sa.): turn, W.-Pastas, &wt. AND IRON CO.; KACIOTLCTOILERS OP tlikil.urpi4 pleb Bare ttall Bahia Axles Stoned; itatirood Car Axles usuinieredi t.Laevem the Frames; 14itiriatative Frame SIR/Ipm sae' Reds ; likes„ Straps; Heads; liteassitmat Shafts; illteimatmat Clanks; 11 . • Piston Revd% Wrists; I • lottataa.Saws, Collars; Aye. Office, N..,177 PiCNif :4T7tISZT, rITTSBMWH. GRAFF, BYERS & MI/Jf UFACTERtaftB OF , A Iku.„.1Ioop and Sheet 'lron, WROUGHT IPON; • irett Wekleil Tates for Gas, Steam, Water, Am. OIL WELL TUBING. Ontee, SS "Water and I* Met Streets. PITTSBURGH,: Pa.: 139:e26 ITENSINGTON IRON WORKS. • • LLOYD & = ay - mx..NITPACTUMERS OP west Common, litefined,Chiuceal JUNIATA BLOOM IRON. meacruarr BAR, ROUNTS AtidißlelAßßlßO2t. HOOP. BRED , T and ANGLE ER N. MOILER PLATE and SHEET LEON. MOWER AND REAPER EARS. CYLINDWR amid GU AMD or MINIUM IRON. MALL RAI-WWI hod IS Ma. to the l'aftd.: • WiROBBRT. CH AMS anti SPIKES far FLAT RAILS, Punched and Coanerannk. ri COAL SCREEN IRON. BAILS AND- WIRER: Warehouse aid Mate at the Worae, , GREEN COUGH STREET, (s. oentlnuatios of First streeta sOottitzur the tlfty Gas Works, Pittsburgh. EVERSON, , PRESTON & co" Pennsylvania bon Works. Warohouot. Nos: 1136 and 167 7/IR.ST STREET, opposite Mnaongabela House; av 34 PITTSBURGH. STEEL WORKS. SHEFFIELD STEELWORKS. . SINGER, 1411M1011 & 00., PITTSBURGH, PA.. • Manufacturers of every description of • CAST AND GERMAN STEEL, RAILWAY SPRINGS, '• • • zmarTio AND PLATFORM SPRINGS, • AXLES, STEEL TIRE. Lo., Warehouse, 88 Water and 100 First Sts. apilkoa piTevitri!JßGH STEEL WORKS. : , .':ANDERSON; COOK & CO., WINCE:6BOM TO JOINO, BOYD L C 0.,) Manufacturers of the BEST REFINED CAST STEEL, OARP.., FLAT and OCTAGO___N of all Made: SAW IMAM:M . :VIM and 1311 : , ABTOAST 13TEmb; C~B • likaplng_aaad Mowing If mehlzaeS, fife% Plow Wliage,: ; • Axles; Cfreatburs; dlrde., Curraltd Offer-Corner leil;T AND locks libOvelhe Monongahela HOnee.ll , . • oellX:da MiLLm; GEN ZEAL rAl;t143;1t81 Inf. METCALF. "iI REEL= MILLIE: GEO:W. BARR, I CHAS. PARKIN. ' HP=l4l. PARTNIER-A. Di. KIEL ' CRESCENT STEEL WORKS,, 'iking& PA:4ixxiii. Office, No. 339 Liberty St, PlTTNBtlikill, _fel4:d4b LACK DIAMOND , - STEEL WORKS. ' A ' Ii\..BROTHER 4t.C0., 9ir lanu I.cturers of all delioripttons of isVm:mx. Jk . 01211,- - Tarellotite. 120,112. LW* BECON - D did 11.19 , e, ,11.1 IfLUST STILEICTS, HARDWARE N Ew HARDWARE ,HOIISE. LINDSEY, STERRIT & EUVER, )Lanuticturers mad hpPorton of ME A. it iIE) w E, CUTLERYiiiIiC;;:'.: • : - • 487 Eits ri" - * L • CORN Ekt OF WATNE• Onel4uste Below. 6t2lo'llE/epee, piTTssuagm. /fpAttente fir PAIIIBANICIP AICALSS. TOBACCO AND CIGARS. JULIAN ALLEN, . DICALNIt 121 ALL KlNbli 07 • • LEAF TOHACCO AND ONUS" , .710. 8 SIXTH STREET, (National Bank of dom. Alien* Bit . • PITTSPIJBOR, Smut/. fol77iii Wif* afitet, g. ' • - . 'DA IX AP. - 101ECELSIOR WORKS. n. 4c.,wribt. Maw:Acta:en and Pealen ' Tobacco, Snuff,. • Cigaras Plpisiq Scrial/MMKAIPIOXIVALLWaiki* IT It" Gil J 1, .a .403 , . • • 4 - . ' a "- • ' . -• • • . • • - • • • , . 12=2122 STATIONAL FOUNDRY , AND' PIPE WORKS. einner Carroll' and ilentdisitins Sliver., (NINTH WARD.) = JPrrINSIBITITICAFI • P.a.. • WM. SMITH . arainiiractureli of • ; CAST IRON 'BOWL PIPE, • IPOEGAS AM* WrkTEIt . WORKS.• lityPipes wean cast 4:variably, in Mel la dry and, and illltet lengths. Also, fell assortment or fihaberal Cuttings foriGaB and WaterW.rke. 01 1 "ntilgrerAgfiteganci;°11tE°44itgri. n.te7 4 efttl Ammo - .• L.O.torwr4 W.. A. novuespir, JR. LIYINEMTIIN IRONPOUNDERS " MANUFACTURE:fan OF • • - • - 1721 E LIGHT .CASTIIMB, tio n tit=gilf: rvia ct=2 dhli Al t riOn a Wtorlt. promptly att rade(' to. Mice mei Works—W ALIIILNOTON AFILNUF, `tear OntertDepot.. A IlegLeny fatty, PR.• . ROBINSON, BEA 'ifs . CO., successors to ROBINSON. MINIS & MILLIE.% • WASHINGTON WORKS, FOUNERS ANO MACH INtsrs, firrinum, Minufacturers of Host and 'Stattimaty theettk Ere- Fertatiltt,To r ngski:it,i'dm myruh.nYal Tttlett Ulla• ter ant. sheet Tres ty ork. Ottlee, No. Ili. eorner.lkvtatg StoltkileidStrette. Ageute for ITVAIt 11 PET.E.NT IN.IfEC • 7tE Ibr feealug AIONT BLANC FOIUNDIRN. Butler Street, Nitith Ward.. (tiptx , stte Unica Iron Mills,) Mill and Bridge Call; Sings" MACHINERY AND CAMTINGS. GENERALLY BERLIN FOUNDRY! PRICE & SIMS. L Office and Wareiwase, SP _Wood Kiwi. Thimble, Skein and Pipe Bolre6; RAWIN BUSK. MK, IRONS And Cantlags geni/raDy., ap2lr TT/10XAS CAOI.III & CO., _ ' Fourth Word Fonndry..atid Mackin! Works, . SANDUSKY ST.„ A.LLKOHISNY CITY. PA., Manufacturers of Steam Eng Wes. OB'Preiist.A Pul leys. Shafting- Grist And Slaw 11W Work, /Lolling Mill and Machin.. ensilage. tirade Bass. Welirtita. Wiagoig dc. Build to • order and bare on hand famines of all alrea.. •tortainh CFAFTRAL rottArtiitt • 880 Penn. t4trecft. BOLLMAN, BOYD. Ik BAGAIEL chub bolts, Mill CEsstlngs, Roll Lathes, ac. EJLTON' 111.1:CHINE' EsTAla..fFlist) nc 11138. uractory. of. STEA:at .ENGESk 44.. fazes and or the Iwot sp u, r red patterns., for stationrri rrpteses • li -ßoAT:=. • r Yo FEItRY OATS. 'A. %%ImA f - 10, 12 and leboroe power ENl3l.24Xii. •11.1.,11 %Ilt be *old nt Tery reduced prices. ' ' P. P. G.E.ltilfW o Pity miles Pittsburgh, on the Ohio Jlrcr, and live or C. x P.. kt.. . polar: 1.4 T UNIRE.1!!)(.111.1111.1Elt! LUlt. . . AL iiPER PATTER SON, .. . . - .. YAIiI)S No. till Prebl. Street form ear Manchrsteri and No. 157 Itrio•••11.4 t a re. , t. oppwlle URI WorkA, L lENY KINDS CIY. - • . DEA AL LER, F IN A T Cr-- trough. and Planed Int ?nber, flooring, PrJori: Weatherboardilg, tiasli. - Shingles. Moultltuph Saw Mill I.nratwr, Cedur Lomint. rOAL9, Lath ati4 l'ating, , , Val; uq4 Ycllow Pine. . AL.O-1.11:1T: :ttyl t;.l.ltT. nts:osc. pORT 1 1 1T7L141111Elt COMPANY PITTSfITEGH. Psuarnols—F.TrArATlT) ntr~rrinc e: BaeltirrMl - -,T. SOPMUNT.UNDILICX—EDW.DAVISON, X)tJ ~:t; ?Alward Davison,l L. P. 'Duncan. John Atelitm„.. t Geo. DithtlOpe. ; - I AL-L. bialohet - ' a. D. Johnston. LUMBER YAniAlAriner of RUTLEItA7 LEGHICNY STREETS: Ninth Ward. • OFFICE AT SOILT PITT GLASS WOIIKS,4 Wash., GAS AND suitAl/it FITTING. JOHN W. COOPER.. BUB, JOHN itIC COOPER tic CO.; BR.A.SB - FOUNDERS, GAS AN.II STAAId Manufacturers of PUMPS AND BRASS W()JtK ___'o viipg 414trap(yout a lt A'n" ' GAS , 1 4 1.XTURES Corner of Pike and Walnut Streets • . , PITTSi3URdLr. _ IRON. lIROSERS, m. IRON BROKER 1241 *t• Sireet, Pittsinirei t , pa. UMME Ai4n . titor the Wear bortew - .Thonghantor e i sephbre.,lsabella,DnucennottOdtlintive. (ilondon. and .brands,___R utflulthractiei::::soustilogyenk; Coke 0. - 41.?cusrcras4..,:r. P - 710 t oc , f. "a. - ;,,WAPRANSAGgc t: . S,ME ATLAS WORKS, ' 1 )ILORTO,I 4 I STREET, Ward, PlT'li9lll;rxicall. THOMAS N. stuLLER; PtesideinL These Works are among' the largest sac most complete establishments In the Wed, and ate now prepared to tarnish • Engines, of every deseription. Boners, Oil Tanks. Meet Iron Work. Railroad Castings. Rolling Rill Castings. Engine Cautiapi. ' - Narkine Castings.. • General Castings.' hoetneD ORDERS SOLICITED THIMBLE SKEINS ARO PIPE BOXES, Orden promptly and carefully executed Charires rensonaple. 