MA~tk-~T.^.::,>:-war "w..r.4:5 .-'_• Lg4y` I'ITI'SSURGS ` ~lAll~'TS. DFITUB OP TAR PITTSBURGH MONDAY, June 'D, 1868. Thine are no new features In our markets wort) , of special notice, and while the de mand for all of the leading commodities is light, prices , generally have undergone no material change. Telegrams from Chicago t.eport an excited Wheat market, and that an advance of 10 to 12c per bushel has been established. The advance, we presume, .hai been brought - about by oishort sellers" who sold what they did not have, and. are • nolv °blazed to go on the market in . order to filltbeir contracts.' The excitement, therefore, is without any substantial cause, and the advance is not legitimate, and is no likely , likely to be sustained longer than to- 1 da and to-morrow, the two last days of the month. After that we look for Wheat to go lower than ever, as the indications l'or a heavy yield could not be better. , BUTTER—The market is quiet and un- ' changed; prime to choice fresh packed is still quoted at 25 to 27c. - _ • EGUS—DuII with a supply fully up to the demand: dealers generally quote at 22c, though a good buyer might be able to buy at 211. " CHEESE—SaIes of Western' Reserve at n to 14c; Ohio Factory, 15 to 16c; Limburg, 18e, and SWitzer at 20c. • WOOL—We can report a sale of 17 bales, to a city dealer, at 42%c.' - HAY— Is quiet and unchan&ed;,wagon Bay irstlirgtiote4 - iitillb — T6l2o per tint, as toquality. ' • ASHES—SaIe of 3 tons Pearl Ash'at 10c. Soda Ash is unchanged. I POTATOES—SaIe of 1 car and about half another Pea& Blows'- at $1,15; small sales at $1,20. New Potatees $6,00 to $6,50 - per bbL as , thiquality.-.. , • ' ' GRAlN—Wheat is quiet and unchanged at $2,34) , • US $2,35 for prime Red - and White Winter. Oats---there is a pretty good de irumd at 76c, With but few sellers at that figure; sale of 1 car load at 76c, and small sales In - store. at 79 -to 81c. Corn dull and nominal at $1 to $1,05, on track and in elevator. Rye is scarce though the demand is light; we continue to quote at 01,55 to LARD OIL--Is s quiet and unchanged at 41,20 for' No. 2, and $1;40 for No. • 1. LlME—Sales at $2 per bbl. ' PIG LEAD—Sales reported at 1035 c. REEDS--Flaxseed - is scarce and in de mand at $2,50 to $2,55. No demand what .evor for Clover or Timothy Seedal '• PROVISIONS—Bacon is quiet and un .changed at 136 c for Shoulders; 16c to 180 Ribbed and' Clear Sides; andil.93ic - to 1931 c for Canvassed Sugar Cured Hams. Lard, 17X to . 18c, for prime kettle ren dered. Dried Beef, 21 to 22c. Mess Pork, FLOUR--There - . iiiiitinPrOtTment to note in the demand, and the, marketla dull blit-unohiriOdi We oontinue to qnoti3 at 49,50 to $lO for medium Spring Wheat, and $10,2510_ $10,50 for good to choice do. Winter Wheat is• still quoted at 'sll to 411,50, and fancy, brands at $l4 to $l5. Rye FlOur is quoted at $9 per bbl. - New, York Produce Market. (Bp Telegiaph to the Pittiihnieh Gazette. 3 Idscv YORK, June 29.—Cotton quiet, - steady and unchangeg; salespf: 800 barrels receipts . 9,s9l imirrel;; 2, 26 I::iags - dull at 5a I.oe lower; sales 6,400 bbls at $ 6 , 75 a 7 • 25 for — Sdperflne; State arid . W6terii,s7,fsaB,so for Extra. State, $7,70a9,70 for Extra Western, -$10,75a12,85 for white wheat extra; g8,35a 12,80 for round hoop Ohio, $8,75a10,00 for . :Extra St. Louis, $10,50a14,50 for good to choice do closing heavy, California declin -Ing; sales of 400 sacks at $10312,65. Rye flour dull and easier; sales of 300 bbls at $8,00a10,25. Corn meal quiet and lower; sales of 1;100 barrels of city at $8,25. Whis key dull. Grain receipts, wheat 33,070 bush. odullybut- slightly in buyers favor; sales of 38,000 bushels at $1,87140 for No. 3 spring, No. 2 do s2 x 4l; Amber wintermestern $2,62%, white Michigan $2,65, White: California $2,70 for white Georgia. Rye dull and .drooping. Barley nominal. Barley -Malt lin fair request; sales 19,000 bus at $2,40. • Corn opened firm and closed dull and drooping; receipts 53,490 bus; sales 14,000 bus at $1,00a1,03 for mixed Western afloat; 41,05 for high mixed, nearly yellow; . $1,03 - for white Western: Oats -heavyand lalMc lower; receipts 68,495 bus; sales 58,000 bus at 80340 for Western in store; 81a81 7 4c for do. afloat. Stock of Grain in Warehouse— Wheat, 691,385 bus; corn, 1,412,791 bus; oats, 43.179,475 bus; rye,- 37y410 -bus; barl ey; 581 bus; malt, 37,917 bus; peas, 53,492 bus. ;.Rice quiet. Coffee nominal and unchanged. Sugar quiet; sales 400 ads at 11%a123 ;c for Cuba: and 13c for Porto Rico. Molasses nominal. Hops quiet. - Petrbleniii; crude quiet at 1634 c; refined bonded firm; sales 500 barrels at 31Ne. Pork is dull and lower, and sales were made of 1,800 barrels at $27,- 85a28,12 for new, mess, closing at $27,87 cash; and 327,75a38 for old do, $22,50a22,75 for prime, and 324a24.25 for prime mess; also 2.50 barrels new pleas, seller foe September, at $28,37. Beef is quiet, and unchanged, with sales of 140 barrels. Beef Hams are dull and unchanged. Cut Meats are: dull and heavy, .and', sales were made of 165 packages at 12a13e; for shoulders, and 15%a 17c for hams; middles are nominaL Lard is dull and beavyi and sales were made of 420 tierces at 153(a1634c for steam, and 17a 1734 c for kettle rendered. Butter is quiet at 24a29c for Ohio, and 30a350 for State. Cheese is dull. Freights to Liverpool a shade firmer, with engagements per steam ea of 65,000 bushels corn at 534 d., and 500 barrels flour at Id. , La'rEsT.—Flour closed dull and 'saloe loWer; demand chiefly for pressing wants of the Western trade.' Wheat; dull and heavy, at $1,98a2 for No. 2, and $2,08a2,10 for No. 1 Spring, Rye; dull and nominal, at $1,70a1,85. Oats; dull. at 8034a81, for Western in store and afloat. Corn; fair de mand.-buyers at 01 and - $1,02, for new mixed Western afloat. Pork; dull and heavy, at $27,75a27,87,- for newlmeas cash. Beef; quiet, and unchanged. Cat Meats; quiet and steadY. Bacon; nominaL Lard; dull and heavy, at 16V,,a1634c, for fair to prime steam. Eggs, steady - at 2334a24. New York Dry Goods Market. — Mr Telegrapli to the Plttsbu - rifi - Ge.elie.:3' r Nnw Yong. June 29.=- 1 1'he inquiry for Cotton Goods bless, active, but, pFices , have a• hardening tendency, and several styles aro being withdrawn from • sale in anticipa tion of higher rates; still there is no ma teristalteration in jobbers' prices. Heavy Brown Sheetings steady at 17ial8c for the best` makes and 1133,a17c for lee Inds: Light of Prints are being pretty well closed out at liMal2%cfer best makes, while dark styles command 1310; Prints like Ilassau on be bought as low as 10Ws. Few York Cattle Market 189 Tolegnmh to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] NEW Yortic,Vitne 29.—Cattle, receipts for the week 7,117 beeves; 7,329 sheep and iambs; 20,581 hogs. Beef le lower and dull and weak; extra $16,25a18,50; prime to in ferior andgood, $12a15,50. Sheep active, trite firmer though Xe lower; on the week's range e3,50a7,50. Lambs steady -et lOaric. Hoes active, but with large ar xivals decidedly lower, ranging at Utt9. Philadelphia Cattle Market. • (115rTelegraph to the - Pittsburgh Gazette.] PHILADELPHIA, June 29.—Beeves dull and unsettled; sales of 1,600 at $9,75a10 for extra; $ll for choice,lBa9 for fair to good, and $6a6,50 tort common. hogs dull 'and lower; 3,000 at $12a13. Sheep unchanged; sales 5,000 at ssa6. s . . Chicago Cattle M a rket,ak CDT Telegraph tO ,the Pittsburgh alsetto.l " • . cutout°, J an e 29,,,8eef cittlglezydull 4sitfrap int 'AC - ,480 1.7 0 Tor' toot fat " steers. 'Hogs dial and "nothing data re . oeipts, 526 head; shipments, 8,012 heal ~.--n _ 5.'.. Financial Matti3rEi in New York. • Gold Closed at 140ya@r4034. [Bp Telegraph to the Pitteburgb Gazette.] NEW Yong . . June 29, 1888. - MONEY AND GOLD. • ' Money easy at 3(44 on call. Sterling rath er more active at 110@1.10y.. Gold un changed, opened at 140 1 4 3 , fell to 140 and closed 1401 8 if140, cash. Gold in rather better supply..' ' . 00 1 nUM,IMNTS. Governments closed. weak, under ac tion in the House. Coupons of 1881, 117%@118; do. '62, 114‘®113%; do. '64, 111®111%; do. '65, 111K®111%; do. new, 11401114%; do. '67,114®1144; do. '6B, 110© 1104; Ten-Forties, 1074©10731; Seven- Thirties, 110®11634. STOCKS. Dispatches from Omaha announce the completion of 660 miles of the Union Pa-. eific Railroad. The stock market is very unsettled and lower, under a break in the Erie from 71 to 69. Large amounts bor rowed have been returned by brokers in Vanderbilt it Drew's interest, making the nup_nly plentiful. Reports say that Gould and Fisk are to be voted out of the Erie DI . . section and Bunker and Steward voted in, but an injunction restraining the Directors fromsuch action has been issued. There was a reaction in the afternoon, favoring loWer rates, but the market closed steady. The" Northwestern is paying its dividend to day: frhe border State : bonds were pressed for sale to-day. The following are the 5:30 priees: Canton, 49(3150; Cumberland, 33®34%; Wells' Ex press, 26%1026X; American Express, 45%*,® •ig , 45%; Adams Express, 54®54g; Mer chants Union Express, 24%®25.y‘; Quick silver, 23 31, ®24; Mar iposa, 4®5; Pacific Mail, 107 3 4 ®107%; .Atlantie ' 300)33; West ern Union Telegraph, 34% ®34%; New York Central, 134%®134y,; Erie, 695;®69%; pre ferred, 75; Hudson, 1403 1 ®14131; Reading, los@iosy. Hartford and Erie, 114%®115, Ohio andlilississlppi, 29X®30;, Wabash, 48 ®48%; .St. Paul, 65%40166: preferred 7 8 31 (0)7831; Michigan Central ? 117; Michigan Southern, 913ti®92; Illinois Central, 157 ®158; Pittsburgh, 89%®89X; Toledo, 104% ®104%; Rock lsland, 103,4®103%; North Western, 713( 4 ®71%; do. preferred, 7831 ® 783;; Fort Wayne, 111%®111,; Columbus, 90; Chicago and Alton, 13S: St. Joe-853.1; Marietta, 2d preferred, 10; Prairie Du Chien, 2d preferred, 98; Missouris, 94; old, Tennessees, 73%; do. new 72%; new North Carolinas, 94; old, 7631. • MINING SNARES Mining Mitres quiet; Smith dr, Parmelee, 370; Grinnell, 1. ' SUB!TREASURY The receipte at the Sub-Treasnry to-day were 84,189,976. Payment; 8393,603; Bal. ante, $94,156,658. Cincinnati Market. [By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.l CINCINNATI, June 29.—Flour dull and, nominal; family, '89,50a9,75., Wheat dull; No 2 winter sold at $2,00; No lat $2,10. Corn dull and defining ; ear at 83a84c. Oats dull but unchanged; No lat 75c. Rye at $1,70. Cotton held at 30c for middling, but there is not much demand. Tobacco un changed and quiet. Whisky attracts more attention and is held at 9.1%.15c in bond. Mess pork dull; sales of 200 bbls at $27,75, but was offered at $27,50 at the close. Milk meats dull; contracts for shoulders were settled at lie; sides can be bought at 13%c. Bacon neglected; shoulders can be bought at 121/,c; clear rib sides at 15y,a16c; and clear at 16V.c. Sugar cured hams, 18a19%c. Lard dull; can be bought at 180. Linseed Oil not saleable at better than $l,OO. Pe troleum unchanged and quiet.