The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, June 29, 1868, Image 5
aer-00710/11.."Mriar,” Inte. nagit, 3 " l / 4 1, 41 Wants, "hoarding,” de.. not teedini POOR 7.YNEB.aeE wit/b(inserted to ootumna ones for TWENTY-FIVE (awn; • • addititnea/ line FIVE CENTS. WANTED--SITUATIONS. ye ANT -REE ED—SITUATION—As BOOK FER, by a young man who can )pr,• nee the most eattsfactory references as to char acter and capacity. Appl • to 3Slt. XINO, at the 1 0/IXLVTE OFFICE. ANTED-srrusTioN,An ex perienced and competent Farmer and Men age! , with a small family, wants a position on some gentleman , * estate. Eric/titre of J. KlNei, at the errs OFFICE. WANTED=-HELP WANTED, Four Good Pattern' Mkers. Apply st FORT PITT FOUNDRY, jen.etz, Immed tate' , WA .N T E D-BLACILISNITTEL - A - good ; LACKSMITH. that understands hie business, will receive good wages and steady em ployment. None but a good workman need apply, go.JOHN GRAHAM, Temperanceville, Pa. 1 WA.NTED---130MtDKRJEL WANTED--BOARDEIM - A gt "tieman and wife, or two single 'fi.entiern n, <tan be accommodated with drat ,class boarding at 0.11.8 WYLIE STREET. Room is 6 front one, on second floor, and opens out on balcony. . --••••• 'TirrAN'rED--BOARD.—Desitrable VI , board for s small family without children in pleasant location on Penn street, may be had by addressing M. W. Poetoftico Box 570. .WANTED -r-HOMILDERB.7-God board, fine , front rooms, with gas, eaa ti . , .secured at $O.OO per week. Da boardin • . 0. • •. t • : ; * 0. :44 MITANTED- 7 - BO A .RIDERL—Ge • It - v v stamen boarders can be accommodated with rood board and lodging at No. 25, FERRY Elt. WANTED-AGENTS. WANTED—AGENT.—As Traty , BUNG AGENT, a man well acquainted With tee guestimate and Glass business. None ...other need apply. Address I'. 0. Lock Box 1 7. .Communications confidential. liVr AN T 11--AGENT—At JO HALL & corner Liberty and Pitt .street, agents for the Churn. It brings butter in 3to t 3 minutes. BLECKKEB &BOARDMAN.' LOST. T--NOTE.--In Alleghen •on June 9th C i ty, 11369._a• PROMISSORY V'l'E, drawn In favi of JOHN H. MEYER. at 30 d ' ays, by BUFFUM. EHEW & CO., for Five Hun :" dred Not ice ree Dollars ($503 060 and tilxty-six 4 Cepts. is hereby given that a duplicate of the same will be made, and all persons arewarned against negotiating for the same as payment has been stopped. A liberal reward will be paid for the y. 'return o 7 the same to JOHN H. MEYEIIn, No. 97 Third street, Allegheny City. FOR RENT. • LET—HOUSE.--A convenient HOUSE, of six rooms and good cellar on Con greea Bt . Sixth S i .3fie.f (NIA OFFICE. O LET—STORE. ROOM AND DWELLING. BARE CHANCE.-The Store 1 om 460 feet deep) and Dwe ll ing House at present s. .occupied by T. H. - Klages. Jeweller, located at Nu. .s 439 FEDERAL tITEEF.T, Allegheny, will be rented on favorable terms. There are nine large and well arranged room —three on wish of second. third and fourth norms.. Gas and water throughout the house. Plate vase in store windows. Possession will be en on August lac. Apply to C. WATTLY. two doors below. O • LET—ROO3I.—A. large and pleasant second story front room, handsomely rillshed, on Hand 'street, will be let as a gentle.. - amen's sleeping room. Apply at No. 31 HAND -STREET. 910 LET—HOUSE.—A two-story fil Frame Dwelling of eight rooms; Ras through ont the house, and large lot; situated in Allegheny CDT, near the Suspension Bridge. Possession can tie given immediately. Apply to J. S. FEBUUSON, 11 No. 87 Fifth street. TO LET—HOUSE.—A three-story HOUSE, Eltuated in a desirable street •gn Alle ß g i l l e e n K y City, together with furniture, will be 4', rented on moderate terms. For particulars address M. 8., Box B, OAZE2TE OFFICE. ft rro LET—STORE-ROOSINo. 72 . 3 A_ WYLIE STREET. Will be ready for occupa , :" tion early next week. Is forty-five feet In depth, .sky-light back. French plate glass front, flag pave , sent, and everything elegant and convenient. rPO LET—ROOM. —A large and ArtiE j i ez. r E kr7Ttnlio'.l l l 8 5 11711 STREE T • ' posite Also, a limited number of t. day boarders will be , accommodated with first class boarding. . '"O LET--110USE—In Sewickley, nearly new six rooms, with garden attached, • easantly located within fiv e tr . Station. Enquire of D. N. wit BALDWIN, No. 118 Diaxnund street. , i : P4 TO LET— R oal IL--Tsvo Large ',FRONT ROOMS, second story,. in a_plessant •‘ 4 1 part of the city, suitable for man and wile. En -'4l .quire at 41 SMITHFIELD STREET. ' • LET HOUSE.