The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, June 29, 1868, Image 1

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011519 Diliti4;43l
trorim*.* ci.cquoijic - 3E.
~, __ -
t Colorado Consider•
e Senate-- River and
niproyentent BM in
Sill to A
ed is
t Harbor
the House.
;ByZieleiraph to Pittsburgh fiswette.l
W. sin June 77, , 18
..„; Mr, CRAGEI intradticed a bill to amend
fArt 'act to exempt certain ,mnrinfacturers
tkoin internal taxi
. i hie.. RAMSEY introduceda bill to regli-
Elite: trade between the • United States and
~ftttfsh North American provinees..' _Re-
ETetieti to - bet:oo4es on Oommerce. ..
. IMi.:DRAKE, frota Committee on Naval
Altbirer reported . a bill RPlVleolootarY to
I,.thevariotie sets relating to the Navy; • • '
.. , 5 The tax bill as reedited from the House
'.'and referred to the Timm* Committee,
rwhich was granted leave to sit during the
4.laily cession.: •
-.4-_ - . . ~.
. 1 Mr. THAYER, of ,Nebraska, introdticed
bill to establish a new land district in Ne
braska., , Referred to the Committee on
•,,,Pablitt Lands. • . • - '' •
Mr:YATEStailed tip the bill to admit
Colorado into - the Union. The question was
tn:itti amendment '_by the Committee on
• ;Territories, providing &general election
•l of • a State. Legislature and State officers
. mititin sixty ' days a ft er the - of this
'. -, said. Legislature to meet wit thirty
flays after the election, and. imposing the
,tundamental condition for admisdon that '
t i -, id -Lego' latnre '.., shall ratify • the four
-' • Lleenth amendment to-the Constitution, oth
`.l9ratiset this act shall be null and void.
p This was amended byinserting a proviso
- •
.allearing the Legislature to decide if: it
;,,fohooses against admission;, also, by a110w
:, ng the , to proceed to elect
;,,; nited States Senators in case it. decides in
, I ' , ' '., VOT of admission: . _ , '
'.. s :4 Mr. CONICLINGnifered as amendment
i.,::: ''s quiring the question of ratification to be
i A; , tsubmitted to the.p_eople at•the election an
,..1 ricirised by the bill. . _ -
;.‘.; • Ths was opposed by Messrs. Yates, How
, .1‘ ... - Tipton, Nye, and others as unneces.
' • 'Asar;', , and sustained by the mover and Mr.
~'. :111 , 11.1arton. - . - . .., , . , ,
.4,4:411 Mr. DAVIS epOke ; _aitalnkt the , bill and
• `'Messrs. Harlan and _ Cragm in its favor.
'.li Without argon' n `the bill or amend-
Mei& the - Senate went into executive session
' . ?t . ,thud after a protracted session adjourned.
, N
..:‘' 3 'wasp OF REPRESENT.A.TIyES ,
1 .
The SPEAKER presented the report of
~ •
:•'' . k ee Paymaster General as to the payment
-- •i' , .:4of additional bounties since July Ist.
, ... .
, t
xi Mr. JULIAN introduced a -joint re501u
....;4. ion providing that in any treaty hereafter
.. • , acluded with Indian tnhes, by which the
~ :lige of such tribes to,lbflands ab.sille vest
•,:,:: ~.-T e d, the lands shall be conveyed direct to the
;:_pnited. States and thenceforward be subject
.. the authority of Congress ' the Same as
', : other public lands. It passed.
t The SPE4K.KRroceeded •• to the call of
tphe Committee on Claims for reports of a
rivate nature.'
A large I:Lures , of private bills ' were
*. ' • li t Mr. BROOKS introduced: a bill to amend
'`--'.' he act of March 31st; 1888; TO- exempt - cer
::: . ..ain manufacturers from internal tax. Re
',.•., strerred to the Committee on Ways and
• ~, Mr. BANKS gave notice that- he would
• , .tusk the House next Tuesday to consider
:;,;;the bill'appropriating'inoney•for the pur
:.- •''bhase of Alaska. • , ,
t Mr: SPALDING gave notice that he
would ask action 'immediately after on the
lharbor and river bill.
gMr,EGGLESTON, from the Committee
Commerce, reported a bill allowing the
ktuthorities of Lorain county, Ohio, to build
?bridge across Math river near the•village
l' Black River.' Agreed to.
On motion of Mr. WASHBURNE, 111.,
he Senate amendments` tcithe legislative
: .propriation bill were referred to the
' • mmittee'on Appropriations.
Mr. WASEIB=CR gave notice that he
• ould, early next week, report' the de
..ficienq bill and ask leave to make it. the
• pedal order for next Wednesday. - -
Mr. POLAND gave notice that he would
: n Monday,ablt action on the Missouri con
• : ted'illeotioniase of t3.wissler against An
. organ." • , • . . •
The House proceeded . to triet ceetdderA-•
ion of the river and harbor appropriation •
. ill, the question:ll6og :0114$itei motion of
• . DELANO - te recommit the billle the
, annittee an Commerce, with instructions
• report back a bill making the following
' A': pproptiatione: For the improvement' of,
arbors •of northern lakes and St. Clair
• .. , 0,11500,00% for luiprovement of harbors
on seacoast,Also,ooo; for improvement of
',' • iverS, ti,Boo,ook for completion of reports,
.: spa and diagrams ,of bridges . over . the
4" saissimil l river and for -purchase arid' te
. air of instruments,. 510,000; for a survey
' or the deepening of the ship canal around
Sault St. Dftrie,•"510;000; total,' $1,955,000
he work to be done under contracts with W
te • Secretary of .War, . .-.- ,
ff•;"'i After , a long, debate, a Mohan 0 , Mr.
i h t
AIADWIN to table the bill was rejected-7
• '.. to 98. '
One by Mr. VARE, to -postpone to next
ession was rejected- , -38 to 89.
•••• , Other amendments were offered and re-.
RSV .i
'; `'•'
~~ ;'`.'.
1 .. ,
motionWreoogullit wits
ost-438 toloBi , ,
Thelfouseieda hied the consideration of
theA44 - 7bt, 5 1 10 _' irT u ra , tsd i r
1 1 1 1 .' or'. altar r,
iagare oduntyi - eur York, ith4 ,000 for
bib:shall, lie* -York. The , amount for
ego. was . ' lam Aom'4B7looc to,
ishvßAKEttnunreiffi'y) apropriate 1186,000
or:Alten..llllriols: •
Without action thereon the House ad-
Elimee-ity Betimes Editors.
- 3.11 y Telegresh to' the Pittsburgh Ouzeite.r.
NAISEVILIX4 June 27.-4 personal
Walt," between John R.. Brownlow, of the
Knoxville,Whig, an Mr. Kirby, of the
I.Press, ,, took place Thursday afternoon.
33rownlow - tried - to - uhtickt;' - but his - pistol
*mapped. , -'..NeitiCer Ware hurt: •
_ •
I Nail Works Destroyed.'".'
spy lelqignipb,Ao 00, ilttsburith thmette
• P i nrarrovrw; , PA... lune 29.—The
sive nail workunr the, Pottstown /Mr OcY
iwertf.tntallY destroyed by lire tO4Sy. Loss
,$lOO,OOO to $150,000, mostly covered by in
swam*. The torniess, :roiling mill. al,kti,
other buildings were uninjured':
Jeff. Davis Injured.
IBY ft.lell'apb "th*ltittahureetiagette.3 s
isti*tanaL, 'Stine 27:-4efrevion'..lXlilk,
while hie chil
dren An MB annt.h2 the hotel at Lennox.,
yillem (fell and somewhat injured his back.
By Teiegtsph to.tble rittebatia Gtittte.
NEw Yoatejune 27.-4 judgment recent
ly passed by iistimilt of Miss; Steele- dr, Co.
against the, Kansas Pacific Railroad, for
five million six hundred .dollars, has been
staYed by the Supreme Court of three
suits, previously brought for the same
claim one was decided:"' by the United
States Supreme Court in favor of the Com
pany ;and the othera were abandoned. The
valtie of the services of Ross Steele& Co.
haws been appraisedb4engituuirs in-Kan
sas at less than thirty thousand dollars.
The whole proceedings will doubtless be
set aside at the session of the Court in July.
ssurzEnvzsr. - -
The heat fa-day - did - not prevent thous
ands of .Germanecommencing their week
of festivities. The streets in different
parts of the city
~are decorated
, - with flags,,,
banners and various devices of wetkommen,„
and Germania Hall was profusely covered
with flags of all nations,' these of Germany
and America floating prominently over
all. The arrival of :the Chicagoand West- ,
ens deleotionewiis Made the odcadon-of
quite a turnout, consisting of about ten
companies. The Scheutzen Corps, with a
baud of music, acted as an escort to the Re
ception Committee.: The western; delega
tons were escorted, through several streets
to their quarters. 'On passing City'Hall a
battery of artillery fired a tuitional salute.
They brought the grand flag of the Ger
man League, which this evening was pre
sented to the city of New York, with con
siderable ceremony. On behalf of the city
Mayor Hoffman received the flag, accepting
it In a very felicitous speech amid great
enthusiasm. Tne Bowery and all the Ger
man Gardens are, illuminated • and great
crowds fill the streets. Excursions will be
the. order - of the day to-morrow. The
whole city Government have accepted an
invitation to, review a grand procession on
Monday. Several regiments of the first di.
vision of the National Guard_' will compose
part of the procession.
The following dispatch was received by
the Secretary of the Schutzenfest, by the
Atlantic cable:
• , Hamburg. June 28.—Hsil Columbia's
sons. May success crown your many sports.
• The Congressional Committee arrived
here this morning, in order to' be present
and take part in thezrand procesakiti and
opening ceranonies at Jones' Wood to-mor-
Delegates to the . 13Cl:intzeniest have been
generaUyentprtained :(13unday) by
their friends here by excursions on the
'Hudson and East rivers and by plo.nics,
collations, etc. The weather hasbeewbean
tiful, and everything has passed off satis
factorily. The ; -demonstration to•morrow
will be very Imposing and wilt be general
ly witnessed and participated in by the cit
- -
The Supreme Court to-day decided that
the Chicago , and Northwestern Railroad
Directors have a right , to Lague stook .fbr
payment of dividends, and denied the mo
tion for an injunction to issue against such
issuance.. "
It Is stated the Court ,f Appeals at Al
bany-tiaVe decided the neve+ ' board of. conn
,cilmen elected under the law of the Legis
lature is entitled to the seats to which they
were elected.
The National Executive Committee of the
Republican Bokilers' and Sailors' Organi
zation appointed sub-committees to-day
with power to . Perfect State Executive Com
mittees. The, organization is hereafter to
be known as *'Boys in Blue." •
Madame La Grange, Mme. Tostee and
Henry J. Raymond, sailed' for Europe in
the Ville de Paris "to-day. George L. Sax
ton, of St. Louis, was also a passenger in
the City of Paris. . . _
The steamer. Santiago de Cuba from As
pinwall brings one hundred and eighteen
thousand in treasure. Her news is un
important; The steamship Japan from
New York arrived at Panama June 14th.
Several master masons have conceded to
the terms demanded by the bricklayers,
and the strike will thus become useless.
'Maurice Lonergan, the condemned' Wife
murderer, has been granted a new trial by
the Court of Appeals.• --"
AllitraLs. . ;-
The steamships Britton's, Glasgow, City
of London, Liverpool; and - .. Henry. Chitin=
cey, from Aspinwall, have arrived. The
Henry Chaunce,y, brings ; lBo7,ooo in specie.
Subsidy to Steamship Line—The Annexa
tion Question—The King • Threatens to
Hoist the British Flag.
CEY•TettirriA to Olt Pittiburgli Gatettt.3
HONOLULU, June 15, aia San Francisco,
June 27.--Arrived, June first, the ,Mission
ary.. .
Brig Morning Star, from Marquesas
'Blanes; sailed, May, 21st, American. ship
Grace Darling, for Baker's Island; 23d,
American ship Norwester, for McKean's
Inlet; June Ist, H. B. M. Reindeer, for
Tahita. s
The bill ,granting a subsidy of $2,500 a
year to a steam line between the Islands
and San rranciseCt, passed .the Assembly
by a marity. of six,. - - The.Kirig and Cabi
net ass ist ed in :lobbying the bill through.
The MinisteTs - attOptid::,to,,maxxle the
'CIOMMOrtia.I d ' ti but 'made misera
ble failure :, Thpublieher of the &ergs
er was serenidedtr ,, A l :44 3 Vil irktf, r (4 an-
Vexation publibilefilitAU -A . ~ A re
kid to•blitheansirof-the demo on.
' Rumor says the Ring hm saidlf the Uni
ted States:governmeut troubles his govern-
Mont he will hoist the British flag
claim its.iiplentkitl.:_Z . 1 -_, :,'; ' . :1 - .. ,
Japanese labelers irate be impor ed to;
!work on
- the sugar estates.
... ,
'. 1 %. Petition Is, berote,the Assembl,y,to im--
( plaOh tht) Ministerpf the Interior for eon- ,
- tempt and violation• Of laW..i. :,.. ~ , - ...
Since, the passage of subsidy by the
Hawaiian Legislature it is expected a second
'steamer willin put 'on thisline Htmoluiu
market dull; harbor mostly deserted of
shipping. , .
Eight oceiinf.bielninieiialiiiia Fran
cisco next week.
The new, oropiof,wheat-i* ktigiunb#ll w-:
Aomelerward. -
The unengaged vessels in port nambet.
"forty-we, for port* inward Wm . cl:
fleet slumber 130; tonnage 100,000. r:
Wheat quiet at 112,29; no sales. ''.
1 •
tallroad Accident in Indiana.
city Tittigrahlt to the Pittaputhblinettel
IsaitAwAroms lune 27 .-- Tha l fres!'
train on the I. 1ti41.,1t..11,,,,1e5ving Madi
son this morning was `thrown - from 'the
track by runningover a cow, near Coluni
-1.1 piirsciti , . - viSM- "tie atm lion. HOY,
n, ex.tnetabercd 4 A:kaigress from
the d District,
. .
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The Tycoon Surrenders to the Mikado—
The War Not Ended—Various Battles—
Counnercial. News. - -,. : : -- -:
EttfTelegrephle the rittsbniet Gatette.3 - -.
Yosonomi. June 5, via, San Francisco,
June 26.—The late Tsrcoon' ha s accepted the
. -- 1 .
concession Of the Mikado, viz:` To cede
nearly half of his_private property, his ar
my,, .
surrender. his navy,.and himself tetire
to Mito, for which place he left on the 12th
of May on foot, a token of humility. The
.Tycoon gave orders to the Admiral to stir
' render,the fleet, but that officer left Yeddo
the .
with all vessels and it is uncertain
whither he luiStons. Ile is prabably som e-
Where on the northern. coast . ready ,to co,
operate 'with Stat-bas, -- his his friend s : The
trouble la by no insane at an -end. - A
.... _ _ . _
strong °million has been formed in
the .. interest ' of ,;the 'Tpxxin, • and
Fall the - 'most powerful northern
Deimos have kilned it. Aldsen attacked a
1 body of the Miloulb's troops on the 10th of
I May, : twelve. miles from Yeddo routed
them and took possession of the - Oldie re.:
C' cently surrendered by the Tycoon., On the
17th he attacked another -tinny,- killed
1 eight hundred and captured three hundred,
1 all of whom he. beheaded. ,li ire Targe, army.
occupies a strong *add= bet en Yeddo,
and another is threateningYe '
do •thereby
cutting off the retreat of t e Mikado
troops. On the 22d anothe r engagement
took place, only six miles fro Yeddo. also
ending disastrously US the Mikado. -- Peer
teen hundred were killed and eight bun
' dred captured. , • A Daimo, of the Mikado's
householdi hen Wm" madesiGoVerner of
Yokohoma, in place of the old one, a re
tainer of the Tycoon. 1
The European and American 'guards.
around the settlement have been removed.
The British Minister has already presented
his credentials of the Government of the
Mikado. The higgh Driest of Kioto has
issued a bill :warning the Mikado that he
is interfering too much in temporal affairs
and calling upon him to desist on pain of
being called on,by the:priesthood to abdi
cate. One hundred and seventy thousand
copies of the proclamation have been sold
and distributed among the Japanese.
The has:Stonewall - - not yet been surren
dered: 'Her ore* have all; been paid_ off
and most of them return home in the
China. The United States frigate Idaho,
Lieutenant Commander Hooker, arrived
at Nagaski May 16th, 201 days ont of New
York; all well.
The uncle of the Mikado, who , has had
oonsidetable to do in the tirmation of the
troubles against the Tycoon, was assassina
ted at Yeddo, June 2d. I
•• liittie matter of the collision between the
• Paeifie mail steamship Herman and the
British steamer Osocni the mail company
have been. assessed 114,000 damages and
1 costs.
Silk :. prices rule high': Mybash and Sin
shu extras $0,3019,50; best $8,50a876; me
dium $7,70a8,00; inferior 86,30a7,00; Aabu
extras P,00a9,30; best $7,70a8,00; medium
16,80a7,90; inferior $6,00a6,3a. Tea : , the
stock is small ; - several small parcels have
been taken at high rates. Common to good
16 to 22; uieditira 23, to 25; good 23 to 86: -
fineal•to 34 finest - nominal $36 'end tip=
wards per Cooper petard. Exchange on Len
don foar months four and five and three
fourths pence.
HONG Kos°, May 213.—Via San Fraticisco,
the United States steamer Piscataqua, flag
ship of the Asiatic Squadron, Admiral
Roosen, arrived on. the 17th inst. Raw
cotton firm at an advance clone and a half
per picul. No great deniand for Bread
stuffs, on account of the cheapness of Rice.
Flour is unchanged. Wheat 10 cents per
picul cheaper- Arrivals of rice since the
,Ist Jost,• aggregate two hundred and forty
thousand pools. Other stores and provi
sions no alteration since last mail. Tea mar
ket just opened; Foo Chow in most demand;
scented teas are six taets ,higher than
last year and gunpowders two. Silk: the
Chinese state that the crop will only reach
half the yield of last year, owing to unfa
vorableVeather, and are holding the price
exorbitantly high; choice Lsatlee five, fifty
and sixty per pecul; other lustres range
from five to ten to four-twenty. Opium in
active; new Patner quoted at /36,50. old at
86,80; Turkey in some demand, but oat of
stock and for small parcels seven hundred
and - twenty-one, obtained. ,Exchange on
London, four months, four and four pence;
on New York nine and a half per cent. dis
count. Freights in demand at full prices.
Mem lilt ta* items.
[By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette. I
M.EMPHIS, June 27.—John O'Conner,jour
nevman tailor, was waylaid on Beal street
last' night by wo negroes, knocked on the
head with a bar of iron, and then thrown
into a Bayou where he was found by the
police insensible. There - are no hopes of
his recovery.
A lobo-sting affray ()emitted on Main street
this' morning, between J. K. Kelley and B.=
B. Garrett, a detective. The former was
shot twice and seriously injured. The af
fair grew out of an old feud. Garrett was
acquitted, it being shown that be acted
solely in self-defense.
Geo. Ringwald, in attempting to rescue
a friend named Modotem, who bad been
arrested by the police, was shot by Ser
geant Brown of the police and mortally
wounded. Brown is under arrest and will
have an examination to-morrow.
The Mississippi Election.
(Sy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.)
JACKSON June 27.—Return from three
boxes in this city give 269 Radical majori
ty. The Democratic majority as far as'
heard from is. 15,00. Several counties
which were claimed by the Radicals return
large Democratic majorities. The-home of
ameson, Radical candidate for Lieutenant
.vernor, polled a unanimous Democratic.,
Vote, not one. Radical-. Radical vote having been
cast, pen. McDowell telearaphsto General
Preerrian, President of, he Democratic, Pal,
emotive Committee, that ha sent nci commu
vacation to General .Grant, nor-any other
party, what course the 'eleetion' Will take
for against the Constitution: Thwelection,
will continue here on*Moriday andlruesy
- Mail Robber Arrested—New., Wheat.
Telegritte to`the'fittionish datette:i .
RICHMOND, VA., June 27.—The recent
heavy loss instil. mails -distributed at Cul-
pepper Court House has.led to the arrest. of
George Ms Cook, deputy postmaster there.
He confessed , thetcrime ha-dag...;
The first lot of new Virginia wheat sold
At t4TR 0 ,519 11 r1 3 Per bushel!,
Injunction Reinstated.
CRT Telegraph milli
June..7.--The injunction
agalnatioisnee,fimith 'diteo. f .-from , draws -I
ing lintotieeln Kentaelay . pr lot .w as dis
selvedily tlie;Onndt 'Co4t, Z'renkf_ort
on Thu*ay, wasteay reinstated by t h e:
Mart or APPe*.e aea o: 0,-PAKer::
BeporteaSlli e ) t
TelegraPh to the Pittsbn
. rAt! esz,no.3
Ontomx); 3 3tiiiii 27.1.1tuniiiii ire "afloat
tliat the istOritiriAlemeetft 41ying
teen be-
In; JOSOpli and Italoniazop, .$ be
sunkinkibb , MblandlebetPerse* di /
on board, iv&
rcrogoro , . :
(By Telegrapb,tlt4e,pt sbiyah Gazette.] ,
—WABNow, Jame 27,• 18
' •
ItEcolisTETtor:O 68,
The Governor,of Georgia le ft to-night for
the,new ?smite]; at _Atlanta. The Degisla•
ture will assemble on the 4th of July, and
_ ~
It is believed - if the tionditions imposed by
Congress be complied with, Senators will
be elected and representatives admitted on
or before the 7th.
The Sentdtcotifinned,the, nomination of
Gen. McMahon as Minister to Paraguay,
and rejected Gen. Mtafard Collector of In
ternal Revenue of Richmond, Va., District.
No action was taken on the' nomination of
Mr. Everts as Attorney General.
The 4actiOnal 'currency issued - for the
week was $562,000; United States notes,
,384,0014 fractional currency.shipped 16.59, -
gl3; Utdted States notes sent tolitiotad
banks, 898 0 372; National currency deem
ed and destroyed, 840.910.
The report of- the Paymaster IGenerml
shows' • that f 20,611,858 were paid out in
bounties, under the act of July, '6B.
WA.BHTNGTON, June 28 1868.
The. report . of the Impeachmen Mana
gers will not probably be prinerit to the
House before Wednesday. Bove more
witnesses are to be examined.
The Senate Committee appointe to in
quire into matters affecting its embers
growing out of ,impeachment, hay not yet
entered on the investigation. •
The Milan; Commission for the trial of
persons accused of being implicated tia, the
Ashburn murder at Columbia will coin
mence its session at Atlanta to-morrow.
An effort will be Made by the Senate to
pass the tax bill -before the close of-the
present-session. Both Houses, of Congress
are disposed to press business as rapidly
as possible so as to adjourn the session
about the 20th of July.
Arrival of the' Steamer-China- from China
and Japan—Political Matters—Vesiels
Attacked by ludians—Cold Discoveries—
Relirlied Progress—Mining stocks.
(By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.l
SAN Faaticisco, June Z7.—The Pacific
mail steamer China arrived this morning.
She left Hong Kong. May 26th, and Y0k0..,-
homa June sth, aid trings over one hun
- died cabin • Piniatengitra t- orkl - ttlitoliundred
and fifty-six Chinese in the steera ge, forty
of the passengers for New ork and
Europe, and over one thousand tons of
freight. She experienced strong gales on
the passage to Yokohoma, but thence to this
port favorable weather t and made the pas
sage nearly In ivplumbline. • The health of
the passengers and crew was excellent. The
cargo was kept tighter than might have
been to insure a quick voyage.
At the instigation of the Chinese Compa
•nies here, forty-three girls ' imported for
vile purposes on the China, have been ar
rested and will be returned to China, or ap
prenticed respectable families.
The Democratic primary election in San
Francisco was held-tinder'the law which
throws around primaries the restrictions
of ordinary elections. An attempt to
seize the ballot box in' one ward was frus
trated by the police and one man arrested
for illegal voting. .
The Union State Oerifriff Comnittee has
called a State Convention for August sth to
nominate Presidential' electors, tne pri
maries to be held under' the primary 'else
tion law and ail to participate who pledge
themselves to support Grant and Collor.
Hong Kong • papers received by the China
contain several columni of European news
received via San Francisco 'in advance of
English steamers.
Arrived, ship Eliza, Hong Kong, with
450 Chinese.
SAN FnaNctspo, June 27.—Dispatches
from Victoria state that as:the sloop Thorn
ton was on her last trip northward she
was attacked forty miles above: Fort Ru
pert by three canoes full ,of •Indians. Capt.
Warren and crew fired on them with Hen
ry rifles, killing twenty 'out of twenty
three Indians. Capt. Warren and one of
his men were severely Wounded. The In
dians fought "obstinately with fire-arms.
The Colonial. Government will send -off a
gunboat to punish the savages.
Large shipments of gold have been made ,
lately from Caribo. -" • - - ,
Since the Thornton affair another; sloop
has been robbed and sunk by Indians" near
the same spot. and Capt. Jack Knight and
partner killed.
A New Westminister dispatch reports
new mining discovcriet.
The telegraph lino to Williams Creek
from Quesnelie is tieing. rapidly pushed
forward. .
The Steamer Lineal brings 118;50 in gold.
The survey of the San Francisco and
Humboldt Railroad ta-progresaing., , Sono
ra count has voted aid to the road and
the ' itill :will, aioMMence-Aext Mon th .
:Frometalribia tO" Healdliburg' the - Paiiifiii
Union Express in "now inoperation and by
jab , first - will be running to all, points , in
the interior, , '/- - _ 2 :-
Mining stacks : Alpha 49, lkilcher 182,
Chollar Potosi 255„: Crown Paint 92, Em.
pire Mil/ 140, Gould Curry 105, ,Hale,,Nor
cross 98, - Imperlalle2; keaueltY 885, Over
man 18, SaVagb , 157; l'ellOvc , jacket 1215:.
Aniador 255,'Nbith - Star 97. _ ,t -.
Umatilla Tideland :Conarnitsbuiers hays,
!reserved one hundredacres t!ro- Mission
Bay for public` lisee,eialiisiVe id 'streets.
The Central and Western Pacific) Railroad
Companiet have - accepted the sixty acres
~Of tide land granted by the Legisleture,for
the terminus ' at' this city: - - ,- -•- . - •
Advices from Idaho announce the capture
Of slaty-one Indians by Lieutenant Steel
towe party. • These Indians profesa to, de.
idre %peace and. inive- - promised to restore
itolen property. • .
- Parepa ENamwechwArat ..Conbettlest
night to a very large audience with groat
success. Her Attain ext!itAxt gteatientlitt-
SAN FRANCISOCA•Tanne,su...-Thili.Dem,„„,
Oratio..pritnary meetings for the election of
a new County .ComiPlites.are,heing held to-,
day. Considerable ditlicultt has oectiriett
in, the First ward, arid'riliirgap6llBe.feit' *ll4
'attedance. .
...7 A. R on aml44:kkeitedghGerci , fik - idanee
that_a•snoselne,t9 be calle4, -the- Qt 10,4
21enthist, Wifrbe Issued .110,1etAel o tWd , 0.•
, - .... , ..1111.110.41. ~ ( 11.1.
•-atleiglitedge_._‘ . tormitita-tnen, same' Airyatt and master, and a e l ered it - ikeir - -;
Were killed by lightning at London, Ey: ,
"•=l-4-P-Lar-; - • •
- " 44
EBY !Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.)
Lozipow, Julie 28.—Evening,—Importaet
telegraxpe have men received from Japan
via Shanghai." The last dispatch, under
date of May 22d, announces theViiikado
hid arrived with his army near Jeddo and "
was threatening the city. The Tycoon had
sent a flag of truce to hie powerful enemy,
offering to retire fwm -.Todd° and disband
his army ifthe city.were spared. It was
thought the Mikado would accept these
MARSEILLES, ,June 27.—The steamship
Urgent, with Major General Napier and
Staff on boara, arrived at Malta to-day, on
their way to England.
PARIS, June 28.—1 n the Corps Legislatiff
yesterday, the contract , made with the
Trans4Atlantic Steamship Company,, for'
the transportation of mails to Panama and(
Chill, was approved.: --
-±laumii, June 27.—The health of Count
Bismarck, who- is' at present liVing re
tirement on his estate in Pomerania, has
much improved within the past few days.. '
ColurrANTnaoPLE' June 27.-Prince
poleon arrived hereto-day from Bnekkares,
SOUTHAMPTON, June 28.—The steamship
Germania, from New York on the 16th, ar
rived shortly after noon yesterday and sub
sequently sailed for Hamburg. The steam
ship Werser, from New York on the 18th,
arrived, and subsequently sailed for Bre
FRANKFORT, June 28.—11. S. bonds
quoted to-day at 77%.
ANTWERP, June 28..-Petroleuin quoted
at 4834®47 francs for standard white.
Welcome to Archbishop Kendrick.
I By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.)
Sr. Loon; June 28.-L-The demonstration
of welcome to Archbishop Kendrick. .)n
his return from Europe came off to-day, -
and was the largest probably ever wit
nessed here. The procession embraced
over thirty societies and parishes, with
, bands, banners and - other devices, con
tained a little less than eight thousand per
song and was one hour and ten minutes in
Passing a given point. The streets on
the lino march were thronged with
. people d all the houses, crowded with
spectat rs. There could not have, bean
less than thirty thousand persons
participating in or looking at the pageant.
When the procession passed the Archbfsh-•
op's house, an address of welcome was pre
sented to him :after Whiati be stood , at
door waving b lessings untillberentire eon
course passed by. Much good feeling and
enthusiast's • was - manifested towards the
Archbishop, who is dearly beloved by the
Catholics here and highly esteemed by all
classes of citizens.
The bucket factory of Wirthlen. Co.,
corner Dekalb and Luma streets was par
tially destroyed by fire last night. Loss
$8.000; insured f0r . 154,000 in St. Louis off,:
Elected Officers to Take Their Plates—A
Colored Man Lieutenant Governor.
CBy Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.;
NEW ORLEANS, June 28.—General Bu
chanan yesterday received an order from
Gen. Grant directing the removal of Gov.
Baker, Lieut. Gov. Vorhies, and the ap
pointment of Messrs. Warmonth and Dunn
to fill their places, the appointments to take
effect on Monday, when the legislature con
venes. Gen. Buchanan last night issued
an order making the required changes.
The same order authorizes all 'parish and
municipal officers declared elected by pre
vious orders to take their offices, upon
taking the oath prescribed by the new Con
stitution. On Monday, Louisiana will have
a colored man for Lieutenant Governor.
International Christian Association Con-
EBY Telegraph to the T(ttsburgh Gazette.)
DETROIT, , Jtine 28.—0 n Saturday the
Committee on Associations reported, recom
mending the organization of Woman's'
Christian Associations; the establishment
of a daily religious press ; that the basis of
representation remain unchanged; against
making associations temperance organ
izations, but adviiing individual opposition
to intemperance; and that the tobacco ques
tion be = left to individual conscience.
The Busines4 Committee reported • re
--garding Tyng and -Stuart resolutions
that no formal action be taken by the com
mittee; that interference would be assuming
improper censorship and' imperil the use
fulness and existence of the association.
The Executive Committee was instructed
to employ an agent to form associations
along the line of the Pacific railroad. .4
It was decided to hold the next Conven •
tion at Portland.
tAfter the morning session the member s
had two hours' sail on Detroit river.
In the afternoon the topic, "Row can
:prayer meetings be made moat useful-to
young men?" was discussed by Messrs:
Moody,, Chicago;' Smythe, Thiladellihia;
Bristol,, Buffalo; Sands, Lewistown, Mo.;
and others. • • • '
After referring the unfinished btudriess
GS the Executive Comrnittee.tha Conven
tion adjourned:
The funeral of Rev,,,Dr.s.nnflield to,daY,
was attended 14 an immense commute, in
eluding many ministers and other Conve
ntion delegates. •
Nearly all the church pulpits were filled
by eminent ministers from abroad. •
—The Austin special to the Galveston
;Bulletin Yesterday says: t o
question of
division of the State came up in the Conven
tion to-day: Dr. Smith endeavored to have
the boundaries so arranged that Galveston'
would get the;entire control of theterbcir.
Forthis purpose it is proposed to rutin line
due South from•the mouth of Trinityrilmr
lcithe Gulf. Eastern-members fought, it •
Washi on disteteh • sSi , s IN.
vestiptleg Committee has ,
frauds 'which she* that ti 'clerk in the p_l•27.
end:Al:4o,4'S Office hag, in defiance 'aw e ;
pablout oddly it Million dollsceZ n Y s l e ' red
11dinlnlic reptedentl'negrese ,
Into the service* saidvartles fel n _, the ersit "time
ing,tht owners' of Osidliegroo""
they were Inustere 4 AL • '
1-.Tbe neviidiciiii3 — at atioi on* Centres ,
arected for 'lrPe Of conlleciing the
VII creek and Warren with the
Railroad, has bean completed.
ast Friday trening:' , " •
—Two; car loads of':F9iiiai
equipments, in stolle'hobse at IA
quietly removed by the Fefinnis.
• —The Merchants National litankof Mem
phis, suspended on SatEt;cluyi. It is sal l
the assets will exceed - the liabilities.
—The "efatnintition "Of Capt. Donaldson,
for the.murder of the negro X.nderson on
the Steamer (-rest: Republic, let St. Louis,
which •wasset•ibr•Sattirday, was postponed
EL ltil to-morrow, ,la. • •
—The match game of base ball- at St.
Louis, ongaturday. betweenthe Atlantics
of Brooklyn, and Unions of St. Louis, re
sulted in the triumph of the former. core
sixty-eight to nine.
—At Buffalo, a match•game of base ball
was played between' the Athletics of Phila.-
delphia t and the' Nitigara:s of Buffalo, re
sulted in favor Of the. Athletics. The
soore stood 34 to 14. ,
—Twority-two thousand dollars of Pacific
Railroad bonds; and lour thousand dollara -
of United States bonds, were' stolen from -
Messrs.. Dunscontbe & Hill, bankers, on
Pearl street; New York, on Friday last.
—GenerarGrant has prOimptly informed
all the Military Governors in the South of:'
the Talmage over thePresident'S veto of the-
Omnibuslteconstruction bill, and instruct
,ed them to shape their policy in accord
ance therewith. _ ' -
—A base ball match, at Cincinnati,_Sitt-t - :
urday., afternoon, between the •Cinoinnatt_
and Xenia Clubs, resulted in fai , oi :of the
former by ascore of 60 to 13. Only eight
mnings•werti played. Two of the Xenia
men were disabled.
—An unsuccessful attempt. as made on
Friday night last; in Hartford county, Con - -
necicut, to throw a train from the track on ... •
which there were over six tons of *Er en_
route to the sub.treasury at Boston, in
charge of Adams Express. ',. • i.- ;
-. , - * :-Warren; Hall & Co's., piano leg fantory — •
and saw mills at North Denver, adassachix-.1! !-
setts,, were burned on Friday last. Loss,_
$20,00; insured for $7,000. Hubbard Woo
dman, an employe, was fatally burned and'
many. others seriously ittjured. - ,.
—Glaring frauds,inthqßetiond Auditor's
office, whereby. the Goyer.nment has been
swindled out of millions of dollars by tits
honest clerks altering bounty . warrants, . )--
have been unearthed by a Special , Investi
gating Committee of the House . .
—Judge Sherman, of the U. S. Cotirt for
the Eastern district "of-Ohio, has decided
that the Domestic. Wheel Sewing.,Machine,
manufactured at Warnock,Dhio, is an in
fringement of the Wilson patent. This dez
cision covers a.large brass of Machines. i• , =
—The Buffalo Driving Park AssociatiOn
have offered, gp additional purse. of $,004:3 ,
forthe horse 'fair to tio" held next month;
51,000 to'any horse Making •Detter'stime, -
2:17 y‘, and isl,ooo if. in those triab3 any horse i'!"
shall make a qnarter mile in thirty seconds.
• --McCoole and Coburn had a fight in the
Lawrenceburg (Ittd.) jail yard; whste-they ,- :
are at present confined for violating . the. _
laws of Indiana against prize iightl i ng, and
Coburn had deecidedly the best of it; when
the kespet batarfared and-put a stop lathe.—
The lifational Flea:tees.,
As usual, no statement of the publio debt-
will be issued on the first of July, .but full
and complete returns'from all the Mints; as
sistant treasurers, national banks and depc.s
itaries, and other government financial
agents, will be niade to Secretary
loch, in order that the exact state of the na
tional finances may be fixed and prepared
for the annual report of -the Secretary;
which is: usually made up to June 30th, in
clusive' being the close of the fiscal year..
On the first of July about $28,060,000 in.
coin wlll _be taken from the vaults of the
Treasury Department to pay the interest'of
the five-twenty bonds, falling due on that
date. In addition to this about $7,000,000 •
in currency will be needed to pay the princi-_
pal and interest on the roan of 1848, being
the-remaining half of that loan- which falls
due on the first of July.— Wash. (Aron •
Democrats Vote to Disfranchise White Men. .•
, Twelve hundred southern white men
wefe, on Monday, made citizens by act of .
Congress. All the Democrats in the House,
except one, voted against removing the po
litical disabilities of these twelve hundred.
We have been' told so often by the Demo:
crate that this is a white man's government,
that we sßposed, not unnaturally, they
would joyfully, vote to make it so; but' they
seem to prefer what they call negro rule.
The fact is, we enpOse; that they would
disfranchise everybody but the Democrats;
for we notice that whefever they can get. a
negro to vote the Democratic ticket, they
have nothing, to say against black votes.—
, .
H. Y. Post
A WASHINGTON dispatch to the! New
York Tribune, : says : The .postponeMent of
Mr.. Moorhead's Tariff bill seems to : have
given great disatidfaction throughout the"
country. Already hundreds of letters have
been received by Members of Congress from
their constituents, deploring the action of
the Ways and Means Committee. Those
members who 'are generally most active in
such matters, did all in their power to have
the bill considered this session. On the day
before the bill was postponed, numerous pc--
titions, signed by thousands, were received
and flied by the Committee. ' ' •
i i ßESEST,indications lead_to the conch! - 4 4 '
lion that for some political purpme, Beare
tary McCulloch may , be required to resig n
on orbeflire the 30th - init.;at least So say
opponente of the Becrettirw and they a re In •
high glee , over th&prospegt; The ol charge
again beibrought itotatt.the Becretary„
that o arranging the terrna upon which he
Would - be allowed to'reinairrin the Cabinet
should w a d e h stte eeed to the . Presidenby.
Johnson has promised some interesting de
velopments about Ws time. Let , them come. .
—Trash.. Cor..Pfili* Pon t .• • •
, • •
• Ox the 10th pros. the entire line of the •
Qhio and Alississippi, from St. Louis to
cinc i nn o, is attaclo4,.hy pnWerfrd -
working party, and the laying, of ,the. rails
for the narrow page, completed In seven ,
d a ys. , 'fs transit trOid' ttuage.-; Probably
if an y third rail be laid as the result of 4the, •
pending Erie and Michigan flouthent nego
tiations. it will be laid on the former ,aua
not on the latter. ' • . •1'
Ix speaking of the remarkable.' mental
*lgorThadiletts Stevens,-„tire
tesvilpapera seem to fomet that Elon. nor- '
1 ace Atom , ' ad Thin. Wm. 3t. "'d'erailith; Of:
thui eity; Timokus Oer the civilize.d*orta. - '
:for learning in statesmanship , and.lawearti
111*j:wait We 4 th Ja 3 Paq,lestr
'and Rik Nortffith t - fir from 31r. Ste
vens' age.—rhao..Prins.
arms and
bans, was a