CITY AND. SUBURBAN.- Daily Prayer Meeting-Prom 12 st; 22:80 o'clock at the Methodist ChnrchcFlir i i street, next door to GazETPE ofßoe. - Surety of the Peace.—Martus McLaugh lin made information before the Mayor yes terday against John Tametwv.tor surety of the peace. A. 'Warrant was issued. Assault and Itattery..,liicob Hook made Information before the Mayor charging William CaMtn with assault and battery. The parties work at Everson 6 Preston's SeOortd street: A warrant was issued. Hit 11er.,-Calliarine Kress alleges that . 'rank Fink struck her on the head with his fist, for which';she makes information before Alderman Taylok against him Tor assault and battery. A warrant was is sued. - Alleged pisorderly- House,.— _ A warrant - was issued yesterday morning by Mayor Blackmore for the 'street 0f 24:, Jenkins,' proprietor of the Morgan Hous e,_ Grant street, charged with keeping a disorderly house, on oath of Hector Sutherland. Union of the Crturches.--The joint oom mittee of the United and Reformed Pres byterian Churches, ne,gotiate terms of: union between. these two bodies, will meet this afternoon in the First United Presbyterian - Church,. Seventh street at two o'clock. , Postoffice Netice.—PostmasterClel land desires us to notify the:public that on and after the first'of July next the stamp window, at the Postoffice will be closed I from one to two o'clock P. This step is necessary% order to systematize the work in the office. An eloquent and impressive panegyric on the late Rev: V. Layne was pronounced on Sunday last, in the East Common, Alle gheny, First Methodist' Church, by Rev. Dr. Reeves. There was a large audience present, and the sermon was listened to with marked attention. Assault and Battery.—Philip Steinagel made information yesterday before Alder man Mullen, charging James Walsh with assault and battery. He alleges that the defendant threw a stone and struck himou Ahe eye and bruised his face. At the hear= ing Walsh was committed in default of ;5.V Aggravated Assault and Battery.--John Sweeny appeared befOre Alderman Strain .yesterday- and •made information against George Gallagher, charging him warrantgravated assault and battery. A was issued for the arrest of Gallagher, who was found in jail awaiting the issue of an other charge against him. \ Fire it the Sirwell House.—About ten o'clock this morning a bunch of matches in the trunk of a boarder at the Sirwell house, on Penn street, near the railway crossing, by some means became ignited, setting fire to the trunk. The - flames communicated to some bed clothing, :but they were fortu nately 'extingiushed before doing very much damage. _ . Looking Glass Dlspute..--Peter Yost,.pro prietor Of a barber- shop on Sfnitlitleld street, between Path end Virgin alley, was arrested yesterday - on it charge of larceny by bailee, preferred against him by A. J. Bailie, who alleges that the defendant re tains possession ofa loOking glass belonging to - him, valued at nine dollars. A hearing will be had in the case this morning. Alleged Larceny.—Ann Richards made information before Alderman Thomas, yes terday, charging Mrs. Maddox with., the larceny of a shawl of the value of six dol lars, six and a ball yards of calico, seventy five, cents, and three and a half yards of muslin, thirty-seven cents. The accused was arrested and after a hearing was -dis charged, the prosecutrix failing to make out a caec. Strawberry Festival.—The managers of the ladies fair and festival, held in Lafayette Rail for the benefit of the Ross street M. E. Church, have been induced to continue it one week longer. A nice dish of ice cream or juicy strawberries is certainly very re freshing daring this extremely warm weather and in this instance the pleasure of the feast is enhanced by the knowledge that a worthy cause is being .helped along. Insane Man.—Yesterday morning an In sane man, named .1. K. Moore, fell in .. a fit in front of the Allegheny Market House. He was picked up and taken - to the Mayor's office, where he soon recovered. It was as certained that he had :a brother residing in Walton, Delaware county, N. Y., to whom the Mayor sent a telegraph dispatch, in forming him or the condition of his relit; lave- No answer as yet has been received, and the Mayor very properly retains the man in custody until something is heard from his friemis. Larceny by Bailee.--Mary Blair made informationagainst William Lloyd before Alderman Mc lusters, charging him with larceiry by bailee. The prosecutria alleges that she sold out her interest hra saloon on the corner of Craig and Lama streets, Al; logheny, to the defendant., At the time of the sale there was an a le p um p in the col lar, valued at one hundred• and seventy_ dollars, which she claims was not Included in the effects, -but which the' - defendant' still retains ip his 'poslestdon ' defusing to give IL up. A bearing will be bad to-day. Cross 'Salta James - Langill made informatiOn yester day, before Ali:lemma Tay/or, against Jane ;Murphy for assault and battery. Re ea l hibited a rather ugly looking - cut On the' forehead, which; he alleged, was the effect 'of a blow struck by Jane with an oyster can. -On the other hand, Jane asserted that James assaulted her first, without pro vocation, and she accordingly made a charge / against him to that effect. At the bearing James was committed for trial in default of bail, and Jane having secured the desired amount was allowed to go free. Seduction. On the 18th of May list Alderman iful len issued a warrant Pr the arrest of a rest. dent 6f Temperanceville,' charged on oath of a young woman of the Second ward, Al legheny, with seduction, under promise of marriage...? The information alleges that the offense was committed. on ,the 27th of September,' 1887, the proseeutrix then be ing under twenty-one -years ofsage. The accused kept himself clear o the officers. I Mtil Sunday, Stine glat; when ho: was ar rested and default hear thousandhe 24th, at which, iof one dollars bail, he was committed to a.uswer the charge at Galin. Carneress Disers minstrels. -The minstrels (we say • the minstrels, be im:lse the troupe now performing at the Opera House are among the- Very , few that des erve the name,) Wer e - Meted with an audlende last night which 'must have fully satisfied them of their immense popularity, in this section at least. And then the per formance. Time and space would both fail us in attempting to give-an a unt the inimitablebnrlesques and idde-splittiMs drollery of these favored sons of Nom e . who kept the audience in amar of lauglmi. throughout the • evening. The 'entertain ment will be continued this evening and . through the week, however,. and thus all may avail theinieliies.'of the opportunity to hear these universal Ihvorites. Re member: the place. Omml,Hciank - yifth -Street. - Every evening this week, . , iTY covient: RP M Meeting=Petitions; - Commutleti= bons :and Reinoustrances—Report of Spe. clot Committee on. Railroads--The DR. trieting Committee Report..3.lltrb r it 3 ,. He .. port—Reports of Committees on Streets, Roads a'd Surveys—Road Appropriation— Spruce Alley Matter—Ordhiances passed, A regular monthly meeting of City Coon .. . . cils was held yesterday at two o'cock r. as Select Oeunell. Members present :• Brown A. M., Coch rane, . Collin, Dickson, Gallaher, -Gross, Herdman, Jones, Kehew, Lanfman, Mor row,. McClelland, McClintock, McEwen, McKibben, Ogden, rhillips, Ra ff erty, Rees, !Minton, Wainwright, White and. President McAuley. Members absent: Meters. W. R.,•toyle, and Dunn. The minutes of the precelllng meeting were read and approved. • TETrnms, itzmompritexcra, ec. lir. Reestsreeented a petition from citizens of Water street, asking for the removal of dirt and sand on said street and on the Wharf. Referred to the Wbarf'Committee.- Mr. Ogden presented a petition asking for the passage of an ordinance increasing the width of Chestnut street, Lawrence ville, nine feet. Referred to Street Com mittee. ".Mr. Rafferty presented a petition from residents on Union alley, - asking Ibr the completion of a small sewer on said alley from-Pennsylvania avenue Wy.ltestre o t. Referred td the Street Committee. Mr. Dickson, a petition from citizens re siding' along the line of the Greesburgh Turnpike, asking , for the grading _and pav ing of said pike frinn Lawrenceville •to East Liberty. Referred to the Street arid Road. Committee.-- • Mr. A. M. Brown, a petitionirom citizens of Pitt Township, asking for the grading of Duncan street from Kirkpatrick street to the township road. Referred to the Road Oommittes. ' Also, a peiition for the opening of St. miMary's Alley. Referred to the Street Com ttee. Also, a remonstrance from citizens of the Sixth ward, protesting against the division of said ward. Received. Also, a petition for four luch,water pipe on Wide Alley, Siith Ward'. Referred to Water Committee. - • Fir. McEweh, a petition for opening Eno& street. • Referred to Street Com- Mittee. Also, a remonstrance from citizens of the Seventh Ward, protesting against the divis ion of said ward.- Received. - Also, remonstrance protesting against any change in . the Pennsylvania avenue sewer. Referred to Street Committee. Mr. White presented a remonstrance against the grading and paving of Brewery street, in the Eighth ward. , Referred to Street Committee. - ''' - ' Mr. Morrow, a petition from Duncan &. Reason asking to be relieved from the pay ment of businesstax. Referred to Elnance Committee. Also, a petition for a gas lamp on Craw ford street. Referred to Gas Cotnrnittee. Mr. McClelland, a petition for the grad ing- and paving of Taylor , street, luinth ward. Referred to Street Committee. Also, a remonstrance againstthe division 'of the Ninth ward. Received. - Also, a petition for the grading and pav ing of Smallman street. Referred to the Street Committee.. _...1_ ii4lso, an 'ordinance providing for the - ding of said street. rt , pi• motion of Mr. McClelland, the rules w e suspended and the ordinance • finally sed. Mr. Cochrane, " a comninnication from. JoSeph Royston setting forth that he was er j ict ing a frame , house to be filled in wi h brick, and asking perniiiision to com p' e the same, stating that the contract for th erection of the house - had been made be ore the passage of the ordinance prohib iti g the same. r. Coffin moved that the prayer of the pet tioner be granted. Mr. Ogden moved to amend by referring thel communication to the Committee on W , oden Buildings with power to act. The .am ••ndment was lost and the question re cur ed on the original motion to grant the pra -er