I did Iliatters' hi lie* York. Cold Closed 6cll4oy®l4oy DI ZBy Telegraph to tbe Pittsburgh Gazette., it • NEW YORK, June' 27,1868. MONEY AND GOLD.- Money easy , and steady at 3®4 per cent. on call loans. Sterling at 110@a11Oy.. Gold '•;, lower; opening at 140%, and closing at .140%®14014. GOVERNMENTS. Governments steady * Coupons of 1881, c • 7... , • c N@III7X,; do. 62, 1135‘®113%; do. '64, '11.6%®111; do. '65, 111M®111 3 / 4 ; do. new, 1 13X0114; do. '67, -114 y.; do. '6B, 109% ifl Ten-Forties, 107%®10734; Seven t? rties, 109%. - • • ? BANK STATEMENTS. 5 Loans, $27 ,204,036; increase, $2,386,428; ' Specie, IR 7 ,I 300; decreize, $1,371,530; ()illation, 8,721; decrease, $70,399; de. posits, $214,3 207; increase, $2.817,820; le r •Ital tenders, $ 3,853.303; increase,sl 285,871: R ILWAY MARKET Opened buoys t and higher, closing nearly Nip ~to the highest point of the morning. :Bofder State stocks and railway mortgages are firm. Express shares recovered slight 1y from their depression earlym the day. STOCKS. ' The' following - are the 5:30 - ices: Canton, -19%©50; Cumberland!, 32X . _®33; Wells' Ex ,Li presa, 1 2 6%1 `leriour- ' D mlEProms, 43 %@ -44; Aftms Express, 523®52%; Mer x .chants Union Express, 26©26N;• United .States Express, 43@46; Quicksilver,• 22,y,; Pm:LW° Mail, 102y‘; Atlantic, 30@33; Wstern Union Telegraph 1 . 34%'®35;- New' York Cen tral, 135©135%©135%; Erie, 707‘@)71; pre 'forted, 75X4743; Huth. on, 141)*A®140X; Read ing,'lo6@lo6%; Ohio and Mississippi, 30(@1 4 40%; Wabash, •48%©48%.' St.' Patti, fax® .6735; preferred, 741®79 ; Michigan Centrik , 1175‘; Michigan-. Southern, W 2.% 4 ' 92 3V !Illinois "Central, 157@158; Pitts burgh.; 90%@9014; Toledo, 105%®105%; Rock Island, 105y,,®105%; North Western, 71@71%; do.preferred, 79y, 79; Fort : 3 , Wayne, , 11 6‘@112%; Hartford and. Erie, •15@15%; C cago' and Alton, 138; St. Joe fi - preferred, 88;• Burlington and Quincy, 154; new Tennessees, 74%; do. old, 76; new Vir -zinias, 58; do. old, 59; 'Missburis;94%®9ly,. MESTNG SHARES . MI • . 4 tang shares steady; Quartz Rill, 115; 'Smith & Parmelee, 360; Edge Hill, 425; •Gregoti. 520. ' IMPORTS. Importi for the week: Drygoods. 81423,- 1 787; merchandize, ;4,139,840. - 4., • • • • SUB-TREASURY. 'Receipts at Sub-Treasury, 11,303,219; for - the :Week, 'M694.791; payments to-day, 4509.638, for the week, 814,428,293; balance. 493,902,715. New York Produce Market. t • Illy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) ft NEW Yonn, June 27.—Cotton is less ao : zi tive ' with sales of 1,400 'bales at 31Mc for , li • ,_, ti . gaiddling uplands. The receipts of Flour , *I , - to r day amounted to 5,403 barrels; the mar . . .et is dull and. in favor of buyers, with sales of 7,500 barrels at 86,8557,30 for super , line State and western; 67,80 for extra State; -$7,75a6,97 for extra western; 510,80a12,90 for 0 white • wheat extra, - $8,65a12,99 for Round .. , ,:q 'Hoop Ohio; 58,50a10 for extra St. Louis, ,f.: and $10,50a14 for good • to choice do., closing , .1? heavy, including 1,500 barrels extra State '4 for export. California flour is heavy, with 41 sales of 900 sacks at $1.0a12,75. Rye flour is '., -quiet with sales of 200 barrels at $8.25a10,30. •:f: ,ora Meal is declining, with sales of 100 barrels city at $5,30a5,35, and 300 barrels .'44' Brandywine at $6,75. Whisky is dull. The 'receipts of Wheat to-day amounted to 8,200 : bushels; the market is dull and sa3c lower, 'r! with sales of 12,400 bushels at $3,50 for am '✓ her winter and western; 62,68 for new t'' white Georgia ; $2,60a2,75 for white Cali :r fonds; 82,60 for do. Michigan and. Canadian club; No 1 spring at private terms. Rye '• dull and declining; tulles of 800 bush Penne yi at $l,BO. Barley nominal. Barley Malt ti dull and heavy. corn—receipts, 10,344 „•., bush. the market is heavy, dull and la2c 'll lower.; sales of 87,000 bush at $1,00a1,04 for ?, mixed western afloat; closing atsl,olal,o2: , A good, sound parcels at sl,oBlr white west- 1 IT ern. OatiP--receipts, 92,177 bu sh; the mar- 1 - .1 ket is heavy And 2c lower; sales of 98,000 . .4 . bush at BlaB2,tio for western in store and . - p:1 afloat; closing at 810 in store. Rice moral nally unchanged. Coffee quiet and .firm. ~' Sugar steady andin fair .demand; sales of 2 4; -SOO hhda,Cuba at 'Wane; 100 boxes Havana -I.; at 12%c. , , Molasses nominally unchanged. !,, Hops quiet at 10a400 for American:'-Petrol -I4 •sum quiet and firm at 16140 for' crude; '32a ' .f.-:: 33c for refined, bonded. Coal quiet. Leath - c.e r=ifemlock- solelattiTtcallidlirgi litlgaoc: *l3oc Wool r 'more ZaCtlirtii.....atilprevions. 11 prices; males of 67,000. _pounds •at 45a f I .536' ilk' doinisitic'-fleece- Pork:'Valet told 1 steady; sales'l;6oo bbls at 28a28,"2.5'f0r -new; ',fir mess, closing at $37,85 radii; $27,75428- for •.1 old do.; closing at $27,87 cash; 1122,50a23 - for ' 'lll, prime; $24a,24,25 for prime mesa. Beef ;cit . steady and unchanged; sales 150 bbls. Beef hams dull at $25a27. Cat meats quiet; sales 180pkgit .at 12a180, for . shoulders;. i153017c 'til, for ham& Middles dull and heavy; sales Si choice long clear at 15c. Lard dull and ', heavy at 15 1 ,4a11135c for steam; 1734a18c for 7 , '371 kettle rendered; sales 250 tierces steam buyers for August at 171)( 3 e. Butter '9ulet at 24a28c for Ohio. Cheese heavy. Freights n to Liverpool firm; shipments per steamer ,- 1 15,000 bu wheat at _534e; 2,000 be corn at 1 - 5Xe; 400 bbls flour at ls. 9d. , .' LATUST.—FIottr closed dull ' and heavy; .5210 c lower; demand is confined to supply ii ing pressing wants of the home trade.lT Wheat heavy and nominal at $1,90a1,98 for No.- - 2; and $2,07a2,10 for No. 1 spring. Rye is dull and heavy at $1,70a1,85 for common to prime. Oats dull. Corn dull and heavy 1., at $1a1,02 for new mixed western ailost,,,• Pork is nominal; $28a28.25 for mess, -dash, ~1 and regular. Beef quiet and unchanged; cat meats are in limited demand but un- 7 changed.' Bacon quiet without 'decided •'. change. Lard dull at 16 t(al6,gc for com i mon to prime steam. Eggs remain quiet at 21a23)4c. New York Dry D'ahla Market. LB! Telegraph to the Pittsburgh 274=M-either: visit, with a stoppage_pf one-fourth per cent. 9n cotton mac hinery;' eas(ern prices areon a ri se illis7 ,l 9Pf i ft l Y Vitb raw Materiuls., Span daratninwn sueetinlpf lite in rtsiticild -sup ply, and firm, .itt 17,34a18c•f0r best, makes, and second — best at 163 al7c. Fine sheet logs, like - -444mtios ;lave adyanpitd - , t t o rykk unit shirtinlo4 likeethel3 snake, to lbto.. Antoskeag bleached musl in have risenio 18c; Bates B B to 16%c; do B to 141613;80rt1et5..01t0t1 4 36,,1W0 . 8. - to 18Mc; Hills theft to 18e; w_ nemarket uf 'bleached sheetings steady. Moat. bf light :styles of printed calicoes and delaines have Men entlrelicclesedout.at the, recent low prices,•and in - the