111111Nrf & MACKLIND. 0ct5:126 Manufacture awl keep cunatantly On hand.. SCRiAIt IiETTEEti., - HOLLOW WARE: AND. ROLL WORKS LUMBER Capital, - $125,006. INEWNI Piywup, , FORT PITT - " BouiEn s I STLL ABB TANK O'SS - '-t CARROLL & SNYDER • TUBULAR, DOUBLE-SLUED TUBULAR, ETU.' - MOO. Ati CYLINDER STEAM BOILERS. 01. I.; STILLS AND OEL_ TASKS, CHIMNEYS.; BI:EECILING Awp ASH PANS, SETTLINO 4 PANS, SALT , PANS A. ND 00N DENSECS; . , . STEAM PIPES, GASOMET 111 1 D IRON - BRIDGES: PRISON. DOORS ANDINYAL BEL = = - "nice sod Warehouke, corner Second, Third. Short mind LAblSTrty Street*, - &fir Orders seat to the above " eAdress win 'be promott4, attended to. tahT:lBo . r.. N. m01m0W...a...8. B. BARNHILL .....IAB. IItAIL o , l!Alt.4.inoiuma wonia.s. - MORROW, BARNILILL & CO INLANCIFA47VRICILB OH • ' ' 8 4 14 0 1 !i (lil erif Oii" S ti n : 49 Agitators, TANKtkikA tr PANS, GASOERS,WROIIO HT IRON BRIDGES, SHEET IRO WORK, SO. • Cow : Liberty and . Setond SU, icri\ tv .. , • . . 4 . ...• . . . . . PITTSBURGH, PA. REPAIRING promptly done. 174,1b2 WM. BARNHILL & CO., BOILER MAIKERS AND SHEET IRON WORKERS,- NW. So, A*, 25441.1i1) 26 . PiNii, ST. Baring centred a large eard-arel Banished it with tbe must. approved toacidnery, we are 'prepared' to atarialltetare every deacriptiou of BOILBIIid in, the beat wanner. and warranted equal to any made In the 'country.'rblmdey . . Breechin 4 g. Fire Beds, Steam Pima, I.ocontotive Bolters, Condeneers, Salt :Paw"; Tanice , Agitator," Settling Pena, Boller 1 r , ii..Bridizeo, Sugar rime and sole mania facperers of lierni.ll I'a Patent 'Boiler,. ' Bev:tiring d. , 1,(1 on the shortest notice. laSsegil _ _ JAMES M. 'MITER, --- Nog. 54 and 66 Water Street, MAY 4 UFACTIIIII2 OT IRON OIL TANKS, SXTTLING PANS, COPPER STEAM PIPE, ROLLING' MILT. STACKI ana 411tRT ARO woßt, Fur Steamboau JAILED. 01-111111811 YDYG N p. BROBU. JARED M. BRUSH SON, .11kNUTACTURICAS Or Steam Boilers, Oil SWIs, Tanks. SHEET "nor; WORE. &C. 61 Penn Strce.l, Pittsburgh, Pa. prrrs_nuitett STOVES, CASTINGS, &O. COOK STOYIPS. • . BISSELL aft. CO.'S FOR BITUMINOUS COAL. Warranted to Cook, Bake or Roast as 'tell Realty other Stove In the Balm . . O . . • . ' EI SS E LL it - C., • ~ . . /Si (5. f., ) 35.) Liberty Street. hasoou band sod for safe - - • • ' PliAL , Citi-tiI'OVES, - -.•: -.•: .: 1• ' .! , 11E11113;G STOVES,_ • - •OltATIL:1 1 11X1117 is 71C1fDERA: COOfiEstO KANDES. eto. CHEAPEST PLACE in the City . TO ❑CT THE TRIUMPH. COOKING' STOVE xE at No. 146 fiItANT ;TRENT. • WAitOilla AND ligNG, • Coritnimelcin 3 ferdhantsana•Brokers Pet'.Olcum and its Products, DALZEWS BUILDING, DUQUESNE W4Y, prrrsucnosi, PA. PHILADELrmA AD.DRES6, • T Aca BUO'rEIMS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Petroleum and its Product& ritte l durg4 Office—DA:LZE.L.W. ,ItULIXING, cot , ner of Duqueette.Way end Irwin streets....‘. ". ..£ lol ridelvillt:CEce—:l27'lVAL.Nl3l BT.. JACOJI • 011 Co2nmassien. Jobbers, f.t • No.' 3 IYM2t.IIISNE WAY, Intl' buy aiad sell Crude and Relined 01Is, Lubrleatlug,'Tar, Ileustne and Cooperage. Our loug_expeeleuce lu the Petroleum trucle euublea 119 to offer unusual, peUltles and fun diKenlents to imeratora: berNtOlbrv. wo are dt , - trrielne.l to make It the Interest of buyete IiII 4 set 'lets Oo glee us a call. Partleg having 013-litle stlie are Cordially Invited to bring their samples. - apt:mut 111 I ONG & CO „MANUFACT,UREIIS OF PURE WRITE BURNING_ OIL, Drana--"t ETCIFER," Office, No: 2 . . Daquesnp, Way, PittAnrgh. J. C. lICIFFILU - ...C. A. IMR,OV. wuisrazAD. S°"° OIL "WORKS. auuroe.turc afol hirsO for !Nue 01 kindo or . LU BRICATIN -' OILS:' ; HT. CIVAIR'BTIMET. Dinivvn:itrurEw at.o, 118 itiquericAL , lig. . • ~ FURNITURENIANUFACTURERS, ... , wuoiitiA LB ihaiiiivaL ...,:i'l .L. 1 011;;;fg 'i WEISEgII:ji:, 1 3'18 1 Pt3A:itrrxk `tivri t ,.vav" - , ~., —:- --- 7 -- -. bra.. . • " ~VrARTIN•I4I4IO44%. ••••,., ._.oolistantlyonlnndiivert vgtayikePmitoirid, - 4 - T.L. 1: - ~ , C ' '"..." ra ql'il zit ^!..' l eirf,t• 34 ~," - 0. , :a . ' 6 .:•1 unithißEß. Irt/UNITIIIK •rimuther , Wlol I uo*L: u ~ "ni Pr auurt ni c" 0t, 231 / 1 / Vielinit4re at. t iedlee TS, CAPS Arcro,mtet e 0 ;Sec ,03 1. TX. i . ..o .r, .. A „ Iv _ ' ,i4se in ward or anAbiug In. our li no eat Gunnell , ,Ln......unti. , ure at e . 01 p t IVAMEr ' ,up dto ba 1 1 4r410406410.::4:tig01A Pin ~,, bl i ' fr Ef - " it bf ir faV t""i lititial l r ON pteilpilifieklatbakitctiganatoo4l' a. . .v. 4; ' • - • AA Z t f . l4E iv,(WEDNIOS' DVK A -3 - UTIT r .406 Etc." IKAIIITP.&CTL"HI4IB or PITTSEitIRGAs Pi. PrETSBOVRAPiIt, -PA•s CET THE BEST. TRIUMPH, P: C. DUPPY OILS. WAIUNG, KING & CO., 127 Wallin AND D.pALERS.IN. rmirrrirtiA4: - FORT :PM "8AN,i1N47...-.OOIiPANi N0..169 Wood Street. CAPITAL, : : : : $200,000 STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE DEALERS IN VERNMENT SECURITIES, AND COLD. ',TEREST ALLOWED OM TIME DEPOSITS. Ilectloss made on AB neeessible points in the ited Slate-sand C 3113,11.1.5: DIRECTORS:_ Jim,. C. I:lshp'. • . - Rollt. R. King,' iqdro.i. Ai U Ie r. James M. BaUer. . 6* 'L MeCLVIIIKAN, Pres% D. Hostetter, James Gordon, D. Wa E. Fawcett, D. LEFT EYST4)NE *l* K No. 293 LIBERTY BTREIff, miTeinirasua, AI, (authorized,) 1-* : $200,000. DIRECTURS. ' Wm. H. Hamilton, Hen Bookstoce,' OC4). 7 rr `. Van Doren: J. Lynch, J 7, a Murdoch, Jr.. Espy. . Samuel Barckley, A„GENERAI, BANKING BUSINESS TRANdACTRD (Telleetiona made on' all sece . paible points la the United States and Canada.' , • interest Allowed um Tine Downi e UNITED STATES SECURITIES BOUGHT AND SOLD. H, d, LYNCH, PrAnsidenL. ' GEO.. T. VAS INDREN. Cashier. airST4-InrtIOLDERS INDIvmvAiLY Lwms. NATIONAL BANK Or COINERCE,' Ow. of Wood and SixtiSta. • eau .. te.k, - CAPITAL, : A. PATTERSOA JOS. H. HILL ... A. Patterson, , Ororge Balk Win. H. Brown. ' Jaturs cCandlest, lowlchart. ' I Wm. Douglas,. Allen /ilrlipatrlck. Wm. Bend. Haven. - DISCOUNTS DAILY, AT 11 A. N. • HART, CAIUGIIET & CO., 7, BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corner Third and Wood Streets, lIPPeIIUIRGII, (SUCCIORIS TO HANNA, HART • 00.,) Exchange; Coin, Coupons, And particular attention paid to the purchase and taste et GOVERNMENT BONDS. F.lght llrartiWon L•endoll• mrims2 _ _ NT . HOLMES 66 SONS, /3-19A-IVIEKJECFLOS, 57 Market Street, l o rrincsiltTlEt4all, PA. Culteetlons made on all the prtnelpal points of thil United States and Canattaa. . . Stocks, Bonds and other Securities BOUGHT-AND SOLDOk eiriDdIGSSION Par : tleclar attention paid to the puretuum and sale of United StatesrSecuf.ities. IDEIS WESTERN SetVINGS BANK, No. 59 Fourth, Street. CEIARTEnED 1866.. paid on Time Deposita Algy SIM ONE DOLLAR UPWARD. DErosrrs EUJJ:f?;'C(` rr - WITHOUT INTEL FAT. Dl...svntLts I]all7 at Di, . - . . . President-711031MT BELL Vico President--A. 31. MARSHALL • . 7 DtIeaCTORS:_ _ TITO,TPSON BET..r„•_- . A. H. MARSWALL: - JOS. DILWORTH . . • JOS. ALARJER. J. J. GILLESPIE. thochliolders to 1111P1t1 we maim:roterenee: Wm. Porsvilla, ! foseph Dilworth. "Wm. C.ll.l;Vit IRev. David en Dali.:ll, . Maury bamlw K t il f D. W. C. lildweli.; BMW nt E. M. Fulton. I T4olllls Enina. !POPPER.- A.KE SUPERIOR 130PE T4g 1 g,]4 1 PAMPTPR.W.01.18; rrra'autrittm. . . PARE, .Mc CURDY & CQ., , • • — 1 ••• ".; • j„ ; Arivrinrieitiro:is or shAittiiiiirtraiii4i , and llnl Copper, Prealeil copper liottome, Still Sot- . tcum,,Bpater Holden Alito, imiudit:rra tad , Malan 11n Pl ate, Nheet Iron, 1% ile - “te. Con* Jatantly on hand Tinnerd , Aim:blues at. Twig. • Warehouse.,l4o,FlßST Mipik ritexoND STREET-Plttalntrgit.; - bpnufal or4e.rikoSCiviisc Gutio any..,deatro4 Pair ===M:t:l . 11A1LEt 6t BHiO., STOCK AND . REAL ESTATE BROKERS ' AND AUCTIONEEBS, Are prepared to sell at Anetion STOCRS, BONDS, awlatt ,of siCelliturms, REAL Anvers. liousjr,ll(44) PERM:T(IILE, dm.; either.on she pre,_ intros or at the Bond of Trade Ruom s , :Particular al tention paid, as heretofore,. Lo.tpe sate. of Real Estate at private sale.' - - ' - tales of Real Estate n the country attended. °Mee No. JUl.ti FOUILTE STREET Gar 11 NJ' TO LOAN, tz 4 k ,'• ON BOND AND MORTGAGE, GMKX. aßTyratv•-`-' i • sulLs t, ocl,stalcquoitt street.) - 7 --- 11 • - ,; ,88TS ,A ND.~UArB: ritkLiiter-- • % VIM! Corner of Wood and Fifth Streets. CoViRNIEN t f . •. _ GOLD, SILVER „ AND 'COUPONS Bought on the moat larorable,teema. ,-- SeUs LET-. TEES -or CREDIT' and - DRAFTS avai able In inig part of Europe. DEPOSITS received autdeet to eheek„ or INTER EST ALCOWED ON 'ruts DEPOSITS., r -, • T B '& C o _.,AXES RADY _O Corner Fourth and 1. Wood Sts.i. BA I\T IC. 3M rt. 163; BU AND SELL ALL BINDS OF GOVERNMENT SECURITIES , GOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS, ON MOST. PAVOBABLETERMS. N V pat T E , • . , •INTO TRIS H NE Yr• 5 4 20 , CIO UPONIBOYD: Ur Interest Allowed on Deposits. • armoicriii rAwstme of ; c BONDS, and other approved collateral, at lowest market rates. , : • Orders exeented lir-the Purchase and) Sale of wrpchn, BONDS and IpIII.A.D. • JAMES "i:ERAtit dr ILISON. Cashier, tijr littifnitly &Ott. OFFICE OF THE PITTSEITEGH GAIIETTE, TUESDAY...Tune 30, 1868. t - Government securities show a decided downward tendency; the , market closed at delight advatice, last night,_ but at the opening of the •market, there vtras'quite a pressure to sell, and large hits:Were; affered at a fraction below current • rates. The question of taxing .th,e interest en , r boncla being ' csinstried'ius- peltitlng to a iteli4El indisposition,to buy bonds, end,,,probably, would catire-iwntidw‘isiPlreirtilippe-d-from Europe. j'here. yip ,no au0 811 91 3 that any: tampering at present with either taxing bonds air ilitdreaf 'Col t iendY ivlif bringtGovernment securities in disfavor, and inatea,' I•oi- able' to - .reduce the rate of interest on the national debt at an early date, we may,l:lc.compelled to do bus-., Mess for years uhder - stispension, and be impoverished by the flood of foreign man ufacturers and high prices of produce. Gold is rather dull, although the market closed at about the average quotation of the day; the opening. price ,was 140 IA to 140 1 and 1405 i. There liati"so far been very little gold come on the market out of the July interest; it will take nearly all this waek before the bulk of gold will have supplied the ordinary channels. ' Imuor tem are holding back under the firm be lief that lower rates will- prevail during next week. The very fact that, nearly all the large holders of trold ate anxious to sell out as soon as the market tonehes any thing above 14034: Coupons are freely offered at the counters of banking houses, and 13934 to 189% readily accepted, which shows how public opinion on the gold ques tion turns. • ~ • ; , The -stock' market is rather tame at a Period when money is so easy, and is still expected to beta better. supply yet,during the earlyparr of the month. The North Western shares are still advancing, espe cially the common stock—the, balance of the list is flinch .14eiv Yolk Cen tral, Erie, Cleveland Jr Pittsburgh and Fort Wayne havpall , decline44-,,Therqs a large amdunrortlie'rfekehind Stock held by parties here on small margins in the hope,,of a. sadden odyance. to par r or.,,,at., AiteiViiriiing given in these col -Mune when the stock began to raise aboVe 89, that the riser, if ilureduld be 'engineered, would be but small and temporary; the' parties who counselled their friends and .sold out - .91 to .-91Witid, boy htek at 2 per cent. lower. So long as money remains as cheap as at present it may be well enough to carry 11 per -cent. stook, but when money becomes scarce, but spec labor cannot carry stocks with the, same facility, he gets tired of - holding: out when there is no prospoct • of advance, gets dis gusted and sells out with a lose, so does . his neighbor, meta the market gets low enough for bows 'fide holders to buY in. The principal manipulator in this stock is a bold unscrupulous, stock operator, and if he can make something out of his friends; he.will, like any other Wall street broker. Express s t ocks are .improving, under pur chases of the bear clique, and in anticipa-, tioh of a July dividend . Mining-sharai are better., hualneslollll, and money scarce, at froat44) • to -, 12 'per cent. =I - Closing quotations lui received by Ph. It. Mertz, were as,follows; :• , • Gold,•••140%; 4881-lioniii. 117%; 142 .5 1 2011, 113; 1864 do 110%; /865., do .111.; • MgrVt 1865 and 1 8471:413%;,Teh 118%; •iiie , ken Thirties; 103%. ". •• Now York' 'Central,. 133,40 - 8rie, , 68%; Michigan - Southern ,' ~ Cleveland' & Pitteiburgh,,B9 l '; Northwestern; common, I • 71 90' FrOfers4.l7y;chivago • Rock land, 104%; Pittsb , irgh dc Fort Wayne, - 100%; Ohio ite MAW ippl,,MitiLkiateS; 2634: Merchants Union tzpress, 25%; Western • Union Telegraph, 341 c, Corydon; 36;,Quick silver, 22%; Quartz Hil), 1,16. -Says the Philadelphia .Ledger,, gf ; Mop-. day: nem& at the l •clot&of theiveek" there was an, increased number, of hinders on •listurday, and in home 'instances at rather lower rates. We still. however, quote the general rate for (lea loana at 4 to &per cent., and discOunt for pthee born mercial.bilis at sto 6 per gent. The hanks are doing 'little' paw; at less than 6 per cent., and prefer to lend on call at :4 pot ount.le dlacountiog at 6. " o r r ,merchants show a willihgness tsell on four and Nix months' credit, they either fall ts effect salsa' ;or •keep the paper they make, as very -little of •it • comes en the. market: • _ posing quotations received byliniesi'r." Brady .Ir, Co.: , Gold, 140 X- ;'IL 8' :1% 117%i 8..201 8 , um, 113 X; 4-208, 180.4 110 X; 6 .201 ,1 / 2 1805, tilq; 1040'4.4PN; 4.207 8 y 4anary: and July, , 65, 118 X; ' a,ltialuary and July, '67 ,/18X; June -:74o'a, /00X:- Ad) , May C01ni4.1.865, 119,-80. " I Chleao Cattle Market. legnpp to the Pittabuteh aasatiti' ' CI W IcI6I 9tT.Wiet9:I44.I‘A ohotiblilorn nominal at 17,25a750. Hoge ver dull and • kaiWtt,ll7 5048 r to good 'moth. FINANCE AND. TRADE...;, .17...pilcir.,orqam4wrwaatinewilAvisrm . TUESDAY,' June, Mag.-, t '- . The general markets "Contin ue - Ver dull; 1 and devoid' of any neiv• characteriatlin': worthy of special notice. - Wheat took an. , , , othr upward turn .in Chicago -„ ... , No. 2 laming advaneed to 112.20, but ati. - this': is the last day of the, month, we should not be surprised to " hear of it `going back - I again, as the "shorts " will either have to . cover their contracts or pay the dilibr ences. It Is reported tnat thd Chicago sail_ . leis are buying at $1.85, which shows that the movement is entirely speculative, anti that the inflation *Mitts or.short aura' Lion; ' another fact goes far towards proving what we haveirist itisiiited; Which is that while Wheat hag,- beeini - up 15 to 200 per litishel„- .• there has ,bee , no advance whatever in - . Flonr. If th e e was any legitimate cause for the ildvau Ine.Wheitt,' , Flnni wbuhl i x, most undoub, ly resp o nd.. On .the con- , trary, the let reasion gains ground daily' that both Flour and , Wheat must of, noes..,. sity rule lower, for the reason that the r e is„ every nominated of heavy crops. • • . ' BUTTER—Ii quiet and unchanged; we continue to qt.ote prime to choice Iretils,' packed at 25 to 27. , EGGS—In ger suppliPand dull; :With n _ drooping tend ncy; we now quote at 21c, some holdera asking 220.; - - - ',' ... ' CHEFSE:-lii quiet and miChingerat Is' - to 14c for Wes ern Reserve; 15 to 160 for Ohio Factory; 8o for Limburg, and,2oc for. . Goshen.'- ~ ---- : • ',-- g g - z... ~_ 5•- - - "1, POTAT ,OE New Potatoes `a re in 'steady demand at $6 • 'Kw . per bbl. - Old crop, $1,15 to $1,20 6 r bushel. HA.Y—Wei aster - McNulty reports sales , of 38 loa at 112 to.' 1.22 per ten, as to. quality.. .. STRAW—Sa it ;10 to $l4. GRAIN—Th re is but very little old Wheat in mar et, and there will not be much-done un '1 the new- thop elintriencis , to make its ppearance; we continue to. quote at $2,30 /2,35 for Red and White. Oats—quick sal at 75c, on track * but there are but, very: w iellers Lat-Ebist. pike, as ; holders generally are asking 77 to 780. Corn is in light sup Ply, but-the market is dull, nevertheless, nod prices are .nominal at $1 to $1,05.-on track and in 'elevator. Rye is- in much better )demand, and with a very .limited supply and very light arrivals, prices are tending upward; we can report. small sales at 11460, and a round lot would .doubtleas• - oomand $1.65 ' ori '1477 0 'T •IrP' Barley in Mark t: DRIED FR ' - , , I t i t T.—IS exceedingly dull, and holders gen rally-,are ,very, anxious to close out their .1(1 . stoek. Apples may be quoted nominally at 51.4 to 66 and peaches at 103.6 to 1256. g -; ; - • - • ' LARY.VOIL. - -' Is mieliariged at' $1,20 -for ,No. 2 and $1,40 tor No. 1.. , , PRO-VISIONBL-Bation -fa ilixtet 3 arkil.imJ , changed at 1336 for Shouldersr 1643 to 18e- /- for Ribbed d -.Clean Sides„-, and 4540 - to 10Nefor Can sad Sugar Curetl'Eld r- Lard, 17 y i to , for prime kettle ren-- derod. Dried 4 . 21 to 2c. ' MestrPoik;- ' 128 to $23,50. i ts SALT.—Is •di changed; 11,75 ix for small lota 11 and nominally . tut= 1,80 to the trade, ant 142,0 , SEEDS.=-pla l 'at 12,60 to 2,55: I FLOIJR---,The changed at $9,00 , Wheat brands; do; 811,00 toll 1,1 CA to v. 6 - - Mills Spri $11,25; eg• 111,75; CL "Beaver eed is In steady, deinin4: market. hi. dull and un— to $9,50 for medium Spring $10;25 to 810,50 for choice-' )Q - for _Winter . Wheat. ancl_; 1. Sales "City . "Mad River" "Red Virver'"' "Empiee" Flour 14> PITTSBUR Oppros GAzirrrs, 30, 1t368. , CRUDE.. It was rather quiet to-ch easiness com pared wit insignificant, 5,000 bbls ,000 bbis; the feeling, hi a just as strong as ever, at . anced another half cent. ales , of Ifide anti I,ooobbLs, b on spot . 4, and a lineal 2,500, 500 each front Aug. to Deeemberatl All the, yearehtlYe rt. oPtIO liFbe*lctad' at 15, the iatettale ;I•* . sixtrted being at: that - figure. Notwithstanding the European markets show no material intwaVemeat,„ ottriostireaut well as the eastern market? ttp- • , pear to be strong with a decided- upward ' tendency. 011 City telegrams report the mar ket firm and advancing 85,15 to 85,25 being, , T the 4;144 quotations atithat paint. ',. TO re- , I gard taithe prodaCtion therttilibblhing on important; it is generally conceded, we un derstand, that it is slightly increasing. 'HEFINEM-LThere wee hut single salei, of bonded oil reported to-day, 500 !phis on spot at 303;, Notwithstanding there was little or nothing done, the mariet •is Ran and prices are well stistalned: There Win.° two reasons for the very light - volume of c business: one was that it being the last day of the month, the greet proportion of ther operators had their time and attNation ab sorbed in making- _deliveries and settle- Meats; and the other, there was little or no oil offering. As we have already intimated I the market is strong and decidedly- in faitor of sellers, though it is difficult to conjec ture with any degree of certainty, how long it will continuo so. The stock of oil in thin • market its pretty well redubed while, ac cording to late circulars, has largely in creased in Philadelphia, thEnigh, we believe,it fall§ shisrt of the stock there this time last year. OIL 8111PMENTS FitOir DIIQUIPME, DEvOr. Warden t Batchelder, 411 bbls refined to Warden, Frew & Co., Philadelnnfa. ' G. W. Hoidship, 172 do do to Waring, King & Co., Philadelphia H. M. Long it Co., 160 do do to Waring, King ,t Co., Philadelphia. • - Union Ref. & St. Co., 104 do do to W. P. Logan &Bro.. Piniadelphha. - OLVEutleties , rs Braun dc Wagner, 150 do do to Waring, • Ring & Co., Philadelphia. hiontzheimer, Koala]. d-(1; 500 do de • io Waring, King 4t;Co.. Nat. Ref. Co., 404 do do to F. A. Dia. `worth, Philadelphia. Forsyth, Bro. Jo- M.;•24l:der do :to'War: den, Frew k Co., Philadelphia. Clark & Sumner, 117 do do to P. Wright & Sons Philadelphia. Johftidolt &lA*, 53.4friketik-W„' & Bro..°Fh ladelphia. Clark dt Sumner, 400 do benzoic) to War. den, Frew it Co., hiladelphia. - I PITTEIBUBCIIII Woe% MARKET: ~., • utnacis or x-rrysnuttost GAzzrEs., , ParAmY. JOle 30, 1868„ Theireosiotiof Wool are increasing, and the shipments tward are already be ginning to show n effect by a decline :in prices. We nett e' !rein our exChinges that in'many of th Wool growing sections. a large. portion oil the : Wool :,hos, already . been purchased. bur rintrhits lag Wool at lower rates t hanpr e vailed two weeks ago. ;We - quote coarse fleet% at 35. te37c; medium fleece and. tub-washed, to 400; three4bllrths „and Lill blood 88 to 420 . 'Daft Wathed' and greasv=.' ars Out at'one third di l soountr.r Too tine WOCaa'-: , Alf.Alleghen_y• and Washington, counties not yet 'aelAltig to i,nixexWnt, as thay' not seem Willing t.O-Aempt erkea• Easterq .re, Ile ' hand, ill w not give' orde " - Ise of this. Wool,,,whr boughtlu toblcatvhe T-7 !",'rfek ilYTeleirol NEWT .11* takl at t in d niuirUb _I , oceupied d 06 . m41 - 6 - 1 3 11 41 rEpat ong. Muir"' M MARKET. ,