--A two-story FRAME HOUSE, of live rooms, on the corner .o at and Mulberry streets, Sewickley. The • 3 douse and premises have been newly fitted up. Also, a large and excellent garden. Possession Riven at. any time. , Inquire . of W. M. LAIRD, - Broad street. Sewickley. O LET—HOUSE. — A new house, A A.: with iron front, situated at No. 151 Beaver C. street, Alledhen T y. he house is geed dwelling of ; deep ms, and has a splendid btore Room 55 feet le well situated for any kind of business. 'lnquire of NEAMOUSE £ I-MSPEINTHEID, next door above. or at No. IBS OHIO STREET. o 0 LET -THE STORE ROOM, No. 160 Ohio avenue, with dwelling above o r o oms, with water, gas and bath. Store room Ilt r ted up in the boat - manner , with plated glass show windows and iron front. Inquire at office of FRA . 11.6 Z1E60114, Ohio avenue and Sedgwlek street, Al . 1; legheriy. . • A o LET—uousE.-- TThat desira ble• Dwelling • House, - No. Ti Liberty etre* '': 71containing ten rooms, kitchen and wash-house. Enquire of JAS. J. DRAY. No. H 5 Sixth street. ii rpo LET,--ROOMS.—Three'or four _A_ furnished rooms, with board or without, ellgi ', - , bly Situated on Penn street. Address H. AL, G-A -• ' ZETTE <>Friel?. • . *.* . • • ' WOR SALE—HOUSES.--A conve -6.: Went BRICK HOUSE, of four rooms, stone •,, cellar and lot, on Peach alley, near Pride street. i; • 1 House is new, and price only 111,100. Also. a • 1 110 USE on Forbes street. for For b esp to Will. r•!: , WILTON, corner of Pride and street. • '1 OR SALE—LOT INJMcKEES PORT.-The.half or whole of a lot 60 feet ' I rent by 160 feet deep. -situate on Market near ;* Second street. For particulars•enqulre of W. C. ''. HULL, Hull's Store, Fifth. near the depos, Me ..,..1 KeesPort; or address JOSEPH ,FORSYTHE, 116 •..IR Fifth street, Pittsburgh. . , • ' FOR SALE OS BALE-HOUSE AND LOT.-- One hoase.ind lot of two acres • of ground In Illlpsburg. Beater county, Pa.- The-house Is a two-story aurae, with seven rooms. The lot has a number of fraltirees, and all In good order._ There ISA cistern on the premlses,•and stable and "other SY&HA g L s L . . R e n al ` E be s t od Agent a , rNgn9l y 9 B en A T ld er :street, Allegheny • • • XAOR SALE .- HORSES..-A# HOW , * TD'S LIVERY AND SALE STABLE. one fine ILY HORSE tRayV, three DAPPLE GREY HORSES: . one LARGE DRAUGHT HOWE; three 1g LACE • MAIM; ` two • GREY ' MASSE, FIRST mPREET, near Monongahela House. • - . • BOMA bought and sold on oommlselon. r '• '.: • •ft 1 V 0 B SALE-41011SE. -$2,800 x will buy a good FRAME ROUSE, of 5 rooms j• and dry cellar. and Lot 30 by 90 feet, situated Ins Lpleasant part of Allegheny, three-door from street stars.. Address ROUSE, UAZICISE OFFICE,. ' AOR SAL E-HOUSEr=-A . NICE BRICK HOUSE, of eight. rooms on Mont sower's, avenue, near Federal street. 'Enquire of sir. DRUlTTi'corner Montgomery avenue and Fed oral street, Allegheny. p.- OK SA L E-P 0 S TS .-- LOCUST posy% of any size required, by JOHN - DYES, r, corner of Ridge street and Allegheny avenue, AuegbenT Cit . "' - ' FOR SALE--1,000 p ounds of old TYRE. Apply at the GATTE COUNTING- InATOES.---600 bushels 'Peach owe„ Prince Minns, rialto, Early June and Early baser rotatoes,just received aud for aale r . • JOHN B.VANSIELD d fON, , . 141 First street, 44 1 - 11HAl i I f ENNEtiILEE FLOnifo,- -- 40 Ma. Extra BOSEdway. new wheat; 10 ,by fur sale by jag ISSIATI.DICEEY CO. gh Atom, for •by • z. t Ittni 17 46 522 • ISAIAS rocgay• a co. I d LOUR-25'bbW-1 - 1111tyton Extra Pandlnriaref; 00 bblt ?Casa do:, Au : store, ° rule b_, -IR T ninoiLZY i CO. • .. 13 ,--,--- .. . tr .: t li jr wilk irj ,be tt: • goto llot:.' 1 5 P-:::;:,- ; o r -df„..i'--,-..z. i i , „-; ~.,.. :.:!..-._. r. -.?.,:- -i,' IF I' 3 -. i~..'7.' e a. ,. . • --Ntyr - Atti €IBtRAP ems iron zinc PEOPLE.— rh4 GREAT WESTERN GUN WORKS have bane removed to No.III9I3MITHFIELD STREET, When will always be found the mast coverlets assortment of Guns, Pistols, Ammunition and Sport. In Material, &c., int/a/city. All kinds or Gun* and Pistols carefullyrepired. - Cala vita. for ARMY RIFLES and RE OLVERS. Send stmzt for illustrated Circular. Agents wanted ire nen/ town in the United States. Address, J..s. JOH STON. 179 Smitlaeld Street. Pittsburgh. 