11 r 4 githrglj Gayttt. ETBLDgeD DAILY, BY PIKNNIMAN, REED & Prpprietors. B. 3102NIICAN,JOSIAH BING, I T. P. HOUSTON. N. P. HEED, EdItOIS and Matuwers. OFFICE: TIE BUILDING, NDS. 84 AND 86 FIFTH ST. ~'. OFFICIAL PAPER Of Pittsburgh, Allegheny and Allegheny • County. Terms—Dahl. Semi- Weektg. r WeektY• e One year „..1111.00,0ne year.2.soBlngle c0py.„..51,50 One month. 750812 nos.. 1.50 , 5 coßkee., ese. 5 By the week, 15i Three mos 75,10 Ll 5 (from carrier .) and one to Agent. THURSDAY, JUNE 25, 1868 • THE WEEKLY GAZETTE, tutted on Wed— tutsdays and Saturdays, is the best and cheap est family newspaper in Pennsylvania. B presents each week forty-,eight columns of sola reading matter. it gives the fullest as well as the most reliable market report., of any yaper in the State. Its files are wed exclu sively by the Civil Courts of Allegheny county for reference in important issues to determine the ruling prices in the markets at the, time of the business transaction in, disvute. Terms:, Single copy, one year, $1.50 ; in'elubs of,five, $1,25; in clubs of an, $1,15, and one free to the getter up of the club. Specimen copies sent free to any address. WE PRENT r on the inside pages of this morninsei (147 ‘ ,ETTE : Second page: Poetry, Table Talk. Third page : Financial Mat ' tea in New York, Markets by Telegraph, Imports by Railroad, River Nem, River and Rail Announcements. Sixth page : Finance and Trade, Pittsburgh Petroleum Market, • Domestic Markets. Seventh page : Local Items, Improvements on the Welsh Calvanis tie and Manchester Presbyterian. Churches, Description of the Proposed First German Lutheran Church, Commencement Exercises of Mount . Union College, Real Estate Trans fers, Miscellaneous. GOLD closed in New York yesterday at 14144@1401. , TH.E look is more and more that .Mr. PEcumarox and Mr. CHASE will both fail of commanding two-thirds of the votes in the Democratic Convention, and come quently be set aside in favor of Mr. SEr noun or even , some nonentity of the Faiwanw PIERCE order. A DELEGATION of ,Clncinnati Democrats are to receive refreshments at the depot at the hands of the members of that party in this city. The old coffee pots used in days of yore to refresh rebel prisoners on their way through the city will again be brought into service by their fair owners. • THE DEMOCRATIC editors of Western Pennsylvania, having contributed their full share towards establishing the Republican ascendency throughout this region, are so decidedly enamored of the situation that they are anxious to intensity. Hence, their zeal for Mr. PENDLETON and the green back humbug.! SO PAR as Democrats have participated in the movement for Mr. Cm&sE,they appear to have been actuated by a desire to kill off Mr. PENDLETON rather than anything else. Having secured, as they think, that end, they are now casting about for. he available third man who shall supercede both. They may find him in Mr. SEYMOUR. Jomssost, after his efforts to rally the democrats in favor of his re-election, is as clearly deserted by them as was Tmnn or FELLMORE. They "like the treason, but de spise the traitor." As human nature is con stituted, it always; will be so. A man who betrays his friends, is never trusted by those in whose behalf he displays his baseness: Mn. .TonicsoN threatens, in a few days, to throw the whole influence of the Admin istration against the Democracy in case his claims to the nomination for the Presidency are ignored at the Convention in New York next July. Mr. JOHNSON has a strong par ty working for him, and the whole influence of the..Woolley whisky ring will be used in his behalf. • IT IS NOW IMEPIWBAISLE that the Democracy will unite on Anntinw BIIIITT as their standatd bearer for Congress in opposition to GEN. NEGLET. Like Mnl CEASE, Mn. Bun has cqual claims on their support and suffrag,es. The material being exhaust ed in their own party, it is not, surpassingly strange that they should select candidates from among weak-kneed Republican& THE SOUTHERN Propot are rapidly be coming convinced that the Northern Demo -mats care nothing for them, or for any prin ciples touching public policy, but are ready to adopt or reject negro suffrage and equali ty according to the chances presented for securing a presidential election. It is well, even at this late day that those people should understand correctly the character and disposition of the men upon whom they have been laming for support TEE Fecv that a large and influential section of democrats seriously urge their National Convention' to nominate Mr. CHASE for President, seems to illustrate how far the current of eveats during the last eight years has swept old issues into obliv ion. The democrats are even somewhat uncertain whether they will howl against negro voting or go in for 'Universal Suff rage; and they are equally undecided wheth er they will insist upon paying , bonds in greenbacks or specie. Tun Democrats begin to suspect that what Mr. CHASE is, after is not so much their success as his dwn. lience;they now talk of demanding from his friends, as condition precedent to allowing his name to come before the NatiTftral Convention, that they will squarely support the nominees, whoever they may be. This is a point well taken. Bat Mr. CHASE'S friends will give the pledge, and afterwards do as they Plates. They are slippery customers, and used to many forms of political deceit: THE CONNELLSVILLE RAILWAY WORK BEGUN. We are very much gratified-to learn that - fully one-third of the second million haeld ready been subscribed to the bonds of This Company, most of it by prominent and in, fluential citizens of Baltimore, and that lar g e additional subscriptions are confident ly looked for. Mr. Ittrouanr, the 'efticient and untiring President of the 'Company is again in that city, intending to itanyass it thoroUghly, in which he will be aided by the personal co-operatioiref Mr. GARRETT, President of the B. .& 0. Company, and by other leading citizens. It may be remar ked that the President and one of the 'Di rectors. of that Company are individual subscribers for $90,000 already. The success which is - steadily 'e roiming the efforts of these gentlemen, backed by , the zealons and powerful aid of the Direct.' ors of the ' two companies, and by outside friends of this desirgble connectionletween Baltimore and Pittsburgh, is already such as to leave no doubt in their councils, of the absolute ability . of the company to re-com mence the work of construction, assured that it may be prosectited uninterruptedly until finished. Work has therefore been again resumed, the old contractor having made a beginning on Menday, the 22nd, at the Sand Patch tunnel. Contracts for the entire work, including the tunnel, are to be shortly let, and the operations already re sumed are subject to that understanding. The tunnel itself, much - thelleaviest job on the line, will --be - ,completed and arched ' through its entire length—seven-eighths of a mile—before the expiration of the twenty months from this- date, which is to see the entire completion of the line, and an un broken railway connection established from Pittsburgh through to Baltimore. The Di rectors have not resumed the operations of construction without a careful consideration of all the questions, financial as well as material, and, having satisfied themselves of their ability to carry"the work forward with unbroken, steady vigor to a successful issue, have taken the decisive step, and will not now turn back, No enterprise has a clearer title to the cordial support of the people, not only of the two great cities which are to be I connected by its completion, but of the en, tire intervening region; and . we believe', I therefore, that the friends of this projectwill find themselves heartily and promptly sus tabled by the public. Congratulating our readers, especially those who are citizens of Western Pennsyl vania, upon this auspicious promise for the realization of their hopes in the early com pletion of the Connellsville Railway, we feel it to be but simple justice to make this public acknowledgment of the very eminent services of the President'of the Company, W. 0. HTYGRART, Esq., in bringing its af fairs out of the dark cloud of embarrassment which has heretofore enveloped them, into the present bright hopes, indeed the certain-, ty, of a triumphant issue. That gentleman' has contended, and with this ultimate suc cess, against difficulties of no ordinary char- . acter. Patient, prudent, untiring, self sacrificing, he needed to have uncommon nerve to grapple with the legal and financial obstacles which heretofore threatened to block the progress , of the , work forever. But, one by one, he has taken them in hand, singly and together overcoming them, until now at last, it is only Nature which interposes her material barriers, and these are beginning to give way. -The Ist of April, 1870, will see , the Connellsville Railway finished, and the man to whose ener gy and fidelity we owe it will have deserved better of fils fellow citizens thsin if he were the hero of a battle-field . But no amount of righteous indignation Sou th ern the fact that the electoral votes of the States will be counted in the Presidential election. The Southern Presidential electors will be chosen under the direction of the new State governments. —N. Y. World. The wonder is, not that the World should state thus clearly the course of the inevita ble future, but that so many of: the Country journals of the same party should still per sist is their insane protestations against the count of the reconstructed States in the Electoral College. They must be as crazy as JIM:MON or GARRETT DAVIS on this point, not to perceive, - with the TVorld, the futility of any efforts to exclude the South ern people from the nghts which they are now admitted to enjoy. The World also prbposes to exclude - even the consideration of any questions upon _that point, in ,the Convention. It says, l 'This is not a question for the Democratic Convention, but for the _white citizens of the Southern States. It would be out of place for a Convention to tell them that they ought or ought not to vote." It character izes the stupid Copperheadism of .those Democrats, North or South, who clamor for "a white man's government" in the fol lowing vigorous language The contest Is to be too close to Justify much ya p3l'llcaslg o o r n tr i a n s o c u o s na c d o e n . je ' c r t h u e re illy o g r e r e m r s e t s a u ir which is the certai s nty that the Southern States are to wile, and to vote under the new rule of negro suffrage. To shut our eyes to this unwelcome fact, or to belittle Its Importance. or to assnine that a Democratic vie toryils certain in spite of It, would be an exhibition of Mindfully and presumptuous self-confidence. With this stinging rap upon their thick skulls, we trust we shall hear nothing more of this vaporing, gasconade or blind folly from the minor Democratic press; CO6GREBB has, done decidedly well hi postponing all action upon bills granting subsidies to Pacific Railroad Companies un til next year. If the Government was out of debt it would, doubtless, be not only prudent, but eminently well for Congress to grant the three or four hundred millions of dollars which would be reqUir,ed of it to complete these. enterprises. Wlth the ex isting enormous debt pressing upon the peo ple, the Republican party.would commit political suicide by voting these immense appropriations. • This determination does not affect the Union Pacific Railroad COmpany, operating westward from Omaha, for the" Government, tome, years ago, pledged its aid for the com pletion of That line. Some or all of the other :lines, and hi particular, the Eastern Dipision of the Union Pacific, having its ea s tern terminus'in ICansas, will be aided sooner or later ; :but for the Present they ‘‘' all be cqnstrained to Walt. PITTSBURGH GAZETTE i ,THURSDAY, JUNE 25, 1868. The corning July 4th will be forty years since the construction of the Baltimore & Ohio road, the first) l railroad in the United States, was commenced. -Three years biter, the first locomotive usedln this country-was put in operation by the same company.' The year 1867 closed upon 39,244 miles of road constructed and operated within thelimits of the Union, and to thii at least 600 miles have been-added in the six months since in tervening. The ratio of mileage of rail roads to population has been reduced from one mile of the former to 7,415 of the latter in 1840, down as low as Ito 905 in 1867. In the Western portion of the Union it is still lower, being Ito 766. The average cost of these 39,844 miles hat been about $41,000 pee ( mile, making an aggregate of about $1,000,000,000, estimated for the most part on the amount of their capital accounts, but the stocks and bongs have not probably yielded more than 75 cents on the dollar: Thil share capital bears to the debt of all the roa s about the ratio of three to two. These roads earned last year $346,000,000, rang tug from $19,247 'per mile for the highest down to a very low (figure. The tales of gross earnings to cost was about 23 per cent: last (year, some roads largely exceeding this, and one even going as high as 57 per cent. This ratio of earnings to cost is in creased yearly, as the figures for the former swell rapidly with the advancing material progress of-the people. The gross tonnage moved was 78,568,000 -Aotts, of which over 48,000,000 tons were of merchandize, esti mated to be worth $7,273,200,000. Almost the whole of this merchandize tonnage has been the creation of the last fifteen years. `On three great roads; the New York Cen-, tral, Erie and Pennsylvania, it has grown in ten years from 2,347,280 tons to 9,152,010 tons, or nearly 300 per cent. One-half of the total increase of tonnage moved dates since 1860. The ratio of expenses to gross earnings is fully '7O per cent., and Mr. Poon thinks it not likely to be diminished so long as construction accounts are suffered to re main open. The net earnings of the last Tear were about $100,000.000. The per tentage of net to gross receipts in this coun try is small compared with other countries, but the net returns upon cost are largely in the American favor. It cost, last year, $140,000,000 to move the freight tonnage, estimating it at 1 cents per ton per mile ; a reduction of one-eighth of a cent per ton per mile would have saved $12,000:000. Thei.extent of possible reduction in the cost of freight transportation is a problem yet unsolved, but of vast importance to the material interests of the nation. It is stated that the necessary arrange ments,for making the payments 'due from the Treasury July Ist, will be seasonably matured. These disbursements will be quite large, as appears by the following er bibit derived from the State Guard, from, official documents : The amount of over dun loan unpaid on • thu Soth or November. 1867. wit. $t53T,978 33 On which there has been paid to this Slate ii,X.3,61C Leaving still due and payable on presen tation Of the loan due July 1. ,1843, there was outstanding on Nov. 30, 1867 1,866.434 88 The treasury has paid on this 10in.......,708...186 47 Balance of loan due July 1. lisf6 1,156,84861 Slaking due July 1 1,831,=4 70 The interest due on the Ist of July and Ist of August 1. about.... I/40,000 00: SENATOR HENDRICKS, who begins to be spoken of amon,k the half-score of candi dates for the Democratic Presidential nomi. nation, is a native of Muskingum county, Ohio. But even that will not ensure his success. Ilis name, like those of most of his competitors, is understood to be used only for the purpose of dividing the PEN DLETON strength. Judge CHASE contin ues to gain, ground at the South, the ex. I 1 treme fire-eaters only opposing him. As to his Nor . thern supporters, a Washington let ter says: "No great importance is attached here to the sudden turn taken by the New ,York World against the Chief Justice. There are letters in against" from the proprietors of the World, written since the publication of its anti-Chase `articles ' expressing a desire for and expectation of his nomination. The explanation given of its articles on the other side is, that It was desirable to shake off from the Chase movement some undesirable elements that were attaching themselves to it. Fishy as this looks, there are many who believe it. The more rational theory is that the Chase movement was taken up by the New York men merely as a mean of killing off Pendleton. and their presen danger Is said to-be that Pendleton men may be goaded into using it as a means of killing them off." 4 ' Mn. CHASE started out, in his present pur suit of the Presidency, apparently , resolved to pay at least a formal reaped to consisten cy and to the'primary doctrines of human rights l in the defence of which he attained eminence as a publicist. He insisted that the Democrats, if he gave them the influence, of his name, should consent to couple . Uni versal Suffrage with Universal Amnesty As he' grew eager in the chase, and saw more distinctly that this was probably his last chance, he resolved to droji the Univer sal Suffrage part of his proposition, by re raitting the granting thereof to the States -respectively, well „knowing that in many of hem that would be the last of it for half a century. ( Mr. Cram is not the tlyst eminent states man who wrecked a greatutation through rep unquenchable ambition to reach the Presi dency. Mi. SEWARD and Mr. WERSTEE both passed wider the same deep eclipse. 2 THE AMERICAN RAILWAY SYSTEM. ,The whole atory c of American railways is detailed at lerigth, and with complete pre date:44'6f Mr. lEffiRY V. Point, in his . "Manual of the Railroads of the United • States, for .18613-'69," a copy of which is before us.- This manual shows their mile age, stocks, bonds, cost, earnings. ? expenses and organizations; with a sketch of their rise, progress, influence, ecc:, with . .an Ap pendix . containing a.full' analysis ir of the debts of the United States and of-the sev eral States. As a full and reliable compen dium of the facts and figures whidh go to make up the Railway SYstem of this coun try, no public min, no journalist, financier or well instructed citizen can afford to be . without this book. FINANCES O? PENNSIIINANI.‘ - • _ ---„sr.-,=•ATZInvz4W -tatio-ou THE CHAIVITEBS VALLEY ItAlLr • The friends of therChartiers Valley Bail way, at a late meeting 'held at l Canorisbarg; appointed a committee ;to' visit the .city of Pittsburgh, and ask the aid of her citizens in the resuscitation of this work. By a vig orous effort along the line of said road they have subscribed to the stock of the road upwards of $210,000, and desire to in crease that- sum to $300,000, with which amount subscribed .by local interests they haye the assurance of its early com pletion by the present owners. Will not the citizens of Pittsburgh at once come Up to' the ad of the citizens of Washington and 'Allegheny counties, to open up such ,a rich' valley of agricultural and mineral wealth, Which, as their natural market; will flow into 'the city? Ir is not expected that they will give large sums . to this work, but - if those who are to be diFectly benefitted by the completion of this read will give a help- Mg hand, 'the road will be made. The manufacturers, grocers, and business men of all descriptions 'are , deeply interested ln i -this wor . A large trade is diverted from our city, hich, were the proper facilities for its • ction and concentration afforded, would he p swell the commercial statistics of Pittsla gh. Thus the orders for heavy manufacture, such as glass, iron, nails and machinery, are awarded by the merchants and'citizens of Greene county and those, of the central and southern portions of Wash ington county, to Wheeling, inasmuch as More direct rail facilitits are afforded to reach that city, while Pittsburgh is ap proached only by a muddy outworn pike, which is death to hoise flesh and destructive to wagons. Then again, all the lumber of those counties,• and' the amount shipped is quite large, finds a channel to market through our rival city down the Ohio. If the Chartiers road were completed to-day, our - city would be materially improved,- and our. manufacturers and merchants Would be realizing the worth of the exten sive and profitable trade they have kept so long frost their doors through a want of proper enterprise. We sincerely hope that the gentlemen or the Committee who will call on our citizens to contribute the deficit or $90,000, which will secure the prompt and early completion of the road, will re ceive a generous response, and that the sum will at once be subscribed. iL SENSIBLE SOUTHERNER From a letter written by Judge B. F. PORTER, of the Second Judicial District of Alabama, and who is also a native of that State—written to the great Montgomery Grant ratification meeting, we extract the paragraphs below. The axiom that the wisest statesmanship is identical with good common sense, was never more clearly il lustrated than in the observations which conclude this letter. He writes : , As an individual, I will give Grant and Colfax an earnest support. • It is the ticket of- reconstruction under the Constitution and laws of the United States, of peace, and I of obedience to the authority of the Union. General Grant has been the instrument, under Providence, of closing the war of a revolution with which, while I bad many local and pereonal, I held no political sym pathies. I shall hail him, as he advances to deposit his sword upon the altar of perpetu al peace, as one whose administration will obliterate the Mason and Dixon line of dis cord, and allay f rever the spirit of dissen sion and civil war. , The clamors of negro .. premacy, which assail this Presidential "cket, receive no countenance from me. No man in lus senses, in the South or e wherep need fear that in this Intelligent co ntry, and in this i l Christian age, intellectual and moral power will not reach the apex of the temple of lib erty and hold It. It is the storm of revolu tion which brings ignorance and corruption to the surface of society. In times of peace and of submission to the law, they sink to obscurity, and control no nation's destiny. Civil equality ill not personal or social deg- radation. With very great respect, your obedient servant," BEsJa.mix F. PORTER. j THE Democracy of Philadelphia are not as docile a party as their brethren of Alle gheny county. While everything is here left, as a matter of course, to the manage ment of a wire-pulling clique who make candidates and enuticiate principles, or dis pense with both as they think fit, the rank a nd file of the party contentedly - accepting any policy that is endorsed by their leaders, a greater independence is exhibited at the other end of the State. For the proof of this read the annexed paragraph from the Press of the 23d : The Democratic 'delegate meetings yes terday were attended with the usual amount of bloodshed, disorder and rioting which characterize the assemblages of that party. A full list of the killed and wounded, so far as reported up to midnight, will be found in our local columns. The casualties df the later morning, and the results of the fights in the suburban distilets, will be given to morrow. , - THE NEW PROPOSITION TOR IMPEACH- . MENT, as proposed by Roo. THAD. STE VENS embraceS four articles as lbllows : The first Impeaches Andrew Johnson tbr a high misdemeanor In violating the Constitution of the United States by making Provisional tiovernments In the Southern States without the consent of Con gress, etc. The secend impeaches him for a usurp ation of the pardoning power, Union the cases of rebels and of deserters from the army, whom he. pardoned for the special purpose of enabling them them to cast their votes at a pending election in a loyal State. The third Impeaches him f obs t ruct crime in using the patronage of his office to the laws 'of Congress in the Southern States. The fourth and last imoeaches him for a corrupt use of the patronage of his office In the elections which have taken place within the last three years in the various States of. the Union. It is hardly necessary to add that these articles will not be adopted by the House at the present session, nor would it be profita ble to speculate upon the possible results had these been substituted, four months since, for those upon which the trial was had. , "Agate" writes from Washington to the Cincinnati Gazette the following ; : "The iefusal of Governor Seymour -to permit the use of his name as a Democratic candidate left that party at sea In New York and other Eastern State.. The reason of this refusal is very well • known here, and there is is no reason, I imagine, why it should not be known at the West. Gov. Seyrnour is believed to have a hereditary tendency to insanity; and he bas been warn ed by his physicians that the excitement of a Presidential campaign would most probably develop the disease, and that at any rate the I labor and harassing.cares of the first year of Presidential tiplOdon would be almost cer- Wa te) do it." _ Mr WAY. LET US PROTECT OURSELVES. The physical structure of t l he strongest human be ling is vulnerable everywhere. Our bodies are en; dowed by nature with a certain negative power, which protects them, to some extent, from unwhole some Influences; but this protection is imperfect, and cannot be safely relied on in unhealthy regions, or under circumstances of more than ordinary dan ger. Therefore, it Is wisdem; It is -prudence; it is common sense to provide againit suchicontingeneles by taking an antidote in advance; in other words, by fortifying the system with HOsTETTER'S STOMACH 'BITTERS—the most complete protec tive against all the epidemic and endemic maladies that has ever been administered m any country. As a remedy for Dyspepsia, there is no medicine that will compare with it. Whoever suffers the pangs of indigestion, anywhere on the face of the earth where HOSTETTER'S STOMACH BITTERS can be procured, does so voluntarily; for, as surely as truth exists, this invaluable TONIC and ALTERATIVE condition.tore his disordered tomach to a healthy To the nervous it isalso especially rec ommended, affords speedy cases of confirmed constipation it also affords speedy and permanent relief. In all cases of fever and ague the BITTERS is more potent than any amount - of quinine,. while the most dan gerous eases of bilious fever yield to its wonderful properties. Those who have tried the medicine will never use another, for any °Ape ailments which the HOSTEI TER BITTERS professes to subdue. To those who have not made the experiment we cordi ally recommend an esr.y application to the BIT TLIf.B whenever they are stricken by disease of the digestive organs. ' Ds. BEYSEU : I write to thank you for your kind• nese and scientific management or my disease, for which I called to consult you some time in January last. You will remember that I had a complication of diseases, which finally ended Ina terrible fistula, which .I had been advised to "let alone," on ac count ~of is harassing cough, which . It was feared mbititlfisten it on my lungs. I knew that the peat• lair mode of treating diseases, like Mine Was by a cutting operation, which, If successful at all, trould naturally thr6w the diseaseupon i the.lungs or some other vital organ, on account of the suddenness of the cure and the Immediate check to the discharge, which I believed was a salutary provision of nature to get rld'of some morbid condition of the system. I feel perfectly satisfied that your method of treat ment, purifying the system, and local applications to the fistulous part, must cure, if anything could, without cutting, which I find it did, and I am happy to , report myself well in every .particular, with sounder and better health than I have had for years. I would also add that the applications you r made were almost painless, and have left me a new man, with all the energies and vigor of restored health. Yours, gratefully, DR. REPPER'S CO NSFLTATION;ROORE POR CHRONIC DISEAREE, No. 1:911 PENN STREET, Prom Pa. If. UNTIL 3 P. t The New York 'florid on General Grant. Gen. Grant's last williant campaign sets the final Beal on his reptgation. It stamps -him-as thelolperfor - Of4119• 1 1ble antagonist, is well as of all the commanders who have served with Or under him in the great campaigns of list year. However it may s seem during the progress of his great com bined campaigns, it always turns out at last, when it reaches that completeness and finish in which he contrives to have his campaigns end, that we see him standing in the foreground, and that the grouping is always such that the ' glory of the other Generals instead of eclipsing his own gives it additional lustre. It is this sureness of judgment which sees precisely where lies the turning point; which sees precisely what arthe objects that justify the utmost stretch ofpersistence. ' it is this ability to take in the whole field of view in just perspee tivm•and due subordination of parts, that is the mark of a superior mind. Gen. Grant has taken out of the hands of all critics the question - whether it belongs to him. He has won his greatest tritunphs over the most skillful and accomplished General on the other side; over a General who foiled , him long enough to prove his great mas tery of the art of war; and the comPleteness of whose defeat is a testimony to Grant's genius, such as 'a victory, omer any': other General of the Confederacy; or even an earlier victory over Lee himself, could not have given. Apply to General Grant what test you will; measure him by the magnitude of the obstacles he has surmounted, by the value of the positions he has gained, by the value of the fame of the antagonist over whom he has triumphed, by the achieve ments of his most illustrious co-workers, by the sureness with which he directs his indomitable energy to the vital point which is the key of a vast field of operations, or by that supreme test of consummate ability, the absolute completeness of his- results, and he vindicates his claim to stand next after Napoleon and Wellington among the great soldiers of this century, if not on a level with the latter.—.Y. F. Apri llth, 1885. A NEW and unexpected danger threatens the South. The white race are doomed to poverty, ignurance, and extinction, while the blacks will become educated and prospersus. This alarming peril is,revealed through 'the columns of the Richmond' , Examiner and Enquirer. It is said there that "owing to the poverty of the whites and the superior advantages afforded the blacks by the Bureau and the Association societies of the North, the probability, nay the almost eertainty, is that the end of the century will see a race of educated and prosperous blacks, in the midst of a race of ignorant, squalid, and nearly barbarous whites." We cannot be lieve that this is a true prophecy. Certainly there is no such intrinsic superiority of the negro over the white man as would lead us to expect him to make any such relative ad vance in wealth and civilization. Besides, this writer overlooks the fact that the new Constitutions of the Southern' States unifor mally provide for a system of free schools, in which all classes of children will be pro vided with education at the public expense. We are convinced, therefore, that these gloomy anticipations are out of place. If either nee is destined to go down in the free struggle for existence, it is the black, and not the white. 11 7 Sun. TgE Philadelphia Press says : The po litical condition of Pennsylvania is repre sented as better than at any period since Lincoln's re-election. There is an evident 'determination among the earnest Republi cans not to jeopardize the cause by person -al disappointments or selfish aspirations. The canvass promises to be most thorough; and when the campaign opens the best speakers will take the field. If under such circumstances the rebel Democracy can carry Pennsylvania, they will be more for tunate than they have evezbeen before. DO 1710 T BE DECEIVED When the system is once affected It will not rally of Its own .accord; It needs* help-it must' be . strengthened and Invigorated; this is esocciallyi the ease when the • RIDNEVS, BLADDER OR URINARY ORGANS Arc affected. For immediate relief and permanent cure, DR. SARGENT'S bittrttic or Bacz j che Pills .Area perfeetly safe and reliable specidc. This well known remedy has effected a large number of speedy and remarkable cures, and have never failed to give relief when taken according , to directions. Dr. Sargent's Backache Pills Are purely vegetable, and contain no Mercury or calomel., They do not exhaust the syStem, but on the tontrary they act as a tonic, imparting new tone and vigor to the organs and strengthening the whole body. These Pills have stood the test of thirty-five years, and are still gaining in popularity. /(ii FOR SALE BY DREGOISTS AND DEAL- Eltb IN bIEDIVINE ENERYWHERE. Price 50 Cents Per fox. CURIE OF FISTULA. - ,ff Mns. rime CLARK GAlli'ES offered to compromise with the holders of her New Orleans Koperty, and has issued the fol , -4‘After thirty-fiVeryelifa--tlf litigation, Which has terminated fully, final. ly, and in; every particular, in my faveoi, by the deOsion of the Supreme Court of, the United Sthtes, rendered in April, 18438, I now agaiiic as in former years, reiterate my desire to compromise on liberal terms, and invite all those who feel disposed to take ad vantage of this, my last otter, to come for-, ward and enter into a final setllementi The lutihty of ling further opposition will ap. pear obvious.' .161 - INTI6ES—" To Let," ...For h'ectat-, "Wants," AiFound," "Boarding; •dsc., nos emoting FO d i E LINES each toii/ be inserted in then cottemn4 mei ! farTWENTY-FIVB WINTE; eath . additional Nike FIVE CENTS. • WAN ED---SITUATIONS. TANd T i ED — SIUATION.---As, BOOli-KEEPER, by a - young man trhO'Cau produce the most satisfactory references as to char- • acter and- catiaclty. Apply to Hilt. SING, at the OitrErrE OF ICE. WANTED--SITUATION.---An ex perledced and competent Farmer and Man . agei, with a weal' fatally, wants a position{ on some 6entleman , s estate. Enquire or J. KING, at the WANTED---BOAILDERS. - WANTED—BOAi DERS.--A ten: tlemard win:, or two single gentlemen. can be accom odated with first boarding. at No. 18 WYLI STREET. 'Room Is a front one, on second floor, air opens out on balcony. aTANTIBOARD.—DearabIe v board fek asmall family without childrenln a pleasant location on Penn street, may be had 07 addressing l r. W. W., Poetoffice Box 570. WANTED BOARDERS.—Good board la front rooms, with , gas, can be secured at 44.00 per week. Day boarding, 63.50. For single gentleman. At 46 LIBERTY STREET. WAN'l'Ett 0 A RDEREL—Gen-• tlemen boarders can be accommodated with good board and:lodging- at No. 25 FERRY ST. W.e.bil'UFED---AGENTS NANTED—AGENTS—tor the 'NATIONAL HAND-BOOS OF FACTS FIGURES, just Issued, price $1.50. Also, for the standard Ll FE OF U. b. 611ANT,.by J. T. HEADLEY the jpopular historian. 'Price, cloth, 82.50. Our terms are nowhere excelled. Bend for circular. A. L IrTALCUTTS CO, 60 Market 81.4 Pittsburgh, ' WANTS. AIIiTEDLAND.--On the line of the Pennsylvania Railroad, within elght m les of the city! an ACRE OR TWO OF GROUND, suitable for a conntry residence., _Address, stating location, S. G., li3ox GAZETTZOFFICE. LOST. - - OS' T-110 T Allegheny City, on Jtine 19th, 1968. a PROMISSORY OPE, drawn irlifavor of JOHN H. MEYER. at 30 days, by BUFFUM. KEHEW dr CO., for Flee Hun dred and Three Dollars ($50388,) and Sixty-six - Cents. Notice la hereby given that a duplicate of the same wilt bebdade, and, all persons are warned against negotiating for the same as payment has been stopped , liberal reward will be_pald for the return of the sae to JOHN H. MEYERS, No. 97 Third street. Alkegheny City. FOUND. "VOUN,D--tPOCKET4IOOIi.—A. Pocket-Bodk, containing some money, ivas 'mind on Seventkstreet, between Grant and !Smith field. The owner! can have the same by calling at THIS OFFICE, paying charges and identifyin g the same. EC)R RENT. T OW LET-4TOBE—RA.ItEC ROOM —The AND HANCE. Store . Room t 69 fe.t deep) and Dwelling 'House at °resent occupied by 7'. Hi Magee, Jeweller, located at No. 89 FEDERAL STREET, Allegheny, win be rented ou favprable terruS. There are nine large and well . arranged roomv—three on eaeh of second, third and fourth . in sßoors lii3 an windowsoughout the house. Plate glass Mere Poasession will be given on August ISt; Apply to C. WATTLY. two doors below. . .. TO LET—ROOM—A .larga and . pleasant second story front room, handsomely. undshed, on Hand street, will be let as a gOtle men's sleeping rdom. Apply at No.' 31 HAND STREET. . MO LET--AOUSE.--A two-story Frame Dwelling of eight rooms; gas through out the house, and3arge lot: situated in Allegheny City, near the biustiension Bridge. Possession can be given immediately. Apply to J. S. FERGUSON, No. 57. Fifth street. MO LET—HOUSE.—A three .story BRICK ROUSE, situated In a desirable street in Allegheny Clty,ltogether with furniture, will be rented on moderate terms. For Dattlettlartiatitiresa B. 8., Box 13, Gd2ETTE OFFICE. To . LET — S I ORE-ROODI—Noi . 12 WYLIE STREET. Will be ready for occults lion early next week. Is forty-tive feet la depth, sky.llght back. Freneh plate glass front, Bag pave-- ment, and everything elegant and Convenient.' ' , O 1 , , LET—ROOM. --A . large and pleasant second story Front Room, wits boarding for rent it No. 25 SIXTH STREET, op posite Trinity, Church. Also, a limited number ot day boarders will be accommodated with first class boarding. . TLET-110138E—In Sewickley, -- nearly new, six rooms, with garden attached, Pleasantly located Within live minutes, walk of the Station. Emit:tire iof D. N.- WHITE, or J. H. BALDWIN, .b.o. 118 Diamond street. • • I rllO LET—It 00 M 8.-Two Large 11 FRONT Rooms, second story, In a pleasant part of the city , suitable for man and Wife. En quire at 41S1IITHTIELD STREET. • rKO -.1-svo6 story FRAME witrSE. of Hire'rooms, on the cornet' of ocust and Mulberry streets, Sewickley. The house and premises have been newly fitted up. : All. a large .an& excellent garden. - Possession glgen at any timeis Inqulre of W. M. LATER.. Br. d street, Sewickley. TO LET—HOUSE.—A new tunne l with iron froht. situated at No. 151Reaver street, Allegheny. The house is a good dwelling of 7 rooms, and has a splendid ntore.Roo business. t deep. Is well situated fur any kind of Inquire of NEM - 1611SE & RESPENHEID, next door above, or at No. 169 OHIO STREET. yo LET-THE STORE 2. ROOM, No. 130 Oblolatentie, with dwelling above of pos, with wat man ne rd bath. Store room fit ted u pin the best with plated glass show windows and iron Vont. Inquire at office of PRA ZLER BROS., Ohio avenue mad Sedgwick legheny. . . TO LET— USE _.That desira. ble Dwelling. Alouse, No. 71 Liberty street, containing ten roans, kitchen and wash -house. Enquire of JAS. J. ORAL No. 25 Sixth street. . . rro LET-1100.3114.--Three or Y our . tfurnished reomb,iwith board or without, elle. situated on. Penn Street. Address It. M., 111 A.. ZETTIt OFFICE. TrO LET—TVvo fine Office Rooirini on Fifth etreilt, second floor. • Apply to S. ELBERT Sc BONS, S b Bndthlteld street. • FOE SALE F" BALE]-DRUG STORE.--A RABE CHANOE.—To Druggists desirous or nurcbaslng a neat, i cOmpact and :well furnished bRuG IsToRE, in &splendid locatien and thriving city, can learn particulars by addressing P. 0. Box 353. BBIZ..Pa.' • , FOR SALE - IN MeRE.ES PORT.—The half or 'whole of Mark HO feet nt by 140 feet deep. situate onet near Second street. Pori particulars enquire of \ V. C. HMI., Hull's Store, Fifth. near the depot, Mc- Keepport; or a‘ldreieti JOSEPH. FORSYTHE, 110 Fifth street, Pittsburgh. 08 SALE-410USE AND LOT.--- One house any lot of two acres of grenist4 itt illipsburg. Beavek county, Pa. The house is a, two-story trame, with seven rooms. The lot has a number of fruit trees, and all in good order, There is a cistern on the premises, and stable and other outbuildings. Will be sold at a bargain by itAll - & BALL, Real Estate Agents, No. 91Beaver street, Allegheny. 1 - , FOR SALE.4 II ORSES.;--At HOW. AIM'S myElm AND SALE STABLE, One dna AMILY HORSE (Ram PLE GREY' HORSES: one LARGE •AUGHTRHORSELthree BVACK 3IARES; two GIiEY IlLeatES. rir.+ST SIREET, near Monongahela House.. Horses bought and sold on commission. - ' .' won. S L US E. -$2 SOO wil cellar. good , . FRAME ROIJSE situat ed/oms and 'dry and lot 30 by 95 feet, In a. pleasant part of Alle4heny, three doer from street cars. Address HOUbE, UdZETTE OFFICE. • VOIR, SAL E-110USE,-.4 NICEBRicK. HOUSE, of eight rooms, on Monti. gomery avenue, near Federal street. Entintev,.of Mr. DRIJITT, corner 'Montgfpery avenue and Fed eral street, Allegheny. •• • • . , , OR KALE -APOS.TS.7•LOCUSIC pr., POSTS, of any size required, by JOHN DYER; , Corner of Ridge street and Allegheny Avenues Allegheny Oily. • • FR SALE--I,ooo.k4Unds of Old TYPE. Apply At the EIazATTE • . II =I