of the Petitioner. The motion was ado .tea. Shipton offered. a resolution author the, Committee appointed to digest laws of the city to have one thousand ,ea printed. Adopted. , Mr. Brown moved that the Presidents of Councils be authorized to have the acts of the Legislatnre - ,referring to the city, and the ordinancevpassed by Councils during the past year, published in book term. Adapted. , e Chair, in place, offered an ordinance for he •ooruitruction of a sewer cra Fourth stre t, from Cherry alley to Wood street. Rnl s suspended and the ordinance passed fine y. • M . Jones, a remonstrance against the gra ing and paving of Duncan street. Re fers d to Road Committee. A, a remonstrance against the grading and ving of Kirkpatrick street. Referred tot e Street Committee. , . Also, a petition for the opening of Wylie ti) street from Fulton to Crawford street. Re ferred to Street Committee. Also, a remonstrance against the grading and . paving of Taylor street, Ninth 'ward. Referred to the Street Committe. • Also, a communication from Jacob H. Miller, protesting, against the opening, of Forbes street; West of Chestnut street. The petition was received.: ' Mr. Jones moved its reference to the Street Committee with instructions to re-. port an ordinance in accordance with the prayer of the petitioners. Mr. Morrow moved to amend by refae. ring It to the Committee with instructions to report an ordinance. .. Mr. Brown moved to amend by instruct ing the Street Commissioners to 'suspend operations on that portion of the street, be tween Boyd and Chestnut streets: for a term of five years. Mr. Shipton moped to amend by striking out the words "five years," and inserting "until 1872." Mr. Morrow moved to amend by striking out the claube "until 1872." The amendment was lost, and the ques tion recurring on the motion of Mr. A. M. Brown, as amended by Mr. Shiptou, it was adopted. C. C: non-concurred, andreferred the matter to the Street Committee. Mr. A. M. Brown (in the Chair) submit ted a communication from the MaYor, no-. conkpanying which were the reports of the appraisers appointed to value the stock, pf bridge, turnpike and plankroad Companies witWn the limits of the eity.'... The , 6411111111- nication was received and the reports or dered to be published one time in' papers authorized to do the City Printing.; • • 'Mr. White presented a petition from 'Coleman, Rttlim tic Co., asking permission tOrerect an iron-clad addition to their works ia the Ninth ward, accompanied by an or- dinance providing for the same. The petition was received and the ordi nance read three times and passed under a suspension of the rules. ' ' Mr. Reese, a petition asking the appro priation of twenty-five hundred dollars to defray the expenses incurred in procuring necessary legislation' for the improving of river navigation. The petition was re ceived. ' , min' the co . ~, Mr. Reese offeretra petition, authorizing , theappropriation of Awanty;five hundred :dollars for the' purposes referred to . In the petition. mr, Phillips moved to amend by fixing the sum at fifteen hundred dollars, and, asking theieity of Allegheny 'to appropri ate one thousand- 7 ,mr. ship t ton moved to amend - by-appr(p.. printing Mean 'ht . :indeed dollars abort inteky. r, The ordinance as amended byl4r. 4bip. ton was readthierititties pa ssed. 4 Fi/COLBON PAYAMEXZQN WNW", eIItEET. Crbsl :stanittedi a 4 'petition from Mperty, owners, an& an d i T . Weeti:;tufklogt; " to, Vivtlafiat t (of mditAiiree fiion Fowl& 775.717.; •IL .I\P :`:":','`.^.17*027:,;-,Z4c -• • lIITTSAtitGit GAZE 317 NW, ci _ Liberty. AccompanYinlue lrftiOn was an ordinance providing forthr, Constriction. of the smile.' Thik'petitiop "Was recebred.l Mr. Mc4kuly moved to amend tne ordi nance by omitting that:portion of the street throiigh .the Dian:olmd, on account of the sewer not - having been completed an that portion of the street. - - . The amendment was adopted, * and, on Motion of Mr. Ogden, the rules, were sus pended and the . ordinance as, amended read three times and passed. , • RECORDING ORDINANCE& The Chair presented the bill of Henry Snively, Esq., Recorder, for recording ordi nances, and a• resolution authorizing the payment of the same. The bill was read and the resolution adoptad. • GAS LA3IS - . A resolution authorizing the erection o s f, a gas lamp at Locust and Magee street and on Grant street, between Fifth and Virg gin alley, was referred to the Gas Commit 4 tee:. - - SPECIAL PRMLEGE. An ordinance authorizing the erection of an iron clad stable by Frank Ardery, on Liberty street, was taken up and Passed u2ally under a suspension of the rules. CITY PARR'. Mr. Phillips offered the following: Readved, That a Committee of nine, in cluding the Presidents of Councih3, be ap pointed - to provide suitable groun Phillips city park. Adopted, and Messrs. , Gross, A. M. Brown, and President McAuly were- apdointed from Select Council, and Messrs. Batchelor, McClean's?, Brush, TorleY and PreSident Tomlinson in Commoia Council. FIRE ENOI . SE LOTS. Also the following: .Resolved, That the procure an CR: Property be authorized to procure an addi tional lot of ground for the use of Dnquesn Engine Company, and also an additional lot for the Eagle Company. Adopted. REPORTS OF RAILROAD COMMITTEE. Mr. Ogden, from