The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, June 18, 1868, Image 3
r=pmmmom!weml!mwma!mlnpur _ - F- New:fork Predate Market.-- nv Telegraph to the ritteharxh Gazette.. 1'47 YOnfe, ;tine 'Z.—Cotton active ,and T , ?4aie better. sales of 2,5006 bales at 29iia30 for middling iiPlande., Flo& dull and drooping; receipts; 6,378 bbls; sales, 6,800 bbls atilB,2oas,oo, for su.perfine 'State and western; $8,10.a8 00 km extra State. $',.3a10 00 for extra Weitena; $11,50a13,00 white wheat extra; so,loal3,oolordt. H. 0n.59,00a Io,so'for extra St.' Louis; sllals' for; good" to choice; 'do, closing qtlet; • liforma beevy; ;sales; 050 sacks, at $10,40a13,00. Rye lioitr Steady, With*des of 440 bbls at48,50a / 0 100; ''Corn Meal quiets Whisk)" tVnlnal• Wheat. irregular and Unsettled; receipts. 7 .ooobUsh; closing With more:firmness.and a better expOit inquiry; sales or 71;000 bus at $2,11413 fOrNo. 2 spring; $2,17a2,= for No. 1 $2,80 for neat amber IGeorghi. Rye - quiet and 'very ' heaVy. ;'.Barley and Barley Malt norninal. Corn;' reels 32,253 bus; . opened lc better, and closed dull and- de. clining; sales 116,000 -bus - at $1,07008 for mixed Western chi Sing at $1,07;i, andsl.llitl,ll% for Western 'Valois-. Oats dull, and ,lower; receipts 52,850 bus; sales 78,000 bus at 83c for Western in store, and, 84e for do. afloat. Bice dull. , Coffee quiet... Sugar easier; salea.6oo hhds Cuba at 11y,,a 12e. • Molasses dull. Hops quiet; 10a4Oefor; Ameriban. Petroleum firmer; 16qa1634c for crude, and 32Ma33c for refined bonded. , Coal quiet and steady: 'Letitlier:l',,lioni. lock, sole firm and in fair demand at abOnt previous prices. Wool' Witholif decided. change; sales of 300000. /13a,, at 44a, 5,3 e, for domestic fleece aric l 42a4sctorpUlled. Porktirmer but, quiet ; sales of 1,250 bbls, at $28,37a28,62, for 110 W. masa, -olo*ig•at -128,62 regular; $27,75a28,00 , for • old do,;', closing at $27,87 regular;:.V 2 l. so a 2 3;oo' fQ;' prime; $24,25a24,50 •for prime , mess;, also 1,250 bbls of new mess for -Sellers at $28,50. Beef steady; ealeS2oo bbls and 20 tierces; beef hams dull agtp.34c ; cut meats quiet, 170 packages at 4 l2Mal3c ; shoulders, at 16a170f haresluiddlingi; dull and beavy. Lard nuiet and firm; 725 tierces sold at 1624 a17;(10 for , steam;:473iWili.e- for kettle , ren. dared; else 250 tierces, steam, buyers, July, 17ge: Butter r xemaina 'quiet - at 25a31c for Ohio; and 80a350 for State. Cheese dull'at 7alsgf Freights to: Liverpool are decidedly firmer; engagements per steamer of 150,000 bus of Wheat at sd, ami .1,000 -;b14,3,ef flour at la. 6d. - • Ls...rigr,..—tiour closed qUiet'and with it, decideirchange,:wiga some little export in .- quiryter, low grads. Wheat firmer and, in fair. expert demarid„ at, $2,15. for No 2, and 12,20.42,22 for No Spring. Rye. dull and - heavy, at $1,93a1,98'.. -Oats dull, at 83c for western store, in and;a3XaS4c afloat. Corn dull and heavy ":at $1,061ia1,07 for new mixed 'Western alloatj 'Pork' quiet and stetuiy at $28,683; for mess, cash and regular., Beef ,quiet - and steady. Cut, meati: 7 limited requisite and unchanged._ Bacon nominal.' Laid stead ,at 17y.a1714c for fair to prime steam. Eggs "quiet at 26a :•; • • Cincinnati Market: (Br Telegraph to the' Pittablirgh Gazette:. Crittn - liarr; ..Tnne l l7.;--Flouf 'dull. but I. holder'sare less anxious to, sell; family s9a 9,50. Wheat firmer, but,the demand light; No. 1 sold at 112.10 and No. 2 at ,V.,05:; corn' firmer' and there' is a better - demand for. shelled, which is -held 2a3c higher; ear 93a -95c, shelled•held at 9508 c. Oats' drill it 74a 75c for N0..1. Rye firmer and in demand;' at :1,7561,80. Cotton firmer; Middling held at 28c, but the demand is light. "Tobacco in good •dernand saleS of 210 htilis In at s4.a 9,80,`-leat Bbtter light supply and-the market firm at 25980 c, thejatter rate - 'for Western Reserve: Eggs dull and priceS drooping, eltosing at 20c. Potatoes dull; - new $ll5 , per hbl, old $2,75a3,25; the supply of new from the. South 'con tinues large, but_ prioiS are not any lower. Groceries steady. Linseed od quiet' at: $11,14 in 'the large way;' the de mand' is light, :Previsions dull. bless Pork f27;75a28;00. 'Bulk Meats dull; shoul dersilan be bought at 113;c;, sides are.beld at 14,114r.0.. Bacon dull. - and;' little deniatid; shoulders 13a1312:e;' dear' rib and' olear sides 1634a17e;,„theseare the rates asked„, Lard held more .fdpaly,and out dethand - Consdiltrenee; prbne — city is held at 17%c pretty .generally. Gold 140 X buying at the-close.. Chicago, Market.. , [By Teleggii)b'th the Plitibuigh Gaiette .1 Cmcs.o4s,-Vancill7.--Fltinr; the:market is quiet and a shade easier,' with sales being made of spring.extras at.84,50a9,50, and spring superfine,4Jsa7,so.. Wheat is less . . active and %ale lowar, and sales were made of No. 1 spiiiigut'Bl:94496, and No. 2 at sl,BBal,BB%;, closing steady. Corn; the market is firmer, closing with an advance of gaige. Rye , is: Unchanged. Barley is in limited request and the mar ket is almost nominelat,B4 s .l .o ;trinr 2 in store. Provialons are quiet and a shade firmer. Mess itshade:better, and sales were made at 827,,87%. . Lard is , inac tive and nominal at 1734a16Xectieh, and 17c seller for July. Dry .salted shoulders are qtdet and a shade easier, with, sales be ing made at 1bi11 4 ,46 Vreiglita'arequiet and a shade...easier, at Buffalo. Therebeipth lbetittrniat-twenty four hours amounted-1:D.2,55a barrels Your, 19,95) bushels wheat, 148,153 bushels corn, 25,240 bushebroats; and-4,250 beads tifslive hogs. The - shipments for the same time amounted to 6.l7ol:barfelif flotird 19,402 bushels' .wheat, , , 11,256 bushels corn, 54,810. bushels oats,. and 2.,753 head alive; hogs. - nt.!rn Milwaukee . Market. - r r , • • (By Tetertaph Co the ilttatittrgh ' 7 • " Mlrmiktrkstri Choice litinneiota9a9;2s, choletiliVisctinalri and tlutitic $8,12n9,00,' ineditinrlB,2saB,so: - Wheat declined to' /310rfOr'r7O.'