The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, June 26, 1868, Image 3

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• ' . lnunsnAY, June, 21,1568. • }
We have no ,essential change to note in
prices since our last issue. .. The Volume Of
:trade continues very light, and in most ar
.ticles or general Produce there seems to be
a tendency to a lower range. In regard oto
Flour and Wheat it is not probable that
pres n ent prices:can go lower, until the new
',crop is safe from frosts, rusts etc. This
cannot be told for some 'Vince yet, , but the
= Jitc
present prospects for a larger crop than has
o.)eeti harvested for the past six years were
`nevermore flattering. At present the re
:ceipts of leading article 4 of produce are not
Idarge, but add quite to, the demand. We
BUTTER—Prime to choice fresh packed
at 26 to 27c. -
EGOS—Market lower and dull IA 23 per
;dozen, with sales reiforted of 20 barrels at
22c. ~- ; •
PROVISIONS—Bacon is quoted at 13 1 „
for Shoulders 16 to 18 for Ribbed and Clear.
Sides; Canvassed sugar Cured Hams, 19%
;to 19%e. Lard, 18 to, 18%c, and 3lessPork,
r :529,00. Dreid Beef. 20 to 22c.
LARD OlL—Market quiet. Sales of No.
1 extre were made at $1,40; and No. 2 at
*51,20 per gallon.
CHEESE—Demand moderate. We quote'
Switzerat 20c; Litiaburg, 19c; 'Western
;Reserve at 13c,and Factory at 15a.
BEANS—Chice small White sell'read-
Jly $6,25 to $8,75. ; •• • •
HAY.—Is dull and „iieglected but un-
L lianged; sales of wagon Hay $l5 to $2O,- as
quality. • - • ' '
!: • POTATOES—Prime Peach Blowa ~are
ratiil $1,20 t 011,25 per bushel.
Thew Potatoes stboo to $6,50 per .bbl, and
SALT—Dull;Allegheny River brands are
' e stillquoted at $1,75 to sl,Boto the trade, and
•;-.52,00 for small lots in store. • •
MILL FEED—We quote Bran at $1,20 to
41,25, and Middlings nt $1,65.t051,80.•
. 1, FLOUR—The market was moderatively ,
active but unchanged.. We continue
quote at 159,50 to IRO for medium
' l Spring Wheat, and *10,60 to $18,75 for•
prime to choice: $11'145111,50' for' Winter
• r: Wheat and $1.4 2 to $l5 for fancy. brands.
;:Rye Flour is quoted at $9, for'small lots in
I,'store.. - t • 7
GRAIN—We have particular change
lto note. Oats steady, with sales on track
at 76 to . 80c, and and'from, rtore at 80 to 83.
Winter Wheat is scaree and in fair milling
7.dernand at $245 to 4 42,30 fOr Red and .
White. Choice Shelled and Ear Corn,
7;, - froni elevator sold at $1,05 to 44,08. Rye is
nominally„ quoted at 11,56 to $1,60. We
have no qnotationa fOr Barley, as the re
-ceipts are next to nothing.,
SEEDS I --'l'here is a steady demand for
Flaxseed, at $2,50 t 01.2,55, and but little
1, Offering. .
THAIRSbAT, June 25. 186&
CRUDE-.There _ was rather more inquiry
13for spot oil to-day, and, as a consequence,
• he market was a shade firmer. It. Will be
remembered that on Wednesday there.was
"••I saleii at 12 to 12%c, while • . to-day 123,c was.
. .
• ! •it‘offered; there. was but a-single -sale re. ,
ported; 1,000 bbls for June, seller's opticin,
• at 1234 c. 'Oil City telegrams report
k••••• • 11$ a firmer feeling, but without quotable
••• change; saleuf 1
1 000 bbls at §-1 SO and 1,000
. •
• at 8.1,85.
REFINED—The market ~ for bonded oil
1 opened up very much excited this fore
, noon, but broke in the after, after
the reception of advices frOm Phil
' •A adelphia reporting that - • Antwerp had
k ,
.declined from 47 to 44% francs. Still later
• in the day it was • discovered that the Ant
• , - werp news was bO,gus—that instead of de
• ;I -climng to 44%, it had only dropped to 463;;
.• this being the case, afirmer feeling sprung
up again, and one sale was effected at
.1 - forenoon quotations. The sales reported
• were as follows: 500 bbls for last half of
t; August at 28%c, on cam here; 500, on spot,
at 30%,c, delivered in Philadelphia; 500 dd,
4 1 ' 13n spot, at 30,.1e, and, 100 each August to I
d December at 32%c. .
.Early in the day there I
- were offers lo buy at 33c for August; 32%c 1
•• a • for August to December ,: and 32,,,c for July
:t to November.' There was a sale of 1,000
bbls' Benzoic - , for July, seller's option,
•• 4 .at .15e. • • . „
.•;•' *`; OIL SHIPMENTS PEE A. o.:8.
Citizens Ref. Co., 100 bbla refined to F. A.
Dilworth It Co., Philadelphia.
.Mont.zheimer Koehler & Co., 150 do do
• to' Waring , Kin ' ll & Co.. Philadelphia •
Nat.-Ref. Co., 150 do do to F. A. Dil
- - worth,. Philadelphia. - - •
Fawcett, Logan dr•Stockdale, 250 do do to
W. P. Logan & Bro., Philadelphia: • •
• Forsyth, Bro. & Co., 462 do do. to War
f• Livingston it' :Brit, 00 do brittiolii to War
' ' 11 den, Frew & Co., Philadelphia. •
" orie. eirzniatitTe • FMOM 130,GtHESNE
4.1 Dtuican & Whiled's, 83 do do td W. P.
4 Logan & Bro., Philadelphia.
- el; W. -Holdship, , loo do do to Waring,
. 1 King & Co., Philadelphia. _
•••••' Hutchinson Oil Ref. Co., -56d0 • do
• to Warden, Frew & Co., Philadelphia.
Limon Ref. It -Bt. CQ.,:50 0 ;do W. P.
Logan It Bro., Philadelphia. . •
' -A. D: Miller, 200 do 'do to Warden, Frew
dt Co., Philadelphia. , ,
ti Hutchinson 011 Ref. Co., 56- do beniele
• 1.1 to Warden, Frew & Co., Philadelphia.
•••';' , 'll G. W. Holdship, 118 do tar to Waring,
-. 11 King & Co., Philadelphia.
_ „
s New York .PrOduce Market.
tnr`telegapb to the Pittsburgh Gazette.)