- Sugar in good demand; sales of 250 hhds Cuba at 13a143,1c; Porto Rico, 133a1534c. Coffee firm with an upward demand; sales of 510 bags at 22.a2434c for common to prime Rio. Butter dull at 24a28c. Eggs, 18c. ,Gold, 139 X. • Chicago Market. (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] CHICAGO, June M.Flour quiet; spring extras $8,50a10,75. Wheat; No. 1 very quiet at $2,00; No. 2 active; early sales at, 11,98a2,00, advanced to $2.10. subsequently declining to $2,05, and closed with buyers at $2,08 and sellers at $2,10. Corn active; sales of No. 1 in store at 83%a8-4/c, and No. 2at 81ya82c. Oats easier; sales at 64a 64Mc ' closing with buyers at 64,;c. Rye quiet and firmer; sales of No. 1 at 8465 in store. Barley entirely nominal. Provis ions inactive and almost nominal, at $27,75a 28,00 for mess pork and 153ra1534c for lard. Freights steady. at 4c on corn to.. Buffalo. Receipts for the past twenty-four hours -4,560 bbls flour; 41,420 bush wheat; 189,765 bush corn; 50,664 bush oats. Shipments -9,336 bbls flour; 86,693 bush corn; 38,322 bush oats. Toledo Market. (BT Telegraph to the PittsburghGazette.] TOLEDO, June 29.—Flour; receipts of 700 obis; quiet. Wheat; receipts of 425 bush: dull and lower; sales white Michigan at $2,35, and amber at $2,25. Corn; receipts of 17,070 bush; without material change; sales No 1 at 87a8734c.; Michigan 87c; No 1 white 92c; yellow 92c; No 2 white 88c; seller, July, 87c. Oats; receipts 600 bush; one cent lower; sales No 1 at 67a68c. Lake Freights unchanged. Receipts-5,101 bbls flour, 8,340 Nish wheat, 151,946 bush corn, 20,081 bush outs. Shipments-5,252 -bbls flour, 25,220 hush wheat, 1'06,491 bush corn, 39,111 bush oats. 357 bush rye. Cleveland Market (By telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] CLEVELAND, June 29.--Flour held: double extra red winter at $11,50a12; double extra springslo,soall; country brands dull heavy and irregular, and hold at s9alo for double extra spring, $10a11,50 for double extra red winter. 112,50a13 for treble extra white. Wheat—sale of 1 car No. 1 red at $2,22; other grades nominal. Corn—sale of 5 oars No. lat 93c. Oats—sale 1 car at 70e. Rye market dull and inactive, and held at $1,75a1,80 for No. 1. Barley market nomi nal. Petroleum firm and demand good; Refined in bond held at 27a28c, free at 37a 39c. Milwaukee Market. CDT Telegraph to the Plttstalrgh Gazette.] MILWAUKEE, June 29.—Flour dull and the prices are unchanged. Wheat higher at $1,80% for No. 1; 151,75 for •No. 2. Oats Bull an lower at 64Mc for No. 2. Corn firmer at 830 for No. '2. Reviipts-3843 bbla , flour. 16,000 bu wheat. 5;000 bu corn. Ship ments-1,400 bbls flour, 22,000 bu wheat, 200 bu oats, 500 bu corn., Philadelphia Market. [By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh eagette.l PHILADELPHIA. June 20.—Flour is dull and weak at $9.50,i10 for Northwestern ex tra family and sloal2, for Ohio do. Wheat dull at $2;30a2,35 for red, and $2,45a2,75 for white. Rye advanced to $3. Corn is dull and lower at $l,lO for mixed western. Oats firm. PrBvisions unchanged. Petroleum unchanged.' Baltimore. Market. • CBy Telegraph to the rittsborgh On zette.l 13A vristonE, June 29.—Flour nominal. Wheat very dull and unchanged. Corn firm; white e1,12a1,15. Oats dull and un changed. Pork quiet at $29 for new mess. Bacon firm; rib sides 16%c: clear sides 17c; shoulders 16. c; hams 21a22c. Lard dull at 17Malfie. IMPORTS BY RAILROAD. PITTSBURGH. FT. WAYNR 'AND ciIiCAPP RAILROAD. June 29.-8 cars metal, Ninuok it Co; 4 do do, Union Iron Mills; 1-do, do, Chess Smyth do Co; 1 do do, Brown it Co; 1 do do, Little Baird ct. Patton; 2 do do, , JoIV Moorhead; 3 do do, Bryan&Canghy; 10 eke potatoes,ll Rea Jr; 2 bbls eggs,Slßlanoh= ard;2okalf doz brooms, J Porterfleldv 85 do' do, R 'Robison At .CoVILO•do. do, (118bdls brooms, 11 R Mcolleandtao bozos 4:lmager? Haworth, McDonald it Co; 25 do do, Ar- . . .' • LN ,,,_ • • :!.. ,7 ,:' l '.Q•:=r4• 73 ' . ';' , ' ,. ."'''''''''' .• •'."'-,--,q,`,,N1c::;,-X.,,,,•,..;, NPR buckles & Co; .10-bbls vinegar, ReYther t Bro; 10 do do, 100 du four, E Heazleton; 3 bbls vinegar, A Reamea; 5 do do, J Seibert; 21 cases tobacco, A Schaub; 21 tea hams, 15 do lard, Jas Lippincott; 1 car corn,J Pettit; 400 bbls flour, Watt Lang & Co ; 9 0 0 do'o, owner, 28 bales wool, S Harbaugb & Co; 200 oil.bbla 1 car scrap iron, W,Mullen; 400 bbls flour, D Wallace; -87 bdls green bides, O H Anderson; 10 boxes crackers, K Smith; 249 pigs lead, Davis Chambers & Co; 5 bales broomcorn; W`Mardorf. C, AND PITTREURGH RAIL ROAD, June 29.-2 cars iron ore. McKnight, Porter & Co; 2 do do, Everson, Preston & Co; 2do lumber, W W Rigdon & Co; Bdo pig iron, Nimiek & Co; I car blooms, 3 W Porter; 434 hides, S Harbangh & Co; 1 car ore,Bryan & Caughey; 2 hf bbls tobacco, C C aer; 15 bbls potash, Canfield & Son; 15 sks millfeed, Rinehart & Stevens; 10 cases pearls, I Dickey .& Co; 55 bbls oil, Wm Mc- Cutcheon; 50 do do, J W McPerran; 14 bbls knobs, Adams, McKee & Co; 5 do do, Jones & Ninfick; 349 sks corn, Morrison & Devol; lot pig iron, Loomis & Collard; 200 sks corn, Mcßane & Anjer 1 bbl eggs, 2 sks oats, Ikg beans, 1 sk dry apples, 8 ' caws tobacco, Head & Metzger; :1 lex goods, G T Dihm; 3 tubs butter C H Bender; 1 bbl cigars, Boarland & Shipton; 850 nail kegs, Chess, Smythe & Co; 30 bbls oil, W 1 case tobacco, , Rodgers & Vandergrift; 3do do, Carter, McGrew & Co; 1 do do, Means & Coffin; 2 do do, Little, Baird & Patton; 1 do do, H Dellinger; 4 kgs do, S P Shriver &Co;7 bbls ter, , Bakewell, Pears & Co. 4 cars pig iron, Rees, Graff dr. Dull; 2 do W Smitr; 78 sks oats, 134 do rye, J Gral P/TTEGIIIBOH, CINCINNATI AND ST. LOMB RAILROA.D, June 29.-44 . bales cotton, Kennedy, Childs & Co; 45 d..) do, A. H Childs & Co; 50 tea hams, W Haslage; 4 hhds tobacco, John Fullerton; 5 cksshould ars, J H , Parker;.4 tea hams, •A Stewart & Bro; sdo do, Jas Lippincott; 11 pkgs to bacco, D Haworth; 5 b*s tobacco, C Koe then; 4 bbls cgs, W H Graff dr. Co; 4 bales tow, Dauler, Close & Co: 4 do do, Hammer & Dauler; 25 aks corn, 'll do oats, Meanor & Harper; 2 cars corn, Brown & Williams; 862 bush oats, Stewart & I.4angenheim; 3 bbls linseed oil, J P Scott. ALLEGE:ENT VALLEY RAILROAD. .June 30.-7 cars rails, North Missouri Railroad; 90 carboys oil vitroil, Braun & Wagner; 1 car stone, Forester & Mcgraw; 2 cars lime ' stone, Shoenberger & Blair; 1 do lime, D L Re , niolds; 1 car fire clay, J Al Kerr & Co; 3 bdis lead, B Flinn; 1 box tobacco, E Me graw & Co; 6 bars, 1 bundle iron, Martin, Briekell & Co; 2 pkgs wool, J Taylor; 1 bbl eggs,Graff dz Reiter; 68 aks oats,J Schwalm; 5 bbls eggs, W H Carnahan. • ALLEGWIT Eivenort, June 29.-1 car middlings, Stewart & Lahgenheim; 2do wheat, W. McKee & Co; 1 do potatoes, 100 bbls flour, Owens & Harper; 7 cars lime stone, Superior Iron Co; 11 oxs cheese, R & A Carson; 41 bgs oats, Rose &Ewing; 2 cars iron ore, Lewis, Bailey & Dalzell; 1 do do, Spang, Chalfant it Co; 107 bales wool, S Bradley & Son; 580 pigs lead,, Beymer, ' Bauman & Co. I"mrssunos AND • CommrsviLLE RAILROAD, Jane 27.-63 bdls paper, R it A Carson; 162 bundles sheet iron, W F Arm strong; 50 bbls cement, W I 3 Kirkpatrick & Co; 85 do do, .1 R Esker; 148 coils rope, Fulton, Bollrnan & Co. The riNTr continues to recede steadily at this point with about two feet in thelchan net by the Monongahela marks.' kThe weather yesterday was cloudy and warm with indications at times of rain. As might be expected with only , two feet of water business is well nigh suspended, and there is but little prospect at any immediate improvement. The Julia No. 2 from Zanesville, arrived in excellent time having reached the wharf about seven o'clock on Sunday evening. She returns again to day at 4 p. m. The Camelia it was expected would get off for St. Louis last evening. The hearing of Capt. Donaldson, charged -with shooting the negro Anderson comes off to-day. • The Ezra Porter—a Pittsburgh boat—is advertised for sale at Cincinnati. The Emma No. 3 at last accounts was loading at Cincinnati for New Orleans. --the steamer Clyde was sold on Mon day last by the United States Marshal at New Orleans, to Spencer Field. It brought 15 2 , 6 * - —The Nicholas Longworth is on the docks at Cincinnati. She will be remod eled and made about thirty-five feet longer and some twelve feet wider. —The following steamers are lying at the Monongahela wharf: Came Bayard, Grey Eagle, Belle Vernon, Kate Putnam, Armadillo, Kenton,' Armenia, Kate Robin son and Messenger. —We find this item floating around: "It is said that Captain John Adams and John Elliott, contemplate competing with Captain Davis in the Memphis and White ' river trade, and that the new line will be started about the Ist of August." To which may be added the fact that Captain John B. Davis proposes in retaliation to put a line of boats into the Arkansas. Opposition in th 4 Soifth is becomifig as warm as it is in this section and farther gorth. —General Humphrey Marshallproposes the building of a darn thirty-six feet high across the Ohio river at the font of the falls at Louisville, whereby he would secure a magnificent water front at Louisville. give such additional depth to the canal aswould make it. adequate to all the business of the river, and create a water power unequalled in the world, while the dam, having a free roadway through it, would unite the. cities around the falls and greatly benefit them all. - N ORTHERN LINE z ia gr a t PACKET COMPANY. [ESTABLISHED 183134 The Only. Through Line Running Be. tween St. Louis and St. Paul. Shippers intoei freight to go through with out re-shipping ve St. Lowie, will please consign their freight—VlA NORTHERN .LINK. Thiongh rates given over 'Pittsburgh Boats, 'and guaranteed try VLACH.* COLLINOWOOD, Agents.' And • R. O. GRAY, ' •• 2 2 : 'No. 94 Water Street. AircFADDEN STREET,'"-NOTICE JJA. la hereby given that the 'viewers ancoleted' to assess damages and boned to (Dr Widening of Mc- VADDEN eTREET,EIgIith wad, Allegheny, will meet,on the premises, on IeIITDAY, the 10th day of July,ut 4o•clock r. la., to attend. to the detter of their tippet ettnent. JOH N KIRKPATRICK., Ar 'VORLET'L BUI.FOItD. JACILSON' STREETIVOTICE IS hereby given 1114 the Viewers aptiointed to as sess damages and benefits for 'widening of JAGS FUN ranLET. Second ward. Allegheny. from Pas ture Lane to Shieldi Alley. will meet on the prem ises on TitURIDAY. the 9th day of July. at 43f o'clock r. 11., to attend to the •dutles of their ap pointment. JAME.% 0 ItAliAlt, W. ti. EVANS, - leMirt9- - ' 'J. D. INGHAM. "' `'~'a ~~ win RIVER NEWS. STEAMBOATS. Je93:06 iOw PECK, Ornamental Ilair HAIR WORKER. AND PERFI3IIEII,No. 133 ird street. near St:191101d, - Pittsburgh. ' Alwaya ou band, a general aesortment of Ladles' VlOB, HANOI, CIJKLS; tiaritieruen"s WiGn, TO 'PEEB SCALPS, OUARD CHAINSBRACEILET3. ste.iiT A good Pries in. 'cash _ wi ll be given for RAW Ladies' and Gentlemen's Ilatr Cutting done the neatest manner. • inh2ro T7SIDLI. RUBBER BELTING' AND • STEAM ,PACI NU.—A hal stock or, hand at all t men, and of the hest quality: Parties wishing to fit up mills or shops where Belting is required, will find unr rrlees as low as matte had the East, and night saved. • , • ' 11. NULLIPS, I . 26 and, 26 tit. Clair street. • pOTTED.GADIW-44reare hut in kr; recuititle 'an assortment * otToim raloe .Itro th ere CeIC led ATkariCl4lVoSti tiona4uclutiinse, itO rotrldges will, ptick,,OltiPel; WbOdOde SC.. for luncheon , p talcs. trareleis , use, le.3 , tri 'tan. :Po4litteril&Xiiialartfor ma . , ItZNa AW,' den ' Corner Liberty and Sand streets. MI=MEI 1 ... ~.~.,.. ~` .... - • '2 : _ z Sarldir , Allaing _ , • 74Fri1- CONMUSION MERCHANTS. LANG & Groceries, Flour, Grath, Predaaef Pro• visions, pub, cheese, Carbon 011. itc.. Nee. 172 and 174 WOOD STREET, near Liberty street. Pittsburgh, Pa. M. STEELE M STEELE '" A "• Commies AND PIAM7R, p. - No..B6OHIOSvL =XI ME,_.. DIZAHOR .JO6. HARPER. ANOR H ARPER ME 1 A L ----- PLGUR, G IN AND PRODUCE .coormassipx mcomaitAirrrs 32{9 LIBERTY STREET, PITTSBURGH. Consignments solicited. RIFEBSNO2B-4. G. MartAn.,•Canbler Mechanics` National Bank; J. S. Dilworth A Co., E. 'l'. Ken nedy A Eco. ja3ltltH PETER 8211. - KEILA4 ILI COMMISSI FLOUR, GRAIN, 349 Libe my2-91:47- J. BLAN D t • Wholesale amid Retail Grocers, lIM:XES ALBS. lIVELANZ ff AeBANE & ANJER, JL - COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Dealers In FLOUR. GRAIN and PRODUCE GEN ERALLY, No. 141 WATER ' STREET. above Smithfield, Pittsburgh. ley FETZER & ARMSTRONG, FORWARDING AND 001INGRION MERORATTB, For the sale of Flour, Grain, Bacon, Lard, Butter, Seeds. Dried' Frult,and Produce generally. No. 3L6 MARKET STREET, corner of First, Plttsbnrgh. fe22:uS' JOHN 1. 1101382.....EDW. 1:1017811 W. 11. HOME. 01- OM I. HOUSE & BROS. A Sue. cessors to JOHN I. HOUSE & CO., Wholesale inners and Commission Merchants, Corner of Smlthtlejd and Water:Streets. Pittsburgh, Pa. RIDDLE No. IS3 LIBERTY • STREET, Pittsburgh, Pa., _Commission Mer c ant and Wholesale Dealer In Country Produce, Groceries and Pittsburgh Manufactures. Cash ad vanced on Consignments, and paid for Produce au gan 21 BOST. KNOX ANDIIEW X 1702 gpoMEKNOX & SON, COMMISSIO3 1 RC HANTS and dealers In FLOUR, GRAM L PEED and PRODUCE GENERALLY, NO 79 DIAMODiD, opposite City Hall, Allegheny City, JalT:r37 DAV.CRAWFORD, COMMISSION MERCHANT IN PIG METAL, BLOOMS', eg - E, WROUGHT SCRAP IRON, FIRE BRICK AND CLAY ,to. Warehouse and Office, Not. 3438 and 388 PENN STREET. Storage Banished. Consignments solicited. oc3 lirrTLE, BAIRD & PATTON, 'Wholesale Grocers, Commission Merchants and ters in Produce, Flour, Bacon, Cheese, Fish, Carbon and Lard 011, Iron, Nails, Glass, Cotton Yarns and all Pittsburgh Manufactures generally, 112 and 114 SECOND STREET, Pittsburgh. J B. CANFIELD & SON_, COM MISSION & FORWARDING MERCHANT'S, awl Wholesale Dealers in Western Reserve Cheese, Butter. Lard, Pork, Bacon, Flour, Fish. Pot and Pearl Ashes. and Oils. Dried Fruit and Produce generally, Nos. 144 and 140 Front street, Pitts burgh. JOUN 811(PTON...* . .A WALLACE. §HIP'rON&WLLACES.WHOLE SALE U EOCEES AND PRODUCE DEALERS, o. 6 SLXTII STREET. PlUsburkh. 1a12:r58 Jos. A. BUTLER, ALDE Ai AND POLICE MAGISTRATE. Office. 126 WYLIE STREET, nesr Washington, PITTSBFR6II, PA. Deeds; Bonds, 'Mortgages, Acknowledgments, Depositions, Ciollectlons, and all other legitimate business executed promptly. mh.lktiS SAMUEL McIIIASTERS, • ALDERMAN, Ex-Offleto Justice of the Peace and Police Magis trate. Mike, GRANT STREET, opposite the Ca thedral, rirrsauntui, PA. Deeds Bonds, Mortgages, Acknowledgments, Depositions and all Legal Business executed with promptness and dispatch. " sable EIISTACE 8e MORROW, ALDERMAN, EX-OFFICIO JUSTICF 07 TILETE. PEACE AND POLICE 'MAGISTRA OFFICE, N 0.73 PENNA. AVENUE, PITTSBURGH, PA. Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages, Acknowledgments, Depositions and all Legal Business executed with Promptness and dispatch. my'S A - AMMON, Justice of the Peace, CONVEYANCER, REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE AGT. CARSON STREET ,EAST BIRMINGHAM. Collection of Rents solicited and promptly attend myarySo WILMA!'" B. BARKER, JUSTICE OF THE PEACE; - CONVEYANCER, &C., Office, CARSON STREET, nearly opposite the 'Railway Depot, SOUTH PITTSBURGH. • Btuslnes* entrusted -to his care promptly attend ed to. 16y1:Y131 ARCHIBALD BLAKELEIC, apll:oo:dite PITTSBURGH. PA DANIEL McMEAL, 111. D., PRACTICING PHYSICIAN, No. 50 Grant St., near at4U:x7l T S. FERGUSON, tt • SECOND noon, FRONT BOOM. ap4:w73 JOHN W. RIDDELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. o®ee,ll6 Diamond Street, (Opposite the Court House,) fel& t 44 IXT A. LEWIS, I T • mhfi:uB H C. MACKRELL.‘ ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, ray24:b2s JOHN A. STRAIN, E%-OFFICIO _JUSTICE OF TEE PEACE. AND POLICE MieISTRATE. Office ,113 A FIFTH STREET, opposite the Ratite. drat; Pittaburgh, Pa, limeis, Bonds, Mortgages Acknowledgments, Depositions and all Legalßusi. nese executed with proinptliesel and dispatch. • _ JOHN. iti-cHEIS, random, Bounttes and Arroari of. Pay promptly collected. nooZon TItAIN PIPE. - HALL & ADAMS' 1:5 BUPEUIOIL eirriOwn 1 (.4' • ' ~• I ••• DRAIN kit vitegjtiojd orie to twentfoul' . Inches st DOW aLLlArwsirents Ins Instsursettners. , Her W"d liner. between Bath and Sixth streets. jolt 4 4 l- wiremassaLs DEALERS IX • SON, on Merchants, ZALICRS IN .ko.r.kit:i), &o. •VI near Ease Cowmen, ALLEGHENY CITY, PA. r JAS. J .F. 131CWANI. I HART, L N MERCHANTS, I. DEALERS IN EDS, MILL FEED, &c., &e. ,, ,. ! St., Pittelnargh, • No. 396 PENN STREET PROFESSIONAL AT'l OIi~TEY - AT~LA~P. No. 9S FITTIII STREET, OFFICE ~UCD RESIDENCE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, No. 87 Fifth Street. PITTSBURGH, PA. ATTORNEY-ALAW, No. 99 Diamond Street• PITTSBIIREirf, PA !Eto Grunt Street, PlTT3litrlloll. PA ALIAEOPARakiA.N, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, No. S 7 Fifth Street. - miscimLL'2LNEOUB, (ii - - _ HEAT DISTR H EBE7ION BY TE METROPOLITAN GIFT ,'IODIPANY. Cash G its to the amount 0rt250,00'.0. Every ticket draws a prize. 5 Cash Gifts Each 610,000 10 ~ '• 5,000 20 •• •'• 1000 40 •• 14 500• 200 •• •• 100 300 . •• •• 50 450 •• •• • 25 25 6300 0 ••, • ~. ___, Elegant Rosewood Pianos, each e3OO te.93 0 • 9 15 35 0 Sew .il7; ma • e ‘ bines M .. e . l.od ... e . o . n c s at , ` h • 7 6 5 0 to o "C'W O . 250 Musical poxes. " 25 to g l lg ........ =I 300 " iSo.. 750 Fine Silver Watches.. .. . " 30 to 547" Fine 011 Paidtings Trained Engravings, Silver Ware, - Photograph v Albums, and a large as sortmen: of Ina Gold Jewelu, in all valued at $1,000,000. A chance to arrao one of the above PP izes by par chasing a Sealed Ticket for 25 cents. Tickets de scribing each Prize are sea led in Envelopes and thor on}ibly mixed. On-receipt of 23 ets.. a eleakd Ticket wfli be drawn witlunt choice and delivered at our office, or sent by' mail to ssay address. The prize named upon It will he delivered toolre ticket bolder on the payment °foie dollar. PHzeownl be imme diately sent , to any address, asoequested, by express or retartt mall. - You wltl know whoa - your Pribe ft before lion pay for ft. Any prize me 7 be excitarspeetjewarreeker of the same tqltie. NO E. , ANN'S. Agitißte patrons can depend owfair dealing. REPICRIINCHZ. —We select the law' following Eames from the many who Nave lately - drawn' valuable prizes andlklndly permitted us to publish them: S. T. Wllitlns, BulTalei.• N. Y..ta i lleo; Miss Annie Monroe, Chicago, 111.; valnod 'at Wit; Rodert Jackson, Dubugue, lowat Gold Watch: 4030 t• P]idip McCarthy Louisville, Kit., Diamond Cluster Mug, MOD; R. A. Pktterson, New Bedford; Mase. • Silver Tea Set. ISM Miss Emszo Walwortlr, Wis.,.Planui-95 3 0; Rev,T. W. Pitt, Clevelarludi Melodeon, Sin publish no names without permission, OPINIOMO OF THI3 PREENS'.—"TBer arse doing the largest business: the Arm Iv rellaticl,•_•and deserve their streeess."—Weekly Tribune, PO' 8,. no. "We have examined their system, and knovothem. to be a fair dealing Arm. "—Nero York' lferal4 10. 29, 1338. "'Last week altilend of oars drew a $5OO which was promptly received.--Dally Yaws, Noted , 3, lebe. Send for circular giving many more reSerenoteanel favorable notices id-em the press. Liberal indium menu to Agents. Satisfaction guaranteed. Every packdge of Sealedl Envelopes contains • 'NE Esori GIFT- SIX tickets ;by ci; 13 for 404 35 for*SOW forildb. All letters should , be addressed to H WILSON & C0...173 BROXDWAIN N. XV juB:r37 Ul7l=A -- CITY OF ALLEGHENY. / TumAsurucr."3 OFFICE, June Bth; 1868: i ALLEGHENY TAXES. • Notice Is hereby given that the.AsseMors have now placed In the Treasurer's (H&c the duplicates • from the several wards•of City, Poor, City Business, School, School Building and Public Park. Taxes, _ And of WATER RENTS for the year ISM and that said Taxes will 1:101? be recelYediflursuance•of the Acts of Assembly, of February: 27th, ises.; and of April .I.4th, 1863, subject to .the following regulations and allowances: Flite per cent. if plaid on or before the Bret day of July. Four per eent. if paid on orbefore the. first day of AnasistL Two per cent. if paid on or before One first day of September. If paid after the first day of September.. and on or before the first day of Ocao. ber. no deduction will be made. • If paid after the first day of Oetobery and on or before tbe first day of No• veal:doer, an addition of five per cent: shall be added to and payable on the same. AFTER THE FIRST 01 , NOVE3LBER, Waco rants will be issued to enrolee the collection of Al= taxes remaining unpaid, together with the percena age accrued thereon, and the custs. D. NACTERRON City Treasurer. Jes:ral NOTICE TO OWNERS OF DRAYS, RAMS, &c. Notice Is hereby given to all owners of Drays, Carts. Carriages,Buggies, $.1.. whether resident or non-resident in the City of Pittsburgh, to pay their Licenses at the Treasurer's Office of the City of. Pittsburgh FORTHWITH, i s . accordance with an Act of Assembly, approved March 30th, 1860, and• and an Ordiusuce of the Councils of the City Pittsburgh, passed April 16, 1560. All Licenses not paid on or before MAY 15, 1868, suit be places In the hands of the Chief , of for collection,. subject to his fee of 30 cents-for the collection thereof, and all persons who neglect or refuse to take eat Licenses will be subject - to a per, any, to be recovered before the Mayor, double the amount of the License. The old metal plates orpreyleus years most be re-- turned at the time Licenses' are taken out, or pay 25 cents there.7or. RATES OF LICENSE: Each One Horse Vehic1e..........$ .1 50, Each Two Mosses " 12 00 F.och Four Horse" . 15 00 Each Two Horse Hack... .—.— ........ 15 00 , Omnibuses and Timber Wheels drawn by Two Horses. Eightern Dollars east. For each addi tional Horse used in any of the aboye vehicles, One Dollar. SAMUEL ALLINDER, • City Treasurer. YrITRUEIIOII. February 18. 1888. TA.X.EB ! TAX -VS ! ! The Tax Players of the conaelidated City of F..nts burgh, are her by notified that the Tax Books: are now in the hands of the City , Treasurer, ready , for collection. Taxes and Water Rents paid between the Tart of JUNE and the- tat of AUGIJER. w ilLbe received at a DISCCrUNT OF SIVE PER CENT, And between AUOITST Ist, and tile 15th of SEP TEMBER, eta ' • • __ • DISCOUNT OF TWU PER CENT. From the 1301 of SEPTESLIIER to the Ist of OC TUBER, all taxes will be payable as assessed. After tho Ist of OCTOBER, FLUE per aent. will be added; and on the Ist of NOVEMBER, all unpaid,Taxes will be put Mtn tbe handnorCollectors WIT 3 TEE VSIRTILER ADDITION OF FIVE PER CENT. making a: difference' of FIFTEEN PER CENT, between those paying In July and those paying in November. Sif - The STATE MERCANTILE LICENSES are now due, and s“ould be paid °nor before the Ist of July, to save coat and expense of suit._ - 8. ALLINDER, • jel6:r6s . City Treasurer.: OFFICE OP CONTROLLER GF ALLEOURNT CO., ), PITTSBUROIL. June. 23d, 1268. NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. SEALED PROPOSALS .will bo receleed at this office until JULY 3d, inclusive, for the erection of a new Wooden Structure at the Bridge over Montour', Bun, on the Middletown road, in Moon town, Also, for the erection of a new Wooden Struc ture at the Bridge over Peters- Creek, on the road leading from the Brownsville road to Elisabeth,. on the lands of Amos Pearce, in Jefferson townsh* Plans and speciCleations can be seen on app,llda tion. By 111rection or the County Commissioners EIMM WITH TN ACCORDANCE WITH THE A. Act of Incorporation, books for subscription to tHo Ctspltal stock of the Company Pa erect a Bridge over the Ohio River, from near the mouth of Saw Mill Run. (Temperancevillod to Allegheny, will be opened as follows, viz: At °Mee of H. H. .1.• H. E. DAVIS, Allegheny,' July 6th and 7th. At IiAIt.E'S.HOTEL, Pittsburgh, July Bth And 90]. At oaeo of D. L. PATTERSON. Allegheny. (late Manchester,) July 10th. And at race of JOHN HALL & CO., Borough Of Temperancevllie, July 11th. . The Books will be kept open from 10 o'clock A. M. to 41'. at. By order of the Commissioners. '• - ' jeStr3S HENDERSON DAVIS. Siecretaii. °gyms OF Cm F gGINIIS AND SuittrETOU. • • Pittsburgh. Julio 1868. I NOTICE . TO CONTRACTORS. SEALED PROPOSALS for Grading, Paving and Curbing— GUM STREET, from Webster 'to Cliff street. TOWNSEND IS MEET, from to Decatur St.. VINE ALLEY, from Federal to Washington et. KIRKPATRICK STREET, from Centre avenue to Duncan street- POITRTH STREET, from Ross to Try street. THIRD STREET, from Rosa to Try street. • Will b. received itt Ole office until FRIDAY, Suly 3d, 1888. Specitientionfl and blanks for. bulding can be had by calling ut this It. J. MOORE, City Engineer. MEM SUNDRIES. . 400 bus Prime Yellow Ear Corn. 300 bus do do Shelled do. _ 50 bus Prime Barley. • 3,000 lbs. Dried Apples. 500 lbs. Dried Peaches. 25 bbls. Sorghum Molasses. 10 bbls. Sweet Cider. 50 doz. Corn Brooms, In store and for salelsv 'FETZER 8 ARMSTRONG.. j e 4 ' • 16 Market street, corner First._ It A NSP ARE NT GREEN OIL CLOTH, for Window Mimics—superior in quality and lower In price than the Eastern manu facture. Another large supply of the different widths Jura received from factory • J. rePHILLIPS, iee 26 and 1.101 St Clair strert QRIENTAL PICKLES.--Just re ceived, • another invoice of these superior I' ales, put up in. patent Jun' , by °route t Black, well; one for said by •,. • ' . . JOHN A. EENSHAW . jele (:or. l.lbee.r . and Hand streets: MereWINDOW, SHALDEE4. of • any oiler and size •Secietred, with 'border. term in Mite_ or alai also the pieta Bleeder sun purpose; uo 3-so — s "dad. SI th e mi vi u ct, Warerooms, 28 and 28 let. Clair street. 104 J. a. ratuars. DIRT. NOTICE. RAILROADS. PITTSBURGH andalgliM CONNELLSVILLE R. R. On and a THIMSDAY.' March s th. 18 " trains ar Ave at and depart &or:1.0e Depot, oar ner of Grant ind Water streets. .De *810110as:1- par. - Arrive. Mail to and frOtornlont'n. 7:00 A. X. _ P. McKeesport A eeoratnodt'n.ll:oo A. X. .6:09. P. Y. Ex. to and front Untont'n. 3:00 P.M. 10:00 A. X. West Newton Accommod`n 4:3OtP. X. 8:35 A. N. Braddock's Aeconnnodavn 6:15 P. Y. 7:50 P. N. Night Acc. to MeKeesport.lo:3o P. Y. 0:40 A. N. Sunday Church Train to and from West Newt0n......., 1:00 P. X. 20:00 A. N For tickets apply t W. B. STOUT. Supei : lntenfle j lit l !" Ir ` Th7°. Agent " mbs 4. LLEGHENT i W i gu iggs VALLEY RAILROAD. 0 Y DIRECT ROUTE TO THE OIL REGIONS. Ranningtheongh to Venango City without change of cars—Connectlug with trains East and West on the Warn.. .k Franklin Railroad, and Atlantte & Great Weatern Railways. Shortest and quickest ate to Oh' city and Franklin, and all points in the Oil: Regions.. On andiafter AprD2434li, 1565,__Passenger Trains Wit leave limn and orrive at the Pittsburgh Dept*, cerher Canal and Pike Sts. as follows:' epari. Arrive. }Safi to and Pm Ven. City. 7:00 A. X. 6:15 , P. Y. Express `, •• - • 10:40 r. 1f.1' 0 : 26 A.11.. Brety's Bend Aecommodft 3:00 P. M. 10:20A. Y. Sods. , Works Aesom'n....... 5:30 P. X. 7:551k. Y. Firs: Halton Actomod'n.... 9:50 A. M. 11:40A. Y. Secoad Hutton .tecomod're 1200 M. 3:55P. Y. Surelay Church' Train loaves Soda Works at 8:0 A. arriving Na Pittsburgh' at 9:50 A. at. Re turning, leaves Pkitsburgh at 1:10T. at., arriving orb Soda Works at 2:a5 p. at. - H. BLACKSTONE, Snp't. W. V.. HOPE. Tlecet Agek. • aff2s I VTSBURGllifignege CINCINNATI' AND ST. It I 8 2AILWAY, ' PAN RANDLE ROUTE. OEIA NOB OF T1ME....-On and after SUNDAY, June 11Is-a-1867, trains will leave and arrive at the Union. De2en, as follows, Pittsburgh time; MMI Ea ____ Past prom,sil ,- _. m-... 11:. ..__ , 0 p. 20 a. in. NixedWa7a: ,: 0:10 a. m,: 7:05 p. m. McDonald, No. r,"1.114o a. Mt 3:05 p. m. Sleabenvilloqiccommod't. 3:55 p.m. 9:30 a. m. MeDoirold , a+.lkoc'Et; No. 2.. 5125 p. ta. 3:210.a. m. erzczAL ligrricx.—SundaTExpress leaves at 24:1,/ p. m. arrival/gin Cincinnati at 6:00a. at. the next morning. , The 11240 fa. m. Train leaves daily,. Sundays ex- Monied.. and makes close connections al Newark for Zanesv lEe and points on Sandusky. Mansfield & 'Newark: K. It; _ . _ _ Ss F. SCULL. General Ticket Agent. W. W . CARD, Sup't., Steubenville. ) §llOl3, PORT WAYNE & CHICAGO W. AND • CLEVELAND & PITTSAURGH,R. R. From Tune 7th, 1888, trains will leave from. end arriv e at the Union Depot,. north side, city time, as hollows: Lance: Arrive. !Chicago 11 2:03 amt Chicago Ex.., 2:08a m . Cleveland Ex.. 2:03 Sin Cleveland Ex. :2:08n nit 'EdeEYgfa2'l 7:29 am , ,ilhicago Ex .... 11:23 ans Cl. B Wh', OM 8:13 a mcWheeling Ex. 11:08 am. 'Chicago M 0:58n miSt. Louis Ex.. 3:33 pm . Ching° Cl. Wh'it Ex 4:38 pm ,Cli&Vt%'g Ex- It4BpriErie & Yg'n Ex 8:13 pm. Chicago Ea -P.58 p m Chicago Ex 4:20p m &Erie Ex. 4:88 Cl. &Wh'g. Ex 7:08 pm „frvin Allegheny. Arrive fir• Allegheny B:3Bam N. Brigt'n Ac. 7:o3am. LeetetTale" 10:13a m!Ni.. Brigt'n " 8:28 ais " 11:28•a m' Wellsville • " • 8:53 ana Rochester ''`` im New Castle " 10:13 am -Wellev'eAct,.. 3: m Leetsdale " am 9:13 a Leetsdale Aoc. 4:33 m " ," 1:08 pm !N. Briga'n " • s:3Bpm N. Britt. 'n " 2:43 pm N. Bt*it'n ". • 6:2lrpmiLeetsale 9:83 pm :Leetsdale --10:41-3pall . 7:28 par • p. Chicago Expreseleaves daily. Jar 11:93 a. m. Chicago Expressarrives daily. leB • F. R. 31 - 7ERS. General Ticket Agent. 101..gN NBYLIF.A. CENTRAL RATER°. On. and after June. Ith, rive. at and depart fremtb. :Washington and Liberty a Arrive. Mall Train.... I:lseam Fast Line 1:408 m Wall's No. 1.. 6:2o'sm Latrobe Aec'n 7:59 am Wall's N 0.2.. 8:50 am; 1 - Anal:meg! Ex. 9:10 amj Johnstown Ac, 10:35 a ml Baltimore Ex. 1:00 n, .m Express 1:20 g m Wail's No. 5... 2:15 innl • Braddoehs No 1 5:30 p.m Wall's No. 4. 7:15 pm 'Altoona. Aec'n and Emigrant Train 9:3on mk - The Church Train leaves W-A.Ps Station every Sunday•at 9:15 a.m., reaching Iftleburgh at 19:05 a. m. Returning, luxes Plttsb - segh at 1.2159 p. m. and ants :s at ail' a Station at 2:00 p..m. 'Cincinnati Expresslesves Allettler train* daily except Sunday. For Inrtner informrsaen apply tai W. H. BEelaWfiFS, Agent. The Pennsylvania 3biliroad Companyn4ll not sua sum e say risk for Baggage, except for wearing ap parel, :mid limit their•responsibitity to Or.e.ktundred Dolia. - s in value. Alt Baggr . .ge exceeding that. Amount to value will at the 'Mk of tbe owner, un less taken by special contract. • EDWARD. H. WILLIA3fS_, jeS GeneralSaperluteadent, Altoona, F a. STERN PENN - bar SYLVANCA RAIL- R AD---O IC-R n and alter May Ilith, /MA She Pas senger. Trains on Ese•Wes term Pennsylvania Rail road will arrive at , and •depart from, the Federal Street Depot t . 17 Allegheny Arll6. City,, as fo D llows: _ 1 • ,park SPringsVe NO I 6:35 - 6:15 a in. Freeport No. 1 13:35 am! Freeport .No-b 9:10.a re Expeues 10:16:a in I Sbarpb'g No.111:20 a xe. Shamb`g No. 1 • 1:50 p m Freeport. NS. 2 40.0 p mirangd'e No.l. 3:50 pm Mail 54:50p m Ffeeport N 0.2 0:05 pin Sp - ingd'e No 2 7klo. p mjSavingd'e No 2 7:30 par. Above trains run Above except Sunday. The Church Trails leaves Allegheny Janet. every. Sunday at 7:40 a. m., reaching Allegheny City an. 91.16 a a. m. Renaming, leaves Alleglscny City at 1:30p. m. and arrive at Allegheny Onset. at 9:45! p. m. COMMIITATION 'TICICIPPS--. POP sale in packages ot Twenty, between, Allegheny City, Cestnut street,. Herr's, Bennets, Pine Creek, Etna and Sharpsburg,. Wood only on the trains Stopping at Stations spo on tickets. The trains leaving. Allegheny City` at 6:15 a. m. and 1:50 P. 24..make.dirset, conneciim tit Freeportx with Walker's line ofStages for Butler and Hannah 9.. town. Through tick may be purchased at the Office, No. 3: . ;t. Ci it street, near the Suspension. Bridge Pittsburgh, net at the Depot, Allegheny. For further Inform Um apply to JAMESL EFFIIRTS, Agent, Federal. Street Depot. The Weatarn Pen ealvania Railroad will not as sume any risk for Be zags, excepn for wearing ap parel, andlimit thei aesponslblll-4 to One Hundred Dollars in value. All baggage exceeding Ode. amount inavalue will 'be at the risk of the owner, 111:1, tees taken by special ontract. DW ARD • 11. WILLIAMS, Den.-a 1 unerintendant, Altoona. Pa. myll SMOKY !ILLak ai ligmat UNION FACIE@ RAILWAY , Istirn ID vision. Ilse SHORTEST AND MOST BELLI/MAC ROUTS. from the East to all polataia Controller ~li Colorado, Nevada, Californ , 'Utah, Arizon , New Mexico, Idaho; Oiegon. Two Trains !moo State Line and Leavenworth daily (Sundays exeepted. ) on the arrival of Koine. of runic Railroad from St. Lottia, and nonalbal and St. Jo Railroad fnm•QtlinCy, vonnettinv at Law rence, 'lraego with ate, s ee.for ali point lof track west of Ella worth 4 STATES EXPRESS COM PAIL OF OVERLAND MAILA.ND SEES_ FOR And And wit COACH grew equip! Bponst westei faellitl Weat. Ticks Unittt HILL EAISTE TO LIV QUEI, TUE INDIAN .Ali. STEArdaillins, Numbering sixteen Bret-class vesielg. among that; the celebrated z CITY OF FARM_ CITY OP ANTIVEPP_ • CITY OF BOAT I O wi N es . CITY OF BALTIRORR. IiaIIIngEVERY SATURDAY. from Fler . 4l, Ronk River, New York. Forlismagsi or thriller intOrma, tion apply to • lIIILLut.BINUHAA vivo* Brastmlohithkfcarsauluiii Nagel? Moats Poet Oflos, Plummy, Mil El II //d'art. Arrive. 2:15 a. in. 18:10 a. in. 9t40 _7:15 p. ret. Ll~an. new; Trains will an .. Unica Depot, corner of streets, as follows: Day tan:es:3.. 5k..55 am Ws No. 1.. 0130 am Mall Train 7150 a m ireinclarsati Ex 11:40 a m No. 2..11:51 am 'Johnstown Ac. 3:05 pm 114ra ddateks No t 4:00 pm Phila. Expres. 4:50 pm N0.•3..: 5:10 pm Wall's,No.• 4.. 5:05 p= Fast Lae.:.... • 7:30 pas Latro2e.Acc'n 5:50 p m Swissvale Ac'n.lo:so pm Washingtoils TrF"WirV% - 1 in the Territories, TRI-WEENLT LINE of all.en) Fort, Pans Albts points In Artzolilt sad tons of rolling stock ant ingemente matte with re isportstion Llnes - from its nui now cutlers unequalleft ision of freight to the F&I" he principal offices in the tickets Via THE S3I6HT PACIFIC RAILWAY, AitilD,Etu4 . os. General Superbstenflen' J. H. WEBtiTEII, Generail 'Freight and Ticket Agent SHIPS. RPOOL ANDsnlk I NSTOWN. OEM