I El • Iliabint 1 'III Wl4j, H ~ . . • , -ii Grant and Washburn..___ "e. Recently I met ' Mr. Ellin B, Washburne and his brother, the General. ' - You are ac quainted with their faces; earnest, energetic, • . II d ear - headed, : poaitive men, with ' large II ames.-. They began iti , Maine, where many 1. , li r ealibitrziet ; live at present. ; ,They. have. arisen to a; /Inge .esti sit, independent of each i; other, and by no Mamie agree - inS 'small F : huitts,,. Huhn - . H. . %Attune has been a P consistent,- kindly 'and aiirLitilrig friend of P . Gen. Grant. He hasiredfilliterised'of tali ing no notice of Grunt4ti:Galena, but Grant ' was a stew-corm., there, and- .Washlarme was away from 'borne in - Cougrfts ' three- I foetthinf thoyeitr.' 'Grant's'father sent for • his non not long Were the war, and offered ' i . him eight .htin&id* dollars a year to take ', charge Of hieleatlier and hide ,business: f. Grant went -to work made few acquaint, ances, and was one cif 'the most nnimuiwn men in . Giderui. - ,-Wlien the war began, ' i Washburne stirred himself to raise a corn !: pany in Galena. and as it was known to ,a .'.few that Grant had been a Captain In the ; army, he was, looked to';' as'the proper ' Man i.- to be chairman. Mr, Winshbnrne described, ',..' tome this hard-working, commonly-dressed: man, with an old, faded dragoon cloak upon. his shoolders,,mounting to the.beneh of the ',, Court House and stating the object of the •,. meeting. Alen the company" Was .raised . ,:i Grant was found to be perfent - in all the 41e P I tails of equipping' it from beets itihhtbins.' ~1 Washburne, Grant and the rest lopk'the .1 company down to'Springfield. . :'There, with scanty means, paying ' three dfillarca - day - for board, . Grant waited - the, disorganized i Preen of the State authorities , , with. Dick ii Yates, iippracticable as , now, at the head of, the State. ~ :Finally; Grant:laid to Wash ii burns : 1-.- .• -,' . r, : • - '... • . ql "I .naillo nothing here'; I' am running, . t short ; I shall go home end go to work." ..1. "Hold on !" said , Washburne: • At - last Grant was placed in the Adjutant General's ii Department, and by happy luck was one .t, day placed at.the head-of a regiment afflict: ii ed with a 'drunken Coroner. So began the. g fame which has gone round the world. ti • Wasliburines, relatiiirrir with Grant are - nothing more than thaseletween two Mends • L. whoa believe in each other. .liVaalihturie 11, finds in Grant -latent abilities developing evbry day, poWers'coming sinter. his-mod- I « eat)! like a bee's nest in a violet,bed l •Re • g•. lhaselllao , o a r i d b • a w tt h l at - e b v u e l r l e i t n in ; ! w : riThg any b O r f a teed ~ s , 1 dispatch, "I will fight it out on this line if '.? it -takes all 'summer" surname* : was 'brought -from l'Spottsylvaniate Washington in Mr. • Wash burneli pocket.' He said to Grant' as he quitted the field s'' ' 11 "General, have you any meseage to send up to the War Department Y',,. "I guess '..1 not," said Grint.t"l tn'ik it would be , ---: well," returned', Washburn , "if you sent some little word up to the people." Very 1 faei;terat - Grant sit down- in•iite tent, and ti as quickly as he could`transcribe', and with ; out - reading the Message over,•:gave it to ‘. i Washburne, - .4ealed. - The latter tome •to Bell Plain, took a boat at the NavY , i Yard, rode in aliciree t car to- the War De 'l.l partment, where he found everybody blue "O. and doubtful, and delivered the - letter to, ,i a Stanton. That simple bulletiii4hrilled i the .. ' atiiii47 and went. into": tlie epigrammatic '...., literature of mankirid. . .., ~ Bo with General Grant's letter ; respon4 I sive to his nomination at Chicago. People ti were saying; among themselves; "Some -1 body ought to give Grant'advice - about that g letter. He might put liiii foot in -it. That 5 letter is vital." ' , t , "Never mind," "said Washburne, "he'll • delt up right.'7 rd And witti„ out "labOr,fiPontaneously, cleri . rd cally, Grant wrote:the letter, which is more l' c l to the point• and more electrical thanany 1 mere platfomi In 'the history of.politicians. ri —G. A. T.,: Oteve2inuilLmder. . - , . ..' A Sketch of Trio;Congfeisinen. Thereare two Men_ most prominent in the ; House la these days of :late sessions and hard work: Schenck and• Elam.' B. Wash. ' il btirne.. General Schenck is at the head of ••,.... i the. Committee of Ways and Means; Wash . ' burocinikes charge, in Stevens' constant ab p •., i Bence, of the Committee on Appropriations. ".... Nen' her of these placesare _velvet ones.:_To , beat the head Of the , taxing machinery and . ,• f refuse relief to people gni far fthin enviable • " ,1 plams. Bat both thesenurn stand fast and hard; content to be unamiablein order to be •-•• 7 useful. Schenck is a heavy, „thick set, an ', 1 burn haired' man, with 'spelt >dented chin, . '.. a shuddering, manner of SPfleh r etirthe3Sr i vehinience, the "scorn of scorn." Eels a - 1 hard , faithful worker, a bull mastiff in his *. determination nat,to be'Wheedled out of the ' publie taxes. l'he "whisky ring" stands t afar 'when he is' potailve; all this manifold '4 ' interests of mankind* sh a ke - when' be dis- ' tributes his percentages. He is armor proof to demagoguery; all interests emus,' ,to him , '-'-: saying: " Send the tithe man, I priiy ,- yott,f ,' everywhere but to my house I " , - , - Mr. Schenck] with ygrin, :terarec ,'••: "I sent him to your hitise this mom ing 1". ~ . ...- ,•, ' . .- '-•- What Woirld become of the , land if all , ... public men _were Regativel , These practi cal committees iire placer; Air' Watch-hounds and not for curs. Your citizens will, many of theni; Vpinitiltiteli tiiitifitit ea Baia of Schenck, bat, his post is Western, one of the Exactor. His clientis the koverrunent. He wants hisiteilf-vitif 13 45.914.b•ML: - .1 - ' "t' r Weihburne a place is even more unpopu , lar. It to not: the people *horn he offends:: but the aordid„avaricions, , reyengeful.,lol4 tiers,: phiceinen and kibtiyhns , .W. ---; doted pseudo newspapermen arobere t bent upon assisting the common"rat of Capitol. These are ,:willinx, to tpit , Witailintrner every day by mall and -- telegraph _ ; . for he has no client but the public purse. Ho will' not , have its purse stringspulled by any cunning finger, -whoever may represent it. He is ailbroiulahotildered,' tell,leayAisired:. self reliant man, plain in hie life and attire, with , a warm heart for any privatemerit, but an, 1 inflexible contempt and hate for the eitizen"J . i who neglects his private enterprise, to come !' 1. here and live upon the blindness of the goy ernment. Every square mile of the country :;,5 Is represented here by some jobber or an ,.l other. lit4l4pJpveritilayaw-hosse,4ltridgit , ,11 way be wants an tippropriatfon of tie mil -1 lions of dollars to civilize the Blackfoot In di .., ens with" .tke it The-ran-borse - " Ir' iidrit-i -. , ii"..l6 , cr , is - We 1.11 ; il a ihk n-` . & gressman Staittisanfigeakstr*swiivr •il for Simony endiiirselC. All seems welto Suddenly ,E.' 4, pir .sa hb ni , na ~ ,4 ses in ids place and damns the' aSW:fiVrie7t , w ho can imagine the fury of the inventor. Wash , burceilisqllanOelthcr4loulltr,Wasitburne fa a KO:did-piece I:Wo(l*er:dont And'fford I the ends of the earth come all flescription of people who can neither support themselves, , I nor lietAlPPeftrAtnn. theirpighlzemfitl,linir . p hack 'upon the common victint of us all, the " - united States. -- Watiiibtnnts is the flaming cherubim to, all such. He sweeps clean.- -1. The party-thlei4bate him.- But he is-entf- ; ji :tiiri few-mill in iliefrietifte:tiftheliritleit I state who incorruptibly earns his money.-- ~. Cor,. - 4411'eagO resins. .`, ri , - • +'r_ ,t....:`,e _____,........................;„,.......,...4„1„-: 'l+7 II Ur 0017 it ' tivi w up 7 ~.. Tim catile glade Nil , 1- hiyi s tu d j , 4; ill ot thoubPet2 or &' TI it, edini.lete .804 ik,*(l:l V itsiipic i lts. 4 & iff y % it: Iliw _i t • Chliimix t In Cu. ci m i lk- ' . ii.4.43likets2 °l437lgue: be I"aillag [with atent in flack Ye of. their /hakd n 1444 attention to the ~e tudy: 0 langliV• '' ' :.,1 _ _I , . According to - the Siiit Priricisio Bulletin the State of California- is 11111 .bf . 'starying clerks and.thriving laborers. Every steariz er'imings young fellows from New :York,; Bosten, Philadelphia and Bidthnore i ,And even front London, Glasgow, F4ance and Germany, looking for " taattoha" ;fi e . condition of these young tttui de. scribed': • '- • ' Some= have. even been iliolishenouglr to thro* up berths at home. thinking; hat be cause . California as .a. prorperausAountry, 'clerks must be in • demand.., iiitenthey. get there they walk the streets..-•bore• their. an . Auaintancesi prey upon !their &Jerky, and. are-snubbed by 01 0Agel:ti"Pstho are weary answering etuttnibil- Interrogatory I)o you wants clerk at this establislnentr Men #l4ol t , On the '-ozeitrary,ake'.. generally ,RrufparOnsi, and it has 'Wen proved tbat , :gue yUsi'll.sicad3r, manual iibur in Califorain i at, the present rate of wages, Will :give , zarna. a good 'house and a good The Union Pacific Railroad andMormen.. One of the important quettions in this coininunLy in connection with . : the Over land railroad has been definitely settled. It has until the present been uncertain .whether the road. would come down into the valley by Echo and •Weber canons or :take the Bear river route, but it is now authoritiVely announced that the former `route is to be followed, and the road de :bon& into the Great Salt Lake valley 'through, the mouth of Weber canon at about 35 miles northwest of this dity. The - Important problem 'still left for the people here is what course the road will take from the month of . Weber, _whether it will go around the lake,to the north or south, or cross if directly cipecisite Weber. The announcement of th,eiettnig of the con -tract; for the grading Weber, end Echo. has sent a thrill,Of excitement tAl:igh- the city : which will awed as the newe;extends through the ,territoiy, and well,it i may, - ,for it is the announcement that the great work is at our very doors. . However Lids practi cal trial may affectlifornienistn, greatneal is in store. for. thin: 'Territory. Within It s . borders is contained allthatis•necessary to mike a rich - and populous, .State.- • A vast extent of land, susceptible of the highest, and most profitable cultivation; coal r iron, lead; and copper in abundance, ,and feel certain much gold and silver; while lb.' 'water power for manufacturing purposes; is unlimited. No, region between Mee Idis• sour' and Sacramento valleys approaches it at all for richness and.resources. Most Bitters of the present day that are loudly puffed through the newspapers as having great 'curative - properties 'are'vile, compounds' and base impositions, contain ing no medicinalvirtues whatever, and are really very poor whisky beverages,, and, instead of acting as a stimulant and tonic,, have a tendency to weaken theitomach by entirely destroying the coating. The public should therefore be very cautious and. pur chase „none but Boback's Stomach Bitters, which have stood the teat as ass reinedW agent foi many years, and area really as their naive indicates, a stomach , bitters and not a beverage. They combine the p.7lPer; ties of the best tonic And a stimu laxative,an efficient arid anti-bilious agent and the aest stomachic known to the world, and when taken in conjunction. ith Be. ,back's Blood Pills, are the safest and surest preventive against all bilious derangements. thoroughly regulating the whole system and giving tone to the digestive organs. They are highly recommended as an in vigorating tonic to mothers while nursing, increasing the flow of milk, and for conva ' - lescents to restore the prostration. which always follows long-continued sickness, they are unsurpassed!. No household should consider themselves safe from the ordinary maladies without the.sehavaluable medicines. They can be obtained of any druggist. • WPMF SPECIAL, NOTICES. _ _ tgrOVIDE .TO MARRIAGE.- Young Me rry Guide:to Happy Marriage and Conjugal Felicity. The humaheviews of benev olent PhyWrians, on the Errbrs and Abuses Incident to Youth and Early Manhood, sent In sealed letter envelopes,: free of charge. Address HOWARD AS. SOMATIC/N. Box P., Philadelphia; Pa. atylike36T • nritAaverr‘Lows Rant DICE. This Splendid Hair Dye is the best In the world; the only true and petted Dye; harmless, reliable. Instantaneous; •no disappointment; no ridiculous tints; remedies the 111 e ff ects of bad dyes; Invigo rates and leaves the Hair soft and beautlftil. black or torrion.. bold by all Druggists and Perfluners; and properly applied at. Batchelor 's Wig - Baotou, No. 10 Bonelstreek, New York. • aMip2B UPT .NOTICES,. A 8104-11FEEN NOTICE OF AP -ponermuNT. . In the District Court of the ratted States for the Western District. of Penns - ylianta. In the matter of HEILMAN VEICLIBB, Bankrupt. In Bank- Isuptcy,,No. 755. • TO WEIOM IT . MAT colecztor :—Tbe uncleralgned bereby gives notice °this appointment Aitagnee of REBHAN VEEDED, of Allegheny MY. In the evinnty. of AlleghenY. and State of Pennsrvanla, ;within sold District, who has been Jui; udged bank inotopOti lila own. petition,, by the Dletrlot Destrt: . Of field District. - • Dated.at , Yletsburgh., Ps, the Illth'iloY of Julie, ORM. NY.- KIRKE 11,45al jet2:rsg:sp , • Attorn Sitt PI Went. ' R'. TAE DISTRICT COVRT.Or I TAB "UNITED IiT.ATItS; POE VTBST.. .r.ttN DP.TBACT', OP . dt'ENNBYLVANIO:p In, the matter of JAMES JOIINST9X, Jr., of Onto town shlp,Allegbeny county, Pennsylvania, Bankrupt. No. 4574 l . a.Jtankroptcy.„ ' • _ Western District ofPslomotioarsia,•.o. Atllttabnrgh,,Jupe,4td,. A. P. /NC : To ALL - WHOM IT EAT leCINCR$111:: 'rbelpuderpiguelt iscredi liras notice. of tila.sjp... - polutment as Asslgnee , Of 4AM.Eq JOHNSTON,. Jr.,. of otiio to*naldp; lrl' the county of Allegheny, and State- cd- Pennaylvansitwithirt l nald I:Woo, who haa:beht- sand - god s ' _bankrultr uPunr QW.u:P91471 Bon; :try thernstrict Court or sato Ma MAW •`' ! JAMES W. 31 CIBIATirAltaldner, , : je..s ' grzaT . Attorncy.ot-Law. lAO Slft.4 street. - • - - - - U. 13., MARSHAL , t 1 OF PI 14,' W. 11. of Pennsylvania: PrrTaimattrat - June 10, 11368. IISARSHAVS WILE. !.•: -.:,) 'WE% • KEE, PEARCE CO.&STEAMBOAT .Eo.l, October .Tfral7 181. Arltrilrsity. - lip virtue of a weimilitiont erpotterairaturd out otthe D istriet Court of she United- Mates. .Weateralila.., riet °Creamy) rants., and to me directed, will ex pose to lawhile sale ori the , Rain ',DAT U? JUNE' A. 11.'1W.04.M. 10 o'clock lit* the HO US S Die Cita or Pittsburgh, the Steamboat. Armadillo,.to ether with her boats, machinery! tackle, apparel, to. , EROS: A. ROWLEY, - , JellaSir._ U. 5.% Metall+ Western Markt. _ . •-- THE . .11114X.RICT il s, Psrners or Laborer cblesgo, 'St.' s,, La IstlU LonlS,, Vloksborg, Litt le !Rock, New Orle a ns; Mobile; Oslieston, or any part of Texas, can receive ration valuable„ prompt and reliable Infonnation,'' from out general office In Loultrills, by enclosing our fee Of Two): DOLT its' 10 our luldreu... asringlit4/ enisnalro, 'nosiness an. analntanee Ws Part of the country, will OVA sB4lllfllt,loll. • • • , 43. Mil 1011 XIS• de 004 No. 118, 441iSt., Louisville,. Kg. s• :11101ffiriARIURGH PAPER , BIANE•4 Ar4CtTU2LIN4 COMPANY. I4auvActusora eg PRINTINSAND,WRAPPING PAPERS' CLINTON MILL:-.STZUBENVILLI6•ORIO. • Bytionrox , BBltiliTuN., • OPTION AND WOMEtiotrE4lo, 110%82 'T*Ittl'eet)•Attianir!A,P0 Ottiegus-,AIIGUST B ARTM , Preslient. , • • ita i t L /tibIiSGAT . (ki jr DouccrostB—Augrit Bartle, John ,ILtweß, B Bauman; John li. Zarb:loon. " •• • B. • • Cash mid /or Pater Stoolr. , • • j_aroi_oBl_ t . LG. 11:TAYLI. ~,.• *. A1.31.17.E .L. ....:e i.... 7 1,u .... : ..._: „ : , ~, il " 1 1 l .7 1° ‘ .118.41. ill-irallT 4 laoltred npoi , g n n ea l ov p r ie - sane, Ana A; M. anal nerd It h.lll. Et. era te ,' shelfs e in SLISIf..AI/0 liwierki t e c OlP/5 1 1 hi cast! - de, ig iveD ' res . ..PICSBO3CALLM4II3 °RAIN& ,B trin, Laatem?, and. G atialectitrials Chittlog tkine 1 .1410 neatest mauler. . , • • • Bt. Louie, kthapari. attended to MZI CI,.A LLEGAIENYINSUILANCE CORI PANT OP PITTSBURGH. OFFICE, No. 37 Elnii STREET,' Ramr BLOCS Ininirel whist all kinds of Fire and Marine Ulna JOHN IRWIN. Prealdent.• • JOHN , D. McOOR.D, Vice Preerident, C. G. DONNELL;Secretary. - OAPT..WIE. DEAN. General Agint. _ DIRECTORS: - Mut t r. Crpt. Wm. • Dean. John D. McCord, B. L. Patinestock, C. G. Hussey, W: H. Everson; Harrep_Cbilde. ' Robert H. Darla, T. J t Roakinson, . grand, Sellers. Charlet Hays.' Capt. J. T. 814*Itdale. ICIPEOPLESP INSITRAIICE COM. A. P.A.N _ . • • • BleAllDUai arthercliANT 'X'ArLore, No. 93 3 i eldnarnumsTßErr, Pirrasußeß. KeoPs constantly on band sane assortaent of CLOTHS,- CASSIMERES & YESTINGS Also, GENT'S puzonsuurti (i4Xipt;i.„ ournuNG /JUDO. To olgionl..the latest No. 1111 82 dITIIPI4D 4 lirrigEt i Pittsburgh, Pa. CoolisitaY oaaailde a fag aallariMaaS Or CatgeilldNllPS. ge. Dv 'F Br. CO.;_° erchaut,Tation s • 34 Peding St.; Allegheny, . IWO Itortraeelied &Lorin and rie”ralooted kook of rtrirp, gpirtOrGi inliable for a dratO4nis maim, irAide:: ,Also, Alamo !Ilitook of GENyli rtiltfaSHlNtf, fAm xs... stela 3 , .BIINJA MIN' antOsitty . • P1111101PCLX:16. `SINGERLT , &:CLE,Ify filqicclsors gonna- PICHOUHNIAO ift ' ' 113 e oni.7 - 10teani LtthogreOhie Zitiblisineem, West .0f tbe Mountains., Hosloesse Certbk Letter .Hes As. "tends, Leticia. C llrenlars. Show Canis. Diplome% Portraits. Views. Certylleatee of Illewsita, MD. Oardly • ' Nos. , lit and 74 •TbirO 'street.' Plttsburth. • , . , 0/M,VPWITERS & BUILDERI3. NI& 1 LLLLIII: J. HICIII,'! - , itrgmta ANI: ) BUii+DERIt...,... .. . ,' ~. . 1 ~, ----- ,• ~ ' ..-, tiro.' all' ittinsiti,vAiirA AV4Ntf 1, t,: 41.0oett.' High street, Pittsburgh. Pii,:. liesiltuseoso.-1481 .Jobbingtreet., ;‘ w ilt' :.' I • .."' ' '..2 . done 'a we " 44- 4Y. ctf — Lu. orders pri4tir attend ' tN'suti mitts bn o , a , gimlet: i - '.. 1 ' - ',, - ,•-• silieMliiing, - , :1 Z-- • . 7 'IMPIPPUNTLARip - N I4 T , , Fire Insuranw Company OF PITTSBURGH. OSA No. 42 .Fifth St., Swond rloor, OVER REDTEMAN' s IrgYRAN & MOLE'S JEWELRY STORE. 31rnmc.xv:nt 6: ne•bert C. Schmerti r . , Louts Morganstern, Charles Meyran,' . Joseph Abel. Wm. P Lang. •Adoltift grebe, Wm. Carr, - • CL. Siebert, . r Petdr Kelt. , C. J.-Schultz„ , • • A. Stelemerer, Martin Hey'. ' . . ,•- , , • ROBERT C. 14011111 . TZ, Pres't. . 11 10116AN8TEBN, Vice Pree't. CRAB. lILEYRAN, Treasurer. C. ItERROSRE, 'Secretary.. The above Company is now fully organized, and prepared to take, VIRE RICH& Bf careful attn.- tion to business,. prudence And fair dealing, this Company will endeavor. to merit a liberal share of the patronage of the community. '' • • ' Brat FBABITLIN INSURANCE COMPANY, OF ALLEGHENY, FA. Once In Franklin Saying; liank Buildings) NO. 43 Ohio St., Alleichetilr• . A HOME COMPANY, managed by Directors well known to the community, who true, by talr dealing to merit a a b are of - your patronage. HICEEY XELWIE GEO. D. RIDDLE Henry Irwfa. D. L. Patterson, Henry Gerwlg,. Geo. R. Riddle, Jaeob'Pranx, flottlelb.Paas, 131monDrum, J. B. Smith, ' Jaecib Rush W. M. Stewart; Ch. P. Whiaton, Joseph:Oraig h , . Jos. Lautner, H. J. Zink/Lad, Jeremiah Ko en apRI:o3S' ,NATIONAL . I N SURANCE C 0.,. -`-' OP THE OITT OP Aitsoriarr. . . m e, in; ALLEGHENY TRUST COMPANY'S PULE INSVIiANCE 0 3 7 1;I: . W. W. MARTIN, Pre4Ment, JAB. E. STEVENSON; Secretary on . ntancrB: .. A. R. English," o . ll .P.WlMamilJno. Thomp s on, Jno. A: Myler; Jae, Lockhart; !Joe: Mien, Jas. L..Graharo, Robt, Les, IC. V. zcyle, I Jno; Brown ' , Jr. Geo. Gen t, Jacobßopp. mh2S:nt4• NITESTERN INSURANCE COM. PANY OF PITTSBURGH. IMMANDER NIMICIL President. WM. P.MERBER ,T Secretary. • CAPT. GEORGE NEMLD, General Agent. Gene, 92 Water street, Spang , Co.'o Ware house, up stairs, Pittsburgh. Will razure against' il kinds of •Fire and. Marine whks. A home institution, managed by Direeton oa re well known to the community, and who are determined by promptness and liberality to maim tain the character which they have assumed, as of fering the best protection to those who desire to be Alexander Mini Mk.. Joan IL McCune; IL Miller, Jr.. Chas. J. Clarke, . James McAuley, William S. Evans, Alexander Speer,. Joseph Kirkpatrick. • Andrew Ackleu, Phillip Reymer, David M. Long, • Win. Morrison, D. Ibmsen. nO2S pENNSYLVANL4. INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTYRBURGH . 1 OFFICE, Al FIFTH STREET. BANK BLOCK. This is a Home Company, and insures against lass by Fire exclu siv ely.. . LEONARD WALTER, President. C. C. BOYLE, Nice President. , . . ROBERT PATRICK, Treasurer.. HUGH MCELHENY, Secretary. DIRZOTOUS: -. ____ . Leonard Walter, George wuson. C. c. - Boyle. • . - W. Evans, • RG eo obert Patrick, J. C. Lappe, Jacob Painter, J. C. Dauer, Josiab King, John Voegtley, Jas. IL Hopkins, A. Ammon. Henry Sproul, jytt INDEMNITY AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE. FRANKLIN INSURANCE CO.OF PHILADELPHIA. OFFICE, 435 & 431 CITESLA U f ST., NB.Ll2srn. DIRECTORS. Charles__ Bancker, Mordecai H. .Louls,; Tobias Wagner, David S. Brown, Samuel Grant Isaac Lest, Jacob 11. Smith, Edward C. Dale, Feorite W. Richards ‘ George Fates. CHARLES 0. BAN HER, President. EDW. C. DALE, Vice President. W. C. STEELE. Secretary,pro km. J. GARDNER COFFIN, AGENT North West corner Third and Wood Streets. m °MOE, N. M. CORNEMWOOD Lnrg " 8 . A. Home Oceopany 4 taking Fire and Marine aisle G apt: Rho g 4 , Sitanuel.P.:Mbriver,. • . Chitties Arbuckle, /A . • Pamnel Dinetiakart• .stdent. President,. Bearetnry., • tr. .(Saari Agent. . • WM. ' John Watt, • John .E. Parka, Capt. James MUlor , Win.. Van Kirk, James D. Verner WM. PHILLiPt3, - P JOHN W4TT Vice r. a.t.apirkw CAPT. JAB.. fiI9RP ISMLO k • 'Z.: WWI! 'l9lltEl . 4 . -XISIROUANT LII I I3OGRAPEVERS. LESS= MAXAGILR MONDAY, June 15th, an' -- THE . .CREAT. or; r. DlL9fArc. OPEAATICI 0 40413Z01:413CV ' -'IIE Air Grand 'Matinee on Admission, 2.5 cents, to igrmatsizw s EX__~~H~IBITION, onraprisinz woßgs OF ART anti, GRE . 4 4. 4-7? taw. LlVlRerdianiosrri*s,, • .AT ,RRANIELLIN HALlr4i Firth street, opposite Pittaborgh.Theatre,, Cards of Admission 25 atts. Doors open tnna. 8 o'clock A. st. to icp. H. 1 • ntelow ' !al - GRAND VOCAL AND INSTIA MENTAL . ~ • CONCERT. . • A GRAND CONCERT WILL BE GTV - E - ' MIN TRH KEYSTONE SKATING KM, Allelifienn. ON THURSDAY AND FRIDAY.EVENINGS. , , JUNE 15Th AND , ern, 1885, '- • , . And a GRAND ISATIN:EiI n SATURDAY AP- . TERNOON, June 2001 at 2...ki o'clock.--. ...A._ The ORCHESTRA will - fie under the direction o Prof.:WEISS, leader of the Great Western Band: Atlas C. A. MOODY, Principal . pf the Mozart fd Meal Institute, will preside at the Piano. . , The services of the ALLEGHENY QIIARTETTit have Amen secured for the oc#sion , and will render some of their guest tbings each evening. _ . I ~ The whole under the direction of Prof. W. t I BLACK, Teacher of Music tribe Public Schools. Adailasilon.. , « rd. e 3 0 5 "111114 ChildrTlYnaer 12:17ear i Age 2g. thelek44i, be had at the kfurde Stores, Pittsburgh; . Book d Drug Stored, Allegheny. and at she • r Hardwa • Store of Whiteside. & Drum,;* Pederar street, ne r Railroad Depot. 11 .. .. . The Ste S tein way Grand .ircert Piano will he lug. lashed by H. Hither Isitrp. li ... —'• , - In Doors oven at 7' o'clock, Concert to - communise ~, •at 8,34 O'clock; ..,' • • i N..B.—A.t 0 o'clock the Wagon will form in Ilan :- and march to position. on tne;pitage. jeig:r . ' I WA FIRST . CLASS ' , - ..President. STE/MERRY A ICE CEkAS - :PEST . - - Will be held in EXCELSIOR HALL, Allegheny;': ON THE ISTn 1977 r A 20Trt .NST., . 4 'For the benefit Or the Method' t Chnroblionie kis- . 5100 Work 6 16 . ' 1 , 1 * or ' ' '• -.; ' ' : iro At ej Leh t lentof it: Wu c a l' , l iiiaßlans are tai- : dially Invited to attend. "•• I ' - • • - le19:r510 •' : IigrBENEFIT OF RE POOR; Uader the anspfees of the clety nr 86 Vincent de rani, (St. Paul's Vonfereu thern will be he'll A CRAND CHAR TY PICNIC, i AT WTARLARD j i B GROVE, " 8.A.p1711.13, July .4th. Ample arrangements ..have been made. to seellteill Pleasant and enjoyable day to tin who attend, *nue at the same time they will feelconscions ore -unit s .. uting to the - relief of the wort y- p our in our inbift. Tickets oiradmlsslon, India ing Diuneic 60 . cents - can be procured from the mein her:, of the Socety , or at George .Quigley'a Booklatore,- Grant 'street" , and at the gate. , • jelib. , _ _ LINDEN LINDEN GROVE havin* been fitted up in the most superb style, with a large and elega . nt form, beautifully shaded, large Dining Room and two excellent bars, js now ready to rent to PIO-- NIC,S PARTIES, SUNDAY ; SCHOOL . CELEBE4- TIONS, &c:, on the most reasonable terms.-- - • • Parties holding Picnics, 8:0.4 will find it to their advantage to secure the Grove. • The Grove is easily accessiple, tuing Nit a few steps from:the Oakland Railway Station, whose can run - regularly evvry fifteen =braes... Aer For terms, &c., apply a ithe • OFFICE, OF. THE. OAKLAND RIILWAY CO., 11 OAKLAND STATION. irtyB:p64 EqrBITERDALE-. - SUMMER RESORT, • AT HATS Delightfully situated on the F. w. &C. R. 'fr",; - eleven miles trout the city, is n ,ow open for the re. cepsion of guests. ' • Addreas, B. MILL4R, . JelD: Box 35 b4 ; Pitt.buriab , !.'CitACK;IER. ES. - . SHEPHMtI,'S STEAM cilacion 817 Liberty Street. Oar'. Crackers are baked upon TOM, and • are superior to any any other process. ._ . . m A p c v..;..:c.s ...„.„..t...,,,,„_.,;,..;_, - IA . C' C 1 1 0 _. • II i - ARE - gill:TRIO; •TO :AVY -• 'OTHERS 1 • . • .• ; OFFERED IN THIS-CITY *INF., lioBTliii s DA, . 1 11AM .70 EI3CFL, WATALI,I3ITI ,SO VEII 2 BIUGAN -- Hi MACY- " 34a.A CR S For Sale by. Every GrOcer, in this City. Bakery, NO. 91110erty St. PIANOS. ORGANS, &O._ --- - ,IDIOT - THE BEST 'AAID (.31E,tp. 4-1 , EST PIANO AND ORG A N , : . . , .. • 13 ho kei.' Gold' Medal' Plan c mac S.O s ... AND ESTEY'S ,COTTAGE. ORGAN. ' The SCHOMACKER PLANOLannbinea all the listen, vtd a reLlmprovehoente:., own .Ln . the etn.7 streetlen I AMA gam instrument, and hsealwaye been -aw MI the - kushvot,' premium Wherever ex 1* Whited. • ,Its tannin nill, sonordne and sweet.- The !workesanahtp., for derablllty and beauty. i seepages 11 all °Mere'. Prlece from' SSQ to SO; teecordlng to style and ( dash, s , eheaper -than all other so-called first elase,ro. i-, •••,. - .. , • . TET'S ,COTTAAE ORGAN . - . 'llitandlitt t trestabf all reed _ ( stnunente,itt_pre.' during the moat perfect, Wee quality of totte Or illy, olmltatlnatrument In tha - ljnltedi prates.. It 14 Ann.. pie anolsOtnpna In cbustraelion. , and tilt, liable tti get Oat ot order.' -," - ' 1! • ~' CARPENTER'S PATENT_ " - VuX MR24/ L NA . . TREMOLO" Is only to be--found In thle Organ. price from $l OO 304559. All ltuArantt.ed tor arts, front 7 . _',_ - • - --, • 1 - • , 1 8AR14 , 104101A ~ , • .. „ ,, , r. • . .c MM .. '' .. No. is ST. , Ant, imitittil ar0:093 ggcoPro HAIM NELopxot4', In pe e rtbot order, 80in1135 to per ;; - was - 4 i IPiftb 7lti rare Otitbovivitroql, ARI;IMTu ;r1t.4114-8C Meant; -I'. Li- ti .., .• ty-- ... . --, .: Intuit itiftis Astatiantsu fitnizillogi roe. ' 1 solo* catir's*ot, 'eittie4sch,, Pt,. Eipeel4 1 ' itteniton glvdn't6 iler d4iiinidit add' bardthicsde 141711b rIlOrtgdiiifi. 4171njil trltailNfnt" . ' 'QUM, dir01011,! '1 - ' ;- to ,, , .......,i,1,-.,i , i,,, , , • ;';sl,,, .. -‘ AnAM.liiitteli, A. ; 1 i 1 Irdr eilkbp .10111 W R. lborseiv4 spef, noting sad Seedimesa, LIM 1d1idt140644.' Z HOUSE. • T. E. ILION. daring the week, REBELLION; :IP DITCH. A SENSATION' MR AND IttlitESQtri. • rai-. • '• • ITTIFUL LADDSB. tun's)", at o 4 elCoik: 'arts ot the house. I ,the .oVitNißOT p,ked by hot mr or MITI .~ ME , , 7;f ...J EMI M