-.- .1 - ' cil te !..i I "4 . 1 - . ;!;;; " ".12' u , '.-.) : . *..: . . 7 - , ~ - . i 1 w. 4.- . ' .' ' ... ' :1 1 '' '1 LI % 1 •41- 1 ': •...f. 7 . , 4. . ''' . 7.4 ) )‘ 1 1 , I - . - • --- 1 • ',..,:;,, ..4 1 ::, ~, ~ r, , . N s,. .----... .. , ~.. ~ .;,-. : ,'S' 17 ' -7 . . L r . ~._. • • . ... -,..__ .-NOLUME. LXXXIII ... e' . e r . .., . 1 . . ••' I' .5 1 0 ft It'-- ENI‘ i ... 41.:1 31. • TNErUMITA:I2.: President , s!Vito at the Arkansas Hill In**.i=Lifionsi nationsbyikelfiresi#On't—Otbel General Pardoned -;:Currency ' * • * Tity WASHINGT9IS .18G8.T VETO OP THE ArEkA*l3lol " - Mt" Prr!dent svottheto!townalrixTsTige to Cciliiiiirsie-Wdai . . To the Ifotßo.,el";,..Rementeev,es ,:. ,-. 7 -' •ra 'turn with Out my signaturilA l shillie" kird 1 14n.altte aanolt the,State of t Arluisa, to representatkin n tigress? To approve of this 1411;wenbi 'lle- j eg Admission: on the partlif thirßitinbeiV4iiiiiitilie 11 ACt'fOr the more efficient 'ooemartent of the rebel States,!,!x...wci Mares 24, 1887 apt!, the acts ninppleiodebVm7 the were and oonstitutional. My opinion, , . however, in . referenee to thosenieasures, tea 'undergone ne annum bPSt94-4 11 e., contrary has been strengthened by, the results which have at *tended their- _ exectitipn"Evion. were, .this not the 'cob; q - cortlflVOteblisent 'telt 141,1 which is based upon the assumption either thathyam ActicCTebenttin of a ;poolT . af its people- did 'State Of' Arkablas Seceded from the. s ,lquien, ; • or ; ~, that, Congress. may, at Its pleasure, expel' or exclude Any State from it° Union, or • interpopt its -relation with the goyerntrterit ".hy*arbitrer lilyalepriVinitif 0; representation ln'the Senate and Konse .Of Representatives. -; If Arkansas .is net a State in the Union this bill does notladMit It as' ti;R i tate. • r,., on "the other hand,,it is -,,a State .in, the_ Union, no legislatiowis teedesarti,ylb fieClaifee., it en titled to representation intongreke- as- one of the States o(d,he 'Uniow..• . The IConstitu tion already, declares each State shall hare at leagiebe-reprearlitatiii; Shot the Senate shall be compoeell .of_ two . Senators from :aid' 'State; that no. State-Akitlaciiit-its..cxdo sent shell be deprAvie 0--..itecequabsuffrage in that Senate: andhlsolinaktfa - eadirllouse judge of the election rem and-/qualifica times of its own me hers; and therefore all that is now nee to secure Arkansas t3ss i iti .10, me -1 01 1 . teriktrOOk klitiie government` % ti"-tiecistibti• by' eiriefHlthilte upon the eligibility of those who, - present . ing their credentials, claim_ s eats in the Houses et - - Oen gra% ~' - This- lathe plain • and simple plan of the Constitution, and believing that had it been pursued when • • - Congress assembled• in • the month of De ; - camber, 1865; the restoration of the States would long since have been completed, I i ,once again - recrintribindi that:it be adopted ' " by. each House. In : reference to the legis lation,' which I respectfully submit is not only of doubtful. anuititutionality, there.; fore unwise and dangerous as a precedent, 'hitt unnecessary, not so effective in its op t. oration as the.mode prescribed by the Con r . Etitu ti ou , . Involves lidditfonal delay, and [ IL Dmll- lts‘teflus Mast betaken rather as ap .l pile/able to a territerY - wbOutio baadmitted -,• as one of the United States, than to a State • frwhichhus 'Occupied' kplace lit the Unionr; , forup arch of a quarter of a century: Fi 1 The*ill declares Arkansas is entitles' and g .. admitted to representation in Congress as one of the. States ; tof, the :Union. upon the •Il , following fundamental conditions• ..- 1 . 1 / “That the Constitution ot Arkansas shall never be so amended, or .chaeged as to de -11 '* prive tiny citizen or Clasi - of citizens of the , United States of the right to vote who are entitledelo mote .by:the Constitut..orCherein 4 ...rep1egn%ed)......0A91 3 1 4 ..(er__,P,liiiiblinient - ,.fer crimes that are-now, felonies common .g, ; law; whereof lthey shalt haye been con .;,, _, - vided; equally applicable to all inhabitants of said State; provided, aror alteratioir of " said. Constitution, proepective hilts effeet. ' -, may be , Made in regard to thine: and "dace I '/ 'or residence of. Voters."." ~ • •f..,. -,,/ -, / " • 'I have been unable to , find MI tke"eonse._ , .e fattn exercisee Unite4l3tates any, warrant for k *the PftheArithoritythus.: - .elaimeli by,Congress, in assuming power to impose i l lirmilamenfil earlditi9o eitiff.Statrilthleh ".N.has been duly admitted into the Union on, "-sir equal' footing 'with/the original/ States : *in all respoottt whatever: Congreal asserts 1 the rightto - pnter a State !nil it may be a ter-, •.., ritory, and to regulate the ; highest. 4-- it: i re i r e or 41 . .free Pettey/ WellOctivei t, c ; •ThbfipleAtiml' TOM dytxtoe ..5 hititutiOn tci,the ShiteWtherneeliesr and' • t-txt (=rode; to Congreas thwpower -to regn-,- 1. latetliii'shlodect would be to reverse the ramental principle of the Republic, and . ii 'Phicl3' int the hands of 'Citrates:4od' (ibv-i tOrninent .ct power: Which' IC ••.i creation' of .ssiseyereignty which Justlyloelongsto states: , eor tfip peopie,, AO tree sobral •of aillio--, . ,_Artliktl power, by.tibom our federal system; . ,c..-wsweire - andto Al •= - .11-4t.irreethar-' &nate. ii.'_•: '-1.1•01 - TI,.L r I .• A: • The bill fails toprovide in what manner [his 'of Akkansaaris to idgrilfy- I 'it6 3p .1 I c.eptance ~o(,,ths. fundamental, condition which tOorigresw , OndestiOto to- make unal-, - * Suable and irrevocable; ~n or,, nor, does it pre., : ticebe:the Penalw to lob linPoaed ihould the . people of.the iiitate;Attiend. or ohange par ,‘; ticularportlons of the Constifution, which i l , it was, : cue ot the nurposee.of tpe,,bill to , ! • such But as 'to the consequenee of - such action as leaves them in uncertainty' . - and doubt when the circumstance"! under - - I. which this I Censtitution has been: ; brought to the attention of Copgress are considered. - 74 it Is not Whreationable- to suppose - efforts ,• ' 'llviii,iiie f made to - modifp its. provisions, , especially those in resp..ct to which this; .. ; measure: prohibits any. alteration. '.. , i It is seriously questioned whether the, - ; Constitution has been ratified by a majors-' ' ' -:'• trwf_Perions,who. - tuider the aet of :March; ,'• 2d, 1885, and acts supplementary thereto, • ,„, • --,' were entitled to Migistratfon ; and to vote upon, that Usual Section tenth "of the ache-' '• •-•• dule provides-that, ','no persons disquidi- I- fled from voting or registering under this. 1 neonatitatlen shall vote for candidates for / /;44.,2149e, nor be permitted to'vote for the ''''. • Manion or rejection of the Constitution • • • let the polls herein authorized." Assumed rto be in force bofare.ltaftidoptiorff. 'tram's ,. gard of a law of Congress the Constitution iumlertakes to 1 impose uport the _electors ptMS alit Itirthakloniglenik (.r. - t .." • : '. The fifth see , ionpar of the eig re hth article ro de s $4,1,9t, 1) , sQqa. wo register- , l en • g o vir yoffilg t, MnitUla and stalliwiribe W an SlithiLwhich Among 'thorn contains the, • TMloirlitg ciiiiiirP s ofiiii,Tilleopt , tin tiiiil; and political equality of all me and egret) n ot toofteraptplatdaminesany:person or • persons on account of race , color or pre= ( •Tiolilt *, • . lion ;of y_ ON* 4 3 .-r• R ivil i Fights ; OittLorinittettiitcy .eriijoyett,. by ; any of / or, class of men." 14 ipsy,elkittiPvow, ' ~ that a_very Laren portion or the eletiforidn' 1, all the Seat - PC-Lif %eV. hi ell; ifi 'Majority—, i • ;do not bellettnlttAiii lamp 'then practical I 1 e 1 :144 1 ,,, _ raAdlignS-Atengollans (tr i ne-, 1 oes w lhe — lniiia 'id - notch they be- 1 4i;! - 0ng.., , ....if , 480 ;Voters •in many . nef-- the" t " krtt i ltilOti t VA : letkiii . Qui 414miivent 100 'that 'algr i a=l2 6 . I.llr,:*),Atr i . ..,.-, m : kbcoo molt t ,-:..,,.."..) such degrading conditions. ilOw fir and to *hat eittontwthiAttAk b atb: prwtentkotthe registering - those *he) were qualified under the laws, Amgress it is impossible to know; but 'Vier suet - wds"lts effect`, at least to overcome the_smali and doubtful majority in favor of the - Cciniel. tueon,`-there can be uo reasonable doubt. Should the people oc A e quis W etherefore, desiringte iegplattiel !franchise as gs!'intilto it dTinforrac' 'ES -institutions 'of 'a^ ktrie [ proportion of the States of north, and west,. I and modifktheipioVisions referred to in the fundamental condition, what Is the- cone quence? Is it intended that a 'denial- of representation shall follow? - If so, may live not himirat somefuture odaya recurrence of the: troubles-which beliesolong agitated the country? Would it.not be. the part of wisdom to take for our 'guide the Federal Constitution rather than to resort, to,meas urea which, looking only to the - present, may in a few years renew in an aggravated form strife and bitterness cinema by legis lation which has proved to be so ill-timed ' and tiblbrtintate. ANDREW JOHNSON., WASHINGTON, June 20, 1868. womiNATiorispv . TEIZ 11,LNLDENT. The President to-day sent - to the Senate the following nominations: Wm. W. Moore, (ivho is the'Conservative President of the Boaf,d-of-Aldsmisn,) to hu-Postmaster of WashitligopapAiltee . whose commission his expired; Andrew 3. Moulder :Surveyor: General of Califor nia; Jno. L. Trainer. - 'Assessor of Internal Betenint fotthe Filth- District, and nonlas S. Pettit, Assessor for the Second District of Kenprkzfr A - T . -- • ' CUtatENCT 3I s. ' The-fractional curreney„printed for the preek amounts 'to $531,000; U. S. not" 3J,,60,000; fractional currency shipped, 1621,9=; notes shipped, $129,618, National Bank notes issued, $179,971; amount in cir culation, $299,943,053; fractional currency destroyed. *503,181. GoweEd-Siftneri J. S. Treasurery was to-daV ttbleto-tittend'busine*having - been poorly all week. THE NEW TAX BILL. The tax bill reported to the House to-day fixes the tax on whisky at sixty cents. Finer ipudities of tobat i voars reduced from thirty_ to_ thirty-trio cents: - % ?There_ iibt much change on other kinds. The bill is long, embracing the administrative 4:mo tions on these subjects contained in the tax bill heretoibre reported. REBEL GENERAL PARDONED. The President has pardoned H. Heth, whomas o , 349 4 jorAieneral.in the OM army, upon the - recointrierdatlOU of Gen:Schofield and others. PRIVATE RECEPTION BY GEN. GRANT. ryfierti )9=4 gin,alprkizaterreceptOn 1,0 tbW . read - dence this evening. WASHINGTON, June 21, 1868. ENTEATAINMENTHTP THECHINESE. The Chinese Embassy spent last evening with Gen. Grant, at his residence. Among the guests present were General Scofield, If Secretary oriWrir,. - and ,ladyl Ministers of England t France, Russia, Pr ssia; Greece and Mexico, Hon. Reverdy Jo nson, Minis ter to England, Speaker Co ax General Emory,. Commanding • the D ep artment of Washington, General Grant skid Staff, and other military officers, together with a num -I)er of ladies. Mrs. - and Was , Grant* eater tallied the distingulithed Mancini: 'On leav ing the residence of General Grant the Em bassy proceeded to the residence of Chief Justice Chase, where they were entertained by the Chief Justice and his 'daughter. The Judiciary, Cabinet, Army and Navy were also represented. . / .FORTIETR 'CONGRESS. Effort to Call up the Colorado 1344 -Rights ‘4ll3td:._!. Alabama Claims—President's Veto of the Arkansas Bill—The Bill Passed Over ~ the. Veto by the House— Whisky and TobaCco - Tai Bill Reported—Kentucky Contested ElectiOte 'Case: i :•-' '' -Y: <" 2 , By Telegraph to the Plttabargh Gasette. t WASHINGTON, June.2o, SENATE. 7 - 41#01•T, f'ropi ,the snittee; teported with aniendrnent - the joint resolution to asts,,le ; the'elatutißof the State Militia ofiseouri, to repel the Invasion of pt,uTling Price.', The bill estahliiihinik terms of the United States DistriePtiinit tirlilfri6is at Cairo in -March and.Ootobur passed. -. , Mi. YATES presented a .petltion that Congteeq , establish , 6 Reimblicair forni Government:* Reenied Ceghtninetan . . , ' - - Bir: HARLAN Moved 'to take up the'bill in relation to the Rock 'blind bridge. Several Senators objected. am account of the sparse attendance, tellay., .- Having been laid aside forthicousid6ra tieriotthe pension bill Mr. YATES endear-- °redid call b y the bill to adinit ColOrade, saying the Committee had reported it with ameudittente tot:p . *lth% nebodveteild object, to send the matter back to the people with. the condition of the adoption of the XTVth liMendMent:rbefbre — admission. -- Objeation' was again :made - on .ithe : grOundii" above mentioned, and , he withdrew the motion. -' The joint resolution' authorizing the -turn ing over of certain distilled 'spirits to 'the Surgeon Oeneral for, the nse, ' of, the army, hosoit'ils palsied. ' • ' •' ' - • - Mr. SUMNER , --called up. the/resolution, to relatiiiti to the treatment of eoloied.per-; sons on rallroacis from` eshington,to Da l - . timere, instructing the COmmittee on the District of Columbia to consider if any; further legielatidn '. ll' needed 'in that „ con-, neetiom -1 He said a change had taken plate, con the'inad;l l43 '4oinagelv ' haTing;vconeln - ; &idle treat all 'persons 'alike, - and there' was - howl.° nocaslowforinqiiry. He cob..i, Mltently'-irithdWe'r the, tittgen., ,„ li r..SUMN ER smile& up the joint main- Ratite 'carry into effect al'deeree 'of-the Southern District floc rt of New York in the ciao of the British steamer Lahrly appro. priattnellB,l24:ll as he*alti6 - Of the.tis sot* five thousand Ain*, upwards: : for calil to, the rem veit etivo ore t illegally captuty during the wir. ' , _ 4 l. ~,. , Mr. CONNESS desi r ed ''to` tall' Attention to the alsioritv•wit4,WhplAt°exlt" re ported Mlle - Kir the re le B ritish ',Sti muli, and Ma 'delay infacting,outhera4 lll- ,` .11 , 24 s t,t',eprA tip %Wages on ~ America') Pitt 14 4,, d;ltthib be. bialona 500 , 1 19- ' inirediAnmr.-connew) ,wotdd-relgavel the inueegetecatteption o oktba,fteamittee i on illiielgo Alfiiini. Ifilliadliiter.V . lie' =WI the publi c prin ts io tvtirajvcreitiet AI, session by reason of the influence of Sec--; retarstSeW„,,_arik ___, - lua„Ah.. ll -Diplomat,l9,CorPe.t Be ttnr: uminessr 130* , -wife vi ti btlea he; should move at an early day t o t a ke t ip Seward: m on 1 tv i .ltAugivii IN, iii.l.l, ~ . bid: any conversation with secretary ithe sOck i mi l l , xis ide etzliz . i . iittru e that; , a uus* 6gtilighC 1 to boar on the Ommittee. The Conunitteei 1 hattalrondY IV4/.4#1 3 0 , ,M1Ker ogniadurud - - ---•- Trycl • - s . , i.' -) ii r ; .1 k @,_l. 1 I n., ) ; A c t , , . . . pte e - , - ., r ~„ ~,, ‘. i ~1 it I ..,"‘` ;Vg : / / /., ..:,., ..... .. 1., ....., r-• • ~ / , ~..,,,",z , ,,,,,. ...., a,...., ,,- - - Iv.r..t'''.'-- ~,', - .. .-- - v.p.,,,:„.,....,-,,,.. 4 - , ..,...„:,...,, - . ...1 ...,-.., .'- - - - ' '' ' - ' . . ''- '7 ':: T :44 'F ' ' ''..."---.....,:.7 11. 1 1i0/%5 ," ..,.... ,. .....- -- - ~ --. • 11 . .4. - - . '' ' ;•. 1 , ' ...' . . -- . ' • t - --„, - - - ~. i .2,. I.'t '' _ . '' - ' ' '' -•'' ' A . .- - i 'i - , I!1 - '• ' . ! ! .' '; ' ): - .-1. ' --1- A - .6 .."- t : : . ....' ';' ,.. A.'• 1.1. - e'''''''„,...-. , 1 : - H 1 r 4,. ',/, 4 1 " •)'• .- .'' • ': . ~i ..! , - " 1 . - ~. •,,,,, ~ • , . . : 7. - ...'...'-' -_,_ 41 _ . lIRI - 1111.1., ,-- 1.4 " 1 . •_,„ . -- : - .:::.:' , , -- 1 'iv : j:,;;.' -^ . . -- ',-Ti ' l 117. " -..----, 7. 16'.- -. ..":1 - .. ''' --....::'. : 1- '. V; .711.,‘1 . ' " -' - '' ' a . '" . - r . -.1.......11111/ 2 1 P ... %).=,....C . L.011 ~ '3 . :... - '-': :''.... '-/- .`;-: :'' ... . T.P. ' -r .s 'N -. •ftt..: I -_ t--- , ----. - - .72,- - -2 - ,-.Q - - , .., -4-=' , 4:. - -4 - i - ----_-_-.-_,, - .• -.- • ...,--,--_. . - - _ . : ....,..-- , . . . . - , -- • - . - d - ... ... . • , PITTSBURGH; MONDAYi, 4 - VNE 2; 18.68, 1 tu;ThiSk tlirf4O,tirOcts, andwere,po more wanting, id-lAterest ifitprotecting , the tightatif Amer- , lean citizens abroad than Mr. Conness. Mr. CONNESS said'"Mi. Eitmner had ;evaded the whole %lotion. Hewes always ready to junitrup 'slid bresent a petition when, an, outrage was uppitnitted- on our citizens' iighls here . nrider our eves, but he had no - heart 'temple hundreds ofl4is fellow citiA eivho we:erottingiufokuignlvisone; Mnr KEWART . would never consent to nay r any British ships until the Alabama clal s were settled. The bill then went over. -Under the special order the Senate went into-Executive session, and shortly after adjourned. -• , ' , HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. - • The ' resole utiOri authorizing a change in the mail service , between Helena and Fort Abernethy, Montana, was, after debate, passed. The blll exieriiin,gi the patent,. "ffir. provement in woolen printing machines, if approved by Patent CoMmissionetti, was passed. Mr. PRICE, frona-the Committee on the Pacific Railroad, reported - back the SentitO bill relative to the reports of railroad com panies, retittlifiereports tobianade to the Secretary of the Treasury, which passed, with airardelidment.- • • Mr: COOK, from the Committee ori Elec tions, called up the contested election case from the Ninth Congressional District of Kintikiltf of Keo againat' ` Yelp g; 410 Committee - retorting ' Young,' who holds a certificate, was not duly elected, but that McKee, contestantrwas duly elected; „that Young has furnished aid and countenance to tbe,rebels and is net entitled to.t a ltpthe bath of office tut 'Representative: ' ' Mr. COOK proceeded to argue the case in support of the position of the Committee, but was interrupted by &message tionf the ' President vetoing the bill for the admission for Arkansas to representation. ThitAnessfige• having.- beeli read, the SPEAKER stated the question to be "will the Honsb,"on reconsideration, agree to' the passage of therbillf."- • . Mr. STEVENS, of Pa., moved the pieil ous question, and it was seconded. The vote resulted, yeas 111, nays, al—a strict party vote, the Speaker voting in the affir mative. The SPEAKER announced that Imo thirds having on reconsideration voted in the affirmanse; the - haili,passed the House, and would be transmitted, with the objections of the President, to the Senate - kir its actioh. Mr. PAISLEY introduced a bill relating to the Covington and Ohio Railroad and its. establishment: pstapost TAW. - Referred. to the Committee on Roads on 'Canals. The House resumed the consideration of the Kentucky .contested election case.and Mr. COOK contintuiftThe - argument in sup portof tharesolutioris.l - • • , Mr. KERR member of Abe Comunittee on Electioni, opposed the resolutions and re ,plied to-thsargunzentof Mr.-Cook. •-• • • At a quarter past three Mr: KERR yield ed the floor to Mr. SCHENCK, who report ed from-the Committee on Ways and Means a bill to changegild more etteettially„ aware the collection of internal taxes'on distilled spirits and tobacco, and to ,amend the tax on bankl.: He said by crrder. of the Rouse he had a right to proceed with the bill to thaexelusion of another* business, bathe would-not ask. to go •on with it now. He wished` nly - to have - it printod and gave notice lib would call it up on Monday at two Mr. COOK -then gave notice he would move the previous, questioz( on , the Ken tucky contested election case. Mr: BANKS gave notice as soon as the tax bill was disposed 'of he would ask the House to ooludder the subject of the treaty for the pttrebase of Russian America. After some further discussion it was agreed to tape; a incest; till 11 o'clock Men day, when, after ,au hour's debate, the question be taken on the Kentucky elec tion case, ' Adjourned. The -Saengerbnne• et Chicago. My Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.) CHICAGO June - 9:O.—A meeting of the Saengerbund wa s held at Wabash Avenue Rink this morning for business plirisises. Vittious.ieparte of expense' ;incurred - sod Contributions received were read and ap proved. The subject of the formation of an Aligemerner-Nor iatnerickaniser-flaenger bund'lnte discuttied it considerable length. A motion that ninedelegates . one from each of the following cities, Boston, New Ktt i seconds, and Topley'a time for seventy-I four miles, twenty-four hours, fifty-siVen minutes and thirty seco nds.. e rr ' -111 WOLI The Florida Legislature. • fnr'reiesraes to tso Pitisbargb Gazette.) , t •••`: • ltliLt;4olAnkt; - the" - tore to-day. Ablip4,l3l,lbagt t llinliml; Visa elected Senator Atm sli`yarb, Commencing March, 1869,. ` 4B to 21. J4t, t tke afternoon . session a Majority - iifthe member were granted leave of ,absencst: till July 7th. In the meantime the minority will meet and adjourn.; l ,4„ la 0., j-4,..*o4*.L.tlf.P.P#RF a l ci ffL i t l PM -1 Totopoph to the PlttabankliGisettc] KANtiAlier *4 3 oe Re r nVe ar s . of the western bo und train thegane Fuca, iptitlad et.. l lTettr Ageptt's °et gh, ut t ee Intl ".kap - Monument Bte.ttigittlie morning. " Pim PerenalLATi3PAlT6ria"%:'titeisnill otoklY4' " FiXllolV4lo49lo.ol l ffehiliblit., 010 1 010 10 0 1 °910$001 1 0 11 BURlNferimariagmlnetThe Venis L td n; State Conventitipittinegotalty ,biltr watadiegiewaft welt attended.- SUrrinx .bea wereo made General ,9 1 - d'BllllWillag*anit ~, M XIG,III'.II .G SECOIt Gala Day in Great'Etiitain—An niverpary, of queen Ifict?ria's Ace6ssioii—Farrahrt* * and the :Minilean Fleet—:Closent Get.- ParliantentrAT. B.lllllthiler Telegraph to dazeite.l - BRITAIN.' Lorpox. June 20. : To -day, being the an niversary of the accession of Her Majesty Qii.sen.Victorli to thts- throne. of EnglPnil, has been Pbterved as A : holiday - Pa this me tropolis, and had also been duly observed by appropriate salutes throughout the real_iias of the British Government: The city` has been gaily decorated witlefiags and strearnarsrand thd‘ilaTviir Vessels, as well as the -mercantilel marine of all na tions, have been profuse in the display of, colors. Immense crowds filled the streets, all intent maily npon witnessing the rand review"the volunteers by the Queen and royal rfamily Itt. :Windsor. to wardswhich point they have been wending their way on numerous rail Way trains. The day has, been , made the especial occa sion for a grand review of the reg ular , troops Windsor Park.where for - Several "dacs they have been -ar riving. m large Aumbers from differ ent points. 'Salutes were fired from Wind son Castle and: other prominent Govern mentPlaceS at sunrilie, noon* and sunset. The barracks , at, Windsor were gaily fes ttooned and decorated, and troops were in full dress uniform for review. The weath er was comparatively fine, although the morning was tlxreatening, which had the effect of preventing many thousands from attending. ,Viritii,the exception of a slight M shower ere waimothing to mar the splen dor of the parade. The troops in line nerd bered 27,000 of the different arms, and while being reviewed by Her Majesty, her brilliant suite: of Generale and officers of the royal household, presented a a scsno.,of , grandeur - -.and enthusiasm seldeni ''and ever'before witnessed in this, opuntryi After marching past and , saltitinethe ,, queen - and royal cortege; the troops paiOri‘marching atilake.to the Obelisk of the Grand Jubilee which took place in 4820, then defiled' over a pontoon bridge laid across the Thames by the Royal Engi neers, where they were dismissed. _The throng was immense and the -Queen and royal family were greeted with marked en thusiasm. The 'clay was concluded with festivities and - re-tmlons by, the civil and militaryorganizations. • A, Special states Mat ;Gen. Napier he'd • arrived at - Alexandria, actonapanied by a „sari of ,Enaproor Theedditis. _ • lc ' I ' ANJXVNi June .21,-.The defeat of the Irish -Church Appointment.. Suspension bill the Ileum of Lords is considered certain; lnit' it is believed - the' majority agabast pie bill will be -greatly reduced in .cousequeliceOf the abolition of proifes. ==lllll VOTJA O'CLOCK A. M. noa. EUIOgE. Erancroft: HOLIDAY - NATIONAL ANNIVERSARY ~FItIKAI~'t CLOSE or PARLIAMENT-MINISTER BAN.. 8ra*41.4, 3114 "ftemicin of 'the North Gamlen-Parliament formally closed yester William, of Prussia, t"" ' made a short" and pacific speech on the oc casion. He reviewed and commented favo. rably, on .the work of the present session, "and codelndedbir eiPresSing his conviction that tho sefults:oZ Ow labors of . Parliament would be.- suaCessful, and .that Germany would continue to enjoy the blessings of peace. American Minister Btincroft contemplates a Visit to the Ceurtsrif the:different South em German States. He will start on his tour in a few days. Colonel Bliss, Secreta ry of.' , Legaticin,Aillcact - . for:Mr:Bancroft duringliiil absence. ' ' ; lIELGIUM. . . RRVIEW OF TILE_ANDRICAN SQUADRON OsTmin Jules. RA—Admiral Farragut ufter a brief v isit at Brussels ,, has return eiili , — v.* erer and: ,•again supinmed active : corn - Man of le tied. Preparations are being made for a grand review'of the American squadron by , ing , torpold, which taken on Monday next. The flag ship Franklin be drappdwig:l,llBgs and the Admiral will; ander, Id "banquet ' on ;board to their Royal Highnesses, the King and Quaap t tiplapiKnon,t_ln tha review. GREECE. A.DDREE3 iis tr "AiiilCV ik Alt 1:1021St. '-‘ ' TRIESTE. June 2l.—Last advices from Athens retort il9flifiCiiliiii representa tives and exiles now In that city offered an address lte the Oil& Consul. On the (ma iden of presenting-it the ' Cretans and aid zens of Athens assembled in large numbers before the °dice of the - American legation, and made enthusiastic demonstrations of gratitude.for the _ldendship - upd sympathy ; of the Americfin pple. .. . , Pusrii,`ltine . 2isi.4-liiiiiie t iNtipOleoii;whg l e arrived here fidm Mei last week , a ft er a *fief stay leftair i3O ttingple.. It is be- ; tinved=that iiyisit td ' 1 18alf s mi'iithe main 44filbet Of his ; pri nt • ~ttF:;,f; ...,-; -,, , , -, , ;,_ t•-, ~. ~, •.,-1-IPIIIMICI2II-AtiIIitIMMBLIAI4-t, • Lritsiiii6L44 l6l9 • /lheattyma-Cottotti &tiler; V n imitAa l:i rl i c 1 12 i ' sales iii . .t 4 ~ , isSITTWARPt JP" ao , fr eau/. 47c. ..,, II ilia:l4l64*i; .Thhd ittZ..lhailitit l tdiiiihe. emu mcnrithdelie4j*glitm„te-dey. give twilities' elmiratnw --- -• ' , ---, • ; ,t(XtrAriA:c .;;:t ----- eliginqrArliti l aidita i Rumored et n a m o l l toy Ti ~ .tvtediiitilitboxittiosis 1 errmvs.. .ijur.2o,-.lt is: rumored that' r cwial fri ghtak del fitati &bi nd. 'nits ,141 p:: . +Met and one or „two otlierew feign citedsffin. i n selection of timgMcntairilizata : kr_ani inter-Colonial rattway. - -131_her airegerl also spokiwzitotStattulti Owe) i The ployeriV i wal , tuned a mein.' Alfitii ii &tea it 4 ~ 4400,1:1044 Ito holldithishipmg . +- ;4 1 0,EqUisig . t .b f. ~.., . “..wiii , %r ile IN i t i t ti pi o j i. . 2, 1 1.; =- iiliTAm 4 " l " iii P*lMMATl4ii i TIAsLla, June laNaTiteriam 'meat ill tiejiy — fitM - 1 d a y fl wicCree - ielionnort, Vigirt44l 2 W:4V ILI M I X I iktil:1101 4 0 pl 3.4. R. bull 1,c,t0 r-.... Pr. st .. , I+: , r) I "I' 1 ' u 3 r. " 842 aLWRaYi r , .c.v.)4a 'o'4 Ifai, - :i 4 .', , 1-0 t TANA ; • , a at,,,t1040: iraac :0044 k LAHE,DISASER. OAlisten Between a Steanter and Barque —Both. Sank—Twenty Perions Missing —l.lst of Names. -2 • i '•,• ' • • Mr Telegraph to the plitsborth-Gasette.i, CLEVELAND, June 21.-.-Tbe .• steamer, "Morning Star,"lnince for Detroit, collided ." • with the i4arque “Cortland, thirty miles from her, last•, - night . at - 11 . o'clock. . Both were sunk. Total passengers of steamer; foty; crew,thirty; crerrot barque, i thirteen. f these about _.are miss-. ing. ' The remainder- were picked up by the steamer R. N. Rice.. Names not yet known; ' The officers Were saved - , eicept James Morten, clerk of the Star; who was seen go down with Mrs. Hackett,' wife of Cant. Hackett, pasienger. ' • nco'sn DISPATCIL Saved froin the liorrning Star: Captain Lawton, Geo. O. Tripp; Thonias Anderson, M. Tredwick, Wm. Smith, James Hanson, Andrew Bough, David Slater, J. Thomp son, J. Kenyon, (second mate,) J."'9 Smith, W. T. Conklin, all of the barque Cortland. Capt. Vigler. J. Havlick. (see- and engineer,) John Russell, Thomas' F. Carurzan, L. Bang, John Smith, John Ste.; vens4 John,.Sapton; P. Kelley, Burns, P. , Barrett, John ,Comant, Crindel, J. Distrinv A. Curry, H. -Gagnoln, A. Fallen, - (second mate,) D. McLaughlin, (first mate,) D. McLaughlin, (whi3elsman.) H. Brady, B. Dempsey, all of Morning Star. • Passengers—Mrs. Ellen Chittenden; Chi cago; Mrs. Captain Burke, Cleveland; Capt. Hackett, Detroit, (wife lost); N. Ei. Marietta; Vim. Downey, Detroit; P. Porn eroy, Bay City; Capt. Blanchard, V. Horg esky; Rochester, N. Y.- ' J. H. Thorpe, New York, S. A. Thorpe, New York, W. H. Smith, New York,•'J. Donovan, Chimgo, C. F. Newman, Washingtont• D. C., W. B. Watson, ,Capt. Harbaltee, Hamilton, On tario. 'Several of the crew of the steamer, names not known, were saved. Missing—Mrs. Hackett, DetroiE;, Saines Morton, Clerk of the steamer; Major Hutch ins, - Misses Patchen ; -Troy, -N. Y.; Al bert Iddings, Mrs. Wamelink, Cleveland; Mrs. Parker and child, Marietta, O.; Capt. Ballentine and wife, Detroit. One of the Star's boats is still out awl may have survi vors. ST• LOUIS. Casualty at Gas Works... Reception to. Arch Bishop Kendrick. By Telegraph to LIT Pittaburah Gazette.3' Sr. Louis, June 20.-This evening , while Hugh Callahan, foreman of the gas tank at the gas works, was making some examina- I -ticin about the purifying tank, he was over- I powered and fell. John Finnegan , de scended to assist Callahan out, but was also overcome and fell still further down. Pat. McLaren was then lowered down with a rope and succeeded in getting hold of Cal lahan and both were drawn up insensible. Finnegan still remains in the tank and is supposed to be dead. The Court of thiminal Correction to-day 'refused to grant a new trial to David Ber lin, convicted a few days since - of adultery. Archbishop Kendrick is expected to ar rive home to-night, and will to-morrow re ceive a public, reception. Over thirty Catholic Societies and Parishes wilt partici pate in the welcome. ; • The weather has turned , very cold, the mercury having fallen over thirty degrees in the mercury having ALABAMA. Timely Rains-.Auticipating the Passage of the Omnibus Bill. Mr Telegraphic the rittabuigh Gazette.] MoNnaosignr, June 20.—Fine and sea sonable rains have fallen in different parts of Alabama during the last few days, com ing just in time to save the corn crop, which was nearly burned up. The members of the Legislature elected under the reconstruction law, are arriving in anticipation of the Omnibus hill becom ing a law. None but radical men, elected as, anti-vhdicalsi - acted on the sugg.estioh of the reconstruction law and defeated the Constitution and Legislature by not voting. New Tort pity Matter!. My Telegraph to th. Pittsburgh Gazate.l - YORK, June 20.—1 n the caseof Lom bard vs. the Sioux City and, Pacific Raul road, and other.s, Judge Cardoso has order 'ed a'reference to 'aseertaln the facts, to be settled beforeldm on. Monday. - • • The steamehipt'ity of Parts, faun 'Jiver- OM, has ar rived., Nrsw`'Your', 7Une '2l.—The steamship Arizona, from Aspinwall ,arrived: today with one million three thousand dollars in treasure. The steamers Union and -Atlanta, from Europa, arrived yesterday.. • The corner atone of the - rieW Catholic Vathedrat,Srooklyn, waslaid to-day with appropriate ceremonies in. the presence of an immense assemblage. .. , . Base Ball Matches. [BY TeleelAph.to the Pittsburgh Gazette.] • CINCINNATI, June 20.—The base ball match' at YelloW Springs this afternoon between the Cincinnati Club of Cincinnati and the Miami Club of Yellow Springs, re-- stilted in favor of , the former by a score of . 71 to E. The Miami alub was white*ashed six times and the Cincinnoti once. On the sixth:innings the. Cincinnati made,3o runs." Lcipiamix, June 20.—A match garne Ar ,baseball -was played at Cedar -Hill Park .this afternoon between the Buckeye Club of Cincinnati and the Louisville Club of this city, resulting in the defeat of the lat ter. The soort,3, stood Buckeye, 28; 'Louis ;viper. 4 , Acri4ovel of Governor .Heuepbreve, of Af la - ",sireatppl,,Dleapproved.• wileteirieh to the riftrbe fie usiette.3 litter.;• l 3iini2o.:—The lb'lowing ttliapatek relative to the removal of Gov. • 'ltUraPbrtifit marl, received; today at the 'pentooratto Exec:l:dive Cortabitteo ,ROOMP, Irian Washiblittorit • • `•• :st i ro. 4 s4ln, 4 IT„Fteenumk: Removaldisap proveck'and r,earPsrOrnandpd. Signed. ` l3EvEnty nears. Humphreys and Hooper are can -1 vassing the Stateill'aappoettion to - the proz! KirConstitution:.TheeleetiOn•beglns dnyilladdrist.o.; . 1;• , Z . ~,---' • ... :. - - 4 ..i. i.. , ~, •, , di•ii E,. • , Alleged.Ro l 446,T,Arreltetly` -.: IBT,Totegniontiinal Pitedranet gismaugs.]. •:-s;+' - -;.: Vuilltrierrow; itt4 , Tunnlo.....ertio notori- Ault Mine; P•Otteroor•Miiiiatoul Ana !maker ,of L. ,Hamilton S. Poptarovan arrastott to % ,ditYri• s 3 ,4ttrfiqd , , , vilf• _. MhNim • Anith ...56 Wright '4 pm* la , übtfoia , 0 bonds .and' :es;goQ-ltt,4asb. ' , cii Willtision, - tn, alto charged' ivith '' iteift golle of* ,`rand , with 'haihvE iseciirkd iiioteiti• &Air '' • - '' q t , . .4 ,41e. t'YP I 17 - M. c .i ; i a,-.1. , , 111:1•';'' , :r'" , ;Tea Mi Trge - mhibitz.The •intiateare:•.", t rii i -tOlilitaittiiiiiiiVlitiakinifiliOitfeit '' -,'':'' I. 2X#WiTtoisitt tilaVilt=ll.9ollln 1114 0 4 1 4 1 * aalk6ltitarfit*Tat Niffornimarworn‘ aiiet, • Iblinekfraninnsolbr the VaiutirAgh!lid l l4a; Anarkin atiountra odd ;obit deposhOsithare 'lliMadingso,4loll4tiln. thole poMapabalt. ' " .Ipluna 10 NtrMlTE i n, 148. CITY 10.SIIMMBAB Pittsburgh Teachers 9 2Asleciatlen—Montl4s' „„ MeetlQ A regular monthly; meetbm of the Pitt sburgh Teachers' Association was held on Saturday morning, in , the chapel Of t the. i !central High School, corner Sixth and `Wood streete. , The 'attelidance • Wits.nbVess large as usual on , account of,a , teachers' •examination taking plaee in another part 'of the city at the same hbur. The Assyciatfon crime to order at half past ten'o'clock, Professer Dean presiding, 'and Rev. Wm. M. Yoling, of the , 17nion Baptist Church, , leading'in prayer. • The. Secretary, Mr. TrAiln, read' the min utes of the preceding meeting, which were approved. „1, , . Prof. S. A. Neale, of the Colored Sebools, - read selections from modern standar4,au thors, after which a geiieral disussion,on the teachers' work was Opened by Prof.L. H; Eaton, followed by [Professors Mcely mOnds and Pattersontaitul-closing with an address of consiciMtblOeugtlKby Rev. Mr. Young. On motion,a - • - .8 was ten Bred the reverend abl& and eloquent addi ,meetjugl ad journed. 31ESSA9. 1:1)) ici 44.4.zrri.n. is recognized to . paper of this county, I desire the use of your colUnittil for the purpose of ancskaining something in regard to the contract for Indexing the Old Itecords. The coniract for.thislinPor- • tent work was some Weeles ago awarded to parties at '0,21 per page, but the court, oft presentation or contract for .confirmation, held it over under advisement, for the pur pose of examining the work to be done; and the bide, when it Was ascertained that responsible parties, whose proposals were rejected, agreed .to pinfarm p_w ieork fOr little more than half the amount, thereby effecting a saving of scti,Crat thousand dollars to the taxpayers. The ! matter, however, is still held in abeyance, 'for what purpose we do not know, unless itL)x: that the:o , ornlnii4 stoners feel indisposed to nrgathe Matter further. In justice to the parties interested, as well as the public atj large,.the lineation should be' decided and the contract either be confirmed or rejected. ' IItiPP 2 F , I “ConscrvatiVe Soldiers: 9 The Leader, excellent authority in such matters, yesterday contained the followln item: ' , Three or four 'ConservativisOldieral and sailors held a mints Meeting-last night at the St. Charles Itotel. TheyiiMe. ashamed of the meagre attendance tha they adjourned to' an eight by 'ten re° - up stairs, and after carefully excluding r porters, passed a long stringcf resolutions and got up ; list of deleipites, Which - will a pear in the *Conservative , papereliereafte Industrious inquiries failed to, _secure th names of any known: soldiers present, an we are inclined to: think - the'rniettng . myth; but for all that the 'proceedings w appear, dilly 'cooked up s '.", t., _ The Pittsburgh and ,Connell.sville Retire:l.. The 'Finance Ckliittee of the Baltimo .e . and Ohio Railroad Company, we lean , have-ratified the ation of the officers .f that company relati've to the subscriptio+ .1 of i., 1 1,000,000 to..the Pittsburgh and- Co ... nellsville Railroad Company.and the ,s has been subscribed. In addition , to t• a one Million, Mr. Hapkins; one of the Co sribscribed46o,ooo, and Mr., - rett. the president, ,$30,000; individuaLsn. scription. This kinks like business, . Itopkilis mkt Garrett are hotliP tied_ railroad men. I . Alleged Robbery. James Barker, a litranger in the city, - legei that he•wa.s rehbed in the - .lCo_npar 11 I • saloon, in the cellar at tbeciatner of Litre y and St.- Clair streilts. He 'states net- • a went Into the saloon' to get. something to - eat, and having travelled for + some days, was tired and l fell asleep. When .;ha awakened it was past midnight, and,,a:s he eajs; he diseovered that he . had been robbed 'of a valuable diaiond pin ' a •goixt; silver watch, and his pooket book containing,one hundred and twenty dollars in money. -.Grand Church Restival.---The: ladies arid members of the Manchester Presbyterian Church, corner of Market and praii'klin streets, AlleghenY, are engaged in Malting liberal preparations for strawberry and ice cream festival to be opened, to-racq. row evening in the church, which Ind been•thoroughly renovated.' We caiiiafely womisa all who attend & pleasant evening. as nothing will be left undone to seenre the enjoyment of visitors. The care' of - ithe Manchestery.t pass withiniWshort distpnce of the, ch urch every law, r kaintites. The proceeds of t festival wTilfulldevoted to the benefit of the church. Arrested for'teallng Iron.—Three boys were arrested o Saturolay and taken be fore Mayor Dru m, charged on oath - of an. employee of the (Fort Wayne liailrotart with stealing iron. iLarge cinantitiea of iron - belie disappea red lately - fern the Ccimpa ny's yards, and they have been keeping za sharp lookout fit the, thieves. On tSatur day the boysj••ere discoiered wheeling away a load of the iron, and were 'at - Once arrested. After i a hearing of the (late, thw wereheld in the' um of thrt.e hundred dol lars battler tbei appearance at I,'Ourt. - - Market In B mlugham.- 7 There IR a pro. S•a ,ect on• foot to tablish a turday even f_iii.....___ ng market in 13 minghatit,in order tfiait he - citizens may belitipplied with fresh veiteia bles for Sunday land as an indueement for market men te' attend the markCt the au thorities have consented to give the use of the market houo free of rent. Strawberry 14141vaL—The young jaalen 'of the First Baptist' Church. Fon rth street, .between Granietind Ross. will hold a ‘strivir berry and ice cream festivatin that.elmreh to•rnorrow (TuOday) evening, ~ • , A fairs. _ln Georgta. , -;.1. 1 . ._. tarrelegraph tot, pittarkars I% i;litette./1: ,';,;, ,A TA4 4IF#44u 0 20. 7 -Tho qoyfrtakt rinct fitud4t arrived from Washington', hnlf it is 'l,ith'iaiod•thelletristature,tvill bii cm:A.(44d on tho fourth of July, . 1 ,-,,Baitut ; baimr i beep p i n kaa, Ageing : the last fow (1,15,and the ta aril's al* PrP i i !ink;.. , -''. • ..'.' • ' t - .- -- ........ , ......,-...i1i, A Bait ruptdontenecd.- , •-• -' aly, Tawpaid) to the Pituunirs l +44- 1 . ,, 3 1 .?A1f , 1 'oa.Nkti,oitotia.;:fune 20.- - Tril.:bc - 13nfted rstaitelttilifeiVtirt;-Alliin TI-Ilvrettr +huh been convicted of ; secreting bierPropertY froin,llloApoignpe, 14,bankruOcy, „and sett lanced 36 . 110 Poirdtenthfor ono'your-dad 1131,tilekirinicifithii;q::;:ir.o. !..i., ~,..::7,- ..t.....L. .: •i„: 9 —Eit, Thoth ' ' a adileesqo .I . iiiie'lsch;stote % i s ti l ith . 1 *lc . : .64Voltdd : Ori St.,%Tehiea - Is rleXaLa 0)444 3110 : reCerfPrriflnottrOntod;:tA o D'llh e and lleitiockTorkti a, rM. l lt' UeY a v(:lo overtaken _.hyoittnoiid 'of:Ault - I(6ra antet%o :019thiltnInka elrWorberac o '..5 . 4.1 11.. f—• ~ ci ,.. ai i. : 4 1 ,1 ltiiit :3 "1,.. 5u. 4.1 r: el if:) , i(t+. )1 . 1 al 1 j IMM rm DEI •:, .ii