The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, June 20, 1868, Image 3
II latten . i t' New I gold Closed at 1493 i. IS , 1, EY Telegraph to the Pittatrateh Gazette., Nzw_ Yoiur, June 19, 1868. • ',DIONEY AND GOLD. Money in large supply, and easy at B@s 7per pent. on call. Sterling, steady. at 11 0 Q). k,1104 for • prime . bills . _ Gold . irregnlar, Open st.kio%, advancing to 1408;, and clbsing 1.19 k, Loans were made at 1 per cent. cexrying,'and 142 per` cent.' and flat for ) 3° r;iewing• ;VSRDICT AGAINST XAICSAS PACIFIC 'BAIL-' A. verdict .for. about-four and. a half md-. , 41°1144. dollars figainst the Kansas Pacific :RaUroad" hai been ,obtolned in the Soprano tp . crtht• tifthe former Ceinitincition contract- . tors,: itcde. Steele :and " This road,has no connection with the unithi tO-day advanced the price of its ;bolt 402. , • Nearly. 117,000,000 of 'them lareJalreadid. CoMPskl owes /Is tdebt, and s e v eral millions in.lts area= stay. , t 003;111RNMENTE1 ' Governments quiet and steads , . Coupons t'811.11734011734; do. . 1 62, 113304113 g; new k./64, 1103401074; do. 1 65, 111011134; do. ne*, 113%®1113,q; do '67, 113300114; do. XS,: v . :109%0109g; • Tar-forties, 10634010634 i. t S u evon ny r b ti ond IroP%lb 9R,1‘., rSbiaxd p el O O 3103.', Border' State bonds are • t:. - , STOCKS. , Stock ;market has been heavy generally • and • dull, influenced somewhat by_ the fall ure of a 'Broad' street firm; but eled - flrm The following are the 5:30 but. 13oup • t0n,47®51b Conhaelagd, 4@gs ; . .w e ll* r4ress, 26,6@46_14; American lc_preis, spgosl; Aftme pry; 2 56066%1 Met chants *Xcprosai 2734027%;:1Jnitad States Express, kr i 2®15.236; quicksilver,•2s34o 2831; .Mari .43405; Pacifid Mail, 97740 98; ; - Nestern: ; , 1 •• Krepb:',lllNol4734;.:New York,Cantral, 13334 %i 44 4l..Er 69 , e.praftrred,, 743 a~ 76,4; n 40®1 ; xesairig, 100%tD :9•14; wadi Erie, ; J:15®1530 01210- end'Alkstdiadj9ii - 2931@i2 9 14 Wabash, 4811 Rt `"; 11054(065M. do. preferred, 7034; - Micnigan - Cdritral, - 421X41='llith- I: igen i3Onthern, • 903409010 Cen-• tral, 16430 Pittsburgh, •a3408934;,:T01ed0, g 1071(010734; ~Rock Island 1063001030 Nbrth - We 6606630 preferred, /7X® 7134r - Foitr Wayne011130®111%; • Clikago:& • A-ltee s ,; St. Joseph, Irk Columbus, 91; Mlssoterfs, 94; Old - Tennesiseiti 7i6i" new W.; 75; eld - Virginhilly filMf new do.i; 5756; ; awned'. mays -arrangements law -been madefor theviithdrawal of the Rock, Isialid sulta, and a five per' 'cent cash dividend'is ;; to'be paid,tinder which the stock' advanced:' larited manes, , • lifining:.sharee l lower, Grcitovy, t fga* numelee, sqo. ' Irittespui - ItAtrmis: • gab-Treasury #4,898,037;*pay; mantis, 94;704,004;- balance m t he. Treasury,; ; P 5,744,468. . . - .7. - • - Blew -ICI:Irk Producaidarket. . •.1 137 Telegaph to the Flttabursh Gazette.) •1:, NEW. YOEK, Jane 19.—Cotton is . Sinner !.. but' less abtive; 1900' bales'sold 'at '3le • for ' middling uplands.: Flour, reoeipta of 2963 '... bblig prioea still favor buyors; sales 0f.7800 4 bbls at 17,20a7,75 for 'superfine. and State 1 i and' western; ;Sag Oki extra'State;' sBalo for - . extra western; $11,15a13 for white wheat ex ;1: tra; s9,loala for Round Hoop Ohio; 1.9tq11 1 5. 0 4, ,A for extra St. ' Louis; sllals Ibr `good to I chbice do. ' Closing heavy; California 'droop. '.:' ing; 1200 $10,30a12,75; and $l2 for very choice. Rye, flour quiet; 200 bbls sold '1 at 18,50a10,50. Cornmeal still remains dull. Whisky is-dull: " Receipts of wheat,. none; A Wheat, 2e better and qui et ; the 'expert de . wand restricted by the scarcity of freli r t i ti 13,1500 bushels at $2,18e2,20 fel; mixed Sp : .: t $2,60 for white Canada, $ 2,15 bid and 152,1 , 4, asked for Straight No. 2 spring and white • 1 California, on .private terins.„ Rye' ; quiet; sides of 500, bushels of Sontheru,* 01,95. ti ' - Barley and'hailgy malt 'nominal; receipts;' .4 ., , Corn 97,107, bushels: earn heavy; sales of 5 ., 5i,000 bushels at ':$1:054.101% ' fbr 'Oilfired •,N western afloat, dosing at $1;07 far Vilna it par -I', eels, $ 1,09 for - mixed; neathr yellow and - 'a' sl,loal,tl - • for white 'Western. I.4hieeipts;•• 'A . r oats 118,529 bushels; oats lower; sales of ~,= 48,006 • bushels ~ at •• • 82;4o w for western in store and 8314 e for afloat. Rice !"$ quiet, at'llall%e for Carolina. ' coirecidull., Sugar quiet end hftvn sales 550 bhds of '; at" .1.1Y 4 a12c. 'filolasses ; sales of 650 bbls of Cuba at 55c.. liepiCquiet itt 10a 40c for American 4 Petroleum dull, at 16e for crude, and 31.3ic ,for refined bonded. t i, Freights to Liverpool firmer,' engagements i i per steam of 20,0110 bus. wheat and corn at ed.; now held at liNd. .h • Liersarr.—Flour closed' dull' and saloc ri lower on common grades., Wheat quiet and firm, as $2,15e2,16 for No 2, and $2,22a ..:1,. very , ior No 1 inning: - Bye dull at $1,95a2,00. V Oats dull and beat" , at 82y,a823,e in store, p and 73;(a73U0 *Oat, Porn-dull and heavy g at $l,O ,07 for new mixed western afloat. , 'N Pork' dull and h r eF a at - 1128,12518,25 for .. mess, cash and re r. B i iller in her de .. • - mend at steady 'p des: Cut' Meats dull and heavy. Bacon"inr limited demand at un changed prices. Lard 17Xa1.' 2 7 , W fair to 1 ,:* prime steam. - Eggs dull at Chleigo - Market: (By Telegraph to thi ttistnugh Gazette.) Calesoo, June .-,Flour, a fair demand for good Mintmeota spring, extra brands and Ate lower grades at Tosterday's prices, but the other- grades are dull and unchanged; spring extras sold at ''sB,ooa 9,, ay„ and superfine at ssa7. Wheat mod= ' eratbly active and improved 2a234c on' the' clotting nominal for No. 2 springat 0,91 cash,' No. 1 spring sold at 0,95, No. 2 at 51, 7 •!34a1,91; after the" change salsa-of N 0.2 were made ,at $1,92.' There is , a'fair' shipping and speculative demand for Corn, and prices advanced ;ia,34c; Sales of No. 1: at 86a1363i0. Oats more active at a decline' of lc; ,sales at 60308930, closing no m iflal at inside. IVO quiet at 11,48. - arley dull and' nominal. Provialons dull and inactive: Areas Pork nominally.quoted at $27:,75,328. lord *old to a limitedextent at 17c, an eat tilde price. Bulk Meats inactive. Freights quiet at 4o for cora to . Buffalo and Port Vol borne. • Roaeipm-4,668 bbls flour, 2,000 bus wheat, 167,800 bus corn, ,20,600 bus oats; 8,200 live hogs. Shil i n s lente-4,487 bbls dour. • SAO bus wheat, ' OOO PUB corn, 22 , 000 bus oats, 2,100 live hr. • • CinchundE Market. By Telesraph to the ratebenih neeetto... - 013mm/en, June 19.-- , Plour unchanged.. Wheat held at $2,15a2,25f0r No. 2 and 1 but • demand /ight. 'Corn, deoll ed to SS for ear and very drill. Oats •yat 77 for No. 1. Bye dull at Sl,BO, . Te firm and de mand good; 'Sales 210 hhds. at *fall rates. Cotton firmer; sales middling at 24.:: Spec. ulative demand. for Mesa Pork for future delivery and 1,250 barrels sold at $28,50, buyers, July. There was no demand fbr lota on-the epot; sales :1,800.-barrels at 12/4 buyer,• this month. -Bulk Meats dull: sales Shoulders. buyer, July, at 12c. Baoondull land nominally unchanged. - Lard dull • can be bought at 171 i; Butter firm and'acarce at 28480. Eggs dull at 2A. Sugar and COMM unchanged. , Linseed Oil dull at $1,13. Pe. , ',relearn 334.15 for refined.. Beef Cattle dull • •• at 113 .. t05 l t : i s gross. 'Sheep dull at MOO gross. dull at , 16,50, grilse. Gold HO 'buying an 140 X selling. Money= market, New York Dry Goods bfarket. tby Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Oazette.3 . Youg, June • 19.—Although the market is lacking in , activity, : it. would seem as though better feeling prevalio4l, or et least that prima bad reached low water mark : under the reaction in cotton a nd gold, yet, however, there tent elasticity in. prices, ;but .the indications are that they will be higher next month when Abe fall tisuleopens.• For light styles of American gelato prices - are lower, being reduced to 11%c, tbe,same as Lancaster, but for other dimes of goods there is no 'partici:44r change to observe. ,- • Bt. Le CET Telegraph ao, the Pit , ST Louis; 3une lg.—Tobacco mOrs 80- tive; holders'more willing to sell but prices unchanged. Hemp rinchanged.WlthisellAra at 81,41491,60 i for undressed. , Flour ,very drill with only retail - business - doing :' superflae- sold at $7,12a7;25; " extra,' ;$7,50: double antra, 18,801410, 5 04 Wheatdeclined: ,heavily; p r ime to fany red and White Tall' Selling at $2,25435; ' spring inivelkw• it #1,75a1,80 for choisje; and 61,66, orto 1 2,, Dora—mixed and yellowvezy at 80a I83c; choice whitest 84a85c. .oati drill and Tower at 7105 c. Rye dull 'lower' at 81,35. Provision s ric; - activei - with-sales of MOO bbli and lots for" future-delivery'. at 828,801428,60; and.ror,present,,dellviuy at; '112 8 , 254 / 28 * BITOT4 shoiddthw,, 13O; clear sides.! 17e. Cattle . 'and r •Slikip " gide, and zthohaziged.. - Reedipts4=-,flaar , 42oobbls;: I rheet 7,soolthiih t 1 4 114 11 , r" 00 9 oats 70; 0 09 busl4. • ' • . ? 1 111windiae,*arket. • • By Telegraph t, , c pp!iPittat!xrre Gs tette., MILWAII June .11 2 —F7otii dull and firm; Choi da $9.25a9;75; oholoo Wisconsin:it:ad lilrwa,.';B/745119,28; Modlowi POW& ,Wl4eat Erm ' , at .11499 for No. At sy, _B6 ftSiVO: 2. " Oats ateady, at 67.40 for' tiatiat sold Vefeiti at 116 a tbr'Ntr: 2. .Receipts--FOO. •bbla • 10,Q00 ,bush 4.900 , bush 4 oats; 90 buith corri. •Eddrafint.::-.4.00Cr bbla flour; l;oo o l''buith :wheat; 13001mab'oatir, 1,000 btu& corm-, Toledo Market. Telei*s to the Pittstiureh tizzetie.i : • ToiroCl; 'June 191 1 -Plenr; reeeipbt '1,752 bblavnierket quiet 'Wheat; Receipts 1,700 , market ; quiet ~without _material Chance; saleSef Aloha at L52..811a2',81; Am ber for August deliVilry, 'at $2,10. Vora; receipts 26,403 bushrmarket dull and low . er; Welt No. , 1 at 9431,:t0r July delivery; and 95 fer.Jene do. Oats; receipts, 49,30. *bush; ,market Cull, 'held at Lake Freights dull and Mithanginl. • ' • •=• 1 ,, liutrido Market; 187 Telegraph to tb! Gazet4e.3 , BUFFALO,, ' Sark, '19: 2 --RelielPti—Mheat,' 88,000 bush; oorn. 108,000'bualw bbla, BbilP/rferd&t-Whool, ~ 1 2,0011; bush: , Corn, 55.000 busku,uati, .10'006. Canal" freight dull. and, unchanged,- Flour, very dulloinchins'edd ritenihat." Corn dull and kiweilltaltteo9 92,000:bush No. 1 west-I ere .et.; Nei Oats, , nominal at 760. , RYA Barley, Mess Pork and Lard dull and un- Memphis Market. [By 'Teleiis.' ihn Pitt:3l4=h thizette.l • littEmpuls, June 19.—Cotton 'checked, with middling liplandiedift - ferelpta, 20 Wes; exporta, -- 7 bides; leading fort the weak, 84 bales: export do, 90 bales; stook on hand, 7244341a5. „Flour xtilek with- auperfizia at s6a& ,Wheat at 1f2a2,10. Coin at .92a93c. Otte at stte: Hag ratilTalk $2B. - Cornmeal at rsi,2sa4,6fg n Pork, at $29. Ogn.fnlip shoulders !it /4,07, 4 0 clear sides a 17%. Bit'Maar!) Mar et. LET Telegraph to the P.4tsburgh Gazette.l BAl,TlMO*, l nneflo.—Flour a little more active and low grtides•:declinedlbe; • Caen unchanged. Wheat very dull., Corn firm; whita,sl4.3 . ; yellow 11,10aL12. Rye .norni., nal: Mess perk firmer at 1141,75a29: Bacon Mora active; rib tides 1634a18 3 / 4 e; elearsides 17a17 c;: shoulders 14a14; f ig;,, hams . 201122 c. Lard dull at lilalBXe. Philadelphia Market. (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh eszette.) Puit.ansima; June 19.—Petroleum less active, with Crude at 206; and refined at 80Nc. Plour dttll. Wheat in limited de mand; red $2,65a2,76.- Rye steady.-:.Corn unsettled,with mixed western at 11,12111,14.. Provisionsunchanged with tedeclining ten- Chicago Cattle Market. (By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Omette.l Crucano, June 19.—Live Hogs active and ifitalbo higher at f8,40a9,10 for fair to pie dirun, *H11.8,84 9,10 for good to choice. RIVER NEWS. t thi s Ple_.riVef, is again receding a with but three feet in the channel' bY the Blonorigatiela' marks. *eather was bp-' preasi•Vbiy hot yesteday thd• tliertnonieterr being '93 degrees shore Ware irLithe aluide in the afteritoott. • It seemi a little strange. that while there has been each:terrific rain' storms • in: the *est Within the past !Wm days, wo. haver had little or none, here.::• "- .Tbe..ftobert..4lo.l3re groin- ?c944 1 341 1 t.h Ihilem4Y:sw3vAl an 4 deluirt4re,,w!AtaTe,t9 Me St. CliailCis, as bafore noted, was to iniVe left Wheeling at noon yesterday• for Cincinnati., 'Capt. Dravo, -it is said, will. place alow,watee boat in the tradeln place, of the St. Charles. " ' • - The Glasgow was due fremParkers burg last night, and she, is - announced to leave again to-day s at noon. The Leonidas and Maggie - 11414.taircsite • fromßt Lams to Pittsburgh, and the Wild • Duck; enroute from Pittsburgh to St . Louis, ; were at Evansville Wedneaday night. ' The Mary *Dive , and--Barges'left ' St 4 Louis for Pittsburgh on -Tuesday', .The loss of the Ocean Wave was, occa sioned by mattresses in - the titter part of the' cabin taking fire from, steirks from ~the smoke stack. The engineer impelled awoke, and, running up stairs, found the rear of the cabin on fire, beyond -saving, and; giv.. ing • the alarm, the • phial run ,the :vessel ashore where she burned to the . water's edge: The'crew lostall their clothing, and with the" officers, had barely time escape: with their lives, so rapidly did •the • llamas consume the combustible material of which all &nits are 'made. • a •• • • The Vicksburg Times says; • "tThe Great Republic was as deep as she could, swim with freight, but had no passengers, It is said , that this will be her hist trip in • the Compromise l!ne t .• , • , , The St. Louis -delegates to . the National Board of Trade at, Philadelphia have re.: twirled horn% and'report great interest felt in New York in the through . grain move. went in New Orleans. Responsible parties there - offered to guarantee 'the half of 'the necessary money. in that city to Start aline of propellers.that would carry bulk from New Orleans to 'New or at 6 dente per btishel lithe other half would/ be sub: scribed-in BR, ,Louis, .CinchmatieZmdsville and Nashillle. • The following thr,, . ~; • A well known Memphian . who is accus tomed to take a drop or two now and then, says that a singular inconsiste'neY is to be found the fact that the barkeepers lon some of the Mississippiriver ,steainboats exact only 15 cents per • 'born • for drinke when above. Cairo, although when below Cairo, 25 cents is the prioe demanded. In this the question naturally arises. do the Southern men driek larger drams than Northern men, or. does it cost more to sell whisky below. Cairo than above? _ We Clip the following from the St. Louis Republican, Wednesday ; Business good. Freights: in moderate abundance for all points. Bates to New Orleans steady, at 200 per bbl for flour, Other articles in propor tion. or at any other rate the 'Barge Com pany may determine:upon. , The last,men tioned appear, however, to have but 'little desire to carry freight at.the rate have established, as we could hear ef no engage. wants being made. and a personal visit , to th&baigo landing showed a blissful state of idleness. • The action of the rsteambbatnlen, in pot. Ling their figures at the same as the bargee, has, resulted as foretold try the advocates of thia-rnovement, in a-deolded • Improvement for the , boats, as "et the, same rate" the steam boats: always get the preference, and Bolting as they eeeH ette to tecelire - .good return'AtiPe apd the stage of. the river_allows thew togo out fully, loaded, they. eau afford te, earry 14t the ruinously 121211221212510 PITTS/WWI: - PAZEMd:nSkTURDA-Y. JPNE , 20 188 Market. abnigti _ ' . . .._ ._ tow rate establiiird by the tow eelliPenY., a rate r ho vas, only set tbrongbapitelantt 'in tbe live that the boatmen Would:be driven back toi*lti alto* of a diaoriniina tionlirtateit '•' , I • - , ' , The litibuque Herald,- of Sunday nye' •The4temilt:of the late conferenoein C hicago between the . > two steamboat lines has not: been made public, even if. anything..was done toward a _reconciliation; s agents . are . unadvised of any changes i n the preient „rates, which are 100 - per - cwt..' on sacked grain, and 20c per bbl for flour. i , • • A St. Lotils'distaitch, under date of Wed: nesdaY myth' 'River" qateadily falling here. It robe 8 feet' at Dubugne. on Saturday. Missouri stationary at • Omaha and St. Jo seph. 'iTheiPenhish and the. Mountaineer 'Passed on 'Saturday, .1 , - • . The steamer Lizzie Gill leaves to-day for New_Orleans, with 3,000 tuns. The AbeMili and AnienwhiaTes for the Ohio. ' -• The Government contract for the trans portatitiiis. Of some 800 tuna frelghti- to the Limier Idissonii; was warded to Captain ''HarJett,;fir the iiteidneis Ida Stockdale tied Huntsville, and hot the -Lilly, at the . retold Fort Bally of '41,80: per 100, and to Rics'and Mertens= 11,90. • ~ - The towboat • Atlantic and three barges were sold for orpopoo, Trtinitall golmes, and Jas. , Shaer. She , will be en fagedindependently in the New Orleans 4 • , • , IIMo,tRITI3 . Int RAILROAD. PrITSBOB - 01,4FT. WAYNE AND CHIC A GO RsiLsosn, - '3tre 19.-15 CMS metal, Bryan Canghey; 2 do'do; Chess, Smyth& Co;'4' do • do, Nimiek "it Co; 17 oars iron ore, Shoenberger & Blair; 1 ear corn Baker & Patterson, 45 sawing machines W.Sumner; 115 irks bones •F. W., 0 Feld;, 62 sks rags, .Pitts Paper,oo; 52boxes cheese NJ Bradeni 15 do do; B Ewart , dc Co; do do, A& J Kern 8 do do, W R Kirkparick &, Co; 22 do do,W Cooper; 74 do do, C Oatman; 18 do do, WoodivOrth & -Thivisok- 1781)gs-oats; J B „CampbelhlB.botegeheese,6 P Shrivel. it: Co; 50 bbla, flour •Raworth, MoDorudd & Co; 8 .bblicoll 3' P'l3dott;".24' bble • eggs, Graff & Reiter 20 ilk* busks, E"Edmtordson- 6 bbla eggs, W H graft* Co 9 boxes matches, J K - Smith & Coll eke wool, IS Harbatigh 6 bbls eggs, skt rags, It Riddle; 5 13ga 'rags, Ma ,C`ullortghliknith &kb; 1 bbl eggs, TO Jenk. PITTI3IIVROIL CINCINNATI AND ST. Louis ItAititoan, June 19.-3 bbbt eggs, J , M Manbeck; 8 aks oats, Graff & ReiteT, 2,lixa hops, B A Fahnestock Oa; 1 do do, J - Hendetsqn; do,, joddletc, MeWhinney, - Hare& Co; 1 bit tea, Jae- Contior;f42 sacks rags, • McCullough, Smith & Co; 1 lot old metal, Hall &Speer; 23 aka oats, . 5 do rye, Robb & Berton' 4 bbls eggs, Graff & Ref ter;-19 .skif °site, Rinehart-.& Stevens; 35 blila plaster, S. S Fowler; /8 aka oats, Mea nor &llarPer; 6 bblse=.s, F G Craighead; 5 do dry apples; T 10'bbls vine gar.l3 Swart &,Go; 15' do do. Knox /Ir-Orr; •40 aks oats, T C 'Jenkins; 1 car,,coin. 8 aks rye, Btown & • Williams;:l64 green hid* GI/ lief/Stott; Isk cordage, G Noble; , ls eas C es =is% cir.o Magiun; • 100 bias Pour? Jenkins. Cr viii'AND IlrivamineXt • BAIL BOAD,'• June 19.-3 ears iron, ore, Lloyd & Blackrt ear billeta,W D McGowan; 3 do do, Miller, Barr .14 Parkin; 1 do stones, Joseph Woodwell &Co; 2 do blooms, - Park, Bro & Co; 42 aks tails, F W 0 Feld & Co; 2 kIE & tobacco, Abell Elliott; 26 • bola date, J Gilmore; 40 do do, John Bell; 100 bb oil, J Spear; • l car stone, J L L Knox; 2do tire,clay. ' Hussey .t Co; 1 do oats, Grain Elevator; 10 bgs rye, J & W Fairley; 10 bits cheese, T C Jenkins; 47 lags oats, J Grahtinf dc Co; 50 bbls oil, Wm McCutcheon; 200 reams paper, F Schilling; 65 bales cotton. A H Childs; 65 do do. Kennedy & Eckert; 15 aks corn, Head ,t Metzger; .81 do do; Brown & Williams;.7s bdis chairs, 33 do rockers, Bedford Chair Co; 25 bbles rosin, Strong & WetzeL ALlaroasati VALLEY , RAILROAD. June 19-480 bbls oil, J Wilkins; 3 cars metal, H Woodside% 2 do do. McKnight Porter & Co; 60 bbls salt J N Drake; 1 car cinder, An draws &Hitchcock; 1 pkg butter, 1 do eggs, Thos White; 3 do do,W P McKain; 3 do - do, J Seibert; 8 do do, .YD Stronse; 42 sits oats, 23 do rye;•llcHenry& Hood; 6 ska rage, • W Miller; 6 pkga produce L S Blanchard; 13 bales wool Et Bradley & Son; 14 do do, Gmgg & Bro, . • • . .A.LLEGltittir STATiow, Jane 19. r -1 ear lumber, Taggart & Co; 68 hides, A dc .1, Groetainger; I car oats, Stewart dr Langan beim; 22 aka wool, 8 Bradley, t Sou; 1 bbl, eggs, Itit airson; 13 do do, 1d Alinlch; b do , do; .H Lenz; 10 dodo, .1 Baldiziger; 4 do do, Schutt; 12 pkgs wooden ware E D &to- Aieer• . . . , , . , . . • • eee.rowee....ree.noifte...w.onne AUXGRENT Grocery and Provision Co: Rae opened a fine asso*:ent t or FAmiur cROCERIEB9 Ar Taws law mgr., No t 660 'PENN` STREET, 'Which tie fold 'at . VERY, LOW itiTES. ',Give %xi • c and be.con4ineed REMEllthin ITIMBEH, 980 , PEN*. STREET. Sa.There area seri les shares of STOOK FOB BALL st the old price 0f.1150. 16312:004 itiorrucmsx's; No. 20 FIFTH STREET, sea nu-Imm ,A2gowirEn. Low os ,IPITRE DUPLE SYRUP:. OPIPIOZ OP CONTAOLLU. OP AILJAGUISPY . - nrrestluali, June leth 186 8., I N OTICE TO BAKERS. , SEALED . IPIDIPOBAL9 addressed . to " The Inspectors of tho Allrgheny dimity Prison, will be received until Dern INST. - 4 - McMillin for &rubb ing the tlounty - Yrison with,BISZAD, for six months ftomlnly DIOS. Learn to Weigh one-and-s -halt and . two pounds respectively. and to be of tp-, proved osuality: Bids to be Made at so' much pair poonn, - Bondlor two Lu nd dollars, will lbe quired for faithful imthireistice of contract. ;The rams •of, Warden the seearitypa _sse. siceoMpenr the hi Dills, endorsed by the and bated th is . °mow will be Paid . • . ~t BEN LANBERT - Controller. ' ' jeidisle • CITY OP ,ALLEquiiirt Ps• Tils.tetruft'S !Nea t anne'lw.y t. NOTICE IN ~DBEBrY GIVE f , •, • "to i 4 nt .„l nloo o„ t , glDi ' i dir dirsd il 1011ger , Ceita 4 m 1 l M 'k or '• iC; y • . , ?list the Co v mxta , on old Bonds. sink( doe July " AL P n ir l i a ll ia ßtl a bi rla he 84.4 rAttlibtrrgb, Ps. D..NIACIPEIRSONs ; Tteolititt, Of the City . ot - Allepittanti PA. i<lllll4. ME ~} .. BTEAMBOErS ClBiellii[3l47l PACKER LINE.: .. For Merit/hat, 'lllortedta„ APaseliterstnults 7 1 Pouter.oYr tiollipolts,r; f Sandy, • ' Ironton, Ilsorsiusknoi!, , grille and ellitlinsiC ' ST. Cllkßili c. A. D To, Master. '• - • • , DABS, 5 POI . • - ... The &ben elegant side wheel will leave: regularly as announced, connectin at Cincinnati with Packets and Railroads to Louis tile; Nashville. Memphis.; New Orleans and St. La is. Also to the Upper Mistissippi and Missouri riv rsi Freight or gaasengers recelpted ugh either by rall or river. -- Espeetaiattention given to Otte atiet•WlLY T l2B / 7 meas. ' BARNES & COLUNtI area '' • Olt HIEFT A HAS : . Agents: „ NesTimm • LIN r, ' z il igr a g PM:IM . COM P ANY. . - [ESTABLISHED IS .] rte tir f l e t a Tleozi l igk s Line s wing Shippers dishing their freight' to o through with- V rehi frr -i l isF" c onsi g n airgeliNlTftk I 2k. Through rites given over glitaba gh Boats, and gusrinteed by - , ...? - . 17.,ACK 4 914.LINGW OD, Agents.. "R. ~ GRAY, No. 94 Water Street. TNN EN OF TI rn. GRANT ! tritM! GNiP4I'T I .1 LIVING LIKENESS. `Marshall's Great Line Engraving .Now 'toady. , • • The only true and ihitbral portrait of the'Great Commander. ULYSSES tl. GRANT. Experienced Agentavranted in Western Pennsylvania, Eastern UM and West Virginia, In every township. , - 1/EA.D TILL FOLLOWING COIIIMILItTIONB : " cannot say too much in-its praise. As a like ness I do not think it could be better. Mts. JULIA D. GRAN'T:" "In the execittiota antic wOrk. art seems to have achieved its highest triumph. The likeness I. most perfect. ' - Hon. E. B. WASHBURNE." - "It should become the standard picture of our great Military Chieftain. ••• •• • • • ,• , SENATOR WILSON." . "It appears 'to me to elk the character of the original mote perfectly than any engraving which I have seen. WILLIAM'CULLEN BRYANT.' "The likeness ; is striking. and the picture life like. • 0. O. 11 - OWAED. Maj. Gen " la a rare and cashed work. worthy of a place In any collection. - SENATOR SUBIMM" This Engraving so timely excellent and cheap, will be sold only l e y subscription. Good Agents at* wanted in every Wag.; • Agents will do welt to con sider this standard portrait, with wbilh there is NO COMPETITION. .113PAddreu, for ternia and territory, ' TICKNOR & FIELDS' AGENCY, • . - • • • 68 FIFTH ST.,"Plttsburghi Ps. • q u itlEAT DISTRIBUTION BY p SE METROPOLITAN GIFT COMPANY Cash G to the amount of ssisamoo. Ere ticket draws &prize. - 5 Cash Little " Each 0.000 ID • • • • • 15,000 `•1,000 '4O" . " 500 200 " • ' 100 300 6 • 66 50 4.50 • • ' • " 25 " 000 • " 25 - 30 Elegant Rosewood Pianos, each 4300 to 1500 35• _ • • Melodeons, • • 75 to 150 150 Sewin g Machines ....... ..:.each ' 60 to* 175 1450 Musical Boxes " 95 to 200 300 Flue Gold Watches " 75 to 300 750 Tine Silver Watches.. .. . 4 • .30 to 50 Pine Oil Paintings, Framed Engravings, Silver Ware. photograph Albums. and a largest sortment of Fine Gold Jewelry, ln mi valued at 41.000,000,: eitaiseito craw any of tint oboe* Pr feu by pur chasing a Sealed Ticket for 25 cents. Tickets de.. emit/lug each l'rize are seated in Envelopes and thor oughly mixed. On receipt or >6 ets. Seated Tient will be drawn without choice and delivered at our. oMee, Or sent by mall to any address. The prize named moon it will belletivered to the ticket holder on the.paytnent atone dollar. Prises will be lutme-' &stay sent to any address, : . requested, by expreaa. or return mail. lorariliamore sate your Prise is Wars you map for U. Any prise tarry bs ere/Longed for anotiler of Ms same value,: NO . StrOur patrons can depend on mir dealing. ' Ititrengaroza.—We select, the' few following name.: from the man who have lately drawn valuable prizes and kindl y y permitted us to tnitdiab. them: S. T. Wilkins, Buffalo; $1,900; Miss Annie Monroe, Chicago, Ill.; rano, valued at WO: Robert Jackal:dr, De.qtre, low*, oied• Watch, Philip McCarthy, Louisville, Ky., Diamond Mater Ring. WO; E. dr Patterson hw Bedford Mzss Silver Tea Set. 4173-, Miss ma Walwor tb, Milwaukee, lifiewPtinglactiL Rev. T..w. Pitt, Cleveland, .0, melodonn, . • - .11W - We publish no name/ without pernilsalon. OPIXIONS OP THE PRESS.—"Tbei are doing ttleWiest businem,_• the lirra . - rellablu t mind deserve their success. 4 Weekly 21.t81014, ire, 8,, "We hare examined their Igratenz, sat/know Ihem to be a fair dealing lirta."—Mstr York:a/Arabi, LIB week a Mend or ours drew a 000 prise; Which was prompt!? received .— Dally 'Naos, March Bend for circular giving many more references and favorable notices. from time press: Liberal -induce ments to Agents._ Battsaletion guaranteed. ..Every package OF beabie Envelopes contalea ocir es- it lirr. Ellk' tickets for .1;13 tbr 111; torltmeforAtS. All letters sbould be addressedto_ HARPER WILSON A C0..113 BROADWAY, N. T. , 1. - .,;%.{11.i1i .41 UT. Mglikvti i . 440j.'l 11(01 NORTH AMERICAN Lightning Rod lianufactorv. IRON /GALVANIZING WORKS. 30,000 BEET - MANUFACTURED DAILY THE CELEBRATED STAR GALVANIZED LIGHTNING RODS, Manufactured at these wortsi and sold to all putt of the continent. are admitted to be superior to an Lightning Bed in use. Great inducements - offere d to peddler!' and alt persons buying at wholesale. Also, One Tlatina Points, of all kinds and patterns, together with Insulators. Fastenings, Copper and Iron Connection Burs Braces. etc. aM pies, Pam phlets Awl I:nrclaire s ent free. :1 ' • . IZYBIIIM, HUNTER & CO., Nos. 488 . and'49o St. John St., rutz.eniuque. arlOwS . l-d&P - XSAiIiStOOD: HOW LOST 2 HOW ANL RESTORED! Just gmbitsked insect/ad mad e,, Pries, sin. vents. A LECTURE ON. THE NATURAL* TREATMENT, and !Radical 'Cure et Spennatorrhcea l or Seminal Weakness, Involuntary Enibedons, Sexual Debility and Impediments to Mar flags generaUyt _Nervousness, Consumption,. Epl lensy and Fits; Mental and Physibal Inea.pacity, re sulting from Self Abuse, Ate., by Robt. J. (aver well. M. M. D. author of tbe "Green Book," &a. "A BOON TO THOUSANDS OF SITYWERERS.," seat under seal, in a plain envelope, to any address, pest _paatekinv ro elyf or six clam, or two wattage stamp', to CHAS. O. KLINE & Co., IS 7 BOWERY, NEW YO POSTOTBICE BOX 4886, Also Dr. Onlvero/k weWs "Marriage tlulda," price cents. , ;m7IIIWT MOTICEs! persons are here by cautioned against Elp, , . enlog /Ire nut. in Allegheny City, ronlifai In Gera of Are, without 'written permit from this °Moe. Any , person :band guilty or doing ad will bu prosecuted imording _to law. • i wit. PAUL. Jr.. 13_.uorintendent Water Worts. o • Allegheny, June.lo, /868. jelihrti DRAIN & ALDAN'S' 8111P81110it AIiTIOLZ , . . MI sistid. from one to twenty-fijur inches at WIL.. DONit ,ICKLI,YI3, agents for manufacturers, 147 Wood/treat, between Fifth and Bluth streets. Jell/ ' Rkl4l OVAL. 31.A.111313AX Ala EAB REMOVED TO No. 101 I.2IISETT STREET. )eyttitA;44, A. 011;0 , deors'abova Bt. Man BRASS FOUNDRY DRAIN PIPE, BMW EZ9I -IL.-trn,mag . ' ' "a. #. FIVENLESPSOBIi , 'Cori " iiide449 . 1 4 . iireidiantti ' • ARD:Dirizate ItniditeiVEWELD, *O. N 0.95 OH/.0 STY "w4sl.„peak•Zast comma, - JAMES B. MEANOIt - "-' ''' " . ios.kasziat 7 ORA HAMPEII4-: . • • - pLotrß, Giant Arai n'oDI7OIE ' '- :=O99,LIBEBT,Y STREET, PITTSMOMOM.: , Blannuania s o lici ted .. , .-' I B.II.I , ZRZNGSB—.T. 0. Martin, 6aahlei iiiintialitai , &Clonal Bank; J. 8. Dilwortli i Co.,R. T. Ken - edy & Bro. jaMEN .- AXIL ' ; '.T.LII. 7.. RICILAIII• OIL is, ILICH4RT s . . ~ . • COMMISSION - MERCHANTS, . • . AZID DZILLIGREI IA , ' 011/4, .GRAEN_ L . !MEM, *ILI,,,YEED,,Aa., Ac., 349 L iberty Mt., Pittsburgh, ia ; ,' S.BLAIIICHAIII), - • Wholesale tad Retail Grocers, , . .No. gijog PENN STREET. splS:xffil ._ . : . ALTIX. XtBANIII ~J. B. .4.IiJILS. McIIABIE & A.NJER,' • • . ~ . -0041 . MI4SXON liffll , 'Cll.ANTS,. Dealers in:PLOUR,RAAIR and PRODUCE GEN ERALLY, No. 141 - WATER • STREET, above Smithfield, Pittsburgh. . . lea . FETZFIi & PORWABDIN AND 00113MBION MILECOIANA' For the sale of Flour, Grain, Bacon, Lards Dotter, Seeds, Dried Fruit, and Produce generally, No. DS 'MARKET STREET, corner of Fire s, Pittsburgh. fe22:uB JOHN I. 110081.....EDW. HOUSE WM. H. HOUSE. 4: OLIN I. HOWSIE"fic BROS.Stir tessera to-JOHM I. MOUSE tt CO., tholesale racers and Commission Merchants,Corner of Smithfield and Water streets, Pittsburgh. Ps. - REDDLE;NO. 183 , JLIBERTY BTREET S Plitabu.rgb, Pa., Commission hier c ant and Wholesale 'DerJer in Country Produce, Groceries and Pittatinrab Manufactures.. Caulk ad vanced on Conalginnenfii, and paid ibr Produce gory ROST. KNOT ANDREW KNO.II gitsr E liNOX & SON, COMMISSIOIf - RCHANTS and dealers in FLOUR, GIMP FEED and PRODUCE GENERALLY, No 19 DIAMOND, oppoatte City Hall, AlleghearatT. ji17:41 DAINCIL4IW,FORD,COiIIIIIII3SION MERCHANT IN' PIO wirrAt, BLOOM,. WJLOU(HT SCRAP IRON, nom. BRICK AND CLAY c. Warelinage and Mee, Noe: 866 andII6BPKNIX STREET.: Btnrage Inralabed. _ Consignments solicited. - oca B.AIRD &' PATTON, Whoiesaleerocers, Comnilliaion Merchants and, testers In Produce, Flour. Bacon, Cheese, Fish, Carbon and Lard Oil.' -Iron, Naito, Ailass; Zoltan' Yarns sultan .Pittsburgh litanufactures gesera,ll7, 112 and 114 SECOND - STREET, Pittsburgh. ' 11. " CANFIELD' & 'SON,- COM.. u e MISSION k FORWARDINGIIERCHANTS, and Wholesale Dealers In Western Reserve Cheese, Batter, Lard, Pork, Allmon, Flour, Flab. Pot. end Pearl Ashes, and Oils, Dried Fruit and Produce generally, Nos. 144 , end 146 Front street, Flits. burgh. JOHN 81:11PTON . .... .. -A WALLACE. §IIIPTON&IIIVALLACA_WEIOLE.- SALEO ROCERS AN D PRODUCE pgALERs, cv. 6 SIXTH STREET. Pittsburgh.— - . : 1512:139 SECIJIUTY AND COMFORT you THE TRAVELING CONNUNIT,Y. , B. HARRIS' SAFETY FIRE JACiET, Car Heater and Moderator, For SMOKE - AND HOT AIR ELITES, dispensing with the use of Stoves and Fires in or about the Passenger or Baggage Cars, with the attachment to graduate the beat - to any •tempetature that may be desired without the possibility of firing the car or cars to which the Jacket may be attached._ -- Having obtained of the United States Letters Pat ent for a Safety Jacket which is warranted to resist the most intense beat that may be adplied to It in the position and purpose for which it is Intended. It is a sure protection from accidents by Are origi nating from defective flues, or where Iron pi pes are used as conductots for smite or heat. It apell plicable to all DIM by; that may become overheated, and is warranted to give perfect satisfaction where wood or other cc mbustible material may be placed In cise proximity thereto.. I 'am now ready to ap pip' my Invention to - Mores, dwellings, Dieterles, slept. lieattibo•l4.. railroad eats, &a.. wherever p pea as conductors are made dangerous by being overheated and security deslsed. I will sell, on aft. plication, rights to manufacture or to use the above invention; Wax, - territorial rights. to such as las) wish to engage in stalling priveges, either by State J. B. manual. morpi. it the - ." HE PLIIB mass , PAINT WORKS, corner aide:7ls street and the Alleglie nyTlaßailroad; blinthlWard, Ptttsbargh. , .ft. • . . . TO WHEAT GROWER& - • . i EUREKA AMUIK / IMATED BONE, SUPER-PHOSPHATE OF . LDER ICO=4l D BY ... • • ' • '- . . ' Co. • , , _ The Allegheny • Fertilizer o•: . CFRE • • , , , SEWARD & AZIERELE.L.L, • i PROP '1747.01yEt, 1 • °Moe, 856 Penn 8 t., Pfilaburgh, Elk The bed Eertiltzer in ns, and recognized by I rimers 'wbOtave given it a trial, to be the stead• Corn,or raising large .cremi of publishedß, Oats; Fote toes. ite. We have for grain. lions circulation a pamphlet containing interestin and valuable statesman' of this Fertilizer, copies of g which will ,be sent free t 6 any sending us their ad= T1 ,1 ,117E8! TAXES!! • Tax Payers of the consolidated attior Pitta burgh, are her. by notified that the Tax Books are now in the hands of the City Treasurer, ready for collection. , - • Taxes and Water Bents p_ aid between the let of JUNE and the /at AUGUdT, will be , received at a DISCOUNT OF FIVE PER CENT, - And between AUOIJST Lt, and tho 18th of SEP TEMBER, at a • - . DISCOUNT OF TWO PER CENT. From the 15th of SEPTEMBER to the IA of 11; TORE Ft, all taxes will be payable as &biassed. j the lst of OCTOBER . FIVE per cent. will be add. and 'on the let of NOVEMBER, all unpaid T will be put into the hands of Collectors WITH T ,YURTHER ADDITION OF FIVE PER CENj *slang a difference of) .FIFTEEN PER CE between those paying llrJuly and those payin .1 sir• The STATE MERCANTILE LICENSEE sow, due,and stionld be told on or before the lat July, to save cost and expense of suit.- S. ALLINDER, City Treasure' ellitrB6 'ACCORDANCE. WITH : E Keztriargnitir=irtigotro=riPet pi to orer the Ohio, River; from , near the mouth of w Mill Run, (Temperancerille,3 to Allegheny; will be opened as foliews A iz: • - L. At 'Mace' ot R. Ti .. & H. 'E. DAVIS, .Allegh 7,1 Julyllth and 7th. At 'HAILE'S HOTEL, Pittsburgh, July Bth d ißth..- At °Mee of D. L. PATTERSON, %Allegheny. (late illanoheater,)Jul9loi/l. • And at office of JOHN HALL & 00., Borough of • Temperabeevallei July 11th. The Books will be kept open from 10 o'clock A. X. to 1 , 4 117 Order of the flommtsateners. PALMS ' -.HENDERSON M. DAVItI. gearetan. NFICE. - • , All persons having elalms against and Interest ed In. the STEAMBOAT ARMADILLO, will lake nottee'that I have seised said Steamboat at the salt of BAILER. rEAMOE 4 00. . . THOS. A. ROWLEY. Marsbal , a °Mee. May lit 7, 11388. U. B. Marshal' larMscall VIM SALL F IB 000 BIILS. P. % POTATOES; 300 PAIRS LIVE 0#10KEN8; alpha? No, 73 Water etrael. E[ B. LYON, L flealer of Weights asd . Blessami, Na 4 /WWI'S EITRENT, ' ip•Offft& Litleft!' Nig Item eireeto. Content pnelptAV Mitll64 $0 CEEANTEL 'HKIFL Ar,t MUM er NOTICE. MORRISON a DEVOL, 14113:4 NUUMLOADS.k. DITTSB Nx 1111€111andMIKEINIMIE" On and - after TIiIIRSDAY, iflett trains will arrive at and depart Rom the Depot, cot ner of Chant and Water streets,' a> folio:owe: Depart. 11. At. Mail to and from Irolont**!7:001. 6: 2.. V McKeesport Accommodt , n.ll:oo A. * 2:05 P. W. to and from Unlonrn. 10:Ott - A:M. West Newton Accommod'n 4:3OtP. ai. 8:80 A. It: Braddock's Accommodarn 6:15 P. ast 7:50 P. 11. Night Ace. to Melieesport.lo:3o rosit 0:*0 Sunday Church Train to and --from West Newton...... . . 1:00r: it: 10:00 A. It ifor tickets apply to - II J. R. KING, Agent. W. B. STOTlT.Superintendent. II mtili AttlE6llElll* SAINIMMI L ' VALLEY RAILROAD. Y DIRECT ROUTE TO THE OIL REGIONS.. RunningahroughVenango City without change LL of ears'—eftneeting; With train* Eastl;and , West osa , th* Franklin ,Railroads and Atlantic 41 lareat Western Railways. Shortest and quickest route to NICHT and Frankiln; and alt whits In the 3tVlia will . leave *mil and MAYO at the Pittidmrghpgpo4 . corner canal, and k'lke Sta. as follow*: . , Arrint: Mail to and pa Yen. City. was A. M. 0:2 0 1E Express_ 10:40 r. 161511:93 Brady's Beata'• •Aiscad , ri 3:09 .P.'34: 10a0 A.rdes Soda works Acconi , n ' 5:30 r. 7:55 A. First Halton Aceomod'n... II:50 A. 11:40 A. Sectind Hinton Aecomod% 12:00 at 3:58.1.14_. Sunday Church TrainjeaveirSodar arks at BW - A. Si.. rriving In Pittsburgh at 9: OA. turning',.leaves PittatonghetAbltir: Y ,: arriving s 8 Soda Works at A:55 r. x.__ • .• ni.cincewpmr., *Wt. W. Y. HOYE, Ticket Agent. sea 012/0 , 1,W9 • B ROB, FORT WAYNE & 4 CEFICAVLOArsi,"7..; W. AND CLEVELAND & PITT B BuNtetIIIL kl.• ' From aline 7th, 1808, trains .wi I tem% Sklar , -.. and arrive at the Union Depot, north slile.010: time, as fbllows: „ • • * 'o xt , -,....-7 . Land. - . Arrive. Chicago R 5.•... 9:03 a mlettleago• Eg ..• • 2:08 air; Cleveland Ex.. 2:03 a m Cleveland Ei. 9:08 a nk, ... Erie &Yra WI 7:28 a mChlesco Ex A. . ill= •ta • U. ,t, wh2opt 6:13 am whee Ting zi. ti:os au Chicago Mill • Chi .a ") .En.. 9:43.a m CI. &Wh'g Ex ' 4:38 pa - I CI. & WhAtE t i 1:43p 'di Erie & Ygli En 6:13 put Chicago Ks . 1:58 p m Chicago Et.... 4:93,p la .liP. &Erie 1 . •-. 4:48 pn. Cl.- it - Vb'gi Ex 7:08 pill arirsir.,,.. Allegheny. , Arrive , ,,Ailegasty.. N. rigit'n AC. 8:58 am N. Brigt n Ac. 7:03151 Leetsdale " 10:13 am N. Brigreo ", 8:28169: •" 11:58 am Wellsville "I' ," 8:53 ama Rochester " 2:23p m New Castle " 12;13 ais Wellev'eAec.., 3:43p m Leetsdale is " ir:l3 aas Leetedale Acp. ' 4:13 pm " li :: 1 :08 pili N. Brigt , n.• , 5:33 Rta N. Brigt , a , 9:43 p a N. Brigt , n " . '6:2Bp m Leebale 1 1 " 4:53 put , Leetee " . 10:43pm • ''..' li '•.• 7:98 pen !Mr 1:58 Is. ma . Chicago Express leaves daily. li • /art imma s.m. r allearo hapnas arrives daily. ink Y. R. MMIIB. General Ticket Agent. • r`vricslivitGiir; , CINCINNATI AND BT. . • TIM R.Art.vv sw • PAN HANDLE &1 t o CHANGE OF Trstr.—On and after , 81YEIDAE May.loth, 1867, trains will leave alil mi arrlve at the Union Depot, as follows, Fittsbargh 6: - ' -Dipart. II • ArrOst. Mall Express 2:15 eon. 438 p. Fast Line 11:442 . a. 62. as, _1 Fast Elreas ......... 1:50 D. *L. 11:00 ` a. m. Mixed ay . 610 arM.• 7:05 p. _ McDona Ace°, No. 1.. 11:40 a. in. 3:05 p. in. Steubenville Accommod'n. 3:50 p. in. 0:30 a., M. McDonaid's Aoc'n, Dior S.. 5:915 p. hi. 8:50 a. a. . , Silttiet NcrMeir..--Stinday Expree4eives at 1:50 p. arching in Cincinnati at SAW a- in. the next m. The 9 orning 4o e. Si. Train leaves dady, Sundays. sal- • Mondays excepted, and' akes OloseConneotions at Newark for Zanesville and point s on Saullnsity, , Idanelleld & Newark S. F. SCULL, ElettititiTicket Agent. W. W. Sart.. Steubenville., ViEN NS CENTRAL RAILROAD. and after June 9th, 1867. - Trains will 'ape rive It.and depart from the Union Depot, corner OL Washington and Liberty streets. • _ Arrive. Depart. Mall Train.— 1:15 is mlDay Express.; 2:25 am Fast Line 1:40 ami Wail's Nu. 1.. 6:30 are Wall's No. 1 .. 6:20 a 111 IMall Train 7:50-a m Latrobe Ace" n 7:50 am i.Cincluniti Ex 11:40 anz Wall's No. 2.. 8:50 a m Wall's No. 2.:11:51 aEI Cincinnati Ex. 9:10 a m Jobrietowe A. 3:08 pm Johnstown Ac. 10:35 a m Braddock, No t 4:00 pa Baltimore Ex. 1:00 p m Phila. Eitorest 4:50 pm. Phila. Express 1:20 pm Wall's No. 3.. 5:10 pin Wall's No. 8... 2:15 pm' Wall's Nis.- 1.. 6:05 pm BraddocksNo 1 5:50 pm Fast Line .7:30 pm Well's No. 1. '7:15 pm Latrobe•Aare 8150 pre. Altoona Aco'.n . - SwiasvaleAo'n /0:50 pit and Emigrant . Train. 0:30 pm. • The Church Train leaves Walla. Station Sunday at 0:15 a. in.. reaching Pittahurgh at.= a: in. Returning, leaves Pitts - burgh at 12:50 p. m. and arris,:e Ai Wall's Station at 2410 p 4 *Cincinnati Express leaves dall=ther trains daily except Sunday. For further information apply to Agent, W. H. BE , The Pennsylvania Railroad Company will not ea , mune any risk for Baggage, ezcepPy for wearing ap. parel. and limit their.respousibilityto Dna Hundred Dollars in value. Alt -.Baggage exceeding . that amount in value will be at the risk ef the evens/4.1W less taken by special contract. EDWARD 11, . • AB !Reeve' Superintentle 1., Altoona, la. ruaVOME IPENIV ISYLVAIDA - -MiiiitiSME .-Aht and after Hay 10th; [11917, the Pao. stager Trains on the Western Pennsylvania raid WOl .arrive at. and depart from, the Federal- Street Desot • Allegheny City; as Ibl lowst inringdie Nol - 6:35 a m Mall 6:15511` Freeportlio,l . 9:15 a m Freeport So.. 9:IQ ant Expresa 10:15 a m Sharpb'gllio.l sharphls No.l, 1;95 p m 3 xpream ' 1;50 pat =port .N 0.2 410 p rringd , e No I 3 . . 15:5111.p m reepori No . :a Spy: 6_ Spritigd'e No 71 m oringd'e NO: F 730911 Aboye tratnavun daily =Dept etinplay. - -. • The Church Truth leaves Allegheny Juect. every Sunday at 7:40 a.: in. reaching Allegheny - City at. 9:50 a. m. Returnag, leaves t gegheny 1:90 p. and arrive at Mirth :Janet; lit 9: Clowirtrrgrunt Tweet —Foe salt to: packagearsgr Twentird:mtween,._ Allegheny City,Thestuut aireeg. Herr's, ennett; Pine crock, Etna and Shatpsberg; hood only on the Diana stopping at Statioust spa-. The trains leaving-Allegheny ADDY at 0:15 a. m. and 150 g. 9.-make direct connection al Freeport with Walker'r line enrages. for Bui:r andHannabs town...Through tickets may be P reburied -at the Orace; No. 3 Bt. Clair street; nessttthe Suspenslcot Bridge, Pittsburgh, and at. the .Depot, Allegheny. For thriller IMetasticm apply to ' • •• • • • JAMES - LEFFERTS, Agent. • Federal Street Depot,. The Western -Pennsylvania Railroad will :not u. MiParme any risk for Baggage, except for wearing ap. a lumillMit that. verlomalbilitt to One bundled Dollar. Jzi value. All baggage excaleding thin arnointia value wig beat the risk One owner; 11214 teintn/ien iry special contract.. • , EDWARD IL WILLIAMS mill - °Myna Srokerhttendent.. 'Altoona. ra. fa IN 01i If HILL ROIITIC. UNION PACII'IC ILWAY Eastern Division.... ; The SHORTEST AND MOST lABLE ROUTE from the Rant to all points in Colorado, • Nevad • •" I • California Arizona, " Washington, . _ . New Mexico, I daho, Oregon. - Two Trains learn . State Line d Leavenworth daily. (Sundays exeeptedo on theatrical of trains at Pacific Railroad:from St. Louis, and Reuniter sal St. .Jo,Raliroad from Quinsy, connecting at Law.. rearm, = Tor and Wamego with - stager for M. points In meas. At end : of track west of Elie - worth al the UNITED STATISM:PRESS OM PANT'S DAILY LINE OF OVERLAND *AIL .AND .EXPRESS GOACHES FOR f • - 3)1314. 1 17 " Path SALT T, x 7.4 And all Points in the Territories, • , And with SANDERSON'S TRI.,WEICLY LINE of COACHES for Fort Union. Rent's. iftprt. 111 Lta.ol;:illnei li n :all tilt " e ..24 all Pointri With We recen. a dditions of roiling stock sae 'equipment, and the arrangements` ma. with re sponsible Overland Transportatio Lines from lta western terminus; this road now d ers unequalled' fsellities fur the transmission of freight- to the For. W Ti est. • ckets for * sale at all the Windt"' emcee 111 the Dinted-fltates and Gonadal,. a T ' via Ertl EASTERN I.MVISION... .11 A. Asoiiitsob - $ - General 141* . rintendere General Freight and Ticket Agent • STRUYESHI. To LIVERPOOL A&DAT2k . QUEENSTOWN. TUE mutt MAIL STEADISHIPS', w l' —manbert, sixteen first•olasa vesEils,'among Item tbseelearateit 1 &TY OP _ . CITY OF ANT TOP BOSTON, CITY OP IIIAT.TISIOIs.B , alTr or LONDON, zYNEY SATURDAY, from Fier 48, North navel: Now-York. For passage or Farther Inform. tion aBDITIO L_„ ' MILLIAMI BINGnAm ) 10 FIFTH STREET, (Cbr.4lBßulltilnci ' ' Nearly (n)i?csll.i) Foot Offiii% Pinata? @