.1 . and $1,84' for NO; 2;: Oats - 66146 fbi t No; 2. Cori fiiirt'it 81;87 "for No".' . Receipts -600 berrfiltiortiOnti;`2l,9oo bushels of Wheat; - I,soo' g hPbels of oats; 2,00Q - busbeli Snininalk= l- 800'hariebiflour; 11,008 bushelstiticliekt..soo'buslitds eats.; ' 1 4 BilalVe [BY *e:gralak tOe:Pß44bUrSia Ciazet:tc.]: < Louts inLya, June .17.-..Tobacoo; .88Jes of -255 hiutleaf and lugs at. 84100, .and, medium to cutting leaf at Attila. Flour;'. Balm at v i se *7,75. Wheat; ealea.of prime old atl4lo Cornr-falea Attlee forahelled-anclear. Oatap sales , :tit laihtloi • Rye 4, gales, 41,75a/035. ProviaionatlifeasPorkitalea at•ff23 Pes•bbli Bacon4 ,, ghouldesayl34q Clear alb Sides,, 1814;•431eat ~•17,5‘;.Shoulderai• 1334; Ow 16., W,hisky; du ll ands and nominal. Cleireb [By Teletraott to the Rittsberill G exette.l CIarvIELAZID, Jim° 11 .1—Flollr;1201abie ex tra „red .yriuter $ 1, 7 41 2,59;.. ,doUble ex.ra apritig $10,5%11,00. Wheat dull and loW er; Netted *I titer 102,25iNliii held ilt12,18; ,No lepring $2,95a2,10.r .Cart 4-Aiales' I earxm , spotat ea1ett.0090;404,40-,ha/fPrJuIY, at 0.49, and 2000 Opeh, first half of July at 94e. Oats lower ; Nic I state' held at" 71 c; dermilid , ll6t.. :Rye dull at 111;76a1,18: •Bar: ley nominal,. - • TheCittCinnati::Oommercidlilot , Tuesdavy says: Owing to low 1 waterofreightel, have advanned , to,alt , !Mints, thelate to Nest Ori leansheing 85., to 40c! iper!loo pOunclae , i The; Emma _No... 8 :Iroshippedrher brittahurgiV freighbOn the, Peleiwarea II TheAldloo f °CP' .parts tor .Plueintrgh . this. , morning.,; , Tbo liars•Mrwits basnbeenv ohartered tol take, the place of the Ohio No. Bin the Marietta , trade during low water: The Westmore lin d irdepare )ifor New ' , Orleans; toidar.' and t Ifl -he *141161441Th ti, i ithe. • EfSfailOWV OaP nhos: IteivOf ;the AtnellaPeep te• *mg stink liti the Misslasippli rarer( al&' ei f il riv pereletterdityjl 0=i , , , .: Pe l' , Pi ' , girl i • ' 4 Witlello 7 t,hefif fallowing i trout !the I ofnein.i . 6:'.'" vlitnadeil i ada4 / 04 ktU'' ' ''' ItratirUaMeiOr 'Ttuoddityi ) ' Phi Ohatitpknoi' carTaetkoitiiburife#iuiette.t '' • - ' '' '' alinklibbetitil'etliheasnit'S itistaihiintlillbe Pim: tfirti.; ' 'line ':',l7:4PetrOleitia l fret:ROW - Or 1 two, hasoinjr 'been raised sad Floor steady , and unchanged:" Wheat We yeaterdar.vthstuthere woulti - be , in nrOttithitirdenixtid'fortrinie arid Stiereef : tro lti tWecri•it,Winwiatrrt abd admeof arnalFiiiilee• OW NW 10; $VO47Oi Help' the nuotiiinoeltentimuoill4bal)had iligkaoll' ttiokir :white: $2.84,2,90.% aiefjll46s. .! - Oothher, - iwitakiJorioNitosibzontotp almittfeeel advanced; mixed western, 81,1a.iteateiteseI (that a giattb" woe at the wheel when she. dim Prnialons unobangod. stilt* and no lloonsed OM at band to Id , Wanton, aiket. urleustth ut tleabutidiaittiesuo = • BAtititotut,'; 17:4-Flatkrattall and lowan fat; Silitszcept vwBs4lloWai brands:, salethofarerthwerftTrilla at 11 8 4,4-. extrik,pt .119,25at0.25., Iwo% ;torn dull; sales of *NU aC Date westAtiilatfastftei ' Mesa ork dulittli2B.7s 52903itailitat iitid Mote aotitd; rib bides at ieWnitiar btddb at - 1711TA, thouldetit, ut 14114,3iV, Ram a t MA: 1.11 'dun at - • ;; e$ , V ,- - fd r vt,,;o',l:::f*V.akeWoA-Vtitt.y,AV9.---"--3MaasikAf,,,4464,lglWW. 1:-;414,1:MPV&W.:ATA-4,14.-'4,,,A54-4-a4V-L'&141fiak IhrTT C, ' • • • 7 ilia*, 1.%; • • 7 41 4 ALI • D4WC--', ..! - St. Louis Market. Br Telegraph setae Plt.maiariltr • Gaiette.T ' .. ' ST`,.,LDUIS.. June ,17.—TObaCe0 .lugs '" de-, ellnetl yic.; bright leafbronsht • full , priciO3- • Flour unsettled and, prices ut favor of buy-. els:• choice fall superfine sold at 87,00ii8,110; extra 67,2503,25, double.' extra f8,25:110,804i treble extra to ch01ce;411,00a13,50..,. Wheat: dull and 10c. lower tor fall, ranging at t 32,3,5 a 2,55 for prime to fancy. Corn heavy; sales , at 81%884 for inbred yellow ancfWhite, Ma 8(3 for fancy white. 'Oats, dull andrlower at 73%a78.1 Rye declined: to tt1,411a1,50, seller outside !price. Provisns more ,Inquiry and holders • Stiff: ' Por k 2848f4. Bacon !Shoulde4s 13. Clear Sides Jr. pad fiuctii at 17; . 4a18, Ilecelpti-- 'lout Whdatp . MOO 150 Shele 84/0;;RPF1415,000.141?5her133. Oats, 7,500 bilk . - - ,' '' • Cincinnati rati,l6 - Mirliet. t:BY . l:elegra/4/ A 9. t4er4t.toitvargh Gitzette.3 ~ CiNCEPSAT/i JAtterlise•-Beef Cattle dull; the supply large andiprices declining; corn.. Mon #3,5044,003) fttirto, :choice 65,00a7,25, per cental gross. Sheep very dull and• prutes drooping; tho , ,whole range' is from $2,00a -3,50 per cents' gross. Lambs dull and the( SUPPLY; .ite at 31,2582,50. ". Iloa's dull and , prices e ier; sales to-day of good, ayerag- P 6 200 , 275 lba, at 68,75a9,00 gross. ~.. . - 'IIIIPORTS.BIf • RAELROAD. - ; ..' CLISVZLA.ND AND_. PiTTBRD3pIiE Itm.i.