The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, June 19, 1868, Image 6
f! mow -WORKS .:..::..W.PORT, Burt,. E 3 ITTSBIMGO•FORGE AND IRON CO., actNrwicruz.zas 'OP . Bar Iron; Atallirood - Fish Bari and Bolts; Itiiilroad Car Axlemi Boned ;Railroad ear Aides Hammered; lacomotive Frances;:. Locomotive • Locomotive Frame Shapes; Side Veda; Token, Straps; Piston Heads; itteitinboat Shahs; iliesanboat Cranks; FUME; Bodo, Wrists; Pihmso Jaws, Collars, &e. , Office, No. 177 PENN STREET, PITTSBURGH, P•. G RAN T I BYERS & CO., mANurAcrunißsor Bar,. Hoop .- and 'Sheet Iron, WROUGHT MON, l4im Welded Tttbes for Gas, Steam, '. Water &e ALSO, 1'..,;.;191L:i.' WELT, TUBING. Itmee, 98 Water and 182 First Streets. PITTSBURGH, Fya ulli:e2l KIMINGTON IRON WORKS. LLOYD . & BLACK, BIL&XUFAOTLItEIt§ OF Best Common, Relined, Charcoal JUNIATA BLOOMI/RON.- • MERCHANT BAR, ROUND and SQUARE IKON BAND,__T and ANGLE:LRON. BOILER PLATE. and SHEET IRON. ' ROWER' AND - REAPER BAS E . CYLINDER annARD or FINGER IRON. fassmogßAl aiindite tbs. to the yard. • WROUGHT CHA and B. PIE,BB for same. ' FLAT RAILS, Punched and Countersunk. ,• , COAL SCREEN IRON. NAILI3.A.ND SPIIORL •' Warehanse and Office at the Works, GREEN COUGH ',STREET, (a conUrreation First street, adjoining the City Gee Winks, Pittsburgh, . E VEHIMIN PRESTON & CO., Pennsylvania Iron Works. Warelitise, Nos. 106 and 167 FIRST STREET, opposite BrOtiongayela Reuse, ap24:dB PITTSBURGH. STEEL WORKS. SHEFFIELD STEEL. WORKS: SINGER, NTMICK CO., PITTSBURGH, P&, Mannfacturers of every description of CAST AND CERMAN STEEL, RAILWAY SPRINGS - ELLIPTIC AND PLATFORM SPRINGS, AXLES, STEEL TIRE, ac.„ az: Warehouse, 88&Water and 100 First Sts. apl6:ub pIITTSBURGII STEEL WORKS. ANDERSON,COOK & CO '1 UrUCCESSOBS TO .749.147.9, - ,BOYD & C 0.,) Manufszturere ofr;he BEST :REFINED CAST. STEEL, S42IJAILE, FLAT and OOTAGOBI, of liTslzec SAW MATES HOE FORK and SHEET OAST STEEL; Maaying_and P Mani Machines, • 15 lkafhts,%frtiliirs,it:e.; Cast Common Plow & SpiingSteel. Of:lee—Corner IFTEIST AND ROSS 13TEEN,TEI, two Mocks above the Monongahela House. oe2t:de • I i fILLEII4 BARB & PARKIN. 131121111.1.1. rearm:ins: 'M. METCALF, y AZUBEN MILLER * . CEO. W. BARE, ' CHAS. PARKIN. PASTNXE-lik: K. CRESCENT STEEL WORKS, BABR,& P'A.RIKEN, Office, Ne. 339 Liberty St, ' PTITSBURCia," dig ummon) SMM, WORKS. PARK, BROTHER & CO., Mainfactorers of ill descriptions of E;Firmaßrar . Office and Warehouse' 120,11151, LAIL 'fiECOND sad 119 and Lin FIRST BTHEZT, -411CISSIJECl/1; HARDWIME. NEW HARDWARE HOIISE. LINDSEY; STERRIT & tit/ wEit, • Multiftch'wen anti Inipo rtets la .A.-4..R.,1C0W..*1-1,30..; CUTLERY, lkC. 887, LIBERTY STREET, CORNER OF WitYNEI, Oise Square. Below Caton Depot, ' PITTSBURGH. N .y Ali' Airents. for reLiasmwlnzs , ElcALleilk TOBACCO AND CIGARS: ' ALLEN, • • u _ PSIAI4 III N.IILLL KINDS 07 • - IASF; I ' OBAAXIO AND SEWS,' 13Ois;. ilroochof 1751 Water sine% N. Y. - spito7l r DANIEL F. lIINAN. Qms' 'WNW& . Azai r. 11.; *. .73B,1 s=r 0100N, Tobacieof Scrtaitalgars, Pipes, •*.a., 3tPiww , Hr • = - • -4:_ , •• - -- c• • • -f • - C.! " ^ • • . • • =yir. • - • . . - ' :411 1) F4ftEk • - • MORTON STREET, Ninth Ward, THOMAS N. MlLLEW•l'tesident. These Works are among the largest ane most complete establishments in the West, and are now prepared to furabih _ Anilines, of evert , description. Boilers. 011 Tanks. Sheet Iron Work. 11a1liana Casting..- Itotiling . -Ca.stin,Tet. Engine Castings. li!taehl , ne puittNrs,'_ Unies;al 04444 W • n09:n69 ORDERS SOLIETTED • RATIONAL FOUNDRY 11 1 i1D PIPE WORKS. - • - Voraer,carimin and,..RmansaaaAtreenl, 4i4nativwelmo- - • PFTTSISUITA3.I3, ' . Manufacturer of • CAST IRON BOWL PIPE, FOR GAS AND WATER WORKS. IdiPmes itre - alreasi Iniailabiln Poi, In 44 Ban , and la feet lengths. Also, run assortment of General Castings for Gas and Water Works. I would also call the attention of Sum Intendants of Gas Works to my make of RETORTS! Tllt HAP FORT PITT FOUNDRY CO CILIRLESJEMAP, President:- • J. N. "[NAP, Vice President. • 0. METCAIX, liee'y and Treas•r.i 'J.J. H. WADE,•Engineer. - 1 J. G. KNAP, General Manager. . - Drriscroiaa: . , JAMES B. MURRAY, •01 . 1., Silolh a Co.' A. E. W. PAINTER of ,I. ralin Tani tdr &Seem. 1. ' ' C. B. HERRON,_of g pang, Chalfant & Co.( THOS. S. BLAIR, o Shoenberger & Co. WM. ; METCALF - 4 ofltiiier-BaBE it Pot Lai - "T' 4 : orosadtY o.-. r -,.... ! . _ i ce '!" - i Rolling Mill and Blast Machinery RETORTS andCASTrNI,S,_of every deecnizitlon. ERNEST'S NAIL MACHINES. . fe24_ L. 0. LiiiNGISTON.W. H. BITRT.W. A. ROBINSON, JR. LIVINGSTON &_CO., -?;_:; IRON kOmiDEits, •_ _sr MAMUFACTITRERS OF FINE LIGIIT, CASW.INGS, All descriptions, fiir Plumbera an&Das Fitters: Ag ricultural Implements, Cotton and Woolen Mlli Ma chinery, dtc... • All Job Work promptly attended to. . • , Office and _ woits—WASHlNGTON'!Ayracuz, near Outer Depot, AllegLeny City, Pa. ROBINSON, REA & CO., Successors to ItofinrsoN, MINIS & Mums, WASHINGTON WORKS, FOUNDERSAND MACHINISTS, PITTSBURGH, Manufacturers of Boat and Stationary Stearn En gines last Engines, Mill Machinery, Gearing, Shaftini z, Castings clan descriptions; 011 Tanks and Stills,Boiler and Sheet Iron Work. Office, No. 1%. corner First and Smithfield Streets. Agents for GIFGAB.D'S PETENTINJEC -Mt for feeding Boilers. • ja11:02 MONT BLANC FOUNDRY. Butler Street; Ninth Ward, (Opposite Union Iron Mills,) Bolling Mill-and Bridge Castings, THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, MACHINERY AND CASTINGS GENERALLY Orders promptly and carefully executed. Charges reasonable. EM3ERT & BERLIN FIWAIDItIf... PRIOR & SIMS. Nice and .ITal 3heaserWes Street. hilantaciiire and keep ixiniiintly on hand Thimble, Skein and Pipe Boxes, WAGON BURRS, DOG IRONS, SUGAR SETTLER, HOLLOW WARE, And Outings generally. It , 11108:0 T HOMASCARLISI\ - & CO., 'Fourth Ward Foundry and .111achine Works, BANDLTBIEY ST., ALLEGHENY CITY, Pa., Manufacturers of Stefan Engines, Oil Presses, Pal. leys,•Bharting Grist . and Barr Min Work, Rolling .MUI and Machine Castings, Grate, Weights, Wagon Boxes, dc. "Build to order and have on hand Engines of all sizes. myl4:q6 OENT - AAL FOUNDRY AND RQLL WORKS BOLLMAN, BOY)i) & BAGnEY. chill !kills, Mill Caatlnks, Roll Lathes, ,te kNULTON MACHINE WORKS. ESTABGISHIM IN 1836. aullfacter9 o a• r bTEAIR ENGINES, all sizes and of the most approved patterna,_ for statlonari p_urpoaes ; STEAMBOATS and , STLAIII FERRY Variety $1 10, 18 and 16 horie power EN3OB.6.ZWIAIOII wit/ be sold at Very. Muced ptiFes. P. P. GEISSE. Wellivole, 0. Fifty miles belciw Pittsburgh, on the Ohio Ayer, and line of C. & P. R. no9:h2 GAS AND STEAM JOHN I. COOPZR. KATZ.... IMM. HUM ON MaICOOPER 11$ 1000y4;,:. r' = BRASS FOITZTEIERL" GAS AND STEAM . FITTERS, limns facuireri ot 4 Polliflitafi) BRA WORK A ___o ,prejg Atcrnitloni dealers nut, .parukuuti Iz , I , u ° F -11111 4,1 1 % i - CnrAmr Once and Walnut Street's, prrTsisiradV. : *fi:ao IRON BROKERS. sAmgrEL L WICKERSIIASI . . IRONBRO/CEIL ' - • - 124 First Street, Pittsilmrgh, Pa. ; • Agent for the sale of COrnyrall, DoUghamore, Jo sephine, Isabella, Duneannon, Stanlio_ Jse, Glendon, end other brands of Anthracite, Youghiogheny Gotta and C. G. Charcoal. -• • : • - • • PIG Incsrieg. Cionsicniaernts and orders respeetful/Y /Follette& COPPEFL , .. 1...;A1LE-.:• ,, : ..., iitrki O : iioit 1•7:._ ., , ,,, oopPiß,:i44. l ,op . ,falminioirovre, . , , : - e4f t winEnrigrirsimpt44o.-_, ~,, , : . •! ' , PAREit. ALSCURDIMIE 00:5; - if J.. , . • -.A.. ., ..:_.•>...,.,... •,.: : casaba:yrs -or ,Sheath - Braziers , and __Sol • ... . Petaled . Bet '. • V : . - • BPei tal.l l l4 l ll 4et ilh* , ile Oen- . • 1 liektiabd. . -1- Ps SS' ` .l •-eq:' , lino , ND 81 < .. ' .•: • orders og' 0 • • r 01$ St saylante a t i mem • ' lli peire CM PITTSBURGIT 'GA ZETMi- - FRitaY EI/1 PITTSBIIRGIf 880 Penn Eltroot. ww. NG. alM l f=3,•l3olLZßS;qiie.'l F o ! trTITT , - BOILER, AND.Tilvic WORKS. ,CARROLL & SNYDER, MANUFACTIJEt2BI3 OF TITIMILAE, POUBLE-PLITEDATBtILAH, FIRE BOX AN., CYLINDER STRAM-BOILERS. OIL STILLS AND OIL TANMS; CHIMNEYS, BREE9H4r AND.ASEIVA . to SETTLING PANS; T PANS'. AND CON DENSERS:- STEAM PIPES, GASOMETERS" - AND IRON BRIDGES:. I PR/SON DOORS ANDVOAL SHIITES • Office and Warehatise, corner Second; Third, Short mid LibfrtzS4'eets, PrrESSUaGlib.llld:: sir Orders sent to the above address will be promntlr attended to. mhZ:lB9 „ L it0na0'w....J.4., a. assaruna., BLAss. (VHARA BOILER WORKS. illunattw& co .Aitirecrunaus Or Steam Bailers, Oil Stills, Agitators, TANKS, SALT PANS,IGASOBIETERS,,VROUGHT IRON BRIDGES,,SHEET IRON WORK, do. Cor. Liberty and Second Sts., • PITTSBURGH, PA. REPAIRING proitipily done. jy4:63 WM. BARNIIILLA v BOILER :MAKERS AND SHEET IRON WORKERS, . NOS. AO, 27, 24 AND 916 PENN ST. - • Raving secured a large yard and furnished it with the mos t . approved machinery, we are prepared to manufacture, every descriptionot BOILERS in the best manner, and. warranted equal to'any made in the country. Chimneys, Breeching, Fire Beds, Steam Pipes, Locomotive Boilers, Condensers; Salt Pans, Tanks,Oil Stiffs Agitators, Settling Pans, Boller Iron , Bridges •Sugar Fans, and sole mann facturers of Barnhill's Patent Boilers. Repairing done on theshortest notice. 1a.3:c21 JAMES M. MITER, 55 and 56 Water Street, _ • • -•--- swarrAcrunza or IRON OIL TANKS , SETTLING PANS, COPI•SR STEAM PRE, ROLLING MILL STACKS, And SHEET IRON WORK, For Steainbonti. JADED Y. DRUM ADYIIND D. BDUBH. JARED M. BRUSH & SON, ILL.NOVACTITREIIB OF Steam Boilers, Oil Stills, Tanks. SHEET IRON WORK. &O. 61 Penn Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. STOVES; CASTINGS, &C. 'OIOOIIL STOVES. _ • • CET THE BEST. BISSELL & CO.'S TEIUMPH, FOB BITUMINOUS COAL. Warranted to Cook, Rake_ or Roast as well as any other Stove in the Union. BISSELL & (10., No. 285 Liberty Street. Also on hand and for We. PABW EPILIT T° I I 4r I dTOVES, GRATE FRONTB_, FENDERS, COOKLNG RANGES, la. CHEAPEST PLACE in the city TO BUY THE TRIUMPH COOKINC STOVE, L at No. 146 GRANT tiTRZET. P. C. DITIT'IPY. OILS. WALKING AND kiNG , - . Commission Merchants and Brokers In Petroleum and 14 - Products, DALZELL'S BUILDING, DUQUESNE WAY, PIVII*IBIIIIIOII, PA.• PHILADELPHIA ADDRESS, WARING, KING & CO., 127 Walnut Street. TACK 11110711ERS, COMMISSION MERCRANTS, AND DEALERS IN Petroleum and its Products.. Pittsburgh Offloa--DALZELL 4 Or of Duquesne Wag arid Irwin streets. _ Philadelphia Ofilee-lil7 WALNUT ST. aplzw3o JACOB WEAVEB, , ire Es, CO" Otl Commission -Jobbers, No, 2 DIIQUEAN WAY, will buy and sell Crude , and Redne4 Lubricating, Tar, Bentine arid Cooperage. Our ong experience in the Petroleum trade anal:deans to o3er. unnatial - Winne* and in- duoements too pOritoki, •As beretofore, We are do. %ermined to reale it - the interest .of buyers and sel lers to ere' us a call. Parties. having ()Ili lb/ rale aretordial.W invited to bring their maples. apemll4 m• LoNG & -. If • MANUTACTUItiRS Olt • PURE WHITE BURNING (4, Bratul—g 4 L FICIFEA" _ . °MON NO. 2 Duquesne, Wep t PittsbuiThe J. C. .C. A. figliAW. .W. W. WiIIyXIMAD. sono WORKS . . Idantifioti; . re sad hm3 foe wile all kimil of • , • LUBRICATING OILS - No. 1 VC. CLAIRIITREET. 11 111PPUBIL. 'KEIII4IAV & 1110 i, FURNITURE. -I I fa PRACTICAt. m lig. F.A.A.,..). FURNITURE MANUFACTURERS, •. , w#OLLBiLE AND ItitTAIL, - ' !"EMON , ,li WEISE', '. . iiiro: me I b 401711,14 1, Einlitillir7o , Chinitiiiii on Mmapo n :+4ltnd OILILMBEirt* samortment of poor" tiara a g= liMarb i ffictlintiritti If Lig A maist irp=t, % e LIMON A Willa !'- ,- 'OJ.: I !Tv- , ... , •10: , .-.' . 7..:1g' AttieLit: vi ~4%We FORT itiNIING -. COMPANY, 'No. 169 Wood , Street, CAPITAL„: : : : : $2011,000. STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. DEALERS IN GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, ,OLD. 6 :CTORB: • Jun. O. Risher.-- Robt. 11. - Karg,' Andrew 11111p.r, " JiumesliataUey. oNE 'MAWS, tTY .SMN, Samuel, Barckley, A GENE 'AL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED Oollectiona Sta made on alfaccoaaible points in the In UNITED STA Allowed on. Time Deposits. ES SECURITIES BOUGHT AND SOLD. I. CH. President. EM .:T. VAN DOREN. Cashiiir; LDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. aw-siocluEt NATIONAL 'BANK OF COMMERCE, _ ,- • . • Cor. o Wood and"SixthStAL A. PAT'ila 'soric ' Prasideat. JOB. IL HI L Cashier. CAPE AL, : : : $500,000. DIRECTORS: A. Patterson, George W. Cass, Wm. H. Brown, James McCandless, Chas. Lockhart,-- • W. Allen la Ha rltratrit -- dt,-' , W. Beeet.d. S.Haven _ Riosibovirrei AT 1I A.l,llt;t" ap9:o2t HART, CAVGIIEY & co., BANKERS; AND 'BROKERS; 7 Corner Third and Wood Streets, PIPTISLIVII,Gi/I, PA., ir l (SUCCESS RS TO HANNA, HART & C 0.,) DIALIZZI6 IN Excha e, Coin, Coupons, And parUcular attention paid to U a purchase and sale of GOVERNMENT BONDS. Blight Drafts , on London. N& . HOLMES , SONS; 57 Market Street, prr , rqrs33uxuaki. PA. Collections made op all the principal potato of the Milted Suttee and Cowles. Stocks, Bonds and otker Securities BOUGHT AND SOLD ON" OOKIKDISIOIL Particular stteattoa pald to the purchase sad sale of United States: Seourities. JMO:al • WESTERN SAVINGS BANK, No. 59 Fourth Street. CHARTERED 1866. Interest paid on Time Deposits ANY BUM RECEIVED FROM ONE DOLLAR UPWARD. DEPOSITS SUBJECT TO 0118,01 C,, WITHOUT INTEREST. • -Discounts Dolly at 111 •'clock. President-1110MPSON BELL. Vice JPrmident—A. N. MARSHALL. DIMICCTOII3; THOMPSON BELL,I A. M. MARSHALL, JOS. DILWORTH. JOS. ALAREE. J. J. GILLESPIE, Stockholders to whom we Win. Forsythe, Wm. Caldwell, Willis DalseU. D. W. C. Bidwell, M. M.. Felton. piwomvittai BANK FOR SAVINGS, FORAITvRL'YTHEDThZ ;SAVINGS INWraiTION No. 07 Fourth Street, • NIABLI OPPOSITZ TUX DANZ or P4rxsauson. CHARTERED 3N usii." OPEN DAILY from 9 to 4 o'clock and on WEI). WESDAY and SATURDAY EVENINGS,t. foam Kay lit to November lst, from 7- to 9 o'clock, and from November Ist to ?day- lst, etaa_fl • • Rooks of Ay-Laws, Ito. furnished at tlieoffice. 'This Institution es ally oger,. to, th ose nkose p earalu ant Ranted, he: opportun i ty thttentuntilete, by smaudentoslts,•eaS It saved,' a sum which Witt be a" resource when needed, and be , interest In otedd orArematulng unproductive: BOARD Olf MANAGERS' PRISMS:IT. • . GEORGE A. BERnr. - vlc rassuiinrroi ' 8. H. IFARTMAN, I JAMES FARE, J. .: , :siosataarr :Alva Tivaaosia,. z,. - 1 D. E. ifcIEINLEY. A. BRADLEY. • - .WBI. X. NIIHOR, A. 8. BELL, F. RAHM JOHN 8. DILWORTH, 'JOSHUA utiODES, ' G. FOLLANSBEE JAB; L. ORAH R A R t 'E. O. Beli - KERTZ, i C S.VI) HEE zutub , , SqLICITOBB—D. W: A. S. BELL. ' tnttivrtar LEGAL. OLUNTAIIIK , ASSIGNIKIINT.% • NotfeCis hereby Ova that J . J.14114 D. DEANA, by deed of solunta# mielanmeit,riatucutite lath day of June. 18814 assigned and ' trinifeiredio the; rabacribero all his estate,; irettu t tth e pi a o t his creditors. perapnelndebted to mild estate , wLLt maiii payment; and thOar; Lacing claims will present Wein, duly authenticated, &Mho ollica t lfo.. .43 Diamond. *ITIVOBEN GEO. N. ARUSTB,O244. "Pittsburgh. Juni gg , 1868 •. •""'"'"` ---- ,ktin . n. h' E.„,, . , 4 „......eii,„ ‘T1w , v, .I ‘ x tz,......: .. ..i . T.d id.deb, m , e tr fop -4 - i tv - ,435 1 , r ,.. ,, - 31.; 1 - . 0 , 44 lessist,_ _. - -,.' . .cu _4lll3in Ws No. IPS llettallag atteSs 68. ON TIRE:DEPOSITS. sceessible points in the ME LIIBHAN, Pres't. oA.'Cashier, I= b ).!: : $ 200,000. !ORS. Wm. H. Haznilton, Henry Bockatoce, Geo. T. Vsn Doren. ii . i/73 , t0NED, WANED , ON ..,40VARNIlliarr 80.168, dna other approved iolliteral, at lowest market rates. Orders executed faX the Purchase end Sale of STOCKS, BONDS and GOLD. p . t..,......'p...t . 0i:itettiii: , : .:,0420 . ; Gold opened ~ l ower to -day at 1403;, del dined to 140 X,, but closed strong at 149 x, with a doWnwird teridolincy:- Tt seems the Governmc,lnt is- dettitinliald'to 'keep down the premium as near 140 as possible; the Treasury being. in condition to sell much gold, at present, the Assistant Treas urer resorted to anticipating the 1868 bonds duo July next, and in like manner will an ticipate other July payuients. This keeP the niarket supplied with cash gold until tho regular July coupons become due, when a decline is confidently expected, al though our foreign busineis would affect the market unfavorably for the present: Government bonds became weak and. dull, and' deelined about 3L per cent. to:: wards the close •of business. the market needs the support of b.ina. fide investors in order to sustain quotations, and it is the .interest of the speculators now to run down the market in order to get an opportunity to buy in again before the July payments have any effect on the market. Stocks are dulliind lover, with but few exceptions; Cleveland it Pittsburgh is man ipulated by a clique for the purpose to run up the price to sell out on. Pacific bonds are growing in favor with opeaators and investors; it is likely that Union Pacific will be put up to 103, on or after July next, and the Central Pacific to 105. Express shares are dull and lower. Eli 'kilning shares steady. Business inactive, and money easy. —The following is the text of the bill le galizing contracts payable in ooln,whieh has passed the Senate, and now awaits ,the ac tion of the Hoese: ' • Be it enacted, dse., That any contract here- After made, specifically payable in coin, shall be legal and valid, and may be ea .forced according to its , terms, anything in the several acts relating .to United States notes to the contrary notwithstanding: Although contracts payable in gold have been made coasts:lMS , and kept by honor able men, While beinkimpossiblato enforce thein in the Courts since the passage of the legal tender act- As.. all foreign trade is done on a gold , basis,,the husineea• in terests of the country require - that the above bill should . be speedily 'enacted into —Closing quotatlons roomed by James T Brady &Co.: Gold, 140 X; U. S. 6's, 1881's, 117 X; 5-20's, 1862, 113; 5-20's, 1864, 110 X; sa's, 1865. 110 X; - 10-40's, 1061 + ; 6.20'5, January and July, '65, 113 X; 5-20's, January and July, '67 113 X; June 7-30's; 109%; July 7-Nrs, 109 X; May Comp., 1865, 119,40. There was again a very fair- supply of battle on sale this 'Week; although both in humbers and quality, it did not come up to that of last, wets. The market was moderately active, there being several east ern buyers in attendance, but one great. dra*back in the way, was that buyers and' . • , . sellers were ` apart , theformer .se a geniaial thing .„11S,itiiig for concessions, to which, the *titer as a• general thing were - nnwill: log to accede, and as a consequence, a large number were hitibpea• • eatii - int owners' account. The great proportion of the cattle offered this week appeared;toba,fretr(lilll nols, with a fair ;number Vora were and, 'Wepresuma,'loive and Indiana' were also represented; although 1 ;ho' number has, .been largely increased &wing the past two weeks, thero' is still plehty , ht 'room for ,More and as soon as it becinueskuown that such is, the last there will no doubt be plenty of eastern buyertrhere every - As'will be seen , by reference to the report at sales, prises' re ruling-lower, the 'high est figure reported this week being 9%, while last week the ,same-grade' of stack would doubtless have brought 9. Light shipping,,tli o e. sold „at firm 7 1 4, to, 7%,.and stockers, • the absence of sales, may -be quoted at 5 6. 'rho following sales were rep_orted. _ Hatailla,-Mafferty 0 - Co:''soldl7 - "hesd of . llght ortostatutr . fot a ffaip & Welidiirshot' rot. ! E D stook for CampbellCampbelldi.Web4 to 4 Pearce, at 8,213; 21 fore H Webb to- PilmailLwisigkiing 19,250 at 5.00; 4 head for Holmes & Pfleffer , l a m ud er, to w fs e a ig m h a in a g t 16,175 at 6%; 2 head 54 head otprimp, fat la Jas AO at 7; 13 for Millegan to Plat:lock eeck k at-5t 40 ter Dand to sametat Hedges & Taylor sold 54 head of good Ifsatbra 4 4 A rKoplg dr. Os* A :.I.,ttgo) bead weighing 5,400 to' Similar a 71X. jphu.Nexcringol444 head of very , coml. mon ' stock 4 23405 I “soor tivnea at 5. t Head 7 I nto% ,AA,SoVs. tr, . untwa - TAdl4 - itt'sU. • 104 YounghssiLto,psoujai,...kand head afMgMiiir Ittlfrtbaft • • • onne soldlkVaCtlitatitielitiVia walshlaiglillMo6llslll 11110Milit 8. 05c sold 1T hind washing 14" to make referenee: Joseph Dilworth. Rev. David Kerr, Henry Lambert, A. M. Brown, Thomas Ewing. eels. li 174 Pte:' m:mErrz, BANKER, Corrier of 'Wood and Fifth Streets. GOVERNMENT. AND PACIFIC R. R. BONDS, GOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS' Bought on the most: iavomble terms. Fells LET= TEES OF CREDIT and DRAFTS, part'' - o[ Europe. ' : available in any DEPOSITS received subject to check, or INTER EST' ALLOB r ED.ON TIME DEPOSITS.:: 11-Axpr TO BEADY 86 - Coiniq Fourth and Wood Sts., 33 AL. TV iii; BUY AND BELL ALL KIND§ OB GOVERNMENT SECURITIES, GOLD, SILVER ARD COUI'ONS, ON MOST FAVOBABLF.-TERMS. 7e.Ba's coNV E Eta' ED INTO TEE NEW 5-20 CO UPON BOND. • 7 • ear Litetift Alioiied JAMES T. BRADY & CO FINANCE AND , TRADE . OFFICE OP TEE. PI rrssußoa GersrrE, • , Tfict.BBbitY; dupe 18, 1868. .111- VENTRAL LIVE-STOCK MARKET, OFFICE OF THE PITTSBURGH GAZETTE, THURSDAY, June, 18, 1868. CATTLE. ltioses & Coast 5%, and 2 head prime oxen to some buyers' at 8,50. Heskett sold 16 head of goed cattle to , Landis weig hing 19,875 at 8,40. Judy to S ngpiaster & co. 10 head weigh ing 21,800—M - ice not given. . Rom t Ward to D Evans 16 head of good 1 , shipping steers weighing 19,725 at 8%. i. SHEEP. • There wasin very lair supply of Sheep this week, and , while. the market was, if. anything, ;Mere active, prices, compared with last , Week,- underwent -but little change; to:day, so far as we could see, the pens were„pretty well cleared, though, it is §, equally trueil that the buyers were pretty well filled. The quality of the Sheep on sale this week was not near as good as, last, and it is'possible if we take this into. consideratiod, that: - prices ;were 1 higher; prime fat Sheep, - suitable for retailing in. the eastern Markets, sold at from 4% to 5,- and extra tit 1 . 5,25 to 5,30. , One New York firm report having bought thirty-five hue- •f dred head for shipinent to that market, at .1 an average 0f4,60. tAullde Myers - sold'2sl to Kittering, aver , aging 87 lbs,litt 43i; 43 head, averaging 84,. to Lloyd.'tit 4%. ~• Holmes, Lafferty Co. Sold 91 for M. Lanahan tO 'Au 1 dc, Myers at'4c, r off; 206 a: for Zimmerthan to A. Deitrich at 40-4 g thrown in. ' Hedges _ & Taylor sold 107,bead for Van fossen to Ahll & Myers nt 3%; 384 for O. Fisher to Lloyd .62,35 per -head; 186 - tor - Paul & CO: tq:T,loyd at 3,65; 200 for Lewis Jury to Hill at 4,90; 201 for Walters to Pid cock & Co. at, 4. Smith & Titimage sold 195 for Kibbler Watt ar 4,80;1'284 for Chryst to Pideock & Co. at 5. ' 94 for -Kookimbrood -to Crowl at` . 3%; 229 for inane tq same at 62 per head. • = -There wasila fair supply of Hogs this week, and with a steady demand for ship-. meat, there was a fair amount of basinesa' done, in the ',aggregate, though prices, if , anything, were a shade lower than last :' < week. We now quote prinie heavy aver ages at _93S to '9%, although some two or three bunches changed....handsearly in the week . at 10. Now 'York Hogs may bequo ted at 734 to-Bi J i as torittallty and condition. We quote the following sales: Holmes, Lafferty' ;&. , Co. sold' 221 for Ward, Porter' & McDonald to Crouse, Em crick & Co. at 9,35; 125 for Blue to. C. M. , Keys at 8,3114',; 114 for Logan to Crouse, Em- crick & Co.tit - 9,50; 517 for same to W. Hedges at 7,90; 10, for McFadden to same at 714. II Hedges & TOylor sold 94 to Crouse, Em erlck & Co. .0 , 0%; 27 to Pidcock & Co. at - 8; 57 for Jewett Ito C. Keys at 8,25, 9 and 9%; 98 for Decker & Co. to Chalfant at 9. Wesley Hedges sold 100 to Singer & Im- - .hoff at SN., Bought 39 from Stemmelrat 8; 4 7 from Farrell at 8; from Freeze at 6%; 143 from-C. Ai- Conklin , at 7;85; 14 - from Hedges &Taylor at . 534; 112 frOm Longh ridge at 7,80. Gilchreist & bought 99 . for Ea Smith; t at 9,75; I?.2froha Tilden at 9,75; 99 from same , at 9,75; 106 from „Nichols at 9,60; 200 from Tilden'at 10; 100 from Sternmell at 9,75; 190 from Allertol at 9,60; 10 from Erianditi at , 10,10; 198 to Turner at 9,75; 46 from Hedges & Taylor at 10,2 0— (extra); 198 from E. Smith at 9;75.. Singer & IMhoff bought 100 from Sher- Man at 9,30 r 101 from Tilden at 9%; 103 from 1 Nichols at 9,65; - 109. from W. Conklin at - 9,75;100 from. W. Hedges at 9,75; 86 from F Avery at 9,5..5i5 from Keys at 8,50; 7 from `<' Pidcock at 9,75. Shipped 382 from Chicago, costing 8,759. ; - Dripps dr, Stockton bought 99 from E. Smith at 9,75- 91 from Halligan at 99%, PITTSBURGH PETROLEUM MARKET. OFFICE o' tin PITTSBUOE GAZETTE, TiIUBSDAY. June 17. 1868. CRUDE—The market for crude-appeared to be a little , eak to-day, and to effect sales holders were, bilged to make a slight con , cession. eWe [ can report sales in lots, of about seven thoasand barrels, on spot at 123;, and we heard of other offers to sell the same delivery at same figure. All the year—buyers option, may be quoted nomi nally in 'the absence of sales, at 1335, and July, sellers option, at 13. little or no change !t Oil City; and so far as we • could learn. t here is not much doing there, as it is probahle that buyers generally are afraid to take hold at the prima. REFINED4--The market for bondid oil was exceedingly quiet to-day , but, a single . sale reporfed.l,ooo bills for August at 3234. The last halfOf June is still quoted at 31: last half „July, buyipf ,option, at 824 and Augtin to December at MX. We heard of some negotiations pending but up to a late hour in the afternoon they had • not been consiunated,l notwithstanding there was but little dote today. prices_ haviatoder gone, as yet, little tune change, compared withWedneaday, though the market was a shade weake. OIL dittrxxters FROM DUQUESNE DEPOT. H. M. Long& Co., 25 bbls ref. to Warden, Frew do CO., Philadelphia. G. W. Holdship, 101 do do to Waring. King tiz Co., Philadelphia. Brooks, Ballentine Co., 79 do do to • Warden FraVett Co., Philadelphia. , Jas. M iller, 84 do\ do do to W. P. Logan dc Bro., Philadelphia. Duncan it Williams, 132 do do to W. P. Logan it Bro;I, Philadelphia. A.-D. Miller,ll4 do do to Waring, King dt Co., Philadelphia. Kirkpatrick it Lyon, 61 do do to W. P. Logan& Bro.!, Philadelphia. H. M. Long. it Co., 100 do tar to L. D. Saxton, Philatielphia. OIL EHIPM.WITO PER A. F. E. B. McKelvy 4 8r0.,200 bbls ref. to W. P. Logan d, 8r0., Phi ladelphia. Nat. Ref. Co., 501 do do to F. A. Dil worth, Philadelphia. Forsyth,' Bro. 414 Co., 382 do do to war den, Frew 4,1i0-10., Philadelphia P. Weisenberger, 350 do do to Warden, Frew & Co. & l l hiladelPhid• H. W. Tweddle, 238 do do to , Co:;rden, Frew'dt 4):; Philadelphia. - Chicago Market. (By Telegraph the Plttilnkish,thisette.l CLucaooP n : June 18 .—Flour ' -Minnesota spr i n g extract , . and spring superfine - brands . 3 in ,nsitrtiqueid; dtlir descriptionsinacilie and almost nominal. Wheat quiet and un changed; sales No. '1 at' $1,92a1,93, 2at 11 1 . 8 1_311 61 0/ o .:Olindollividth bOlfera of No. - -- 2 at 111,88%. Corn less active:and lalgo lower; , saleallo. 1 at 87a87lio; No. 2 at 8534a' - 1380, arid yej_ebt l ed 8188:3o, Closing quiet, with sellers of Nei 1 , at Oats .quiet but steady; sales at 67Y 4 a673i. Rye and Barley`'' neglected`, anal= ent irely. - ions ,quiet-and firin.-lidess pork •sold at $27,754 - f Lard' 163,i0. Suit*" Plelteled hams , 153.4;e. Freights ? t i .4 l ) l e df-30 on oats, 4o on corn to BafEald. ipts-4,016 blab; flour. ' 27,6,50 bu4h wheat, 1 89,103 bush Cern, 25,673 bush oats, 6,009 hogs. • ShiPments-2,736 bbls flour, 37,857 bush wheat,- 202.776 bush corn,lB9,ooo,b*h (Mt's, 3,005" hogs. _ Cleveland Market. • BY Tele:MAl:oh tb the Pittebtu*b...thtzette.l, -.. cLitErii*4; Julie • 16.r-]!lour held as fol=--; lows: double extra red winter at ti12,00a12,00; double astral spring at 11%5Qa11,00; the prices of country - brands are eo'irregular that -correct and allowable figuras cannot be sti*hiliVniesefitz- Wheat , No; -1- 4*l held' at $ 2,28° of at' 15. , Corn •held at 94% ilitsi'aalee ort;:iiitri and 141,000 buihnia• at 700. - .:Rye market dull and Inactive; bekt . at fit;fsal,Bo2ilif‘r; 1i0c:7 12, . -,- llarleyjMarket= ' nominal: • "1.4 ' , ,• • - t .- . ,- ~ •. ~. chleib- tat p' Market .-• ~ , . 7 . tßy Telegraph tk4be*lttaAmmtb,Chige . tte.4 •:. . . ,CHIC 6 - , 1111 e .0141 Dual am . Itl x i t r b li r- 4.- 15a2.449 4. - Wils ... so c i sear ibr, ri ~, . t uni•Lais • . 1.4 17,51307,75_ ibt wxxiiraoothitteere.' , sal mi ''' .t . ,: w , , , Mi1 . ; , 1 1 .1.ffir.,,;, , ~ / t atam il' iVoti nvot rl i ifiltt 1 mal l I' es al il lis , C 14711 — , 6 , t " 15112tkli til i llo °l7l74 ll l4o d. it 13114414 e" II