The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, June 18, 1868, Image 5
DI 0 111 " Waste, !IA -Ntedins FOUR srolurnrle cute ft (ctclittoteat Use Pt"Egarritlitre" Ile., sot es. NKr each-wilt be tnetertect ix thue TWENTY-PIPS• CENTS - 1 each int MUT& WANT c _ ---SITUATIONS. W ne ANT 0 th e K- F? e MO tatter and cap VAIIiTTS OFF' F . ANT ?A ..l i czof cLINTON, Diji T 1111 A TIO N—As PER, by a young man who can eatlatactoty rtfereuees Ilk to char. ty. Apply to MI. RING, at the SITIIATION—By a In a Trimming or Dry Gonda some little experience. Address legheny City. sxT c Retail pad one year's gote;' de.lres ?oiliness tboro SITUATION—In a en, Store. A young man who has xperienee in the prescription busl permanent situation, to learn the ably. Best of references given. Elizabeth, Allegheny county, Pa., Irtrhenttema rt enliF ptrrr. Orr SITIJATION.—An ex• • d aid competent Farmer and Han n family, ornate a position on some te. Enquire of J. lEklia, at the s • more cal). it moo I:tw, Al!tithe, O—F EBIA L ES.--A few OMEN and GIRLS. Good Ira gee • Yi'd Basket Factory, Snyder's Hot- Vfir ANT Elshed at the •InteNt. The ltddrese X. A B a. • D-A BOOK - BINDER, do ordinary binding, snob as P am• and heavy binding. Room fur west price, and sudietent 'Work guar. • •ts to be ftirnielted by the binder. CO.. Leek Box 317, Pittsburgh, w. ' P• ttema r r et a ammo e o. 18 IV YL BO.ARDERS. D- BOARDERS.--A gen and wife, or two &Ingle gentlemen; %misted -With tiret Class boarding at STREET. Room le a front one, on d °pax:mouton balcony. ' „ l W, Airr board •11 pleasant 1.. Cddresslng M. 80.1111:--Desi.rable r a 'milli Gingij without children, In ion on Penn street, may be had by ' W., 'Postoßice Box ISTO„ : fiIIOrANT , boa geared at Vl ' Ler single ge D line_front room, with gas, can be per week. lUa !yarding • .50. •• •• • s• L • IL - • • tlem boaxd —lt 0 A IMEIELS.-.-Gen.- boarders can be accommodated with lodging at No. Mb FERRY Sc. w 'lV=t=ikta A , t I V I V NA. V.N 1r the stand RAMS"! $1.50. rcular. A. 'dittsbutith. • • ED—AGENTS—For the lONAL HAND-BOOK OC FACTS S; jest Issued,: price S LSO. Also, d LIMB 011' U. KA/RANT, by J. T. • popular historian. "'doe, cloth, nos are nowhere excelled. Send for . TALCOTT & CO., 80 Martel 81.4 TED-HOUSE. HOUSE.--A.lfouse of —ln Alleghenimpgred. Bent te. Andress COUPWITOB, 4 or 6 net be mkt OPPICI WANTS. Wder . of.' Qom ,. I , .loice of the iit 4 . 61 r, rri I Brothers 'of the . Or • NIGHTS OF PYTHIAS., _residing o call "at Store No. 60, PERRY Sr., , June r. EVERYBODY—To see 400. Certificates of Cure, at the • DIAN PHYSICIAN, from Ladles of Pittsburgh and surroundings. ' TY STREE . P. Pittsburgh. • • —LAND.--Okt the Hue ennsylvania Railroad, within eight , an ACRE OR TWO Olr GROUND, untry: residence. Address, wilding Rog D. GAzsrrz OFFICE. of the les of the of liable for,s. ?cation, 8.11 • o.t LET . sL Allegheny • itnted on - mod B.; Box 11, =M HOUSE.—A three-story USE, situated in a desirable street together with furniture, will be to terms. For particulars address AZILITE. OFFICE. oar • TORE-ROOM—No. 72 BEET. Will be ready for °alma eek. Is forty-!lye feet. In depth, French plate glasti (rout; flag pave hing.elegant and convenient. - WYLIE cr- Ca r a trot. . tieot; and iv .110 : r aL. pleas= I ..,loardlL m ., for psigg i nity en w arding. • BOOM.-A'large and second star' , Front Room, wart at No. Sas SIXTH STREET, op- March. Also, a limited number of be accommodated srlth first clams nearly 9ensantly I. • 2 1.1, :•ALD EUHUSE!- - In Sewickley, sLi rooms, with garden attached, within ifse minute,, walk of the _or 1). N. WIIITE, or. US Diamond street. - HOOMIL—Two Large I second storY: In . 4: reasaut gu%ttr4rdiJrtynultiai OL TRONT rt of the 'ci Ire at 41 :c. HOUSE,A two•atory OURICi.of flee •roosssi on the corner ulberry streets. Sewickley. The es base been newly fitted d . exotllent garden. - Possession AUK Inquire of :vey.. wlekley. ' • -4 ELME ;•••• • nst and ;Ponse and p • large • Iven st any ~.road street. • 1101114E.;.--AlleSS' house, frots• attested at Di 0.151 Beaver • y.. 'Xhe Souse le a good dwelllug of as I Splendid store Room 53 feet salted her any kind Of .bettnese. • OMR- L- KESPRNBRID, next t o:'1511 OHIO S BEET. , • :L. 3. L . 0 with- iro Allegh root:Lei' and • _ees. , • Is well ,Ceqire Yor. moor above; or LET /80. 1 [I, rooms; with led up in the indows and LEE BROS.. I gheny.: THE STORE IWO* . hloarenue,:w dw*Umgaboen of stet. gas and bat h : 'Store room dt.