El littobi4Aaitttt. * 0411,. i . . , . BE 82111611111 a .• 1 wficßE ..v. , - r 4 2 vf - 31 e sleeps where Iketell , mid , s the balitU"s regal .41 s With his comrade true and bravisti '- 4 't . —And bisi t b; fOrittwe shalt:see ndldore— Cl. It rest. n a hem. 'Yt yef . ; . , -; 1, I-:. Mere beae. li i ialb Ali kforflai i _ .;With ts power an liriete;l l6 ' , .„1 . •"' _and our gallant men from the rng ed North Like patriots fonghtand died. • 31e sleeps near the bill where bright flowers grow, In the wildest woodland shade; —lniorts-tha-vallay•streasti in-the dell below, --'W•ittratr echo Aibsittegtatle; llrbereAetastinipligeg....^rAlter raitor Sonth Tiled r the - gyawitt i tuks.. - n'e Till the bu ng thellaTiu °fir Cannon's month - I"'"lnzgrudonsiktirthudrproton ranks.: ' - -- Be ti=iregegb the god wberciproyarfally knelt, w litrierarround Ine stood, .-' As I took from his eprse..his battle-belt !till wet with his heart's warm, blood: - ' , AIM e lottatnee day elated-1U light 011 eart h, A dmy soul grew sod with pu1p,",... ,10 1 121 is ey bore me away with oaths and mirth, ar Oleic& theliteeding stairs. .• • • .-.. , ~ , . -',..tataileepti:ithere the 'blear of nor ' gloriou s duall • , I '' , Werere le ft on the wired land,• ••: - • Ithere the daring deeds, _ere Ina splrit.fled„ ...):, IRe led with* bold command! - ' • • , • 3Ele_alettlis"ts, ahu sleeps, undisturbed by we, ~ f , , 'titagh. tyrants tramp eierhis breast; ~•: Tor, those Cl.') slumber brgtory afur; -' • , . - //e.ialM•...o44lf4nortiO Telt"' 1 •''•" ' -- I 10Pmp. Rm., '.7".._ . **Odt: tlw . igc/el4t;, is aY, a tirla-.. ' , , itir —Gypsies ar encamped near Cineinnati.• -.- —Chleitgo , *l ids are to haves billiard L ...lie.W . `York haS eighteen 1 dtil9 n ' ' i eWS ' ~ , ...441; Shakes " a dab is being formed:in; --N4iiio"'forli -‘ i'. ~.,...:-: • ~, ,-. , , ~. i Betanzas leads th e latestle ,-, 77.1tAsts ~ exican, ~ .- s eyolutiork- • i,. , ..., ..: :. - . •• , , ' - - . .,l3travil:,)erry : festivals are -coalmen' • in' Warren co unty - ' r :42ikand bharfotte• bushman is earning Asteklo America: '',. - - '' : -461intr.'*hittier is to have a new bal-, 1 1 4 1 i 3 . 1, ! 13 4 0 ..1 1 4 1 Y 4tianife• . .-;--Deat.tts. from smi-stroke have already 111kertPlileeinParis this summer. "*". . _ `—Vallandighani Says Doolittle has no : "trains: ,When rogues fall ont,-.41 - e, . —The tis4holomew'snight of the canine. sidhea ' begin again, in NOW' Xiiiit.' , . • - --3tra berries are , dear in- New , ltrork.; ;They are own to:twitnty cents iquart here.' ~-341 ii,; 'tt Biddens has been reading to' ',. ill4.4teen.' , of, England :_ Bothladies survi ----tlie kits i ons of - Cincinnati are to ,have _,- a grsuapic t ukc 45n riit t John's , Day, the 24th ;1 7 -.T.F.044.2.nie • 4 14.1;n44; ; students, 'were.. tried thn other day in Boston for drunken ness. 4 " , /7 :Thurldw Weed is better ; hints are 4currentillat lie the Wandering Jew and 4.4sti'Vdl - • ' • Whcf,pear striking Ir,eseml4ancer 'aahington andliaPoleon are not 1,0 bOth e : , eral Stoneman has,declut • d a .. . -4iltiterc ", dered by :teidiiig thileifrei Pe; lersbur .., Va.-, . . , .. '•• : -, ; —Th , Chinese Ambassadors are ,said to "bees. - •Aingly Well pleased With' straWber-, ites tint cream. -Sottehpay is trying.to rival Queen Vic _ lorla t . a a has published a volume of '.lligh-. J!, c Jland bles." ' ' t,_,;, J .-- • -''. •, • .:-.1 . Marquis of.ifastings , rleasened his none embarrassments by hedging at the later Be by-races. ;-(7- •-.- '' •i -- ) . 0 • 1 =,'"' -'4G iibey' Wis: 'Should - he; agOodSplace for yuringlawyers;:2oo;ooo,ooo'ihingles are •• sold there yearly. , ' • , • 1 ' cin Monday eVenifig the renowned Pen ' .411etou escort , broke up,ln. a free fight-and a , 1 :Tim it'lCitteindati; ' • ,;;; I L P. 7 -o,itilio are to Tin • spent in celebrating ..s,lite io in Erie; of • this money $l,OOO is l ', l * ( We i PI iliPl4 l 4 '' .' ': . 1 . 