•,.. [ . . .- .. , . ... . . • • . . . . . • • -,\,., A: ,,, tiyv, /.' . 'ti.- - ' • . - - . .r...:i.",?...f ,r - , . y T.LI , . .7Aa..7 .... -- .t. \ - ,,.,. : - •: , „(y ..g . , ; , --:- ...t ... . il;1 - 19 4 . p_ • . . . VA ........7,. , ... , ,7 : - • • •...,xlr., 4•• ••agra•Pro..."E*34•ooArsasi,„ - .4mostorogiimarsatrl. 't7 • - • ... ' • ~'.. . --• • 7 - '' '' ' ' S'''' —.... .., • 14 u. c. ..-I.- :R. !' .:.••• ''' --•••• •... 1 410:? -.-.- 7.•, -.) • r ... I 'o ' r--..;-/. -. ., ~:..-..,,z-r. 7 . •... , 7 •: - - _,;',l ' '"",--t"rf - \ G .V.- ,' - ' A, • 1. . '*4-11111 # - - '4lllO ' ',.., '-' '''.....5..*. 1 - - i *...... ...'"/ s . 7, bum- , - y.- 7 ,._ ',•-... T' l7 • n .-,' ' • 0 — ' , .i; ; '''' I ' .. Nl \ •••• - "an: ,/, I • N I T ..., . . :'... , ...0 \• • - -,, • ••'. 7 4:,:',..„. !':, iIL4 ' E- 0- 7 •'• 4- i.'... •s I 0764 - 6, .7f , l i ti -;:, -, ./ .. 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' ''-'. --: " • •''' . 4 , ~ . ..._ - • • --, •.;:.---;''-'.lV.UlWirtz.ti pt ,„ ME FENT ENTIOI c`)<: , IA:;K7K - m. , THE COITAL , 'TheTariff %nil Deported by Dep:. resentative Moorhead...Change of ' Oinnianders In'Fourth MA. ita District 1.... Nominations . , Co rued and Rejected-. Tax ''on Bonds. : . • ' , My 'Pelegraph_to the Pittsburgh Ossette.3 Wesungcrrox,' July 1, 1868 . . .. , , Buz.' • "The following bill was' reported to-day by • Mr: Moorhead, from CO . mmittee on ~ 'Ways.and Means, SO increase the duties on driparts arid tend eqtudize'e.xias and . - • . , , Be itenacted, dt.. Thai frorn and a ft er the off = i itqf this act, and inlieu Of duties tof iMposed .by law - on the articled , ;hereafter mentioned, there shall be levied *giddied On the, articlea herein enum 4erated,.imperted from , foreign countries, : ' Akes peggd dedies'and rates of duty ion ' all copper; imported in the - ore, three cents 'on each pound •of fine copper . oontained therein; on all.' •meg,ulas or copper and on all- block or •Coinse .' copper, , four mitts on .each, pound -orfin e - cogper contained .thrirein; on all old copper,-, t only for manufacturers,. four 4po4ter , ,Pozgidi on au' copper plAtf, , bare, ugots, pigs and in other - forms, 'net .manufaetured or 'herein, enumerated, five ; 4 zents,per pound; on copper in plates, sheets, rods, - =pea and copper - bottoms, .and all xnanufactures of copper, or of. which' eop per shall be a component material of chief valne'aet herein proidded for,,fortv-iive per centtrtn ad.vcdorengOn'nicliel ‘ nickel oxidn and'alloycf nickel with copper, lour cents pocuid ; on; ! nickel';. ;natio or .spelit, - - .thirty cents; • per pound ; on zzumnfactuie of nickel, FL* per etude= egivatorem; on aluni and stilts alloys, fifty per oentum ad vatoreat; on albite or white metal, argentine', german 'silver, and like:, an ixed metals, and the niartufactares there-'J et, tifteyver cent - tun ad valorem; on , lead,'! zinc, speller or =unman, in blocks ' or pig or oxide of zinc, two and a , -half cents paiponndi on lead and dna in sheeta, three, and a half oentsl Per pound; in • addition to Ithe. rates • now Icharged and colected on . 8 )r - descriptions and qualities of steel, there'- , shall be - charged 'anp colected one and a bait cont,Perib., and on all steel scraps one cent per pound; on carriage, car, locomotive. and -other; springs !tiladif. of steel; eight -cents par pound; on Iron or steel ,fire rope, made of wire, .over number sixteen' wire -in size, of. s. , „Sk4.4PoS'Polln ai i .i z/n de of wire in titatnatt .7nuinter and_ mot morl'lheativenty!five,' seieti..iientaper dr made Of wire -koala sin.q.lBlo • - • prove . ... . iron IN rope 1 Vil .! lotted shell lasy,iing;iburth or 'oho cent per pommild addition to the aregoing rates; -, and all iron wire covered with - silk; -oottOsa or other 'material shall' pay five oestaa'per pound, in addition kr the rates of duty. herein imposed on iron wire not 'covered; on iron wire cloth two • cents per square foot, and in addition thereto thirty-five per centum - ad va/orena; when painted four cents per square foot, and in addition thereto tturty-five per cent. ad vcdomn; on all iron rolled, hammered or made into shapes in fiorms of T. - L. H., known as angle iron, or (or barrel or bail ing hoops, partly or wholly manufactured, or any fbrm or shape of iron not provided for in , the present tariff, excepting round, square 'and flat iron, and all plate, sheet; polished and galvanized iron, a specific duty of two and a half cents per pound; in • /lea of the duties now imposed on all des criptions.'ar,kino :thinner than No. 5 wire giukse,andatt all rounds and squares less than one -sixteenth of an inch round or square; and on all the descriptionsof , sheet 4 5eplate 001111 thinner than Nu 10 wire guage, thmellOttitlan of a cent per pound;. in addi tion to", the present duties ;.on galvanized and polished sheet iron of all descriptions, three and three-fahrth cents per pound; I .in lien (of the duties mow im don all machinery not herein °the , e provided, composed lapart , of iron or steel', . orany other metal or , material ,complete or in • 'Parrot - ill-11TO per centura ad valorem; on -wrought Iron nutse hefts, or .rivets, other% i than screw bolts, not exceeding four inches in lengtir,'Wfiblly 'or partially finished, of . ,all descriptions, three and a half cents per pound; on, sal soda and soda : ups- ' tals, onerArefif - Pet pound; on caustis ' soda„ two, cents, per. ,pound; on chi-1 1 : chianti had bichronmf6: of: potash, tour and "a half dentriper pound; On Mails ware, , , . plata, mould and pressed,_not cut, engraved - w e Painted,' fifty` 'Or benfuno ad valorem; on all unpolished cylinder, crown or come mon window glass, Tacit extbodiqg 10x10 1 inches square, two and ons-fourth Oentsper , pound; above that and net summing 16g24 inches square, two and three-fourth canals Per pound;Tabove)thit and hot exteding ",'all inches square; four cents per pound: , all above that, fent laud:a 'hilt cents per-• 1 pound; en Nat'l:a; balk "and on all rock 'I salt, or, mineral salt • tWenty-fonr cents .r one *hundred " ;pounds; ; . on` •sitit in •gs or sacks, thirty, cents 7 per . hundred pound, hut no; return of duties shall be made on amount"of datnade.,:to nicks ecm z taping salti:on•Mooleaned rice, one and a half 'tient per pound; and for paddy three-`r quarters of a cent per pound;.on-all timber- , mot otherwise h ereiti - PrOVictiait' squired or sided, pnecent. pez antic foßt; on sawed -botrac plank:`defas intd'other lumber of ; hen:docks White Wood and limas wood, one 'cent, per thousand feet beard measure; on spruce4l,os Per thottstfeet;on all other varieties of sawed lam , 4140 cents Per thousand feet, beard , inessam rovided that viluln luniber of any' isorts planed"' er finagled, in adifitkai tathe rates herein 1 ' fi e nged there 'shall be levied for such • phhied'air fidashedritie Mot per 'thous and feet ' , and if, planed on one sido&pd groOved, two dents per' thousand feet, and ‘,1,; planed on .two sines and toned and ipprouvod, twe dollars and fifty. cents Di= R' ~ ( E IPIUMPOI9/3 inkh. for - .,thisehN- posts, rail ;blocks, wm'ou blocks, gadblocks,rtuadirer., %looks', and all like bleats oratioks, Tough, ; hewn or sawn, twenty-five,per Ont. ad ro, &rim; on .;cord Wood. ten ;per r,",: :.c.-5:M*4,46,4...g•i°,15"..*Frew*A-n.P4,4 1.4."0,--4:4-1=44- '-' , MuMPt.IOR •.. . ..; ••• ...,.: ..,--7-, .0- 7 -, •! - • , ..): Late Rebelfitatesanffthe.Coming 47,1 Prealtiehrtial - •Eleetion•-.*Civil „ 4i!kklforilitialiliall.l4.i•The Alas t , , ;mussed in; the 424 relezraOti torlitabarglioaxitie.i - . • , WAsiriiiiironr, July 1, ',l ::•!. :,::!:;i. _ 1 . , , . ETNATE. ~,Acter. : o443filatida.l.lo)l o f some ,unimport lint ess, • , i • „ . ... ''. . Mi. EDMUNDS balled tithe joint rem>- , lodkin - reiSirteil T fiiitlf`the indielailY ()mi -1 initiee, as fcillows• - i - •Reliitred; • &c..; That _ the IStates of Virginia, -North-Carolina, . „ Scuith •CarbilnaVGeorgiti,Florida,-Alabam a , Misalssippi, "Lcitnajaiiiii t'Arkansas and Tea:" as, 'n,:93pectliely, sluill•- not qie •entitled, to representation in the:Electoral College for choice. of President,or . :Vioe President of the United States, and that no ,electoral votes shall,,be received or counted froplany such Skatetc t t unleits at the time preserlhed kti , law' for the choice of electom the People of lynch. ..Rattily piastieritt to:sthd•seta of Con tpo.sisin tharbelial4 shall : since 4th of Merch,,lB6s; have, adopted : aCo solution of Stiter GoVornment, 'tinder which a State Government shalt bale been organized and ebeilk•te,_ PlooratleniAnd•unlees _such elec. 1 tlon_or l .eieecors alien have 'Nen held under; the' 'abilbeiritY' of -- atieb`‘Ccinstitution and goirernment, and %such. Staten...shall have , ••,,.. i :.... ~ nentitled to ;representation A 1 re. ..* • -, P.urintanf to the' acts' f Congress "UV b. WEIN; -' /, ---- =-- • 0 . lat: A TßUbMlTlLregartlediit as, of much' that COnaress . should take some action on the,sttbject of tVdtes of late ieheittate.V. , Id aebent•ln the eleeffir- ' alGoilege shotddhe modo.exl ll . l thog those States, the parky a w gainst hom the count Would opeiate, woolifba:Veryaiittaiclaim 'that . unfiiirttesslied 'been exareised, and Arent tin4.V melfilabl's 3 .ool.l make fr. Polud bile, anotner rebellion might result:: , \Mr. - 'tlitYliffillth itaitintred :Mir are-, -Meat atlenath,:ba rdnff - bbv-oPPosirbur purr=' cipktlly on ,the•lect,,thet the , rmolation *Old eitclisdeArkatiessind Merida !nits opivotierCons,'those StateS•having the mine a a,lllhnois . and. As_.ll.lfpois and. Vermont,: and con tend Also.; that: the °lease Wklo,b Pillw acribes•thai the election electors - shaft be lield tinder linratgliority'aCthOState COD 41tixtion ilvariraPPMel'A and, absurd,- slum • bg.the• Constitution - of the Ibilted - Stateit 'theta:iner oectitioefmr'”waS to be regale: •lateclslmplY by the raws of the respective States. In coriclueion he offered= amend inent•to strike thit,froin the relortition the wars% ArkanseestindFloridm• , . :Mr. - DAltilSroseto *peak; piwthe :nom- in_c houchaving,mplzsd, , , . , 1 ,, Mr- MORRIL4Me.; calle•fffeetkdorder of Wade% the-Cliill:Apoopriation-bilki Mr. ROM V E Xkl u etOi44o4.TL.itttlde for tlie.p. , . • , of-trastntelferhis All,te,ticKv? 'teit-1:' - --- - ".. 20. •"—'. • ''"'' , 1 A 'di Calmat . = innpordered .far the con -- 1 sident ~ . of privatobills. • The I:AppropriatioO' bill win taken lip. . . lquearion• vitiekiii Mr. Slermanre. amendment to place the funding•lbill as a. rider. OPen.the aPProPixforien bin Mr. SHERMAN withdrevr his amend ment at the reitueit of a number 'of Sens tors.with the, understanding that•it would/ be taken. up as a separate bill. Be g ave' notice to that effect. . - Several amendments were - offered and adopted, including; one_ appropriating . , .84,800 Ibrspeveying the boundary between. Nebraskaatid Coiorado. The appropriation i far surve_ y ing.putilickincits. in Nevada was Increased Co , t.,51:4090. An appropriation. of . , 820,000 was made for a similar purpose in 1 Florida. • ' ' • 1 On motion of Mr. CRAGIN, 86;000 addi- . 1 'Ronal was- appropriated for the balance of expenses of impeachment trial.. - On motion ()CM...ANTHONY, an amend meet was adopted repealing all laws rego..-. 1 lasing the priee of labot,in the Government Printing- Office, and allowing, the Superin'- toOdont to makie:iiontracts. Mr.. ,ANTHONT - . stated 'the employe* there Mr., thirtY-three percent. more than the same claim In other cities: - • - Mr. PATTERSON'. (N. n.) - offered an 'amendment directlng.the , Secretary of , the ' Treasury; for the purpose= of carrying oat 'the Ashburton treaty, to: pay the State of .Maine. one:dollar ,and• a quarter per acre for 91,122 1 acres, of •land r awil the State , of Massachusetts are. dollar atad e, quarter per acre ter ~2.164 acres,: provided, those States *tree all ,blidma ,by _fleabite Shall have ,been qbleted by the re l ease - of title. • - After ciorailderahre dieettesioe; and 'ft Pond . E ing piotion•Yor Executive session; : • ~ `Mr: CONKLlNG , lntroduisid - a bill relit, llvii to His fiudiworitulletrnents la. Courts Within rebel States. Referred to pmamit- Apron Aunts pry,.., cry • •• 1 I, • 1 -After it short .1244,0r0 . .' soio'op.•l4el9l9- 4419 1 5 " 4eces • Even tg, ' ,AVesit% 4 -- / 9 itrld' aitAporta t , 'bile Were'peseed; mainly 'tif a private as 'tare; including 'One' •ibrAbo;relier of 'the - ' Widow'and:Ohildren ' of General ',Milligan., Adjoarned... , ':: oo, 1 •01.1„ , ... , • , ~ ! ROUSEI:I‘ , Z,I . !!••••,,. __'..,.. _______'. OF REPRESENTATWEH • ~ . . Mr. BLAINEvet-bliasouri, asked 'leave :to offer : a c reeolationinesrmltirlit( the Vom roigeo-Of Way's and; Means! to inquire -mild Abnexpedioncy 6!_rePOrting S.filuding bill' proiridtnit ter, the Canal:dictation Of .01.1, lxind ed indebtednelikorthe United ft:Wtes into tiva'Per : bent. tigh• Vair - 'libnital and 'four - intfonolalf : per bent.''thirty year - boudis: and `irourt dent: 1 interminable- annuities,, holders of outstanding bbnds- lb. hive the choice of these forma ofisecttrity.., f•-,•Mr. POMEROY.Obieeteitl:, :. •!. :r ;:': . ••• • Mr. lEWHOF4Xibi,:from,the :comPuttee on Election& repot/ea t , , ,Qhaat Moliamilltin,. of Florida. entitled to a smt. ' Agreed' tar and Mr. Hamilton itakinit' ',fn..'" - ' 7, • - ' The. blll'reolitteij in, the morninn h yesterildilby'gr:l3dtirleiiik'from',Ad'At.; our ' dielar y'P n i u np:; 4o k4Talinkjudielal pro ceedingalnee n'essilltif the'prottieflori : - of otlimrs ail laltatitiCorther' Goverintiont , and for the better defense of the Treasury .• against unlawful (anima, was passed. , :.• :Several: Priihdabillarterepinised. .:: ~, i. . rM leak. r otaliatiabTrAlef / 11 1no/ei gave 'lig)* JailetleiViatibi move?to l loorrow tappostPolis 'the ill ,making „an appropriation .for the vitriii lito" i rrefo, 04d, tPllka:,,V,-, the c!Rfle fancy. bill. - -l'" ' ' ` , ".. -1 0.,1310ftisi - pi.V . Oied a vote be taiten on Thifirsdlikof next week "In She - meantime 'debate may belinaiddered as botrelosed. . . ''' Mr: ARNlOLL.4fferefflit•••resehitioniiin-, litig,!itrn, ote(Seeratirylef , WO -Arra report irohniveto:Freiidmetes affairtihtTannemeo, 31 gwksxrpogyk,,,,Aapptedi i , - , ,,,, , 0 i ~..,Tpci alism .;,.,, . • nkitti i ,,,CAnintithie ,of Ma. .bole r , lot . 11 ,1. I r t.,To' D LltAe Chair,. anitrinium,o4,' # 4,., . deriblonor, the bilk app • ropriating; , ,::1: 1 '1 i i Me t a n c a rr y , raweffeet the tki. `tlikeAbiittlfirfloo of / imismin-WilitiffekVgiti 1.9-,tl - .,,,3 a a ~,; Mr. WASHEIIHNE, Wisoonallipatici leffthe•CrifftnifttOftrePpOsitr°lthlirlv • ..'hdMr.'ELT OT 'trfrld tie i%Mena .itthietibislebitisertinthttrosisibtiinit,hoinilbehaltOf the'rUnit6d9StidllgreW letrftay.shall berhemsftab oe ton after 4srovhdoß riOir forliCSlblinleritgabtlorki--i `Q illarrealy Pler,, , S. • X ikifieta, ... tht 4b itr 14441111 I T RPtht I •A . 'kw • • • ~,• • Ti P.,11 - ; ,s-441,-.1.,0 ( .4 . ,, attiPiNV ~ r 1 ..11 ),L , Lti:mci eth . .. 1 )1A40113.n a . 4 sigsz*l:lo - .; I Til , - r 44a 41 Mma AtiROM!, FoßtithCcogGuEss. I.J.W pr ibr.b i r - aa of con- Dir. j tt.4triid authorized to make aprepbentßilrOltairpertora company :ofgentlementekr*Rigil trrerilkltdaYs into the Treasury of the Unttedlittatee ten mil lions of gold, they taking AelsimPle of the territory:Of Alaska and leaving the em.. Inent &Main tents "poyer*siera of the United&MOS: " Mr. - MUNGEN made a- few--remarks to the effect thakthePoWer to make treaties was irk the Prisident and Senate. Mr. ,PRICE illroke ,oppositlon to tho DON NELLY4:suatainedqhe appro , priation, whilepontending-the i. House had tolllci power tirakivor • Mr. SHELLABARGiER argued -against, rut STEVENS, ' ENS:97a-, in favor of the • Thh(. 7 olninitteh rose and th ‘ e *me took a recess. BeesM ' SWevdom- Mr.'MQORItEAD, from the Committee on Ways and Means, re ported back the Tariff bill, and asked it be printed andinade the special order for Fri day. •••-• • •d M MAW: I 4M °tented being mtho special-bider.- ") The bill was ordered printed. Th e ßouseagainmantrinto Committee of ' tin th e - Alaska' bilk' - Messrs. MAYNARD arid MYERS advo mated the:bilk( ) ; • ;--1 - Messrs. FERRIS and..,Fieppolled i tpe bill, and ' - ' Mr; MUL.melpg , Madeantirguitent, show ing that he occupied z A omaervatine posi bon_o,n the ; nestio s u.., „ ' The Cemlinittee ro se ' Mid Hie r ' m a • nse ad- _ booed. " • ' (;.;, 8 TA4: 11 43. • Steamboat' snagoa and ed-zilevenae- C Telegratir to,tholuouTo eaßtte..3 II ST. LOWS, : 417 A.—the 'teenier SaM ff? t tetrr -:bongo to. 1.-I ,P.a/qtr 'W h ga . .PPalie raWiroXi i - : 'Ma; Pt, ; _rack l a snag which clinched' her so that heriamits eteet,' and she eitught fire - and burned to the watfirel edge, and toikheiiiithfifici: cargo `wisp a total lose.' 'The' &it'd - Trig, awned by Captains Bei): Jammu and iEred...fLoilyer; ;vale' and inauranoe,not ascertained. Writ. rr. PorieWnitd nientiijiGo'venz-- motet - tobacco inspector in thficthetriet, was 'arrested a der Or 3.tws agor,Obarßed with CrAfil*lng wit'S several.tebaecolnenufactu- Pere to d'efradid , the ''Goirciiiment. He 1 - was anaignett to.day before .the United States , Commissioner and held In seven thousand dollars bonds. - Since the investigation of the ,tobemo frauds ctimmenced.,the guantiqp.f totting reported:as inspected byoniiiiispeertor alone ass Iticreaheef•fronr lieventY , tirel thdasand pounds in April , to one hunibedindi four taeaitlicaaaCt:Posl4l-it:p4-, bluing tbelest =bah dregs have. been histiltutitlibr the &bastes rbs against Wahl- lateen& hermit - *Addle& -Ipsi sun Nur** orsaeohot. twenty and tWenty-kietint middies of -.tablas* and lites•tobadx). factories; &elud ing machinery, dc., worthrtmay thousands f . &Dan. =NNIMISE.P g ; The Dank, Exeltement,-Medlca/LCollege Case—Unfavorable Cotton 'Repprts— Dershantir Ytattlinal Dank of !Br - Telegraph to the Plttsbont Gaztetto ...Nemancimx, I—The -.:eacitensont about, the : Tennessee bonds. is mut/nue& The State Comptroller and bankers refuse to ;cash coupons due to-day.. A. call 'of the Legislature to repUdiater the bonds and :create a school lend of railroad debt talked ef. is W. B. Stokes has been 'rerioniinated for - Congress by the. District Convention, and W.: W. Woodcock, Elector , for the,Distriet. The Chancery Court of Davidson county to-day rendered a deasion fit the Medical . College casein favor of the. plaintiffs. Dr. Jennings and other"- are removed•,and the professors and others anbititntell. MEnruni, July ' l .—lteporte-- of cotton in rkrkarwas •aro less favorable 4n °ooze quence 'stockhold'ers late coo/ -weather. The stockholders lir the Merchants National Bank bared Made . arnirigernenta ;for 'Continuing operations... The-bank re cords show les& t.n ten thousand:due de positers. A ComMittee has gene to Wash ington to 'consult with the- cumptrolier of Currency, in regard Coallowingithe bank to continue. • The StMreme Court of ‘TiMili) ee has at lengtlrgivens formal decision In - the Ava tanalw epatempt ,ease, declaring Judge llunterli orders inthe case will and void. " TheS:SHainsdipplhiElectkamlq cny!Negroph to thoPUtaborAD,Gosette.l .Tactiaoii;Vnly"l:--"-Parti4eieri-of sixty orieverintiellketunh ninjoritenttehmt the Constitution s of :thirteen thousand Mic hun dred and ninetv-five. Four of the . remain ing counties will return a tuajoilt"for tho Constitution:, NO ease', of ,violinife is yet fr9rn Rpy , poTAion MAD State dux , - ,lug _ progress of the, filectl* This. untY, 'with elegistored blaoltrity of seventeen huadre_d, gavabut,twe'hundred and twetitynme, Seam], imajOrity. Low dens county, with a" rekiatered black ma jority 'of three thousand, ritionsbtit twelve hundred Sadical,rnajority• • Man Smothered—Killed' by ' - - " Vidal • (.87 Teleintahtotiarrittaimuli clammed( CLN o l34` l 4(rxi Efernggk i na rn id 13clilidrnan was smothered in a 4irlvy vault last night from the eilbets.ofihrifirets. , 21A'manaiamed .Boyd, ; en of the .111cirletta and, „ Cincinnati ~'..umarpw, was Wiled' by lightning at 'Zambia .I, o ;d a y; A young man onametti Darlitip e fen forty feet frowan abutment ' of the L kli f near -FrankfOrt, Hy.; ,111 18 - 'nnirning, i eFushing in his.akull and killin g =hiln instanii34 ••• . ' i An Old . WV Sun - opited r Annan (By Teleinspb to tti te: Mug holniek waa burned Muni anntning, and Man pir.a Xiigrpfun, .nldnity,„-woman. thti'd 5 .11 NOMA Bliatkit. _ Tekesnpl4 SP, o.4AgatkliTf4 (past" 4 iIFFALO. July t. - .7 - itepeltdst- r B7 , ' POO 'bus rift le at, 04,000 bus' t ,enti.-118,006 - bits oats. shitnnently-42 . .buitatnamat, 40,000 bus corn, 10,000 bus oats. rAnigActirßPlthaiged. Flour dull. Wheat; tinve.rs 111, for No: 24 Printil Venni( orm* h' 1141 e do ntsaLa.CorodUlli : Tai tikstilskol3ll l o2X) bus 2 & l i triaB,.v bus No. VW:Word. - vista ' on - the 'spotldid ThettOefriligno4ollllll4lolt. ‘28,25a., 2450. LartLtßl4o.lllot4MlP .B)4llo3nhuti tPP O e , } F. / .%F .. b are _ . . 48 Melestsbh ta ilttotkuitttlatettaa arrp Plt44. lki. Jul Y;, -I, l79Atflit firm; ft 803 Was; .._ritits is r/0* liptoOfi'4s %TOW rishittifthker; ough Vattolritter at 8 1 4 4 1 11411.;,. 0110hilmeg. Mesa ,11409.-- shntaddirs /8.4 CAB blew . • qt 1200.- .Sr • lt! oilo') mIT" . 53,4L4.4.14:1- : ;I MEI t 9 j p 4~ ~, f , ~~S r.:ac' .{~'~~- c r ~: