1 'S" • tfv DOS 41 a_ . ,IMDVILLE: • • , _ , Tlte New t, Pethodhrt • Church—Allegheny College Commencement, dte., dm. , • • febunvxr.tati June - 240868. -1 Enrrorts young ' city .is a Pairing of heauty,." - and one feels like vial/111g ,it way be-a Joy .forever.". •It is growing rapidly. • quite &number of build- ' ink*, are in, progress of , ' erection, among othertia jnew ix/art House. This intend. ed , „:lo,..rivai ;anything of the kind in the atie Methodist. Episcopal ilimich is well high ebmpleted. It :is a" credit ;.to concerned, inasaive, capacious, well .!1/lanned, and , finely finished. ...It is tto be .i; .uenioated on the 29th of next Month. ' The' {;celebrated, Weileyan orator, Bev. Morley . 'l..Punshan, is to preach the Aledicatory set. lA:non. In this th Meadvillites may regard themselves fortuhate. This, is• commencement week in Alle, _ticheny College. - The regular examination :of classes began on •last Wedneaday, and, !!.was completed yesterday--a long and thor r4ough exatidnatlon, and withal very liatis, b Of the Fatuity of Allegheny College- we . [can speak most confidently. They are - very ' 4',competent men. -They do - thorough work. They not only train the intellect; but - cult': vate the heart. ' Students are safe in their; I:Lands—as safe, at least,. as they can' be at ' 3 lany literary institution. ' - The Baccalaureate setmon . Wail‘pteliehed 1 . ,,0n last Sabbath by Rev. Dr. Thompson, of ...Jamestown; New York.: It.is spoken of in very commendable terms. On Monday everilith the anniVersary ex fezeises of - the Allegheny Literary Society stook place. Valedictory by Mr. B. F. Bea; gen, of Webster,' , ". Pal,' and reply ”by Mr. fA. Barr Fotoe, of, North East, Pa.' Tuesdayarterntion _ten young gentleinen Edeolaimed for two prizes. It was a spirited . Yaftmir. • There , Was not a single failure; all did well. Such was the excellence of Bev-- , :eral of_ the contestants that the judges ',found it difficult to Make. the , awards, howeier; concluded tolgive the first L'prixe to Mr. - J.- R. Groves, of Rockdale, • •;Ps., and the second . to C. Barris, of ' 'Gustavus;'ol/10. - , 1.1 In-th e evening the' ' Anniirersay of the Thilo-Franklin Literary - Society .was The Prize - Essay Was read by Mt. J. P. Coulter, Venango Borough, Pa. ' The -Valedictety was delivered by Mr. !Lewis Wick, BrOwnington,- Pa., and there oly by C. W. Foulk, Sugar Grove, Pa. More anon, Amiens. ' MEADVILLE, June 2.5, 186 S. • Enrrons Gazzra:—Yesterclay afternoon Literary SocietY held is Anni.. "versary. The "Hunter Prize Essay" was .. ead ay Mr. W.:H:Hashell, of Ohio. The 4iralediotory was, delivered by Aleinous , A. Brown, Hartville,Ohio, and the Reply • {ay George E. Neville, of Ohio. In the • livening -the Address - before' the Alumni ikssociation was delivered by Rev. W. A. . : Davidson, D.D., of Washington, Pa. . This forenoon the graduates gave us ' heir orations and received their deplomas. - • '.sthe, folloaing • ate their names: ~ N. ,P.. inaley,Mentor, Ohio;, John T: Riley, „ :Waynesburg, 'Pa.; George Davenport, MrlDowelli, Pa.; R. F. Randolph, &mama, , rht. Y.; )3. - F. teatell, , Webster, Pa.; H. ;eig, Mayfield; Ohio; J. G. Albin, Mer , • t .er Pa.; George L. McMillan, Greensburgo * t r;?a.; 'Lewis Wick, Brciwnington, Pa.; John ,;I. Wright, :Washington, Pa.; J. R. Froves, • :3.ockdaleMills, Pa.- J. F. Colter ' Venango. ;.aorongh, Pa.; A. A. Brown, Hartville, ', , l)hio; W. Todd, Freeport, Pa. The degree of . A. M., in course, 'was con kerred on S. M. Davis. Meadville Pa.; B. DeMain, Colorado; B. E. Edgill, Ohio; M. Mechesney, lowa. • Rev. W. Graham, of Indiana, was hon . ~,red with the degreeof D. D. , • . • tr The graduating - class is a very fine one, indeed. ' Their ~oralions to-day were more than ordinaripod. They , were full of lhought, we n, and gracefully and forcibly deli* • • r The Collegeiatoltifine working order, and ' -Reserves to belargely patronized. Nearly .' t ,'svo.thirds Of 'the whole number of students agendance the last session were profes -..Liars of religion.'. F, JUNE 26.—Last eyeing a large number of patrons and friends of the College as ••-•. : ambled at -the residence of President •loornis, to enjoy social festivities. It was delightful occasion. The -President and Iles estiniable wife know how to make their •••• ttueste • share their hospitality with. ease , ;, • - When we dispersed, - winch was' at an ; early .hour, all felt that commencement tYcek se-Allegheny had been one of unusual ,;(nterest, and•that it had now ended de - qghtfully. • Aterpus._ • -- - • 4 LETTER 'FRO3I DETROIT. 5. adernational -Convention of the: :Yining 1 - metes Christian Association. • • ~. r,;,,. , ' DETROIT, June 24, 1868. ' (. 4 BEAR GAzErTE.—After - baying run up i .. berty street as fast as Icould; I .;:.:•!; timade • e train, on Penn street. After a long and .;.,... Trusty ride, distributing tracts all along the '" ute,- We reached Cleveland and wereixtei t the" depot by 'a • delegation from - the !.- 1 7.,', oung Men's ; Christian Asseliation of -•..- leveland, . and, .escorted to, their room', :, - . here, the ladies, (God" bless them,) who •• • '''' •re over thoughtftile and whom we ever I ' ;"•"• iratefailv remember, had a bountiful repast ,r,- . - 1. - *et for us. After having replenisheitheiii, er man, the meeting was called to order i y Rev. P.. 8. iiiinmonfs,;af,rbiladelphia, i t ...,..:::.; , i'V ho opened the meeting-with :prayer; and •• • - lead the first Psalm, a ft er which the prayer - •-•' ,oseeting was leftin the hando.of the Adele •-‘ .; ;'-'•.:T;ates. Prayers, remarks and exhor .••44itions, interspersed with singi ng, was t , ••• '''•',:' Oho order Qf - the evening. General ,• , , 0. Howard, of the Young Men's '. ,!''',, ''‘tflhristian Assoeiation -, of Washipped. pity, ...- .tUing present:was culled upon, and made •:".• '•-•••. • M e mo very touching. remarks. Fitting .; .;:•'Plyords were spoken by Bros. Hall, of Wash . ~. • •-• kgton City, and.a. KirkrPolter, President ,:•'•: , . J Pittsburgh Young Men's Christian As ilociation. Bro. - Wright, a delegate - from ••• , .• .lie Young Men's ChAstiai• Association. 44( , 2,2 •' , ov a ehington 010;00-1&el , irinde'afitirritigt ki;,,,, ea h, in the course of w hich he said they ; ve to going to '"Werieuntil - the Fatherhood f Goa, and the Brotherhood of man should '': .• ''i" 114se universally recognized'. , '. His =Marks • . 'vere listened to . with deep interefiti tafter 1 sz•- ag lag and benediction by Bro. Barnitz, oft i ... .2 ' •i• heeling, the delegates were escorted to ti t , h e boat Dyta - .4lflDgfitibn lettni.. theloletn.F. ''and Young Mon's Christian Association. ' • -. :• . $!All aboard, boat" whistled,. And off we go t:'gettingi or Detroit, after ' getting 'on' board the • tylendid steamer R.N. Rice, the kindness of "- • ...s,,b a se clerk to our nejegation,l-will not soon ' ' • ' farge4.ranckettlng four ago rs,o:*tsl , tel.: •- ' •caritsedloid sang hymns tin we were sleepv. - : ' el' Your correspondent did riot get. sick, but Reit veil queer! !'illia_k?ointrillill #rgt!triP on ti - A Wide Wide ;---- izice. A ft er taking • • .k -u - chum J. E. 8. by the. arm. we went kvs , o l d r o ma te-fay awake all night think-. i0,..f e fate of those who recently went , _, A ti n o g ,,, -- on the Morning Star. Arrived in i e tro u i, - it nest morning at !six o'clock; met • . ... f at the dock by• V.ol4'.3)llo„PltV6tgeMr: it. . v • id C. A. who r t ' 43 115 which After with l'itil4i.ficent rooms, fi.. re'.tags; emblems, • 4E64' 'fie After being 03., ' p.„l, l sed our different boarding houses, we ..,21.r.rt to prayer meeting, held in the Baptist , wen D Rev. Cluisfee•ftehilbrly" of Pitts. 1 chur a , • tihnrith, and had a very interesting meeting. • 1 ---- invention- will meet for orjanization V i . Pt this afterroxnui. CFP I Ff s _ Y , N r.uni f r Whz A, Vi St o rodk, et the C d e fi ntral Ihithbarst' three le Chureb. The Welcome meet -0 Nplasozi ba held on .Thursdrix. even. . ' k'l l 114 Artineo titbit idetkit.'; WZI & ,-) I 13g7 - • and the' Pftireire - 11':'Innie n it ) San" dayr , Juno .2f4h. 71t , is- biliergd that COL. Aention, oocuraing after .Ip yea creased interatt throughout the. V-unea. Snail and the Provints* and at atigr V.7l:„r whin God's blessing upon 4he 'effottalof ;AV Christian young - men. 80 manifest in: the t apt increase of their '42orgsnizailon ankinem bers, Rill , be of peculiar value and interest:. About. one thousand delegate*. haveiarrived up to *bowsaw:it , time, and atilLthe 'come. The Young-Men ' s Christian': Association of. Pittsburgh b . :represented? by'ldr. Porter, B. T. Cook. E.:Pa. Long, .lers, T. fa Cree, A. B. -ItiggiK.s P. - Hartd. so p, Arthur W. Bell and Manly Lwrely. The stpain!ioat :11101ei: tic St. Frplen the St,toiiin AnnoOtot ,We clip the following , particulars of the • murder of It colored man by-Capp:a .8., Donaldson of this city, of the etea ` ahboat &neat pub-. lief At the , Pork Ofßt.• Louis. - • • „ • The magnificent ateainer Great Republic arrived : •at • our landing about , 'l2 o'clock night. before laistp and between 'I and 2' o'clock a human life was• taken on board that )Xsa under circumstances which must send' a thrill of horropthrough-the heart of 'every one reading the testimony elicited at the Coroner's inoueßt, which was of several hours' duration, all the" persons , upon the 'boat being examined whoSe evidence could' have any bearing upon-the sassy . While onber way _from New to St, Louis one of the . cabin boys • or • rather -the texas-tender, who was detailed ,by.ithe Steward to - attend ,to -the texas, , mulled 'La w rence Glover, refustAta scrub, for rear • 'sons of his own, which the Steward•csnudd.. : 'ered not good, and he was therefore , band cuffed and placed in. ,the baggage-room. Henry Anderson, another cabin-boy, was • incensed at the usage of Glover, • - made re marks to the effect that' the crew ought to I quit if" theboy was not released, and spoke -to the Captain about it, who refused to act In the matter, and some of the, cabin crew went to *the beggage-room and took the prisoner out, but no ,violepoe was used. Afterwirds both Anderson and Glover were placeiLin irons and confined in the baggsge roorn where they were_onthe arrival of the 'Great Republic at the - SL Louis landing: After her arrival, ketween the houra stated, , . , Anderson was shot through the forehead and killed.", It would appear from the evi dence that Captain Donaldson, the porter,, and the boy, Lawrence Glover, were in the baggage-room at the time of the killing. Captain Barr, one of the clerks, was, either inside or just outside the baggage-room— the evidence differs as his exact locality 4 Glover escaped and told his story at the po lice station, and officers were sent to arrest the Captain, who, upon - their arrival, was not. on board, he having gone up into the city. Seek& was _made, and about nine o'clock yesterday morning officers Goodky and Darlington met and' arrested him on Cherrystreet, coming to the boat. Captain D. de nied all knowledge of the killing. These are the circumstances in brief. A terrible murder has been committed, but It is not our province, to prejudge the case by indulging in personal-comments. The evidence substantially and In the order given, appears below. Captain: W. B. Donaldson 18 a young man—perhaps thirty-fiveryears of age—but is remarkably well- known, and, we be. hove,. much liked on the western waters for his gentlemanly and generous depirt meta. He superintended - the building-`of the Great Republic, and -has been in cont." mend since her launch...,lt is understood he has-a large interest in her.. Eels aviar.. tied man, and resides in 'Pittsburgh. • : - %Judge Denison was yesterday afternoon called upon- to take Wit but peremptorily, refused to do so. L. M .: Shreve, Esq., ap - peered in behalf of the prisoner, at the Coroner's inquest, which. was held In the washroom.of the boat, the .body of the murdered man remainingupon the floor. of the bagg ige room, the haricot's, however, having been removed. • • = Henry Anderson, the deceased, is a negro., very dark, perhaps thirty yearaoldi five feet seven. or • eight inches high, with mustache and= imperial. ,- 'Of hinue or family nothing -was learned.'lThe Witund ' is near the temple • and- death must have been instantaneous. • - ' principle witness before the Coroner's .Jury was Lawrence' Glover, who testifie4 as fellow/in - . •.• , • •Lawrence Gloverua have been cabin bOy on this-boat; I live in 'Philadelphia when I am at home; I had to wait on tables and' carry coal; the Steward wanted me to lorn; I told him•l couldn't scrub to-day; this was Monday; he saidifkdidnotserub hewould put me in irons; I told him he would have to put me in irons,. I,could'nt.sertib tactic; was put in irons in the baggage room; the other- pat there about an hour - afterwards; he had irons-on also; the Stew ard said if -hs put one in irons' 'hetedhldi have to put all, in irons; the Captain said , the two were put in irons to make the crew quit; deceased*:said be was put in irons ibr nothing; last night we were laving , _ in • the •baggag.o room, after we arrived here; when Captain Barr and Captain. Donaldson came in the porter was lying down there; the porter told the Captain - that deceased had the handcuffs before him—he put theirebiP hind, him; Captain : Dointidson-t made • step over them and put them . : behind again:. the Captain made utc'equat" rive or Six times and feet 'up again; he had a pistol' in each hand, and pointed one at the'citber .and one at -me; tempt. Barr-said. lathing from the time they esmetuto the time they , went (ink-. Capt. Donaldson then' jtitnp , ' - ed _the. othert-tioy. • and 'said had :.-a lreat ,, - , mind !Ito shoot • I hiM ;- 'the -..perter held i the Captain's'!" arta: backk Itokl - the rOaptaiii-my-foot'wel out • and -asked: the .porter:to , I,o:whisky - or • Something on it to stop it; the Captaiivseld;' "all right; " while the porter was, drawl the whi.ky,;frota a ;barrel in the s port' -Captain Donaldetin pat epitstol begs • Anderson's- temples and shot, him: The 'Captainttirmitt on me and said; ••R had' bet-, ter shoot-thislittl& eanloPli herftgo and tell it." The oiter"Slild; -"no; Fit make that all right. " While the Captain and porter were talking, l l 'reached ;down to pick ups hatchet to open the window within and picked up the-Derringer he shot deceased with.-- I:tore thef window'open by handi jumped out and ran over two. or three ladles, and ran for the:police station; I got,one 01,16e:handcuffs off my.hatul:be-L hind some barrels; I went.pastAhe station and met a policeman: I had the pistol and the, latmdontf; I , told the poliantia.n.miUen lie whoa . ;info ,wbere • I miuk goingi to . She:po lice sialPftl- LAOClkl74o•.therni while, the -1 100t 16 8. , , Wafkgoilg QU CaPtallealtirt:tadodi , inside he room; as the shot wag ,fizedlier went out; lie was within taw or twelve feet of Captain, DOnaldlonraii prevt4nteiLiSe ahOt,,-itfasit-made 10; quick; sir pallor was itstandelose!lindrawi t to whisky, and not leoklealitthibiCaptalial Captain bad not - thriateniotoptboo, 4 the man 1 ;t tu - • Joy; —The, granite_ mor4Ot ~ ,Itisant WallistonrCerrie'try;'CityinSr; Dird:t,WaS4-44.; leated - yetterday'lo trio Memory'of ("jerk; of the town whelpAtbeir lives in the late war. • Hon., 410-.49449y, 44aumi. "delivered theraddrnel..,,, .1- •• • •••' '= .ti' —Thonias CamPbell was murdered yes.: • terday morning at biortonsvilleolear Lsx- ington,•Ky4 by, two brothers mattled.lapi ilard..;An.old. grudge,:rowing Mit cj5F idle war, existed between them; •I''< 4 - .—Governorlaulloah of l' atroelainatiOn;:datest .1u h'S the legislature at'Atlatita A/Ok i R July, under authority . -anted 'set "o Congrem!. • • •,:-,•• • ;WS; T;t‘r) , —Thellentoeiatle Conservl s itive Eiold/011 and Sailers Convention of aryland met- yesterday, at Baltimore,Aol n t dole gates,p pe,f49ldiert ,Natickyuki, Convention. —fit Montreal, CanadattYbsterdAY•Alilair" cation was made fora writer habeas corpus in thceasen.ifituneritherNewilforir ihrget,r who eholididnutiveßallem• l4 enniiirefueed. • —tiePresentative - Hooper - has liffithm, lekterriathentnitbritiirlfW743o4 • • r,di t tin e ta tgetribt . .l &Airdrie t . . _ ifttlia - TAr" . r , _ :, - . '14 - ft!' T-.T •!. . ,' • Yr - - v- 4 •-• . ..„ 4 - Tr ‘ • id 1 T 41 . . , It rA WAL•D 'k .- .--w.*ll ii.: I :06` " 1 ,., ' - ; If •-' - TT- i - 1- 1 . .. ___. ______ ... ....... PIS 0. 0100 RIAPi11001) Arti)lll/t41640 Der TOUTIr *Stored Misr wielts: bac laranteed, vs. IFSSEXiCit. Or ••Istotes manly voWeril, from Whatever cause "al 3 - the eireste orearly -perntlionsbaldta; aalg. [se; nutioteney and climate give _way , at puce to in.rwonderfalmedictae, tr taken , regaled, seeeta" . gto . the, directions, 'winch ..are Scrysltsple.: suit requ'lieittol , restraint front business orplesaure.y Paw, is itegqsaible. !Sold In bogie* at ' , 4,•pe four qsatal lea in on; Torii,. 'robe bad only or the sole aPPetated agent la America. , R. ormaTzota4 seal Second Avenue, New York. . , jelBtll4-1711 . P,11,114 . P.1111,089-0..F,,,10MR.T. 1 . HUGE; a tidw 'Cohrse Leetelas , as de cut the. New. York .bluseunt of:Asalcany; , eta 6- . the subjects: How to lift and whatto.life nth, Maturity led Old' Age ;!Matiliood grim.; lowed: the cause of indigestion. flatulence, ryous 4flSeases sown:foil fort Marriage phll liT cotuddered,: de.= Pooket rolatnew eau; these ; lectures will be• forwarded to parties to attend en receipt Of tour stamps. by. ad, 'FigekETARY New 'York Museum °tenet &lodes. qlB Broadway...fiew York. • • liver bracin for: T ally re and taltda unsbl • dreul omy BATCHEIAiIt 9 B - 11Atit , plra. the~oSplendid sir Ilya lithe best in the tyorldi y trite and 'perfect 'Dye; hamlets, .reliable,, instan aneourf ne- disappOintment; no ridiculous tints; -mettles the ill effeets .of bad dyes; twig*. rates nd leaves the. Hair soft and beautiful. black or brogan: Bold by all Druggists and Perfunterd; 'properly applied •st , Batchelorsl9llr ream,' No. 16 Bond street, New. York., ••,, • , ,apellip2B• WGUIDE . TO *Alan * OE.- - •-• Yottng Men , s Made. to Happy Marriage and Conjugal 'Felicity. :The humaneviews of benev olent Physicians, on the, Errors and Abuses Incident to Ycnith and Early Manhood, sent IS sealed letter envelopes, free arehargek Address - HOWARD AS socumox, Bog. P.ahlladeltdda; mylßutaST BAN NOTICES,, 'l f\ N i TAR DISTRICT COURT , • OF ' TNT. _T.FhiIT,EDTBTATIES., for. the Eastern IMii-. tr i - 3!, of Petipsyvaula. , , „... , 1 1 • —, -.-; , ~ ' : : 6l BAY.NitiI.PItY• • ,7 ' , ' . . :`.:: ; A Thiladetilho, Nay Oth;1008, 1 ' , .• ~, i s, -1 ; .; TA litrterstimeil„ horehr: iliei notice . of, pis Op :pow went aS Aseigice ot,Jot*Pli.P*.aiiioc*,, of Phllidelphii, - to'khe'l, , olint7, or, t glillsOc.lii*A,swid E tote:. Of retinfiauts.;looAn' t il,klel piglet, who, ha! bein odkuligedO bOrikriii)t Upori htociy9i•jpetWou by the to 4 Dharlct, Court: . ...• • • • ... x 'WIG VOO D E9. Aitianeis: . , No: . 1.118 Sohth dth 1.; Philadelphia, Pa.:. To be Cre;sitori of sold BaikruPt. „ .., , . - • - • .totrict* :00 UNITED STATES, for the (Western District of ennsylvanla.. ROBERT; ILERY_EY: • a * Bankrupt: minder ; Ma . Act of Congress of March 2d, 1861, 'having applied fora - Discharge from all his debta,t and other claims provable under siAct, by. prder of the Court,- notice is hereby g iven to all personswhohave proved their debts, and other, persons interested i. to appear on the 9in DAY OF JULY. 1868. at 2 o'elock, r. before JOHN Ti PUltirlAN OE. Itachw ter. -at his office.. No. 118 FEDERAL STREET. Allegheny _City.; 'Pa. to show cause, If soy, they have :why a Discharge. should not be grableci to the acid ' • S. C. wee Ami Las, . Clerk of U.- Si ointrlct Conrtfor said District. JclB:r6l-a .. ; . : ~• • . ISN THE - DISTRiCT 'COVET OF: THE UNITED STATES, FOIE THE WEST- N DISTRICT OF PENNSYLVANIA. H. C. PA.VITT, a bankrupt under the Act of Con gress of March 2d, 1581. baying applied for a dis charge from all his ' , debts, and btber claim' prova ble under . said act , by 011ie* of the Court, nonce ta hereby given to an creditors who have proyed.their. debts. and other persons Interested, to appear on tbe 17th day -of-July.' 1882. at 11 o'clock .. ~. befote JOLUi N. PCIIVIANDS, Est., Register, at his orrice, No. 116 Federal street,. Allegheny City. Ps., to show cause, if any they have why a discharge should not be granted to - the said balk rept, • •b. C. McCANULESS, lerk of U. 8. District Court for said District. jel3:r6O-it • - TN THE DISTRICT COURT •OF 11 THE UNITED STATES, FOE THE WES E T ti.N.MDTRICT OP • PENNSYLVANIA. In the matter : of JOHN M. THORP . , of AUeshenv City, Allegheny county . ra”, BanliruPt• • D' u ' 683 ' in . • ' Western INsti it of Penn.,/ tacivita, ES. AtPlttsuurgh, Pa., June th.l A. D. 1 888. To woos It MAY CONCLILX: . • The undersigned hereby gives notice of .his sp••• pohatment as Assignee of JOHN M. THORP, of Al legheny City. In the county of Allegheny, and-State of - Pcnnsylrants, within said District, who has been •edjudged a bankrupt upon his own petition .by th e District. Court of said district. . . • JAMES - W:1117E11AT Assignee, ' • Je9:r44 , .Attorney-at Law. li e IMAM. ORPHANS" .COURT SALE. virtue of an ,onler of the Orphans. Court - of 41_,Ilcylieny county. Pa., I. CHRISTOPHER Actiolnlstrstor b. n. e, t. n. of tbo , • E3TATE..O)/. JACOB UNILUtt Late of said county. deceased wlll expose at Pub lic Bile, at tne COURT I.IOUnE, In the city at Pitts burgh, lo said county, . On Tuesday, July - 14th s , 1568, _ . , 'At 10 o , eloeo A. 0. tbst'day. , lb* hilowisar de scribed heal Satate, o wit: . . . , • • ,law A tractor tato* of teed'situate' Inlitlrtiveis township. Allegbonyspenty. Pa.. bounded shade. stirlued As follows, via: Beginning on, Me northerly aide of thetas Mlle Terry =Wt. - thence& 756 dew' ; F. perchesWs pin. thence N. Sti,s6 deg. W. xis 60.160 perches to a Idchoryi thence S. 124-deg. E. 551 36.100 perches to a stone; thence . S. SSA 2 , 4 deg. W.:35 30001) . erebes to • pitv,tiretice N. 43 deg. W. 44-40 . 100 piratic* to a pine: thence NI 442 der. W. 116 20-100 perches too pin; thence • .153-6 dog. W. 26 perches to a pin; thence N. 782 deg. E. 33 16100 perches ton pit.; thence N. 612, deg. E. 61 20460, perches te • flee feet from Menai: thence SS deg. E 199 per ches ton dogwood &minis eighteen Incites from a 1111493 k: thence tis OW deg. W. 25 30.104 pee• ches to a pin near 1141 stall: thence S. 81 deg. 40 min. W. 1.4 20-103 - perches to a birch: thence 0. 1 69 deg. 20 min.? W.;2l' verehca to a pini•thenee P. 56% de/F. - W. 40-100erches to a rep oak; thenee AIX d 1 es W. 12-100 perches ton gum: thelleets. 69A . deg. W. • 56-100 perehes' to' a 'white oat thence& - 31111( , dt W. 43 perchesto alocust; thence ts. deg. N. sa 9-19operetles. to a pin; thence h. ink ace. Z. 54 613 100 perches to a pint thence S. 72 cles. , V. 64 perches to elan: thence N.7113,i " Avg. W. airing she six mud perry road 7 213'1110 perrhes to a pin,tbe„ place of pima.; hieg—cbutrlnilig 133 acres, ti roods, 08.6 perches. ad. A cenalu other ple..e Cif4.ll/cel of lama situate In the toWnshipofitaldwin.aforesaid; hotrisdell and described**, follows:.trginn.t 1.% oji stapiti and man • oiling the pee S p. 51 , 1 .W. 50 140 percbcdtp itpini thence S. 1 ek• . 3 Perches to it thence,' 744 egNIF.. n 41•10114 •I•rebits,to A pin; ttienes thence Is. 15i1 eg. W. 4ock perches, to the, •placeof beginnthir—tontalnin 9* 311401111porchea. 3.1.• Ateertalumiliew piece Or tract of laud: situate • lathe township of Allegheny'. eountrof,Aiskstrthe soidntateof Pefinsitvgatif, bounded andder • foltuirsvflegtnning ht. poet; thence alon la s of Bobcat Coulter H. 454 day.' X. 24 ; 2[.9 rebel ,ton poet: _thence, N.. 40 ties 115 perches to a black oak; tbehte by rantrot James N. 33 deg. 82 perches to a white masashence by land of H. .onnninahounli•rt deliVOlltereheKttiovestil thence o-o A. int ton 6. 63tde_g. W. 63. .verchea to* white oak: the by Idea of H. Csunp- , bell 9"211LS deg. 439 ptiphes Isyry bhick Wit thenceby the Name IS, tfi deg. W.SlPerCheeto the. plaits of be r Nnkt s ll to tkiallig'lll acres: 4 9 per— ches,The Ant.described trio*, la „twuleriptd , wiiii a 500 , vein (Weida, Is mipx, the city, and Is one of the .64111t1 desirable tiltdes of coal tuna now it the market. Imprekinnanta consist of a^ two-story testae borne , and oetbuildings. ; , • . , The last described idece is a well .ited faith, and has upon it a twoestorriog home, and oat. TauSts 01g , 13.414.-Otte-third Fasia:upen vip4riguk. tlim of sititWand the balaneelti two equal annual payments, •Wbill Interest from data of continuation 'of sale, secured by, boat of the purchaser. and a: Mortifylfe or thi , premises sold: , Nor fttrther particutare• apply in the undersigned.' ' - • . • .CRlcltyttiPtiAlt•LlNii A ItT,,•. didmlntstrstor, 'd.- b. a. e. t. a., of Jana. J. H. • YERIVIMON,,: Attorn ley ifut AdMtaistraior,' No, PT 11111 i. street, Pittsburg leNtrapit „ - 4 4 # 0 4 1 4 ARCITEMBI:Mp, ' q 41104 81 . 1 .9 0 • 143 1 0 lianniaiNINI, law % 1 4,a , ~., . .,, . .l . 1-, . • ... 1.1 ~ . .. 1 114 ' 1 ' 04 * elttv StrOgir elOOkinhorf• 1400 stlestli6 elm”; 411t4T.,AVARNI 1.*.h10.044144.• 103 WioartiieC ; - 4 r /La u 2 ,p ara i t u r t iV. l llll,AV;Wal i T Broad ge , t o ki,,i, At 41 t liPl li „ 4 . 41 ji !i,, ~ ~..._, .19. V. 7 , 1111 .: fr, 1 Thirty a 17;tiiiiiraitisii: :',, -- 7 . ~ . , iitioi iotw ;star 4 4 41 4 4. Amsao9o ,- rim**. rAny cofor . and 144 kd r i a ti t th bortier 1 torktu _t o or e e i a luil , , urpomalliwa , i zemons, Si sad eft. as a straie t( -11114F1iaa...”, MEE • __ • . .. . •;.-4::&•...,:.i-a7.1,7;•::..i;,..,,•1,1,1.•-*S2'l4?-js...z-ii,--.•..1z•z•-;;-:;•,•.,,,...,•.9.K.,-.:,-.e.:••..'.,,,ii=,:-,-..r.,,,••:,..'i,z..!,..-:-..-.:-::::::•S'.,.-.:::•.':-4.....-•...::•1,4.',--..z,,-,•,:,,,•-.,.,::•,•:-::: •:-.:n•-•,-.-f:•' . -,:ww..4,-,.?..,1,,,,..A,,,..c.,:i.42,-,..2.--,--,-,-,-------,•*.,14..-1,,--,;..;;;;;.,,,,,,..,,,,.......40,,;,.;,:•,-4-•,-4,...,,,,,,,.:.••.;•.,:;•-.4..7, . • ''''''''''.'"'",'4',,llVA;Vl',•,•tt=34..;qi,,,,,,-•-• •• LEGAL. . , r .11ROFIXT MIS =VC iS. M..•.i.vita . z.Anozsi unitiOA. A3laninwr Light ing - Rod :141fufactorv. S:BASS y` IRON WORKS. , . 30 PIMT XANITYAO MD DAILY. • ' THE CELEBRAIEOI3TA day** r 1 ,r: 1: e':rl jr r' r;•', 116111.11* Aar 'RODS, or the con n ; are trit to Pe superior to any Lightning Rod in use. Greet Inducemests offered to peddlers. and pers-Papying, • At' lortioilesale. Also, fine Plstins Points, oMir kinds ati_dimittsalTh together With Inetlators, No! V._ 4l l l Pe-m,-.".." Iron Connection Hurt , eta • PhlP"Pin4 eir," l l l3l senA fred. • ' : &.00 Noa 488 and 490 kiln St, -- ` I I . a ELPHIAL • REYBDItIi aplOsaWdir!: r; . „. . . . . gitemelitirtitzstrrioAntinutg. METROPOLITAN GIFT - COATIINY. "Carib. fUi :to the attocuit of $250,000: Zvery t.tekel drawl& rise. •.. , Cikilk Ol ds' Each slo,ooo' 10 40:., • ,^ 5,000 .• ; „EMU 460;, • •...:.n:.• •, T. , • ...'Ab e ' 30 ElegaitiltoseVood Pisnos;vesch 4300165500 36 tt-:" • DfelodeOtts,'•••• . • 115 , t6 • 150 150 Sewing - 60`ro :175 250 .Musical Boxes" • " to 300, 300 Pine •liold is 300 ' 750 Pine Meer Watchee.,•• ." .. 30 too 60- Fine Oil :Paintings,. Framed Engravings,' 'l3.Uver, Ware, Photograjth'elibilms, 'and a largess. • imrtment of 'Fine Gold J. in ill x ' • • ' _ • alued. at 0.14 ,000,, • • A' al:sett° 'araufnmi of the One. ri isee brjuir, chasing a Sealed ericket •fur 96 mute.' Tickets del: scribing each Prize aretteated in Envelopes and riot= usgbly mixed. On receipt of-25 cts. s heaket Thad' will he drawn without choice 'and delivered at, our . Deice, or' sent by mail to any address. The prize named upon It will be delivered to the ticket holder . on the payment ofona dollar. ,Prizes will befoul:se , diately sent to any address, as requested, by , express • Ybutitill know tiehat year 'Prise to sefore you paw for:di.: Aug- origami!, be exchanged for another elf th. same value. 509 • sfalra. JETOur patrons can depend on fair dealing. • 101721IXNCia. —We leleot therm followingnamei from the many. who, have Jately drawn -.valuable prizes and kindly permitted us to publish them: . B. T. Wilkins,. Burial°, $l,OOOl • Miss Annie , Monroe, Chicago, W., piano, valued at 3650; _Robert. Jackson, Dubuque; lows... Gold 'Watch, 3:50; Philip MeCarthy,'Lontsville, gr., Diamond piaster Ring, rea " St A ilq l l l lT l°n, ew s' Sl i ver ee, W. P itt; ciroplarak u metosonn, sus._ • • - • ilwWe publish no names without permission. OPINIONS OP THE-PRESS.—"They are doing the largest business ' the arm le reliable. and deserve their success."-6-Weekilf Tribune, Fib 13, havU examined their system, and know them to be a fair dealing lirm.''—Nero York Eferniet, 28, "Last week a friend of ours drew a HOO which was promptly resxlve.l.-- Dally Ntyle.. March Send for circular giving many more references and favorable notices from the press. Liberal induce- . ments w Agents. Satisfaction guaranteed. Every package of Sealed Envelopes contains rtz ca Ii I .3trr. six tickets for, l; 17 for 32.: forsS; 1M tor bib.' All letters should be address e d to HARPER* WILSON I CO.. 11r3 BROADWAY, N....Y. ! JuS:r.l2 11,013rNTS