the Special Committee on Railroads, submitted the following re , ports and accompanying undersigned members : The undersigned members of the Committee on Railroads, to which was referred the petition of the citizens re siding on. Liberty street, in reference to the running of cars upon said street by the Pennsylvania Railroad. Company, and ask ing for an abatement,of the nuisance occa sioned thereby, would respectfully report, That they held several meetings, after no tice to the parties complaining, and to the officers of said company ; that a large number of citizens attended said meetings, and the Railroad Company was represented br the Solicitor, Mr. Ilampton •, that a pe tition numerously signed by business men, doing business in other parts of the city, was also presented to the Committee, asking that the tracks ahould •be removed from , said: street; that after hearing all the parties who desir ed to be beard, and after full consideration of - the petitions presented, your Comrnitiee IS Of the opinion that it is not within the power of Councils to direct the removal of the tracks ; that Councils have the right to prescribe any reasonable regula tions in reference to the marline of cars; that Councils have already prescribed reg ulations as to the speed of cars and kind of fuel Which shall be used; that said company have violated the ordinance by 'using coal, by running at a greater rate of speed than that prescribed, and by unnecessarily stop ' ping upon the streets; that in the opinion of the Committee a compliance with the ordi nance would very greatly.abate the nuisan ces and,remove the (muse of complaint, and We therefore recommend that Councils di rect the Mayor to see that the ordinances I are strictly enforced. In view of the very general expression made by our merchants who are specially interested in the matter, we would further recommend that the Pennsylvania Railroad Company be requested, as soon as practica ble, to remove the tracks _from Liberty street and make other provision for the de livery of city freight. Resolved; That the Mayor is hereby re quested to enforce all the ordinances in reference to the running of railroad cars within the city limits. Mr. Gallaher moved, as a substitute for the resolution, that the report be recommit ted and the Committee be instructed to prepare an ordinance prohibitintr the use of locomotives on Liberty street. A lengthy discussion ensued on the sub ject, after which the substitute was ruled out of order and a vote taken upon the res olution and report of the Committee. The report was received and the resolution adopted. Mr. Ogden submitted the following from the same Committee : Gentlemen: The undersigned mem bers of the Railroad Committee, to which was referred the petition of citizens In re.. ference to the violations of city ordinances by the Allegheny Valley Railroad Com pany, wouldd respectfully, report: That having given notice to the parties inter ested-and having heard allpersonn who de sired to be heard, they are of the opinion that upon some ccasions the provisions of the ordinance in reference to the moving of cars have been violated. As we have already recommended in our report lit re ference to the Pennsylvania Railroad, that the. Mayor be instructed to enforce all the ordinances in reference to the moving of Cars within the - city limits, we do not think any stecial action is required in this case. The report was received - SEWER ORDINANCES. The Chair presented an ordinance Pro viding-for the construction of a sewer on Miltenberger street, from St.Patricks alley to Locust street. On motion the rules mire suspended and the ordinance passed finally. On motion of Mr. White, the ordinance providing for the construction of a sewer an Pennsylvania avenue was taken up, and on motion of Mr. Morrow was laid over. TRACKS ON LTDERTYSTREET. .Mr. Gross offered the following resolu ion : Rezolued, That the City Solicitor be and he is hereby authorized to institute legal poceedings against the Pennsylvania Railioad Company for violation of the dif ferent compacts by which said road hasob tained the privilege of using the streets of the city ofPittsburgb by laying their tracks upon them. Adopted. LIBERTY STREET AGAIN. Mr. - Gallaher submitted the following .Rasotued, That the Committee on Rair roads be instructed to introduce an ordi nance in Councils requiring the Pennsyl vania Railroad Company to, use horse mo tive Dower on Liberty street from Canal street to the Monongahela river Instead of *emotive WO:fr. Laid on the table. NICOLSON PAVEMENT. Mr: Coffin presented an ordinance pro viding that all petitions for Nicolson pave ment shall be signed by three-fourths of the citizens residing and owning property on the street where the pavement is desired, and that Councils shall be satisfied that the signatures to the petitions are genuine be fore they are entertained or any notion taken. The ordinance passed to a second read ing, and, on motion or Mr. Phillips, was' laid over under the rules. DAMAGE HY HAY WAGON. The Chair read the fbilowing communi cation from the City Attorney, which was submitted by the Finance Committee with their report: ' • To the Finance ,Committee:— ~- I herewith returnto you the communica tion' of F. Lutz, in reference to : damage, done by the .upsetting of a hay wagon on Diamond street. After consultation with the Street Com missioner, lam satisfied that he did all in his power to keep the street clean n and that the : accident must have been occasioned by carelessness on the part of the driver. It cannot be expected that .the clear away all the ice that accumuktes in the streets, andlithell •theollicefa bait dohe all' their : power to,keep the street passable, Aim city is not responsibleilbt atcidents. - The,conummicetioll PM received and:the seikhrtsulciptsul, s- .s - s • LIA.! - • t.°11," **kW* 0,11113111 vivrivictrixo • qifte - 7imitti;toiiiiiiman Of the appointed to t reaiiitriet' the: cify,eufma... ed the following . report; • ' - GErrrx.Esitirs: •Yoni , 'Ciiiimitikek - on r-,; ; <( districting the city into wards. would am _ pectfully report that after holding ••;,.. 3peat, ed meetings and giving the mar close and careful attention, they ix:mid submit the accompanying plan ski:swing the pro , posed lines of the new :yards, together with t_an ordinance de fi ning the boundaries of ' said wards. Year Committee is:well aware of the difficulty attending their labors, knowing that - - associations have - endeared the old ward lilies and boundaries to the inhabitants of'. our city, and anything tending to set them aside will cause un 'Pleasantness an dissatisfaction andteni porary disarran ement in ward organiza tions, but yourco mmittee believe that the' plan that they h rewith submit is the best for the future of the city, which is rapidly increasing in po ulation. and that the sev ering of old or rations Cannot be eon -= summated at abet ter time than the pres ent.. They w on , therefore, ask the adop tion by Council of the plan and the pas ei sage of the orance. The report accepted. Mr. MeEw , from. the Districting Com mittee, submit ed the following Minority re a po E rt NT : LEmmt :"—in ' fiifferin i s from the conclusion arr ed at. by a majority of your Committee, th undersigned are deeply im pressed with t e importance of the sub ject and regret xceedingly- their inability to agree with t colleagues In the forma tion of the plan oftlie city about to be sub, divided. for Yo riconsideration. Thee hanges ptesed'are So radical, Par ticularly In the nett of the old ten wards of the city, that t ev destroy, to a very great extent, the sad , local and political rela- tions that have s long existed a mong the people, whosewishes and interests should always form the basis of legislation, with out affording any compensatory advantages, and are entirely uncalled for by considera tions of public interest. We would, there fore, recommend that no material change be made in the ward lines of the old city. With regard to new 'districts, there is no question but that new lines will have to be drawn and new wards' formed, but these lines should be made as far as practicable to the satisfaction - of the peoplelVho haVe to live within thenv which, in many in stances, 18 not the ciao in the plan offered by the majority of this• Committee. The proposed lines that have given dis satisfaction are so numerous, and the injustice of many of them so obvious, :that we do not deem it necessary within the limits of this report t le ave ahem tailed statement of them, but • stated in the Council' Chambers by the members from the districts themselves. In conclusion; gentlemen, we ask you to give this important_ matter your _careful attention, satisfied that you will do nothing that will work injustice to any portion of the citizens of kittsburgb,,' Whilst we pro test against the adoption,ef the plan of the city now before you. " JAMES McEwEs. JAMES 11EMPHILL, DAVID MCCLELLAD, JOSEPIrCASktY, S. J. - The report'was accepted. WAINWRIGHT. Mr. Jones presented the ordinance fixing the boundaries of the wards as proposed by the Committee which provides that there shall be twenty-four wards, and describes the boundaries of the same. hen Mr. Jones had proceeded to the dis W cription of the Filleenth'ward, Mr. Mc- Clintock moved that when Councils ad journed it be to meet on Tuesday (to-day)- at two o'clock. The motion was ruled out of order, and the member continued to read the , or dinance. At the conehmienef the reading a motion was made to Adjourn to meet at eight o'clock p. m. The motion was lost. Mr. Morrow moved that the linesof the First ward as recommended by the Com mittee be adopted. Mr. A. M. Brown moved as an amend ment that the lines of the old ten wards as they now exist be adopted as a substitute fcr the report of the Committee. Mr. Ogden moved to lay the motion of Mr. Brown on the table. The motion to lay on the table was lost. The question then recurred on the motion of Mr.'Brown t - to adopt the line, of the old wards. After considerable discussion Mr., Gross moved as an arbendment that the lines of the ton wards be 4illowed to remain as they are, and that each precinctbe censidered a ward. • Mr. Brown accepted the amendment. The motion of Mr. Brown as amended was adopted. Mr. Gross moved that that portion of Pitt township south of the Greensburg turnpike be added to the First ward, Lawrenceville. Adopted. Also, that all that portion of Pitt town- ship north of- the Railroad constitute a ward, and that the remaining portion of Pitt township constituto a ward, and that Oakland township remain as it is. Adopted. Mr. Gross then moved that the ordinance as amended, so far as the lines were con cerned, be adopted. The resolution was adopted, and the ordinance read three times and passed finally. The Co:nmittee" .then rentimbered'the wards, making twenty-three instead of twenty-four wards, as at first proposed in the report. • On motion, the rules were suspended and the ordinance, as amended, including num bers, was read three times and passed: Not, reached in Common Council. All business not otherwise noted was concurred in by Common Cott:mil. - On motion, Council adjourned tomeet at three o'clock P. Si. to-thy. . Common •Councll. • President Tortdinson - ealled Council to or der at half past two o'clock. The Mowing members were present; , Messrs. Ahlbcirn Barnh111,:: Batchelor; Berger, Boggs, Bl l nsh, °ahoy, Carrolli, Daub', Dray°, Davl l 4-I.ltititlinlzions,l Garner, Hare, Hemphill, Herron, Hillerman, House. Jeremy, Kremer, Mavvhinney, Meyer, Moorhead, McCleane, . Palmer, Reiman, Reed, Reynolds, Robb, Rosewell, Scott, A., Sims, Torley, Torrens, Verner, Vick, Wel don, Zern ana President Tomlinson. The minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. PETITIONS. , Mr. House. Secend ward, presented a pe tition of property holders on Second street, between Wood and Smithfield, praying for the repavewent ot'thar street--with Nicolson pavement. Referred te Street Committee. Mr. Torley, Third ward, presented a pe tition for a gas lamp on the south-east cor ner of Washington and Webster streets. Referred' to Committee on Gas Lighting. Mr. Weldon, Third. ward, presented a pe tition for a public sewer twin the corner of -Webster and 'High •streets, down High to . Grant, and'own Grant to connect with the Strawberry alley sewer. Referred to'Street Committee. / Mr. Weldon also:presented a petition of ro pperty holders on Carpenter's Alley praying that the same be paved. Referred to Street Conimittee. Mr.'Robb, Sixth Ward; a petition for re--1 duction of rents of market stands. Re ferred to Market Committee. Mr. Rebman, Sixth 'Girard, presented an ordinance tor the opening ofßoberts street. Rules suspended and ordinance passed. Mr. Meyer, Eighth Ward, presented a' petition for, gas lamp on the east side of High street, between 'Wylie and Pennsyl vania Avenue. Referred to the Committee on GM Lighting. Mr. Brush. -RixthWitrd, a' petition rela tive to supply of. water on street. Referred toWater Committeei Mr. Moorhead, Seventh Ward. a. politick . e • for gas lamp on corner of preen street an Beat,ty's ; Alley. Itefeildd to , Gab light Coammit Mr. Ward; a petitic4i'ltii main *mar piper , on I .llllltonberser- street,. Vlt can iat=k t ilikuAn ffiflttonCio :4 I n ; If f ebcpeN Auquward, petitititribrt litop olrllollledter-Deeeter anclearpone.'s 11110: - Referral Wiwi Lighting' Conn. .adttee. Mr.:AhlbOrn, Lawrenceville, presented a petition for opening Charlotte , street. Law renceville. Referred to Street Committee. Mr. Bachelor, Liberty, a petition, and also an ordinance, for the opening of IR:tind ery street. Ordinance read twice and laid over. Mr. Barton, Liberty, a petition for the widening of Aikin's Lane, Liberty town ship. Read and accepted. Also. an ordinance for the widening of Aiken's Lane. Rules suspended and ordi nance passed. RES OLUTION. Mr. Weldon, Third ward, offered the fol lowing: .Raso/ved, That the City Controller be and he is hereby authorized to certify warrants on the Mayor for the following amounts sad, charge the same to contingent fund: , .james MeCallem ........... . ................ .$ 33 99 Mrs. E. T. Denny. .... . ... . .................. 214 98 James M. 'Miller .. . ..... . 17 00 James Sterling . ...... .. . 17 89 Mary Maloy : Mary Chapman • 17 88 17 00 Robert Rafferty. . 44 00 —amounts assessed on property holdertfor the grading of Poplar alley between Wash ington and Elm streets in 1883. Referred to Finance Committee. REPORT ON STREETS. , Mr. Weldon, chairman of the Street Com mittee, submitted a report asking the pas sage of ordinances as follows: An ordinance changing the names of streets when they are duplicated. ' An ordinance granting the Western LTn lon Telegraph Company permission to erect poles, in „ Lawrenceville. • An ordinance opening Davidson street, .Lawrenceville. An Ordinance opening Ewalt street, Law renceville. - - In the matter of the change of grade. on Reed, Colwell, Yine, Miller and Roberts streets, the Committee asked - farther time for consideration. • The report was accepted and the ordinan ces read and laid over under, the rules. SURVEY REYORT. - Mr..Flerron, Pitt,from the Committee on Surveys, made a,.report, that they have had.surveys made of the Greensburg turn pike from its intersection with Butler street (Lawrenceville) to the eastern line of the city, and presented a plan of the same, to gether with an ordinance providing for the location of the same and defining its width;. also, a plan of a street from Hazlewood Station to : the Monongahela river, with an ordinance. In widening the turnpike to sixty feet, the Committee bad careful stir- . .vpys made, and they have selected such location as will do but small damage to property along the proposed line of the street. . The report was accepted. The ordinance relative to the Greensburg turnpike, and also that in relation to the road from Hazlewpod station, were , adopt ed, the rules being suspended. COMMITTEE ON ROADS. Mr. MeMane, Oakland, - from the Com mittee on Roads, presented a report, cover ing an ordinance for the construction of a board side-walk on Pennsylvania avenue, from the Oakland car station. to Neville street. The Committee also - reported that e ptitions for the improvment of Rou street were referred to the e Committee on Surveys to have the - lines located; the same action was taken with regard to Washing ton street, East Liberty, and Atwood street, Oakland. • The report was accepted, and the ordi nance relative to the board-walk adopted, the rules being suspended. ROAD APPROPRIATION Mr. Batchelor, from Conference Com mittee, reported in favor of the transfer of five thousand dollars froni the cOntingent fund to the appropriation for roads. Read and approved. DITNCAIf STILMET. Mr. Merman, Pitt, presented a peti tion for graaing and paving Duncan street, Seventh ward. CLERK TO STREET COMMITTEE. Mr. Weldon, Third ward, presented an ordinance to create the office of Clerk to the Street Committee, who shall have his office in the room of the City. Engineer, and , whose duty it shall be to attend the meetings of the Street, Road - and Survey Committees, keen the minutes and take charge of all the papers which may come to said Committees, said Clerk to be ap pointed by the Street -Committee, subject to the approval of. Councils. The ordinance was read three times and passed. SPRUCE. ALLEY , MATTER. The President submitted a communica tion from the City Solicitor, as follows : 21) Select and Common Councils :--I here with return your resolution in reference to the right of• William, Smith to use Spruce alley. Since the passage. of the resolution an information has been made against hira for Maintaining a nuisance, a true bill has been found, and the' case will probably be tried in a few days. This case will Judi cially determine the questions involved, and It is therefore unnecessary forma to give an opinion which can" haye'no force and might not be Sustained by the Court. Very respectfully yours, - 'J. P. SLAGLE, City Attorney. Read and accepted. ORDINANCES PASSED. Mr. Weldon, Chairman. Street -Commit tee; called "the following ordinances,. laid over at previous meeting. Ordinance for grading; paving and curb. ing Liberty street from Carson to the old city line. L • Ordinance for grading and paving Erin street, from Bedford to Centre Avenue. Ordinance for grading and paving Wide *ley, from Logan to Fulton street: • The above were read a third time and An ordinance for opening Rose street, BeVenth ward, from Overbill to De Villiers street. • On motion or Mr. lirdsh, lksolved r ha the Matter of e street be reeommitt T ed, t the Street Comm ßos ittee to report on ,the propriety of opening Rose street from Fulton streets. The resolution was adopted. The following ordinances (also laid over at last meeting) were passed Ordinance for opening Erin street, from Webster to Bedford. Ordinance for opening Brewery street to the river... Non concurred in by S. p. - Ordinance locating and opening' Liberty avenue, from Wilson *ea t° Centre ave nue. ' • " __ _ numantr r STREET, LAWRENCEVIILLE: Mr.,Fitzaimmons moved a .veconsidera tiori of the action of Council in the adop tion of an ordinanbe to retain the width of Chestnut street, - Lawrenceville, at thirty On motion of Mr. ReynOlds, theotion to reconsider was laid on the table. ~ BILLS ORDERED PAID. . . Mr. Re i man ' presented the fo owirig, which was adopted: , . Resolved, That the City Controller be and he is hereby authorized ; to, issue his certia aste on the Mayor for warrants in f. vor of `T. B. Young et, Co. for 3152.25,, and amuel Fahnetitock for 513, and charge theMe to appropriation No. 13, contingent fu d. REMONSTRANCE. I , • Mr. Herron presented , a , remonstrance from all the property holders on:!Taylor street, in the Ninth ward, against t e grad-. ing and paving of the 'same. Ref e red to Street. Committee. ‘ .• nonS Fkrutir. ' ' ' ' Mr. Moorhead _presented an or din ance ll in authoriablg the . City , - - Engineer to Survey and figien Mom street tibro Ctverhin tn:Fal• ton, in !sposNinoe:-irlth: thPlan . e' City , !strict Objectifittbebost anode on Sdniheio , was laidlover,mojhe rghps.i , I ' —, t- . 1 r . ..—.. till IWrulxVfl" I — ~ 4 me et f r,... : 5 , ) a .l te i , twci . .i. - - - - —vs , _ - But few' of you hive` any - adeque4H ception of the vast amount of medical hihor performed by us. In this, 'a most healthfhl city, several' hundred physicians are daily employed, yet our own_ physical abilities are taxed almost beyond endurance to satisfy the de: mends for our professional services. ;.On our books of record are the names of more than sixty thousand (60,000) persorus who have obtained medical advice and at- ' tendon. Among' this vast number many euresof the worst maladies hive been perfected• without the patients having been seen or visited. • Over five hundred and fifty (550) cases were treated by us during the last month alone, among which a number of cures of the folloWing diseases May be mentioned, viz: Incipient Consumption, Liver Cbm plaint, kicrofulis, Dropsy, Ridn_ey. Affec tions, Dyspepsia, Rheumatism; Heart Di sease, and many PemalS Complaints, Ner vous Disorders, (to., 4tc.l We treated all those Chronic Diseases upon the most scientific principles of Uri no -Pathology and Eiecticlsm. We are able to detect ,the most obscure diseases by ocular, chemical or micrGscopic examination of the urine, and to prescribe the remedies in accordance with the condi tions discovered—hence the cures. • Some of the patients treated during the last month live hundreds of miles away. Some reside in New York, some. in Phila delphia, many in Eastern Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana and West Virginia. Many of these forwarded specimens of , urine y express, and had the necessary medicines sent them by the same convey-_, ance. This is the cheapest and best' 4 ilhiok- The charge for examinations, prescriti thins, and medicines furnished, range front three to ten dollars. .• We will now have the constant assistance of Thomas L. Oldshue, M. D., who has been. 'educated for the profession under our owls direction, and graduated at the Philadel phia University of Medicine and Su.rgery. : But for this assistance we would nolonger be able to attend the constantly increasing .. practice that is daily crowding upon us. Respectfully, L. °mason.% 132 Grant strret • • Continuance of the Great Semb•Annual Closing Sale of J. W. Barker• ,& Co., 89 Market- Street. Our readers who have not yet;furzushed themsolves with Dry Goods for the season, will be glad to learn that J. W = B. & Co. have concluded to continue their great closing sale for another week. In addition we have to state that the bargains offered this week are even greater than what they have been in the , past, and the quality and variety of the goods are such as cannot but please the most fastidious- tastes. Ladies go and examine for .yourselves, and you will find a most superior quality of goods, at the cheapest prices ever offered. ; Such a favorable opportunity for Purchasing has.' never before occurred. The Pupils and friends of Professar S. A. Neale, Principal of the Allegheny Colored School, have tendered hina a compliment ary benefit, which will take place at Lafay-, ette Hall, commencing to-morrow evening. At each entertainment the Emancipation. Tableaux, with dramatic accompaniment, in which over one - hundred persons. will take part, will be given, together ,with. other tableani., recitations and singing. Professor Neale has been a faithful in structor, and is in every way worthy . of the confidence and esteem , of his pupils, who have arranged the benefit for him. The tableaux have been happily conceived and thoroughly rehearsed, and will be well worth seeing. Reserved seats fifty cents. each; admission twenty-five cents. Articles for the ToUet.-4oseph Burnett. it Co.. the distinguished Chemists of. BOB tou, are the manufacturers'of several high Iy celebrated and excellent 'articles for the toilet, viz: Cocoaine for the hair, Kalliston. for the skin, Florimel, an exgnisite hand kerchief perfume and Burnett & Co. are also the mruaufactUrers of Extracts of fruits and flowers for flavor ing jellies, preserves, &c., which have •great celebrity for their purity and strength. They -are very popular in this city.--Mentreat Herald. rrsT Lots Iota: Lots: Lots: Lots —Fifty Superb lots for , building will be sold at 3 o'clock this afternoon, on the Perrysville road, near the Observatory, which should receive the special attention of every tradesman in want of a lot. Now is. the time to secure a home. A. LEGGATE Auctioheer. . AFLE.t. AMEN,. UNIII.ERTAKEIt s. ' I s io.. I6I 3FOURTHI3TREET: Pittsburgh, Pa. INS otall kinds, CRAPES, GLOVE/3, and ev ery description of Funeral Furnishing Goods far. Wished. Rooms ,open day and night. Hearse and Carriages furnished. FtErEamicEs—Rer. David Kerr, D. D., Rev. 7d. W. Jacobus, D. D., Thomas Ewing, Esq.. Jacob H. Miller. Esc. • QHARLES &PEEBLESt'UNDER... TAXERS AND LIVERY STAIILES, iner ° S DUSKY STREET AND CHITRCH AVENUE.. Allegheny City, where their 001.1'IN ROOMS are , comitantly supplied with real and initiation Rose wood, Mahogany and Walnut Collins, "Murices ye tying from 44 to 5100. Bodies . prepared for inter. meat. Hearses and Carriages furnished; also, all dads of Mourning GoodS, If required. Office opera at !hours. day and night, XIODERT T. RODNEY, UNDER... TAKER AND: EMBALMER, No: 46 OHIO ERT, Allegheny, and No. 80 DIAMOND SQUARE, (by Jan. Wilson & atros.keeps alwaYa onshands the best Metal, Rcsewood ,l . Walnut mull Imitation Rosewood Cotens...Walnut Comas from 885upwardir. Rosewood Collins 820 upwards, all other Coffins 1. proportion. Carriages aud Hearses furnished at low rates. -Crap% Gloves, Plate, and Engsving furnished grails. Otltee Open day and A NEwr We hme Jost recelVed from the manufacturer. PERESCOPIC CLASSES, . PlTTsxst-Jn4air ts,rm-mx.. . _ They are the best yet offered to our trade."' DUNSEATH HASLETT, JEWELERS ,A,N6 oPTICILiaII4 70, 65 FILTH ST.; OPPOSITE MAiONIC HAtt SMITH; • 34tElie , AND DEALER 4.1 Gentlemen's Ftirnisliing Goods, N EW • Atu T tpte B6.o74 dto PIEST CLAW DERRORANT Telbes. Ilt . •• • ~IENRY 0 f:' S ~~~1 _ _- ~s,. ,;, To Our Patxou. k ti5n a.,,,A,..,,,,:.34 a4 SPECTACLX A .FULL ASEI O 6IIT3TEN . T OF 1N FRAMES MAD): FROM No.. 98 Wlan BItEET CORNER F FEDERAL; SPRING GOOD% . 117 8TOPIENTA , AT4 MI ..,:, .~