El littotulg Cariptts. tHE DIE:SERT Desert Xing! the lonely mountain tiuttnesslatby lair. .from whose baSe the bandy level stretchesvride and Dreary mlm, which torrid skies oppress with sultry 4 /twit In wild and solitary grandeur reigned there. AU tae. d&y asleep fu roc cavernk cavern out of sight, lifh the fevered desertburns with sunlight scorch- big bright, the cruel mirage smiles and crumbles into "Thon t roh Walt, as 'weary earth Is waiting, for the night. . r . • 'When below the Circling low horizon , / eery rini Ginks ki the sun, Gal. volts lds blazing hatinerlufter .And In cloudless amber skies the planets seem to the • • 'Then thd es ertt lies befere.thest, purpleJost =dam. "Thersupon thy lofty mountain rampart-tiontdort he, Alasdarg from thebeetling crest of rock-uralldiesd and Mgt, Facittg. that slow -dying-glow of twilightlit the aky s _ 'With its red reflection gleaming sttliertfrOMthy eye. Couldheart, one only read , the wild, fierce stirring et thy . • Xnosr: thee in thine untamed nature, savage and apart— Guess what hints of life on plains beyond thee (may be) dart With _Stamm of something wanting; saddening what thou'art;— " • • reel thy . mighty exultations, instincts, joy or pain , Or divine what be those subtle mos legs o7,th e goorn v farn will scarce admit aretliinutin All thy strange brute life an unread Milken must remain. Look ont fearless from thy mountain fastaosa I not for thee - Liveth any past to 'vex theewith regretting bitterly, Loometh anyltiture with its spectres dread to see; And thy desert realm is gladness to thy spirit strong , and free.. . May ••lioure at Rome:" EPREMERIS. —Montreal has floating baths. —Tostem sailed on Friday for Europe. —Peacocks are popular as parlor pets. Mandariri Burlingame is 48 years old. —Tad and Mrs. Lincoln are going to Eu- —New York is over-run with ex-Gov -ernors: —Pitching pennies is against the law in Brooklyn. -- . -.Anstralian gold coins are legal-tender in California — . ,-New Orleans has an amateur Italian Op era company. 7 -Lager beer is exported from this coun -tryltO Germany.. • --Fanny Fern is one hundred years old, lacking forty-nine. • —Kirby Smith is goin• e to start a military school in Kentucky. —Quebec has imported some house•spar rows. from England. —The cherry and apple crops in Connce tif said to be failures. - -General Grant and Admiral Farragut, each have a•son at West Point. _ =Cot W. T. Prosser is the 'Republican nominee for Congress in Nashville. =A new village in New Jersey just six months old has been named Norwood. There are more wild cats in Connecti cut, now than there were thirty years ago. —Schneider and Mrs. Reward Paul are "both playing the Grand DuChesain London. Toucey has founded four $3OO scholarships in Trinity College, Hartford. =Lord Dundresry Sothein has been the - recipient of a diamond ring from the Welsh Tein . ce. • • • —The races this year have paid the stock "holders of the Jerome Park a handsome dividend. - —79 new serials have already been started Ibis year in London, but only 7 of them ex ist now. —Braddon, the queen of the blonde-mur deress-blood-and-thunde,r novelists, is coin ing to America —About 08,4300 worth of horses were re cently sold at Alexander's Woodburn stud farm in Kentucky. —lt seems that Gen. Cary, of Ohio, thinks that the New York nominations will be Johnson and Cary. —The rebel General lost $500,000 •by the war. He also lost what little repu tation he ever had. --Ole Bull is said - to be going to China, - probably to realize the old. saying 'about a Bull in .a China shop. —A small worm that eats grasshoppers 'has made its appearance in Utah and the saints there are jubilant. It is sold that the . Peace Dale Mills in "Rhode Island have never been completely stopped for twelve years. —The Emperor of China, who is four leen years old, is to" be married to a young ' celestial beauty aged eleven. • -:-The statistics of theWbnbledon ghost ing Match for several years sbow that gray eye ‘ d men make the best 'theta. • -,There is said to be a secret rebel society in Meriden, Bus., called . "The Knights of 'the Cross of St. Wilkes Booth." • —A Cincinnati paper says "the Pemile torreacort will stop to take a drink at Pitts -lath*: on the way to New York. ll 4-Vilite alpaca umbrellas lined with screen are v ery fashionable with Parisian swells as a protection from the sun. —Ezra Cornell, the founder of the Cor melt University, has been made a Doctor of laws by the University of New York. —Mrs. Julia Ward Howe, has written an extremely 'pleasant and readable • book of travels called' "From the Oak to the Olive." —queen Victoria says that _theSpirit of -he dear departed' Prince. Albert appears to Iter^oll his birth day every year at BaliziorA: • -4-TOAligitdrom *Way station .dos as` a roof footr:%aike.q ;In exient;• It is ZUW OII4 (0 be gal larva roorinthe =world:, —Father lOatifigigpreachinghis hetro:: 40 4 legit ,nor v i , ltoipsn, Anglican ; noz~re- • ' • --McCool =and Coburn" got, up a little light in gaol the other 'Clay, bat 'the powerii that be out thereinterfered and stopped Charles Lever tilts his ultra tory; old : wild, led:century notions inbao of his PPi n _ elias ' "e*lkPiPere,lit th e bit., Blackwood. • New Port is to have 'Constant Ifajret ibis' limit Judgiikg from Bois Of: !lie specimens this year s iwe *kid .prefer a _Constantanner. . • .--The Democrats 'think Thad St e v ens gives , 'T 1 ,11 4; 16 2 ..39/ 11 4, 2 :*lo7lLpflYffe of gimp i n n . -Age orthlkAtilliinia n- : 6ll6l "diits th ifette ab 6 1441 t 401111,000-4 41 # 111 1 ' NM El ons of his letters. It has the advantage of " oe .. ing the first in the field. —The Marquis of Hastinge t set; as tl kay ." at least in part, retrievedhis",ortuires. -After his ig 6o a f°rtune at tbf:s reenei . raceshe gave $2,000 to Charities, _ —Gunge FranciU tram is •ia'. raptures with Lady Rtumell. Geo. F. T: is an ar rant snob at heart, end praisee- Ladi , "This- sell because she noticed him once, —ln spite of the efforts of the brunettes to change -The fitsbion, European authorities have decided that yellow hair is to be the faal/ 1 9 11 - 59049 alun and, antann, —Napoleonls : ping t,o boratcti t \h,oridle of his family / 1n August next4to te6present at the celebration of the anniversary of the annexation of that histofic , island to France. —The Chicago filitirpsioters' Society, numbering one hundred and men, well armed with telescopic rifles, left that town for New ; York city. They are delegates to the great,Schilizenfest. —The! white men of Nashville, Tenn., are to have a grand processioa on the Fourth of July, and the Declaration, of Independ-, ence is to be read. The< colored people are going to have a barbecue. —Wes M. B. Edwards, the novelist, is said to be the authoress of those excessively falae and hateful "girl of the period" arti cles in the Saturday Beeieto; which are Mak ing so much fuss in England.: —As Englishman, living near Florence, has his study walled and floored with zinc and sued with water,' In which he writes and reads in the dog r days, his desk and books being placed just above high water . , mark. A new , rifle has appeared in Paris which so far surpasses the needle gun and the Ch.sasepat that those useful weapons may be looked upon as playiid out. The new ride, is called the Ravageur, and can be fired forty times a minute. —Some Italians are very sentimental. Victor Emanuel recently received the heart of a Venetian patriot who died, fighting for his country: it was "beautifully dried" and bearei this inscription, " Sire, this heart, too, desired you for its king." —A New Haven paper states that four regular physicians in Connecticut, all brothers, possess an infallible remedy for hydrophobia, but will not divulge the secret If this be true, we agree with the journal that they deserve the severest reprobation. —The average, number of deaths from ac cidents in mines in Britain has, for the last ten years, been a thousand a year, about one fifth of watch are from pxplosion. Three thousand nine hundred persons have during that period been killed by the falling in of horseback and roofs. —A Portland, Me., piper tells of a - gen tleman in that city who, • going out of his house, stumbled over a dog in the entry and fell, breaking his nose, and who then, in trying to kick the dog kicked over the hat stand, putting his ankle out of joint, and disabling himself for three months. —Lady Adelaide Talbot was married to Earl Brownlow recently by the side of her father's death bed. The father, the Earl of Shrewsbury, was the victor in thti great Shrewsbury case, which was a prominent event of the past decade. Lord Ingestre, the new Earl, is said to be almost anything but brilliant. —The (Topeka (Kansas). Record says : "We heard lately of a curious freak of na ture. Seven pounds of rusty bacon, fur nished to the Indians, s*elled to twelve hundred pounds by the time the vouchers were made up for the Government to pay for it. Again, six head of Texas steers for the Indians, costs2,9oo to the Government. Strange things sometimes happen. —Twenty years ago a Rhinoceros was brought to this country, and he died. Since then none of his species have emigrated thither until last month; when :a young one was landed in New York, he not be full grown for twenty years, blithe already weighe 3,000 pounds and eats three bushels of grain, 'and three hundred pounds of hay every day, besides drinking twenty buckets of water. —The body of tke unfortunate young Kid of Napoleon I. is buried at ShOnbruitn. Recently, it