lia - 7 , 7 ! - C 'o3l‘ = .itßo - .:v# . 44.vAt ;( ,04... 3`; . 4l,irdgmt Cured Crass. 1 21Wri is tnstock, what, breadand.butter is , „ to man - the great staff of Hence pas ture, or soiling in summer, and grass '(early (1 44 b4i) la and found to succeed; the bigheat - - - .reaulta have bee n o btained; by, it; they are 'on rec .J oral and the principle is practiced, yearly now: by most of our best -dairymen. Hay will harvest itself quite moist-n ot ; ;outside • „ Water; that:must be excludedrigidly: - . There must be no dew or rain. that-will spoil your tiv. But the juices are a different thing,_ mind you. The quality in them (in the wa ter the hay contains) keep them. Your hay needs'but be Wilted, no moisture outside, and you are good for a winter's store of the best of fodder. Draw in o t wihut sw e at i n g, . if yoa think the rain withiatchyou. There will be a sweating operation in the mow, but it will not be serious. It may touch a_ little With mould; but the hay is still exCel lent—hir and away ahead of •all goodband dried hay, even if but "just out out of• blos som.” It will be relished by stock; stock will thrive upon it, eat it unclean, and show but little difference from the effect the best cured. We haiie knciwn the best re- - stilts spring from mowing clatter one day and putting it in the. next, • clover'scarcely yet in blossom,Perfectly .tender and juicy. , It was mowed: when: the • dew was and. put up in • eockstOwardi Indeed,_ - it, is difficult tnsee how wean, be, improved. It came' Oiit - bright and fragrant;, tee blos -some that were out _retained. their color, and their .freshnesir of. sum mer. • The I sweating' was done in the mow, and= amounted. to only enough to • wet the fork-handle that lay • On 'the bulk. • Hay will sometimes spoil, cut peen; but it is;in consequence of the dew being . on when cut„,or being put up when their is a moisture Outside. Evaporate this, and .'whenyoU have done it your hay will be will belt-to go in. The wilting • is in consequence of the dlticharg;e of water from: he inside of• the stem; leaving the uices sufficiently concentrated 'to keep it. 'But tr'ralittle. Out it, towards noon; air it well by turning and throyiing it about; and in the afternoon, say five or six o'c lock, draw it in. Try a few loads this way. This way you can certainly. get it, in; without . Sabi, and no dew • either—no bleaching. 'Then. try ,a little in the same way,' only keep it in cock a day, some two, and . some three days—then in with it with or without first sprmilingta Ike - sun. Try this; and try enough so as to see what effect it will have upon• stock. Dispense 'with the cap, 4:4 use if , youltke; or sweat in the cock 'without it. But in this (the latter). there• is a risk—the rainmay catch you; the dew will certainly, and bleach you on the out side; and your hay will go in,not better cured than when. drawn in tin day it was 'cut, or at the farthest the, next day, putting it on cock for the night: Our plan is to . make sure work—sure in the weather and sure in the . qualitY, The water all remov- : ed • from the outside, the juices concentrated by wilthig, there can be nothing to ; find fault with. But, for the life of font avoid the old system. Try the new; give it a fair trial, and you will find yourself unexpect edly reckoned among the good farmers that make good hay. .Growing Clover Seed. Clover seed, if well managed, is a profit able crop ; more. so, in fact, than most farm ers appear to be aware of. . , They do not seem to consider that usually two crops are grown in a year, One of hay and one of seed; and that these crops are often of con siderable- value, say an average of li tons of hay, worth, at $lO per ton, $l5, and 2k bushels•of seed, at $6 per bushel, also sls,' snaking $3O to an acre in one season. And' - these are only ordinary crops; often two - tons of hay and four or five bushels of seed —seven bushels have been grown in this way in this county—are grown