_~~. IRON WORKS. A 801 11 1 51 14 PAWL Ni 74 P qn:IBISUP i t. prrrsminGs FORGE • AND IRON CO., !ILI,III7ItACTITAXI3I3 01P bring 'LL - 14111..r0ad Flab Sams and Soles; Railroad Car Axles Rolled; j Car Axles Hammered; • Lodinnotive Frames; lLOOOntotive Frame Shapes; Side Bads; Yokes, Straps; PLidon - Heads; ' Steamlboat Shafts; Steamboat Cranks; Piston Rods, Wrists; - Pitiaan Jaws, Collars. *lke. Oface. No. 177 PENN STREET, I'Mn3BURGH, GRAFF, 'BYERS & CO., • - .- .- MANIITACTUPERS OP • : 4, Bar, oop and Sheet Iron, ROUCHT IRCIN, Iron Welded Tates for Gae l Steam, r.- '' ,' - Water, &c. . - ALSO, OIL. WELL TUBING. ..„,. WW I 98 Water and 132 First Streets. - - PITTSBURGH, Pa. - laci:ed KENSINciTON IRON. WORKS. LLOYD & BLACK, 'MANUFACTURERS OF Best Common, Refined, Charcoal AND JEINIATA BLOOM IRON. MERCHANT BAR, ROUND rumISQUAItE IRON. HOOB, -BAND,WItad ANGLE IRON. • ir BOILER PLAT E and SHEET IRON. MOWER AND REAPER B CYLINDER arid GUARD or INGER IRON. SMALL T RAM. 64110 and tbs. to the yard. WROUGHT CH, d and SPIKES forsanie. PLAT RAILS, _ N Punched and Countersunk. CO E AL ECRE IRON. NAILS AND SPIKES. Warehouse and Office at the Worts, GREEN OUGH STREET, (a continuation of- First street,) adjoining the City Gas Works, Pittsburgh. - EVERSON, PRESTON & CO., Pennsylvania Iron Works. Warehouse, Nos. 188 and 167 0 FIRST STREET, Opposite Monongahela Rouse; .statnie PITTSBURGH. STEEL WORICS. SfiEFFIELD STEEL WORKS. SINGER, NMEEOII & .00., IPTPTSBURGII, PA., Manufacturers of every description of CAST AND GERMAN STEEL, RAILWAY SPRINGS, ELLIPTIC AND PLATFORM SPRINGS, - • Tv.ssvk, sTEEL TIRE, de. Warehouie, 88 Water and 100 First Sts. ~aras:o67 pITTSBIBRGH STEEL WORKS. ANDERSON, COOK & CO., 0317CCESSORS TO JONES, BOYD a C 0.,) Idnunfactprers of the ' BEST. BRINED CAST erta, SQUARE, FIAT and OCTAGON of CAST zes; SAW MATESO2I4I)E, TOM and STEEL; OAST STEEL for . RAlK l 4.lllculd Nowll4, Zeta Pl ow l atzles A Ur ; liP &A &a: Cast and CoMmon Plow & Spring SteeL °Mee—Corner IrDiST AND BOSS STRLPETS, twe locks above the Monongahela House. 3 1 / 1 "" Mi l BARR Si PARKIN. PjBSNZBB WM. METCALF, . REUBEN MILLER, BISO.'W - . BARR, - I CRAB. PARKIN. *. . srsciia. reirrszn—til. N. KIEE. C:ErECCENT STEEL W2RKS, 33Ann Office; Zi0,_339" Llinrty, St, PFITSIII3B.GH, A. fe1.4:d48 BLACK DIAMOND STEEL WORKS. PARK, BROTHER & CO., 7dannUcturers of all descriptions of " TUF=T °Mee and Warehouse 120,199 124 9ECOND and 119 and J2l ullB± BTEEETI3, HARDWARE. t. NE- I FS' :ELIMEWARE HOUSE: LMINEY,' STEBBIT & w2g, 4finuflacturers and Ithport.ers of JEI , A.XtI3, - W r .44k.rtm, CUTLERY, *C., 887 LIBERTY STREET, I comma 01 WAYNE, One Square Below finlon Depot, PITTSBURG ET. Cffiii Jar Agents for IPAIIIBA.NKS , SCALER TOBACCO AND CIerARS. TULLIN C • P • .raujazlNALL 845rDfl LEAF TOBACCO AID KEBABS, No. SIXTH snitBF, 01,1t/ctual 'Bonk of Com. rce PA. iSrancliof 11 Water street, &pima • DANIEL P. DINA.N. Efßirge#o3E.4 Orellait;:(J B. ar, W. .733NICIPOSON , Tobaoo- ...o,*StetiWWlrers4=V4 T. f - 7 rapg444 az, Alainpanni . , . t.....,...'...,' , C,.. /... •••...4- ~..). - , y ..., . q'. , o; ' ..;VT..WlTiattt *, 4 ' * V-.7;4o; ; Pratgl#7 , - -7. ; ix.::,-,4--- •-1 • • ,„ , ,-..,--,--,-, -,-F,.••:-..=...12::1,1.N.7:i•VM•1tx,,,,A7.4.frY01e- 1 r...---.;-i. ; z_ „.14efvw,:z.,;4,104,-A t t... g a,„44,,, 2 , y 4 -'w r , -ARP.. -,.' ' l § l, FC'=" . +P 4 td'fAtfir.), - #4_140,:•W,,, . 11„ ..„„ , ,,,,:f 1 -' .:::•;...'.=',,--.. . . , . , . ' •• , 1 FOUNDERS, "BEACRENISTS. ATLAS WORKS, MORTON STREET, Ninth Ward, THOMAS MILLEH, President. These Works are among the lamest sno most complete establlshments in the West, and are now prepared to furnish NATIONAL FOUNDRY • AND PIPE WORKS. Verner Carroll and SmaUtnan Streets, • -, (NINTH WARDO . .E'ITTI3I3 I CMG - H., WIL SMITH. . Manufacturer of CAST IRON - nowt. PIPE, FOR GAS AND WATER WORKS: hlyPipes are all east in Pito, in dry sand, and is feet length!. Alen, inn asso rtment of . • Genital Castings for Gas lindWatef Works. I wof 0r . 14 .4 , 3 1t0 s reta ke att e r c ln;l z ol:B3mr . intendents -felti:tlo' L. O. LIPINGSTON.W. R. BITELT.W.A. ROBINSON. JR* LIVINGSTON ar. CO., IRON POVNDERS,, IdANDIrACTIDIERSD? FINE LIGHT CASTINGS, ii l ltgriti i° p l itn f ei r ireg e o7 Via l #':Dre i ll t A rt ul chlte7 db v o .. ik promptly attended to. Ofgee and WorIre—WASHTNOTON AVENTDC, neafOuter Depot, Allegheny City, Pa. ROBINSON, REA &, CO., Successors to ROBINSON, MINIS a MII.I.EftB, WASHINGTON WORKS, FOUNDERSAND MACHINISTS, PITTS3URGH, Manufacturers of Boat and Stationary Steam En gines Blast Engines, Mill Machinery, Clearing; Shafting, Casting, of a ll descriptions; Oil Tanks and Stills, Boiler and Sheet Iron Work. Office, No. 12. corner First and Smithfield Streets. Agents for GIFGAED'S FETENT INJEO :)E for feeding Boilers. jall:rs2, ONT BLANC FOCNBRY. M Butler Street, Ninth Ward, (Opposite Unionlron M 1113.) PITTSBIMAH. RE pnrwsnuiFicin Engines, of every description. Boilers, ftl Tank. Sheet Iron Work. Railroad Castings. t Castings. Engine Castings. Machin% eastinie. General Castings. oimicss SOLICITED n09:n89 Rolling Mill and Bridge Castings, THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, MACHINERY AND CAETINES HENYRALLY Orders promptly and carethlly executed. Charges reasonable. EBBERT & MAcKLI D. 0c1.5:L BERLIN FOUNDRY. PRICE & SIMS. Office and Warehouse, 29 Wood Street. Manufacture and keep constantly on hand Thimble; Skein and Pipe Boxes, WAGON BOXES, DOG IKONS, BIIG.AM NETTLES, HOLLOW WABE, And Castings generally. THOMAS CARLIN . & CO., Fourth Ward Foundry and Machine Works, SANDUSKY BT., ALLEGHENY CITY, PA., Manufacturers of Steam EngineAglil Presses, Pul les, Shafting; Grist exttilispr BUB Work a _Bolling Mill and Maine Castings, Grate Bars, Weights, Wagon Boxes, itc. Build to order and have on hand Engines-01 ail alzes. - . ..- =WO CEII - ITRAL FOIINDIL ' AND ROLL WO SSC, Pe BOLIWAN, BOYD & ChM Bolls, KW Caattngs, 801 l . F ULTON 'MACHINE ESTABLISHED IN 18 nlanufactory of STEAM ENGIN and of the most approved pattern purposes ;ATEA.IMOATB and BOATS. variety af 10, 11 and ENGINES, whlzh will be sold prices. P. F. GRIBBE. Fifty miles below,Pittaburgh, on th line of C. & P. R. LUMBER. LUAU ER! LUMBER! ILUMBER! ALEXANDER PAITERSON, YARDS N 0.813 Pre)le Street formerly Manehester and 11T0.157 Bebetra stre i thoirtoir y Gas Works. DEALER Ili ALL KENDS • Cr Rough and .flaned Lumber, Floor . Doors. Weatherboarding,' Sash, Bhinalb • .• Moulding . Suw =ls Dumper,' Cedbr and Lath and Palings, Oak an 4 ' • ALI:ST—FIRE __ TILE and- FORT PITT LIMBER - - Capital, - - - $./ PazintEDIVAIID DI • BICarrARY—T. A. WEIGHT. • Burraurvirrnmrr—EDW. DAV, DiSECTOM: • Edward Davison, L. P. Duncan, John Mellon.. ' E. D. Dithridge, Geo. W. Dlthrldite, M. L. Malone, B. E. Johnston. • UMBER YARD—Comer of RIMED AND Alp .LEGHENY STREETS. Ninth Ward. OFFICE AT FORT PITT GLASS wourp. Wash. IngtonlitraCE . • -• • WWII* • GAS AND STEAM FITTING. JOHN ff. COOPER. JOEL ILLTN ,. ...`..THINNT HINIV JOHN eOOPER & . . BRASS - FOUNDERs f . cfAs AND STEAM FriVER,s, Manufacturers of PUMPS AND BRASS WORN, _o every iteggator o ti Ser t f i s is. ln GAS BLXTUREIS Corner of Pike and Walnut Streets; PITTSBURGH,., ._, - , - ,./R0 BROXIBM. , EL M. WICHEIV,3II 111E11 , IRON ElitOKElti 1.14 Ti irt& Stieeti iiittannth . p 9 Ile l ame '._ t ter the sale of Oo Doeithaa:. ore,4: 2, .stra .• m it as i ... sad 0.1. say 1-4.1'.U113111:1.1.10t .cit: wr . v . :: ~,,,,,, Jele. -ERCOZT. - lc , . 4, ' Ales) .re ~ ,ez .tt.01.1 w ...1-.. NW iod wan•nopeottlair PoLtaltede tURGH G9AiTE: 1 :- /4,losia 3 Eiti**Es'.. ;)-I.oiitiftif,',-8E0: FORT PITT - BOMEII, STILL MB TANK WORKS. CARROLL & SNYDER, wannumraimi or TUBULAR, DOUBLE-PLUED TUBULAR, rutz 'BOX ANJ CYLINDER STEAM BOILERS. OIL STILLS AND OIL TANKS, CHIMNEYS, BREECHING Alip ABB ,PANS, SETTLING PANS, BALT PANS AND CON- DENSERS; • . STEAM PIPES, GASOMETERS AND LEON BRIDGES; PRISON DOORS AND COAL-SHIITES ()Mee and Wibrelionse corner Second, Third, Short and Liberty Streets, Orders 'sent to the abOve address will be Ur attended to., znh7:lB9 I. W.X0.12.1101r....313,11. BARWHILL.... JAS. BLAIII. ('SARA BOILER WORKS. HORROWi BARNHILL & CO., • KANIITACrUIiEIIe Or Steam Boijers, Oil Stills, Agitators, T KS, SALT PANS, GASOMETERS, WROUGHT ,r IRON BRIDGES, SHEET IRONWORK, ho. or. Liberty and Second Sti., A. • 1 PITTSBURGH, P. i • R PAIRING promptly done. Jy4:b7. If ‘, —Le l nAit.ramom & co ~ BOILER MAKERS —ND SHEET IRON WORKERS, NOS. 80, 22, 24 AND 56 PENN ST. ila . ving secured a large yard and Airnished It with :he mostapproved machinery, we are prepared to nanufacture every description of BOILERS in the /est manner, and warranted equal to any made in e country. Chimneys, Breeching, Fire Beds, 3 eam Pipes, Locomotive - Boilers, Condensers, Salt BP ns, Tanks, 011 Stills, Agitators, Settling Pans, 13 tier Iron , Bridges, Sugar Pans, and sole mann f =rent of Barnhill's Patent Boilers. pairing done on the shortest notice. 1a5:c21 ABMS M. BITER, Nos. 53 and 56 Water Street, pnvsßmes, PA., IILAITUFACTUILICII OF IRON OIL- . TANKS, SETTLING PANS, COPPER STEAM PIPE, ROLLING MILL STACKS, And SHEET IRON WORK, For Steamboats.; JARED M. BRUSH & SON, IffAxtritscurazas or 4team Boilers, Oil Stills, Tanks SHEET IRON WORE. &O. -61 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. PITTSBURGH STOVES, CASTINGS, &C. COOK STOVES. CET THE BEST. BISSELL let Co.'s TRIUMPH, FOR BITUMINOUS COAL. Warranted to. Cook, Bake or Roast as wpassany other Store in the Union. 'MULTI & CO, No. 235 Liberty Street. Also on hand sod for sale, PARLOR STOVES HEATING 'STOVES. ORATE FRONTS, VENDERS, COOKING RANOES, to. CHEAPEST PLACE in the city TO BUY THE , TRIUMPH COOKING STOVE, Is at No. 148 GRANT. STREET. Jet P. C. DITFIPY. Street. AGALKY. 1, OILS. WARING AND KING, Commission Nerd:tants and Brokers in • Petroleum and its Products, DALZELL'S BUILDING, DUQUESNE WAY, PITTSBIIIIGH, PA. PHELADELPHIA. ADMIXES, WARING, KING •fic CO., 127 Walnut Street. OEMS. an dies ch. - stationary t'EAII imam -10 horse power t very reduced ellsville. 0. Ohio aver, and n09:132. TACK BROTHERS, COMMISSION MERCHANTS, AND DICALEBS IN • Petroleum and Its Products. _ . Pittsburgh Othce—DALZELLt BUILDING, ear ner of Duquesne Way and Trwilistreets. Philadelphia Oidee-1131 tirALNIIT BT. apt:wx.l Li)Cust Post;, Ilow Pine. LAY. a1lS:a511 OBTAXIF ' 5,000. JACOB WEAVER, Jr. & CO. Oil Con:minion. Jobbers, No. 3 DIIQUZEINN W.A.Y, will hay sad sell tirade and Helloed 01la. Lubdesting. Tar, Benstrie au& t e areMies ° ,tlPMPL=l. l dace:meats to operators. As heretotorev we aro de-,. termlaed tcrmanelt the Interest rot buyers and sel lers to plea as Gall. Ptrtlee having Oils for .lie are cordially invited to bring their samples. WOE. M H m. LONG & MANOVACTURERS OP PURE 'WHITE BURNING OIL, Brand--"LIJOIFER." &Dee, No. 2 Duquesne Way, Pittsburgh. J. 0. H11171:114...C. A. ICZUESir...W. U. WIT/MUD. SOHO OIL WORKS; Manufacture and have for male all kinds of . , LUBRICATING OILS. No. IST. CLAIB STREET., • • 1111317111111. MEIMIF.W & (Nl6 PRACTICAL FURNITURE MANUFACTURERS, • 3• LEMON 'ai WilBE '' ' V11:?..11137661171rrix eirnitLlET. w ren - 4 ., .d i ki' ‘irt:, : efAuthixilid, 0 B .4 e m yolk •, eon " ple) as ro t I oie ia mai f •;.„, 4 aiiidie are OordWil 11"Meit 4 - • Ykit.) t'' work' aka ILIXON • Walk PITTSBURGH, Pa lIDAIDND D. DRUSU E._.uszeg witoLEßAra AND RETAIL, I 186 a =RI FORT PITT BANREit - COMPANY, No. 169V00d Street, 1.: CAPITAL, : : : : $200,000. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. DEALERS IN GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, AND COLD. NTEREST MOWED ON TIRE DEPOSITS. Collections made on •all accessible points In the United States and Canada& DIRECTORS: D. Hostetter.. Jno. C. Risher, James Gordon, Robt. H. Haig, D. WaOnce, Andrew Miller, E. Fawcett, James H. Bailey. BAWL. NeCLUBILAN, Preen. D. LENT KEYSTONE BANK, No: - 293 UMW ':STAZET, PITTSBURGH, PA. CAPITAL, (authorized,) : : : : $200,000. DIRECTORS. • Wm. H. Hamilton, Henry Boc.kstoce, Geo. T. Van Dared. H. J. Lynch, Jan Murdoch, Jr., William Espy Samuel Barakley,l A GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED Collection's made on all accessible points In the United States and Canada. Interest Allowed on Time Deposits. UNITED STATES SECURITIES BOUGHT AND SOLD H. J. LYNCH, President. OEO. T. OAF DOREN. Cashier. sirSTOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE NATIONAL BANK OF COMMERCE, Cor. of. Wood and Sixth Sts. A. PATTERSON JOS. EL HILL CAPITAL, : : : $500,000. DIRECTORS: m Ge o rgeea i McCandless, Wm. Douglas, Wm. Reed. A. Patterson, Wm. IL Brown, Chas. Lockhart, Allen Kirkpatrick, W. kl. Haven. IMMi3 DISCOUNTS DAIL HART, CAUGHET & CO., BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corner Third and Wood StreetB, prrirsrvcritcax, (succEssons TO HANNA, HAFT it C 0.,) Lora -L=s IN Exchange, Coin, Coupons, /..s.l particular attention paid to it e and sale of COVERNMENT Sight Drafts on London. my l:s82 N. HOLMES & SONS, 57 Market Street, PITTTSfIURGI3, P A. Collections made on all the principal points or the United duces and Caned's. Stocks, Bonds, and other Securities' BOUGHT AND SOLD ON COMMISSION. _Particular attention paid to the pnrchaae sod sale of United States Securities. ).aooal WESTERN SAVINGS BANK, No. S 9 Fourth Street. CHARTERED 1866. Interest paid en Time Deposits • KNY'SUM RECEIVED FROM ONE DOLLAR UPWARD. DEPOSITS SUBJECT TO CHECK, WITHOUT INTEREST. Discmintet Daily 5t.151 o'clock President—THOMPSON BELL. Vice President.-A. IL MARSHALL. THOMPSON BELL, JOS. DILWORTH. J. J. GLLLESPLE,'. Stockholders to whom we Wm. Forsythe, Wm. Caldwell, WUUo Dalzell, D. -C. Bidwell, E. N. Fulton, i%ot,tatit BAYING 44 BANK, No. 65 Fourth Street cuAivrk...rma) IN 1856. ASST.. . . . . Open daily from 9 to 1 &cloak; also onV-EDNES DAY and SATURDAY EVENINOB, from May Ist to November - Ist,. front 7to 9 o'clock, and from NO. , xsaber /at to May Ist, froin 6 to 8 o'elock. epo Its received of all sums of not less than ONE 'DOLLIR, and a dividend of the profits declared ivrioe:a year, In June and December. Intereit free been declared semi-annually In June and December Once Cho - Bank was organized, at the rate of six per centia tear. • , . Intermit, if not drawn out, R placed to' the credit of the depositor as principal, and bears the same in terest from the Ist days of June and December, - com pounding twice a year without troubling the depos- Dorf Coca% or even to present his pass book. At - this rate money will double in less than twelve years. • Books containing the Charter, By-Lowe,' Rules and Regulations, furnished gratis, on appii9itton at the ritEZIOZZr4MORGE ALBREE• • ViOZ PRE&IDIiNTB: JObTI G. Backofen, A. M. Pollock, M. 8., Bela, L. Fahnestock, Robert Robb, James Ilerdman, .John If. Bhocnberger, James hlcAu James dhidle, James B. 1). bleeds, Alexander Speer, Isaac M. Pennock, Christian Yeager. • TIIIISTSICH: • wm. J. Anderson, Robert C. Loomis, Calvin Adams, Henn/ J: Lynch, John C.- Blndley, ' ' Peter A. Madeira, Georg_e Black, . J o h n hi nrahau, Hlil uurgwin, . Walter P. Marshall, Alonzo A.• Carrier, ' • 'Johnll. McFadden, Charles A. Colton, Ormsby Phillips, John Evans, Henry - L. Ringwalta John J. °Ricardo, win, - E„ . s e h muts ,, William O. HaVCR , Alexander Tintile. ' Peter IL Hankpr,, .Vllll4am Van Klrk, • • 'ltichard'llffei Isaac' Whittier, James D.ltCt l yJf_‘' War. P. - -yrtymita, Tiotaottnan , -CHARLES A. COLTubl., ...63opvrA/t774A.126878,'D, 1112308 • . • I RATB**lb: CA2 0 13 1 - "• ' L mARTIN LIVIKER I . • „i" L . 7 • , L• B o , ' , Daitars tir • • ' W a t 04 1 1 1 1A.:0 1210#4 " , ,art sad Seal • tab oh pa. QM= preaptly !U M lIIIMMWSOUII guirsatesi. 7 _ • V0,4015-.47 7 1? i . 0,1" I'4..'rZ, BANKER; • Corner of Wood and Fifth Streets. GOVERNMENT AND PACIFIC LB. BONDS, GOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS Bought on the most favorable terms. Sells LET TERS OF CREDIT and DRAFTS available In any part of Europe. DEPOSITS received subject to check, or INTER EST ALLOWIED ON TIME DEPOSITS. Jas T. BEADY 0...• Co.; Coiner Pourth and Wood Ste., BUY AND SELL ,ALL MOMS OF GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, GOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS, ,ON MOST 7AVORABLE TERMS. 7-30's CONVERTED INTO THE NEW 5-20 COUPON BOND. ._. . . . Interest Mewed en Deposits. lifpNED LOANED ON GOVERNMENT apd other approved collateral, at lowest market rates. Orders executed 'ter the 'Purchase and Sale of 11TOCITIV, IBOADi and GOLD. - ' , . JAMES T. BRADY & CO. ON. Qambier, littshrgt Gaidtt. FINANCE AND TRADE . OFFICE OF THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, i SATURDAY, June 27, 1868. Government bonds , were very dull, and quotationsjwere barely sustained. As an investment, these securities are entirely too high. when.compared with the high in terest paidifor the use of money either on business paper, municipal and other se curities or bond or mortgages. What kept up the national securities was the supposition, that, immediately after the July disb4sements, Money would, become still cheaper at the seaboard cities, but which is not likely to be the case now. Money that was flowing eastward to find temporary employment either in specula tive ventures or for drawing a small interest for the time being is now being withdrawn for the moving of the crops, and bank cir culation being scare in the western States and little business 1 paper mailing in the east, it will require a much larger bulk of currency to pay for the produce of the South and 'West, and at an earlier day than formerly, States not only producing cotton and sugar, they also come in for a• share of the wheat land other cereals to be shipped. These causes combined and the currency question agitated again, maysend down government Securities after the first of next month instead of advancing them. Quotations in Europe for Five Twenties are, lower there than here, and the absorbtion by actual investors there being naturally slow, prices have to come down at home before a markpt can be made in Europe. The argument that American securities does not hold good when you can buy the Austrian and Italian State bonds so much below par that they yield an interest equal to ours, considering all the 'contin gencies foreign bondholders are sub ject to. Gold keeps steady at 140 g to 140 g, with-1 a downward tendency. The market for' the present is kept firm and above 140, mainly on account of the scarcity of coin, 1 bat with the disbursements next week the market is likely to yield from bne to two s `: per cent., although higher quotations are hinted at by speculators. The general es timate of coin due foreign capitalists on July first seems to be over-estimated, ac cording to the best authority, it cannot ex ceed much the sum of fourteen million dol lars in gold, which would , leave a balance to come on the market of, about twenty three millions, of which belongs to banks about fifteen millions, leaving'yet ten mil lion dollars to supply the general market. From this it may be safely estimated that in the present state of our commercial for eign relations, neither an undue depres sion, such as 133 per cent., could be ex pected, nor are there any apprehensions , that during the next two months we would ha • e to report a considerable advance ab . ve the present quotations. = 'hoed shares were very firm to-day, although the dealings are confined to an all amounts. In the present state of the in rket it would be unsafe to sell any eh= res ahead in the expectation to see lo er quotations made, the seller runs a t o-fold risk; a sudden advance by clique miliement or aloes of his matgins by, the in , bility of the purchaser to live up to his ag :ement. press . stooks were very znuch af k ; pr-ssed, ' partionlatly Merchants Union, w• i h was expected to make dividend In .1' , but it seems the .parties in the ring i' aorat . 1 gav out this report simply •to cause a firer feeling in order to sell out and buy i in a in when everybody is disgtedWith u ca the misetable 'management. But aside fro that, Expresi nompspion are , in the sa' condition as any other prodigal me ' h ant at the pfeseht dull times who is n t managing his affairs according to his. Inc me. • 1 B :ling shares are firm and in steady in rf, Yes went demand. , ' Money is tightening o? PreParatorY to Jul payments -and ! /2 0 e id oryorTS-p is a i ) r e a r fillia:l4ll7V'LlirlletitokYno7 been Ill'OMptli 1 t n up , at matorll:Ye • Pithin ess i nactiVe- Closing quotations as received , by Ph. B. B o tz, were as follows: . G id,_l4o ) ,i; 1881 bonds. 117%; 1862 5-20 s, 1 3g; 1864 do, 110 g; 1865 do, 111; new, 1 and 1867, 113 g; , Ten Forties, 107y $ ; oven Thirties, 109 x.. New York Central, - 135%; Erie, 71'4; cliigisti Southern, 92.'y i L Cleveland & ittSburgb, 90%1, Nottli*sultern, common, •iit i ‘c, Preferred, 79Nt'Ohicago & Rock Is land, 104%i . Pittsburgh: 45r,- -Fort Wayne, 112%; Ohio t Missispippi Certificates, 30%; Merchants littiote : ExPrese• 2434; Western . Union Telegraph, 114;4 Corydon, 34; Quick silver/ 25 .:C1 11 4 1 Z •thli;44 s, ;' ' I „ —47/oMilitlxiiiiiiiiol - IS reoetluilbsgsunotiT• 1.1. f ~..; ~, . 0 ), '- <4,1. OWN li Marliret• - • .; ia 0 , ... i 013 I I DE 1. 411 1 1:.. 41 4YrAft',$7! P I 14 4 1 ,t4Pe •Or . litittlli t lY , - ' . , ''' , , - • i t. ;11 1 ‘' W 411366. ih i : ,iiii - 9,t0 t3] 'ol) s 4, 1 Nyj ,•• , 1 ... • .0-4 . ..1 .' ' f. ' '.' ' ' c 'IR 444114tii 't: r i ' t July 7"" * ' ' • • • • or fair to medium, /NM AMIN 4 9.1 and 18 1 /1108,80 to e good to girl tt t y ally choke. President. I= 1:LIS, A. M. MARSHALL, JOS. ALARE.E. make reference• Joseph Dilworth, Bev. David Herr, Henry Lambert, A. H. Brown, Thomas Ewing. 99.191,79019. PlwmasuitGH MARKETs. OFFICE OF THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE,:i SATURDAY, June, 27, 1868., The general markets f have been very dull during the past week, the volume of business in the aggregate having been nun- ' sadly light, and prices generally are again shrinking. The main topic of oonversa tion in commercial circles, is in regard to the crops; the reports from all quarters continue very encouraging, and the Wheat is so far advanced as to be almost entirely Out of danger. In some quarters harvest- ing has 'already been commeuced, and if the weather should continue dry. and ' warm the Wheat crop throughout the en- tire' country will be pretty well secured within - the next thirty days, also Rye' nd 1 Oats., As we have already remarked busi ness generally is very_dull nor is it likely 1 'that there will be any iiiprovament until after. harvest. BUTTER--Netwithstanding there has I been libei al arrivals within the past day or two, the demand keeps up well, and as a consequence prices are • maintained, ranging from 25 to 27 - for prime to choice fresh packed. EGGS—DuII and still tending., down ward; 22 cents seemed to be regarded as the ruling price to-day. ' ' OREESE—Is steady with sales of West ern Reserve at 13 to 14. ' Ohio Factory at 15 to 16; Limburg, 18 andSweilaer,at 20.- - 1 7 •• ATOES—We can report a' sale of 1 c load of prime Peach Blows at $1,15, and We are cognizant of $1,12 having been of fered for another car load. New -Potatoes steady, with a good demand at $6 to $6,50 Per bbl. , GRAlN—Winter Wheat is scarce and in fair milling demand, and prices are firm at $2,30 to $2,35 for Red and White. Oats con tinue to arrive- pretty freely, but there is a good demand at a slight reduction, say 75c; above this figure they drag, unless it is for small lots in store. Notwithstand ing the dullness that is prevailing now, dealers expect better prices next , month. Rye is scarce, but there is not much in quiry; we quote nominally at $1,55 to $1,60. Vorrris - very dull but- unchanged; may' be quoted at $1 to $1,05, on track and in eleva tor, as to quality. Nothing doing in Bat ley, nor is it likely that there will be until after the new crop comukenCes to arri*e. -- LARD OIL—Is quiet and unchanged at $1,20 for No. 2, and $1,40 for No. 1. : HOMINY—Is dull, with small sales in store at $6,25 to $6,50. DRIED FRUIT—,-Continties exceedingly dull, and the supply is large for this seit soa of the , year. - We quote Apples at 5 ta 6c, and Peaches at 103/ to 1134 c. HAY— Is quiet and unchanged;. wagon Hay is still quoted at $l5 - to $2O per ton, as to quality ^:_ PROVISIONS—Bacon is, quiet and. un changed at 13Mc for Shoulders; 16e to l&i for Ribbed and Clear Sides, and 19%q to 19%c for Canvassed Sugar Cured Hams. Lard, 17% to 18c, for prime kettle ren dered. Dried Beef, 22 to =c. Mess Pork # $2B to $28,50. SEEDS—Flaxseed is scarce and in de, mend at $2,50 to $2,55. No demand What, ever for Clover or. Timothy Seeds. LlME—Sales at $2 per bbl. PIG LEAD—Sales reported at 1034 c. FLOUR—The market is dull and a little weak. though without quotable change.,. We continue to quote at $9,50 to $lO for low grade Spring Wheat, and $10,25 to. $10,50 for good to choice do. Winter Wheat is still quoted at $ll to $11,50, and fancy, brands at $l4 to $l5. Rye Flour dull at $9. TTSIMTRGH PETROLEUM MARKET.; OFFICE OF THE PITTSBUGE GAZETTE, S . 1 • ATURDAY, June 27, 1868. 5 i , RIIDE.—The crude market has been, mer and considerably excited during t: past few days, and compared with the e ly part of the week an advance of - fully o e Li cent per gallon has _been established. To day there was but little done, but a , single sale reported 1,200 bbls on spot at 13;: la6t evening there were couple of sales., eected 950 and 1,300, on spot, and . both at 1 : Buyers' option all the year, may be q oted, in the absence of sales,at 14 to 15. *' A , telegram - from Oil City ,this afternoon Says: Market quiet'at $5,25 per =bbl at this - . 4fint—nothihg doing. Firm on Creek at ,90 to $4,95. - • ' In regard to:the new well, of -Which a ' b ief mention was made in our last report; we have received some additional, particn-,' • hula. According to telegrams to-day; it . was producing about five hundred barrels. per per daVand itseems that' when it corn , trienced to flow two other wells near by, ' producing together two hundred - barre, - stopped so that the production is increased three hundred barrels. REFINED—It is an old proverb that there is always a calni after a storm, and this has - been verified-to-day. Yesterday the sales were - unprecedentedly large, reaching twenty thousand five hundred barrels, in , the aggregate, while, to-day, there was next to nothing done, but twenty-five hun dred barrels reported. The market, how ever, appeared to be, fully as strong as it was yesterday, although less excited, prices being fully sustained; so far as we oould • learn, the demand to-day was fully, as good as it was yesterday, and the reason why there was so little done, was in conse quence of the fact that there was little or no oil offering. Our refiners seem to be pretty well sold up for the early months, and, as a general thing, they are not dis posed to enter upon the late months, in the present condition of the market. It is claimed that taking the present price of Crude as a basis, there is no margin, and this being the case, there is no inducement to sell so far ahead, while by holding back, they may be enabled to do mach loetter. There was a sale of 500 bbls Benzoic) (65 to 70 gravity) at 16%c. , ARRIVALS—The ported ' to-daY were" W. M'Cuteheon-. 50 'Fisher dc; Bro 160 _Lockhart di C0...160 Tait - ...... 980. Totall Receips for the week.... ... 2,489 Total receipts Once - 580,050 I , OIL SHIPMENTS 1118. A. V. - R. B. _ Citizens - Ref. Co., 50 bbla rafted to P. A. Eillworth ek, Co., Philadelphia. - Melleivy k. Bro., 51 bbla ref. to W. P. • Bro., Philadelphia. Loaau a ct sat. .Ref Co., 50 do do to P. A. Worth, Philadelphia. 'McKee is Hackett ckett, 200 do do to W. P. Logan & Bro.,Philadelphia. Fawcett, Loan & Stockdale, 200 do do to W. P. Logan dr. Biro., Philadelphia. Forsyth, Bio. & Co., 408 do do to War. den, Frew. & 'Co., Philadelphia. Clark & Sumner, 567 do do to P.%Wright & Sons, Philadelphia. McCreary & Beaumont, 602 do do to W. T. Logan &Bro., Philadelphia. OIL EIHIPMEIV79 PROM DUQI7ENNE DlitE'OT. G. W. Holdship, 104 do do ' to Waring, 'ing & Co., Philadelphia. Umon 'Ref. & t St: Co., '7O do do2to W. Logan & Bro., Philadelphia. '' • ' • , A. D. Miller, 82 do do to Warden, Frew & Co.', Philadelphia. Jag. Wier, 136 do do .. WvP,.Logatt & 13x0., Philadelphia. _: • Hutchinson Oil Bet. 448. do. do to WardeniFrevr& Co.; Philadelphia. wm.y4ougatco.,i46bbbs,thothwto War= den, Frew & Co. , Philadelphia, • , . • arrivals or oil, re follows:: D. M. Edgerton....32o Weisenb'gerA C 0.240 J. W. Biaarran. 50 Dil-
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers