U ananeial - 3 htterg in liew Xork• Gold ClcZt at 140 X. 'MT Telegraph to the entsburan oszetts.l • Nsiw Yong. June' 80, 1868.• raMxitv AND Marx. - Money *may at 804 per cent. on call. 3terling firm "and more active but un ,.zlianged. Gold' firmer; opening at 110 X "xnd closing at 44036. • GoVisuNtIEPSTS, Governments are a trifle lower but steady. Coupons of 1881, 117%0117%; . do. '62, 1180113 g. do. 111, 1103;0110X; do. '65, " 1 %4 1 1 1 4; do. new, 113%©1133‘; do. '67, MXOO ; '1,13%1(1°. •68,199K0i.110. Ten-Forties ..107g(I07%; Seven-Thirties,lo9%o llo . The treasury disbursed Six, m llion dot- ;lava of gold yest6rday and - to-day , on ac= . =count or interest: Fourth National Bunk has been, restrained by - injunction ;from paying interest, on bonds of the State of Tennessee..' Border State bowls active, particularly ~ ,Tennessees,, Pacific Mail fell to 98 under is ''strong pressure to sell out, but closed above o 'erocitg. , . • • Ranged heavy and lower, but closed strong; 'The 'following are the ,s:3o l prices: Canton, 4141:09 7 4; Comherlantb...„,Bl.oo33;, ' 1 Werfav - Eipresii, 23g2R; American .Ex press, 46446%; Adams Express, ;62%0, 53; United States ' Ekpiess, 48%041315; '`,, • Merchants • Union Express, 85%(.15U; Quicksilver; 'a_ / 4 ® 2 l; Paoltio F 499%; Atlantic, so@a3; Western 1: inion Tele. WraPh. Uj4W4%; New,Nork.C4uttral, 134 g %134%; Erie. 8940695Viireferied,"74y,® '175; Hudson, 140%0/41; -Idarlem, 47.5,asked: ••., Hartford ' , Asti& Erie,' 114140114%;S.; 'Ohio and Miasisalpg, -- ; 4 4%(a;29%; 'Nsixelh, 48 618! . / 4 ; St. Paul,. 65%4365%; preferred 784 •-• 078y0 Michigan Central, 117; Michigan Southern 91>i@9214't 'lllinois Rentnar ls7 • ;• (157,k4; Pittsburgh, 83%0893<; Toledo, 164 0104%; Rock 151and,'103T40193 1 %; North Western, 72%072!;; do. ••Preferred, 78%0 78 t 4; -Wayne f • 109 Columbus, .. 9044; Chicago; andlAiton, ~4130;- . , S t, Joe 97; Marietta, 2d 'preferred, lo; Prairie Du_ Chien, 2d preferred, 98; IMissouris,94; Tennessees, 71; do. new 6976; new Irir-' ginia, 55; now North Caroline,-70. Is iron* ,lia,uSs. • , . IMining shares - dull; Gregory, 5, Quartz Hill,-116. 4 141711::x RE.thyßy. • The reiseiptit at the Sub-Treasury were $1,0554,078• payments, $4,085,970i', balance, g 89,125,661. .., Nyiv,-..-york: !Suss Ilirarpitt, , , City Teirgiapliniitiefittaburab Nsai TOttic; , .lll.fia dad 4ind • • in fair , demand; sales of 2,030 bales at for middling uplands. • nour; receipts of •;:" 1,160 bhls and . 1,848 - bags, dull and ,ftlectin-, ing, „with sides of 6,400.-bblis`iitlf3;7sa7,2s - fof • superfine State and Weiterri,,.s7,7saB;ss for ' •-• extra State, :$7,70a9,70 for extra western $10,75a12,85" for white ,iyheA extri . 4-#8 1 554.- 12,80111 r '88;75310;00 for extra SU . • Lou* $10,50a14,50 for good choltardo; dos ing heavy;-California • heavy. with sales of , • 900 stinks at 810,0fki12,00. Eve Elourheavy; sales of 200 bills at $3,00a10;25. Coin Meal t; heavy; 'Sales. of 1,160 bbls at ;$5,90a6,20. . W hisky.nominal.- Wheat;' - recelpts :15,003 t bus; yet , : dull - and nominally. lower,with • ;i sales of g,sooittra at $1,97 1 :4a2,00; re tai l lots. of No. 2 spring -at #1,90 / . ' aye quiet and 9, heavy; sales of 800 bus Southern at $1,71a i; 1,75. 13arloy nominal. 114.rley Malt quiet. Corn: receipts 63,6% bus-, opened rather easier and • - closed - ` a shade . flrtner with more doing for export; saki 126,000 bush '• 1 at 99ca#1,03 fdr mined western afloat, and closing at $1,02a1.03 for strictly prime par cels. Oats le lower; 'receipts, 24,043 bush; •,• sales, 75,000 bush a 80a80,Vc for western -1- afloat. Rice; California,qinet at 10.fis11q; •• . Eastlndia more active, with sales of 500 %bags rangoon and gold bond. Coffee a lit ': tle firmer and quiet. Sugar nominally tin . • changed; sales, ,hltda - Culra 3:til3k,'o; •' • • also',.so.boxea Havana at 13Me... Molasses IA nominal. flops quiet at 10a40e. American Petroleum steady •at 16 1 e for crude,and • 31340.3134 refined bonded. Pork dull and heavy, with sales of 1,200 bbls at t27,91:15' 27,95 for new mess; 827,50a27,75 for old do; • • '..";• closing at $27.75 for regular; $45.0a22,75f0r .'prime,and c'.24ag.A 25 for prime mess. Beef Utichang ed; ' ' , sale s; 170 bbl3:Vrieree beer • *. dullard irregular, at $21a33 for prime mess, and $30.136 for India mess. Bee f. Hanna' are - 4 • stoady, - and sales were in.ade of 850 barrels • at $25834. Cut Meats are quiet and • lug, with sales of 18i packages,at.l2al3plop , , shoulderS", - and = ls.ilie,fOr rnidtUesare 7 dull _and heavy; .with sales of:. 100. boxes Stratford at 15e. 'gird is heavy and bawer, YI with sales of 650 tierces at 15ai6r for steam,.. ;',` and 0.70 forkettle randorieil;"alito .- 506 dek& a • .11 steam, seller for . Auguat, at,,l6Nc. ..''Butter 14 is heavy. and sales were made at:2la29c for . Ohio, and.2Ba3sc for State: Cheese is rather 14 . more active and a shade lbwer, at 7a156. Freights, to. Liverpoo - are :fittuair., -with. eri, gairetbent:s 4 per steamer of 30,000 bushels ' •,. ;''„ corn at 53.(a5 3ic1.,. 75,000. bushels wheat ,- - - -at; 6d., avid 24,000 barrels flour att is. sd. LATEST -,Floqr ,closedve.ry dull and 10c. " lower on medium es grad. W heat dull and , heavy: sales at 81,95 for No. :2 and $2,05 for No. 1 Spring.. Rye dull and heavy at 11,70 al,BO. Oats. (inlet .card steady; ; sales at Sio 83q fo'r western in store and afloat.. Corn drill at 81,01.11,03 for new mixed western ' '•g afloat. Pork dull and heavy; saleit at $27,75 a 27,78 for 'mess, visit and regular. Beef dull and imelianged, Cut Meats steady with lair demand. Bacon, moderate ry and steady prices. Lard dull and heavy at 161110 g ibr fair to prime steam. Eggs f‘lWet and unchanged.q . • St. Louis Market. (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette. -:• ST. Louts,- June W.—Tobacco 'heavy and . 11 r some grades lower; lugs quoted a $7a8,50; dark leaf $6,73a14.50; triediuni to bright I.; loaf $16a.10, Cotton and,liemp; nothing do- Flow k, unsettled and hardly ng. lour weak, anythin;;; doing; choice •to extra -sold at $7;75; double extra 5 .t 8,50; triple to. fancy sloal2. 'Wheat dull and unchanged, at s2a 2,25 for fall. Corn dull and lower, at 80a.. 85c. Oat higher with a peculative`leei ing; sales at 72a75e. ,Rye advanced: to $1,40 81,50. Provisions dull and lower and only a retail-business doing.- - Pork '. 4 Ma2/1725:1 closing with a freg:pitering".:. (Bulk clear .sides packed dry salt sold at It;e.T PacOn; small ItalefielOr - 4186s:at' ftwalTd; sTiotl ders hold at 123013 e: , Lard :nominal at 11c, for choice ticrce.', `The supply:Of-Cattle , hi , large with only a fair butchers' and fe t ching demand, - and all gtadcs . lower, prices ring- I lug ati,2%.16%c forinfertor to champ...Sheep' unchanged at sla.s per head. Receipts- - flour, 350,01s;,wbeatp,59v.hosh;_egru, I,4ij 600 bAiihroats,'24oo 'hush. • • . . : • 1 u ; I t ; • tet 111 M lin ,q4c4l3l'lvi4liet. CM Telegraph to the Plttaburgh 6azette.) Catovo r June 30.—Flour quiet and un changed.. Wheat, No. 1 declined 95100; sales at $1,00a1,91; No. 2 ativanted salUe, with sales at g 2.19420 for round lots, and $2,1582,18 Tor car load lots, closing with buy era ats2,ls for 1 car load, and V.,20 fOr round lots;lhete were sellers at,41,80 for delivery for the first half of July, and ?1,95 for, to morrow without buyers; since the change there were sales No, 2at 82,20. Corn firm er anel , Mule higher; sales N0..1 at 84 1 Aa 85 1 ,‘c, and No. 2 at, 82a83o; rejected .660, closing with buyers of No. lat 84N0,85c. Oats firmer and active; sales at64049 1 ;c, closing at 648.643/c. Eye and Barley en tirely nominal. In Provisions. there ,is nothing doing and entirely. nominal. - Re ceipts for the past 24 hours. , -3,374 Mils floor, 72,1352 du. wheat, 219,005 bu com,. 46,006 bu oats, 726 hegs. Shipments-6,924 bbls•flottr; 66,632 hu wheat, 185,560, hu,corn, 48,144 bo (kly Telegrsph•tp.the flttaburgh Oatetteti , :411111; and, ilovlitung, superfine,-Northwestern , extrafeaslitski?o,sogo,24i, 4WllOAtt dial, red) 12,301%34 Amber p.„2.36l,;,Ryascarce • Coral inactive; mixed: 'Westerri-11,10a 1 ; 1 4',1'-,Rata7:. quiet and firm. PrOViSiOtie 1111.0lildig7311, Cfiicimail idartet. MT TeleiraDh to ihe r Ptttabtirgh eittette..l • , Ctsenexavt, June do.4iFloiii. and Wheat' dull: and pricoi'nominal.l- Corn'decllneitte: Malik for ear. Oats unsettled; 72a74e are the rates for No. 1 as nearly. as' can be as._ certalned.• , Rye unchanged. Provisions; dull and nominal; no demand for any, artl cle. Butler , a iduale liiVer: Ohio, `2 4 aVel Western Reserve; '27400. Eggs dull , at 17a 18c. Potatoes dull and declined'o - 44,50 barrel. Linseed Olt dull at ill.-,'Vetroleurik steady and unchanged. • Gold; 180 X bny ' ing. • Cotton quiet; 30e for middling To; bacco; stiles re hhthx• lugs, g8,00a10,80; leaf, $12,005,55,38: ' •• :-.. :- -, ,:.1. ,-- • ~. - , -• . eleveland Mailiet. ' 03y Telectsph I to the A" , ttisbuegh 4aizette. 3 • CLEVir,il4 Jude 30.;,'Floir leldaa fol lows; dou bleextra red Winter,00; do spring , , 1,10,50a11,00; . 'country' brands dull,,beavy!and lirrariteld,st Wald lbr double extra ' Orin , • ItiOall,so' -for. 'de red winter; I.I2,FaISM-dor treble extrav*lllte: Wheat; Sale'of one•ear of No. 1 red' at $2,21, market vloainglat 118,23a2,425. ! - Corn:' sale of two cars of Olo;-). at. 920 ., :Oats; sale of:one -- • car of Nci., lint.7243.Rye market -dull . and _imietive, and held St - 1,75a1,80, for,No. 1.. } Batley re:OlQ. , - retrulaunt, firmer and :better but quiet;'relined ,b:', bond held.. at ' 28 Wq 913:./ F• e P4 5 c , 469 % e • . . • . '' ' '"• ' • ildffide' ',Market. • ply,Telegraph to euirituktottot oeuetfe.l ' Btrienkrof Jou() bblit , flour, 12,000 bus wheat, 2,000 bitotrate,llo,4Xo' butt-oorit.t,- Shildttents:-24,000 . tbutr4wbest; '70,004 !bus, corn. ;:etorer-119.000 'bus wheat, -.1511,000..,teta corn, .201,0cl:qua oateo Freight:at , wheat : 13e nod cern .10tio te ! York. Flour; aitetioS 525bb15,N0...1,13104, - city - itiennd, • at '0.7 5 . 'Wbeet . .:l),or4W., Curti''salett 'of 16,000 bid eirtincittent. - , 2 at 90e; and'-'4,000' hum' tittkiie..weatern ' at 89%e. - Oats' dull; buYersrlin'datillere art; /30 offered. Rye I 'Meas-'l"Ork I dull , at.P1,00328.50: 'lLard .Itl34alBc, . 'ruled° market. MT Telegraph to thtoMtetutriaxthigette.' TOLEDO, iDg,1,e,,4114.1.--n1014; .repelpta 481 bblt3; market Mai and'deeltrdnk._ 'Wheat; redelptsiTOClt market dull tititt'lnarerc sales of amber at $2 : 20 per bu. Corn; re;: ecipts 38,616_bb15; niarkct , toppgd Alt 87,14- for No: 1 Michlkan; closing' 8T• Bales" of yellow Id 91, and WO.' 1 "whltrcitt •124 Oats; reckipts binthfintirket linter; 'sales of 146: I and Itflebigan at Trelirhfs'dtal, 'Bo on corn to • Buffalo, and Bclo Oswego. • IMlllw aiilice Market.- . isi Telegraph to".therkitshgurkiiszeileel. r , r. IdiLwAuKEE, Joue, .3O Flour choice Minnesota • 10:0;31; do: ` Wll eouein Whiiat closed rm No: . I,'No;'Z . .MMiliil $1,7& :babe. active iiod steady' :85W for' Sol 2: Corm firm at Molar "N 0.2 .1 Eitticreitits -r-800 •flour,-.)1 4 000. trush!,•wheat,f ‘. Moo _bush pont., .filiipmentli l 46oo bhlitiont,.3ooo bush.wheiit, 600 bui l lmoiklei 000 bush.oorn.. iltil?'!o+ -A A rke k ; ;Sy Tl:eittsisti.to i6l•lo, , buyiVitr 4 saette,. • blzatrum; J;uw : ro.Cotton• (inlet and., ateadY; roicai --.. pta .1410+; .ixporta,:nOne. Flour lamertine; "7,000,50. Wheat, 11,75d2,00. ,Corn, Poo. Oats, -75 e. nay, Bran, •27e. • Coin' Weal ' unchanged. Pork, Lard, ..1841964';' Bacon firm; ahouldera, 18,34'e; clear Ades; 17a17340. 'Baltimore Mirket. tßy Telegr l nolt to the P burgh liszette.l BALTIMORE. 3 lit _.3o.—Flour_ quiet and anti; unchanged.- Wheati new wnite's2,2sa ' 2,35. Corti firth; white $1,13; yellow $1,12. ;Gals unchanged. Rye firm at $1,60a1,70. Pork-quiet; mesa $28,75412 , ./.. Beeon quiet; rib sides 1634 c; eleaT aides 17e; ihimidera ,14e; twine 21a22e. Lard dull at .1.7ti17Ne.• Louiesale Market. IBT Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) LOBISVILIitt, June 3o.—Nales of 178 hl.ds tobacco; logs at 87, 01 aP,50; medium to choice cutting leaf,, 115a27. Flour—super fine, $7,00: Wheat,41,75a1,80 for old and new. Cora, 90a93c. Oats/ 75a788. Bacon; shoulders, 12,fc; clear rib 16!/0; clear sides..ls% • Mess - 828. Lard, l'Ta PORTS .Me FLAII.JIO • ' 1M AD. PITTSBUBGH; FT. WAYNE AHD CHICAGO Rmt.noeu, June 30.-1. car metal, Ifiniiek Co; 2 1 dor do, Union Iron Mills, 1 do do, ;Chess k Co; 'lO 'has crackers. L J Blanchard; 100 bbls flour, Watt, Lang t Co; 50 do do, E H Myers ,t Co; 200 do do. owner; lot agricultural implenaents, J Knox; V baleswciol, S 'Harbangh .t Cu; lot tearriage hardware. Hare k Bro; 118 bdis paper, Hosteiter S' - Smith;' car *heat; Hitchcock, I%leCroery & Co; 13 bbls pearls, J B Canfield &—Son;tot:bbhl glue, F VV C Feld; 25 bxs cheese, J II Canfield .t Son; 8 410 do, N.. -J. Bradon;,-A des, do.,W„Kirkpat• rick & Co; '5 bxs soap, J Riddle; 10 boxes cheese, S Ewart & , eggn. Head it Metzger; 150 do,. handles, Lippincott A Co; :100 bgs barley, W 11 Gerrard &. Co; 14 bbls potatoes, Woodworth. & Daynam; 2 bbls egs, NV .1 Steel & Brit; 2 do do. I keg . lard, -W Reed; 30 , bgs• feed, di 'Rea Jr; CLEVICLAND AND PI TTSBI; Bcoc RAIL 'Roma, June 30.--10 cars pig iron, liimick & 'Co; 3 do do, . Everson, _Preston .t Co: 3 do I do, Bryan &Caughey; 2do lumber, W •Rigdon & Cu; 373 pLates •copper, H G Hus sey & Co; 4 bbls iron, „I Jones; 5 haw axes, J Grate. C.); 18 .}alts;.. Hammer & Hauler: 4 organs, C BIUMO; 90 bdls chairs, 127 do rockers, Bedford, Chair . Co; 2 boxes scales, Fatirlianks, lkforse A-. Co; 83 bl.)114 01 .1 W McFerran; t•ks scraps, 2 bbls W Flaccus & Son; 421 bills paper; 3 pkgs sundries, Christy & bbls :rosin; Reed ,t Johnson; .I car stav es,-(3.H Bender & Co; 103. bags corn, I bbl eggs. 32 h( bbls do Head & Metzgar 3 ears pig Iron Loo & Co; 25 bxs cheese, Watt, Lan;;Ct Co; 25 do do, owner; 100 empty oil 1/ A Wornica,tle. • A LLEG It r iiAILBOAD. June 30.-3 cars limestone Sitoenberger &, 50 bbls car oil, D P 1 1 . -leigard; oars metal, John id•ovrlieail 1 o do, Lindsay ,S Mc. .. Cutelleon; 1 car lime, DI. Reynolds 2 bbls eggs: 0 Younk; s'boxes Cutter sdo eggs, Jam liilty; 6 pkg,smul • eggs, .1 C Cuddy; 4 lible eggs. W - IL 'Carnahan 13 bgs I Wheat Ido wooi,S MOCrum; 18•slia wheat Scott & Gigal; I. car tanbark., - FlacCuselt Son; Iwile So, Lappe;l.l)l,l eggi L Blanch- Fard , PiMinritrio;C.brax;ltAtf4: 36 ef.'ionzi ..RA.tratoso..; done ,boxes •eggs, 'E , BrOf Vipl.S . '6ll;"flarrls a'do do, M 0 '30116%,1,6 , h1atis tObaooo Parker; fleaseiwine, '44 'do , do;' , W - L Jones; . Selirilfdt .t FridaY;',2,l)l3ls eggS,"Volgt 'Ma-, hood &'Co; 23a1:s :Ai Hood; %I"bLg '3%4.3 . 5 do butter- I?!Seldideeltpri.. S'k4;igs;,Ei'Smith , l June ears • metal, Lewis Bailey k Dalzell; 11' 1 d6 stone, Supedor Irojt - ,-co; 14, sksz•wpol, r 4 Bradley & Son"; 'lO dozen washbowls, E M Jenkins; 3 oars iron ore; - Spang, Chalfant & Co;i 1 car lumber, J Gregg; 5 ball cheese,,R Jenney; 4 . bxs ,rnatches,„A Danner; 11- bxs oboes°, R & A. Nisei). PENwsvt,cititrti."` Cgirrnki,' June 29;-6:3 tom , hania, 23 tea bacon, F Sellers & Co; 1 iJid.oggs,, Ii J Blanchard.; 50 boxes bitters, It 11 Sellers & Co; 3 bbls tallow, . Roamer; 1 bid vinerar, CASs cigars, Weymati & Bro.. • PITTSBURGH' , ANH ' COHNEVLSVILLE RLOADramie 29.-319 oil ..bbls, , Johnston et P ai n e; , sks ,coo 3,• &,erni 25 boxes glassware Michael, & co; ears. metal, YougbibiltenflrOtt &,•Cohl.Co; Itgs`, Whisky,'.l Dulryl` • • •,, . .. i AtcrAt l l ) , EIVIiTI t r Etf - ..Tr , ~ ~ . hciel Oven that `sewer; aid)Ohettn, ' o toaess'dendt es Ault benelltt for , Vricitning of Mod ..'',EADDE,i-h'l'itE.liT4 ILlghttr'.warti Atleallanyi wilt, anon on tile P ycialises, qh FitlDAY„tbo lat!tolf.ot.r. July, at 4 o'cloct r:3l.' to attend to the dude/16.1, tbrt appointment; 1 1 ' J OIN maKr.A.Tracrici • • ..,-- ,-, MAVTII.E.W .VOEU X, TLifi .. j5X3:r 9 61,.., .....,...„ . 8111r.os, isiwyoup.". fe.• : berebgiven that thertiewetarstrnotnted l6 ' ACKIKON STATIET.—NOTICIT 1114 ' p ,tos,idp.ranzrf,_,Ang,httnehts fef,:Vitili;o9g.qt.JA.Cll .ROl tsTAtEkiT4coo4Agartl_,AllVlrtfi.gr‘o4l- , r Lane ti*.•.Nn etBti fop. wi. ' /t 1 b tm - th p \ rae ''oltWainibUlt"iti tar vaboorta amp tutwv . Clock r. tr., to attend to the AntlesraCthtlijim potirment. •TAtf&',9lo W. 8. E .. . .." 117 ':, jeZtrfiti . J. P. L.l4l.l?mai, - - • • - v ' ' I. I 17r- , ESE . Thdlicincingahelti river was abOut sta-• tionarY- last.; evening' With' 'twenty4hkree lnehealin the channel bythe, pier marks. The , weather yesterday Vag oppresalvely. hot, notwithstanding vehad. a heavy rain storm - accompanied - with • thunder - and lightning. • • ' . - • - The America succeeded in reaching the , wharf on 'Mond AY evening . after sparring, ' in Glassifousts and vicinity fer the greate r! - . ~ part- of-two (lays. She is announced te leave for S,t. Louis to-day. • , •" , The Julia 'lgo. 2 departed for Zaisteville with all the freight she'could take on the The Glogovr Wiz( due from Parkersburg, ~:• .1: last evenin. d • '' " Brisineasas virtnally suspended at the wharf, and, no. WI provoinept, need be ex-, pected ! ii:ltil there is a rise. _„ _ .„. ...,, -Al t;' .t to thiStimiltinati Gazette , zeile from St.'Lloulta sayer' - -The caslcb? Capt: Donald- - son g :charged -with killing: a negro ,dn the• Great Republic,, a few day! , ago,. has .prey . dueled a good' eal of interest here; and the examination, which. is now 'set for Tuesday next, is looked forward to with,,censidere, bie anxiety,Capt. Barr, one of the Clerk e, of the boat Was arrested ilitturdaY, and held' in sl 4 ooo:bondsas a ,witeess.. The theory of the, defepae swamis to be that the boy,:ellq-, leer, confined with Anderson, the deceased, didlhe shoOting,•designing to kill Donald- ' Donald son, but missing his mini, shot his eornpan, lon., : There is much mystery .involyed . in, the itese;`Vehich only a thorough 'examine, tiottWill (dear ape , ' It is' UnderWood . 'that the•flebert Small Sooieky, a colored organi. - zatio,n,.havei ridsedAlargesmount of money i • to assist in the,prosecution of Capt. Donald-' son:: ,(1 - t: 11 ., 1 ( ... ...: 1..- • ... ::, , -. --(Our readers will donbtless; retheinber 'that the.tlale. of .the ; Magnolia, steamboat , . expldAlen 'on the Ohio a large reward was offered fni the recovery df the remains of Miss tetra French, a Keutiickv indy, who watt known to be one of the, passengers on , the ill-fated' 'Stemmer. • A few days ago as some persona at, California, about mie ban ,dred yards below.the -scone of the:4lloliter; were walking along the shore, they dimly eprredoveitdbiciody t be t ii h m at ist o • f e_n lt t u ir s4 el , yz n v , e ,h 7d as with' ' mud end sand. which, upon examination, shown by a . breast -pin with, herstame en graved on it, and other parts of clothing. . —We also.olip, the "following items from the settle piper of Monday. The LOrena, from Pittsburgh, and the Pine Grove, from 'Cumberland river, were expected In hist night, arid,-no doubt, will he at the veharf this morning.. The Lorena leaves for 'St. Louis -this evening The lam' Inspec‘ Um, and several prominent , engineers, ex ' itmined — tber boilers of the Magteslia, on Saturday. , es yet,"theV , have made no oat.: tilal report, but the opinion ,prevails that the explosion Wes Caused from the scarcity pf water in the middle heifer. ' - —We‘trave been aware for some' , days I that the Mississippi ; Valley Transportation Denman!, were about to carry cattle on 'their barges' northward. The Shark left New Orleans' on ther2B 4l .• • fte we learn from Crescent, and , took .eti several hundred head. The Cracent - reporter thinks it is a slow'vray Of getting cattle to market. - - —Theollieers of the Edinburg report the river at Butilingtortialand as being in very bad "condition. Part of the dam at the head , of the island has washed away, ' which spread(' theiwater and lessons( the ehannel in depth,, They oleo, report the Lorena as being hard aground on the lower island reef. - --The.Watittrilta arrived at 'St. Louis on Saturtbv.last. nod the Ida Stockdale and Minnie left there tho same day for Fort Benton. -.--• —The Maggie Hays left St. Louts for Pittsburgh on Saturday. River and Weather. . , tßr T e l e graph to thi Pittsburgh Osiet'itt.l - June :101River falling with 434 ...feet hi canal. • The weather is clear and very warm. • Sr. Louis June 2.0:-+Vireather clear and very warm. .',I3TEIABIBOATS: - ' NORTEIEItIi LIRE Agra PACKET PANT: . . l'-$TA8 1 • 16 4 13 P10 411 ./. T. 09.11) , Thrinighlr.l94mohair Be.' itmwessi St. 4144419 atna 1494.1 1 .4441. Shttnki drifting tbelefrOlgitt to go through with out re-shipping 'abort! BtJLoulsorikt pleaseenasign their neigh — VIA KILN LI!. . Throngit rules given over rrttsburgb Bouts: And guiranteo bt • • • . ri.ACA CO,LLINO'Vi OOD, Agents. , , 461/I.A.Y. its 1 • -4,111: 941 iatitei striiet:s , • SL. MIKE TWIN CITY SLATE CO. ) 11 mastrat*.3ure a enMerior article KOOFING SLATE. rlfrOlW43 Seventh St., Pittsbtuilki Pa. tny.z6:q4; TO FARIti rams. THE HAY RAKE ‘‘WELCONE." 'Ai the best Rake triade.:. It will rake heavier hay,' , aarry tt farther, load 8714_1:1114011€1- I:Asti' easter than, any other rake. It IS self-operating,' a oblld IN year, of can do the work* of rail hand. Hundreds of oertitlcates could he gists:. one of which Is below: `lllltattn, E „'rie Cor . a:ly iscpr. na havetied the Velem - as Hay trire‘lby,W.:lii: Wallace ,I.lltsburith TA, and reo, tnnmenst It to failnetti. It is gond In light and berry bay:ni now on tans and bortot In a .compler,e4ylain ,er (if pram anti stu.Al+; Is ,Islinple construction, andonhlly kntill order'. - JOSV.PII ARSUCIff,F:. , r. orntirs airacted to .319 I.lberty etrevt, Mita rgh,. (le at t he Werklcto Columbiana, Ohio, lirompfly, altuolbd.tt , bold wholesale and retail by w. W. t34.nd orders IR early, as sui:itly la short:. • m ISAIt.b.S.AC4VIES. Lalria; Lao& - • • Shawls; • 110pIES, BELL & Co., branufactn: erg 'or MEDIUX 'and LIGHT •.' , ~.triemonaiVinifflot4h, , . , PIiraTINGs;AND , BATTING. rn SinclittiES.'l • • - 100 'ilikel`l3Z;d'A'Ailii ,► NY, ,I;POSTIN,BN , - _ - ` Pot. Asir ' • 1,000 Wei Lead . ; •-; I ~9022. q pirt a i t radozp,,,, t tr • 1 / 4: : : ,i 1 CI ea isklijn4ls ANTIMIA, Tiff illl (1 t.,l 4ll344ofebte a C mhu lartarig/ItV .'t• TIM env& w~ store .d gAie by tae JOHN B. CANFIELD I BON. /41 ?Int street, S, NEWMEYER, P.rvs't VATE.IiT ED. 1865 Alin 11461 FOR ti,um AT Low: WHITE' • 'ORR' : 25:Fiftbi Street/ 4NCHOR COTTON MILLS, PITTSMMOZI. .; 7 itivisiriaakdol WATT, WSW& witairiAti'"DrAires _Floits 'lRride,:Pre!late, fro elaillotisOrisb,dieeseotaiboii celte.;. NOs. MI Ind 174 WOOD BTRZET, street: iltiabirgb; p s ; . • STAILL • • - 31 STEELE klioN, oJmtaim**M .AND DIUMILIRS FLQtIR, xan4m, r U Onto imizts...iiesii - , ALUDOHN Jilin B. I[ZAISOII, MEANOS &UMW PLOijit, 4111411t4STD CiDIESEDEIgiOri M]7 • - • asst tirzwrtsrarsT, r Conalgzunents solidted. parr.mcir.s—J, o:l4irttn, C National Bank; J. Si Dllwartb 4 C. ned & Bro. rrrzu KICIL " ' I .7. lIICEMIrIe 1iZE114.1% 1 O ' , MERCHANTS, • . • , !..LyrD Drama's fir - litmus, Glum, sgEns, mita. YEKR, go 249 Libekti Nt.,1,144225ta5h, 1r- • J BLANCIIIAIR . tr. , I WhOlesale- and Retail Groom* .Ifo. 396,...FEW1T STREET. -MAX. ' B. .11.21.738.: C/UNE A*JElt, : COMMISSIOXi siIdERCI - lANTS; , 'Dealers in FLOUR, GRAIN and PRODUCE GEN ERALLY ; 'No. 141 WATER. STREET. above rlttotoirib. ,• , . leb, VETZEIR 46 , 41EUUTRONGi • FOlMA3MlBltarri,bolnilßildlPltaSSA Poi the este erioieir; Lard, BhtTk Sectle i: Stied Fruit. and. Produce generally, MARKET ITTSZ:ET, ct?ruer of Fleet, Pittsburgh. teZkult ,-;, .t - ••• • JOHR i s 110178 Z ..... ZDW. DOUSE WM. B . HOUBIi. , VOHN - novsm-& STIC6` modes to JWIN.I. Herrn AK C 0. 4, Wholebale rocas and Commission Merchants, Corner of rattbdeld and WaterStreeta:Plttabtagh. Pa. RIDDLI4 , Noi. IN3 . I.IIBERTIt • IiTREET, eittaburgb, ea., Commission Mer e ant and Wholesale Mester In Country Produce. Groceries and, elitsburgh Manufactures.,Caatt , ad -mat:iced on Consignments, and paid for Produce ion BOST. KNOX r ANIMSW CNOI 11., ; 11.NOX ^ & 130114' COMII[ISSIO3 lifEßCßANWSitittLieVers In FLOOR, ORAL - L TEED stil PRODUCE OPSERALLT, No 19 DIAMOND, opposite My. HO, Allegheny City, iitthr67 . • • pAv.enswirono,commussio ISEFICIRANT Ina mF:rAL . ,