77 -13 seven ontr, of -the i130,000' prisons ---., Isnri in Greenwood liVed to be inorethan 'ione'ii ndred years old'.; ,' -'', : , • —he V iceroy, of Egypt has chOsen an :31n0i on to;:tup,erintand the recap: ' garnet on of. the'Egyptian navy. , , •- - ' ' • fa bid one 'Ran* daily newalm-' per tdishe.4ln:Bome, andtliat orie is a . - lase le excnselora:i JoPraal ! '. - • ''' 2 -4ifirPial • . ,TAni Bitinginiin' • ii - jamming • iirTilla4 s e .Theatre in` New toik: , with his • awn 'acting laid pliqs as littracti OAS. ' .-4:-CinCldi paper iinminated, for Con "; 'JA 6 '4 ll3 ilazOih 43 has been 044'10 slit, Moral. ”unbsictiown" to the editor.' -' *: . "'•'' ii 1--',#,Olly . noundii:of,hutter „Were' shipped : • tirii :St.' Alliaita; . • • ,Tnesday , laat. : The ' . minus hadtothing to do with this. • 2, - , 2l ,•Tl:olirist edition of Geioige Elliot's pa was iha aPaulah. went Published b/ Tick , ET,4:rields; went Off;in three days. .. ~ . 7 •Vitehtlug' , te - a frif,llle•itnusenient at - • ICrie t and,onTupsday,aiteinoori asacht** look place for a handsome silver cup , prize.. ' —John . Bright is ' , bald. lo be immensely = ' iwialtbiri his earttee'r manuf actory . and his ..ininee in Wales • are said to be,veryprefit able. -1 - .3 ; • • ,:, -.• -_ . _ , - - .The heigl4of hotel` elekance has been .• •'*.eiefiedi4 a host: in York w,kolisaitke napkins of Ala . ifdeets., perfumed for each -/TilkePtireSraecislilrainTs lateet. evidence ',nieficbsekar.abittbk wait ~ over` toe cOTTri'dillit, :: : •• 1 4 * - ci prOmiiii • him .01://7 ,811030 g.: ;7.4.1014Xig• • ; i " gialdl ,l 4t iii"- 1 . r tp#l,4. ;04i the ci4aukc :Asa being anegro blood, but the herd steins :Aiwa& -0. •f • • ;1,, - • ; uethwpcpy , i lo 7rarcan be called an, oracle,. says ihati the dulyam- , -"Tendon at Nes! I' l l& F iy, decide the Aentkg el4tkon.; '^" , !.. - Prtri ll eXl; th e :New Xork Utter,. mints % l i e -7,"Losiyhridge.takeii doWnOuidheideditiirltili ''llolool* #4410.46A!:t,W:Iliffl:11:10 * a.in thereby " • , • • I. ei,''',.l4oleltgititaug* 844** ic,fth!li *tisk - sanacatiaq. Yl3iew:thenpa_liintf: which we think mot b": 1 .'d*altirc7•l/. •40.:g*Tfi Qfl. fit' l'rin""hr i•°,B4iger'.+ll°C°3k ma/ I ° °k !Pt kigkn i g , 7 1 4 1 °Ptir•V , • 4 4 °,13 ; c4 ;, Ableglincitenthearr4Yee frOwihaeldtoonntry;; P- " l *A a g k i fO ke ; °° g r' - .*'lll# l* (Ak iliet *" !k°4l :: -604411;e 405 11 1004 ffir 10110 ' 4 't igk l ° ll4 l °64 PP : . :, isifeleNer innk- ."*.47"T .4 , 1 , tt0 /It —7•4144.114404,E1401040/ItititerAUNON Ai ethe i tithcomietieureentyekr . tot i a tivil k ou l d l 3.1 Xfll/b rr ,gITOIZ9 1 54: • '~~~~ ~;.a "~` ;. z 5 . . . : .. . , . , ' . 4-4 - , . • . . . • , , . , • - --- .-..--,,- - - , -.,-•.z. , ,•-• , e - ..t. ,, ?- 7 ...7.0..;4 , 1!...,•, - -..:1 4 -- ••:::‘,3:.,:.-: -.1„:„.:i..•,'.,•.„•:: : ,:..•, - ,:...;,....„.;- , 4,.... - , , ,, , ,, , ;,,,,,,,g -, 1. - •-....;?. f..,.',i....•4:• , : r.,':;• . ~ . .!•;:". . - • ;,- - ?;,,:i..:", :-_,.., , ...1,..., ;,,..,,. - 14, - -,•:-', - ::::4,--,,-.7,- ; -, i.:•,-,: . , , ,, - .-;.,. - ,•...• , --i.; . . 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T.i„„ ,r \ ;.4 .. ~,&,,..1. t,,4*„. „ .~, ,,,,t roc„ A. ,, : „ . •-,-,w,,,...g . ~~,,,..,&„. ~, ,,- ; - : , ---,: re7 , - . , , , ,-` 1,:';?-•,;"'“, : :‘, . ::::',.',, i -;:z7f;':',:...- Y ,:;:,';i,-•- - - V , : ?',-.t.:4,- - TIA-4.,,&!,, ,. . -"'-' "" - --,--- •4 ,-- - , • ~ , , f 4-- e --, . A.4:-..---4,, .•• , :at.:lc , ,(-14 , -..•!..5*Pq,----i , ,,,,,, --,---:--,--....,-'='.,-: .. , s-.- . . ,; „„,,,, , ,, ..... - 7,!,• 7, 1 - ,7:::;,;0::, 4, „ --, .:,,• , . -- •.:', - -. - 4 - -,"--, - tf-'"":-:',f,6. -- ;-, - , - -;- , --1:,-.- - -iirit . V-;-----' - -' ' • ' ' - , , , - -----..,-4„-_, ,-,-, ~,, , ,, , ,,, , ,,4,,,,,,,,,,,,7•,-,.:4-,-;y,::,,, - , .---:,-„ =,--,,-;::,- - rn't, -- * - gh ,.., m,e - "•-1 -;-; VI ' "----'• ' --''-- ''-'-_-:-..':::::;,',';-.4;*,„.4:::,f,:;r,AX,,:-,;Z;;;,i0-,::;,::.--V,:'.724Z -,--...--, ,,, :.-4, , , , ,,,,,:,::...,,,,,.,-:-...,,,,.,:-,f,',:k,F:,:;C:i=%`',i•'': ii,"-,.r..1._ - ..f., 4." . i.,N ,,. .. ,, . ;, 7 - fr , `'' ^ - . . , . ~.....,..-:,..:4,-,,,A,i..,,,,‘,,.:,,,..4,,:-';',..it',4:l.'::.''t".*''A!'q:'''-' 4 -., L.,...... , ..(1........V... , :. 74,-. .N... , ; s - tr 2 3 ; P 'v, - ,1--4 i , i ,',-3. "4 4, 1',; -,..i its: ' ;''i:l.i . 