:'ft!tiO!li*!Gm!k,. `some, ~etern' li~an'uiuctures, . •, - _' Ilnrronts vcrrf,s : Writing frottr_Trov. - F.; gave a you sketch the iron and ''steel nuinufactures of that =city,and will *kw add,e' 'few desultory notes nion like , Matters at other placeo. • 2. • Ono efth . em,nitich like Troy in Its , natural .capabiliiles and the variety, of its nutrinfao-'1 tUres, but far behind it - in enterprise, is Trenten, Nate, Jersey. The men and capi tal in the iron business there are mostly from Other places. Hoebling, the celebrated en gineer, who , developed at Pittaburgh from a scheming German into, real practical , . American, and whose'first marks were the Old Pittsburgh Acqqeduct arid the Monon gahela Suspension Bridge, long since and); Boiled at. Trenton the wire mill which pro duces the cables for Ilia bridges,land which will' probably be soon at work upon the. thousands of milefrof wire required for the bridge across East •• titer. -The 'iron-ler his . 'wire is made by the New York , fhin. of Cooper, 'Hewitt & Co., now reef:Oat:hit° the New • Jersey Iron Ond.Steel Vorripany, whose extensive 'works in the ilotierpart of the City are noted 'especially ke: the menu fectrire of _ the 'largest', wrought" iron girders in this country.: . They;ere the first to establish this buatia ess, Whieh . has grown, - with the: exterision of fthe-,use of Iron for building purposes, into. an:: immense tit; In which Ilia. original adventurers bold the first .plaoett. To roll 'these beams ,itri engine is used said tote, the most pow - - erful in- any works In this country. Their Whale establishment =stinted out oteapitid 'where needed, aria is;well worth a visit from' those interestediniron making. I spent some tiniein the works, of Wm. ..i3ellers & Co., of Philadelphia, who, :both' -farther. amount and excellence of the ma chinery. made by them, have long ranked 'above , tiny sluing: concern in this-country,:, aiR perhaps in the world. Here I found a great change in- - the general character, of sir work. Formerly they were' almost eiciusivelY makers Of machinists' toOls; now several speeLdities,`as steam hemthers,!in jectore, etc., exceed in amount thernachine -tool business, which has largely poised into the hands of the rival firm - of ,l3ement & ' Dougherty. The latter have theadvantage of using later and better proportioned• pat ' terns, but Lin other respects the: older'ffrin seem still unsurpassed.. Sellers & Co. have the exclusive patent-right. for the Gifford in jector,- which yields thern a larger profit than all their other .busines.s.- • The latest iMprovementin: their injectors conaists in confining the overflow, so 'that it -presses :back a piston which shuts off precisely the "mount Of water which 'is in excess, thus' snaking - it self-regulating.. The Injector business is reduced to a syeteth similar 'to that by which firearms are made, each piece being made exactly like the corresponding pieces in thousands of injectors Of the same size. This enables the work to be dor e "with' great - tepidity and , precision, and *li miest 'wholly by machinery. Nearly all the parts being screwed into each other; cutting .Lthe • screws forms a large part of the work done, and for doing this . bps and dies are brought to a high degree of perfection. One tap of four inches diameter was shown me just se tempered, and for beauty ;of surface and uniformity , of color, indicating like uniformity of temper and texture. was such as I bad never seen Clan:died. Where steel of such POCollar excellence was required,' 21. r. George Sumner, the master forger of the,ivorksi told `me he preferred that made • by Park, -, , Bro.: & Co. of Pittsbiugh.. scarcely -think the . medal which that firm received at the Paris exhibition so high a :• 'testimonial Lf -- „th - e - qoalltrof their steel as the Opinion of-Unit one-man: , At ..fienient Dougherty's several im • proveinentiin`untehiniste. tools have latelY, • been introduced. • Among , their triols re snarl:able for size are a planer seventy-two feet, long, and s vertical boring machine which will bore a Cylinder of twelve feet diameter, or turn a pulley of twenty-fciur. • _' One such machine is needed in Piashingh - for fiy-wheel pulleys, and Lther wink - of similar character. Most kinds. or Machinery riade. by them are in use at the Pittsburgh - locomotive Works, and some of their lar gest at the Brooklyn Navy , Yard, where they are superseding machinery of New Arork make. , 'Whilementioning that Navy Yard I will briefly notice one of the many objects of in terest there--the double terrctteti'monitor Halamazoo, which, besides being of the lar ..gest class of 'monitors, die moat heavily :armored, and with the most powerful en gines and boilers, has an entirely -new rea-• lure, a heavy iron truss extending from stem to stern and ire= 'deck to -keelson, supposed to he strong enough to support Ler entire ,weight- if - resting on a single point amidships. This vessel is still on the . stocks, and has not yet received her armor surd armfoneet, both of which `she gets from Pittsburgh; the latter is to consist of four , fifteen or two twenty inch' guns, the prefer- ence depending on the result of further tar . o , ..giVpiactfife with. guns of those calibres. When launched, she is, expected to be the strongest shiPaflo.st. : , soslttu• C9P 1 .. 14 Y , Ju• A Democrat ow "updait, Soak., months ago ,the Pittsburgh Post contained leider 'undit' the Caption ,of • 4l Thti'Dtity of the Democratic Party in a I ,Certain Event," from which. we except the , Salient paragraphs without any fortner Coni-• • anent They sneak for themielvest . , Suppose that contrary to the wish of some, of the, letuiing Radical Black Republi*s, whelviint the oflice themselves, Gen. 'Grant should be nominated for the Presidency 'by ' the Republican party, 'what course'ought the Democratic party t pursue ? • • -• • Ought we to, nominate a man in cipPot 3 l- . Lion to General Grant ? Ought we to,Charge ban with being an enemy to his country; or , in favor of i tininst measures, merely because ' 'be may hive received axid nomination? ••• We are inclined to believe. that more do ponds upon General Grant now than .upon= Any other. individual in the United States.' Wekbellevp him to be far sapertor, to the ma joritt of thefar.sl7,llted politicians whe i hav,e been ruling the nation without bringbi . e -o peacer eeMiomy - to oar Beta known to all the people as a stralgjorpr, ward - man, and, so fat as can by judged, a IP•diklare well ' disposed to deal - fairly with the people of all sections of the Union. -• Whit' better tidrig can we do in >ease Or Gen, Qrant,iarionalnation by the Repahlican artyan to vote for him for the Prescdenty? ur alto , sil6alci he to strengthen his hauda , ; , to render him as much tte possiblitinde l ;•• Bent hf party, and to elect hint as Ihe. n ,Ite44l3;pf th 4 psopiei: If aptothnonsly`no, Jancil the better., We soiemnly . belleve that if the tieople generally of the United States can come , •.- together with' rod unanimity on. General In regard to the 'Presidency, it tvm '"-• be the hippiist think for our ' country:that *, . Tho: fi4 ll re. good p:letrecii• of Inealcula, We : earnestly , Our . IYeincimittid irleidls-eveziwbere autdeca .I,i Y . .. . ,77,-...---,--,-q-mr,--,,,1-4--,--7-,47,-.: -.z..,1.5,z---_,-,,,,..f,..1,-<:.4.....,1:..T.i1q,...;...,.,,*,..:r...,..,,,,...„-..a , ..0.- 4 .,......,. f& -„,....4-„,...... - , .4...,,...,1/4-0,...-.ls-pz., ~ .,1., ,,,. 1.,.,.„ : „....r0, ,, , , , 2 , , ,, , ,, , ,, . , ; ., - -4.:, , ,ike.„,,, . ..„-p,..-z , ..,.,-.4 „ ...„,, , t . ,4 . ....4 , -4 . 4 4.00*. „..,.4 . „ , 4 , e - : e:.z - & - , v - ..tail- 4.-' , . - '' '- - - '' '''" .- 4 , r 4 iii:gAi: '4 . -' - ` . " - ' '". b t... : W1: . -• ,- . 6 -,.x-?.. - . ..,. . • - 16eideilist" iliteistiO Degtor.: Cis& ranks 400iti interest*' Thi mes Chase awe& at. ter the &algal, of an avalauckr.. leading Democrats are reckottlig up, ewe, l ,yo r t, New England; Virstnia and sermal • other Southern , SUites r Indiana, aura ',poser.- bly Pennsylvania, for 14 .The Democrat-. is -members or Congress-. haye beetrearSful. ly canvassed on the;aribleety;and'ritit -of the whole number onlitWo erriforiiialeriously opposed ni-hix4,waileOnkOttherii has com mitted .Ithrisel.f Ito Jigs support, , lir case he shouldo be nominated,' The Hancock i.movement droops., Some of his warm supporters begin to talk of him as a good man - fob the'Vice 'Presidency on the ticket'` With Chairs. New York, it is now said, 'will not support-him' arid a Vice Presidentinl candidate from l'ennsylvania has been started' who may possibly divide with' him the support of, hts,own. State. Without New York, at any rate, his chan ces are very slight. Within the past ten days it is known that the Pendleton men have been greatly dis couraged. The attitude of New York and the tendency of the Southern delegations combined with the sudden development of the Chase movement to inspire alarm. Nevertheless the West will make a gallant fight for him,' and if it fails ho will ,submit. gracefully, as he always does, to the course of events; Those who are talking about Pendleton's renewing in the approaching Convention, The struggle which t Douglas =de at .Charleston and Baltimore; know neither the character of the man nor that of his supporters. It has even been asserted here to-day, by those who have the means of, knowing, that it is within the list'of possible contingencies that Mr. Pendleton may with draw his name in advance, or after thefirsi ballot, and cast his strength for Chase: This, as yet seems seireelf probable, but it may may be set , down as certain beyond the shadow *of doubt that Mr. Pendleton will submit to the decision of the Convention; whatever it, may be, and heartily support the nominee.- , For the rest . It may be said that as the 'Convention approaches, the managers re gar.' no names as worth consideration save those of Chase, Pendleton and Hancock, although: Hendrick, and Davis and one or two others, -are still mentioned as remote possibilities, Washinton Cor., Cincinnati Gazette. ' , The Southern Democracy. In all the proceedings of the Democratic 'Conventions of the Southern States, .:very; little is; - said upon questions 'of finance. Whether ,the debt of the ITrited States is to be paid off in graenbacks or gold, is not, with them, the momentous question: They ask for a. restoration that will make them the absolute arbiters of the future of the in ferior. race, and will not he satisfied with less sa long as there is the faintesi hope of accomplishing it. They rely upon the Dem ocratic party as their dutitul ally. It was pro-slavery from the beginning, and will be, we fear to the end. Wherever it has gain ed a temporary ascendancy, in a Southern State or in the Ohio Legislature, it has shown: the old .pronounced hatred , of thb blacks, and its' disposition to trample them under foot, regardless of all ideas of decency and justice.. It •is such action as the Ohio . Legislature- had at its last session that re vives" the hope of redstablishing a great national infamy, thfough the agency or the Democratic patty. . The nonsense and rant -about a white man's government mean nothing more nor less than a Government in which all rights and privileges shall be monopolized by. one class at the expense 'of another. It is for - the people of the North to say whether a party, bound tolts old pro-slavery traditions, and absolutely wanting in sym. ,Pathy' for a policy which tends to elevate all men , and degrade none, shall receive a new lease of power, and use it, as upon a for mer occasion, to-sacrifice the Union of We I 'Mite?, upon:the altar of human slavery. This question• is involved in the campaign of 1868, and no kicking op of the dilst about, temparary questions oi* tariff and National Banks, and the payment of bon4s, Will blind the vision of the people.—Cinesn- Commercial. Chase Has an Audience with. Andy. IVARIONGTOIC, June 17 .- Chief Justice Chase arrived here yesterday from his re cent visit to the South. Last evening he was at the White House and bad a long in terview with President - Johnson. It is learned 'from high and reliable sources that the Radical condition of the South, and the prospectiie nomination to be made at ,New York by the Democratic Convention • next month, formed the thenie of the con \venation between the President and the Chief Aptstice. Since the name of Chase was first men tioned in connection with 'the Democratic nomination, Mr. Johnson haik taken an un-, untie' interest , in the proposed convention. Ho has frequently expressed his preference for Chase to, those who.have intmduced the subject to him, over all other candidates; In his opinion, the nomination of Chase would- be_ a harbinger of victory for the Democrats, and, his election would bring 'peace and quie; to the' cotintry, besidectio mg away'with military , rule and restoring a reign of law and order. During the conversation last evening the President kindly expressed the hope that the Democratic Convention '• would lave the wisdom and policy to nominate Chasti, around ,wlienrtire - conservative and . cattail tutiOn-loving masses of the country would If this was done he, Johnsoat, would do his utmost to , secure the success of the ticket. The Chief Justice thanked the President for his kindness,* and expressed his ness to accept, be nomination on a platform cmbracing the living / issues of the day. ~. :,, , spkicaisiriNOTlCEtai. i. 1,.-::;;; 11IAN1100 .NOTRE vioo V.14.,TH restored In riilr'ereeke. bac.; nem _Plarauteed. E2 , 151..11 1 / 4 0EtOr LIF.r. restorer Manly powers; ifrotn yth stover cadge arising: the effects of. early &telefoon b One; eel C. abuee. Irepolell.fl and cilummxisce ,way.at once to. this ‘Yonderful medicine, it taken regularly accord. toi.tbe dlteelioniwtertoell sre- - very simple.. and require no restraint, !rota .buslnese, or, lojeasure.) Failure la frapumble. bold In *Wes et }a ' or tour . quaotitles ode tor $9. To be bad Q 1317 of Ole tiOitt -apoolnl od igen% In America, ' UEI4I CZ E,N slo* s eoon 4.AN, . ne. New Yorlei- •- • ie13:156-Trd' Ate: Wric e n L.O. 0 P 11 - 'O;?Nr CADE; anew Coulee or Leeta a. as de livered at the New York .Museum of, haatozny, em • bracing the subjeetst How to ulv and wird to live !err :Tooth:. Maturity;and.Old Age: Manhood to•ner reviewed: the tattoo of indigestion: it , ttub•illW add nervous diseasersmeounted , fort' Mateloge ph/l ozophiestly, eouldered, t ic. roco.et volumes colt- Lalalog the , e; lectures will be torwarded to parties, unabluto attend,' on rOrelOt , of tbar stamps. by ad d re.alnk SEC kETA BY. New York idif.eufn ofAnat. omy and Bedenoet , Blll Broadway, New York.- t • GUIDE. - TO ' III AURIA I— A Yourjg Onldei WPM% trridge and Conjugal yelicity. The humaneviewa o boner olent Physlrians , on the Suers and Abliaes incident to Youth and Early Manhood, seat in sealed-letter enrelotmji free ofeharga. Arldress'HOWAUD.fal• I W/A'AlfyNi Box P ti _/fisUadelphlit,-Ps. • znylasq/ST far B ATP . WELOII7 .- This splendid Thar 'Dye I beat In the aorta; the only one and perfect is harmless, reliable. Instantaneous". do disappolntmem' ridlindbas Mats; remedies the effects. of bad . dyes.; inflild• rateaand leaves the Halr.sig and • beautiful . . Wad , broom. Hold, by all Drug ts andPerfumerst Lind properlynpplled Batche ors Wlir Factory. 1.40 . le Mond street; Now -York ' ' • apm:P2B rritANSPAItENT GREEN:OIV * i CLOTH; W.loyr ShauleA--supeoi malty Audlostar htlee in thee the Weetern ti PLIMU• yietere. Another. large supply, o 4 the diffits,ut widths jut receliftd fru RI fact 02-• • J, 11.IMIT,L • 20 shad He M . < UMW 8/41:41. =MI ,P .. . Dierrnitsifinailutiv riI'HNITSI7IZIP STATE:4IOC tho Imam% Pi': i•„,, • to Tim& r , : • notice .of his sp.. pointrpent ai Aitaignee.of Jogizrix trissoks, of •,RlALL4eapilia, ;1 4 the county Of 11111;44)3114 and ;Stiti: of PelanaTliiinlii, within iiiid„Diittlett who haslit4n *bid red n'tiiniri4it`tiOon own Petition by th 4 said piatrici Court; ' 1 , , : No. ISt South )stti St,", 'Phllintelpida, Pa. To the Creditors of iald , ' nire: .78-s ' IN. TILE DISTIIICT,t,COIIIIT OF UNITED STATER for the Westernpistrict of BO EMT EIRRVISY;' at Bankrupt under. the Actpf Congress of March WI, 1807, - having applied for a Discharge' from all his debts, and Other claims provable under said Act, by order. of the 'Court, notice Is berebygiven toallpersonv who hare proved their debts, and other persons interested, to appear on the Ord DAY Or 'JULY. 1808.• at NI o'clock, F. beibre ;TORN T. PUIWIANCE. Fad, Regis" .ter. .at, Ills office. No. 118 FEDERAL S TREET. Allegheny •City Pa., to • show cause, if any they hare why a Dis Charge sbould•not be granted to the said Bankrupt. - • 8. C. MocANDLF.SB, . • Clerk of U. S. District Court for said District. .lel3:ral-s • • THE.. DISTRICT' COUR.T.OF 1. THE UNITED STATES, "FOR TUE WEST 'SW DISTRICT OP PENNSYLVANIA.. L H. C. PAVIXT, a bankrupt under the Act of Con gress of. March Ad, 1867, having applied for a dis charge hem all his 'debts, and other claims' prova ble under Bald •act, by order . of the Court, notice le .hereby given to all creditors who have proved their debts, and other persons' interested, to appear on the 17th day of July, 1888, at 11 o'clock A. M.. beibre:JOUN N. PURVIANON, Esq. Register, at his °Mee. No. 118 Federal street.' Allegheny City; Pa:, to show edible,' if any they have why w discharge should not be granted to the said bahk ktipt‘ _ • .8. C. McCANUL KBB. Clerk of Ti. 8. District Court for said District. _ _ U. 8. MAMMAL'S OFFICE. W. D. of Pennsylvania. Plrrenußcu.•JuAr. 10, 1888.1 M R ARSILALPS SALE. - • , ism, PEARCE & CO. • Yr. STEA'hfBOAT ARMADILLO. No. 1, October Term, 1888. In Admirsity. _By virtue Of a audit - font impound/ (pitied out of the District Court of ibe United States. Western Ols ,trict of Pennsylvania. and to me directed; I will Oa pose to public sale on the A fiyiIADAF OF JUN& A. D. 1888,- at 10 o'clock A. at, at the CiRiTO5.l HOUSE, in the City of Pittsburgh,. the Steamboat tottetber • with . her boats, machinery; tackle. apparel, ac. THOS. A. - ROWLF.Y, I Jelt:rs4 U. S. Moralist. Western District. Pa. THE DISTRICT COURT OF THE UNITED STATES, FOR' THE -WEST- N..DIs7RIOT OP PENNSYLVANIA. In!the matter of JOHN M. THORP, of Alleghenv H/17. Allegheny county,.ra..:Bitakrupt: Bannraptcy.-, • lit.stera District at PeaftsykanAs, /331 - • 'At Ylttstrurgh, Ts, June Sta,,A. D. 1868. To WEIOSI =Hair tONCtitN:. The undersigned oemby gives notice of Ma, ap peintment so-Assignee of JOHN M. THOHP., of Al lo7guL.,Cl7.oll."4eigirli,(l)fDteggriihoLgiBtteit: adindlest bankrupt upon his own petition, by the ribtrlat Coast of said district. • . • JAMES .W.IT IC HAY. 'A sstrnie; • jeg:r44 Attorney - at 'Law, Ile Fifth EH. VOLUNTARY. ASSIGNSIENT. laiterebv given thatJAMESILDRAVO, by • deed. of voluntary sasignnient, dated the 13th day of inrie„l46ll, assigned and transferred to the vabseribers all his estate, intrust for the - beient of his . ereditoro. All persons Indebted to mild . estate ; Will make payment, and those having elaims,wili present 'Diem, daly authenticated, ut the omce; No. - , Sa Diamond. CITY OF ALLEGHENY. • THeaserzn's OrriCr.. June bth. VMS. f A LLEGHENY TAXES. • Notice Is hereby given that the Assessors have sow placed la the Treasurer* Office the duplicates , front the several wards of City, Poor, City Business, School,_ School ' Building and'Pablic °Part Tam, . And of 'WATER RENTS foe tho 'year 1868, and that said Taxes will now be receivedn_purauance of the- Arts of Assombly. of February VI Ttb., 1800, and of April ; l4th 1803; subject to the following regUlattons and al lowances: Five p er. eent. If paid on or before the firstday .of July. roar per cent. If paid on or before the first day of august. .Twas per cent. if paid on or before the first day Of September. • 'lf paid after the first day of September, and on or before the first day ,of (Seto. her.' no dednetlo n will be made. It paid minim thee flint they, of October, and on or before the first day of No. somber. an addition-of live prr cent. *ball be addecl to and 'payable on the saute. ' ' • . AFTER THE FIRST OF_NeIVE3,IOER, War rants will be homed to enforec the eolltration of all taxes remaining unpaid. together with the percent age accrued thereon, and the coots. _.. D. NACFERRON, City-Treasurer . jatral _..- 011.71C1r. or CONTItt.LLICR or Atte:olltellY CO., i Pr/Tamil:on. June 10th. 1808. NoTluE TO PLUMIIIIRS.. . :WALED PROPOSAL , will he received at this otEce until 20Tel INST., Inclusive, for, putting In and fitting up in the County Prison. with lint class work,.the following . WATER PIPES, MANN, Om,. &c., • • . Aa directedhy the Engineer: . . . aea feet 151 Inch Oalvaelzed Iron Pipe.' Eightl ll .s Inch (hobo Valvett..brass. - Four 1 Inch Unions, galvanized. Eightlnch L's, - du. . i Forty 1 j inch Ti.' do. Forty inch Globe Valves, brass. 65 Chimps, Caskets 'and Colts on Ilteam Pipes. with all necessary book*, fastenings. &c. Bids must state bow much will be allowed for old material removed. ily Order of Board. of Inspectors of -Allegheny County Prison. ' ' lei iv 5 4 1 turs Hy . t.AM RF. KT; Controller. Ar Tridos*ltedinPittsilur . y i hAl c l Aie uso . -. L 011 417 Wood Wo irtree a rkACllUM CAIII.ISLZ, • LONlrth. /Met: MoOAriDLXBI3, JA . MIISO N 103 Wood street. B road Manufactured try le. W i W ARD . aB7 -a, New. York. = . • , I T ° coNTßAcToits • FOR. IRON. WORK. • '= EfitALED PROPOSALS will be received up to the Sad of June for the 0 ASTLA ND WROUGHT IKON WORK required rue the Count) , 'Work House. 'The work consists of CAST HAVE GUTTERS. ROOF TRUSS - BuLTS. ill Atdit and. CORRIIGA MED till BET IRONCEILiNtiti. BEDSTEAD & &e. Propeasis to be left with GEORGE A.LBHP,E, Esq., decretay.mf the Board el Managers. corner of Wood and_Won.rth'streeta, Pittsburgh, Pa. • +Drawing! and oPecilleations Wile seen and all no , • .sary information giverrat the *Mee -Of BARB ' Mozieft.. - Archltect, N eos. and-4 Et. Clair street. N. It.—Separate bids will, be received for the Cif -,....rbrattebes of work: - - fellllll TORE§ s' 'WINDOW •SHADE 4; 01 • any Color gad as? +Ailaltrai rah Dahlia' one story to plias ;wel t alsa She was Illaa,(9rIall rrase pa. Won al O - rest %la. la OA OU Mina wive:rata. se sad Bakelate allesl.-____ ..;... • ,lat . 1 -)64 . • , , ii A Zit ' 1.14. rillaiall" IIEI 13V)AP MEM2I REUBEN MILLER, Jr., GEO. N. ARMSTRONG. Asingnees. Plttaburgh, June IS, ILSGS. j,-18 r 74 • ' WAR CLOTH'sLINVI PAPER_CO.CCA:‘Og Aivo c u F.F TO BE //AD , eitiiiiv, lEL!*IRESIINFA.V. & C o " , T 7 1:T • '." ANCHOR , COTTON _ MILLS; " ;.. -1 1LMT141317/14311. EICAI77; itIEDIIIM and I;I9HT A2ItOSOIt,ABB 3IAGB9x.rA :':':,st=l,g,,Ttwas - ,A1,1D BATTING: w icevr common' /stone Works _Northwest oorner of West; Conarunt;Alleelrall • - , PRIUM A„lrifAlrall, 4 CO. Byre on tuanr or prepsun on abort, notice Nearg, and first btones. visite tbr Intwonaks, Brows Vaults. ste: Head snaTotab Stones. *4. = +(lnters prampth . exporter,. Prises ressonoble. • SA'AvV4I3o4II( JUNE, ,20..).868 ALE- TO .mariouiseii r.ciu foe/We fn &UAW oleo ei ,and' urn:. Also, ' heal Wcaugnitd.CTOV l ,k :with 'of land, and good linproiremeotor vat* ;gin/ oeU cheap and.:bh„reasbnatde ternis.'• Be/Miami .Bonses •to let 4/11 good strata. PrivoteiUdelo licinosi ir e rent to both allies. rgOr • her all Inque - . I AIM 16. t lt et; no UNTKIC, ) 'PENCE FOR SALE OTV RENT. A ° large - tiro - story double ouse, contaluLng 10 morns, Including double par lor, with marble, mantles, and all the ,modern im provements; 1 sere . of ground, lilted with 'fruit, at e ltltg a rr b e n s o tt ite W i tted netr i. Minenville, at This Is one or the handsomest locations In l i fi e e r gtenj county, 'and in • a good neighborhood. Apply at W. A. BERHOWS - Estate Mien, 87 Grant street. mhZ, tinEAPEST Bl I— -11 f c i I I , t i . I i L 1 'e t I i 2,000,000 ACRES °l' • CHOICE LANDS raa sALE, BY THE • • .., Union P(o* ...Railroad COmpatill s , • ' immr,ort DIVISION, Lying along the line of their mad, at $l,OO TO 4,00 PER ACRE, . , Lad on a CREDIT OF Tint TZAR& For further particulars, maps, &e., address JORN,P. nEvEßstrx„ Land Commissioner, Topeka, Bansal. Or CNA& 11. LAJILBORNOSeeIy, *alit • , , '. EIL Louis, kilssocri. V_ MARKET arc th riving village of Allei Ingham line. and only I the end of the .Mopengi growing rapidly. Merle, sold last season, and ovt erected during shemettsol, to mechanics, we are wit the lots at the low - price I and on terms easier Mc. the premises every aftek Or apply at, our Olage,7 field streets. ' ' COAL AND COKE. e,row, OSCAR F. LAMM & CO• M=! COAL AND COKE. . , Office, Sandusky Stirs et. and P. F. W. go C. Allegheny City. 817PERlolt Youghiogheny Coal and Connellaville coke, AT LOWEST IdARIKET'RATES. 'Orden promptly attended to. COAL!' COAL!! COAL!!! DICKSON, STEWART & CO., ' Having removed their Moe to Nci, 567 ItA33Eirrx- (Lately City FJour SE(X)ND ELMO& . Are now p r ipared to Atruish fowl YOLItiHIOGIDS NT Luau - NUT COAL. Olt at the lowed tsgr rthMolel , ad atig alggl,bete,:ad i:agtr. mFA:tei CHARLES H. ARMSTRONG, YOUGHIOGLENT /SD CONNELL/3n= COAL, And Manufacturers of ' . . COAL, SLACK AND DEISULPHUR ED CORE. Ocoee and Yard—CORNER OP f oo LER AND MORTON :STREETS. First yard on Liberty and Clymer streets. Ninth Ward, and on ad street. near Loek Nu. 1, elttsburgh, ea. • Families and Manufacturer; stipp led with Use beet article of Coal or Coke at the loss st, cash rates. Orders left at any of their calms will receive prompt attention. RMSTRONG & HUTCHINSON, .6 . II.LADILTZLIIA AND YOON=OZNY COAL CO.. MINERS, SHIPPFRS AND DEALERS, ItY RAIL ROAD A NDD RIVER, of - superior Yanghh..icherty CAS AND= FAMILY COAL. -Office and. Yard—FOOT or TRY STEEKT, near the Ciao Works: SUPERIOR COAL. C. us-Lk:any eir. Miners and Shlppe rs of P ITTSB UW.OII OAS, TOROK and FAMILY COAL, NUT COAL and SLACK. - Coal delivered promptly to all parts of the tittles at the lowest market rake. Office and Yard—CORNER FOURTH ANN WAT- SON (former) Canal) STIIKKTB 4 Pittsburgh. P. O. BOX oaf: TO FARMERS. THE .HAY RAKE - oWELCONE." PATENTED 1805 AND MT Is the best Rake made. It will rake beavieihan carry It farther, load and unload ttoolf mulct than any other rake. it is **lf-operating; a child 8 years old can do the work of a full hand. 'Hundreds of bertilicutos could be given. one or which Is below: "lintAttD. Erle Co., Po., .Iply G. 1567. "I have Used - the TV- (come , Bay Bake; manufac tured by W. W. Wallow., l'itttiburgb Par. and 1ml:- ow:lend it to farmer.. It le good to light and hairy hay: 10 easy on man nod beret: to a complete 'ban or of prait awl stork/ ; 113 ample In construction and easily kept In order. .1 ARBUCKLE." All orders directed to street. Pltts. burgh, or at the work, In Coluo3Plaux; Ohio, promptly attended to. 1 k 1d wholeaaleand Mall by W. W WALLACE. bend orders In early, as 'supply Is short. YZiddr '• • - Parties whaling any Information or adtioe, gard-to business. or to relation to posltlois or situa tions. is lierrhania, Book-keepers; Clerks,. Me. shanks, . Farmers or ,Laborers, .in. Louisville, Chicago,.Si.. Lois, Slcuiphla, Vicksburg, Little Rock', New Orleans, !Mobile, Cialveston; 'or any pert 'of Texas, can receive much .valuable, prouipt and. reliable information, fromour, general acs in Louisville, by enclosing our fcc of TWO O tti OLLAJIB to our address.L Having on extensive .business an .quentance In this part of the country, we sistbifecUon. Cl. IV. ICKES .1k30.. So. 11% 4th Si.. LouWyllie, Ky. mr.ONS/ PITTSBURGH PAPER - MA_NII. , VADTURIND (X/MPANY.ldauutiwtarcre of PRINTING. AND WRAPPING PAPERS. OhLINTON 1111.1.1-ta.FDI Orno. • DUVIIITON DILL—NVWDaItifIT.?N, VA. - orprci. AND WANEIiDIJOV, Y0.E42 , 1110 street; Pittiburgh, Pa. l 'gr"' o7 ll7B.vit T LYeNigio i rdet . 8141LUEL RIDDLE; Sosietary. • loan, Atwell, 4.ll flartmiColohn Lliringuin. • . „ • , pald for Puler kitopk. jaZootiO WILL. 'IN TA TL011;•• "P A I , N TE R IIO.'MtOIIIO STREET,: Tbmikhd fot,ttie Omer 'Metal Yiatiottage be. stowed - Alpo:I niv, l'assare Ivy Ahead* and the public gesattally that, •Au the , tattling sio_lo 'WO .paat, I.sball to ookvor, diligently to merit a coottuaattoa pfltto ,,mad, mui alarays'at %Wallop *bury to V L. auit horn Ito 3 r,ar; • • •0ty.210114': _W*ol4lPkTr9x ' • •,,‘-` ItAsinsrtiTtor;ernaneW ?""eir Pittiffiptil Vain Elevator Maittiadtiirir.of COP' ...V ant Man. inid CHOPPED 'NEED. lorthirs4l.lk *red In either nit; f rail of cbarg of 111. las 1:9 upped. 00M sheilu4l. on talon OANi e, Hair: . oll3r PECKj torgigiiientia mak.. 'ftAM Areftlfrat IAND , ritatrllMilikNow. aa I t a street. near Smithfield. rittiburgtt. . . Ways outland, 4 seneru asserttp; l ot of &ousel , wicis: ONNIAN 'CURLS: Itantletnee , WlGtii . M.; El 3r :l3‘o l 4Mat WAIL° OHAINt4. RACEL* 41 31- ... A gool Prim Itk wish will ,be Alvilpr i - ';Lidiss , Amur tieritteasesea Mar i tit Ms doie:t + ill, 40149111PaAaltat . f • . f • :. "2 414 : . . • lILDING LOTS in se .offered for sale. In the itown, adjoining Big Wm- Been minutes' we from fuels bridge. This town is 0000 was reallz ed for lots rfifty neat dwellings were ..:As a specialdnductement If i to close the balance of Y from 11200.t0 $350 each, paying rent. We are on soon from 3 to I o'clock; ler of Fourth and Smith-. ': B. McL'AIN' ft CO. C. DAVIS M I) Fire Insurnee Cempany, OF PITTSBUR4H. Moe, No. 42 FAh St, Second Floor, OVER REDFXMAN,'"MEVRAN R srEpricm JEWELRY STORE. DrRECTCIItE4 Robert C. Schmertz, Charles 3teyran, Wm. F. Lang, Wm. Carr, Peter Keil, Stelnmerer, Louis Morgenstern, Joseph Abel. Adolph It rebs, Ch. 'Siebert, C. J. 'Schultz, Martin Heyl.. ROBERT C. SCHMERTZ, Ares% L. NIFORGANSTERN, Tice Pres% CHAR. METEAN, Treasurer, 0. F. HERY . iOSEF., Secretary The Above Coripany Is now fully Organized, and prepared to take FIRE 11D5RA. By careful atten tion to .bnalness. prudence and , fair dealing. this the will endeavor to merit a, liberal share of patronage of the community. FRANKLIN INSURANCE COMPANY, OF ALIZGIZNi, Offiae in ftsudtthiSa7drigs Bank Buildings, No. Wit Ohio St., Allowlienzitl A HOME COMPANY, managed by Directors well known to the community, who trust by fair dealing to merit a share of your patronage. HENRY IRWIN • GEO. D. 1143DDLE ' DIRP.,CTOHS: ' R,l _Henry Irwin A ' D. L. Patterson, Henry Derwig, Geo. Ltiddle, Jacob Frans, - Gottielb Face; 81111011 Drum, J. B. Smith, - Jacob Rust , W.M. Stewart, Ch. P. WhistOn, Joseph Craig, Job. Lautner, - H. J.-Zinkand, . Jeremiah Hebert. NATIONAL INSERANCE CO., OF THE CITY OP' ALLEGHENY. Office, In ALLEGHENY *UST CO/ITANYi BUILDING. FLEE ixsvitsarcE ONLY • • W: RTll7;Trealdeat. JAS. E. STEVENSON. Secretary. . . M=IM A. B. English, Jno. A. hlyler, Jas.'L. - Oraharn, Jno. Brown., Jr. mhltnnSi i o.il.P.iitlillmns Jno. Thompson, Jas,, I.ockliart, Jos. !diem, Itotn, hes. • C.. 0. Boils," lieu. Gerst., ,Ehoob-liappd . . WESTERN , LNSCRANCE 4301 N. _TANI( OF PITTSBUIMIL ; •• • • ; sEAANDEff. l'•11311C1{,, President. • • _• • •-• • WM. P. `HERBERT; Secretary. ' • - OAPT. GEOlitlE Cieneral Agent,' • 0f1ice,..92 Water. street, Spang & Costa Ware bowie, up stairs, P h ittsbarg. Will inure against all kinds of Fire Mid Marine Risks. A home institution, managed by. Directors who are well known to the community and, who are determined by proinp mess and liberality 'to main• tato the character which they .:have assumed; as of fering the beat protection to those who desire to be insured., Alexander Nitpick, E. Miller, Jr., James McAuley, Alexander Speer, Andrew Aekleu. - David M. Lung, D. Ihmsen. pElinvsiri4vANUt. INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITITSBURGH OFFICE, 21 FIFTH STREET, BANE:BLOCK. Thtei la a Howe ('Nwyday,,and Insures against kni by Fire exclusively. LEONARD WALTER, President. - C. C.. BOYLE Vlec President. - ROBERT PATICICIC, Treasurer. HUGH MeELIDINT. Secretary. • Leonard Waltex, C. Buyle, Robert Patrick, Jacob Painter, Jambes Mug.. Jis. H. HOoktna. Reny siiOul, • INDEPINITY • -- ' • AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE. ~., • , • • ' FRANKLIN. INSURANCE Co. OF PHILADEL NIA.. °FELIX, 433 .t 431 CIELEST NTT ST., Ni 5113. . Charles .V. Elaticker,, alordel, , al U. I. - Tobias Wagner, ' David S. [Dow ' Samuel Grant. ., Isaac Lwt. Jacob R. Smith, ' -' . 'Edaard C. Dal Poorer W. Rtelianis k • iits - dge Fates. 1 • CHARLES U. B 1...,K .1:: rroslleiat. . EDW. C. DALE, Vice Presliient. f. W. C. I:37'EEI.E. Seeretqrc ~.b,... fern. J. OARDNER CONI O IN, AO North West corner Third and Wood St m149:w15 A LLEGAI ENV 1 N WILIAM PANY OF PITTSRi-tlu: R. OFFICE. No. 37 MTH sTREET. BAIFIC Insures against ati Mails of Fire and , JOHN IRWIN, Jtt., President. JOHN D. IdeCORD.; Vice President... 0. H. DONNELL. ecretary. 06. PT. tieneral Agent. Innzatones Crpt. Wm. Der B. 1.. Faintest.' W. 11. Ever.tot Robert H. Dar Francts.Millers 'Capt. J.T. Jam Irwin, Jr., John D. McCord, 0. D. Husi.ey, 11srvey T.' J. Hoskinnon, Charles Hays, prAmPLEtzo INSURANCE , colt. PAN.,. OFFICE. N. E. CORNER WOOD. & FIFTH STS. Hcme Company, Asking Piie ind tariknelaki . DlitzdTortii: .. Wm; 'Phillips, ::i ..Capt. John L. HhiAds, John Watt,Samuel P. bhriver, " , - John E. Parka. • , , 'Charles Arbuckle, ±,,, ; 1 Capt. Jameu Stiller, Jared M. B lab, ~ W. Vaa Kirk , ; , Wm.. F. t , , - James D. Vertu- r. ' - 7 ' .4atuuelhl chart - . WM: ,P.HLLLIPS 2 P0:1444nm. ; : ~ , JOHN WATT, - Vi t c 6 .e Proimlout. , ' ' . , W. F. OARDNIK tlecrelary."-- , . : i' , , CAPT. , JAN. , qou. ON:lieueral 4 0 : ent. - ::•1 MERCHANT TAILORS.' • rd:F• ll. Cfl-A l4 rr :F rA•tr ," 93X, SMITHFIELD STREET. PITTSBET.GH,, , Icon conitoupy on hand a aneenisorixt;ent of CLOTHS, CASSIMEFIESI& 1 /ESTRIOS • • GiNT , SIITIRI4IBIIING GOODS. 417.14178 .inicrrulNG MADE SO ORDER. tho latest style., Hain DiETNct, , VIERCSIIIiriT TA=R{" , . No. TaPOtetAkriph s Za. 00Asut0tly tgind, A bllAAlortineA tor Cl,o.ttia: Pil:T-4 'Ai Plz4 RUFF a,: c 0. 1 itlerchantrrail. . No. 34 Federal 5t:,•.1611 elkY , -,1 • Him pot. reolved *1141[4 sind CA ,wollexiocitrock or . GOO S,,': ';; Suitable for a Ora; ohm eutOaaik:tni,dp. stook of GENT'S FGENIski DAO I , IIHOGIU:PMS:7`;', .siattAmv: titri6g,m.Y4 " . :.....*Tgi;tr. ei.liaii... OINGERLY„Si Cli.Eili. , SUCtaissore Q 1.0,1150. F r Bcnutarierix ,5 , ce..;,: •• - ,., ,~ 'IPIRACOCAL, LTMISiItAIrIIO4 ,'. ; • 4 prhoe'd atlett,?. 4 7o4P'"opeo, 4 „r , ",*_ . me i n aeiill :' - Bond Lahets4 (nrcular i s l ; chow tarts. , 3).1 1 4 00A8 E , 'PO 1. 1 %, Iriewoi Vertltionten .or.DerKAA9S 1.... 0 nvAt. • lion atil t , dkc... 7sos. TB and 7111 "r 9.."" ,—r,7; Mil 8 /. -86 / 1 3- PERS 111 1 / 4 /liii . MOW 7CARPENTERA*D BULLDERoi Mixt street, pusbaTlP... J .1; Imes. ';',saitile al aimi s aktoim.,:AAV 7. hicrtibixicanas iss ts,The WU* Araetz.proir FZEEZE larrizlnai usie; Liana nWx. Hurniarlar. Ir"AGIP. .... ••••••••if!•••I t i•••01•'T". I#4" 1731 * kONDA.Y, June LAtti.; auilitarisis thearea; r THE CHEAT HE HELLION" r or, TI 3[..A.o*xi-Vrell4t , A. SENSATIONA L PLAT. ' muss:plc. oprikric ak4p , ,-zipmoittrz. r GIOAGIX.OII7I3 EICENtitY. • • •• ,•• r • BEAUTIFUL raltintS• , sir Grand i n Sat rday, at A o'clock. Admission, 25 ce n ts,-toall parts of the house. WHITEN - ELL 9 8 MUSEUM EX IBITION; compriaingWOßKS Or AR'l l l 011147 NAT. ISRA.F.• Likplairlo9l7ll4 HALL. , • • Plfth,street; oPplAte 4.1 1 / 1 h Cards of Admission, 25 ceril • mcl 4 ln l , 13 o'clock m. to 10 P. M. • • I - • ligrFE$Tl*AL,- FOR THE .HOME FOR' DEiTITUTE•ifOIiEN, To be beld on NVEDNESDAS and THIIII3D AFTERNOONS and EVENINGS, 4une.iilith sal 23th, In • • • ci.une - ' • Admittande 10 emis Donationirsent to the Hall t edne.sday mortillat Neill be thankfully received. • jetifirE/ taf—GELA.ND A .GRAND KEYSTO And a GB TER President. • Secretary. Prof;.he MC: VITRA. will be under the direction.* PWRlSh,_leader of the Omit Western Band. Miss C. A.IMOODY, Principal of the Mozart K sical Institute, will preside at the Piano. _ _, t The eervices of the ALLEGEINKY QUART2TTIC have been secured for the occasion. and will yonder some of thel anest Songs sushi everting. . . The whore under the direction of Prof. W. H. SLACK Te her of Music in the .Pubtictoboola. , Admlssitint ~., '' 80 cents. Children Under 12 Years OTAgO.. 95 ~:i “ ' Tickets to be had at the Music Stores, Pit rah; the Book. and Drug Stored. Allegheny 'arida thill Hardware htore of Whitesideb . Dram, 'rodent street, near Railroad Depot. I - f The Steinway Grand Concert Piano will ,be fur nished byli.l Rieher .t. Bro. II - • Doors open at Zti o'clock, Concert to chansons& at 82 o'clock. 1 '•• N.' D.--At 8 o'clock the Singees will form la this and march hi positions on the sage. • jeis:r rgrA T CLAM , ' • - - . I ( iTILAWI3 "I AND PIGS CREAIIt I'ESTIIT k:I I Will be het .in EXCELSIOR'SIALII, Allegheny, 1.. - ON Tll , Hut, 19ya AND 2On( INST., i J , For the benefit of the Meth di t Church Rome MU sion Work.. I Open from 8 to 10. y• o'clock V. Id. All the friends ef the cause df Missions are cos &ally invited to attend. F lelikrlit ..i win K. McCune, Chas. 4:Clarke, Evanik Joseph Kirkpatrick, l'hltlip_lioymer, Wlll. - Morrison, nog IgriIENEFIT OF THE POOR. . • , H......: . ..- •.. ( Under the auspices of the Society of Bt. Vineent de Paul. (dt. Patin, Conferende ) there will be bald I A.tRANI) CHARI / TY 'PICNIC , kJ .ls' i -.. AT' FABIAN_ ' fIRONT, ' ' l, ON i A r ri.THEOAN . . 4u.1.7 - 4th.. Ample rrangements have en made to secure is. Pleasant and enjoyable day to 1 who attend, while et.the same. titoe they will &eV , nsclons ofe.ntritr. th C. ut(ng to e , lief of the worth 'poor In ourtuldsa. Tickets Of admission, Inctud ng Dlnnersso Gentle -.Gan he.pocureti from them berm of the Sail or at lieorge yalgley's Book ' tore, Grant stye and at the gate. • ' - ' - jell): ... L DEN Grit° p. trsrto(TROVE.: ROVE having bein SlI ttedti th the most wipe rtyle, with a large and elegant Plat. form, beautifully shaded, Lame , Dining Boom and two excellent burs, Is now ready to rent_tg PIO- NlC9,‘ PARTIES. 6U SCAT SCHOOL. CELEBRA TIONS, gc., c. on the most reasonable terms.. ; .Parties holding Picnics, & will And .it io their adokntage to st cure the Grove ' The' Orel* Is easily accessible, bettige but , a few .Itteps from the Oakland Rallwa' Station, whese ea= run reiothirly every dfteen minutes. • ger Pim terms, he.; apply at ithe ' -: . OFFICR OF TIER- OiliLiiil RAILWAY CO., . '.,. OAP:LAND STI:MON. •-: ' ' MYSIP6.4 George Wilson, Geo. - 19. Evans, J. C. Lap pa, J. C. Flolner. John Voegtleg, A. Ammon. mai EN IW7tIVERII;IALE 1 1,1 1. IkIIEVIER R h SORT, AT II Ai'SVILLE. PIII ON- ~ . " I Delightfully eituAtedon the&C. R. ~ iron miles iro the , lAy , te 01... W. R.. eleven tot eepslon of gueetti. I • Addrees, . B. MILLER, jec3: ' Box 324, ritl 6 bglrgh . Y. O. RE SUEPLIARD'S STEAD' CIUICKE •Icdale. . , - • 'Out -Umbers are baked .up i on the OVEN BOT TOM, and are superior to aoy baked by bot air or way other process. 1•11 ABX SUPERIOR VI ANY Ofliats OFP.EILFI3 IN TIIIS CITY; EIS; 1 1 18T r i t n: Rea 11 R 0L0. 1 41/811: EMS; bounia 1118(171T. For Salo by Eery Gtocer in the City. Si 'Bakery, yo si liberty st. i:rat . =II • , "n 4 lilt TUE BEST AND .-Jup.:EST PIANO A.ND Olt • AN, 'SeliC'anackoeti Gold Baal; ,P o f ,AND ESTEY'S COTTAGE ORGAN. The .NOIIO3fACNICIt , PlA r ip ,igailtdlMlL all the 4.6Attutetit)Youal:,fabhie'drsint'oPirn6syseimnertn In tn eo. ts 97 so n d in h . es :th el e w °D- Sys been riwarded the , Walled POIanIP/ wherever ex ,ittllted. Its tone Is Is 11.. r senerous end. sweet; Th e ratNejittranocliti:4o7lobitsdetnriti:tzr,u4.w.,;a7,-7:„;zr.,,,r—etto, Saatiast the head of 411 •reltnetromento, d u al:lg the :dos' norraot pl_pe Indio of t one 0 mir "hung lantrinnent In the "Unt ed It Is am ophs and lion , pain trt coastal:LOON:4' ladled liable to g e tiftlitTiti r TabilliincusrA ~,Amon'" la only to Itt Orgaa. Price Om SI.OO to 8550., All guaranteed for No '31476' Bittlf; Atilt **Win* tone lirti.'.t.l43T. MAIN STRENT. iiiY2o:oBB R pcollin-iFiorD4.. . OR ti, la perfect order, troaks34l " ' ' TE sum* mfrs 5t...1114 4 90 r libC"e Wood. ME AND INSTEDEMAI 4 CONCERT. KE BN ONCERT WILL LRE GIVEN IN 'MA II SIATLNG 1 K, Allegkenh RSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS. In .. , NE AN D ISTR• lISTII. 1868, ~. IND MATINEE on' SATURDAY; AY I OON, June Roth, s'p 51.4 o'clock., .- ON TH J CRACKER BAW=ES: 817 Liberty liftm)t. tip TRY Tlilo3l.loli ED PIANOS: ORGANS, &O• ATOE : • ; 17:461114 aWs, ?Wets sad, ill El I 11 BAKER', ?1i.1,7a.?:,jp. Nana"- . 11 4.141114114 MN. 1 44 31 10a 1 -014.0,4 ^ -