-. itoalp,' l tie'l7.-.4 Oars iron lug Ore lug lt Co; 4 Dilworth, Porter , it Coil do do, f irn McKni ht;POrtbr (11,` CO;18 - 92:bldoms, Nirn-,.. ick & Co; lot furniture,;LemonA ._Weise;,', do do, Pauler, furniture, Co; ,8 bbls potash, McKeeitt Itip: 1 half.bbl., tobacco Ell Mc-, Henna; do, Gtatsaho.Y; 6,bg.ii Potnatt,, 3:cka do,'2s'bxielieeie, J B.Canfield &Son; 1 13 bblri Senn iron,. J' donosi, s .. • tes.boxiOtisPr 1 •Brvce;Walker &Di; 100 bbls 011, - .T Spear; .1 50 bbls ihitir, J& W Fairley• 4 bdlihules WltiT acmes &Son; /P..hZ . s cheqset - VaPSor7- I der .t Shepard ; 22 do d0,.T.: ,C 'Jenkins; /kg ; soap, 3 1 . bpi dO: 1 3',' Xt ' , Grag 7 .4.'CA6. 47 '!‘k_q • oats, banor ityarpOry' 25p l i t sr, 'pipes BC H Collins; ' 1' car 'lumbar, Slab & Shol i es;, 178 sks corn, R01',6 !St, HarrOn ; 2.51px-icheese, Shoinatr &Ling. . . - ' :PITT uncux, CINCINNATI AND ST. Louts, RAILROAD, June 17.-,-6. bbls dry: •peaches, 211 sks oats, 26 bgs :rye, WJ-Meek; 2 cars stave c s4F,Kober; 83 sks oats, CH. Love; 5 labia. -I.P - , bait hops, J‘D Dravo; • 19 butlS tobacao,'M L Jones; 6 bbls eggs, W - a Graff di Co; 2 cases tobacco, Jas Murphy; 15 do guise, Eat C hiaguire; labxs mdse, Beymer it Bro; 2 cases tobacco, S Cooper; 10 tea ha ms, E Ilearleton; 19 hhds should ers, M M Field; 15 .aks corn, 4 do wheat, E Smith; 10 bbls eggs, "F G Craighead; 100 sks oats; . Etobb' & Herron; 22 sks oati, 6 do wheat,l3'l3 Canfield; - ,'' . ' " ' • , PI.-t i tstioneix,'l s V. WAYar, arro 7 CIIIOACIO RAILROAD,. June:. 47.-13 cars raetal, , Nim. -ick & Co; 5 ~do, do r. Bryan it .Caughey;,24o .bbls flour; oveber; 250 pigs . ?Lead, 31 bas cheete: .3" 13 Canfield &Son; 6 cars iron - ore, 'Shoenberger it Blair; 42 bbls.,,pearl ash, q L KrObt - 1 car innitier, -Phelan iScauckwell; 72 sksPotatoes,ltrickei it Co; 49 bks cheese, N J •Bradeli; 12 do ' do; Woodworth' it Davi sen;'l9 do . do; W ItHirkpatriek &Co; 16 do, do, .1' B Taylor;,l9 tibia eggs, H Rea ,Jr; 3'do do, Wll,Sreel - et J3ro; 1 t. olrg gloo, F W C Feld. r '.. • - . . . . , , Amt,sorrnrry RAILROAD. June 17.6.10 bbls oil, 1) M. Edgerton; 320 dO do, Lockhart „Frew , Co; 69 green, hides, .2 bbls tallow, Delsny;". 10 ears railroad, ron, Northl, Missouri Ft R. Co; 1 car. lime,DS Revnolds; /04 cinder, Andrews Y lteh cbek; bbls eggs; A Vont; 2dodo G Crow; 1.'2 do do 3 boxesloutter J 11 Graham 29 bales hay, ,Adams & Auiten; - 60 bbis salt, -W D West,' bbls eggs, 2do do,, butter Knox t I orr . bbliSsit, W Drakes 2 cars metal, H Woodsldes;.l do do, Brown Co;& 1 do do, Pol ten & Co. PITTSBURGH AND CormartusinLLE PAILRGAD,JUDO 16. --rVcolls.rope,Fnl. tort Bellman Co; 3 cars pig metal, Pitts & Yough. Iron & Coal Co; I car wheat, - Watt, Lang it Co; •I ear W 'Flacons & Son;,2.3.sks oats, ,Adams & Thuraby; 6 bbls tallow, Reed & Johnston. STATION, Jane 17...L.6 c ars limestone; Beyrner, Banmari & Co; 2 bbls oil, ECMllendersorl; 40 aka oats, Elliott '& Lyon*. 15 dos' brooms, :Hahn & Hadley; 80= '-bbls oxide' F .Cforder; 247 bags oats, •J B McKe l e 4i , e9•• , : , RIVER NEWS receding, but: very:slowly, w. .eil l eetlittlse - Clunastel hfi - marks. , :- The weather, was aga ively hot yesterday; nbterifts; stam..og very heavy showei of rain II Tne/saleY ;ilia- 3 ; IS: , Thilzgomar:. arrived anO, Idsparted !tot.' Wh and.; the Glasgow: cleared for Parkersburg in.-places:if- the (Eagle: , ;She , went out draWingthree,feet, and. we --tkre sume4,., she • would; have; to; jump !Glass HMIS& , I 1 The N: McCuliongly from Cincinnati, Grey Eagle, from Parkersburg, arrived: The IfteCullough would have been in early in the day, bad she nottuptei been detained by low ; water and fog.. A B ll l , notiOe4 Yes-, terday, the tagle,retires 16r the present. The Waittinite;;Which "boat ' , left here '•for St. Louie Tuesday , evening; grounded 'on Glass Owns), an,Ont last, accounts, was 'still sticking there., 1 , _ • Th6'141.064; NA: Sate. Shuman, is load ing for'St. LOIS. and, may . posidbly get off this afternoon or evening. , • Passengers IMO shippers shOuld :beer in nsind' that the J N McCullodgb , CePt. .(..leo. leaves for Cincinnati to, day tile' 12 o'clock. , Shell in all respects, one of ' the' best beats; on this end of the ,0hi6411/er, end sFe have no_ doubt she:will' get More, freight then She can take on the water.• The St : Chariettiell Vindinneti fox nets!' r bur l h' 310#43r, aiming,=Ole due hers to-nAd RODinistifi; Clerk,Of ,the; St I,Charfea repo is that potties whOltave been' 1 - prospecting fer'illiern_korllipley Lending, -Jackson county, Veit Vitgbla, bayestruck .ar vein twenty-two inches thick, which - yields ninety-five pet `cent: of pure silver. Greet excitedithiVprevails threughout that section of the country. f: J -..Theimanagers of the Northeru Line and . Nerthweetermilition,Packet company held a zatieth* id' `Chicago' 'oil' Wedneedoy,, at which it Was detarmined that' the'fpresent Tate 'tor carr y ing freight on ' the .Upper tiisefppti was entirely tOoloW; and an agree- , mentlltllt entered into! b`9 whiotr the-ratesare to be" , raised4 ilvinglsrice; each 'perty'bibdingitrielf: to abide') brthe 'rate *Starolished;++ ,,. , • . , A st;,Lords!telegstim, underdate'df Mon+ day,- sayki: There were 17'arriesils during the paitt'4Blloiftajniostlyitrith;filliccargoes,: end-17 departurescistcluding! theßuth - and the towboat Shark and bargeseVith stilthes freight they wanted, -Rates of freight and passage to St. Paul tettny..points were ad vanced thiongkr4lnhYthe;t wo, rival ; lines, The is leaving . here , Patti have ;their antireladtes bias 'engaged conald erably_ in 'advance. The• Miner t uts arrived 'from, t ut MEE --- give 'clirticitails.° ( *ire r'hiiie - trerelofoie stated, on the authority or her clerk- that a licensed pilot liaSlit the Wheel, , tard Capt. Gregg. - sitting on. , the roof in front or the texas. We think, therefore, that the story We heard yester day must' be iantrue. How ever,'lf gives us an opportunity to warn masters'of beats and licensed pilots against - haying the wheel, entirely in charge of a •steersman,_even fora short time, as is , fre quently done' ~, We" tilho hike" the •following trout- the' same paper: - Captain Calhoun,,We under stand,,has.been offered eohamand . of a fine side-wheel packet, but declined, because of _previous; contract.' . -,1 MEM The rivalry 'between :the 'magnificently built ' steamers carrying • passengers' be ttveen:New York , and Bostonas unprece fiented.: • These lines hat% hitherto worked aide by side in unostentations,rivairy, hav ing a , ,uniforra _rate of fare•of - from four •td 'five dollarsOimkirig:the 'passage by water cost about as much . As .the trip • inland:" by the Way of Springfield. ; •Ent - at last they have become so. numerour-there being now four separate linesef steamers and two land2routes—that the competition has •be-• 'come very spirited, and within thellast few weeks they. heve :been running a race for public favor by the means of., low fares, 'until- now one c.rin. take his Ichoioe ?of the Means by which hewill.go to New:York or ',Boston for a dollar. The result: of this has been, that multitude's of people.are making the jeurney:merely for the•cheapness of it, and. some of the steamers now. carry • from , 'a thousand to twelve hundred passengers nightly. There are no sleeping accommo dations for so manyl . application a - week in 'advance is necessary to secure a state-morn; and the late corners have to testshe tender tress. of a plank all c night.; The dining roomsof • the•boats are turned, into , restau rants on' the European ••_plati, and so made infinitely rnore .proiltable; and , this in a measure. COmpensates for the.difference,in ts lEtlver .aud , Weather. CB, Te/etraDlOotbe rlttsburgh,t3ttaette.3 ' •LOUIaViLtF., , June 17.-River falling, with 5 feet l inches water in Canal. Weath er showery: ' • ' • ST: Louta, June 17.--Weather clear and very-warm: ' sTEAkBoAts. cINCIIITATI 1 PACKET LINE. For'Wlerieltnir, Marietta; rarkersbimit, Pomeroy, ' 131 i Sandy, Ironton, rofrfinnnoth, 114811110 and Cincinnati. ST. DTABI9• T. C SWEIOXY, Master MONDAYS, i 5 P. M. EtT. CIC , ARLES..;: .. C., A. Dturo, Master. — FRIDAY% 5 P.M. • • The above elegnat. side-wheel steamers will leave rent/trip as announced. coanec.ting at Cincinnati with Packets and Italiroads to Louisville, Nashville. Memphis, New Orleans and lit:.Louls. Also to the Moyer Mississippi and Missouri rivers. relght or passenKerel teeelpted through either by rail or river. • • Especial attention given to Orders and Way Busi ness. BARNES it COLLINS, -_ tio'X' ' GORIEST & lIASLETT. Akents. --____________. ...._ . .. FOR CillitiilNATL : ~ s ig i S i t _ _ __ 'i'HURSDAY PAMLET—AT:FA M. The new and splendid side-wheel steamer J. N. NPCULLOUCH, G. D. MOOR D. XIGORE'... - - The abate elegant side-wheel steamer will leave regularly as announced, connecting at Cincinnati with Packets anti Railroads to Lou Seethe, Nashville, Memphia, New Orleans and St: Louis. Also to the Upper Mississippi and Missouri rivers. • • - .Freight or.paasengers receipted through enter by rail or river. • Especdal attention glren to Orders and Way Business. For freight or passage apply on board or to JAS. 'COMA Nts,ll a A • SD= • .CHAIS. BARN N -pwrimeii LINE j igi dG i t PACKET COMPANY. CESTABLISIIED .11368.2 . The 0311 3 r 'FiltOuith tweet' St. Loud' and St. Paul. Shippers desiring their Lou i s. to go through lt boat re.abipplng_aboye St. lyUl ladeseeeonsign their fretgla-VTA , NORTHERN' LINE.. • • Thrtnsgb ;TUGS ;oTel:invite Plitabitrgh.•Bente. and guaranteed by . FLAME &¢lifOoti' Agents" Joup,' . • :1 •:. 7 : 7 Xt. 'ID o; (MAW; .• • . , let, liol 94 NVlltergtreet.o • 'pl*isniti . SG*, Al gae • ta Mariet : and 'l l a4Lersivarg Line . ,• . Leave Ckbapanrs WbarftiOat. fbot of Wood street; ,) ; • "MELT, at &Std..' w - • • pinniDAYS' T . AYS. 4. N. MoVELLOUG 'GA*. 11. 0034. Mast r .s.' 1 " 'TUESDAYS AND PEfDAVET; ' ..• . A S. Stserustan.. Master. WEDNEII - 71 . An AND , EATUBDAYS,_. • OBEY' EAGLE G. L. BitIOWAN, gaiter. rreigbt will be received it an haute by ' it* • JAMES COLLINS: elrent. . „ . . , 131.EGULAR WEDNES-" ff _ A =A , DAY. PACKET FOittOINCIN I.—The On.F ste)stner , . AllticreY • - t;apt. VAltimitonirt. W. H...Soott leaves Pittsburgh i for. Clnehr.. .natievery WED.NESDAYnt noon. C. T. CO LT S, ',_ • 1 1 • VAI4N .hgents. rnh2l. . ' JOHN PLAPK. 4 CHEAP F9ll, -CASH., MCM=MII .092NING, oRAI,,AND cAzirapoq., w cr- ritx (OM:03: T kriliitri 4,1 , N 11: at DEN% andladLYN/LUD ' CARIBE French "Aril `. • JimEiNcita, ; BLACK. LEAD,,F*D. AAP 4LUE. . . GOLD: - STEEt':ANDAMALGAM PENS.`: A 4 01 .4 133 1 1. 34 .P 0 :.9: 1 ; 01 0•.1 .!, • Geld - ' Mounted - Pen; Heider. . ; DAHL 9410411,.: •• ;• t• •,, • - Ik at igiii tit . 1 1AVEN‘i Printer , and• Stationerio corner, Viriiod and Third Iota" ATIOTICE,‘ , ' "LA••• ; , Allatersonitbwrieig eittmsesistnig: ' estd Intecesto. ed tee fil'EMktittAkr ARM DLLIA) wRI ',tate 1110101, that have Wet**, &Ltd tlttaltibo6l, stale sett Of BAKER. PEAItuK & 00. •••-• - • • • • . I ' t • Tztoa•A:notczart,-• ,,, • s. Martdiaps eatet, , ii ,m80027,•,ec ate2dtti7i • MoIoAILERF FOR _SALA 7~j ~~ 'Dbt !4r . Atril 1;14.4, 'jots.. Alider• lIIIM nirEictotrs. pRICES OW THE VARIOUS' RINDS 'OF 'GUNPOWDER, .. 4 .NI:TBA.CYBBBD BY THE HAZARD POWDER ARTHUR' KIRK, Age;t, office; 17a and 174 FEDERAL STREET, ALLEGHENY, 'PA. Electric Weis. 1,2, 1 4 and 5 grain,' tn &pare Canisters; I lb.!each American ,Bportiug, in Oval Canisters of I lb. Duck Shooting, ! Nos. ' 2, 1. 3 and' 4 grain, In 'Oval Canisters of I lb. cad; Indlan'llifle, in Oval Canisters Of I lb. each—, Kentucky Ride, in Oval Canisters otl lb: each , kientuckylt Idle. In Oval Canisters ofeach (25 one b. Oval Canisters In a ease.) • " (50 half lb. do. do. SEO POWDER. , Rentacky Rifle, YFFO, BYG, , and "Sea Shoot ing" • . Fo, in kega,'2slbs.:. Reutucky-11111e, • PF.Fot, PFc,"*lni "Sea Shoot ing" FG-. in. keg/10236 • Ken - tacky/Me, FFFO, FFOS, nd "Sea Shoot ing" Fo. in kegs,'•634 the ' Deer Powder, in kega,sslbs Mining and . Shipping Powder, ?dining F, Tr, and FFF grain, net eash, In :kegs, lbs Safety Fuse for Blasting, of anperlor quality, . In packages of 50 feet and by r Delivered . free of expense • o i board of Boat or 'Railroad, In Pittsburgh or kite heny. . • mh24:c36 gIkEAT HISTIIIBI7 lON BY THE. • - METROPOLITAN GIFT 001IPANY. Cash' Its to the. amount ,0f.1:250, 00. Every ticket • draws a prize. • • • • 5 Cash Gifts , $lO,OOO /0 " " 5,000 20 " " , 1,000 .; 40 ' • 5OO 200 " 4305 s .... .... / 5r 0 0 5 . 600 " L 25 30 Elegant Rosewood Plano's, each $3OO to $5 OO 35 " " Melodeons, '• 75 to 150 150 .Bewlng Machines ...... ..i..each 60 to 175 . 250 Musical. Boxes.., ............25 to 200 300 Fine Gold Watches .. .. . " 75 to 300 • 750 Fine Sliver Watches... " 30 to 0 Fine 011 Paintings, Framed Engravings, Sliver Ware, Photograph. Albums, and a large as sortment. of Fine Gold 'Jewel ry , In all • valued at-41,000,006. • A chaneato °raw arty gf the above P* ftet by pur chasing a Sealed. Ticket for 25 cents. Tickets de scribing each Prize are seated lii 4 Envelopes and thor- Wnghly mleed. On receipt of eta. a aeatect Tteket ill be drawn without choice nd delivered at our office, or sent by wail to ant address. The prize named upon it will be delivered to the ticket bolder on the payment ofone dollar:1 Prizes will be imme diately sent to any address, as requested, by express or return mall. . • Yo tog El know what von, Prize ' befote you pay for it. Any wise rn„qy be exchanged for anotArr of gAr sable value NO B' ABE'S; -OffrOorpetrone can depend on fair dealing. REFERENCE-S.—We select tllew follOwlng names. from the many who have la eiy ,drawn valuable prizes and kindly permittedits publish them: . 8. T. Wilkins, Buffalo, ,N. {1i,,000 ; - Mice Annie Monroe, Chicago, 111.. piano, val led at $350; Robert Jackson, Dubuque, lowa, Gold atch. x'so; Philip. McCarthy', Louisville, Ey., Diamond Cluster Bing, 0WO: B. A. Patterson. New Bed rd. Mass.. Sliver Tea Set, $175: Miss Emma Wall orth, Milwaukee, Wis., Plano, '43M; Rev. T. W.-Plt Cleveland, 0., Melodeon, $ 123. • - • 3111/sWe publish no names srltbet t permission. OPINIONS. OF THE PR SS.—"They are doing the largest business: the ti m b reliable, and deserve their success."— . Weekly Tribune, Fib 8, • • ". 3 - • ` "We have examined their system. and know them lo be a fair dealing firtn."—New York Thraid, :S., 1833. . "Last week a friend of ours drew a 1.550 prize. which was promptly received.—Datly News, March 3, 18b8. Send for circular giving many more references and favorable notices from tee press. Liberal induce ments to A pets. •batlbraetlon guanuiteed. Every _package of Sealed Envelopes contains NE, CA II 3/I , r. Six tickets for +I; la fur for h 5; lie for htb. All letters should be addressed to HARPER, 'W/LEION & CO.. 173 BROADWAY, N. Y. JuB:r37 O WHEAT GROWERS. T. Commander. Clerk. EUREKA AMMONIATED BONE, SUIT&FHOSPHATE OF MIE, The .Allegheny rertilizer Co. SR rrA CAMPBELL, , PROPRIETORS, Ski • street, rittei, P : Penn' nrg , The best tertilizer in use, and recognized by Tamers who , have given it a trial, to be thestand srct for • raising largeerolof Irh . r6s4 Rye; Oats, . or , - adfor MEE= :Ida faciute •by li. W. H. WAB.O, 381 Broad. ,way. Row York. , • - •Inyll:pin .._.......,... _..,........„.... Mesiioons. /111 W LOST 2 . HOW ivy 416,8TD8 4 801. Just nbitsissdissugasskeneed. gps,____rrtog, six eeeta. LECTURE ON TIM i l . NATURAL •TIULATHE , 'end 'Radiesi ' CAM of jgri= ir le m xtuir o ' b o e b l th ty .5 11itratk ` e n' tirtrut- 7 , i age genertuln Nem:men se, Consumption, Epi , pay and MU: Ataidal and Phydbal Incapacity, re. lting_from Belt *bust, ~ ,by . Imes . . J Ahdver.., 11. kr. D . &morel:tee moreen Boolt,_ Ike. "A, 11,00• N TO !YHOUBSLN D 8 Ill' innigenninism lest , tinder seal, In a plain envoi pe, to any address. Poit... Cc% ° Al l 3. mcaP ,K 4. 44 tin x i e t4 VnirratS)ye t ain 21SW YORitiPOSTOVVIoE 80V41586. AIE, Dr. Oulrenvell'a 11Okeriageteidde.r . Ark* All mode. .; ;. , mykokibuer2 • . , , ~, , .-, -., , •;. , O GLASS , RIANCIPACIVIIERSOO , - , •t The undersigned hinting deemed the sole /Lon., dT °T4 I 4 a*Pfatt r 4 ,l 6, ( VU A ,t 4 .:. , • ` .. ‘ly tee voisriraditi turatiti lt , torlasiii it'tnitiNt osewl,s lag pp VOWS 1611,ftril•MilrtiOleo; , ring dftcen years use of tam Clan, we nave ve el, Purlrpurtione as we belleye _makes It a better article t o r 'pots than anrireltie Montt, we eeein . i emoted:a tittlieliallii n i s ie s ig . 2lYEll_linntiaittl , no • I: F tc7tl;6,...._i r f eu v i t trtaisZ6l74=' rig : n . lllll 711/ d 4 dliniUnk %or 1 Ailetwegy..; .; ;1 nsi ; i Li yi l top i t t l i r; 4il aea . •:I ;• 1 V; •i; 11. 4 "; ;pf ~/2.".: I. ...; 1,1., t :Waiddrurkontitrestatttaborstt: '. ' i -----,----. • , _ 4 _. i 1., ~ , EnerrA it 'iltuiritiror, • mt. 111 ' '''.i.:i s 465 la n ; • , ..y .., . , --• _., :,,,, % . y- vitr...- iv 7ii h o.c., , ii i!cnaji.v? i , v • IN:.. • , . *a •. la i t; 7 u t'i Bt. t' ' . N A c te ak MMtraili: L .40 .i pi dd.) • , , I' , 'MAT LlikeitllloTl 'or tairttuon.,, IP -.'it- . . , e 4 if' di% WOO EH Oast 1 w., CA'llll3l'Elt POWDEU MANCITACTURED COMCMON, ME4CHANTS. Ti. anutvie ' A'. Ertri MSTEELE & OONJ . . • r • Commission Merchants, - AND. DZAX.BII.S TN (~ FLOUR; G r xiAiN, p-c - rmys, ar.o. No. 95 OHIO STREE'I near East Common, _ ALLEGHENYCITT, PA. ` = JAIII4B I 6 mnarion.. 9Aitenn MEANOR Si HARPER FLOUR, .13RAIN. AND ODII.CE corvwrssxorr m:Eatcia,tw'rs , ' • 329 LIBERTY STREET, ETrTSBUItOH.'' Consignmenta solicited. _ R&FERENONS-4. G. Martin, Cashier Mechanics , National Bank; J. B. Dilworth & Co., It. Ken nedy & Bro.- .: • . • Tr EIL &tRICIL4RT, COMMISSION MERCHANT§, FLOUR, GRAIN, SEEDS,IRILL FRED; &e., tte., 349 44b4r4y 94.,Pittsbrushi, mr2,4:bal L J: BLANCHARD, -Wholesale' s and Retail Orc•eez:fi, No. 396 PENN STREET. aplB:xle " A.G.Ex; • Mic . *44,P &. , • - COMMISSION MVRCHANTS, Dealers l FLOUR,' GRAIN and PRODUCE GEN. ERALLY, No. I.4.I....W.H. — gXR,pIiITREET, above Bndthflelg, Plttsburgh l FETzoit & ARMSTRONG, . . FORWARDER/ AND uoz.NasBloll fa ON . INTS', , For the sale of Floor, Chain (' Bacon- L'ardYlintter, Seeds, Dried Fruit.. and, X!roduce generally... No. iq MARKET STREET, corner Of First, Pittsburgh. SHOHARER .84 -LAN G, Whole.. sale dealers in Groceries, Flour, Grain, Pro duce, Provisions. Fish, Cheese. Salt. Carbon 014 : &c., Nos. 172 and 174 WOOD STREET, near Liberty street. PittSburgh,-Pa,': noSinGS JOii I. iiOUSE. ...mow. Roves JOHN & 8R05. 9 SUCm cessors to JOHN I. HOUSE & CO., Whelesale rocera and Commission Merchants, ,Corner. of, Smithfield and Water Streetir, Pittsburgh, Pa. eTT.- RIDDLE,- Noi IS3 LIBERTY *STREET, Pitteburgh,'Pa.,_Commission Mer ant and 'Wholesale Dealer In Country Produce, Groceries and Pittsburgh Manufactures. Cash .ad. , vanced on Consignments, and paid for Produce gas erally. . _ EOBT. KNOX ~ANDRAW- KNOI , KNOX 84,,50N, Commissior: *MERCHANTS and dealers in FLOUR, GRAU .1, FEED and PRODUCE GENERALLY, NO DIAMOND, opposite City Hall,' Allegheny City.' jal7:r37 • AP. COMMISSION - MERCHANT IN PIG 3 11IETAL, 1 BLOOMS, ? . E.' WROUGHT -SCRAP IRON,- FIRE DRICE. ND CLAY, @c. Warehouse and Office, Nos. 366 and 368. PENN, STREET. , Storage . famished. ~ _. Consignments solicited.___ oct ....__.____ TITTLE, HA.HID & PATTON, Wholesale Grocers; coriniisstoii Merchants and lers'inProduee. Flour, ,Racon, Cheese, Fish,. Carbon' and-Lard 011, Iron, Nails, Glass; Cotton Yarns and all Pittsburgh . Manufactures generally; 112 and 114 SECOND STREET, Pittsburgh: JB. CANFIELD & -SON:, Ciklll- a .MISSION S. FORWARDING MERCHAA. TS; and Wholesale Dealers in Western Reserve Cheese,. Butter;Lard, POrk. Bacon. Worm Fish.' Pot and Pearl Ashes, and Gils, Dried Fruit and Produce generally, Nos: 144 and 146 Front street, Pitts burgh. JOHN a FitPTON...., ...A WALLACE. c7 §HIPTONtr.WALLACI;, .• WHOLE SALE GROCERS AND PRODUCE-DEALERS, . o. 6 SIXTH STREET. Pittsburgh. 1 6 12:r58 PROFESSIONAL JOS. A. BUTLER, ALDERMAN AND POLICrE MAGISTRATE. Offlce,l26Wl LIE STREET, near Washington, rrrTS.I3FRGH, PA. _ • Deeds, . Bonds, Mortga.ges Acknowledgmente,' Depositions, Collections, and all other legitimate business executed promptly, inhalinS 5A.111113131.-McBIASTERS, • - •AIIDERMAN, - ' Ex-Officio Justice of the Peace and Police Magis trate. Office, (*RANT STREET, opposite- the Ca thedral, PITTSBIIIIiiII, PA. Deeds: Bonds, Mortgages.. Acknowledgments, Depoattibns, and all Legal Business executed with iitompttieils and disputth. . togs VIIMIPACE S. MORROW, ' -- [ F OFFICIO JUSTICF OF TIDE PEACE AND . . 1 POLICE MAGISTRATE: •- • OFFICE, N 0.73 PENNA. AVENUE, PIITSBURGH, PA.- ~ Deeds,' 'Bonds:. Mortgagesi. Acknowledgments, ' Depositions and all 'Legal Business executed with ,promptness and dispatch.. ' • • trirS/ A AMNION . , , - A Justice Rl' the Peace, CONVEYANCER, REAL ESTATE& INSLIRANCE AST, CARSON STREET...RANT BIRiTENGNA.M. ItectioA ° f - Ren4.!iciP 3d Rrc k ullitiZNl,Ad - Wlll. - LIAM U BARKER, JUSTICE OF THE PEACF., coNyEynrcEs, Zlre. CARSQI.*:STREET, nearly • oppositnEttie„ naj Depot, SOUTh PITTSBURDA, , • Business entrusted to tile care promptly ittenaz ea to. - mytty6l. AiteuniAtio' stAlikugt; ' Aa-roatairmy r aet.a...4w,. , 'No. 98 FIFTII STREET, apaingo:d&e : , ' PlTTSlitrltialt. PA DA-mEL ,1101'!rw4tL, M. n PR acaxgrriG „?iffy§icuuir, OFFICE AND RESIDENCE, - • 'No. 59. GLiraiit' near • Rpm : S.•VERGyIISON,, , ATT - oxia4T:T=ATA.A.*: . siccorrpriocuu EnoriTßOont. apl:w73 JOHN . ItiMPELLs o • ! , • ATTORNEY—AZ—LAiiir. ~Once, 110 . HisTu9ndl Street, tbitpäslte . the rt vre4;t44 : .i. PITTORIIROH,-P,ll. W , . 4•.;I I 4PrIPt • ' - : 1 ATTORNEYAT-LAliV,' ;!fp , . ; in6aki,B PitTSEVIRGii; PI. • , T_T CAtLICILAtEIj.4? • .; ;!•I TORNFY., AND; twisikoail3T " • ; ; Pr0:139 4.311 4 atit • Rtiketit,' • • mraili)ss . PI17113;0116EI t:T0113111r:A l STRAIN", , • t i • :/1 • • ' ". 130 P 4 R imistlgNaTil or • Tuf v - i/TAGLAND II Ctili AUISTRA . • I•')ci mull ruhru, trinsarCi 041 6 13eebivoititio-L ta i „ 44 luxhie-Ara..,,.,.. v .g,„, t 4ck ea INS Was a ,al L Bail isms. a c lihrianp%eick sad Mips c -.. c S ' ';, criAR-99 1111 9 11 0 ) , : , :c c:'.l . ... r ' . .. 7 , i . 1 . MitRNEY ktip'CpiniSiLtOß . o LAW; fll titi?:l!'l.,ili 10 Lilf:•..", ~ . . 3 • 3 :11f`4 4 4: 41 .A 17 1 14 101 ,- - 1111- ,— . 41044 - *f j~lilliol24 IkletitikiSilltr'Aireirdbe PliiVrtiliPilt I Pe4 4 6 4. 1 . AP:AIi4,39, :i 1.."T1f" 131.1;t1t;.; ;. lan BOOM Stoneboro,Ta«, trott :msopiarktentrumbiAimmuki m 'i!iy k rri! ogreA n aitrAsT4inirjit d"'")tue -Ittzt4in e!ipicasoigtr.&.,,,,cigV t ab o r igortage, COMllatle _jiletill 4o ti felltVoigiataliST, === vorrirsßußG taItiIKOMENS . coiszmusvu,LS It It ar On and after T DAY'lit4F3tk , 10031 trains will arrive at and depa,..o , parlleDOPogyl''' •ner of erantanditiateliatreelMs.a*f . A 4. Depart. • Arrive'. Mall to and from Unto:it'll. - 7:00 A.,/14:-:13:0aP.Alla' McKeesport, Accornmodt'a.ll:oo A. Xi • 2 05 P. Ws' Ex. to and from Uniont'n• .:3:11. It Q..,P.rd.11:0° N. - 'M West Newton Accommod 4:3tnr: .- :35 A.ll. .3tradclock's Accommodist'n A 158.'.x. 7:50 F.M. Night Ace. to 3icKeesport.lo:33 T. M. 0:40 A. N. Sunday Church Train to and - _ froin.Wefil Newton 101304 M. "lit A - • For tickets apply to It._SIXO, Agent. W. B. STOUT, Stiperititisndent: ' midi ALIGE€4II.ENIC - Zlgglit . • VALLEY RAILROAD . grE . Y DIRECT ROUTE TO THE 011. REGIONS. - Atunning through to Yenango City without change of cars—Connecting with traina EaSt and" 'West on . the ~ :Warre....t Franklin RallrotuL, and, Atantic :O. Great • Western Railways. - Shortett . and quicken.. 1 route to 011 City and Franklin,' and all poi is la the, Oil Regiona, • • , On andllafter April 20th, 1808,__Passenger Tralas ' will leave from and arrive at the Pittshurgis.Depot. Corner Canal: and Pike Sp). as (oil ergly ' t ' - Depart. Arrive. -Hail to and Pm Fen. City. 7:00 A. N. 0:15 F.M. Express _ 10:40 P. 11.12:25A. N. Bradrs Rend Accommod'n 3:00 P. .13odrilVorks Accom'n.:,.... 5:30 P. If. Vas X. First Halton Accomodl, a. 8:30 A,: 5t...,11:40.a."74 , , , .: - "4 - '.Second Button A econickrxi 12100 N. 3:55 p., M. suu4y Vhurok Trah4 leaves.tioda, Works at.8:00 A. at., arriving In Pittsburgh at . 9:50 A. N. Re; turning,leavea Pittsburgh at.l:lol , :at4arrtvingalk' Soda Works at 41:55 P. 11r; _ • , • ESL ACKSTONik Sapot. - • W: F: RIVE, Ticket 'Agent. "r 1 i k`‘••••••• - Wfgamin. 'ITTSB PORT' WAYNE. & • CHICAHO B. W. ANH'CLEVEIIAND 2 PITTSBURGH From June 7th, 169...traina . 0161.. leave kola and arrive at the Upton'a . Depot, north side, city timessatollows: • , Lease. • I _ Chicago Ex.... 2:03 a , Chicago Ex... 2:OS sat Cleveland Ex.. 2:03 ainieCloyeLandEx. 2:08 a m Erie S - , Ygn Mg 7:28 a tac:blear° Ex 11:23 aat Ct. & Wl9 ;x1 6:13 a tWheOling EX , ; ElteEtZEI 'OlllC£4O ; all.. 6:58 alai. St.tLouls Ex.. 3;33 pm • . Chicago Ex... 9:43 :I'm CI:V.9IVA Ex 4:36 Cl. & Wh'g Ex . . 1:43 pm Erie & Yg`n Ex Chicago Wil. A E Ex Ex . 4;4 8 p n m . Chi&Wgoh E ' g x.. . , 4 723 p m • • ..Dejaart from ititephe4y; drrtroein Allegitenjh 'N. Brigt`n Ac. 8:58 am N. Brigtln 5 Ac. .7:g4,311, Leetsdale "• 310:13 am Brigttn , • " • 2:118 Sat " X1:53, " 8:53 am., Rochester " ' 2':23p,m New , Castle', " 10:13 aria '. Wellev , e Ace.. 3:43 plux - Leetsdale " 9:13 it Leetsdale Are. 4:13 pm . " 1:08pm N. Brlgt , a " . 5:33wm N. Brlgra. " 2;43 pia Brigt'n " 6:213p,m Leetsdale . " 4:53 pm , Leetsdale ," .:.10:43Vm . ' 7:48 psi SW 1:58 p. ni. Chicago Express jeaves daily. • , Air 11:93 a: at: Chicago - Expreat arrives jeS F. R. IHYHRS. General,Ticket Agent. VIITTS RUIZ, G drscnnivivr A c. 1 .1 sy. mo .RAILWAY. • • , 5, 5 ,5 PAIN. HANDLE ROUTZ'' CHANGE OF arid after SUNDAY May 10th, 1867 trains will leavened arrive at thet-. Union Depot, as lotions, Pittsburgh t ame. _ Depart. •Arrtott.;•• • lipress ; ' 2as a. M. 4:35 p. m. Fast Line 9:40, a. m. 7:15 p. FestExpresit ' Itso p. m. 11:20 a. ns. Mixed Way • , 6:10 a: ns. ; .7:05 p. McDonald , ft Ace , ii, 11:40 . a. m. 3:05 p. m. Steubenville Accomradd'n. 3:50 p. 9:30 a. • McDonald's Acen, Nd. 2.. 5:25 p. m. .8:20 a. nt. r . Express leaves a/.1:50 mm.,: emitting in Cineinnati at•0:00 m. the nett' orM. The M ug AO d. 'M.: Train leaves' daily; - Sunditli anit Mondaysexcepted, and makes ,elose connecUone nt. , Newark for Zanesville and points on liandti Mansfield & Newark R. 1t.., • •;. - , -7 8. F. SCULL, General Tick et Agent. '' W. W. CARD, Sup't., Steubenville., , 'up ENNSY LVAII .1. CENTRAL , RAILR.O. On and after 'June i 7th, rive at and depart In* till Washington and Liberty s' • - Aeries. • d I Mall Train.... I:lsnm. Fast Line...—. 1:40A m Wall's 140. 1.. 6:2oia m Latrobe Acc'n 7:30,a m Wail's No. 2.. 8:50,a.m Cincinnati Ex. 9:10, a m Johnstown Ac. 10:35• a m Baltimore Ex. 1:09p m Phila. Expres' 1:20.p m Wall's No. 2:18 pm Bmddoeks Nu / 5:59 p m wawa No. 4. li.l9Pui Altoona Acc'n ~, • and Emigrant ' Train 0:30 pint' ."' '''-'-` The Church Tranxi leaves. W all's Station every Sunday at 9:15 tis lis.l' reaching Pittsburgh at 10:99 - a. m. Returning, leaves Pittsburgh at 121:50 psuts.. and arric : e atiWallis Station at 55:0o pi tn. - *Cincinnati Express leaves daily. All othertraing,,- .daily except Sunday: • ' • - il For further formation apply to _ - '• • • .: , .' • ' W. H. BECKWITH, Agent,' The. Penn ivanla Railroad I ComFany will opt an.- :;•, sume any ris for Baggage; except for wearlng ap.. parel, and t theirrresponalbillty:AuookHundred . Dollars in' Tine. All Baggage exceeding tius; amount . .n val u e will be ht thegisk:of the owner, tin.'less taken by , peciat contract. . • . , .- • .RDWARD-FiVvilii;LiAmsy• .. , .. . . ' - Cieneral•Superintendent. Altoona, Fa. iTpIN* r l" l ‘ r ES'- .—A PEltili fi :ANONNag ... SYDVANLA i 4 A- 1) . -011 - lied- after- -I.IIY-19th,,x11187,- the Pas tenger Train on the Western rennsylvanla Ball-. _ •Toad , sail') arrive at' and •depart• • f rom the. !Fedarel : Street Pepe ,t , Allegheny City ! as follows: I v -• : Amide. _ • it.-, - • ',., Depart. ~,. • ' , •T• • . Staingd`e Nol 5:35 a m rill 13:15 ala , Freeport:No.l. 9:15 am Freeportiro, 1 9:10 a Ear' .., • Express ' 10:15 a m Elharpteg No, 111:20 ain Sharphig No.l 1:915',.pr0 Expreks./.1 .'... 1:50 put' ' Freeport No. ; 4:10 pin :3pringd le No 1 3:5P put • . Mall • - 'olllop tti reeepert NO: 10:065 pla ' .' Sprlngdle No tt: 7:10 ptu Suringtre No 1 7:35,p15. , ' Aboye treble run Oily except nunday.- , - The Church Trait: ,leaves Allegheny /anat. elver_ :. ~: Sunday at 7:40 a: m ,'. teaching Allegheny Citrat -9:50 . a.. at., ,Iteturning, , •leave& Alielineiti VA!' ", I 1.:20pi. re.' and arrive, •ar Allegheny 'Linn, ct. - st : ' P. ico. , - ) ~...• , I,P. , .. ''''.,•'' , 1.! -, ' . • , 2. , i contlinTATIOY Tie - s—For sale tn package. or .Twenty,Apetween,allegheny :City, Chests:Oen:4, - : Iterr's, - Bennett, Pine Creek; "Etna and SharpsbUr& and good only els the train Stepping at Stations 5p0.....:; clflen on ti kets. .. - The train leaving Alleghenr'llltritti4l:l3 ..'it : 'and 1:50 P M . make: direct connection at Freeport ' with Walk re line ofStaloseforEntlet and Hannah*. town.-,- TO uh „tickets' may.. boo ptirelusedhnt she* ) 051ce, No. 3't . Char street, near, the Suspension. ..., Bridge i'l eburgh, and Att: the DeppWAlleghetry. • ''.• : For Furth rinformition apply to . ~ • : J LEFFBSTS, Agent, ~ .- , , Federal lareetDepot. The Western. Pendaylvanla , Ballroad - wilt 'not aie- .. 4, 1 sums andsk.for Baggage, except for wearinrap. „ , _ parel,Molt thi3l l : e eeponsibillty'tothse Humber • • ' Dollars In ,'value. ' Att_ baggage exceeding this. , amount in value will i et the risk of the owner, nia.4 0. 1 • tees taken by special contract. .. ~ • : ~.. -- •. - ) • :EDIYARD 71. ; WILLIEA1,111 . -' i '• - ~ Gew)ral ill!mintendent,,Alloonn. Lig.. ; - MZI 0,44 OIL LMEsiggsmai l F„,7 ROUTE.' ..!•••=3u•••=an=sion ME UNION PAOIFICIAILWAY Easteirn , ; . • . The SHORTICEITAhTD MOST4ELIABLA.II9IITIi trom the Zeta to all liolnteln Colorado Nevada Calitarnitt, Itrtabi, Arizaila ' Washingtori, . . : NOW AteliCo9-: idaikei..:• , . . - . • • , , • ':.• 71 . : .:. ;- •, .. , ;1 .•- - - O r ep:111i • - • TWO -Trains .16'1'01/Site ; Line:and Leatirtinwoyile: ' dilly,. (Sundays excOpted4 on ttle linty/a or loins a 4 , Paoli% il rioidtritin St.-Louts,' 'mid 'Hunnrsay un* • Si. Jo. Btllfd,PrEz) Quincy,. connecting, at. Pr"' . rence. 'l7 a alma iirtunego 'with- `itageo no :, points An. swiss_ ,:l At end of. truck .weet. of SIM -( 4 • worttriiittilheiM•UTES STATES EXTECESS 001 e - ' •PAN:rB DAILY 4INS-Vlf 0VN.8.L.1311. 1ig40.:. VID'E.ThiISB EQACEDES lbw' -=,,, • • '4 • . • 5A 1 A7r.1454.1r44 4nd oil Points in the Teirrinnin4l • Ind.tweAstarsilows TBIIEBtraIt+LINI COACHES for ForkiUnion, Ben ts Fort, Pass. rerten; BenteilFe l and alb i&d.totul. ew atexlo9. With , ate) reketiLllitildithins" of ;ridllite Stock S M entitpment, and the _arrangements msfle,initit, iponsible twee/hind- Transportation , Linew•nem fes Western teregtous,thit road now offers. ..Ttowa:Lied LinellitteS for tne , vraastoteston of freight th ,, West.- • . .•, I ; o;e4, Ticketrtfor•Sater at an the pnnu ta, "' 37 B ni e t t itallriniPlualio4r)42rattirkiteurvueol MIMI ! 4 Gll PFl L ASigeztrOmadear it flea reeisrla aka vbikit most MEI El3mzm TO • , L ll T l 4l.4 l ooLipingallk..:' QUEENSTOWN • rmilmaast.suuz. mribussinPW Ln c ife= l.l ,l siabetisAuiewiii26lB thes r t inrr d Palltak, tnY.lrf 911 Iltars4, m i g r A N. WAL , • IantOEMM saarUBDAY,, t r am, tPslar 414,144011, Javer 'New Y L ark. Tor Vision or further 7 apply to *oi l m o w * 44 Ap.pirkinumikimPtumitr•- sibutrosivome Mot Mks. MAPS Z,70.1 - _ . ç; • ataiglit 1867. Teelna will az. e Union. Depot, corner or .treets. as follows: . .Day Express.. 2:25 a ma' Wall's 6:30 a %ix Mall Train 7:50 am: *Cincinnati Ex 1.1:40.111:111: Wall's . No. 2. ;11:51 as Johnstown Ai: 3:ospilr • Braddocks Nol 4:00 pax Phila. Expres. 4:50 pm' Virall's No. 5:10 pm Wall'a 'No. 4.. 0 :05V ' • Fast Line7:3o.p sea, ..., Latrobe Ace'n 13:50 pal Swissvale Ac'n 10:40v IMIM A. sarsozzifioN, Elli