is said, that France asked for the body of Napoleon H. to' bury it besides the remains of hls august father in the mug nificent tomb at the Invalides; The'reply 'was :characteristic of the Hapsburg pride. "The body of the Due de Reichstadt you may have when you ask it as such; the body of Napoleon IL we haye not, nor do we llndmention of such potentate:in the Akita nac de Gotha!" , —The wardrobe of the Princess Metter nich,lt is said, consists of 119 dresses of silk, each of 119 pieces, and trimmed with 1,900 yards of trimmings ; 16 0 morning gowns of ' various materials, adorned with one million of buttons ;, 61 walking dresses and, cloaks, 'ornamented with one ton of bugles ; 51 shawls of various Ores and col ors ; 152 petticoats, in variety;; 275 other under garments ; 165. pairs of stockings; 156 Oahe of 'gloves df every known color; 49 Pairs Of 'boots and aides ; 71 mires and belts ; 64 brooches; in variety, 72 pairs of etar-rings;:in ' variety ;11 fails °; 24 patuadln ; t 1 umbrella, &c.... ~ . , , '• ' • The HariisburgiGueoy - 1 26th says the , sw e e vA has appcmeLl'in large quantities , . . in many of the wheat fields of PermsYlva. nia4.cinsed by the, continued wet weather which we hkve - uhad this season: the Lebanon yrdley l - the Pumberland and the country traversed bY the Pennsylvania and Northern Central 'Railroads we have yery discouraging accounts `of ' the- Ta!agee of destructive,insect. A A farmer ; , In the Cumberland Yell ey,, ilYing'opar GreenteStle, ,reports the presence ,of, weevils; Jil l large; . quantities.- Wheat 'taken from , ids .owir ' , fields is entirely eaten up:by the ravenous' attack of countless weevils. He examined= 'Otherlields of his own lily :well, as those of bigigeighbpie_ , and be found ' those `dest'ne.; ti v e , ,iim;go JO the same n ruhipaa.ebo444o eVerywitm!.„ Ateosserts:that is all his Aix, perience., se, Agirlaiithe MATT knew the wea n, to t o , f iagiii aaatda Ude- season, .• • To iiy,th e Jew* ;tip ennatertof Bore regret that A mop *kith has promised' oofatoriblyrhair far, should thus be distreied' tight' on: +iliii Are of harvest; imd ifirtenc9oY , 49Pe that .thcose,' t i sfeW ll l,,ic t t l , l9 opl ui tOriii 4 i 1 4 1 ( ,11 . 1 , 4 " ; 11 r=7 £ 4-. `P . 1-1 ars.' i .1J I.). 11.1 , 4 a:, I ,b4l-1-111, MC The Wheat . ~ ~,.,.,_ , .... „, ~.. ~ - .. ; ,- t •.,- --..,--"- -- 7;7:*': r:‘-2.-r,-n -1 . -- .''' , -7 , . : ,. ., ,1 ! - -, 7 .' ,7 ;' ,7 "7."- - i 7 - 7 ,, -..,.. 77,--7-11",-,;7,9r T-r^..."4',m4•-!,---- ~-.1...,.--,,,, , ' --, . , . , ; , ;;': --*- ` ' .,7"7„ , ',7if"i ^ t-.... ; . ,;, -, -,..;;" ..-.V., ,'''.r'•,;',-?%:-.5%',-,.,:''':,,: :',..Y,--,4.,,,,:1;'; '' ' lN., , '"'` - ~:7;1, : = . j ; ,-",.'.-•-• ~,..-.------- .., - 'i , ..4t" ---- ,z::,:T,:77.F;:7iF,.-LaZi.-E::,:f4'J*V,l,?.-..Ve,;..,iia3k,-,Kti;%:.?aq:F3-1-:fi:iZ., =,..070, c6::-li'j.r':''.E-t'f;..,t'4:'-,,C'l..;,':;';'''-,",-'4.Tzz:o '4'',.*.z443:4,‘:::>„;:1-,:•..17 4 4x.,-.,,,474i,-,-..?:!-,:43-1)I1-44-.4.4c,;; r i 3,:...: • w--S.7Z4lliikg,,'W:FAM:alit.iWieritaaMaik;%VW4ZkPUTO4llo -16' 44-- 4 ----, - x,-4-44.44-% ~4,..:ft44.24444 T F-v,4,.v:-17kti-4,-44-v1.?,.-c:,4, -144:4:-4:-:J.z.,--..1.-4',x.-2i4,,._5,,4•444.,;",5.43N-A.,ze,4.-:.+5-.4-J.J-4';,.,3!f57j.. ."44--Ir'''''''''PlilitafrAffitr.4434'--10X.Ailiokc-i4-,..r-Ae.-%.V-414-.5:4k,'-'--::1r-W20-4:4,,eA, Fr•:,-k,f - 4-- ' -,-, 5,4....,-N:.„,,,,,,r4i!,,,,tm1.„.,,,v;-,7.-t.,:?6.-455N,w,14,0,v--5,1.6-A‘A1,..1-f4,-vir_. ' ----'"- '---.4zolvvakt,e,„f,s..,-.:,:vNwp.,-.w44-azi44-,-,--, .. ,,,- . , i , p - _ , .i.x.0 , 4*g.i5. , ,:wAr, , ,,,,-.4 w , --,,,,,,, -- '-;•-:_- , , . , •. . ,..„-,..,,p , a, -: i„n,,,,, triAttt: DEI STRY iliL i nt - ACTED • wrrizEovrr civaiea 'MADE WI RN ARTWICIAL • Tziere ARE. OROIL DERED. A ruLL BET F sE s AT Dit. scoPrs. SITS PENN ISTREET 311 DOOR ABOVE. RAND. ALL WORK WARRANTED. OALL AND KZ NS ISFECtIKENS OF GENUINE VoLOAN ITV.. • inAtd&T - GAS' FErriniliZ z a. , GA 4 MMUIpI .: .: -;.., •.: ::: .:..-....,..--.:**# ~,.--; 4:1:., - . '';...;--:-. 614.013k.P.f..1.4.,,Px.:3,Pir5p.. FOB OAS AND OIL, . Just received the finest luxd largest. Issortment ever owned In Ibis eitv. WELDON & KELLY 141 WOOD STREET, COB. VIRGIN Assam. inh2A:n22 CEMENT, SOAP STONE, &C. ToluanAviic CEMENT. - SOAP STONE. PLASTER,' CHIMNEY TOPS. WATER PIPE& HENRY H. COLLEY'S, 25 Wood street. •salB:o7C 1 DRY GOODS. DRESS GOODS! FOR THE 4TH OF JULY, J. IIL =CM= CO'S, No. 62 St. Clair Street, NEARLY OPPOSITE THE ST. CLAIR HOTEL. • WHITE SWISS MUSLIMS; WHITE NAINSOOK MIISLINS; WHITE MOLL EltrtsLlNS: - WRITE JACONET HUSLINS; LAWNS AND ORGANDIES; WH1.143 P. I'S, from Aft mats up; COLORED P• K's, for 75 cents, worth $1.12; GRENADINES, for 25tents worth 40c; . BLACK HEIMAN DlES;,___ • LACE SHAWLS AND MANTILLAts• SHETLAND SHAWLS; . GREY GOODS, for Sults; BLACK AND COLORED SILKS; THE BEST ASSORTMENT IN THE CITY No. 52 St. Clair Street. AItIPUTIINOT, SILANNON & CO., • No. 116 Wood St., Pittsburgh, Pa., •w - ucommeutor...m DRY GOODS AND NOTIONS, AT LOWEST EASTERN PRICES. 112721: 168. 1". NEW GOOD. NEW ALP4CCAS. -- NEW 19101TAIR. BLACK SILKS. HOSIERY and-GLOVES. F. ISICOII7G^Y, ror No. 168 Wylie Street. 168. 168. Diplom:l4o3 CARRMcCANDLESEI & " ( Late Wilsocklaiwrir_Co..) :DEAL ES Foreign and Domestic Dry Goods, No. 04 WOOD EMMET. Ttd--41 door above Dlamondiney, PIANOS. ORGANS, &C. DLII " THE BEST AND CHEAP. 17 EST PIANO AND ORGAN. • Schomacker's Gold Nodal Plano, AND ESTEY'S COTTAGE ORGAN. • The SCHOMACKEP. PIANO combines all the latest valuable improvements known in the cot. structlon of s first class Outrun:mot, and bits always been awarded the highest premium wherever ex bibited. Its tone is full, sonorous and sweet. The workmanship, for durability and beauty, serious all others: Prices from $5O to $l5O, (accordinKl2 style and finish,) cheaper than all other so-caned first clue Foe. • • TEY'S CtrETArtr, ORGAN at e bead of all reed instruments, in pro. &ming the moot:perfect pip_e quality of tone of any similar instrument In the Malted Mateo. It IN sim gle and Compact in construction, and not liable to et Otit of order. -- CARPENTNR'SPATICNT ," VOX HUMANA THEM,OLO ,I is only to be found in this Organ. Pate num $lOO to $550 . . All guaranteed for eve BABB, KNASE 'METTLER ) mhp . • • No. MIST. OLAIR STREET; SECOND BLIND NIFIA)DEONS AND ORGANS, In perfect order, from $35 to $l3O. BLITHE. udit2 431 Fifth et., 2d door shore Wood. ti; fetyjej i *A HE GREAT. ARIEHICAL'ILCOH ,L. BINATION. BUTTON-HOLE OVERSHMENO 441,)BEWINOTI-A g an irE,' rie 1111111010 INIVAI4 , ••t•: '! *Entet 'Tni BEST 'I MO' : • MACHINE. IN THE jr/SIALD, _AND IN ,TRlalbArzy Tuap cruchrzarr. SP/rAgetNi wanted to selUthlCEseldnel. i ; • Fl*l Mr; •• . pu b. • J ew els7 8• • 4 ' cOIirEoTIONERIEEL yaity Cake 001bittoner.9 . • 7AZI, ANA, .mml l = • • • 9,GN Ir/W1T13./ NUM% , No. 40 , coma' Iratlaral irmi'liolitnicm streets, Vie.' • thullY..• re- CoutiarailT on• ha/11W= CHXA•ms ‘ lt various flavors. watositkciii • iii' • I ` , I Coiffittonarr and Battery ire. *OO IMILTEMBID - f - . Itetween atm* sa,a maw. 'LAD ': 4114 BAtAXl2l.l4tiealeti. MlliitiEß,M*VEN,,‘ ,f l',TAP.allWtMl4l;l44oillriedry 1 4: 1 *.t a ltreithat 10. 14211,, 11.2 111 4 01baraifireet. 'wow,traFtlilit/IMAIIMber#II34 4: , 11.),t - t) a 'tun ,19 So t I. tsitz% . :1. i Zil t aub.w./. ,tu at.E,lski4U MO roKir, JUNE 29, 1868. CARPETS AND OIL,CMTHS. ITMMEJR ST CARPETS:! White, Red, Charked, Striped and Fancy rr rr I N - 3- IN,', l'll VA-111:°73r• Oil Cloths, Window 'Shades. &c. BOVARD, ROSE & CO., 21 STREET. eS:d&wr CARPETS. NOTWITHSTANDING THE kandactumrs' recent advanqe in prices, we will continue to offer the Largest stock of Brussels, Velvets and Ingrain Carpets in the city, at the lowest prices reached this sea ion. Just received, aft* pieces of a new and 'exquisite patterns Royal Axminster. OLIVER CO., , No. 23 Fifth Street CIIMA DLITTING PALITAX I M I XISI A very superior qVaLity of White, raneti Striped And Check .MATTINGS, JUST IMPORTED. ALL-WOOL INGRAINS, IN BRIGHTEST COtORS.• Prices the Lowest in this Market. ILICCATALUM BROS., 51 FIFTH STREET. above Wood. '7l-7 NEW CARPETS. & COLLINS ENGLISH VELVET CMET, PITTSBITHOR, PA. The Lowest Prices Reached this Season SUPERFINE INGRAIN CAPRPETS DOWN TO $l.lO AND $1.15 PER T/RD. McFAILLANP & COMB Nos. 71 and 73 Fifth Street. mrViirwi&T • CARPET BEATING ESTABLISHMENT, Which TEN li - EAR.6 9 TRIAL In New York and oth .er Eastern cities has proved a complete success. . YIS ; Ort r ANTAGEN; Ist.-lading and 131stinkase are eouipletely 3 allt: i llged g I lgr a gt s git i laChe tb e the , Rar&t. looks nearly as good new ; • same the instural lading trom,wear t' , • ' • ' Etli+Wben.pOrre_ otly - cman, a; Carpet works' .logovosaln, sr deslrMe matter as • mere' pohkt eoonasonte Say noillinlyallloat. '.• ~ • ` 1 ' • taii-fA"rifit'oltrbz";' Nci 170' LitieifitY Street' Or sidres.ed" to P P.O Sox 478, will reielye prompt ilttentlon. OEII. McCLINTOOI, JOUR 11.. BAILEY 84114194. STOCK AND . 'REAL ' ESTATE' BROKERS .i:•• , ,,i;,,, ,-,::,. • ' , i *Pp. :04 , M401410/40. ; !.- ~, ~ ~,,,- , Ai e iltiiitiArditiOil l 4l T 4ElTOOttittlii, sod 411:108 m .. n alo 0.8 8 1 saykr.LwaTATz, , regismitimr&or. , ~.,118e, IfOg ... ay - oftestrria va t o r d : YeteWfoib lotho .45 7rteal "Ma s # 4 o#4 i' . No. I . , HAVE JUST CEIVED THE himusT AND BEST STYLES OF SEL-QtARTERS WIDE; Tapestry and Body Brussels, WHICH THEY ABE SELLING AT BIECQNX) MPL,II ESTATE AGIIII7M3. ! io.i I I • • •.1.4 t • ; •1.1 '!;,•:,:}"P.1C);M:44%5.41111514151'.+ • ", • Er 7- A ttl-0 0 2 0i1it 'j " 211.7 :4 - a2el4 tillillialtiblialtdentliSA IIMMiIIaW.,-, M=A I LL I Ugg i L I UII NEW GOODS. ' LARGEST AND BEVY sTOCW, THEGltleti: Lanz , PIIE plum cuiirrXtrms, With Military traan, in Dra" , Po* and HOSIERY, A fall line criteria', German and Englisb. PANS; In Silk Linen and Paint Leaf. A fall line of White OPERA PANS. •t, EffiffifierSlLVAlliDllMMelf In 1111.n4ois and shakos, PARASOLS • riprGED, BEADED, LINED AND PLAIN. A FULL LINE OF HOOF SKIRTS. •AL•o some ten stiles DROP SKIRTS: OCRSKTS—A complete variety, in white arid col ored. for Ladle. and Mines. I , Nainsook, Velvetßibbons Paper Collars, Irish Linen, „ I Rid Gloves, - ' Paper (has, Lawn, ' Silk ' Gloves. Striped Shirts, Swiss, • Lisle Gloves, ~ Rmbolderies., . Cambric, Cotton Gitives, • Ribbons, etc. Also, THE NEit. SARATOGA - COLLAR. . All these 'goods are to be had • at. the LOWEBN PRICES. of .. , DIALCICUM . 41ViiIDE & CO . . .. . . . 18 and 80 Market Street. jel3: . . ' . AT JOSEPH BORNE & COOS, DAILY ARRIVAL OF NEW Gl-0401:1114 HAMBURG EDGINGS AND FLOIINC12708; HAMBIING INBERTINGS• ' • SWISS .EDGINGS.AND Issnaugus; LACE C A CDES,•COIFFEUES AND r.emAsor., covEßs; LINEN COLLARS AND CUFFS. . _ . I:IOSEERIE. , , SUPER STOUT AND SUPER FINE COTTON . . AND ME AND HOSE - ' I' LADIES' AND. MISSES' HOSE, in Lace, Lisle. Silk and Cotton, or twat English and Derr man makes• DOMESTIC HOSIERY, at very low rates,. _ ALEXANDRE'S DUCHESS KID GLOVES, a new line just , received. A hill assyrtenent of BULLION AND SILK FRINGES.,• . TASSEL FRINGES: BEAD FRINGES AND TRIDIssiNGEtt GIMP HEADINGS:_ • - TRIMMING RIBBONS AND SATINS:. PARASOLS Aria SUN UMBRELLAS. STRAW 'O4 - 200135. - • At greatly reduced rates New style HATS—Ladles' and Mims. CRAPES,IKALINES, DOTTED NETTS; RIBBONS FLOWERS,' MILLINERY LACES, • BONNET SILKS, FRAMES, • BIINDOWNS AND • SHAKE * HOODS, Wholesale and' Retail. CALL AND E.X.A.MINE. 71 and 1 79 Market Street. jeirmwr PERFECT 'FITTING . , ••• IC.trf 'GLOVES. "A. C. 'C." . -""H. S. K.". We invite attention to our KID _ GLOVE DEPARTMENT, Which is now complete with every color and shade. . In addition to our own special importation of the Celebrated A. C. C. (Jonirin) KIDS, We have secured the exclusive sale of the "Sarris Seamless 32E1ds," The best Glove and most perfect AL MOW= & OMALISLE, spll -19111"111 STREET. . MACRIIItt & .CARLISLE . • , • 19 Fifth. Street, • New offer the most elegant line of . • . HA10317111313 Zver opened in Pittsburgh, to whleh timy especially invite the attention of their • customers. The de. ast r ar i o r tarld s ttl , l r new saisti r inf, p iAd c Abent apU. • MACRUM & CARLISLE, 19 IFlPrit STREET, Have jut opecied ell atitoileo of BULLION. AND RISTORI FRINGES. BUGLE GIMPS . AAD .FRINGES; At yery lavr prices. • • • • ' WALL PAPER. .... ,, ,, , ,neeedNiNnornnni , Wr.r.rioven.PeavioNAriereovvvenree WALLPAYERS rormcLiti,4w.cattaiss„ 13/AUNLI{I3aI/d I°Toi!,/C2il3‘ _ . For tide CIIICAP' AS THE blatArpaT, st N 0.107 Market Sireet,nearritth. 'JOS. R. HUGHES 8c• BRO; M di.Aits;"cartril. iiilitY: " 100 - WOOD; STIISEST, DU,. GLUE, Asp', ::• QUEENSWARE,., • • • PattlAN STATIMIYEEi g • ot And other MARLS ANTI SANOT :•1 1 5. 0 .9%C r. 114 l afieq• , ywcrlizi BitirabD&CCß± - A eti 7m..49IOP