NEW YORK, June 25.--Cotton more active
and' Maio better; sales of 1,900 bales at 30%
a3le for middling_uplands. Flour; receipts,
7,210-bbls; and more active, part for export
and without decided change in prices; Bales,
of 12,400 bbls at 16,85a7,30 for superfine
0 State and western, $7,75a8,60 for - extra
N State, 17,70a9,75 for extra western, slo,Boa
'l'i 12,80 for white ..wheat extra, /8,65a12,90 for
..??.i R. H. 0., $8,60a10,00. for extra St. Louis,
110,50a14,50 for good to choice do; closing
steadx; , Included in the .sales were 2,500
4 - bbls extra State for export; Califortlia un
fi changed. Rye Flour quiet; !tiles of 250
• ;., bbls at $8,25a10,40. Corn Meal quiet". Whis
r,i ky nominal. Wheat heavy and la2c lower;
Ai To. 2 nominal at $2,09; Befits of-38,0001 bus
No. 2* and No. 3 spring at 12;62W42,65 - for
white Michigan, $2,90 for extra choice do;
•,.,•,, /2,55 for amber State. - Rye heavy, with
• -t- sales 800. bus Southern at 3180a1,85. - "Barlett
V', and Barley Malt nominal. Corn—receipts,
#-, 122,742 bush; the market is dull and Mary
1,4 , and abont one cent lower; .sales of_ 68,000
tf, inisnels at. 4 11,C15a1,06 for mlied.'steeeilii
It: afloat. Oats firmer but closed rather easier;
•f. sales of 71,009,bdah at 83 y.a83443 for ".west
ern in store and afloat; closing with buyers
i- , over 83c. Coffee quiet. Sugar steady; sales
of 5000 hhds Cuba at 11%a12N,c. -, Molasses
'-';`l dull. Bops quiet at 10a40c for Americarq
t: petroleum firm at 16c for Crude, and s n i
d e
for RefikiedLr liotid:lll.' ;Fork - - h
eavy yand
I•drooping; sales of 1,250 bbls at 828,25 i for
il ' mew-mess; closing at 128.31 regular; $27,87a
' -SI as for old do, cloilng at s2B' regular; 122,50
. I`l 9 ,23; prhne ; $24.25 for prime mess. Beef is
0 uiet.and ti.nchting.ed; receiptsof 140 bbls.
LI toef.l3inltiaredllß.4.64..iluxarp-e0.7; mdats
t i a re 'quiet; receipts of 140 packages;
,9I for shoulders; 15;017c for hams; middlings
are nominal: :Lard' q.u.tet: Mitij steady; re
b ' ceiptsof 670 tierces; 16t/,,a17c for steam: 174
alBc.fer,,kettle rendered- Butter steady.
Cheese firm. Freights to Liverpool
1•1 and firmer; 4,000 bbls flour at 7%01l Per,
is steamer; for wheat sd. bid, and 534 d. asked;
per steamer. ..
LATEsx.-4Flogx%ialOseck fairly'.
ct and
steady, with a moderate exPortteMend for
11 low grades. Wheat dull and heavy at 152,09
a 4, forNce.' 2, and 12,18 for Nor a l.gfpring. Rye
~.4 1 dull at 11,801%1,90. Oats dull at 83d "fair
lii., western in store and afloat. Corn dull and
V. heavy at $1,0434a1,05N for new Mixed west
- 14ern afloat. Pork dull and heavy at /28,25
for mess, cash and regular. Beef-noml-
Dal. Cut Mesta quiet wltlicrut an
' - ?4' change'. - itheollnouilnal. Laid - dtillitt MX
~, 1: elfiaxec for fair to prime steam. Eggs steady
'r St 0: • - .. , -
Clued ;at ii(w.
[ay Telegraph ,tc; the,i'it:tbargh eszette.l ,
*' , • NEW YolUti june-26; 1868,
ItIONEY /aro Gopo. :
Money plenty and easy at- t44c:Ori
Sterling quiet at 110©110y,,. ;Gold 'O4ll an d
steady, closing at 14031. Exporto tO•dityl
Lower, closing steady : C oupo n s.os pf 1881,
117%@1.17%; do. '62, 1131 A C@113 3 / 4 ; do. '64,
111@1113 do. '65, 111%@111 1 A;
4433{,(4)114; do. '67, 114©11 4 1g;,do.‘118;101 ; y,;
Ten-Forties, 107 1 4i51.07%;' Seiren-,Thirties,
110y,@110; 'six
,per cent:cux.qu'ey bonds
Facifleailroad 1023,i©101:. '
active and higher; EMissouris, 95;. old 'fen
nesse°, 77%; new, 77; new Virginias, 57%;
old North Carollnas,•72; new(l7%. ' *I
, •sfdcxs.• '
The stock riiarkiet, Opened dull and lower,,
but became active and firmer in the after- •
noo4; *sing „steady, eice&t: Erie, whieh
is weak, under the ,report t at the Parties,
in the Other - direction - had obtained an In . -,
junction „restraining Drew 'ft Eldridge
frona a comtiztise,with . Venibarbilt. .
4 , The folio are the 5:30 praces:. Canton,
49%,®50; Cum 'inland, ; 324035, ,Wolls' Fx
pre55,.,2614®26%; American "Express '49®
®4914; ,Adams , E•Press,, , Wi ®s4%;'lller
chants- :Union Express, 25%®26; . Un.ited
Statei Express,' 49® 49X; Quicksilver, 24g
®25; , Mariposa, ..4®5; Feeble Mail, io.tx
0101..,4;, A.t - lantic, 30(03; Western' Union
'Telegraph 34®34K,; New York Central,
13414®134%; Erie; 68%®68%;,preferred,75g,
®77; Hildson,l4o®l4o%; Harlem, - l2o', hid;,
Reading, 1.043; Ohio and MissiSsippl; 3040
30%i WOallh. 17%®47%; St: '.Paull, lAN®.
16b; do. preferred, .7734 ®77,X; . Michigan
Central 1.17%®117%;. Michigan Southern
9131§9136 . Illinois ' Central ' 'IS6X 6154'
Pitta burgh 90 1 , 1 ,420%; Toledo, 103,14 @M g;
Rook Island, 105%®105;4; North Western,
' 6914®695v; preferred, 78%®79; - Fort
Wayne, ).11@l11%; Hartford and. Erie,
.14®15; Chicago and Alton, 135; St. Joe pre
- ferried, 88. .
Mining shares dull and lower; Quartz
Hi 11110; Corydon 34,
Receipts at Sub-Treasury, $6,192,628; pay
ment5;56,082,653;' , balance, 'l/96,%6,993. •
• Cincinnati Market.
[By TelegrapTi`to Vie kittsbuigh Gazette.i
CINCINNATI; 'June 25.—The market is
dull with but a limited demand.' Flour;
dull: sales at $9,50a9,75 per bbl, for family.
Wheat dull; held ,tit $2,04,15 for Ire. 2
and No:.1 red winter. Corn f dull find de
dining; ear, 87c; shelled, 300.' * Oats iu bet
ter supply; marketthill at 75a79c for No. I.
Bye dull at 1,60a1,65. Cotton dull and "de-,
during; small sales at 2814 c for middling.
Tobacco in good demand; sales of 220 hhds,
1 at $6a9,40 for lugs and'510,20a46,30 for leaf.
Mess Pork dull at NS. - 'Bulk Meats very
dull and declining; .shoulders sold at II ye;
tacked sides hold at 1.1 e.. Bacon verycltill;
sly:alders could have, been ,bought at 12%c
packed, and clear rib and clear" sides at'
16;/,,a163 1 4 c. Sugar Cured Hams 'dull at
18%a19%e. Lard very dull and sold at
16y,c. Butter very dull and, the:supply
lower; prices 2c lower; ,tendency, down
ward: Clover Seed saleable at $lO per bbl.
Nothing doing in Timothy. 'Gold 1401.<.
St. Louis Markel.
By Telegraph to the r lttsbargh C/azette.l
ST. LOUIS, June 25.—Tobacco; heavy at
$7,25a8;75 for lugs.; $9,.50x15, for dark leaf ;
$12a16 forblack wrapper; 816a401for bright
leaf andniedium, and 840a85.Cotton no
doing, - Hemp dull. Flour dull
a small business doing at yesterday's 1
prices. Wheal scarce and drooping et $2,15
a 2,25 for red family, and s2a2 10: Corn in
good demand for white mixed but yellow I
is dull, at 85a87c for choice 'white;B3aBsc
for yellow "and 80a82 for mixed. Oats dull
at 70a74c for good to choice. Rye more ac
tive at $1,35a1,40. Provisions very dial:
Pord at $28,25a28,50. Bacon at 17c for clear
sides, and lac for shoulders.,Laid nothing ,
doing exeept in retail way, at 18a19forket
lte. Cattle in moderate demand with large
receipts; prices range from iftia6;so gross.
Sheep and' Lambs at tilits per head. Re
ceipts—flotir 671 bbls; wheat 3,400; corn
17,394; oats 487; rye 765 bush.
. • ' Chleake Market. '
• ,
(By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.)
Cnicaoo, Jane 25.—Flour dull; sales of
spring ,axtras at $8,75a10,50. , ; Wheat nnset
tied and irregular; No. 1 declined 34C,'with
sales, at $1,96x; sales of , N 0.2. before,Change
at $1,99, declined to 97, opened on Change
at $1,96Xa1,97, and, c l osed steady at */,9 6 ,i
a 1,97; this a fternoon sales of No, 2 af,§1,9634.
Corn opened active, and subsequently de
clined a;ic, closing 8Xa8534 for
No. 1; sales No.,' at 1153{,a803‘e,'No. 2 8434 a.
Mc, and, rejected at:84181o. Oats fairly as
and gaMq lower; sales at 87A,;a08 1 4c,
closing quiet. Bye and Barley inactive m
and nominal. . Mess pork firmer but (inlet,.
at $27,50a28. Lard more active and firmer
at 15y.,. Bulk meats doll, and nominal.
Receipts-3,120 bids flour, 45,300 hush wheat, ;
130,580 buscorn,n3o,3Bs bush , 0ate;11,940
hogs. Shipments--6,867 bis 'flour, 15,313
• bush wheat,.91,608 bush corn, 25,930 busli
oats, 0,715 .hogs. 1, , •
New Yopir: pry torlds Market
, . .
Telegraph to the, Pittsburgh Clarette.)
DIV*. YdiTtic, June 25.—The dry goods
market is generally quiet and steady, with,
~fair inquiry: for staplecottons of the season.
Atlantic Av Appleton A, Pequot A and.
Indian Head lowa trown sbeetings at
17c, while the agent of the former based,.
vanced'the price to 18c. Pacific B,Atlan
tic and Pacific extra stark 'A, and ,Waclausett
do, bring 17e; Poeassett C 17c; Atnoskeag
'A 17e; •do D and B 163 c; Atlantic P 14y,,c;
lioward A, and Massachusetts A 16c;
Franklin brown flannels 17c; Ellerton
do 23; Merrimac and Cambruf prints•22M;
do ri 1334 q, for dark styles; Hatillltou light
prints, as well as Manchester, are reduced
Cleveland Market
[By telegraph tope ilttaburgh Gazette.
CE.EvyALasin, June_ 25.—Flour; XX red
winter, $12,00a12,50; XX, - ; spring,. .sloaii;,
pricea for country brands, so , irregular that
correct prices • cannot be given.; -Wheat;
No. 1 red held at /2,24a2,25. .ICorn; sales of
10,000j:ins on spot at,93c. -Oats: held 412 e.
Rye; market dull and inaotive; bold at $1,75
al,BO for NoA Barley; market nominal.
Petgoleum , quiet and ,steady;., refined
bond held at 20a27c; freq. 36a37c.
' ..4 13 &rale Market. '
(By 'ietegiSph to the Pittstiarab Okze tte.3 • -
BuFIPALo, June 25.--Fiour unchanged.
Flour nominal. Corn dull - and declining;
sales, of boat loads at 9.1a94%c; oloeing
with •956 . bid for O. 1. Oats muninal at
76e.' Other Articles unchanged: Receipts
—wheat, 15;000 bust corn; 1600 bus; flour,
4,750 bbls: Shipmentsl—wheats'l4,oo bus;
corn, 48,000 bus; oatse27,oo o bus. Freights,
unehanged. • ' '.
MliWailikCE, Market .
CltyTeleferablt to tbe rittebitTgb (4azette.l
lliiimpUKEß, June 2.5.--Flour dun. and
unchanged. Wheat de elinedt sales at $1, 63 X
for N0..1 and 11,e 4 3 for "N,o. 2. • Oata dull at
68 for No. 2.Corn weak; .sales
,„at:s7 for No.
and 86 for No. 2. Reeelpts7-2,6 1 4 1 5rr01a
.Floor;.27.000, bushels Oats; 2,200 ~ t1 4 1 3/ /6 18
Cora.;Shipments 500 barrels Flour;:la.r
000, bushels Wheat; 34,000 builiol4: Oats,
500 bushels Corn. -
, ,
(By Telegraph to the plottaburelii,Gezette,3
130.minfoRs, June 25:—Plour more active
and . i unehanged. Wheat ' dull; Maryland
12,55 6 2,74. Corn firm; white. li p l , ,l2a1.1!1; yel
low #l,osfillo. 040 dull wit •weetern at
90 c . Rye , dull at 111,60. Mesa Pork quiet
a te;
, Bacan,aellve; rib sides 141%e; clear
aides 17o; shoulders 14ge. Hama 2,1 14 22 0 .
Baltimore Market.
_ _ .
The river continues to_recede slowly' at
this point, with but three.feet five inches in
the channel by the -Monongahela. The
‘Weather'yesterday was cloudy and clear at:
'intervals, though.'very pleasant:'
The Glasgow arrived' front.' Parkersburg
last night, and will leave again to-day at
noon. She Would have been 'here' much
sooner had she not have been detained by
fog.. • ,
The J. N. licbullbugh would arrive from
Cincinnati .sometiz e. last night, and will
leave azain for that point to-day at noon.
The McCullough is a splendid Jorge side
wheel,- and, offers ,superior inducement to
passengers. Capt. Geo. D. Moore is still in.
command with his brother Dan in, the:
The Sliver Cloud cleared for St. Louis
'yesterday. with all the . freight, she, could
take on the water. •.
The steamboat , Armadillo ,was sold at
public sale. yesterday, by Gen. , Itowley,,
Allinited.States Marshall, for 7,300. 111. At-.
wood Virenz was the . purchaser.
' The -Charmer [Capt. Lew Vanclergrift,
with' Mr. I. R. Whittaker, in the office, is
announced to leaye for St.. Louis to.dav, as
is also the Kate Robinson. Capt. lohn
Shunk. These •are bOth first class low
water boata.and,Will doubtless go through
without delay. I ' .
The Camelia, Capt. m. Dean, isalso
announced. fer,SL.Lonis. forthwith..
Jake Sedam, telegraphe the arrival at
Sioux City, 'frem Fort Benton, of the
steamer Laeqp, with one, hundred passen
gers,and s2oil,ollolu,gold.
TUX St. KLEE vs.: THE RaoinioND.One
'.64f the clerical force: of the Robert H. Lee,
Writes as follows • ,
My attention has been repeatedly called
to a-poster or placard placed. conspicaohsly
along the river, by the steamer Riblimond,•
ill which they. claim the. fastest time on .
record. The time claimed by'them is 4:35
from Memphis to Ft. Pillows.. In re erring
,to the New Orleans Oraseent, of May 14th,in
the river column,' I notice an item from
the Louisville :Courier in which the Rich
mond claims to.have run as follows:- From
Memphis •.to island 37 in 3 hours; from
to Randolph in 3:38; from Mem
phis to Ft.. Pillow in 4:35.--:Now a large
portion of the traveling community, I have
no doubt, will believe this, -because they do
not know the precise distance between the
points above mentioned..• The' distance
from Memphis to Island 37 is 40 miles. and
from Island 37 to Randolph is 20 miles.
Now; granting that the. Richmond did
run from .Memphis to Island 37 in three
hours, -which is an ordinary run for the
Robert.K. Lee, she claims to have made the
run from. Memphis to .Randolph, which is
twenty miles further than Island 37, in
3:38; that IS, running twenty miles in 88,
minutes which is equal,to about thirty-two
miles an hour, which any one of common
judgment Will. -know to be incredible.
N0w..1 `do not write this as a challenge, but
simply to give facts, and to relieve the com
munity from any hoax that may be prac
ticed upon them by would-be. fast boats.
Nevertheless, I will state that the low-pres
sure Richmond 'for any other low or •high
pressure steamer think they have or can
make fast time, let. them beat 10:37 from
Memphis to Cairo, .and we will present
them with the horns that - now grace our
pilot-house. ( • •
—The Louisville Courier contains the fol
lowing; We are credibly informed that in
the,shipment of Government freight from
this point five cents per hundred more is
paid by the Government than by private
shippers, and that the difference does not
go unto the pockets of the steamboatmen,
but into those of a third party, who man
ages the shipment of the freight. The way
this nice little operation, which is quite
profitable to somebody, is conducted, is as
follows: For instance, there is say one
hundred tuna of freight to be shipped to
St. Louis. The regular rate is 20c per Ilandred pounds. The beat contracts to, de
liver it at that price, but the bills of lading
-are made out at the rate of 2343 per hun
dred, and the Government pays for it that
rate. The question is who gets• the differ
ence of Sc per hundred. The boat doe Snot
get it, as it is paid to the shipper upon the
receipt of the freight. The boats have no
option in the matter. All they ask is the
regular rate, 20c per hundred, but If they
will not consent to have the bills of lading
made out in the manner mentioned, they
get no freight' and it is reserved for others
whose consciences are not so' tender. The
'directness• with which our information
comes, leaves but little debut in the mat
ter, and it should be investigated by • the
—The St. Louis Democrat; of Wednesday,
says: Our Ohio river trade was very brisk
,until latelir. It haslet down wofully. The'
Maggie has laid up, turning over
'What little freight she had to the Lawrence.
The.Cialatea is announced for charterto plc
nic'partles during the summer months.
The Glendale, we are inferthed, will not
begin to load at present for the Ohio, .but
worildPut her shingle up for New Orleanti
if there was considerably less water in the
Channel. The Pittsburgh boats have no
desire to load with ore and sand at the low
' ratos r offereci, while the upper Ohiols in so.
.unfavbrable a condition. _ •
—St. Louis telegram, under date of Tues-.
day, says : Business with upper rivers con
tinues good..the passenger .traffic being
especially heavy; but freight for ,the Ohio
is scarce. ,The Maggie Flays laid up after
giving her freight to the Lawrence. The
Galatia has entered into the pic-nic and ex
,Cursien business. The Glendale will not
attempt, to, load at present. Pittsburgh
boati are not willing toload for that point
et 'ruing rates, and lowlwater in the
per Ohio. The New York also ehows signs
of laying over till matters are settled. ,
ICArLudert, June 2.5.-4 cars metal, Nitnick
& Co; :2 do do, Chess, Smyth & Co; .8 do do,
Bryan & Caughey; 3 do do, Totten-& Co;
1 car wheat, Jas Finch; 500"bbls flour, T,C
Jenkins; 100 do do, Culp & Shepard; 100
do do, Seghtnyer & Voskarnp; 43 bbls glass.
McKee & Bro: 14 ;cs lard, F Sellers '& Co; 50
bdls hides, Wettach & Son; 10 bbls oil.
Fulton, Bollrrum & Co; 83 bdls kips, .1
Lapp '& Co; 2k do do. Jag Canary; 125 dos
bandies, Myers & Anton; 7 bxs scales,
Forsyth, Taylor & ' Co; 18 bdls sash, Cole
man, Rabin & Co; 205 bars iron , 92 bdls do,
W B Smile; 25 bar: cheese, Voigt, Mahood
& Co; 25 do do, Kirkpatriak & Herron; 25
do do, Arbuckles & Co; 20 do do, Head &
Metzgar; 25 do: do, J S Dilworth "& .Co; 11
kga butter, Voigt, Mahood & Co; 1 caddie
tobacco,Little, Baird & Patton; 1 car oil
bbkr, TrP Adams & Bro; 25 bbls flour, 450
bush •oats, Baker & Patterson; 4 bxs, to
bacco, A Schaub; 30 sewing machines, Wm
Sumner & Go; 38 sks wool, S Harbaugh &
Co; i car brick. Kier. Glover & Co; 15 sks
wool, .W Barker .Tr & Co; 78 bxs cheese, N
JI Braden; 18 do W & Davidson; 10 do do,
Jackson & Son.
RAlLleoltD, June 25.-..-40 bdls paper,
Pitts Paper Co; 13 sks oats, 22 do corn, Mc-
Henry & HoOd: 2 bbls eggs, 8 firkins, 8 hf
bbls butter, W II Graff & Co; 1 bbl, 1 tub
butter, 1 bill sheep pelts, Head & Metzgar;
2 bxs glassware, Page, Zellers & Dull; 85
sks roillfeed, Hippley & Miller; 8 bbls
eggs, M W Rankin; 47 sks oats, 25 do meal,
40 do rye, Stewart & Langenheiro; 20 bbls
oil. Reymer, Bauman & Ce; 10 bxs hops, J
K'Smith & Co; 40 sks oats, 1 box bacon,
Meanor & Harper; 1 car staves, J Painter &
Sons; 200 green hides, D Chesnut & Co; 10
ca ws lyye,Penna Salt Co; 12 bxs glassware,
WM McCully & Co; 71 caddies tobacco, C
Koetheu; 1 car-staves, M P Adarns'& Bro;
20 bbis vinegar, Haworth, McDonald &Co;
287 bosh corn, Brown & Williams.
25 4 -3 ears pig iron, Everson Breston & Co;
,1 do 11 Woodaider 1 dd do , Tdtton &Co; 1
do do, Sredth, 6 4 CO; '1 car atone; J Ilaatings;
5 caralt R irori,!Prthlidissouria, R, R. 1 car
atone IC:Bracken Tatra Dunbar. g o koo dt
DOSIONi VCSX bark s p r ,Blos,l, car rice
ders, Andrews & Hitchcock; 60 bbl ealts.T
Mitchell; 1 car stone, Forester & McGraw; 1
car scrap iron, Jowl Gialzer; 1 car stone,
Metcalf &Evans; 47 salt bbls, Kipp &Lock
hart; 11 sheep A calves,' J Hoffman; 2 cars
limptone' Shoenberger dr. Blair ;' 82 green
hides M DeLalige; I , pgs butter Paul Gib
-43/1;-1.° sks sags, 149 do - oats, 12 do wheat,
Scott & Gisal: 7 sks rags, M Hat er; half
bbl lubricating oil, W R Pittet, 1 x butter;
I.bbl eggs,'2B pgs.Marketing, v *ens own
ers, 5 do Monongahela House.
ROAD, June 25.-1 car iron ore ; McKnight,
Porter & Co; 2 do do, Shoenberger & Blair;
1 car blooms, Nimick IS: Co; 6 do do, 1 car
tire brick, Park, Bros & Co; 100 bbls sand,
Fry, Semples & Reynolds; 70 m'shingles, A
A Barker; 20 bas ,bitters, Fahnestook &-
Holton; 25 hf bbls fish, Watt & Wilson; 12
do do, Wm Cooper & Co; 53 do do, 100 bxs
starch, E Heizleton; pa hf bbls fish, Wm
Cooper; 20 do herring, Watt, Lang & Co; 26
sks oats, Robb & Herron; 50 bls oil, Wm
McCutcheon; 27 bxs cheese, 4 übi'do,Graff
& Reiter; 15 rolls leather, (.4 , Hoffatottr
19 sks oats, J Bold; 38 do do, J Glenn; 2,500
ft lumber, Jas Coffin; j 8 Nils chairs, Bed
ford Chair Co; 15 bxs cheese. IV H Kirk
patrick; 12 'do do, N.l Braden; 8 do' do,
Woodworth & Davidson. ~ !
-ALLEGHENTZ STATION, June 25.-44 bbls
flour, .6 do rye 'flour, Stewart
c l& Langen
. elm; 9 bills 'bides, A & J Gr etzinger; 1
bbl eggs, 4 bgs cornmeal, R.& •A Carson; 80,
bxs starch, MOanor & Harper; 21 bdl hides,
31 calf skins, J Stuckrath; ; pkg eggs, 2de
- butter ' E Heazletbru4 bags'-cornmeal, Ko--;
henAßro; 4 dodo, J C Hunter; 100 green
salted hides,. Wettach & Son. . ,
RAILROAD; Jiine 24.-1 car in is fiber, D Ar
lendof; 5 bbls crackers, W F Armstrong; 10
rolls leather, Lappe & Weise; 7; :As oats,
Watt ,Lang
Welsh;•s bbls eggs, Voile, - Mahood & Co; 30
sks oats, A F Stevens Can 2 bales wool, P
,Blum.--.- - ..,
manufacture a superior article of
84 - oMee, 48 Seventh St., Pittsburgh, Pa.
J. S. NEVi7M.F.YE.R, Pres . t.
m 54
• __._ _ • _: ~,:
:•.-WARD.!: . &,S!
Cl.O TH'illati 1
. . . ...,..4,4 4,
• . ~,•,....•,,,,,...,.„,....•
, •
Trade sujiptleil tn Pitt sburili by T. E. TORT
k UUO. 134 Wood street: PATTERSON & BUL
LOCTi, 77 Wood street: MACRUM . & CARLISLE,
10 Fifth street: AIeCAIi:DLESS, JAMISON & CO.,
103 Wood street.
31anaractured by S. W. H. WARD, 387 Beoad
way,„NeYr york• _ tov1:1*0
OFFICE OF C . pjl t r i )l.tlat i. ol:i u dl n L e LVai f t t :El4l - 4 0 ,. . ,
SEALED PROPOSALS will be received at this
office until JULY 34, inclusive, for, the erection
of a new Wooden Structure at the Brhlee over
Montour's Run. on the caiddletown road, in Moon
townthip. .
• Also, (or the erection of a new Wooden Struc
ture at the Bridge over Peters Creek, on tlie4owl
leading from the Brownsville road to Elizabetli, on
the lands of Amos Pearce. In Jefferson township.
Plans and specinektions can bu seen on opiates-
Lion. • •
By direction of the County Commisaloners. •
31V.1%71VY 1.,%.3133r.11.T.
Je25:65 Controller.
Orgies. or C.IT oiNlcEit ANN SulevEl7oll. t
Pittsburg t. June 21. IS6S.
'SEALED PROPOSALS for Grading, Paving
and CUrbing—
GUM STREET., from Webster to Cliff street.
TOW lIIJEN I) STREET. from Wylie to Decatur St.
VINE ALLEY. from Federal to Washington 6t.
RIREVATRiCK STREET, from Centre avenue
So Duncan street. . .
FOURTH STREET. from Ross to Try street.. -
THIRD STREET, from Ross to Try street.
'WU! received at this office until FRIDAY, July
3d. -11.308. Speeltloattons stud • blanks - for ludding .
can be,liad by . calling at this °Mee.
•H. J.' 31001VR., •
: __.. :__—City Euglneer-
• TitYCASUItEIVR OFFICE, June 16. 1.808.
Six Per Cent. Municipal Bonds of the City
of Allegheny, Pa.,
That the_COupone on sald Bends. coining due July
let. IStiff. will bevald on said day, l (lteg thei State
tax,` at the BANK OF PI ILOTTSBUI, In the City
of Pittabdrgb, Pa. • . •
Treasurer of the,Clo of Allegheny, Pa.
30,000 Bush. Nut and Lump'Coal,
To be dellyerechlu the yard of the ROUSE Or
REFUGE. Coil to
Julyjct tomelght,.aud Out
Into the blue during and August
reoposale to he left at the Moe of the Institution,
No. 07 Piz:nailix Street.
On or before JUNE /5211,.at noon.
Ity oriler or the
- (Late of P. F. W. &C. - Railway.)
Office; No. 10 FEDERAL STREET, Room No. Sl,'
np stairs. P. 0. Box 50, ALLEGHENY CITY.
. IIIACHINERy, of nil descriptions, designed.
INGS furnished. Particular attention de.
signlng COLLIERY LOCOMOTIVES. Patents con
fidentially solicited , Jar Au rVENINO DRAW
ING CLASS for mechardcs every , WEDNESDAY
is hereby given that the viewers appointed
o fig/3M damages and benefits for.widening of Me-
TADDEN !STREET, Eighth . ward, Allegheny, will
meet on the premises, ou FRIDAY, the 10th day of
JulY, at 4 (0(.11)0 E. to attend to the duties of
their appointment. JOHN KIRKPATRICK,
.hereby gi ththe viewers appointed to as.
Belot damages and benefits • for widening of JACK.'
SON SattEN'T. Setond ward. -Allegheny, from yas.
We Lane to Shields Alley, will meet on the prom
lees on THURSDAY, the 'oth day or July.' at 4ti
o'clock P. 24., to attend to. JA M ESes of their
. aye.
P°lntuteut. ' ' S. EVANS,-
• ,-.T. D. INGHAM.
STEAM P.A.CKINO.--A full stock on band at all.
Ines, and of the best qualtty. Parties wishing to
fa up mills or shops.where Belting is required, .wlll
And our prices as low as can be had in the East, and
raisin saved. . .
Ala • 26 and . Sig St. Clair street..
PTTED,GAME. — We are lust
receipt if an assortment of Tourtelot Broth.
ere' Celebrated 'American rotted Game. including
Partridge, Quall..Duclei bulpat Woodcock, for
luncheon, alepics,.travelos , use, &c., nicely can.
ned OM ready for immediate use, for sale by.
Corner Liberty and Hand streets.
CLOTH, for Window Shaded superior' In
quality and lower In price than_ the- manu
facture: Another large supply of the different
widths Plat received from factor l.
'Aft and, 218-St (flair serer,
ceived. another invoice of, these superior
p es,.put uP in patent tars; by C ros ses Wade
well anti tor Sale by ; ~ • •
JOH2S. A. FilaitilAW
, • • Cor. Libor*. 'trid Hand stree ts.
.4,II_IIAMS:-;,A' fros t' supply of
`Abe oelebested , ?•Sturl - bniad of Hutu Voted ,
put up empreasit for Sour Amity trate% IJAst
reeeivediknVorWe at the' Family Grocery Store of
.1011 N A.
, ' iittierty.erid Jima Pints , .
_ - s v
" a " wits, LEAVE TO-DAY; • '
The new' and splendid side-wheel - steamer
, • . . r)-
G. D. hIOOI3E Commander.
D. MOORE Olerk.
The above elegant side-ivheal steamer will, leave
regularly as announced, connecting at Cincinnati
with Paekets and Railroads to Louisville, Nashville,
Memphis, New Orleans and St. Louis. Also to the
Upper Mississippi and Missouri rivers.
Freight or passengers receipted through either by
rail or river.
Especial attention given to Orders and Way
For freight or passage a
S pply on board or to - .
Je2a CHAS. RAIL , ZES. `95-7"'
For:Wheeling, Marietta, Parkersburg,
Pomeroy;' • Oallipolis; Big Sandy,
Irooktosi,Poritsmootb, Maysville' and
„ • ,
ST. . ...... C. A. Eituvo, Master.
• - • FRIDAYS; 5 P.N.(
' The 'shore elegant side-wheel steamers will leave
regularly - As announced, connecting at Cincinnati
vilth Packets and Railroads to Louisville, Nashville.
Memphis, New Orleans and t St. -Louis. Also to the
Upper Mississippi and Missouri rivers...
Freightor passengers.recelptedthroligh either by
rail or rives..
Especial attention - n to Orders and WaY:ll3ris
'flees. „ BARNESE & COLLINS,_
.• • • OBRIEST & HASI.E.TT.I Agents.
NORTHERN LINE - ` i s i giUt
, . .
Tim Only Through Lire Running Be
tween St. Louis and St. Paul.
Shippers desiring their freight to go through with,
out re-shippirigltbovetit. Louts. will please consign'
their treight—V H
Throngh rates given over Patstiurgh• Boats, and*
guaranteed by
PAUL: —The tine steamer. um-Polommoom.
W 111 leave as above, giving through receipts to all
points on the Xlsbourl and Upper Mississippi rivers
at lowest rates,- on . •
THIS DAY-5 P. at,
For freight apply on board or to
,Jew & HASLETT. Agents.
IpOlt ST :.LOUIS.-Thez i ar ii t
J.. reliable 'steamer •
Will take her aeparture for the above and totemic"-
Slate ports_ , •
THIS DAY, June 24th-4 r. x.
For freight. or passage apply on board'or to '
1e24 • FLACK t COLLINGWOOD, Agents
VOR-4313 CINNA.TI, LOU- id gE6
.t: IsVILLr., 4T.. LOUIS Sc CAIRO.
heat —The nue eardor " . • .; • - •• •
• Will leave as above alinouneed on
• FRIDAY; '26th inst.-4 P. it
For freight or passage imply onboard or to
• Jullh FLACK.
Jai J. D. COL IA GWOOD.-Agents ,
low water passenger Steamer stimwesis
1. R. WurrrAlika, Clerk, will leave for St. Louis
sad Intermediate ports on
THIS DAY, 24th
For freight or phssage apply oon
TILFASCIII:It'S OFFICE, Tune sth. 1805. i
r - •
Notice is hereby Oven that the Assessors have
now placed in the Treasurer's °nice the dupliCates
from the several wards or .
City, Poor, City Business, School, School
Building and Public Park Taxes,
Andof WATER RENTS for the :year 11168, and
that,said Taxes will now be received in_pursuance
the lAets of Assembly, of• February 51,7 th, 1800,
and of April 14111,111303, subject to the following
regulations and allOrrances: • •
Five per cent. if paid on= or before the
' dint day of. July. " •
Four per cent. if paid on or before the
first day orAugust. • • '
Two per cent. if paid on or before the
first day - cit'September.
If paid after,the Ors% day of September,
and on or before the first day of Oct°•
bee, no deduction will be made.
If paid after the first day of October,
and on o'r before the first day of No•
vember„ an. addition of Ore per cent.
shall be added to and payable on the
n. C. GAlllt,
No. 94 Water Street
rants Will be Issued to enforce 'the colloctlon of all
taxes. remaining unpaid, together with the percent
age accrued thereon, and the costs- r •
• •D. MACTEKROR,tity Treasurer.=
?TAXES I TAXES - • !- • := •
The Tax PaVers of.theconsolfdateACityor Pitts.
urg are her. by notified tha Treasure T Books 'are
now In the hands of the City , readylor ,
• ..
'faxes and Water Rents Paid berween the Ist=or
JUNE and the 'star AUGUST. will be received at a
And between Alla USTAst, . and the 45tb. of SEP
N -
TEDER at's ' • - •
From thelLsth of SEPTESIMEII to the Ist Or OC
TOBER, all taxes will be payable ka assessed. After
the Ist of OCTOBER, FlVEper cent. will be added;
and on the. - Ist of . 'NOVEMBER, all Lunpald Taxes
will be put Into the hands of Collectors WITH THE
•making a difference of. FIFTEEN , PER CENT,
between those paylnilinJely and those paying in'
November— •
now due, and saould be paid on or before the Ist
. of
July, to save colt and expense or ,
CRT Treasurer:
TN . W
A. Act of Incorporation; hooka foe aubberlptlott to
Capital Stock of the Company to erect a ridge .
over the Ohlo River, from near the mouth of Saw
Mfil Bun. (Temperancevillea to.AlleghenY, will
opened as follows,_vle:
At office of R. H. & H. E. DAVIS, Allegheny,.
July 6th and 7th.
At. HARE'S HOTEL, Plttabuigh, July Sth, and,
At °See of D. L. PATTERSON', Allegheny. (late
llltmehester,) July 10th.
And at office of JOHN HALL t CO., .Borough tit
TeMperalleeVille, J uly. llth.
Thellooka will be kept open ftom.lO o'clltelt
By order of tne Co_mmlasloners.
JeSii3ti • • HENDERSuN E. DAVIS. Vecretere.
. • PITTSBURGH: JURR , 1044 1868, 31
SEALED' PROPOSALS, addressed to;` The
Inspectors of the allrigheny County Prlson„ ,, wilt be
received . until ROTH ',riff. inclusive, for 'furnish
ing the -County Prison with'BßEAll, for six months
from July 15th.1808. Loaves to weigh. oneand-n
half and two pounds respectively, and to be of rp
proved quality. • Blds to be made at so much per
pound. Bond for two thousand dollars will be re
quired , for faithful performance. Of Contract:The
unmet .of the security , 'must accompany the bid.'
Billej endorsed by -the Warden and probated at this
office, will be , paid monthly. , ,
HENRY 101.11113E111A Controller.
- •, -June 5, ISO& s
COCKS.--Notice Is hereby given to all prop
erty owbers, that by resolution passed to meeting
of Councils the Ordinance in relation to STOP.
COCKS and WATER PAVES, Chapter.l6th , Sec
tions ad Ana 4th of City Codl, will be strictly en,
• TWENTY, DAYS , NOTICE is hereby given .to
hare all' Stop Cocks and Water Paves removed and
lowered , that conflict with Ordinance Chapter 10.
Sectibria ad and 4th, or they will be removed with.
• Out' further notice, at the expense of owner or she
property; By order of Committee on Streets.
, • 401 IN T. RENTER,
. .
'Street Commissioner, First Distriet,
• ' •
jeS:SSO ~.Street CoMmissioner. Second District-.
sEALRD.PROPOSALS wild be keeeivod cm to the
WORK required for the County Work Donee. •
The work- consists of CAST MAYA GUTTERS,
Proposals , to , be BO • *lth , ' , GEORGE- ALONE'',
Eau" Secretka of the Board of Managers. corner , ,
of Wood and Fourth- streita, Fittabergh, Fn.
Drawings and siteciflcatione to be seen and all 110-1
I e Miry_ information given at • the office of BARR &
3108NR, ,Archttects. Nos. 111 sad &St. Cale atreqi,'
N.l3.—Separate tdds will be received' forth° dm ,
eraNt , inwnshea. of worg. • • • • .• •, • Je3ifik •
pO I A.T.OES.--600 bushels Peach.
Pribee Alberts; Flukes;'Estl June
exikgeris OW& pow ea, last received and Or
by , dOgN CrANYIKILD'A Dii
nest. street
..0•.144.,,,u,30,4gr.,-,..-vt...1,-,•, •
pilar s fstrims --
.Cu ibuyn„ - r.Apq, i f , , . ;' 1 , ,
ii g
( .i•; t1:%,661•A:i a....
.-•.1 •
On' and lifter, Y, ...... 14 , ~.
:trains will arrive at and ep rt from the pot, cot
ner of Giant and Water arena: rat foil in .
Depart. tArttoe.
Mail to and from triitordire.:`,l:olll,‘.isr 15f00 P. X.
McKeesport Accommodt' nal:00 A M. 2:05 P. M.
.x. to_luml from tniontM, .3:01k - tin. o_: oo. A , F,fqq,
West'Nettnin Aecommodni 4:20 1 P: M. :3 15 A:
Braddock's Accommodarn 6:15 P. N. 4,_ :50 P. Mr
Night Ace. to McKeesport.lo:3o P. rt... 6:40 lt.1160:
Sunday Church Train to and
from West Newt0n........'.1:00 P.M.: 0:00 A. MI - !
' For tickets apply t
W. B. STOUT, Superintendent.
ILLEGKENY It- 2-;;, „..:::-::f_ .! ;'.:tot
VALLEY RAILROAD.'' " .-..-•• ••-•• • ..
Running through to Venango City without change
of ears-Connecting with trains. East and West. on. ..
the Werre.. tt Franklin "Bellroad, and l iAtiantic k“ Shbttest a d quicke • ,'
Great (Western Bailways. st
route to 011 City and Franklin, and all ints In the -
Oil Regions.
On and/after April 28th, 1888 t Pass4gerTrairil
will leave from and'rove at the rittablrgh Depot.
corner Canal and Pike Sta. as roller= I.•
Depart. (; Arrfbe, •- -
Mall to and f'm Ven. City. 7:00 A. M. 10:15 P.'31.:
Express ~ '. 10:40 P. 1i.12:25 A. 14-
Brady's Bend Accommod'n 3:00 P. M. 10:20 A. X.
Soda Works Accomn.. ... . '5:30 P.'lfe /00A. X. •
First Hulton Accomod'n..: 9:so'a; le:41111 4 A. It.
wi t i
Second Hutton Accomod'n 121:00 x. 63:55 P. N..
Sunday Church Train leaves Soda orks at 8:06
A. N• 1 arriving in Pittsburgh at• 9:50 A. M.- so- r
turning, leaves Pittsburgh at 1:10 P. 'lll. arrhing Mi
Salm lilo orks at 2:55 P. m.
11. BLACKSTO- E, p '
W.'F. HOPE, Ticket Agent. WS' ”.
URI RAILWAY... 1 . .. •
. .
ORANGE OF TFYLE.—On and. afte
June 21st, 1907. trains will leave and '
,thsion' Depot, as follows, Pittsburgh
Eipreks . A e a r t m 4:101 1 :7:
Fagt.Line 9:40 a. fa ' , TAUS p. us.
.Fast E r s . 2:10 p. ra !11:20 a. 3.
Mixed ay 0:10 a. r 7:05 p, gm.,
Merlinia d's Acc'n, No:1..11144 a. in. ' 3:03 p. m.' 4
fiteubuftville Accommod'ir., , , 3:53 0. nii." 9:30 a. "*.
51cDouald's Acc'n,s:2s p.M.: 8:20 a.M.
SPECIAL • NoTibit.—Suiday Expreserl6mves at 949
p. m. arriving in Cinci natint 6:001: m: the next: , —*
• ,The 9:40 a. m. Trait leaves dillYilSundays
cePtedi makes clog connections and Newark for;
Zanesville and 'points n Sandusky. [.lslknsfleld &
5. F. (SCULL, General•Ticke... Agent.
W. W. . • • .
. . ,
ItiO. . ... •
From June 7th, '1868;' trains •WIII' tears rem '
and attire at the your: Depot,, north_ side, -olgsr y
. time,'as follows: - I , .0 .
- , Leave. • l "1. • Air"'
Chicago Ex .... 2:03 am Chica g o , Egl.' 2:09 an
Cleveland Ex .. 2:03 am Cleveland Ax. , -51:Qtra tn.'
Ede & Ygr:Ml 7:28 a nitChicagoEx_i"... 11:23 an" ,
Cl. A Wlt•g3l , l. 6:13 arnlWheeling Ex... 11108. a um - . • •
1 ;
Chicago Mall.. 6:58 a m,St. Louis x.. 3:33 pm.
ChicagorEg... .9:43 a m Cl. & Wh'g Ex. • 4:38 pa, • 1 -.
Cl.l.Wh_lg Ex . . I:43pm Erie •le• Yg' 1Ex.6:13 DM,
Chics.go Ex—. 158 pm Chicago E 3... 4:23 p nix •
Wit.. 4 Erie Ex. 4:48 pn. Cl. &Wh'g; Rx. 7:08 plc
Depart from Allegheny. . Arrive itif,Allefflum_y. ' - -
elgt` n Ae. 858.a..miN. BrigVa Ac • 7:03 ant ,
sdale ' 10:13 a miN. litigt`n l " 8:28 a in. , f
' " :11:51311 m Wellsville. Vl' ' 8:53-4,nr. -
Rochester " • 2:23 pm ; New Castle , .` 10:13 a vo, . t
Wellsc , e Ace.. 3:43p m`Leetadale l " 9:13 SM.'
Leetsdale Ace. 4:13 pm I` --;:`,-- l "-- 1:08 pia
N. Brigt - n "'• 5:33 13,111 N. BrlgVal: 51 .4 :43p00.
N. B " rigt'n . 6:2Bpm Leetsdale --" - :53 , p5 , ;
Leetsdale "•. 10:4-3pm " " -7:sliiisir..
JlEir 1:58 . p. in. Chicago Express le es lady.' - - -
W .11:23 a. Pl.-Chicane Express :A - tiro ilally.. i
tell ; ; ''-F. IL MYERS; Getierar Tieket-Akent:'
n and after June 7th.
rive at and depart fro ' the
Waslt:tigtotmnd Liberty al
Malt ' 1:15 a ral
Fast Line ' 1:40 a m
Wall's No. 1.. - 0:20 ami
Latrobe Acc'n 7:50 a m
Wall's No.-8:5 0 a tn .
Cincinnati E x. 0:10 aml
Johnstown Ae.10:35 a m .
Baltimore Ex. 1:00 p
Express 1:20 pm
Wall's No. 3... 2:15 pm,
Braddoeks No 1 5:50 p m'
I. Wall's No. 4. 7:15 pm
Altoona Aec'n.
andEmlgraut (
Train 9:30 pm - - 11 . . . . -
The Church Train - leaves Walltiq Station every'
Sunday at 9:15 a. a., reaching Pittliburgh at 10:M
a. m. Returning, leaves Pittsburgh at 12:50 p. tn.
and arris *...a at IS all's Station at 2:00 p. m.
_'•Cincinnati Express leaves daily. Alt other train
daily.except , Sunday.ji i ,
' For further information apply to ' •
. 1
. .• • . W. H. BECK H, Agent, '
The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will lint air
slime any risk fbr Baggage, except for gearing ap 6 - ,
Vl e lkrr idnliTaild their
TAr'V'asgigba"gieT to On e
amount in value will be at the r 1 e owner, un-
Wis talEn.b3" specialoMe
j t 3 ... D,
n ,. , .
talCw..; . '
-RS • General Superintendenr, Altoona, x:2l.
alligin . .
ROAD. -0n and ate: May aoth,iiilefflrithvi Plurt.i . i
sengerTrains on the Western Fetinsyly nla Rail
road will arrive st and depart item :the' /rederaL '. '
Street Depot Allegheny City, astollows: ,
Arrive.: - _ 1 I .. :'! 'Depart. ••: ,
Suringd'e No 1 .6:35 a miMail u eaa Ali.
Freeport No. I . 8:15 siml - Freepari r rNo..l. 9:104.1ife , : . ,
_Express ~. 10:15 a m Sharpb•giNo.lll:s44 a,* . -
Freeportg No.l 161 - pro ExpresS:4,.,-...::'' 3.:50 On- `.
N 0.2 4:10 p m Springd`e No I a:5O psi .;
Mall • 5:50 pm FreeporkiNo. II: 6:oikp et- - '
-Springd , e lin 7:10 p m Suringdle , No
Aboye trains run daily except Sunday • • -
The Church Truth leaves Allegheny duvet. -every
Sunday at 7:40 a. m., reaching Allegheny City sin,
9:50 a. - m: Returning, - Wives Allegheny City at
1:20 p„m.Anditnive at Ailegheil .yunrt,. iit t 9:9:ls.. '
,Coicsarraxtort Tzczarre*-7for sale in: packages ?A -. •
Twenty, between, Allegheny VIM': Chestant street. " -
Herr Bennett,. Pine Creek., .gtztaland Sharrelblitiv..; .-
and rod - only on the ttahis stopping at StatlonS spe.
The trains leaving Allegheny City at' 6:16 a. al. +
and - 3:50 F. xt.,make direct coupeetion atik2reeport , !;.
with Wilker"f line ofStages tor Butler, and Dannahs
town., Through tickets ma) be Pnrchased , .at the-
°Mee, No.. 3 St. Clair street, near the Suspenstost, ,
Bridge Pittsburgh, , and: at the Depot; Allegheny.'
For further Rather Information applMiL._____
- •• ' ' •• • ",IASII233.,EFFERTS, 'AVent, : ' •• • •
Federal Street Depot. ,
• The Western Pennsylvania- Railroad will not as. . •
sume any risk for Baggage,, except for wearing ap- . ,
:parel, and limit thel. responsibility to One Hundred'
Dollars In value. All baggage exceeding tad&
amount In value will be at the ital Cot the ownerour!
teas taken by special contract.. ,d, .- _ ..____ _
m 1' . Den."nl - Sunerintendent , ' Altoona: PL.
ROUTE . • .^ -••••••
Eastern Division
from the EMI , to all pointS In
I' • ;
Colorado Nevada
California; , Iltahi
Arizona, ' Wasiiinglanf
New Mexico, 4 ldaho,
Oregon. , J R • •„„ ,
Two Trains leaye State Line and Leavenworth.
daily, (Sundays excepted.) on tri• arrival ortzattutar. - ,
Pacific Railroad from St. LouLs.l and Fla nnibal
Ja Ratlread from Quincy, connectin* at Law. ,
rence, Topeka and Wamego With sta b ., for alt
points Irt , lslantots. At end cif [ttaek , west of Elio
worth with the UNTTED STATES EXPRESS coN
AND Fxramis,coAcitEs 'Fop , •
• • " .;
And all Points to: Cite Territorial":
Aud with SANDERSON% TRIAvirtiELY LINE at '-
COACHES for Fort Union, Bents Fort, rap, Alba'
erque, Santa Fe ,
Ind. all
points In Astrono mai ,
N u ew Mxico. , -
With the ?etym.- additions , rolling stock la&
equipment, and the arrengements moue wi th
sponsible Overland Transportation Linesfrom us
western, terminus, this road now' offers oroesua --th
, facilities for the tionsmission of freight 1° Vat
'West. _
Tickets for sale at all the priaelPel eweee ea the
United States and efte ede° 'THE ntorr . '
13e sure and ask for tickets via
HILL ROU.S.__UNION re CUP/ 0 T4. l 4.W4rse
1g II PO4 LAring i fift
• •_ •
vi ztj t ENB
.cli4 vessels;
sixteen first
CITY 0? .
CITY .or R, _
°T4g'9PII43O3ITIPT 45PLoNDON.: P ie r
Wing Trimly seauxumo.
River, New York. For p±+s►B t u or tort e r
.., A'
.1“ " (Ircnoele Bniidlot{ 11,
TIP , -
// 0
I:l\ }S ,
, Agen hst.
r, 51:TIXDAY.
1557, Trains v 111 ar-'
e Unlon - DePot, corner at
streets. as follows:•• . •
IDay. Exp_ r e s s .. 2:1511
Wall's o; 1.. 6:30
~DLaU Train 7:50 a Et.'
Wall's Nail 2-11:51 ant
I JohnstowatAc. ..3:05 pra
IBraddatkilbicil• 4400 p
Phila.. Expires. 4:50 pm
Wall's Nos 3.. 4, 5:10 par
NcIS 4.. 15:05 pm
Fast Line/ .1 ... T:3O pm -
Latrobe Ace' n. 8:50 pat.
dwisspnle 'ric'nllo:so pm
ht":OP ZI/ o ° l slol • •
General Buyerint.endeiti ,
931011111Preittli and That ligeris
. .
• "I •••••