7l;:e‘i!` , i . ";!...fe:i' , , - - ' . , s . • • . . - Al ' V,; - %.1 1; .1 1- 1 ' 4, , I.: ` gAW, - ; -,--7, 4 - ;Z:fie t rv 7W-- : '' . . . , '',:: V 3.; ,: L e i1 ,.. 44, 4 2 1 .. 7 : -, 1 " ;-7:4• ' ' ' . 4, :%1. 7 1 -'; ,-OW' -. . - , , ' - ; - ''''''',.''''',. it ` C . : ' %W• "' : -- , , t , :- A., ...A... ...1 '' ' v '-....4.--4 - ':.i.t. , !:‘ , T.,` . . • I ' • - . .. . , .. ~ . •'•-- --r. 4 , ,:tlt,44A, •.. VF.,-*l - 44:-,':-.;:-: . .- '. - . • • • - . . .. be called thirteen Year locusts, r ati the records 1 • show that they hate itppeTd in 1816, 1829, 1842, 1855 and 1808. '-•-*- : ,g.'-- , -:„; 'PI t. "sir of the „ —Alban ip l . 1 va 4 ret vitta-rramii, - -tra?. , olt= , *ears feaifal I Y , shabLlT:clot lici4 n s - 4ll*C a way a cent , aiill httU more .' l ' . . w e *: riirtil lk. har - bfltiqueY•‘<__i_ tfy” '' -, —The publiesonares orPßliradelphia are , still somewhat tronbled with pendant worms andsome entomological genius has found __. that h Is , caterpillarr attraction - which - causes them to descend to the ground. . --Raverdy-slohnstam- - onr-setc... - Minister to Eaglet:4,o selenty l two years' old, and has be& fiftir`3tar s in iublic - lifb. He has be t on twice in, th e ifii, ‘ ted Stales Senate, and was Attorney Generefinide Gen. 1 4 . 410 r. lid . tinciniatl tifiiniirciitt IS-Eitich a l efalf:peper :that trlittit In iii6 , eiticles, fa -1 VoringiPendleto i rc.and - :Chase. respectively, hotO.,,,in,,Anle ;14.,,,,.., which leer* room for some one to say , the issue Yea between them. - -Daring the two months ending on the 11th bast., , 81,781 , immigrants arrived at , Castle Gardemf When we remember that" large numbers have also arrived at Boston,' -Baltimore, , Phiidelphia, and ' the' Southern porte, the fignreslm&tme'esttnitiding. '',:;-4,ongfellerw l does not intend to callup 'oniltdisier',,who snubbedhim the lait time he was in . England, then; ,coreparatively nnknowm-andoW, great as is the 'reputa tion of the,hov Ust i , we ehtinid prefer that of :the-simple welll.beloved• poet professor. , --A Democratic pap& sari that "300 - New 'Vit . mothers, have recently named their sons IJ, - S. Grant in the doubtful hope of" hayiag a'presidential namesake," No, Deinocratic mtithers haVe named their babes 'in anyr such hope, as the doubts are too great even for a mother's Nth. , ~ —Public .9pution •has found somewhere the folloivingriginal joke: "The' earliest mention of a banking, transaction ;- When- Pharaoh-received f a cheek on the Bank, ofthe Red Sea / which was crossed by ?Hoses and Aaron. Was. lit a Pharob. .Bank? , - If so, why should there be A-run upon it?" ' —Bergh ' the earial. lover, protests against the muzzling of dogs. When - Mr. - Berghfieeceit " to a thing of this . sort, he iirasente an, e, tellent- example of bathos, for . his love • and protection of the helplesia brutesitave so. ething of sublimity in them,, , . but this latest protest is altogether ridicu [bus. 1 , ' • --Some of he young lady pupils 'at a convent in B•rdeaux, recently got' hold of sJ some of the ' naughty, soilsof the fascinat ingly wieke Therese. The Mother Abbess dicoveredim, burned, them,, whereon the young la4lesutiuied and Very nearly sue .ceeded in smothering a hostile nun.between twO mattresses. ' " . • --Horatio Seymour has more sense than mast Democrlits; there is a tendency toward 1 inanity in hiii family) and:: he feels 1114 iif. he were the Democratic candidate for - President h 'should become - insane, he therefore declines. Mei of les's aerise,knoW • that they heve not sufficient brainsio be, addled, and so strive for the ,nommatichi.' ' —ln his Trashhigton_ letter Ao the rfina delphiaPren, Col. , Forney makes thispoint ed remark; " Until Ulysses' 8, Grant took. command of our orioles, rebellion was con fident of suceesit.- `Until-Ulysses S. Grant took command of the Republican party, the Democratic party was confident of success. fi: And as he 'shed the first, so will he finish the second. " , ' ... .? - .. • . 7 —lt is p posed as a; recognition of, the . services of Fit Carson to the country, to grant to bia' heirs the pension usually al lowed to the widows and orphans of brigal dier-generals in the army, to continue until his youngest child arrives at the age of • twenty-one tind• to permit each of his vhildrentelocate, free of 'expense, a home ier stead'uf 3204 - es on the unoccupied land in New Merl :.• • ' - ` ' ' --The - C, pin Prince of Denmark is to marry thqp u tly child of the King " of. Sweden. it' The two gdoniii could with propriety be, wedded at l i the eeitie time. . me. The King .of . aviedelkia ma&nifieent'leelliag =MI tall and strong with. Inxiiriant hair and aide whiskers, - And liery. fond pf his •pipes, of which he his aline collectibn: The -Ring always siaites 'before • getting ;up In the morning, and a rack with' half a dozen in .differently eolOred mfeeneliettinestands by his , bed; • The lability of-fhle'ineliach and of his .fiuilly . 144, vzori thq loVe t of all the citizens of Stocklifianz, while their kind ness towards foreign* ii' well' knoWn by, 3iiiily, an AuterKin who has wandered into, " - The Insinei The Pennsylvania State Medical Society, recently. in aesilon at 'Harrisburg.' appointed a committee .to urge. upon the Legislature, the propriety of enacting Alawlivhich shell so determitetheTelationa of the - insane be to protect the•medicat profession in .giVing 'certifleatett krf Insanity, ft the . iniattefratt• lin; ;proper itiffiteneet4 and tit etiMMAnity kee l . eiallY fromilnittettO :a -4000 1 01, 'Th 6 ; ll `Committee.eflh'e samei odiety, apPointedall I„. 4k o . b itillfe4oO In Vs 67 tfiitlViteit.o.looMotii 4 to timiShiture.for , nettleic forth the' reeves , ?dig, o f. a more extended rprovieinni fort the. care :and -.treatment of rthe .insane iwthis,. Stale;' reported-that ~ the i LegblatureAsd • passed:atilt toestablith lan Litittintel laidial for the counties on—the northern and eatif-' ern frontier: oilhohld; 'diet tininmittee jUst• appointed be' atr , shetitienfol , it theirtlica , .., tion,r6r-s - oarefully /in , rt6 Jew get ng the. illhertiesonf :ili a % 'citi i itt . F .VO i ltitit.,Alitt i ! el y i Ve i l i i m pt i t ia . ,' c ligi ' tili, ; : I; f‘,44YACllignO!ell',"(s , w , “ l .. :ill ,/ sid i, i 0. a 0.,41111 „. : . . : ~ ; t 1 . A CotivgarzonAtt-Limellies is to meet 14(1E:YPikoPt4Ona,2l",t0 cpufenupon the Practistb l hV'of clulfiPg of icnendl Ofer 1M4413€1. or:Pair •s ll 4k 114 4 ,:. Nttlin ff r' ,Ssysi',..‘l44l,eplitsno rtnliK t' ni • 4/1319 orefirwaTet' for' lersoliteattn declinamomply: l iugwithibezattuatand biblical law. :Titer& tem •ba no misoonstriettionf ot est. &yet' scriptural command:ll l •Wetsbobld sl lsYraldud, and grateful - for - tba - ste n. or synajpgnOst crinedell b`uut h beill ge I OAP bwow, otifinonloilic," *vAce• :tad ho ii#4,o=llo*.itteis kixialk ti* ikk:Atia)l9i, glayoiug,tue **l4lrAialtylof I wiliseursifinsvohicti, gmastati.senedgiosallcessfully, totbeepl :ftsariastisedkudolgortnuttliseAbesutlibl) Mks •ialslife,thirshdtatoffetctittealg collecttionl Of VISO:* JIMMY: Yt q 1 arF uiric Eq n p[, erltdtilL ti ) Id I MMTMO<IOY4 S.W. 1.. WA; • PITTSBURGH GAZETTE U RSDAT , JUNE 18, 1868 a-''l,lllM=s l i i ßY • `.c.:' , ..5 .: .':::.": ___ 1 . --- , ---- Naripiti: A TED ..., ...: . .k ‘, --.! '- ._.`,,,-. 1- ;. t • .• _;,:' l' i :: :;: lf‘ - •:-.,, 1e..." -i. :-:4OI=EHEO - '''? E.46l r- r ., - -,..;, " 4 " . . - •-•,,... - - 1-' , `;',..':!,- :-^ ''-', ',- -- -d ;• : ,/tto‘ ''' ili. RDaul A t clAl. . , - 1 ----., - - 4 , jn I ta, ,roirls, l i ra AT Dll. i Oirrs. 1 - z ZTO PENNI3TBSZT, OD I A swan* CALL AND EX ITE. ; ' , ' AMI AL N I T ° I3r III ICPLE W NS P P : NI B, 27 VmlTheotwAN(' -.1 7. 6..=.11MP , ~~a~ ~ , Chand~:e lers, FOR OAS AND OIL Jun received.' the 'anent p.n)l largest aseortatent ever opened in tide env., WELDON Sc" - KELLY ' 141 WOODE*E.T, 08. yiscia* ALLEY. CEMENT,' 930 A1 0 STONE,' .arc. VIMAtr . )4C` CottNix. soir rPLASTEIL, =MET TOP& WATER PIPES. stackwe SEWING 1. HOVER BAILER'S M=E= lAxim'simma szvirste mturnarre , I WITH twaovElaswrs, :At tie New and Elegant Sales Snow OF THli 51 FIFTH STREET. • Al _ NEEDLESTTACRHENTS; MACHINE SILKS and COTTONS, THREAD, MACHINE OIL, &Li . &c. The citizens otrittshurgli are respect fill i !m* A Fill. p u n Agencies solicited . Circulars or p lr u e o d n t s o lunges by mall on application. Correspondence td be GROVER & BAKER S:3l. CO.; 51 FU rs STREET. rrrratims. l ettLElS:nl2 • _ $E GREAT AMERICAN-6)111- BUTTOIS•HOLE OMSEAIIING AND SEWING DIAMIENE. IT SAO NO EQVAL, BEING ABSOLUTELY THE BEST FAMILY MACHINE IN THE WORLD, AND IN- THINSICALLY THE CHEAPEST. sorAicents wanted to sell this Machine., C1L4:13. Agent for•Weatern Corner PIITH AND MARKET STREETS., over Ifiebardson'a Jewelry More. my3l:q6l WHITE LEAD AND COLOR _ S. : WE INVITE ATrE W TION TO T our well selected and coin pletustock of Drugs, Paints, Oils, Varnishes, • Dye Stuffs, ' Patent Medicines, Perfumery, he. DRllefilliTS.FirvinclANg and COVN DEALLEIII4 ma r k e t . enish their stoats in this will commit their Interest by examining• our goodie before purchasing else Where. • -.• aving' _accepted the Ayency for e PITTSBUBGIC WillTE LEAD it COL OR WORKS, of Kessrs. a. SCHOON MAKER 41k MON, we offer to the trade their , well known brands of White - Lead and Colors at manufacturers' Lowest Rates, and guarantee them to give perfect *ails- Metion in every respect. . • We invite especial attention to lie- COVII VEUDITER bREEN as superior In strength, body, brilliancy and dare. batty to any Green Ppint ever offered to the public. 11A.REIS WHOLESALE DRUGGISTS, Corner of Lfbertiand 'Wayne Streets, Kt) irt.x*—:—;ToTTlVilow .9( I .FENS I A , FAREP - 1 4 1 .*ga PiATED . ,!1 9 LRIAN STATUETTES,. - 8 BOAR 6WE4-0 " And Mei PfrAPLB Atif ~4xxmis,-•gicss Tule*, . / RICHARD' wilEttpli co; • _ u#: .% •,, . '• : 100 WOOTY 107110171: 4 " . , , ~ • ,r 04008 . 2 : ...IMO; 1 .i.: .., ,102 ei.... - . i .. , trol%tbard Di2dasti c t! , 61 iagAlia Make - - uaa a trietar ux4 dorl i er. 12X - t u Fgragrge#o4 roods— .. . --_,,. ..... - ' JS/.0:a0 ';' ..,,,OONTEGTIGNERIESi oi *ECK S • 41:41.,- I,l(ltllt,tit) '10: Fanei:Aake, Baker* ,Confectionert: rAucsO 20' 1 - t Itoll4:2424:llodownia 'Runt a lona 2to. 40, cornei R.OtithilM I shiSb2.ll 1210.0olottoattitonthowi Otatousoo various flavors. . . • 14$21,1111NW•11011BACIlyrr - ' IL'I !_ (.4: 4 1 is ~U,lCATNUellerrana' 7 24.0 *QP I 5 „ , • 4 6 01: 1 5 11410 .0 40.elq i ISMAD 4lP'oirerawsllLocni , lit ) WsPitsiejitAvjg* • 'Eil [3: d anA i r • iT7.79't n1".199. 161 1irr1l'NII. , •*, t t! Toterot et r4urratti triPK l4 / 0 . NteniAlido ,, ,l I a . • ,:t _ I n Second door from Um jejtet,,N gozna l geolc,AlSO IMenf piel 'lag I 10Ev r L1 , 1x13.19 1 nir:r l lll.. - 111E11%,be Bader , • 1 , *favarttiAm4xordstmas • - ••• • ,rf Vt I 44.: rt i brib ,bakegin trvayr how HENRY H. comics ,25 Wood street. CHINES. = rm.no.Tra=!•l IsTrAir-fONPs t.eatsr *Err 410e1( ININE.: tirte : GLIMIkETS,. - Tsx. • HOSIERY A for line of Frendr; detscan ind Englibb. FANS; !.h - ”).9l2l!•43firbyte pap colorpAnti shicies. . , . PARASOLii, IFEINGED, BEADZD,;iibtiD AND FULL' LINE OF toe atria& Also, 'wine ile4ithyles-DEOP TlAt e e s Vett, in white CCRSETS—A co ored, fox .I. l adles a Nalasook; ,P Vel , vet Tt Ibbons IrldhlAnea; Kid Gloves. ' 411, , , ille(170:;;.. Cambrid, ' ' ClOtton elbies' AlB4/9 7 :lltE , o.* S. p ip o ie! . .goods ar i . 4:) °/ , ... , 111011:1314, 01. 1 1" DE &. CO' - jeli is and. SO. Market Sthet. • pEurEcr FITTING KID 1: al L9VES. "A. C. C." -"H. S. K." . !We Invite at; Lion to our KID MU DEPART T , Which is now complete Witt} ere& color and shade. In addition to our own sPeelsi importation of the Celebrated A. C. (Joirrhl) SIDS , We have secured the exclusive sale of the . . 44 ,Ufirebak , Sesamicials ' The best Glove and most perfect t: • r7r7rr..77wff.:=n 9 i apll AirACRUNI & CARLISLE, 43„A., 19 Fifth Street, sew otter the most elegant line of lIIMigI7RGS • . Ever opened In. Pittsburgh, to width they.esperd•dly invite the attention of their euttoniere. The de "lune are nearly' 'all new and orittinal,_and about oNz-Firru Lmo.TSEIAN BEGULAB PRICES. - ,• 1 1 MAULER St CARLISLE, ' lfl FIFTH. STREET, • HaTe just opened all' shades Of BULLION AND BESI'OIII F 8117431113. BUGLE Gimps ALD FRINGES, At pry' low pnoes.= WALL ' PAPER. WALL PAPEIII3 ' For HALX.B, PARLORS, GIiAIIiBPSIS and 3pTell'ENS. 173E/tlf*PT,*l. Tor sale CICE.4` No.lol Marge JOS. R my 4 SMM WICIOI IMY, 1•1111 art tibeirO.StreOL,... • • " Our Orathere.are ;baked upon the OVEN BOT, ,VOMehrul- are superior to any inked try hot &Sr or Ally other prOteSili• • •.1 • - :YANA. . : COTTAGEbOR6AN ‘ , void Ie i b,l:iiti iimic o6:: lll iikiami;i: l2: :::/i!.t' "twit TWabit ipaprovenitnts known Itt VAL Con-. Actium of wantons' Instrtimerstri and Us always . .11Mirlittlittiltst'VriOntglapinTonyetierlillaL The workmanship,. for durability and beauty, . t lryara' 03r , ;Moss firtanike to PM daocardina toP 47/14,1413M ~pi~;~4~it~9'9l 4 '!4 ' dit _ d _,. • i!i•nfd tilrollarrTamb otioas.l r)) , •r' )' Crlii q :10Matiffqn1V,141tteNV similar Instrument In the mat": 'vital: -04 anflionlyydniM dolman' ,1 and mot liable to rigklaga l kiiqikkiitrO l 'tic Inti f frA - - TREMOLO" Ii only.lto litaqftnand 'n UM gas. .rte; AV* /IPIM VOW Wil IP Wonting tar a s . , • . vi• ‘,1 1 66 1 •A =ITT' • VIII 54:41Wailirl.- EN S ECIIII MT I M I TL6I . of mi :1 . , iiMARIZONEItiOD , OI6OIIf ' , rt. 1 .irtil !lid(q * .n ri N A--.VI Pm; 1, 4 tiva..sav: 4') rIWINIII I Iaik 934 MINI. IIIO4I ,ilp o 3 ,hrsi:1•:: - /r.r) lo 446lgat i tA: t agar; ,Li IMP= vr.atil I . S RIIIPLE, •• 14- 44ti ~4finttlfsviTaitise /-ti4,l liade akiditionlo his Stock :of i7l 4, 7 • ZOISSEICEDPIPIG GOODS, VIZ : Baor;?,0.1.1r) BLEACHED BIEESTINGS, At extiemep popnlisi priceN. wutainde and Refail f r 'AIe.V4EXCABX BE3IIIII/ 7 8 ' 180 & 182 kedtral Ettn Oegiany. win:BEIIIMM, : F r sta a r toe rpe r rd - cru e bb e ffs. il s are ronbolderlee, irt etc. Made Large Additions a A COLLIE. had at the OWF.SIi. At Low Prices, Wholesale SENIPL I I 180 and 182 F,ede.nl,Btref M. SEMPLE, Olt Miniday,';Lune 15th, Made Large Al At Poliulsi prieei;whoi!siyie stud new, I1)' •4 :!: Street e near 1-ITJGHES & BRO I 'SHIRTING AND PILLOW-CASE COTTON, HUCKABACH TOWELS k TOWELING% , f QUILTS. k.c ! , Ic.. Oti Atoluity, BONNETS; sumpaywe HATS, GIBBONS, FLU • LACE *AI'TL BA.IIEGEB,'Cki cf4ETE, LAW' smcER TOP AT WM. sEmextis, 180 & . IS2 Federal St:, Allegheny. JO& • • NEW: - ART: I. OO4, STIRL No. '52 St. Clair Street, BED, WBITE ANO imts, ruoirr. J. BURCHTEUI 4 CO., Tiara Just opened a lfre'sii . r: and eleiant DRESS GOODS ! GRZNADINIA•• for 25 cents, worth 40c.:.• LAWNS. for 25 cents, w o rth 37! 0. , DELHI EH. for 16 cents, worth Asc. CALTCO6. for 12 q, cents, Worttiltic. •• ••• 1111.7nLINS; f0r.12:6. cents. worth 16c.. - 11511:12SJ) ALPACCO.O., for 25 cents, worth 44 Ell!ok ibt Weeks and SACICS: • Colored Black; H ernannles; • • ,Nblte Marseille e, Table and Irish Linens; 3 _, • • I.l • a4 . l l.47NliilVt:a v a ar . , !: l- gg s ia ` i u"t°' . • - aisortmot of ulty GOODS, , , . nns6rowi to nienpon. CREAPEST lIOUS'N IN TH.r. CITY;; , • ma- .141 goodawaantriTED as rep r eieuteii. itiqueFal>er kinee'-03 stxxizr.. ; • XiAltlitar-WiditlET. • 87 SPRING. 0191e0PNG EMI m.lOllOllll or te.J. 11.1 B4raLlleld & • SMOG D 8 ..60016. `jr l {4Nii:Ditt 00 0 0. an! lIRY 64X116'.. anz: iinxiri'respectruni FlikounceB that tiki extensive alterations told* - •• • • • • RETAIL DRY • 0001113 STORE' Art, completed; and estaaistitafart 12 -Noir OPER. He Oren as esti:v.lT , , Bibck , . Tor lifid st, Balmier Weir, the kiireet tu esa , st.:.:atAsks sTILERJr..,.frt.; _ . BuE3'l'll !OTs ¢HdjßNOlq,l ; 110.116 WoOd 84r*Orel, ME! ' ~,.., ~~ ;, • .• DRY GOODR,ANDNOTIONSi •• , 7 'At tiJviEsrtistrznif = ',,168... * •; 4 * " 77,rr,•-•,.... * ',.,•, , 1. , 711..7,iTi.40M , • .. -, -.•- , Weir GOOD& , 1.. ,: - -•• -• 1-,.....}- 31..1..titt,•:: , ~:f•-t i ' ' —1 :rinlrilr. ALIPACCAIL ' - , t • .•',. . t- .1 -1..,• , •:• ,, r. -•L; iT .., ~- ' * t:ri ' .: Brim , morm A ficit• .-...ltti t t it t ...... t•_•. t t• I . ,:•, , --,,.•f,t1 - 7• - ,.. - ". , 7t: . r:: el. 'l / , .111BLAcKtanigyl i ct.;tti.; •tl: , ;t-.;•tt:t.: lttlih , ',I;IT ~): , .i. -,1):1(,;": !31) t, HOSIERYA . tuo.drOWVES:* ~:.-,..,,.',r.:.1!.:121'. fri, ill}l, ill ki , t! 40! .12. E ',HoV r lF, i l i t, - 1101 17 1Er QV! tikf , 3:1.1 ! •!: If G 1 .C 1 ! ,;/!.! ..!!ell tut! .4..1 f 0 1 , :,1111.91rite I Itida [llW.li ii i ,dth„ t, s l if 1, i":' %. 41. 1=. 4 -I .A.l‘,,i—lr , ~3 4tii. .;•: , , ,,,, , , t .1.,., . „ 1747 ., , :1 1 0. 1 -0146. 4 0)4::1 . ;; 1.7. fl v . 1w ,99,4:•.„.„„ i F. 0. • .;•, ifry i t o . * wt ri lm, - ,,,, , iiiiiiiii i i it ~...44 1 joilai t imu iF An - so ~ i m ,ii i II! ,!;.;;;Thf4I,4,WOODWRZWINtiI: ;..fl7i 1 'Mir/ 466 r abets Vraisoad gin* t . !rtil 7.fii , ,i 17 , e o,, 4 ~.,'” 2i - zrilw . ;i: ii pg7tridargem pAI .. 1 • n t. BELL litt.oo., •:,,iti,t it,t ; t ,t _ :i.t.titt-t.til tt.;,:t7.;::zt .1 , .tit, t.,t,111:. f--:-.J.t,titi.,.l -,t . iii , i,,,, - , ..,.. Aiiit i- i eaiii, a a tt t. t ik I ? mitmi. g 4 t it itZt,4, tll tosti:l odt c a'': ;Ivy? :.:!;1: ,thiii;: ;,J.l- °•:.w,:,,,rvitiriO*.rruirilett ~,:,i,,i , . 1 ,;: 0,, -:!,.., 1.,•,...: Ili ,),.7.-±7.1 7 5 10! : . . 14; '• 11 •,_'•iL , CI!!]: .%!iil i , ll' ,• ‘:' , .11 ,, al l , 1 't) ;j,1_r•.t1,',.;.fy , , , ... v 10P11:.:04*V.4”..ci WPM' MP 11414 'LAMM I • ~,,, ni i ; l'ati),rl!; I‘ , • , E:::1,1 WI cl.l .11i... 1 ''. i ~,i A . A.llrt /110IVAND 4EIO biglAil" , cl ;-. , il“9 .-.0,-.1;%/1 , 0-,'-r. 10,y.-.;, - ).-0.,;i i•,.)- 14. ,,. f i .t07.,1 ~ " i .;tA r 0.711 . ,0. -SH irigniqloB.4l,tnk in tnNO. - E1111" --77 iti7 di It /Viraelkinig Sitloom Northwest 00q110=11 t o it• WSX*Ollll4lll4ll` . ktif * 41* hi SCI 6 * • 'iceoll77,-- MISCELLANEOUS. • zsTAßLuvim 1849 TIIL !..A11.0187 '•;-; ,i°-NORT)101111:111UCAlir _ • Lightning Itod nft4nufactorir , - • --:int.tos . A,ND IRAN mon& * 0,09 0 . nurat.A.zno l uc T infigrpA.Tu. THE CELEBRATED STAR.G.WVARIZf - - 7 I L415111/IE2 II JUNO 1141111%, -.• ; 'Kan nfaetured at these works, and sold to ail pine of the continent, are admitted.to!he super/or to any Lightning Rod ht use. , 'Great , hidneemes offered to peddlers and all persons baying at, wholesale. Also, tine Maws Points, of allAinds and patterns, together-with Insulators. Fastenings,. Copper and ton Connection' Buhl, Braces, ete.. •Bales. Pain phlets and Crenlare sent free , • - • ME REYBURN, ItaNTEEL..4..OO., ~...".:,"•, . . 1.... ~I Sty , • Nos. ~88 . and:49o, At: John 1 :. -- - ,- 1 • •; - . .373 o rniziOnwriza. ,, 1 iiic,:i .4,ser - IIYILITif Alii - b - 01)311FORTVOR i r --r- tTRAVELING` • - THCOMMUNITY, " I Z. 4 1 FIR 11,.8i ' SAF E TY IIIRRIS"F-ET, 1 , Car Heater and. e Modrator, roistgoKE . , AND gal. AIR 111,1103,disperialne 1 with the r i se of Stoves ' and Fires in o about the . pa s rl i tCWlT Armn,gya-rtazuwilorr2uer=ti=tbn i Wired without. th e possibility or tiring .the car or Cars to which the 'Jacket may be attached. •liaTbigirtained Qt the Vnlted States Letters pm - era for aSaf ety Jacset which is warranted to resist the Most ntenee heat that imay be adplied .to it h 1 the position and purpose for which it is intended. It is a sure protection ' 'from aceidents by fire Origtr stating trout defective lines, or; where Iron epee. ars used as C o nductor s for smote or beat. :IV applt.. lineable to all ppipping that mayibecome:ttverheated, and Is warranted %give- perfe c t satisfacitiOis where . wood Qt other tem ustible aterlid • 113/14 t1ft..1114413d ineloie prOximity. thereto.' m I , am , now ready.tO ap ply. my invention , to stores,:Awellidge, lictgries, AIDE, steamboats , railroad tars, &c., Wher6Yer pipe!) ail conductors' are made dangerous by -being overheated and security desieed:. t will sell, oa ap plication; rights to.. manufacture or to use the above invention ;WO, territorial rights, to such - as may wish to engage in seillintpriVeges, either by State or coutitcrfr .':-, ; ' • , • A ',' . 