The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, June 27, 1868, Image 1

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Legfoilative Appropriation
• The Special Tax Bill Pained b*
the liouse—rn
Aendment to the
sin Conce r ning Bights of Nat
nralfxed eitizens. l
car Telegraph to the Plitzburgh Gasette.3-
ar wiipinzeo.roN„ June2l, 1868.
SENATE.' . •
The filiAl;Ettinbmitted a commiinication
from the Cioneriti if ttie.Army,. -transmit
hug the Papers in relatiOri to the eleeticsi in
c Arkansas, which'*ea laid on the table: also,
the report of the CoMmissioners for the re
viidon and emisalidation of the statute laws
fi of the Milted Statea; eisdosing specimens
of thair lam!. .Reilarred to Committee on
• the
DRAKE pre:kinks] petitions against
riugoattot ef the Osage treaty. .liefer
:` Mr. YATES- littrOduced a bill ' for the
; more administration of the
government in the territories. Referred. -
1 1 Mr: MARIAN introduced a bill
lauds •. the d ti s ght of way through certain L public
to the Central Pacj6c . Railroad :lam
The bill to.amoridthe act for the removal
of certain, bands of' Sioux and,Bacotali
diens wig passed:
g The'•bill to establish the right of way for
Portage pake and lakeStftriorSkik Canal,
and to P
tne•e l xt r erision and com
pletion ethdesaMe;'o
amended arid
. passed.
Mr. CX 3o N 2 4EliiSidfered an amendment to
•`4 the bill cionterning the rights of American
citizens abroad,' with which the. third see
tion -will read: !And be 'it further' en
acted, That:' whenever it shall be duly
made known to the President that
citizen of the United States I hits been. n ar
rutted and lassletainr - •
—Jed by- anY foreign gov
-0 ernment in contravention of the intent and
1 purpose of this act; upon the 'allegation
+ that naturalization in the 'United States
does not operate to dissolve 'his allegiance
to his native 85)gereign, or if any citizen
; whose- - rele
shall have' be e
upon demand shill have
been unreasonably delayed fir ref Used, it
been •-.! shall bathe duty' of the . President forth-.
4 with tti - report _ to ' Congress, , if in'
. •
~ aes Bl 9 ll .' ' All ' the '' of
eircurristanees ' .
Y ' encteitivest 'end 'ditentibn.''' and
• .7 4 any proceeding for the release. of the eiti
• : 1 zen so arrested and detained>that Congress
.. .i mavlake 'prompt action triSeenrti Ur' every
... f
suck citizen of the United- StBtes hiinst
•::•t 'rights; lint if C ongress ll2o"44 in ie Po,
' k '. then the President shall be • and-'her eb y , is
empowered to suspend in part or in whole
.. 1.: oornmercialyelatums wt said governfoeat.-
.1 and in caiainopther re (Ay ia Oratirittle, too,
,' order the tirreat and di ii - 6natody any
1 1
.. 1 citizen of such gverunnNvho may be
'. found within the jurisdiction of the United
.. IL, States, and who has not declared hisinten--
tioq..iiift tabatent a giclzeß_ sa e _ VI
~ Stew, &I , a lne
•:,', l lic niinisters and their docs or do
„:,fi mead() servants, and the Pr esident shall
'.,, without delay giveiinforMatiCengress
• t: of any proceedings under thi s ”
• The order of the rlay, the Lative Ap l;
,•-. propriation Bill. - twis again taken up.
' Several minor amendments were agreed
"4 IL : • •••.'" .1" N , ";' I i . ,
' •
. 1 One appropriating sls,ooe . fer ten thous
..6l and copies of Paschal's annotated Constitn
,? tion was rejected-al to IS. -. 1 .- ,• ,
7::• : ,1 Mr. WILLIAMS offered an amendment
1..,' abolishing 'the 'Bureau of Statistics and
'll tramsferring itsdutles,to the Spegial COM
l' inissiotter" of Internal Revenue providing
'l l . the Secretary of • the Treasury designates a
,`: clerk at the same Balm as a head of a divi
• § vision to act as deputy" "for said 'business,
• i'l underihe direction of the Special Commis.
, stoner. Agreed to. -
.1, The bill having passed in Ociminitteo of
g the Whole,
the question was on the adop. , ,
' ; ,ion of the amendments by:the Senate.. '
; Mr, !STEWART Toyed .to,actoi the
to the missioner of the Cieneral Land -Office to the
' l.- parties whose , salaries are increased to
1 1 *4,500„ which was agreed to--28 'against 8.
• ' On motion of Mr.- IiA.RLM the' Com
-4 missioner or Pensions was Includedin the
increase , a vote of 21 against 11). - ;
~... An increase to the'pommitialoner of In
oj dian affairs was rdected=2o against 20.
: ' Amendmenta increasing the salary of
:e 9
Assistant zilearetaries. ot:the ;Interior and
Treasurys were ruledout of , order...
1 .; The amendments as amended,were_their.
agreed to-. 24 against 113. •-`s ' A - -
The billiinally passed.- - ,-., , , Alter a short ' executive isetation ; the Sett.
• ate adjourned.
, - , . • , • , ,
Etobice, or ItEPRESENTATIpIa
mi..P'arnit.wits excuied front acting on the
Committettgattend the Ztat(onal shooting
Festfialkvand'lt,fr.`Washbione, Wisconsi n ,.
appointed inide paCei. '1
- Mr. Plum AntetodiVid SIAM Ortniiiiing
for the I ue or arrue,for the use , - of
,the ? mi-
Stitt. Referred.' - ''
mr •PEPFIXT4I). : -. offered .a .resolution
. directing the Clerk of the House to Present'
to the Seszetary of State the. act admitting
North',ClirMlita, Santh"Carolina; Le-widens,
Geores;:Alabameand ' , Florida.' - Adopted.-
Mr. HIND, of Arkansas, introduced a
joint resolution to extend the :provisions of
• the act of. July 4th, 1866, limiting thejuris-•
4 diction of the Court ' of Claims . to loyal citi-'
seast Arkansas.-..' Referred to Judiciary
Committee. / • •••• • -,_r . , • .
A tiill:Weitititand Inereaeing,to fifty del- '
\ lars a month the pension of the widow of
General Hackloman. . , -
1 Alois a joint resoluthitr diro!ittr.lithepidi.:::
11011 40'a Stdolueutt of. Xstional - Altanks in ::
proceatint lon_ ... ! -.. • - •• . ,
3ir '•of Kansa, preaented rem . .
lutionkiirli mass ,nieeting4staittlers Mt,
Cherokee neutn&lands,•oalling - On Cn-:
gress top them, in their rights. ,--, - . •
„feint resciluthin donating Cap
tared-I'l'd mince for a 11 )9PnWeat ,te pen.,
Se_dfferfeltiiiits pease& '''s f . '' • ' • L•• - •' " "
Mr. - BOLFIB,, of Aslff ne introduced a
bill fo r the toilet of honorably discharged
soldiers. ilteferred. -' - • '
Thelifolise Wait' into. Comedttee on the
Tax bill. ~.-• t• • - ,*. ' • • " '
Mr MVO iintkidiuent of int night was
n 1 14.4101 OLP:ter.. . •
Some amendmantsi,it •tikin,eetron
having been relerVed - lgst• Welt ireveril
t o b th e eLr were offeredwitaxhereintoLhutt
on the
u °Art
one adopted was one by Mr. WASH-
BuntsOfiMarisachusetts, toinarease the 1
duty niportad • cigars from li2; to 42,6 p
Mr B it offereten an2endininit .to
.. DR,
Sta ' 1%40. cent. - iviihilt was
ruled out diat u h -l•-• ' - ••
Be tt i nfialt d r e i n esitdiell-Of hankie
w 3 d
via read, Mr. POM
_sisitnnk.itout.,, :.•, •,•,
Dursn_gliteSnausiktr,,, ,:.- •••,‘ ,-, -., . , ••• ..;• .
Mrt n•t a N trectiop wai'tbe
saws as --7iisenterovby'the• Commit.:
, e - •"
tee the Whole on the last general lax
bill, and that. it' was ' repcirted in this bill
simply under the prderpftheXionse. He,
however. deegied lig ht to .say that the
pending bill, as oompared with thegeneral
bill, would (shim, ai dedeficiency of seventeen
million.of dollars.,
Idr.allOlMAN '•lnotNal hie amendment
and it was 'ejected.
Mr. WASH - aI:MHZ,' of Massachusetts,
moved to stalk° out the clause taxing Gov
ernment deposits three per cent. per an
num. Rejected. The tax on bank thou,
latien Was reduced to one per cent.
Finally, however; the whole section was
• struck out-46 to 53, leaving the tat on
lbonds under the
,operation pres ent
aw.: . :r:••• •.•• .
Mr. BUTLER moved an amendment as a
new section for taxation on delxisits, drew.
lation and intorest on U. S. bonds, which
The'Uonitnittee• rose - and'reported the
bill to the House.• -
Mr. SCRENtßitioVed the proilous ques
tion, which was seconded.
All the ame ndtrientsinge - agreed to with-
out division down to section 108, and the
yeas and nayit.bolog• ordered-thereon, the
to dmentstrikihtr it out was iejected---
bi 1157 71.
So thatien remainsremainsas in.the printed
men, unaffected by the subsequent amend-
Section. dog was restored to the bill.
The billpaiised without a cil During liedon,-
thelayitir; Butler, of Tennessee,
had the oath administered to him by the
Speaker. . • . .•
• Clly Tereensph to tai3Pitiainirkti
Wainnigaiorf,-Inne 18438.
Maj. Whittlealy, 31. S. A., has been de-.
"tailed as Professor,o, Military Scienpe
Corn ell - University; Itklea, New York. 2? -
Three months lesie of abseneS has been
granted Second Lieut. Loyal' Farragnt,
S. A., Who joins the squadron of his father'
in Europe. . -
- The receipti of „customs for the week
,ending the 20th were $2,431,304.
The Senate Committee on Foreign Rela y
tions has agreed #4l reportfasozablron 'the,
nomination of Gen. nister MelfalKl as Mi
to Paraguay. •' ' ' ,
Gans. Grant and Stonenntne, bad an inter
view with Secret/417 Seho#o PALO' rein-
Awe to affairs in •
Generale_ ,:laptui i - Dentiiiiiutin Mon
day au a Western tour.
I ' The Conservative soldier* and sailors
last -,,Eight—electedrdeltipat“ 46' the Ne*
favor of the nomination of Hanoock.
-• Burch TE AND , TIM TAX ,BILL.
The Senate' Pin ance - irimittee are al-
ready at work on. Vo
the tit's bill and will
I k
nmake manyamendments, though e 7 : • ;*i, ' Nick • illyailterAhO Aix: on
• fiiitEdisd. • •
- :
It operas probable the Ways and Means
Committee will yet renort £ tariff bill cov
ering uome ardelee in the schedule. • ri
Tama Touter: ( KrvertilcuerT .
The . bill introduCed in the Senate by Kr.
yatee 'provides that the Territorial Lekie:
latures • shall meet but 'once in every two
years, and the nextsetsion of said Legisla
tures shall begin two :Veers from the date
of the last session. . The. bill also fixes the
salaries of Territorial , Governortat ;2,500
tier annum.
At the trial of Major Richards before the
Police • Commiesioner,` this evening, on
charges preferred by the Conservative
Councilmen, a dispute arose between Mayor
Bowen and. Ex-Mayor Wallach. The for
mer accused the latter of falsehood, where-
Upon Wallach struck- Bowetts heavjgblow
in the Mouth. He was immediately sr
rested and .held-to bail to answer scharge
assaultand battery. ' of •
Messrs. Johnston and James, Commis
sioners for the•:revilibit and consolidation
of the statutes of the United States, have
'completed a report, which was submitted
to' the Senate yesterday. They submit
as a specimen of their work their-revision
<tithe laws relating to patents and copy
rights; the army and public printing. The
'Commissioners say their labors were first
directed to, the invenigation of the plans
adopted by other nations for the codification
of their laws. They then arranged, so far
practicable, the scattered statutes under
their appropriate titles. In the progress of
'their work, they report that they have
found it necessary to write new statutes on
all subjects, which they have undertaken
and in The work Is necesisekv, te -
show that, it will ha Possible. to com
plete it within the dimits prescritod by the
act: authorizing the commission.- •
slThe Senate adopted as an amendment to
the legislative appropriation bill a clause
prottibitlngtheloxhibition , of statues anti
pictures ih - the rotunda of the Capitol:
, • A movement is on foot among the DOM.
00 ratIOROJitiCaMB opposed to the nornina-.
Lion o f a - man of the 'Pendleton or Hend
ricks stripe to urge Gen. Schofield as a
anitable,paripdate to bah : fought hpfore the
'New York convention*.
There is a very strong movement on foot
;her! to secure the.? confirmation -of Perry
Faller as Commissioner of Internal Rev
enue. The Senate wing ofillu Capitol• ix
crowded with Mainlined lohylsts, beseech
ing Senators to vote for.his confirmation,
and the indications are that some headway
hax been made, not sufficient, however, to
lead to the belief that ire can be confirmed.
Petitions_o9.tilinne to tow in from Penn
-Sylvania, asking Congress to take envie act
tion on the tariff question at .this session.
It will be impossible to de though it is
thought there is an earnest endeavor to fin
ial) the tax bill by next Monday in the ,
House, sons to let the Senatenias it , by the'
'Fourth of July. -- -
General Grant has received dispatches
from General.McDowell which- indicate
that Mississippi has been carried by the
Republicans, and that the Clonatitntroii
'Milled. This news is vet. gratifying
the Radicals, who did not expect tol l ll-
the da v , inJeff. , Dayhti-Statef f 4 ,
Mr. Smythe - Will be reject ed for the
srlan Milbettints Very iteavylifet.i
is reported that the President hasnom
lunratitendda.43,ell, s tfal ertaio : inn Thaif "l,Orlant.isio& °mai m : t it . ti tti ktej ' ir gaffi .
ys43oVAltheasit h iMoalteltt=
• ,
•`• • •
•:,(4.llarDn'iwiehtdiod 140tiiidif
noon, akDotroaroge4l744/. humeral
takeplaerto-neemw. 1 ` t° : will.,
votrat CMDLOCK:A" Ar*
Continued Debate on the Irish
- Churchflinestion In the English
Rouse of Lords—General Am
nesty in Spain The Assassina
tion in Servia.
[By ,Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.l
Lorcemc ;June 26.—Prince Alfred bias ar
rived. in'Rngland, and is now at Windsor.
Lorinorf;June 27.--2 o'clock a. mt.--In the
House or Lords the debate on the Su.s_ .
penal:l.l7BM was continued. An immense
crowd was present on the Boor and in th e
galleries, and great excitement was mani
Lord eh/Tendon regretted that thisques
tion was made a party , measure.: Ireland
never had gained anything •in the battle
field of party polities. He criticised
the Irish, policy of the /ate. Derby
Ministry, and Raid he distrusted the policy
of She presentDabinet. He thought it' was
safer for the Church to make terms with its
avowed opponents - than trust no professed
friend. If the .Church of England fell into
a minority, his affection for it would re
main ; but his conscience would not
support_ it . aa.. an es tablished ,Church.
He was in:fa-vox of aumatablishing the /dr&
Church, but he would not disendow it. He
concluded with the declaration that he
should vote for the Suspensory bilk [Great
Rosem the Whig benches.) - '
Lord dale said this bill was a sacri
lege, and the Qnben's sanction of-it ought
to be barred by the coronation oath.
Lord Marlborough said the bill was only
an effort of the Liberals to gain office at
any cost.
Lords Duffer and Rornilly , spoke in
support of the bill, and t he Archbishops of
York and Armogy in opposition.
The Marquis or Eialisbury said the bill
shoal/lA/Lye been made to, exclude fixture
holder* of ,benilloas from compensation.
As this was not done, he thought the ob
ject of its framers was to commit the
Lords to some ulterior • design. This was
no. plan of clisendowment; but the fra
mers threatened that if it were not
passed, worse would,ibllow. If a worse
one could be - franied they would'have done
it. He conceived of nothing Worse than
abolition. The inquiry /should be made as
to thaTight of spa/140: envyand
Hkolvere the reason for it, it would not
stop 'at corporate property. He thought
the Ternargr beculd', regkrd its as a sop to
land andriotihe Church was
their object, and the real badge of conquest
of the Lords hedame an echo of the Com-
They _had better not be Lairds at
all. He wished to yield to the opinion of
the people; but if they acted prudently,
firm/I/bp/Undo ndentlyi - they woula pro
ably I he wish of , the people better
than the mmone have done.
:Th debate, was then adjourned. -
Thera bill Ibr 'Aland was read'ibr
e__lls in the Lerds, and adjourn-
131cLon,ini,'"J 6"26.—Thlt lite - Prince
Michael left a will appointing hia sister and
two nephews Ws *aim. The evidence site
ited Ur _the Vreihntnary azaiultiatioirs Of the
assassins of Prince Michael implicates
Prince Kara Georgyrich in the conaplFay.
_ .
lasnos, June 26.—A general amnesty bas
been declared in favor of those persOns who
participated in the political riots and dia.
turbattess last winter. , ' ••• , ''
MARINE NEIVit.4 , , -
Lozrnow, Jude 28.—The itstither William
Penn, from New. York, arrived tacitly-
Quitsmirrovni. June 26.—Thee;steamer
Virginia, from New York, has arrived.
LONDON, June 26 .—Consols, money, 94%
®94%; account, 9,15.;@94A1 bonds,' 7 NI
Illinois, 10IX,; Erie, 4534. 1
FRANKFORT, June 26,...4.8auda,•:.:77,4
- • r
kivEnPoot., June 26.--Cottott firm and
more active; sales 15,000 bales uplands at.
.lIX®IIX, Orleans Market at .
Manchester, •lirm. -• Retitled Petrbleuni"
heavy; spirits Is.'Sugar
unchanged. •
ANTWERP, June 28 .—Petroleum 47.
Meeting of Ticket and Palsenger.AffePto
-- Whisky Manufactured in Cook
fry Telegraph tO the rictsoefgh nateite.`)
CHICAGO, June 28 .—A.mbeting of general
ticket and passenger agents, representing
, twenty-two Western milwazi, was held in
this city to-day,to take acti on the recent
demand of the Eastern Trunk lines kw' a
pro rata division of through passanger re
ceipts regardless, of local rates. A. :corn
.mittee of eight was appointed toPrepare a
reply, and the meeting adjourned to wait
the action of the committee:
Twenty-three distilleries ihu thiseocu*
during the five months ending ~JUnelst
manufactured- over,eight thou sand barrels.
higbwines, on which4hey &Ida tax .ol
over six hundred thousand Hare._
Margaret Tucker, ?. of riillort, - ; Ukti ,
• county, Illinois, died ea rday from the
effect of burns receive d the day before by .
the upsettheir Pf a ktezosene
J. Nl:McKinney aiiff.T. S. 13arrWire
over by a freight train near Bonaparte,
lowa, on the Valley Road , thilght?- The
ibrmer was killed and the latter will prob
bly • '
The Southern Illinois Educational` Con
vention, in session at Carbondale,
its labors tchday. About throb 'hundred
teachers and school officers have been in
attendance, representing at least-,thirty;
counties; -
The 11 11ssindppl
fa; Telegraph to thopittietiree Oasbttell,
Jacxson, Juite27.=-A eoloied bemotira
io club from- 'Brandon, ' numbering three
hundred, is here toe neourerowißow
ocrate to-morrow. A torch htproomalon
two miles inlet:oh paraded niglit';', The;
Dem "mitt claim 2 11MinaJoritYlii t ies htte.
Ton eiunties give DemooniticrmajO of
500 to 2,000 each. • The Itstpnblha in , h alm
mdned four of the rivet conntiti‘ "The
Democrats allow them all.„.tbe river , ties, ten t il #1 1 P 110 "4 the Inland
,etnitdies• P
'32 0r1.01410111361a:
id4rllol , iote•Plttoborgb
1. Eti tettea
• ; 22.—A. number ,
, • •
/ 1 1 101 1 11
l 4
„triefigPftim igilied
• •• •
New city
„ .
NEw leonx, Jane 26 . -- Sulzerberger, an
other of the whieky conipiriliork was sen
tenced to pay $5,000 fine and to ten days
James M Winter Was sentenced to thir
teen monthsin the Penitentiary and $2,000
fine for forging (lecke ton the Sub-Tres.
Bury. Several other parties Tvere sentenced
- to variouS terms of imprlionment tbr de
frauding the United States by false certifi
1t is reported that - Gov. Seymour is to be
President, of the National - Damocratio Con
General 0'146111 caused the arrest to-day
of the, Editors, of the,lrfek RepuNicifOr
publishing a statement • from Wasbincton
that General O'Neill had been suspended
from-holding cOmmunleation with the War
and Treasury Departments, for presenting ,
fraudulent oligniit," Thp, hearing of the case
is set fdr July 12th.
Tow grass agu
hopper ple is devastating
Westerniiowaln a fearAS manner.
friend who has just coma• 3n from Sioux
City kforuitus thst for •.a space of about
one hundred and fifty miles wide, extend:
lug fromsouthwestern Dakota---chiefly be
tween the Dewritlnes and Missouri rivers--
to the seuiheni'boundary--of lowa, there
will be scareely a wheat field left exempt
from total destruction by these vermin.
,They fill the air and coverthe ground, mak
bsg a coasta4t found like that of, a heavy
shower. They_sometimes gather over night
'lh such myrkds-npon the track' of the nut•
road, as to stop gh4 train by' - lubricating the
track when crushed by the wheels. They
devour wheat fiat; and afterwards take to
Olits, and weeds; 'leaving grass and other
crops comparatively unharmed.--.Chitago
, Post. • -
A SOUTHERN lintMrtlalt3uffmge Clubhas
just been formed in Now York tor the pro
fessedtpurpose of upholding, in the Impend
ing Presidential election, the justice, wis
dom and weessity. of the policy of impartial
suffrage and equality before the law, applied
by COn_greAlffis•tb9:: ,ndidauisoil conal t i on
of Scititheritriconstrtielion., The members
of the organization are - Eitifithern'then; born
irrthq-13outb, formerlyilave owners, many
, w.
of whomilitred JD t - Canfederate armie s
--(The first locomotive n the Lake Sopa.-
for pad Unadasippi Plitilfoad was dedicated
on Thtuudar at Ste Pauli Minnesota, with
imixiatog ,ceremonies, and - , amid a largo
concourse of people. The tracks ; ate: /aid_
for war Wines; add: the *OA la being
pushed on with•clgor. ' The road is ciitpec
ed to be finished to tbe bead of Lake Su
perior in tw,l;iy,aara;.. ;
,--14f4-William-Faxtott, 'Assistant See= ,
,retary of the Navy, has ' , written a letter to
a Hartford paper, in relation.o the alleged
fraudulent sale of the iron-clads Catawba,.
'and Oneota; that after a vain endeavor AO.
get bona fide bids on the VesseNley were
/Wally purchased at their„.app value,
—Several zneetinil glopaixticv ivev4
held in New ',Yor -on Ity. The
clothing cutters are. prep/wing to demand
twenty-four;dollars parmsek'tinstead of
twenty dollars which stiErplow,receive, and
the piano innindticturiertAncOone assist
the bricklayers in thcolgrikio
~ ToilowingiViehtbwr i tsk of Mk
Irktore Pevieland. ibr. 440.1nurder o f;
wm ritildett IlltredifiAlfttliftatuar.
iMilfaltaid the l
v a r irit'llVl =ll6ll ti kuMa ir a Preltenf
knoWito• beide. .
c' , ---': , •'- :!:IM. IiQVIsiL ‘e,:
• — o , 7 _
Gen. Sherman's Views as tote Indians.-
A. *on of 114Garson opted ~-.1. - ~.,...
I MY teierripi to t& Putessiiiitt eite:l . ' --
I Sr. Louis, .Innef;,26.-7Gen.l sherman is
reported to have said in a con ersation yes
terday that there hi nothing be appre
hended from the Indians o the , plains;
that they are quiet and peaces 10; and that
more mu'rde'rs are committed n any large
nit than by the Indians. -The
adopted a son of late Kit Care n, and will
send him to•thelYniveratty—ofilbtfe'Damti,
Indiana, to be educated, -.. '• , ; ' '
1 :.
Gen. E. B. Brown, member ibr Missouri
of the NationalTbmtted OfSoldiers and
Sailors Constitutional Union, Col. Broad
head, and other - prominent members of
the hilliseuri delegation to the Democratic
Nationil Coiiirention, left for New York to-
International! Convention Young Mengs.
I.By Telegraph to the Gatette.l. •
'the 26;:-thet morning ses
sion of the International Convention a
great number of-:resolutions on , a great
number of subjects wet* -- introd . need" d
referred to appropriate Committees.
The subject of lay preaching watt en :
ufk- The_ discuasicin was opened by , miajor
Lloyd, of Cincinnati, and continued at con
siderable lenq by Mr. Reynolds, of Peoria,
Illinois, Ju Culver Illinois; Mr.
Dougall, of * ontreal, ' Mr. Patterson, of
Chicago, Mr. Gallagher, of Brooklyn, Gen.
Howard, Mr. "Wilker. of Vermont, and
many others ;' f •
Between sessions the friends - of Sunday
Schools met and decided, after a lengthy
debate, that-the International Convention
deles consider Sunday
,School interests
and pat . t ought" to become continental
institution. A committee was appointed
to report = a plan for such tie-morrow.
On re -assembling the' President announ
ced the death : of. Dr. Duffield. Hymn,
prayer, appropriate remarks, and a com
mittee of three'appointed. to convey - to the
family assurance of the sympathy of the
Convention. ,
Resolutions wore udtloted continuing the
present , Thceetitive • Coininittee another
year, appointing the second Sabbath in No
vember for special prayer by Associations,
and appointing W. E. Dodge, Jr. New
York, • delegate to European Associations
and Dublin Conference •Y. M. C. A. •
IThe Convention discussed "What ser
vice in a direct line of Christian action
has most tended to develops and foster se
sociationa in small" towns, villages and
country districts?" Without coming to a
decision thereon the Convention adopted a
resolution heartil,yeidersing lay preaching,
note because It ccuisi Hers -laymen better
preachers' than"cl4ll7; men, but because
'preaching to the •whole world is too large a
-work for ministers alone and too important
to be left.undone, and recommending that .
Associations appoint for the work'as many
of their members as is thought necessary
and competent.
At the evening session resolutions were
adopted expresave.,of.tha feelings of the
Convention at the - death of Di. Duffield.
The question, "Wh is the-relative posi
tion of pravei, l iving arid systematic
personal effort as element!" ofortecess in as
sociation work?" 'lritulf 'debated " the entire
he ro r e ve
thronghoutnsuifbe attendanoe,largo.
Ammencement Exercises of the second
Ward Public School—An Interesting Oc
cashm--Leave Taking With the Printi.
pal and Presentations. !
The Public School ,of the Second ,
has long enjo yed enviable reputation, d
has been justly 'regarded equal to many f
the best private Colleges and Academies
the Commonwealth. The ward is not a
Populous one, being largely taken up wi h
business houses and manufactories, se th t, ,
the class rooms' are not overcrowded wit h
pupils, there being an '
average attenda nts
quite inside the eapacitiwof the schoo .
a i
The annual commencement exercises
marked with - a degree of proficiency an
learning which renders -, them - highly
tractive and inviting to the friends ofedcl
cation in the city as well as ta, the-parent '
and immediate . patrons of "the. school
It " was not singular therefore t
on the occasion of the common:icemen
yesterday a' large and highly intelligen
and appreciative audience assembled in th
main school room to participate 'in the ex
ercises. The boys and girls of the varid
departments were handsomely attired fo
the occasion,. presenting as bright '
charming an array of happy, youthful,
pretty faces as we have ever seen together.
The exereisescommenced with a few perti
nent. intraitictOry remarks by Prof. Ma
Ortun,the Principal, after which the pretty
and in:Spiriting vaciffization 'of "Hail th'
happy day!'Was,rendered in pleasing any
faultless style by the scholam, who, untie:
the direction of ProfM'Cabe, have made ad
mirable progress in that popular 'branch -oi
common school education. Miss Maggie
Wilson read a poetical selection in c lea r
and pretty style, and was folloW
ed by Master J. S. Arnold in a,
spicy and htunorons declamation in ,
which he acquitted himself declamation,
much credit. Miss Vary Cunningham, a
sprightly, - intelligent pupil, reasi,nfrag‘
ment of poetry in very good manner. Mitre
Julia De 'Lange next read a diff i cult and
intricate poetical gem and displayed nnu
suet powers of elocution, giving full and
'fine effect to every line and sentence. bias.
ter George Cunningham--read, a prose Felt"-
tion with animation and acquitted himself
nobly. We believe we have mentioned all of
the scholars who participated in the pro-,
grainme, which was here and there inter-'
sporsed with choice musical offerings by
the entire school. At the conchilion of the
exercises ~ Prof. Maeruni delivered his ,
farewell address to the pupils, announcing
that his termination with thetehool follow
ed. the. day. his resignation, that he might,
enter into a new sphere of life, having been
aceepOid by the Board of Directors.• He
expreised himself as deeply rained to part
wittrthe lady associates of the school who
had'antributed so much towards its sllO
- and the care/ p i and thorough training
of 'the Scholars. It was a sad task to
Md.°, final adieu to the many radiant fee*,
about him, and the good hearted Principal
welt nigh broke down in - his farewell ad
dress to those kir and amo . : whom he has
so faithfully and zealously .. red during
the past few years. Many t . ere were more
than the scholars andladY teachers who/kit,
the tears fbrifirig themselves adown their
cheeks at the parting of a dearly loved
Principal with his pupils.
When he had taken his seat; Master Theo
dpreSlack, in g well-ehosen little speech
on behalf ofo '
i s n irj elfl a rin e en lso4lftlittigti lat°ljum f.
th !
nsentect hini. with a beautiful full set of nia
gaiit French china. ThenlittleMias-Lizzie
Carnahan, in the prettiest Mid neatest man
ner imaginable,
,presented him, on behalf,
of the gfrls' ,roo m In charge of Miss Anna
Curry, with magnificently .
framed twill
portraits, by Marshall, of George atici•Mar
tha Washington. Next came a 'beautiful
rosewood writing desk from tlie girls' pri
mary department of Misses.McNeal and
MarshalL Then Miss Katie Samson rose
and in a pretty way addressed Mr. MeCruin
and on behalf of the scholars of Miss
Thompson's intermediate department, pre- `
seated him with an elaborate landscape , oil
painting. On behalf of the first class, Miss
Kate Porter, in a voice moved , with feeling
and emotion, and in a few well selecte4
words, presented an elegantly framed cab
inet sized photographic group of the por
traits of the members, of. that, class. Then
followed in this ,unexpected shower of
beautiful presients several costly volumes
I from the lady teachers, and the recipient
was overwhelmed in his endeavors to re
apond to all the "kindly addresses directed
to him.. He succeeded, however, admira
bly, under the r eircnmstances, in express
• ing - his deep gratitude to the generous
donors. By invitation the following gen
tlemen briefly addreiiseci. the scholars :
Professor Gourley, Professor .Douthett,
Professor Patterson, of Lawrenceville,
Professor Crane of thOWestern University,
Prof. Still, of the Seoond . Allegheny,
ta xi",
Prof. Curry, Normal In A L Pror. An
drews, 'of Robinson townsh . pr.. Biddle
Arthurs, John Wilson, Esq:-, kid` James
Black, Esq. These gentlemen all took oc
casion to pay tribute td the worth 'of the
retiring Principal and the high character of
the Second,Ward School as a place of pop
ular edncition. . .
ti'i retirlikintona his . position Prof. :Ma
Crain earriet with.hlm the best . wishes of
the entlre'edneatlonal _community as well
ad the earnest prayers for hie • welfare by
the scholars he is leering.
- ! .
Losing of the Fourth Ward Public Schools
.. . - --Interesting Occasion.' • ' • .
. .
The , olositur or the Fourth Ward Public'
School* , Allegheny, yesterday, Was a leiy
interesting and pleasant time.
affair. -The
had been looked forward Ici with great,de
light by i all, and when •it arrived 14 was
Made the occasion of a goueral jollithiation.
In the first precinct the scholars_gatheteci;
in hill force about tin o'clOokla the niorn,'
lug; and feeling for r oncafreat front MO id.'
etraint of school disalplin rejoieling itilhe
prospect ore happy, and'isided by a
•plentifol . supply of .eVerything ln the war
of refreshments they au hopr or so
in the enjoyment th u d urssures of social.
intercourse. '.. .. • i . the;
tin thd second precinct 'a numb e r of the'
pupils, Wishing to express their gratitude
to •Oce:ivho - had long and: &ithfally, red
them ,up the - rtigged hill of science, gath
ered -ixt the sohotil room shortly • belbra '
noon and made their principal, Mr. W. A. -
"Johnson, (who. we understand, is l soon ' , U)
Join the ranks of the Benedicts) the zeolite
eat of &handsome set.of chinaware. --
Mr. Johnson was, taken 0011 iPletely, by:
surprile by this proof of the , esteem ; In
which; lie wee held by.the seholers,,,but.te.-
plied; thanking them 3. for,..the beast
i s thl
Ustitoottlel Or , thetz. relfatdo Winch berwouid
hereafter,- 4iStay, til fo i ol l. 6 ten,letal;trinlml
of the donors/mil . ~_ _4 l tneeelort.;,. , . -,.., ' ;..t I i
At the cotiolniiteli issAllepreetratationons
teachers, ppplls and direotersof,therebo,6B4`.
by invitatiett of thelVrtuelpal., sat Own t"
t i bc 4l o l . rtaiSPeatlAppit4tigt .hrtuilidlt4a
thfe r99 l Pr, kfiter , wig, groot ,, souca' '-
part oft he entertaiament li.... baild Oli a * ,
In& and good byes-were es----sr'
the I ocameny, dispersed i with - :1:1 ettiTi
:ittehrtoristkof the darselli" :.'`, '''''
' --
' ', I'; ..rt •• 7 • ..'•••••41111114..... -J ' 5 ••' ,•. • e ,
Vieffiempgi ViditerdiV '''' '' VI - '''
..,., I ''- LI, --,.
1;2E14 ' commenownositaxemoisei of We
University of Pennsylvani a: was heldlast
firMltis, Market.,
oi 'rricirsokM fbeVittesuro easette.3 ,
_.' :'s. ' i' -4!
, ligw 0 ' ' Juno ~26,,Clottonk arm; *;', r•
middling 29c; lea 150 bales; receipts 111V% - fr.: , 1:1
Dalai ; or*, • 4 bales to; lalveriteolt:lo,, I
the Mat Slit,. 1 babes ; sales ter the week.:' • it
1,199 West. a.l Wes. laik: •
, aisa., lstew y it; e 1
glit odiaar Starling 1 ,If * , I.
. Dove „,, orad - um:- =gat AA Illomilum , ,!,,,,i;
rist o th
i . lin* eill'akiailf_ith.Pl7l: : .; . s '
Mutt soil st, ~` Oita o,7.".it'' an 4 ''' " V l 4'
ank dtdl At 'i'l:t "r-' 4
Billooll d t Marl 1 8 30; clear
Mt& ./4114. thitle 1 53i0; ketilast,
eyening:iniUnlyersity corner
and Diamond, streets. „
The exercises were Oiiiried
by Rev. W. 8.. - Howard. , ; •-•
Joel L. Bigham deliveredthelial4n
I ntatory, and also an English oration...
,ject "Necessity of h Protective
' The Master's, orations were delivered
William James Sawyer—subject;.,
and Now," arid John Russell Wigh
snbject, "Theta Elst Alen." - ' t.
Rev. :Dr. Woods; in addition to write
the degree of A. B. on the graduating n
conferred the following degreces:-
D.D.; Rev. Joseph Stockbridge, Ohdpl'
:Z. S. A., and Rev. George Tracey, Meal.
ary to India.
A. hf.', James• W. Murray, Gehrge
Sawyer and John Russell Wighttnan..
The exercises closed with prayer tiy •
S. F. Scoyell, of the First PresbYteri
Birmingham Public Schools:
'rhe BirMingham Public Schools, r.
. -,,
;ones, principal, closed yesterday lane , a
very prosperous term, with Interns qc
exercises.. Idusic and speeches forme, a ~
prominent part of the closing scenes, . d ,
teacher' and pupil took leave of --- , li -
other With iningled gladness and sorr, .w,
gladtietui in ' beupg for a lime Ilhera -d.
from the - routine ofechcxil life, said tom w
at severing theitles of friendship which . d
hitherto' boninithein - chmiel3r together: '
ty -. Idxfieria. Eorronm-18,5me years 'so t, e •
1 I
" property . owners OroStipektoi avenue
.. '
hold of the ; Southgbommons with the ''l ~.'
tention of im irtring them. Grass hoe-be-re
iown, trdel- - 6- been planted and ha .0 • ,
grown, and bap temporary"fence .• '
been put .up,' at we all know. These iCo ~ - •'.
grounds are beginning to look green
lan : pleasant, and now, because. al
:a are to be made. In a- church facin ,
on Shickton avenue, the fence is displace .
the:trees exposed, the grass rained and
*llion of thelittle would-be park Orme -
ted into a' rubbish ground. I should ' ,
to know by what authority anybody ! th s
destroys the Wbrk of years and makes' .
eyesore of 1 public property? If such thin I
are 41 be allowed here, of course they in -:
be,4lorfall-parts of "the Commons, and th
proposed expenditure for the improvetnen ;
of these grounds should- be stopped, los i ,
would certainly be useless if any vend
that. Chooses can destroy when he pleases. -
It may be that !tithe proposed general im
provement of the Commons, 'Stockton av-
'brine is to be widened as to include: this ..
i Tubbish ground, and if so, of no
Ilium is done, but I should like to co use
knew ir• )
`t not why the liberty has been;taken.!, ' ,;..;1
. .
BRIEF lyrgws:4,.l4:W*.,.:'..E:J-.:•!
Reports from Georgia crolitt,P; *Op;
.able.- The , late rains have .= - • .. erM.; '''
, _
~_, Rap .fl••< , a i i i t ..!rit:l
—The *maim of or., K 0 - •t , a t FAF
, :York, Was raga* attended' t ,filitt'tst47.= =
item.' , t., • ' :41 , ,' :,., , ,-... 4. tpPi
' — Thaßtilintdiams Of the Elaventnidis- .
triet, Illinali; have noinfnateti-Geu.•Jati.ll..-
Martin for 'congress. • ',"/ r , -• ' -1 ! '
=Gov: Vilnittisth, of 'Louisiana, issneu a
nroolalnatialifte-day convening the Legisia-t - '
tutetortilbs2Oth inst.' - ' • - , ;"4:: - .
,t :. I ', " 3
- -e-Thattinatien of the tenth clawof the'
M mira'( . Y;) Perin' tie'College, finiainerine .3
ten:members, occurred vesterda,y. ';'," . -"T.
Henry W. Longtellow;" the - Anieriean ',...
_i 1 f••II ! : . t..:: sto Eu •,: n5l, has. btu) ::
..-6-Thenegro briekinakersof
have adopted• the seine scale'bf - prices' fixed: n
by the white craftsmen 'a Tow days agp.
The new- Tammany Hall, New York,.
for. the National: - Democratic, Convention,
will be finished ou lionday dnd dedicated -
on Wednesday.
—Hon. 3 .3. Clark Hare has been elected , '
•Professor of , Limlnstitutes in the Univer
sity of, Pennsylvanist, vice Hon. George
Sharswood, resigned.
Cot • • • •
:Philip White, a prominent Whig
politician. of .1 4 bilati4Zie -and well-known ; .
as a great stumps speaker 'in his time, died
on Thursday even .•
, Commander of the State Guard Of • .
Virginia has been removed by Gov..:Virells
and Col. Egliert formerly of the U. S.
army, appointed insteSd. ' • ;
The liVisconsin and Minnesotaeditorial
fraternity, after being feted and lionized at _ .
St. Lords, returned to Chicago, where they •
were banqueted last night. • I
—The Republicans of the Second Districr,
Maine,,have nominated S. O 11YorrIll fok,
Congress. Hon. - John_ Lynch' hair been '
nominated• in the First District ' -
—Three hundred and 'sixty barrels of whisk)+, brought frorri-New' Orleans( by
steamer Great Republief, have 'been
at St. - Lords for non.piivment ottsg: t.:
--The American Free Thule League 40"
a meeting in New York;Thursday.cveninke-'4
at which speeches Were made :by , ' Georgir-';'7
Opedyke and David Dudley Field.
—The Tivolalt. IL:fiettr Mille,- 'owned ,
Henry. Lansing: Co., at! Albany
were destroyed • by, fife :early 3:` `morning . morning. . loss heavy; :nothing saved: 1.4
—Ludlow Alexander. son Of 4:R; - Aiet.jit.:
ander, banker in New Torki Was ditimiee
in the Ohio river on Thunsleyinear_Gwens-41r,)
burg, RY. • The body has not ~ becitcrob) ; • I
—The schooner W. Allen, from.Sequa, M.(
detainedat the :Lazaretto at Philadelphia,
for fumigation; havin e e ce r i dcr - rcani 4 /I;u 4 Tr.
arttine; Where she is said tehaVeliad Yeso F
fever abolint" " • ;
=The. case of .Capt. Donaldson ,Of Abs.!
steamer Great 3tepublic, ' airestee
;Louie for killing a negre on beard hittiont - ,. 1 1 1 , /-.`
'will be' heard before the Police Court"
that city to-day. •,, •
stn • affray' occurred in Victor'smedals- ttt
rant, :New fOrleans, Thursday night, in 11,:,"
which; Met Frank Mammy, of Nashk •
was rtabbed.i_by; an unknown man,Twho s ;ab-c-I , f-;4%
awed. The Major died instantly.: . -zi •
I••'lllihriessee State - bonds to the emoting Of -
0)0,000 issued at:Nsiandikt'!'-4 5
to the :Southwestern,. Rallies& •Companyi - -.. 1 4
v M l43 b t t ripPqaea _. constructing a raid:;..r.',4*
ham Me miville; Tennessfos tiriarri i rigas
Kentucky.' • • •
.:Elder Heber C.; Kimball, one -`ofthe
high dignitiOes of the Mormons ak i saik„. :i , f
d r,,,,, :re0ent 0... His funeral was at„
thousand. persons,. •andl.- 1
ir4 o 14 , 1 7 1 1;& 1 7;1 0 and public• buildings weris
glriiped id Mcitit, ll. 4alr' , ,
i tno b ares t a deputation Of 'iretintlireserited
oec unt addressee flYrtini EtriPerer
bojoisking , the armilleratibwenheir eon-r
dltkia and thanking. theEmOefor, ter his sr
illifrallty,t4all races of people..