El ' ''' but twci or three corps4dead 7sie proofs i l 45b€ Ntt ss i nt *A it tl i . out. 1 ~, • ' Crescent City,that some of the street pide- boards have the mute spelled 'Llbertay: ' " -The America* fashion Of 'gentlemen carryingumbrellas-to protebithenarom th sun has been favorably received in Paris. —The Boston Post has taken to quoting very freely frorntheCincinrusti Commercial. The two papers are beginning to agree po liticial - 7. , ' • - . • —Poughteepale is ireoyi ihe'el -- Pectito have Gemensilkine,Jedgi - ilingbam and Bou”v.elt and Senstoilir , ail: fPr • FPurth -0f all the stray poems going -about the country 4 we think guild*: sweetest by fax, es the "Little Pair Soul"' -which we printed some we e k. 40. —Meek, the c o r r espon d e n t of the Cinch'- or nail cominemial is about to join the edito nal corps of the Cincinnati Enquirer which is rabidly Deinocratic riper. • —Some one has been foolish enough offer Bowdoin,College, Ne., •V 10,900 fora portrait of—no one knows who, painted by Vem Dyke, but in bad repair. . —Some memluints in, New . York have combined tOgether to raise a fund. with which to purchase sewing 'machines for the widows or orphans of Soldiers: —Yallaiidighin Cidis himself ' an honest passer by. - He also speaks of . a newspaper as a little yellow dog. Certainly Val had a diop to ran& of liquid distilled blisii. —Dr. Collier; 'of Chicago, objects to wo• men's clubs trnless Dr. Collier is awo: men, we can't see what besiness it is of his; ash long as 'his' wife does not belong to theni. - ' ' DROWNED. •:; = sy !Ships are hissing .t 111, Aad ships sail in to the windy cliffs of the shore; But the ship that is dearest to me Will never coma in with the tide— Will ripple in the bay no more, Riding in with the - Unde:r the frith et ibis thenti -ILIA the Tesatraarge and the shuddering gusts of Lies the lad who will nevera:me home: His 'white dies Win the sand; He neither has cue nor pal* Under the sea-weed and sand. ' I liawn b • and she the dolorous ; 11 ere the torn ntils - die Irith . the swells 1 , . l a owing in the pulse of the sea. els only sleeping a sleep, Down - In the sorrowful sea.: .., - bore him the wreck and the dri ft : - - I th red-Ili east and the dark, lied glow.lalthe weal; . e currents that change and ahlft,: { And the ralti-blown face of the storms -. ere lb nothingbut silence and rest . Under the beat of the storm. -- ' ' Taigled in rigging and ropes, • _ _ • -11,w1 fenced by the wrsek of spar and the ruin of mast The purple sea-plant gropes And wanders over my dela; . - . He shall waken and rise at last When the sea give' up its dead. . ' . ... • Pio 'hi the - dirt find dawn, aa the glootn of keelsand the shade" of bome-bound Illp li sariner-glumbera on.. ••• e I am weary and forlorn, i ''W tb aweary song on ray lips - • t Oat ofnry heart forlorn. - - - ".,.. .- • • . CidgipincoiL's Magazine. , . . . . ' '-'EPHEMERIS --Strict gnartut tine at New fork. • -- Italy itivery:fintd of new operas. —Lester Wallack is at Long Branch. _ —Thurlow .Vir,eed is gqing . to Europe. --Long John : Wentworth is at Troy. —Senator Wilson says he is not worth ; --A one-rail - railway is to be tried in - 7 -Senator Morton, of Indiana is again irerY ill. • . : - --'Henry A. Wise is writing an. ogrßpbY • • --fibip branding is going.on briskly Again in Maine 11,000 journey men printers • fat Germany. • • ' L-Timre are numerous • Pittsburghers in • • —BierataLlt-. hits: paiLted Vesuvius, but Bid it • *Hriguolies latest title is the "Oluunplon Jewkwardist." • —The mysteries ofliew York—The Dem -ix:ratio. candidates. —Mere people than usual are buried `itiiie now, in India. r . perpetual, motion saw-mill is add to :be at work in Detroit. • —Half a ton of ices, sherbets, etc..' are rased each day in Paris. - —Fans are kept for hire m the prome _:isades and parks of Paris. • —Dcilewarei promises 50,000 bushels of 'imekle berries this season, , —White'silk parasols, ontamettte4' ivillt tieathers are a new oddity. • —54,800 a yeircis the salary of the chief cook of the Astelliciuse. —Montgomery Blair aspires to Reverdy i johnson's seat in the Senate. •_1 —Wilkes' Spirit has, : nominated Bur- Aingame for President in 1872. - —Bennett, Jr., is again at work editor ially on the New York Herald. —Hanisburg, like some other towns, has • -a street railroad that domn't pay. -; —Adelaide Phillips has concluded not to }.sing in public on_the European stage. —Kr. Probasco, the. Cincinatti Crcesus, is said to be the richest man in Ohio. —The field artillery of Spain now con- - mists of 130 . steel breech-loaning cannons. —The catacombs are ic be gotten up as a ( slimmer retreat by some Johnny Crapauds. (I —New Orleans mules know what is said ,}to them in either English, French or Span ( ish. --Mdtimorelutia peldred phy4cian, who :is $ graduate of, the Harvard Medical Col- gin:lnter. in Nu:mesas was once Mead , pardener-- for, King William at • Bans •—•A , 4/tik • - 4 '. cAtidrecerillYettc itt 38 l i Mere "one of the most fascinating of. American; : ^The French Empress has a gam . para : , ,6ol r 'Which she wore with mantle dress and 1-The Chicago • Ilinstrated • Hews sp ent , timdifx. l tkat ( Eand dollars And'Alten Stopper , —A daughter of Horace Greeley is tmAer.i `stood to be p portion Of. the reirmant :13orosie. -;-The Bishop of Montreal has been wast 'ljng.lniath by ronionstrating against extra _ ' • —Delleatepoint-lace, or 'even ?ifeeirdie, i s 'considered very stylish . for gentletzien's -meek-ties. • —Mrs. Keckley, 'the"batik Maker, reed part Of her aborainable book in New York, -ion Tuesday. . - • '' .. —The Marquis Do Cans won $200,000 pn the French Derby. Patti, ought to make him stop now. • '• -% , • "' —Dunkirk fisheries Ware excellent year and those engaged in the business are, making money., —The table talk of NapolUon the.OrOit :the name of a new . book announced as timers in 13oroon. '" Tait Week: A little - of tills sort 'of thing even' week should be good for B mows , ' bookOf thydio, v l and the Brit, Inca' ',trade T r ench Gad G er m an , New York for a 'stage driver, ebtaeleitlly Et‘' pt. jam forts in ontitThes: ••!• • . —"MazzOlenee suceeselri, Rerle'f pt mon nned,i , says an exchine: We , illiquid ,like to know by whom 1' , , , whole famity.vian Ixoluran4Xoin :cionail last week; by wring. Wit Iphiclt Lad ,been kept too k4lO/1 4 4/ 1 , 31 5 1 ,“ •_ e i 1 - --there is it laigetilllo# oll 0:t em ttl Poland and a smelter '4; BeanAliaVta 'thaw • ” , ,AZAfir-f*: ,f fr 0 tf e kt iiO4Othet pada t p,ur f p. , •rd The New Orlaae:PapcnAnntith o46,- ,4of the reappearance of yellow (eve:there; . . _ _ . . • . • _ _.„,. „. __.•.,, ._,,,:_„____ ~,....,_ ____ ~.„„._,_,,,,,..-,,,----,..,,..........,:7 - ,,,,----!-,,•,•-,; ,-:, . 7.27 e ,,,,i;•„^1 X -I, _ "- A:i , 7 -. 7„. 7 .. 7.- Z .- := 7 ..'7.. -7 .f.: -4 7-1, - : ,••• 7. - 777". 7 :',:"...: .7",, - '.'... 7,--,- ; --- ; -,t jr,1r,?,,,-:-;,---.7.,.,,,7;,,,T,'T'''':;',". - - --17 ';' - ' - '" , - -- .'-',--",-"-,- •• -. A. • M . TR . •.7.'"...7,77' , 1 • - -••••- .. - ---- . 1- 7 7-- 1-t--- ' - e'''' r' - ' - ' "-- ' ' - ` 7 ` 7.-•- •' '' ' ''' - ' ----, ,-- - - ' '-. '-' ''''' , - -''" '-',' '' • '''' '''''''", ,' ' -'''''‘' ' ..;71 - :'* 4';,'' ' 'AS, -- 44ifit! - Z ':'''''' ‘ - *•- •2 % : !....., P, ~:. ; _- . ', . 01 : _ :, ~...;;„:,..„ 4-' :, - , ~--, ti-- .4 4, t- . .- -' 4,, , ‘-, .‹.,,,- .1„,,, n.=,;,;,t,T..,,:c,...7r,,:,_,;.,,„::,,..:_i,3-.7.7H-Tzr--:: Ti.,,,_:;-.2,7,:i.:iyi,,,,i1.i'i1::,,,,.;i'-iii;;6,,,;,..:471..-.7:;-,6h4,'4--:"3..1.;'.4.r'1'd-, ',g_ 4:+ i ,-Wa{4:=1.F0:4,4-.4W.74,..4...,,,,. .i .21,-4`,,i2, :fW.447- , .. ' )4' , Z-',4:;;:tlq. Vt,;',','4., '' ' ''- ' ,;:P44' '' ''' ' ':*7.'- ' '''';'''''''' __ ' -'alf-'''''''''4;-ti,. ' ,,,-1115,2042, i , ..:' - ' , . '''''''':4' ;2lrt'S -7''''''''..6:-;- 41 11 4 -4. al'-. ,?6.4 l l 4 l o7,; '''" *lk ' Sl i a?V ':l4-4, 1.;.. ' •\ ,','''44.l4`;'-'?,fli-;K,'''?');.,i '.-V..4'i:::::-'-;;FA_,'l-?;o,'4''''-4.''-"IAV*4;-k."7M''''l/.4'*'''' 4 4',1;t; ' .i.' : ;,' - '4: - ; '', M ;-, NT ;'4. ;4 7- ' - 'ir , •: .: ''Zi`,l','Y''''-1 - `OY'D:a44 , Z. '4' ' . -. ' - - -- -.'''''--e.--' --0. ':r . . 4 : , te:i , -.744,- . .TA44 4 tt1. - 4FP;F--.0- -- qr-.,•14 .t!..4.i::=l;l' , Wl*--44 - IVIV- -, . - •{7-3 ,, -;-.VFIN-Zszx 10-: S 4 P' - ''-•iS4t*-*-S 7 4 : akk;Vgk'-+''c• z -"'' ::? ' --- - • r - ' **; t 44 :71 6 • ... - - l -.... ~ ttl ~ ......I_._ . . , , • _ S ' .. ' . ....f..t,f ...1.!.?. 4 4 ..::1; ,. *Pal' ". '",+ ''' .S ' . f. ' I ) jLudwig, of Bavaria, is' said now to be engaged to be married to one the, Arch duchesses of Russia, Row the Churches of Greece and Rome will combine is new the question: • —There is a tree near Colombia, 'Tennes- See-on which two murderers have been hung and one "suicide 'hung himself.' Of course the tree-has an evil reputation in the neigh borhood.' - —'.What with politics.' and , pleasure Chicago has been so thronged with Con -notions this year that, a stranger might,ins agute it to be an asylum for the care of Ceii ventionr-struck humanity. —The Worrell sisters have made so much money that they areobout to retire. Their father has bought a magnificent country seat on Long Island; andfthe whole filstilY is to move there in the autumn. - -A wagon full of litlle boys on their way to a Sabbath School picnic was run away with the other day. All the.little boys were spilled out and four were badly hurt. Mor al--Beware of Sabbath school plc nics. —Most of the second and third. rate actors of the country are going over or have gone to Europe. No one ever hears- of them while there, but they come beck with "wide spread European reputatign&.' f "- - But some times they are so• Wide spread as to be very thin and flimsy. ' —A thousand recruits for the papal army are now being raised in this country, It seems that the Pope is much treubled with brigands, and that he wants Americans to fight them, because of course they must be used to Indian fighting and can apply their knowledge to the barbarians of Italy. --The Philadelphia Ags thinks that the whole fabric of Republican Government is rotten and tottering,to decay. ; We eipect daily to see the Age with "a bas is Reputr tique for its motto and some aristocratic ex-Slenholding descendent of the' Howards or the Cavendishes anointed as King. —A "reliable" snake story comes froin Heitucky, of a woman frightened by a snake and the subseAuent birth of two crea tures, liftman from the waist Akninward, and above serpent& The "trustworthy gentleman" adds that they are keitin sepa rate cages and fed with milk from a spoon. —A Southern _doirespeindent ot a Paris paper says that,lohnsan, has , proved Grant to be a liar, and • furthermore says that no gentlethan in, South Carolina would asso ciate Witlihim,' This must mean that there are-no gentlemen in South Caroline; a 5 fact which must, of course,. be blamed on-Con gress awl the : Badtcais , • . It 'is ' only 93 years since. the Settle of Bunker Hill'was fought, and yet, it is about as trutch a matter 'of 'ancient ' history as the destruction of Babylon or the battle of Ther mopylae. • •To be sure those of the 104 era whose memory fails not can recollect it, but they were, until very recently, so rare as scarcely to have a right to he counted in. . —A wondeftfily lonised child, born, near Pnlaski, Tenn. 4 'is now. on • exhibition in Nashville. ;Nature has' famished it' With four legs, four s feet,t wenty-oneloes and but one body,-being fon& child, healthy and symmetrical,' dityrn to the hip&theoce down ,it is two distinct; well-developed children, with every organ, bone and muscle that be longs to two, persons: , . L.D. Rodocanachi, of New York, has been visiting Crete; he returned' a short, time - ago to New!York, _end' iitsyuthfit • the, spirit of cretenislsiiill unbroken, '; aR4 that *ere are 4c.,* ef theiri tnider: arni f f; Over '75,000 women and'ehildren, !eft - ibtelsiarul ati4enoitp Glreeoe id; ittiont 76,60 are living ; in caves car; tilt Island% trebsisting,'When the Poiglish - end American.. supplies fAA'em on herbs' and ~ti Chaill; . !!ii ItM. Di Alkorto, , . . . . . . lleon.:(helau'e posthumous paper.s: was fOund an essay on tht.etnattettiletina . ofi women, which-wdlnot add-to his populari-. ty amonikrilmetibrafloatie.i Dbittres& entrageoutparagispbv6lid Yrenek: woman #viii lovaiier timbandirtie is either witty or' - :olllVa3kohti , a Geriegifeetenikir; he le% oaa -13fan i !:'.**3' fidWnWettntehviorni,iiilf 10; AO AcitiliOntbliq "40 . far &Wolff* tetii OP.o44frstolf 14 . :e a. 1::**411, a lek-! e yAles#o on:th elehv - ,xv tAXldeihk • pleasur4**,<l444o.czonkag;-it 401isi dreamy and poetical; al ' Danish *Omaii he thinkivibst ittlr -41 000:5041.1017 !L i the brightestanotte** l 44 l4 ll44, l, COW4ry t Att rner kg4.51441%gti1! m setetreaulletn wewsit, ,ligh,wouslyitheiimixiedi_intiftgnattlat higistifirter thlealkUicaritand the ettstee.l latinettclinthikativiothataigo-tebeitylentyi of money.,' PrrnattßOl OAZET'I`E •,<> i i =NE 22, 1868. tatersTßY Tr.mira EXTEACTED IiV=IEtO I ,ETIC 11'.1UN " CM" . • T A 7 : MAD v elt r .B. l, tuaWRIMORDroit SB,_MI" AT DR. - SCOW& Ins tam =Err. BnD4X I B - Asolis HARD. GAS FIXTURES. 61-AJO FIXTITRENS C532. - a,32.43. oilers, - = toIIOAS on. auet reeeived, the Anon and largest assortment ever opened in this dty. WELDON&- KELLY 147tWOODSpetZZT,-1:19B. - VIZGLIS • ALLEY. mb24:n22" • - - CEMENT, . SOAP' STONE,-,.44. EFIIALtIJLIC CEMENT. 80A1" STONE. PLASTER, CHIEfaMY TOM 'WATER PIPES. 11F11BY H. IpOLLINII, 25 Woad street. soleta7o I:l3lviiac-26 , 10:80;p3i=1 51.... „ &ROVER & BAILZWB MASTIC STITCH( "CM mss . ' SEWING PiACIEEINES WITH LAMM IMPROVENIrtin, At the New and Elegant Sales Rooms or TEN cptireNT, 51 FIFTH STREET. Also, NEEDL •MS, _ATTACHMENTS: , NACRES - IA HILES and COTTONS, THREAD, MACHINE OIL, Lc., &a. The citizens of Pittsburgh are respect fully Invited w call. _ _ Applications for Agencies' solicited. Circulars or lam aT es by mail on application. Correspondence to be • GROVER & .BA SER S. M. CO • .. 51 BIM' STREET. PITTSBtTEOH. akbahra2. T . HE GREAT AMERICAN COM— BINATION. BUTTONHOLE. OURNEAMIXO AND . SEWING INACIECENE. !ix : m*l No Eqvsz, • maim .ABiOLIITETA. ; ,3E Bitip FAMILY XLA.Catlift 1,11 Tml WORLD, AND 111- TBDitIICIALLT TIIS CHEAPEST. Mir Meats wante d : to , . • • C/HEAS , . Cel - fIOCAVIV . II • Agent for Western Pennsylvania. garner. irria :AND IitABILET, BaltrkETili i : over. Itiebardson's • /07715:964. WHITE LEAD, AND, COLORS. *NW, TUE INVITE ATTENTION TO V V our well selected and com plete stock of Drugs, Paints,Oils, Varnishes, Dye Stuffs Patent Medicines, Perfumery, DRUGGISTS. PHYSICIANS and COUN TRY DEALERS who replenish their stocks in this market. will consult their interest by examining* our goods before purchasing elsewhere. • Having accepted the Agency for the PIITSBURGR WRITE LEAD It COLOR WORKS, of Ketsrs. SCHOON BAKER dt SON, we offer to the trade their well known brands of WhiteLeadl and Colors at Manufacturers. Lowest Rates, and guarantee them to• give perfect setts- Asetion in every respect. We invite tateeial attention to Nc• COT'S vEnn GREEN as superior in strength; body, brilliancy and dura bility to any Green Paint ever offered to the public.. . . H.A.IIBIS 4it EWING, WHOLESALE DRUGGISTSI Corner of Liberty and Wayne Streets, ME =I re) 100 WOOD STREET• CHEXAi GL - ASS , AND QUEEPISINAREb email PL&TEiu WA er„ ow 31 PARXAS STATU E TTES, - BOIEEKIAN4LASS; . ,*, • „ ktitlotber6TAPlA AND rANCY 1 . 1 4 000 DB, afire* , , - 100 Woo!) RICHARD E. BREED 4 CO. •' wig • - • . :‘ ; • 100 WWI> STKEKT. CIEIABLES . Wildf .0414 Psirflst Alielberkit r • . • ,orpor,d,opr above Dtasnoo.o: Obit Ohba. ivare t 4,TabikOitl i pky AT EASTERN 1110 p niatltlnireilu4c first class store on •nsda:-.uset o n MaMllie ffrrr goods. leflose :11 ; 1 7 i . :741 : /gOO l l t i a4Lit.ll4o; g:d o idolitac e , I rottzioN a ' No. 40, corner Irederat4o4 Bobtoson strosAllet g r e i ny. g r at co n i. n. l l„set .l e t ICa (= Amon It liCaltfnliktalti, :t 11.11 1 Wi t t -V; . 4 -' , .':',. , 1 ''. 7f - 1 4. '11,} 1, , • Contbetionerreadißakerr , ~-1 .. . 13 eris -'-'.111"" " ' ' W • '.. liiitaiiiii ; :' li•- .qlli,;;; vjlli 1 .1 r A ..;01f bi.,.. - el, .f .: - ,:i • sittaalla. , ,- • rrAzoalairmillatipleirkll!.e_j 'LW"' ; ' Candy NanufaCtillrerP."" . MeM P , P IIN IVa &2I. 4O O44PW.O* tlireW hit iiiciat fie ; '0, 4 4 , t': ' amnia docir tiliii.t46lll%t Antonia, Plinks AD** ;raw citivo F-f 1,7,^1 .1 r , ~b {r t e “ft , .%.1.712in 1041;4104'10141* - * ilif ll o l 4 ll., iiihrktimilliektfikkib ri v- • " "4 /0113 7, 11, '" .11 orde• ds ban or at Rua ltne r t r=pit Wawa..ars = •= s-4" Nam 'MEW GOODS. 1 7 LARGEST A. 151, BEST STOCK IN THECITY. LAD= rum max cIAuTLETIZ, With 'Military Cana, is Drab, Bun and Tan. • HOSIERY, A. fall 'nfYreneh, German and Xnglien. 01.111AVIAVPIthil""it. -Alll/i liziect-Wkdie • • P, • • • =rim, Ramo MK At) DEMON, na:Frelm, znitn AND PLAIN. • A FULL LINE OF HOOP SKIRTS: Also; some new stiles Dli-OP:811:1FiTS. CCESETS—A complete variety ' in 'white and epl °red. for Ladies and lames. ; Nainsook, 'Velvetßibbons Paper Coilea's, Irish Linen, Kid Gloves, -.Paper (fun. Lawn, Stir Gloves. Striped Shirts, Swiss, Lisle Gloves, Emboideries, Cambric, 1 Cotton-Gloves, Ribbons, etc. Also, THE' NEW' RtRATOGA COLLAR. 411 these roods are to be had at the LOWEEN PRICES. of GLYDE areo., • 18 and SO Market Street. 703: pEurzer FITTING • HID GLOVES. "A. C. C."--"1-1. We hxvite attention to our Kill GLOVE B17&11 Which is now complete with ever,' coliir and thwie: In' addition to our own epecial, importation of the CelebratO A. C. C. tdouvin). KESS, We 'have Secured the exclusive side of the "Etarrls Seamless maze , The beet Glove and most perfect ilt. • ' MAGI= & ClanisEELE, evil 19 rnrril slum. 911151 MACRIIM A ! CARLISLE, •19 'Fifth Street, Few offer the molt elegant line of HAM:BURGS_ Eger tncite t tnte2titleatttotiVitheg' w h ich i stolgt " CV lins . ne r ma s e , l r iteA r aid6=l„ r ei t at a t it. ' ►boot MACRIMI & CARLISLIp, • 19 FIFTH STUB= Ravi Just openel 'all shades of • ' BULLION AND.BISTOBI FRINGES. ' 'BUGLE GLIIIIVALD BIUNGIp, • At yery lcrw pneei. stal ND" DRAY GOODS STORE . , 9 . 52 . .St Street, REIN -WRITE -'-AND BLVE FRONT. • . J. M.' . BU RCHFIELD ,& - 00 a, , Have Just opened a lre,b stock of new and elegant DRESS GOOD, S ! • • . . GRENADINVit, for 23; centel, worth 40c. 'LAWNS. forllls cents. worth 37Se. DELAINES. for 18 cents, worth 45c. • CALICOS, for 124 cents, worth 15e. , MUsLINS, for 151;4 cents. worth 10c. 1 FIGURED ALPACCed, for 25 cents worth 44. Black Silks, for Dresses and Sacits; Colored Silks, Black lieniannies: . White Marseilles, Table and-Irish Linens; Napkins, Towels, Warseilles Quilts; Mottiugh..m Laces. with alarge assortment of DRY GoODS, too numerous to mention. CHEAPEST HOUSE IN THE CITY, sie All goods' WAHRAvrrxr as represented. • Remeniber the place-511 ST. CLAIIL STREET. , le15: 87. MARKET STREET. _ 87. SPRING OPENWO! er TIIEODOBB V. .PIIILLIPS' anoccoor to J. IL,Bnrenneld & Co.) Elk/W(4, DRY . GOODS. SPRUG DRY GOODS. • SPRING Ziff 'GOODS. , . raz. zact.luths iespeettay in:nionnoeii that the extensive styrene)]* to Ins RETAIL DRY GOODS STORE "o - om' e end 'hie" eeteblbilinient Ira* - OPIEN. ' , lle t n e ffirs an entirely , . zreib Stook bry Gtiocisi r • grgp a grii r raieunimier Oe'loireet - 874..ittithiNT ESEV2I AniirM4 6 reqrs . cep', No. 11b Wood St 4 Pittsbargh4 Paa a•ai f•• • ) :VrEZOLMELAiIIre .1- .1 '1 • ;;;:). •••^').l t.; ,".';") • i; • H' :DRY 4100 D Sliftf. O f 11 1011 4 t ~;;;;!i •,) ;: 1111:: ; V 11 1 .LT IAriI'EST EASTERN PRICER. • ,••.• - 11616 , BOODIAC , ,• , • ?L.!. • SEW IBOBAUL ; '" 1 ":1 ! • 1 BLACK _ SILK& ‘sti i• ; ; HOSTE.Vr f aIia ; GIXYVP-AS.I fitt ol .10. 0, • AIENL: 0 0' ; • 08 , :,e wlok , * 046 .1 .`..a.14 . 11: 1 I rgir MIL t • c1.: 1 ; , , , r;,tll=; M Ca, ILate WiksoarCarrA ,!4-101910011,141n1M1,011W1A ; FOrtignimple , Domeetivary Aboe ) , 411i:0Na! 3.41001111111111115 n :1 ( H lll , 6l ** itive7MilialdVl 101107 ACI I • , t, if 311,1ri .fif.bn9)li; irr*4-PC.I ,IIFOO eISLIA /11# • In an colors and ilaPae/S. • PARASOLS, ' DRY GOODS. 11 - 17 . Lz; tormtwilli - , a.. a.numais. CARPETS AND OIL CLOTHS. CARPETS. OTWITHN-TANDIIr THE ' l"konfatitilene r itallt advance ln prices,welvill continue to offer the Largest stook of Brussels, Velvets and Ingrain Carpets in the city, at the low hoes reached this sea"' son. Just received;` a few pieces of new and ;exquisite pattern's of I Y1c.6 41 0 1 /inster• OLIVER - ItI'CLINTOCK & CO., Aro. 23 Fifth Street. cifforA NATTEIT r C.AL.IF4-IPW I Is3 .& e ery stkierior quality of Fancy Striped • ' And Cheek .31AT1131618, JIMT IMPORTED. J)11/..WOOL,INGlint18, ix BRIQE%EST COLORS. • ' Prices the Lowest isthis Marketi. McCALLITIII BROS., 51 TOTH STREET. above Wood. 71 II NEW CARPETS. McFARLAND & COLLINS HAVE .TCBT RECEIVED THE -NEWFST AND MMT STIMS OF ENGLISH VELVET CABPET, SIX IJARTERS WIDE; Mwstrk and Boas Brussels, WHICH TEUrtATOC SIZEI AT The Lowest Prices Uiched this Season. SUPERFINE INGRAIN CAPRPETS DOWN TO $l.lO AND $1.15. PER, YARD. MorARLAND =.& COMkS, 310§. 71:and 73:Fifth Stfcet. SV.CONI). FWOR. my'Xuawr&T STEAM CARPET BEATING ESTABLISHMENT; - Which TEN YEARS' YRIAL.In .New York and oth er Eastern cities has proved a complete aICCB6II. : • 2 ADVAlkrAfirlip - Ist—Fading and.Bluinkage us sompletelYwvold • Ild-Ho ripr i lig i aPart teoessary. - ' •'• ad—When dust, motbs or thetr larvae, the Csspet 100 s 'Marty as ; as . new, mire. Nie 'natural mating from Wear; • - • • • 4th—When perfectly clean, a Carpet will wesrsal long again, a deStrable =net' as a mere point of economy * , tal gal nothing of hi,Skit. . - I,I,IFORDEE23 =ET ../ILT:Effit OPTICN. No.,l7.4.lEiberty Street' BAY 473; Win receive prompt attention. • bEti iIeCLINTOCKS te . hipt : : PROPRIETOR., PIANOS., ORGANS, &O. OIV THE . .BEST• AND 'CHEAP .. B BST PIANO, AND OUGAN. • lithoMaeket's Gold -, Medal • • AND..ESTEVS COTTAGE ORGAN. e SONOMA ESN PIANO combines the 'latest valtableltinprovenieuta known In the' eon saesotlOno( *Ana chop Lurtenment, and haealwale Viltet r ia e nn i t e lOVlr L i gg i ne n itir i g r eV. l3! ; l % `1110711231 In; for durability a nd beanty;' , ldultase _altuthera. Prices trom#llo,io*MO, AseeordlnK to Etre and finlitio cheaper thin ap outer. e•onned • _ ••11 EfigreirftreYrTAAS . • Stsudis at, the Npid o all, reed Inetsulnents. Ixl,pri•t• duelng the most'pe duality of One bun, -anther laitwouient Lonlus United .Btatee.) le alm• .M,and comnaci,ln, enindrietlep,' apd. not out of otder. ; • - 4,ANPIINTETIPS-*PAINNTI" "Vox 'HUMAN ritalkOloOt!.: l , ottly.ao foundt?ln.ibdi Org a n, PooeTTom.iaoo ; to ANS!. L . ? LW anetreaW4 for die *" .4 "''' BMWs . ' ' FfiAllaFlClWElrrLiati b i t oio - , 1 tiT L T. M/ECIPIXTA.S I 4B - ` : Mtpatifieli 6 - AND ' .0101A*4 ' • lieribeibrilistanii.3 B ti WOW= 1 1 , WO: ISOM siorf , 'S:-LABrory t , 11:Kii:.rtUf 7'l; ~‘ )tilt fir - ill':10(.111t A r ept 1 00001ttRi '. 'ri :1.1 Of V.. 131.1 ••1 ARM( 4r4•43*. 11(7/3, 7 '7'114: , 1171,hift Virt,71177!: ..1 ,71 1 71 1,1,424 ilr 8$ ,q.oli„,tr i o.) :41 „,) rmi riy -altsbimmo -1 2.1vsnotwm -7 ' 7 T NV - !Pt PAPER; . , --.....,,--.4-44.,;„,„ WALL A l s, 0 ERS I • • „ ror *AL,I PktiOES,-.- CFLULBItBS and N/FClfitire, • I. ln (BEAT IrAlum. For ;ate CHEA PTHE CHITAFIOT, it 1 No.lol Mar et Streetiiiiiir Fifth, w. p. twr A IRSITTA TS. ) , No. 87" looli Street, near Fourth. mmorne H - • ' ' - ESTATE AGENTS. 520,000 ON BON A N D mckIiTGAG-m. ON WELL ROVED BEAL Eerneri.,. STriv. IL' & WILSOIC, ; Broke L and Bea Estate Agent ' s, Ot. 66 Smithfield Street. 11701 OHN li. HAZLET & BRO., TOCK ANDREAL ESTATE BROKERS I. AND lillitCTlOMlia; I • Are prepared to sell at A.neticie.STOCKS _SONDIN and all- - kinds of 88413111TIE13,: REAL NZ-TAT:Si ,HOUSEHOLD Ie.I7RSITURE, Lc., either on the premises cir at the Pond of Trade Booms. • Particular. attention'paid, as heretofore, to the sale of Beal Estate at private sale. - Bales of Beal Estate ln the conntry_attended. Office. No: 115 -YOURTII f3TREET. , . oat . 'ON BOND AND MORTGAGE. <IMO* M. 7P.V.T . X9r, 3131 • :724:4avit STEM fI CBACM BMMY, •, • •. 317 Liberty Streit. . . • • Our Crackers sze,bekednpon the OVEN BOT TOM, and .are anterior to.anl Dated b 7 alr or any other procea1 C •Nir/Titir ' . .H'. ' , ;.. R .. 4 . -.,: .7' ,. ; .s: ' 7 ?.., : . GRA ~.,,qi.,,,,.--,k,ER.. ARE SUPERIOR TO ANY OTHERS OFFERED 121 THIS CITY. A, WINE, BOBuN, SODA, CREAM, FRENCH, WATER. BUTTER , SUGAR and SODA CRACK ERS: SCOTCH and MILH:BLSCIIIT. For Sale' b Every Grocer In the City. No. 91 Liberty; St: T131E3 TBuszOmss cEL4LN'pE3. OTICE:1 ' e. 4 . The mid igned has assoniated with. him ta business,.Mitt from April Ist., Iff6S. Mr. AL... FRED 8. - WAL his son ASA S. GILLISPIE and LOUIS ENOLE RT. The style of the- arm to Nib/. J. GILLESPIE'," C 0.,. J. di, GILLESPIE'. Referring' tit the :hove. the undersigned. ate pleasure in stat.hg• that they will continue the LOOKING .GLASS AND PICTURE BUSINESS, Athere:theY intend to offer At SG Wood . sttletet, ducements to pnrehasers second to no , house m the I United States. ,' , ' ' - • -- . r .T. S. GILLESPIE A CO. - -.5t , 9:093 ' .'.: i', --',' ' • ' ' ' , ''' • . -- P l° FIRM OF ATWELL; ' LEE 'lt 'CO. - was disablved on' the of Vehruary,;lB6B, , bi , mutual consent: -Either Partner may al the: unmoor the drmin.settlement. 4 4 , - , • , JOHN .01YELL., - ' ' : , ' f• ' CHARLEI3 ATW*CL: •-- .• I _.r +., • , •i'! A. J:..1.T.E. -, ,_____ ___. , The and wffloontlnue theirkiLlgiSALLlL (MOMENT It INSIS, Under the n 6 and stele DI ATWELL. LEE, at thai oid'Olsee,:l7o. 1314303 Matt sttaiat.. 4 A oon%Lnunxice of .. the. patronage, of their Arland!' mail Omani:4o4 ripeeltijitz.E.ou " r - - - UliAnußh AT w—...,,,, ftimbnraSia . ,'',': : ' . :: ... i ,h,e,5.,, LER: , , I [ IIUMBER, twautie l tu uputratt LUMBEIU ILOtkrort:PArrEESON; ,;!f A 'Pre i S kiriti No. b e treet erly and No. 115ZRebeeel , street op (igi r w„), • • ALIALSILENY CITY. ".SS . DEALER. ui .ALL "XMAS Rough Rand 'Planed Flooring . • • - Boons , . Weather .Saah, Shingles, .Monldinggh_ • - Saw BIM Lumber; • Cedar and L ocust Pons, .Lath sad Palings, Oak aid Yellow Pine, tilL , o-,•1 1 1.117. BRICK. TILE; and CLAY. al5:051 ,VORT PITT LUIIIIIErt COMPANY 43125,000.. - - • •• FanninENT...EDWARD DITUPL•puir , .. - • liEottirrAnt-=T. A. WRIGHT: • ' larm*iuirTifirinikr7aDW:pAVlSON. • ' Dunesii; John INiellety , ..l' , 'E. D.:llithritimvu'l , • MO , o ; .• W. DiViriteeti 4 . •111.ftiono, ~i; ; . 41b • I P :15t4 P! • Ltrbillitlf‘tA,lll,orner , iitITLE RANIDAZA L EHE GNY.- TREETS..Nhetb Ward. - ~ ti • • - I)F,VIC,E AT11, ( )11(r . grrr A.Tyroltibi,, - Atreni. - • ' • • - li2oolllll- • , 1101;111kIi BELL it- AtiCHIOR COTTONf MILLS, , A ttbOauPettuitso4:ll74lkrfrsilOOK aad Aieiti. , . . , ToR BALE. r. 4 0 0 Babikr,u. I 3OO PAIRS irximolumpre ; vitynry: tariffabir streeti ‘ CUr • 11 EMI jokEtzr , fa ro A., Tartiiniong• T.tvis.bfr ,}xin vn ktfelz 01,N1K.411.10K40 1-1! 9/14MMIniavr-tnikkranti&PSOl 3e4 1 Salad AV Bt. Clatestnet. • ME
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers