil more active and WM; engagements per 'steamer Tg for 65,000 btlf4i3O,o•Tnai-5N41.• 600 bl* • 1 1 0 31 r at le 7.idy; - , Lartairi , »-ViOar - 01090 d, quiet 'andutelOc lower w on-14,edl and toMmort.' he a t very dull and 'nominally. lower; Diving $1,95, and No. 1 • spring . $2,05., Rye dull and heal/Y 51,7 06 1:6 0 . -Oats nominal , at 800 atioat'and in storefor,weatern: c orn : strongly)344bayer,'.at •$1,01a1,02 :for new mixed *astern afloat. Pork nominal at $27,75 far, plow ova and -regular.: B ee f norinalliunOliting" al. • Cut Meats steady, vith a Moderate demand.: -Bacon nominal. Lard dull at 16;;a113%c for prime steam. Fos quiet and without material "change. =MEM 7i'), •Li 4,7 FlßsuEial `' 'tatters, . -New: Yopk. '"'' .cied tidied it.ll - 4040).40#(. .84 Telegnip -'4 2:totheP . Iiu -- t Dur .'7 I; Gas . "- frttet. • 7 - INsol Aron.sci - .JAIS . 2s /86& , .-: ( 'MONET AND GOLD. .-- ~ ....Money more!•"ftetivi4 at: B@til per - eenk fen; °All.. Sterling firm at 1061410 X. Poldittdet• 'add l elosed at 1401;i6146.44. - .;_tie L Walastafit• ....... _,,,..; ~,,..,....-„ .00Il••,....-.:11;n1l• ' • Veesurgr Pid4-9, I AP:VIOITI fl ri - 11.rg7,- est to-day. Shipments to-day, 84,000. .. ` g I.• oomucitelfts.".l. .7i --_ 1 G -, - 1 , ~ . .. Couponstievernments higher and elosing•stioz :•, :or. 1881, ,;4.lltagaig,6s;_dn. t , 113 ®113',; do. 'di. .1.10')40110,itado-40,. riTlX,(0111 1 4; do. new, IfillaiglQBg; de- .437 i.. • 108g@109; do. .68, lOpz 4109341,-r:Ted-Vor tles 106 4 ®107. Seven- rtimagli@lop; ties, State stoglintOieg,,,lo274 bleier- /iew "rennessees, - :T19 4 @Willi do, 72®72/; llitliertifiQ9ll,fal • New• ' ten.; 148158; old , d0i416;: eliew ~licirth • Carolinst,l • 7EO 01 0 , 1494 76••• ••;•;,.1 3 ., ••'•• , ' • ' , . . '-• : : .11•44-144F.ASTAI/4 1 67 ) • 1:; 1, _,Tht grealt4l4tAre , et the xellway , market , was heavy 4ellltugs iii,fteadlpg, which, 114 natio VielentlY a lb* 2 r. - 14• The Alf-' fed ce bilitetbklbefWelan • eindi find YegilleV was WWI I (' Obi" dent.''''''l3tOkem for eligeti.; j i 'ben t 90;MO'sbiliesitnder the rule ' at 10fil i f I • d tel(ol,4oWhile•llievpfleti fbi,egalar: %Was mi19t.,1;01; '4'Ati tlieltecond'regillartoird -3,000 aliiireS *eke 4:Atought . in; A , ' 1 - 666 1 '-lb* efid seen effettbtinortieretalbiinated' sui die . 0 :. lafteice Iblitei96)i: At the last: 2m, .. . 1 12;9W ;19:0435 - ,llol'd 'at 686953i4: !me Phil.' . elphlerentsterisr Steck was{ •••• Japed tOklityas y E r 4 41ellverri'didltids, • rehdy inittilVent lee , b6rigbt'ln if. , • der the ittle: ''.: (de MO 'snit®' and'llljtme= tforis• are' explseted„L"Tife'tintirket'• - ether=• `Willis dell; but dotted steady i:= - 1. 1, •- P; The foliare O. ' thei - '6:20 prices: 'Can+ toe, 49)0 , - - Ctbriberlind, l 34Nogg4til • 191. lie' ig hiii ; l•24@2.s ; ,Aften•lean" Ed': llpress, 47 4W - Adfitref'TOre*'"6B 4 :o4BX: rilted StaitesExieress;'4w4B3jl Merchants Union' Mild 24565, 4 2,43 ex - gitlekelliti, 22 %® 26 ; Paeido'ldelf 3 l ©looyolittlim-• • 47 6 40; Western Unlim ph.- 34V, ® V ila 34 ; New York Oteetridil&W, 134:34nt0ek Is and, 1141%0403;•:F44 , Wa7ne;:21094041.10; /Et•artford•Landi HON-Vt Ple , il7 o ;: .M•o4rred, 74,;®75 1 4;nt50n, lio4 l4l: Waning, 95•%@65% Ohio and Mississippi, 22N(i)3(4' Watatill"4B@4Bko a. Tadly b 44 ®B5. prethrred7Bg7B)o Michigan-Central, 47,@118r Ifieldsn 6.lordbeiss;6l€9l l r.Llll- , K ittle; Central,ll • Pittabumb, , 1311,14,874 , i; aNiledo, icestoi x; NorthWestekul4@7Es' Treferred. - . 79 ® 71 44; -1 Chicago rid Altob, InfUlalitabfilw , , ,, 101.1 •il •t , • • , •....7 • •.1 :• , • - 'MINING afrAREEW " 1, ; ' ' ' 0 Mirdnt HM66;1(1411141: • 7.i i. 1.7- : . i . -" • 'ldni-trite in • - " ' ,Tte rbeelptiPati the SUlVDreturctry Were 44 176; - . 1 payritents4 49,684488; balance, NOMM -• .Cinelnnati , -Market: .3 Cris Cn . retort/Om to the Ettoontritti Sisetto.t -,2Cittentsvm, July 2.—Cotton to model% :..dernantrtit 4111 a tor tiddilling; sales 456 1 bales; stria' Middling gold 'at .Me. 'Fleur dull and. 'declining; .famlly • $0,`,25a9,75.• Wheat dull and nominally lower; 1.7o;• . 1 112.03, No. 2 32. Corn 85c. Oats dull at 70a 72e, - demana,- lighttq?lbbsoliko• Bi- good* de mand atter:::tther better than for some days;3 Baes of 2613.b1ide lugs at 36a10,20..1eaf 1111 0 10 k 44,030. Whisky' MSS& 'foe ' bonded: ' Pro v-ons dull and heavy. Mess Pork sold at $2742, but not saleable any Ottent at be.= ter than $27. - DIM ineats'dull'and Marker unsettled) shoulders held at 10Wpackede U 1630,000 porahls sold at 10 1 / 4 o footle: aides . held at.-13elom* ti.(erolli 04:detriand., Bacon remains dull and there lane : demand; tibupldeM;am•be•bought 12}te and aides at isma ,and 113 c( for, clear. , .rd.itold at 15)4a15N -4114119 AGM Butter ettiady at 2Aa 30e: -Eggs ,dt2ll at ilk: Linseeffoll dull at $l,OO. Petroleum drni at 36538 c Cos refined. Potatoes very plenty anU0a14100 4 712. 75 ' u3,oo,pezbbl. Grodeties." 6014,440., Money Auttrket• close With a vreseing de the:bern PaTer 10 percent::di4co.t,t, ':. r :, • Chicago !dirket,'" ./; i (lrilTelegraph to the Pitteborgh laasetto.3 CRICIAOO, July 2..-;-Floni . a shade 'eager, sales spring at . s9,soilo,oo. * Wlieitt Very dull with _ but little *dug; 1.T0. 1 1 51166 and 'No 240 lower; sales at 1)1,80a1,81 for No 1, g5w)41,75 for Ne 2, closing nominal at i 1,75 iiast, and PM, sellerihii. month' lbr No 2; nothing: doing . this 6'afternoon. Corn- ln ,good shipping and . . . lative demand; firmer add 2 at 84a84 C a ,shadehtig . z ;.sales No fat 86 afgc, No ; . ; : . eiejecteA - at 7711 17$c) elosing.steady at . 86c, for No 1 in attire; - abide oliiinge, sales No l at 86Vo. Oath lets active; holders firm and ytaMc high er; _tales at 65i4111154440 iielciaingt very firm. Rye dull and almost nominal at $1,65 in 'Ore. lia.liel Milli slid he thing'dbing. I Fr fvlitions dull and nominal. Mess Pork nominal; sales atififti7sB2B,oo. l ~Lard -dull; 'to sellers at IsNatBt.tobuyers at 15ga15%. Pry- Salted Shotuders more-active at 11c. Torf,paeked. Freights dull arid unchanged.' Itricelipts-1-2, 171,6629 barre BovbU ls stiels Corn Flour ; gt,mit..:. bush els. Wheat ; - 211;1103 bushels Oats; 2,172 Hogs. Shipments -6,088 barrels Flour; 21,885 bushels Wheat; 188,560 bushels Corn. . ; . ;., ;- • , • - '" •Laub Mutat. '; ' • ' • . to tioMqatinittli ttette.3 , • • C , kir. Louis, July 2.='—l v idbaCco heavy, and 'facto* , dried leaf. lower,- but ,other- grades unchanged. Cotton laud-Rams , nothing doing. Flour unchanged, 56.00a8,75f0rfa1l superfine; $7,50 for mid 18,001t9iRr-for douhle extra. Wheat; offerings small; tirime we/iota:11%11 sold'at 52,15a2,25;•apring lower at 51.60 for choice No.• 2 Rms.-I - Corn .dull at-,77034c.: Oats, steady, at ,702172 e, and : fancy. iota ,white4at••7Ba74c• Rye. Arm at 81.40a1,85. _Provisions Sat. Fork; jobbing sales at /2747,548,00, BsoOn very dull; ; 12%c• ' lear sides, 18%c; sugar cured harns, , UNa2o% , a. Lard dulll-At 170 for choice kettle. Receipts-850 bus wheat, •• 800 Duo corn, 8,600 bus oats. , • Telerraph to the rittzbargt; Gazette.; Curvisiaxiii , July 2.—Vlour market drill and held at 111‘,50a12 for double extra' red ;Oaten. slo,soiiir fer,, double extra spring; county, brands.dull and heavy, and , held at s9alofor double' extra springloalo,6o for double extri . red, winter; .112 r11 ,80a13 .for treble extra white. .Wbeat dull, unchang 7 ed end:the dernand confined to par lots; IQ. .1 red winter'held at. $2,21422; No. 2 do. at" Porn-dull and nominal at 92c for No. 4 1 'shelled on, the 'Wet; - Oats (11ilet and un• changed; No. L State held at 720; Petrol°. Vol quiet, steady add . utiebangedi and held at 28Aa2013Tor refined in bond;,39aB9Y,e , for ,free • ' • ' Toliplo Mark*. - • • , 4BY,.frellegrapkto thePlttetargh eazette. l July 2:L4'1664 itildel i pte - • 851 bbis; ! market dull. Wheat; receipts '7OO Math; ages of amber at 1;2,12 per bosh. Corn; receipts 15,651_01,14W,, Ammo; 20 better; agas of No. 1 and /Michigan at 89.t90 and No; 1 ' white at 93; VillOW at 930; seller last half July at 92ms93c'per bit (kits; iredelpts , •1• 1 410 bush; sales af , Na.l at 66, and No. •Itat 65 T ' live; Sales o f No. 1 1 IPAR., , greighta dull andunchar4ged. .:Prainin store, July -15t42,4()0, bush 'Wheat; 529445 htistf'corm . '21,3W buslioate' and 316buidi ' • pbiladelk di Market. 'rehisoish to.ihe r,nosurril 9aziltte. l l' ' Juli2.—Flour inactive. Wheat very dull;: sales of $2.20a8,8 0 ;• 'choice amber 52,60. live $1,90,11,97. Vora 4 111 04 western at $1,0951,10,• Chits un-, changebanged.l: Barley, nothing doing. , Petro leum ed.::. Crude 20; Retined, 32._ Giro. ceriesland Provisions unchanged; • , - Maltimore Market.. X.BY ! Teleßriiph to the P!ttsburgh titiette.l BAririmorti; July Flotir ; nominal.. .Wheat;'eorn ari 2. d oats without'anydetelded' ehabge. Mess pork quiet slid unchanged. Bacon in good demand;•rib 'sides `clear sides 16y 4 c; shoulders 14c; hams changed. Lard dull at 1735 e. rl Cleveland Itlartet., ~ ` it iti ilialik.: ' I ißi Tileiliitoilg t haiiiiirtittligAtes r '' ..l 3 I 'Utrill i nitigaul, 2-Totsconi'anies426 :hhddllNOMlSVlghlJnedigT 4 0 ifkir /*14 4 4 4 itiMe; .7 t l i ljnig ,leat r at ~5i 50 ; .. mut e. col wri ft-it - IMAM- irloiti:11110661*" ptA.. heat at $1,85. Corn at 1)0415c:I rat 76 :4:rtiolia s . Jici.TlP/c e Xic - • at 445a•5% ,„.. at leo by ttie tierot. BR; =atop Oo at/g3iet 114 'elitoo akjae; - ilenr aides ' 4 Age: ' Brille•Mderw—edia-t ili'll4sc.'cloat r4des if 45 1 4 c: VhfaliyribniL • • ;191bIRPhlikIiirket• ikilTeleiriymb .tittikrittsloarelt, sejtll f . I e ilinnirnrs July 2.—Cotton quiet and .firm; rivelitat . 3 4A4001:. , 1 3 3p0 1 101 434 ,13 4 0 0-, 1 / Flour dn i lli,,supertlne,„/7,0,56.___,. .111,75a2. ',,Curn,V6air2c,.. • , Cate, 76a7,7e. sm. Bran,,ll26 i2 _cqrniklenl Boerne, ,O 0,40 1 4,60. Perk - , 1136,19 e. Baden, quiet; tifitildenr) 17e. 100-' tat b es , p,460, 1 ,7 ,14-41.1 , IMPO • MT: ItAILBOAD.: Eitt , rinittax.' Rowe, Jtily 21=4 'lpig, AltibiheYi '2' do ' do,' Maßniveht, Po r ter & Ur,: dolla r Lloyd & , Blickr2 do:dci, W D. :McGowan; 4 do do,, Zug &I`Azip 7 .01'3:Aft .004'; 'ear scraps, W Harrieloekl, ,o9r lumber, NeSWeri .14 Bro; V, masses copper, 48 bbls do, I` M Row e; .10. •hfbbls 2614 1 ,16 Cooper; 132 bdlairpokes; M •McWhlnhey; hisrdwar6,"'S' Pishne;' stook &to; ..I.7r'thkes , 'topper, Lc G Hassey & Co; 4 blur candy" Ileynief . * Bid; 24 bas hisidivaris, l t3econili* Co; 108' 1 611 bbbs, T Idusgravef 60-logsicorMBlfilks'oats; J Glenn; 187 corn, , Morrison* Devol; 40 eke oats, 9do rYeaktislieury it Hood: I car fire brick, J Noss; 6 bbls,potatoes; Riddlei.l4s corn,: Mcßanis,dl t Anjerp 7 bap. ; bran,. M 1.0- Swiggen; 6 bbla ale, McCliwien; 22 ske, 8 tidle.sereio,l. &ranee; 20 loss cheestlyatt; :Lang & to; 20" da,ao. 3',J Pettit; 20 1 do do, LED•MiIf& Brit; 62 tibia 11;3 W - MePerFa4, -1 bx drtigi; PaikreldoCkWCo. 1 • • 'PrivsisuisoillClinhrirrATlVißeiiit Lcarts ailiateAD;66. Olivet.; .1 I ter'*ficid; 45 bit - Midi' ytelfert' l o:449 bdhi• piper, Pittsburgh Paper-05; 0 5 bble vinegar, Jae Connor; 25 do do, Little, Baird & Pits ton; 1 car: gralm • Heil. it • Ritthar4: 62'sks oats, 9 de rYe. A. I IL', HamiltOnt L car. oats,; Brown & 26E., , busha Wheat,: Illechooak,,Mc.Creery &,Co;1 I,ix, Mdse,, :Thisig *SOW; ettia .EGbapco 4 - It dr, Iv 4en kitwonl, 41,09, dry beef, Carter,McGr ew it Co; 6‘bbli Whlisky,pi !linger StiOenion:2 bills wh6els; Carr' &Vire; I bx flag _ , JW" •Pittobk; 6 obis tenierit, l 3 'Musgrave; 6 do dO; Bead .& Bids6!l ear • staves, Wm"Hast l 148;11, dodb, M)Pi Adstriiir & Bro; lota lard; ' 2-bbls, lard. , oil,. J. i - 1111b1 * i Son; : 2 • biles , leather helting,,J_dtia Phillips; 20 bUtia to. •todeoi Piisissusism:FT. t WAllial AND CHIcAGG Rx.latirmio.lJulyir2--1; car ,metal,' B:.Har.n burgh & co;.. Ock,iNArniok., it, Co;s do, Union Trop - Atli4;l,do do,Bryan Caugher, - 19 chi* iron . ore, SOPetr..lron CO; 100 bbls, `flour, 2 bbls ego,"oni 'et; I 'car braM.2,bbli . sB • plaid; 21i0 - ' pigs . lend; 'X fleboon:.: Inlikdr et S9t); 144 - iiiiiptiatv, l JlHenn; 10 bbbs •iiiiepmr,l3eytner, & liore do dcr,' Mills it Son; '8 has Cheese, Graff& Reiter; 6 skis'. ragviAcCullongh, l Brnith JE.C0; , 95 kat Cheese,- N J Braden; 10 do do, J Connor; 10 do do, E•Mpgraw; 4 10 slo dm_Rltoblison & Co; 55 'do do, Arbuckles, A. , Co; 40 do do, Woodworth & DisvlsioniP do: de, M. Har ,baugh; 12 Ao," Haworth. Votionald* , Co; 13 do do. A *L.l'ltvrr - 7'6 l ir corO, Brick 'er &PO; 46 tibia' ticailtrtP Mott; l' box con; Volgtr llabixiddt - .ALLHOMENY'V.ALLET- Jur; bbls oil, D. Edgerton: 180 do, P. Weisep_berm 240 d0;.7-Wilkins'4 oars lime stone, Mrober 1 oar etonm. Poster. & IslegraW;2•4o. Aarr,leoll Tiro; A car. lime, .1.P.an0;...,1 car li re clay, Kerr, Glover & Co; 4 cars pg iron. PIM,* 57; green Wise, pa do ealf,'7lidfs:Alieep ,pelts; . 2 ads tallow. W.-nations ilt hon; - 2 bra mdse, 3 l• bas mdse, 5 bids eggs, I keg' tnitter; . T.' C. 'Jenkins. - - ALLEGHENY STATiolv. ll, July bbls flour, Stewart & Langenheimi• :300 green- J, Groetringer; 13 do do, ,7 Lnck camp: 2 pkgs crackers; Clark' ft Tiro; 7 de do A Ross; .3 da do,W Seddeu; 2 do - do, A Dan' r ner; 8 do do. St Dyer; 5 skis bran. ;4 do Hour, J'B RoSsi - 1 car; lumbtir TaggartWilson bble flour, A Wililller; 10dmi, brisonss, J Hutchinson. • 0 '" RIVER' NEWS'.' The river oontinaes to recede steadil*ACl this point, with Scant eigh teat:inches in tite Channel by the lefoacingahels marke ? -it , . claimed however that, thereat:). two , o r -A A three more" inches .113runot; than these. marks call tor.- The wehlheiwastagalit ex‘ cessively hot yesterdayi - tho thermometer *heing up to 96 lathe shade at 4 turn.; - No l report...l The . America. cleared for St. • benisi -end, I the, Pelaware,, was expected toll:ay:1,1hr Cincinnati. , • • We clip, the tiAloWinit itelns from the; Cihelrupsti „fiuzette, of ,Wednesday: The Lorem: arrived taf badly den:aged condi ? tion, and.,Will'fiatbe able 14 proceed, to :St. Louis, but will reship oil' the Silver Cloud. No: '2 The Lorena entered protest 'here. The Silver Cldud will leave to-Morn:at.' Capt. John ' -Kyle has had ihe risam .of his new boatpainied on her pilot house. She la called ' the .. The Robert Moore has quit the Portsmouth and Pittsburgh trade, and hilltop at the former place to he repainted .and taxed". up, to take the plicetf the FlettwCoCi- in the Cincin= natl. Rig , Handy anti PomeroY 'Packet Line.' The t officers of the Dora report ~the : towboat .Rochester high. ; and dry at .the, head of French • Island, on the Indian:ollde, ,200 feet'fiem the channel. • —We clip the fanning itbms' from the' Wheeling intelligencei of - -Wednesday: 'D eputy IJ. S. Marshal, W. H. Irwin, rd.; turned 'yesterday frdm' -Point ;Pleasant,. where he -has again been in charge of the: steamer ,""Sallie V." The Marshal must have a• very strong attachment for the Salt , lie, as he,vlsits her often. She alWaYn,Pa3l up • The steamer Leslie Combs was tied, up, yesterday, by Duputy Marshal W., Irwin, Empire Coal W orks," ten ritiles below thetity: ; Like the Sallie, V., report. ed elsewhere, the Combs has been unfortu• pataenough to•get in debt, and hence her present misfortune.. It remains'to; be seen whether she will release herdelf as prompt ly as the saucy Miss, - by discharging her liabilities. ;,.; Ccirnmercidi of. *ino date says: The, Lortintt; having injured 10 ,hullE; by spurring threugh , canal:lg her to leak. she, emtered protest here,,and,,,is reshipping her cargo on`the Silver Cloud , , .which departs for Si. Louis to-morrow' The met from Pittsburgh patoten down Monday, and was idled but on the head-of the bar , at , Citlitim'i Riffle' yesterday rirrrlipg. She doubtless, suc ceeded in working off during the day. • --The Camelia enr6nte - frbm "Pittsburg to St/Alga, Wad at' Wheeling on Tuesday. , • ; . Elver aud -Weather. (Br teiegnob ita ,the elttaburgh Onzette.l 2. 7 -4iver falllnß, with 4% o.tual4 y llicatacT ; clear and very w E irfn. ;,The th'erinettister,stipt at 98 de. grees i in: the shade at 4 • o'Olheit, this' after 7 noon ' et clicliA;rl,23iitY"2:- 4 11to '‘it'veltther ?is" very ivftui; the t;hertitopieteriitandlng at 98' deltreee:'. i I Louisi July' 2,--Weather.elear. and warm. • : Trtouchips, 4, I , 1136‘.' OITT ' WEIGI1 1 - 1 8CALLESA-letded' , rrinxnutta; 'ltAlitr4!sed tha ten of (30ug9114. will ; opolYed S ',chid offipe ) FA Y. July ifitOff.' a '"o'cliltk foriVOlgtOgosteraforiblssertitaVeltitili etigtt. -Itilltleto will slate how much percent. oi the gross arising from said - -AAA IPCY p l y. to 0° - , , Thltly; 1 tit 'Mot. "sale by JOAN R. & L. DLIJIIPOCJI:Dinrdegj inOnt Blvrtota 644 goedscaun, 1.13 Sinltialeld itreett 1868 • • rica/MIERNI IMP! , MtiAlgige - ' I ) : I;sPA.CIKET coitp/usnr. ni . .. ~..,,,. .„., , ,i- ..•, t i„,,E. t j ,-,..)!1i .::-„.1.„ ..,. i;i1.. .....i..., 4 ," iiiiii avi ,.......: 6 „. i iiiiii lie: , , ;itrikticlig.44o,o,...o4 i xhi4. , i iiip l perigilkiiriliff 4iitls fretestto 'throtiith irita 4 il‘a E'rshipplng* _nave Bt. - Loath -PleasF copsign, migstripretibt , •qat ISOB.THERN' ENE. - :* ~,' ThrQugn rates ,givan aver Pitta nrgh Doats, and 1 ' •••:•• a rig,ilteetrav -. '7.' 1. .1 . .'. '.. . , ~ ~: ,_ • - , LIF L . A P-P ; _ 41 1 1 f 54 1 PPP, Agents. ,:- !,. "And c ,-..., ,-,-• .., -1),.,1 . : -•,! 9,9?8LA Y, ,,, ' iis $ 9l 9 4 we t ter Stre e t,, 4 1 COMMISSION , MIrRONANTS 'W, , Frrt , 4k* 4, - : . • , ..1! .ffii o J , EF44..s l 4#xlEn 9 ur i,l ..,'; a ~! ); - .Gmeirriesiollloar,:4l4itt Peoditel. Pray: visi4aii ?bah cl!,elr- , r bon °P. ficT—, " "ti , . 1.19. snd /74 WOOD BT T. near Liberty: 'd ett; Pittaburan, ra. , . „ n 0..., ... .. ... J. A. ElTYJeiqp, k i' ' ' ' 13171 LS • 3/1 STEELE &lint, f • • ; 17( 1 4!.!, 1 • ; ; cQtr t i t nfi g ta n • e rch a;nl.B l " " 4.iND EnraiOrtni :4 artaaic; A 270.91 ibtafBTUET. nesiritaxiCommo*,' , l:. , . • •ALLtGHENT CITY, PA. Wm b. UNARM. ; 9 I3. a t "" IRAILIPEnj' 4111 % rthrfit, RAIN AND PRODUCE 00marosigatort rdmitensairre LIBEterYiIisTREET. pritsßuitan, ConationnenreolicAte4. „ . . . . . -811111SUCIICIS4J. G. laiiitte, Cishte'r , Meinsadds , NaSionstliank; ELlDthrorth & Co., 8.1`.. Ken nedy & Bro. . —..Ja.41:124 re= Eau, JAS. zr.racxual. TZEIL'Ar. RICHARTi ' • ' • ' COMEtiISSTON BIERCHANT, • -.16 eik =us tar' ' FLOUR, GRAIN. BEERS MILV le.; am. 1. 349 et!Til7 .oi+t RAtougati, , MY24.b17 :1 " :4 Whi:defial6:ididiletall*Grocers,. No.. PC.R.143TET,E7'..1: INIM AItILX/ IeBANE 4 IPIBANE & ANAE2I6I4 ONIMISSIO N MA ft. - ) EBALLY4, • NO.. 141W.A.TNIL ATALENT,. /131421110 d. 'Pittsburgh: - . • - weritit Ait*triktoriG,' e, roxwAßDrire AHD CIOXIM3IIIOII NERCEEWITI3, For the select:lloOnßereln, - .Beeon, Lord 4 Batten, fl_eednDrted_Fran Ind 'Produce generally,' No.:}o ItARKET ST=ET; cancer veriest, Pittsburgh. .Itdrxt - - 1. • „ Joon rt. nOtras. JOHN I. IFIOVSIF. ;14 ,RlF$OB4, • gessoni to ,Jullg I. 1101111 Z & CO., ,Wholo;sia Virart i" ZPAi l ail t r il e t 347 7 .°! IU STEEET, Pittimunat, N. CbuinGsgon &Sar- No 183 LIUEILTV an and Whq_leaale Manu fa ctur es try • Produce. Groceries arid • Pittatnirgti : Glilltr vanced on Consignments., and paid for Produce Ow, ativox vertnew KNOZ E, KNOW lc SON," COMMISSIOP FEEDTS and deslers FILODR,DRAII, avid 'PRODUCE GENERALLY, NC TR DIAMOND. oppuelsOlClty Alltgbenyeltr • . , • • . L)AV.C.RAI II I FORD, ' CO. Itaitifitnitir MERCIIAN IN PIG MlCTAti,__' ELDON% • 11: - IVIIDEIGIIIT' SCRAP IRON;'"FIRE BRICK. AND CLAy„,f_c.,_,jirarehoptae and 01310ev NOG: 388 and 388 PENN STREET:. , Storm" Inralabed.. .Conal • ants antlated: , • • ,•• . oc3 birrre; , 7 10.110 'PAropt, iltboteaale Choters Diambiatin Merchants ano ideri Prodpcni Flow,, Bacon. Cheolak - Flab. , Carbon and bird OIL Iron, Walls.. titan, Cotton Yarns andalt Plttabil :Tdstinhotutes 'morally; 113 end 114 • EGON II . : THERM, Platsbueglte lIV'CANIFIELDr ik.f SORG 'CORI* imw . ,LLardi mk t reln : Bawd, Yloar; Alamik Mart 014 w Plied Fruit anal Produce W sITe lY `P l l ° !' j ! 11 .1 and 146 F rontstreet,rltt- JOHN 11111110314.4........./l WALLACTS: VIIIIPTON &WALLACE, WHOLE.. SALE ti ROCERS AND knanauvis D . .IpATRS, N. 8 SIILTHATICENT; Pittsbat:str. 1142:14 , MgtTWIN CI ' SLATE 04 atancTacture ♦ superior atticrecir - 11,64:)MG1 2 Eirw464 . 48 seventh. St:;, b, Pa S. NEWMEY Pres't. niyik.q6ll Or Wra.TEßlit PraatTlM77Aiilf. A LIAGME:ri, rw.. .1 obit 5111; 1868, .1 1,. 'SEALED , PROPOSALS a- . •.* Will be rieelVed at this ofSee. for the foricetrini' `IOITELIIING . ; MATERIALS: 969.000 hard burnt IiTITCHt 9 4 9e0 inishrls Tietb burnt lAMBI • U5O barrels YOU/MI.IC kidENT; 9.000 ba.hris sharp clean SAN I); ) 5,000 feetBTON FLAtIGIN •- ..40Ia feet bituatuar,dryaied BTOSE, for range, All,the abeve to lie 'of best quality. and to be 'de livered within the Prison. wall as requited by Jibe Warden. • Farttiee partleularelnav be had atilits °Mee. - I.ict bids received alter July 61h...1865. • • • •••. SIIALLENKIERG , ije4o: 123 . • • W AnDzit NOTICE.- tniening of Gibbon Street. , ; • I hlopee Is hereby wlven to those Interested that the ~Report of Viewers, as moditled bp •the •cettet . ,. bat ;heels. placed In my.lissids. 'I he assfissments will re. in my office, 'No. 106 Fiftti street, tee payment, until the 27th day of July, irbeia those not paid will by Sled .1n Court as bens. ti done 26th, isos. ~ , • fitiialiAiscantalotranTa OFP-16-4r• • PeersOunup June 26 Illia3El 1 • • - • June, 26 piLMISBEIRS, ATTENTIONt • • eropoials wilt be itealved at thlstalce until JTIX.',I" lot. at 3 o'clock 0: 11:.'ter the low ring ' an iernov lnK of alt Stop Cocks and ;Water , Paieilhalt Project above thnllevel of thwenth! keno:. .The expense of lowerlpg and removal to be: cedlectedfront'theilmn. Aga riftlip,peoperty. All proposals ta be solMlitted 'i6 the pt.rosl„qqmceef:• • • * j , V;iON, TY . • s t ruel.Cklu*egliinur;:tirof Dlitrlet. '' • • • ,101 IN" n.' Mor.A.PEIT, • le7l Sifeet, eloMmiselonet i . tlecend ' ;Orion Oi AK 'AND' SURVILYOB.: . .; Pittsburgh Joao to ; ugg.. • . N 4 pTicE , TO,4, O INTRAViroms.; • fig,tiPtISALEY for Illeaditig,--PsMiug sad I • ,• • GEM! itEIPC, Uu Webitti4mCliff street; • ,i3Jy . . TIM•;;!. J.O fIiXET., from Wylie tollle.caturtit. ."171-141C'ALI.EY, Priim - Yederal_to ENT:, !rind 'Ventre -" to D 111204111 treat. .. • it Pit trrtr.tiM fierrn'ROim itteetl' pt,t)' froth Alm to Try f W tpxrdelved 1.1.1,144 ofileu pow rag nALY. , JOI F tict:ll#l3l3. 13Otilcattoo8 acid brauks unil* bad by calling at, tide ilice. . 11 ;. t: fr . 11..4 .;i11001‘1667: , 0 - - - Cititalogioeur. ; If v • • tie iIH. NOITVEiIif 1 11 sr taivips ,•• ••• i ITO Tfplf, 1141)15,1tik •••- - i Pet"'Cent i. 610 ii i ihe'City.. • • • .ofiline t 7 • 211'1.itrt:4 ;1.1 (' ky,,ETt • - , tt ibis.4ooo#l Ott 14105BOOdit; g t .1808, wil AI ou. matt nay, of! •""" tit al.tbo DAN lIVVVPITThittI•Ftti OW ' ttaa 0f;~1 ' t4i 3 4 ,1 04 1 '. Li • . 411".115 ? M' W E I P Tremiurer of the City of Allegheny, P }rdimett . Any . piles. —" 91WANWP ,ir ); . 1 . FOE 3• , Re6"Distriethiglifihe New City inteigerde. Ise a 41.001'6:emelt eliieteted iy iif`Ptit.•btirgA, Retkatainue tioniettmloittniturvii; ,I anoxia, iatd.riceziebi;eilesetea bu authority stittig con. l ) That At: I M,'Plitiulei Pt i•ht4 Wade City ikboal beiocated aslollowd, „ 1 1 .1,1iFr WARD,--fToremain,akherstottate- SECOND WA,RDrSame as before division. :THIRD intret.-To Comprise sione territory end be , hounded bY the ilie tit rad Tenth treed. FOURTH VARD-jrareinalir maChanged. FIFTH WARDa-To'be the old Third,ward. , 131XTH WAIM-Tild MOW! fiEVEI3III,WARD-Tormed o> the F:int Preclact 'orthe old.131x1h ; ward. ,, • Minn WARD-'fbe SeximditreCtriet dftheilixth Mall* KINTH WARD-'O-7imit 'Peceincirot the old 11'111.11 THATTII . WARD- Second Precinct of the old Finh r ward. ' • RtEVENTE WARD-To be ematrosed of the old._ , ro , ; , TWEt.FTH Alll3-The Old Ninth ward. ' • , THIRTEEN H WAHI3 I .•Tb iotititillse IR of Pitt ' to‘inshia oteeptioctlaretn ,pitytaleg north of the, Pennsylvania Riltroad. ItfiIIETEENTH WAltitefteittititsiilyii I FIITEENTIMAXD - rAnglnittrig AATaylQrlUtst and Allegheny riverj,thenct along Taylor to Rena. :street; Th en ce along Penn if reef Y 4 itiiiler'striet.' andeton'eßetter Street tO Aireensberli tlarlikarg' 'along thetas's/010th_ Arsenal streeti,thrtictslon Arsenal street to tie Allegheny river, and , down thorive bekiiinine '' c' s sue'rEzwrivw,AuD*Bentilidun Interseer- Doti of P,,, , nn and Ta.TY)r r ftreete3 510.05. 1 ', 11.1 4,t0 'Butler; aleMit Ratter to Hreensbarg turtiprite; ; along termite to eking Pearl tO along 1111111,to the ii, oo _of 4 010 30 EOPP,'lPre9erty; felbag said-line to, the Penna. Railroad, near Mtl-, !I- i rate; 'thence along tlie=ralitoib'to gmittr and elongllmith 'etreetto•Penn: end along Pena ter piroce of hegnning. , • , , BEVil'erttNTH wAnto=oiije 'tgoiona' of Lat'reno4iHder together will; the Ailegienitlent. eteiy. • ZIGfurizPVI„NirA,F,Dr-To,..beitin et the Allegheny , river; thence' Along Croghtlit' striet'ind tike' rest Hne of- the I Cedietenc th , the-Morntitgaide-roadt saddaßedim its inhersption with:Fast Lin erty reed; thenceby straight line running weir; 1 44 the horde ItYllegley , to Shick , e ren s ! and down srdd run; tu Allegbati, slyer; ahnlg the flier to the pl ate of beginning. thiIitiETEENTII WARD-TO be 'Voinitied tbe leghenfitier 'an the' 'Ao th;'ide GreensMtrg OMB .1 • oh tbe "tooth, ay. AffSio:" o , ffirfLOß-th ° "sly • run er 'ming the pee east or the npl.copol Chaieh, 'Rut inert f;) std cht tlid*eit'by this TWENTIETH .3EARD-....iloginning- at .Peer/ dash' Ailsand the Dreensburg -tat7apthe; along said ntipit,to 'htteraeetton wi th ', 11.Virine 'or' Viidrthiareif roadi Menet; eibng to thcold,line of gut, tcyrio.bipooeuge .3;9$ ssidi, line to the Pennsylvania. railroad; &brag penneyl --venta ranroaa to noiinv. sine. hestrlllitialeYtheaMi " 'Kong theeast line of:the - 48th leard••to the ydgee Of beginning, , , TW.g.23trt:PllttiT ( WA RD -To "ionsist 111111'1st part of the city between the 19th ward and the eastern line of the consolTditld etyliitriTbetween, ,the frtimirigdfttlellieeifsbnryrehrfititsi.: TWiltiTY,-BECONTI WARD-e,Beginning et the teriertioirof the old Daittand Petinirtiotas avenue; thence along 141411.mgarup line to the ; four mile full, Foad;, thrffir, elgeg i said. road to tie Diller farm; thence along a sioad lead7' hag to; %tint:le ritn',• at 811tWorks, endtithe Monongahela river; thence along -the river to the: east line orthe city; along said iine to the 43 reens-, ;Aura'nike,and "silong mild Dire' ta Pennsylvania 'avenue; thence akmg -the *Venue' to the 9Littrot bettlnnlag. TIQ3f.NTY-THIRD WARD-To coMprise all of Pee poi tOi.oittinteil.eeit ibeilkhronobeis iliet:and the'emath line og the illSetward. 1• 7 .;! Site 2. .That any caninanoe. or, pert_nt,ordinsince, ecallictinir with the pasiage of this ordinance at the 'amen{ tline; be and 'the MOW Its hereby teptialitt sd fhr ai tflogaaat offecht orLfillsnSf• ,Ordatned sad 'enacted Into e cOo.Loni:h pas. 30111.4111 1i,:1031511. , ' • ' I IJAKES IfeADLET.). ) ' , - • • -rferfidelkia P°4 4 '1 4 9.9Mke: 1 . 1 . Attest : Y. B. ''ll ,OttizOir, -or Resectl Connell; - W. A. TOKLINnort , :•-.4Preaideat or thakintacm =centaans... - Attest: Host; lichLteren. _ . tterk uotaitten r3ouncu. muses% , J. B. Azr ass:. • City " Attorney. , ' Paßl;=a.ili=ollB,' -CITY OF ,ALLLY.UHE.NY i ; ~. TUSAISUBYR`B orrws, June Inb. luali; I - ALLECirSEBnir TAVES: . ivr ~., r , 7 . ,Notiee Is 'hereby:given that the Miliesaratiavii iciar'placell In the Tveluurerll 9P, r., .4 1 1 1 : 4 1 ,91 31 7 . ' 0 1 fhauthe leVeral wat:li of - , • 1 • . -, Eu t _."J"ll.l' , ; 1,r7.1.;.r.:4111,p . ,! ::-.,i 1 4iit 1 , e9Tt,qUiti..'4 4 ., 1/ 5 1 .tir 11 .4C1L 4 1 *AGO hgargigiutat VI 14.1111 T :MICA • . • And ' of WATER ltsNTS..tbr ithe Test 3.98#001 1 that Mkt Taxes will now be received in pursuance of . tb*. AttSor Assembly. , Of February: AMA.FII4OO. and of, April. 14ch, 1 6 83, snbject to the following . *.ynislions and silliwances: • •• • i J".• • , .0 ~:‘,.. , • •!' dp4r , it4A. it iet day Q t Jfaly.K i:; r ;.,;. -; u raffr per eent. paid on or before the . first daymar adgenow ' , A , . t)2l;' , Two Peg. cent. 'fr•Pahrrtoo , loeffri . 1 . dist dayr d oeptember. ' • - - :If paid after.the of depteraberr nod on or before the fi. flay Of def.- ' bery no'dedaWfati.WlLlE be wade;•••• If patd.after the.,tirst•dO7.- or TOorObOrt, • and on 'or 'debt* the diet day Or do . .Teutiper..„ an addition of dye per eent. shall be added to and payable on the AIPTISIV THE '7lltl3T i OlP` NtlVlellttEß, rants wilt ba,teetteit to- enforce the ,collectlon of all 'taxes remaltang unpaid, together with the percent , 3 s o 50F 4 1 , 04.there9 1 41 1 P. 4 94 1 einU l !, D. MU:FERRO, Citylleasunr.; •‘. yjeatrat. . ; .s • „ - - • • - fr - T - .I2XFS.TAXT.IB 2, • he Tax. rarer. of Abe eotulaltdated city of Piits buigh, are berrby notified that the Tax liboltsf are new,ln the lutnds:ol:tbe Cite, Treasurer, .ready for coll6ctlon. axecandshriter gents lista between : the,lst of • TUNE and t h e lat of AuGusT. will be received at a DISCOUNT 07...T1VE , P1C11 - VANT. ••• Alidtietween A1;1‘. UV` ?nit, and the. Vithot KT.,p- MlOALlERt,,,sit,'s:_,, ~.• - - • • • ,DIRCOUNT TWO PER CENT. 'From tlitill3th of SEPTEMBER to the -, Lit :fia. TUBER, all taxes will beayableaaassessal.• After the Ist of OCTOBER,:FIV_ p E percent: will beAddeM • and oh the• let of, NtiVEM46II4 all unpaid Taxes will be pot tikto•the'tetilde of coll..ctOrewiTßl THE etynTHER. Anin,Tton OF SIVE! PER_ CENT..! making' I difference 'of Ft RTEIEN-PEK" CENT.- bet ween these, 'mitts In !July atiA,Rojoll PaYlng November: • - ••, • •RTATE-MBROA,NTI,I 16113NliSSFI are now clue, and saotlld be paid or hdfore the .14 tif : Julyy, to save ,cost end expeµse otlenit.• •-• • ; , ALLiNDEN. • , 14316:ra . 'it:•-4, Treaanrerf OFFics. COrtrunia.ric AF he 113(1.1twed... ' NIiPT/CEs.TO:CONTHACTORti, ~ ..1 'received &tibia omce nut A li JULY, 34. .I . 9ciikelve.,, for ;.he,.erection. new Wooden. Stricture 4. Bridge over road; in toitntlipi ; : s.-: Ihr ,th,e ereetten..ef a nets, Wooden tore aF ihe Bridge frrei Peters 'CVeek, on the tvea leadleg (rein the Etrovinevinwi,lia to' on tlielattetiot.traos ,pearee,,!kieffspiep tetenshlp,. Plana and specnieetteris * be . seen oh epnllce- By ltreetton of the County Con=Wieners. MaDritsr lelarnErt r r; i -45155 Coattblier -. I4ToTTE • ' • 19 ; ACCORDANCE .Rr r u WITIE. Act of I ocurpurstlen. hooks for ettbscriptlen Capitelhieet erects Ilvldke 01111" the Ohio Itlarrorum near the. month of Saw ,Mlll Jinn: .(TamparatiotvWeA to „AlleishenY, Ada' be • Opened as. followa,_vls.: L . At °Mae :of It. 11.. A Ef. , DAvt9, Allegnetty, `July Gib And .7th. ti At 11AHr..113 l'Llsburg nly BLIt %hi ' L • • - . • At ode li:l.'..'rkTtEßSON; Allegtieni; that 'Blanchester, ) July letb. ; , • , st office of HALL Fu4'Buruultilur Temperapourille, July, lAtht .1u , , The Hooka wilt be hew. open r . iten IWo.olock I°4 l' Air tordi r .t . githa ' ' 1 . 5 , 33 , ; I f It EN FatBt). R. AIS,VIS.-.Vecretslif. ' , ~),... 31,411111°°r' HOW !ARM is r HOW • R i tt't )Itt I 'l,tiat aI !LOST Inasdied viva- , gt.- /0- , -..;.1 , I.e.EOTONE .oN ,Tail. • ATURAL 'llt., ANT , and Badthat Care at dparmstenditelkor'Seminar wa k auess, .invo,lantary Eadsalons, sexual DablUty and Impedimenta so. Marl *We Puottattl_Ntavticidigekit4 lOonsuggiption,- Ept. latayand,lta; uentakand,PhisOnd •Pecsrity, re-, • mothit from iseulibilso, locii• - br Rim- d . tild'rel'i ! , wen. rai ki a antilocafine .41mo' 8 . 954,”_, ”A ~ N NT° THOuSANDS Or SuPfrmam."' Mit " er gt4eVroat i zrortw a rrill_pg. i r e7: i l t 011tAti, -.4, ,Ci MANN .a. c 0..- "S 4). EW YORK ( POBTOrneg 'BOX' 88. •- Also Di. Chilverwatl i s "IdaniageOulda,u, prbx,llsnents, • isl6:Dilrr , =I I.X,Wi'At(*,%])o; - ; - : . .T. ' t IDOTSIIIUNGH and it. t ) . - *.? 1,)05r4ad alter THI3IBIIAY. atarnri fitliglEGE grawill arrive at and depart from the Depot, ear iir . 4sANi, ttec ,atFeeta, iiS fiol:!itwat IA . • . ,Despdrr; Arrfee'''2 Vail toindfromUniont'n. 7:00 A. 11. s 6:00 P. X. 'Ex'. A. 3i. Azos7tiN6 ' - ' :' td sad from Uniont , nl -3:00 r. st. 10:00 A. ..WINANC_RiOIRACCOMIIIQCnkA:3Okr, x.. 545 A. i f .. ''Bratlfters Aeorromodat'n 6:15 r; x. 7 : 50 F . m . 111gbik Ace. to McKeesport.lo:3o P. x. 840 A. M. Bundey Church Train to and . - . • , . I frogs We 4 Newton 1001'. sz.10:00 A. X FOr Mani borabto,.. (I'e't , .. d • . c__,..,. , .. _.. •,; j . ~2 • J. 11. KING, Agee% ,W. B . STOUT. Superintendent. uthlS ;. .-1 di A 3-. .., 1 - 3 a.. , , g .--• ALLEeillEgi aligligin VAZIIDRV RAILROAD: DIRECT ROUTE TO t yjisiDlD REGIONS. Running through to Venango City without change of cars-Cormecting with trains' East and West on the 'Werra.. IL f tantlin RallroatVand Atlantic-at tireitt Western ,XXlnsys.: - Shortest And quietest route,to Oil ClSpandrraailltr, and all points in the Oil to • ... - ~ , .„ i .._ ~ .-ii ..-. ' : Olt tualliatter4prtl Xoth, ISMS. Passenger Mndal ..t.O lease from and arrive at the Pittsburgh Depot. earner Canal and Pike Ste. as follows: .Dsrt. -Ar r ive ./ .Xatl to and Pm'Veri:: City. ' Two A: Ni 1 15:10: P. it. Exrem: " ‘• 10:40P. . m.18:25 .4... 34 71 .:. Bend Aecommod , n 3:00 r. x. 10:X0 A. X. Bids, 7arke.Accom , a r z li 5:30 P. N.. 1:53A. N. , 7 s et altos - Acortnocrn 11 - 51,50'a:.x.11:40'.1.: N. . Second Hones: A,ccomod , n - 12:00 * 2 „3:50.1'. N. •Btinday Chereli:Tralti , /eaves Soda'W - orks . at 8:011 A. sr.. arriving in Pittsburgh at 9:40 A. X. RO•. turniug, leaver Pittsburgh st1:10 r.• x.,'arrrriagall "YV4q.sit',A.iss P. l'iril&Ker-- t * ir.. sup .= . 4.1 , . ,isr. F. 1037EvTleket4 eat. 0 . .:, - 40 '' ,A. „ I TTEIBtR,GU, t-- • CINCOINA,Tt AND ST. bit 3 RAILWAY. 's • " v, PAR lIARDLIIII,OI3TE. xime CHA s li u t ,lB olP l TlKe trai i- wnl i TIME.-On miter Krim' leave and arrive at OS y.r4on Depot, i • •-s - .t. . . ' fT3PigiSk.fazp,e: • ` • 51: 14 a. rs. 114:10 r ut • , 9:40 a. in.• 7316 p. nc. • r u i-Eira • 9:10 p. 11:1110 a. m: la ze d ja 0:10 '7:05 p, m. Mallon Ira Listen'," No.' t.. 1.140 a. m. 3:05 p. m. l3ombeav il le Accommod'n. 3:55 p. •41:30 46,nia McDonald's isix'n, No. Z.. s;so a. E a. •3:!!`{ t • Bractatakdanit.—finndar Exb_rese leaves at 2:10 p.aa. t arciTingin 9inclnnatl at 6:410 a. m. the nest The'o: 11 a. n. Trilin '- lel;ea dail3:,Tindayo oi7lge rareauk ocaneathins NewarL iind,;late on.SA dway, Man:Add.t M.ll. dialtrAtirgVitrargiWitt '!'.#l-13* i t .., , • .L x o m , a. i . r , k . r . .„ ,. ...,, .ea :thi-Foi2 1 wKl lnue 7th, 188 3 and arrive at the Milton Una% al follewe;_l___ l IT I4 . -- 1 `Clilitt4o 11i5....1.011,m , WV% AVIA 118::1 Cl. at.;%itn!slin 0 :13 . am Chitsgo 14•11:: - 5115E1a m Chlea 94a tem I. Cl. 8 Wia giniAilii P ti , A sm t hl VErle 'a 4:40 pin. llo(o.%;itglii 810 -, 1.9:13 ami - •• - - - i9.9. A51584.M Ratiorter " 4123 p m Wellersoeltkar ; Mt4Bp m Letiodalix Am. 4;13 pl N. 8rigi.n..... , . . 3:38p to )IP4.!BirlAthi.::.. 628 pm ,Lte_illle 11048 ptki P- - .1:511 Chicago *r 11113 - iii. m. Chtrait • jee r t - F. IL BITIARS, ZEig N 8-Y - LVANIAMMERN '- CIINWRAV II AU4 • • and ° after June Itta. 1 808, 1 808, ititAD. , Trains Will • ar. . rtre'it and Oceanfront the, Union; Depoweenter pit Witalkiiigton and Liberty streeta.. as follows: ~ " Arifilm , 'l.'l ! , : l ~* •." ,•_, .: DeArt.: " L . . Matt. Train.... 1:15 a m Day Exp_ress.., 5:915 a m Fiat Line— .. .. - 11410'am Wall , ' Nol 1:: .16.20 am Walrs No, - 1:. 6:20 am Mall Train 7450 aal ' Latrobe Age* .7:50 a m •Clitehtnint EY 11:Y1 Girt' r " rritlnrpgl° . l;lgetati t% .4.1w,14 Johnstown AC. 10:35 a m Braddoesa NoLl .'NOBJ,pM Baltimore 11x. 1.:00 p m Phila. Enorea. 'alfild pm' , Plant. Express 1:90 pm Wait, ~ .11odia..---5:10 pm Wails No. 3... ,0,:15 p m Wall'. Rn:, 4....,6:05 pin •Braddocks N01 , 5:50 p Past Line. , :.f.." If:30 pin Wa11t5',1 , 19..4., 'l:3oiti Pitrobe,,aee'n. -B:o_Qpirt, !Alttitnitt '.iteeM' - strissralerAenlo:olopna' '• l ai n- - - • • : —--,, , ~ , : Alain --' • " ii:Seile tr. ''' ''' '" '''' -- "" tr. CatreliTPaii4 o 44l'elf ?WWI'S e•lttlitipa, ei a day at 911 a. li., ichink I' ittdbargh 010: . 16 nu , Ret t nenliAti ess rittsb9 z riLh st V 550.0. m. 'and `artist at , s S ta tion at : op. m. . ntaelitna_ tiJtiolsress;leaves olitilyiliall other trainsi am except Ounday. .. . . ~ ii.ll rumor Infornatton apnly ter -71 7_;i: :, , , W. W.P.X c elcw3Z } L n Agent. —Ms renmelfriMs Rallrtise ompanYw m oot aa. some sap resit far Billotagn,.. except , AM wesy wet: awilimit their One hundred Dollars hit sallatill gAlL:llllllggaga 1 ern:ceding . Shia mmotent in yid e will pe - at the risk of an -1 leas take contiaatJ , il; J.. :": + . 1.1 X 1 J., ', 11 EDWARD if. wrixT,Amsk r 1 • - eB' . ." Z Gentwaf Strperinte ti den t, l A I toon a., ,Ps. ,lER snar tpZENPE.:,..... - Egillat 114,411. 1 bn • and 'after l rtAit:ii; IRWiiiit. sear Trahia on the Weatern PennsylvanlAc Itlint will arrive at and depart from the yetteral l 1 pelf Allegheny Cll -- ,r-'ne". impralwr-7-- .1, „,„..i. .4„..„.,,.,.•,,,,,....2„,.,.,,,, Simitigd` o l':: 6:30 a m Mali 0:18 A I Sreeporta i lile 11.11:18,itm Freeport $0..119,t10,4 ~ j.,: zr Expreas..„.... 10:15 a In Kpb'g 2 , 1 ‘ co. i 11:20 a Bilarpb`ilttfir Atßii pm retie - ..5.: ..litiCitpat.: • - r )172peel Z.P4.1 lklo p m tipr tigti , e_Bo 1 3:50 pm. 4.4..,1“ .15:110 p: fteepettlio.2ll:ollpai I.lPragd'eff42 T:lo,p in Soringd , e No 7.; Res ~ , .. ••- A t i e- I sm= run daily All oniufay, .it ---, ; . 41annh •rralh leaves Allegheny_ Send. ever, IL7 la TAO a.:Mi.s, 'teaching , Atter City nk' 1 .,,,, a:59 A. sia.„ • Returning, leaver Al l nit, .C 1 ; 1:90 p. sekt, AMlsirrive sildiegbinty- unec- at - COssisMiiiiiii - TiereS . mile in 'pia , * ' at ,Lripeety,_between,_Allegbeny CNN. Chumps t; . , Ben's, Bennett, Pine Creek, Etna' and Sharpen:it% ;MA go od only-on-Me trainawtopplagiblitation e cite spoo -1 'The trkt i rlemttn6' illegiterif'd* 'it 'A:IS ii: in. and I:ll9lft.llllottakte , direct coanectlon st.Preeport selthAVAMerrtineetStsper for BUtier and Hymnal:* town. Throngla pekoe , purchased at, the °met, No; ' 3 t. 'Ma Street: near Me Suspend= plate -PlUeberkh.4lll= •ak: the . ROO, Allefiligsr ' further Information apply to • tt; ~ vt t JAKESTLERTEBTEI: Agenti •: - ' t . , Federal. Street' epot. -•The Wedelns' =Ws: Railroad will , nOt Aar 'MUM any - riak for Baggage, except for wearing sp• meet.' and limit el..risspo nsDUISTVSOne Mond Rollers in , value. All ba g gage " ~ exceeding sinpuesso gala* vowbeat Uteri& of the; iviret, , , . I f ili ! ,ke4 ! l l , _ l irD n in c illi Eli 'WILLIAI ' , -01 r-,Eibirrit Superintendent. , Altoona : it. __ . •• • - . ,prit y K•lr-,14 1 .4. 1 1. • ~ 0 inc. - i.:.,., ..r...0 •,.1 ....,.u.....- ..,,.i . , A. ::.• ~. .., . iTIVIONPACIFIC-IAILWA ~, Easterit . . Tie saownort ANDMOSTRELIABLE rio th7s the East to allpointatn - • - ,:1 , 47010r1idg4 .l evada ~ i f ip a idur ora d % z Utah,' . Arifuna, 'Washington, NeW , Megeo Idaho, , - • Two Tilts': leaye State Line and Leavenworth dall7. !Sundays excepted.) on the arrival of trains Qt Pacific Rallroaddrtim Bt. , Louis) and, r iolnilint and Et, yo Da144340 from Quincy, connectin, .at L rr Once. Teiseka , sud , itramegi with -llta.a ;points In Kenos, At .end of Jrne.k west woeh witheite-ChTITEDSTATES , EXPRESS 01.)X LI - • • f'd.NYla DA O,T LINE OY. tIV/RAL.A..biD MAU. AND ,llaph -COACHES FOR • • . , . • iT1V.1 4 4 Vv4ts r94.-T•;%1 4 • , • all Polutß .thlthe Teiritoriati: Ant with LINE as CO ODES for Fort "Union; Bent's Fort, Paas, Alba. erer ( Plui [ Sabi* Ye:and all ,points in Arizona and w stealer,. - ttre reCero additions of rolling' stock and ,eguipment, and the arrangements mane r nith re.. sponsiblti Onerlind Transportation Lines , trona Mr Mien , leemillev. this road non oiler. unequalled N,cultiedlOr the , trattsmission of freight ter tn. Fax ! west. -Tickets for sale at ill the principal oltlces in the United iltatea and Oluntdas. • • • • 'Be sure and ask for tickets via THE SNOTS 7 HILL 1101 - ^A UNION PACIFIC , sitaLLWA lAbn o 4 ll, 0 • . Mill ..„ ) . eeniroltreightandaloket Ageit TO.,LIVERPOOL, ANDAM QtrEisTSTOVirN. -''" ivid**S; grerafkAz !izi , l-41N,YR. 44 .? 1 !. apiquic theme "4118PIxtj NAri-: Siff iiiisiisiritftiiiMAßegot Tier iiS:Nortai larlain7P* "rPailliateoritirtherinforaW WILLIAM .BINGHADI, • • •:10 MTH Bi'BZET, tChroniale Building Neatly 437006 tie rod Oft% Plttava WAYNE 'et cly i i n t o ; R. L PIrEGAGEG • ~ trains willleave ' Depot, north atde r igt. gbdeagth Ex. 04. r *Win: Cleveland Ex. ' 2:08 am I Chicago Ex.— 11:..513 a m W el ti . 4° ,e.4 ll 7:T i tili Pas a i l Erie it Yx•ri Ex 6:13 pm ChlemclE2.o.:. 41510 pm CI. &Wlr r g i l . :4ol3p m Arrive tn A 8 nem,. 4‘ 41141g4 ' 841 m w e art,:,..,. , 553:2 . New Castle '" 1043 am teehidale =••', OGLE a 111- , " 1:08 pm, ir. :13rtgOic I " GASP* beets, „:-`.• IT pm, pi Erem Ism , ally Express atgiletmfii. General, Ticket Altem.", A. AMPEBSON,' General Superititendeel'• _STM4LVESEaPS, 11 ffEM i 1 -", I II IM 114 rt• ;z 1100 INS Mill MI MINI BM