V ?,-"IltON W0Mi.:07:.,' As.rritaines: Prttet., W. P. Parris, stip* pilffilinrlterlC "vamp, , , ANDIROIN , 2uxuribmOtise ovi Car hilges *oiled; Siimenin4s l l lidieemstive Pram es; Alamessimilvp Frame Shapes; *Me Rods; 24111rePolleralm; Pfdloilrite ineduidnimt.fihatlio . 4.0.031110014.€11111.01iii. Pitman r..., *e. Qabe r ziro. .717. PENN STRErn. PITTSBURGH. P'.. GRAUF* 3 •IIITEIIB • & Cff~ Or Bart 11",1)- and She 4 IPON, 111Alittr leen Welded Tuteifor thus,. Steen', Water, &e. ALSO, QIL WILL, TUBING: Ogg* 98 Viiter and Ng First Streets. OM PITTSBURGH, Pa. IMMO RENOINGTOI I I IRON WORK& LLOYD & BLACK, - • . MANUFACTURERS CIP OW Common, Itetlibtdieluirmal ' '1 c - 4 .1-• FMB - TOLOSA. BLOOM IROIT. B , , HOUNDaa4OI7.ARE IRON PP. FLINT. 4 SHEET MOP NOW -14'11110 1 42TEitTLIES: - CYLINDER and :. GOMM S or tet.Naatt - litirt. MALL 'V BAILW wed 71.8 tbs. to the yard. - WROUGHT CH IRS sad SPIKItki for woe, 'PLAT RA Pacached sad Conittersa*A. COAL BCRAT&N IRON.. • -; • . MAILS AND SPIKE& • flies st the *eta, .GRZEN en STREET. iseentisustion - of First street, ttieCityGesWerks, Pittsburgh. EMIIIOII, PREEPrOir 4 - 30., Pennsylvania Iron Work& iirseeboan, 'Nat. lea •nd I*7 FIRST !mono opposite Nosonitithebi agniseb aseii:B6 , • • Pyrreinntati. STEEL- WORKS,c B UZFFIF.x.D m au l 14roluts.- NIMIOK .& • CO., PITTSBURGH, Pd. Idanuesetarers of eery description of • • CAST`AND CERMAN STE 'RAILWAY SPRINGS, ELLIPTIC AND PLATPORE ESPETNOE, - AXLES, sTErd. TIRE, Ac.. AA; Wareham, Watei and -100:-Erat Sta. magma _ perruniman irrEEL •Ituruis. ANDERSON, COOK &IV.; ' (BIOCESSORS TO aims. BOTD & C 0.,) Nanntscrtoreii of the NNW REFINED CAST STEEL, N yi , t'Biktiitivariaitturdrso 4 l4etvatre 8 .or *.plibir tt itt Diskaaukso6: szies, -- tfriunursh, CILBt, and Common Plow & Spring Steel. • .lee—Corner FIRST AND BOSS STICIOLIS;Iwe blocks above the DionozigahplANonse. 0e21:41* • - ••••,. „. . KILLER, BAJEtif if& PABILEN. ertilMAL r.a.uvrias: • IFY. METCALF. REUBEN srazzi, W. BARB, IL OHAIL.PARKIN. 821XUAL r.I.2.TAXS — B. M. .11D311. CRESCENT STEEL ! IVORIES; , itsititescp, 0111oe,:No. 339 ,T.Jberty St, PITTSBURGH, PA. LAOS DIAMOND STEEL WORKS. FARI,.] MIMEER $1 C(1. ==C=M 19T3EilErta. ' beer and Warehonse,_ 'LOS, ISHIL--O ; ND sad 119 and 121 FlSBTasTirawra. • : • •!:.;• prirrez ILtlLDWiat 3 lk.' NEW ELIBDWARS SOU JJNDSEY, STERRIT & Xanufsetnrers and Importers of 33.44.R13W.A. CIALERY,AC. 887 LIBERTY Fait MEN= OIP 800 Bowes Below Taloa Depots PITTSBURGH. e l aYS4ientifot iAIRBARBB. SULSI3:- BACCO AND CIGJM._ TWAN AWN, " mums Is Miz zmo or WY TOBACCO ANDIiEGAIE4 SEETII VTIXECT. (National Bank of Cem: wee Building.) ikatiettot.llS Water'Una% N. Y. of= - DANIEL P. MAN. -EXCELSIOR, WORKS. B. it W. ,TEriraINI4OIW,- , • XlPAlSltiatUreti *ad /.. 1411 /eN IZ' i ro s lik000; Snuff, Cigars, Pipes, 604 No 0 FIDESAI. ALLBOURZITI 'VOW • I= EMS :FOUNDERS, raAcEcausmt, ATLAS VirORIES, MORTON STREET, Ninth THomiss MIAMiEt t I.eitr4Atent. These Worts are among the.ismet tae teoet complete establishments in the 31( and are new. prepared to furnish - • • • ; • ~ stogosoo; or ow!' itesootsion. Boiler* en Tasks. Sheet Iron Work. 1 4 11 1NN5* 4611 6 16 3101141 .1 3111* • ignirbbe Patine& • • , Maebil", eastilaMe• Sacra () UMW* , ozcim mOurrato soltna ketraMitir • • AND PIPE WORKSa : periumr-cariimi:ane Wiruallellui streets,. - SNINTH WAJADsj • • • vrrnosistritorr, Wit. SMITH ,• • 21IonFuraciturer of . CAST' IRON BOWL PEE; Ton GAB AND WATER • r san e tz srl.47.2 'i*Egbln.'srla i il.ll l = l l,4lTt Gemendokiduits Ibr Gas and, Water Works. I world eloo call tie late:aloe of i3upe_rtatendeets : of Qua rim temymake at .I . lErl . l,:re. • • TRINAPIORTyITU . FOUNDM,f ‘ O CIELADIXII DEAD, Presailleat SPAD I VIee President, XIETCAIZ, Seer Mad Troller. Z. VG WADE, Ensinete. Ar.JADAD, - 61enerstNinager. . B. MURRAY, of tron; Shwa) & Co. B. W. PALNT.EI of J. Painter &Sons. C. B. BBRRO of pang, Chalfant & Co. THOS. S. 8LA1R...0 Menberger d Co. WX. 11STCALF. of Biller. Barr & Yarn]. Belling Mill and Blast Machinery. RETORT! sea. CIASTINWL of every description: ZitIYEEMS NAIL free U. sus?. W. A. staiusaox. IrF Ir4H4T 9 N Mr! CP!* . ZEION , ,FORnizmis; • • igAMIFACTITEZRIS FINE LIGHT CASTINGS, All descriptions; tti§i Plumbers awl Gaa Titters_ _ Ag rlcalturallmplemente,,Cotton and Woolen XIII Ida -41/1174Work promptly attended to. Mine and • Worke-WASITINGTON AV RVZ, near Outer Depot, Allegheny City, Pa. , ROMMINSONy.REA CO, Boefiessons to ROBINSON, Wails 3 KILIAR B . /I. • . • . WASINGT I ON WORKS, FOUNDERS AND MACHINISTS; ,PITTSIURGH, ; Kaantheturera of Bost and Stationarilignam En FMitnit Cast Lst fi ni tMg o all deserlpthlr a Tin:Y U % ala t. Iler and Sheet Iron Work... Mee, No. I.sl_,corner First and Smithfield Streets. Agents for GIFGAILD'S YETENT INJEC .-)R for feeding Boilers. • Janata. ONE Ai oNT BL.A . LpiC INV Butler Street, Xinta, Ward, • (Opposite tinlon Iron Rolling MIU. and Bridge Castings, THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, mkatnisin - AND CASTINGS GENERALLY Order" y•ptly and carefully executed. Charges ftasonable. 0c15:12$ BERLIN FOUNDRY. PRICE & SIMS. Office and Warehouse, 29 Wood Street. Manufketuge and keep constintly on hand Thimble, Skein and Pit* Box*. WA4ONCIMMEEI3, DOEPERONB, iI - lIGAB JEZTTL3,,IIOLLOIV generally. aplerye And Curt trimaI,CARLIN ik;co.l 'wary and Dhabi° Works, ALLEGEENT Orrir, - 2ABLIBII2D tie 1836 Z 101144 dm tned pattern oetatlonari .rgTS and STEK FERRY of 10, 01 and. 1,6 horse pones wilt be scold at very reduced . • ,•1 1 . Sr. O=O9E - WenneWe. 0. . 711t7 intlerbelow Ptttsbnrgh. on the Oble Aver, and line of C. it P. R. ' no9:hS IEI GAS AND , STEA.M. FITTING. JOHN Y. COOI4II. JOB. KATZ IDINST BIZ& JOBE IEL COOPER itk CO4 BRA= rommEns, GAB AND STEAM . FITTERS, I "n"...4 l4 rivrstr.r =412 BeIAYFUIViaII og all kinds. Corner,otPike and Walnut WWII; PITTSBURGYS. my16:23141 E, IRON. BROKERS. Ere, SAM"' WICILLitmAII, f 4.7. IRON BROKER, 124 First Street, Pittsbaurgh, Pa. Bel' A Ct fd ag e llA f c ° l 7.7nlZalpe,,f h lt e tldtit and other bran s of Anthriclte. losetlogbany Coke and C. i ll. Charcoal , • . Pjel; - MONS. • corudiumrsite and orders respectfully eollettod. T . ARE,turmnioß . , aJoorno,Eria. AID 81113.7116 WUXI , vrivrestritGiEt. I_.._ I m PARK, cCURDYI & CO., itaantackaros of Eltieal& lA. Braalars• ' and bol %par. preslail_oappee. !wild atill Bat !Wake ilir te : .Al ,limat .c.ra sad Denim la eta, Tla • Ina, ipm AtAt. Can. staall7 oil allA ' az. •Tnobr. • ) . iT i BEAT aial, NO D smites otbovelarti o a r dmainui 0 wicomd IThUiFEL rn PITTSBURGH EMIR' & MACKLMID. tram Znirtnoa.A7ll Praaaen, PUI. it and Saw ;Latino. Grate Bars; 'Welfibtav Build- to order and nave on alma. mrlll:qs FOUNDRY IDLCWO R Kl 3 *BO Penn Street. BOYD 8; BAGALEY listin g s, Roll Lathes, Ro. FLO :I i s >fLto:.4 .cm I COPPER. -77-; • , A t..u.,, , „. , 1 , 5.,4:,...z,,,; , !' ;: ke4v. , : k -- ,-. —...- - fa ZETTR: w - tATlfitibi - Yr , --YET-NE ENGINES,. W. AWIRS, ace. FORT rm. 11011ZR, - STILL- ABM TANK WOSKS. (CARROLL Ie:BI4IYDERt-•;, TOBBLAIL DOUBIX-IPLIIED TUBULAR, Buis: SOX AIL CYLINDER STEAM BOILERS: OIL MLLE AND OIL TAMES. carktNETß,. BRIMMING AND AEG PANS, KETTLLNe PANS, SALT PAM AND o0N : DENSIGIS;, • , • .1 al z A m.4ress. 41.mm:ea& • Atom* • PRISON DOORS. AND COA,L,MIIITED one. WeareDevola; *Maw NeeGid, 5 1101141 lead lifilperST Streets+ ' • Orders treat to the ebbee, eddrees will be peoeleili:etteedeeWl. tohT is R . xo.saonl 4 : ! l::? t ig, Bunt. O'HARA 110i1X11 WOPAS. S9m . rperiy,skum4 4304 Ouximerviunts OP Steam Bane* Oil Stine) /IOWA" TANKS, EtittiT GABOMITERB. WROUGHT 111.07 i BRIDGBB, 81323= IRON.WORE, sc. Cor. Liberty and Second Sts., JITTSBURGII, ri MIPAZEInia ptOmptl7 don& wilt. muumuu. b co n BOILER MAKERS AND SHEET' IRON S WORKERS, , . . NOS. AO, AA, A 4 AND AO PENN ST. • • ,• • . Rairh secured sluice yard and tarnished it *Rh the mo stapproved machinery, - we are presored to lostutihtture .ilYetY -description or 80 - mirage th e • best manner , , and. warranted equal to: any made in the country. 'Chimneys,. Breeching,- ?ire Beds, Steam Pipc..L.,Luc. emotive Boiler s, Contra= Paha, TiMbi, 011 Relators, St Boller Iron,' Bridges, i'dagar Pans, and 'sole mans liteparers Baruhnr Pa te nt • Repairing done as the shortest notice. talidni JAMES 111.1UTEM, ' • • Noe. 35 and 36 Water Street, , I - PITIII4IIIWGII, PUIL.I7 - • NANCIPACTIMZE 07 IRON Olt. TANKS, SETTLING PANS. COTER STEAM rum,' ROLLING SELLUSIMCISS, 44111K1217 MOSJOBE, sAaND-Ir: - Ettran , t '3 9 :4171 P Ii k aZUBIL JA I / 1 01 1 ta nalFBl.l armor, ) - 3(..4vraymiqiB:o; : Steam - "Boiletti, Oil SW* Tanks. SHEET Wig WORK. 61 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. STOVES t :: OWINGS, &C. COOK STOVES' , CET THE BEST. BISSELL AL 110 Q 11k TRIUMPH, • FOR 1112'17417:NOCrEl COAL. Warranted to Cook s . Bake nor Roast as well ;many otlAer,?tove tn , ,the BLSSELL .CO, • No. 285 Liberty Street; Aieeoabanienater 'e, FAIuAI I I A T IE aBg/ Tryl v nts„piorrnala' • , • COOKING, mAr4Oll3, OHEAPIF#T- PLACE IR the" To Bur TEC TRIUMPH COOKINCSTOVE I at No. 146 GRANT STRUT.' la P. C. OILS. 1,,,•••• WARING AND KING, Coramlsslon Merchants and Brokers In Petroleum and Its Products, DALZELL'S BUILDING, DUQUESNE WAY, irmusunon, PA. = PHILADELPHIA ADDRESS, WARING, RING & CO., TACK BROTHEIIB, ANA . • COMMISSION MERCII , AND DEALERS IN Petroleum and its Products. Pittsburgh Office—DAME:LW cor ner of Diitinsinie Way and Irwin streets ! Philadelphia 011ice—DIT WALNUT T. apt:wag JACOB WBAVEB; Jr. & CO., Oa CaMMlBB{ols Jobbers, No. 3 DUQUE/INS WAY, will Intl and sell Crude and Bedded • olls, -Lubricating, Tar, Benzine and erase. Our ton g experience in She retraeglill trade enables us to offer unusual facilities and in ducements to operators. As heretofore• we arc de• tern:teed to setae It the interest of buyent antrael less to give ass call. ?artier having4.lll4 ibr Sale are cordially invited to betas their samples. - - ap8:1184 H m. 141116 & CO, ' • MANUFACTURERS OP PURE SITE BVIMN° Wit 131 . .atuILPLUCII.F1174" . Offlos, No• 2 Duquesne Wa Pittsburgh. a. 0. Burrum...z. A. 1C111111W...W. SOHO OIL woRKe. • _ MantilAClAtro sad bars for mile all Muth of LUBRICATING OILS. eir. CLAIR' ninFlVltn. KEUEW az Co. FURNITUREI. 118. PRACTICAL D. 8. FURNITURE MAUFACTURERS , . WHOLESALE AND RETAIL. LEMON it WEISE, No. i-orrwrii. Errlt.r.vir• Cowling* on ban( ever/ yarlei*oryiiittOlt and 011 AMBER FiIitNITUUE toigaber alai a CO m. Plete seaortinent %moan yforniance roidnend alma in,i1 1 44 gisrldlitr in are cordial* Invited to call-be hi urokiaalog. taL Work cnarantecd. nik.114614 LEMON FINAPTOLM MT PITT BANKING COMPANY No. 169 Wood Street. CAPITAL;. :: : $200,000. dOVERNBIENT SECITIUTEES, SIDC. A , ALLOWEDION 'IIII , PEP/ISIISi Collectiosi audio ofi Detath* the :llpited States and. Canada!!. DIRECtiORS: D. IlesiettWei James Goectea..., . WallaWM" • ) Fawcett, ' . 'CAPITAL, . (authorized,) i 'iiii*iiiid; DIRECTORS. H. J. Lynch, Wm. H. Hamilton. • John Murdoch, Jr., I Henry_ Bocketoce, William Espy, Geo. T. Van Doren. Samuel Barckley, 1 A GENEllitll L- Atiatilit: BtISDIESS United made on all aoeesiltde United States and Canada. , Interest Allowed on Time D UNITED STATES SECURITIES BOU6HI 104 Ir. 11; "Pr«oltitelid' 4‘II43IOCHHOLDE INDIVIDUAL] RATIONAL B PATTERSOIN #OII. H. HILL . Cashier. P-0 1 4,1 7 4" , . f sFP-,408050fM,9!.7 HART, CAUGHEY & CO., Corner Third. and Wood Streets, Exchange, Coin, Coupons, And particular attention pgd to tl e purchase and N. HOLMES & SONS, 127 Walnut Street. STOCKHOLDERS 'INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. /noi*. BMWS: n Beet. H. H.ng. Andre. , " Miner. : • James M. Bailey. ans ~TjtlAlf, piai+i ssa+L. M No. 293 lowa PITTSBURfiII. PA. TRANSACTED- NK OF CO MERCE w.'or W DIRECTORS: A. Patterson. George W. Cass, Wm. H. Brown . James McCandless, Chas. Lockhart, - Donlas, Allen Kirtpatrl Wm. Heed. W. B. Haven, DIIMMONTM psux, okr u A. RI. - - apendlt BANNERS AND. BROKERS, (3COCES:3OIIB TO HANNA, HART I C 0.,) .IMALZ3III IX coyERNIMIEINT BONDS. , east**Xkraf4o.4,l4 , A4oAu" myt:di 33.491aV5J1M - 1 - 5'7 Market fitrel lag Collectlow' made on all the principal palate of the :Mailed bates sad casadas..- - . Stocks, Bonds , and. ether . Secmritlee sotrcitrr AND &Lb Cht IXIMIDdiNBIO2I. "'articular &treaties' 111'14 !to. the purultaae oat sale of . . United States Securities. Jahia - WESTERN iIAVINGB BAIIII, No. 59' '.Foierth` &reset. CHAR'rETtED 1866: xntereit paid olertino mk)iostai ANY BUM szerunrzto IrEO3l ONE DOLLARUPWARO.. DEPOSITS sußJEar nurEr , isfaulir" WI THOUT Mooounts DaUrAO 111 o'clock. President- THOMPSON BELL. Vice President—A, AL • IVABIBLUAL.. 'mawToEs: A THOMPSON BELL, A, M. MARSHALL , J(M3. DILWORTH. - JOB: ALAMEE. J. J. GILLESPIE, . _ Stockholders to whom we make reibienee: Wm. Forsythe, . • Joseph Dilworth, Win. Caldwell. Bev. David Kerr. WHIM Dsizell, • Hnry:Lambert, . E. D. W. O. Bidwell, A. M - •Broosn, M. Fulton. • , TM:raise ravine. LUMBER. LUMBER; LIINIBEIRA LV,4IIJERI Aundranat YARDS No. 'se Preble Street - lOnrierlitilkilelteste4 and No. kin Rebecca strrekopposite Gas Works, ALLEGHENY (PITY. DEALER IN ALL KINDS CY Rough and Planed mooring, - Doors. Weatherboarding, Sash, übliftLuniber • - Saw I 1 Cedar and- Lomat posto,' Lath and Palings,_ Oak and Yellow Me. , ALnO—FIRE BRICE. TILE and CLAY. FRIIT PITT LUMBER COMPANY sCaPit?; 7 8425,09g%:‘1' ppsArmxT—EDWARD DITMUDGE. SzeusTART—T. A. WRIGHT. OursaisTammerr—EDW.DAVlSON‘ Edward Davison, DIEIC" L it.B . : F. Duncan, John John Mellon, E. D. Dlthridge, Goo. W. DlthrMks, M. L. Malone, B. B. Johnston. LUMBER YARD—Corner of BUTLER AND Air LEGIDSNY BTRZETS. Ninth Ward. OFFICE'AT FORT PITT GLASS WORKS. Wash* ington Street. HATS , AND OAPS. MARTIN DLIXICR BATS, CARS ;AND A,tios_ 16 ManufactarepWholeeste and Retail Desks TH,IINK_• SAL Mid, &tu t No, lila MTH YIELD sTREJET, Itsbutsh, _ Orders PromPtl7ai4 . 4. lute Nittpractlou imaranik!ed• .4.4oEtrrippis: TIMM tic BIIOI9EII, • .Loir • _• - - rguiT HOUSE Alt.4o6litTlON Cle t lcOtmrt, ttelmtre. Ps. B Pet eteenuou Oren to the deli rani end do s 00131tir 80in17 i ITBLICI XlWUJeitiaes =I P. 131.... .1 1 ‘1LEELTZ BANKER, Corner of Wood and Fifth Streets. 6011111111ENT AND PACIFIC B. ILBONDS, GOLD, SILVERANO COUPONS longiM on the most favorable terms. Sella LET TERS OP'CREDIT and DRARTS available , in any: part o? Europe. ' DEPOSITS received anbJect to check.. or INTER.- EST Si.LOWED ON TIME DEPOSITS. r $ . lit:4oYr 13C" 0. Co • rnet Fourth and' Vood Sti; - ... " AT : llarbm NI MIL giV Bur Alitm3Bl4, ALL iturtie (10nRIBIENT SEC TRITIES , , . BOLD, . SILYER AND COUPONS*, ON MOST TAVOItABLE TERMS. ' • • 778 4 N.v . 11T ga,D • .tzrro nue 7.13V..5-20 VO.I7I'OAI!9AT.P. far Interest, Allowed on Deposits.• LOA RD ON GOIFERNXICNP BONDS, and °Msr approved collatetat; at lowest ni a ricieritej,, ;• Orders exibeiried SA, the PIRICOIIIIIIO S3ll . 1 Mae of STOCILS, BONDS 'and 410p1). JAMES T. BRADY & CO. ~a~~, !tuts in the podts. Vitt** OM* FINANCE AkTD. TRADE. AND SOLD ri fe • Y OM= OF THE PITTSBUWIR Gas:Errs,. Fitifillrilne:l9, 4868, i ; The excitement in the gold market isv Those of: ,the. importers.who.gotulz 9,Tift fid St-the firm tone of,: the riutrliet 441 bought, will be very carAlbefore buying sgidnanu rising ritarliM When. the Chancs of a decline were entirely in their favor President. Those had sagacity and eitongh to resist the tetnptationtto. buy, may con gratulate themaelyes, else they might have, had to enter to the'eXent of three to . five Per:.cent: The" offer of the Assistant Treasurer to. Pay the i£l6BB before maturity has" bad a wholesome effect on the gold room, and they may desist tor : sometime to run up the price of gold. Government securities,w,ere_ . firmer to day, but the ~tilimsactions- : •Ware_Oimited. Union Pacific Railroad bonds, which were to be had two weeks ago with alithe gold interest on at currency rates, were -sold up till today at par, . en.coupons, but to-day the ,c6niptiny iaiited the rate ' s to 102, with niterest from date, but cannot furnish bonds at once; those who secu;e a lot be fore July neat by inibsciriPtion will cer ! tainly go in a handsome premium, as from that date the rate ratted' to lit. The ismkitur hoese Pik. 'IL,' _Mertz, on. the Corner of. Wood and. Fifth street, has se- oared a large lot atformer rates, and may be Willing to accommodate his friends at a 'concession of the regular prices. Stocks are dull and inactive. 'Express sharce declined coutdderabiy.'2 ur. "PA.. Mining &bares are firm, but State stocks are still advancing. Money _easier. Spill:tees quiet. Closing quotations as received by Ph. R. Mertz, were as follows: Gold, 140V 4 ; .1931fbarada,1174; NWN- 5-93 fit ) 11.3%,; VIM do,. 1103 i: 1865 do, 11034; no*, '1865 and - IFiff, - 113%; - Ten -- Portia* 106%; Seven Thirties, 109 X . , New York Central, 15334; Erie, 6934; ,Houthern, -90 yo Cleveland & ;Pittsburgh, 89%; Northwestern. : common, 65;- Preferred, '7834: Chicago it Rock Is -10514;-; Pittsburgh & Fort ' Wayne, ;111;4; Ohio it Mississippi. Certificates, 21/3;,; Merchants Union, Express,_ 2734; Western Telegraph, 37341 Corydon, 35; quick,... silver, 2534; Quartz Hill, 1,25. —Front . Ostitement previonsly given in MI VfGB,-Pd. this oolumnit is tipparent_that $30,50(10,900 of interest upob bends beecieuid due crn'the ) Ist of July,' the "following being the de tails: Interest on sixes of 18eitind58813.1" 217,500" Interest on fives of 1814 500,500 Interest °mares of .. ... „. 175,000 Interest oirslietiiif 1881 - 8,810,000 Interest on Five Twenties of 1865 ! . and 1867 At the ; same date there is also payable . about - $0,000 , 000 of "principal of sixes of 1868, nearly all of which - is held 'Amid. These bonds, however;: are. payable only at the option of the Government after that date, and aswe understand that the Secre tary of the Treasury does not contemplate at present calling them in, it is to be pre sumed that no' important paYtnents on ac count of this loan will be made.. A ooneiderable amount of older issues of the above-b ends being hold abroad, a pro portionate' 'amount of the interest pay ments of July win have to be remitted. to Europe, the details of which may be thus estimated: Inteiest on of 1867 and 1888.$ 190.000 Interest on sixes of 1881 5,000,000 Interest on fives of 187,1 and 1874... , 400,000 Interest on Five Twenties of 1865 " and 1867 1,000;000 Divideudetkr..llllbois, ; Central;;, • $600,000 in currency 571,000 On other_rallway shares and bonds 2,000,000 Tottd interest a:is:l'4lll:l6AM tebe' '• 1110 remitted $9,1,61.000 It thus appears that while 110403,050 of coin becomes 'payable at the Irregaury on interest, account about $9,000,000 of interest an Government bonds and .rtdiroad'securi ties has to be remitted. .01batnivinotationi received brJaras. T. Brady at 0o.: Gold, 14034;.1J. B. 6's, 1881's,.117X; 5-20%, 1862, 118%1" .20'a, 1864, 110;4; 5-81 re, 1865. 11134; 10-40 , 5, 10630 5-208, January and July,' '66,, 113,4; Jan_uter7,ead . 1 4 1 Yr ilag; 74015, 1u 0 X; delr ,ES 10934; May Comp .. 1806 , n9, -so. 1TT5817/10E SMINITE, ) 911174* 47711:1 4 P teita. - s IA& A, number of the mills, on account of the , atremelyhot4eatherfi have .rstlntle4l44iir production from double to single time, and are now preparing tn stoptheir,worlupdur ina the, months._ of 4 . tdy and, All i gliet. Prices now _ruling do n ot warrant inanu-! facturers any margin to . vitittfraii .prbduc- ; don. 'The demand !brit** continues very: fair. WeStetru consumers are buying,' largelyfoi theii - summer ViorkiiitniE the merchant trade is hilly equal to that of last . year at:Alabk7date;; . Tho,derriand Nadal had fallen of somewhat, but is Annak492 gl9, Prol4Atialu !Fe I tn e t " 43 ' ohange to note in prices.- 14-.,..5.,:;',,,, ,- _;; ; , , ..,'......., , ,•;, -, .ez , :- , ,1, , ...: -. '4 , ..; :. ,',.;-":.,..,••;,':•..: ---...-: 'I.. ..-' , ,77 7- 7 ,7 7 - .."1 - 1 , 7r ,--,- ----.-.- -..- ~,,,,,,nt,,,%?..,,,,,Ni_.':•:,'..10...,;,:ii.,v;-„,--e-z.:,..,„:71:!ii....,:-,,;:,,..-•,;---:,-(--.;:'--:t....,,,-,•:•.i.:..;,-;::,;.-: =:,- - 2.:. , :•. r; 7: I - ir; , ::- - :., 2- -, ,,....R1 ,-- -1, -, ..-, , i,i.., ,, :',. , . i - .= . ~„,,: , ,: . „....2 , ,,,„,i i. „.: . „,„,.,..:; , ,,,c 4 :. : , : ..., , ,,, , ,,,7 -4 - ,-.., — ..:,.•, . , . ..,:: . • --- - -,.-‘l. :,N-wf;,...h;,..f.A.F,y,..t...-..„,,,,:,,5,..,:.„.---,,,.:_..,y.,-,r,,,,,-. ~., - - ,-,..,;,,,.a--,14, ~,,,:f..;,=.•...c.,.,5irr.,,,,,,.;:,1.1.-r., . . Total IRON AND NAtur. PITTSBURGH MAR OserFcE OF THr, Pirrssuße FRIDAY. itlll' There is no improvemen I in the tone of the general rnarketk and nit the -demand for almost . everything -is Vcoy inuqh,m,....,_ structed, we have but very raw rciuria lot :,• sales to record. In regard tovalues, there , . 1 are no important changes, tnough as agent. oral thing tan tendency is dOwnWarcL ._ -. ; -.• I. ~ (RAIN - Wheat is 'in fair mi/lhis', d. --- me n d, and we can report salias of Tied frami, wagon at 82,44 And in lamest lots at 52,254, t ,,, $2,30.' - oslß in conseqdencellorliinitdd'reg cedpts, continue steady, at 78 to 80 ontrUck; and 88 to 85 for small /obi in'Store. Corn In dmillint not quotably lowett we c:an_ reps*. , is Bale of prime Yellow `(shelled) at $1,04 •1 ear corn is in bettezdensand than shelled,. 7 and may bniinc;ted r in 81,01 0 St" Aye ili _nominal, in absence' f sales in 111,80. , BETTER...There is•wverY .fair local' dO. 1 1 1a014.4111d MO raw rePort,.eivieSof,...prime. ~ frcish packed at 25t0 27,. li ~., . , 'EGGS-VeirdtilllcPday, iind unde r the ~ indiumoo. of ncreased arrilfolorgeee are 1 - . . , lime:Ping/ .WO can report earts at . -, , CEESE—Is in .steady.l,demand, with , regular sales at 14 to 17c, according to_quality; , _- .. , , . ~, ,- F . :3 ii .. !! 4 . ...., i „ . . - 4.- 1 ' POTATOES—Prime Pencil , . Minis fik l small lots in store, at $1425 pet bushel. New crop Potatoeis, $6,50 tO 57 1 50 per bbl,* as to quality. ,-. ; , _ ~ [ i ' , . •-- - • DRIED FRUIT—Ds ve r y dull, _though e without . quotable Change.' :lire.. Oziritina -- .to quotes; irtii , -lo fot eholOe'ApPles, and 11% to 12%c for Peaches. , . ',l FLOUR --: Ointitnied 'dpiiet ' Sid Alia 4- ,but - tinchsiged; •we card L report email' • sales of Spring Wheat at I/101C 810,00;$11,00 .to 811,50 for Winter Wheat; and ;14 to/15 fors. Um. -brands.. ; Rye :Float ' , 'poino "spi, 0,75. . ; , ' --.- EfAY—Weigittnaster IfiSNulty, at the' Allegheny Diamond scales; reports salettof 38 leadaStll2 to•;20 per ton. STRAW—SaIes 6 loads at 612,t0 ¢l6. SENDS:—Vaxseed Is scarce and in de mand at 12,50 to 102-5,5,.whi1e Clover and ... Timothy are seldom mentioned. e SALT—Is did' and 1 aominallir changed; $1,764a.14.80-to• the tradeyand.ll2.2 lor small lotain atorc• quiet and tin ; 0h10w34, with 'the-.exeePtibir of Should., .era, which may be quotedietlB34 to 16344; Sides, 16% to. 18 for' Ribbed, and 1734 to 18c for ; -Clear; tolll73fe for' PlaW Sawa, and 18350 to 20e for Canvassed Sugar. 'Cured Hama.' Lard, 18 td 18qc for prime kettle rendered.-Dried,. -.. to ,211 c...., Mesa Pork $2B to 1 2 / 4 54.:,t, LARD On.ptrtichanfgetl at '51,23 to 81,28 Ihr No. 8, And 111,43 to 0.144510r-No. 1.- irrrsistritGH PETROLEUM MARKET ' i OFFICE OP THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, i i , Filini.Y.'.lnrie 19, 1888. l i CRU—The Crude market Ivia'..dgater I M fkirlY active te-day, thi reported • saiei I reaching about ten thousand barrels in ,the aggregate; though, as wilt he seen, ,pricrst, have still furthet declined 4 both here an tl ' at Oil City: The'sales were: 2,000 bbls on " spot at 1234; 700 de - do, at 11.234; 1,000 to be delivered between Vi and lOtkr July at 12%; 1,000 between 20t and 30th sam e ,' , month, at 12N- 3,000 b Is, measured in - tank, at 12%, Private teiegrams from Oil 1. City report holders asking $5, with no buy ers; sale of 1,000 libh4-inade by, a dealer.: 1 here—at $4,90 delivered on Allegheny-Val ley Railroad cars. According to the sale above noted, oil bas declined from 50 to 40' eta per bbl at that_point. II - - • - REFlNED—There±was a -fill-htialireas done in bonded oil •to-dat and while spot oil was reported- a shade. easier, the late - months, compared With IYesterday,lio not appear, to have undergone any material change. ~ Sale ofsoo bbis for the last half.of July at 3/%c; 500 August. at 32%c; 500 Sep tember,-Me, 1 4 000 AugueV, 31%c;.1,000 Sep. tember, 323§c; 500 August, 32%ce, 500 Sep. tember, 3234 c. 'There may have been arena ' other sales, but the above. were all we had reported, and these are sufficient •to -- es tablish the general the market.- r•.• r - ARRlVALS—Thearrivals of oil arr i f ported to-day were as fo ows : ' Fisher et Bro - 500 Leech* W00d... 700' J. Spear " 1001 I WI McCutcheri. 50 Sim Wilkins - : 480 . - I ' Total ,i.. --- OIL anntanens pm& A. V. B. B. Citizens Ref. C0.,-250 bbls refined to F. A. Dilworth dice., PhiladelOhla. ,•. _-_-, -; Forsyth, Bro. & CO., 417 do- do to Warr den, Frew & Co., Philadelphia. • .- • H. WeTweddlo,so do' do to J. R. Bart. lett, Philade liohia,. . .s Rat. Ref._ Co., 500 do o to F. A. Dil., ,worth Phil a delphia .• " • .; ' j , McKee it Hackett. do do to W.,P. Logan & Bro., Philadelto is • , ~. • Montzheimer, Koeldetj& 'Co., 550 do dO 'to Waring, King &ft.t:Rbiladeirlhia• I. • 3 ••• Lockhart. -Frew &.C0.., 497 bble ref. to Warden, Frew do Co., Philadelphia. E. Jag. email, 250 do do to Waring, King & Co., Philadelphia. - • „ . . , J. C. Kirkpatrick & CO., - 219 bbls ref. ii. Waring, ni dr Co., Philadelphia. ' ,_ ' Fawcett, Logan & Skaikdale, 150 do do ti W. P. Logan & Bro., Philadelphia. Livingston & Bro., 2991d0 do to Warden, 'Frew &Co., Philadelphia. Clark & Sumner, 150 do do to• Warden, Frew & Co., Philadelphia. - • ,OIL oncencecerra PEON ill:wombs DEPOT. H. M. Lo & Co., 74 bbls ref. to Warden, Frew & Co., ng Philadelphia. . • Brooks, Ballentine &• CO., 80 do do to , Warden, Frew it Co., Philadelphia. Jas. Miller, 25 do do de to W. P. Logan ,& Bro., Philadelphia.l • - ~ Duncan & Williams,BB do do to W. P . :Logan de Bro., Philadel phia hia. ( -Kirkpatrick &Lyon, 373 do do to . W. Pi Loan & Bro., Philadelphia. ... ming & , Co., 281 .do do to Waring, .King dr, Co., Philadelphie. '• '• Hutchinson Oil Co., 65 do do to Warden s ', Frew & Co., Philadelphte. . McKenna & Rogers, 10 do do to W. P. Logan &-Bro.. Co.,PhiladellAtku --- Hutchinson Oil . Ref. t 100 do benzole ' to Warden, Frew & CO., Philadelphia. , 21,009;0 530,493,050 PTITSBURGE METAL MARKET, ospics or Tgirlizrranurom Gramm; , FRIDAY. J'uncil9, 186& S I; • The receipts continues 'very light, pima fisuiarly as relates to atiindtiid Forge Imis. The Vine themarketiil decidedly bout. ant; favorite brands' being sought; after. Foundry d escriptions continue inactive, but the feel ing is firmer ;than at the detest' our last report. We tiiiote the following Arrrunsf!rrn. 10 tans No . 2 Foundrt... 139 00-4 mos 60 " No. 2 Foundry , 87 00— cash 20' . 1 No. 1 ... .. . 39 50-4 mos 40 " No. 2 Foundryi 37 00— Caah .60, .g Mottled - 85 75_4 zoos 60 White 50 •*" Grey T e T 80--4 mos cone. 300 tens Coke $35 1:10-6 mos ME 1' • 41». 50 torus !Co. 1 H. B $45'00=4 EnCe gs No. 2 H. R 89 00--• cuts 100 ,4'- ‘ 4 No. 2. H. R 89 00-4zsios 160 d o 4 Tennesaeo Cold Blast. 49 00 7 -4 moe • 66 ...Not 2 FoundrY p. t. , 60 •" 'No ' . 2 Foundry'. • ... 41 00.- time 200 No. 1 Foundry 43'00-Llime .100 " (*— time arruicustra cost, aststhsan "sox- LAszs PEllloliloan. 100 tons Open Grey to ar 137 50-4 Moe 60 44 Open Grey to I,ar 38 75= cash 600 4 ' Medium Oren to ar... 38 00— cash 850 ". 9pen Grey, from y'd. 37 5 0-4.1i1011 175 41 Medium. from yard... 37 .00-- cash 90 " opft Grey.. to ar 88 76- cash 120 !s medium Greg * at fur. 36 25 7 4 moe 406 " Inferior sttarnaosfer - another•market ~ 83 00-6 mod .1, MEI MI • : -GAl):Erzw, Xl9. 1868 lair 1830 t