13 . . tbDt littilsrq A I * l-: ril AIT! ;q .. ..- . -. • T 1,.. .I*ETii#l3.. ',...,,i. . ~ ar Until° JOSINII4Ltr , GEN AN. , ~' V: le' - . T l l . t3t , Ob the b ppy meeting from over the sea; When I love my friend and my friend loves met ' And we stand face to face, and for letters read There are endless words to be heard and said. With a - 8 1 =ft between, thy, anxious. half strange. - LA B If ailing. "Say now Is there aught or change Y" Till we both settle down as we used to be— - ELM !,,y);it my criondan4 my fricEld 101e6 me. ,_...___ __- Oh thnillinkful thirsting of iovirs . true. --lir=ritri n 'Oitit - bas doao An that fail b t s:uldida; , 01 ertd:"'W eover It sea an Dead yaw of a Pe ur t ° ;:b; u ps tit g =t i nd pain. }lo Delinnhernannen par. !' t'and fair, • Untainted, untorn. In the balmy air; And Shp heaven of the future, golden and bright, ''slalreitesibovit them—God guards the right( • day' :..," • —_LL .. . • " ' . . - ' amt Ott roisne meeting to come one 'Mien the spirit slips out of its bouse of clay; i IWitentlie satuders-by‘xitb a:pitying s i gp, .. . • 'an softly cover this face of mlne. :1 'And 1 lestr—wblthfr, &b.! whO Call know ? . - - .- -. ! • Sat outward. onwar d, as spirits float go; Until eye to eye, with out' fear' I see . - 4iod, mutiny lost, as - they See me. . ! . ~ ... , , . , ZgliEo lll B. lisaia to bit . :cTizy. , 114 3 047t0e8 arQ:now• fashionable an ladies' • ``,=:ptkaaari, - .Maitta, has atone hruidro4.afid < , —.../kgricaltttral schools are to be started in , r — gie4ch laWY:erk are to be allowed soon to wear beards. Potato brigs ire 'not pleasant • but still they are in MassaChusettst iThere are six thousand more Americans 'than German's in icag,o: ; •!- . 43putlj-pox is greatening to become 11 4 )1 40 , i'Providence, R. I. 4 -t.:42+if - obttf are'terrifying the inhabitants of r aen!ertii, of the counties of this State. —Mta, Lander is enjoying - her well earn -.44,staintei rest; at Swampscott, Mass. filances are said to be more •.,...prosperons jitst now than they usually ire. -One fbot in the grave ; a love story;", Is the name' of one of the latest'' English I .. lacirruffies on the - shirt fronts are iisti l ondes#tdrithe fashion for gentlemen's • .eivening dress.. • . —There,are four factories in Springfield; : engaged in Malting buttons out of vegetable ' 7 4tulge's Sharswood is one , of the throng _noininationthe New Tork+Con ention. —Erie has had cool weather. and plenty f '•of 'austillihe while We were indulging in iourlittlisfkina:here. , . •‘;`" , i persons were killed on the 10th 1 . 2 .';of ; June' Attieltholfuhy the explosion of a -.1. ilitnp-gly rine factory. , -, • • , . • —The enians in England new say that :o,iiitrie . ~ ,11 its Insane and,' that the British , goierniri i.knew of it. . I : t - -: 1, -An change thinks that a Stone-mason r' tin a fli ur story house is about as hies. in, el\ eli•anaeonry•as any other man. ' , , , .. 7 T*eniy thotisand people Want to get to -1* - ttie 'fi}±i - • tit. 4 1 9 PeElioerati Fourt4 or „, JulieelebratiOn at New tork. - ~,, ...! '• --' • 4 :LAT.Giio. IN. trelellarrforVice President" , .. . ''...',...,,iii:the:lse s plpinilliation 'suffered by that ne-, - , ble warrior and.vroulcl:be statesman. t: ' l - 11 '-ii'fitattihttll we eat ? This not so much : i 341,di11e, as the name of a useful little book I,c,.zecently issued by G. I'. Putnam find son. -1-Dr. Cemlnings has been indulging in a , ~,' ikttle deg* 'over the', progress recently • ' inn& in England by -the Roinan Catholic ' ''' - -Trinit.9 chaP4, New fork, was the -: r•imene of a eiy- fashionable ,wpdding last -,, c-week: , The bride Wore , a gray. travelling :Y. *iii,ahaA.g $' * 4 . . . I n -;- .. - - . 't ,i :1 ...,43enator - tes has oncemore conquered :„.••• lb?, enemy an is now leading a sober, life sad. is . .once more o ne of the most',brilliant —Geo. W. Middleton, s New York• ac - "lor, has four wives. He liked to play Othel. 7, ~ , 10,. but now he is, harking to the Tixaubs, where he is residing - • . Jenkins'is sorely troubled about Colfax. He can't find out whether the next : Vice ent is e'On to be'married or • not, and w-04 , i1,e1l him. , . . , —The .Gmiti Duke .of Luxembtuvioes notdestroythefostifteations at Luxemburg, . . 14 1*Veg.M'* 4 4* hitn,4 6 19 00 / 0 9 0 to do so and he hasn't the money. General eezl: 'Schutz has taken-to the ;gip. (lenersl ` C4aiit,h4C.Oroiyii away -many a stump, .bttt, it is to none of these that ,Bolutrz has betaken hintself.. MI seoor.d son- Of the' Egyptian Vice -- TOY 16 to be 'educated' bi :England: His fct-• " 'titre ptOfeesion wi l be r militfty; at presefit .41 tie Is Years of : age.' at the ►esd 'Of a PiTti...ariuti ar e I•iforking. on:that portion of the-U. geriihmuUtt liidy in Veinnont live anothereighteen 'months they ,ebritcl 4 1 4, 41401i4,',411Pvi• Their ..t.- *West chill is now soventy-One Team old. -. e#4 ll 4i.ge; sage two Plttebui~h` finer: begictte.t,e4e4 ;14: smugglin g -71iitiiinegi from Ounsida: The-edicts wasnot ' 7 2 ,:a ) ,01ial Ili* lint Jf iritter: !; z . I!Traints3l 4l 46.4.ltrilutii.:9l44lT nothing , f 'whetter - IWe inqirpineg own:awe. , He has off 'tad another ilieht-painted 0/14art*:111104 higher up on ;p4meroy rruishi'o oifeeli in St. , the: other day; and:. so disgusted the Deiniidiats that the Tteinitbl . Fe'enXiptts to engage him to speak his piece throtighoui the Beitaidd;;: -The 15tlicide 'dards' is! not confined to "' :ceuritry%",it "also ' niqes,;in iriikneeand derintini r Seven personst 4 ok r iiie"4 4 +vAl in l•foldp during .•*!3 last •,- • • . (LI fr9m ll Nint ! Yer l ic bgierr..:47,"*aling 4*r cmn• lesd4l but the flag of :f? Pe 1.6004N00)41m7 d 1 4 iotos. • —Rev. Henry Eltaelmple, kyFlirood T ato,i2 lin that saw Iplace, a few days.ago, lost lds foogng,M4V Wg94 9 4.931‘ Niiiiikai;aritatmiktustbir4ed 61:1 rprenchitaif ( . 4101 r „thlt 4 lki r , r; y lenty of (iermaai g a ive*J l 44:iiiirer las* here MIME good while after drip t 99, deal.moli) arta-of the na average • -H pan two • • - ftiewizargosibrkvilni ••, twartok his floaLead ara-1-14,r b : , itt * ilie,tunotttth 4:1/4* A 7--) but the . , ' the wizard is tmpleasatitt l -- -'•;, —The Hapsburg family, anxious to prove their gratitude to the two lawyers who de fended the Emperor Maitimilian and refused to take any fees, have forwarded to them 43404 nu*, silvw-p1a.te—w9414,14,000.., —A W : e sterxklaily, recovexed,'Fbuxiages the other day fro dettist - 't i a• 'renting her mouth to.the doctoi's, student ; o take casts in beeswax and plaster, which she said se riously impededler articulation and respi- —Senti Roniero,the Mexican Ambassador to Washington, has retnined to the 'United States:l'o l. 4Se piirpcise of gettingit wife, he `early; in to a young lady of i l'Waiddngton, who has just left boarding seliciol. —Alexander Dumas is well known to be 'an old hypocrite and sinner, 'so that no one, will be much surprised to hear flint he went to" the first -representation of his new i play ',Madame de, Chtunblay" and wept bitterly at all the affecting parts. ~. -1* —Woman's rights are being 'agitated in various, unexpected quarters, tbe latest is Lisbon in Portugal, where a paper has re:' centii been spirted' to idvoeate the Princi : pies of the .R,evolution. of Miss Anthony; it is calledthe rot Ari One. ' .:A: negro 'has:recently died , ton. Thus far there is nothing very singu lar in the fact,' hut Ws - negro left $860,000. behind WM. This also Nail not so very pe culiar, as 'far as theleaving is concerned, but the $390,000 part , is certainty-a mystery. —Some old pipes were found in a place in Scotland where - there was' once a 'Roman camp.:: Other people. have pridiably been there since, bat-that makes no difference to 'an English antiqttary who says - that this discovery proves that die Romans. smoked. -The people or Antwerp, Belgium, had recently a very Ilvely time, indeed, 'paused by a tiger which got loose from a menag erie and rendered himself, generally obnox ' ions to the inhehitants., • The beast Wile shot: . dead at last, but the peopleof the good old town were horribly Scared. ' cerrespondent writes that the dress of the season for walking purposes is ' a foulard—the' shade light fawn'. or cream color, with•o filinge of a somewhat darker shade or satin. The 'indispensable fiche as Lamhelle, or mantle and fiche combined, is Worn With this cut in• two gkiris. At the theatres,: pink silk hi wont under high mils ' lin bodices inserted with-lace. • Full dress at court_is satin. —An,economical lady:went .-io• spend the 'winter - iiith her consumptive husband in ' Florida.• The husband died, end ins widow- 1 had . him packedin a box, in which, to save 'the expense of trinspoitation and to give an •agreeablisurPrise'to•her .N.orthern friends; she 'also' packed a quantity of fine oranges and sweet potatoes: The widow, the boa` and . its miscellaneous contents all arrived in good condition at their destination. This is rather a notable, iainple of peculiar economy. —C. C. Cornwell, of Nebraska, who leads the graduating class in the Annapolis Naval School, is a model young man—a second Admirable Crichton. He is a thorsegh 'schOlar, a great gymnast, exCellinon all the•manly sports. •He so admirably divides yis time with study and exercise, that he ). • can devote the Sabbath to the teaching of a Sabbath , School. Purely religious, without a bit of hypocrisy and cant, he is deserved- TY popular with, the officers • and messmates. —The Ainny man of 'the i Putietin Was generally supposed to have ex lianstea , himself on the recent hoat race, but he 'didn't,' and he • comes up bravely. to the front With the following ,excruciating re mains on the great : Masonic celebration on Wednesday: •, ' ' • • ' , The'Maions Will taka their Vaux abroad' The Whole time of the MasoniaPropeed- . ing-to-morrow -will.•proteibly be Keys-toxie. The illasona Will do their level best on the Square to-morrow. , . • • • . • We hope the - Masons to-morrow will like' their new•'white leather aprons,- though Itis likely they won't., for the'aprons wili cer taltdygOngainit,their stonnichs. i • If the Masonic dieiples St. - ,Tolin Bap-. ' ,tilt desire •to feed upon .his diet., they will it/Are:no trouble in pnkuring . locasts,, even if wild honey is scarce. : , = -•-• There is one characteristic :which all the tilers-of Masonic .lodges have in • common, They are invaribly stvorded men. Is it evident , the Masona desire'their ov ganinition to, beperpeturd, fcir thei t iingle aim 'f' . - • ' - / No Nasiti49 *lll ileivilited to PartiCi pate in 'the procession yi-niorrow , whe "owe for a lodge in some vast Wilderness:" It does not follow that thallium= organ:- izationiwas founded by, a certain Scriptural: king•eimply. because,eriery.:Mason - is ; griper: • - --> r! ; L.? AT ,isi naciwr nova.v crtnasvmarm 4: Vienna, the Countess 'Zithylworetattain robe of =deep red watered • Satiu;: with rich. 4mbroldery in Ellve4 iti! her tad h' cbstly tEttilem'of brilliants and fearlsViroin'Which • flowed, *Eitel like :*01: 4 - eiii3bOlderedivith silver, , Around her_ nectrWtUt a , ; rf4; of largesoyMirds, , grhhaed9l l l - 4h, form of' •starst , end , * her breast. .a th#44/01141h- monde end pearls Equally eit..attdi ful was the toilette of the Countess Fe a,i nand Ziehyvi.lfer:•robelwas of blue s richly onnunented with :silver, embroidery - :tier .white. 'lane, yak riChly: embroldad with ! :silver, demenCed from li rwoudema i ly„ wrought' double diadem. of diamonds'. and pearls which once- belonged tclillii4oAn'-'1 • Minettel/ " Antcht2 3hernrOst, '''ltintifei! of „these" exliatte' toilettes •ctiititiClx(rcaltrOnell' that' of , allarort`Cke,liattrPO44o4,.:ailtbse vflibie L ' hiplOnaisto,94444l4l7vith. golden bouque It c ghiflotisly wrought, 4811 thrown over a giong44filight violet w:iler e_d 1 3424 , /h.* et the phs;,was,lapcd ,114. 'PRIAM si. pear ls, 0 ser, ,which : Adowedni ldng, yell' of golcf lace., , . • , • ;" ' . 1 ' Tax _Amenctur :Triettliociety tin . !pity r:threo years lutel-lisisuedl2o,Mgmvslik4ca, , $78M1,688 Areas iutdr,looloN,ooooliddi ios;ilind?tOgether ivirthe' iniltifistfdhe At, wig ' fsteigri 'intik. ficsiietrpdbllistlotta' in 141 I d. dialects!' - 11 . yitagy'fi:; tern of Dot MIT Colportage it hait. Wi!liww, 9 . o4 JAlAllfatallieli of . -w.ePA7 o l9oop*!fatairs t : ip . i [ 'MAl, Abilleatiiitguiviugal col prokiblog; it.kuthelibatimidromodf2ss, 75, public meetings, and clivaireatbrials or grant 11,207,7711-of Ile TOWS& v " 77:, 7 i - 7 7 , Z; ;',; • r 2=3 : :4„ kt0n,441, fee, URGIT GAXE,l l itt`'tltlpAY, .TUNE 26, - 1868. • -Viena"piVT . , 14,,.-74QPIAREIR-NADK 16 = 1471 8*th cut. TEETH ARE ORDERED. A FULL BET FOIL $B, AT DR; SCOTT'S. utfi PENN snizivr, 3D DOOR ABOVE BAWD. ALL WORRWARRANTED.'•iOJALLI/111D ESC • • p''SPECIMENS _OE IiCERIBINELITIMO.AII.I ITE. torihdAT GAS FIXTURES : GAS FIDICTITREIS C /ft3a4l. 1 leres, • FOR .GAI3,AND Just received, the finest and largest.sasortmeni ever opened in this oltv„ • WELDON ik LicaL4Y,' = mit WOOD sttEr F , Cqi.jlißOem, CEMENT, SOAP STONE, - - - FINDRAVLIC CEMENT. •• - • SOAP PLASTER, CHIMNEY TOPS, •,• , • WATER PIPES. 'HENRY IIt. ; OIiLLIN6I, - ' : • '25 WOOS street. laillho7o • rtaivi i help Cl[st: s # 3{4 HE GREAT AMERICAN COM:: BINATION. BUTTOF•HOLE OnKM:p'6l AND SEWING MACHINE. rt HAS NO EfavAr.,; ' ' • BEING ABSOLUTELY THE REST FAMILY MACHINE. n§, THE WORLD; AND IN TRINSICALLY THE CHEAPEST. • ' .I?`Agents winted to sell thle Machine.' CHAS.. C. BAI-A11....E31, Agent for Western . Pennsylvania. Comer FIFTH AND. MARKET STREETS, over Richardson's Jewelry Store. mrElviiii WEITZ"LEAD AND COLORS. Num INTITE ATTENTION TO our Well selected and com plete stock of •Drugs, Paints, Oils, Varnishes,. Dye .litu e ffs, Patent Medicines, Perfumery, &c. . • • DRUGGISTS. PHYSICIANS and 0017N TRY thi sDEALE mark e t,.leish their stocks in win consult their intereli,by examining' our goods before purchasing elsewhere. PITTSBURG= • Haring. accepWHITE LEADted the Agency& COLOR• WURKS, of Messrs. 4. SCHOONMARER & SON; we offer to the trade their Well lorown brands of White Lead and Colors at Manufaetarers' Lowest Rates, land guarantee them to giro perfect. sails. faction in every respect. .1 . . We invite GREENtin to Me. lEONW VERDITERas superior in strength. body, brilliancy madam, •bllity to any'Rreen Paint- ever offered to the HARRIS WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, Corner of I-iberty sad,Vilayne Streets, .P1TT5.1131:711.0-1-1. PIANOS. ORGANS, &C. icloUY THE BEST AND CHEAP .L EST PIANO A.ND ORGAN. Sehomacker's Gold Medal Piano, AND ESTEY'S COTTAGE ORGAN. The SCHUMACHER PIANO combines ail the latest valuable improvements known In the con. struction of a first class instrument, and has always been awarded - the highest premium wherever ex hibited. Its tone is fall, sonorous and sweet. The workmanship, for durability and beauty, surpass all others. Prices from $5O to .150, (accosting to style and Caleb,) cheaper than all other so-called first class Plano. ESTEY'S COTTA'IE ORGAN Stands at theihead of all geed instrumertts. In Pro ducing the most perfect pipe quality of tone of any shutter instrument in they United States. It is aim. pie and compact in conatruction, and not liable to get out 01 order. CARPENTER'S PAT I ENT " VOX WITRANA • H TRMOLO" Is only to be found In this Organ. Price from $lOO to `6710 All guaranteed for Ilve mtifi Na. 111 ST. CLA YvA STREET. zconnepluiril MELODIXINS ' I OROANS, pilerfect order; troth to $l3O. ARIATTE inandx. nom Ain MUM at . AQ door above Wood: GI4At3S, 0:0 - 017TLERY. " 100 'WOO STREET. • CHOU, IL : G es AND Q ' - iiita Willi: , ~, , iin.virti , ,TEI,O icutz VARIAN STATUETTES ' BOlDEffia GLASS, , Add otber STAPLE AND FAN:by . - -;:ecaps, a great yarety,, • • , • 100 WOOD 011110111 ' • talaji*Y.*:434*lo4,...CCq. M . I aai FfiIIAULIWES , ILTAZENST,EIN . e.r,t• pi-. .. - -ie._ ;n1: A lotiodc , ~ L; -,, f-, , ,v . le welter"! . eire!" , f!!!!eg/flOr! * iih doer above Elam , iiia t eldisi . . .44 Table:Cut j am ATE HE PRI .. JaVecllkattlretlutre ant_,... 'atOte:)an,aarai', .oau dna- eacamm 9Pallt.il , '1 ~, 1---.:::; , ..yzit , ~, .-,01.41t1:4;1et iONVIIO 0 • • , rt , r bate ' filter , C confeelbner, L. 2 111.11 D.lllLitiliß 11 1 rroamesiaposuranoipsurra t a e i • Po fly , 101 E , varloosflo 111...m0 " ' I INlStionery ,and 'bakery " No. InetthtTlOllitli) BT T, . • • - F 14%; h . l324iieen 13eiretiai Ind Liberty., ;• i•kgePOliMta iat;ooi at*hed.., wms 11 EOROE BIEAVEN,P;• 1.3:,„ .[, • . can d y ailuitiatiAtirer,,, • • •v -ikip5,.4i.444.1110AN And de ...aadetlegiWk_ , P/OKLTZ, — ll% thilet (.1:/•••tatio; • • 160 ad. doer tetti!thej,i4ve:Nitsonia . suit Anis: treuratr.- ,11.1 r i ki prti -I, I/ ink KUM ' 1 14 . 14111 r I''' O ' r "'l SIO•VOCr U - P itik4lllP/Aliagni Atialiftef UItiCII PW/ 1 ° Zrealia 4 1111 `TIM 'i^4 oil 147 v .4- —q - • Pura. kir no'l7 f 'I WI: 01-.1 Cali t.'7.l;3FL' I 0 t•lXii .., I k ~0 a - m & „ „„. , . . „ elott m, or at Band Stn It dO et rillEetl CIL' It l ` I:CI).OIIZIPMAtiCaIKIMETE I l= Wgane • _ _...:.1.00740$ 0016 NW Zotato Arid, 60 losumod stmt. I , CMUIM;S4N II'- (41..11 1 4(VES litER-4810oR - 'CARPETSI White, lied, Checked, Striped and Fancy ±4l 414 434, 0**4 . i . VAREF- 1 1 4 1r*" 1 1 j 4llao Nyindow Shades. &e. f). BOY Rai,ROSE - tk. CO., '.ettas STREVP.'-' le29:d &wit' - • 41.3EIPESSie. Not ITIII3 Srlittiro' tHE Mann!: i urers' recetitidianci in prices, ^ s continue to offer the Largest,itock of Briasels, Velvets and Ingrain Carpet; in 'the city, at - .the lowest prices reached this sea son. Just received, ' p. few pieces of a new and exquisite patterns of Royal .Axminster:. A OLIVER'II'OLINTOCK No. 23 Fifth Street. I2g (IRINA BUTTING ‘.j I White, Prices the Lowest in this Markel. McCALLITIK BROS.; 51 FIFTH STREET. above Wood. 7 ' 73 s NEW CA BPETS. BlIcF ND` & COLLIN'S ENGLISH VELVET CARPET, Tapestry and Body Brussels, The Lowest Prtces Reached this Season. • SUPERFINE INGRAIN tAPRPETS DOWN;TO $l.lO AND $1.16 PER YARD. • IabFARLAND & 00/11410, Nos 71 and 7$ Fifth Street. STEAM • , CARRET,I3.t4TING -ESTABLISHMENT,` ,' ;Which T'Elf TEARS. TRIAL In New York and oth er I/astern cities him proved - ,a complete,sueooss. , fl sovAlriAork -: l,4 —Fediust a Shrinka g e ern sensPietely avol6 lad—lto ed ripping; a l t x rpteceseart.' • • grad—Whoa; Med, ' , dust; moths or their beau, the tarmt,looke nearly MI u newi rare : the . natural Whig hem wear. eth—When perfectly clean, a Carpet will wear as, ,lont semis. a .desirftd• tit ••4611tiese, Doint 60 9/ 10 u! , 1 liT Rozurg It • n ° ALL ORDERS MDT AT Tim' 0P71117Z / .• • " < e No .179 :14iberty Street*,.. . o i t togre h c peil! , o' , .o.. Pox VP , wlll ?liaiToiromo" ,1„1 , • MeCLINTOCH; . r. • white . TR Rapnitwra. Lizul I f n 4.1 ,1 1617 0 anal iliii ' l l 1 1$ 3 'll l l-4 , 4 3 1109 3 ) 4 -7*-1 Ariolc , 44lo4lrAlmna,,, J .: iTOCKIND REAL - ESIATVOROXERt it : 1 1;!rt•r! ;. .i. - '---...: total WAlldtleiv wpwit ! RIV aI tIiAVOTRINPA6.- —A !HO 11. 3 _ol .r ‘ l, , qireiediesestat tht mowa tWl'sfoopinik: 1 - , , friorrp, " l l RAteattit*Zte sll l, the. .• '' aloarligetr43u eveduttgiotokaodi 1 Ole cm MA UNTHISTRE J. , e1.;• - fisollt ~ rc.EiEsi A. Teri' stiperlor quality of Fancy , Striped IL(TTINGS; JUST imrouTED AII-WOOL mG rtB, IN BRIGHTEST COLORS. DAVE JUST RECEIVED TiE NEWEST AND BEST' STYLES OP BIZ•QIIARTEEB: WIDE; WEIICII THEY AEI SELLING AT BEEBE SMCCIND 3misit ~' • etvi' •o; , _ '7 . # . 1 / 4 .4 4 ;,. "•• IR I !.IRE F. PHILLIPS (Sumner to J. M. Barchfielti & • SPRING DRY GOODS.- - SPIititri)RIFOOODS: . "" t " SPRING DRY GO O DS. . . KB.. PHILLIPS respectfully aniuninnea ow the extensive alterations to kis RETAIL DIM GOODS, 'STORE Are . ' con:4110;a; 'and Lie' ettiblishrrient Ii NOW OPEN. • hie opus an entirely • , ..:11rew.:Stock Goods, NFear, at the lowest Bast-` ern am ees: rtes, t.l - ABBVIIINoT,•1111/INNON ar, No:115 Wood pt., Pittabonet; DRY NOS ( AND NOTIONS, AT 1#0,83T EASTERS PRICES. 168. ' . Pus. NEW titoons. . • . NEW ALPACCAS. • . NE* arittiOn• • ; 'kick and - No. 168 IWylle Stretilt. .NDWS & CO4 C 4 I I : IEr !!' MCCA (Late Wilson, Carr & C 0.,) • WHOLESA.I.4, 'DEALERS u - FOreigil: and DOMedie .GoOdss No, 94.W901? EITILEtT, - , Third door above, Diamond , I , • .." .erxwAirEfig, PA.. And Check .ovidnekir.ne,e•o.e.reer.n.Anr. , „ WALL PAPERS! • • For rale AS THE crimirEsT, st No.lol Market Street,near . JOS. R. HUGHES & BR .0. et•ir:lto) al ;it :4 31 ;II 13c:11 -. . . siza4ataiurs: , . .... . - ~-... - SITIADI , CRACKER.BAIERY •,-:• , - 311' Liberty Street. ' Oat , Ofiekeie ere' baked lII3Oi the (rVICI;UBOT ' TOM: amt. are. auperior.te Any: baked: by hat sdr or :z! , -7 , 4-abii. TIM THEM ive' i - ts`i•'• ; ....,, . .. i N. s ~.. :,- :,m At iv.. : 7 ~7 , 4k);'-q •••• 7 : '-'•'. ._ til s r 1 11: C .1 _. nt.,,, i .. . L..' .. - - .a iiii irti iliii - oisEßs rs ... _ . Prllil{o , 37'ol74' SODA: CREAIii;'FRi*CH, WAT44.iI3I.ITTVR.d_UGAR, a_a_4:l3.C!DA:', .40R4c.5.- 'bW1cX.1.4 , 04.1E ouLT.. , -;, - For , Sale , . by Every Grocer- in ilia fity, , -- 144(041 2 Piii::9l. - 010iii. st.' , - r jed:ratv. - • - ''' ' '. BUSINESS . MANGE& •Noncie.' • 1701 1 LITSI: i t L . , t3 lOB wi,b i! lm At z-1 lIIRD B. WALL. Jab aon - •AISAS. %Limey= and LAUDS ENCILBRT Tbe• *CM!, of • 4.."SitLifPcs4l44 - • Referrlnd. to ;the above. the," titidefebra t t aide Weimar. lut stating that' tbeyiracontintos• e ;; ;:• -3/ . At 60•Wpod,atfeet, wham their Lopintttor ogee to, dneements linrchalers secondt ‘ n nd:b9,nae,ltf tbk' • • Irultediatates.• t‘ , '•• '•• • • •••"" '`•• &Lai' GILLESPIEI 411(00. ry A ssourriorczArioniPli , : or 'TWELL, ; LEE it VG."' weuf labsiolo d isa the i i omebra n ry 4 ftaii4 by mutual , Consent.ll Zither partner may aiim pa ; mum „ if the armTWEL In settlement. AL, ~ ~" ; 1 - ':'tips: k' Jr.l 'o=llEB 'ATWELL. The unddfatid'wfll continue the air GROCERY B . INEfati under the name and 5 le of ATWELLA.4EXf ,satßeald_slacevlio. 131 Be fd street: - A oonttnuenee c i lftage Mends andeihttitibUe hi ii attona mentette&of teir -': tinyitnart; t 9, , ,:; f yr-- ..-,.-: r:ANIzitMEE4,,7, AWC. , 01 , *I'tiltt1 74$ F.fan 4,;- z 0, ) ,.- ; • -;',l 1 co. Aim— knetalooll :i.;aii , . ,l 49 r AM.„.m , Tmlz-..-_T t ly,rm# l ,. : -',• ,:. • ..t.:,,,;, , ,:-.4.,,,.;•4:1).:1 e.ds el 1, !.... — N-YP,'"" x:; or Illromegt, ST• A COLAMEti" •+ R ,"; ,. .llnkll 1, 1 1 774._ 'lOl e.:11.q,,1 : 17 ilnt.,Cl , :, • aill 1: 1 91 k , 3 , r.19•72.11, i -4 ,0i . .4,1ii If: I l i.:14q11 faill .7 I:. i ill t ... , L . kirribitleriiiid.te7 onforphia : oil *int) ilz ,4. , d, - 41:: ~ , , , ! %, r ,'lll f ,i; , .01f5iST•;r61 . v( ! ) ::TSW:i.. , :t; '.;"tti , " t ri , 7 , nl;:/ij ''likii I;',..:ff f.. r .a 4: l 'l thillnitmezi.:pa. 4 . soyiujoi DRY GOODS. IIVIEIOL•ESALIAM WALL PAPER. For HALLS, PARLORS; CHAMBERS and KITCHENS, ••• • • In GREAT . TAXIVIT,' _.l NDR43A.TifE-Atrau 1103 TATE. - 4-- - ..,........."4.;.„- ..... 4 • 14 . If'' .. ':• . - i - •:- ------) Await'pm:. AND 'ECM" OE O ii tev iL i irD, viteated he Black Lick! Creek, B talc* to hip, India a county, pa_i 9 nines hilts NI eitation.o4 the Pennsylv aniiJ Central Reiliroap4 and - about OW acres of cleartvl litttik ender g cotli retielllffe - ', Ora the-es are-_, erected ohm Gristillilll. wi t *man 0.. burrs and run of stories, all complete anerta g running , or 4 der. One Saw Ildill, In complete order. entracte 3,000 feet per day. , ~, - , One dwelling" toxin, two stories high, with Ipli rooms, 40x62 feet. I One dwelling, 318:40 feet, S rooms. ; One " laxiaft •• 2 • - i Oa ; 1. •-•'.. ' Neale; Iv , -4. ; •r: F. . One , 4 ' 0 % , 4 2.0x26 *- ,T 2 .' ' f 24:20,- a ' -- One Srable,' 00/20 feet,'2o feethightElacarootil Sbo • and other . oinhuildings, Ibis land Is under -1 lal . Wit-atone coal and iron Ore, and It has plentiii of naverifOing springs of wafer, Wide, the cree rrinainfrtMotigh the entire premises, and will be, sold and oil easy, terms,:to a good max with a , littlizermey. --, I-1 t ~.4 ' . , - , 10 LOTS ON BEDFORD AVENUE, each lot 20i by, 100 feet, oni whirls is erected four twastory; friMe dwelling hOuries, of rooms and: liall each.'; These' lots embrace a full square of ground , front./ , ing 200 feet on Bedrord at cone. and bounded ond eeeP end hf ) i f r , wlin street, With,a4 XS feet alley In tiseieer, tO Premises's* pinup Or Mating midi excellent* ter.- rid the' garter* Of the'lots Is levet and.needs neither ailing pang radius to prepare thew for building purpcips, and being In a section of the`( cite where _prefer .is inereirsiliff-,TerY rapt M in; value, make them,desirable for an Investment. ete-,3 dolly as the present houses: gent Am-enough to par_ a " goo 'd' interest on the sum 'asked for thr - wholet property. Call soon on the rindersignedandsecure : a Cheep, sale and -paving investment. -,- Also, A PARlif_l3P 160 ACRES of good land,l !'situated In Beef Wlisatdeldlownildp. Indlaik C0. , - . Pa., 90 acres 9f which is cleared laud, in good cult -1 tinti o n, pplokompeing IsCtgeellenr Meadow. The improvements area two-story frame dwelling house- , of 4 rooms, a frame bank barn, 30x60 feet, with;) stabling underneatb, and ,qther outbuildings; all in. good repair.- It Is ,In a , good neighborhood, eonve-4 nient to schools, chorehers, stores. &c.. and will be y sold very low for cash or a ppreced securities. - Also, a. RIVER, iti)=0111 FARM of 10 acres, 19; ,miles from the city, in - Elisabeth township, Alle- . , gheny county, Pa:, on the Yough berry ritot, onci- , 4 . half mile from Elrod's Station, on e Connelhivllle; , l -railroad; near saturates, schoo l s , a s, MC, WOK?: flourishing villages of Reston and G reen Oak. - The; ioir 4e linproVementit are'a twe.stoty brick house ot•BLX') rootne, hell and cellar, *good frame bank herald:ln: , stabling underneath, and other otatbuildlnge; nWell ! ~ of good standing water at the door, - and; ervieralk standing_springs of 'cwater on the farm, and an or chard Of 700 trees of selected fruits of applesonier, e le Al e c z g a ir=liara ge t s hrtro P r es aie t grill , !ti ~,... one hour's sills of the city, makes It vent de" ; arable for'gardening or , 'a dairy farm; It le atso a, good and beautiful location for country hornes,neat =achy, lying immediately on the river, on the op-i POSite side from the railroad. The West Newton; Accommodation and other Crane On the railroad al, .fbrd certain and frequent 'opportunities of daily communication.to and from the city. Will be 21.01 d i ass whole or,in luta of one acre or more, to suit par: : Also, A TAW& 0 173 ACRES, situated .hr St.': Clair township,- Westmoreland county, Pa:, neari the line of the Pennsylvania Railroad at Houston: Station. The Improvements are a two-story framc house,. with silt rooms and • .good cellar, a future liana: barn 4 0 by GO fbet, and other outhnilditurs. • There? is on the plaoe 1: ung apple and peach orchard; 120 acres cleared )arid, divided into Held* of.conve-,4 Went size; a large portion of which "are well set in; clover and•timothy tate residue of laid tract ceov?; ereh d : tim bei -It is well , watered and uol derlaid with coal and limestone , and is convenient! td churches,' schools; stores; mills and blucketuithl shops. A real good berstain is offered in this excel= lent farm; and with It will be sold all the personal-, property- on the premises consisting of :herses,r Cows, stock cattle; Obeli =id Poultry, harness; gears,' wagon., piton: farming ImPlemenb and - bouseholdl and kitchen furniture..gogether wllroldi low and on easy terms, to a responsibl e nrchastil Also. a desirable and Very fertile Trac Of land 0 ' / 5 8 AORES A.ND illi PERCHES. In ElisabethlTo. i Allegheny county, Pa., on the llue of the Herapeeeki rahroad. and one and• one-half miles from Ina Con-- nelleville railroad atSuter's Station. , On this farm' are 40 sere of superior white oak timber, ,whict4 alone Is now worth one-half the.price asked for 00 whOle tract. The linprovements are a log Reuse,' frame barn, good fencing. and an apple orchard of good fruit. It is well a atered and underlaid ,withi mestone and Sag stone of a superior quality , wan. tone coal for the use of the ram,' e l ,__Also, The -best FARM, In Fairfi eldt...townwp Westmoreland county. Pa., of 250 ACRES,' about i six miles south of the Pennsylvania Central 'Hall:, road at Bolivar Station. , The lanprovementa are two large hewed log dwellingat one or the,largest and best frame; barns id, the township; two apple or; chasds, In good bearing. condition; corncrib, dragon 4 shed and ,other; outbuildings.. The whole Term li under a high state of cultivation; Pane:a ti l inm* .rate order, and the land of the besbonal &fame , stone soil, about 400 ac;es of which is cleared and the residue of the tract in good timber, such as white oak,'rock Oast, hickory, Walnut and beech. This property will' be sold very cheap and on good terms,. as. the owner ;wisher to engage in other busi ness. , For particulars enquire or H. 1 G. KR. TO vi_ , Ell. - 164 Fourth Ohre**. , , je2thoCi , - ,tt , -,. • ,- . . . , OR' SALE. I - . ..-, '. - • ..- • i Two. HOUSES AND ' ROT on Carroll , street. - Allegheny,. This property WII) pc sold lows - an the party is about leaving the city. und,Wifdles to dispose of the opert W y before removing. ' - .- - , SA pr .MLL, TWODwEr.xure $01:18.813, TWO BARNS,, with good ~ITARM, and about SOO : acres 'thither land. 'This property will be sold low. '',Cash 13500-balanee on time to suit buyer. • FARM °F,l3* ACRES, will be sold for-twenty, dollars per acre.l Improvements comfortabletram house and good ban; 50 acres of the land c ear. :FARM OF no AOlt.l. near the line of raliroaZ, very well located for raising stock; improvement s are goodand substantial; 400 acres of the land in, meadow and grain. %; I' . ' •• • ANTIC. EItOPERTY. , -Will sell s good brick lipase, containingt lice rooms, at Sixteen Hundred Pollare,j and would rent for the amount in six years. i _A - LARGE; • LOT OF , GROUND, having- "s river, • flout._ and very convenient of access.. .. • - - TANNERI, conrelalent tq .the city, and having al welt.established custom •br • local trade connected ,•iherewith; a good dwelling mid forty acres of land. FOUR LOTS in Sharpsburg, near the railroad.; 'Would make kgoodgoal yard. , , 4 1 HOTEL - FOR.SALE. due Hotel properl;y,; situated at the Blairsville Junction,. •contslui fourteen rooms, and ,the. necessary outbuildings ' , 'with three acres 'orlarden arid- frmt 'trees, Thisi 'well located. hotel will, be sold low, as the prnprie-1 for wishes to retire from blindness., • - . .• .- ' .. .. Fl* RENT. -• , .' - . Power and a larger , BOOni and Yard for rent, in* good . Won't:M. - W 111111: rented for 'short or loot time. - " " 1, • • Two new Briek-Hotises,"3 rootuseach.o. , Two new Brick Holues, 11 rooms each t ~-:',-; .One new ,FrameXOtase.- 4-r°°ln4l ' 'l . • " Two-neVr Brick notifies; 3 rdomseaelii One new Frame House in • WlJkinsburgobavingl • gar -au , roortts and a large lot, well aniten for den: I'• • . . - i • A Elea COUNTRY HOME Tor rent - for $BOO per annum. Possession given first ...of...lnne, o sooner if required. FOR LEASE OR SALE-3 Lots on . Mortoq street,/ !Ninth Ward; If acne that can be • divided Into acrel 5 tots in flatland l ' '.- •-'•' " - ' - ' • ing_klouses. FOR. RENT-51 large Houses, suitable for Bbard-4 r 4: : i 1 :•t 3•''• • , ..i. f- - • 1 WANT/W-4,000 414 Qt/iv/04 8 to 5 inches/ ' .•, ' ' ' TO , i9APP—SSO;OOO, , ', ' I I IN SUMS OP 140Q0 AND UPWARD. ' 1 I I , , ; ,.. AP PLY AT' .• . .• - - i I DiPiIIATCIPS, EALBSTATEIIIIIOE Ali - -1 Iv , ';',.,' '-; , ta t i '' . 3iO4' 91:(Iniipit'Fiti, Pithewg.lii. f apv:pis . • _-,----,,—, .2 - 000 els . 4- "-F 4 CHOICE LANDar•TOR:I9I4- 4 :,te r „.., • ~.., ,1.,-.,...-.r i ..:..„,.. „, . 3 . „i i J . ~.,...,:,- -L., , 4 ~,„,,-, .. , .-- - ~ _ 1 f•t' 1 ::,,, :•':t 1 , 1 , , 77 .. 7 .-f:' ' ' , %' ,. i ,' t Tat tw . .. ,, r..dtPe.C.. , • ..f • . , -:: '-. . . ,11. t, Union. ,Iztaitroacz Coin 4y, 1 .,.... .; ..i,:_ . ;,• • • .2; imkrzoi)tvilioil,:•...,, 1 Lying ahem the lite their read, et -,.; : , ' , :.4=i Lf4 -..p/- 1 ,••:. :-..-: :1:•• i f ;.'!..!', :11;:. : ',, - 2°' t :,:• • •.. .•! . .f.- -:..• ~)• • $l,OO TO $6, 00 PER ACRE, ...I '4 L . ...i .-.... to 4iko , -.114 1 / 4 ),rroymigT443.. , , ... ~ : a 11`oifttiftiettiaitIcairi;,14,0,,te:,aidreig- It* ".,•.7 :-- ..' • -, ..,11 :.7..7:11 , ...: ~-• -i ,1-- - .•:. •.•• . ett 73.1 1 :0,9iIIP.DRIMIZITX. V . ms, tend ckenteissidner -Topeka, Luna& efq.. 0.... i . r CHAS., Pi :' Liti:B 0111 11•11414 9 y;- t ',' ..) Af..,. ,,- et•-. itt.,.-i•-•:,,,--.., 1._01114: n illhOtl _,..L t ii a' ziq - ~...... -_______• . l. -,..- ' titrairlia moire in il* ii EALpitsT , . . , ~,. c ta BIIARICIMaref those ' offered Ibi sale la the Vag "Maga of Allentown junitining the Dial- e 1 A 1 ; ing Snl line,..'mal oillyitirtan wounta.lewalk from 4 V the hada , tini•Bltmon alien, i hedge: .Thitriown is it 4:. growing ranidly. Over 70,000 wasmaitadhr lots . ; ,::....-s. aid last seasou,land, gar air man dweinmrs 'Were %IL& ereetit•tirlut the" ;mann, •• As' a'speeiat Inducement • trrtnechwities.;wn itruWilmagra Ala UM Walla or •?..,.., s , -the loialittheJort Prir ive di Or Mai to rettati_9_ each. ;3 'and dti terms easier than PaY/SIC- Mit , '‘,"` 0 4= 4 ! • 1 '.% 1 the prendsep even— , aeon monk td a 7,9 ~ ;; ig ra_milyhat .ostualott)Bornec.qt V onraanu.Smlth- R,114‘ IL, tiltgatlirn %REIM/Met l'l'll-17/1/ VA. , -, Etailit; Oltvinthilroi- thugs ‘two-litery • 'Able ~i•i,;, ouge, gmadulne/o.ftang„.ineludingytionine(par- glyfr. to , wati "mable mantra, 'Mal Allthq, modem Ira- il ' - ;,0.1"; provementri 1 acre or fifottelvwith' m"al i h . I VO trelPAMl rtift- i ti t t a letia, art y A I n e re IF O I 2 14 V3 ll * This la one,ortbrr Dadra ittielliqUeilieny• sonntr,:•AA___lnllll s aelgh 21k_loP 7at 44'1 % ' ll/ 4,l'n'Ar4ti/V0 - I)l. tait 0 / l aal VT Zirant ~..."5?.4 .... .._ . • - 1 .4.-4' E 4441PGALIftimi4atnises' ..,r;,,k-IA, • & L 'ittliggik i attintlitAljextli. 381125 aliti r iont an- 670, ) Ott iiJPWll,llqh "8. PM iimpamatinmisi I :mm4 *II a P''," 1 ; ..• • - I 4; 1 ; • . • talaingnsas , 111/41/416517,4 4 ' ••. • • ara ra " /10 Brat 11 • AltD street , oPPeatte Canotimie i 11 FEI II