El t lifts vt..i.4,1.41.4#4 —Train was hissed in Liverpool. —Mrs. Manton Marble died last Thurs day. —Mississippi ; has a "What-is-It," but can't catch 1 - `'Hasa., kis - eight scree of _--7Scarlet,fever is epidemic in some parts of Massachusetts. c.lergymen went to Europe in one steamer last week. I -Ale wheat crop this year in _Australia, • haft proved a failure. _4,500 persons visited the birth-place of Shakespeare last year. - --P, V. Nasby, P. M.,.isto lecture during the autumn in New England. . r . _ —To-morrow General Grant • and. family . will be enroute for Cheyenne. - The Chicago Women's Club held its -lest meeting on Thundailast. —A Professorship of Music is to be foun dedin the University of London. The Athletic B. B. C., beat the Eureka, in Chicago ox Priday, 37 to 18. —Rev. Herrick Johnson: preached in- his church in Philadelphia on Sunday. —The new suspension bridge, at Niagara - t Will.probably be completed this season. —The New York Democrats , are ridicul-. ing Grait and bieakfasting Beauregaid. —Watts aria abundint on the east coast or Brazil; pear/ oysters sell there for $5OO , ' a ton. citizens of African descent and the possessors of real estate can vote in Li beria. —General Wade Hampton says the South Carolina delegation will support . Chase for President. • , • _ -;-Lonisa Mohibach says she doesn't mind iniiicism'so long as shels as well paid as she last present. _ —ln Belfast, Maine, there is a drummer lioq ivho plays tunes - very well and is only . three years old. —Heider Clymer' wants to go to Congress from Berke county; so does Lawrence Getz, the present member. —Report says that • Chief Justice Chase has a daughter who is shortly to marry a distinguished Virginian. —Mr. Greeley's "Recollectionsof a Busy Life" have been revised and shall soon be published in boo.kfonn. st,..Lonni Repub r iiran says the crops promise now a greater yield than has ever been known in Missouri; • - —There is enough ice stored is the City of Brotherly Dive to last two years at the ordinaryrato of consumption. —All of the heavy manufacturing _estab lisinnents of Troy, the foundries alone ex cepted, have stopped off work. —T. W. Robertson is writing a new play for J. B. Clarke, - the eccentric come dian and brother-in-law of the Boothi. —A Yankee has diseovered . a new use for worn-out hoop skirts; he hangs them np for seam crows and finds thent very effective. • —J. W. Garrett, Esq., President of the Baltimore and Ohio Railroad, was offered a position. in Mr. Johnson's cabinet but re fused it. —The extensive reconstruction of Paris under the supervision of Baron- ,Hausmann has already cost the trifling sum-of $400,- 000,000. Garibaldi says he is going to take a trip to England and America in the autumn; probably to look on the site of his.eandekms business. —The great Saengerfest in Chicago, has. been amarvelous success, and the most per. feet- celebration on slate scale ever given —Hon. Edward McPherson, 'Clerk of the HouSe of Represatatives' has been appciint-• edAmerican editor,this year, of the. Aiinan.. aC its Gotha. —Three well known authors, Herrman • Nellville, 'lll. Stoddard; and Richard Grant White are all clerks in the New York Customllouse. . • ..4ome fourteen F Indian skeletons and quite a number of relics and curiosities of the lost tribes bait; been dug up in Bing-, bamton, N. Y. • • • -.-The Arkansas Legislature• is very eco f nomieal ; a motion to make an appropria, tien to supply the legislature with ice water Was lost tlie'other day:::::.. r "—Fitz Hugh LUdlOw, • the author'of that Most charming story, "Little Brother," has liiiit,ten new story called the "Household Angel" , for /tarots Bazar. • • —Lord :Mon& IS Probably, the most t in_ miler man hi Canada. lie Is „awned o r - stinginess, a fault 'quite, prevalent among ttitieh tePteeelticiuVee, in'6*.etAticee --Lcitta says she • Is not 'engaged, to be Married, and never i ntends 'to; be; As Lot t& is not yet nineteen, years old, some al lOwanci mai Ile tirade'•• tOr the latter state . , hmtiv-,6 ghosts, one of them 414 into a braiu.favor , ; r. 44* i4e;9t.4% , .T01?ed b t white, ~p arade!: : the, vattuilav 4terehYard,.coxr,ylngt tOpiiiii.4l , , ao4zinit thinks.iiiiiliachel and ; :Booth ) ' Imu!'tded'etictroth . d.,vitindetrAlt land; 01;4! very 4 1 .,a4criptivi lia prove it.:: ;4, 4 ,4•2 • —,South Carolina said miisiiielittietti to arm-igui-arm again lato, ! the .D4130=113 Convention. Tho sooner both Suitis . foreet; about *ma andOply their peace, t4e? bet*, ''Air all of us.' ' • 7 " DeriloClllo;_*kaiiiie longingly at White ar beginning , to ' • insPill',Sh* l AYE*: hafare that a-gal mon Chase• is rather a *llly Sort. of-means • , • g a o f li AZIL'i novel ; u, , 4.l,loohitt,tket 1** , 5 1 51461010.: inirefin is igx* woeu liii*iikogerissi brvpsit Theodor ikisal i situh of liAtiba t. llllfforli: :rt.; t t i nif ilaWaU 'w"P' ate a grand final performance la Philadelphia . • . - . ' - 77 ,- - - ---" ,,, J44W-J--p4l,llAWW:igi 3- 4.'413 1 1-insko4. ~ • yester-evening. was player with Miss Richings, Messrs. Castle, Comp: bell, Hermans and HakelnuMn l ir(the taut; : —The complete NiorksorDant4 traudig; ted by . king .John of Impf Published in Dresden. , Xing Jobvs in t im; lation of the Inferno, published anonymons ly, was universally acknowledged to be the . best German translation extant __ —A. dental duel is going on now in the courts of St.. Louis. Dr. Henry E. Pee bles,Of that • AtiericaliDentarAmoclattoni has sued'Dtz v W.Jrauernicht, of the St. Lo e uis Odentologicar S'oclity; for elan der, and wanta to:gett6o,9qo damages. ,•7:* 1 )04 0 : 1 *- 1 494atic PRkerPas, because some ' - white girls in the town are working colored dreisintiker: 'The Reimblican Paperi*irta that tho = disgusted plablisher has &Me the sable thing, having printed her 4ancibilkwi. Teceive4-thS pay; Alexander.curnmings is said now to be the'nuist prominent candidate foi. the office recently'vacated by Mr. E2l:2Rol lins. We r iineerely hope he won't get it, as we 'believe his occupation of that office would• ben real calamity to the business in terests of the country. —Report says that MorgiM, the Masonic victim, has turned up ln Tecumseh, Illinois, where, under the name 'of Ward, he has been living for many years: He died the other day, and no one-knew anything ; about him, excepting that hellied a very secluded life and was theadibily afiabititt the littasobs. —Nearly all the furnittire - .lktyrout, sixty miles from Damascus, was made in Massachusetts. The Turkish population has dwindled down to:a stnail Minority, while the European poptilailon is more than double what it wasin 1858. llooking chairs are I . lMieisal and tinkees cominon as dirt. —,When is the. hair of iilieautiful young lady of , blonde complexion and enchanting fignr4N cerulean eyes,, fascinating manners and exquisite grace of bearing; like the heav ing hOsoni;ef tharniOst . poitical omitholOgi. cal • specimen , over the sweetness of whose song, uttereditt the moment of expiring, so many votaries of the Muses have melted into deathless lays ? When its dowa. old Joseph' Andrade Is dead. He his for years been one*ofthe curiosities of Phil adelphia, where he was known as a million-, aire, miser and agent foi .Rothschilds. 'Every one knew him and his little thin legs and huge shoes, his weasened face and kindly smile, and now heis . gone. ,He died on Thursaay, of apoplexy. Although he has been known • throughout life es a miser, there is many a charity that Will miss his constant contributions, Ile left but four hundred thousand ilollars in 'spite 'of his reputation, and as he left no will, it all goes , to relatives in France. 7 —The PidladelPhiti Ettaing Bulletin per petrates theiolloariiag Puna and queries on fiasco:.. the recent aquatic BecaUse Coulter broke his scull, ought he to be ex-scull-oated CoulterOhey say, is a gentleman and a smiler. Hamill being in a cedar. boat, was naturally a suc-cedar. It kills off scullery to put them on the Scullu-kill river. The Bulletin devil avers that the latest version of Foul Play , was given on the Schuylkill on Thursday. When Coulter broke his oar on Friday there was a new dam thrown across the Sehulkill at the Falls and else-swear. The occurrence on the. Schuylkill was not unusual. Coulter merely got Into . a row and had his scull broken. I There were but few negroes at the match, notwithstanding the rowers were known as. cnilered men. It seems to as that Coulter had.better go up to the mining regions and break oar , for the rest of hb life. They , say that the real reason why the 'sculling match failed was that both: Hamill and Coulter_ had trained themselies so that thccy were , naturally row-bust. Tag Washington correspondent of the Worcester _Spy says he speaks what he knows, when he says that ever since the pas sage of the Reconstruction' ads Kr. Chase has directly employed all possible agencies to get the Reptiblican party, (until recent ~events), and more especially: the new vote Of the South, committed to him. One of the •sub Oita difficulties against which the Con -gressional ReptblicamCon u nittee has to con tend with in the management of the South ent campaigns has been the untiring energy of Mr. Chase's friends to :use its machinery for the adVancement of their favoritet The Connnittee's aim was" to Iredonstruct• tha South, not canvass for anYilpecalTresiden- WI candidate. VheVtresPondint then de tails some of the methods'which wete Wad, with the pievioueexpress sanction of Judge Cliase, to obtain his nomination at Chicago, and failing in that, Ao secure; the negro vote of the South for him as an independent can date • 1 Tua New Crieina - Repubikan saya that neither in Louisiana nor any other South ern State is there the slightest 'reason to be lieve that Mr- Chase 'could' command any considerable number:-of colored vote& -If Mr. Chase :should be the Democratic candt• date for President he would` get no more votes of colored men; in' the South than Hancock or Pendleton, irhile'thtt celored men, who, influesteellby intimidation voted against ratification of 'the new Constitution , and for 'the Demociatic can lidate& - will in elections held under .Statelaws, awl, pro. teeted by 'a welt, organized aid , ihurnughlY disciplined Statemthtle, vote ai. thetr incli nations Oictite, fcir Grant and Colhia and other Republican - candidates. Mr. Chase' cannot divide the hidoted vote of the South; 1 , end that idea mato) _welt be abandoned. Pam has appetite& in a flew Ook in "Paris, viz: as passer of the il r i l l a t te, - eiliag;lit a emit olvrchpexemordal="- ercSeAliosfißtPrince •PonidtairakiVeiMi t °Mich of St. Ens: taclldMit aid of the poor.: el l atti'vkas one of rttiti.'flitieh lovely aid distinguished ea l ivbii"eatifed' around ' the velvet,: gold.; embroidered mmietkass i fof Ahetollqed o n. An enormonssmnwas contributed, Among : her mooctatee were 41sa Prloolii, Ile Metter ' achy' Afetlatee Ponlatowskb and Madame Walentaki,.the last esamediereiting thellye iteet admiration, robed.ixtkreqt velvet - Ind . sable, mantle of golden mho 'Altreinning from-beneath *a. chi to hot:Waist?' I EM , Trim' Ruute.43). 77 An engineer cor i tallias l ireadk - rannineticed. operoaetur'bn , a new railroad between ReedsYille and l AtleiWille , Mifflin, e4:nuay and the werk,will be pushL ed forward 'with' the greatest vigor. , Then iiewyt:/id - trill ' lie ' *teen: nillei In_ Jettatth/ I'IFP ..rI:110 • citifutiamutoad,ind , ~,re , . .. ,'-,. -,, , , n g A i , 'W?''!i . -antt l I R VW*. 4fil:exiii ' 1.4114 iinCiii".'l';4;;eirsk. wig) imil lido , . Arlefolidicimery 4 • The new .do wis , iilkii lain*ammo, of plasperity, aridlarnish an outlet te the vast resources o the section it traverse& =EI RE GAZ:gTTE:t` TUE SD AY, JUNE :1 23, 1868. IeiTEACTrAF 7 T EETH Romer . rAnn. . - - s : . caii , tea wirAsiniicur. • AT DR. NOM ors przar MiEZT. DCI9RA.BOVI HAND. - .m7Q AT: GAB N23MM:I3. tam 'irinertnitits , • cyb.a 34.= ek.l. le re, FOB OAS AND OIL Just received,. dneet atid largest aseorintent ever opened In city. - • WELDON & .ICgttNi 141 4LRGIN - . al .• • _ :S ONE; _______ IpurnatirLic cam. )AP STONE, PLASTER. CIIMOrry TOPE. • WATER PIPES. =1 HEMS! H.' COLLINS, • . - aDIVocxl street. sobSto7to L *Ai re. '3x):11031 SHOVES & BARER'S r.issno STITCH • - Levu - wrriren az sizarst lasimaris 4.. LATZST IMPROVEligarn, At the New and 'Elegant Sales Booms 01 THE COILP.A.NY, 51 FIFTH STREET. Also, NENDLM, _ATTACHNEACITTNE and COTTONS, =BMA mAcRINE 0/1., .„ de. The citbeac-of Pittabargb are respect- . bony invited ;a call. A a tillaations ibr Asencles 'allotted. Circulars or lam es by mall on application. Correspondence to be dressed to GROVER & BAKER S. M. CO., mrirru trzinurr. prrrinittscia: RE GREAT AMERICAN COM BINATION. • • • BUTION.HOLE OVEMILuiIEG AND SEWINGkrikaIME. . . yr 10.8 XO x4v4.1,. BEINE , AINIOLIMMY THE BM' PANILY ILLCIIINN, IN USE WORLD , _I) AND •11N. T.RINBICALLY 7 THE CHE.A.F.EBT. air , Agerits minted to sell this Nneldne. A.C. Axent for Western Penrirrlvanta. Comer MYTH- Atm - MAME? BTIO2III over .Blettardson , s Jewelry Rom mrs:o6l 311 LEAD AND. COLORS. dwreenr Wre- INVITE ATTENTION TO ns well selected and Com plete stock of Drags, Paints,olls, Varnishes, Dye Stuffs, Patent Medicines, Perfumery, &c. DRUGGISTS PHYSICIANS and COrlf. TRY DEALERS who replenish their stocks In this market, wUI consult their interest by examining oar goods before sattrehasJaa• elsewhere. • Having accepted the Ar i nt7 for the PHTSIBERGIE WHITE L & COLOR WORKS, of Messrs. J. SCHOONMARER * SON, we oder to the trade their well lumina brands of . White Lead and Colors at Manufacturers' Lowest' Rates, and guarantee them to give perfect astir- Mellen in every respect. • • We barite, especial attention to Me- MT'S VERDITER GREEN as superior in strength, NWT, brilliancy andrdarx. Malty to any Green Paint ever offered to the public. - z • • HARRIS & EWING, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, Conner of X.ll:?erty and Wayne Streets, 15 MASA Ornia:CUTLERY. 100-WOOD UTREST. trininrAv GLASS AR!, -•- %of , .010ECNOWP.RE, . . E.; - SILVER , PiIiTED- MUM • pART4I4: EtTATUtaTisi 8 memo suss, g And Other !MAP= AND JANOT m —9 o : ol M4aAtnnlyasinty. • 100 WOOD amirr. IticHARri*.:EnEED & CO. EL~:~I~1'L~:.) ~i:y Y:7.i.y ~ nHABLES REMENSTINIr s , ‘.j''142,*(540"6!"143;.At161.4wi1ie ;CP!,*o.oi***o:**o.,: ...-..1 ~!, :33: ,t 1 Betl►elicalvielhimodiablefiA!,:4 E 3 •' r • VEX" 4-••:)3, *IIY Tic loins, , 11 Ula ttadkirgi "' 141.30v110a)tha Ott% Nstlothir Bask: J am { s• , • • , t••:. 410/1;14041 , Ili w . 4154.4 ZlLlr.lllnlLik.. eig . *4 el , orl 0 0 fL inters left haat or at Maid stitese Bridge will ta = int pramptintentloa. Wapiti awn* rstulo lit ago: Znaltagaq. filPsGe NICIPIrGOODS• : :. 14110ZEIT AND , IL, BEST STOCK STOCK: CITY. . - tam kin sum omn - atm% With Military Cuffs, in Drab, Bur and Tin. HOSIERY, A Dill line of ifrenrb , Gerims and. English. ,----- .7-1-4.: - •-...:-.. --:.;:. b7_,, - * 14 .. r .0 4 :-.7 - 4 -..-.:t.r. - .- _..-; ::::--r-1-- In SU Linen and raim Leaf. A l'ail line of White FRE4ES, SICWINaSIMAND Bilisig:lN In ail co ll t and eliades. . 1 - PAR SOILS, . . . . ' 7SERGED, HEAD S 'LINED riiT6,PLAIN. A FULL LINE OF HOOP , SKIRTS. Also, some neir le D$ OP Diir SEIDTES. . r , CORSETS —A comgjet ored, for Ladles and El eels Rid Silk Ljelo Naineook, Irish Linen, Sw LaW iss, n, Cambric, AlSif 11 4 NEW All theft PRICIEB: or . u "Wand-SO Jen: AT JOSEPH OHNE & COOS, DAILY ARRIVAL OP . Gt. O OCOI3S ; RAMBERG' EDGINGS. AND OESOINGS; ..:HANBURG INSERTINGS• ...§IVISS EDGINGS AND INSERT/Nes: • ••' - LACE CAPES, COINTEURE AND PAILASOL • COVERS; , z4:orztr COLLARS AND curia. . .11001117,E1Vg. -1 SUPER STOUT AND SUPER PINE COTTON AND. MERINO 1411 HOSE; LADIES' AND 14154E8' HUSE, la I.aoe,.Llele, . Silk'and Cotton, of beet Ensiled' and Ger man =skein' DOMESTIC HOSIERY, at very lent rates; - ALEXANDER'S DUCHESS KID GLOVES, new line just received. A .fall garment, of BULLION • AND SILK PROT ES; TASSEL P INGE& BEAD FRINGES'AND TRIMMINGS; - GIMP HEADINGS; - - - TRIMMING BIBBONSAND SATINS; -- PARASOLS AND SUN UMBRKLLAS. - STRAW GOODS. At greatly reduced rates. New at' re HATS*-Ladles , and Mises. OIIAPESMALINES, _DOTTED NETTS: RIBBONS, FLOWERS, MILLINERY LACES,' BONNET BILKS, FRAMES, • SONDOWNS AND SHAKER HOODS, whatsate and itelait. C.&.1.14 AND 30x.A.Ar.iNm. 77 and 79 Market @treat. el:xwr ERFECT 'FITTING • ' • MD GLOVES. . "A.. C. C."--`ll. S. S." .We invite attention to OUT HID GLOVE_BERAILTIKENT I Which is now complete with every °Wine and shade. In addition to oar own special Importation of the - Celebrated A. C. C. (Jotivia) KIDS, We have scented the exclusive sale of the "Ilarris Seamless Kids."' The best Glove and most perfect dt. =warn & cuutiasim, 19111TH 10121 LET. •vu Aiscutrm & CARLISLE, 19 Fifth Street, New offer the most elegant line of HlLDEBtattil3 itite o M e :gl ltub Nititire'Ve h TAY. eli n c e l l il iet YlYTU uet* E;i4B "" new led o U ri alt ali r a lldelr at spll ItirACRUM & • CARILJBLE, ""*"' pa= =Err, Nave Put opened ell shades of . )3111.thON AND DUMONT. YRINGEB. NIIDLIC DINE'S ALD ININGED. H. Al L'Pmims.! For saIsiCHEAP. ES THE CHEAPEST, it vO.lOl Market Street, meow Filth. • • ' • .( 'JOS: - 'R..ErtyGEtEs &'BRCi. T -, Tri 1,7,/ iFll l . 3 .kt?Pri.t3l4o4‘ lo 47.** , r• 11X7v~ 'F , • • • Fultr .71,11‘.31.01•!,;:r r Met) I , Oi ez-wold. strdTti-rititr.".F4tl'rthii : iffig. t:.;• 4 , 10 - 00. '0 I ; Priak D spoRRigIV - EIL J. LAIfICE, : , . :-.1.4 , : • !., , • -. . ~, i''''l"*Ekit'APlD.,l43ool.PArkit ''' '' -41i1.. ,, - " • ' ' ' s - I to :Ir.)wi.•7.s:ftl ~ r l3 s'f‘u-. , . ,0 ~• : ! 11, ,-,,.i.1 ' , N"'.• • .. 14Q .ti 4r - r. 4(.71.,,Arn. git•i"--- , ; No6olB6;tdid:l3fi ;Third , Sireeti : ,-_,!:,... , •: , 1, ‘ .. , - ;l, r ,i,„, r aii- ti i i i i 4 , ,- i i i -: :, i... --..-,-,:. L ; linft lei , ' : ' ,. l 1 . , ^ ..., •,- ',,.; ...-'::.;,.;', B ~! ~ 1 .: , iP . .. , , -;loi.'LluWf ~I•tAitottir MI 'll3[ l 4 6 9 ll llf ai i;P l iti" l FN.4.l./ flt \off 1,4, 1 1 -- )371Ti v rl , Y 414” :, 915r6j1 , 33 , 111, v o ia A owithei t i ta l -Pa. Sada+ atillation eves to th• designing and bulldbag of 0011/11' HOUSXBaad IUBLIO DIALDINOIS. varlety. 4 .llx white and see. • 1 etitibbont Paper bollata. Glcrvas, , - Paper OWN • Gloves.B Ipect Shirts; 0 Gloves, • mboideries, ' ;Onielovea. 000a3,0t0. COMB!. • 0 beim!! at he Lo.sriBN ral r iM tr. CO arket Street, '1 WALL PAPER. Par nAxxi. ' , puma% ' ,aB6a22IZCBe Old KITCHII2II3; In GREAT VARIMTY, 03212 •1889. DRY GOODS NEW. DRY?'-GOunt . .STORE N 0.12 St. Oka Street, RED, WeIIETZ: AND 'IILLIE J.. ILAIIIIACIMCLII - It CO Ririe just opened a "fradi dock - anew' and elegant DRESS GOODS ! • 'z'-'liltinfiEntfflerllfreigV,Wrdit - Vic" -- ""' .7 7 LAWNS. for.S cents, worth attic. MCLAIN'S:IL fey I%l:ants; worth Sae: . . CALICOS; for 1A K cents, worth 111 c. • • ; 101 L )IINS for /51A cents. worth.lBe % . • rictparti ALPA for *ants' `w orth 44. Black Silks, Ini , Dresseeandita Bad s • . Colored MS., Black HerrAntee: , Whlteldireelltes, Table and Irish thiellit Nilp_kine, Towels, WarseillesQuilts . ' Nottingham Laces.rlth large I • , - assortment of DRY 41 ' 3Dld, - too nnraerons to EUTAW:W.' CHEA.PET. , I:IO,U.SE IN THE CITY, ' NI- All aiiiepreeetitid. . . Rementber the place—MlST. CLAM STREET. - MI 87 R4IIIIIET•STIREET. SPRING opEzrniren 1110111{. F (Suocesaor to d at . 13teei l i, Co.) ' ,• SPRED} DRY GOODV • SPRINU DRY fIOODS. - MIRO DRY ROODS. MR. PHILLIPS' Tespectfally innonnaea that the e.xtesplve. alienqlop.ksams DRY. GOODS =STORE Are ""nfi t AmlTs&bush-- New .lagr entirely_ /few Stfick of Dry Goods , - For and Summer Wear, at She lowest East . sv....mArourr erazET.:..ev. A4I3IMENOIri, SHA:111110N & CO" No. 115,W00d St, Pittsburgh, 'Part I InEro DRY apos AND NOTI9}I2, AT. UMW EASTEIN PRICE& 168. 168. NEW GOODS. WNW ALPACCAS. NEW MOHAIR. • •BLACH SILKS. HOSIERY and CLOVE S; • F. ~ ScolCTOIe, nr NO.IBB Wylie., Street. ja 168. ' ta 401 COMM, iIicCARDI46I3II& CO4:. - Mats Wilson, Carr & 00..) • - • WHOLESALE DEJJARS IN • Foreiga find Domestic Dry Goods; No. 04 WOOD STREET, Third door above Diamond &Eel. PITTBI3IIROB, PA. CRACKER HAMMES. HEI'ILUUMS CB/ICIM =EBY , . 311 Liberty Street. . , • Our Crackers are. baked upon the OVEN BOT. TOM, and are superior to any baked by,hot air or, any other process. - • ACP TRY TIMM.IES :.iCRACKE 1421/' , 181:1PERIOR - TO , ANY • 8888 . •.1 OFTZHIED IN THIS CITY' • agsvik.4son'A., 'ORiCANI, FRENCH, 'WATEA,..pIuTTER,SSIGAR and SODA : , 9 . 449 E, HES: bouToll and HISCIHT. • • • For ,Sale,brEtetylibeer:instetity.. :rad Bakeni l N 0.91 tiberty 10. 85 spll M 3 MM wzawams: • i The ende:dins saweelated hint In bnalnene. 'WALL Aprll-./et. rigErEtl. IQ 'ion ASA. B. OILLMPLIVand., LOUIS ZNOLEHT. The eiyle trete to be J; 0 1 14412iral : .Jr Jo GELLX/31'TE. Beferrlsg'`t'o 'above., pleasureVretating , that •Ilkey will continue the: 1 1 001INIVALiaiANi PieTtim . BesltEss, A 1.86 Vood strt et. where theyintend to Wet In dtteeteente t u t il w porehseeree!.oott to he ;house la the Unitod J. J. 01411187113 isyg.. • to,till! p „ 1Sf401.11PTION; 1 -1C112. ' Irina .OF 1 Ammt,;- Lax . a .do.' • ' ithsnoisestorcthe:: ary,'4lllsll,!ttfititittud consent- :Either `itertstertchtyAlgiil t hekitikitieortbethrte .p r mu steitt. . JOHN AWir ~• • ; .: CHARLIE it. ; •' i_.' i I , , '"•• ,,, yr ert , 'li:`,AilliAtit'A.., , t •, _.:xne utyleinifineis tehthitii94.W4lo 3. ursoe ( ICHY 0 SIN unitettire hrAv 0 i ' 3 4! ATIVELI.& I.Elt, et e otilighek two. DI theft! cr Di cur foren‘ ,P 4. O n ntiPAlVlL'ol+At ' w e l lia.an 1 ow e TrielfliS ana t 4 PutilF. Pt rer - k m; .w' Mplt. I Iltz/bllit s Si. r ! ;.1 1, 4:1.i. ' i. 1 a.. ti. 'LIM IL tv , , '•'.,: 11) 1 0 4Nt t 1:000 ki 4/4i t e g is h r e b y . ' 4 ' iiivt' 'thit' the' 'partners I hereto iiilat= - Jaw)tetoieeu.:l, B. WIL LaSfilg, • ILLIA.IIIIIIIIIII..g 1 and UA.Vt t..) J. Mi I. Et4.4 l 4der thallfike atilt omits: (4 . .1. B. Wil d.! , 3,11.6 4 00,.. big.. en ;Ns allY ding. i,1,0„.444 ,„„,,,„., 0 t .v,,„ en t. sad the boOks otthe sr' tin* 14Ye IPS= irtr!wititH. J; MoCANDIANBBOIS6 r- Trusti /10u4.. , .. :". 0 lig i t;e4 di lri n u a rj e ,Plttisb Will tark. Ys ir4VVrily i T i l ili i rAdi l w r; ti !' ll' i:-E •"' .4 • .E.; k l' a t -EIU.E'I , - , 1.1 .4.434 . lyrtadoci i , ~li : ~, ila , Builia..., 1 ~..1 ~; L ; Cl'l ..:i!... , ' .:,' '" 1 ' r iirtrlLl J 1 iiIILLEtr. ' 1 Ist ttebnrah, ) 1.11 7 , ! 4, 0/8 68 . ,7 ,t! , ..'1 , ' - `1,02726,ra -1 - 1-.TOLIVerSO' WAAL. ik 004 . . l , .. . . _. . ..... y.i , i,.. , ;(0 - - •,) , i,.:,, ,',J % i,i, ; , .'... .. ./ , • ' -:'' . itciiii j-. PAI ". ' I '' ANC . , CO T TON ,. ILLB 4 .., ~,,,, , :1-:,'l il,ii-:,T ,IP , ).'3 , '...i' fl..,i;A ~. PI 9e ,iftr:', - •, l' ~' ;) n•li M iki ,, l 7: l 7PAir • % ‘1 • - .- 11. 1 ~2047: VOgrlnThe - MO a .1410ffr .. . 1 ,,, '..',. • it; g1 , ..,:r.t.t , .1-;,r4 prz..i:4,. - 1 , -0- , 71 ,': iv ~ • .ifflameawal/A*lo saaanualiattni , : ~ ,i ...f..:k0 : 0.. r ....:;...........L...31(. (Trai - 101 vi-...i -cii . •••3 lleariiNG: • ; b.l 11.4! .14 ' .1, . matt,“ ' -' ill il . 4 es _for sale Idioloraili ass' llll fie m... E etrin44 awl J. a a. nuu.ses. I ...no o. re.nownosnononnow.....v. .n.rowee nelantrintitnlo49....4tnn Lasalle/I Ut manatee. ,NORril , ANCEIEU CAN 1 light tar &id Manafactor7 .- _I BRASS°MUST' r 110 N GAIN GI WORK& DAILY 30,000 FEET KAMFFACTIMED DALLy 1 '4 ,v ~ TNEt4EBRATIIiI STAR GALVANIZER If .11 w 9 LIGHTNUEG 110 4 II Manufactured at theca`works and sold to ail Darts of the coutumn, are admitted to be superior to any LfillanignSMed iii; nee. `Great' inducement* rider Alse Pe ril le m ft riatr a ra a Polfi le t;ro i rah u ll i f at Wl' cgeWe ' n s anmen together with Insulators, Fastenino, Cop per mot ,wl" l " neet og l aU l t e m " , e te ." 41411.2tica e and sen free. 1 .. k I e EMMA o i 1 11 : dr 00 I Nes. 48 8' d 4.90 St. loin St., ' ' e rinealSiOnsPinit, SECILIBITY AND COJIMIRT FOR t , THETRAVEL COINUNITY, 18, RABBIS' S i TY l'ii: 'gait . Car Heater d Moderator , it rot siroxE AND noi n Allt 'TAM% dlirentaing with the %note! - Moves d Fires in or about • the Pessenger or Baggage Cars, with the attachment to retratlithe heat to anit toMparature that may be eslred without the .}weig' icy of ,Lag tlip car or ears to Irnlchilid Jaotet ybe atned. Maving,obtained aura halted States Lettere Pat ent Or I Safety daelret Which is warranted to resist them:lst inense tenet/M . lms¢ be adplied to le In Iliaand primes! for which it is intended. are a asritft. nen actidents by !ISO origi nating from defective Mies, or where iron epee are used as conductor s for 'bloke Or heat. It appli. vac able to ail piping that may becomcoverheated, and L warranted to give (Vaned datisfastion where wood or other combustible material may. ptivsed In close 'proximity thereto. I am, new ready to ap ply my [invention to gWres, duwelllags, fooleries, slim steamboats, railroad cars, nc., wherever piped as cop:Lamb:ire are "age dangerous ls,y being overheated end security desised. I Win se ll , on ap plication. rights to manufacture or to use the above invention; alsoterritorial rights, to such as may wish toen gage ' in sellheit priwOeges, cititel by State 1 , J. B. RABBIS. agrOnee- at the "wig...PLEB ULTRA.. PAINT WORK.B, , * corner of Mortis street and the,Alleghe.l nylfalley Itallroad, Ninth Ward, Pittshnrithi , ra. feltS:s4o CITYF LLEOHNZTYI 1 1 •" ..-' TnEaetritan's OAC Jane Nth, I MO. i AILUPG. M E .F4 l / 1 . 4 , I f Notice le herelff iriV i enth t the Asaessois have now placed in theTreaatrera ffLce the. duplicates from the efe.verat wards of. City, Poor; , City Dation School, - School Building antirPAhlio,atk Taxek) ' 1 And, Of WATER ' ror , he year 'llitelll, and that said Taxes 1011116*Am re ce ived in Jonnitiahee of the . Acts of Assembly; Akf .Feb rnarf 117th:1.19630, and of April lolth, 18641 ,autd9ct .to the following regulauone and allowanece: , Five per cent . irpaidon or before the , tirlit - der of Ju l 7;l- .. 7 ' ••• • '' ' Four- -- __.., per, eetate- if Paid on or Wert, the .flisf , day Or *NMI • :: _: I: , _ - fore cent. if :p on .or before the first de* offtepie ber.,, , • , ~ , i d If paid offer the ifAit 4tarof September, coldUou or, beforelbiir first dor orftsfo• bee, no dednettoo orill be made: It paid` Airierthe ',l2,ig• day or; ofiiiiiier, • and- on . or before( ii first day Of Bro. , ventber, am adds on of deeper tent. shall be added Salina payable:on the Juntra., :•-.: 3:-/„•,.1 ,•• - i 4 , •••, ,- • : , 0 , - , dl - ft- viz' krilsoll;: i r i4ONlEnnzit, War rants will be Issued ter e forte the colleetkm of all taxes remaining unpaid, 'Mbar with percent age accrued thereon, and e coats.. , IN I . )I AerE.RRON, City Tr"thirer;- ,jedsr3l ll TAXES I TAXE .2 I . J' I . lle Tai Peters Of consolidated cit_y ct! Pitt*. burgh. are berrny Irlotitledt that !the Tax Roots are now In the limes of pie City. Treasurer, .rentir.for collection. • ' • • Tares and Water Ren oald betreen the Ant of JUNE ii 2 -41, ti;) liii - c;i7.1111 al. " - will.be --- recel — ved — a - ii DISCOUNT OF FIVE PEE CENT. - ' Anhilld between AUGUST let, and : the . 18th Of SEP-. TE s .at, a , 1 1 -. , , . ~ , • DISCOUNT _OF TWO-PER CENT._ From the 15th of SE mum to the Ist orb°. TOBER, all time:1111lb. Uses assessed. ' After the lat of OC_TOREIJ, Pi per cent. will be added: l' i..ra and on the ' Astor .50 MBE% all upload Taxes will be pat into thintande bt Collectors WITH THE /FURTHER ADDITIOW.OPNIVE.,PER CENT., making: it difference, of 13r/FTEEN .PER CENT, between' those , paying intdtdr . and those ' ' plying In November. - • . . . , it . , • ,:" AlirThe : STATE ME BOANTI LE -LICENSES are now due, and sbouldbe paid 'on or before the let of JulY,i. to save' Cost and expense of suit. ~ • .. • Jel6irds . . .. , . ~ . City. Treasurer. Orrsdis or Commoviatil OF AiratOmairr. Co.; . - Prrrantral.BoB. NOtIOEM ..O ill 'BEALEDIPROPOS . SMiliklereeetred it - this °Wee until BOTH ottrovillzdurtreefar_PLtrin4 in andiitting up In theGcoyilY , !/1 4 . 0n. Mt g+. 1 .1....71 . 63$ work, . the fallowing ' ' 1 • - ' , W4tTER' - PlPESi:',.titAltin- itel- &a, , . • As direitedb4 th e Engineer: , "••'.• ' ' 385 feet 13‘ bieVGalviiiiiicl Iron Pipe, Eight llli Inch Globe Valves, brass: - I Your '4 loch Unloar;ralvaalsed. Eliot Ina L'a,2. •-,, f,.+lle. I, + + •-•' '' '' i Fortr,l „inch T , e. it Dram Fort? It GlobnValte ' tram.: c• , % +,, +- 83-41annas. Gaskets • and, to on, Bteant,Pipes. with allneoesintri b ooks, fasrdinrs,,'Be. rAdkonist State hose MU will be 'allowed for old maternal removed. , _• + • , _•• • +, Br order of. Board o f npeottirs Or - 4.llegbeny Csatyr:Prison... +._ _, , • , -+ * • • iell:r62 HENRY ramßitaz.Qontroner. • TVlCOitl i kter ORS ''. ' ' ~,,,,, vi. , J - , ; -,..}k. i - i , " • , ,- ' . 7 ' `'• .-• ' ,, POR 1 0 1ZWORIC ~. ' BTd&LED. pROP 1.-bgt reeedsedig . to the 22a or June loft/lei _,AND WRIQUO IRON WORK required Tor e oponiV Wort Hon . - Theqwerir consists' ff VAST RAVE GUTTERS, IMP _Tlaffid ,1101 k nl..141A.PIS d -CORRUOA TED B..ET MK omistuaat E . Proposals to 'bef left " Ninth letwit I{ , J *LB E. tip to p3„...t ar r otrthe,Botird of Min4gere, corner o,a - ixiariite.hp_treatialttabargb,.P A , - DrimiegrandePeeldeatltuilo be seen sildlily_l ,/ easaryurornuttion itlten t Abe Nam or BARR & 'moss% Arribltesta, Nell. and le 84 Vllli.e•etteet. • N. 8.--eeparate oat srl be..!TioelTed for the dif ferent brandies totemic": . -; - , .: , ~ I .,, j e rais • . Orr= OP CoprenoLlawiOr-Attsotnorr CO., i Prrrsouuoir,i , June lett, 1868, ,, 5 ' IUOTICEr TO 8 . E10k.,,-, - ~•!, . 4 .` Intim:till . iatiiki - s' _,' " itti4ith4. to ' " The Inspectors of thdrhllaititeti petinty pritoovs , *lll be , Arooetre4L.Antil•Al e t 111 4 , rinerastre.-for fOrnisb infrtnevottottri son th BUPA% for Fix months hal ficnn t a jli nd ir tw l6 ola . u li nde S r . e - s t peO lS lt elr ve t l; * , s e n igti d tO"hoetilrip-a smos.W.J.ginilltipjlids lo bit k =141114t, IN tooth per won d. I Bono fo torcktnonsateldollars will be_re gulled' for Tat 1 tretrottoimms -or otititrad.' 'The 7e...0f,' the-teetotal.: rata aeoestrwir the 'bid. ,13 lit. endorsed bz the - W lo gas co; Iviu be paialotthtbir , 1.1,7 xn.. ,, - i ~,t i;11.1, ti. PO: ~ .t.'ll: - .,1) :t;?- , , •'• V i'' HENRY ' iri;Vontroiko. letowic,,i ni .;...;‘ , st 'i:l-, , t,,n,i. (17,1,,,,,t) 7 -N Accomno n ct vri n ti, THE . - Itettit Inesipaislo &lots( sirinbilatlistlon to NM estaLtalst o 4' PrAP Leatukitl SO oreotni bodge over the OW utter, trout near tee ,u4,„c„ifir.., 11.111 Hun, fTemperancesink ) toittkeirlitit, be opentd•aa Itoltoweovlzt,‘ , -) ,1 1 : , .. ! ..), !. t , ;.! . , 4 .4g.a i 0 d r 7 10, ..?„xiv,*4 4:y10.1414 om. .....,AvEARIPS 1110 0 TEV, . l'lttatrargb; July Bth . and int, „ ~ N.,.i.:. ATE,.., , 1)791 , --..9-i i ')r). ' At cOltinr)l. Z. TAusoißt. .Aut'sb ' e a t, I llanebtoterallottleth': , ‘ 1 ) - ~ t' • ~ •-•-, ' ,- + , 1'.... :LAI4 atolllcoot (TWINHALL & ClO4, Iforofaitt of Tetaperaneevine. duly 11 . , ,-„,., .. , ,?to '1 11.!1 c. . 1- " 741 Ir‘ t c .F.f t . t o e M . •..fT g lr fetFr Al 1 4 ' .e )1 i 123.,,Ni37t7omelaeloner _fn H 'lf! t ~.11.EN rt ts. DAVIS. ~ .., _iv._ i:I,A : : • i ~ ‘l''' 'PPP, .f.., ,WIV - iveg, TiONILTITIV `'PAVES ",'Atrir i ) trio, VOOKBI-410tite" Is litlibtitvar tb Mt 010P .2f ernligivar'4ll7,3lWrir MTc!'nirraf. ROggs acid W ATE_ __,soctiethits... =au , 8 6, 11141.11kt1i r '‘ Mat y - forced. TWENTT PAW, ihsift 1111,7 a, ,eSse trik . I RT , Sirovayemol r *---- - eery Oti'vet