10 - 30111 1 N. PURTIANCE, Register in Bankruptcy for lid District. Ocoee, 118 FEDERAL STREET; ALLEGHENY. Air Office boors—VA. 3e. to 5.P. IM'GRAND FAIB AID sTRAWEEBST FESTIVAL At FOURTH BAPTIST CHURCH A corner Penn and Wllkinistreet___s Ninth"ward,TUESDAY,WED NESDAY and THUReDAY AFTERNOONS and EVENIIiGS, J une _ 30th and July Ist and Ad. Tickets of-admission 10c. le2B A TEMPERANCE LECTURE will be delivered In the EAST BIRMINGHAM BAPTIST CHURCH, , On Joseph street. THIS (Monday) EVENING, at 8 o'clock, under the auspices of the Good Templar'. er4:810 BY ORDER OF COMMITTEE.. iIgrTHE ALLEGHENY OBSER VATORY will be closed for the ensuing three months for the repair of the building, and the mounting of additional instruments. The contrib. tors will De duly informed of the arrangements for the admission of visitors on its re-opening 13. P. LANGLEY, Director. June 27, 1.888. • Pittsburg NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS. Proposals will be received Until JULY lerit, for building jrwin Station School House. Plans Ind specifications can be seen , bn unpile& lion to STEPHEN BIDINOER, Jr. , Irwin Station. June ST. 18438. je29uiLs VAUD% IN OHIO FOR SALE.- ..A: 130 acres of good land, new cottage house, tenant house, spring*. etc; 40 acres timber, a young bearing orchard; apples, pears, plums, cherries, grapes and abundance of peaches, • is an excellent sheep and fruit farm. Situate In Washington Co., 4 miles from Pleming Station. 111 miles from Mari etta; near Presbyterian, Methodist, Baptist, Catho lic aid Universalist. Churches. S. CUTHBERT & SONS. Je.Z 85 Emithaeld street. 87 . BLIRRET STREET. QF7 Li • GREAT REDUCTION IN PRICES ! TO CLOSE STOCK OF DRESS GOODS. 87 MARKET STREET. THOSE P. PHILLIPS. 3e29: 87....MARICZT AT POPULAR PRICES, . A LARGE ASSORTIZEINT OF SILK PARASOLS SUE UMBRELLAS, BONNETS, SIINDOWNB, RATS, RIBBONS, FLOWERS, &c., Wholesale and Retail, 180 & 182 Federal St., Allegheny. T WM. SEMPLE'S, WILL BE FOUND Large Assortment of Fancy Goods, DRESS GOODS, LACE SHAWLS, LAWNB, -MARSEILLES, JACONET, BRILLIANTS, KID GLOVES, BILK MITTS, LACE COLLARS, LACE HANDKERCHIEF'S, INFANTS• WAISTS, And a variety' of other Fancy. Goods, AT EXTREMELY LOW PRICES, Wholesale and Retail, AT WM. SEMPLE'S, 180 & 182 Federal St., Allegheny FOURTH OF JULY CELEBRATION, pouer. NOTICE:" - . . The Imminent tauter to life and property at tending the firing of gang and pistols, and the ex plosion of firecrackers and fire works, in oar public streets on the Fourth of July, and Hie sad accidents which have annually resulted from this Injudicious mode of,etiebrating,our National Holiday, have in? duced &large number of our most Weer/Hai cid.: aerie • Including property owners,. underwriters, 'end ;Oen deeply interested In the safety of prop, arty within our city precincts, to addreis me on the subject, requesting that I should enforce the City Ordinances prohibiting it. This it is unquestiona bly my duty to do. and I now hereby give 'notice tha I will give . It my W.awkCIAL attention. All_of fen era Against this law will therefore be riedlY pro uted, and the finti sea ienalties imposed, In try a►es, without regard to person. tiff JAHNS BLACHMORE. Mayor. Opening of Gibbon Street. , [Heels hereby given to those interested that the, • rt of Viewers, as modified by the Court, has placed in my hands. The IlaSetaiMentS Will re- In my oidee, No. 106 Filth street trayibent, until the 27th day of July: whoa not paid will be dled In Court as liens. • ne 28th, 1868 t CITY' Co:mama:awe °Term, PITISBUttOtt; 'Jane - 24th, - 1868, I • WEIGH SCALEII.--Selded Proposals, addressed to the Finance gonna*, , Councils . will be received at this Once until ismesDAP, , Jalf s r .& a h`alseh P. • Weigtonsetera for the se arid Oity : Weigu,scaus.., • den-will state hOir Osittois. e t e r Citt =MI6 - • #103114014 1 11114 ;•,,e;it 75.3'4 ;',l, MI _ 1 W_V-411.