to the acre, while lakes are often much higher, giving from $4O to $5O per acre , for bay and seed.. This tie the usual way of-gFowing the ;small kind. The other variety, being a larger' and later plant, requires - different =wage meat. There is not so much ,of this kind zrown, but the price being higher. now and then a farmer makes it 'profitable. A friend of the writer is quite, successful with this ' variety, his general average being five bush .els per acre,. Last season , be grew forty three and one-half bushels on eight acres— ..l9 early five and one half , bushels per acre. his seed has probably sold for some $8 or per bushel,.which; with the pasture—it is fed close up to the 10th of June, and the'. seed comes off early in. §eptember—makes it a very profitable crop; and this, too, It: alt " o* be . rentemlieked, 'is griivix? *theta 'Any expense for fitting the land or other cull' tivation. - . . .. . . 1 _ If 'a geed :crop of seed ; from the einall kind is desired, the first cutting miter be 'early. When it is as soon as.the first of - -July; there will 'often be double' the need- grown in: the second crop, that will be se-. -cured if the first cutting is the days latef, Still but few farmers take pains to cut clover hay early f , Qften4.tosave hiring a week or two; - the clover itendirltittit the tenth or. fifteenth of July, when of course the for-' Fantle crop of- seed must be light. `Although', the farmer thinks little about it at the time, yet hehas itaefil - Iced it large 'part of his crop, •of seed, perhaps makes it so late that it will not be ttipaght. werthig,att.itioet from ten - to - tiventy'dollars an acre to Save a few Alollars'tor hired helpy Bach year's obser. lation,PTOYes that this ip; and' 'no dnnot - fhoiniands'br - iiiinfra-in ' Western' lielv Yoritlase, or.fali to realize, buadredp' •of dollars each, every year by such internam- Agenim_ twitti*onr In" .40311: . . - )Kelt. —F.4I an C ountry Gentleman. :, VArion.Rural Items. I.4ki 6fia - e ent wi ndows. MONEY inveSted in needtattoOls 7plys ii bigh per cent. . Tax wore vmfortablejou:keewyour ant :saes the more they will thrive. . A FEW ,rpote r 411 v- to. all stock, are a welcome as apples to boys and girls. A Goon cow is a valuable machine; the ..,,:erdfit. — fottow-prpirkfmtibthezrelder e p Tne,st. ring, ,las,so, backward that the appl .tree.ene.tiot ielossonimitil the 6th': of, June. IF Swum—Bub the animal wittc equal parts of lard and brimstokiitAiltdput : them in a oleanpen. Trim Valley Virginia» says it has been hot, ,bte,the.tribusttalif,iWaol and the: 4rops flourishing. ' . • se , ~.....Titire..Early-, R ose potatoi vas mdsed to, Alfred Breese, of Vermont, in'l3ol, 'from a " • eeed of the Garnet Chili. Bco unsiit Biiiii=-4.lsint of new thickened with flour. To be given twice a 4isaVAM jar i s o Istr, fit ryearpfd wood;: . -% is to pruning, do the best you can, An • the are as mazi e y..ways as there are to d e ofiehi re ffide 1 1 4' hiLr/Sro Va"Cl Lin 4 BM= - day look heavenward to see- if -ere are caterplbas' nests' in the trees. Ap. ry .. ,&311t ply soft, soap _to th -trunks, never to your Scorms r i ilosess:—Put•one pintofgood gin, and: one ounce of indigo into .a bottle, axidshake them _toge th er and . _administer , - one dose: Man in Farmington, ; 4 .bas a small native cow, seven years old, Which,, during six months last, year, averaged ifi ithutids of butter Per week. r• ' seems siiinge that honsekibpe - rs" don't, buy pails and tubs "withlbrass; beeps' and • trimmings/ . They costa - little tme:at , fint, but last wonderfully-, Ittuonoinc.-w•Mix equal parts-of ttmpen tine, and limp oil,Land4pply. to the' part of night and niorning;. roping , It, in ttroind the hoof. - '*- ' Tui urai, ors : repo: mends,' giving stock, eerpecially, thosiKanthied to stableis sod of eartiva foot square , once- a week s ; or wind they will - eat rap 'clean. 80/Sits - tire Worth twice as muck at Ashes for manure, if:diesolired, and theiehes Will reduce them XIX a. . bartel, and half and moisten with fiCiaD•suds. , *I IA:0E1114R author says the useful plants 'number about ,12,000. Of these,:there are 4450 'varieties of edible fruits; berries, and seeds/ The cereals number - 108; and vege tables 406. . A rrEw variety of corn, the result of se lecting seed and of high culture, las origi nated in Minnesota. The yield hot year tvas as high as one hundred and .thirty-Seten tushels to the tide. ' • • • , make PLA.x . seed,Oceasionallygiveit to horses or cattle - will them shed theii, old hair, and whether young or old, soon get sleek and fat. It is the only> thing • which will fatten some old horses. • - Com - Nl:timesls BratEr-L=Two tablespoon fuls of castor oil every. tNirelsie'lxanni. Cr glye one ounce Opsq!a ,every; This day be assisted by i an njeetion, of warm water, weak ands and molasees, . DrAnnuma IN CATrur..--Take half a.pint of bran and pour liOning . water on. it, and . cover with a thick cloth until 'nearly cool; then strain and give the tea to the afflicted animal. "'Two or three doseti are sere to • ,Tuz grass crop of Pennsylvania, it is en- Rected, will be the heaviest cut for ten years. The wet' weather of last fall, the snows, during the winter and the cbrdinued rains of April, all combined to raise a heavy grewth. Woutcris rK . SHEEP.—Take the leaves of the elder tree and .make a strong decoction, and wash the parts affected - two or three times.a day, and you will . not be troubled with flies, or worms. It .also removes fever from the'wound, and is healing. ALL of our Minnesota'exchanges speak enthusiastically of the 'condition of the growing crops. The season la the most fa vorable for many years. It is estimated that from forty to sixty per cent. will be ad ded to the cultivated lands this year. A vowto lady farmer in the fruit region of Southe.rn Minois got 20 per cent. more forler strawberries than others because she gave bettermeasure and had nicer fruit If the ladies will go on in this way,' the ques tion will be whether men ought to vote. 1r Tun- Cumberland (Md.) 'Union says : "We are informed that the generally look reutarkably well in many portions of this county. _ The fruit also promises an abundant yield, perhaps with the exception of the peach crop, which It is supposed have been seriously injured by the late frosts." Ten Council Bluff (Iowa) Democrat says: "We learn that the crops in this county in some localities are pretty badly datnaged by the grasshoppern. 'They have commenced on the corn crop, .and are going for it heavy. A farmer told us. yesterday that he had been trying carbolate of lime, but the grasshoppers rather liked• it." THE new species of potato bug, known as the "ten-line spearman,". which created such havoc in - Eastern Illinois last year, is making Its appearance in very large num :bers in some sections of Western Indiana. About Laporte some , tarmers are ploughing under their vinekhaving failed , to discover any remedy for the evil. In other parts, slacked lime sprinkled over the vines has been found to act successfully. ,Cosr OF RAISING Conic.—Several neigh boring farmers lately met in Champaign, county, Illinois, to compare results of. their farming operations. In respect to - corn raising they made an estimate .based upon' the daily wages of men, and teams, - which_ ',seemed to show that' at the present time corn Cannot be raised at less than 50, cents' per bushel, - unless over 40 bushels to the acre "OM . be obtained, which amount vas consid- I eyed a full average for the western part of that county. - • I SPECIAL NOTICES. OrDIANHOOD 'AND THE. VIGOR • :OF YOUTH restored In four weeks.- Sue= cm :guaranteed. , , HICOHDIfi ESSENCE OF. LIFE restores Manly I **were. from whitever cause -stilling; the effect/ of early pernicious habits, self-' obstse, impotency and climate give:way once to this wonderful medicine. If takes regular accord. Mg to the direeflope; (which are' very • mple. and require no restrattit , froVe! beaten Noir ; ' , 4l 4 easure.) Failure IA hopossible._._. Saki in :Willa ek or fo u r. quentitierin one for $9. To be had only o the sole appointed agent In - interim, H. GEHITZEN, 305 Second Avenne,'Nerwilforki ,I,‘Joutm*Trg tgrIPIII ifox Si OE, ' it nevi. brae of teetires, he' livered at Newitort Afusesim'of Aattomyt braelng thea_ableete;lio_Vritg lOW ;olive for":11"oelb, atlatorlty anXO.l4l e; manbaolt gem.% 111 reviewed: , tbedeiitee of In gestkm4 lletrlence an nervous diaeaaealkeeounteit for; Marriage phll - Fagf 4:lllFtiii=l4TecerMilarcit; unable tolittenkon receipt fOur stamps, by ad.; AIteeaIruLARCHJEMIJKIC,. PeW•Tork Mu beam ot Anat.+ Oirt lug Science,. 018 Mroddirsy, Mar , 'reek. : I )4 tri ' : ). nisi splendid Mir .137 e fa the best in' the wcirldi . the onlyirne and, perfect Dye; hannless,, reliable, instantineods,• no disipVolntment; no ridleulaus tinta; remedies the-111-effeets of bad dyes; Inrigo- TstP end leetei the Nate loft Ind beautiful. black or Proton. Bold by all Druggist* and Perftunersiand properly applied ILt Bettbedor's Wig rectory, No. le nom mempyg IarGIJIDIDI TO. INARIMIAGE.— Youpg Men , . Guide to Hamolltarriage. and Corr Felteltygo-Tbe humane views of benev ,olent Pt clans, ca the Errol.' and Abuses Incident tO el d annarly' Hanbood Ile, ne In adalb‘r letter tlne Rae of eharige:l Addetelp HOWARD U.S. 040Whlopir , Dan Pr. L'ldiedal 01 2 .146.: toriagiva. jullEaa • '' • : r t l ro . ' iii ' itt. ' ,VOIM.T . .41)F , Tglr. V BTATBd. ,Folt 'THE, wgeiT., Mal .O'ENNSTLVArk) JOSIAH KING and ISAAC AV PZ NO_IiIK4 Hank. roots under the 8.4-of Congress of march Ad,- 887, having applied for a discharge from all their • ebte,'lttidr alkali prerehieltader 'saki act, I t p ro , 044 , p o p" ; b 9 tioal hereby, glum to Jerson, wholtitytiprovedibe dettic tuolltierer.. sous Interested, to' iiirieut lid ds' of .1 . 114 a. NB, at 12 o'clock is. teltwittliiiiillßL , IMP '' M.. Register, at s office, No. 93 Diamon trea, Plttsbn h ..." to slow ewe, If ouy they, • • Why ge elottild • titit be granted' to the •• ' . I t s cd.fartilker, stoti i rs: ,berebygi v.; . 8 . . t • st=cb and Wird meet vvribredu.w. , the said vanio ptsiltqatOtt the illith'and Bth sections of said set. wUir tilt. I"f"ettillraid • flitter. at the sasuallgedin, P a cac e ,, a l t ..„ ...s. `4ir -- ataft.oo.;:. i f Illtplolatirt #7'iir, .Ili 'IT Mr' itvrAvr-,, rot , pint =V i r)tnT, ttN DitalllCT OF PENA WILY eNlet.t. ukt , the ~. tier of JOHN ktrt-' f . • . 1-.411.130DAT.F52.0t111114.---20-'' =SRA N;KT;4 , k CDR El4l.4pterps,TATE. Lon 4 and Ecitsforlude In Vala acme an . • Alnes-ceveral Alm; anrall - WOOLEN-PAOTOrar with SO acrea Tor ornd.ano-good trapreventenis,cj, eh I Will sell. cheap an d on reasonable terms ST I • esa lionises lautgnas straw; Tends • • Homes tor rent Irk beak cities. • For •be %Ara Impure jai 1100z:sat LoPPeelte C • • • BALE on pIINTRY : 1 BERift gl 12 FOR Ilparr.—.4 xtyge, it, double 0111345... Colltihthlg iti ft/OMS," !pea ug - double Per -20r4 ;with. piatble.teauttoo. and 111. a toodara Im • prorements; I"Sere •or irrtornd,' With fruit'i gar, beni lio cs,4l;,l3ltasted i.M.ltionT r * . • 'Vas tit il tor of tte inttidFogl i gt Id ig a rZoVl•ll; county,; and In . a 'goat neigh ' . ApP T. It street. ' Hi tallfni * * ROIL Sstste .f.4 1 _ 1 4 6 1 IR' Gls" ~ . . . „ . :OWE 4PEST BUILDING .10111 kin 14Te'o l e Atir eq ntor.n. Q.Xl iZotnflig °4 ;n e el l inn lile " Ingham line,' , and only Mews' mina esPi wept from the end af: the Monongahela bridge.l Thla town is. growing ast ramitUy. woe reaUsed fur tete Sold lseason, end over Orly nearderellings' were ereeteddoring the seascrich. Ass special Inducement to mechanics. we are.willing to el - me the balance of the lots at the low price of !robs-65100 to saso each, and on terms easier than , paying rout. , ,We'are on the. premises every afternoon trom 3 10 . 7 o'elock; or moplyat emir °Moe. corner or Fourth salt . • ;3: liteLAlN.a,o9. _ _ 2;000,000. .Ac#ips . CHOICE ;LANDS 'FOR '3Ariv,, ,BrTifia . - . . Union Pacifte Itcalreful Company, 'EASTERN DIVISION, Lying song .Die line of thett road, at 81,00 TO $5,00 PER ACRE, •. • . And on I CREDIT or FIVE TEJON. ler hirther particulars; =per Le.; address • FCaLII P. FIZODRZITS. Land Coininiesioner,Tcr6eke. Ramat. Or CEUILS. IL LANBOIM anli: et. Alleeonri. MEAX. ESTATE AGENTS. 520,000 TO , LOAN, ON Boss) AND MORTGAGE, 01 WELL IMPROVED REAL ESTATE, AMPLY TO STEEL & WILSON, Broken and Beal Estate Agents, No. 64 Boalthliold Strool. JOHN & DUO., STOCK AND REAL ESTATE. BROKERS AID AIIVTIONEERS. Are prepared to still at Auction ERR. BONDS, and all - kinds of SEXIIRITIES. SATE., HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE,' either on the premises or at the Bond of Trade. Rooms. Particular attention paid, as heretofore, to the sale of Real Estate at private sale. Sales at Real Eitateln the country attended. Mess. No. 118 FOURTH STREET. ocR $lOOOOO T O L°All3 , . ON BOND AND MORTGAGE. GM°. M. lequx-r3r. atria Real Eitate Agent, 608m1thtleld street. ICk t q r litEAT HISTRIBIPTION BY . METROPOLITAN arrr COMPANY. G fts to the amount•of $250,000. Every Bak draws a prize. 5 Cash Gifts Each $lO, • • 8,000 20 " •• 1,000 40 •• ' `` 500 ROO. •• " , Ivo 300 '• . • " 50 450 •• •• 25 30•• ' •• 25 Elegant Rosewood Pianos, each $3OO to $5OO 35 " " Melodeons," 73 to 150 150 Sewing Machines each 60 to 175 250 Musical Boxes •• 23 to ROO 300 Fine Gold Watches " 15 to 300. 750 Fine Sliver Watches " 30 to 50 Fine Oil Paintings, Framed Engravings, Silver Ware. Photograph Album's., and a largess . sortmont of bine Gold Jewelry, In all valued at $1,000,0013, ' 4 eherneeto arato any of the above Pflug by pur chasing a Sealed Ticket for 23 cents. Tickets de scribing each Prize are seated In Envelopes and thor oughly mixed. 'On - receipt of Fo' ets. a Healed Ttcket will be drawn without choice and delivered at oar office, or sent by mall to any address. The prize named upon it will be d elivered to the ticket holder on the payment of one dollar. Prizes will be home. dlately scut to any address, as requested, by express or return mall. , . Youwtll know tolled your Pries ts before you pay for U. Any arise elm/ be exchanged for another qj the same value. NO B 1 ANKH. -- _ Mir Our patrons can depend on fair dealing. it/iFZUSNCEB.—We select the few following names from' the many who have lately drawn valuable prizes and kindly permitted us to publish them; S. T. Wilkins, Buffalo, N. Y., b 1.030; Miss Annie Monroe, Chicaga,4ll., piano, valued at $600; }Whorl. Jackson., Dubuque, lowa, Gold Watch, 800; Philip McCarthy, Louisville; Ey., Diamond Cluster Ring, 81100; _B. A. Patterson,: New Bedford,' Mass., Silver Tea set, .174 Miss Emma Walworth, Milwaukee; $500; Rey. T. W. Pitt, Cletreland,, 0., • Melodeon, $175. .firrrWepu bash no names without permtsalou. OPINIONS OF THE PRE SS.—'"They, are' doing the largest business: the firm Is tellable. and deserve their success." -Wirekty Tribune, PO. 8, "We hare 0111 Milled their system, mid know them to be a fair dealing,firm.'"—Arew York Herold, F.b. `Lam week a, friend of ours drew a ssoo' prize which was promptly received Dally ?Awe,. ]fared Bend for circular gtvinf many more references an favorable notices, from be press. .1,11/eral induce ments to Agents. Satis faction' guaranteed. Et package of seated Envelopes contains kdex CA* Girt. ax tickets for 01;13 or 112; 33 for43•JMlforbls. All letters should be addressed to HAMPER) WILSON 00..14311110AIVIVAYi N. Y. it.OI3IWWYINT, . . No. 20 FIFTH_ STREET: . ,• • • -• .• • . ... • ... . . , -SAS IMEZTED I ' ANOWHER..X.Oit' : • • 0. 7 FUR 111A±PLE SYRU P.. WARD'S': ~C LOTH LINED PAPER COLLARS 4/ n CUFFS. To BE HAG EV'ER'Y HERE. il Wearer o ........;. LbrldrAireENterrk 'toy 1 , odir rL., ~...4"i'M i a . l Zt i cil i a ., d i? ii ft_ (it i , .. 4. 7 . Lf0r , Ab pO.l arVg ~,, w ilt.****'.k—e T .- co 1511! . : . ; ED XI 11130 •:trl, . • . l ittit c I -: -. 4. .illOsa . . it .1 . :. In ,OP , ;:q ti I. .. ,, t 4,.. ' , '7," '. i t ..... _ Wh, ~... .. t ., .1. ' • I i 4al '''' ..:'4 • , • • IA 1 q • . x 7 ..• 4 . til ii? 2.,,,,. ~ l it ii . . ~ 0 1l . i t . t sollelted,__.__. ear-Aar *l 4o l ll wit ai Nze DßA uxic w." nut C KW sommaynakpi *Tarr m I.IOBT. INSVRAZ PE. AWIPPOP S r I 4 Fire Insiranee Omani, OF P.l.TriSßUßiiii. Np. 42 Fifth St, psiecipAlloor, OVHS BEINIOMA.v. =TRAM a BLEDLEII JEWELRY STOISZ. DIEWt7rOttS 1 1.31 Robert 0. Schmertz; • ,Loals Norgemstern. vuarv.Y.wr , , . Joseph 1 Abel l t• ei • • IVM:Varr, • • Oh. webers, • ' Peter Kell, ' C. flj Schultz, A. Stclmx!eyer, . NarUn Heyl.. ROBERT C.: opoicarwiTz„ Prein, L. /KOZO STElik; Vice Pres't. , . „ . . .. . • .., CELLS. ittlimax', Treasuret C. P. Becreitirp The above Cormier:ea now fully organized, and larellere 4 f o take 'FMB BISKB. Bf earefal atten non, to btudneas, prodeppe and fair dealing this .COmpany win, ehdeaveir to merit a liberal shire of thevatronage or the cooknotaity. jee:r4l B' INSURANCE COMPANY, OF •MIifIRENF, PA. Office In FranlrilaSavhiga Bank Bididings) Pio. 43 Ohlo AlleitikelYSNl A HO= COMPANY. managed br Directors well known to the cowman liY..wilo trial" by fair de4 113 8 to merit a shine at' Tote patronage. , . • - 1111iNWir. , IRWIIII • - ' - President. GINO. D. !MIDDLE Seerstary. '. ,1 ' `-. I • , 41111XVFORS: , .. ' ' " • • I • User!, Irwin; ID. L. Patterson, Henry 'Gerwlg, Deo. B. Riddle, 'Jacob Franz, i3attlelb Naas. , Simon Drum, 1.1. B. Smith.. ' Jacob Rash, W. H. Stewart, ch. P. Wpdston, joseph Craig: Joe. Loonier, H. J. Ziniumdi ; ieremialt,Koken. NATIONAL INSIIRANCE CO, • or 11171: or Aumm .i torr (*flee, In ALL RENT TB B'l OthrIPASIVIII BUILDING. . FIRE Di r BVRANOX ONLY. JAB. 'Pr. W. MARTIN, 'President. IFTEN, Secretary. A. H. En/ilsh, Jno.: A. Myler, Ju. L. Ot*be, JAIN Brows, Jr. mh2IS:O4 NyniTERN INSI7IIANCE- COM• PITTSBURGH. . L REMICK, President, _ WP. HERBERT, Secretary: CAPT. GEORGE 21 - L'ELD,General Agent. Mice. 9SI Water 'tree? , Spang A Co.'e, Mare., stalra, Pittsbur . Wig mute seabed all In of. lire and Marine' 'Risks. A home Institution, managed by Directors , who are , well known to the go=anity,,and who are 'determined by promptness ' Ina liberality to. main.. `tan the character WMe..b they have assumed, as ed:or the best pridectiont l o those who desire : to be ltanfs • ' • I'Miticiume: • • • Alexander Mhz Irk.. Joan B. McCune, R. , Jam M e i s l McAule y , ' Will iam Clarke. Evans, .A. Ales ndrew id endar AWe ftee Joseph Kirkpatrick. u i , D Reymer, Dav Long, Wm. L Morrison, D. Ihmsen. nor pENNSYLVANL& • ' INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTTSBURGH OFFICE, AIFIFTH STREET, RANK BLOCH. This Is t Home ComPany, and insures again! t loss by Fire exclustrelv. : , LEONARD WALTER, Preiddent. C. C. BOYLE, Vico President., ROBERT _kTRICH. Treasurer. HUBS MeILHENY, Secretary. oas: Leonard Walter; Dinitcr - Germ Wilson, C. C. Boyle. Otto. WEvans, Robert Patrick, J. C.' L'appe, Jacob Painter, J. C. , Bleiner, Josiah King, John Voegtley. • • Jas. H. Hopkins, A. Ammon. Henry Sproul, jya: pDEMARTY AGAINST- LOSS BY FIRE. FRANKLIN INSURANCE CO. OF PHILADELPHIA. OTTIOZ, 435 A 434 CHESTNUT ST., NsA5 OTIL Drillitrolls. - ._ Charles W. Banker , Mordecai H. Loafs, Tobias Wagner, David 8. Brown, Samuel Grant, Isaac Lea, Jacob R. ihnitis Edward C. Dale, feorge W. Mein' inti k ' George Pales. CHARLES G. B N KER. President. i RDW. 0. DALE, Viet President. W. D. STEELE., Becretarr,pro tens. .1. GARDNER MUFFIN, AGSM', North West corner Third and Wood Streets. tillahwif. LLEGMENT INSURANCE COM-, cx. PANYOP PITTSBURGH: OPPICE. No. ST ZINTEI rintErr. BA ,x BLOCK Insures against all kinds orPire and Marine Risks. JOHN IRWIN', Ja-;,. President. - JOHN D. McOORD, Tice President. C. G. DONNELL, Secretary. CAPT. WM.: DEAN, GelieratArnit. DULSOTOMIt" - - • ' Joan Irwin. Jr. Crpt.,Wm. Dean. Jobn D. Itlo9o H. - I.l,,Patineoto4, • ' O. O. Homily, • • • ' , W. , H. leversen.l T Harrefiebildr,- %Hobert H aclH . DIMS, ' = 4l2 ' add& pEOPLEEP • .11181:9RAINCE COlll . , 011101 r., M. E. CORNER WOOD & rirrg en. A Woo CoulPkolre in&lnt rtio , luia Marin. ilika . , . . . . Drssct WM: Pbtlllpe, ,-- p t. John Li Rhoads, John Wray - , I , , 91141%101P. abrlver. John Z. Parks, , Okarlce_Arbuckle, - egg. dunce Miller, Jared M.:Brash, Wm. Van Kirk, ' - Win. F. Lana James D. Vargas, . - Samuel HeOr l iikat. WM. YHILLIPC 'President. . JOHN WATT,lvice President) ' W._l', EIAIitHNEA Secretary. , ~ .. • CA.) JAB, 00=!./N, 431 e , - -. I . , ,45:0:.inr6VITr7M1 MCAZIOLE, .1.• 4 • =gMtmtAML , frAamoli,, $0 trig anTilYnCia ) STRiVri PiTTEMEGHI Keeps constantly on nand a Gni assortment of tLOTHSi:CASSiMERES, 86 VESTINGS: 1416 , ;: dEter Intititftl ll o 430 *',Gilyris owrtllNG MAD.p 0. lat,it , timid? alt7t011; •-• ! .1. +o • " aw r" r "s e ' ' al 114 1 7 !* E - . 013'411Waf obileamortaeittotOLOTlts A z . • - Tr" elkyllierakint j railOni A . ri . ..iv: I . otEecustst Bev ,Aueignmb rt 4 P:iyed4iliiiarikw(oo o o 4ol 4 04 ( ti r/ 141 ;/ — SintWO_64 0 0.1: 11 04 134 4t 6 P% Pr a ArOalatul!nrt PITk arsa,• AIWA lop, fiticir,gra*PicruißWlPift999PB, x, l : .G. :si luittiitx_vilpAui e. . 4 . 1.,,, -mi . ams . ISGawar 8. 4liceelimmes 006. JP: '.' 'Cili‘ ' ' ' i ' %* .. • , ' Ile om it r' 'M I Aul, ( 1,1 ' twit West atlas o easing. nets it fields; ilecre e l .p itslit itteitalseu Sr l e tde.:Dtpirkults. ..r 4 no , 11 43 1F14 1 %, sp. „vog i 4 A , • 'Ms" tiasbetriek..l I:.ii !ii 5 7 ,4i - 4 ;TII oil' nr ,- ‘'." .111• 311` z I Ar aro: Elll Iy aritpx ; Alirstimic ) 1... 11111 !F409 ,1, vr.....i c , it5:...1.11:' i c..i , '''t NVERANDSVILDEW, , 11 , ) ',,(// 41) .19 mull 611.14 1...-.4! trmq.u. 4 li:t . ii* tit i t Ur V i, '. ?•:111V Grant street. . • ."- -4) 4 4 ~,, ' t' " _._JobbLos dead Nrdb-ussvailes and=oh. .An oruirePzelliol7 aiteackva to, and aa nsdaon way, dotUWIP WE . . , 0.71.1". Ulla=ino.L4'brigan, Jag, toil e rff oy r ter , f ß a:o b . t. Gel l. "l.l , NEM NEW OPERA SOUSE. - ---w*lrorra: ' ••MONDAY, Juno 2,51(i, Out six nlightil.ekt I: t' , 4 THE GREAT' REBELLION; or; THE SST SENISATIIOTAL PLA'i r • 3 " Dsiucs c , OPERNric Atm nci4mtivpr • „.: post:mous §CENERY. . • . BEAUTIFUL Matinee on Saturday, o : a , Admission, 23 eenta,,toull parte orate IarBII7II,IIIIOILIA • r • MUSEUM " ExHiserioN cronit;rist;s:woilicti.l42 - 4';tikr*Ai 24,2. taw, LIVING cunzosinEs, , AT FRANKLIN. ='‘ Fifth street, opposite rittsbanghlTheetre. Carcts.of Admissign MEt,ceits. PprOxii, ova. feat 8 o'clock x.m. to 10'k. X:" '.r . „ arFESTIVAL- FOR:-THE HOME FoR , DESTITUTE WOMEN To bu held on WEDNESDAY and'! THURSDAY AFTERNOONS and EVENINGS. Jima 2 4 th sul. 98th, In Cla w ir Admittance ' • (1. - 111 tvgiTtliannakaggyt(LClelvPda." Weds' belay farTESTIVAL IN THE MANCHESTER PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH, Corner otAfarket and Franklin Streets, Allegheny, Antnerly Manchester, on j, , Tuesda . y Evening; 23 ,d,II June, For the benefit of the.Guirch. Ice ream, Straw— berries Cakes, go.. Doers open at .11.o'clook A. 31/. Passenger Cars pass corner - of Franklin street every 'lO minutes.... : .1' • Je2i:r94 BENEFIT Under the anspicee of the Society* Bt. Vincent de rota, (at. Paul's Conference,) thereWalle,hekt CRANID:OHARITY I OtOII4IO. ON ' AT .11TABLAND1 GRO 5A..1747141,d1r, e 7 . 11111 111 4th. , - Ample - arrangements "have beenmelte Minute a pleasant and enjoyable day to all wbOat dd, while at the sometime they will feel caner:tins_ foonpr i bi. nting to the relief of the worthy poo nr midst. Tickets of admission , including D tier, 80 oesta eanhe procured from the membersef the Bac= or at George Qulgley's Book store, !Greet , 'and at the gate. - eill: a"LINDEN - GROVE. :,; 1 LINDEN ABOVE having been tied Am lathe most superb style. with a large an delSgant Plat form, bftutiflitly shaded, large Di nni ng Room , and two excellent bars. Is now -ready reutite . o Pit- NIC&PAItTIES, 81.1 ND la , solo t. ex .. 15 - T10:4 ri, 'de., on tne most reasonable terms. - - Parties holding Picnics. Lc.. will find it to their advantage to secure the. Grove. iI. . , The Grove is easily 'accessible; bein g bet a few steps from the Oakland Railway Station. whs.° Cara run regularly every Aileen minutes. y : ,t 1. ; . ... dip For terms, dc., apply at the I FYNE OF -TRH OAKLAND 'RAILWAY 60. 1 OAKLAND STA.TIO24ii OrRIMIERDAI.E.. • SUMMER. REsiOirr - - • AT - ' • Delightfully attested OR the P. p. 41, a. S. R,. eleven miles from the city. Zs now open ror the re eerion of ear !. jeer:. , Box.324..Prttaberib, COAL AND COZIEG : ........................... ()Mill F. LAMM. It 4 co,r, . . al.: Lamm - • - • DAVIS. COAL AND COKE. OOlneySandusky Street suad ,4 P.• W.'& C. • R. a., Aueliaints. cittp SUPS,IIIOII. Youghiogheny Coal mid ConellsiVe ,Coke, i AT LOWEST ' MARKET . BATES. air Ord. re promptly attended t o. co.u.tsco.§, DICLSON, STEWART L iz CO., Having removed their MI6 to NO s 6671.1331E1RM1C S'lrltiECE3ll4 (Lately City Flour 11U1)SEC0141ELOOlt. Are now prepared to funiieh good youorricetts- NY LIIBM. COAL OR - BLACK; at the lowest morket price.• t 1 All orders lett at their' °Moe.. or. addressed to themthrortgli the mail, will be attendbd to promptly. my'26:025 , :1 , : . ; ILUEILp3 Totkomiorinrr ABD c:o our, And Idannticturers ' ' • , COAL, SLACK AND DESITI.PIIITRIERD 004 R. - ' °Mee and' Yard—CORNER OP int= aim MORTON STREETS. , First yard: on.: Li and Clymer, streets, Ninth Ward, and nil co, Send, Mo . near Lock No. I t Pittsburgh, Pa." r Famines' and Mantrilteturers .suppilled bert article orCoal orCoke at the lowest cash Wes. Orders left at &nig their °Moen will resolve prompt attention. - • I ; IMBISTRONG • HEN 4 Summon to• . • )F.l= AND Yottinantiacr do 4 CO.. IaNZUMLIIIPPERS AND DI4IABS,AiIr AOL -4.041;) suPe!ls!q94llaLog day ppS" AND FAMILY COAL . • !:•ofileir And •Fird:.-1 1 00Z OF TEIC, ; the Oss Works, •.•! i'•• •,. SummonCOAL. ciEteurin oiF trr ITIVII2 WWI Ga BTußrig and IVIATIL x twei.;" COAL lad SLAb Coal delivered promptly to all patttOt thi cdtliM at the lowest - mnetiamea. - Office and -Tardl-9011.244g 3. 17R111 ANDi WAS. 13011 !form erly_Cana4.) :414!)F14176 P. 01: BOX 9sl : • Anti: owl B" B:ME BESTIANiii CHILilk• :THE PIANO AND .011GAN:11, , ' .1 ' z - '' , . -, f SoliimnackeAJ Oold —Meilist , tiailo t ~.1 ~... r.,.. , -,i, ,-,.; (~,,,'• ...i::.,•, .!, ~ v.., , ,,, . ~i, ''AND'ESTEY'S T COTTAGEVRGAL ... ....,:. ~, i 0., ~ .;.. W , .,•'f.): , • latest 130110NACKIIR • PIANO .4 a lnea , all the latest valeahlo Intprovementa kn hir the . eon ' Strarttbreotieflrivellssa lestrusnenti and bas lawsTS been awarded the hl hest premium-1,11mM? 4.1- hlbited. Ite tone Is-ftll, ikinprouilland sweet. The worlunanalt r igwougottiw i li ac _beauty, surges* all others: ces Dom WOO to Slag t il t r=t ° iti r crt:**l444//0/PeXighs* sik.a r. ed Aro ital . Plano___ - II " L i: • ' - lizsTErs opormor.OßGAV 'AI ..•-• tF Btande:at the head of all rd Ins of lit ti v i p,tit ' deat; the - meet parted pips „,tr, I, I, s want s l 4 llll lAnitrPalett 4 4 tbmi t ,`Ta, ' - a xtit,litible to Ate SP toPart .0 0 ?!Pt...1, , ~- i .. ~:.. i e tan et , dr. 1,- -• •- Inuit 14 utrateNL ,vaceiniTzal,- Pi o •• • . • ‘ , Jr _ pea i InAhle Orgaa. R ,,1 1 1 9 4 1. 3 0t2014 4:1 titi11l :. • All tuaranldad,factive ~.- F Irs !e „ it'XIAK E _,_ ~..k,„_,_ -, ii i*, ~,!,-,,, ~, , :No:. AN III: vatent EITIIIINT. -4 tEtlt4 ~. =MOW. ANDOttGANS4'; '- in pantos orde4Viiiiitti si 34 .-; WO- ;•112 - yittli Al, ad goo awn- • ' • -ij • WalkirinvrowerlitlM .11: , ,f:' ; fit h ;:;iw.alitgariontstieliSliOnage ll 4 6 : s6 9 ,r :I:fr,•r:II I JAIMP”.:44tiPP - r"" 94 .IagOICIRIon*AW sad .ordfirs , N iratiof twatte*****ty * * 45h eetWa r cigt u. .E . P:ig_2 . 4,INIPP.AIO I6I , 46 bi e SX ef fi OIL Ntrieibe Peldor tact re An Stier large an lataginat re a ched ttpw fa* J. PINA.LIPS.• 11* Send 11-111. Qat spot. Y-1111. ~{--~-~: dents. morning je19:119 my M=l ED