The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, June 25, 1868, Image 3
11 ill }~~' 13 cinancial Natters in New TorL Gold Closed 17171034®140%. 'z -Telegraph to the rittsbnesh Gazette.l NEW Tor.K, June 24, 1868. MONEY AND GOLD. ,:.coney easy at 3®4 per cent. on call. quiet at 10(1)10%. Gold lower; fining at 140%; advancing to-140%, and r'sing at•140%(1)140%. The supply of cash ad continues scarce, and late in the day *,-2 was paid for the use of gold until to , 'lrrow. • The shipments to-day amounted 13374,954. An active bull operator bid :N. for any part of a million and the sole was promptly sold to him. GOVERNMENTS. llovernments steady : Coupons of 1 1 8.81, 118%,; do. do. '64, 111®111%; do. '65, %%®111%; do. new,113%®114; do, '67, Pg 114%; do, •68, 10%110%; Ten-Forties, 1 ,:%®107%; Seven-Thirties, 110%®111134. %3order State bonds are strong and active: , ssonris, 94%®94%; new Tennessee 77® ',41; old do, 78; new North Carolinas, 74% 74%; .old do, 74%; old Virginias, ssg. tallway mortgages firm with light offer [o. The_ Miscellaneous list is dull except :Tilic.Mall which is active and stronger. press shares are dull and lower. Rail Fey market closed dull and lower. STOLES. The following are the 5:30 ricer: Canton, ®5O; Cumberland, 33® ' 35. Wells' Ex ;ess, 27®27%; American Exoressg, 50® z,3034; Adams Express, 55% ® 55%; Her . ants 'Union- Express, 26%®27; United ?ates Express, 5034®51; Quicksilver, 25% /irarllK*l44@4%;_Pacific Union ( 402%; Atlantic, 30®33; Western 3434®34%; New' York Cen- M, 134%®134%; Erie, 68%®69; pre- - ti-red, _7534 ®77; Hudson, 13934®139%; '9ading, 103®103%; Hartford and Erie, l; Chio and - 40®40%; abash, 4734(1)47%; St. Pau1,, 64%@ t%; do. - prderred, 77%®77%; ldichi- Cen., 11742417%; Michigan !% Sonthern, ®9194; Illinois Central, 157%®158; ttaburgh 90%®90%; Toledo, 103%01103%; Ock Island, 105®10534; North Western, t®69%; preferred, 7934 @79%; Fort !ayne, 111%®111%; Chicago and Alton, 1534; preferred, 136; 'Harriette, first pre- P!red, 22, ( Celumbus 91. MINING SHARES lviining shares quiet; Quartz Hill 125; '-nith lie Parmelee, 360. TAX. ON DEPOSITS. t a meeting at the Clearing House to v a committee was appointed to consider - d report what :action should he taken ative, to the , proposed increase of taxes on deposits and circulation. SUB-TR3I7RY. Receipts at Sub-Treasury, $1,104,017; pay ent5; . 5657,715; balance, $96,116,918. Ex rts, exclusive of specie, $2,670,477. New York Produce Market. y Telegaph to the Pittabunrh Gazette.)• NEW , Yorts, June 24.—Cotton without de ed change; sales 800 bales at 30c for add ing uplands.. ' Flour—receipts 3,705 bbls., regular, unsettled and 10a15c lower; es 9,000 bbls at 86,85a7,30 for superfine • to and western; 87,65a8,60 for extra State; 70a9,75 for extra western; $10,80a12,90 for •te wheat extra; 88,65a12,90 for R. H. 0.; 50a10 for extra St. Louis; $10,50:314,50 for ilt to choice, closing quiet; included in sales are 2,550 bbls. extra State for ex at prices 'within range. California flour 11 and drooping; sales 550 sacks at 810 a 65. Rye flour quiet; sales 600 bbls at f 25a10,40. Corn meal dull; sales 600 bbls :1 ; $6,25. Whisky dull., Wheat—receipts .t. ..: 998 bu; a shade lower, with a moderate iness for export; sales 48,000 bu at 82,10 •'; x ,12 for No. 2 spring; $2,20 for No. 1 do.; ,•: -;70 for white State; V/.,60 for red State; 8, 0 75 „i: oice white California. Rye quiet; 300 bu uthern $1,85.. Barley and Barley Malt diet. Corn; receipts 116,684 bush; heavy *d one cent lower; sales 76,000 bush at 1,05a1,06% for Mixed western afloat, clos - gat 1,053451,06 for sound parcels, 1,08 for put mixed; nearly yellow. Oats one-half • - ln lowee, land more doing, chiefly for ..;., Fic elation; l sales 16,900 bush' at 83a84.0 • western in store and afloat, chiefly at •:;'• -c. Rice dull. Coffee quiet. Sugar firm ••llles 950 _tibia Cuba at 11%a12e. Molasses ;;a at $1,20. Hops quiet. Petroleum dull .:".. 140 for crude, and 30;0 for refined in d. LeaFher—Hentlock, wile firm at . jo ut pre ous prices. Wool .steady with oderate demand; sales 37,ooo pounds at 4a54c for domestic fleece. Will dull. t... ;. .rk quiet nd a shade firmer; sales 1,400 bls at $28,43a29,50 for new mess, closing at i 18,50 cash, 827,87a28,00 for, old do, clos[ng . ;. $2B regular; 822,50823 for prime, ands 24 ,• i lii,2s for prime mess. Beef is steady and • tachanged. With salesof 225 barrels. Tierce '.. ~ef is nominal. Beef Hams are dull at 827 ' • 115. Cut Meats are. quiet, and sales were ''..' •.''' tade of 150 packages, at 121313 c for shoul ,i3rs, and 161317 e for hams. Lard is firm, '.-:«itif. sales of 700 tierces at 16a17c for steam, • ',.,:. pd 17a18c for kettle rendered; also 500 Vas ,eam, seller and buyer for August, at 17a ' ' : fr. Ve. Butter is quiet at 25330 c for Ohio, ..ut 30a35c - for State. 'Cheese is steady at . lsc. Freights to Liverpool are without . ''.'•'•• , y decided change, with engagements of -''' ' t5OO bushels corn at .I;id., and 80,000 bush ,: s wheat at bd., both per steamer. - .. . .. LATEST.—dour closed slightly in favor I "_ ' • buyer, wit.h rather more doing in com -,'; -'. jp on grades for export. Wheat heavy at . : 1 7,10a2,11 for No. 2 and $ 2,19a2,20 fdr No. 1 .r.k: ring. Rye dull at $1,80a1,90. Oats firm , ith fair speculative demand; sales at 83 ... ..:4. : r western in store and afloat. Pork quiet :d steady; sales at 8 28,37a28,50 for mess ...:. ~ h and regular. -Beef quiet and un ':i:' ' anged. Cuti Meats and Bacfin nomi t .:: , . Lard quiet at 16ga 1 7 for tali to prime . . '...;ca m . Eggs steady at 23;024. . I - !NJ _,P r Chicago Market. ,1;33, Telegr a p h to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) • ; CincActo, June 24.—Flonr . dull; 7.6214 a I ' ,10 for low grades to strictly ehoi spring tras. Wheat, less _active and 3i lower; • les No..tat $1,98a2,00, and N0."2 a #1,96a 97%, closing with buyers of No. 2 t out ; de figures. Corn moderately sett e and foie - lower; sales No. lat : 11.4a&P c; No. 85c; rejected, 92a8.2%e, closing a 8690 tAxec for co. 1. Oats fairly active; sales' at .7 - I ' . closingwith . qa6B,.e, buyers at 68 4 and 'lc: • 5911ers at 68%e. Rye quiet and firmer;. • . . 1 •13,. les at 151.58a1,60. Barley inactive and ... ' orninal. Provisions dull. Mess . Pork, ' • i"27,75. Lard heavy and drooping a 1634 a ;6c. Bulk Meats altogether , neglected. 1 •, . irrpights dull; 3a4c on corn and 4c on wheat, ' s er steam, to Buffalo. Receipts for past 24 :lours--3,653 bbls flour, 24,4.0 bus wheat, ' '44,685 bus corn, 19,702 bus oats, 11,986 hogs. • ;;;; L ipments-4,780 bbls • flour, 47,326 bus . ? ;heat, 60,264 bus corn, 700 bus oats, 3,245 .flogs. —....--- . -; Louisville Market. .5 ME SE qty Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gasette.l L LotrisviLta; June 24.-Sales 145 hhds • bkcco; .lugs $7,75a9,76; •, Trimble county Tutting leaf 1)20. Wheat--Wd crop $1,96a2. torn 90a93c. Oats 78a806. Flour--47,50a8 13r superfine western. Pork $2B. Lard ( 7)40. Bacon shoulders 13)40, clear sides 9734a17 )4c, clear , rib sides 1614a16%0. All lacked ulk Meats...nl4 shoulders 12,)4c, 4ear snlps 16alflyZe. Baltlmoro'llfarket, • y Telegr*Dh to the rittebtalih Gazette.) BALTEiroun,- June 24.-Plour 4011' and • war, Northwestern, Superfine $7,75a8,00; xtra ‘8,75a10,00. Wheat dull and un hanged. Corn steady; white sl,o 9 __ la' /3; allow $1„041,22. Oats, dull, at .B.sauoc, ye dull at 81;00. ' Pork firrn and unchang [d. Bacon;firrh,l.Lard dull, and unchanged. UM L s. ,P,Oirolt , Telegraph to thoxittsbirret Ossetia.] I DETROIT, June 24.--Flour dull - but arm, twang to reports of injury to crops. choice uperfine,lllll,7sal2; Minnesota spring, $lO. wheat scarce with a light demand; buyers offer $2,50 for No 1 white; sales of No 2 white tit PAO; No 1 amber offered at $2,30. Cincinnati Market. 3y Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette. , CritCntriAn, June 24.—Flour dull; family at $9,50a9,75. Wheat quiet at $2,15 for No. 1, and $2,05 for No. 2; the first lot of a new crop was received in this market to-day from Tennessee by Robert Carmichael Co; the quality was not first-class grain, be. ing rather light. .Corn dull, with the std . ) ply in excess of the demand; sales, in the ear, at 77a8843, and shelled at 90a91c. Oats unchanged at 77c1for No. 1. Rye quiet at $1,60a1,65. Cotton dull, with no demand; upland middlings nominal at 244 c. Tobacco firm, with sales of 310 hhds at s6a7o for lugs, and $12,15369,10 for leaf. Proiisions dell, but nominally unchanged, ing no demand for, any article. Butter in better supply and lesa trin, with ,prices tending aownward; Ohio' a 25a27c, and 38330 c for western. Eggs dull at 18c. flay very dull, with the supply in excess of the demand, but prieesare nominally unchang ed. Linseed oil dull at $1,12, with light demand. Petroleum dull at 3305 c for re fined free. Beef cattle firm but quiet at $3,50a7,50 per gross. Sheep dull at 13a3,65 gross per 100 pounds. Lambs at $1,25a2,50 per head. Gold at 139y0 there has been a better demand. Toledo Market. By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gaiette.] TOLEDO, June 24.—Flour; 'receipts, 1,002 bbls; quiet. Wheat stbaciy; receipts, aso bush; salts of amber Michigan at 82,31. Coin; receipts, 23,900 bush; lo lower, with sales of• No 1 at 90 3 / 4 a9lc, Michigan 90c, No. 1 white 95c, No 2 white 910. seller, last half of July at 92c, buyer, all July at 940. Oats steady; receipts, 4,800 bush, with sales of Michigan at 710. Lake freights dull at Sc on corn to Buffalo 6o to Oswego, and 7350 to Ogdensburg. Cleveland Market By telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) CLEVELAND, June 24:—Flour held as fol lows: double extra red winter $12,00a12,50, double extra spring $10,50a11,00; prices of country brands irregular. Wheat; sales of 1 car No. 1 red at $2,24 and 1 car do at $2,25. Corn held at 95c; 940 offered. Oats; sales of 2 cars at 72e. Rye; market dull and in active and held at $1.75a1,80 for No. I. Barley nominal. Petroleum quiet and un changed; refined in bond held at 263 a27c, free at 37a38c. Memphis Market. LEY Telegraph to the Pittsburgh 6azette.l M_Entrins, June 24.—Cotton irregular and nominally 29c; reciepts 8; exports 9 bales. Flour dull at 87a7,50 for superfine. Wheat at $l,BO. • Corn at 90c. Oats at 77a78c. Bran at 28c. Cornmeal at' $4,30a4,60. Pork at $29a29,50. Bacon dull at 13%0 for shoul ders; 17 1 /,,a18 1 .4c for clear sides. Lard at 16)019%c. 25a30c. Eggs at 16a18c. Milwaukee Market.( (By Telegrauh to the Pittsburgh Gazette., MILWAUKEE, June 24.—Flour quiet and steady. Wheat quiet at $1,9534 for No 1; $1,86 for.No 2. Oats firmer at 6834 c for No 2. Corn weak at 87e for No 1, and 860 for No 2. Iteeeipts--1,000 bbls f10ur.23,000 bus wheat, 2,000 bush oats Shipments-1,500 bbls flour, 17,000 bus wheat. IMPORTS BY RAILROAD. Prrrasunon, Pr. WAYNE AND CHICAGO RAILROAD, June 24.-4 cars metal, Nimick dr, Co; 1 do do, Chess, Smyth t Co; 4 do do, Bryan & Co; 2 do do, Totten & Co; 12 do iron ore, Shoenberger & Blair; 1 car oil bbls, M P Adams & Bro; 4 bbls eggs. Graff & Reiter, 26 bales wool, S Harbaugh & Co; 2 bbls lard, F Sellers & Co; 4'bbis vinegar, Massey & Co; 25 sewing machines, Wm Sumner & Co; 4 cases leaf tobacco, A Schaub; 4 bags rags. McCullough, Smith & Co; 2 bbls eggs, 'S B Floyd & Co; 16 do vin egar. Haworth, McDonald & Co. 25 bbls flour, Kirkpatrick, Herron & CO; 24 bas Cheese, H Riddle; 9do do, Kirkpatrick & Co; 28 do do, N J Braden; 5 bbls grease, 11 pkgs scraps, D Chestnut & Co; 100 bbls flour, Segbmyer & Voskamp; 13 bbls flour, Watt, 'Lang & Co; 100 do do, S Lindsaay & CO; 200 do do, owner. CLthELAND AND Prrrsztraatr RAIL. 'BOLD: June 24.-5 cars blooms, Parks Bro & Co; 6do do, 3 do metal, Nimick it Co; 1 do iron ore McKnight &, Co; 1 do de, Shoen burger dc Blair; 10 boxes starch, Segbmyer & Vaskamp; 14 aks pearls Bakewell Pears & Co; 24 boxes cheese, H Riddle; 25 aks oata,Robb & Herron: 50 bblaoli,J W M'Far len; 1 car oats,, Elevator; 5 pkgs hides, W Flaccus & Son; 2 cases tobacco. Watt Lang & Co; sdo do, Haworth .McDonald & Co; 3 dodo, S Cooper & Co; 6 do do; W M Gorm ley; 5 do do, C Koethen; 20 ~do do. E Hea zleton 118 oil bbls, C A Wormcas;le; 5 lib& 'tobacco, S Floresheim; 1 bbl eggs, H Rea; 69 green hides, .1 Hammett ct - odOn; 2 bales hemp, John Flecker, 10 bbls oil, Jas Lip , pericott;loo hgewheat,Hitchcock M'Creery Co; 100 boxes starch, E Heazieton; 1 car oats, J W Simpson; 25 boxes cheese, Watt Lang & Co; 10 do do, W Hedges: 12 sits rags, Mc- Cullough Smith & Co; 100 bbls flour, C B Ltiech; 2 bbls eggs, Voigt Mahood & Co; 13 aks rye, Thos PITTSBURGH, CINCINNATI AND ST. Louis Repaoaxi, June 24.-15 bbls vinegar, Meatus dr. Coffin; 1 car staves, J Wirderlich; 1 de do, H Geyer; 1 do do, Thos Neeley; 200 bbls flour, owner, owner; 100 do do, Segh myer & Voskamp; 5 bbls eggs, M W Ran kin; 2do do, D Kyle; 200 sks corn, 31 do oats, McHenry-dc Hood; 26 she wheat, Mc- Mcßane & Anjer; 8 bbls ( eggs, 12 do vine gar, Graff & Reiter; 2 bas tobacco, F G Craighead; 8 aks hair, A Hoveler,• 3 cars lumber, J O'Dell; 20 bbls bungs, A BMWs; 5 tea • hams, Jas Lippincott; 8 bales dry hides, D Chestnut; 1 car oats, Scott it Gisal. ALLEGED:NT- VALLEY RAILROAD. June 24.-2 cars metal, Everson Preston & Co; 1 do do, Loomis & Collard; Ido do,Lyon, Shorb & Co; 480 bbls oil, Leech s it ood; 5 bales weol, W Barker Jr & Co; 8 cars rail road North Missouri R R Co; 2 bbls eggs, Geo Herr; 5 sks rags, 2 do flaxseed, W Mil ler; 8 cars limestone, & Blair; 37 bgs rags, McCullough, Smith & Co; 82 bgs rye, J S Finch; 83 bgs oats, J Hood ,& Co; 2 kgs butter; B .F.l.ycote & Co; 2 cars lime, Jas Reno; 1 car cinders, Andrews & Hitchcock. ALLEGHENY STATION, June 24.-100 bgs feed, M Steel dtSot4 41 bgs oats, H Slcian; 3. cars limestone, 2 do metal, Superior Iron . Co; 250 bgs barley, Smith & Co; 300 bbls flour, Stewart & Langenhelm; 100 do do, R KnOX. &Son; 260 bgs oats, Jos McKinney; 2 cars 3ron ore, Spang, Chalfant & Co; 2 rolls leather, Papp Baker k Co; 1Q poxes starch, Eohen & Bro; 13 boxes cheese B Young; 250 green hides,A & J Groetzinger & Ca. - Frrrsintrsort Azsn Coxxszasviazz RAILROAD, June 23.-1 car metal, Yough iogheny Iron & Coal Co; 1 car tan bark, A Holsteine; 75 bdls paper, Markle & Co; 1 car stone,Breut Sr, Co. PENNSYLVANIA CENTRAL RAILROAD, 6 pkgs wool, W,Goe; 56 pkgs fish, J K Wil son; 155 sk' rye; W J Meek. LEGAL. VOLUNTARY ASSIGNMENT. Notice Is hereby given that JA.IIEB D. DRAVO, by deed of voluntary assignment, dated the lath day of June, 1889, assigned and transferred to the subscribers all his estate, In trust for the benefit of his creditors. All perstms indebted to said estate will make payment, and those having claims will preseni them, duly authenticated, at the oftice,No. fia Diamond. REUBEN MILLER, Jr, GEO. N. ARMSTRONG. AUrder7B4; b,, June 15. 1668. Pittsbur 48TAILIt of MrsiNANCICJI - lARKS :*.tor.czAnD. - trues Testamentary upon the estate of said de-- eadenttdate of McCandless township, Allegheny, county, - Pa., have been duly granted to the sub- scribers, who reside inAllegheny City. All per sons Indebted to said decedent are notified to make payment to me, and those having claims or demands against her estate are required to make the same known without delay. WILLIAM I'. WRIGHT. jelaalts-nt Bxecutor, ME - I " 44 ' , t _ st, PITTSBURGH GAZETTE : THURSDAY, JUNE 25' 1868. RIVER NEWS. - The river continues to recede slowly at this point, with scant four_feet in the chan- nelby the Monongahela markia last even ing. We had quite a rain storm on Tues- day night, accompanied with lightning and thunder, but yesterday it was clear and pleasant and seemingly settled. There has been no arrivals since our last report, and the Lorena, for St. Louis, with a good trip, having alllthe freight she could take on boat and barge was the only depar- tare The Messenger, from St. Louis, and the J. N. McCullough, from Cincinnati, are both due hereto-day. Business was moderately active at the landing yeaterday, though there is plenty of room for improvement. The Kate Robinson, in charge of the vet teran, Capt. John Shank, is filling up steadily for St. Louis, and she is announced to take her departure to-morrow. Messrs. Palmer and Wherry &reassociated togeth erin the office. The St. Charles has withdrawn from the . Pittsburgh and Cincinnati packet trade, and laid up at the latter place. The R. C. Gray and Argosy are also laid up at Cin cinnati. tire Leonidas and America, are enroute from St. Louis to Pittsburgh, and both have passed by Cincinnati. The Charmer, Capt. Lew Vandergritt, with Isaac R. Whittaker, in the office, is announced for St. Louis forthwith. The Camelia, Captain Wm. bean, is an nounced for St. Louis forthwith. As we have already noted, she is in excellent con dition for business, having just . been thoroughly overhauled, repaired and re painted. __ The Wild Dick and New York were loading at St. Louis for Pittsburgh on Tuesday. The St. Louis Depth/Wen; of Tuesday, says: George Williams the popular and taWnted clerk of the FArik Pargoud, was the victim, on Saturday, ot misplaced con fidence. It appears that at New Orleans a party shipped three barrels of what was signed for , as whisky, and registered him self as a passenger for this port, the amount due for is passage being, entered as . charges for the bill of lading for whisky. On the arrival of the boat ht this port the shipper disappeared, and it was concluded to sell the whisky for freight •and charges, and the agent, Col. Baker, was instructed accordingly , . - The Colonel opened one qr I the tiarrela for a sample, on tasting which. however,-the Colonel declared eruphati t tally th at it was "a new drink on him." Various experts were called in, and it was finally decided the liquor was nothing else than Mississippi water. The other barrels proved no better, and, as a consequence, the Pargoud is minus passenger and freight money, and Col. Baker is plus some valu able information in the liquor business. A S. Louis 'dispatch, under of Monday, says: River still declining: The upper rivers are in i fair condition. 'On the lower rapids there is four feet of water, and more everywhere else. Arrivals and departures of steamers continue liberal, with excellent freight and passenger trips. Nearly 7,000 tuns of freight left this point for New Or leans last week. The Ida Stockdale, Huntsville and Adkins have arrived from \ Benton. The - Antelope and Octavia, from Benton, passed St. Joseph yesterday. The latter brought from Fort Stevenson to. Fort Raridall Wm. Barry, the _soldier who shot and killed Capt. Spe er, of the English army, on that boat on her way to Benton last year. She also brought down the par ties who bought the wreck of the Amelia Poe, they having been driven off by the Indians and compelled to abandon their design. Missouri rising. Upper Missis sippi Another one of same date, has the follow ing items: Arrived—Savannah, from St. Paul; Key City, from Dubuque; Glendale. from Pittsburgh. Departed—Davenport, for St. Paul; Marble City, for Memphis; -Is abella, for Omaha; Melnotte, for Cincin nati. River still falling, ,but there, is a good stage of water to all points. Weather clear and warmer. Galetea reshipped her Upper Mississippi freight, and will prob ably lay up here. It is said that the Barge Company will enter into the Memphis and Vicksburg trade in connection with their New Orleans business. The snag-boat De- Buggy, has reached Miller's Laiiding, Mis souri river. She has . thus far pulled out some eighty snags, one of them 114 feet long, 21 filet in circumference at the butt, and 14 at the top. ' A St. Louis dispatch says the license of Nicholas Heisler, as first class engineer on the Steamer Tacony, was revoked for vio lating the United States law, by forcing boilers beyond the limited pressure. The Louisville Democrat has a rumor that Capt. Sam. Hildreth and others were 'negotiating for a charter of the steamer St. Mary's to run in tho Cincinnati and Madi son trade. We clip the following items from the Cin cinnati Gazette, of Tuesday: The St. Charles, yesterday, reshipped. 1,406 kegs nails for St. Louis and -694 kegs for Madi son Louisville and Evansville—all on the Lady Grace. The St. Charles has quit the Pittsburgh trade and will lay up. The Watianits left for St. Louis, last eve ning, and will take 500 bbls cement at Jeff ersonville. She had her new chimneys painted while lying here. Pilots R. G. Shinkle and Albert Williamson. The America, St. Louis to Pittsburgh, passed up yesterday, after discharging a small lot of freight here. Pilots, the broth ers Poe.' River and Weather. [By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] LoutaymLn, June 24.—River falling. with 6 feet 8 inches in the canal. Weather is clear and *arm. k v i 1:10 3 ) 1 1 h 31010111 NOTICE TO OWNERS OF BUYS, HACKS, Hatton is hereby given to all owners of Drays, - Carts, Carriages,' Buggies, &c., whether resident or non-reeldent in the City of Pittsburgh, to pay their Licenses at the Treasurer's 'Office of the City of Pittsburgh FORTHWITH, in accordance with an Act of A.ssembly, apprOved March 30th, 1860, and and an Ordinance of the Councils of the City of Pittsburgh, passed April 16, 1860. All Licenses not paid on or before MAY 1 6 1868. l be placed in the hands of the Chief of Police for collection, subject to his fee of 80 cents for the collection thereof, and .111 1 persona wbo neglect or rents° to take out Licenses will be subject to a pen altY, to be recovered before the Mayor, double the amount of the License. The old metal plates of preylons years must be re turned at the ; time Licenses are taken out, or pay 510 cents therefor. . RATES OF LICENSE: Each One - Horse Vehicle 1 50 Each Two Horse " ito 00 Eoch Four Horse " 15 , 00 Each Two Horse Hack 15 00 Omnibuses and Timber Wheels drawn by Two Horses, Eighteen Dollars each. For each addi tional HOtite used in any of the aboye vehicles, One Dollar. SAMUEL ALLINDER, City Treasurer. YITTERIMIGIL FebrualT 18. UM. JSTREET.—NOTICE IS to, hereby given that the viewers appointed to as sess damages and benetlts for widening of JACK SONTEET. Seeon(t_ward. Allegheny, them pas ture L a n e to Shields Alley. will meet on prem ises on THURSDAY , the 9th day of July. at 4H o'clock r. at., to attend to the duties of their ap pointment. - JAMES. GRAHAM, W. S. EVANS, je23:r95 J. D. INGHAM. mINDIA.. BUDDER BELTING AND STEAM PACHING. — A. full stock on hand at all t eg, and of the best , quality. Parties wishing to fit up mills or shops where Belting is required, will and our prices 118 low as can be had in the East, . sad reight saved. J. et H. PHILLIPS; , Se and AS St, Clair street. • - TRA NSP ARE NT, GREEN OIL 9_uslity9lTlArefolrn iiYl i c a e d i p an S t i li N e e re; art e t rl rli;l! osaure. Another large supply of: tee different widths Just received front factoi7. J. & Et. PHILLIPS, j e t' ' • • , 5118 and AB S. Mar strp•t, IQUIENTAL PICKLES.--Just caved.: another !Imolai of. 'them , sajlerior " clam pnt up in patent.,pire, by CFC°°P P l e4. • well, and,fOr "JOAN A. RiNSHAiir,,P '• Oor. Mee: lnd Hand streets: TAB BADlfile—A fresh supply of the celebrated I"Star" brand of Sugar cured ems, put up expressly for our family trade, just received and for sale at the Family El rocery Store of JOHN A. RENSE(Aw, jets • corner Lnerty; and Hand streets. STEAMBOATS. CINNATI' PACKET LIN. For Wheeling, Marietta, Par Pomeroy, eautpoits, Bit Ironton, Portsmouth, May Cincinnati, ,C. A. DI BT. CILLBLES. MAYS, 5 P. m. The above elegant side-wheel steam regularly as announced, connecting with Packets and Railroads to Louisv Memphis, New Orleans and St. Loul upper Mississippi and Missouri river . Freight or passengers receipted th rail or river. ; Especial att ention given to Orders ness. BARNES & COLLIN an2o GBRIEST & RASE NORTHERN LINE PACKET CON. - [ESTABLISHED 14358 The Only Through Moe R Owl St. Louie wad St. . fftdppeis &siting their freight to gol Out re-ohipping_above St. Louis, will their freight—TlA NORTHERN LI • Through rates given over l'lttstour guaranteed by • • & COLLINGW And les R ST. LOUIS AND ST.s id dr i k line steamer BALLEVMRNON Oapt. Jsro. Damian, Will leave as above, glvirigthrough receipts to all points on the Missouri and Upper lainlealppi riven at lowest rates, on Tills DAY—ti r. ar, or freight apply on board or to 'F or • I.4HRIEbT PIASLETT, Agents. 'LOB ST. 'LOUIS.—The 1: reliable steamer SATE : ROBINSON • Capt. J. N. Slitrim, Wlll take her departure for the above and Interute4 dlate Ports THIS DAT, June 24th-4 For freight or passage apply on board or to Ids FLACK & COLLL' , .ZGWOOD. Agents. LOU ISVILLE, LOUIS h CAIRO. e tine steamer CAISiTgLIA Will leave u above announced on FRIDAY, 21303 For treigbt or protair on board or to . J. D. COLLINGWOOD. Agents. F°RgT. ,Logigg.—Theisaamit low water passenger steamer • CaIiIDLER Capt. Louts VANDEGRIFT, I. It. WHITTAKER, Clerk, will, leave for St. Louis .snd Intermediate ports on THIS DAY, 24th Init.--4 r. For fret/eat or passage apply on board. CITY OF ALLEGHENY, TRZASURSn'e °Frier, June Thtli, 1154511. f ALLEGHENY TAXES. Notice Is hereby given than the Assessors have no* placed In the Treasurer's 012 Ice the, duplicates from the several wards of Ity, Poor, City Business, School, School Building and 'Public Park Taxes, , And °MATER RENTS for the year 1868, and that Bald Taxes will now be received in pursuance of the Acts of Assembly, of February .87th, 1860, and of Apr 6 14th, 1863, subject to the following regulations and allowances: Five per ant. if paid on or before the first day of July. Four per cent. if paid on or before the first day of August. Two per cent. if paid on or before the first day of September. If paid after the first day of September, and on or before the first day of Octo ber, no deduction will be made. If paid after' the first day of October, and on or before the first day of No vember. an addition of five per cent. shall be added to and payable on the same. AFTER THE FIRST OF NOVEMBER, War rantswill be tuned to enforce the collection of a I taxes remaining unpaid, together with the percen - f age accrued thereon, and the costs. , D. NACTERRON, City Treasurer. TrI,AXES I TAXES I e Tax Payers of the consolidated City of P itts burgh, are herpby notided that the Tax Gooks are now in the hands of the City Treasurer ready for collection. Taxes and Water Rents paid between the Ist of JUNE and the lst of AUGUST. will be received at a DISCOUNT OF FIVE PER CENT. And between AUISUST lat, and the lathof SEP TEMBER, at a DISCOUNT OF TWO PER CENT. From the 15th_ of SEPTEMBER to the lit of K . - TORE IL all taxes will beayable as :messed. A.Mr the lit or OCTOBER, FIV_ p E - per cent. will be added; and on the let of-NOVEMBER, all unpaid Taxes will be put into the hands of Collectors WITH CENT .,, , mating ADDITION OF FIVE PER CENT. making a difference of •FIFTEEN PER CENT, between those paying in July and those paying in November. AffirThe STATE MERCANTILE LICENSES are now due, and should be paid on or before the Ist of July, to save cost and expenao of snit. _ , S. ALLINDEIL I City Treasurer. Jel6:z6s • NOTIC E. _ , 1 . , - IN ACCORDANC E WITH THE Act of Incorporation books for subscription to e Capital Stock of the Company to etect a Bridge over the Ohio River, from near the mouth of Saw DiIII Run, (Temperanceville,3lto Allegheny, will be opened as follows, viz: At office of R. H. A H. E. DAVIS, Allegheny, July 6th and 7th. At HARE'S HOTEL, Pittsburgh, July Bth and 9 • • Atoffice of D. L . PATTERSON. Allegheny. Rate hester Manc, )u1 J7loth. . _ - _ _ __ lan a..., And at office of JOHN HALL et CO., Borough of Temperanceville, July 11th. The Books will be kept open from 10 o'clock A. as. to 4 P. x. By order of the Co_mmissloners. JeS:r3S HENDERSON E. DAVIS. Secret . OFFICE Or CONTROLLER OF ALLEGHENY CO., PITTSBERGIL, June 16th, 1868. • NOTICE TO BAKERS. SEALED PROPOSALS, addressed to " The Inspectors of the Allegheny County Prison," will be received until 216Tii INST.lnclusive, for furnish ing the County Prison - with . BREAD, for six months, from July 15th. MIS. Loaves to weigh one-and-a.: half and two pounds respectively, and to be of ap proved quality. Rigs to be mods at so much per pound.. Bond for two thousand dollars will be re quired for faithful performance of contract. The name of the security must accompany the bid. Rills, endorsed by the Warden and probated at this °Mee, will be paid monthly. HENRY LAIIBERT, Controller. Jelatr76 Stitt= COstisteeloirtins . OFFICE, t June 5. 1568. WATER • PATES AND STOP ccicxs.—xotici is hereby given to all prop erty owners, that by resolution passed in meeting of Councils the . Ordinance in relation to STOP COCKS and WATER PAVES, Chapter 16th, Sec tions 3d and 4th of City Code, will be strictly en forced. TWENTY DAYS' NOTICE Is hereby Oen to have all stop Cocks and - Water Paves removed and lowered that conflict with Ordinance Chapter 10, Sections 3d and 4th, or they will be removed with. out further notice, at th Committe e f ostner of the property. By order of on Streets. JOHN T. HUNTER, Streit Commissioner First District. JOHN D. kcFADEN, 3eS:r4o Street Commissioner. Second District. TO CONTRACTORS FOR IRON WORK. . SEALED PROPOSALS will be received up to the 22d of June tor the CAST AND WROUGHT IRON WORK required for the County Work House. _ ROOFwork consists of CAST SAVE GUTTERS, ROOF TRUSS BOLTS, BEAMS and CORRUGA TED SHEET IRON CEILINUS,BEDSTEADS. 4c. Proposals to be left with GEORGE ALBREE, Eso.., Secretary of the Board of Managers, corner of ood and Fourth streets,' Pittsburgh, Pa. Drawings and specilications to be seen and all tie , • warminformation given at the office of BARR & MOSEB, Architects. Nos. NI and 4 St. Clair street. N. B.—Separate bids will be received for the dif ferent branches of work. • Jelitrth CITY OF ALLEGHENY, PA.., TREASURER% OFFICE. June 15. nue. NOTICE IS untzpi GIVEN TO THE HOLDIfIUI OF TIIE Six per Cent; Municipal Bonds of tho City of Alleglieny, Pai r , That the Coupons on said Bonds, wly due July Lst, 11388, will be paid on said slay, s the State tazA at the BANK OF PITTSBUItii ,in the City of rittsburiiii, 1•••• 'n.. mtcritituosr, • . Tresitirer of,the ,9117 Allegheny, ;Ps. gerADVIEN , STREET.,ra DUCE is hereby Oren that the viewers appointed. o assess damages and benefits for widening of Me- FADDEN STREET, Eighth ward, Allegheny, will meet on the premises, on FRIDAY, the 10th day of ta' at o'clock r. N.,to attend to the duties of heir appointment. JOHN KIRKPATRICK, MATTHEW VOICGTLxI", jenatie SIMEON Butatosp. COMMISSION MERCHANTS• WATT, LANG 84.0)4 - WHOLESALE DEALERS IN Groceries, Flour, Grain, Product, Pro ' visions, Fish, Cheese, CarbOn 011. *O., ersburg, Sandy, esrid Nos. 172 and 174 WOOD STREET, near Liberty street, Pittsburgh, Pa. n08:n56 M e STEELE, & SON, Commission Merchants, AND DEALERS IN 4151 1 -11.A.T3r, P.1E.V.31), Ace: No. 93 OHIO STREE'L near East Common, ALLEOHE • CITY, PA. :vO, Muter rre win leave t Cincinnati le, Nashville. . Also to the JA.1418 B. - • JOB. HARM NIEANOR & HARPER, FLOUR, GRAIN AND PRODUCE ugh either by fl Way Busl- 2=l COMMISSION. DEERC - 329 LIBERTY" STREET, PITTSBURGH Consignments solicited. BanenzsrCitii—J. G. Martin, Cashier Mechanics , Nation al B ro nka; J. 8. Dilworth & Co., jT. Ken nedy & B. agi:l2A p2TER cEIL KXIL ia m Emu, res. F. EICHAMs COMMISSION MERCHANTS, lEMIIi AND IMALIBEI IN LOUR, GRAIN, SEEbB,IIEILL FEZD, ac., &c., $4O Liberty . ht., Pittsburgh, my24:1537 tititergeachoilrgghn th Boats, and D, Agents. Hi . GRAY, • ster Street ME WHANE J. B. A/M2ll. CRANE ANJER, . COMMISSION MERCHANTS, Dealers In FLOUR. GRAIN and PRODUCE GEN ERALLY No. 141 WATER STREET, above Smithfield, Pittsburgh. let , t: FORWARDING AND 00101:1=ONNIRGEIANTB, For the sale of Flour, Grain, Bacon, Lard, - -Butter, Seeds, Dried Fruit, and Produce generally, No. 10 MARKET STREET, corner of First, Pittsburgh. fe22:uB JOHN 1. HOUSE EDW. HOUSE WM. H. HOUSE. TOHN I. HOUSE & BROS t _. Suc- Scessors to JOHN I. HOUSE & CO., Wholesale rocers and Commission Merchants, Corner of Smithfield and Water Streets. Pittsburgh, Pa. Capt. DEAN, T RIDDLE, No. IS3 LIBERTY • STREET, Pittsburgh, Pa., Commission Mer-1 c ant and Wholesale Dealer in Country Produce, Groceries and Pittsburgh Manufactures. Cash ad vanced on Consignments, and Odd for Produce gap , unity. auZi SORT. KNOX ANDREW KNOX KNOX B is , SON, COMMISSION .MERCHANTSA Na nd dealers In FLOUR, GRAIN L FEED and I' ODUCE GENERALLY, 24) DIAMOND, oppo Re City Hall, .Allegheny ,City, 1a17:r37 Wit( •"' PAV.CRA ,'ORD, COMMISSION MERCHANT IN PIG METAL_ BLOOM. & , WROUGHT SCRAP IRON, FIRE BRICK AND CLAY, &c. Warehouse and Office. Nos. Bee and 36111I'ENN STREET. Storage Punished. ConsignUents solicited. TITTLE; BAIRD & PATTON, Wholesale Grocers, Commission Merchants and ealers In Produce, Flour, Bacon, Cheese,' Fish, Carbon and Lard Oil, Iron, Nails, Glass, Cotton Yarns and all Pittsburgh . Manntactares generally, In and 114 SECOND - STREET, Pittsburgh. JB. CANFIELD '& SON_, CON . MISSION 'FORWARDING MERCHANTS, and Wholesale Dealers In Western Reserve Cheese, Butter, _laird, Pork, Bacon, Flour, Fish, Pot and Pearl Ashes. and Oils, Dried Fruit and Produce generally, Nos. 144 and 1443 Front street, Pitts burgh. Joi t uisittrros..., ...A WAI.LACE § H IPTON E br.WALLAC 3 WHOLE SALE GROCERS AND PRODUCE DEALERS o. 6 SIXTH STREET. Pittsburgh. 1a12:1•58 J. BLANCHARD, Wholesale and Retail Grocers, No. 390 PENN STREET. p18:x89 PRO E I L SSIONAL. 1 k JOS. A. 131:11...ER, LORIMAR AND POLICE MAGISTRATE. °Mee, 126 WYLIE STREET, near Washington, PITTSBFROH, PA. Deeds Bonds, Mortgages, Acknowledgments, Depositions, Collections. and all other legitimate .business executed promptly. Inh.Mtuto SA.MUBL McMASTpIIB, AMDETtIit/LN, Ex-Criliclo Justice of the Peace and Police Magis trate. Oelccee,. GRANT STREET, .opposite the Ca thedral, PIdIIIIIIGIL, PA. Deeds Bonds, Mortgages, Acknowledgments, Depositions, and all Legal Business executed with Trromptuess and dispatch. . • • . table VUSTACE S. MORROW, " La ALDERMAN, EX-OFFICIO lIISTICir OP THE PEACE AND POLICE DLLOISTRATE. OFFICE, N 0.73 PENNA. AVENUE, PITTSBURGH, PA. Deeds Bonds, Mortgares, Acknowledgments, Depositions and all Legal Businessexecuted with • romptness and dispatch. my AAMMO *, 4 Justice of the Peace, CONVEYANCER, REAL ESTATE & INSURANCE AGT. CARSON STREET BIRMINGHAM. Collection of Rents solicited and promptly attend . ed to. my3:780 WILLIAM H. BAR : It s JUSTICE OF THE PEACE, CONVEYANCER, &C., Offlee, CARSON STREET,' nearly opposite the Railway Depot, SOOTS PITTSBIIRUH. Business entrusted to his care promptly attend ed to. mylty6l ARCHIBALD BkIIMILB' JLTrcoRN - mw—.A.T-mulLw, No. 98 FIFTH EATNIENT, too:dar D ANIEL McIIIEAL, M. D., PR ACTICING PHYSICIAN, OFFICE AND EXSIDENCE, No. 50 Grant St., near 'Ugh. sp2oLei T S. FERGUSON, et 4. ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, No. 87 Fifth Street, °lto FLOOR, I? limn Room. JOHN W. RIDDELL, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Office, U. Diamond Street, (Opposite the Court Hone,) 1€ ( ,15:t44 ,Tvr A, LEWIS, • ATTORNEY-AT-LAW, No. 90 Diamond Street. mh6:uB CAPIACKRELL ) ATTORNEY AND COUNSELOR AT LAW, No. 89 Grant Street, sarZA:VZ JOHN A. . STRAIN, .4-ILinaitALA.l4", RIC-OFFICIO JUSTICE OF THE PEACE AHD POLICE MAGISTRATE. Olace,lLS FIFTH STREET, opposlte the Cathe dral, Pittsburgh, Pa. Deeds, Bonds, Mortgages Acknowledgments, - Depositions and all Legal Bust 7 aces executed with promptness and dispatch. JOHN C. McCOMBS, ATTORNEY AND COUNSELLOR AT LAW, ,No. 87 Fifth Street. Pensions, Bonntlei and Arrears of. Pay promptly collected. nozoma HOTELS. EW S 'MUER RESORT. 7-lu , , LAKE HOUR Stoneboroi 03. 00 Mai of Jamestown. ii., ,Franklin Railroad., one .hotir's ride from Fraisklina' large, new and commodious, well furnished, has bilUard rooms, ten-pin alleys and covered prome nades. It is 'on the banks of the most charming Fairy Lake in America, abounding in Ash, and ad mirable for sailing purposes, surrounded with Sul phur springs, romantic scenery, de. It is the best 8. T. JESSZIMEDY. Proprietor. summer resort in the State. Address. PI I IPBBURGII stud CONNELLSVILLE B. R. On and after TiIITR:MAY, March sth,. 113011 trains will arrive at anctdepart from the Depot, cox ner of Grant and Water streets, as follows: Depart. Aryls*. Mall to and from Unlont'n. 7:00 A. It . 6 ., 00 bicKeesportAccommodt'n.ll:oo A. IL 9:05 P.M. Westto and from Uniont'n. 3:00..e. 1018) A. Y. Newton AeCommod'n 4-:3o‘c. It. 8:35 A. are Braddock's Accommodat'n 0:15 P. at. 7 ; 00 Night Acc. to McKeesport.l.o:3o 6:40 A. 31, Sunday Church Train to and from West Newton .1:00 e. s.10:00 A. it For tickets apply L 5 _ Kum . ), igen,. W. B.I3TOUT, Superintendent. , mht. J. A. STESLZ. ALLEGHENY airalgag . VALLEY RAILROAD. Y DIRECT'ROUTE TO THE OIL' REGIONS. Running through to Venango City without change of cars—Connecting, with trains East and Xest on the Warre.. t Franklin Railroad, and Atlantic & Great Western Railways. Shortest and quickest route to Oil City and Franklin, and all points in the Oil Regions. _ __ - . 1888 L 1 . • >rTralnl On andlafter April 28th, eassengoir„... will leave from and *sync at the Pittsburgh Depot, corner Canal and Pike Efts. as follows:. s' Depart. 4Ortes. Hall to and Pm yen. City. 7:00 A. x. 8:15 r. M. Express" _ 10:40 r. m.12:25 A. kW Bras Bend Accom ," marn 3:00 P. M. 10:20 A. X. Soda Works Al:eon:ft....—. 5:30 P. M. 7:55 A. M. First Hutton Accomod , n... 8:50 A. it. 11:40 A. Second Hulton'Accomod'n 12:00 M. 3:55 P. sf. Sunday Church Train leaves Soda Worki at sas A. N., arriving In Pittsburgh at 9:50 a. 51. Re. tundu g, leaves Pittsburgh at 1:10 a. x., arthritis at Soda Works at 2:55 H. BLACKI3TONEO3up , t. W. F. HOPE, Ticket Agent. apt URGII ri CIuCIIILIATI AND ST. aigigin - Ms RAILWAY. CHANGE O 1 TIME.--On and after ErONDAY, June 21st, 1867, trains will leave and arrive at the union Depot, as follows, Pittsburgh time: • . , ' . Depart. At+tes. Mafl 'Express 2:15 a. m. 12:10 a. m. Fast - Llne ' - 0:40 a. m. 7:15 p. m. Fast Express 2:10 p. m. 1.1230 it. tn. Mixed Way 0:10 a. m. 7:05 p. m. McDonald's Acen, No. 1.. 11:46a. nr. 3:05 p. m. Steubenville Accommod"n. 3:55 p. tu. 9130 a. m. McDonald's Acc'n, 2.. 5:25 p. in. 8: l 201. m. NOTlCE.—Sunday Express leaved at RI:10 p. in. arriving in Cincinnati at 6:00 a. m. ;the next morning. The 9:40 a. in. Train leaves daily, Sunkays ex cepted, andsnakes close connections a: NeWark for Zanesville and points on Sandusky, • Mansfield & Newark E. B. S. F. SCULL, General Ticket Agent. W. W. CARD; Sup't.. Steubenville. MAGw.,_ Font WAND CLEVELAND From June 7th, 1868 and arrive at the Union time, as follows: Leave. . Chicago 2:03 a m', Cleveland Ex.. 2:03 a m' Erie Ygn3l , l 7:28 am! Cl. Wh`gleCl 6:13 a mi Chicago Mail.: 0:58 a m Chicago Ex,. CI. 6 Whit E x .. 1:43p m Chicago En.... 1:58 p,m Wh. &Erie Ex. 4:48 pn. Depart from Alleghenv. L N. Brigt'ttAc. 8:58 a mj Leetsdale. - " 10 :58 a m :l3 a 11 Rochester " 9:23 pm Well:roe Ace.. 3:43 p m Leetsdale Acc. 4:13 pm N. Brigt`n . 5:33 p m N. Brigt'n " • 6:2Bpm Leetsdale p `• . 10:43 p m Kir 11:23a . m 1:58 . m.. Chic& Chicago • Jed - F. R. MYERS VENN SYLVAN: CENTRAL RAILRO/ n and after June '7th. rive at and depart from lb( Washington an si i ved Liberty Arr. Mail Train.... 1:15 ami Fast Line 1:40 a In; Wall's No. i.. 6:20 ami Latrobe Aeo'n 7:50 a m Wall's N 0.2.. 8:50 a m Cincinnati Ex • 9:10 am Johnstown Ae.10:35 a In Baltimore Ex. 1:00 p m Phila. Express 1:20 pm Wall's No. 8..._ 2:15 pm Braddocks No 1 5:50 p m Wall's No. 4. 7:15 pm ' Altoona Ace'n and Emigrant Train 9:30 pad The Church Train leaves Wall's Station even/ Sunday at 915 a. gn., reaching Pittsburgag at 10:00 a. m. Returning, leaves Pittsburgh at t2:50 p.m. and antesat Wall's Station at 2:00 p."ln. 'Cincinnati Express leaves daily. AU ether train, daily except Sunday. For fanner Information applyto • W. If. BEM:anal, Agent. The rennisylvania Railroad Company:will not U. some any risk for Baggage, except for "wearing ap parel. and limit their responsibility to One Hundred Dollars in value. All Baggage exceeding that amount in value will be at the risk of tho owner, on. less taken by special contract. EDWARD R. WILLIAM% - General Superintendent. Altoona, Pa. . IifEESTERNr PENN- . - SYLVANILA. RAIL- ; • . - R .—On and after May 10th, 1867; the Pas. s r me; i T i rains i ;) ,e n he, Western Pennsylvania at and depart from [ 'the Federal Street Depot, Allegheny City, as De follo . wa: - Arrive. .Yort Split:gee No I 6:35a m Mall 6:15 ant Freeport No. 1 13:15 a m Freeport Noi I 9:20 a m Express 10:15 a m Sbarptrg NO:ill:20 a DS Sharpb•g. NO.I 1:25 p m Express .. . . 1:80 pm Freeport No. 2 4:10 pm 6.pringd'e No . l. 3:50 pm Mali 5:50 p m Freeport No: 2 6:05 p Springd'e No 2 7:10 pm Snring . d'e NO - 2- 7:30 pm Aboye trains run daily except Sunday: . . The CburcirTralb leaves Allegheny ;Janet. every Sunday at 7:40 a. m., reaching Allegheny City al 9:50 a. In. Returning, leaves • Allegheny City at 1:210 p. m. and arrive at Allegheny ; &met. at 945 p. M. CONNUTATIOie TlM:ere—For sale hi packer of Twenty betwe en City, Chestnut refit, Herr's, Bennett, Pine Creek, Etna and Sharpsburg, andgood only on the trains stopping at Stations a pe. cited on tickets. The trains leaving Allegheny City at 6:15 n . m. and 1:50 P. lc make direct connection , at Freeport with Walker's line ofStages for Butler:and Hannabe. town. Through tickets ma) be purchased at the Office, No. 3 R. Clair street, near the Suspension Bridge Pittsburgh, and at the DepOt, Allegheny: For farther Information apply to ER I JAME LE FFTS, Age nt, • - • Federal Street Depot. . The Western Pennsylvania Railroad will not as. sums any risk for Baggage, except ter wearing ap bare', and limit tbel. responsibility ttillne Hundred Dollars. in value. All baggage ' exceeding this I amount in value will be at the risk of the owner, In• Less taken by special contract. . EDWARD H. WILLIAMS myll Getp-al Superintendent, , Altoona- Pa. PIT'fBBITEIGH. PA 011101ELT HILLir? ROUTE. • UNION PACIFIC Eastern Divit The SHORTEST AND MOST from the East to all points in Colorado, Nevad California, Vta alto, T\- Oregon. wo Trains leaye "State Line and. Leavenworth daily, (Sundays excepted.) on th arrival of ttaint of Patine Railroad from St. Louis, and TL.nnlhal and St. I Jo Railroad from Quincy, c unectin. at •Law... rein*, Topeka and Wamego ith ste,„os for alt points in Kansas. At end .of trait' west of Ells worth with the UNITED STATES EXPRESS COM • PANDS DAILY LINE .OF OVERLANDi MALL AND EXPRESS COACHES Fall- 2. - DVALDi VERIr And all Paints fn th Territories,: And with SANDERSON'S TRI-WEEKLY'. LINE of COACHES for Fort Union, Bent's Tort, Pass, Albu. epergne, Santa Fe, and all points ; ln Arizona and' New _ With . the mean. additions of sidling stock and equlpMent, and the arrangements, :natio with re.. eponslble Overland Transportation_Lines from WI western terminus, this road now caers unequalled facilities for the transmission of freight to the Fat West. • . Tickets _sale at all the principal offices in the United States and Canada's. Be sure and ask for tickets via THE SMOKY HILL Ror . ..c UNION PACIFIC RAILWAY, EASTERN 1; 1 A. ANDERSON 1. 1 New Mexico; PITTSBURGH, PA -PITTSBURGH, PA PITTSBUR a H, PA. . sTEArdsHiTs. To LIVERPOGILi ANDaith . , Tun - Q imti,oi lDfE ivitat §T . Cloo 4T W Eam .N sin , PS Nuaberloireliteett first-olasa veined., among .theni the celebrated i PAM ANTWRPP" ~CITY OF BOSTON CITY OF lIALTI.IitIRR, ! . fL CITY or-LONDON; - Satling EVERY SATURDAY, *um Pier 45, Nettie River, New York. For passage or further infornist Uon apply to WILLIAM BINGHAM, tr., 'Mole Building L . RAILROADS. PAN HANDLE ROUTE. AYNE & CHICAGO Be PITTSBURGH H. R. trains will lenve from Depot, north aide, city Arrive.= Chicago Ex... 2:08 ant Cleveland Ex. 2:08 am ,ChfeagoEx..:. 11:23 a m Wheeling Ex. /1•08 am Bt. Louis Ex.. ~3133 pm Cl. Wh'g Ex. 438 pm Erle & Yg'n Ex .6:13 pm Chicago Ex.,. 4:23 p m Cl. Wh'g Ex 7:08 pm I. Arrive in Allegheny. - N. Brlgt'n Ac. ;7:03 a, at N. Brlgt'n " 18:28 am Wellsville " ala New Castle " 10:13 a m Leetsdale " - 1.9:13 In . ", ;1:08 pat N. Brigt'n "..-011:43 pm Leetsdale " .4:53 pm - Express 'leaves dgily. A re Express arrives daily. f General Ticket, Agent. 'IA, 'O4IMMiI :1867. Tmini will ar e Delon Depot4j corner 01 treets. as follows: Depart. Day Express. 7 51:25 am 11l N 0.1.; 0:30 ana Train. ...1. 7:50 a m .ChacianatfEl 11:40 a m Wall's No. 2.; 11:51a in Johnstown Act 3:ospm Bra ddoeks Noll 4:00 pm Phila. Expres, 4:50 pin Wall's No. 5..: 5:10 pm Wall's No. 4.1; 6:05 pre Fast Line 7:30 pm Latrobe Ace•ti 8:50 pm Swissvale Ar.'Blo:so pm F lILWAY • LIABLE ROUTE lngtons Arizona, General Ouperintendenr 1. 11.1VEI6TER. General 'Freight nila Ticket Agent le FIFTH STREET, (C . Ready estPosfte Otioe, rittehu • II