*W4 .69k04..'44 TITTSV,VIIGII ,GAZ _ R..; G. DUN sr co., ESTABLISHED : : : : 1841. ILANUFACTIMERS and BANKERS fa specially directed to the fortheomini volume REFERENCE BOOK, Now in a forward state of preparation, and to be published promptly on list of July. The high post- Uon which this Agency has attained in the calms- ton of the commercial publie,justines the state- meat that beyond all doubt•this will . be the moat comprehensive and moskliccurate work of the char- SEXPLM3, J. V. STAAGILJEJ, City Attorney. leV:sl3 Corner Fourth and Wood Sts., PITTSBIIUGH. The attention of WHOLESALE MERCHANTS, 11:15.y A:g.VP;(111 scter ever Issued. By its aid, dispensers of credit will be able to as- certain at a glance the CAPITA:I, posaeased by near- ly every Merchant, Trader, tanker or Manufacturer In the United States and British Provinces; and not the Capital alone:but also the CHARACTER and CREDIT of each. The simple, yet 'neatens Bey by which these important essentials are conveyed, l i is peculiar o this Book. No other work approaches it in -DEMI ANG CLOSELY Estimates of Capital, 4 the DELICATE GRADATIONS OF. or impart compared with financial worth. We CREDIT e new Book to the . public, with entire commend t as to its entire superiority ,over all confidence others. Is also directed to the DETAILED Attentlo II on record In our OSlces, to which REPOR to the Reference Book are entitled Subscriber,' rte are universally acknowledged to be These rep complete and Tellable character. Mani of the mos back tor twenty years, and all are kept of them ru; be latest dates. The New Vork Scone- =MEM &Doi "The Merchant who grants credi mist truly without consulting these reports, pLuees himself in the same category with the mao who re lases to &sal 121sasetr of thefacUltles of the Telegraph or Hallway azure himself against loss by Fire." or omits to e are also entitled to reeelee Informs Subscribe y or all of our Twenty-two Branch Of Lion from a principal cities of the Union and the aces, in the Canadss, on; the public are requested to examine In condos; 00K, and Investigate our unequalled the. NEW facilities to serve them R. G. DUN & CO. 117 M ELECTIC SIMMER CORDIAL , An Infallible remedy for Summer Complaint, Diar rr D lotrrniV. Vomit ing, ing, Sour Stomach and Cholera DR. HARRIS' CRIMP LURE, A specific for Cholera, • Cramps . and Pain in the Stomach, for tale by HARRIS & EWING, Corner of LLberty and Wayne Streets, AGENTS vcorr. J. SCILOONIAKIKEL & SON'S PURE WHITE LEAD, AND IIIcCOVS VERDITER GREEN, The only green p aint that will not deteriorate by exposure. It wi ll look better, last longer and glee m in m e rerfeet satisfaction than any paint In the ETTERS at BUCIIANA IST OF L uncalled for flue 51119tb. 1868 Ames John Johnston 'W JitekleyFacob Kimball Mary } Kauf Annie Kammerer L L Leach Samuel Lindsay AnnleM Lynee Hobert Minitel! John Milholland Mr Murphy Mich Miller Jos Mastrom Pat Murphy Julia _ Morgan Mary E Mille r J E Miller Etch ron g . Armst John Bailey Geo W Boma Thos Bleadingheisst J Brady Jas Bevan Joseph Byrne Patrick Clark Geo Davis Mary E Duvall Samuel Davis Martha J • F Friel Sarah - Farm' James Folk Mrs • •• Fenwlob Ndw Ferrell Etna Foster John W Gebron Jacob Gray !Strati Geron•bordsa Gilmore Ellzteh Morris David Mo I McCormick Oco IdoDwaine Mn J McManus Jas McCormick Jas McCormick McDonald Pat Naylln W m K 0 O'Donnel Wm Park Alex S RNE'ST Pease Harry It E U. Healy Ellen Hynon Harry Ilerrly Jae Hazel William Hoover John t+ Hilley Fred' k Smarr CoxIMBRIONNWIt Ovricg, riprentritan, June 26, 1868. VLUMBERS, ATTENTION. • • ' roposals will he received at this oMee until JULY Ist, at 3 o'clock t. 2., for the lowering and remov ing of all Stop Cocks and Watei Paves that project above the level of the curb atone. The expense of layering and removal to be colleMed from the own ers of the property. All proposals to be submitted to the Street Committee. JOHN T. HUNTER, Street Commissioner, First District. •,. , JOHN D. McFADEN Jeff Street Commissioner. Second District. CHEGARAN . INSTITUTE_ L • • • • • . , • ENULL3II AND FRENCH. , FOR. -r01:11443i `1,.11..3D1E8. • BOARDING AND DAT TIIP7IO, . 18$7 and 1529 SPRUCE BTRICET, Philadelphia. "a., win re-open on MOli 9ATOiept. 22d. irreaoh, lue - lalisme nsu or t the faxiiiir and c oNl t an tly I T ti k s e l g in m m w, ADAlll . %gni:Timm?: a ms, TAB HAREIG=- - A fresh supply of the celebrated rase' brad: of 8e Bred iirallTAlVlSWeatagdil 'AWL' • 1 7 E i ll Mit •,i. • • e-ta J. 01.11 ~ , r, -.4011N A. w jet Ft ri I , i':: *WOW WISIVON ~ MON,I)AT i . JIT:NE , 29;, NEW' ADVERTISEMENTS. FOUND. That after repeated trials of other, remedies,. Bo back's Stomach Bitters, Blood - Purifier and Blood Pills are the Lest• medicines extant to care the dis eases for which they are commended. Soldly all Drugg sts Everywhere. ( . p ... There is no medicine n nee so eiticscons as Dr. Bobacra Blood Plarlder and Blood Pills for the' permanent cure of Blidd or Bleeding Piles; they strike at the root of disease, thereby removing the Sold by all Drhggista Everywhere. TEMPERANCE. Mere is, perhaps, no one thing that ha's done so , / c much to promote the c use of temperance as that gentle stimulating tonic Roback's Stomach Bitters; they strengthen and in igorsite without producing the ill effects of alcohell stimulants. Sold by all Ernigists Everywhere: Are Pills that have a direct and powerful action on the liver, and relieve any inactivity or congested state'of that all important organ upon which - de- Dedds the whole process of digestion. The import ance. then, of procuring a Pill that shall have such direct action without the ill effects of mercury, is manifest to every one; such Pllls are Boback•s Blood Pills; they are warranted purely vegetable, and can with certainty be relied upon, and are safe at all times. Sold by all Druggists Everywhere. INDIGESTION Is but another name for Dyspepsia, and the parent of many, ills. Roback's Stomach' Bitters taken in wine-giass-!WI doses, directly after each meal, will surely effect a permanent cure.. Do not take our word for it. but try them. Sold by all Druggists Everywhere. NIGHT MARE Is one or the many diseases of which Dyspepsia ls the ptrent. To effect a cure persons should avoid hearty food at night, and take a wine•glass-Lill of Itoback's Ste Mach Bitters on retiring to bed. Sold by all - Druggists Everywhem During the Spring months it is one of the regular household duties to renovate, and, in th, multipli city of other duties one's own self is, in a great measure, overlooked; thousands of valuable lives might be prolonged, and many doubtless saved from premature graves by thoroughly renovating the system with Dr. Roback's Blood Pills. Stomach Bitters and Blood Purifier. Sold by all Druggists Everywhere Is one of the many disorders of the nervous system. arising from si low state of the constitutional health or severe prostration after long continued sickness, and requirts invigorating remedies like Roback•s Stomach Bitters to restore the nerves to their natu ral vitality. Bold by,all Druggists Everytchere. WHO SELLS THEM? The Agents for the sale of ROBACK'S BLOOD PILLS, STOMACH BITTERS and BLOOD PURI FIER are all DroggLsts everisrhere. U. S. PROPRIETARY MEDICINE CO., CINCINNATI; 43.. SUMMER GOODS. - Boys', Youth's and Children's. SUMMER CASSINERE SUITS. • LINEN SUITS, DUCK SUM ..• FLANNEL SUITS. ALLPACCA JAOKETS, In Every Style, of the Great t Variety, SUITABLE FORME PRESENT SEASON. _ • _ Gentlemex will And a fine wortmeat White and Brown Duck Suits, Alpacca and Flanfiel Coats, &c., me t urar b s o t:Zg specially made tor us by the Otat PRICES . - Are as Low as Good Gooda can be Mold at by any Firm, East or West. GRAY & LOGAN, 47 St. Clair Street. jeM:r EMAINING POSTOFFICE, Palmer H - Payne Runnels Puralou A 13 PATENT NOTICE. VirilFitEAS LETTERS PATENT . were' Issued by the Commissioner of Patents of the United States on the 16th day of August; 1t64, to MORGAN J, DAVIS, ( Assigned to WILLIAM T. DAVIS and RICHARD B. DAVIS,) for an .'lmprovement oin Puddling Furnaces," itid whereas, we have learned • that some persons are now erecting FICOACCII in violation of said Pat ent, and that others are vending or endeavoring to vend' Rights under the same: 'notice is hereby given that proceedings will at once be Instituted acoord log too law ter , each and every vlohdion of the wad Patent Right; whether the same consist of violation Of the form of "BOSHES," or the use of the COLD Paisley David • Rldgley Alex B Reran John ( Roberts Henry Ramsey Jane Reynolds John Russel A. W &JR Saunders John Clatter Kate Stewart James Scott John M Sharp John A Story Ellen Smith James Thom pson T Thompsim a t rich Thomu 8 J Towers If Tbomis B Valentina & Taylor Wharton A. Wallace Entna Watt itobt Wlekllne Joo - A Wigley Kate W Wareham Nancy t KHAN, P. M. • TO FAIIMML THE HAY WEE "WEtCONE." le the best Rake made. It will rake heavier hay, carry it farther, load and unload itself easier than any other rake. It is self-operating; a child 8 Years old can do the work of a full hand. Hundreds of certificated could be given, one of which is below: "Giusnp,•Erie Co.,_Pa., July 5, 1867, "I have used the Welcome Hay Rake, masurac.- tared by W. W. Wallaoe, Pittsburgh • Pa., and rec ommend it to farmers. It is good in l ight and heavy hay: is easy on man and horse; is a complete glean ,r o f g rans and Mien ; In eqnstr u cti on and esell7 kept in Order. JO9EPR ARBUCKLE." All orderadlreetell to 319 Liberty' street, Nits burgh,"Tha- or at the works In Oolumblans, OWN • promptly attended to. Sold wholesale and retail by • ' = W. W. WALLACE. Bend orders In early, as supply Is short. myandaT -eiLosizia,,op. Firm!" STREET CAr , r 7 l Tir Tie ondershlalkd Carpet lirsibri herebyotl their eisetomers ot their itgresalant. don there stomp IS *Tit 0 9. 1 11 1 1 W Jol t ! Mist' LAN & L I CM Parise _ ~',, "~`~".. a~~ 'LL'3+:n't.~~ae,3m-.~"F-M"s'7Y~•,w~;.w.~tias:-:~8 ,yxa.:ni.,.at._;c~c ] ~Sciaa'~~-t -~~.::ti'~'zt,~ac~,.""~'-~'[ -•-- PILLS RENOVATE. Dl (s) INA PROPRIETORS, .WILLIAM T. DAVIS. MCNABB B. DAVIS, PATENTED 11363 AND 1107. ME NEW'MnMRTISEMETTTS F OR SALE. ,TWO HOUSES AND LOT on Carroll street, Allegheny. This property will be sold low, as the party is about testing the city, and wishes to dispose of the property before removing, SAW MILL, TWO DWELLDIII HOUSES, TWO BARNS, with _good FARM, and about 800 acres timber land. This property will be sold low. Cash 02,300—balance on time to stilt Dwyer. FARM OF 120 ACRES, will be sold for twenty dollars per acre. Improvements comfortable frame house and good barn: 60 acres of the land clear. FARM OF 160 ACRES, near the line of railroad; very well located for raising stock; improvements are good and substantial; 100 acres of the land in meadow and grain. CITY PROPERTY.—WiII sell a good brick house, containing five rooms, at Sixteen Hundred Dollars, and wonldrent for the amount in sLx.years. A LARGE LOT OF GROUND, having a river front and very convenient of access. TANNERI, convenient Ao the city, and honing a well established custom. or local trade connected therewith; a good dwelling sad forty acres of land. FOUR LOTS In Sharps - burg, near the railroad; would make a grad coal yard. HOTEL FOR SALE.—That One Hotel property, situated at the Blairsville Junction, containing fourteen rooms and the necessary outbuildings, with three acres of garden' and fruit trees. This well located hotel will be sold low, as the proprie tor wishes to retire from blankest. FOR RENT. • One large House, for Boarding House. One new Brick - House, 8 rooms. One new Brick House of 4 rooms. One new Brick House of 3 rooms. One House of 5 rooms and lot 55 by 140. One - House of 7 rooms and lot 150 by 150. Two new Brick Houses, 11 rooms each. Oue new Frame House, 4Vooms. Two new Brick Houses, 3 rooms each. One new Frame House in .Wilkinsburg, having six rooms and large lot, well suited for garden. • 7 acres that can be - divided into acre lots. 5 Lots in Oakland. - . - Power and a large Room sad Yard for rent, in a good location. R ill be rented for short or long time. - • FOR LEASE OR SALE-3 , Lots on Morton street, Nine. Ward, WANTED3,OOO feet of Flagging 3to 4 inches thick. TO LOAN-450,000, • IN SUMS OP 0.000 AND UPWARD. APPLY AT D, P, HATCH'S REAL ESTATE %MEI No. 91 Grant S‘Pittsbrirgh. JeN:1118 CITY HEADQUARTERS FOE el • ' , F`TIELIE WORKS.' LARGEST STOCK[ [ IN .THE WEST, Embracing a MU and complete assortment of SMALL AND LANG k WORKS, Togethei with • bulge variety of tine Exhibition Pieces. LANTERNS, 5,000 of su style*. 1500 gross assorted stsei BALLOONS, 5 TO 25 FEET HIGH. FIRE CRACK CRS, TORPEDOES, 800 boxes extra No. 1:.; 800,000. Dealers are solicited to exit:aloe our stock. • ALL ORDERS PROMPTLY FILLED. FLEYBIER. & BROTHERS, WHOLESALE 00NPEOTIONEILS, 126 and 12S Wood Street. je2l:rll4 II -EL 16E g 3 Dried Beef and Beef Tongues A LARGE EITOCICOF BEST BRANDS AND CHOICEST OCHE. A large stock of strictlyßUGAß-CURED HAMS AND BEEF . TONGUES, The largest Mock In the market, of STRICTLY SUGA.R-CURED. THE OLD RELIABLE EAGLE BRAND, SUGAR-CUBED HAMS. Good FAMILY HAMS, canvassed or idain, to gether with clear; e stock Kettle ULDERS SIDES, both rib and prime Rendered LARD. In tierces, kegs and buckets, all of which we are offering to the trade as low as the lowest, at 329, 329 and 831, corner PENN and WAYNE STS. F. SELLERS & CO. MECHANICS' SAVINGS BANK; No. 14 Smithfield Street, PITTEIBITINNI, PA INTEREST. PAID . ON DEPOSITS. ANT SUM RECEIVED PROM ONE DOLLAR UPWARD: De posits received subject to check, withoni htterest. JAMES BLACKMORE, President. OEO. D. TlNDLX,Secretary and Treararer. JAMES H. HOPKINS, Solicitor. TRUSTEES: James Blackmore, James H. Hopkins, Alex. Tindle, James Bown, William Deane, W. W. Bradshaw, A. 0. Cabbage, Robert Wrav, John 'vans. - 1 THE TWIN CITY SLATE CO., manufacture a superior article of ROOFING rirOMOe, 48 Seventh St., Pittsburgh, Pa. J. S. NEWHEYER, Preen. my26:04 AT 'EATON'S, No. 17 VIM' Street. Fringes and Buttons, all colors; Marseilles Trimmings, Gimp jaeadings, Etc.; AND THE NEW LE PARITTER DUPLEX SKIRTS, JUST REOISWID. Je24t '' LACK SILK SACQUES. Lama Lace Points, Summer Shawls, YOB BALD AT LOW PRICES, BY WHITE, ORR it 00., 25 Fifth Street, }e29 HYDRAULIC 'CHIENT DRAIN PIPE Cheapest arid best ilpe In the market. Also, as saNDALE HYDRAUL4O OttMSNT for role. s. 4t 111141t1KETT oo Once and Manufactory—A4o REBECCA ST. Alled#enr. Air Order* by =au proppur attende . jenerea REMOVAL: • J. XJ. NUagenErAMIXA lug nuoTsp To N. I F”, /0" 0 -7P rIZIM AMMAR'? Aw a wr. a l o eS. Oar. no 4 , Ano.novv.V.,•,* rPEOPLEIS SAVINea_ HANEL OF PITTSBURGH, June 20, MN& _ AN ELECTION for Nine Trustees, to' serve for the next two years, wilt be held at the; Beekie t t 80 Fourth street, on TUESDAY, July 'TM between the hours of 10 o'clock A. M. any. OX. is. B. F. VON BONIMOJEUM Secretary and Treaseiter. jeMrS9 Orric — Tai PLBLADELrIIF::43Iernay Division. 9 THE INTEREST, IN GOLD:" on the FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS OF THE UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY. EASTERN DIVISION, due June Ist, 1888, will be paid on presentation of the Coupons therefor, at the Banking House of DABNEY, MORGAN & CO.. 83 Exchange Place, New York, on and after that date. WM. J. PALMER, rur27:q69-W7m - • Treasurer. CLMVELAND L PITTSBURGH RAILROAD COMPANY, ) Often of Secretary and Treasurer, CLEVELAND, June 23d, 1868, A DIVIDEND OF TWO PER , CENT.. free of Govenmenk tax,_from the net earnings of this Company, ' his been declared, aad made payable Orr the - 10th day of July next, is Stockholders registered in New York, - at theolllce of the Fanners' Loan and Trust Company, and to the Stockholders registered in Cleveland at • the °dice of the Treasurer, in Cleveland. The Transfer Books will be closed July let and re-opened Julr 11th. . I T. A. INGERSOLL, • 1e27:58 I Treasurer. PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD COMPANY, 41ULASITRZR'S DEVAUTMENT__, tt Philadelphia, - May A, 1408. f NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS.—The Board Of Directors have this day deulared a semi-annual. Dividend of THREE PER OENT. on the Capital Stock of the Company, payable In cash, clear of National and State Taxes, and a Banton Dividend of FIVE PER CENT., payable In stoCk, on and after May th Blank powers of attorney for collecting dividend. can be obtained at the office of the Company, No. S3S South Third street. THOMAS T. FIRTH, Treasurer. WTIDE COUPONS , lIMM FIRST MORTGAGE BONDS UNION PACIFIC RAILROAD COMPANY DUE 41:nCiSZ .Ist, 18066 Will be paid on and after that date, J. IN GOLD COIN, Free of Government Tax, At the • Company's Office, 'N0:.20 NASSAU' ST:. New York. Schedules with twenty or more coupons. will now be received for examination, and gold checks for the same will be delivered Ju ne 30th. - JOHN J. CISCO, Treasurer. je1.9:1•80 Igr 0 Pl' xMLSOLD(cIg r 4 fi i IyNSYLVANLII PHILADLLPHIA, May 13, 1869. NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. FLAGS, In pursuance of resolutions adopted by the Board of Directors at a Stated Meeting held this day,' no tice is hereby given to the Stockholders of this Com may. that they will have the privilege of subscrib ing, either directly or by substitution under such rules as may be prescribed therefor. for Twenty-five Per Cent. of additional Stock at Par, in proportion to the respective interests as they. stand registered on the Books of the Company, May 20. VMS. Holders of less than four Shares will be entitled to subscribe for a fuU share, and those holding more Shares than a multiple of four Shares wi l be entitled to an additional Share. Subscriptions to the new Stock will be received on and after - Blay 30, 1868, and the privilege of sub- - scribing will cease on the 30th day of July, 1808. The installments on account of the new Shama, shall be paid in cash, as follows: Ist. 'Twenty-eve -Per Cent. at the time of sub. serlption, on or before the 30th day of July, 1868. Twenty.flve Per Cent. on or before the 10th day of December, 1868. 3d. Twenty-eve Per Cent. on or before the 15th day of June, .1869. 4th. Twenty-live Per Cent. on or before the 15th day of December, 1869, or if Stockholders should prefer, the whole amount may be paid up at once, or any remaining Installments may be paid up In fall i at the time of the payment of the second or third in stallment, and each installment paid up shall be en- ' , titled to a pro rata dividend that may be declared on full shares. 77-1.031A14 T. FIRTH, jelml Treasurer. BY smrrasoN, UNHOOK & wounamm. D ESIRABLE RESIDENCE AND GROUNDS, CLIFF STEEET, AT AUCTION. At 213 j o'clock r. M., on the premises, will be sold, by auction, that desirable double two-story Frame Mansion. containing 13 rooms, furnished in good style, being No. 11 Cliff street, formerly the prop erty of Hon. A. W. Loomis. The lot fronts on Cliff street 63 feet, extending back 865 feet to Bedford avenue. Also, a Lot directly opposite, fronting on Cliff street, extending over the hill an average depth of 90 feet. The location of this property is very desirable and_ commands the attention of those desiring a comfort able home ins delightful neighborhood. , • surrasoi, VANHOOK. & McCLELLAND. • jet . Anottonears. • AUCTION SALES. DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, WATCSI✓S, t-Itia . . l -4MXI'Ars ace., EVERY EVENING. (Saturdays excepted) at 8 o'clock. at Masonic Hall Auction Rooms, Nos. 35 and 57 Fifth street. SMITHSON, VANHOOK & MCCLELLAND, ' je2.5 Auctioneers. pemmEn. & PHILLIPS, AUCTIONEERS And Commission Merchants, OPERA HOUSE AUCTION ROOMS, No. SO Fifth Street, Pittsburgh, Fa. BOOTS, SHOES, CARPETS * Dry GoOds and Notions, AT PRIVATE SALE DAY AND EVENING. Cons'Contents Solicited. Prompt Re. tarns.. TELEGRAPH,_ NAVIGA— TION AND SLEEPING CAE STOCKS. • ' TUESDAY EVENING. - June 30th. at 8 o'clock. will be sold, on second floor or Gommerchtl Selma Rooms, 106 Smithfield street :' - 1 31 shares 3ferchants , t Man'fs Nat. Banc. - • 40 shares Pacinc and Atlantic Telegraph. Co. 14 shares Monongahela Navigation Co. • 34 shares Central Transportation Co. (Sleep ing Car )eD A. McILWAINE. Auctioneer. ASSIGNEE'S SALE OF . DRAYS. WAGONS, ft•M—Will be sold MONDAYIAIf- NOON, June2Otb, at 2 o'clock, at COrW of Lacock and Goodrich streets, Allegheny city. by .order of James W. Murray. Assignee of George Mahaffey and John 011bralth. Rankrusta. two Drays. five two-horse .Wagons, one bleign, three sets Wheel Harness, one - Saddle, one set Siete" Harness, Log Chain , &c. JOB. A. M'ILW WINE, Auctioneer. , ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE; • , By virtue of authority vested in me, I will °i ncise to 'Public Sale, at tlivreoldenee of the late Ho n. JOHN P. No. 1,30 Wylie strut, In the City of Pittaburgtb on • . . Monday. 31213 4, 29th. at 9 ceeloek A. 75... Household and Hi'tehen Furniture, eAxle d p ire b h o o m t u h e e h r ' a P s ro h P as eM b y ee be n l r o e n t r iu ng ed t , o - JOSEPH A BUTL ER, of deceased. Terms cash. je2s:e4 MARY Hl,Ass - ; tExecuton• by theestate. STRAW All the Novelties of the SatsoN, ;.. ."'-, AT . IWCOILD •46'00* NOTICES.' OF THE OF THE AUCTION SALES. TIBLEBSDA.Y, July 2411, IS6 S, 0:101.1A ',13:/.lll4:linftlivl ':~Jll',y~4'a-~cl~ ALL THE AN' IMENSE WC& , e~ 1= & EIS