113. HMLIN. airllNl4' . - cei - at 'the, "NE PIL . ULTRA 'PAINT 'WORhis,it corner of Morris street and the Allegh eny Valley Railroad, Ninth Wskitl, , ,Pittaburilb, Al- isth, Stock o MEE = Beta a k, s, , et,-911egheny: Stock of ADIN/18, 11:21 No.. 20 . FIFT PURE MA : CiTY.OF.r.nitrASSIIENY • ii IMEAsEEEE's OFFICE. June Olin /0/81 7 7 .4r AJ Ei k -WWP N , 'T4441 1E5. ' .. Notidd - fs beretry liven tbat the-Assiissorii have now placed in the Treasurer's Office; the duplktates Irma die several wards of - - • 1 . city, - Poor City. liusittess " Sehooi ' 9e 00l - 11 Bailding.and:Publo Taxes, . And of.W..ViESI RENTS for the leer - 1158g, and that said Tex es will now bereteived in'persuance of 'the Acts of •Assembly. ofliFehruary. , sllth; -1460, and of April 14th, 1803, 4ulsjoct, to theifolluring regulations and allowances: rive per eent. If *aid on or before the drat day of. July.: • -,44- Fonr per •eent. lipoid on orbeforeAtte ' aria der Of Aeldnatfr.; Two•per •neart.4.lf,tpaid owes before Mae , drat dayof deptentber.. , .• ++„ If paid after Abe liset m day,of iteptemlier, fr and on or before flip drat day oi3Octo ,_ber, egt dedeetton'erill orade:•, 14, paid : after the "nriit - ,aity 40010ber, • and on or, before . the drat, day' of lfo somber, addition Of fire per cent. shall be gadded to and payable: onibe aanzeo.: 4 . 1 ; - • • : 4.11 AVTEIt THE, SIEBT WAVEIABER, Uraz-__; rants irtn 'be issued to enforce the collection of all fazes remaining unpaid, to ether ether with the percent , ige• acc;lidl:llere9ti,,ii?/4•We• 00,48 . c ; • :11 . :EALTEgg Ni city Ti e , ago. • -;,- ' Fe ties wishing nit iniiiimetion or adiiniii.ol re pq&rdtobwislnead, or in rehi.tton'tO4:piritiinis diem. tions'ai Itterchniisk tioglc keepers, Clerini t l chani'...s, Ferm i ers or teboreri, • in 'ILO e ti l liON, ttiribi; Vicksburg. Little .Rock. New Orleans, Ontrestoi4 1 , 4 Telex; kius reEdive MOO' ihasebl4,"pliciMpt and -Affable ~i nfinnurtion, itrein - r.otnr , general: 'cilia, in Louisville, enclosing our Cid of TWO DOLU&RS. to our Siddre4seifili , ring extensive bueleree oniiintini'oe this imir‘Of'ilLe-ocemtz7;ife'will i give iniistaetion.• • •‘-; ' • 6.; 3 / 4 v..1131101111, Olt aks my2Eiria FMUNING TO ANTOI.in" of 1+ , ..n: -••••:‘ ?.10,1431Nq , AND .WcIAPPING - PAPERS, crtaisrromaam—anstrarsvmag oruza . , -ARIONMON MILL-NEW BRWUrON. Ys,, (41 Orf i rs 1 44.Divr,ppmcotrsig t r )' • YouS2Thirdli t,PittettnirghiPii. . Otilicen&-.A116111. 9 T H.B.'FJFA President.': • JNO. B. I.4,v,INOSToui, Tres i gurgr i B, orcTIL romsLE:sec DlRlCTlNte — Aliarst John A,f,wol„, s. a Iliirtnen, John IL'Livin Data tosPaner ),) I • Now... = OM q Viejtl l o*o l 49:l4 T . A. lO 5( ll, Ei t st. WIAISSOMO'iTharr,A,XI . 4OI4O* rwPcn i.„z Thankful for the former ter' patronegebo. ewired_oporoae. imam my Alettlata thevabllit cetera' tato hit he , ritureitt Ite - Deal, aka sletalrorolll'setitlytt merits lomattaanerofttbe• 1414 14 W itti rvtl ,t.04-14.9p(ww and . m , • „-.1; ( 0 1 C 0 0 1 4 1 ;040,.; / mg 1 ; f T WASHINGTON' SETT' ~ ' 1 :', • , - , --' ,, ,i : , Ilie,t /*fakirslrani:6VA Eitiglifr •-•; , :i. ~,i, , il .., j.1 . ,±1._) J•lt , ( it.. 1 ” W. W. AX I MWIISK -11 Orir ,if B • .. I tinCZDI. Oblldrif dbuvenl4l bull •: 1 • ‘. 1 1 el• l ilt*t i ltrgliiiiiiiik a Yil Akar ". el br . ; OW* MAW' 414 1 4(41RICP9C•Alli. • • . BA 1 .. on ibbrt • buFe• : P I '' nactvigrintentaii n o i r u m.. 1y UK . 1/.1i11t011i11.Mf6483 • hirdli V t ' ll tiP' l l uth iglrunli r it r ciim . , AWN , ' ~ tabu lite_ . . o_ ea WlOl3, BAN% G lewi l tt i nlitistni4o3) I:s T li fi tticlat '‘A'a r lil carQlrbe albi; 6 . :111t . 41,....) riLibli i •-: . ..:!;i hi l• , ts. vim iirge` ' kr. inai'illk". 1-5, , !'*- 4- 61713 3 ligif10 1 4"; 1.),, „, ~, , , ~( ,• f l 0 - h i g eid lir r 44 # 1 i f and lie aBl O 1 4 -1 , NCIA 11FOIffilrff *Met% :" ''. I 4 J (I -. , ~ i ., . .1 +-111 llf, b LIT : is ,t.b , ... 13 f' s, :,:.fldt • • nt ;t• -i - •nt0OVPRIM;41 4110 1414 111 07;0 11 17 itileita* , sr.•••l., •;t: 3 % , ANkilhillitiim' eitilihtAilliilfl4l' '‘• I' - 1 11 iytIlid ~ rt, *l - 1 ei /lirttil Irivikk AVM* • . (4 . '', L , ii• • Z•4.111 . ' '! - 4 7747.41 t, • r NT' t., !t-t`A44l ~ t,4 ..1(0,1 'S *I i. 1 Irbil* Oliffelit litirilial 1 . I ' l ithWela r itip Linall ;MI 'itl 1 . 0e.11 1:..fil 1111 )li'f ~Bi mo FOP sale by JOHN if,. &A. pacnanoca.li exam . tikaiill I -5 4 , 6 guA t il ivg g i itiv a4 mai it 'I tt /IL UV.) • a i 1: • 16.1 i t.t. ~)itt,44i . t i•iVla R 1 47..!1,4i . 3 - ;= i 1 COnTN I SCVN', 1 STIWE r r II 11AS 11.11=ITED T.A . 11, Ili SYRUP. =
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers