CO . .._ egittOktgil i" 'IL az 4 tttt •,i.ft....,ii,_,..r,......_,.. 1 .y7 - A ; ---...,4--,-„:-.... ..7 -_,,-.-- ...,:.,..-:-..,-,..„.........,;;;- nwtm., - aprietor& Na, it. P. lIOUSTON. r • p Et= " . 2 ; Edit941:944 Manageis. . . OFFICE: - • 1842fETTe BUILDING, NOB: 84 AND 86 FIFTH .3T: "' . ofeirtetiti.: PAPER • Of tald gems. — y" Allegheny (Yount?. reiine—Daily. I.Bemi-Weekill•1 . 8emi-Weekill• Wee , trln' l . Ormyear..- 455.00 One,lllnee Ono- mon th . 75,51 X toos.; 1.501 5 COliti, each. 1. 2 1 Bzthe week, .1517'br-Je mos 75110 • •,• 1 . 15 (rroni carrier.) • • • 1 Ana onnto Agent, wtartEsruis .TuLy 1 ' lB6i. • TEE WE:ir, 1iit101'4244.01 1/18612118 and kkatqfts, is the teat astfismily newspaper -in' 'Pennipiodnik . ' Itr Prarg.ts_,,, e ach; -- # 4 :o l : g i ' 6 44. q t etifili !e go ad reading matter. It gn:o me' fuuest as _well as the most ve4abliernaritstreßacts of any paper in the state. Its files : are used. ezeitt; siveje bvtlia Oiaa2 &Arts ofAllegheny county for reference in' inipartant 'issues to determine the rutivtricee to ti 4 markets at the timeof the, Usiticsti transaptirm in daunts: Terms;,` . Basile caiyi ont! year, $1.50 ; in clubs office; sl,2b ; in clubs of ten, $1,15, and 0230 free to the getter up . af the Club. Specimen copies ae~itPia any addieik IYE ?RncT oil the imeide pages ,of this morn ing's GAzOvE : Second page Poetry, Ephemeris. Third page : Rnancicil terstin Nem York; Markets by Telegraph; ImPorts, River' News. Sixth page FTltanee and. Trade, Pittsburgh karketa, .Petroleum Hatters. Seventh page : City CaUficil Pro ceedings, Beal Estate Transfers, • Gold piosed yesterday itc.New York' at 144. , • ' . • . , Pest's' the, 0.: will be interested in an order, which — vie print this . morning, from Gefi. - J‘da.tsr, relative to! the preserva tion L ofseports of the Prtmeeibigs.recently , held in commemo r ation ofthe', dead Soldiers' of the ttePublic. 4" l tatlinataatic Chicago.; editor, writing. an slatOrater put!. for' a steamboat. owner, who'fttre the fakteinitY a dead-head excur sion upon his - reaul the'other day, sums up the tpariliqt'svirtiata by decliring that' ing lifsiteinnboat expSrience "he luta trans.'. ported, df pasSengers, roillions of •6 ,. • 23[1114E4:with a total loss of ins than one h:un •drect'i, a. _ " • lin. ii - oltaTrol3Etatourt's bigh-sciunaing declaration, in his recent New,yorkapeccla, thatf z lfl i o „ o,flOft,,OW:inid been - exriendred _for the armriuid. nary ; sinee the close of;the, war,l is collapsed by , the •authoritatiynstate. : meat of Mr. 13 r .amE, , ,0n .the floor oetite. Hous i i,`,s r that' $62111,060;000 :Of this Amount , had'iken expended inunediately after LaE's surtewier, hi' Mustering out a Million sni• diers and -fifty thousand sailors; dis Charging the ~goi, e nimerit's obligations to them for back4ayilfrnior • , . • , , , Tam .itre beginning to eitunt, nose's, at New York, and it reporteCthitt•-tiono crate:. ;61;0U:is • stand fOr loa;:laqcicx 80, - ,Tolifte;, itatrunreaa' 22 and . l:thiesr. 18. ' There ' I W- 'more: 14owever,', - 1 4 4bo/er`,.?nitricit from same quarter 'which . dqclikreii . that . the S i uthern delegates: holitt4: ebstipe their iii7adi and incline to PENDPETON whose war ' record. •satisiles,thent. .But it ¬ IC be forgotten' that the tio:thirds' rule, which is certain •adopted,, invarl ablinjuita allpremiOns PaleidatiOrie.- 'rine .1 • plans of 31t. .rie#Fraelk and South ern :friends, to' Abatiict' the inaugura tion'=,-pf the - new State . gotetranctrts',llitve been] - effectually theajmiated' . .by, Grimm. , His ?Order , to '9en. BTr ,e,IPTA,zf remove e the - provisional a4tlforftiesin,Louis 7 , substituting ,for ;thank the 'llll,lllllalia choatat forthe sestiekth'o'ffides atthe osceiit election, was carried intoeffect . on Monday last, 444'493x, solknxia'-wiipda.r , applicable to the other reconstructed States. This effectually- stfipi' iie'PfeArdeilt of the last ycitige of, hie, usurped authoritn.and of his ability for mischierititlibie'Stateli. " A nEciNT discnsfi l opppori ci p tie p. 'Led with vaccination, among eminent medi cal merlin New - rot*, has elicitetffic4 the highest auth.oritx t .in ihnt. .epccialty,in the city, a statement in detail i showing, among other things , that onlyheti, ll 4i / clnldr,e44ive perfectrsiclesl that pure mattr'ftput,.stto a wade not generally tr,antipi,t ether diseasel,3'!.helizaph oftlia:eighth,daylelttfiing , no trito of the child's 4 ionstiitilloMik#Ata;" that the stock of virus' now twentyXtve years 04,4 e.. which hes , for 'thetf ifeiktif been transmitted fro mFepleet; not ' , Mien& there by, and thai vaccination from the i human --subpFt.lB d4lo3ruo. thaiitritixi i the cow. • ' ••The absolute . manity. from ,amall.poxi to he secured by iiroper;inecintdion, is:itiO:made , ev*ntiin the eiperieice nearlitlarlundielithOia sand. cases. A saaverkrunEsTrim nOoa.T;mpoOhe inter:commerce of th? States, and upon the transportalion question, with especial refer ence to the safety of lives and property and uniformity' lb:tariffs of chttrges, was submit ted torthe House, some days since ) from the ConViatfee .- cat Roads had.been referred many petitions for Colt gresdedo ? ; iistervention WIG! heat questions IL Vie popular interest. I lrup sui . jority of the ConunittekeAtertaiu Twet i pubt, as tc.s thip6wer of Congiass to legislate upon these-natters, so far as 'shall conceialli t ii se a transportabou 'extendisig and through two or, moia'anitto; tiu,t,thet,ne suehtpower 'exists in 'the cue of - 0440 lines eomprhanresthielf4tithbi ?the limits of duke States Thq, ~ , P9404414141 , As* MMWEi==la owever, to TSP°r t .afT t . Tae late perioct:Of 'the 43essio, liaptllpace of the sulVect; Vittake yvsnt 4 2 1 .tbmittrilfgl SPr-' cific information,•,aa:Talia - ,e*6**Gtottila), omission. A. Democratic rainoKity - of;the' same . gOinmitice reported against the iegg, iti or necessity of any legislation •v7hztelt#,, on+ the subject,: These tinestioris rtiei nev , e theleSs, hlcaly to come tip 'again at the more, seiistek when 't e.' •may ;fie lma for,"agenfil syitera of Feasetil.aupiiiiiii!: of:rail*4s *hick. ehall,'seciir4 -at ',ltUti6 greater immunity - fot life and ProteCtioli-lot property.—• fir wi are to admit the expedient: of any departure, ey•!dOrigrasi,.frorir pclliCY of abaolute:2iefaiaf -to aPiii4riata a dollar for any; PfirPoies except these Si 'undeniable necessity 'public intereits, Must' regtut the 'yesterday ,passed . the Rouse; 'one Meri t tortotryexeeptiCt," We are alien': that . :the friends of .Ws bill; as a whole or in its sev eral detalis f =rdetead It is a :measure, really nOesearY and therefore .unuvmdalrle.' We are iiot;piePared or even 4011044 to dis puta that claim altogether : Nevertheless, We• • kW@ gritif coatidenoe in the cretion Which ,Piorapted SUch. mensberEi>la r$ maw o and ,Wasitnuarrs to move, great 'reductions in'the eums appropriated; cutting down the • aggrtpte*ll . 4 ,114/115//8 two millions, and should . haye,, been quite as well pleased if their motions ',had been - adopted by the 'House. i The debates, have • made it: evident , 7± - ,1419, the bill' mates certain specific appro priation*, ,an • indispensably necessary character, there are- other items among 14 provisions which may wisely be deferred until a More ffivorable period in, our finan tele' condition: old chronic difficulty !with this class' of apprOpriationa 7 their .ar;' ,pmgement to suitiog-rolling combiriations among members-4:ld, ,in former Yeaci, tothe 'extravagant - expenditure of ;millifiina'annn ally, and to the sUbsequent temporary aban donmentickf.tha improvement-pplicy byithe Federal, sptboritY„but y reviled It fa by the present bill, it roves - again too;stitng be overcome by tfie-Urgei . iti "position. of 'econoeilf r rs. 0744bgrig . ,. Tair4peilii44llnei. not iencCrgrl%'4/itOß';'ttkt,lll..-diellaY; nauciwi4he: 'figures:whiCh the konse fi aS , AYE *ayznogavored sucbshanges in the Law of Libel as would grant immunity in letmction• and abuse to Conductors of üblic4ourm . l -3pk we,do,..mAitairi. I that the law ought to be so amended that the proprietors and editora for newspapers cant Publish fair and impartial account of aif prOceedings before the ourts, without being fable to'bildietruent,nr "actions lamage.s. The people have a.; - right .to know, ' ;at, all times, wba . t , the Vourts are - doing, 'and rea.s-' onably look to-tbe TieWspapers for the infor-' motion they , desire, in'tliat regard. ' The lavi.ought; also,as be so modified that Inaliceialall mot ;be - inferred, frOur` 'tile' bare ' publiCation or .an inluftious' 'statcrOnt, though the' puticular statement, ' may be inaccurate or even wholly It * happened in.several recent instaires that neWspaper ptblishtrs have been .Proa: ecuted fc,r l inseating,paragraphs 'front Aather joUrnals, reflecting' npon Whom' Ihey did.'nOt t 'ltricriv; ' flnd against whom it was consequently itapossible' they 'should` :entertain ill-will: Nay; ,',rued, and the , ',presumption of .-malice has been ruled against them, for.the Publication ofl pansgrapha.thep never saw, until ,after tontaiiiietlie& 'l4d gilize 16 press, - and'tliii i edition - had t been winked or it is rehear% the legal hiA` 7thstoM a ta4P tloet'Y Die :isgeri,t,; does . / Neither the . agent n or _Abe principal to aetuated by. Malice,' but by 'an honest desire to provide their readers with the' latest. news , , torieht -'utter '" " ' ' ing Matters of interests` . The ' has become an essential institution of modem civilization; and, while we eendelal43 l /e iricfPfier*Otelit OW' ciNC4 B and . publishers are ready , take, wyb tbec, reputations and feelings of, .or tontines, we hold that , the conduetoni of -the Press citight not to be muthed datia c ieS; or incur penalties by fair and , judicious et. fort's tOnlitlit'uP'n"recerd of current_ T 4 N. Y • . 'Trqr74, Pelt twz .- inntier ' o4 communication from Judge CURTIS, in which the'position' is tnken that the South. ern DeffnidnWinitigt kiwfdliy "prodded to undo the work of reconstruction, so far.= it relates to the queAhavotcolpred suffrage, coremvitt3 therisike i ditoilpyy gi qpiTli9g the e Judikh i intilenQuzi4o by,:prajectdg 110 it af'Atk aiidgti"ri . 4lXl l Oiflti.rate# Onib in the Derr atsey'whibh bbld,tln4 gresslintal 'ns to ' thq. republi can form of 'govOrnment Of any State, was, •flnaband-sbinding upon' every e 'vither"depart, , iment, of the,:Bederal authArityt`_':ioertbiB. 'Aolst,to the. reactionary . rjudgee'the or 14 Concludes as • : There'is na,iraitiSisikajOY : yielding' to events...44d .:abandiminic. a:hopeless opposi tion. WliefkiximeliddpiiiiiffihnieioiciehliC ed in pointing out, a practicable ; pethod of° uprooting negrb start within the next `Prettiddntidl tart:4o44 roMiereaur &of:Ott tion. But it oannoti ridoni* twen if we elect the President; 0nd,843 to preclaiming ; a, syninl494oo4" tq •da it, we do not seelow that iiPtotelPlis either in; thq!gottiv in t4e•l3outivd.tus woke needed to" make the Democratic party a ,majority. EEC i 17,p to 1824, candidatet , were).tiorninated ;by Congressional .cancussT. ,a,_,.8,•1 'JACKSON was nominated by 4ariouti F.,tate 'Conventierne-liii.BBs l , tliefitittonvention met at -Baltimore, nominating, Jecnsort and VAN BUREN by acchenatint.liin.lB3s/ the.. party met agajn at Baltimore A 1i, 1 4 no mipated ':YAK BUREN'aliat. M. Jolinsozr, the latter .being subsequentirchosamby the E tillenate..n ; the only irritated of thelthill in 'Mir history.' In 1830, the party - gain at Baltimore nomh{ ated VAN BUEEN, but neArrniklate Artie? 4teeond office. In 1844, main at Baltimore, the tWo.thirdiVittlisAkinthiattnif 'iie'beat li r v AN BuMis4t4 PI:Mc ;Mired the! ROJlet• nation. In 1848, at Baltimore once more, I tASS 'was' neinlinsteil 'under ths,Anst-tbii34, sou ride on the fourth bilfoiiia liZettnixlx!S ; friends re r Asseliblvl at Mlirtsl i vM.,efrecte# , . the defeat Or the regular nominee. tn 1852, IT is very plain thaktlyl ,Peelocratic,N a , at Baltlmore;tbigiblftikth timiiitistettifilon, tionai qpnrglrt 191 V ;bi'',. , r,,qed b 4 AM dertbeastue Frolo,,Pnutez and limo were, same reZel'apiilt eiiiiefo v re the war. Botttli- 1 nominated, the former ,epAta r forty . -100) 'ern dbregateriiiregatheiliie it 'Now, lt,e4, ,ballot: In 1858,ynder the SEIKO rule, they ,t le .tt ..,t4^.. uncompromisingdn their /denunciations nt inominated Beaten/kr * on the seventeenth any'OnCePsienttitetid;:tio/itleal .iii:tuilit'y ;34` , 141ot; at Cfincintulitg i ~.o,l24oo,;tbeinialit' race; and . boldly' detnanillne that We'bon-, M 'Citerles!ono , Desn9,As. ,, lnit & Vii9iityzillit , vention a shall s accede ; to g glei - r:' 'OTO. „ . 04', ,not tWo.ilifrils,:9E 'thel4iii:egatis;! ! the-14:Jan. , theseDernocratic dietatoni ; the New , Ynrif , ( 'notion split, one Wink iiiiiiiiuentlY:i4f-, Hardy EiitYs : , ..,.., , , .., .: .., : , i. a - ,nating Doucua s ar e itilitiol46; an d" They. ittelOnfireont ft& fiesh, as fierce, as, ntber selec)!,ngßnecturtntpen nt RiniißlKti• conteMinible, and as impudent as ever, '11,1,1 '1n.1884, thetem'cietSO Metat Oblitigo and yiewfibrAtlie, naffibling'fieri of th e D 049 selected McOnituarr and PiiiiiDLlVltie The craticPoitstntri4; .' i t ifefi/th allfillitelde,, A - o r & 1 ua in. and iThivritingsiv*ly Southern lettetivtb FP' 414 e ' v—e , AIM prevailed:for their hot .. 1 ilitrorciiing those - pile - ,,, ,goOd 'tnid',ll, in six successive . Cceriiii' ' plc g1ne! 4 , 1 5'1 41 , t•Peir,.;°l l '..., .. VI ecqi,,Vonoo,', , '; lyzipiAlt immigitie4Ntiefilile*l4l3 reseßN au Than ziptisen, entir:e. pent,ti„47,rs aridetir.' l'*o party and will 14 Wmitained as'Aticli nal ,rab le ir c , haveliniii , n4iii lislif i si4 if . need , wombat New T i rkeisirrm 9411 I T what be, aft As , :eijilsAitittafeker,llo : #"i l ` ;', *409 ep4a-'7no9ookettfo l i:,bithe nittaltit, tt cuticiun ikitoc,t-,,,.,;, ~,....i i, 41. , , iiv i a - d -.., „..,,.; ; ..J, ~,, , ~ ~ ..4=' ,:.17.1 ''' est: 0i.,/ ot±t-t ~ 4, r6 , ... 't ''' ' l':' i .. '.. - )%.1-: i - ,......% - RI. 1.01,1 1 1 -; :JO, 414 .4 ,5 !;,. bi ..' o • .r . I MEM L , - • - -J l- •"-IP'z' , - • I I t'§l'%.V4:.:*VVA7-ss,rl;lllrj. 4 • • Cal jf- t r‘ B i r f4P4Pr DS"c4#F.IIGTO - . . . , iiherE Co` the political fortancsAt.tresident was, in its day ;; , gte stgulirig.therne of edit culerll.F..TTI!P2.ll4l&l3° 17batTITT, tol'tist44l44KiPg, s -114114 3 f Whig,aumerters t en4,being thercinglAy, de- sPiieaVy this - Democracy which faza . , =l as his'-weakness • and, : t AupliCity sepieeablp. But a handful of d is reputable anhisgmd4.! ed politicialissWaslgteanefttogethd.t. m the camp 7 rollpwers(4.•ll§ty c g r e 4 i coatltliqrgAeßiesident'Aleonfifiti a l lbwing, and; inthe way of Executir patron age- tvid-prefitahlp je,tltqletlifelkokiiC rather a gbpdffiing pr . titeir i atta : clupept thg_4 0 1 1 .4 6 I,4l4klYisAgiqinea to obsery that no seatbcomolatoripickings :are to reward the yer e rfithrprignde of ear', 'sutlers' and paper whO.a4e irying to Win noteriety in various- qua#erS, rust now, as ‘ l. donservAtitieEfoliutirt ors." ; 144 J °lll q . l-'N 7 4a B- het*,- frie ll iP:. 4i his own - toloOk out for, and will give them , nothingi the petaporacy . ,.:*both they are endeir l iorliiiiinerd4 eit. 'have anything #o grim. Iseir viryle l .4 . o l q l ht . its own rewSrd, and it will not need[ much to constitutari- atnple,,cosnp,ensatieu; ;The corporal' guard of Joan Twlninssumes the proportions of 'a Vast ainii , , - when -ma - pared to.tbe diminutive sped whiCh figures .to-day. For examiael this liehis4l; . ulated ftidrityl room 'heldthe ',lltdCdoz,en 'Who:constibited the Conservative Soldiers and Sailors Hof Alle- Theny, a fe*ldtitre Their State Cod yentipn.l4-connecticut last wee ASSembled. just tblitYTelglit'persons:atblini Hagen. Ohio and Indiana, they have callel them selves' the I.'White Boys in Blue," and have achieved 4 1 igalvast 7 ; et.,ilating te show themselves , in public, with.nptu single prominentisoldier of , the war, with an hon t o r,ablerecodi in their mults.l, Theis; leads! in India 4 i is a militia'.:herp - ,, who 4e/et smelt powder, and , whom even the poys" have been compelled to cashier for lack , :of „Orkin* ( ,Their...entire strength in Indiana isleot three, thousand votes, wind'in' Ohio still less. The truth is that this otgan izatipn of ,"pernocrutic e tielcii a. ,pr,s,', l t isnfallure everiWAierE, even more bontenipbble in • reateqmpesition and numbers than llie 'Tlr: LEtt party' 0f1.843-4 • • gam= • Iti,lllWitt - DEVEtOPMENVS. = , The im pression; widely prevailis that a serious falling off ,has. been ..xperienceti _ tailw i ay passen gers and freiglits since the close Of th w e ar,. tlloUgh alt the actual 'le l , turns 'seem to. polat the; opposite dir4. tion.. 'As'a specimen, take the" statistics of transportation over the Pennsylvania Rail road' fob Fie r post_se.yert years. . ) :of, frpighti, of exclusive that for the use of the Ceinpa 7 ny itaelf,,therewera 1a4 , 861, 11620486-tons; in., 1862, 2,038,54 k. lE' 4863;2,2135313; in 1864, 2,585,379; in 1865, 2 1 565,106z t i04866„ 8,186.389; and in 1887 8 7,03,224. ,Of pas sengersthere were carried; In 1861; - 1,059,- 1.o88; hi 1862;1,143,418; in 180; 1;707:386; _ in, 180,, 2,366,213; in 1 8 65 i- 2 ,861,886; in j .11866;, - .t;673,566; and in 1367, 3,347,466. i All the leading ~14, e s_shoiripmportionstely favorable results ; Tt('increase in freights ' is owing to die augmented production of the ountry;donsequent, mainly on there tarn of a .million of able-bodied men frem the pursuit of war tti the duties of peace. The increase of Amyßl..nutprfdly : grpprq out .of the general prosperity, which not j requires loc ) motion itS'Own ac count, but furnishes the'Mekui eor johmies Voth of j , friendship .and pleasure: 7 • A I In. viev of the Jacteilla - attiliiit 1 9 2 . apparent that the trunk lines, Unless their ,number shall be enlarged, will/W4iifiehiot , simply two, ritt,4,lKlee,,attckivtut p3tittrac 7 . 'each. When the point in railway , deTVp- trientititrill 'ritseitildliz'wkileh l , Wit ail 'the shall'be bly Used for freights and two °therefor pas-. , sengers, a degtee , OrtsetetyEluld Xtanettrri - will bs;eached eow, r be,y4p;', monly deeitleif 'theivealbre. - ivar then' be'Barigeli",46lo,A six*C, stoppagei to get out, of-the way of, speedier passenger 'trains being entirely avoided; while dui itridtirillie tability pry:Ling, ix* fraigi4 ptains : pr .being otherwise Impeded by them. The HudsaftiVer d ßlll%citY 4 eclitifiatty has already:taliety ixtbainies for connecting:its' • switches so as'th 46nstititte H Vden *tit i l / 4 k track. ?Q os. many .years vfili plAmp,.before the fourth track will be laid onAbat line. THE.IIII ISTORY DEMI CHA.TIC. CON VENTIONs, • • . EDN'ES EON - tiNP : x,R.A t twrip, Goad Dertikrailar'' authority 'announces tiuttauch Southern del;gates aa ware prom inent; in, the. Confederate military .service, need Lave no, concern -to their reception in the New York ~00nvention. —They, will be - regarded' merely, as - delegates "without referenda to their record in 'the var.." The New York correspondent of the Beiton' P:me says' — l, ll ' "x ' IViilltlie ~ iiurlitilii of 'the lia4ingi i tleit (I,i• rtie•Miiio-' cratic party to lie ull they catito make tiltiCoarten, tion perfectly harmonious, and I think no demon tration)for or:against any mad on accolinV of hi* position in the war will's 'wade either in °rout 0f.. 1 0:11 iii,',;i.ct'soitzn o lptc.:iilrtilie' A6 r t,s l a T ::ll;:a tg r t?' N r ' ll i t Conyeittlostwill rega them merely as 'delegates and show them the same ourteay and respect sWurn ; I to delegates front any.No them State . , _ , . .. - Of - Coiirse it wodld be indeaSioue in'the, ' extreme for. the ,Co Tendon' to recognize any allusierM tethe , cent untilimeantri#ol,, They,will consistent sdbere to thei'r `own resolution of '64, t.,tlielWar woes failure, ' and will welcome th ‘ Eicretheiti delegateS,the red,han'ded Put 6 her'. 4 Pork PIN* aila.itit, i ' as i not. horn mti no war had ever.been.f, t ' 0 'on • ' .This• tender and considerate forbetiraime, to ails. wards tfie - errlirg'''' a; policy 114 h . '4 ~ , ~.._..._ ... •PP V. ,I suite Copperbeadism ex ilyi(but what dohonest andiiiitrioticlThbin loViniDerricibrittiiiiinh' of it;?, irciNy4o!eiiiipiedi tile a. to see these honors.paid , tO the rebels' who' shiughteted our iTetbren'and• ki dred when tire,lipericau flag ho mowed down the brave volunteers wth grape shot; bush ! , whacked and cut the throats of our Soldiers, starved theM in prisons and shot them on, :the dead lines; the rebels wiwsti spint insti— gated add dpproVed' the askissirmtion Of Litioozz, and .who, swear to-day that the -`"lost cause" ' • . shall yet !triumph ?' Can the' honest; qfilcere.l9irerpr his . eountrY sustain ' a party ,which shows• ,to Forman and , Witun - linirriON 'the • sane Ouitesy . and respeCt - ae, to,'; delegates frOpi Nort he r n Btioes,?. ~i A LOVELY RE-UNION. However 'the Denincr title Coniention nay divide on questions of policy. for :the Presi dential canvass, it 'will witness upon one :point the mostiumifited and lovely harmo :'ny. -Bed-handed rebels and Northeni,Cop 'Verheads will sit side by side, • delibeniting together., wltiOne - the faintest trace - of' bad' ;feeling in corisequence'pf the late unpins- - Threy will differ about `candidates' and plattorms - foi to-day, but: it, is shiply ,impossible for them' to quarrel about:the past. As to the events of the past seven years, theY they always . have Web, I - perfectly ;agreed. Ther.rebels may, and 2 probably Will, playfully' rally their Copper 'head neighbors upon , the personal, cowar dice which prevented. these from going Soutit - iind tighting, for the cane which they espapso,,AS openly nktheY dared at honie, "but Forrest & Co. will not make. these re minders too pointed, sint.e they *lll grateffil= Ty remember that the Copperheads did for the rebei - South as much effective -service. ,Llks their constitutional: aversion to fighting would alio*. - the delegates will felicitate' each other , upon the, terminatton of that awkward state of affairs which_ ins& convenient for Forrest & Co. to attend the last Convention ''64, and the present re lnion will , be weldomed with toptual de light. Decidedly; the Convention will be harmonious on , all questions rr he rebellion. TUE DiP.MOCIIACT AN UITs ts. Our...Clty is already . ,erdlyr reAngtgleejlain "oldstegete tcs, who formthe advance guard ors) of PletrioAct gathering of lay to nominate the Presidential __ be !beaten by Gristiratid COLIFA I Ii next Novem ber, Abe Convention, is entitled Demoenititi -(ifter the similitude 'of Bet toin's drearn,),all the defuont parties will•be. pepresented thereinr-anclent Whigs or Know-Nothings' who. were. Rebel or Con. • .perhead in the late War, being, more at 'home On' 'the present Democratic platform than devotoo of Jefferson and Madison; -while, the bitterest.' anti-Grant men are the `lmmdfrill of Jenegades from the Republican Antrty. gin, presume ~,the3rt.will hardly tab]. to Agr. on a .ticket sac! adjounibefote Toesdai week. . The kale movement has - xlevelopte next strength Lett within the lifftlfers, days, and t magi thkcoolezrl' heads imit/iniS to support .thellldit'lirstice and get euTof the'COpper-' . head rut; but we , still think Chase's name, rifter,:.'beingiasedle -till Tendleton's pros: pects, will be dropped, and that a third can didate—probablyrilendricks., possibly Ilan cockmw#l.4,hrought for,wqd with success, A. clique ofour Now York wire-workers are laying pipe for Seymbur; but to no purpose. If any Eastern man should be nominated, it is more - likely to be Gov. English of CO, necticut. All is guess-work as yet; but we consider'.- fiendriektitgai4st the field about an even chance. Gov, SeythhiJs 'late'sp• tech ( was not de- Dag. ned help- Pendleton, nor will it. t.*. TAe chase movementz-which at one time profaned succesii--has . been blasted by, the brathzutttiti Solithern Bourbons. The un claingid Betels, whether called Whigs or ,Democials •tehsyears ago, are determined fighting ontitnore battle for that "White Wan's ."Gtoverliinent" which they inaugw 'fated at Montgomery, -seven years ago, and which Iberia() still" W i rit on naugurating, whether in the Union or out of it. —N. Y. Tribune: 2111th: • : A REPHESENTAtIVEDENIOCHAT. At the, banquet after his oration, a few days ago, as the.yitgisga : Military. Institute, General Wade 'Hampton, who leads the delegation of flaullk Carolina to the New York National Convention, made a reply Ilea toast to "the fallen heroes of the war," to, which itesaidv I'M° copy from the re at in the Richmond rebel papers.) Alluftiwkrapsttouehingly to our martyred. dead, lid said that our grief should bitemp ered as we remember - that they fell when they thought they-would nut fall in vain— 'o;o they fell in the bright hope that success would crown our efforts. But he did not 'elieve they had fallen in vain—the cause for which Jackson and. Stuart fell cannot be in wain, 11.6 atikino lorts would yet , triunsph. Ho proposed the "Lbst Cause," for which :Inwleroes fell. t l'his.was drank silent and :solemnly by all; and in looking around we obeerved that nearly all present were Con ' ederaie soldiers. , AT Totehdoriitt,' 'a town on ihe N: 'E. fro tier of France, near Lille, a moat brutal ta i crimef weal to:Entryco mmitted through the effects of superstitions fear. An old woman `;',was reported to be a, itch and to held cma munication direct tat Satan. , Everybody dreaded her and accidents ' , or, mis . triunes were laid, at 'her door. Two men, feiring her f4thaidditi; determined to .:rid the country of mob &Aqua, and thepefore fell won her at difiNimlllo4, knives and kill llher. .i...v..... ‘- ~.. •.• 0 . . AY, 41,T1 - , T •,,.,11888. , , Grantis in nothing more acceptable than. in his knowledge', of ,charaCter. No ; great milleary leader, has ever had more devoted friends among ; associates and aubordl. !rates. There are no voluminous .letters on file in his department complaining either of his civil superiors 'kir military comrades. When he had tc:tcensure or dismiss, it was. done *itho4pasaion or parade, The friend of Girvernor Tates and ]fir. E. 8.. Watddiurne„,at the begintilair of the. .war, lie is theli,kiend now. All his West .Point comrades . speak well of., him; and those wheeerved him in Mexico remember himcwith:'respect.:Though' he had hard. - ' endure during' the rebellion, and envies to encounter, and - enmities to sur mount, few words of recrimination have fallen from him. 'Even the Blair family.;, who have 'Scolded 'everybody through four years ortheif blitirre politics, have not at tacked,hlin. his generalsgather around, biotliers; and there is not one of the corporal's, guard of brigadiers, who hav made a sort of commercial engagement te' vote against him, that does not make it a point to reserve a record df compliments to Tam ,question of suffrage has taken ape- Pullet fortalti the ..southern States. The Repithlteans favor impartial suffrage, and the DentOurats ,eppose it with a qualifica. tion Whiphyrtay,be pub into this formula: "The negro is unfit to vote unless he votes Our ticket." In Mississippi negro suffrage is popuittr,with the Democracy, and the Now To ktonventiim may lose the electo ral vote' of that. State If it comes put flat- , fool- 6 d against- - s'uffrage. If the. Dethoorapy desire haimoity North and South, East ‘ncl. West, they incorpor ate the above formula into the national plat form:—Cincinnati Commercial. Winn the sTstern to once affected tt, will not !Atli Of Its ‘oirn accord; It needs: help -It rout_ be ntrengitionel nusi inytgorntott: Oasts esneclall7•the 13.L.4131iitit. oR VAiNARY , OR:4AM' Are 4ileCied: ror immediate relief :and-pertip4at Art a'perterftly liald and l i ellable specific. r Th6 well known resoeibobasedreeted a larte !lumber of speedy , and rade bible dares; and have never felled •ni give relict when taken according to; directions: • ' Are psoslymegetsble; sod contain no mercury or calomel..Theydd not exhaust the system,' hut on the central* they net as sterile. Imparting new Wee *nd vigor 40 thebrons and strengthening. the whole body. These Pills hare stood the - teet thirty-are years& and sro etEll gaining lu iiopuLtri tr. ' • sa- PGA SALE ? By e DRUGGISTS AND DEAL. :Mks IN MEDICINE EN4lt Y WHERE. A ilarainrto enuntarfelters, and a Cau;. ' i , ‘' •, tion'to Purchasers. .' _ ,No ev.perrse lei e spared, no legal means Of puulshlui frabd i volf,hif ,neglecttd, In the effort tio Pevent' the 'counterfeiting of HOSTETTEIVB STOMA.OII III'ITENS. But .coundrelism, when its . calming and activity are stimulated by the hope of gain,' la ve ry if - whitens tag industrious. The men wit: ie . deiPicinie haielices it is to r Imulate valuable proprietary meal es, and who substitute tbere . for dongdeUs or worthless Preparatlena, are prover bially filiticult'to iatch'. Most of them have ,many . allege*, and they - flit 'from State to State with sur , .prialuk sulfite. In the'hope of evading the clutches of thd: - lo*. , The:_titepriet,ora of HOSTETTER'S' SToat ACH , BIT MEV are de i ermined. If possible, to Aunt them doma„ Traveling agenta ore employed fur title purpose, and whenever an offender is de tected he is prosecuted With the utmost ergo- of the tam. No amount of vigilance, however, can pre vent thermions' introduction of imitations and IMTArt r t: s •;', / elltu,'g z e• 'l,7,Vitrerf=tiVt?b'z: HosrsTqff..B tiTtf.n.a.t.:ll BlTZbain ryblotk to not autht ptica, dby the haadsonie government stamp n eclaily engraVed for 'the proprietors, and also by elr auperb new label wile a beautitni vignette. preseming theiconlijet betwen ht. tleorge and headagon, at the tbp and aniature note of Signed Hostetter 7 41 Smith. e m the top. i N. t.— Th e genuine .BITTIGNO pare sold - in BOT TLE ONLY. Ali pertons who prttent 'to sell the artlcielby the gallon or barrel, are Imposters; and tbe stuff they offer lea worthless and - yrobably pcd sonols CO . tOrlint.i , . . ' - Dn.jAmsikt I write to thank you for your kind ness end axial:Lane management or my disease, for which called'to colfautt you some time in January • last. Top will remember that Thad a complication of diaeuses, ;which. finally ended in a terrible fistula, which•rhad been' , advised to "let alone,", on ac. count of a 'harassing cough; which it was feared might fasten It on myilungs. . I knew that the pecu lair mode of treating dines/ma like mine was by,a eutitop operat i on, which, if successful at all, Would • naturallithrow the disease upon the lungs or some other vital organ, on account of the suddenness of the cure and the immediate check to the dischirge, which 1 believed war a salutary provitilon of nature to get ,rid of some morbid condition of the system. I with f ee i. D o i/betty satisfied thetiviir niethod of treat ewt:ment, pertfYillgp:tart„wheit3tisemylieuiteetitaineu,daimutddirdliFanydthinaxppainlgicawhtlaiipni I , tt e hh eFoi le t ilti rli tu ill K eif in -every Particular, sciunderand better heilth than I have had for years. I would alsO add that the apPlications you made wen, mpoist painless: and hero _Mame sue* man. Linen the energies and.vizor of restored health. tratandli.: 004811utillini.riooms volt calloszci_ pump, 110. lido MIX 132110 , 1 v roalliTA4l. " • ' • ' Jane ITO; " Seiiat y or .HenQslckw Senator iletiiiiiefte seems to be .the ac• ceptediman for .1)21Y. 4th., ,He is a- church member. who commonly receives no callers on Sunday; but, _on. the last Lord's Day, the Demorate, seeing how'the "wind blew, overran MS hotise, and he held a reception all day long: rntidriells is 'itianpf Change abls aPpeaXituee:,' Dtilliellacir of a Cotikr* he looks large, dignsted .and'italesmEu 4il ke, his .faC9 ;bung Eavios,;c6iiiPosed, his eyes placid, mild intellectuality , expressed in; his brows .and month, 'and his garb , plain and. citizen-like. He - has dark , auburn lair, a light complexion, slightly freckled, 'arid soft' white hands. But I have seen Hendricks in the street, under 'flie'fifil dnylight, look mg decidedly unlike n statesman. Then hfo = skintae'a dirty leek, his 'heir seems liiSTeaturei,"telaxed; express very little charsquei-713Y ; ivhiey Ido not mean moral character- Att a ;speaker he. is plausble,, never; exolted4 frequently just; beyond the moat...charitable :partizanship. Be is not. -above ;five •• fret - height, and 'weighs 'probably one hundred and 'sixty pounds. 'Except:Very 'Sheet side 'whiskers his face is 'smooth shaved.. ' As it"Presiderit, HeisdriCks would Idokliartdscron in the seat.' He voted foiaritiiiiiirlitiloirs to ems* - 41 e - war. , His ,family were Ohio. people,-quieily well off, ;and be studied Isar, al; Cbanibtraburg,. Pa. •Ele began public life about Vas time that are v Colfax :did., The ;Speaker and Hendricks very friendly.; •• • • - This mommetion. will be the mist limiest 'one the Demberats can make__,• 'it will draw out every Vote-they. have. - Hen - drinks is a pure matt, of good moral record:, 'But it _difficult to see what headway' Hendricks can makegin*. He is., not : so PoPular • in 'lllfiMna* C t oltax,,,The Democratic •, presii have trifled with such Republicans as might •have ;voted for Chase; ;so that not ' even the Chief Justice' can greatly affect; ; the Republican party's-unity now.— Wash. Car. Cin. Corn. • -• " Catnit and Is Prieruls. A, Wait - 1403n correspondent writee as DO NOT BE DECiEIVED ' DU. SAIIIREWrS - DtUregie"oo '_Backache - Pita; Dr. SargenVs Backache PUle. 'Priee'lSO Cents Per Box. I.3URE:'OIO FISTULA. BIM T Democracy have a negre en the stump n Virginia, - wir,O declares Under& be a V rginian, real, Virginian, and will not take the'oath. His name is Lafayette Washington 4 and he is . considered quite windfall to the , party. We are pleased to observe, as we.flo through the medium of a real Virginia.paPer, thattiffeistsPietliei a re Making "a profound , imiression,” nor ar e we surprised at the remark of a correspond-. ent' of the Washington 'itepublican, That 'hi Virginia "a Democrat nigger does norerett'l smell bad." He becomes a man anti it brother} the moment he' gets on thepHa n a. cratic side. 'So we go. • ••-• KEEP milk cows or fat 6attle 'in the sam e enclosure' with your shee4 and dogs paas t ot molest This is a cret worth:hull dreds, tbousgas to ftUliers,tpul the .. State. It ought and. be , published lin every weekf i d paper, sod. the, owper of sheep to subscribe '' tbr. -our Paper. -Thirty years'+experience has , „1- established the soundness ,of this• advice.. illpntext'of 'lard as large as a walntit;,: m mixed withcdtraghi wilt use a hen to coin- `• mence laying immediately after he has" .? been broken up froth setting, and by ink hens fit in this 'tray,•theyM4:y be , ke laying, ail "ittitei-A ~{ mnlcsfi-'r To La," • 'lttrOnied '...Leet,' " Waste, •41160.51.” "Boantinft , ! .*C4, mg'. ea eedting .F 0 OR BANES each tattbet faireertr4 in Ow, 'itnim , ones for Zirlaf ar.FIFEr 193E7'1 9 ; eat* ,atdlttoaalliveFSFß aitNre. _TAT AN to-A IT V Ali "CEO ' ' v - BoOKAtEEPER, tfit ayounvii,nifto'can•-. prodece the most eattersetevy refereeoes as aeter anal capacity. Apply to MIL , lELtiG; at the ArETTX OPTIC'S. I .• • • • - t. ANTED---SMIATIOR petienced and competent Farmer and Man eget, with a small fatally, warns a poeltioo some genilthasure estate. Enquire of .1.. SlNG wrp , at the •-•• 13 - AaItriVOETIOZ.•• . WAN WA.NTED • tour Good Pattern Makers. Apply at 'POET PITT PcillpFDPX, Immediate' WA 11 TED--BLACKSMITH.--A • .ICoodIiL.4 4 .43KSMITEL tbai;underistands bia bualnese, will receive good wages ancl.ateadyem. ployntent. None but a goodworkman need apply,., to JOHN GRAHAM. Temperanceville, Pa: • .• • • WANTED-=-BOARDERS: gew tleman and wife, ortwo. single gentlemen,. .. can e • accommodated 'with' first class boarding at: N 0.18 WYLIE ,_BII3EET. Room is a iron; one, second Door , an 4 opens out on . balcony.. . VVANTED - 7 . lloAlLER—DieStrable .. - V antLil d %er n pl al Street, y thout , ehildren-tia; Penn nut ybe plr iddreseing M : W. 4., Pastoftleo Flax 578: A'NerED—BOARDER F F board, fine front rooms,. with gas. caul*. secured at s3.ool)er week: ' Day boarding, 03.50.. For single gentleman. At 46 LIBERTY' STREET., . . -. • • • _____ ___ - WANTED--110 A ILutiss.s.- - --Gen-. dealer' boarders can be accommodated filth ~. good. board araiJoOglag at No. AS FERRY ST. ;.. D j., WANTED ---AGENTS. ANTED-r:AGENT.---48.• Tray.; - .•'ELINGAGENT,.a.utarn.wel . f. acquainted, with the Qneen s ware and Glll3B business., None Otberneedapply. Address P. (i. Locic, Box 197. Communications coutidentiaL , : ;.FOR RENT. , TO LF,T wo:oiliee second floor, rittlistreet. 8 CUTHBEIBT & rr BuNB4 858mftbaeld street. - TO ILL 4 I I, 44TORER.OOIII--Bie. :WYLIE STREET.. Is now ready for ocenpa non.' Is fdrty-tigt feet In depth, sky-Itght buck. French plate front, fiarparentent, and every thing elegant. and. convenient.. • • - • rro LE'l-STOIIIE' 1100111' AND - A 'DWELLING'.—HARE CHANCE.—The Store itoorn , 811 i te.t steep and Dwelling House at uresent ' occupied by. T. H. Kluges, Jeweller, located at Nu, ~ 89 FEIifisitAL:STEE sir, Allegheny, will be rented i o•• favorabie terms. There are nine- large and well , arranged room -- three on each of second, third and - li fourth floors. Gas and water throughout the house,- 71: Plate gtiewlm store windows. Possession whi he irk. en Apply. to 0. WATTLY. two.' door§ ludo*. • rro . LETS=IIOIISE.--4. • JR. • Xitipow Dire'ling of eight rooms• gas through= `: t ettpt i r e lyp t ogo4.l:gr o kot i iAll a ottett i ttirgesyl caq, :::,3.,i, be glirelittamddlOtely. Apply' to J. S. FERGUSON. ir *met. • - • frolugir-tcousie.-LA three-stor tr y: • tItitICIE ROUSE, situated in a desirable street, Alleshetig CitY, together with furniture, wig be 'f rented on irmdenite terms. lfor particulars address 1!,- B. 114 *Box tr, itiezYTTE oprics. - 1(1 •• T , .., 'T - -BOOM. 1100111.4 A.- large and L ,''' , lit second story Frcoat Roo wt bparairtir,. rot at No. %15 -- SIXTH STR In. ' ,• " irt — :-.: postce rtatty. Church: AL.95, u . limited number of ', asp bosrdecs wthl be accomm'odated wall/sat class' "'`= T O: LE1 1 -110179 E--lit Sewicklew, ..", - tteriyhew. six rooms, with garden attaehed,• • p easantly located within live minutes,,walk of the, ..,, Station.- Enquire of D. N. WillTh, or J. IL HALO WIN,' No: llB 'Diamond street. . rale' o o 8.--Two Large FRONT ROOMS, second story, to a pleasant part of, the city, suitable for man and wife. En- quirq SM/VIVI ELL) STREET. • o wo. , Lreir-,-nousE,-A two-story BEA= - Rouse, of the rooms, on the corner ' (must and ;Mulberry streets. Sewickley. The house stud premises have been newly fated up. also;' Urge iind excellent garden. Possession given time. Inquire of W. 41. LAIRD, Broad street. Sewickley. trtli LET—HOUSE.—A new house,. , ~ 31,_ ',wi th iron front. situated at N 0.151. Beaver ' ' street,. - Aileglieny. . The bouse-is a gpoottdWelling of, .1 rooms; and has a splendid store Room 55 feet ;, • .: deep. is well altnated for any kind - of business. I Inquire of NEAHOUSE & HESPENHEID, next door above, or at No. 108 OHIO STREET . O — II - ET—THE STORE ROOM, , 2 , 19. 160 Ohba avenue, with dwelling above of! :.' r 04 3513, with Water, gas and bath. Store room tit-..., tett up in the best manner with plated glass show ' :. WiDdOWBaud Iron front. Inquire at office of FBA.- • , ZIER - BHOB., Ohio avenue and Sedgwick. street, Al- -,. -.1 :legheny. :- - ' - Q tIET--,HOUSE.---That deaira ble...Lvrolling Nouse, No. 71 Liberty street, containing' ten t rooms, kitchen' and wash house _Enquire or JAS. J. OKAY. No. SID Sixth street. . LET-ROOMS.—Tluree • .TOLET,ROOMS.—Three or four . . tarutahed rooms, with board or without, eau) : „ b y eltuated on Penn street . Address H. M., ( fa, • FOR SALE . _ Fon SAILE—STEAMBOATS.-The Allegheny Meer Navigation Comp deckffer or sale steamer ECHO No. 3"--15b feet on 30 fekt beam 10 inch cylinder, 'Vet stroke. The ' ptesmer. IDA REES No. 3 -11.50 feet on 'deck, 30 feet beam, 15 inch cylluder„ 5 feet .stroke, with all );. their tackle and outfit, in good running order In - vire of JA.9. 'REES, Engine Duquesne- , ^ Von SAL_E --- HOUSEEL—A conve- ' nlent BRIOIC HOUSE, of four rooms, stone' Hmilar and lot, on Peach alley., nt ar Pride street. OUSEs new, .and price only 411,100. Also. on Forbes street, for Bale. Al tO WM• WILTON, corner of Pride and Forbes St r eet. :it you ~S AILE-LOT •IN Nellf.EES-: ' :PORhe half or whole of a lot 60 feSi t ' •'' 1 rout 4.140 :feet deep. situate on Markin, near, . Seconti street. For particulars enquire of W. C. , - ~ HI,ILL4 , HuIt , s Store, .Firth: near the dePot, ale- ' ' " Itetspogt:. or axidress JOSEPH. FORSYTHE, 116 -,;., Flfth struct, Pittsburgh: ran. SALE-MOUSE AND LOT.-- - • Oneboase and lot of two acres of groom' ln: illtrisbuttl Beaver county, Pa. The house is a , two - stOry.lrame. - with seven rooms. The tot has a ' '. number of fruit trees, and all in good order. There .•; / la a outbuildingsn the 'pretnise4, and stable and other, -,..) Will he sold at a bargain by RAM- '. BEY & HALL, Real Estate Ageuts,-No. 01 Beaver street, Allegheny. _ : - ... ... _ ...._._..___________. . tir itSALE.—,—li OßSESAlltHOtt: t; •1 AIM'S LIVERY ' AND. SALE STABLE, one Sae . ,r-; BIILY HORSE ding three DAPPLE GREY,: HORSES: one LARGE DRAMIDIT HOR,SEthree BLACK . MARES; two ' GREY MARES. FIRST.. - `' ,3 STREET. near. Monongahela Rouse. • - ,t;-!,.4 Dorses .. bought and Sold on conunteslon. 4,, ~..,,_‘ F olic- SA L 18-11 0 IJIM.BI]IO . ~ t , Will buy a good FRAME HOUSE, of 5 situate d ~. I and dry cellar. and Lot 30 by 95 feet; situated' lu a "" "' Pleasant part of Allegheny. three door front street- ;' ;: ocars. s Address ROUSE tiAZETTIC OFFICE. DO IL 9A L E---HOUSE:--A NICE pBRICK ROUSE, of eight -rooms, on Mont- rinAmpritie, near a peclernl .etreet. Enquire og oral etreetiAiiegbet r ; .." t .r n , 161 : 7 avenue. tisToc 110815; otaarysige required; by.lolol-' DYER, r. rues of .o.4dge Is,Creet entst Al eteuraveflusi i • ( Allspetty City. le • - , „ . II