W r-~.J O. . :CITY 'AND strsi3ilßAl. Daily Prayer Meetlim7Front . Al x. to `tl Eo`o~clos at the RittosAftikhli*6ll, rilth JAr. dg"-t9 o..4FrT.EftfAcO. AlleghenyCouncils.—A' regular meeting -of the Allegheny . city.Cpuneils,will be held "'this isVettlng.l • , • Be —vYorkinen are engfreged in tb.e floor Of the Smithfield Street Anspenffon Bridge. CAMlP.letion•—Tbe spire on the Lutheran 10flitreh,;.ein "High Street, - has' been corn- Veted. It, is quite an imposing piece of aFchiteeture. Itecovered.—Alderunan Mullen, of the "Third ward, Allegheny, who has been sick for some time past, has recovered Abe found at his post. . - - ." / and Bittery,--Willfain Rgers ;made information against .Tames WiCken ahaw before Alderman Thomasyeaterday charedg him with'Aisasialt and batterY,. A warrant was issued for his,arrest. Ihe Old Folks' Concert ',to.tkight, for the benefit of the Fifth Street MethOdist ,church i ,promises:to„ prove the ; grandest affair Or the season. The most eminent talent of , beth cities will participate. • Fot Wunabered.....The houses hi the Routh aide boroughs are not.numbered. It would certainly be a great oonvenienecto business Men and the oitiv •ns generally if those on JCarson street, at least, were numbered. L iCiptibanitoison;ot the stearnboat Repub lic, has been adjudged guilty of homicide by a'COroner's jury sitting on the body of anegroi at St,. Louis 'yesterday.: His many friends in'this city will deeply - regret the occurrerme. ' ' Bearding „House- Thleves.—The boarding /muse of Mrs. 'Robinson, Robinson' street, Allegheny, was entered yesterday morn ing by some sneak thief, who broke open the trunk of one of the boarders and stracted $55 from it. • . . Beer Kan *Robbed.---Yesterday Morning l'red;rEinsteirs boer, ball was entered by sonie . Pilfering thief While the proprietor - was lying asleep at the dodr, aud.the money drawer broken open and robbed of its con tents, amounting to twenty dollars. The Fourth of./Oly.—A petition, numer ously signed by the principal business men Of•Abit city, has been presented to the Mayor, muisting him to issue a ptoclamation ;pro - hfbiting.t.he pse of Mire works and fire arms in the city on the Fourth of July.. Diamond Ear Riugs.-- . - Yesterday we had the pleasure of "looking at a set of ear rings set with one diamond stone in each ring that cost twenty-two hundred dollars in gold. They were on' exhibition at 3". R. ed dg Co . 's jewelry store, :Fifth; street. • The Festival for the toenefit of the Ross 13treet M. E. Church, in Lafayette' natillvoutimiesi -Ttiose of our refulerslcho ' defiird to ehjay'si nice 'dish - Cries - &earn or atraviperries, they At same time aid a worthd cause. shoul,d, remember ,La- Completed.--The double track on the Pittsburgh and Birmingham Passenger .Bailmay will be completed to thePostoftice switch, at s Groesvnor street, Birmingham, and acOnnection"made Friday - Morning. after-which the double track will be used to that poina z: .; . . ' Conduct: Mrs. Shiedaker ;oral' brought . before AldermaniMullen, of - yesterday, charged wlth-,ditior derly Conduct, on oath. of 3liss'Augusta • -I.instade, who alb:fps that the defendant threw a bucket of hot water over her. Case nettled On payment of costs. Committed.—William -Phillips, eharged , on eath,of William Anderson with the lar -.l".beriv of. a pocket • diary' txmtaining a five dollar bill, a coupon ticket on the Pennsyl . vania Railroad and some fractional eurren - cy; was arrested , yesterday and .taken ; - fare the Mayor, who eominitted him to jai: in defap.lj.of 7 Liatlfor,abearin_g.. • Slight pre.—A slight fire occurred yes terday itf One - Of Mi. Quinti's houses, in a , ICk)urtoffiliglt street,' between Webster and . Wylle. The fire originated In the roof, Iroms defeefiye flue. The alarmwasgiyen from Dix 27, at Grant and Webster streets, ---and-therfire'department responded-prompt ly. TbelbtMos , were .eatingblished before any damage was done. - Larceny' of Wateli.kaliiek Ragan made information before the Mayor yester day, charging , John. Bird and others with. larceny .fie , alleges" that he=-vas taken Into a drinking saloon on Webster street, l'hird•ward, where 'he got drank, and that 'while asleep, hi.s• watch - valued at $5O was 'Laken. Bird was arrested, and is in the lock-up waiting a hearing. Annie Crawford, the insane woman arrested at the Union. Depot Tues.' day, all account 'of whiCh we Published yes ..terday, was taken home by her husbtind, "but escaped again the same evening and esmie to this' dty: 'se - elicit; akieStbd and taken tojail r with a / view of , havink the Cal* broughVbefbre the Court fin order to have her sent to the Hospital. Atter , /Pt4 Sutrble.--Mrs. Jung, residing ' Third street, in the Third ward, Alle gheny, attempted to commit suicide yester day afternoon by cutting her throat with a razor, It appears that. she has been sick ‘-for some time, and has been very much de pressed in spirita far several days past. 18he succeeded in cutting a seridiss gash in ker . neck, ,which macjet proyiejatig, Alleged Lareeny.—William Price made information before Alderman Thomas, yes .: day, chargingJosenif Fink with larceny. He alleges that he was drunk on Tuesday, in East Birmingham, and - feeling sleepy laid down in .Peter Cuff's stable and went to sleep, when his pocket book containing four dollars was taken from, him. The ac 'cased was arrested and hekl.for; a hearing. Troyer and Cenvenion.--Robert Ormsby made oath before Alderman Taylor yester day; charging William Gilmore with troVer .. - .llnd,coiVersiOnt Ormsby: alleges tbatGil snore retains possession of two trunk" eon- Mining clothing belonging to him; not ith : standing an offer in the presence :of wit nesses'-of the amount of two weeks board ing, which is the ilep against the propsrty. watradt Was issued.= A - Fatal' 'Accident.--On MondaY evening _last a little son of Thom „Livatetter,..aged about two yearaewhile playitieirrhis fath er's houpe s on tha ; corner Laconk 'and sanduatietreets4, Allegheny. tripped and fell, driking hie head with iso =much force sgainat the Boer as to ettuatihini to b4:l thrown Jute , spasms. i Drs. W.illara , , and Roman were called in, bat despite 9034r,efforts death ensued on Tuesday. comxneneeinenti-th4ohniinbirise' ox erciaeaof St. Nary'a Acadinpy i ege of the most worthy of the i3duelitional inetitiitiona Inckebf the Sisters of littercy'okere held yugay in the Convent'ehapel, on Weib atterstr :.Therriting' ladies evintedlate .sehcdarsldp and training, and all in attend ance were pleased and delighted • 'With the manner In which thsylkowtted them selves in the very interesting entertain- InciPtraAorsleadirzt Robbery on Penn . StreetTekteiday =errant thshouse of John. Schribner. a -Jakob keepeiafsEB Pekin street, was enter:. ad by burglars and robbed , of. one hundred revs dollars WI wobhafd IVert and ?ft*. iitausgt'We" hld eY; The t:xe *is iakeri froin'a *roan drawiiiln Attedaxmllitthe back part of the house. !The thieves effected - an entrance fr spring alley to the back yard, and broke *pen MO window with a ',jimmy." --1 -&' - f t x r ~"'~, -.~ 1 - `, ~ ~ r " +. .~ jlt - f > ~*. '~.az h.}.. rz '3>e, -z;~r'`>~ ~, ..~:C 3x;~.ni .ynr~Mk.[~w x r:✓-xlXi~~,'-" c`: ~ .i. The Apotheosis of the Strawberry. - ~. 4' thl reader is di:ll4_lod i li3 slittlidix a . Ilion : tint trice of irreverence in our use of an (expression which implies the deifica- I. tion of: any.creatttre; .he will lbe good enough to remember that, while really to, be construed only .in the ~;•poetic BOO* ' the term -is not 'Cary' "eitfava gently out of the way in the estimate of. any one who yesterday availed himself of the catholic liberality with which that high-priest in the temple of Pomona, Mr. Knox, Dade. all admiring Lworshippers of this lot - Sliest of her fruits, to assist in cele brating the annual rites in her praise. For Pomona, goddess of fruits, bestowing the strawberry -mark of her maternal love upon the most beautiful of her children, fitly ( named it' Jucunda• and gave it the hielf , Rt, placs,ather altar, , • The'ivriter made one of ii.party of some fortY or "fifty 'gentlemen; "horticulturists, horticulturists, amateur and professional, journalists and other distingnished citizens who, yester day,.assisted at the annual festival with which our friend Mr. Knox celebrates the return of , the strawberry.time, and calls about him the most capable experts to wit ness and pronounce upon the fresh tri umphs which his skill and patience have won, within the.,luelt twelve-month; from a generous and grateful Nature. We passed through his extensive plantations, threaded the Mazes of the vineyards, lingered step by step over the broad acres where the coquettish strawberry—most luscious and healthful of fruits—half conceals, half re veals its blushing sweetness to the 'tun, wandered through fruit-houses, :among green-houses, hot-beds, cold-frames; wine presses; packing-rooms, busy shops and great barns; seeing so much to admire that we were only conscious of how much the brevity of our stolen leisure denied to us, •al ..closer 'examination; , and then turned our steps homewarkdoWn from the breezy upland atmosphere where the bright sun.of June scorns the contaminations of Pittsburgh air, down from an Eden of al ma-at tropical verdure and of .more than Arcadian loveliness, back to the city heat, and smoke, and dust, and noise, and pros pect of grimy bricks and blackened - stone. Reader, had you soared up with us yester day. into that modern Paradise, - Which taste, and.wealth, and patience, have created just beyond the crest of the hill overhanging the Monongahela, and had you delivered your ielfnp as voluptuously to the enjoyment of the scene, the higher and purer sensuous pleasures which the true lover of Nature alone knows how to enjoy, you would not wonder a bit that we find it rather tough- this thing of getting down once more to the dull level of the mere work-a-day world. But down we must! .Thoughit be getting rathtir late else where, we - found the strawberry season at its height at the Knox farm. This is due to the skill and care which have developed new varieties, 'some maturing early, and others ripening late, and still more again carrying in kindly harmony upon one the great ripe berries, almost heart-sick in their perfected sweetness, and the hard green germs of fruit that yet need more than a week of courtship from the sun. The display on' the vines vas admirable; but that of thedifferent varieties, evidently not selected with any special care, upon the long tables in an upper hall, was really _magnificent. The peerless Jucunda— Knox's greatest triumph,-there reigned at home, a queen in 'her own realm bv birth right,,regal in ; her blonde beauty. . . . -Next to her, supporting her,,the Fillmore, a ,bru nette as dark as if reared under a Southern snn, served not as her rival but as her per fect foil, And up and down the tables were ranked and grouped and ,mixed some fifty others of the hundred or More varieties of the strawberry. All the old favorites were there, eclipsed by new and more brilliant rivals, but still honored. with a remem brance of-what • they had been: The dis play -wits; taken altogether; such as no other one man in America cordd make, in the line of this specialty. , Mr. Knox has nearly two 'hundred acres of laud, an upland plateau, of limestone clay soil, devoted to the culture of small fruits and berries for , the markets, and to their propagation to supply orders from every quarter of the Country: He em ploys about a hundred work-people, of both sexes, old and young, his pay 7 roll, winter and summer (for the work on such a farai varies, from month to month, only in kind, not in degree,) is about $5;006 per month, he sends away-hundreds of bushels of fruit daily to the most distant markets, having his own telegraph connection with the city, so that he can talk at any moment , with his agenta in the: distant cities, his businesivin every branch seems to be sys tematised to precision and he has fairly earned and 'worthily *ears the 'coronet of the American Fruit King. .As the seasons roll around, the strawberry loaf gives place to that of the vine, but from June to No-, vember, it is his own crown still.. . We might write at great length of the wonderful things which Mr. Knox has ac complished, but time and space equally forbid. It is enough now to say ,that what he has ecoomplished by the aids of science, Capital and industry, on a scale Unrivalled elsewhere in America ; , othors may emulate hereafter, " perhaps in a less detrree, :_by studying his example. His fruit-farm com prises a world of thitruchon for the ama teur or professional horticulturist, and will repay the visitor for the longest journey. Executive Committee Meeting. A regular meeting _of the Republican County Executive Committee was held yesterday - at two o'clock r. is, in the Grand Jury room at the Court HOUse. There was a full atteudance, and the meeting wha unusually, large and interestiug one. „ The meeting was 'called to Order at two o'clock, Hon. Russell. RrrettLin; the chair and John H. Stewart Secretary. . • Mr. Stewart read letters of acceptance of appointment on the Cominittee from a large number of persons; also a letter from J. N. Bear, the "Buckeye Blacksmith," in refer ence to the organization of Grant and Col fax clubs throughout the county. 'On motion of Gel. Hilands, a Coninait tee of three, consisting of the Chairman, 'Secretary and William M. Hunter, WeSap. - pointed to attend to the Matter. On motion, the following named gentle men were added to the Committee . ' Meksrs. Henry Meisterfelt, David McCutcheon, D. C. Ripley, Jacob Affelder, Louis Morgan stern, Josiah Coliedand Joseph Albeitz.• The Committee Onlicadquarters report ed that City Hall had been procured for the use of the Committee- during the cam paign! The report was acccpteci. Hon Galugha A. Grow, Chairman of the State Central Committee, addressed the Committee oikthe issues of the campaign. ' The 'ComMitteci adjourned to meet at City Rabi c which will hereafter be the headquar ters; July istAt '2 o'clock p. The Committee have not yet completed the- Appointments , of subcommittees. • throughout the county, but will have them made and they will be announced 'at the next meeting.- - - Serf one' Ate.[dent. Yesterday, evening, about lour o'clock, Vilebn'Lee, ICI* about fintrteen y'said of ageLigotsofbl4 Lee, of the firmof Atwell, Lee it co.,,residing en Federal street, int with a aorioua accident, by which his leg Inn broken. He Wu ascending frtrin, Sec 'end street to Bluff' at the point .where the rdspaktaii.tip-the-preciploe- near the river dimpoind-afteurcaohing; tb c first bench • in •the - precitirce; left the steps and atteinioted 't4.ol l mb up the repaindec sic into- bill be yond them. When he bad reached - al:Out alamt forty feet ahoy* the drat bimoh or o ff., sktche fit - stied his . footiug, and was preclpi tated tothe bench below, where-his ing caught in' scinaetrifsh andvevented Almftvin,faUlng further.. Tao cap of hi s left knee was broken, and heves otherwise seriously !Witted. He was carried tolhe residence of his father by some men who had seen him fall, where by received pro- per medical attention. . . . PITTSIIitGa::IIO.2ETTE TAW • V-,r • • 4 THE MUIR& ti . Common pleas—Judge Mellon. •• • In; the ease of Hugh lloberta ya. John Clelland and Sheets and Shriyer, report-. ed yeateiclay, the Jury found for the plain tiff inihe sum of 6361. - Munro, Hamilton t Co. VS same: Two actions, on mechanics' liens. The jury found for the plaintiff in the sum of seventy dollars and twenty-five cents in each ease. E. R. McGregor vs. The Allegheny Coun ty Laundry and Manufacturing Company. This was an action on a promissory note. Verdict for defendant% find,„ll - balance of fifty dollars certified in their favor. t - John Reider vs. The Allegheny River Navigation Company, of Pittsburgh. This was an action to recover damages caused by a boat of the defendant's running into and oil boat belonging to the plaintiff: On trial.l Following Jo the trial list for this day : MAY LIST. N0.'14. Mauch irs. " Hahn. -TUNE LIST. . - - • ... No. 7. Ahl vs. Barberlsch. No. 8. Bruggeman TB. 'Wier et al. No. 11. Wallace vs. Ammon. No. 12. Young & CO. vs. White. ' ' , No. 14. Cokalne vs. Scott. . No. 10. Bauer vs. MeClarren. No. 17. Zimmerman vs. Koch. ' ' No. 18. Conover & Co. vs. Aiken. No. 211. Steel vs. Jackson. No. M. Schmidt vs. Bauer. Fo. 26. Wut...Bobinsv, Atimlnistrator ,vs.. Pitts burgh; Allegheny & Manchester Rallvity,Coe ' - No. 27. b'pithers vs. Hope. 1 No. M. Shaffer vs. Burns' executors. , Court of Quarter Seeslons--Judge Stowe. In'the cross-assault and battery eases be tween Dr. J. H. Herron and Peter Kirch verdicts of not guilty were iendere , and defendants ordered to pay the costs. The attention of the Court was occ pied for the remainder of the day in the' trial of an adultery case, the details of. which we prefer not publishing. Second U. P. Church, 4llegheny The congregation of - the second U. P. Church, of which Rev., John B. Clark is pastor, ,contemplate , making extensive improvements in their honse, ; corner of Stockton avenue and Sandusky street. The .worlt. was commenced., a: few Aar; ago and will be pushed .for Ward as rapidly as possilße. It is designed to raise the'present structure adding another story 'under neath. The raising of 'the building, a rather delicate job, has been undertaken by Mr. Uollingwood, .of Chicago, Who did similarwork with the Tremont House and several large blocks of buildings in that city, and who engages to have it completed in fifteen days from the time of commend ing. The additional story thus created will be fitted up in a handsome manner. anti used as a lecture and Sunday School room, in the rear of which will be several smaller rooms, one for the pastor's study. and the others for tho large Bible classes of the Sunday School. The whole front of the present building will be torn away and a new one, extending fourteen feet further forward to within ten feet of the pavement, will take its place. In, this addition will be the vestibule, with Winding stairs loading to the audience chamber, which will be refitted and furnished, throughout. The small space in front will be laid off in a neat grass spot, and enclosed with an iron railing. After the additions and repairs have been completed, the whole building will under go :a thorough" painting, which will materially beautify its appearance. The estimated cost of the alterations is two thousand dollars, and when finished, the church will compare in 'architectural style and handsome and Imposing appearance with any.of the modern structures of this character in either city, Chartipre Rallruad. We have hitherto noticed that the Penn sylvania` Railroad had given out that it would push forward and complete the Chartiers Valley Railroad to Washington, Pa., if the sum 01'5300,000 be subsoFibed to the capital stock by those interested in the project. The conditions for the payment of this sum is that 25 per cent. of the sub scription be paid when one fourth of the road is constructed; 25 per cent. more when one.half ofthe road is finished; 25 per cent. more when three-fourths of the road is completed, and the remaining instalment when the road is in successful running pr der. At a recent meeting held in Canonsburg, the following gentlemen were appointed from Washington county to visit Pittsbargh and solicit from our manufacturers and business men the bal ance of the $300,000 required for the com pletion of the road (890,000), Messrs. Hon. John H. Ewirig, John Johnson, C. M. Reid, C. Ritchey and William McDaniel. These gentlemen held a meeting at the St. Charles Hotel yesterday and Strengthened them selves with the following Pittsburgh addi tions to the committee: Hon. James Black more, Messrs. J. F. Slagle, George B. Neal and Harry Shirls. These gentlemen will call on our citizens for subscriptions to the work and we trust will receive generous encouragement. liollara, Dimes and Duty. ( ' The excellent self-sacrificing ladies, who , manage so judiciously the affairs of the Home of the Destitute, orke!of our most effi cient and benefloent public charities, opened yesterday, at City Hall, their side of ftincy articles and daily lunch. In a brief visit during the day, wewitnessed the profusion of good things to be enjoyed—Strawberries, Ice Cream and Cakes. with an elegant dis plio of Boquets. The inside of the Hall is fragrant with sweets for the eye and the palate. The sale and enter tainment in to be continued through this day and evening. The place is so pleasant ft? and attractive, and the obj one that should touch every heart, that e cannot see how our readers can forego , the pleas ure or the duty of visiting! th Hall, and making glad the hearts of the destitute by , filling their treasury, with I 'liars and Dimes. , Allegheny ,County. Agricultural, Society, The Board of Managers /of the County Agricultural, Society held a meeting yes terday at Ro.lo St. Clair street. Present— Messrs. Kelley, Jennings, Mellelvy, Mc- , Kee, • Chess, Anderson, and Capt. John Young, Jr., President. The premiums for •the County Fair wire completed and - ordered ,to be printed for general distribution. The fair will be held on Tuesday, Wed nesday, Thursday and Friday, Oetober Pith, 7tli, Bth and; 11th, at the Society's grounds, near City*Park. • The Board adjourned to mee6 on Wed nesday, at 10 o'clock A. At.,JUly th, to hear the report of a special committetiappointed to procure a supply of water for he fair. False IPietence. Janaes painter, ofTemperance lie, made information before the Mayor, eiterday, charging Thomas Jefferson Pain r, a color ed- man, with obtaining money nder false pretence& The information states that he obtained 8100 from the prosecutor by rep resenting that he owned p a lease on a lot in Temperanceville, and that he offered toil. Aim the 'lease to him as, security for the money, and that he afterwards sold said lease with an intention to , cheat and de 'Mita. Rather a strange case of else pre tence this. , The testimony of the rowan tor, As contained in the information, is evi dencethat,there wee no fan) pretence at the .time , the money was obtained. The awe Won't "hold water.” _ . ntige,tenc4 010.--loaaa mem a colbr ed • todlyldital,,'l4lllges before AWerman Mullen, 'otatllegheny,lhat Walter Stevens, driver of a brick wagon, threatened to kill him with a brick. UomprOMised, eaCh par. ty paying half the code. a -\~t ~ .. ~ -._ .. ~~ ... v~ _.~~ ~. .' -ti '[ (,~- ~ "~o''`~.a~r.~_..._l, _ .... .? 3 JI -'s te a:'; : ~ r {'F..,.rw s~ TY 'u. ,! ~ F IX t ._. r Sr ~- ~ ~+ a ~_ ~,'as~i):.£.~~-}4 nr~, .».x.>w Y'vf Li. ° .k_";~ v'z-",ls~~ie,~r ¢ ~ ; K~i.~z4shx ~x: ~ ~a *~r red-.~~n.-,at a rr ae.;i;" ,s~ x ~ .r,src,~ ~ : r.~%.+:-.,aa~.betreo-s~. I i`z'^'~.~.~~ Anottwr Confidence. Game. Fiank J. Kraig, a resident of St. Mary's, on the Allegheny river, has been the victim of a confidence game, if his story can be re . lied on, which is as follows: He alleges that about ten o'clock last night, while waiting in the depot of the Allegheny Valley Railroad for' thei train n which he was to take passage for Oil City, a young man, giving his name as S. P. Silley, stepped up to • him, and after passing the compli ments of the season, entered into a conver-. Batton after ascertaining the destination of Kraig. Kiley, it is alleged, said he was go ing to St. MaWs, and that - he had a lot of machinery, dog wheels, dte., which he was shipping to a Mr. Smith, of that place. Upon Kraig remarking that Smith, was a friend Salley began to be more com municative, d told his new acquaintance that he need not purchase any tickets if he bad not don so already. pp he had a couple of passes w ch would dolor both. - At this junction a 1, well dressed man stepped up, who w introduced to Kraig as. WM. Hulton, E ~ the freight agent of the - road. After so further conversation the re puted age t re marked : to Silley that his i freight ha all been shipped, and that he had better eye ine if it Was ell right, and then settle the ' illy which w $5O. After look ing at the eight the sh pper pulled out his pie, pocket boo , but found e had only $l5 in cash. He ad, howeve , a bond for $2,000, which he tiered as security to Kraig, for the advancement of the deficiency, which he took aft some parleying, counting out in the ' d k the desired amount, as he sup ed, by.t which, his friend said, after counting it over, was only; $29; how e . r, would have "to do.• 'Kraig. was then directed to , go to the-other end of the pp ' , and watch a trunk, be-: longing to his acquaintance, while he got the bill receipted in the office. Just as his back was turned, the two wen disappeared between the cars and were gone. Ide ac quainted a police officer at the station of the circumstances, who at once pronounced the whole affidr a s 'ndle, and directed him to go to the Mayo 's ; office, where he could procure lodgin for the night s as he i v. had no-more money. idle, on his way down, going along S ithileid street, he met the men going theother way. - Folio*, ing the2untlithey came across a ' police man he ad both of them both arrested. At the tch-house the y were searched, brit very littte money was found, not enough to cover Ithe amount lost. They were re manded; and will have a hearing to-day, , Real Estate Transfers.. ' The tbPowitqc deeds wore Illbd of rbeord before ; Et Srure.y, Esq:.,.;ll.inx•Rder, June 24th. /W. • • I James H. Aiken to Rev. John II: Maori,' Mine 15th. 1m8; lot on Pride street; Eighth ward, :.%) by SO feet . . 4 650 Joseph Pdtterson et um. to Mrs. Julia A. Vindent. June 10, dB6S; lot on Fourth street, near Market, 90 by 95 feet lg:.000 Union National Rank of Pittsburgh to Joseph Pat terson, Feb. 21. 1968; same IotSP Same to same, Feb. 21. 1868: lot on corner of Market COO and Fourth streets, 29 by 36 feet ...V5O Robert Woods to Patrick MeSteen, lot NO. 47. In Woods' Dian, Pitt township, 7/1 by 40 feet sl;oMartin it schen et dx. to Frederick Koehendorfer. June 24, 1860; lot on Ohio street. Allegheny City. MI by 95 fe t, 'with buildings.. 37 RH Robert H. Davis. Trustee of Cornplanter Oil Com pany, to Clark & Sumner, Jan. 14, 1866; lot in Col lins toritishlp, near the Alleghenyriver, with buildings - MOM John "bendier to Mrs. Jane Ross. April 9th, IM7; lot in Allegheny City, on isteep street, 20 by 40 feet 852.5 , John Brown to John J, Getty, June 27th 1846;1 ot. in Brownle plan, St. Clair township. on Short street. a• by GO feet IMO Jehn J. Getty to Thomas. Caldwell, July 31, 1848: same lot .a 215 William H ugus to G. H. Tower, April 1, 1852: lot in , Elizabeth borough, onWater street. GO by I'M feet. 'coo G. H. Tower to Edwin W. Tower; July al, MT; same lot, with buildings Geo. S. bedden to Robert Woods, November= 1867 lot on Wilkins street,.Seventh ward. Pittsburgh' 21. by 60 feet • 111, Conrad Tragasser to Jacob Oeh. Jane 12, 1666: lot o Meadowatreet, Eiast , Blratingliato, 19 by 60 feet. ItORTGAGES. Same day seventeen mortgages were flled of record Grand r Masa Convention of r Soldierls an , Sailors. - An enthusiastic meeting of the Conserva tive Soldiers and Sailors of the Twenty. third District, for the purpose of electing .. delegates to the Philadelphia Convention and ratifying the action of a similar body convened in 'Pittsburg a short time ago, was held in Bepler's. tel, Diainond, Al leheny. The Convention, con isting of ten dele gates and three report s, came to order at half-past eight o'clock, Wm. Cowling pre siding, with Mr. NicGratty as Secretary. Atter reading the Pittsburgh Convention's action, choosing the same representatives, andlistening to a speech from a Mr. Moore, who. seemed to think with Petroleum V. Nasby that the policy of the party should be : the Democratic party as it has, as it is and as it shall be, the meeting adjourned. Amusements. OPERA HOlME.—Under the management of Mr. - Hahn, the Opera House has been. doing a flourishing business, and we pre sume will continue to do a paying business until the season closes. • "The ,Last Ditch" has been a decided success so far, and, will doubtless continue to draw. large houses while it is kept on the stage. THEATRE.—Mr. and Mrs. Joe Sefton are at present playing an engagement at the Old Theatre, and are drawing, large houses. The- Seftons have always been favorites here, and their friends have net forgotten them. There are numerous other attrac tions at. the "Old Drury," all of, which ap pear to be fully appreciated by, the amuse. ment loving public. , A Merited Promotion. At a meeting of the Directors of the Far mers' Deposit Bank, held last evening; Mr. , Frank L. Stephenson was elected Cashier. Mr. Stevenson has been connected with the bank for several years in the' ca pacity of Teller, and his promotion to the position of Cashier is an evidence that his i ew services ere fully appreciated by his em ployers. He not only sees superior business qualifications, but ut is honorable; courteous and genial in hii intercourse with his friends. The promotion was a merited one, and it is gratifying . to Mr. Stevenson's, friends to know that he is held so high in the estimation of his employers. ,_ False Pretence.—Christian Viess made Information yesterday before Alderman Mullen, charging Charles Becker with false pretenee. He states that the defen dant procured a pair of. shoes frorwhim, valued at four dollen"' and a-half, repre senting that fifty. dollars was duo him from the proprietorpf a boat yard In Manches ter, and that he had bought a lot in Pitts burgh, on which some money had been paid, which representations the prosecutor believed to be false. Tho accused was ar rested, and after paying for the ahoes and the costs of the case, be was released. Cross Sultse....Tohn Loukmanti made in formation yesterday before Alderman Mul len. charging James and Philip Louktnana with assault and battery. He alleges that the defendants knocked hint down and beat him severely. The difficulty originated from a discussion in regard to a female ao quaintance of the parties:, In return, Jas. Loukmann made information against his brother John for malicious'misolflef, ing that on. Saturday evening the defen dant-came to his shop iuldlticked the door in. Both cases were :finally • settled by Back party paying -half the oasts. Weidern Univeradly,«Tbo: - Commence' recut exercises - of the '.W estorn Univeteity take place,b:i9xiorrow,at 7% v. as.. ;In addi tion- to' the/ -- nate& orations of 'tile grad nating„ class„there. .*, orations by Messrs. lehn R."Wkilitnian and W. J . Saw yer Thott.mulat.. annual meeting of the Alumni Atsociallon takes place this an( lathe University Chapel. Rare classical works, new and second band, at Col. 3; D. Egan's popular book and periodical store; Math street, near Smith.' Add. ( • ,PlStal . ugh Female College. The Commencement exercises of the graduating chiss ofthe Pittaburgh Female College WEIS Inaugurated last evening, in the " - College Chapel, a „large and appreciative audience being in, attendance.' After an • eloquent and fervenkpetition addressed, to • the Throne of i2lrace by R. Snyder,E. the exercises commenced. ,Eseays in English were read by Misses Sevilla Bonney, Ida McKnight, ,Maggie Whiteselr arid ,Cora Fbilter. ;All Of the young de - Veleped } Fisher. their Mental offerings richly. stored 'minds, correct channels of thought, beau}-; 'fa.l and elevated styles of diction, ant-a store of cleax concistve language. - rain eentatorv, of Miss Eliza;. biyeks was delivered in a masterly manner,, and the few classical perstins In attenance were delighted with its purity and beauty, ticrene being able to detect mispronounced or mispitteed word. Miss Augusta Mitchell' read d'French essay which was said to have been very geed , by thotie familiar with that language: Vocalizations and intitnunenta tions of exquisite character were rendered by MiSses Endsloy, "Kimball, Bowman, Darrah, Clark, espies, Crummy, Nilson, 'Brown, Ernest, Ella Kimball ; and those finished musitians Prof:and Mrs. Blessuer. Temight, the exercises will clotie. Miss MarY E. Radcliff will deliver the valedic tory and Rev. C. Dickey will address the graduates, after which the usual honorary degrees will be conferred. Doubtless there will be a large attendance,as the admit tance is' free and, the refied and ;Intel lectual are invited to be present. • Soldiers' League Plc-311c. - ; The annual: pic-nic. of , the , Allegheny county Soldiers' League comes off to-day at Monitor Grove: 'Every arrangement has been made , by the Coinmittee of .Aisitu3ge rnents, With a view to the pleasure of the visitors, and a general good time may be, expected.. ,Traino will leave, the Federal street dePot, Allegheny, hourly, after eight o'clock this morning. The objeef of the pic-nic is to raise funds for the League Li brary, which, aside iron), the pleasnre af forded by a visit to, the Grove, deserves the patronage of the pnblic. Ticket& haVe.been placed at one Most Bitters Of the present day that are loudly puffed through the newspapers as having 'great ccirative properties are vile , compounds and base , impositions, contain ing no medieinidwirtnes whatever, and are really very pocrr-whisky beverages, and, instead of acting as a stimulant and tonic, have a tendency to weaken the stomach by entirely destroying the coating. The public should therefore be very cautious and pur chase' none but .Roback's Stomach Bitters, which have stood the test as a remedial agent foz many years, and are really as their name indicates, a stomach bitters and not a beverage. They combine the proper ties of the best tonic and a stimulant—a laxative, an efficient and anti-bilious agent and the best stomachic known to the world, and when taken in conjunction with .Ro. back's Blood Pills, are the safest and surest preventive against all bilious derangements, thoroughly regulating the whole system and giving tone to the digestive organs. They are highly recommended as an in vigorating tonic to mothers while nursing, increasing the flow of milk, and for conva lescents, to restore the prostration which always follows long-continued sickness, they are unsurpassed. No household should consider themselves safe from the ordinary maladies without the-seinvaluable medicines. They can be obtained of any druggist., • . TreF War or , no War, the ladies cannot neglect their beauty. Gentleness and kindness are excellent things in their way, but it takes I beauty to inspire heroism. Just now pres ents are "all the go." Lovers _going to the war send mementoes to their sweetheartsil which is of course a very proper thing. The difficulty is that the right kind are not chosen, at least se I have been told lately by - several pretty girls, who honor me with their confidence. One has prom ised to give me one of her sweetest kisses if I will only hint to stupid young men, that good things for the toilet are always in sea . son, such as Joseph Burnett & Co.'s Coco eine, Florimel, I:Coniston and Oriental Tooth Wash; the first being the best preparation for the hair etttmt; the second 'the most delightful perfume, the third the most ef , fectual Cosmetic, and the fourth the most reliable preserver, and beautifier of the teeth and gams. Some will say that even the pretty ones ought to be' thinking of something else just now, yet where is the use of being lugubrious? What if there be some fighting? Alt 'will not be killed. There will be quite enoughleft to admire the beautiful daughters of Eve; aye and the latter will deservelt as much as ever.— Sear's Review. , • rrsv,- March and Sang.—We acknowledge fromo Hoffman, Hohne & Co., No. 53 Fifth street, the well known music - dealers, the . Grant and Colfax song of the campaign and march, which bear admirable portraits' of the people's first and second choice. • Great bargains in dry goods may be an ticipated by all who call at the grand clear ance sale of Smithson, Vanhook &I%icelel land, Nos. 55 and 57 Fifth street. They are determined to close out their large auction stock of goods in this line to entirely, quit that branch of business, and hence they have resolved to dispcxse . of their goods at groat " • Drug . Store -- Assignees' Sale. This Morning, at ten o'clOc - k, will be sold by auction, that Drug- Store owned by F. M. Gardner on Penn street, between ltforton and Smith streets. Will be offered as a whole or in quantities to suit purchasers. Smith son, Yiinhook I%l.'Cielland, auctioneers. The Luxuries of cold sparkling soda water, delieleus lee creams, tempting straw; berries and general confectionary and, sweetmeats, can no' where else better be obtained, than at P. H. (attires first class dining rooms, No. 105 Fifth street. Prices . very reasonable. Ladies can visit the ice cream saloon and restaurant of P. H. McGuire, No. 105 Fifth street, unaccompanied, as the house is visi ted by a first class portion of the people, and us no liquors of any kind 'are sold on the _premises the 1).34,d-order is preserved., Choice stationery for ladies and gents' use, together with business and legal stationa ry. at very reasonable prices, at Col J. D. Egan's well known and popular book and r riodlcal house, Sixth street, near Smith- , it , , • olthnionii old established tea mart, No. 2A Fifth street, - •will be found a very fine assortment of choice family groceries, which will cominend itself to every house keeper. The prices are very reasonable. ttlir • Oolong; lapin, Young n anci‘ the favorite brands of choice green and black teas, at popularprioes and in large variety, at Robinson's old established tea mart, Zro. 20 Fifth street; Meals are seived to ladies and gentle. men at all hours daring the day and up to eleven o'clock in the evening at the first ohms di n ingand ice creamrooms of P. /I. 'MoGlnire, 105 Fifth street: All the latest novelties in light . touitmer dress trimmings, buttons,'hcisierir t 'idoves and embroideries, at W.-W. Moorhead's fashionable, ratall trirnrnitig'itore,,,No. 81- Market street. • • '_ ; Alt the literary. worka Of the day.'orthy a place on tlielibraryshelvesof the refined and scholarly will'befOund at Col. J.- D. Egates, Sixth streets near Smithfield. Dibl4s, hymn books and prayer books of chaste ;and - elegant styles at Ccl. J. D. Egan's, popular bo ok and periodical store, Sixth street, near Smithfield. ~I, .. illi .i: 4. :.,:.: - . , ::: - ,11 .i:,f:,. ..i if:ir.,) ilfelit4iold I Crain Han. John belt or' Congress. For more . tharin year I ,suffernd incon venience' fro W;nimstantnOtintlin; in my left ear. On the 21st of May I applied to Dr. H. S. Abona t ,nt..lB4 Smithfield - street, Pittsburgh. He relieved me at once, and from that day. tolthis I have had-no dug. cult yany . kind.l l Truly; • - I Josx .COVODE. To Housetteeperit:—As-the tine oficie r has arrived for putting up , fruit. we advise you to go to Itoys .13gden, No. 23 Brood street, and buy yonr fruit preservers. Th ey all' the bestvatents, and all kinAs of glass lan for fruit.' Give thorn ri "All'and you will finkt.the Vest as welt as the cheap est at this house. gemember, N 0.23 Wood street: '. .• The • Ladies ar respectfully inforined that a fresh invoice of 'pure unadulterated Java; Lagnira, and Rio coffees, new inipor •tations, bas just Won received at the old established tea nuirt , ofJoaoph A: Robinson No. 2.oFifth street!` -• • A fact now est blished,..that notwith standing the precedence hitherto accorded to French perfuMes, taday - Woodworth's "Flor del Santo," 03eing- the most delicate and durable, ont-rvals them a 11.% 4 r.rs.T. Fruit Jars.—Messrs . Boyts & Ogden, 'To. 23 Wood .street, iceepo complete assort ment of all kinds