EI Os IliOnts:4' tl.„aptts. CFronalhe Albany Evening Repiniscentes of a Police Magisttate. THE FELLOW. CLERKS. A large and fashionable jewelry store had been invaded and pillaged by burglars. The dist:worry °fibs tact in the early. morning WU-1M 4041, is so 1141/111 in like cases, for-a general gathering Of neighhors, friends sadledityr tradesmen 'to learn the nature' and aztentot the misfortune, and to proffer the mrvision of sympathy. ' thia In. Mai:l;3 there was another class. of visitors &twit:thither by quite a different motive: The merchant had before that "met with losses", oflthe character incident• to. tratlie, and hid:whose fears impelled 'them to.the exercise' of a Close vigil _upon ins business' circumstances.* This' misfOrtune summoned them with alacrity: The less of a latge portion of his most valuable .goods quickly impressed them with' the 'apprehen-• sion that the,miafortune, great as it'was to would ultimately fall with its severest blownpon them. The sympathy that un der other circumstances might have been extended to the luckless merchant by his creditors was thereby tinctured with ; that sentiment of chagrin that springs, from the realization of losses that uncharitable sel fisimesti supposes)night have been vaned. The lust of creditors added to the efforts of police espionage to which it gave animus and activity, was speedily busy in seeking to obtain some clue to the apparent mystery that surrounded the burglary. , During all the progress of the investigation the suspic ious eye of the creditors was directed to the unfortunate merchant, and all their opin ions and suggestions were jaundiced by the belief that the crime of then was his act, and that the apparent fact of burglary was but the means that he had devised to wrong them. • • The [investigation showed quite clearly that 'the burglary had been perpetrated by some person attached to the store. There were certain evidences, perhaus slight and intangible to those not skilled in the intri cacies of crime, that addressed themselves with politiveness of conviction to the judg ment of the police, officers that the work could bave been none • other than that of a person who could Only, by eniployment or Intlimity,liave.obtained a knOwledge of all thi4 facts that should lead - to ' so successild _ . an _peculiar mat& When at any time during the progress of the investigation suspicion failed to find in the conduct of the •merchant a ground upon - Which to reliantly anchor itself, it was by 'a natural, direction, easily, turned towards the emplOyas. rrom the one to the other of these. ,that suspicion' was directed, till at length it was concentrated upon two of the clerks With that, measure of judgment ttiat pietheassurance of their guilt. The meth od of the perpetration, the character of the property taken, and ail , the circumstances surrounding the case,showed clearly enough, at least to the apprehension of official judg ment, that one or both of these clerks and none other could have committed the crime. It became manifest in the progress of the inquiry that these persons apprehended that the. finger of suspicion -was directed towards them, and that justice was . seeking in their condemnation the development ,of guilt. Btill the pursuers were bathed by the un certainty as to whether both the parties were guilty, and that if but one was .thus guilty, which it waa. As the Segue; showed, this uncertainty and the effort to solve it im pressed itself upon the belief of one of the parties, and that headed upon such belief with the best skill that he could Summon.. At • thy» and la 41. Luoiiaitur liiiggested Dy an anonymous note addressed to , a 'police officer, a search was made of the premises within the boarding house occepied by one of the clerks. There within a bed, Seem ingly hidden from the severest espionage," were found some of,the articles of stolen jwelry, of little bulk. but of !great value. Cher circumstances, if any were needed, aided to augment. that conviction of his guilt which.this discovery forced upon the judgment with such startling energy. The accused denied. his guilt and all knowledge of the crime.