The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, June 19, 1868, Image 1

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" 4 \ ,
qY . •f i
Q !:~'
r "-INS
• I
3 ,
Passed and Considered in
41m • Sinitii--Tiventy Per. Cent._
Additional Oompensahon -Res
t elution Reconsidered and Ta
-10144-•aileesage %WON'T
Pronounced a Thieving Ihvin.•
die--ItesoALitioß! ! .lFa4potjtati-
Adopted' 2 i3 Y . 21 hilouse
Without Division.
tity Tett/mob :tql.4..gittartmr#43lq.ett.e...}
~ ,
WASHINGTON, June 18, 1868.
4 Mr. IiEN - AsltlCkfil, > TiolkilW r eoloinittee
ion Public Lands, reported a bill granting
lanils ttc the :Sttitelof : Minnesota, for the
purpose of a titivenuty. i . • • •
:Mt. ,P9.ll4EßOY;initit the Conmuttee.on,
1 31 ;lateffims;, - reported' . favorably - the 'bill
authorizing the establishing of , a line ,of
1 Ainariciing Snell and passenger steamships
i hetV43o4k ,New ~ Y ork; and s , one or more
Wt.: , -N . asitayNi'•fronr• • the Committee •on
3 1! i rc I P 6 ._OPIt*s, .:: : ' 1 •:, .' * '
Milltair Wirekfa,kt.Pertell with an aMend.
Mau& the•bill Vo>eetablish rules and articles
fim the•lecovertinifint of 'the• Allly of the
United' States. ' • •• . "
liejr. ROM,I4IOY introduced a bill to corn
t &Ail ?the vefitlnesion' 'of a "411allitad' froth'
5 Washington te t Mobile and other points in
5 the South, 'cleating a post route from_
Washington to Mobile and New Qrleansi,
Referred to, l the committee on Pacific Rail
•• road.
Mr..TRUMBULL called , up the bill sup
plementary to in - act to allow' he' United
States to 'presecate appeals and writs of
•-: error Withouts wing security,which passed.
' ,l Mr. TRULIMULL also • ca ll ed n_p the bill
:i's .relative to the Supreme court of the United.
• 0 4 States. It deVelves -upon the Senier Asso-'
.t chits Justice .the -office-.of chiet.Tnatice in
.4 case of the inability of the latternmil such
inability) be. removed. The, bill passed..
Mr:CHANDLER; Chairman'of the Com
mittee on commerce, c a lled up the follow
trig hinevividelt Pealed: ~1-' '. •. 0 ±_ o
- Mi ll for the ap - -latio- of r
• - ..tti appropriation of a supervis
• ' lug sulrteonof,the Marina hospitals pf tne
~ IJ.nited States:' It authorizes the President
, to make the appointment ' with a salary.of
g ,400 per annum., I' -". , *
'1 Bill to amend act to prevent and , punish
i frauds on the revenue , , and for' 'Other pur
poses, approved March Ist, 1863.
• Bill' to extend the collection district of
• the State of Michigan. .., ~ ..,
Also several bills of no general interest.
• :Mr. CHANDLER called up the bill in re
lation to the sale of-Visseb3 •to belligerents.
p Mr. TRUMBULL called attention to thls•
g bill as making apimportant change in the
'•5 letOn proposing to authorize:, the ;sale of
• vessels which may be turned into vessels
. • of coa tt
6 avept4op of .th9RoMoy ql.t4e
ptilierrinienf: -
Mr. CHANDLER 'read a proviso requir
ing that
• there shall be no intent by the
seller or charterer to' participate in any
: belligerent , act.t• In reply to a q uestion
:4 frinto 3fri Conklin:4 hd said the bill simply
• + construed existing laws:
.1 4fr.,CONRLING suggested a reference to
1. tits' Committee on Foreign Relations:', ,
,i, wr, CHANDLER replied the• bill i
had n
A fact been carefully drawn by the chairman
of Unit Ctinirldtted; Mr. Sumner.
:'', The bill passed. : . ,
On motion of Mr. PATTERSON, of New
Hampshire. it was subsequently reedhsitt:
efelVert ThIS reuhdllustirelaims to 'Settle
• ';• a queftledi!tof ;•ititerilittiohat law and fore
-1 closes action on a case lam before the Com—
mittee on Retrenchment iis regUdXfiettrde
i ' by the Navy Department of twecif tier irtm
• clads to thqßeruitian goverpment.,„l —,
• k Considerable` 'debate arosebh' a VIII to
give American register to the British bark
•t Gold° IE Flt2loo,,lhASOMlLtrailkiwont of
r ' the fact that she was an Amencan built
$ vessels that changed its! flag, during the
war to avoid the_payment of heavy [agar
ante. Irldelinitely Pefitpiblett Wd r ibte of
11 to 26.
..t The billinmealing s ection five •of an act
concerping ,the, F4gpitt e m.fuisi,recording of
shipil'erVedaels, approved . December SI,.
1792,- was passed.
Mr. HOWE Called tiiiltroii
tee on Indian Affairs, a bill to - appropriate'
= ll6 e4 s .o s ul i f i tt l e i tin ll l 2 Att il im=tg
which pamed,
11111 for theief br tertdin expOrters of
y Mr;
agt i d s re= 9 4 l ti Vdt P :
relieved mkt , add , alcohol . '' liMitraeted 'for:
priqlte tbeset, or.Tinuiiry;lloo.M.. ;
Mr: CHAIM LtD: introdnmd joint VeitN. ,
luthm 4revidlsig tlmtlidis}ol..Febrnary,
9th, 18137, shall not be ' construed to debar
the posyment.iiiielkiintC of joyitteitipadi ei
the loyal States for loss of Ntddulbultt "*es--
sole or otherprpperhy taken, or impressed
in the States that . seceded or attempted to
secede' from theUnloiz. provided the claim
ants were loyal at, the time their claims.
misinetcd and " rentinneklopil, thercall,o„
BH-eried Itulic*7
Mr. CArELIi; fibril the 'Olinittee on
Finance, reported back the bill.rogently
published to provide for the further Wly' .
offtenlimarY:loatt earth:Lentos far the pnr
posts? ort';redeetning and retjrbstr , the
mkit.clakgOtifitioange*inpotiah Inter*
notaormakamerbal amendment...; -
Mr. HARLAN called-wp the. Fromm bill
totitidgeiber,bthipidprit ridatA'RecX:lo-',
land, which_ was adVbeited by Messrs.
Trallitlco,o477o4llari a4ls neeeeslW
Veinmeni, while' the railroad company
.to.bear half theexpense..,'•l
Mr. , rMORRILfiz(Vt.)- warmly 'eptmeed
the bklk.A_ L yr A ,--,..
Mr. - aTmo - ARrinrdirupticl the discus?,
akm_ . jzo make a report frorrk A4e Committee
of tuthh Ilor , llie!*llid*
PotiligOr i lkitbAltaiti-,; the, Ptinutilttee ria•
commend; tue:striking out of. Abe names at;
ounIPI /34,1011deti I.ot - Alabama, and Goa.
W. toned, br.Venibmee.
. I fe.;AIENDRICKS, ex contempt
-1041 btudnest, - :- ,CoMmitt4, of,
Coilfeiegici bad. been' guilt • , . of.cutting Out
two nanieekbegum they"Ald•not belong to •
the deMifiant party: ,
Mr. DAVIS sugeosted to the Committee
to Sopa a p l a i, pi c Onlifikelulhl B l44 l fP4
retPlastement in:11( rig,hts.;ervilnixd.politt
carevery red handed rebel:uponitalcpt4
*4O Ruppert AB Radical
report 'was a*reed zwitlnst
The d hetiater,ivoyitdiito t executive session
anctobn' adpeurne • ^v )-(
tiaeHEl Ali R :hehail.apl
pointed 1204 . - .Delline , ,VAlVii``;iie. - eneir on
(30mattee' kth. t nktign'atrin and Me
.g.nottit4llß , arg e o h i misteh , at ,
RK1)40 1 0 t
in e n: v
A AlOr 'POP 1 4 1 Pie;4
ar. ma` •'‘ .'
Mr. BINGRALIWIed up the motion to
repl3ldd' 'Miro* ivhichlhe joint res.
elution passed giving twenty per cent. ad
ditional cempensation'to civil' employes of
the govervin_eintat Washington.
Mr. WASHBM,' ITEPef ,- . 3 rndiiinanoved
to lay_the motion to reconsider onthetable.
, ThltEgtiNKX - 04014.4 , 7 WV& ...
, Then the vote passing the resolution was
recon*lered.'.ll.. ,!. '?•
The resolution was then tabled-2.68 against
. Yeas—Messrs. Allison
Beaman, Beatty, Benjamin, Benton,Bink
tam, Blaiwßoutwell, l 3 roomalkillnciland,
Butler, Churchill, Clark, (Kansas,) Clark,
'(Ohio,) Coburn, Cook, Connell, Covode,
DayirdS,, Delano, Egglestqh; Bla# retty;
Fields; Haight, Halsey,'Haiding, Dawkins,
Hall, Hubbard, Judd, Kelsey, Ketchum,
!Koontz, Laughridge, Marvin, Maynard,
,McCarthy, •McClurg, Mercur, Mullens,
iNewcomb k Peters, Pilte,,Palely, Price, Rob
ertson, Sawyer, Schofteld.,, Schenck, Ste
vens, (N. H.,), Taylor,Trowbridge; Van
Aernian, Vasr.wyek t varlatburidea(Wis:,)
Washburn°, (Ill.,) WashbUrne, (Mass.,)
Welker, Williams, (Pa.,) l (Ind.,)
Wilson, (lowe r ) VI-4W D W illiams, Katila.) , -
Nays—Messrs."Andereon, 'Meter, Ash
ley, (Nevada,) Ashley, (Ohio,) Beck, Blair,
cakt3,.; carey,l',Cobb,(.-84012, P0t.M1441
Briggs,' Eekley, Bldridge Elko!;1.-arns
wofth, Glossbrenner, etz:laday, Groyer;„
Higbee, Hotchkiss, Jenelfei;didinsort,ußert i t
Ketchum, Knott, Loan, Logan, MalloPy;
McCormick, Moore, Moorhead, Morrill,
Mungen,-' l l4yers,' , . Niblack; 'Niel:01180n,
O'Neill, Paine, Plants, Pomeroy, Pruyn,
Kandall„ltobi t uson, schenck, Shellabargek
Spalding,. Starkweather,' Stevens, I :(frai.,)
Stewart, Stokes, Stone, Taffee, Trimble,
(Tenn.,) Trimble, (H.T.,);VartHot•ri,(Mo.,)
Van Trump,Wa:shburrie;(lnd.,) and Wood
ward, - •
. . .. , .
Mr. CLARKE (Kansas) from , the. Corn
mittee on Indian Affairsirmade a report on
the snbject..of the treaty recently - .:trade,
with the Gteat and Little Indians for
the cession to the Leavferiwortb, Lawrence..
and:Gtilvesteri , Railroad tef'B;W,eoeriteres'
of land in Southern Kangas at about nine
cents an-acre.- .Thereport t
ing the facts ;' conelndeathatthetreatY is in •
violation of the rights of settlers and 'us- ;
H il:i
Hoe todioms, and repot the Adop. - :-!
an of the folloWing resolutions:
• Re.golved, As the sense of the . , House of '
Representatives; that thd treaty vencleileilf
on' the 27th of mAy; iBBB, with the (literat i •
and Little Osage tribes of Indians, both in
its expresaterma and AlR:Otto:ilk rand in
the means - Miiployed - to pro6Ure their ac- -- •
ceptance, hy gle.:lndiansiis ;tis ..ontraqp - otu
their rights; that in transferring to a single •
railroad corporations' •ktaillions of Acres.
of land, it/ not'Only - •‘•theright'
and interests of .other railroad corporations
in the State of Kansas, and builds up a
frightful latid - pmeAptily In tlefiatice of . the
just rights of the settlers and of the people
of the tinned States, but it Assumes the
authority, repeatedly denied by chi:mouse,
to dispose of those lands by--treaty other
wise thshby'bespion .to the, 'United States,
and ibr purposerftof which Congress alone
is competent to provide. - • ' -
Resolved,: ,' , This House ' does hereby
solemnly, and earnestly prottet against the
ratification of said pretended treaty by the
Senate, and Will feel bound :to refuse any
appropriations in - its behalf or recognize its
validityln arry.fOlM.... - - - "l ;-- • • '-- : • • ,
Resolved, That a copy of the foregoing 1
resolutions be transmitted be the Senate of
the Vliited,Stateitii,-. ,
.-,, _, . , . ~. • •
• 'Mr. - .:CLARKE aOriffitie' d t h e *oil - maw
jugifteetioo..Or flore,renortAud-restgutiops.
M. SCEfOriEf.D; a Meltibbi'df the co .
mlttee•On Indian \Affairs, - took the ground •
that the treaty making power_did not, give
to the Proifident : , And •ItienW the- 'right to
alienate any 'part of the National domain to
which these Indian, lands belonged. It re
quire&actioa of ,Congress totioso,, , .. -, • r
Alii MILIAN, denbunced the tr eaty end'.
the Oonindiesioners \ whb made lit-L-"N. Gt. '
Taylor, Thomas Murphy, A. Q. Boone and
Major ShOW; agent of 'the iNagee.."lla said
instead of itOqing,an Indian Commission,
it was a thidVing•Zomnifsehan. - Every act
in the transaetion hrauded the parties to it.
as thieves, 'and - he (Mr: Innen) branded
them in the name, of ; ,honestipeople every
where as tbitiVes, appointed by Pres
ident,,,; and ...,.who ,-.. wore... doing :;: their
work with a. Oka' , , and. -;workman
ship that transcended anything •in
his optrietc*, 71/14 . CorilitdOlonmkg ii "O.!
confounded with the Indian Peace Corn
mission,wvtdchbad gone -oaten a noble er
rand. The Commission
. flpliOintekr to • ne- -
gotiate Ani,,swindlA l / 2 . 4,! e a s t e i
1 W91 1 , 0 ,,,was
shaped' tit, In Waehin City a year
az0.....-Tbeee;pretended7. - ere -had - .
lent themselves to thieving ..nalinsW isoing" -
panies for r the purpw,of,,e
.. ifigltie 1n . ,-..
( Par IdAViltir • cketill:
str t
lhnds. He denounced it as an act whic h
„makes the ordinary inmates of a peniten- ,
7 tlary decent and respec table men, if not
Ahristians, iigoto_fo myithAtihse °Om-
' missiedibfe - ” Mr - Anent:feed' and • blended
them and invoked action of the House,
in the name of decency and common justice,
to adopt the
~esol_ntionii. - 1 , 4 ,- .....,
! Mr. SHA H
_ SIIRO d'enhtiiited the treaty
;as .one of those things that stamp with in-
'rainy( all the proceedings of this accursed
,istrattoja...-- -,-,- .
•th ab ility of thaliiiiitV ma ng power lii .
„Jalienate any part of the National domain. •
” - Mr. CART declared himself in favor of
the resoltitiohs. „ : It : wa§kybe tintA . of, the
Honsetiefai.' - ini POSSibleteatireht• thb-gi
gentle swindle. As ,to the assertion made,
by the gentleman from Indimia, . (Mr;
'.:Sheek*,) that, the ' treaty Weil an act of thltij
infernal administratWA,he hid - only to say,
the President, the •Se e, and' the Osage
• Indians had had t bad .priteedqnta 'establish-
ed. - This of the swindles •
Lpracticed on thtpepisjpAiprefogyse to pub-
1 Jie lands. - rt. -sad - a precedent in the
' Pacific Railrgad4',...o9 411 1 bleIrozz besides
subsidy nearly large enough to build
the xbei4lo o llirt, tiadfvelr Illf.i/0 0 41/i l
i tO *Make _few Oh Sta te s as New Yor ,
Pennsylvania( 0 0 .ratidaimliena,t44 have
'enough left to ~. e - two lfke - Massa- .
chusette.,• Np wpiidprr .R,Ont.L.lot tlje-tiittu
taredmOrageo4.tvith etichandkiliMPlC WWI*,
'..thent,'ltaere willful; fp . give away eight Mil.'
lions acres 'of. land o - a lane. contercipubj9
railrogd whiehAdhnioi %toe. iiinkthelind,
-The whole system irein'iltfitift!'
.. • ~
!Mr. CLANK,' :Nintenl.' txt ifietiiietiop of .
the second resolution 119,000:4 1 1betitute the
following for It:
.;•,.,ii,b.,:mi,,A. 9 ,.,....., •,,,I, ::,:•
eißesoved, ,m,tholvense of- thisHonse, that
the ob jects, terms; conditions - and,":.stipnlii
:-?tions of the afarAtaidtprbtbiffillid_ltitlitr4rli
- not within the treaty making power, nor srb •
'they authorized„either bythe. Constitution
or voctbearnitdarEW6Cativollififthei
this ease does hereby solemnly - condemn,
the same and. does ..aleo r garnestly: but re
spectfully eXiireilithelid&dndeipectetron
,that the Senate will not ratify the said
Unifs.ltreaty.ii . ..!Tit” ~_•- .-: - ,i „A. Aifl , xi ~ i - N-:.: .., A c
',The resolutions were agreed to without a,
division. Ar„,;411 - .....4. , ,v.', E : <,: - siollgr,7ll,_ •
• inir• vut-m, - 'Mtn wie - committee on gaed-
Aions,"made a report Oh the Missouri Con.*
,tested.`adVetion.esie oVlErogatiliiiiiiWTild;
With .• - a - -resolution • - thitaraßipidloliptiihif
'member, - was duly elected', . •• • - • • 1
Mr. cHAATl4Ekftwitted: At loluotity re ,
,port' .., , 'call - °: ,almt:6) , l ..,.:', . _,,'.! '', - -1.va1,,1i.' • ,-,-:: -•. r
4 - The rbPari4. Ve)TAtiorie,Pl4 , . 4I 'ft ikiintid
- 0r ,1 40.Wri4e14 , 14 1 4b:, t 4. r, , , • ! , l'i 161 '.1' -, i ry , ' -,'
Mr. 000 K gave n oti ce hit , woul . p;l!n_ ititaii ,
urdah-caLlnp . _thelqintrielittontMliedisliW.'
tion eate'tif:,•lleKeti against "Yonfig; es' he-
."c,~t'~-~ ~•%~c,~.~~{~~ i~~y ~0.~ ~ 1 a ~ti' ~ ' ^ tx4e , r~"~ , ~' b r ~ t, ' ` ~ n P•~~~ ~` -1 ~4 ~yc,rt~ t,~-,- e: fi ~ h ~..z,.,,.ti --.~
.. , ~'~"ev~'~,s~'~c • ~ ,hs ,~ ~k F ~✓'c. ''~ i'~K.`+, ~^ xru: ~ , `~^~.~~~~ ' l9,. '~k~. 4 .<# ~,_`~'~-t~ ic ~z+ s~,.~~. ~,~ ~ ,~~,* ~'."'-'u~v
J ,
~ t. A S >i ....
r~f Jit _
P t'i ar , f - 1" . . , ,r YIT ft ,71. - .A.(T PITT :
P ~'T~BsRti `FR AY, - U N 1-%-4868: .~.
understood the tax bill would be reported
on Monday and would exclude all other
business until disposed .ofa a,
The House iSrOceeateintilliftlf-past two to
the business of the .moroing hourowhich
Was a call of the Judiciary Committee for
a report.:* - 7 4 1
On &lotion of Mr: BOITTWELL,' the Ju
diciary . Committee :was discharged from
the further consideration of the resolution
relative to one of the . JUstices of the Su,
preme Court, Justice Meld.
Mr.' , BOUTWELL reported' back with
arneitiment the Senate bill. to change the'
tinie_. for .holding." District Courts of the
United States in. Tennessee: The amend-'
meta waeagreed to antl,thehill passed. •
lIOUTIV'ELL reported `a, bill to Pro
vide for appeal from the Court of Claims;
modifying and essentially limiting the ju
risdiction of that Court.
an amendment an additional section, di
recting, the Clerk of tluit Can't bfoClainfs to
transmit to Congress at the commencement'
of each-December session corny
plete ttaanfefit Of all pidgrrfents rOideleidd
by the Court during the previous year,
stating the amount andthe parties in whose
favor they were rendered, together with .a
lb sypopsispf the claims. _
htittetintlnietit was agreed ttg ilinEt
l passed—yeas, 88; nays, 27.
Mr. THOMAS reported- a bill relieving
carrying companies from liability for, loss
age ceased by the formai:if-the late ;rebel
lion or by the forces of •the tinited States.
Mr.'Theinas explained the' bill and 'had
letters read showixig.the necessity,.of the
proposed legislation. It was intended
more particularly to applyt to the actions
against express companies in the Southern
States. • ~ . •
Iiii.'TRIMBLE, of 'KentuelrY, inquired
whether the bill did not virtually oust the
State Courts •, of (jurisdietioa In all cases
where a single corporator of the Express
Company is a resident of anoth..r State.
Air. THOMAS replied that it .undoubted
ly did, - and, that was the prime object
of the bill, the very thing. the Committee
was driving at. There was an extraordina
ry condition of society in one section of the
country, And if there were authority in the
Government, to resenecitizens from- wrong
done them in State Courts, it was the duty
and, prerogative of the Government to ex
ercise that authority.
After farther discussion the bill passed
-80 to 4.2. _
The morning hour having expired; the
House Proceeded to the consideration.- of
the bill reported some time since by Mr.
O'NKILL, from the Conimittee on Com
merce, to amend the act to regulate the
carriage of Ixasilengets hi , stetunships and
other vessels. The bill, which contains
twenty-seven gotten% was it . lait'-at
After some discussion, and without tak
ing a final vote on the bill, Ahe- House ad
journed, it havirig`been — agreed that the
river and harbor bill should be postpone
until Wedneadarnext. • :
Terrible Storm—Great Destruction of Prop
erty:—Elghty.six Coal Barges Swept
Away, Am. •
[By Telegraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette.?
CnseirmATl, June ' 18.—The • heaviest
thnti4ee ,storm, ever known;visited -this
eitktnid ViciniiviaSt night.' 'The 'ruin fell
in torrents from midnight till' daylight,'
deluging., the streets,. tilling ,cellam _and
damaging sewers. A number of buildings
were struck by lightning but none were
destroyed:- - In tbe country the damage is
supposed to be considerable, in the wash
ing away of fences and the destruction of
crops. The psiiroads suffered to.setritt ex
tent, but at noon to-day trains on the Ohio
and Mississippi Railroad and the Hamilton
and Dayton. Railroad Were 'mining regu
larly. •
The river is rising rapidly, with seven
teen feet one inch of water,in the channel.
There was arinnusnal storm-Of rain, light
ning and thunder last night. It rained
very heavy and with hardly any intermis
sioti from nine o'clock last night till nine
O'clock this morning, ' accompanied by
lightning of unusual brilliancy and a steady
roar of thandez.i The; creeks and titers,
are all very high, and the bottom lands ate
overflown. Licking river rose fifteen feet,
and carried out all.the lumber rafts moored
In It, which carried eighty-six coal barges
from their mooring' at the -Wharf, of which
seven were sunk.. The remainder have
floated down the river. A .large number
cif-empty-bargee and rnodellatrgewiloated
off. Some lumberprafte were 'carried off
a 150... The Captain of the 0. Bowen, wtow
boat, fell into an ernfstyibandiviititterj
ously injured. ?
New yin* city' ,mitieri..
CDT Telegaph to the Pitthbtoth Gazette.]
Ne?t_;York r JunelB,--The National ;Ex
ecutive Comniittee and New York State
committetior Soldiers and Sailors — have da:
tablished their headquarters at 35 East 17th
atUt Wft ere. titer will ^ renudn a ft er
the adjournment of the Democratic Nation
al Convention.
Ther)ennual kegetta , of the New York
Yacht Club took place to-day. Four sloops'
and'eight schooner : yachts started from the
anchorage at 'Satan !stand, but in consfil
quence of the-wind falling, the sloop White
Wing alone turning the light ship outside
of Sandy Book,' the race Wag postponed
until to-morrow. - ' • -
'lt is pr6posed to'establish a labor bureau,
in connection with the department of char
ities an correction foitneptirpoieof keep
ing a rebOrli ofval vt lin v iiiieS arid individuals
needing, enfpldiy nt; and invite-corres
pondeneCwlth Gov ors of Statekatid Ter
. ritories, in I,lrdek taint gipkiyrrierit at
the west Ortho lokyeict IV visit our
shores'in IMMO,
..w944.: :
0 4 . T.,
Henry . o ;lifinAtlik. , _ 41f o iditlre of
the Clawaireral daverbrer ' inliroita
lyn yesterday.
Several cases of proiktrgion from heat are
reported; . • -
It is itimoregi ins.Baltimore:that liinv.
ann has "ti the 11. S.
sentiongdp in. •Reverdy Johnaonrs 'place, 1
but ho refuses it. '? "..`•'
l' r ',-;!: Ilik fßinnigfoilnik. f,:".. ti V. Ci 1
$y Telegraph to the Plitaberah Gezette.j -
,Citicaoo, June 18.—Thi4 iiiiiign Alegi-
Jon to the Saengerfect arrived this mot -
Log at nine o'clock, and were escorted to
Feet Hallystnaptilrlen ei, 430 a ipxsivos a i
vitas hela. viva rificinEatrderekalia, num
t4rnbcrn, --- T h ey were escated 6? their quar
ters by local societies.
,This zatroiloOrllevoyvkg gonergii "neap
tion which hedaY'Vdegliren'ilifito
,The first grand aoneert Wargiven in Fest,
H o me to-night, all the
4mm2 singiniteffee in"
Mm iii7
eta orl
Ely Telegraph to the Pitkbargh esisette.3
I Eltptoirtrairt•Nie; Aunt , i lB .l)Elietalteisi
, Pf .exinsuAskeng fkomllltichureifi sr ux , . .
thou latiiteW 'Meet KiwetObitl*ip --• , _,..
ihr9tlSlL.4l4".oitimallaAfteitiobny'fii. ~
froinst. Al Ws to New 'York.
-: , .1 . 1 - 74N.A•0 . - ili).il7-...f.4,?Triet
Anothvif EOOll--s.The'Cutifestants
1 ,
Both, Upset . heir Boats-,-Ap,
other Itace-T day. . - '..,..:
Sp6clal Dl4iAteil to t iinitiburgicsr;eiti.
Parr:JO:kb !mum,. June 48,,11308. '1 '.
There arrived on all the trains this morn
ing and last night strangers froin all riarts
Of the cennti:Y, who come hither to partici
pate in the 'great ' liqinitic ebntest for the
Championship' of American waters and a
pniielsrilfrfrolislnWa eri
i4.1;" - batie
e,‘Jimmy" Haraill and Tieniy!texilter, 'both
citizens and residents of the Smoky City.
FrotaXittsburgh, Qll bopxd the trail') whiph
carthithyour special to this city, there were: .
fully one hundred wAll ta lcnowpAteutlemen
who were devetedlyattsched to the respec
five candidates ltit cci
- atilitqlOnci s, and i
who iiiimsed themselves aboard t 1 e
almost the entire warin dessaantin on the
various meritsand sisificiencies.ofthe long
and short piillaystems of rowing. On arriv- ,
ing here a large delegation of Pittsburghers
called at, flamill's headquarters and found
hiMin most excellent condition. He was
veryti tilii" 61 tinieeai l- an d .ii,..
feeling sa g a ,
marked to a P ittsburgh , gentleman of the
press, who asked him how he should pet,
that he only say ihat. be Would give
Coulter a fair race, and ,then may the best
man Win. He ,
was mery anxious that the
race should go off smoothly and on the
square, saying that he had had enough
font's, and that the race would be such as
would ,redeem the boating fraternity, from
all the reproach' hitherto cast_ - upon ft ifyi
disreputable oarsmen, who would • foul
rather than suffer 'defeat. Hamill looked
tliiiliii picture of health, the flesh 461E4
tight and every muscle standing out in
bold reliee' ' ' ,'''',* '
Collier was equally worthy of adixdra-,
ii6if, - ILS he was pritne*CcinditiOn 7 and was
sanguine of sueceSS: He spoke 'good he
inoredly of the reports in circulation in
Pittslairgh to the effect that he - had been,
over-trained, and said that he felt in=ns good
trim ;who ever was in his life. While not
boastful, he was hopeful, and, gave expres
sion to the hope that no accident
_would occur to prevent a fair -decision.
Re said that vigorous training 'was some
thing new, to him, but, he bad reached the„
perfectiOn of bene and =Made, and: if beaten f
would not reflect on his trainer so much as,
on Jimmy Hamill's, aquatic powers; but he
had set out for victory and 'would try his
best.tostopare it, Hamill will row at a trills
oierOne . liWainsi;sindr.idtiyllorinds,:while -
Certltsir doss ono .hitrareit Ufa
sixty-five pounds. . •
Pn.ndkor.tratai June took
the ldad at - the'sfai.t,preServing fbr a con
siderable dish:ince; . probably half a mile;
when, Coulter tame ui';altingside 'of him
and in lifting-his oar caught Junta of Ham
ill's, eausing both boats to careen and cap
size. COuiter'sdipped
boat r :witer only,
some'say; but' at all
,eyc,tits;' , be - regained
his position rowed over Almeourse.
making good time and claiming the
stakes. ( ffliamill was **eked up:hyshia, at
tenliing bditlind taken - habit to theltidesi
stand, where he laid claim to the stakes
and chaMidmiAiip;": , :Coijltliti lends ve-'
hettiontlY put , in his claims, and the pu7,
iledjudges and Acfaree concluded
pone their ' des:Aided till 'to-nig& 'at ‘eigh
e'clock, when they will meet the Girard
House. HamilPii frliindielleakte toi a draw
and - a:m:lV ilice;7lf
award. -" ""- 'Li.. • ,
There werelb s ousapchk,of mynas; long
the river bank, from early noon till' alter
the river was cleared ofltheAuerons sail. log boats, yiWle; itclffs,, barges` add
eon s:
The-betting tvics,n9p,otcyx.prisic, fip,,,Tyhm
and -Brown, although some large wager§
were reported. t Mel-ace between t l be j m itt;
traqted little or no atterition, and the r e=
suit Was received wit h but_ little enthnsl- 1
'amp. Tyler ' Oime atictut forty feet or
two and a half lengths ahead.
The public interest centered in the great'
race for the championship, between Hamill ,
and, Coulter. Both 'men made their aP-:
pearance promptly and were loudly cheir. l ,
ed as they came up, each attended by fn i
escort. Theylooked ; fresh. - At the word
go; both darted out even, but Hamill soon -
got the lead; tihicli he kept it Enlfy , thi;ee.
cinarterieof a ridle; vhitni - Cotiltsi di ly
gai 'd V i .PcC l 4P,' whe"Pri in takipa~,
rightte the ratter or en purpoie •to &lit
dontier—A Twitter yet to be decided;:Hangil
slightly-diverged—his • boatscourseraud
rem athwaififterilteiciialian iboth ( -hill to
gather, Ald
liadly dairuiged. 'Genitor's boat Careened
and, dipped , water; but beacanagellin tight'
it with the assistance'of those in his , guide
•and'he pro c eeded on' Over
course Hiunill ris'resodedl4 , his iratilec
tot'atad brought .suck to the Stirling
point. The repTeetiagiciiNiges rrtjaz,po
render any verdict' until they can hear tile
The scenes at the , race , were anything;
but such as areicalcalated to inspire admi
ration for, and. devotion Ack‘the• aquatic..
;Avila of the day. 01punessaluructilutcof
Money was up on the result. A full conk
plement ol e *MOWelii i thhfviiianti roughs
alllit e‘ a/to,9lo4Atlic'Mie: hOld
wqreciint sttendanc*: twdepislonla ar
rived at, let
0 4.409. PPirliiti tik-biegYfirobible that
"the' supposed foul .will be decided an tied:
dent, and that the men Nithakeln)bdPeis ,
tented to meas Air ops,. „To thulatkeT, plan
tt ° HanirnhOW A~soe4;iint fiouiter's
1 M1P.M 10 344 &la 41, .8,
I •'• 'f • •ALFAViraftwiNviorcs.3. ,
Ta i9 o l l ' Terefee 4 . 0 /nitt VOW; it
protracted session at the Girard House.
r. ple
. f , •
..._!,,,,, ,-, 1';r: : ‘,..-'1 . % .i-,,'!
• . . ' . 'lll
' : - /
:1 ' i' ,r. 1 • : - _7'
W. J. White, a friend of liamiTl's warily
urged a'decision
in his faVor; brit after - . r • •
sultationthe rage was brdered to be ran
over to=morrow "morning at eight o'clock,
°tithe :same' Connie on the Schuylkill, a
decision which meets with general :gals..
&diem: , • ) •
[By Tetegrapi; to the Pittsburgh Gazetie.,
PHILADELtHIA., June 18.—The boat race
for the championship of America took niece
t : ° ,4 : lB Yl 'The fust:race was!between..Brown
and Tyler.; They, started from the upper
stake boat at.tycro'nfo,cli„,and went down
the river two miles and a ha.lf and re
turned: tyler came in about half a length,
The great race between Haniill and Cord
ter commenced about thiee. _ iey started'
from the upper af,aki, boat and' Ilandll led
Coulter at tEd atarty tiny slightly:: But
after proceeding down about 'half a Mile,
from • - acime reason, at present - unknown,
thbirbosts collided. and ttairboth
Couftter.reacbed bia-boat and proceeded on
aroma the course. was picked up
by,a . hoatiin the.vieinity and brought back
by its ,crew .. : to,_ the starting point. Thp'
referee irill, have to decide whether the
&Wink was dolls liuiposely.or not.
, -
—Collector Baily t l. of New Yorki
to have skipped, his, bailees and, gone, to.
EUrope. I
An old man; uhknoWn was murdered'
near Buffalo . ? N.'"Y., Wednesday night, and
his body thrown across the roily:sad : track.
—Thurlow Weed says the ,Conservatives
will run Chase as a third party
for the Presidency if the Democrats throw
him overlxsard. • . ; r
• —McCullough, the correspondent.of the
Cincinnati tpOnniercial, has resigned, to
take the position of manngingcditor of the
Cincinnati Enquirei. , '
--Geore - Franets'Train appeared at the
Liverpool (England):Exchang,e, ' Wednes
day evening, and attempted to make a
speech, but waa,hissed down. ,
—A. S. Welch, formerly a Profes.sqr in
the Michigan 'University,and J. W. Os
borne, late Chief of Artille4onßosecrans'
staff, are the new Senators froth Florida. •
A tiestf and dumb man named Andrew
Klieflied his head severed from his body,
and trtmk Otherwise mangled, on the New
York Central Railroad Wednesday night.
,-7.4ieneral McClellan has written a letter
to General Hancock, positively declining
to be'a candidate for the ' Presidency; Ile
urges Hancock to run, ' and says he (5.10- -
Clellap) Iwill be here in August to
with and assist him.
-The Synodical Cornmission, appointed
at _Pittsburgh, to further consider the mites
of Rev. Dr.: Wylie and Geo. H. Stuart, is
now in session . in Philadelphia , but the re
portersare not admitted:' Dr. Douglas and
Bider Snryth, of Pittsburgh, are members
of the Corrunitoipn.
The trusteea of the Peabody Educational
Fund met at New York, Wednesday. The
report of Dr. Sears_avas read and created
quite a ruinpns. It is Said Mr. Sears shows
that the . fund had. better, be invested and
used very savingly at present 'until the
&althorn peeple can appreelate educational
—Sbeibrum Alasaachnsetts, observed its,
centennial anniversary yesterday, with' an
appropriate celebration. - Rev. Theophilus
Packard was orator of the day, and Judge
S. W. Kellogg, of, Waterbury, Connecticut,
Rev. Dr. Gray, Chaplain of the United
States Senate, and . °there, participated in
the exercises. ,
—A Montreal dispatch says: The steam : .
ship Hibernia,, outward bound, when near
)3alisar,-ran into an American barge load
ed-with sugar, and Sank her on Wednes
day. , Loss 81;q00. Thp fluke of an anchor
penetrated the Captain's bpdy, and he was,
not discovered until she'arrived in pott,
when he,was found hanging on the anchor.•
--The National Board i of :Underwriters,
tn session at Baltimore, has adjo,urned un
il- September. A 'resolution - was passed'
looktuir to theiprevention off ihcenlilarlsin.
11194, one asking for legislatiqn ; restricting.
MS offorcign I rape° cOmpa
laeysafteratio n reveraedatZegdruaensd
itif. all 'of-the 6 ' migriw ih .Mon
notentSquare, and wet& deligh i'U - with.the
odicieney of the Baltimore' department; • •
i ;:—A walking match: of-. one! hundred
.fer, t a puree of $1,000( and the charm.
pionshipc‘ New England, between Meht
rrioknini T. A. ficott, was comg on.
Wednesday Adternoon , at was
Park in:
inditird, Which resulted yesterday in Me-.
terrick i. Winning • the match 'in twenty-,
entl bailie 'Mx Minutes and fdrty(toUr see.'
°rids. .'Beat rave out on the- Mriety4fghth.
mile, having been twenty-one hours nine
teen minutes and eight seconds in complet-
Mg, that number of hailes.-.-, J. . :,. ,
-,Dispatches from . Hati; St; Domingo,
ms,.-and other West India Islands,!
fitaurtbat tho.seigeofPort awPrines; Hayti;
is still going on. The rebels were lying. on.
their ..arma gran - Gdnerals Wan bort , mid
Nestia arrivd with their expected reinforce,
meets.; The , subtirbs 'lfad ' been btlrned,' to ;
clear view Of the rebels ''Solberg
fleeting the
.defOnee' in 'poirboit; 'He had re=
delved - . the Ameriedn: Minister With ;every
mark of kindness. Baez was °tiering thd
bayalid cpenitisula of Samana
for At loan of one million of dollars from the',
States, : - ,1 i•
) • Fire i t .-igi n oiti ti p: . >: •
Orticu4s4ri June 18. 7 The pianing
f Greenier, Simon },Pit.. Ba,ymiller and
Poplar Street* was , l entirelk • des t royed by,
reinilt night. Loss about $15,000. Jtitair
ed for SB,OW, In'the Westerni!of thin
and: ear eastern companies: , .1 w *-• ' '
At two Welocir this morriing:tbe stable of
the Cincinnati Fuel ' , Com ;it:nil:Pearl
street, between Ludic) -Lawrence, was
stroolOyllighOing,ADA eotirety.consum:-
- '7,MF.horlies,,weretnarrmi, X9s,s.„ - ; about , ;lisurango.s2s,oo9. -
. - , •
: • Illineil Congrossionil Neinlnations ''
tolveletiairti 6 shirittstiniri thiette: ' l '' ''
CAlOAok:June ift—The Fourth Dietrict
RePttbilean'Congiettiorial Convention, held
it 'Monmouth; yesterday, izonatnated'abbn
8.-liawley, - of Rock IslandAr Coil rifisi; on,
the Arid, ballot. :Abet Republican gres.
sional , Conventionolt.the, SeveothiD
held at Tolono c , nominated Cieneral Jesse
, .. .
i • - i' , i ,'. Base i Rail ht lbdg+o `
liar i'eleplariil to ideguesiniip t ti Gazinte.l m
, ~ •
Curcind; June 18... J hate bailwatch
this aftellhoon betufebn the Athlist? ti,
Rhiladelphia;'and Poiegt City , Of Rob ord,
MU won by Th e formieri:the soorb•sl " ! r i f,
9414 , w, , ,- , : , w- -: „,„!,.:!,,
fiefF.Y o o MAN Markt& .
7 4IffYoux , , Tincilth—WesithAr fine;Cand
there lean improved feeling prevalent
svnipathy with the rise in cotton. The
market at the same time is quiet and
the prices are without material change.
; „
..,,•1 ;.:'- ~1 _'.
- . ,1
.' '
11 -
L '•
t rit e c 'e
Chief Justice Ch
Review of TrOa
Confirmed stnL.
• u
, Mun i cipal IMO
, .11
sion. of Co'oral' ,
dictment Agai
Hooker's Liii l l
tended, &C.
[BS Telegraph to the Pitts, urgh Gazette., #:',,.
WAsuirarcui, June !SONS.
PLATFORM 13F CIiI I imirrlcn ciiA svf,
A special to N
the cw York , raegram,
from Washington, sayi the fol]oWing 18 said
to be an authoritativeistatement of thelst
P ,-,
form of Chief Justice lichase, and is said to
have been drawn up by Judge Chase him
self: Universal suffnslko is recognized as a.
DeMoeratie 'principi r d, ' the 'adoption' .of
which is -to be lhkft In the several
State's ': under . the , nstitntion • of the
States to th Sthemselves;
uniVerSal:::atonSsty ) d.. - .. Complete: re
moval of all disabilities on account.,of ,
participation in. the /ate rebellion is not -
only a •just an Wiselhibiiistire- or public '
policy, but is necestor.the•beneficialos
administration of t, goirnment An „the
States r iecently liMilVild - i -,
the United , States,if-an -, to ' a ' full I ,
and . satisfactory „ .. , Iree.stablishment ~ .., of
the ' practicid irelatiOns of" those, States, :
with other States l'of • the ' Arherican "
Union; 'no military :Oovosnment in any
State of the Union in time of , peace_is tom-
patible with the princiPles" cif pill' liberty '
established by the CeriStitution ' nor can the
trial of any private ;!citizens by military .1
commission be- telerated by a :people
jealbits Of their'iYeedoin and desiring to be
free; taxes should be reduced as far as Tweed-
cable c c.ollected,impartially and with strict
economy, and so apportioned as to bear .
on property rather than on'labor; and While'
alinational oblitiotui: should be honeitly
and exactly fulfilled, no:special privileges
should be allowed to laiiy daises of indi
vidnali or korporationS. •
1 : .
.. . ,
The: Chinese Britb.4lsy, the President,
General Schofield, G6eral Hancock and
other army officers, and a number of prom
inent civilians, were I6ntertained at neon.:
to-day with a parsde,at .Lincoln Barracks,
of the United States troops . nnw'statiOned
at Washington, and, also,dth a display of-.
some of the steam fire apparatus. Thou-,,
sands of spectators were ,in attendance. _
The Senate to-day' nfirmed the follow- i
ing nominations: John W: Caldwell, OltiO:' ;
Mlnister 7 tO BOlivia vice John Netherland;
declined; Robert ittatthewi, Indiana, Con- .
sul to Nables; Joseph A. Thompson, Ten-
nessee, Consul at St' Thomas; John M.
Corse, Collector of In rnal Revenue, First
District, California; also,several officers in . ,*
revenue cutter service!. •
The Senile rejected John T. }ortter ; As
sessor Internal Revenue, . Third District,
California } ,.._ • 'll . ... .•.:
THE 311:NICIP4)L rmosoorro.
,-,- ,
The Police Commistdoneri this afternoon
re .
passed a resolution unanimously cogniz
ink SaYies J. BoWeik Mayer of Washington
defacto, and therefoael km ex-officio member
of the board. The Conservative members
of City Councils continue to hold meetings
separate froin the ItePUblican mebers.
COLORADO ..11 ni
The friends' of the 'Colorado' bill' And
upon '.examination unmediate adthiiisien
of that State would jeopardize the ratifica
tion of the fourteenthitrtiele of the amend
ment to the .Constitution of the United:'
States, for the reason that the genthern
States soon to be admitted will be exactly
enough -- twenty-eight - 4 - to ratify that
amendment, while , the admission. of Col- ,
orado now would Irequireo.twenty-tdne,
States, and as the Legislature, of Colorado
is yet to be - elected, it would snbititutit' an
uncertainty for a certainty. The Senate
Committee on Teeritorics, has , therefore . ,
reported an amendthent to the ,ColOrado
bill,.providing.that the State' LeArslittre,
befere.that,State shall be admitted-Ito :
resentation in Congress, shall: riitify,3lle,
amendment. There aeems lese Oppoiltion.
to the-bill as amendedthan' heretofore
is understood the:fofigrressiorislldeli3gatiort -
elect propose to resign and plaee the.entire,
Otate question - in the-lian'ds Or the people.
.is DE S f?,
' This morning ,Senat r Fessenden;lutd,eTi, ,
interview with Mr. .lOhnsfin ' it being - the
first time he has 'visited tlke President'•
since long before thaibatioaohnient
- • ' :ri
By direction ,of thnpicretary, War,.
the leave or atiminfiejon surgeon s certifi
sate of disabilily, granted General Hooker •
has been otended , to ithe first of Septet:a!
the eir i and - Sury s lif the Criminal COurt t l,
has found a true bill 'against John'll - . Sur
ratt;mharging himvunder_theAccond sec
tion of theact of JiliY,l7, 10,62, witbigiYinff.
aid'arl comfoit'the enemy.
• THE Richmond Dripatch calls- the New
York , Warl4 a - ...pelfoeustituted Deuraeritic
°rgeel:eAd dashes ideas',,a&
follows: Pyle, do o,,believe ~that , eig4e.
the *North die Democratic party - will
tain that monstrous Partiality which "
nagrastnikage upon the South and leaves
ths. North free, to ; it; the South, where
negroes are in, such Anne,sars as to he. able, ,
if allowed - to vote, a give hue ApAl 601e
plemon to the administration of 'public at
fairs; and the'North, where are too t towl to
hay.e any
,political weight whatever IP.;'The -. . , ;
TVhfif Ben, the ,mealling,„ of.,Harble'sdee- , )
trine is,that the Woriir"is inclined t 4 ac
celit &gra iripieniii69retleigouth as after'
se ttlemetit, , not to 1' disturbed by a ihtUre
'DDILID9IIOIO Congress,. or by the Summit&
Court but hut which the.Kdt r es. shall ,have the,
,privilege settitig, aMde•Lthatis, if, they
.shall be ' 'tomtit !gaily ; df 'their State
governments." We ee it a
• Tay ~CoPl74lug'r.l .f .a4w.,--The.; : i English
Reuse Okras; the 4gbest court eta peas, ;
hat( recently wade J dtptp , Important deuis l
ion tratreretide trYthocklito 'of efrlcan -
Authors who lake out s:CopylrliElit'"itt n "
,GreetAritain.,', The ca eyqui thait:of Wet-.
lags, Os, resgctini thg
;cuminliv. ksHalint Hearts .. The au- =)
pore: sin her firitliti4liri at' to 'dadtidir." Ant . ,
T reabied:therecuntit her 1 -bliok , was published
in L° l /duntitkuldfajga•iLow ,4 tteriwhic k
;she return ed ficsieri,. Rutledge ob tained
. cbovf edition and ' issued
Yeditlbn. The Lora' ded= i
derr :that less. Ounilnans had acquired a ti
114:!Wic- equikl:V any 13ritiah born
finqieel, and that'llutledge could be prevent
ed from selling the pirated edltionl
jG}r.~~ • ~`. ° '.l~'Lr '.'--Ti.:~ m=f.':?:4E['F
~.\ 1
ER 146:
Nei ected-The
of Absence