- st manner - with plated glass show • front.4lre at oMeeof YEA:. o avenue an fiedgwlck street, Al . • 011781rhEit deitira;- rig Rouse, No. , 11 'Liberty street; reKuns, kitchen and wastirtionse. .1: MCAT. ASBtxtb street. ontainlei ten nOoM . --The' Fourth tiazzpria Mee,' :front Ada back id rou% suitable for work shops U GAZETTE COUNT/NG-EOM& EBT.3 j STORY o undlog.• Sp • eared. Csll3 M M 1 EOT . IN PUREES , e half Or whole of 'a' lot 80 feet z deep. innate on Market., near For particulars enquire of W. C. tore, Fifth. near the depot, Mc . feu JOSEPH FORSYTHE,' 110 en S. PORT •at by 140. coig4 street. ., . lILL,,Bull'. resport• dr nth street, rit I F.--11011 . 8152,500 . ..d PRAISE HOUSE, or 15 remits Lot:3o by 00 feet, Blunted in a Ilegherly. three door from street OUEOATXrrs, OFFICE. OR $'A .wll.l.bny a nd dry cellar. leaaant Got . dress RAILROAD and •ANTES.- 1 1"he sabScribers offer ..Aftiftwritzawgaguigeartngl beep bpaddresidng (MST £ :BuPPllgs, 001elnuatt, 0. • , • 011, , SAL ••• COAL..- I • 0 514-Inch se bat 'svery.. wo s an t be bad vim, . . 11441 znylbritrikr EMI LOTe-• tut lot of two' acres. *towns!. aver, county, Ps, r The boon:tit a with seven rooms. • l'be lot bag a (sad Subi good meter. • Th ere LOrtiolseeean4 stable ;aid 4 110 r, tit WO at. it bargain by ROI- Icatata.ngents.; ill Beaver` ;One bosac Illtpstrurg.. we.story Mine umber of fruit •es ebiteu rOaJ utbettelugs. is EY &11,16 LL. treet4l‘ll e J iiszcx ° mew wrestle r. DBUITT. . rel to t, Alle iiteuse.-,..t. raof atefint' roam, Oh qfetil near tiredreal street. ,Enntilrec of nut litonaginaary-aesana and A 1. 04.' bony. 11111.Ari10. , -4 ipair,o 11,AUGHTINEn. Rab vu seat .10 a MOREL D a 'Ruma,: n and after Jane 11th. Also, )1 and Kt _double MARREfdd. MD - I ape. hes • t the Llver7l3 dAbcrty Street, ffo•borse WA • rtbct order. 13-11/A143.A LARGE trEv. of , Burke 13ornes , mann condition . Enquire at No. Ita. rs. SA (so. la) SA 1:1031EW * n 1.111111 Y• d *V Fahn • ood. with two rel4K4ll. food d sww stone. • f Homewood , • birs,ehq • 7 he presnleed: ) 0 , ri .1 near 5D..,. I arm o[' 1g acres. et, Pittaburg add bounded by •lig Carnegie, Peebles and •Haue welling burgle& rWo WV/4 arden used as 'loner et garde , Windt' SIG minutes* wall Om. Warm meetly ltr mei.. Tot W9OD/W, tir?, ou , . boa*, /round, havine a &out of Ira het. I.feet, dilated wit lined grad Wade radeternees. 'ltla bOrSlif Ott street et tempt sail NU. In to any . top insbLast to go tt,oll ars &damn T..11.', - Tnn oral it.' Iratbse••••••••• - • I lot 0 molar back n PlSlkikti otAl ro /Ms ' Amid st= t.Tor v MtDILI AL NlOl ACM. god] REIM GeQ it a cinig threcO S y Ave .( RAII Iit UBT HORMIILIhrse 11;" twO 4t a . ' lrma" j ali on d o !io nlati d on e con m eiditi . OtCa4l4-rOktiliV Y.. =V rghiia City V40A1P,&200 Prp. O I4: I 3.ItBOAPI,` at' 8 1' • • ~saa r: ==l= 3..1- ..T-^~ L"+ climip'evrtrt Vas 'Tlflt Vao • - rue GREAr_WESTSBX guy WORKS hare been removed to zto.rro sinywrszv sr.ssEr. where edit a ttoays befound the most complete . assortment Slung, Pier Wis. Ammunition and Sport. Itaterlal, &C., in tee city. Alt kinds of Gone RIFLESfuI/it repaired. Cala paid for ARMY and REVOLVSI3B. Send stabs, for ittudrated eirett4zr. dminte teetotsd in _sin', town in the United States. Address, J. 11 ..s0s1A- . STON. 179 Smith Old Street. Pittsburgh. JOHN` N. PVRIVIANCE, • ' Register in Bankruptcy for tld District. Mice, 116 FEDERAL STRICIa", JA-LLZGRENY 90' Ocoee hours-9 A. X. to SP. Dr. I go-STRAWBERRY FESTIVAL CUMBERLAND PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH On:Sixth Street, 00IMEEND NEU DAY AID EVENING, TRlGritszkatir., I DINNER L 4 M . TO 6P. 3a. SUPPER, -6 O , OLOOK. "PROMENADE 7 TO 11 O'CLOCK. len --BELP. VaSTATE of IIei6NANCY MARKS, Dix: warn. • etters Testamentary upon the estate of said de cedent, late of McCandless township, Allegheny county, Pa., have been duly granted to the sub scribers, wbo reside in Allegheny City. All per sons indebted to said deoedent are notified to make payment to me, and those having claims ordenumds against her estate are required to make the same known without delay. WILT:TAMP. WEIGHT: • jeletrift-rn Executor. WARM FOR SALE. I offer for sale a FARM on Muddy Creek, miles from Pommy'lie, Butler county, ILA miles from Butler, and IA miles from New Castle, CONTAINING-ABORT 200 A 102222 ,, About 80 acres cleared, and the remainder well timbered, on which is erected a frame dwelling house. For particulars enquire of WM. D. , TRBAI', on the aitioin log farm, or the subscriber. DAVID SHAW, DelitiMport., Pa. . jelB:r79 CITY OF ALLEGHENY, PA. TIIZASURILIVEI Orrzcit, June 18. 18 88.. NOTICE IS (H EREBY GIVEN TO THE HOLDERS OF THE Six Patent. Municipal Bonds of the City of AlleghenY, Pa., That the CoWPDX'S on said Bonds, coming due - July Ist, 1868, will be paid on said day, Des. the State texo at the BANK OF TITTSBITBOH, In the City of Pittsburgh, Pa. ' aa4.crmastort, Treasurer of the City of Allegheny, Pa. Jelil:r80 • • S7E7Et.A.W 1 - 3L4.9L^S, AN NEM nom All the Novelties of the Season, AT_'CORD 84 C 0.13, sets.. m Wows trnumm. rrg TOURISTS AND PLEASURE SEEKERS. Ex.bumBlON, • TICKETS via Niagara Falls and Lake Ontario and the gnome of the St. Lawrence, to Montreal, Quebec, White Mountains. Lake George.' Saratoga, Boston, New York, &c. &c., slit the Grand Tinnk Railway and Loyal , Steamers, at greatly reduced rates. For information apply to . W3X._ XLINGELA.3f, Jr., jellhril • No. TO Filth Street. Pittsburgh. PLAIN AND FIGURED ' • - Cazt.rrAxbreirmisL PRINTED ORGANDIES, • PRINTED "PERCALE ROBES, ' • 7' FOR BALE BY ' • ' • . . •-• , WHITEi- ORR & CO., 1111FIftbi Stitet;' - Ornee'ea,Coisliietura OP.JkiaWSlSurv'CO.,•k, rirrsna . Ben June leih,lll4lB. I CE sAliktiEw j. ' . . • SEALED••PRQPOSALs. addressed to "The 'inspect:tarot the Allegbegyetreinty Prison,' will be received usitrrai MST., incinalve. Dor Ihrelsb lug the Conn Pr ison with BREAD, for six months from July,lsi AMR. , - Loaves tat-weigh one.end.a half and two pounds respectively, and to be of rp. proved quality. Bids to be made at so much per pound.. BondJor two thousand dollars will, be re, glutted for -fattirtal performance of contract. - The name •of the. security. mut accompany the •bid. , Bills, endorsed by the Warden and probated at this' °filmy will bepabi•amiably. , • REDUCED PRICES! • .•., . ..• •••• BATES BBL'S, ;DriEss GOODS, SHLWLS , •.• • • . 1 -• ; .1)•"r"' r•r . ' • •• •• 1•'1); ; ', i LACE - 11 1 TANTliES;' , „o 11.)1 .; . • • • • r..):ller . . •), 111 )1_,C ) r)1.1): 1 i10,/ ; 1 ; ., ,1 ;; "; 1 , 1 ;!'" 11 11 ..1 ''.):.• , (i) . 1,1 T i t& - .y1111111)1/ 1 1 .1 JeistissAT pAIIII2IPr • : 1'; • ''•" IRBRan Oni • VAL, HOBS f.,: w moot , nuc 4 Vol t z°9o durable Pr , Rpr P!!14014T •!.•.: • Vitt fn leniFttni to oullinitiainilro, With Witsittiutt 'Jerre.. • • .• • • ; ' •• - : : • F J • ; •, !„, JOHN M. TATE, -Phunberi 221141ttert7 ilit”Pittslll4l4 ; . N'ef4corB4 Slavet• Anartiten,i; ?ftini: try iktA k els .EmrovALL.'_ •. , - s-- , . . • itAtriikikn i t , 0 NiWiilt thnglg i ririalatiM ,30 _1 ~,,i.-1 40 f: at :.:11.14) ,, , N) ii . ..g.t:l3A . ( 1 7. ' . .. „. .,..„ .. .),.1? ,i,, .; 4 1:419 till , ,`, l I I '41.. F..;..A l iA li r l Y i t t rill 1 •VNCI %11 ' . jp _ ; ' h .. =MM MIRIff-LiMIENT, Controller. trot. I k i MEI =z=zi:omm====m §)317 IZ r GU ' a°l* ~~;~ 4 I~~,aai~~_k~ CLOSING OUT SALE. AT H, .• J. LYNCH'S, No. 96 Market St., Pittoburgo, A LARGE LOT OF ARMURE HELAINE& SUMMER DRESS GOODS, CHENE POPLINS, BLACK & COLORED ALPACCAS, FINK SUMMER POPLINS, IRISH LINEN, TABLE CLOTHS. Also. BLEACHE lUSLINt3, ITNBL EEL/ 1417SLINS. DAR AND LIGHT PRINTS, NDKEttcaturars, ac, etc. Remember, H. J. LYNCH, 96 Market St., Pittsburgh. "GREAT SEM.A.NNIYAL CLEARANCE SALE OF DRY C216474D1N5, • . IT BRIER &101, - .• 59 , MARKET STREET,. Commeneed lONDAY, dune 15th. . . This sale is one of the MOST REMARKABLE ever held. In this city, and many of the GOODS will be sold at • - • .•. . • LESS THAN' EVER BEFORE. - WiIpLEBAIM AND . RETAIL BUYEBB• • Will find It equally to their adiantage to Aiwa, *sin WATERS CLARK'S DRUG STORE, No. 103 Fifth Street. 101111ENGENrOn. Dratight.—Pnortwrizs:' Aperient. AlteratiVe and Tonic, servlceable in almost all Chrotile Derangements of the Liver and Diseases connected therewith. IfICHY—On Draught.—Pnortance: Strong- , ly Alkaline, str..talug burnedlite relic/lin acid- lty of the Mon:melt. CONGRESS - Pint Bottles.—rnorEnvir.s : Ap-dent, Alterative. Diuretic and Tonle. HIGH ROCK—Pint Bottles.—Paorzwriss: Same as A.:aggress. EMPIRE—Pint Bottles.—Paoranvrits: Same as Congress.- GINITTYRBORG—quart Bottles.—Pnorzu- Tura: Remedy in Dyspepsia. Rheumatism. trout, Gravel. Diabetes, and other Rldney and Urin ary diseales. (Call [or a Circular.) "SODA" IMP CARBONIC ACID WATER. on dratapht made from , purest •materials and served aittiSyrups made from ruts r. • `-• SIPHON nowniust I can fOrnish Siphon Bottles to persons desiring either Elssingen, Vichy or bola Water on draught at - their homes; 'Waters retaining MUD* strength and purity as at the store. I:WW- , SPICE MILLS. lINADULTEATED;''ROAST*'=COFFEES. UNADULTHRATMVSPIOES. GET THE 13103 T. &Hamm, & ItORLEDGE , s igNADV4T.SHATILD!- . ExeelsiOr Roasted- Coffee , .1. - fromr Poulla Sarkalres. warranted to - be roasted sound Rio Coffee. No Coating or Glazing of any_klnd on It, Which destroys tbe.ung Savor of the Codee. but it Is roasted In Its purity, anti warranted Mime satisfaction. Unadu berated %dues Sploes marked strictly pare, warranted equal If not superior to any : Spleen' .1n the market. STRICKLER & SIORLEZIGE'S . .. . , Coneen*ited . Fiavorinf/ • Pitracte* . ..,....., . . •.. . ~.. .. . Carefully prewed from the eitoleest .Frults. and unsurpassed ler strength and delicacy of duller, put up In Soz. bottles for family use; alio furnished In bulk, In w esti titles to snit purnbasers, for the asset Hods Fountains, Ice Cream tialwolut. Hotels, do;" Thy following comprise a putial list of sityaets: on ' compr ise • ' " ' I ' te rig n4 lia, .': .. . R aspberry, . :14 1 t r o a udi Orange. . ' Pine Apple, Ginger, Wow, Banana, - l'ear, . Preciar. -,_ l'ltihntl. ' CIO.Tea. 8014 In all the principal Groceries: ...]liniatured solllr by .. .. - - - STRIOICtiFIRt Pith Streetr l Exteniion, itt~bnrg Pa , •• Aiso, frt: im sb CfMl i r r i lu rdili k for 'private of tave l Py 11114 t47iteirO:r6ll , .3EIE ALMS: lay , . Died Beef and , L Beef Tongues, ; LARGE MOCK; or. • , .. • P, 4 749 P6.1',13.1111r, . • A large stock or atrletly 6LIGAll•OURII1) - ; RAMS ANIV"'BkEr '1 4 01411UEEf Tb largest alga , la t he oVIITIODTLY •Ipij. • . • 1 Tut Otio,itikixtsur "" "- BitAND, RinftAa-cturgn uaks. - PAMELY ;einvisieff to. set er with a large stock or tiIiOULDEIig, BII3E 3, kept rib anti clear; ,pritueXettie Iteathrred. LAMP, in lepina,, /togs Aryl, bupkets, of whiFki,wo ire tradolttlOW th , e lowetket . 3%7. 354 and 3314,eytner,P,Ni4 end WAY,N,44 ST& -F.; SELLERS it CO. let2:rea Act colt: I .41PAPP 4 111 € 1 .8 FOR. 06,000 Bush. Nut and Lunt) Coal, To - I . brieii;eitiid in 14 HOUSE OT ',q6,1414.1K ;PI tthlyet _to yfelyitit, gyvymiy Ibits? the bins dining July and August. ' :1 IT :moguls to.bnleft'llt Unit/tanner*. pistlitattan.' .‘,`,; No. tilir Irtihn;ti'l46eOi; oft Defer. JUNE 40 I,lsxtli gt go o d o f(1 4 0.?,0rA 6 pro SILPMY 0011311aitzi.'.: ilo~a IEATUER . BELTINEVIIke_ beat up iolisT-40051,40,-i4;l7oWitipiAmd_ jmigic :76 rates -- • -, t1.e.tu::mv.i."0,15“:1 1 , - ji - elf.; yr tis A • 3. 4 TIN ' SPAT, 93 FIFTO I°' TINE tk'tP'ftt"'n . xTftiita''cTi ! io. CARPETS t NOT WITIIOI T NDIN G THE Manufacturers' re t advance in prices, we will con ue to offer the . B est stock of B sell; Velvets d Ingrain Carpets in the city, at the lowest prices reached dia l son. Just received, a few pied a new and exiinisite pattern i s Royal Axminster OLIVER MIL' TOOK & jel S No. 28 Fifth Street, jIIST RECEIVED. NOTTINIMAIi CifilTM:la SWISS LACE CURTAINS. Brass and Wood Cornices, TEE NEWEST MID BEST PITTEBNI3, (Muir Of which cannot be had e)sewbore,) AT THI LOWEST PRICEi. McFARLAND & cOLLINS, 71 and 73 virtu Street. Je9:tvi&T 1868. StTBINER OP a IL 'EL 3P white, led, Checked, St] IN GREAT VARIETY. Oil Cloths, Window Shade& &e. BOVAR.D, ROSE & CO:, 21 . lIV'M Street, atrat . :dkwll , 017NR BAT= i SIELLIPI. CIUNA - MATTING C:IAL.II-IP.MTI3 A very superior quality of White, Fancy Striped And Check MATTINGS, nin.oersc. ALL-WOOL INGRAINS, za eiaaurtar °moss.' Priam the Lowest in is Market. McCALLITIII BROS., . MTH STRUT. above Wood. TAXIES ! JTAX.EIIII , ; The Tax Payers of the consolidated Ciq of Pitts burgh. are her. by notified that the Tax nooks are bow Jo • the hands . of tho City Tressnner o ready for Taxes and Water Rents paid between the Ist et. JUNE and the blot AU131.787, willbe reixtved at a DISCOUNT OF FIVE PER CENT. ABd Between - AIIWUST Ist, and the - 13th of SEP TEMBER, at a DISCOUNT OP TWO FEB CENT. From the 15th of SEPTEMBER to the AIM of. 00;.. TWICE, all taxes will be payables!' assessed. After the Ist of OCTOBER. FIVE per cent. will be added; and on the list of NoVEMBEII, all unpaid Taxes will be put Into the hands of C.ollectors WITIV THE YVILTHER ADDITION •OF FIVE PER CENT., making a difference of FIFTEEN PER CENT, between there paying In July and those paying In November. . 'Toe STATE MERCANTILE LICENSES are now due, and s..ould be paid on or before. tb i li Lt of July, to save cost and expense of suit. b. ALLIN • -Jeleertls City - Treasurer. HE TWIN CITY SLATE flasaufset4ro•o Superior Wide ittkizimo LATE. 181"0ffieei 48 Seventh St., Pittsburgh, Pa. • S.'NENIMEYER,Prein. 1426u161 • •' IN ORDSII TO OLOtie QUT OUR: STOOK OP STRAW HATS OD BONNETS, We are ietiing,Off *earwig' qie,!ltileti at44r cost., F. IC EATON ' S; • Yo.-17 Ht. Jen: fIENT I B WHITE DUCK Gent's Brown Back". , Gent's Alprusen Seeks.' •;* _Flannel. Sacks. 'Gent's *hilt) Duck Pants & Vests. t Gent's Brown Book -Pasts 'ft, Vette. A MILL LINE OF SIM= flOOD& gear & LOGAN jeL , _ OLAIIIIITHICET. V irir by l eS E. tluntd di aiPla ill. l i r " ' •-4•11.41."2 here- opeitisig Flew. &quip An_ ,geso)tii em of die, withoine i written pertnit um i f vjee . Any person round gulltror on rfin bePfl3olll,ells'AVla.„l6 • r•-• Allegheny. Jun' 8 1411 1 "" en t W9ter e 1 11118.- • ,Jeghr7l riastar ruiwor , n*L4dyp.tiis , JLp SUPERIOR - ARTICLE 1 : r.` : 3 1 i n, i A 1 10. 4 , - - ti ar i e . 4 . ~ i :, ~ ti. . ,4. R RAI AU ,-, It cit il 1 Do V415046441W' Vrttziagetthrli F,..,...ttilAStitiqnSti • 19 P 4 , 1 !?4,10. 1 .059Prip ~, ~r . , .. , I T . •;4- , !--.1.1::,/.,r,, r, AnA f ' • ,'," b ..) 4, , 4 i . lad ji• .t Lencla 1 , 1 a , r 1,3 aral,L~~"mac ~',;s~ ~' =~' i?!36,tL, BY Biqm, UNHOOK ik WOLELLOD. V A"ABL4B • BUSINESS PROPERTY. • Pittsburgh Fruit Rouse-Building, 2 and 4 St. Clair Street, :•: ;, rIIESDAY; ! Tune 23, at 2 1.2 o'clock P. N., On the premises will be sold, that very deldrable and valuable business property known as the Pitts burgh Fruit House Building, Nos. 511 and St. Clair street, and now occupied try.the Howe Sewing . Machine Company, Tea Store and others. This Is one of the best locations for business purpoaess In the city, and is Indeed worthy the special attention of business men and capitalists for investment. Terms at sale. CO„ SMITHSON, VANHOOK t IIIeiLELLAND, Alletioneens, - lels 'ss ind 87 Fifth street IMPORTANT &FICTION SALE OF And Sites for Suburban Residences. Hoboken is situated on the north sideof the Alle gheny river, seven milet above the city, and on the line of the Western Pennsylvania Railroad. This preperty is unsurpassed for advantages of location, beautillal roman [lc scenery. air and water. It un-- doubtedly Vossesses rare attractions for those whose cultivated tastes and betterjudgment lead them away to seek for hosues free frointhe dust, smoke. and noise of the ell,. It is laid out In lots Windt all purchasers "That portion between the railroad and river is laid out in 'lots of 25 by-120 feet. Above the railroad, lap_ to 'Ninth stn et, are flour ranges of lots, 40 by 160 feet. Above 'Ninth street one range of half acre lots. Above this are several ranges of acre lots. The balance will be sold In quantities to suit purchasers, for suburban real deuces. This is indeed the most attractive sale of real estate that was ever offered at public auction. The lets will be sold without reserve - a chance tO - purchase a home at your price. Attend the sale, On , Saturdati, June -20th, 1868, Oa the prethlses. Free exeskreion, iTPatne. jealre R.r iv tvizz i :sio=:so. h. i ; balance in, Sve years. B3IITHSON, VANHOOK & MeOLELLAND. kuctioneers, 15 55 and 151 Fifth stet TTANDSOBIE Private Residence and Grounds, ON WESTERN AVENUE, ALLEGHENY CITY, AT AUCTION. THURSDAY. June 18th. at 3M o'clock P. TZ. preelsely. * on , the premises, will be sold, that ele gant andlinable residence and grounds, located on the corner of Western avenue and Bidwell St., (lately owned and occupied by J. P. Lyons. Esq.) The lot fronts on the avenue (100) one hundred fect„l extending back on Didier II street 0777) two hundred and twenty-seven feet, covered with orna mental trees, shrubbery, &c.. and is neatly enclosed with iron fence; outbuilding* and stables complete. This Is Indeed a.raze opportunity to secure a drat clasaroimit 1 N, VANHOOK I McCLKLLAND, fell Auctioneers. IfiIILTRNITUIIE, PIANOS, Ne BrSIISeIS and hignlin Carpets, ISATTRIESES, DESKS, EXTF2iSION TABLES AND SUNDRIES AT AUCTION. On THURSDAY MORNING. June, 18th. at 10 at Masonic- Hall Auction Rooms, Ne5..55 and ISF Fifth street, will be sold. an assortment of Furni ture; new Brussels and-Ingrain Carpets of every description; Hair, Cotton and Husk Mattresses, Teas, Pickles, Lake Herring, Cutlery of all kinds, Sliver Plated Ware, Bed, Spreads. Quilts. &c.; Toi let Soaps, Olgan, Mirrors,' new Water Coolers. Vases and Kitchen Famishment. Also, three splendid 7 octave Pianos will be sold at 3 o'clock P. W. SMITHSON, VANHOOM & McCLELLAND, Jan Auctioneers. BY A. rATE. - . I _ 100. RICKS AT ADC TION.—WiII bo sold, on the premises, on 'ill IIbOAY, June 181 h. aa3 o'clock'. in the fort near Mount lErnion Cemetery, 100,000 Bricks, In kiln, to 'which the special .attentien of Wider* la Invited. I • ' A. LEGG/VIA Auctioneer, lead . • .139 l'elesal street, Allegheny.. : . IBY PALIMB PIIILUPII IiCIALIIIER a s , PHILLIPS, • 41- AUCTIONEERS And CoinnsisSion iferchants, OPERA }busk? AUCTION ROOMS, Na 60 Fifth Street, Pittsburgh, Pa. BOOTS,: SHOES, CARPETS, Dry 6knods l and Notions, AT PRIVATE SALE DAY AND EVENING. Consignments doU tted Prompt Be. turns. A • T AUCTION ) IN MANSFIELD ) A - , 011 ilhursday,-June 18tb, 1868, - . .. AT 1 O'CLOCK P. M., , A BRICK. HOUSE, In good rerili, - cobtainitaeiel si rooms and ood ocher, we I and pleasa ntl y situated' for a pr ivate residence, with halt ; an acre of I d, on which le a good frauscatablet a. well l pt- exce ant:later at the \ lt door; atal, fruit t im e and shrtibbe . _Also, asame time and place.. 9- EE FRAME DWELLING HOUSES and OrM BRICK HOUSE, with four rooms—all in the village: .: • ... . in conneetion with this the undersigned wilt Sella -large and conyenient WAGON AND CARRIAGE SHOP and-BLAGgbMITH SHOP, lOcated on tne main-street—an' and establishe dMisioess atandi •Also. several LIGHT AND HEAVY WAGONS. The above named tkro_pertg_lit six miles Prom Pitts burgh, situate on the Pan Handle H. H.,_ within a few minutes , walk of the Station. It will be sold without reserve. - as the °truer Intendifttneave the place. Terms cardr,s,and lip /*Made , meal on clay oz sale. ~ , - ' Jeiiada •—, - ,-. '. E. CI. 10171311tE. .. ORPHANS' ' COURT BALE: - \ • i '', BY virtue otanOrder et the 'Orptians ,, Court of Allegheny conty, I will expose to pnblle sale at the premises, on 'l - 4dieittlitn, ' 8110' titer bay - or July Nola; ~.. , , • fl ~ 00 !, - AT 2 O'C IL P. bt., . Tboselwo certain LO yr GROIqII at : the coi; nor of Broad arid lieg eV ittieeta,. , the village of Bad Liberty, being Lots 8 and 9. n D: 14 egiti le plan, and each fronttng 80 feet on Broad-street arid extending back In depth 'lBO feet to-Plum Street. iyinnet—iOne•Oftb inisb; arid' ttie' babtueer tis 'four equal annual payecurnwwitti Interestrtyable stmt.' smelieuy, to to secured by bead atut num. gate (with 'peels' clauses aurora! Itreniyksytyment,) on Pm prendses• ' - mossierisucazz a MEE - L 4 illtrUwot/atrri.llohler.e' BRUME INI L • :Attonisys' r 7115:nte weSeT - Thicatitory. Brick Warekouus, - 11 0ffirt i AttetiNVAl ro I.4ll6ert#:sret near u°l3 7 1; 54 ' iri n be Vok,' i br bblbAancY bY 044, ' at ; won/ma:cr. A . ` • , . •, AT AUCTION. II $ 00 :140 rii Dit6:ll BUILDING LOTS, HOMES FOR ALL. AT AS O'CLOCK P. M.. fgrALLEGHENY .CITY REPUB . LUJAN COSULTTNE.. There will be a meeting of.tha-Ceiumittec at he y Treasurer's Office, on TLIOR4OAN -EVEN/ Nev. June 18th, at 8 &Mock; for the iutirpose -of organ. , !zing for the campaign. Punctual attendance is very desirable. 'By urder.:l' Jel7:r7s JOHNI . McpQNALDi Chairman.. , AT THE SOLICITATION OF many of my friends 7 have re-opened my former oince on STOCKTON AVKNUi4 'Allegheny. I expect to reach the city each day, in the early i train on the West. Pa. R. t., !and leave by the late afternoon train. In the interinediate time L tan be found at my office, for proressitnial consultation, .Yr , messages may be left there.! I will not -be In the . . city during the night., • • . • TM' , F. DALE.➢I•D. . Allegheny, Jane 15th, Ixl3. OFFIC2 OF CONTIW 1,1, ill Of Ai. 1 sGDP.itY CO, 1 PirranunDir. Jnne lath. 1588. , arNOTICE TO CONTICAACTOIig. SEALED PROPOSAL g w.c be received S pie once until 22D INST., inelo.slive,, for erection of a new Wooden Structure 4t , tho , Brldga , arrows eje Sandy Creek, on the rood 1 ' Ing - from Wilkins. burg to Verner's Station, In i' . an toiI:MUM a Also, (Cr the erecnt or al ,NEW inuDez over Deer Creek, on the roil Icadlag from Hannarville • to the Kittanning road, In Illdi l ann township. Mane and specificitluns emit be seen on apioltos. lion. By direction of the'Connty C FLmrritir = gar OFFICE PIINNEITILVANLA. RAILROAD CCMPA N,Y, .Pllmairstailite,_May 1808. I NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDER. - 1 • In pursuance of resolutions itiloptod . by the Board of Directors at a Stated Meeting held this day, no. Um is hereby given to the Stocit holders of thleCont parry, that they will have the _privilege of subscrib ing, either directly or by• sulistitution tarter such rules as may be prescribed therefor. for Twenty-flee Per Cent. of additional btock . at APar:- In proportion to the respective Interests as they stand registered On the Books of the Company, May 20. 11364. Holders of less than four Silures will be entitled to subscribe fora full share. and th4e holding more Shares than a multiple of four Shares will be entitled to an additional Share. . . , Subscriptions to the new Stoek will be received on and after May 30, 03013, and the privilege of sub scribing will cease on the 30011, day of Juin 1008. The installments on account ,of., the new Shares shall be paid In cash, as follower Ist. Twenty - five Cent: jat the time of ant*. scription, on or before the 30th day of July. 18613. sid. ruentrilve Per Cent. on or' before the 15th day of December, MOO. 3d. Twenty-five Per Cent. on or- before-the 13th day of June, 141119. , • 1 4th. Twenty flue Per Cent. on or be fore tie 15th day of December, 1800, or 10 Stockholders should prefer, the whole amount may paid up at once or any remaining installments ma y be paid up in faU at the time of the payment - of t eteconll lir third in stallment, and each installmerlt paid up shall be en titled to a pro rata dividend that may be declared oa full shares. Bruits?. • • • NOTICE TO wrocsmottikus.—Thc, mird or: Directors have this day declared a on Dividend of THREE, PER CENT. on the Capital Stock of the Company, pale In cash,. clear of , National and State Taxes, an a further Dividend : of FIVE PER CENT., payable' ln stock, on ant after May 30th.. II Blank powers of attorney for eollectinir dividends can be obtained at the office of the Company, No. 238 South Third street. THI I :HAS T. jeLre I Treasurer. . FOR SALE. FOR SALE. -• ' i. Two. HOUSES AND LOT On-Carroll avant,: Allegheny. This property will be sold' low, as 'the party Is about leaving the city., knd wishes to dispose of th_e_prop_erty before rerno, - - -, - , ____- -, SAW - MILL, TWO DWELL .„41 HOURFIA'yym BARNS; with _good FARM, a d about 800 acres timber land. This property.will be sold low.- Cash 44,500—balanee on time Wean buyer. buyer.' - - - FARM OF 150 ACRES, will be sold for twenty dollars per acre. Improvemeata comfortable frame house and good barn; 50 acres of the land clear- FARM OP 180 AE, CM. near the line of railr oad; very well located for ?thing stock; Improvements - ar:L.l4l and substantial:loo acres' of ; the land in , m CITY PROVIVIW.—WIII ill. A g_Ood brick lionie,l . ;containing Aye rooms, at glx en Hundred Do ll ars, and would - rent for the amount In al.: peen. A LARGE. LOT: OF OROUND, having a . river ' tront;_and very convenient of amen. • . - • , TANNER; , convenient to the city, and having. a well established custom or • local trade connected therewith* a good dwellingd forty actin Of land. •• L FOUR OTh In Illiarpab rgi near the railroad; would make a good coal .1i -__ - ' • li • . HOTEL FOR SALE. at Ain? otet Property, _ w lii Situated at the Blain:olWe Jiineon, containing fourteen - rooms. and the necessa fy outbuildings. with three acres of garden and fruit trees. This ' well located hotel will be sold low, .as the proprie tor wishes to retire from bushiess. 'Power and a large Room and Yard for rent, ilia tv location.' Will be rented for short or long ,- Two new Brick Houses, 8 rooms each. _'' • Two new Brick Houses, 11 rooms each. • ' One new Frame House, 4 rooms. , Two new Brick Houses, 3 rooms each. • , 't • - " One sew Fawns,. House ha Nllkfubnntg having six rden rooms and a large let, well suited for a ga. nice COUNTRY HOME for rent, 11w s9ooper . annum. Possession given first of June, or . sooner if rftuirml. • - .• • • - ' FOR LEASE OR . S.A.LE-73 to on Horton eireet. - Ninth Ward; 7 acres that can be divided into sere lots. -. 5 Lots in Oakland. .L„ • .- _ • FOR RENT-9 large H ouse. -cultaide!. for Board in Houses. wArrnua-a,OOO feet of F?agging 3 to 4 Moho". thick. - TO LOAN--- $50,000; IN SUMS 01P 35.000 'AND UPWARDi ' ' • APPLY. AT . .. _I U. P. LITCIPSEEIL ESTATE OFFICE -4 ;-- No. 91 Grant St.,Pittsburgh. l apty:ras , , FOR SALE. '1 OF 76 A RIVER BOTTOM F ARM ACRES, •19 miles from the city, in Elizabeth township, Atte- .., ebony county, Elr o d the Yollilogheny river, one half mile froms Station on the Connellsville railroad; near ~ .hurehe.s, schoo s . -stores . U.. In the flourishing villages of Boston, and Omen Oak. The improvements are a tWo-story brick - bootie of sir. • rooms, halt and cellar, a•good Dame bank barn with . ;stabling underneath, aud - other outbailding6; i welt of good standing water at the door, and several standing springs of water oit:)the farm, and an or- chard of 700 trees of selected fruits of &Wes, cher ries, pears, peaches; quinces and :This pro - arty being located near - the; line of the railroad, within one bones ride of the eity, makes it very de- ' amble for trardening'..or a dairy farm; it is also a ' good and beautiful location. for country homes near .. ... the eity,iyin g immediately on the river, on the OP" . petite side 'front the - raliroadi The West Newton . Acconsmodatiortand.otbertralna on the railroad af-_., ford certain and frequent Opportunities of dilly communication to and front the 0i1y.., Will be WWI as a whole twin iota of one acre or more, to suit pnr._ ... , __lso, A Pk/lilt 'OP 4.7 i i0112:8; spatted In St. • - ' Clair township, Westmerels? county. 'a., near .••'. L, i theline of the Pennsylvani a . aliroad at Houston Station, The . improvements ',re a two-story frame he sei_with six rooms and-good cellar, a [mime bent, - . .bar, A‘ o hzeo feet. and other:ontluilldltrs.' Them; • .. all the Pelee a Young apple and peach orchard: - 7010 acres cleared rand, divided into delis of <move- ' ' ,nient size, a large portion of Which are well set la `rlorer and theethYlthe residue of said - tract toe- :erect with good timber. It Is well watered and un ' deltoid win, coal and limestone, and is convenient UenurObee, schools, store M ullis and blacksmith_ . opt. Areal" vied tiargain . : offered ha Ms esoel-.,• ~ lent ihrmir anti with it brill. rota all thespersonti• • - property on • the premises, consisting of horses ~ cows, stock cattle, hogs and poultry, homes* , Pmi rs a -.3 11, 10n, plows. fanning Impletuents w Aln b ,..l h o ou l i d el: err ol an kitchen furniture.- Together. low and on easy tenni', tna responaltde purchaser. _ Also ,_a desirable and very fertile Tract of Land or ~.. An lfill eg A h C en ßEtt y con AN nti D i ii6 PERCHES. In Elleeb . lb T P* , .., ate rat i l l mad sville an rai d troad me a :ti nt , s i; lite - o e n r..hia t i b ts e toin tine tinw if . " n th t e in fl tr e oh ni g p ira d :o e nni l t d .. '." :. w al t o g n l e e is u n ae ow t. w T ort he h l e m ur 'ate 40 acres of superior white oak It k b e eff ro w:l t lell he nro bsi vena ttb en a ter aro "' a log house. frame barn, good fe ncing , and an apple orchard of fruit. it is erelte atered and underlaid with &Tritons mut Pate stone ora - superior quality; ,with: - atone coal for the use of the win. Also, The best PA` lid had Faireeld township, , W tmoreisnd county, Pa., 44480 ACRES, &bent .. Adz les south of the teinsyl*Mila Central Rail- . . r at Bolivar Station. The linprovements are tyro tar b ewai l log dwellings; one of the largest, and • ;bes e all in the "' township: -two , apple or- - , oh lnsobelndeirndltlotv cora critharasen- _., ra t ran ushneeteraanildi%Vvr A i = out , m he. rina hole t r al l .raid order. an the land, of theibest quality of lime-- , - • atone 1011, about 200 items of which is cleared *au ), ~ the L residue of the tract in plied ‘• timber, such NI , , whips oat, rocs DA , blekoryl, walnut and uses% - nal property Ilttiosold4erg 'cheeps:lt ol! f o x to 9,, as the owner wishes o ther " 1 • a l e For r wPlklllaPteteillite f1(4,..-;.:::.. 1 . •--- - I ' 'wmwurs pl*reets , t • . ' a* / 1 5XONEIL. 1 61 . - - BERRALIf -- RAIN VIPS: — FOR , v la AllsE.-^A, well bittly el bill ef e t i rdroco ill, ..:„ fro LIAR, librart.'dthlng ~,,,..,/n• ; der , large stia.,. ,••• , cei „ eve euswbers, wit 'nw.u., commix 'male; ' ,hie carriage house. mu groiartiveiti t ro u t s. ; ~...e,. :corht ire able, erase artor. , .- -- . sae a 411"" . lies lieltiP , . . , .9 man Sit se a quarter i or LI I:; I :y e AVIZ I .I I4 I4e 4 f m " - ' la pier rut loeutioll wl. i .losiqt4 bi z i ttle szA - .',-,7 ~ •* .- ~., to 04 . 4.4;..1:1N it oil ~ r ...i.,.. , ,,,, r . - • . d.-ottqj .:-.:. I I • Ul DI II , mmlneloners. = klontroller =