- He was seeming ly overwhelmed by the• accusation, and - by the developments that resulted from the search of his room. Had there been those who asserted a doubt of his guilt from the vehemency of his declaratious, they would quickly have been subdued into silence by the suggestion that the - very extravagance of his amazement furnished the highest evi derma of the completeneas of his dismay. And when bis utter inability to account for the possession .of the articles found was con fessed, all cavil was bused, and all hypothe ses 'of "doubt were brushed away. The. merchant was vindicated in his character, the ;busy tongue ,of ecandial was , sileneed,. the police officers had reached the goal of their efforte,andrecinved the public plaudits awarded to their success; another-crime bad been. brought.to dlicovery, and the . victim waepinioned upon the rack of judicial ,ret ributton. . - , Cast off, as thus he W4B from the sympa thy oftlas..world, - with. every . 'tie: of friend. ship sundered that might have linked- him to the hope ofauonir,with tafinences of family or. wealth to summon those agencies to Ins relief that so often.'turn away the currents" ofjustice,iweak, 'defencelea 4 and crushed by the prooh of hilegnilt, - his -cas e awaited but the coming of. the appointed thneto result his legal condeinnation; and the addition o: his name to that fearful rec. ord of youth, that, by the temptation of lu cre, 'have wrecked their' livei upon the shoals of crime. , But in all the "poverty of his,eondition, and the terror of his peril, he - yet, possessed one friend. That friend was of far - greater wealth to him in the tirelessness In- labor, the qieeplessness of vigil; : the fertility-of re,' source, the:warmth•of.sympathh.the -cart minute of zeal,•and the sanctity of defertlon; than :,would-have been, an hundred etliens; it was his sister., ' .!. - t• Throughall the victesitudee of the case, in every,v peril- and- amid, the. darkest' hour 'of the stonnothe 'stood= bye and Clung to him 'with atenacity of love and a 'fidelity of - zeal that no :ppprobrium could shake nor 'fear Nor did she thus deyote her efforts" i ll at i rifroin the spar cf consatigninity., She believed Min to be innocent And whither. that Whir.. Possessed tialinialfitindatiOn or not, it inspired her with that „Heaven born devOtion that only wortiazi,in the pur ity other own beartandthesincerity of her, aw_A ptirposes; 1s :capable of:beitontn lie trial 'l , 4B.Auit apProaching. wnett ' Ai Camc It _would;. tide , The fade were kw end .simple, the ' evWence was di rect, and conclusive, the. deduction , from' it followed surely on M .- conviction-of . jruilt, and the prison door wee () Petting' t 6 receive its inmate, and thutcut the world beta ono' More ;soul lost .tti the pardis oo , of In vain bad the sister attMn • Ptedio him en „ any othere'with :even Ilieer, of : tet . : belief of her 'brothee'fiCAMOOet l 44 Whole` perfect fftesa 'bed' aWaketted;iter to such, latint o Artelntb! , 34.l l 4; , Antid the, an raha4ewlat,ninn :orP9Or.!ther tO, her a lTeattiM4l,lllte ,nfteles.-secoge,itipa L., - 7. T.? t,r4quoii.R. i? cis flab LIAT . .- ' of sympathy for her misguided zeal. But just upon the eve of the impending trial she extorted from the reluctant. magistrate the promise of a small measure of aid. Afar off in the distance of doubt and darkaesa, she directed his vision-ton glen& of light that fitfully glimmered like an ism(' pilau in the night. To her it seemed It glowing phantasy that needed but to be watched with-the eye of faith and hope till it . shoeld shine forth in the fullness of- perfect light. Charity rather than faith responded to her appeal. The favor of the aid she sought was granted. The issue of the first effort made startled the magistrate from the list lessness into which he had fallen. To-him it seemed like an hallucination into which his finscr:begnik4-111s - judgment, 'EtiV the' more intently he looked -at this new and startling feature of the case, the more viv idly did his reason invest it with the attri- Nita ,probability. Efforts were made to seek farther light upon .this sudden discov efy; and to those efforts the tireless cham pion of the accused contributed all her in genuify and zeal. ' Step - by step was the progress made in their pursuit. Atom was added to atom of the proof that was un folded. "Trifles light as air" were seized upon.to fhrnish, if possible, any clue that should be of measurable -weight. Reason, skill, industry and strategy were all invok ed to aid the purpose. Finally, the end came. The efforts culminated in success. That small faint., ,glimmer of light, "no larger than a man's hand" upon the broad horizon of speculation,• first seen by the watchful sister of the accused, and to which she directed the vision of others, had now risen to the zenith of the firmament, and thence shone forth with the brightness of a noonday sun to shed a flood of light upon the case, and to illuminate the pathway of the prisoner from the dungeon of shame to a world of freedom and re-established inno cence, All attempts had hitherto failed to support by any circumstance of proof the assevera tion of the accused that he was wholly ig norant of the presence of the stoles articles • within his bed, or to show how by any other agency than bls own they could have been placed there. - It seemed that if he was in nocent, the person most likely to be possess ed of any information-upon the subject was the domestic female servant of the house hold. But though she had never been ex amined as a witness , in the case, she had at all times when spoken to upon the subject declared that she knew nothing of it. Her assumed ignorance, coupled with the decla rations of all others of the household, had seemed to shut the door against all hope of acquiring any knovrledfe upon this most vital point. But the vigil eye and the keen scented scrutiny of the prisoner's sister had ceaselessly been directed to the subject till at length her watchfulness was rewarded with the recompense of success. She be came assured in her convictions that the servant knew much more of the matter than she had thus far disclosed, 'and that her knowledge possessed the very highest value to the prisoner. It would perhaps be tiresome in the nar rative to recite by what processes and from what sources was first obtained the belief of the domestic's knowledge , in the matter. That belief, based at first upon that ; shad owy evidence that would only have siddres did itself to such a busy imagmation hs pos sessed the sister of the accused, was speedi ly to be supportedby suchirreffseblo proof that none could deny its force.. The effort made to obtain that , f was successful. A L note was addressed to the servant, but without signature- invi g her to meet the writer of it at a deal , • , place in the public street. A covert alltuden was made in the note to the:subject of al prom ised reward for her secresy in the matter or the hidden stolen property. The' stratagem succeeded in its purpose. She'. visited the place at the appointed "time, though there was none to meet her there, and though no eye saw her but that of a wary police offi cer. , Th e success o r thi s , affray+. lolt• bat este more, though the most important thing, to be done; that was to extort from her the confession as to who it was that had placed the stolen property within the prisoner's room, rind of:whieh knowledge she had by some means become possessed. The effort to consummate this result was equally suc cessful. Upon the next morning the serva n t was startled from her busy household labors by the summons of a police officer. He desired her speedy presence in her, sleeping cham ber. Thither they went, her'anxioni quirt' to learn the motive of this sudden ir ruption failing to receive an answer till her presence there should have developed the the fitting occasion. Then the purpose of , the official visit was made known. She de nied all knowledge of the matter of the sto len property. The officer demanded the key of her trunk. That depository was quickly opened. And within it was found hidden some articles of jewelry that the offi cer triumphantly declared to be part of those stolen upon the night of the burglary from the store ! Had the sagacity of the servant not been blunted by the amazement; and_affright of the scene, she might have conjectured that the speed and precision with which the officer directed his disciivery of the articles could only . have been ac counted for upon the hypothedithat he bad thus plaeed them there ;where he could quicklyy, find ,them. But zio 'such thought even flitted, across, the imagination of the Quicklympon the production of the alleged stolen articles, and before even an exclanui tion of wonder or ignorance conid beUtter ed the officer followed up his advantage by making known his connection with the ap pointment and visit of the evening before. The bolt thue driven by , the pursuing avenger, and directed by sagacious boldness, struck its object with its fullest force. The girl, environe.d by what; in her thoughtless affright, seemed to be overwhelming proofs of guilt, and startled into the confession of the truth , by her fears, avowed her readiness to &Aldose what ehe knew. Her - story was brief, pregnant, though it was with mighty consequences to him who 'was awalttig the issue In prison, and to that .other who etreersdded to , the crime of burgle *" the greeter infamy ofbaving tried to shield kis own guilt , Wild the puniehment of an innocent fellow. „ • The stoleniewelry hae,been wrong secreted with ' -14tite, bed hy the fellow clerk, of the prisoner. ` He had beeriprOmptedto this deed'ef when he saw the gatheringk 4 -i...,t - r o ih reaten ,. ing his destruction. Gaining easy a ccess 0 the house, he 04 been observed in prwijok out by the Ho bad purchinied her silence till now, at the lastset of- the drama, :that silence had been broken, and by it in. nocence had been freed from the toils of calumny and danger, and guilt been Buhl. moned to the bar of avenging justice. ' • . _Mr liewenbeiza, of 'Nashville, Telm• dealer in feathers, dc.; went out last week:, acoompanted, by a young Man ',mimed Hughes, .on , a peddling 'expeditlank One. 'night they , camped' in Lincoln county and' were attacked by a band of - robbers,. Who demanded their money.' They reamed and .were intim 'up by tha 'neck Until they' changed their tninds. The hanging..yrtut repeated sevirrat,imes before' they gave up' al they had: Illni , ltave returned to blash.; v in e an d Tokbear- narks of their barbarous re{itment. ii, • tbstflospital , ibf Stlfary of the Conception i In of efeetibtrier •Clikigo, fell on WedneWoy, bt . ttyloji Ave r vorkinentin the nth . is,..toniSofrw=m, have I dneel ined tr i 14-1 7f .1.. 7 :LI a -if.: •;;, • - • pair • _ = PITTSBURGH GAZ.b4nE ~y,DSNTIBTRY 111KTILIICTED • vriarliotrr .IP.Aumr: ITO trittluils wain' AarrincriAL TAATit ABE ortarautp. • A FULL &VT . 1101 t. - , AT bit. SCO1'1"& • . PENN wrszeT,..sa-Dooaraßovi HAND. ALL WORK WARRANTED. -CALL. 4303 EX. NL SPICCIMBN3- OF GENVIRENOLOAIT• /T 3. GAS, FLITURES; GAS FIX JIBE' Chan ellOra p FOR OAS AND OIL. e ; Y e u r s t, p t e gr i e n d i b t i rg i rst and largest assortment WELDON & KELLY, 147 WOOD writzier. colt. VIRGIN AL.Prf. mh24:13.22 CEMENT, SOAP STONE, &o. IqIIIII4IIIOLIC CEMENT. "I:(,)ALP STONE. PLASTER, CHIMNEY TOPS. WATER PTPER, • HENRY H. COLLINS, 5e16:070 • 95 Wood street. DRY GOODS. 87. MARKET STREET. 87. SPRING OPENING ! 41. T THEODORE F. PHILLIPS', (Snocessor toJ. N. Thirehilehl & Co.) SPRING DRY. GOODS. SMUG DRY GOODS. SPRING DRY GOODS. MR. PHILLIPS respectfully announces Ulla the extensive alterations to hie • • RETAIL DRY 000D9 STORE triir.mg i gh.a:: eV` i sbu s i uuss` i s NOW New Stock of Dry Goods,. tig gprin ase p r r d d Sommer Wear, at the lowest Umt es. ata: STREET.. 4.r. ARRUTI T— I — NOT, SHANNON & CO.; • No. 115 Wood St., Pittsburgh, P&, vriztoxocsAi..p. DRY GOODS AND INOTIONS, AT LOWEST EASTERN PRICES. .nru: 168. NEW ALPACCAL NEW MOHAIR: Jutz_Acia. SILLS& ETOSIERY and GLOVES. F. SCOUG r ir, N 0 . 4168 Wylie Sired. JD 16E4 168. titanic 011 M, McCANDLESS & CO, Mate Wilson, Corr 1, c 0.,) WHOLESALE mums 121 Foreiga and Domestic Dry Goods, No. GB WOOD. STREET, Third - door above Diamond alley. - „ " PITTSBURGH. PlI. PIANOS. ORGANS, dr.O. BuEITT/a. %VILA? CILEAP ' t3chomacker's , •Nedal- Piano, AND EGTEVS'COTTAGE ORGAN. ltae 13C11 , 131ACKEIL MEAN° Laxanblues .all the latest :minable Improvements known in the eon• structlon of a first class lastrnmentiind been, awarded the idwhest pentium whererar ex. hibited. Its tone is fall; sonorodsline sweet. The workmanship, lm for durability and arty . surpass ail others. Pr ices from 00 to WM, (aeetkrdinet to style and drdsha cheaper thin all otherlio-taned ens class Plano. • , , , , • XSTEDEI ccrrrAqil ORGAN Stands at the bead of all • reed , lastniments,"ln pha. duelng the most perfectpl2e quallt_y of tone of liar Instrument In the "United Mates. It Is slut-, pie and Compact In wahine:Got; and not liable to get out of order. • • • CAREENTERt P A TENT " VOX HUMANA TREMOLO" is only :to. be -found In this Organ. Price from $lOO to sl* dO . AU guaranteed for Asti years. • , • • BARB, KNLIEB & BIIRM3t,' • meg •1 No. 'MST. OLAIRSTREET: - RECOPCD 11ADO NELDDEONS • AND 9140147 hi perfect, order, front j 35 'to SIEO. • • CHARLOTTE BLUME, sabl2 • 9 Fittb et., Rd door above Wood MC I Wi . Nn_T•37I' .. 7I Tfir p t l fr il f . AT 1114CANL CON- B &Holm OVIREOWIIIMV AND 13 Whir 31ACEUNE: so24ll;rAir-;;., BEING ANSOLVTELY 4 .1411 e 'BiEST RAWLY. XecliiNic DV THE WOR), ; DRAWLY. LK* TRINSICALLY DuaAPEtkr. XrAgents wanted to eeNtlalelitaiidne,; • 'l3 Axis Limit; Agent ftw Westien•Penisfivints. , ' corner:nria AND - MARKET !STREET& - over itlehardson , i Jewelry Iltore,- : inDegtel CONTECTIONSERIES.; GEO. SC ' • l'attcy Caloi Baker & Confectionery AND DIAL'S isro 2- 40 ° 7 1 eN hi:C.Bl'lU . 117117115 t NUTS, v i tri hen o r tis a t t ir e , Y:tobiOilonstreets, Alla . !"-. 114 . 7 .7..°1!1,1d094,4;MKAX, of Irwin W. Hoitn4cpt,,,, _ Codeetbmery NO soommilm b WIE RET = -i Between Smut& aid LIDaTh LAD 403` 011111riuML(x* attiohed. GEORGE HEAVEN Can Maa e Rer , • rded i v i iiii i mkroi.* 4 4ocato ks . irgmh • M . : 114.11111 . 11111iikwir . W. 46 4 titiocaii-ogi Mit SIN 11 1 titijigetAfi l ip , " C;7.*T.l-1q •',I M-11~'tzri SATURDAY, JUNE 27, 1868. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. St SIWK 07 CARPETS ! white, Red, Checked, Striped and Fancy BO M sTma. 3eZ:d&wr . • ,„ C.AiRPETS. NOTWITHSTANDING THE Manufacturers' recent advance prices, we. illnontinue to offer the Largest stock - 4 lirassels, Vet its and Ingrain Copets in the city, at , the lowest pricenreached this sea son. Just received, a few pieceti of a new and exquisite patterns of Royal Axminster. OLIVER ll'CLINI'OCII_& CO., ` No. 23 Enda t3treet, CIiCINA !RATTING • .: . : .- C.ll..ila , M e r3 it '' A von' urPirior quality of White, _ •- ' - . Fancy Striped And Check • 111A'ITINGS, =ST IMPORTED. ALL-WOOL INGRMS, IN BRIGHTEST COLORS. ' ! Prices - the Lowest in this Market. illecA_lituiff BROS., ........ 51-PIPTH STREET. abovetoed. jivr ii RECEIVED. NOTTINGHAM OBTAINS. . i i.! ':::; ~.,- 2 :,;,• „ SWISS LACE CURTAiIiIS. Brass and Wood Cornices, THE NEWER AND BEST PATTERNS, 0i....y.e. whlok temsot be bad elsewtere,) , • AT THE LOWEST I I PRICES. , ItcFAILLAND & .COLLINS, 71 and 73 PirthStreet. jeamniaT (RECORD imam.) sTrAnt CARPET BEATING ESTABLISHMENT. Which TEN YEARS , TRIAL In New York and oth er Eastern-cities has proved a complete success. 'ITS ADVANTAGE% 1 111— Fading and Shrinkage are completely avoid 44—No rippinga part necess ary. 3d—When freed from dust , miiths or their larvae, the Carr 4 looks nearly as good as new, save th e naturalriding from wear. 4tb— hen perfectly clean, a Carpet will wear as long again, a desirable matter as a mere point of economy, to say nettung of looks. • • ALL ORDERS LEFT AT THE OFFICE, No. 179 Liberty Street* at O ten tioniaddreised to P. 0. Box 473, will receive 'prompt • dEO. L McCLINTOCH, . mh10: - PROPRIETOR. TO FMVAMtS. , THE HAY RAKE "WELCOTIE." PATENT= 181511" AND, 1687 . Is the beet Hake made. It will rake heavier hey, carry It farther, i ped and unload, itself eester than any other rake. It Is self-operating; a child 8 rears old can do the work - . of a 'roll hand.• • Hundreds of Certificates could be given, ono et which to below: •43iu.t.up, - Erie Co., Ps:, July 5, 1807. "I have. Mu She 'W.icorna Hay Rake •manutite• tared by W. W. Wallace 'Pittsburgh Pa., and rec ,ommend it to farmers. It is good in light and heavy hay: is easy on man and horse; is a complete glean eh of grata and etubeWs simple in construction and easily kept In order. - • . . ARIIIIONLE. ,( Al! orders directed to 319. , Liberty Street, Pitts ;burgh, Pa., or at the works in Columbiana, Ohio, :promptly Wended to. Bold ,wholesale and retail by - W. W. WALLAOZ. Bead orders in early, 1111 supply Is short. • • .. ~, • uniSra&T ROLIMIOE6 I { BELL 04'004 'ANCHOR COTTON - MILLS, 1. rrrreMilt7B4444," • *nunLeta/ are Of IMMIX and ,Lltatif ANCUOR AND BIACINGLIA SHEETINOS AND BATTING. ._____ WILL. S. TAYLOR,, - ' , .- ' "' P Al N TE2 ' • N.i.*lC•mo sii,AET,Agegheny: Aunkfrog•i.ibei fo mite ieiittneraf patronage ne; stowed 1ip71111284 I-enure mf. meads and the teetdio genera, thateat be •nitnr in Ali the paat,l OWL endeavor 1114 enfif to 'ince t a eenttntianee of ttke same{ and ni • ne• 'away* at t he shop from 7to iir A. x. and troml to 11,r-. le. -:. •f•f , 1, - linrAullt •• . Urn* 0 0 /inktOifr. r - ' ' ' -' ' • . .- • - i• . ' .:Irachififf Stift, irei&t..' i . worttoresCoOrniiotWiii . ciiiinbi,;';fifi r i,;iii;'', PREIPIC ATYATIMAIN OM Have: on hand or. repace on, ab0rtm."."... 0 . and duo Monet,' - Matte for- Elden '13%.7",;;; Ninth., so. Head And IMO waxy ase ~, , .... 7. ' - omen Drown tea.- lenntdia. ,-• L. , AkeirrAitikrairniij '') Pi 'molt. e ira li -, . , ilf****,4l , llftaiellealliquier 1 , 41,1 iv) Li- .44 i4ir Ltg:ifi tilu iw on .5:11 aa Now 41400D5. - , • LARGEST AND 6E40 STOCK IN *NE CITY Pin jarox , Gammon, Wait liair Oars, D aa 11081ERY, . .; A full link Cat French. German and Ensileb. N S, In Linen and Palm Leaf. A full line of White OPERA FANS.' lffilli ntafitKiiinyllifiikiii ~dR3n3~Y::..._ } OW ' ShOdOli. &O. nitro= BEADED, LINED ARD`rr:uzi. , A FULL , LINE OF , HOOP -1 SKIRTS. OSE &-CO., CORSETS—A template variety, In white and col ored, for Ladles and Misses, . •• . , ._ Nalesook, ', VelvetßibboruiPaper Collars, Irish Linen, , Bid Gloves, - Paper Goff', • Lawn,, 1 , Silk Gloves. Striped Shirts, Swiss_‘ I Mlle Gloves, • Embolderles„ 'Cambric, i Cotton Gloves,- Ribbons, etc. • Also, THE NEW tußkrode. count. All thele itoodi are to be had St the LOW,EBN PRIORS. or . 81ELC13,1311, GLYDE:O4 - CO • • 'J'S P 3,11 SO MarketsWtee -. • p pow GT • . • GLOVES.,:, . . "A. C. C."---":`1-t S. - K.!' We Invite aiteniion to our KID GLOVE DEPARTNEXT Which le now complete with every color and shade. In addition to our own medal importation of the Celebrated A. C. A - tionvin) WS, ••, ,p • - 4 , • , .,;•:. - We have secured ih'e exoltud *elude ether 14 1Etarrits! Seassielps Kids," The best Glove and moat perfect - Montan & tuumanal, apii • • • • - • .19 FITfl sTuzEr: - MILGRIM 84 CAIILLSLE; 19 . Fifth Street, Now offer the most elegant line of HARM 17ELCIS . Ever ofidned'in Pittsbnigii, to whteh they eirkftdally invite the attention of their Customers. Th de• signs are nearly all new and original and about ONE-FIFTH-LESS THAN REGULAB apll - MACRIDI & CARLISLE, 19, FIFTH STREET, SHEPILUILIPS STEAM CRACKER BAKERY, 317 Liberty Street. Our Crackers are baked upon the OVEN BOT• TOM. and are superior to any baked by hot air or any other process., • /RP TRY TURIIIMRI. • ARE SUPERIOR TO ANY mirizas OFFERED IN . THIS CITY. WINE, BOSTON. SODA. CREAM, FRENCH, WATER, 13UTTER. SUGAR and SODA CRACK ERS: SCOTCH and BILK BISCUIT. For Sale by Every Grocer in.the City. Bakery, No. 91 Li'llerty St. DYER AND SCOURER' No. a s.r. cisAin griatmEric And No. les and 187, raia,steeet; prrzenusen; vA. VAiniarta,wAttratii, NfourtzotoN ST R tET, -.l;u*pitt.imito Grain Eleintor .• We ANT , * . manufa c t urer citeig u ltEAL, RYE nom,. wit CROPPED .FEE dellyered In elther cite ' free of charge. ;tan ,or all kinds chopped,' Dorn shelled ,. on alma Roth*, pr a LYON; "'sealer of Weights and Measures; No. 8 rowan OTBEET , ' ' • 'Between Ltheitt in anti listirreike t i ta : coi m ii rcee eter mooed to. . t ICE! roof Dll!...?Pqpif9 Dealer,:'aer ea aumoirlif _ J =Jpligsbapic , °e lttlCS a ru=nl,7l,R l .,l°o:„litta , .1 le = d i 5 A cie Aleorkerq Potl Indium lirrit=t4ll""l". ae" for sedalid Mar 4VAliaill!,' Ltir AeoLfulz kr•VoWAg Csari "now r& air AK NUS AND NOTIONS. , .1i ill eolc4s and ;hides. 7 PARASOLS; Abio,-soni'43 new atyleerni,goP. Rave Just opened an shades of BULLION' AND IILSTORI FRINGES. BUGLE GIMPS. AiD 7/B4I.IGRA, At ytry low prices. CRACKER BAKERIES. iyt - m-yjj CRACKER GLASS, CHINA. OTJTLERY. 100 WOOD.ISTBEZT GLASS AND QUE.ENSWARE,-= SIDED PLATED WARE, PARIAN STATUETTES, , • 8 BOHEMIAN gAnd other STAPLE AND IrAlgolt •,, ouGps..great variety. • • , • 100 WOOD STREET. RICHARD E. BREED do CO. • inb27. .1,199 :WOOD, STREET. DYER AND SCOURER, FOR S. V.......,...•• °ail liticige o Ablutalbi W____DlrE ' PINE. 9-4171) Mnif. LOCK TIMBER :LARD, sitnatedwa • Black Lick Creek, Befingtea township; Indian* County, Pa.. 9 miles from Ninevahlitattoti; on therenasylvanla Central Bailroad, an &boat 69 diem of cleared land, under good f tang. .4.bs the.relabel are erected cam Grist MI ' .Iwith it ran. o • bane and 8 run of stones, all confPlete alldfait , Relrlaalliff or. der: _: 011 e Saw ; Mlirella pumpkins :ordeseKettiting 5,000 feet per day. ". One dwelittigi house] two stones klgb. with If{ ,' , rooms. &Ostia feet. _ ._. One dwelling, 'Ned° feet, 8 roseas., One " ISxi6 ••• il 9" . .' ,.... ..• One - - 9 ' - 18:26 ...._4 •.` One ----- One • "' 18x26 '9 2 `'. " 24:28, One 51ab1a..214514 feet. 16 feet Ideal litakklunith Shop and other outbuildings . Thls lan la ander.. isddsrithaionacoalandtetar.org;lind IV has of neverfalling springs of water, besides tbeereek: runnin-thronglelticwanris .. TrereVallAlf t iqe sold cheap and ost east fOrtOO. tO a a A little money. .. .• el -.., a .... ;-• '1.1: • • . 10 LOTS 0 liEb RD ivENVI= ,elle& by 100 feet, ou ir 11 or bd fffarwelOsteiry frameilwellitur housee, rtiome" and 'eldlesie.b. These lots embrace a fell square of groand, front. , lug 200 feetun Bedford:avenues Ind +bonded on each end by *Wide' street, with an .18feet Diet in the rear. On the premises is a pump 0' lasting and excellent water, and the surface of the lots is level " an d needenettlierldline Perigradingto prepare Items for buildlegiArgOses;: and being in i:seettosterthe city Where property le increasing very rapidly In ' value, make them desirable Bir an investment, wipe• clang asike present echoes . rent, for, eueugh st , PIT •• a good interest on , tbit - IMO ' ailed for • tne 'whole ' %doper y. Call soon on, the endersigned and ware , a cheark eaF fe A a ß n M d mOFi I ginv A estment. , • ` o i o ! , - situated A ßd;Vhostle Bo W Cß s E p .f n g dliduo n o4 Pa., 90 acres of which is cleared land, In good cul tivation, 20 acres being in excellent mestdow; - Tit* Improvementsares.two.story frame dWelline house of 4 rooms, a frame bank. turn.„s6x6o, fees, with stabling andel neatn, and -other outbuilding& all in good repair. It Is in al'good. neighborhood. mane.. Meld to schools, 'churches; stores. de.:. and will he': sold very low forsmsh or sepreeed leo:millet. Also, a RIVER BOTIDM. FARM of le acres, 19 miles from the city, hi Elizabeth township, Alla gbeny county...Ps...on the. Youghiogheny rtv*t, vial half mile from Eked's Station, on the Connelleville railroad; uenr ...Marche& schools, stores; ite..iii the = dourishing villages of Bostoe and Green Oak, , The , ,. t l ir improvements are otritoty t brick Mame Wait • zooms, hall and cellar, xoodname,bank barn with • 'stabling underneath; t diother outtroildings; a Well ''' of good standlng we at the doer, .and.,severid•; ; standing ;prisms of wa ea ost the fuse , and an or chard of 700 trees of sLected fruits of apnlea..ctier.,. f ries, pears, peaches, qu flees and grapes. Vhts.P-,, ertir bMg located ise . the line of the railroad ..) within one hopes Meet* the elty l makes it vtry,dot., „ elrable.for suedes:il's' JiwW dairy - ferret It ' s also it • rilitYllbeyblgtlinil locationil Oil r tliT u gy_e_ TY r b , o ot e ttin lir p.: Accommodation - Ode erpm the ,rallroad...: The :West ;Newton, Accommodation and other, trains on the railroad at", :; ford certain and freqeenr opportunities of didly_ _ communication to and from the city. Will be sold . as a.whoie or Bileteofloneacroor more, Windt part chasers ' Also, A FARM' or via ' ACRES; ' ..knifed in lit.' - ' Clair' oWnshiP, Wesixeur.elardi • connty;.Pa.vmear r.. the line Of the Pennsylvania-Railroad. at- Houston Station.' Theimprosrernente area 'two-story, fauns house,. with six roams and goad cellar, a frame bant • ' • barn 4 0 by 80 feet; and_ather • entbundings. • There, • • is meths place a yOung apple and peach orchard; 120 acres cleared land,. divided into fields of wave.' nientelse, a large portion otwhleh • are well . set 'ln clover and timothy: the residue.of said, tract eel,. - , ered with goositishber.l It Is well watered and on- ' derlaid with coal and Bluestone, and is convenient . ' •., to churches, - : schools, store mills and islacksmitie shops. A real geod bargain is offered in this excel. ._ lent farm; and with it Will be sold all therpersonel - property on ..the premise& • consisting: of. horses/4 , . cows, stock cattle.liogsaudPouttrY, harness, Semi . 1 , 1 wagon; plows, rartning linpienieuts and househola . and kitchen furniture. 1, Together will be, sold very; 'f. low and on easy terms il 0. a restionSible p urchaser Also. a desirable and very fertlleTrac of•Langpf .h i : 159 ACRES AND 25 PE, RCHES:in Ellsalieth Tp., , ALkgheny. county; Pa.,lon the line of the llemplield '.' i' • raliroad..and one and oue-half miles from the- Core...:, 2 tiellsville railroad at thster'e 'Stetion.. On BOA= ~. are-40 acres of superior white oak - timber, which' . alone is now worth onethalf the price asked•for the'' , whole tract: The imteements are a. log house.: ... , frame barn, good' fenc g, and 'an apple 'orchard or good fruit; :It is well'a atered and underlaid with - 1 limestone and gag atone of. a, superior quality. mill: ~ ..• stone coal for, the nes' othe farm.,_. • •,, , ~......., Also; The best 'FA M. in • Fairfield tOweable.; '..., • - Wes t moreland county; ..ra., of 250ACRES., , ,aboist. -1 six miles ; 'math of. theilrenusylvents Central .itall.A•:, road at Bolivar Statione A Theimpeoyements are two ,„•,. 1 large hewed log dwell i ngs; . One *Mae . largest and , best frame barns in t h e township; . two • apple ci.....,.1 - • chawla, In good bearin conditlon_* corn crib, wa!„. shed and other ontbu !dingle . The whole far m , under a high state of cali b ration; fencing all In diet . :- rate order, and the land cif the best quality Of lialee.l- , stone soil, about 200 Mies of which is cleared seal ~ the - residue of the.tmet in 'good timber. suchim " white oak, reek 'oak, ihickory;. walnut and linen. .;,: This property , be dold v.ery che.ap and ..cin goad rt ~ terms, as the er Wishes to .e.egagein other beg.' noes, For partionlarceteqtdreof • ~ - • . . VI. , . G. Ef. TO 1t 44 rourth Eitreet.‘ , i,- U spll 2,0()09 # ACBES CHOICE LANDS 'OR sATIP aY TUE • Union Pacific .aaiiiroad frkyrnix4 2 , • EABTEBN 12.iMMON, Lying along the line or*ietr iOad; $l,OO TO , f 54,00 EMI ACRE, • '' And on a CREDIT OP FIVE YEAItiL For Dullerparitettlaia, imps, Ap ? , address . zonal' P. np*Eirjro4'.',, Land.connalssionen, Topeka, ICansalk_,"t: Or C HAS B. LAItirIICOLN; ;1 St. Louis. Mleeoail I=3 FOR SALE. , : The Lease, Furniture and Philtres of a , HOVEL Situate on'one or Oilribeipat streets Of the e•Li has a large, permanent tenniletit custom., /me house contains 30 bed•remMin„ exclusive of mem. hitehen all furnished. Lease has 9 years 'and- Win ths to rUni rent $1,890 Pee t en• num. The bar. out. stable and cellar. rentil for 32,440 per year. ..This , a true opportunlty.Mor any perdotY to stet{ Into es established bushie.,tiat isrsotory ressonsgivenlbr "` Yoe prica andryms apply Ivor addrelis e „d :C it .PHILLIPIR - Re.4lCatiite , Agentit, 1139 Fotiftlat F on' SALv. Eel . FARLOP;IIMETY. AgEtEk • Well improved and delightfully Minute, on the "Yough“ river atghe McKeesport. The, Connellavillejtat • plimea:oYer two- , emamodationTratiti opal station close Abe. dwelling haute., l'are.onannnal ticket dray lwets.4 per day, and tt.e holder can travel sin eyery,train without additlolial'ehargef. goliedultrtime 'One heel- from the ,The feria will. Wield chparimi changed forlmpiVed 'dry property. !mimics:rot STEEL WILSON, • Broketi and Real tatate Agents, ' rfo. :sinittinetti iltreet. 1 1 1E31 c t ua ._ ltrES ililL6l3l6:toTs•tzill'.:, MARKET-.- le those olfetvd" for' Bale In the; riving Tillage:Le , Allentown adjoining the BIM- Ingham line, and my 'fifteen minutes' wailtlfrtont the end'of the Eloamigahela b ridge.bugler' .la. growing rapidly: Sayer 470 wee realizedlin lots sold last sesson,l, ,_OOO at; d over lifty neat dwel i lr ai ga were % erected during theFliemion. - As a eveelal Ind cement so mothantes. we aro willingth . cross th e knee of , the lotaitt the law' rice rottiom *AOOOOB9 elleh. and on' term. ear l than paying rent. Weitrikime ..1 She premises eve atioritoon, from it.to_V-Weloek:, j, or s P l 7 4 t ° l ir° Ili - Corner of Vonetir mid Sibithz , ' helddireetS.l: ; ,=+. 4- ..' ', I -i=-ILagelaillNk CO '' i: m i r VE IL T R CIr R ESTOr E .TGroael. /.. ' = 6 V., On PANT4';-.A. ' ge:tr4rOory double- . • onseVmultainthrao WOMB, A theluillirg double PO- ,`' lor, with marble man a , a, and Minim mbdern any- -- ."--"•=:. ProTementa; A„scis- =Aroußdi 'Ailed with itfititt -- . • =1 gret u t i r u z 0 - ila...e"Situa W 1w ted ne'r :311ii Pieria u , r art, i i: l , Thttila one of the Ikritdejimeft 14 :Malan in Are (midair, and in . a :igoolli-Aeleiherhood., a • -, W. A. in #4ll . : ritSl) Vilsws; , ran ki - "mot; &TO LEZ , --Rouses.. f, ILO LoiltrOt if 9 tllalligtkAi of the bltitnid, elm. • Alto; • s ;' In _goottslOentiOni; '. ', Also, *small: Nlir LE . FA G OT ORY, with' 510 nerds k- • of land, and good , mnrovements, "witittli ;I will sell. 1 • eilli t cheap anti on remoniblojenne. •Boillizoo Sousse , 0. to let on good ettents...rrnyte Dwelling' tiolll4lll VW ; tit In both oltles. , :r• For lbrther particulars lagnitg wdont.., l . ~ ~-: " itifei‘ la= ''' ' 110 Gip% o pp osit e .. Athillicqral - ' . , •-,- . 7 1UOV I ICEY ' t •:' 1 ..' ;' . ~ • . J. 21... ~".' 0 1,0. ~ fl, l 1,.'. Tud und erirledlualotteited - with 'titut 14 ' eitneu; cluittaB,-- tiekti.ll,lllll4; = lll Blli , =_Xtv Aim FRED N. WALL, sou ASA S. GILL/WM.4U, ..1.01118 ENGLER"rw ne_ely)e ot the finc........_0-lill J. IIILLJayLIG8(00114 ..- ,'J".;4..431.1....m.azam- '. 3,116 , . re c lii . 4 :-... to" ' jtatr„th,,,taitri_. lwalitn 1 uton,-4.l4ere:t.iint: 1 th..84, ..." , : i a i 1 '.,; ~ I , :` • ' idtature In oat t ey ..:• - '' ,I* - 71 ,- -i k , ll l / = 51;t1 b ..1 ' ; 11;6941Wi11k,t3 . 'B 8 BEN ',-. ~,,,,,ril. , Wood itteitt-2!_bilmitapioiliatiitil l y z• ' , l du onto to Valtddi lihtea.'_l, lemWl-40,111 kikOlukuftibe) i i te?oa o arm opt - )iCq ri ii,;?, .1 '!": Ant6minatlio3 q,4 - 1 IL 14 ,tri ";.'' a ~ ..7rr tirn•Fq.: ...3 REAL ESTATR. , ,- 1 i• r. . (- 9 , ~
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