The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, June 20, 1868, Image 1

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• 1 • .
age Treaty Resolutions - The
Union Pacific Railroad, Cen.';
tial Munch Discussed--Ex-Beh.;
r ,
els Defeated in the llOnse-Be
soluti9p, of Tanks no n•
"lEdu Stanton Ur
Passed, &c., &c.
tar rinstiemli Oesene.i 1
• •
. .
WAsuitiaroN, June 19, 1808.
OnmOtlon of lir. MORGAN theli
- " " , dverse'
vote of ieSterday on the bill-for this relief
of ..csnnit) exporters .01 rum and alcohol
Was reconsidered.
• lift- 99-TriE moved an amendment to in.
Ail to
'elude Whisk3r exported from the Pacific
eossxt tis' Ammer river under Maass roar
erasiejected, and the bill there,
44.1asti-25 to 14. • 1
The,:Chaiv laid before the Senate the re
apititi famed by the Howse yesterry de
iiitineirig the land:treaty with di Osage
-7atibstie; which were read;
ilit:lllJ5IN ER said the resoietiens
'tett toS - hruitter that should properly come
tieferit UM:Senate is _Executive Session.
They were transferred to the Executive
`i *seem:CSid Vereired -'to the Committee on
Indian. Affairs.
. Ptmotiesef Mr. HOWARD, the apt rela
.;i Live to the CentratEranch of the Union Pil
ot 4
Infi railroad . was taken sip. I
Mr. EDMUNDS , addressed the Senate in
opposAion and Mr. HOWARD followed in
i. sdvocaey'of the bill.
- Mr. HENDRICKS followed in' favor of
the bill. Which WAS discussed until ten min=:
1 sites after 5 o'clock; when, with the under
; standing that it be again taken up Monday
next, the Senate adjourned. t
• 5
- _
Mr: WASHRURNE, Indiana, l from the
Committee on. Military, reported a bill in
'relation to!additional bonntieti. Ordered to
be printed and recommitted.
•4' Mr. BANKS presented resolutions of the
State of hiatisaiimisetts relative to a ship
canalecemeeting Lakes Erie and Ontario.
Ordered to be priuted and , referred - to the
Committee on itoesdis. and Canals.
'fdef ICITOHEN, from the Committee on
Military, reported a bill providing for the,
appointment of a csomrnisakiti to examine
.and report ou certain claims ,the State of
Now York. Ordered to be printed and re- •
The bill regulating the carriage jof pas
.aangers on eteantships and on ether, vessels
Was - patesed. .
The House proce eded, as husinens of the
morning hour, to the • minsideritientif the
-bill fur; the-estectsino of Abe; wood screw
patents of Thom W. Harvey;ibilliteetion
being on the..inotion of Mr. -Stevens, Pa.,
-to lay the . bill on the table.
Mr. MYERS wkhdrew the demand for
. the previous guestioh, in order thilt,ansix
plat:union migbt be Made in regurd to the
bill. He said he had been instructed by a of the Conianttee en
cots to report' the bill—that there 'way per
,haps_more merit in It, than in any other bill
repented for the extension Of
The SPF.JA.KER answered that in the ab
sence 'of Mr. Stevens the motion could not
be withdrttwn.
~, Mr. GARFIELD said if it were withdrawn
be would renew it.
' Mr. FARNSWORTH demanded the yeas
and nays, saying this bill had been killed
three times already.
After discuselon the vote was taken and
the bill was not id& on the table-4eas 99,
. _.„
After debate the bill was rejected—yeas
54; nays 71:
The morning hour having expired, Mr„
-.IPA'RNSWORIH, from • the Conference
...".,-.Clontitilttee-ots: thes , bill removing political
disabilities from certain persons in Senth.
ernoStates made 'import to favor of strik
ing out the names of Goo; S. Houston, g•
Alabama,and Ilea. W. Joni:i. iNemettsee.
• ' me:BCK; of the minority
tee, opposed the report and spoke Of the high .
• .-eharacter of the two men who wore .exislu
- 'dedby it. He knew no relson - ror it, if it
Were not that Mr. Jones might, probably be ,
in as dangemus competitor for
.Oettgreen t he Di4trio; i n whieli Ile lived.
FARNSWORTH: defended the re- -
.:port. He said Ahat when , the Senate amend
ment was referred to the Committee en lie
eohistrtietien, that. -; Committee naturally',
oonsulted Members from Tenneesee as to 1
the eonditien of. Mr. Jenes' mind, and the
to the coneinsioir from what they
ve said that
until Mr. Jones asked to be relied from
dittabilitleelt weinet worth while for Con
gress to tender amnesty to him. lie disk
not inquireinto the polities of a man pie
, posed-to be relieved, but. he did inquire an
to whether ho wee 'acting with the loyal
people of United Staten or _ was acting
, witirrebels ofthe South. .-
After fidther tiltscussion 'the . ' bill wee de- .
/sated by a-vote yeas 77. na9 ll-55, / 633
Loan tettAhirds - toting for it. A Motion to
reorouldpritlke ,matter, was „made and de.
fisrreirtilf Monday next.
The Honse then proceeded telnieiness on
'the SpenheiNi table, and disposed thereof,
leefettering t , •
The Senate amendatent to the House
joint , resellition-fer turning over -damaged
erdnittfecr for - the Lincoln monument.
-Agrenato...; • - , ,
Senate, amendments to the Heine bill
to amend the act of Match 2.5th,(18i14, pro-f
„riding for carrying the mails' , from the
United States to foreign: porta, were con
. 11:11311ed iu,' .
?I! 03642 s amendinent to:the House bill to .
continue the Freedinen's Mime. Con
Seinde . tiMendlniint' to the 'Honer bill to
Amend the: boundaries of the Collection:,
• - Itistriet of Philadelphia; so MVP include
. - the:whole conselidetedeity of Philadelphia.
amendment to - the House bill re=
lato time'Suprerhe Court of the United'
States. Concurred in. • ,
Senate iiiiiendrattits to the House bill in
- "relation to Collection District in , Miohigan.
',Concurred in.
-Senate amendments to the Renee bill for
the relief of certain exporters of distilled
:spirits,. by striking out the word tialeohol."
Concurred fn. •
• The ooncurient Senate resolution giVing
• • ;thanks o
102t f Cong 24. ress to Edwin M. Stanton.
' nd—o
_ • Thefileinite joint r'escantion aiithorizi9g a
.change,of-rnall service front horse service
NlO:Poar.Coabh - service between _Vert Aber
_enit=a. tans, came up for
ecosideration. et on ensued, #'
• Nfr.PET...ANO Moved lite Witt;
'Without disposing the motion the
CoUlter Breiikia an Oar and Stops
mi the Third -Stroke-4rimill
a oes Overthe Course and Claims
th# lOate-L-The 1-,Stakes AY4iirded
to Hamill. '
Special Diiiiiteii to the Pittsfurgh Gazette.
; PHILADELPHIA, Jude 19,4888.
The'acitementsegarding the race sub
sidecioaterday, and_while many hundred
perions4ined the betake of -the Schuylkill
to-day to witness - the final teat between
liamill and coulter j still the general inter
est iiiiid anbsided. Ailiiut - sn'eloOß':_both
men made' their appearance in their boats
and were greeted with n rnild form of `sp.!
plume !rein their respectiVelritinda. , BOth
- dipped their oars at the word _ ,, g0," but
'Coulter. , -tinfortunately , : - broke his ,- right
oar: in two on the - third stalks' and
stopped. Hamill rowed on over the cot rie
and coma thick leisurely 'to the judges'
boat, and Claimed the race, Coulter , roWed
._to,tlie. staiire,' 'got in a- buggY, 'qua was
driven to his quarters. It is claimed. utter
_ding to the rules of the (nurse. that Handl%
_is, justliiii atitled In th - e .. stakes and - ihaaripl
enable, although many of his friends \ say
he will'not'ai34:i4it the deolaion in his favor
under, snob circumstances. The refereaand
judges miet to make tip their minds, at the'
Girard II use; to-night: All public interest
is lost in , the affair, and aquatic sport is
away . down belaw par._ : ', '
_ K.
Hamilllias been awarded the stakes and
declared the winner. He.hesitated tn ae
cept the award but his friends urged him
to do so,, Itliin 'strict keeping with the
salted the course. Another race will proba
bly at once be arranged. Very littie excite
ment prevails _here, over, the result. The
Coulter inen , ateve.ry sore, while every
body, ylio Is not - pecuniarily interested, is
heartily ; disgusted with the whole affair.
Moat of: the; Pittseurghera leave for home
*Ai:nig - tit . ) `- - • '' ' - '-' , ~ ' • I K.
(By Telegiaph to the Pltteburgh Gazette.)
PHILADELPHIA, June 19, 1868.
There wait aneth'er failure in 'the boat
race today. Coultet broke one of his oars
bn the ttiird pull, and'Hamill'putled Imlow
ly over the ootuse. The,race attracted lit
tle attention. C
Hamill was declared die winner 'Time
t2rtyigiit milwitoSt„id , tyreat* ippcxmds.
, New tort City Matters.
fify . ,•reiaorriett to the Otaitirshosiitte.i
liew Ironic, June 19.—The steamship
Eric, from Liverpool, _ arrived.
, .
• 71t_ eassaytfi.Atte of Mrs. Pollard - against
the Crotty women 'was dismissed yester-.1
day. m
Pollard has tiled a tour against-1
hie.wife for threatening-his tlft:•-
A largo number of valuable, prase:lntl•
front ditferenthlerautegsst. the West
and other palls of `the Milted 191Ittetticon.‘
tinue to be received by the Committee in
:dome °tau& Wage for: the forthcoming.
A National-convention of working , men
Is called to be held in this city on July thf,
to. take inte, tilinsiderstion what scourse
shall be pursued by' them in the present
political campaign. •
-: Ex.flovettiorSitymour ,luts ;arrived here
and is already working up Convention af
fairs wittiMr. Belmont. Mr. Pendleton is'
expected hero next week, positintiv. and it
1 is said he will he tendered a breakfast by
1 the Manhattan_ Club,in order to get a - little
Speech-out of disci. , ~.. ; :
All thereat men in 'lie e , mntry nearly
have fti*.t I,nylted:t.ithelgran:l banquet to
be- given. to the Oil nese Earlbasay ` next
Tuesday.: r! • : ! ' ~.. - ,? It',l: . , ' '
Mrs. b. b. W. Marble,tbaosteoonaplished
wife of tlmedit s or o Would, was buried
at Brooklyn to-day.
).Aldedame , Legrange goes- to Europe next
week, to stay Or sew:riti years.
•t The annual reztitta of the;, Now York
Yacht Club- was 'conclude& to•day.' The
t'loop Gosaie, forty-ioven tons. owned and
built by Nunn- timers, sailed the forty
miles to 'thn tight-ship and back in fotir
l•hottre and Altirty-three minutes, and won
the cup. The sloop White Win e, ono lion
drect and fifty-three tons, carried sway her
centre, board on the west bank. , Tito
' schnoner Maggie,wno-hundrod and tWolve
tone, wen the schooner cup, 'by allcrwanco 1
af :hue, her actual - times being four hours
nd'••twentY-threii' niintitcm--the schooner
Idler, ono hundred and thirty-three ttititt, ;
being second, - end - her time fout-houretwen
ty and a balf tninutem the Silver. one hunk
fired land -six tons, third, in four hours and
twenty-five:. trilentete' and liontder, one
hundred :aid sixty-four tons, /earth, in
four hours and,thirty minutes,
The following Ara the 11111108 of the killed
by the boiler expiation last Meld: Charles
Jfi,dtildengish,,Jeseph Ward, Wm. Rainer,
Thirs. K. - sating and one unknown. .•',,
Gov. Fenton will preside at the banquet
to the ChinerieEntbassy on the 23d inst.
The Conuni tee of . Arrangements for, the
-Denmertitio .-Nationat.CcinVention.Vlll not
nteet until two days before the . assemblage'
of the Convention, when arrangements will
leMade thr-thi) distill/talon of tickets of
admission. .
The:Mart ; Of Ellokfals.Jbas.detilded that
the Board of Health has no powentmforbid
alaaghtering in built up portions Of the
city -and to forbid the driving of , cattle
tffioiigh the stmi.te. -. • ~ 4
, . .
The President. blab pardoned Joeephalfte
tironol4-,Ctitihiertif the First National Bank
of iltnisoni W r ho'irae ;served one year of a
gernit(livelears tinptisonment for qmb ez
slementi, '.; . -- 1 -
Thi, kir* =Piney fog :the Britt ship
Clinatilre,) ptisVed-fn ':1861 by the war
~Oar An ii;.‘bileimming the:block
ado, or -Cho ilstenilli s tfanun tin g t., 0 . 60 •-
000:111upw-epedt to 'III ribution. ,
__Vhezeine - i :sthei.nall. again , " the
Sitnix Rallebad w' ti
Gen. Grant and family leave Washington
, an Wednesday far Cheyenne.
___ .
1111 Mr'
It Stuart, f'
iivreiriirapi; to the iiitsbarin 040.1
Pnauunn.rittn,_Juno , ..l9.i i en Belo'
tires whisiny stills were
nisde'thiffniorning hircirritinhalco4 t ,
The Cotnissiortsmpotntal ininqua t _ts :
the expulsion of Mr. Geo. 11.,Egiutrt %jou&
the Presbytery, is now in session.
-4 4 - IPhiteidotpiftiseiVi
[By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh 6aaette.l
• er•,./ 41 •With,J4ns 19,r-The. politicekiieW
paign walibtoened fo-hight, by th e e'; delivery
of an address by Carl Scbnrt, before the
XollWaittall'a Republican Club, at illfereini-;
LTherwitiliehte was quia
large, and the address applauded, buy ti
anuatontoximar by yet beeu arottaoll
pelitiCpt ciFolea. /ibh
~;~ f
- -
VOID - a - CO'CIAOI O CII. A. 111 C.
Proposed Honors to
. Abyssinian
Troops—Art Treasures of Venice
-New Sovereign for Servia--
Newspapers Libelled.
Telegrapp,to th e Plttratrgh tiazette.i
LONDON, June 19.—Midnight.—In the
House of Loyda , this evening Earl Edin
brirg,, irfsearie-remarks On the s Ahyssirdan
expedition, ,suggested _tbst "on account of
the unusual Character of the service- per- ,
formed bv, the troops, special : _,ors be
paid to them upon their return from the
scene of theexploit. • - -
Earl of Malinsbursi - in -reply, said that
the Ministry had not set ,comddered the
point, -
The pike of Cambridge. Commander-in-
Chief of the army, expressed the opinion
that unusual --honors .to the members of
the Abyssinian expedition rould be
,a bad
The subject then dropped.
The London TelegrojA has been con
demned in XIXSO for the publication of a
a libel.,
_Tants. June 19.—h. solemn requiem mass
waaperformed here today in commemora
lion of Ex-Emperor Maximilian, it being
the aniiiterasay of lie exeoution at Qnere
tare. Th e Ex-Empress Carlotta and-Mrs.
Gen. Miraeaon and a large number. of Mex
imns were present.
Mr. Clusert, editor of the Journal of Art,
has been condemned to , two months
onsfient In jell and aline of - 1,000 francs for.
an article published in that paper._
Lotirtiote, Jane 18.--1 V appears the an
nouncement that Prince Milan, nephew of
the late sovereign of Servia, had been pro
claimed ruler of that principality* was an
error. The Memorial Diplomatiquesavethe
powqrs have agreed to leave. Servia tree to
choose her own Prince. The selection of
Milan was considered a certainty.
Vuoms., June 19.—Iregotiations have
been renewed between Austria and Italy
foithe tlualdisposithm of art trea - sures at
Venice. -
The Emperor Francis Joseph and Baron
nottst are about to make a visit to Prague.
Lturaos,'Jnne 19--Nontin9.--onsolslbr
money, 9430)95. Accounts, L. Benda,,
73X. ; IlltwastOantraLlUey,.. Erie, 45bX.
Fawn It FORT, Jane 19.—Bonds, 77%@77,i.
lAN:Karim, Jade ;19. Cotton closed ao
life and higherf.sulae or WOOD bales; Up
lends,. 11% iv. Mid.; Arl guns ' , 11% I 1,0.-
the stock ciftfxtt estimated at 6E14000
71;099 - atilt of American
qedete- 4infakild*Hadul4,4lkik
low. 4Co. (hher markets unchanged.
AISTWEAPt June :19 Petroleum linner
and unchanged. t _
i•lteconstruct Wu , an Lontifiaitin.
CBv W 1 1 .031111 to the rit,ieburall oszette.l
New (MLR/Liss, Juno 19.—A telegram
!rem Pen. Grunt has been 'promulgatedby.
Gem litichanan, in the' form of an order,
for the instruction and guidance of all con
corned. , _
- General Grant ' approves General Bn
ehanan's course, saying that civil ofilmrs
elected cannot be installed until the State':
is admitted; and until then the State gov
ernment is provisional and entirely under
, thet - toutrol Of Gen. Buchanan, and leaves
matters as to oaths to be taken• by the nevi
officers, &a.. - entirely to Gen. Buchanan's
judgment,. suggesting that the oaths pre
scribed by the new'amstitutiononly shouhi
be required. -This suggestion if adopted;
Iwill permit many officens to qualify, who
could not' ittheiWise do so. ',--- . •-. • - .
- h '' , .N - aw ORLEANS, Juhe'l9.—TomforroW the
Republican will, mullein a proclamation by
the -- Registration - Board modifying those
previously issued to ,confortn to the Omni
bus'l3lll; providing the GoYernor elect shall
0011V0t30 toe Assembly ,sittor the bill lie
coniteilitivi, vinfornsingto that part - relit
tiug to the inauguration of civil officers in
the seine bill.
TIM case.of George.Rubv, colored mem
ber of the Teatti Convention and delegate
to the Chicago Convention, against the
i ateamsblifldprgan for five thousand dol
lars darriagei, for refusing him admission
tocabinliassage on the trip from Galveston
to Braishear etet, was decided to-day by
Judge:. Paren t awarding, seven thousand
fiveerlitindied dollars dainages.
,:,Upon:leszning of General Grant's en
dorsement .of General Buchanan's act
tion, Ex-Mayor Heath's attorney. inquired
if it would affect the prßding
_writ of grl)
iwariitulo against. the Mayor. -.!Cernmantl
lug General Buchanan replied tbuttho writ
would not be allowed to talto its course.
• Natters 1u California .
Teiei g rao to't hu bizytte.)
SANPRANCI6OO, June 19.—The first Sam
ples of new wheat have reached this city
and in; et iixoelient:(idality.
The last gap in the railroad connection
between California and Nevada was closed
last evening after eight pelts*. The lay
iugolf thS tmok for WO waiostif lIIIX miles
was delayed by snow. Rut the Contra
Pacific) Railroad Is now in operation from
Seramento to Reno, near Virginia City, one
hundred and fifty grOleit, c> About the first of
June hods Wlll runl tdiligliend ' on Truckee
river, Nevada. one hundred and eighty
miles east of Sacramento. Oradin% , 8 rail'
idly progressing acro '
s's the, gleisrt from
Big Bend tojaupbolt Lake. and the whole
force e(laborers will be at once moved on
thp line to Salk e.; This portion of the
road can be built as rapidly us that east of
the Rocky. /*aunt/AM* The Compsuy is
putting forth every exertnin to reach Salt
Lake.butmutbilUnlatirlielfle, and expect
to be there July 4th, 1889.
Georgia state Items. :
;Bs Teltiiiiskitithe Phisburttli:Ainzeitte.)
ATtarvra, Jnno 19.—The Can dieutionabst
midst= a deed of ennand - Go)don declin
ing the use of his name for, the United
States Senate. , ,
Alerts number ofpelo l nsfrAut this seo
thfn *ip Ile "tile New. rlttpvention.
A T routYre/Att PriscOul r from Columbus
Zit ere gl ef t u azrlhomleti.t i 2 gdrichaT in
with-the Astibtirnismaseination, and were
" re sted +at-the instance of a Washington•
cur detedive, ,
Thesreogritt we 44 • flattering, on
twount of dashers l' /- , 1
Ta r o first lot of bw ,whOlit Viii, kiero,, yes
tatew at 112,10 per Seidel.
-,:: i, ,• ~,,, I 1- 1 ~,, .. : • —r • ... - ..( „-.. „ , -,, . . ..„ ,„, • .
ss, = •
' Ahillin,/..". 's. '.. .-- - - ~ -.- ... , . , . • i
. i
''''' 'l / 4 : ' s‘.
...•‘• 10 4/47k. ri --- 4 4 " 4,- :. •, r 40 . , .. , t 4-. 4 , 4V. ~•-/ -. • - . , 1_ , ..7, , , ,,,4 :17 , ..... f . ,.. , -,..azr.... , •,. , 4 ,, --,,,,,...41 4 .4 . ,• ,-4 . 4• 4 •., ,, ~ ...5- - , . .4 , :', , .1..... , -, ,, ....2,4 4 .,.. , ..,;,:',1. 4, .' ' 4 ZI 4 :, A.. • - -•••;,• "kt - .'"; • '-'"• -...- `' -
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.:-;, -E, -.....-, --.7azgral - 72;\ 1 : „..P rEffi.:..,:. ,:, ;,. 1 (
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-.7; ----* •-•-.' - ---' ' ' -- • ,-..-- - • -,..e..':-.-- 'f • .. '' • ' ;• , • • , „
I 1
[By Telegraph to the Pltjabargh Gazette.]
Winn GTON, June 19, 1868.
• IMOD& -
There is nofcbiatida Son for theiepOrt pub- ,
ished here this afte bon that Mr. McCul
loch to-day transmit ed to the President
his resignation as Se etary of the
The House Committee on Mi itary Af
fairs bad under consideration t ty a bill
proposing to give officers of the ar y thirty
three, and one-third -additional pay.- No
action was reached. The subje t will be
resumed next Thursday.. Thee is little
prospects of such a bill becoming&law.
Hon. Anson Burlingame call on Gen.
Grant at army headquarters, this morning,
had had an- Interview.
Washington Topics and C !sip.
The 'President has appawved he Naval
Messrs. Butle i r i a l e . d Bingham re stilt at
work on their, report, but owing to an un
pleasant hiatus in the eviden they ,ivRl
not be able to close it for some aye.
The whisky and tobacco, tax ill is to ho
reported next,Monday, and it is quite prob
able that it will be passed without delay as
all the members are anxious for an early
Mr. Caldwell, of Cincinnati, has been con
firmed a 4 Minister to l3olivia.
Mr. Chase denies that he , has asked the
President to remove Secretary McCulloch.
The Chief Justice went to Baltimore to
taptain Hazzard, Postmaster at Motion
gahelacity,-bas been removed far publ
ing an article on impeachment that did no
please Postmaster General Randall.
Fessender., Ross and Mrs. Cobb called on,
the Preeldont yesterday afternoon.
Mr. Hoe has got the Congresidonal Com
mittee to extend his patents on the cylin
der press for ten years.
Mr. C. M. Donovan. a well known Demo
cratic politician of Philadelphia. has been
appointed revenue agent for Texas. vice
Sloneker removed.
General Grant is in his office to-day.
(Ry Telegrsph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.]
MONTREAL, June 19. Hon. Mega.
Quintet and Arehainbardt have both re
signed their place in the Quebec Govern-.
It is reported that, the military author!
ties have decided to pull down all the for
tifieations at Quebec.
Letters from Rome give accounts of great
privations and sufferings among the &m
-anes who recently left the Dominion to en
gage in theservice of the Pope.
The 16th Rifles left for Quebec to-day to
, work in the fortifications. The 78th High
hinders will follow in a few days. There
are Andy two regiments now here.
no steamship Moravian arrived last
night with drafts for different regiments,
humbeting in CM about 1,200 men.
The Weather Is excessively hot and sev
eral miles of sun stroke have occurred.
Totunfte, June 19.—A la quantity of
military ewes, direct from Woolwich, ar
rived here for the use of the regulars and
volunteers; alsoi shot and shelf for thegun.-
•vet 4..,;
My Telegraph to the PittehoristAinzette.l
Bqs.roat; June 19.—The referee in the ,
hundred pane walking matob between Mo
ttielt and Scott has awarded the stakes
%011ie latter • it aippearinir . NicEttriCk em
ployed a su bstitute two hours In the night,
which materially aided him itt doing the
task inside& twenty-one hours.
Bos s Tos, June 19.—The walking match of
dnii hundred Miles for a purse of three
thousand dollar:4, between Weston and
!replay, the English pedestrian, commenc
ed this afternoon at Mystic Park. •
New Railroad Prqject.
Titegrapb to the Pitta.burgh Gosenej
BUPPALO, June 9.—A new - railway, "to be
styled the Buiftlo and Southern Railway,
projected, to connect. Buffalo and Balti
more by a direct route, making the dis
tance equal to that between Buffalo and
Albany.. The new road by proper connec
tions will only require one hundred and
twenty miles of new rails to be laid.. The
isimpany 'has already organized. and pion
eer railway engineer Wallace - to Instructed
survey the route—, .
The Saengerfest at Chicago. •
lar Telernspe to the Pit tithitigh t.iagette I
CHICAGO, June 19.—The additional ar
--rivals to the Haengerfeat hod bight _and
this morning increase the - number of dele
gates present to about two thottsand, rep
reeenti ng al xty-orie Societies: - 'rho rehears
al today was lar better attended than here
tofore, the great attraction sbeing violinesl
lo playing of Moltenhaildr. The, concert
to-night will be mainly instrumental.
CBy Telegraph to tha Pittsburgh Gazette.)
' BOSTON, Juno 19.—The °Myra at the
navy yard celebrated the fourth anniversa
ry of• the sinking of the Alabama by the
Hearsage to-day. 1
The trial of Andrews for the murder of '
Holuies will not take place befdre Novem
ber. It is understood the grand jury' has
fouuttau indictment for wilful murder.
•, . Death from Chloroform : -
;rex Toles/sob to the Pittsburgh Gazette,' ,
Mien, N. 'Y., June ; ie.—Henry A. Ater
10er, Of Chicago, who was a patisenger from
Now Nork on the ateatner Connecticut last
_night, _ took , an over•close of chloroform .to
qulot a netiridglo affection. He was - found
innsible - in his berth this morning at
elaytm o'clock. Ile was an extensive pork
0 , •rater. - , ,
Crops In' Maryland:
Telegnob to the l'lttsbureb Gazette.l •
Bstirisionit, June 19.—Crop reports show,
them in. good condition, but rain is mile this portion of the State.
.;,•- - ,). 1 Detrqlt• blarket. _ ,
CDT :relegtsph to the Plashurith Or setia:l ,
i ' Darr norr, June 18.--Flour dull and lotver,
choicest b ni de selling, st $12,25. Wheat
lirin, hold F a asking an advance; no torpor=
tant sales. '
—A Toronto (Canada) tspeolaleays: The
Governmentla taking active :Precautions
With respect , to allantielpaked Fenian raids.
Tlatisport trains areheing formed on the
,frontier_near Niagara. Brigades of 'volun
teers and regulars aro being formed Or so
tivoservibe-at,LondoHamilton and To
ronto; Complete 'provisions are made in
the event of the telegraph wires or - railroad
lines betng out, large quantities, of auttnit-
Milos and eathp e@fpage being pent to the
trent( and'altthe rural battalioneare' to be
edited datf for it'weeles drill: and the •eity
battP4olB.4 o firill„tweeimp per xect. ,l The
public gotting exeltedes the twentpfiriti:
alitecillolqP‘9lll/b4t'#—lM .lagone
John llanlon was indicted for nuslicions
mischief on oath of Bridget Early. The jury
found a Verdict of not guilty, but directed
defendant to pay the costs. • -
Bridget Early was tried on a charge of as
'remit and battery preferred by Mrs. Boyle.
A verdict of not guilty was rendered, and
the costs divided between the parties.
Jacob Fox Was tried on an indictment.
charging him with assault and, battery.
Not guilty,. defendant to pay the costa.
Isaac Vichenstein wasplacod on trial on a
charge of committingg an assault end battery
upon hie wiDY. , A charge of abandonment
was also tried'at the sometime. Not guilty.
'defendant to pay the costs.
Henry Fox. tried tor assault rend battery.
A verrdirct of'gmuty wob tendered, and de
fendant sentenced to • pay a tine of six and
a quarter cents and tbe , costa of•the prose.
cation. - • _
Jacob F. Roup ,was bled on a charge of
abandonment preferred by his wife. Mary
Soup. Be was ordered to pay fear, dollars
a week to the prosecutrix and to give secu
rity in the sum of $3OO th at he would fulfil
the obligation. -
Boston Items.
THE 430tiRTEI.
tittarter Seasdons Coiirt--Judge Stowe
CommoaPleas—Judge Meßea.
In 'the' cane of Patrick Berulergrist and.
wile-vs. William Dillon, tbr slander, aver
diet was fimmi,farplaintiffs in the sum of
twenty-five dollars:
William Mcilaffeyvs. Adam Woo This
was an action to recover arrears- of rent
under lease. The jiiry found for the de
Henry Bier vs. Richard Denver. This
was an action to recover damages, occasion
ed by the neglect of defendant in leaving ,
building material on the plank road in Ross
township. Plaintiff was driving along the
mad after night in 'November last when his .
horse came in contact with the materials
and was severely injured. On trial.
Literary Contest Between the Irylug and
Philemathean Literery neeleties.
The:. fourth annual contest between the
Irving and Pbiknnathean Literary Socie
ties of the Western University was held
last evening in the University Hall, at the
corner of Roes and Diamond streets. Alan
early hour in the evening the Hall was
filled with an hatalligent and appreciative
audienoe, and the Iron City Band, whieb had
been engaged for the occasion, diacoureed
sweet utuate while the audience were im
patiently awaiting the time to come when
the exercises should comtnence.
At eight o'clock the audience was called
to order by the President of the Pillion's,
thean Society, James A. Watt, who con
ducted the exercises, which consisted of
declamations, essays, orations and debate.
The exercises were opened with prayer by
Rev. U. R. Endsworth, followed with music
by the band. ..
The contestants on Declamation Were
Willie Thawat.' the Irving and, George U.
Wood of the Philoinatiman. The. President
announced that in consequence of sickness
Mr. Thaw was not present, end that portion
of the exercises would have to be omitted.
Mr. Geo. H. Woods, his oompetleor, was
then introduced, anti entertrined the ati3l
once with "Maclaine'aCbild," a Wiest excel
lent selection, which he rendered in a
manner highly creditable ti himself, and
hie instructors. lie was warmly applaud
ed sod greeted with a shower ut boquete at
the own usion, The band them played a
pleininielitlic at thealosh otwhtoh Mr. - Watt.
rhouireecithat next In 'order' would - be the
Thomas Lea Nixon, of the Philothean
Society was intruduj rna ed end read an excel
ent essay on "What we Want." which was
ell written and evinced great care and
.tudy in its preparation, but it was not read
'n. a a s s
h gcr gh d ly esty u le p as pitt i u t
d s e h d o , ul u d o h t et o v n e i re h m y lif his e
school mates but by the entire audience,
anti many of the ladies in token of then. aye
remotion of his effort by throwing moons
boquets of beautiful flowers upon
he stage.
John S. leirrltee. of the Irving Society, 1
ollowed with an essay on "Hope." a most
admirably. He
t oLi w ts as eh a a p r p o i c a t u e d r e ,
d and
ea by
and greeted with a shower of
h x e ce da l ua le dd i mi d er
owery offerings.
J. L. Bigham, of the IrVine Society, was
next introduced and delivered an original
oration, subject, "Seltislutess." which gave
I evidence of deep research and. metaphys.
teal inquiry. It was well deliyered, and
highly applauded by the audience.
Joseph H. Haniliton, of the Philoma- 4
thean, Mr. Bigham'acompetitor, was absent
on account of sickness, and consequently
his part was omitted. 1
Next in order, came the debate. Ques
tion, "Should the State furnish a free Col
legiate Ethic 'don to all ?" •. . .
Mr. Albert F. Seibert, of the PhilOmathe
an, had the atlinn.itive, and opened the de-'
bate' with a powerful and well prepared
argument. ~ , ,
Mr. A. Fullerton Hughes, of the•lrvingg.
folloWed in the negative, and made antuell
stronger argutuent than many olderper
sons would hire° dune •on that aide of the
This concluded the contest and it Only
remained for the judges to make their deci
sion. Hon. J. P. Sterrett and Rev. B. P.
Noble, Third Presbyterian Church, had
been selected as judgett, and at the conclu
sion of the debate retired to one of the so
ciety rooms, and in a few minutes ,re
turned, when the decision was announced
by Mr. Noble as• follows: .--, -, , •
Essay--Thomas Lee Nixon, Philoilia
thean. , , . ,
Debate—H. Fullerton Hughesi, Irving.
The exercises were then closed withben
edietion by Rev Mr.,Noble, after, which the
astemblege dispersed, . apparently /well
pleased with the evenings' entertainment.
The examination at' the University com
mences on Monday and will continue until
Friday. , , • ,
The commencement exorcises take 'glace
Friday evening: • • ,
Real =Estate Transfer*.
The following deeds wore- tiled of record
betbre H. finire.y„,_ Esq., fieccirder, 4une
19th, 18138. • -
James B. Mitchell to Anson B. Campbell, March Si,
lasi; lot No. 54 In the plan of McKeesport, on the
corner of eleventh and Mulberry-streets, - so or 100
feet. with buildings ' 43.000
James. n
et al. to James Ross: Jul, "41.. IV: , lot
In stiarpsburg. on the West Venus. IL - , 90 by Itch
- feet ~••• .. •.•• . - 5409
Louis Lebo to John Tamobind. ' Jan. 20. itlad; lot ln
Robinson township. containing , 'tarp and. Au
perches- 44r0
J. S. I:trickier to J oseph Mantis,' June is, lots_
No. Band-10 in SparkssAolan, Collins township; ott
Rural Avenue, 57 by IR feet ..2.(j_10
Dr. A.4l.,Mceandless to Robert Reed Nov. M.
lot by onlol Center Avenue,. seventh wars, Pistaasrek
2.feet - 41.500
Bo 4. arate liasa to John Tamehina, June 12,1565; lot
No:4 Iry Ewttg'srlat,-Liberty township, on Allen
i i r ' nes e t t geran t r o e lltinard gh, June 10. 194 1 4 1 1 - Viot
240: Klint
ee lregies plan. Carson street, Dirmingham,
bpJOO ft • td.4100
Jona rereliment to Jolla J. Marchnsid, /any 139;
'lot in Liberty township. 61 by 405 feet., . ..
Bernard Wittig to John Hartung. aqua ar, iwa; lot
in Odklittuliontritiblo, on Forties eSece.."X es
Aierwerdlnlitito Anthony Yonvort June Iq~N lets
405111iind township, on Tustin street; byouterz
bile; or. XOWROMMIW... •.,!!
garne day lase me:lisps were 1110, - •
NIJMIIyiR 147.
• Row at Sewickley:-tutting Affray.
Th'unsday evening, a difficulty °oeuvre&
at Sowiekley betweenisllehael Welsh and
Stephen Newman, daring which the latter
drew a knife and cut Welsh, inflicting a
severe wound across the bremt and upper
part of the abdomen. it appears that they
were We saloon drinking beet together at
the time. information Ipas Fil9Aify before Ju
stice Star, of Sewickly, : Icharging Neeffnan
with ifelonions assault; and battery, upon
which he was revestedlitird committed to
await the result of Welidirs injuries,. which'
are said to be of a serious character. , After
Newman had been arrested, a number of
his friends collected tog ether and mobbed
the saloon where thedifficulty °centred.
They broke open the d6or_ and then knock
ed in the heads of the ale, beer and cities bar
rels vFilleh were Ibund in the niece.. No
arrests have been madp.
'Dr. A. G. MeCandl Physitian to. the
Beard of Health, rep Pris the iollowiewin
torments im the city of Pittstrargh, from
June 7th, to June 14th, 1868:
: Diseases—ConsnmOtim, 4; Apoplexy, 1:
Intermittent Fever, 1; ,Pneetnonia, Om.
Ago, 1: gardanftia, I;lomification of. Aorter,
1; Disease of Heart, 1; COnvidsiono r 2; :Cre.
bro Spinal Heeningitis, E; Disease of tow
els, I;,,Sabes hfueseilterfoa, 1; Cancer, 1;
Whooping Ccitrgh,.l.l . .
Of Me Shove there werri under onelvear
6; from one totwoi 1 Irmo twenty
ty, f4-from thirty to forty, t from. forty to
fifty, I:_from fitly toSixt3r, 1; from :. sixty to
seventy, 1; front seventy to eighty, 1.-z
Males, 16;Ifentales9; white,l9; color:640;
I total, 19. . , • .
lalsorderlY Cetidlict.—Yestery even
ing Mayor Drum 1,0 befiiver him Jaseph
Lockenbill. china:Rd ..on oath. of Anthony
Winner with ' disorderly conduct. The
prosecutor states• that on. Wednesday even.
tng last his wife. waa passing defembuit's
house when she. Made a remark to her
child walking it her side, which hi, mis
took fOr airemark,made to on. of his
Teti playing on the sidewalk, Whereupon) ha
beenme very march excited and used very
abuitive language toward tho lady. After
a hearingof the own hoekenbill was ;fined
nee dollars and disc :creed.
' . The New Sul l istititte for Silver,'
.31inargent, recently invented in Paris.
and' whicli may be ebnapared . to silver. pos
sesses, according lO the London Alining
Journal, nine-tentl it of its whiteness; mal
leabibty, :ductility;) tenacity, sonorousness.
and density, while t has a snperior metalio
lustre, wears bette .lis less liable to he acted
11 / 1
on by th emanations. of sulpiturttted hy
drogen. nd Is kiss fusible thou; silver.
Minarge may be used,tOr all purposes to
which sib er or other white metals °valleys
are appl ciao.. It .Is composed'. of one
thousan parts 'of ,pare copper, seven hun
dred pat of pure nickel, ditY. parts of pure
tungsten - On parts of pure 'aluminium. The
invent° do not, hOwever, limit themselves
to the a t. proportion 'given: The chief
features f the mi argent consist in the in
. trisiducti It iin the alloy of pure tungsten and
pure alu inium, tind also the ctnisitlerable
proportion of nickel which 'they have suc
ceeded in alloying with the aluminium.
The metal is formild into ingots., and theuld
ed in sand, in the Ordinary way:' . -.
-.Tnn-PtaTtronit as IT SHOULD BIL—Mr
Vallandigharn Infs. it down, as inevitable
thet.!'arl nominatiort or .platform at New
-York nth oh tacitly or openlymonceiles that
the Democratic Tairty durino the'wmtirmda
- itself MMus by.:temnplietty. or sympathy
witiOtreason,' find therefore must he:open
ly killed e:or quietly or
; which
is tacitly, / texprOaly comuntted to the pro
scription ofr,the 'pen , in the North and
_Wester - li° refused active 'support to the
warp'Ywould be filllowed by .n convention of
bolters who wottld proclahrt the ancient
and rugged princlples of Democracy. Ab
solute equality aUd toleration„ without re
gardto the war, are demanded for all men,
—Crl t awurbeads, Democrats ;War Democrt,ta
and;a4mblimnst- who act with the Demo
cratic party in tAM common struggla against
radlcalsJh !' s
PROFESSOR 4.,q1011, Of the United States
Military ,cleaclenii;3yest, fostit, speaks as
follows of GracktOlte diclet
Prattasor eappyt'Alilicribc.. 4 3 grant as a
"middle-man,» tt44 pl r neixv to nIF. He
Was what we termed Atlrst section in
all LIS scientilieNinlies; that is,
v pi , te who
accomplishes; thSi, full. mune.fic.4 . llways
showed himself Cleat...thinker loads acuity i
worker. lie, he oni,Nd to the class cif coin
stmug men,who Went VI their task j
at once, and kcp:t . at: it until finic,heili never
being seen, the
,Slack:twi_stecl, class,
yawning, lollircp, their ellioivs ever tßest
work, and lookingits if ,)ti n t ; icady,lo sink
down trom mental ill:whs. .: .
—By the explosion of a stesni hr .ynhiue,;
at New York, Thursday eV, okiqs, five!
Young men. allltinder.tWentyttlye lesr.; of
age. were killed". fnio of tliese . wai i hloN+in
from tho Aids alk into the door ) of illf.
Bowery theattii. tsime tivtnity feat The
concussion alsO i •tie..tly overturned a passing
liorse-car, WILS crowded with - people.
The. woundetli , ; number. ne.%rly r forty,
but many aro liort only slightly. Vile ae--
, count says tho.ftnginrier iu Vhargo was not
a competisit person, being it lilitett smith.
•Edwurcl - Roohemie of the
ed, states that he was about fixing tile s:ift.-
ty valve, the miring of which' was = broken.
when the explO.Shin Occurred, the briik.r for
tunately esplo , ing down Ward.
' 4
'Nest n'teans' market- .. .-. ,
(By 'referral* tti;i i tte:Pletaboralt tiarette.l
Nsw OBlaq fits, Juno 11./.--Cmttian'exeitell
and unsettled; , iniddling 29' e;: sales 330
bales; receipt i221)1%1(4+; -exports 46'4 bales:
sales for the leek 8.571 bales; reeetpts 42. s
bales; expo?lto Continent 344 tals; to
Philadelphia 5,57 bales;t4 New Yaik 4.u21
bales: stock ' 034 ;bale& , Stkirllng'.ls3lllss.
New York - s htif exchange g . prignititii.
Geld 140: .Su . grand ltfolassani dUil Plour
Aim at 88, ,: . 88; - Corn - dull at `93ca/11,03.
Oats 7711713c.'' • y Slhatl. :Pork doll at $29
tw i fol .gaeo ,:lissyy shoulders 13gaIRIAe;
clear sides A Niii.734o: -,laird quiet; tierce
-1836e; keg 4 c - ~.. . ;. -,. t ' ~. ,„.A.
ttly,Telograpyi t
180 tando 1.
leaf, at SA4att ,
78a80. - It;
128;50. ±r La
.19e. 4 }Won
odd** at 1734,1
shoulders a
U •
thelattr,, ,
• . 1
7 e
,_.l . i
. 0 vw...
A fiv 7s toi
- .
'lamina Motet;
the Piitientiatt Gazette. •
June 19.-=Tobaceo; italom 'or
at'sl3al.9ir medium rutting
Flour; superflnvats7.iioa
at ft 'Corn at 92a9iic. Oats
e. at sim a pr,„ mess I Fork at
at 18e; by the tiercel at 1
boulders at 13%a13ge; clear
' r ribaldeetitt Xi. - Built Meats;
t1234e; clear sides At 16yo.
ver and Weather. f
to thaTittiaamb aixiMft.l
I '': June,
19.-11*, ,zi alag
o'id'F" hour.
Dupe 1 .-N ca tit cloudy
. Them are . ildtuens