7 TTTY AND - SUBURBAN:- Daily Prayer Meeting—From „12 pi. to 1280 o'cleockd ' the Methodist Chh eh, Fifth street; next door to GAZETTE Ofiioo. Fined.—Mayor Drum. yesterday -fined a =an, whose-name we, rage,d lean", Jen dollars-tor creating at roar 'onl the -Spring 43ar4en pla nk road on Stlnday a ft ernoon. Ire be-Enclesed,,—The.lot on which is . -serected the fine public school building of Mist - Birtniitgluun is to be surrounded by •tneat paling fence, and the lot is now 11 4,3 graded and leveled preparatory to "being-fenced. False Alerm.—About three *o!eleelt yes- "terday,morning . an alarm of fire was Struck IttiliklloO*32, - .dorner , of Sandtitaki Artlet and North alley, Allegheny.' The Fire Depart slant was promptly on the ground, but the alarm proved to be false. ' • Allegheny Avenue.••• The paving of Alle gheny avenue, Second ward, Alyghepy, - was commenced- last Sattirday: =>A barge force of worhmen are engaged and the iirogressing rapidly.:. Whin -6oin pleted it will be one of the handsomeat thoroughfares in the city.. • Discharged:—Robert •Blows, who plead „vinyl to a charge of forniz et egt in the Court of Quarter Sessions, March Z 3, 1868, and was sentenced to three months impris onment, the customary , fine:andraoats, was yesterday discharged by order of the Court under the insolvency act. Malicious Mischlef.—Alderman McMas terilitetted.a WatrUtit foi the arrest of John Mates; charged by Elizabeth Moorhouse, with throwing a stone through a large 'rim& plate glass windoir in ber house, completely demolishing it, on Sunday_ af llchooll. ' The wiles reside , in the'. Fifth ward, Allegheny. ' ConsmlttaL4-justice 'Michael Lipp, of , Birmingham, yesterday committed ' for, trialgbarlessob midt, charged wish assault ailidiuuttal'Cri oath' of lienry'Meisterfelt. The prosecutor alleges that he •went into a saloon in that borough for the purpose of 'getting a glass of- beer, when, be- was : , as aitilterd and . beaten by'the accused. - False Pretence.—Jos. McKee alleges that -Georger Wright - sold hith a - horse' for livo hundred and fifteen dollars, warranting the ardmal to be sound and. _perfect' in ev - respect, and that he has same discovered it ery ':to be Wind-brokeri and otherwise imperfect. A warrant was issued by Alderman bon • Wilson yesterday far the arrest of the se . cased. The Cutting Affray at Etetilekiey.=A. •• ritetionfor the discharge of Ntunan and Mack(A, implicated in the cutting affray • id Sewickley, was made by their counsel I ' , on the ground that the commitment was -.. defective, no prosecutor appearing upon it.l Human was remanded and Hackett re ;leased, gwing bail in the sum of two thous. and dollars. Coroners, Inguest.—The body of. Louis , “Itichter, the bey Who was drowned in- the Allegheny, river, Friday evening, an ac count of which 'we 'published yesterday, ews found floating in the Ohio, Tiver, near Snyder's ice.how3e, -Stinday- , evening, and Cornuer,,C4vmu held an inquest ; on it yea ierday nierning, wininthejurYJreturned a verdict of , accidental drowning. Tore His Vest.--:-Jactib Garriebt . made in ' "Ibrmation yesterday against George Thom airßnothel for- assault and battery. The - parties tesidttjh Ross township near the and - Giniieht - : aile - gei That Knoche' attacked him op the 4th of June last Without proyoealion, tearing his vest nompleteljoif his lxrdy. Theneensed was arrested on awarrant issued by Alderman Taylor. and held for a hearing on Thuriday at ten fleWick:Lf ",:.! for... Truti. , —James ..Barr, charged on oath of E. Jillett.before Justice Kerr, with obtaining money under false pretence, was arrested yesterday, and after a bearing held to bail for his appearance at ' • ..CourtVin default of which a commitment was made out and placed in the hands of the constable, who brought the accused to s-this city. The jail being closed for the night, Barrwns confiped in thelock-up and will be taken up to-day: ' ' ••-• • " Assatdt and Battery.—lsaad. 'K eh n made information on Saturday before Alderman Bailie' against B. Trauerman" for assault $21;4 battery. 'The partiesjt seems had just settled a similar case by each paying half the costs, and were passing up Federal street on their way from the office when they got into another, Aispute resulting in a threat by Tranerman to pit ch into Kann ; islioimmediately returned and made the information. A warrant was issued. Assaulted at a Carman Cath olic pie-file was. held yesterday on Troy , which was.attended by the children - Belthumser Herbert: In the afternoon Mr. Herbert went out to the pic-nic grounds to bring his children home, and he alleges "Mutt While there ascertain Cony Duttlnger, Assisted by two brothers named Hartman, Lit him on the head with a stone and other ' wise brtitaiLV abuSed him. The parties were arrested by-Mayor Drum's police and will have a hearing this morning. . , Disorderiy_conduct.--Renben Hope Drum was. brought before Mayor yesterday, on' a.. . charge of disorderly conduct, preferred by Mrs. Phillips. The prosecutor, who, it Appears, owns the house in Which the de lendant lives. allege% that he 'has been in ttehabit for soma time .401.00figrollEatiog 'itien and worrietifn the premises to . - drinic with him and engage in • other disreputa ble practices. The case , was finally settled by Hope agreeing to *Lyn the house forth with, and paying the costs.' Twe 'of the womearlbund at the place Aver° served with ; ' n'twenty:days!'cominitment to the jail for • " • ThelOPera Honse.—A large and respect ,ableandlenee filled the Opera House to see , _the _aGreatliebeillom or- the • Last-Ditch ," ss portrayed by.fdr. l Rahn:, • The piece has been wOriderfrally improved since it was -- • uponthekstage; doubtlass prove a success, finaucially and in all other respects. It is daily increasing in popular-, luid ja drawhg• better. hotuma than any-, thing else that could be produced at this sesorop Mill - 6'Year. 1 The grand Wain:forma lion "scabs at the; close of the Piece hi one of the most gorgeous ever. put upon a Pitts - burgh. stage; and is alone worth the price _ of admission. _ Alderman Bailie on tilattwde,y, arrested . Mrs. Molntyre, who , residei at 23 Wy , pe ,street, Pittebtirgh OA an information:" or Assault and battery preferred by G. till Adams. Theo prosecutor alleges. tbat, he had sold Wdoor bell 40 the defendant, Who paid tbr it,ip part at: the . time, .and upbn callingg for the balance, the bill having been the'meaalme;:she struck him audpushed him down stairs, thereby endangering his life... Alter tt..tlearing:she,. was held in $5OO belllcirhersPPearaPee e; ANIUM • Discharged. ; ‘,• • ' ,In the case of William Hedge, William ; - iifiller.and others, charged - svith. stealing a Judo from _Dr., Burch, the.. presecator,' failed tcr 'substantiate ids 'allegatiow and the accused. ; ,were dtecharged. Messrs.; -.Hodges and: iller. are engaged in business in Pittsburgh, both, enjoiiitig a wad re p a , tattoo irrthe domeideity_; *hi& accounts wfor,tna astonishment 4411 with whom they A ire acqnsirited at.thetPrensedinP against them''The'llearingj'_flolvffret, which 'vo w -lurid on Saturday `effeotuatielleves them In a PrAP e !' .4101146, . • % 1 ,. • • :e* .1. .is.::Y Sw LI 4: - .1 1 tt . ' A Clerk Ccineilte Aelelile—;-11ozneetle DUB- vL!,tlta.Alie, cawa Thee Ithi a riiitiite;inite'lictit abating, pears to be on the increase in this locality.,; - gaudily sneaker victiro Inds IhAde tricilhe list. One more human being had the eour. age, or madness, whichever it may be, to facie deitli,and by - his ion nd his 1•13(se • soul to eternity. The facts connected with the affair. are as, folkni cA little over a ' year agelr. C. HeotierVilikvieklih,tarrie to' this city from Cleveland, accompanied by his.wife and family,' a sonarui threccdangh , ters, and rented a house;svihich they emu-. pied jointly with Mr. Wilds, in Manchester. Hooper was employed at thepil refinery of of Fleming it Co., in Manchester, and the family, it appears, lived pleasantly togeth er for about six months, when Mrs. H., it is stated; for some reason deubted her hus band's fidelity, and accused him of bacon etancy. He denied the charge, but could not cOnVirta) his wife thakehe watt accusing . bim , wrongftdly, and in December last she add the ehildren'llift'hirn and returned Cleveland, where. they have since ,resid ed, there being no cammunicatiOn between them and the . husband. - Hooper still re tained possession of the room , he had pre= viously occupied with •his family until about a week since, and a part of his far-, niture yet remains there. He then obtain- , ad boarding of Mr. James E. Burns, at No. 42 Tunnel street, oceupying.e.rooni.vri the third floor. Friday he was absent endure turned onSaturchlY tnernint apA went to his room, but did not come to' ismeidilAuring. the day. He wae last seen alive Sunday morning, 'it • which time- I h°' was passing through the hall of the house with no clothing upon AViition:SinidaY'Mr. Burns inquired of his wife if she had seen anything of Hooper, and receiving amply in, the negative, he went to the door of the room occupied by , Hoormn , :ond knooke but receiving no reply, heleft, thinking the occupant of the room tiad gone out. Yes. terday`Morning he WaSJ-Informed 'that Hooper had been seen Italie hOuse Stirday, and fearing there was something wrong, he again visited the room, and finding the door*ill lobkod forced It open, when he fonnfi'lYingupen the bed the 'lifeless body of the unibrtunate creature, the victim of his own rashnes&l The body was stiff and cohPand life , ' hat evidently been 'ettinct for several hours., There was no clothing' upon lath' brit a shirt"- and one arm was ex tended oyer.the side of - the bed, the hand firmly grasping a piece of paper, upon which were the,following words: • ALEm, • - s lify , Dcor - Wife 1 tie this Mit my great love for you. l , _ The money I have be- 'longs to Fleming it Co.--5125 The pencil with which the note was writ ten was found wrapped up inside;the paper. As soon as Mr. Burns made: lis discovery he summoned Coroner Clawson,ty whom a jury was impannelled. The testimony tbefore :the: jury Wenn substadok a 4 .giten above. Dr. J. H. Snod who was palled in, testified that in' MXopinion death was produced by laudanum, and that, judging from 'the note, it was taken designedly by the deceased. Mr. ;Thomas Stephenson tes tified that he was acquainted with the hand writing of deceased, and. to the best, of his belief tho note found.was written b r him. The Coroner found the money alluded to in the note carefully spread out on the top of the dressing bureau lathe room, with a collar box lying on it. The jury found that deoeased came to his death on . thci 21st rust. by poison administered by his own -bands. • • Fatal Mistake—Death.. train -Morphlite -Coroners Inquest. . .- _ A most Unibrtimite mistake was made in , One of the principal drug stores of :;this this city . on Saturday evening, resultinginthe death of Margaret McShane, daughter of jas. Mc- Shane, who reaides on Webster street near High, in the Third Ward.. It appears that. , the child, which was about one year old; .. was sick with measles, and was attended by - Dr: icAleal, who had givens prescription , 1 which was filled nt Able's drug store, cor ner of Grant and Fifth street. and 'on -Sat urday night, the sup ply of medicine hay ing boen exhausted, Mr. McShane wont to the drug store to have the bottle refilled: The number of the prescriptien 6,513. ; was on the label upon the bottle, And the drug gist it appears made a miskake and filled prescription No. 6,413 instead, which was a solution of Morphine. The medicine was Inot administered until about eleven o'clock Sunday morning, and at ten °clock in the evening the child, died.: Coroner Clawson was notified of the fact, and yesterday evening held, an inquest, - ,when the' follow ing facts were elicited : - . TESTIMONY. • James .lifathane, sworn—l_ am father of the deceased; the child was attended by Dr. McMeal; he gave a prescription which was tilled, and alter it run out. I took it back to Abel's drug. store and got.it filled on Saturday night .between ten and eleven o'clock ; don't know the name of the young , man who filled it; he looked at it and went to the prescription book and looked at it two . or three" inintiteif ; he took a Jar, from the shelf and tilled the vial and gave it. to,me ; I then asked for some gum arable, and while he was getting it thought he made a mistake in taking all the medicine from one jar; thought of askitg liim; but a• lady coming into the store at the time I didnot do so; carne home and the medicine ,was administered to the child by my wife at 11 o'clock Sunday morning; the child was seized with vomiting lalf an hour atter. wards; it lived till ten P. m., Sunday ; the medicine was examined by the doctoand he pronounced it a solution of morp hine; the child had measles. • r Dr. B. " Brrishear,, , sworn-Dr.' Mc, Meal bein g absent Sunday, I visited his patients. hilted the'child aboutten A. mt., and found :her better than on Friday, when I ha last seen her. ; Told, the. Mother that the proirpeets of the child's` recovery were good, and did not think any change in the medicine was necessary: .f. rmoticed a three ounce vial on the mantle; tasted it and from tne,taste thought it, wag a solution of qui nine. At one o'clock was notified that the child was dying, and wheal arrived I found the child in that state which "'results from an overdose of opium. I made no mention of my suspicions but sent for 'fluid extract of belladonna, and three or four potimis were administered at _intervals of _fifteen mintites• It puckered'. tueunielessfol. and the child died. i I do not know the clerk who put, up the prescription. 'He.put mp No. 6,413 instead of No 13,513.... ~ • Tamei D, Weains, swerit—Am head clerk at Abel's drug st ore . . .Iffir. "Able is InChl cage. , John Irivin Ulna., young men lwho put up Preiteettitibit: ' ''' ,Johm, Inviis, sworn-. 1, put, up , the, pre scription, bid do not know hnw I made the 'mistake. , - I haye•never seen prescriptions Mixed up as theyare here, having different numbers upon them. I have only been in' g tliaarifit atilt tithe. - Theplacing or two numbers was not explained to me, Until Sninbip)eVenficag. •"` I have been in •the drug business three years, and I told them when I came three weeeksiii?, that 4 . was not a thorough druggifit. l ' ". The jury returned the following Verdict: "oMargaret McShane bathe to her death on Pals -----,.. ,_„._; the 2fitlif int10;1888: in' ge Third ward , • ••' ' '' and"Puy'', . . . .., Pittaburgh,-from hi t e • procured by The ddy - aid• , ,ttittyar, ihillorthe Teu,:lage the erroneous filling a piysician'sipre- meat of d ul l s di es 4 the ROO itieetialthO' SCriptionftt josepirAbera drpg, More: •• - •- . - ,•:.• .--- --- '.--• e a= ' dist, Npiseopei Church 'inlay we ll*' IlttOPd -' It fefftto to Bfe.lfgittruri fhb Wad - 0 1 Ork, - - - . . • ,' f "", •. . to state ,that he was &Intent from .the store -last evening and the ice , --iirianWitirfgeriere; at the ti m e the inhitake. 'wit& made, and is rues, cakes, kn, disappeared with .rapidity ,In no Way accountable ibilt.' Bois an ox - Which, Spoke well for their "Adalltdr. The . .perieneed druggist, haying beg, to the hu.. *Stir will contirine4O-night and 'dnrinfs:„,_thEi: ,SineterfPi e 4Ver tftyears. The 7 young man reat,o ,' ,f the week . Another 'attroolloP__ %lull', ' whoput up the prescription is,mdd. - to be a .been added to those - already ( thori;m4Ptio al butimibetunately warred' shape of a gold headed game, ;9 be a..E d °R - , tliMillor the ' manner in . •Wilielk Mr. to either of"the gentlettien :reftterff s t tbe Abel's Prai on book is kept', which was blithootaoubLr of, Nroffs, 4 , amp. vvt P. the cause of 01 etieteentir. jje ftisi been in Datelle, t "..lint Cbi t ed Metir Thorn , of the store but a few weeks, and " host never Rpaill __.,,, V I : iciatlitO I A!. ,i O SeS btf ip cor a fillitklActimkttito'rettirtoltie ' le• '#iitc';' , 4loo,,baleg, , . , 11.44)' i cc ;of !be a prowl on ,, and consequently d,, affirgirailetted..to , the Rev. ~. W. H. imunc the #o4o o frriihfr434# - -PAR; .., Atikt ftr*A4oo-Autv.i . balm vit dtrpli.lita. c. ,a,4 ,I X 1 i 15 1 1=1401111: ,. ..4,: ' .... ~ . , , „,. ,t• , -,r - I ~i-,,i,cc3c,tt, ,,i,cc3c,tt, 1.... ~ ~tt. t. UV. ,4. ! ...01; A:ig ic.1,ir0...;1 t'.. , '-' l.lte ~. '- ; •••,.. ilc• • • • ''S •••1. 2 zl6 i,.. . • ..-. ~,F, t: , 1 , v7 .1,3/1, . i EMI = -r ~ r ~ .. ~ ^-2 ~"' :r„~ ...as;~as.:a~ach+xs<~rrs:.;~,~ ~gin a_: ~,~r v I.TTSI3IIRGII GAZEMg tiniaineneeiniiit tie tlie Ms - *Figll FPnii4e.LCigleg,r-he. nakii, ll - Wale Sernicol.-Iteslng'Conte4 , , 4 B UndaY mciormti A g quite nflAntelligent 'and' good Sized • coperegetioo- , usembled :, in Chrisi M. E. Church -to - heir the..ifamakti-- iiiate sernain, bY tiii; NV:Er- Ltaie; "A.'; if.; . , pasktr of .I.lberty• street, X E. Chilieb. • lite disiimitrie ivatfliiiiid upon alliE.fottiaote' , --7 ~ of this' ltdenfa in,ite application' to actizai,. 1 every day We. .T het4l ' l° .7 4 vahs_ftill r Y !Tabors ' ted and presented in every at tractive form. The sobject was evidently, Well prepared, 1 and was delivered in excellent taste and with a fine frillitoned• voiCe. ' 'The carefoi attention of the large audience shoaled hoW th Witten t t well" , the 'speaker . had - secured - secured , tion and consideration. The elosi g wolds' to the, gradriatin*,classwe , wool like ,to ,give, as they are worthy of punt .' Suffice to say, howeVer, they were wcirds well , chosen and appropriate to the occasion.. . ~ • , _ moriDAT's reztocruzernas. . • - • Thitexamination proceeded yesterday in a number of edneationalhranchee, and the scholars displayed unusual proficiency. In-the evening t i e annual readin contest far the DavldSbnfMze; an ;el t'ellier goblet, was held in the College chapel. There were present many of Our leading citizens, catiltr the r entertalnfteuPlrend • Very- acceptable. c the scholars competing, twelve in number, evinced rare training and culture, reheating high credit on their instructor in elocution,Prof. W. S. Gray, of Gray ' s Institute. Th exercises opened ,with prayer : . by, Rev. T. t 3. Hodgson, after which a musical execution of decided brilliancy was rendered on the piano by Misses:. Endsley and , - Kimball, fol lowed by a vocal gem by Miss Amelia Por, Miss Katie Lare, daughter of the late Will A. Late, Esq., led - off in the contest, reading in a clear, sweet and well articulated voice a poetical selection entitled "My Photographic Albnm." For one so young she displayed rare elocution ary ability, reading her piece well and faithfully. The "Little Drummer, " a mei ancholyscrap of poetry, was rea d next by Miss Irene. Godfrey .th. such a pleasing maiiiieriela *in the'? hearty applause of the audience. The i next contestant was Miss Lizzie Fawcett, who, though quite young; interpreted in`ii Masterly trianitier the "Life Book," a composition varied in .tie r ns.and requiring much.akill -to read Pply, a task which this young _lady perlbtmed to the full satisfacti on of the Midi ience, gi sing frcidence that slip fully entered into the spirit of the author.= "Three _dve in the life of Columbia," a historical poem of considerable flre'and force, was readin a thrilling manner by Miss Laura Sawhill. Miss Mary Buchanan., read Damon and Pythias in very good style, while Miss Sigourney Trask equally well acquitted herself in the rendition of "the Ministering Angel.", ~ The "Old - bowie clock" was struck en" the ears' or the audienee in a sweet, musical way by Miss Ella King. and "Dri the Shores of Tennosse," a poetical .1 mend, Was delivered with - marked effect by Miss Lillie Markle, a reader of much abili ty. "High tide .- at - t Lincolnahire." al very difficult and intricate I se lection, full of changing, emotions, and varying. passions ,: was bril li antly delivered - by Miss M. Thomas. This young pos sesses higher powers of - elocution than Miss Anna Dickinson, and indeed many of our histrionic artistes would fail in eomparison with her. She has been a close student, and aided by the natural gift of a cleat, well defined, sharp cut voice, has at tained surprising proficiency as a reader. • "Horatius at the Bridge" was rendered in an artistic manner by Miss, Anna XeCoV.. The selection was injudicio us, is thbyoung_ lady would have made a much - bettor im pression on' the audience had she read a less historical ~production, and one...in which her naturally soft and subdued voice would have had fall scope in the in terpretation of a less fiery selection. She ac quitted herself admirably, IdifiecAtary:•ll. Perahing read "Lochiel's :Warning": in extra good style, and won the golden opin ions of the audience. At intervals the au dience was favored with vocalizations by Miss Cora Brown, Miss Kimball. Miss Clark and Miss Caples, while excellent in strumental music was afforded by Mr. and Mrs. Blessnor, Miss Mitchell, Miss Saide Cunningham and Miss Anne Endeley. '. The judges, through W. D. Moore Esq., reported their decision in favor of Miss. M. Thomas, and mentioned Miss. Pershing as worthy honorable mention. Mr. Moore paid a high tribute to the contestants, and remarked that the judges regretted that there were not prizes enough to go around, since all displayed such marked ability and proficiency. Theaudience then retired much pleased with the intellectual treat afforded. Serious Railroad Accident A serious accident occurred about eleven o'clock yesterday, at the yard of the Pitts burgh National Coal Company, on Try street, between Third and Fourth, by which David. Flavin, a brakeman, employed by the company, had his left leg ernshea so badly that it will have to be amputated, and also received serious internal Injuries. A train was bucking into the yard, with a number of coal cars in front of which there were several open freight ears. Flavin was' staffding en the bumper of the front coal car next to the freight car ready to cat the coal cars loose as soon as they had been run into the yard. When the rear car struck the bumper, he signaled the en gineer to stop, but his signal r for some cause , was not heeded, and the engineer continued to back the train. The roar car being against the buMper, the tmin could get •no further back, and the consequence was'.,hat the end of the freight car and the Omit coal car upon .which, .the brake man was standing, were raised up, and at length the coal car dropped, letting the end of the - freight car fall ,-ou the platform, catching the Mg of 'the breakfnan and crushing it in the manner described. Drs. Sutton, Smith and Thomas were called in, and rendered all the assistance required, after which the injured man was removed to Mercy Hospital. The Doctors say the limb will have to be amputated, but the:mictration cannot -be perlbrmed the extent of his internal injuries' are as certained. This is the third accident which has occurred at this place within a year. One matt was killed about ten months since and some six weeks after another had his leg broken - and has not been able to work since. The Coal Company have been very generous, however, and paid the wages of the injured man ever since he was hurt, and they propose M.& the same in the present case; but have notified the Railroad Company that they would bold them responsible for the accident. It is alleged by the agent of the Coal Company that the accident was the result of carelessness on the, part of the eondue toi, trhom,:he says, gave the ,:signal to the engineer to move the train back after the brakentan bad signalled hint tolstro, Mr. ,Flavin lea ,young man about titenty seven yearkof age lind Sermerly 'bearded . In Birmingham.- Ho served threicydars in the late rebellion' and WWII to be ermhe of industrious and steady. Ade& TUPDAIir, .1711 - 14 f. 23, 18 quarter "‘igefo-iiiiige Stowe. . _ The following busineds was transacted on 4 3 4 1 4. 1 rdar ' 7 ' %; ° - Robert Reed, indicted for itinault end batte):7Frith intent to commit a rape, on :oatli of 2ifrs. Lottie Holmes, plead guilty, to. dimple assault and battery. The plea was .aecepted., The offense was idleged to bare', been committed at the hotwe of. the • prose street, flithWttrd;Utty 22d, Made 'before Alderman 7 following. • -The': court lent to payAfino 9f twenty . The proseentrix was di boats in a surety case in le complainant. ime was occupied in the labandonment,in which complained of by his and re 'neat to, maintain cdren.' - . = y having 63n - chided iheirg into court and were dis passed on over three hand -1 engaged' during , most of trial of trifling'assault and: Ade,r: - was convinted'nf, oath of ' Sallie J. Richard 'd to ps7 a fine of ten dol- Of the Guardians of the' toiler per week for four Iptirt of the child.. ' ' f out=.litidge :barn, Etrif436fei:Veltniore lotion of,Thomas,M.-111ar- , tdmitted to the Bar. vs. Morrison, Koegler, (t. co. Actionto recover 1163.84 for work and labor done. • • Following is th 6 trial listfor this day HAT LIST. ' No. EC. Exchange National Bank of Pittsburgh vs. Youghiogheny Coal Company. • No. 83. Same vs- same.' 1.0. 84. Same vs. same. No, 9. kictiregor vs. Laundry and Manufacturing Company. No. 11. Maneh vs. Rahti. No. 60. Roberts vs. McClelland et al. No. 53. Menold vs. Cuthbert. No. 54. Same vs. game. • , JUNE tier. No. 1. Shutter_ vs. Bell. No. 2. Mourne et at. vs. McClellan. No. A. Same vs. same. ' No. 7. Ahl vs. Barberisch. No. 8. Bruggeman vs. Helier et al. The Late Sculling ; Rage:--A. Card from Harry Coulter. A Philadelphia paper of Saturday con tains the following curd : . . Mn. Entront—As one of the principals in the late sculling match for the charn pionship of the American waters, it is due to myself and the public that a few words of explanation should be given.' Enthe Match on the 18th inst., a ft er the start', I led Hamill'nearly a boat length, when he. to the disgust of oven i some of his friemls, pulled into and "fouled" me. I was in My own course when he pulled into me, and as the boats came together he caught hold of my outrigger, witen,n my e ff orts to sap arateithe boats in ozd r to have a fair race, both Of us were preci itated into the water. I then turned my t up,, got into her, and asked Hamill to do the same, and pot disapPoint those who had come to witness .the match. He 'refused. I then pulled over the course and claimed the race. In accordance with the decision of Stephen Roberts, an old and honorable boatman, in the matoh between Hamill and Brown, at Newburg, N. Y., I was fairly entitled .to tho championship and stakes. He (Roberts) decided that as, Ifarnill was in the lead at Newburg, at the time of the alleged fen], .he,was entitled to the-rate. No one who saw the race on the 18th instant, will deny that I was in the lead, and that the foul was intentional_ on the part of Hamill, whom I charge with being' afraid to' row me a fair . 'and honorable race.; To-day; in order to satisfy a referee whose decision was partial in the' extreme, and to show that I meant business and desired to win upon my own: merits, I consented; -against the whams of my friends, to row the race again. - It seem ed, however, that fate as well as foul play was against me, for at the third stroke my oar snapped in two. Mr. Charles Elliott, one of the judges called Hamill back to makea fresh ;start; but Mr. White, the referee, called out to Hanna to go on. Mr. Elliott appealed to him to call Hamill baCk, especially as my friends had waived their claim on the day previous for the purpose ofdeciding which was the, better man. At the time of the breaking of my oar, we had not'fairly start ed, and 'were not more than two or three 'boat-lengths from the starting point. If there had been a particle of honor in the man who acted as referee, he would have ordered us back to make afresh start. - I have made the above statement for the purpose of placing myself fairly before the boatmen and citizens of 'Philadelphia, to whom I desire to return my thanks for many kind favors during my stay. I will' say, in conclusion, that I stand ready to ' row Mr. Hamill, or any other man, for any , amount he may be pleased to name, and at any time ho chooses.. H. couvrxn, . Champion of America. Old Folks' Concert. , A grand vocal ai,d, instrumental concert by the Old Folks in costume, under the :direction of Prof. W. A. Lawton, will be given in the Academy of Muste, Thursday evening, at whiclithe best musical talent In the city and vicinity will assist. Among the participants we notice the, following ladies andgentlemen The' Misses Jones Rinehart, Houston, Wallace, Lewis; Good, Ernest; Robson. Mrs, !Sawyer; McGowan; and Messrs. tawton, Breed, Robinson; Cuthbert, Loton, Swinzell, MUNulty, Rinehart, Miller, Dihm. Diehl. and White.. side, the mere mention of whose names as . performers should he sufficient to attract a large audience: A fall orchestra will be in attendance, and the instrumental music will in itself be a oomplete concert. Those, who desire to spend an evening in , the en joyment of a rare musical entertainment should not fall to be in'attendance at the Academy on Thursday night.'; Seats can be secured at C. C. Mellor's. Sale of re served seats commences at nine o'clock to. Laree!ky. . . Chas. Uprich was before Mayor Drum yesterday, -charged with larceny. It is al leged that the accused entered MoonTa gro cery store on Otiostreet, yesterday, 'ern ing im carrying' a basket, on his , arm, and while the at , ttion .0f the 'proprietor was dircicted to another part of •the store, en deavored to steal a large piece , of smoked meat. He was detected,,however, and two I of the Mayor's police, who were Passing at the time arrested him. An examination of the b asket by the officers reVealed a 1 package of extract of coffeeebalf a 'dozen iron pincers. a box of pocket .kleas and a miscellaneous lot of small ar ts cs. , The _knives were identified as the property of .knives Joseph Lautner, hardware merchant on Ohio street. At the hearing last e en ing, the parties interested declining to olio ocute, the prisoner was discharged. ' _........._._ a0 ,______ ' The Dollar Savings Bank. Blsewhere we publish the twentraixth semi-annual report of the Dollar Bavi gs Bank of this city. Its affairs, as will be gleimid from the interesting figures p b ' billed, ars in remarkably healthy oonditi n, oAnt,ying a contingent fund of over RUN • .e., trustees declare a dividend of three perlient. out of the profits for the last six inialtlis free of Government tax and pay ratothwith. No banking 'institution in he city Is more ably managed and none is more worthy the great and general MI - dance bestowed by the community. It is 10 trlpertilbeAnd Accommodating an dfbr m ..OrAtitall‘depoidtors' - . on alma presents rare indueemenits. The - Importanoe and ,ZOLizetuumlitprod)tby therpublia from such in. eiltimated. 1 ' ': ~ l ~ 'ta,.tai, ~ .""'<cl,t',u', ~~;.4 , ~var3:~~' -k" ~ . ~%,~ c ~a't~:.ri~i`~ a ,u~';j,:x'-Su~.?~:~cG,~ ~'~`^.'asca + t,~"^.;s.+~ ~wsEt~t ' c.;rA~a .—ll n3s.W„~.?~'a~., _-- - ~ ~ 'AMII!EP%Mk - SUICIDE: _ - • „ _ A TUC Young Man rend s His .Father and Is Driven From Home-:-Ile Takes rtreetOnneek_Of-Laudanunki son of it prominent Ifottoriirid'tobilixio 'merchant "of this city, had the misfortune to offend his . iitarff po rent a 'feu-days since, in censequence of whielflieWite relieved' from " any farther . attendance at the paternal mivnilon,,er in other words, ordered froakthe_ presence of hie offendedfather,,witii, tioui to:Tatum :'no "more for ever. -, Being thus rudely thrust upon the worldwithout . - a shilling, and having ; no. great skink of .confidence, the:young, man's, heart failed within himy and, he r.esolved . rid:the father of his . presence and Piaci ItinVP3ll beyond the cares and: troubles' of life by quietly - into 'eternity. 'Having' fully resalved to end his troubles in this w ay, &a - worths train for New Castle Fri day morning, and-upon arriving there, im-' mediately repairedto a livery stable where - he - hiked ahem and buggy and drove to the village of Edenburg, amine six miles distikft;Where, it appears, he intended to carry his "'rub' designs' into execution. He drove npkt Campbell's hotel, and after , eating;a hearty dinner repaired to a .mka which he had.engwed - on Ifis arrival, and after ;writing ; r it letter , to :his cruel parent, the Contents - of which have not been made public, 'he pto duced si• ' • , 01211C03 „yid .with: laudanum and immediately swallowed about one-half 'of it. He then ~p laced, the letter on the ,mantle, and sitting Ilia - vial containing the deadly portion t up:init laid himself down, upon the bed to await the fect - Of the'ttoki. --Mr. Campbell, the land-. lord; havlng . oozaufion to 'go , up stairs, hap pened-topsail the door- at the time he was swallowing the: dose, and thinking there was nothing wrongtentered the room and .saw the state . - of affairs. He at once leant for physician, who, with the aid of. a, stomach' pump relieved the'tuifortunate young man of the drug. 'He is still suffer-- ing'slightly from the effects of his tashness, , but is in a fair way to iteover: He will not repeat the Vise. • , , War or no ltar, tl3e ladies cannorneglect their beautN., Gentioneim and kindrieis are expellent things •in their wayibut it takes beauty to inspire heroism. Just now pres-, enteare'oall the go. ' Movers goinito the war .send 'mementoes' to their Sweethearts which is of,,Course a very proper thing. : The , difficulty is that the,right kind are not; chosen, et leaat so' I - have eitea told. lately by several pretty girls; who "lieuor me with, their, confidence. One, has-prom- Hie& te give me one of her sweetest kistses if I will only, hint to stripid yOung melvtliat: good- things for-the toilet are always in sea son, such as Joseph Burnett & Co.'s Coto eine, Florimel, Kailiston and Oriental Tooth Wash; the first : being the best preparation for the, bair extant:. the second the .most delightful perfume, the third the most ef fectual Cosnietic, - and the' tiirtit' the mast reliable preserver and beautifier of the teeth and gums. Some Will say that the pretty ones ought to be thinking •of something else just now, yet where is the use of being lugubrious?. What. if there be some lighting? Ali will norbe killed. There will be quite enough left to , admire the beantifnl daughters of Eve; aye . and_ the latter will deserve it as much as ever.— Scar's Review. Trsw . A Bad Practipe.—Several boys were ar rested by the , Mayors police yesterday morning for playing base at, the Faint, to the great •annoyance :of the neighbor , : hood. For some time past boys, hnve been in the habit 'otOrigregating at the Point,' on • the Wharves and - throughout the city wherever a vacant lot could be found, and • playing base ball, causing ...considerable trouble to the citizens and-all persons ,hav log business near their place of rendez= vons. , The Mayor 10 determinedlo put a stop to this practice, and has instructeclthe police to promptly, arrest all" offenders in clearance.--Remember the grand clear. since sale of dry goods of Smithson, Van hook & McClelland, Masonic Hall Auction. House salesrooms, 55 'and 57 Fifth strcet, continues etery day arid'avening this week., Goods are . tilblost given 'rfway, as the firm have determined on withdrawing from that branch of their bruginess entirely. ' • Attention.—The • attention of . property .owners in Pittsburgh -Is called to.a notice which appears in another coltirpn directing the removal of all stop cocks, water paves, etc:; '"from . in front Of their - pretriises betbre the 25th Of June, as after that late they will be' removed' by the city arithori ties and the expenses - assessed against the property. . - . To Meusekeepers.--lis the time of year has arrived ,for,puttbig np fruit, we advise you to go to Boys & Ogden, No'. 23 Wood street, and btty your fruit preservers. They sell' all the best patents, and all kinds of glass Jars for fruit. Give' them a call and you will find the best as well as the cheap est.at•thls house: - RememberiNo. 23 Wood • Clearasee.—ltsmember :the Arand clear ance sale •of dry goods .ofs Smithson, Van hook • & McClelland, Masonic Hall Ancttion House salearooms,'66 and 67 Fifth street, continnesevery day and evening this week. Goods are almost given away, as the firm have determined onvithdrawing from that hranch of their busittesti entirely. • Pittsburgh Fruit Home:-This- ` day t at half past ,two o'clock, A 4., will be. sold at &Illation . that rviilW,bictl,tal netts ProPellty,' N05. , 2 ancl•4 Sty Clair scree known as the - Pittabnigh Fruit Hotiso !Dil Iding._'• - Lot 6p ,by 110,.' Sinithsbn; Tanhook 4 , 34'001W:id. • . . Clearance: Remember the grand:Clear ance sale ofdry goods of Smithson, Va&•• hook dr Masonic Mall Auction Moine salmomns 55 and 57 Fifth street,' ScHtnuesorry•de:xand evening this week. s are ' almost given away, as the arm have.determined on •withdrawing from that branch of their . Vainness' entirely Nottee—llehearwat.— r All who are to take part M the now Folks" concert willyloase meet in the Academy allude today at two o'clook,far final rehearsal with or Private dining ;own* for ladloa; i ,aocom. mated or unaccompanied by gentlenlen, at lioltzbeimerte Continental Dining Rooms, Fdth Mkt !et, neat dear tolbe postofilee: , QaII .1n ,ausl examine She fine deck of " It aticand fa t lintir vi li fies, and travil .fit t Joseph 1.;•31blekle" No. /04 Woo street - , , - The best tables mt in the not excepts lug hotels., are those at Holtshalmees Con tinental: Dining Rooms, lrlfth street; next door to the pcsitotlloo.. The only ezoltudvely k maritifactur Ing hone in the city is that of Jos Li Lel bier, 104 Wood Street. Great harg a i a a are alwaY• ol hrede " - . . , The best , air ed' restaurant ,and rooms in the city ®ality of .Wm. Holtz. Fifth street,. ia lixt"doot to th k'ost. office. :;" The best mutated dining . ' l toosr- ri l ft h: oily are those of Wm . goitzbottt/ t street,next door to ffl the Postooe. . , • f " di Everybody s hould`. pskrlo—? ~. fth street, erie Continental phiing_Enma, el . next door to the ' r,toMde.'' , •;,`.., . : ; • etreet• I _l lll4) t r i truath iit;tlinotey, the lowest Prieintl Joseph. Liebler's, No. 104 Wood' TLS abetraell 4iSlika snit. stables ith eltr st Lathier's, N 0.104 W o o d street._ rrA , • Guitedio . t \fsr 14w N* u.'# i A ,#).1:1 - - Tmedimoititoictfourithu,ASAWNVlS4o.4llop ber or Congress. _,, ,:For. inhre than : a, yeari suffered inono -1 trimienc fm. ro • a constant Oundlog• • itt Oly left, eat. Du the 2 1 it of 'May I app li ed to Dr. E. S Aborn, at 134 Smithfield stroet. Pittsburgh. •He relloyed mq at once, and fromthat , day to thin r litit.b Jiialuidiff culty of nny klud. - .Truly. 6td-1t • . ~, .-;,. •,• 5 ~, JOHN COVODE. , Mast attire' of tt a present day are loudly puffed thinugh the newspapers haying great -curative properties; are.. ytte compoundi and,base impositions,,eont e l n „ - Thirtuimhdicinal virtues whatevet, =di re really very. poor whisky beverage', Au l d, instead of acting as a stimulant and, tons T have a tendency . to weaken the stones% entirely 'destroying the coating: , The public should flier/310re be very „cautious and . lair chase none.. but itoback'A Stomach zhiz erB, Which have stood the test as a remelts' agent •feil' many years, and are rreally tsu t their name indicates, a 4stomads, bitters said not a bet)eiage. - They combine the proper tiei of the best tonic- and a' stiesulsmi,... a laxative., an efficient and anti-bilious agemt and thS best stomachic known tothe world, 'and When taken in conjunetion'with baek's BlOci Pills, are the secetand Surest preventive against all bilious derangements. .thoroughly regulating the whole , system and giving tone to the, digestive organs. _:They are highly reoomincrided as en'in vigorating tonic to mothers while nursing, Increasing the ficiw - ofnk, and for ,cenva lescente, to restore the ' prostration which always: fellows leng-ecintsititsed sickness, the are unsurpassed, NO household should consider themseives , aare' from - the ordinary Maladies without theseinvainabla medicines. They ean ,be obtained: of_ . any druggist. I . ' ; • • • .Winter ts dreary; 7 • ; Giyen leaves hang, bet the brown =US dy; , When he is shaken. ' .• Lone and forsaken, •-_ ' - What • ean an old man do hat der' , • takeWhy,anew Plantation Bitters, In bemire, and with, h anew lease of life. , The old are made Young again, the middle-aged ;re joice, and! the young become - doubly bril liant by ;uidtig this splendid Tonic. toya peps's,' Heartburn, Liver Citimplaint, Pain in th e side, '"Crick In:: the Back," and till _sympto%of Stonfachio Derangement yield at ; ogee the bealth-giving_influanom of 'Plantation ; Bitters. They, add grength to the syste and betnyfut9,y to thsmind. Itikor(Otas WATER. -.A di3liglttfta toilet article=,-,eniperlor, to Cologne,'and,at llartbe Pried. " )iv;llP . .. . Manstie , - ,Property for Sale4—A :blips and well I located riot, ~ on :Which, theren erected ,a [nick, house , of ; soyen?Mxnntii land 7 - the necessary ont-bnildinga. Prize-4.„, x • . Also a Otaller ;lot, . 3 x140 feet, oh ii,b there ig_ j erseted .: a brick '_ house - , of .ve rootriS. Price- 4 02;000 . .•" - , ' .' s tit Og 23 Weal 'lstreet, keep s . oodulleti) merit of all .kinds ;of glass 'jars foil' , fend. They nelliheta cheap and warrantithetnito be the best. •• „I? _celetrateit.frp,t`..rarl i," - ' ,, trnjbn," and .arkindie goys. -& 0060, N0.:'23,,Mr, keeplhe 'beat and gellihe Visit .7! "All Rtg l `be had •ti street. l lowest. I • DIED: - ,;:r On Eintuniavevening, Jtlllloth, at A, OEOIIOE4 Inthe Mllllll. eat Whiz will tare pinch from the.reFtlehee of n South Avenue, ,Alleghenrelt4 on tine 23d;.at 1056 6 , clocrA. ''Ser- GEORGE. Ss o'clock, age. fniier hts parents, TcrzsDAY. vices at 10 Oielack' 'The filentoi bf the 'hun'ilir itre invited to attend.. ' '(; ; ' ~:s 'TOWER.-111crndny. Jnne 22d; 18168, DI ig, Infant .daughter of 0,...,11. and Itehecta Tower, Aged RI tears and I month:, • ' 'Funeral fA, in her latherls residence ,' No' 164 Foutth street,' at Id r - lat.' °ix NVA2oNiiiiiii, 84th Inst. ''rleznts; bf,the , fatallr are reepeetftdly Invited to at 'end. I CIIRRAN_,__. I /-0n 3:fonder morelng, after a brief Illness, 44..ktEhl C 1.1110,124. la the 37th year of bit age. 11. lils funeral *III take :place from the' inistanlnee of hts motherdould tatter, - Lonergan4 street, - Birtnlnghans, WarantenAssatinstma.ft&tk Just., at 10 ive.look. The . ftlende of the family Art ' • 1 - CpeCtrtuly i l !llleited to attend, „ (Mr. Currin had only recently. returned front 00.4 Ifonala„ after an absence of several '74s.rsc, Xts,tbl While of xnallfhoOd; fat Okhi?pe:YOr a riels:tleiedt a. en)oyment krnongit bet . tittateronsfriendifin d!ao• qnaftitants!,:he glidfy vb lied • once city. ..•Desil, alas!, lu the Weise Of iliardees made manifest. welcomeawalted rasedal olden, an anyei from an wolid.badelthziftsgter .thither. au amidst:oar ; me 1 .41 *9 I 4RF,n-arl forever to r&sltze thnsonr. ' guestpas:lep cas foteveill T UNDER . 4 •,1 1 1: 1 _ ' No. I.6O:FOIIRTH sTßEET,PLittfillurgliV_Ta. INS'otalltinda, CRAFEI:3, II I9DOVEa r "ZOO' ery description of Funeral Furnishing lioo4e4ar• Wetted. 'frObms open ' day and night. Efearse.aat Carriageanirnished. - c , .I=l . _Rsurziclurra—iley. David Nenral. Dry Belt M. W. Jadobna D. D:, ThomM JISCOD Ililler,,Esa. = .1 = • 41 , .r . QiirAßLE'' Et&rtiat . Lainin i et-' , TAKERS AND LIVERVsTAR Rel, eo as 8 DUSRy STREET; AND COFFIN *Wig% Allegheny City, where their COFFIN Butians,art conshinUy Supplied with reial amid imitatiOn Mose. wood, Mahoga and Walnut, COMns. atpriees.va• fling Ca na 00 - Mediu' prepared for Wes , tient.; ,H Carriages Ovulated; aiso, af clads ef,M Goode, If oln.ce,gpez * Da at allhouri Ally dtaght: . - OBE ..T t AM A 4$1):" :A.Lodzu,t c eghenn t and ~No. s:M AXON'S SQUARE, ( Jan Wilson & on hands the .bellt Metal, RGBew°n•Walnut and imitation Rinsesrood 'Coffins.' 'Wenn ADoEltis Iron VW inward& •Rosawood • coffins ISO upwards, at other Coffins I proportion. Carriage' and hearses &mashed at low Mee. : Crape, Gloves. Plate and Engraving. wed , elitis t • yin!, open clikyr,and ; ' A NEivr. :• • . T A : O r o m , We Dave It** ziLitagtactimi 1 1 11/,,L1 ASIMMTMEN'Agriy • • • • 11: ••, •••. PERESCOPIC:',CLASSES; PRIME& MADE,P13,0149. - -:;1, - -5 - are likeliest 7et orated J• 11 •• • •-z '• •• • DUPISEATIN 1.4 k• 111ASLIETT thwEraiii lir; °maxim, ,6kF kTI .ST.I.OPPONITE . MASONIC pm. A.A.. I ~N'~` Tb3=Ai~; _ . ;;• tielitlethen'srarnislung Goods, • . 00107E1107 731M17:iikb• Igia'l !MINII I 1.8 11.11113 t , GOODS, • • • Allred tb lAirreir Cr.P.MS XERADBANIMATUNP. ,P IA P.,I I !" 1: ,4 r 17 PP494.N. !;,, , ev):: , ; 4 1,1 . 1. ft7tEite BM ~, ~ ~~E . •n- ! n; 11.7 ez tPemiandtilt. Clairetreib ;.; - rlj' if'~~~. ''''' • . el,t) ~'sa«.'Eu^'i I i BM Emir . , :~,: , .-ii
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers