The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, June 19, 1868, Image 4

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• ' .Mtn: •
• M 474: 4 1.!.:•;.,...; 2i , , •
DAILY,. BY - •
_ .
PENNIMAN, REED lc - CO - ! PrOrietors.
plimnuarr. JOBIA:11 SING,
• T. P. 11(T6TON: . !
• kdittirs find ielaiuuters..
Of Plltsbnrgh, Allegheny and Allegheny
County. , .
......_.oua."ll-1:441rf gent. Weekly! , Weekly.
..y1ear....115.m. One year.s2.soiBlngle copy.
OWE- month. 75 81z mos.. 1.50 i 5 coes, nail'. L 25
Vitt'. week, 151 Three mos 75110 1.15
Wom carrier. ) t and one to Agent.
FRIDAY, JUNE 19, 1868
THE WEMY fiAZETTE, issued an Weet—
oteickisand fkiturdays, is the best and cheap : .
oat'family, neu!spaPer . in .Pennsykanitt. It
presents each week forty-eight ; catmint of
solid reading matter..:it ettel . the fullest as
sell as the most reliable market reports of any
paper in the State.' Its isles are used ezeiu
silely by the Civil courts of Allegheny. Minty:
fo hitiFferer fn important issues to determine
the ruling prices in the markets at the time of
the: business transaction in ditroute: Terms:
Bingle espy, one year; 0.543; in clubs office,
$1:,25 . 4 in clubs : of ten, $1,15, and one free
to the *ter up of the club. Etpicimen. copies
sent frie'to any address.
.i'EntT on the , inside pages of this
morning's' GAzsavr.: Second page: Poe
fry Ephemeris; General Miscellani Third
page i:)Pittsburgh Markets and Markets by
Telegraph, Imports, River News. Sizth
.FVnance and Trade, Central Stock*
Blirk#'B, Petrole'um Affairs. Sevehth.pagd:'
General Miscellany of Interesting Reading
GoLD closed in New York yeaterday at
TEE' Senate refuses to concur in the House
bill for a further extension of the fifty per
ceut. voluntary 'clause of the bankrupt law
to next ;annnry. This action is desicive
agghtst - 4- ITPPosition•
. THE press of our - own and neighbOring
States . have been atmit in commending the
course of the Republicans of this, distrief hi
plaiiing the gallant and intrepid NEGLtr in
nomination for Congress. No other candi
datetould have developed so much strength
and personal popularity. • - ' • -
IT is stated that the Erie (XlXth) Con
gressional District will nominate Hon: G. W.
Rcnol7k.t.n for reelection to a fourth term as
its Representative, This would he but a
just acknowledgment of the , value of his
faithful services and of the 'benefits to be
realized by his constituents in'retainingliim
in the responsible post which he hits filled so
acceptably. ' .
THE N. Y. World adroitly reminds the
I t
Pendleionian of the expediency' of concil
-1 iating the Sou ern black vote, by giving a
statement of t eir numbers in each of the
ten. States. iiiiii . ifeiteraiirig the opinion that
they vote in almost a solid body 'for
repudiation. ,Friends as they are to a white
man's governMent, the supporters of kr.
PENDLETON will find it' hard to resist the
temptation:to secure . such - Valuable tru4lll
peeled river navigation, if he shall succeed
in securing a square vote, by yeas and nays,
in the • Serutt,e, on the short-Span. bridge
question. It is reportedthat he is confident
of a majority in favor of structures offering,
the least possible impedimetit to the , water .
way, but. if this just demand of onr boating
interests be rejected; it will be desirable
, to
know the names of the opposing Senators,
who are, said to be also "interested in the
leading Western railroads:"
Tar, Democratic editors of western Penn=
sylvania; at a meeting recently held in this
citY, Unanimously adopted resolutions fav
voring the payment of the bonds,in green
backs and the nomination of Pxxproro;v.
Similar resolutions would also have been
approved by the recent Convention of the
- Allegheny..county Democracy, but the bond
holding leaders of
, the party succeeded in
smothering them. ' Their Aiscre4itable
scheme to stifle an expression of the popular
, sentiment was indiknantly denounced by
delegates on the floor,.but without avail.
WE DO not know howniuch of the credit
is due to Mr. BINGnAm, upon whose mo
tion the House : yesterday recorisidde t tifs
unwis action, >upon the prOposition :for be-
stowing two millions of dollars by way of
' gratuity upon the Department clerk's, but it
is probable that the final result must be in
a groat measure attributable to the vigorous
protest of a. very .few laluential members.
The appropriation was, carried on Tuetday
by a Vote 0f , 71:t068, and was, yesterday re-
considered and defeated for thIS session by.
a vote of 68 t 0,64. .Thelotal yote is nearly
. the same in potli cases -129 and 128—but
have be . bn found With difici L
tion and .honesty enough to change their
votes and thus defeat the measure. 'Let
us be thankful for the result, without
being too anxious as to the mode
of its accomplishment. No one who knows
. . ,
the pectdiar influences;, by which the army
of Eederal clerks at the Capital manage to
, i . .. secure the support of members for pt•opo
sitions of this kind, could be much surprised
4 , - * at the iiiiccess Which attended its first intro
' ' duction; while no one who is aware of the
eagerness with which these clerkships are
constantly sought, would attempt to justify
so rallell recklessness inlavishing the public
money in gratuities to Servants who were
already, abundantly , pal& > Now, let mem"-
beriWfici'renlly:tkink that Economy ,and
Retrenchment :mean something more'than
m9reiViwilii, be equally 'vigilant and firm
• Witivall future propositions of this charac
ter, at leapt"ppe;cyf TION . a gratuity to, the
empleiks Okthe,iyitlllOpeee, is _SUP, to be,
sprung; ion'. encik , House in the closing'
hours 4 c ss t isipui.i Ail , such :movenients
l i b
• should, ...4itn a7 in 11 1 1 0 c*"4 117 ref" L.
,• • 51p..*?& , :;, ,, r4:4".40 , '
7 4 1,, 5 ,
uftsPETRE , PEAIocKtvc% ,, ,,
Two. very siosular thk , PaTe.kePPlrx. 1 5 4 1
this yeiti;eithei of which, had it been predict..
ed-at the beginning of the current, deeade;'
would have been scouted as the ; wildest of.
extravagancies. One is the fast nsto - W before
us, of a distinguished erabitssy from the e
Celestial Empire to our. Government and
country, headed by a Veritable Yankee; the
Holy. Amor; 8F111,4:411m*.,, of Massachu
setts, clotb.ed.with all the diplomatic powers
with which the R•rother .of the Sun. can in
vest him; , the other is the effort put forth by a
wing oftbe grea t Democratic party to make
Ft/Limos P.. CHASE, 'an unchanged chief of
the abolitionparty, their candidate for the
Presidency. In both cases extremes have'
met..,, , A. very few; years . ago outside bar
barians, like Mr. BIIRLINGAHE had no
rights, which thetrien of - CliknaNipre bound
to respect; and at a period quite as recent; the
Democracy loudly:tund bitterly denOunced
Mr. CHASE as an incendiary and a wretch
4eservivig of nothing-hut. a halter.' But the
Outside barbarians have not changed—they
are what they always w ere; and so is Mr.
CHASE. The change „ . is on the ,other,side.
Both the Chinese - and the Democracy have
been so effectUally pummelled of late that
they are glad to creep under the skirts of
those whom they once despised. 'Bien the
poor negro, who'naturally and properlyll
feels grateful tq Mr. CHASE, IS to:be Date- 1
ly invited to enter the Democratic fold and
be received into full fellowship as it man and
a brother.
But this last v thing is not likely to work
smoothly. The Chinese empire is not, like
our Deniociacy, a many -headed monster;
therefore there is no difficulty , in the case:of=
the Yankee embassador; but to foibid Dem.
ocratie spouters to pour out maledictions
again -Abolitionists and "niggers"—which
would have to be done if Mr. Cass - is to.
. .
-be the candidate, audit' the votes of. colored
men are to be begged in his support—would
be to strike them dumb.
,They have no
other ideas and they have learned , no other
language. TO stick to the party and hate
"niggeis" or "nagers t ", as the word is vs
pottilikittinotinted. lit the paitY, constitute
the - simi total of the principles for which the
great ass of its voters"nhave for years con
-1 teidedl ,
To ask such men as these to fsne
about; and vote ftir a man who Was a rank
Abolitionist in the. palmy days of tnobs and
brick-bats, and to frtiternizewith"dirkies,"
and draw them int 9.,, the party ranks by flat
teries, and walk arm in arm with them to
the polls, is to ask too much. Those fel
' lows Will stampede by thousands rather than
do anything of the kind.
That the most potential leaders of the
part3 t jliad everything arranged foi bringing
Mr: irxsz Out is beyond question, and it is a
very signicant fact. Even Isatan RYND
ERS, the leader of the "subterranean" band
of New York roughs, had thrown his
weight, -which is not a little—into that
scale; but there is a stiff-necked generation
outside of that very democratic metropolis
who would as soon give up their right to
vote as to give up the luxury of cursing and,
abasing colored people; and those leaders
are now trembling and hesitating as they
hearl loud growls from that quarter.
They are in dilemma They are determined
not to take PENDLETON; they are afraid to
take CirAsn, and now it looks as if they
would be constrained to ,compromise by
milting upon ANDREW Jonnsox. which
will be the end' of that thing to which many
well .. .meaning men still fondly cling 'as the
Democratic party Of course they have no
love for him, and can place no reliance in
hint. All his antecedents—his' forme; tieree . :
and loud denunciations "of . their rebel
friends, his subsequent abandonment of the
principles upon which he was elected by the
'leans, his indefensible moral charac r
intemperance and his follies—are
as to render it imPoisible either• bq
sr ; ,respect ,him. No, enthusiasm can
ted in his behalf, -except among the
makers of contraband whisky. The party
will feel that he is not one of theinselves—
that he is doubly, a renegade, having left
them to becOtne" a fierce' raateal, then be-.
trayed the-Men :who'olevated him to office,
and was then, for the lack of a bettei• man,
set up to be their national standard-bearer,
without even' pretending to have returned
to the Demneratic fold.
' Everything must be inverted if JOHNSON
is to be the candidate. Instead of the party
giving, him a 'platform to , stand npon,_ht,
will give one to the party. His "policy,"
must be taken as the principles of the party.
Negroes, and national bonds, and green
baeks are all to be left lying about loose.
Denacicratate" be Sure, will be left free to
curse the negrO as heartily as they please,
and denounce the bond-holder for 'demand:
ing gold. But the bond-holder will be left
equally free to pocket his gold;, for the votes
of the Democraer'fai ' ANDREW 'JORNSON
will not affeettlim; and the negroes of the
reconstructed Stet& will vote on as if no
thing had happened, even should thetandi
ffato of the Democracy triumph.
If the party in opposition to the Repub
licans should liclobfiged to; take M. JOHN
sotc as their standard-bearer there will from
that moment be no Democratic , party.' It;
; will be the JOIINSON party, the whisky par:
ty, or, posSibly; they iney dub it the Con
aervative party, a word which in this coun
try means opposition to progress of every
kind. Jortaliox has been a plague and.a
nuisance to our party; but he will' be the
death of that one if they take him as their
Presidential'andidate. Of course lie will
be overwhelmingly beaten; but that will not
make the surrenderbf the party to him any
the less fatal. ' ' -
It is the baldest of humbugs to attenpt an
explanation or the popular interest in such
an affair as 'the scull-race of yesterday, at
Philadelphia, upon-the hypothesis that it is
a roue trial of athletic skill. This has oar
tablY BOP 101 4 18 .4) 09 with it, but that these
"contests" are usually in reality gambling,
tnuniactionso4li ° ihe' iihraebologr 0- the
day, ; "*ithigTiffalraf has vastly more in-,
not at 40443141i1WW:baliti4 9 ilaohe:iiii ,
PITTSBURGH GATT . TK'i,: -- intit):l,kir o . JUNE 19, _lB
best man- whatthepublic - chave - come to care
most for:now, is which man has won the
stakes feirzhifnielf tuidtitebetsfOr frirds:
Yesterday's race, or the4Lasco which was
pre-announced as a:race, may have been in
tended to be an honest trial of strength and
skillbetween the contestants, but,"if so, the
details of the affair give it a most unfortu:
nate resemblanee to Something quite differ:
ent. The result is but • another lesson
which should.. cure the , verdant of that
unsuspecting confidence with whiCh they
j fancy they are beating: their l money on the
j beseman. Will such people never perceive
the transparent truth that horse-races, boat
races, prize-fights and all other "sports" of
j that kind are no longer, as a general thing,
I fair and honest triaLsof muscular eudurance
and scientific training, but have become
traps in whichthe sharps catchthe fiats and
Irob them of their money? ..We do not
make these observatiocs as espeeially appli
cable to the case at Philadelphia yesterday,
but as holding true, generally, of these
"sporting events." •
Why these things should thus have de
generated, frOm the simple contests of muscle
and training which they originally =were,
and which they still delusively purport to be,
into the disreputable exhibitions of humbug,
deception and fraud which they are usually
in fact, is a question much easier to explain
than to account for the readiness with which
thepublic more and more suffers.itself to be
gulled. There have always been , sharpers, 'by their wits, since society has been
organized, and the buiinesi , becomes more
profitablemith each revolving year ' , but we
are at a loss to account for the increasing
eagerness with which the public lends itself,
swindle-after swindle, to the desiins of the
Greeks, Who "put up" ihnse affairs. We do
not piopose to accomplish _ a reform of these
things, nor even to attempt it. That can
only be effected by the folly working its
'own cure—when experiencellhall convince
people that no "event" of this kind is ever
permitted to come, in good faith, to an hon
est decision, if it can be evaded by fraud
or frustrated by violence, Then, when
there aro no, more fools to be parted from
their money in this way, the sharpers will
be thrown upon their wits to invent new
[ methods of fleecing those who are now
credulous believers in the fairness of
"sporting" athletes. ,
The failure of the Democratic party in
its recent Convention to place in nomina
tion candidates in opposition to the strong
Republican ticket put forward, should
prove no, incentive to the loyal voters of
Allegheny county to drop into apathy and
inertness. While the opposition are disorgan
ized, uncertain how to think or what to do,
void of opinion until some is manufactured
for them at the forthcoming National Con
vention, the Republicans should be cement
ing in solid mass to crush -them theyery
moment their heads are shown above the .
sea of uncertainty into which the, leaders
1, have plunged them. Now is the golden
time for organization. ' Duet wait and hes
itate before taking action. Withorganiza-
\ tion in every ward, borough and township
, entered into at once'while the Democracy
flounder and are bewildered, overwhelming
1 Lvictory cannot be- prevented in autumn.
Let Grant clubs be formed at once; and let
every voter, old and young, enrol his'narne
1 as a member, to do service' in the common .
I cause of Freedom and, Justice. The oppo-
I sition is weak and powerlew, and if the
I present opporiunity is embraced by, the,Re
publicans for active and effective organiza
tion, and . solid- work, ..
can' be kept so
during the whole campaisn, and the pledge
given at,Chicago for ten thousand majority
in old Allegheny will be more than fully
i , redeemed. ' -
REPEAL must be the great watchword of the Dem
ocratic party. Repeal of every unconstitutional
act, oppressive upon the people, in every state
where such oppresslun now reigns, and the abroga
tion oral' forced Congressional. Constitutions.
' So much for the Pittsburgh Post, of yes
terday. The quotation must be taken as a
Correct statement of the opinions of the
managers of that journal. We do not dare to
say, since the Democracy of the county re
pndiated our neighbor the other day, that it
also expresses the opinions of the party.
The inference is rather that it does not.
The Boston Post, for example, a joninal
which deservedly enjoys the highest contl
•dence of its political friends, holds to a very
different doctrine. 'lt l odenies that the pres
ent reconstruction is to be distntbed by its
patty ; It ridicules the, idea that • 1 / 4 1ead insti
tutions CFI be revived by the, most powerful
-party that ever had an existence, or that a
nation ,likely to attempt to retrace steps
which the law of prOgress declares impos
sible." :The same 'journal proceeds
As it regards reconstruction, that le, restoration
theDemocraticparty is earnestly in favor of it, anl
has beenfrotn the beginning. It cordially support
edthe plan or Ytesident Johnson, which was
'of President Lincoln, because its purpose wan
ply to bring back revolted States by , the snortest
road to their places within S he. Union. .. •
It is not for to suggest whielpf,,the
two Posts the Democracy are.tatiat likely to
listen to.
TIME large vote by whick . Vie Engli t slt
ComMonw rallied •to order an iligAirY
into_the causes of diicontent among the
people of Nova Scotia, affords no proof
whatever of the strength of ' the,Ministerial'
party which opposed rihe loquiry, or
of the, , diminished strength in
House of Mr. Buiortri• the mover of,
the inquiry. The vote' was negativ
ed, not because Ministers, ileilred it,
but.because Jonn tradtional policy
forbids him to ndinit, under itlY circum
stances, the existence of., , any -just cause for
discontent in any of. his i'cOkniles. He has
alwaYs required from than the raciet submis
sive obedience to the policy' of the home
government, altd.Htiglialt,histigy artorthi'lle
i n st„apet where 'colonial refaptis have: been
elleasenllY, fig*tid fel!, elcm4Allteneg# B-,
, tion. Imo,' assumed form so' tur bulent.i
and impemtivnatto thttlitenn violeritrup';':
ttao of .tbq Annx150:4 4 :1 12 . ,Wbour that .cos
thigericy Nttakabont,ithelsapentil govern
aimat yields, end the dealre4reibralis are so
. i(onObilie Thilositl,ii-6144 3 40 , 4W
t 7 A:2IM
rated a standing 'claution, agahist a
prOtracted obetinacy in any obnoxious pro
vincial-policy. In point of fact, the Nova
Seetions have no grievances to be seriously
complained of. - If they hid, their adjust.
ment could be secured when the home gov
ernment should find them to be in earnest—
and not before.
GENERAL McCLELwin positively declines
to, be a Presidential candidate, and offers to,
aid, the aspirations of HANCOCK.. As the
tactics of 'the Her of the Peninsula art
known to be defe ive rather than aggrea
s ve, he might prove to be a valuable man to
s protege. Wyar, who is no Mend' ,to
fr. CHASE , says t t the latter- wiiibe run
y the Consevativ as a third party candi
date, if the Demo is throwhim overboard. ri whether this insidious
attack will waiver its'purpose, in-damaging
the. Chief Justice i the New York Conven--
tion..Democratic declarations are already-
current . that Mr. , LEASH'S name , can only
be presented to tli t body Under anexphcit
pledge. that he and hiS fri*s - will abide by
it..V actiOn. '_ This 1 redgc . they will not give
unless sure of 'the nomination., For—the
probabilities decidedly sustain WEED'S in-.
timation, that 'Mr. CHASE intendsto be a
candidate, with or without the endorsement
of the Convention. Shrewd Democrats are
alarmed by this, knowing that he would re
i ceive the votes of the entire anti-repudia-
Ition k wing of their party, without making
any impression,upon'the.RepnbliCau ranks.
i The situation is getting to be interesting, es-
I: pecially since Mr. Joiricsow is yet to be
heard from. . -
[The facts embodied in the annexed com
munication materially.modify certain,viewa
. .
recently expressed editorially in these col
umns, and ought to ha4elan important bear-
ing.on whatever Congression4 action may
be Fad upon the question of ,granting fur-
ther Government subsidies to the Kansas
Pacific Railvvt4r eompany.--En.l
[Yotltke P4ttsburskGazptte.
General Sherman, in a letter addressed to I
General Grant, 4ated l March 4, 1868, speak
ing of this road, sayt4: . "The gompletion of
thiS road daring the present year to Port
Lyon would be a most important work to
the military interests f that frontier ; and
the completion of the ther branch to coal
and wood would also b most important to
all the interests alon the valley of the
Smoky Hill, chiefly so o us who have to
guard that line and prol l b,de for the wants of
the necessary garrisons. * * * This
road is a military. necessity."
,Subsequently Major 1 General Phil. H.
Sheridan was assigned to the command of
that department, and in the following letter
expressed 'his views on the same subject.
i This letter, endorsedby General Grant, was
1 the first cOhnnuaication addressed to Con-
I gress by General Schofield, Secretary of
I War : b
Jane 2, 1868.
Gz_NEttAt.:—The Kansas branch of the 'I
'Union Pacific Railroad will, in a short'
time, be completed to a point about thirty
miles distant from Fort Wallace,Kansas. I
At this point government subsiy ceases I
and the work ends. ,1 would respectfully
urge.on you the
_impertance of the govern
ment continuing its aid, and at once, as far
as Fort Wallace, and afterwrds to Fort
Lyon, Colorado Territory.
The road could WI finished to Fort Wal
about 'dilly lst, and to ort Lyon in
time for the spring freight to New Mexico
in 1869. I know that; pecun* rily, it would
be to the advantage of the government to
help this road certainly - asfar as Fort Wal
lace, and also to Fort Lyon: I But, in addi
tion, it almost substantially ends our Indian
troubles by the morali elfeat which' it exer
cises ever the Indians, and the facility that
it gives to the military in contiolling them.
I have not had. a single depTedation inmy
department since I assumed command, and
I have the greatest desire. to maintain the
peaceful condition of affairs. I have made
a great deal of personal exertion by visit
ing nearly every post in the section of the
country in which the Indians were hostile
last year, and in all interviews with the In
dians was led to believe that we may be
able to preserve peace during time 'coming
No one, unless he has personally visited
this country, can well appreciate the great
assistance which:, this railroad gives to,
economy, security and effectiVeness the•
administration of military affairs in this de
partment. Yours truiy,
Major General U. S. Army.
Gen. U. S. Grant, Commanding,
Both these letters received the endorse
ment of Gen. Grant, and, with that endorse
ment, were communicated to Congress•
through the Secretary of War. As a mat
ter of justice to them, and to the company
constructing this road, who- have been
charged with being parties to a great combi—
nation of railway and other companies for;
•the purpose of getting subsidies from' the
government to an amount exceedihg ,
hundred millions of •dollais, -. 1 aSk yod •to
publish them. I think - Generals. Grant,'
Shaman' and Sherridan would,hardly lend,
the weight of •their great names .to any such
proceeding, and I know that
chic Railway Company Eistern Division,
now called the` gaLlSßB Facitle;tire not mem
bers of any. such "ring," if indeed - a combi
nation of the kind atists. - , If would lut ahe
raLkest folly
.on • their part to load, thmr_truly
meritorious enteipriidiwith`apiircel. of Other
projects of questionable expediehay: •,
THE. AmmiucerilAntacaLASSOCiATl9ll.÷,
Ve observed la: ',Wernein's,'Lptter,"fiom•
)Vashington, in:the ,= /adepoldsti,t, that lite
Association is spoken of as 4 'n , bodY of men ;
more marked and remarkable in learning,
and • int& fleet than even the United States
Senate;", while the distinguished President,
(Dr. Gross) is • described as t"ti tali man,
with gray hair'and noble head, *hose face
is remarkable, notonly for its intellectual
outline, but: for its expreasion of benevo
lence; one would think that he was -a' rapt
.divine who had spent his life In calm con
templation of the.beautiful and the good, in
stead of a man who'haa won a wide reputa
tion by the skillful use of instruinenti, •and
by the surgeon's knife !brought help and
health to suffering mortals."
the 'lowa TaPostlet
of Democracyymade , tua, appearance-in Ot
tumwa last week. The Courier has this ,to
'say of his visit: "H. C. Dean" is . id the'
city; was here last nighty and in front of one
the saloons near a corner ,on Main ~street,
vas spouting treason to a knot of his Arfs,lxt:
lytes—the faithful ' Democracy .' 12Ie'
ovprheard acgsay:that; 'these. old
who are IlqWit.-344Srogg ,1 1 9 8 e!! 6 t °b.
irts of chari y carc ases for
..t I) , e, L ft
tin s .14,-1154.1.41/4 AtivVit 1:1 tAIr. VVI 4.;
.• A:11; Reed; the Clerk in the Paymaster
General's Office, who was arrested fo se nd- ,
ing circulars throughout the coun to of
fice holders, assessing : each fi ve dol rs for
the alleged purpose of carrying on t e e-x
-penses of .the coming' Presidential am
iign, under instructions of the "Na onal
Managing C,ommittee," has been and
over to appear at the next term o the
Criminal Court, and allowed his fr dom
until that time by giving two thousand dol
lars bail. Since Reed's arrest upwards of
fifty letters have been received and 'detain
ed at the Postoffice, containing money di
rected to the so-called "National Managing
The resignation of Mr. Clark; Chief of
the. Printing Bureau of the Treasury De
partment, on Wednesday, was occasioned
by the fact that the House Retrenchment
Committee has lately been investigating
matters in his Bureau, and found every—
thingln a deplorable condition and affairs
badly. mixed up. The Committee were
not at all pleased that one of the most im
portant bureaus of the Government should
be managed so loosely, and , hence they
commenced - framing a report to, be pre-'.
seated to Congress, recommending ftinum- I
ber of very radical changes. Mr. Clark,
hearing of this, became alarmed, an d at
once tendeM his resignation. 'His remov
al has been urged for, a long time,, but for
some unaccountablereason it -could not be
effected. _
The liratiorial Intelligeneir had , another
studied attack on Secretary McCulloch yes- ,
terday, urging the, President t,o remove
him. The , article asserts that McCulloch
beeame - somewhat alarmed at the prospect
of his removal, and on Monday summoned
Chief Justice Chase post haste from Rich
mond, in order that his influence with the .
Prealdent might: be used' to have him (Mc-
Culloch) retained in office; that Chase re
sponded at once, and on Tuesday. evening
did call upori the President for that purpose.
This 'article excites, considerable comment
in political circles; principally from the fact
that the Intelligencer has been recognized as
the President's organ. In urging McCul
loch's removal, the editorial, closes as fol-'
lows: "We tell the President frankly and
earnestly that in this matter for him to de.
lay is to defy public sentiment. He cannot
afford to do so, and expect either from the
present or future generations the applause
be might otherwise fairly claim. It was
the presence and association of such.indl
tiduals as McCulloch and Rollins about
him which gave 'strength to the impeach
ment movement it could never otherwise
have commanded. It was the general dis
gust with relation to these and other offi
cials, whose names will readilyoccur to the
public, which interrupted the warm dew
of personal sympathy, the natural uprising
of popular indignation at an unjust and in
decent accusation, which, but for these3m-.
pediinefits would„in a week, have crushed
impeachment and its authors, to dust. Of
this topic, we repeat, we have long health,
ted_to speak, but if we, shall have by the
,President's , non-action to make our choice
betWeeri a regardfor his feelings • and our convictions and demand of the con
servative masses of the land, we shall not
be long in making our selection.”.
Col. Roberts, of. Pittsburgh, was before
:the Senate Committee on Postal Affairs
yesterday, and delivered an argument in ,
support of bridging the Ohio river with not
less than five • hundred feet spans. The
Committee have come to no conclusion in
regard to the matter, but as a majority are
interested in the leading Western rail
roads, it is presumed that they will report
adversely to "long spans." Senator Mor
ton is confident, however, that the long
span bill can be 'carried through the Sen
ate, though the Committee should report
against it. ,
The first business in the, r ouse was
Mr. Binghanis ' motion to reconsider the
vote by which the bill allowing clerks In
1 the different departments twenty per cent.
additional salary was passed. This was
agreed to, and was promptly followed up
by another , motion from Mr. Bingham to
layj the bill upon the table, and. ir was
agreed to by a vote of sixty-eight ayes to
sixty-four nays, the Democrats all voting
in the negative. This effectually , disposes
of this proposition during the presentses
sion. _
An effort will be made to reduce the sal
aries of members of Congress from live to
three thousand dollars.
The military review of all the troops in
this department' 'took place yesterday; in
honor of the' Clainitse Embassy, who were
present and : manifested, great interest.
About, three thousand troops of infantry
and cavalrY were inline. A large number
of spectators were present, including Cabi
net Ministers, Senators, and Congressmen.
General- Hancock commanded the troops.
The, . weather, was uncomfortably warm,
which .detracted somewhat from the inter
est °fib° occasion, and prevented many
from attending - who • otherwise would
have done so.:'. • •
pittsburgh s Femle College.
The Musical, Contests—. Award of the
= • Judges. •
The grand event of the season was the
musical - contest, instrumental and vocal,
which took place in the Chapel of the Pitts
burgh Female College last evening. At, an
early hour in the evening the Chapel was
filled to its utmost capaci y with, the most
brilliant and appreciative assemblage we
have ever seen collected together. The
grand contest for the "McKee" and "Mel
lof." endowment, prizes had been impatient
ly looked for by the intellectual and musi
cal circles of the city, inasmuch as previous
entertainments of the character had elicit
ed the warmesfecorniums of praise from
the most accomplished critics. ,The audi
ence embraced a majority of our amateur
vocalists and musical celebrities, and the
deepest interest was manifested. At a few
minutes to eight o',clock the young lady ri
'vats, fOurteen in number, entered the hall
from the class, rooms, and . were ,assigned
positions eh the stage, t the cent ~
which had- beenlaced a, .magnifice . t , full
tonedphiekering piano, on which , e rola
' tive merits ef tre
a= a .. be de
-.aided. ' The judges,then took . (Sir seats,
and, Altera few appropriate re o arks by the
Pre s ident itf,the ‘ Inatitutle.
,liev,. I.
Pershing, the exercises Cain enced.
There were eight, competitors for, the vc*.
cal ROAN ASlOlicrst:Xiss Brqwnfteld, Miss
-klenny, Miss Cunningham , n Miss Kimball,
- Mbia.riacrahvildisa Encialey, Miss. L. Sawyer ,
1 - Md.:Miss Other,. all:of, whom• aequitted
themselves; with Area, a high order of
musical talent and glying evidence of the
mosicarefultirining. The, audience, not -
',withstanding the.highlemperature ', CUFF.' OF' FISTULA.' • '' ' I r'
atmosphere and the crowded Condition of , , , , , .
•of the 1 -
,the 11011,the aleleaof which were crowded, Ds. R EA . 4,„ i I i tite. to thook you
were highly delighted with the entertain- noes ._ .
and sctemitiodnanssoment bf my -disease, ,fbr . 1, "
meat, and applauded heartily at the conelu- ,
Which I called to c' suit ~ I f
some time in January
ificon of. each piece.. How It was possible for .0 you ,
. L .
'the judges to select' from so much excel- last.
,You will 'era mbar tint nada complication
of diseases, whichilinaiiy ended in a terrible fistula,' ...
confident . wh i ch
lance seems to ,us a _distinction without a
difference, ,and,tve are fally h ad be en ? advised to "let alone," .011 Itle.
to make a . ecille-t I
had-we been called, upon
uld have beet ,utterly unable to .count of a haras4
ion, harassing cough, which it _ was feared , i
do so, • plight fasten it on y lungs. I knew that the peen-.
jual9ll of the •
Vocal contest a'
At,the' cone lair melte of, trey diseases. like mine was by Iv',
brief ,intermission was:•ta en,
k aft whic h
the contest for. the after L cUttin op erat i on, 1 telt, if successful at all would. ' , ll
elegant ; McKee ; medal. . • g" ' '., . . 1
for best instrumental performance on the naturally throw the disease upon the - Ingle' s o me- -
piano was opened and participated. in. by other vital organ, n account' of the lutidenieiti q- _
the tollowtng named ladies: Miss-Clark, the cure and the ithmedlate cheCiE to the disohnite,"
'mug NiegtilLitly Atlas . L. Sawyer; Miss Sal- wales i boateved was a salutary provision of natura
lers,. miss Caplees , and Miss E. Sawyer. to get rid of somelinOrtdd Condition of the systeii - .'
Tlie,audienee,, having in a manner been 1. feel perfectly satisfied that tour method of treat
prepared for the rich - treat in store for them, ment, purifying the system, and local appifeations
by the supertor:excellence of the vocal Con- to to iPe Maxims pU‘t, must • care, it anything ecandiil
test, worenot tuiticipating so • much ex cel_ without cutting, .4, bleh I find It did; and /AM haPPr' J
lence, such brilliant executions and artistic to. report wyseitiwell „in/ every. P_ariluldax , ' , fill'"
manipulations of 'the p.l)lano. -The' contest , ,soutooraad.botteli health thin I have bad for., Yeaffa,..;
was ,aven; :all developed talent of no ordi- i I would. also add that the applicatidas Ism taiga t
3 32 ,43 , character. Indeed; Ind .-8110 h porter- were almost paindias, and welsh, me & Dive:multi, c
trier - selected . the saine..,composition, the with
an the energJes.aud lager of rttatore4l4olo. - .- ,, r
„jtiglitiwoUld have been 001flpietelvbafiledv. ;' -1. , ., Your, Igratefuil7, , 0 . ri It-,-. 4 - ("Tcil—.-.77 .
for oll , made - Ebrilltant . and ragaterly.'inter- , - ' , 'Olt. liNiteitiiiirtetiatititaTMltitt oool3[lolo '
PritootiO ~.._nli":"a ubJ e l349. ___,6 Cdec t ed !, 4 . 7 ' , k.... , ' ' ' • CHRONlominctriags,: tc,i. me eiratts torattr;;Li
resiligwirMxtensWinetsbeettelonanicatt A , t hi cs , O A L m r r thrtgi, Bll ., 1 4 i- , i :k , , if:'l .••••:.4.iez 1 . ,
til? indlikeiretigediallithaVAMlnbaMASCrer 9 i7juge lyag; Ili* wli 1. ~. :.11. - ii . ~-, 7.40. ii: oly ic-t
a ' l . 1 1A1-1.4 POLUCI CiAl Ultra teLlWl.kill. tsti • i 'viz , 11 ,-silk to., II 7
1 1 if :i ~.'•-, ,s , Ciul'iVikl A, 7-1 0
7 . 7.jr
fumed, When the deotsion was announced
and the prizes awarded by Rev. Mr. McMil
len. After speakingfin the highest . terms
of all the conte.stanto l and urging-them on
to renewed efforts, ho, stated that the judg.
es had awarded the “Meller Prize to Miss
Benny, and the "McKee Prize" to Miss L.
Sawyer; The Prizes4the first prize named,.
an elegantly bound volume of musk, and •
thesecond, a beautifdl 'gold medal—were
handed over to the stkcessful competitors,;
who received them itvith becoming mod
After some further musical , exdrcises,
the entertainment cache to a close and the:
audience dismissed With benediction; when
they quietly , dispersed and retired toheir •
respective homes , ell satisfied with the=
way they had spent . 0 evening. - •
Allegheny' City $ eptibllean Executiv e'
ti Co.• Ittee. , • '
~, ~
A meeting of. the Renublicazi Xxbentiv
Committee of All egheny izity, was held hat .
everdr,g in
3 11 , r Tr r'sofficenity, build- 1 ,
ing, John cDonali, Esq., presiding, W.
W. Brown; Secretar y . The meeting ' wear,
called t(, order at S o'clock. ;
Members ppresen Messrs. McDonald,
Brown, Riddle, ,E 1 ath, Scaudrest, Gray,
McGraw, Myier, Bothwell,- Hastings 'ando
Holmes. II - _ . . ..,
Minutes of proc e eding meeting were; t k
approved.. -. 1 . ' ' ' - '' ••
Air. Heath, siom t e Committee on reso-
lutions of the met hod of holding primary:
elections,,reported progress: Several gen
• thnuert were appointed to• fa vacancies in .-
the Committee Which now stands as. fel- ,
- Fisrt Ward--Thonas Scandrett, W. C.,
Stockton, John Morrow, B. F. Brown and
Alex. Hanna. I:I • . ,
Secmid Ward—John Mc Donald, ',George
Bothwell, Wm. Chambers, Geo. D. Riddle
and W 4 H. Danhan. , • •
. Third Ward—Johh Holmes, Arthur Ilob-I
son, Sam'l, Hastings, Casper Gang;and
Fred. Lang. , I
Fourth • Ward—Joha MeGraw, Joshua
Patterson, John Mller, Rob't M. Blair, H.
W. Aufterhide. il le
Filth Ward--jonn Heath, Isaac Reed,
Sames Crughey, A. Patterson and James
Lindsay. , •
. Sixth Ward--Wj r W. Brown, Joseph Kirk
patrick. HenrY W d, C. A.lietchkiss and
W. F. Trimble. , I , ~ • -, ,
• Seventh Ward— . W.ettach, Fred. Bell
.stein, Andrew A ent, John Brown, and
Rob't Henderson. J , . , • _ .
Eighth. Ward— rn. Oakley, William-
Cribbs, Geo. Mou -r-- Seidle, and Wm..,
Saints. , 1 1
Presi4ent—John McDonald. •
I SecretarY—W. W. Brown. ,
On motion„ it waS decided to hold anoth er
meeting in the sSme. place on Tuesday
evening, June 23d4land the Secretary was
' instructed to not' ' • all the members of this
,action. I 1
Adjourned. • 1 ' • i • •
. . Real F el i pe • Trans fers . ' '. • •
• , .
The following . dnedawere filed . 'of reoirir
before 11:'.Sniveli, Esq.; .Recorder, s.lline
-18th, 1868: • . I - ' - • '
Morrie L. Morris .to etei Wilson, December 20,
1567: lot on Second sreet, In the Borough of Elia-
abeth • ..V,,,
Thomas Mellon to &tales Reed. March V. MS; lot.
No. ti in Mellbn , s Plats, Seventh,vrarti; 'Pittsburgh,
33 by VD feet . l! • - TEO
Joan W. Taylor to Sarah A. Jones; Feb.... .
1. 1357 lot;
Not. 14 and vi in Shaffer's plan of lots on Ridge.
street, Seventh ward; Pittsburgh, 40 feet front and
extending back to as alley "CO)
Elizabeth Guthrie to eo• J. Walker, April 3, 1807;
lot In Ross townshl , containing 5 acres and BZI
-perches, being lot N. 4of the subdivision of the
estate of Joseph C titer Also, a strip of land 16
feet wide, running the fall length on the south
side of the abbve d cribed lot 1103
11..nry Wilhelm and Vaul Siebert to L.. S. Johns,
May I, ISM% lot No. r 23, in, Wilhelm and Siebert's
plan, on Chestnut treet,'"LawreneeVtlle , WO
Same day: five . mort4ges were filed. . . . .
Excelsior 1:1 1-The ice cream and
strawberry festiv which opened at this
halflast evening, was anticipated t *as
a very pleasant a , ir, and highly -enjoyed
by all who were i attendance.- ,It willcon
tinue this and_ toqmorrow evening and we
would suggest to those who are lond of a
dish of the -best is cream, or a choice
morsel in the wayof juicy, luscious straw
berries, with all the other et ceteras, not to
pass this' place by ;
•I- • •
DR. 12.A.RGE2. 4 4 - TrE. BA.C.E-ACHE FILLS,
DR. SA.P.O?EIi"9'S BACIC-.6,6421;1#13
•B BACK-4 1 / 4 0,11E 1%44
, 1/31LUES or =ix
4lssr.szB OF vas '
.. r
. .
Sllttlt COATED. -
Cents'Per Box. ,
Price 5
Aft4r a disease haq been conquered, there is Still ' •
the weakness that iiA l lem - es behind It to be removed.
Convalescence is a tedious affair: If the enfeebled , . ; '
and flaccid - inuseleitfthe ,shattered nerves, the thin ' .
. and watery blood cMild 'speak, they would' cry for
Itelp. ' In too many Easessuch help as it gi - -en *Lei
is not of the vigil kind. ' The fiery stimulants of ' . .
commerce do harm.l o, l Theytindle, a temporary dime, ,,-
which Is a mocker ~ Their:effect passes,. and the '
last state' of him who uses them is worse 'titan the
first. Not such: I the - effect . of HOSTETTER'S ' '
I s
STOMACH BITTE . There is no' raWback to its
' 1
toning properties. It has been timid THE GREAT' ' '
MEDICINE OF T X AGE for sustaining and brae- - ' '
~ :. up. the enfeebled: constitution - ne matter 'how: .
Much debilitated . ' ~ It .not onlY besto*S strength, ,
bat soothes the nergous system and allays all excite,' -`
went of the brain.. While this ernellentlitepaiatimr' '-'
'pOssesses suck effeggive properties, tt ig perfectly +,' • ' '':
sate and Is agreeable to' the taste: Attempts 'hive' , ~ t
-been made to rival ti r They have felled:. c an jibe , ''', ;
nec ossrY to say wh' , they hav ‘ e Tailed 2 ;Ask the - re. >";
covered .:dyspepticii billode -enLierere: victims Of ''.''
fever 0 ague sad piervoue aubjectis who hue:expo% '..; ;Zi
rithicedttaeffecta what they t hink citlt. 'Ask th e* , i L
rf .
a nd be guided by: What: they 'Say. As a. household: l : .
medicine it is available"at ,all times in twee of io t a*. '-;f.
gestlOn; bilious and other fevers, and all diseases
arising from an impure condition of the stomach or
A '~ ~ l i
BLAlthiie,' £0