ainu=mwimlwabiw,ammaimmiiklwaril 7 .'' t_;°, tY:;:l. = - =: . ..'.';__.,1:1 , 1 ::).:,:.',,r,-..5.::c. , .;13 P lirl I - - r - - , _ 'VOLUME= LXXXIII. IRIS? 11111101. rkw.rial. 7 loit, cecisocar. FORTIETH_ CONGRESS. Itegolntl i onsiXons Texas Conven tionlatinnitl Currency-Bill Passed in the Senate--Hen7 - tucky' Contested Election Case' • - Expatriation Bights-- Revenue on P/1"11"-Pirists—Me.Cons meirce, idin...iphinese . _Embassy --TeXas Asks . lor Protection _ ' • , • 1 i ili _ i . • nein WWI `and /RoDiters. T 13 3, Telegra b to the Pittsburgh Gazetteo ... ' .' .. SEISATE:"...... ‘.., .. WAsuiserron, June 17, 1868. 'The CH Ift intimithmi'sioommuuleation r troM the ,ConstitutieMil Convention' of Tex" - tra s smitting resolutions -adopted .by the Co intim , requesting a change in the law, athe. earliest moment, authoriz t • Ing the Collunander'ettlie District to .ap point 'Registers of Election. Referred to ComMittee on Judiciary. . Also, a communication from the Seers*. tary,of WO transmitting the draft of the proposed law in relation to Judge Advo : alas of the Army.' Referred to Committee .`• tin Waiter, affairs. . • - Also, 4-semmuniliation' from Maj. Gen. ". Sheridan, . Coninuitlder_ of the; District of alsecipzi, urging that the Central Pacific - Rantoul be' cornpleted from Atchison to Ft. Leavenworth. Referred to Committee on • the Pacific Itailmad - . • - 1 Mr. WILSON introduced a joint resoln- i tion to remit the duties on certain religious • books.donated to, peep's „Ot . 'OS United States. Referred to the Committee on Fi, 7 stance. , 1 Mr.WILSON also introduced a joint res olution authorizing the sale of damaged or unserviceable ar ins, ordnance and ordnance stores. Referred to the Committee on Mil- 1 itary. Affairs. ~ !, Mr. TRUMBULL; frcmz.tne Committee on Judiciaryf recommended the indefinite , postponement of several bills in relationto ' the establishment of a uniform system of bankruptcy. Agreed to. On motion of Mr. SIiEILMAN, the bill in relation to national currency was again to ken up. Mr. CAMERON denounced the first sec tion, forbidding any National bank from - paying interest on thebalances of any other, a shaving boon, pit up for 'the purpose of enabling the city Banks to use the funds of country bangs without paving for them. He desired the subject should be deferred un til next session, but since it was to be con sidered he, moved ,to strike• out, the -.first ' Mr. CHANDLER V also opposed the first ' amid mi. . -. ~: .... • $4 , BriihOtrra.:_kook the li4t . m;:iidt was, ~,.shortly intermeted by the. immeentiftinnt" • of the Chinese Embnisy. Mr. SUMNER presented the guests, and i ~the President pro tent made a brief speech of . welcome. during which time there , was a general hand-Shaking and conversation through interpretore with the Orientals. ! The President pro iem again called the Senate "to nrder, and the Embassy retired •withou 4 . ceremony. ‘. . Mr. SPRAGUE resumed the floor, and • spoke against all inflation. lie , would vote for the motion to strikeout, and hoped the 'whole subject would be tabled: - • , „ Mr. HENDRICKS would voteto strike • • - , out the first-section, as, in his opinion the matter should be left to the banking inter -' est to regulate lbs. themselves. -- - . ''' - ' • 'Shindy , before' two O'clock, the CHAIR laidlefore the Senate a telegraphie dispatch :::ilE,Vext the 'Cinistitatidnal Convention of Tex .:l:Bs,, &toil . ..Annan,. -June letb;:forviirding , ,-.• seselntionajost adopted, on which they as the action of Congress. The resolutions, , fitter_ reciting the lawlessness existing in i."-Certain portions of ,the Stitt°, urge upon; -••• Congress the necessity of authorizing-the' •organizatiori, by the tonvention;'or a min.. tary.force I,n,seventi con.nties to act in con 'nention with this' - MiliiiifiCeirimander. for Whom they express coefidence, for thepur pose of protectiagehn i lives knit iiropiirly of ~., 'their. citizens, new preyed upon. by assas _, , slits and robbers, and assert that otherwise , :: they will be obliged M i orgaelze,:for their ~; ;o wn defence. , . ,•,, • , ~... ..i;- - The matter Was referred to the Commit 0, ,tee on Military .S.lfairis. . L ., Ater further diecussiOn the fi rst section ,;; of the currency, bill was, struek out by a i .,; : vote of 36,t0 IL ,__. - • _. . , . ....• ...,,,, Mr.. .FRELLNGLEUIESEM; Who would i,71-Itave vottdnyo, was FrAlred.with Mr.. Drake, and Mr. Davis, who would have voted stay, With lie.-Thaysi. ' ~ 1 se.s - ~ Mr. SHERMAN then offered his substi ., r tide-for the. fi ftholection..previding =for the -1-"bett4ditriluttlon .0r y o lothd. iki t ik far limey, an aount' not exceeding twenty; .; ,noU=ll.;lntfelieinfick fa b a nio n rs i t. • '''' tioni iorgclidied th' Staten 'and' 'T riito es having a, leas circulation than five 'doll per • --inhatittant,.' -• • and ' that • - tWithin one year -. ,the same , • shall , be with drawn pro rata from tanks in Scalise "-,'"llqrgititaillin thnYillsl4.l.lCininnasit: in, excess of theii proportion under the - of March 81,18 et, to ascertain which set the -4 : 3o sninrollek-:ef Currency is to make la statemllnt Showing the amount to be , o - - tired by each of Such ban, ;'and to Ma e ...requisition upon thein., cominerichig wi th those having thAltuteptpx.izess i 1/1 3f itainte of failure to Intnishitt• it tirnuldbl u y of the Conipt_redkrzef •Cuerenlyy to 11 at suction- fit df bonds held, • tneetltnittile Arcalstina retouch banks. 1 ' - The bill having passed through Commit ii:-.z . 4-394. • t;l4. gfai .3re Fe , 1 8 ~" ern r , __ i __..- ~,:,arnendment. voted 'down breommttee, to . strike out seetfoir litre; and insert, that upon'- the' issue of.coy , atiel kAat i pmd circulation provider} this section', the Recriitary of the Treasury ria hereby authorized re 4 ,require 4, • to. ; permanently withdraw an equal amount of U. S. notes. Rejected!' with hit • 1 . 7 -7; ; ktr t ,REitifPNPEN,arioved to amend, by t itsadding:We' following: , Provided that' the • 1-, circulation' 'herein anthorired -libel' be is sued as °ilk)? circulation';is withdrawn; to the giggliagatiiiiinnitatien rio..litlerly t'r-timewsti.ed $300,000,00o; Mr. SECORMAWiI •emendment, was Om -*reed , fop „(tt ; .; Prepared, he said, by the comptroller of ''•Curreney, ad an additiOnisl'section"author • hing changes' of the rutum. UNair Or National banks upow 02..PROoller orCurrencsr f find . 1 3 - no- ties given; which wiiin'itected--1 Ito 23. 1 Mr. 'DAVIS offered Abe - following as en -additional section: That all laws imposing -AnytaitiiVeiriiiilittliigtetes of issue mule by ,any bank of any fitatecr • Territory, er - 'lmposing any tag •ip, L atiYjimenkcit Snob bomb'. be and the Shute are hereby rep4l,- ed. Atwood mitbotitdivisioni The bill then passed by the ufollowing, ..croosikm • - .rfait-Tmeags. Buckiw.GNAttauticuesx 4 11 q , We; Cra f et h inavle, Doolittle, rr7► I ;4, a=l , Harlan, 'Henderson; 'Ho McCretiry,' Nve, Patterson,. (N. ,Patterson (Tenn.,) Pomeroy, Ramiay, Ross, Sher man, • •Stpulrt,..-,Suutner, , ,,.Van Winkle, Wade,'Willey, and Wilson-25. 1rq.`"40940. TA nthurkyr BaYsrdf -Cam `eron; -13611kibtle' 4 Ednitmds; - Fesstmden, Hone, Hendr•Leks, ,Morgan,_ , -Spragnei Trunibitlf;VMkertt, Villiam9, Tritett--,44. Mr. Morrill (Vt.),.who would have voted aye. paired with Ur- 'MOrrill •klile.).? op posed. The bill now goes toile House, Mr. H9WARD tried to call tip the bill relative to the Union Pacific Railroad Com pany, but a motion to go into-Executive maiciri prevailed. ' - Meantime the bill for the removal of po litical disabilities came over from the House, with a vrquest for a Committee of Conference on amendments, which was or dered'. • ' ' After a short Executive session, the Sen ate adjourned,. • HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES. Mr. C9o,g,,frpfn the Compittee on Elec tions, repoited. Mr:- , McKie -entitled to a seat from the Ninth Kentucky District. He wilkeadie r~solutlon n~ nest week: _ . Mr. INGERSOLL offered a resolution di recting the Committeeet mroi, gal - Means to consider and report on the subjecttof tax on capital, deposits and circulation of na tional and ether banks of issue,` connec-., Lion with the bill directed to be prepared.' Mr. RANDALL suggested to include also tax on Government deposit& Air. INGERSOLL so modified the reso lution and it was agreed to. Mr. JULIAN introduced a bill for the sale of the Hot Springs Reservation; in Ar kansas. Referred. • Mr. VAN WYCK asked leave to 'offer a preamble and resolution on the subject of American naturalized citizens, directing the President to demand immediately from any fokigegoternment that 'inayliavelin prisoned American citizens for words spoken in this, country en ,acknowledge meat as-cotaphiteded:ample as *as made by the United States government in the ,apology for the arr est .of and Sli dell, and demand 'reparation in all instan ces, and repott what he has, done to secure such rights end *tress cifivrongsi; • Mr, STEVENS,' of Pe.! • said this was a very grave matter. The resolution asserted greatetany,..things about which he - knewtothing. He desired to abate it. The res.lutionwent over muter the rule. 'Mr. STEVENS, of:Pa., offered a 'ilidelu ftion instructing the Ways and Means Cern z-ntittes" till enquire into,the.;expadieca:cy of reporting a bill to collect revenue on distill ed spirits on the principle of taxin the_ capacity, 7,:qf . rstill and _apparatus, m ing • dub - allowance - - for - waste, to certain •• provisionw , like the following: first. caIV,L in' expert 'builders and operators and ascertain the 'Utmost -quanti .ty a stilt caa:produce•in twenty4oni hours,- 'emistant running: second, `let the :distiller take out a license for such time as he, may choose to , operate, paying or giving gooil security to pay tax on . all spirits that can be produced within the period of the li cense: third, if-the distiller shall be found to overrun the period of license, he shall be an o_imprisonment in thepenitentiary; iburitclf "ay - tftirf - sbah . tinfrotiellAttlienee distilled spirits without a license he4hall be , held, subject to like imprisonment; fifth, If there - be any - unoccupied distill ery the key shall, be given to a revenue of whestialt be heavily punished 'if he suffer the premises to go into thehands of. another person for the purpose of using them; - sixth, the lover of any concealed still shall be heavily punished: The resolution was referred to the Com mittee of Ways and Means. The SPKA.KER presented‘ resolutions of the ••Texas.:Convention.. _Referred: to the Committee on Reconstruction. Mr. WAf3HBURNE, Mass., from Com mittee onClaims, reported a bill to provide for the • diStribution • of the reward offered by the President for the capture of Jeffer son Davin. Ordered to be printed•and re committed. • . • Mr. WASHBLIRN&,' Ind., from Commit tee on Military Affairs, made a,eport as to the burying Of Confederate dea inn'Antle tam Cemetery. Ordered printed and re committed.; ••••7 : The House proceeded to the 'cOnsildera don, as the special order, of the bill report ed by Mr. Eliot, front - Committee don 'Com merce to promote _American Commerce. Mr.'ELIOT addressed the Efthise on the NationaliMPortanoe ot_the,bill, the previa , ions of which have aireadY been published, Mr...MORRILL moved i to amend the sec ondsection by providing that ingirder that hhbOeOPper, chains, and anchors might 'he used - lit the construction Of American' vessels, there should be allowed a bounty equal to the 1 drawback of Auto , on,thearlintirrials actu ally usel tieciinstetiction. . Mr. ELDRIDGE opposed the amend ment, claiming that the bill had steered clear of.anything llke, 'runty. Mr. Iltaitt - opriiinea 'the bill, claiming that depression in the ship building interest was not caused by the laws of the conn . "' ,try......„All...interest, -the r .cAtultrYzMere delt**P.o ol 4 43 I .khd.ol 4 l l gtoc sAY.4I4 if 'the copper of foreign countries was admit ted free of duty for ship building purpones, the copper mines on Lake . Superior would have to be closed, The propel drawbaek oft topper wiasimPlY a`tiliviir Struck at that interest, and the arguments in support of., Kwouici apply equally es yell. against the, **bete protection syst em of the country, He believed _thelepterprimOthe American people woulalemedy all'presentdifileultink about pginitiwa; !m i d tlpticarrying trade.: There was no necess ity for this bill; whiCh undertoolclicsotypmna interest by striking down another interest of equal importance. He proposaditctientetalbe'loill by striking out the second section. The other sections ho had noPbAIictANLY I Mr. =Gus made an argument agains t . the bill `'t adtelratTortnind as ate: ted try his &diem. ne. He had a letter read rAtitriff,b , ',olV l Pi . itaitOr'Affeenati ) r andler, against owing a draWbask on. dreign material. . .' The writer, A. ton. stet" hie eideCtions: that,Lternel4 be unjust "`theittr:whb7 .4 ind°lniftted tnedt. g stieldpir;p4 the tbdtiodon ticialhe tilt:ate prt*rty, Leh Ai thshdtlllt bi lWhieldiunneereetev that thernerearierssesseisinove built and being-built.tit= flor.;Allint ed s ' l h 4 r= l "tt l i n oropc,not:being half what it was before the war. There were re mars made,for building ,eir-the 14 "a i lt e n . snipe and barks eventing a thou Os each, which, Witii i eakit r eal c i, + 4ll 64i l Vtal ta rs' be built this year in the State of Maine:- quite I j elKe epaagli,b4thilhAskosot ake l 4- Mr. M YERS spoke or sfavo f • all the sections of the bbl, except thit ellowiogin hidfdiblfrratelt" - Mr. LYNCH made an argument in sup (lnithetwittiPf entering marks he spoke of every article into shins better taxed. EtbßlMSfasktaffetaiWiliill an - thing on a laboringliumPfttilW ol 4.4 ° the crown of his head to the s ol o of m ' that temienehtaxedrthr tbeltment of man 11 11 4 AR L I II . ..-" i,slsEtitspr , Mr 21 , the suer, vat.. nosl l 11e4411/,,antithilatedi: Antedeaell • •,-inereeehl ,vats coal fi ufaeturtilir ' • J tillieb lit were Mut . 3 , .., „i . i c T "7 )L fi. ..., il ” i fri ••11.: A , , f 7- 7 if ;72 t j ~ t5....3., .7 , 1 , ....V.r.'-' , lt .:',.:, , ,17. , . , , n „" . _,....; _, T... r rlLs" .„. - 7 cx IT P 4 .;.: '' ..Ns' ' V 11.' " 4.- 7 . 1- ' - ''''' 4 C .. . ' . i `....t - ; `'!"?;'- !!:'` ''+''.,..: 7:. ... -.' "•'. ' ' , ..' '= ' -.' .. I t l , r -7---`k't . \:. . - -' .t." . - --.. 1 t ...: ..44 - z - L..' :-. •) 1-‘ ,'•0 ' " * ' •••• . , ' ... 1 ....., —., -,..,--- • ~. -;., • ~i - k . ~..,- , . . . )4. • * t ' • tf.,:: , ' '.. t . .v.,0•-• ~ . , :i • , -' • 4 •,. ' -- • - .- 1 1 1 1 1 0. 1 * , . - .- 0 '-- ---- .1.7111111 ' • i ) , .r. • • A L( - .- ' P. ,, •-- -.- ../..- -. ' , '.4 \Y-411: 11 . 4 1 I S . ' t , 7 ! \ ' 7 . '"' " .' '"4 . : ~ .. , ...-, - • •- - '4l 51 k i,'- ' ••• '' • • L • ..- ' ',...., .'N ik.r. ... -'4 , - ~. 1 fr - ' v.:. •. - 4 i. -- Y •," . . ,••• t 1 •,1 .-• 7;7/ _ . '-----.'-'-' -:..- , • , - - 7_ x ' .'. * :4 = 7 :---- • ~.„ i -, - - •:•••-• • ' •-7.!-;g_Thi - v- 7 i - ! - -- , •' - -j 4 410 1 l a . ' ,•-• —..._. • t • _ _ . -... 1 .., 4. mt . otaight..-..0.-. 4 ---• \ ..-- 7, trriaTa..- - -=- ;--. - ' 7 " - ..- _ -• 1 Ong 1 1 vi„... .. ,( 0, 1„ :„. ...: .. . . .... .. ~ ---.......„•„- ..- . .. ..., ~. _ • _ , . ..,.. _ . , •, . . . r 'PITTSBURGH, TH'URSD ing condition than before the war; but t e American'builtithlp, - which bad to pay ta*- es on all itspniterialsovis,brought into 41- rect competitiOaMthißtkish ships, which pay no such taxes. There was theTefoTe no analogv - betisreen - the cases. Mr.-F.ItDRIDGE. agreed-with-the gentle inatitioni-Maine that silinlbuilding should be free from taxation; - but he protested against disicrintination in favor of ships or againatthe laboring man: Mr. LYNCH said he did not 'agree with the gentleman from Wisconsin.-- He (Mr. Lynch) was in. favor of protecting Ameri can labor and industry. Subsequently Mr. , Lynch stated that the letter from. the.Bsth. ship . builder came, not from if - ship builder, a but shipMvtini=4-a man ivho had bnifich of his,house in Liverpool, and was therefor interested in keeping tip depres sion in American commerce. Messra.—BßOOK* WASHISURNE L - of ViscOnSin, SPAULDING, and'PIKE lidvo catedstbabill. . • = Mr. BRGOMAtL'proposed'to amend Mr. Morrill's amendment :by adaing a provis ion that the present tariff dutieste ingeas-" ed five per cent. Mr.. ALLlSW___epposed .and Messrs. PILE and:BEMEßlfavorod the bill. Mr. ALLISON as a test of the House, moved to tanle the-bill.: 4 - ! ' Mr. - PIKE offered to amend- the bill by' striking (topper out of the seoond sction. Mr. ALLISON said he , tvould still move The question was taken and the bill -vas tabled-82 to 44. On motion • of Mr. FARNSWORTH, the Senate amendments to the bill to relieve =certain citizens of North Carolina froin'po ' Mica disabilities Were non-concurred in and a Committee of Conference asked. Mr. BINGHAM gave notice that he would tct:mortow calPtip has motion to re consider the vote on the twenty-per cent resolution. Adjourned 1- THE SAEN f GERF'EST • Gala Appearance of. Chicago—Monster Concert—Torchlight Procession. (By Telegraph to the Inttaburgb Gazette.] CHICAGO, June 17.—A large portion of the city presents a gala appearance to-day, in honor of the Saengerfest. A long the line of marcidimnClarkatreetfrom Bridge the Turner's Hull, there is not a house which does , not bear some evidence of joy on the part of the inmates, that the Fest has at last arrived. Fvery window one every doorway is adorned wit"'' floral wreaths and bears inscriptions manifesting the enthusiasm. 'State and Wells streets, where the Germans most abound, South Side and Randolph, and Madison streets, and West Side, .are brilliant with deco rationa. Scarcely a gnathaus or lager • beer saloon • but has its tribute to the singing brothers from abroad. Many ofthe shops and stores are trimmed with combined colors of the Fatherland and' the 'United States. The stars and stripes are _often *en alongside old German colors, gold red: and black, and the new colors of the North German Confederation. Tar, ner's Hall, Ulrick's Hall, Wabash Avenue rank, and other headquarters:7 ,o, d:: ,vtsd..-AnAtit.tilLest bands° e manner. Societies trout shVolirruitti since 5:30 this morning, and other large delegations from the east will arrive to night and to-morrow. The delegates from the old country, who were expected at 8:30 this morning, will not arrive until to-mor row, on account. of a long aetention they experienced in Ohio in consequence of the destruction of a railroad bridge near. Lima. At eight o'clock this evening a grand pro cession wait formed at Uirica's: Hall, and marched to Wabash avenue. The proces sion was ha en , hour, passing a given point. It contained several bands and was profusely interspersed with flugs,Ae. The streets through which it passed were crowd ed with people. At;thaßink the singers. were Welcomed by Mayor Rice in a brief speech, after \which.theformal reception' and concert took &Muse. The chorus con slAed Or five . hundred %%dices, composed of Chicago societio,-witti anorchostra of sev enty pletiett', .After the concert a grand torchlight procession, with .flags, transpa. rendes, dee., formed on Wabash avenue and marched through the principal streets to headquarters. The evening , doses with socilligatherings thar,-Dutchos Haits, - Urriiih's 'trill, and' other headquar ters or local sistietletr. - 0 . - 7ICHIsIOND.. Trial, Convicti -R on aliii-Sefignitept Whisky - ir . Inspectors and a Revenue Officer for -De frauaing the Government—yhoVase of ;', • :r , Iticrtmostn,_ VA., June I7.—The 'trial of John H. Anderson, late Collector of the Fourthrict. • 'IL W. - Elk:l' - and A. J. Goulding, Whisky Inspectors, and J. Patterson, Assessor of Internal for en g.sging in 'WOW : frauds , has on concluded and the prisoner, found-ouiltv. Anderson yrks sentenced to,„the Penitentia ry for two yearly " and 'ply a fine, of ten thousand dollars. Patterson. and Aliso* were both sentenced to .two yearkih the I Tenitentiarv, end a Anent five tiocoand , dollar!, and Goulding one visifkimprison.: 'neat suit' s fine of two-,thousand, dollar& A motion was made for a naw_trtal; but was overruled. • The prisoners are to Weird to RIO Penitentiary. - r . Ind 'The invemtigation aga inst go eredith ,for,unlawfulky admitting foreigners, to piti aenship, ia'finished, and the' military will render, a Nerdict in slew days. SeveraiLdeputationi Iteptiblicans have .waited' on ~ Gen. • Stoneman • with the re quest that he order an immediate eleptio ,n in this State,'withodt reference 'to a revisx ion of the registration voters. 9en. Rtonez, Imao4eatines4o take 'ADY::kotiol l ; mmying 'lust the matter was beyond his hiscentroll and in the bomb of, 4f,Ongre 4 ss. , . .Ibitters,- ( 3 7_,TOefinilv fib giou)sts brilLeaastnio New Yvan. Jima 17.-Eight sohtionere 'eh& &air - .saki* `htiiii' iiniered foi Ifni ;low York Yaeht 4.7intr regatta to-tnerrow.' An aid soolety for Southern . educational iotirposeat hen been; %relict in Ibtiltsifli, tci lqt tYA _, veva. Iror Um weeent44) Corte WiWne+Jetrioutie Jo tftel"pratilmint tab. lishment of Christian pariah ,and home , Your stall ons,imported by os, W - 1 ro " 4 • 6 4 . 13 . ti : rain', , /74 4 1 #•; I.4thed, yesterday m...,..„„en. • li, ~ 1 . .'' .., I . htri Iturilegamei the two, Enrore7J.Peo' ' h ell titile and the' tWo genderles s 'Witt ,at tend aptiblio dinner on ibe Of f baying Test•of he Chime Einbsso l itt WOMMI- •tori;D• la- ' i ~ , , Gertnide Piditi. and , George ßeVapardt were ArreAted fur attempted ourdeir of the litn•hlind of the fonnar. o i r, a- , cir Report says an i &intim hie been iehend at the iiii.L.teir of ..I)efottrestrsinlng the Edith - w in' tifgatiy , Difteitorn front .0014 dl andi: - I Base Bail e 4P. l r g l id. ' il () - 7 r ' *l 1 - ___ es IN • 1A i IlibiailsAND: June 1 I%i ii 7.-d. bas; ball ma between theAtnittitinmanbgtof Vita • :1f (homeland. • . I OWN 4 i II4.- 4'-al64r'ai"'l-':"1 'lll6 22,in aim if:. ,~~~ ~ _~~~ flit THE CAPITAJJ The.,EieFtlan Of. a, ,colored Wo whit liont a Car—tlie. Mayor altt question—lnterviews with ~ t helPresideni—Three Per CerPi• - Certificates - Chooe mod lquit'rrr - . idenCy l for , , ture of Jeff., Davis—The Cikse of Stirratt. By TiWgrapti to the Vittsbarah Gazette.) , WABailiurrox.lune 17;408..1 licnlttrrnfiknolcciaoskto. The Senate Committee on the Distil - et of_ Columbia, who were instructed to inquire liiitto the alleged tbrelble ejettion of Ars. - "late Brown, a colored woman in cfui t rge of the ladlek retiring: , room, at the *Ott, from .a cu •Alexstridrin railroad, made a report itdor confirmatory of the statements before made; but that Mrs. Brown has instittittidigult against the Com pany for,damages, and , that- the policeman who ejected her frOm the car has since been dismissed from theservice of the Company. , They recommend that the resolution , for the present remain on the table. csamtions OF, JEFF. DAVIS AND TILER. DE ' WARD. The bill. reported from the House Com mittee on Clahnsto•day provides for the diatrlbiatibitof-the one- hundred thousand • dollars reward among the captors of Jeff. .Davis. - The rewardit to• James H. Wilson. of Illinois. late Major General of Volun teers, Benjamin D. Pritchard, late Lieu tenant, Colonel of the Fourth Michigan. Cavalry, and Joseph A. Youmans, late Cup ,tain larthe First 'Chi° Cavalry, are throe , thoutland - dollartieiielr. The balance-is to be divided pro rata among the officers and men of Of the Fourth Michltran Cavalry and, a dotachment the First Wisconsin Cav 'airy accompanying Captain Youmans, principally of Ohio, who were present on the morning of May 10th,, 1805, proportion ally to the monthly pay proper to which each wasentitled. • WIIITE lIOVSE A large number of visitors were in at tandoori) at the 'Executive Mansion to-day, including many ladies and several individ; uals of prominence. . A Committee of citizens .of Washington, including the 'Mayor ad interim and several members of the Conservative wing of the City Councils had interviews with the Pres ident in reference-to the bill which passed congress relating to muni ipal officers. " Generals Itosseau and Hancock, and Sen ators aUeindarson and Buckalew also had hataryiews with Braaident Johnson The Supreme:lb mid of the District of-Co lumbia has declared Doyley J. amen de facto Mayor of Washington. JUDOS MASS AIM TUE VIVASIDRVIek". At an interview with the. President last evening Judge Chase expressed a williog ness to accept the Deuioeratio nomination on a platform embracing the living issues of the day. , ILEOONSTIIUTION MEAAUSES. SPeettlfl state that' the Reconstruction Committee held two - sessions to•tilly. the subjects under consideration being the di vision of Texas and tho• nest ineiuts-ut se, curing the adoption of the Virginia Consti tution- - • - UREE kett,MiNT: CERTIPICATES. , The Senate'Finanooecnntnittee wilt prob ably soon report a bill authorizing the - Diane of twenty millions three per cent. certiti cotes for the redetription of l corapoiutd in lerestmotes. SUPREME COVET In the District, - Court to-dsr,4Judge Fisher recogriited S. I.'Bowen as Nitryei. of Wash ington, and Col. Cooper as Corporation At torney, in place of Jaws H. Bradiey,', SURRATT case. It iQ Itriderptood the.Gran4 Jury is exam- Ititdrwitriessiii ith`si v iew To Irringing inn irnew:irdictment agnitterrscrenitti - el3srgivg ocifinbilitittis whoiraoll tp,..4thci;he of President Lincoln. 1 `,l f. ** s " CISOII4IstATI. • -14 -• Doing Mdbbery of - sr Ccotinty Treasury-a Great Damage from a Bala Storm. int tOthe ilia . iteo Clamart:at, June 17.—About 1;80 to= 'night:Setae Xitiknain persons catered the Treasurer's office of Clinton county, Ohio at Wilmington.anoi,t,knooked down . the Treasurer, Mr. A. Racket, as he was in the act of depositing the receipts of the day In `the vault. The thiersest after binding and , gagging Mr. Ilacitet,tookl s , ooo front the vault anditiade their esiiriPe. The heavy rates lest night washed away , several bridges tindtrestiP.consthe Marietta, 4 Cincinnati Railroad, between Divaland ; and Chillicothe, Old the passage of tralhe will be,stoppoit for, sam e . ~ dart,. ..Nn wlk. ; rate abe thrift of tho thittiina''ean A heavy,,miotand.thluider atoratitkpreVallL inthel'a,;(t4l43l4.-„ , I , COULTESTANILIi: BOAT. BACE. -4 L--. rßVlVT4tlgPl*tfitl'lttelnt/ttiNli* a tc - . • Ptitt:,tnStrßtL~# June It-Wrowds Of, _ strukipairalurtsfrb*„. witnm,the roW; tomscir. former, now Is at 165 pounds and CoultOr . at JIM .1 Betting 1111.10 to,llBo on isms' HUI Anniversary.i 7 ,9inig Baran coy T e legraph to the Pittsburgh Gazette. BorrozclUbf.l7Vb4Thairulitaktr-thlittan nlversary 9f the Battle of. Bunker, watel. obsermed3d4orwitittfiliarfotto play than for many years,, At the Charleston rogattti tai ifdytlii of single Bennet; i*eliblles, was won ltyl JoaepKF. ray. 44.0 1 filtinst , avo. oosspe‘lt t ore . Time, filtAvask w oe 4)IT , cords. The dottrnevactift woe canoe * Wittiff?)i t tix Ark T., I: Anler a 11 ; Wells: Time, olxteen - minuted and fo labgendik•Mho./94' oared boat. race ot ,lb roma had sit entri t and Wad won byrtbe Samuel Atorkly. -- 10'Mb, , t*enty-eight `Alteitandlorty seconds. 4 . DomotrotteCongrtyAquitkeipplin 0 .1.9 [Br Teo/grope to th. Plusibuntb Ossene.l Utatall6lll ,4Abiiii ' ai7.. n • Cow ••_omit D o mouratlo come itliPAKlVlietkifinfv464l66lL 4 -nbin e el itOye , Rti t a , f i i r l a w l:Sll • . • orm.nin=mileninterihtild MBA Wal t WON adopts& Mil =ME PROX 01 . _ Amnesty by the Pope --Abyssinia =-'..Nova Scotia's Cmixplaint . . the English House of Commons -,French Budget. War` Plot in Gerniany—Admiral Farragut. Clityl'elegripa to tbeTittsburgh Gazette.] GREAT BRITAIN. LONDOS;- June 17. -- Dispatches from Rome dated the 15th, state the Pope' in tended te , issue a general amnesty to pollti- =EI cal offenders on the.annlye.rsarq of his as censien h! the Holy' See. English...journals publish a telegram from Zoula, Abyssinia, dated June 2d. The troops of the expedition, except a' body of cavalry, have left Zonis -to :embark for Bombay. • Gen. , Sir _Robert Napier was : th' leave on-the 12th. ' • In the House of Cominons on Tuesday night an interesting debate took place on a petition of the people of Nova Scotia against the Canadian act. Mr. Bright Moved thet a commission beappointed to - inquire 'lnto ;the cause of discontent -in Nova_ Scotia in regard to the operation of the act of confed-I eration. " Mr. Bright supported , his' motion , with a speesibi in which he declared an in -1 . vestigatien • illto -,thist ,Matter -could not be otherwise than advantageous. If , re fused, the people or Nova Scotia would feel that they-were victims Of a policy—with which they did,not and could not sympa thize. Such refusal would increase hostili ty to Canada and estrange theta froth Eng land and,, give powerful .stimulus to their sympathy with the United _States. Justice to the people of liciVa • Scotia and generosity to"the United States de manded this inquiry. The Ministry would be greatly to biamoahould any untoward event result' from a 'refusal to grant . this 'demand. , , Mr. Wm. Baxter, member of Montrose,. 'seconded the motion made by Mr. Bright. , Right Hon. C. D. A:dderly, 'under' Secre tary of the Colonial Department,. replied for the government. • He acknowledged that discontent pre'Valled in the province of Nova Scotia. He took occasion to deny the correctness of a statement made by Mr. Bright, in a speech made on the_,lsth of May, to the ellect that the passage Of the Canadian Union act in Parliament was not final, but merely preliminary, to the act of the Legislature of •each of the provinces concerned. • The appointment • of this gommission_of , inquiry _ . :would:be a great • evil, and be considered an insult by the Dominion of Caniula. He informed the House that steps had' been taken by the Government to allay the present feeling in the North American • 'provinces. He said this feeling was riot so bitter as represented, for the acts of the Canadian Parliament had since been ap proved by Nova Bcceia. and whatever dis content still existed would probably disap pear, as the people of that province had no reason to apprehend an increase of taxation or expenses. After further discussion.* division ' of the House took place on Mir. Bright's motion, which resulted, for the commission, 87; against, 183-=majority against, 96. Later-inthe. event*. Ilse - Irish Church appointment of the suspe, usionary bill was a passed to third reading. . Z3Z .13EnLta, Jane .17.---Itt the South. German Parliament today the entire - budget was adopted. • A report is in circulation that certain im portant papers have been diSeovered in Si- ISale which reveal the existence of a plot to involve the lesser Enrepearipowers with France in a war against Prussia. King William has gone to visit Hanover for the first, time aince , the late "war with Austria. - • • . PAnts, June 17.—ln:the Ministerial re port on the budget, reference is made to the general arming represented to begomg en in Europe. The report declares' bath the people and goyernment of Franco desire peace, and there hi •now no evldenet't that theexistinu state of tranquility throughout Europe be distruted. .. • ' BELGIUM. inns IT.—A . 6 . lllra Farraged has Invited Ring LeOriold -tn review . 'the rcliladien nrinethiermeadind. The King accepted thei Invitation. and the review will take place at an early, (Iv, in the her , bor otOatend. FIN ; 1 1 ! 1!IVIAL . AND t0N161F.1161 At. tioNDow, , , June , 17.,—Eveningh,—consots 1 1 61 , money, 44541%94%i ,tot aecalunt,. 943/a 0414.' Bonds' 73; P4l:, RHO, ..fttinitasinvr, June 17:--Bond , 773 f. • I LlvnitrooLi. AM° :-1.7.--.Ootton; 15.0. 0 0 bales uplands at:OO I 4MA perlo;, Orleans,• 'ill / 011p: per 1b Breadatuffs firin.- Refin ed Petroleum, la. 4d. Spirits. Bd. to' ar rive. Sugart. 265. AurvrErtr, June 16,—Petroleum doll at , 47. , , .4,,teldent.on thee. New Mork. Ceittral R. Loy Tpierusal so tbe Pittsburgh Glatet. • • ; 1 ,Aimvery,, N. -I'.i. Jane 17.—The 'Mail ' train, on .the N. tr. , .Central Railroad; , duo here at 200. this p. m.,:was thrown- from:the track abriut Oa miles this aide of Seheneo.. 4ifiy, ,while 'pinning, atthe:moo of thirty miles an hew. ".The,NorereXTnion end % A.merioit .Lt :Tress e . and, ~91eab aOkiiiii . cit. ' were ; ' Ow Wn . . ever:. an . entkliatikm rit"twenty Meet high and badly`broken. ;' , Otti. poisiengereati *wait thrown Off, the traok but did not "go over the imtbabk iment.- An express messenger hamed , Oarr was ! Injured; but no ,pastiengw4 - 1 1 The;Sie4=' dont was calmed by :aapre, ..rall. , -:41 , ..; : - • ~• .',, ,-, ,:' , !...•, , ,..,--------,---11- , -.4-„ .. 1 -,•,. j ~ • , 4Fi1en,9.1 , *41 1 0414e1de, i II - 1 (4 Teierfr to ithaPitsbarith essetto.3 ..:.-.-- L! . • Pairee Titi ! IFlrest., 7 JU0*47..-.There . . .isr frodAeW l l , ,fo l ( !eating -, that ..,Dasoenl Ati -11410140k confessed to.4!'eigiMielith@if. he ; (fornolitei froitiqs, ejein lug : tofloVn dent eein rielf dote pee;The ontfinudeff,ht In wiittheand iitirbiianfimittedfottialliond, Jury with a view to justify' an for mansiaug h ter• --0- - - !•;11-.17 .;;. :-..‘ an] • ' - - ) -111 en min.!Yo .)--- ow. st ifisti4d nuott.l , -". 4 1 , tads, 'eleetettilll B. Weliklitritted`kiteg Senator IMO' itheAtioroil elttoltike:Miifetoi , 41359. ,ThoorepiOtii ino.elettion fOrittoe - term ofi , hour years.: A'he •Yeault is: uncertaip ! urughooqraliabead.:l:ll;l, -,4OOtn4 lllB lOnist%illoUttkl , :hee. ioPtY , to Bearetery . MepOkoef,k, A chinb ssarching. $4"1096, - ; Tauta.,aliatriljr, that; settle, , the' vont' tn - the . ehtiptet ere.lo l3l l;ton,t leetteaotti, qtel'. lll.( rk; •g n he , r rtielatdent(-te attkliihe' to kat 'BO n, tiddhnthdn twin : 4 ,lmi* iiektetilleatel that ( itthe leent<ratiretile,aid teinedt man ;lab diet be:ecintirtnectinAltit step Denioerete leejei„ihecetio new !eke*. he partisan raktawbottYlll beet* them Witte Prod./ . _ . rfAigllui,i 1/.'4B.Pretlent,hee net ye t eee the name - pare tank for the place. GERMANY. FOANCE. MEM ~s>> ::~ , , ', MOM tr ......7._:1,7 mBER 1, il r 4t). - BR! jNEWS t sif - - —A .u i `rg . ,.of AfricanS, it is 'Bildt was re cently landed in Cubs.: • , ,z 4 • —Dixon & Brothers' cotton deuce was much damaged by fire y night. • • —A'wcgwam for the giceommeda.;or - --k the Pendleton escort is to be builtlinTortip-' , kin's square, New York:" • —There were three hundred and ninety; . two deaths in New Yorklast week, aid one hundred and filty in Brooklyn. —All distilleries in the Eighth District, New York, were , closed up yesterday_ by gthe authorities, on an order from• Washin- --Ortr Government has readied • assur— ances from its representatives ID &wept, that there is no danger of a, general 'War this summer. , •4'l —Judge Ingraham refused to issue an in junction restraining the MetroPolitan Po lice from warning strangers awnyfromcer tain disreputable concert saloons. • -The bricklayers of New York had de cided to work eight hours instead of ten hereafter, and the wages willhe reduced fionifive to four and a half dollars a day. —Mr.. Henderson, who has returned to Washington," says that the Debiocritts all sustain his vote on impeachnienti , and many Rupublican believe him tkliaye been 'honest; • - —The work on the New Tammany Hall, NewtYork‘ is.progressingrapidly, and will be ready by the 4th of Ju1y.,1.V*,./tall is lofty, well;yentilated, and 'seep 5,1XX1 person s,. • -- -The "Naval Schoul , ,manilha,tiori- - has proved,, as was ttpected,that, Aisknatittf lion under the exceedinglYshle .superyl sioriaf Vice-Admiral Porter;'is - iii : a - vM"y high b state of eflicieney. — , The-New. Yorkciemmitteeinf Aqinigo meats of the Schutzenfest tiavcdetermined. to ' formally ' receive ' the delegates - from .abroad: on thii 27th', and. Make sienna. opening by a procession on the 29th. ,-4t. steamboat .excursion will he Made on "Sun day the 28th, - ' • • • Thenew walkingtriatcli Ileirikiik is going on without especial in.:Meat tams - far. Haydock is yet in good nondition, but. Shear complains of sore feet: 'The Oiniuri dred and fifty-sixth - mile malt) flidahednt noon to-day. The time per mile is nearly ten minutes, exclusive of safe —The wife of Edward A. Pollard, Cif Vir ginia, had Mr: Pollard and 111138 Crotty ar rested on Tuesday for assault' and battery. In her complaint she charges Pollard with having consumed her means in supporting himself, and then deserting her. In reply he says she is a maniac through jealousy,. Financial Matters in, 14 €1,.. 1 : 01 1 6 . - - Gold Closed at 14 N. • - • _ .B 1 Telegraph to the Pitt/an:web liesette.l YOIIKoTtlilO #; ;J :850. MONEY AND DODD ' . c lifonei market qniel. andUasy at S@EI oa call. Storline quiet • Gkild 'ir regular; opened at 141%,: 1 i advanced -to 141 g, declined to 140% and o coed at 140%. , • Govertunenta strong withlgeod..demand for all descriptions. Couixnts • Of_ 1881 11714(4117%; do. ~ ' 62, 116@)113 do. 5 ,'41 , 1. 110%@)111; do. '65, 110% (.31:13 4 ; 1133®114; do. '67, 1140114 4; :,.;110 11 wwg110; extra interest Teri-forties, 10694 @106%; Seven-Shirt:les, 40914(4110X; Six per cent. currenoy bonds Pacific Railroad, 2%@3. Conversions of SeVenrtbirties the last two day 5,53,209,950. I The Treeing has commenced to pay the principal atlas 1888 ponds due July ; Ist; ((hot d at f 991-94%. This checked the upward. 'movensent,-ba Gold. The premium coin continues scarce, however, and boirowing notes , at the wa5 . 3.6-1 per cent. until to-inorrow;:=-Bor der State bonds continue active. • further udvanced. Stocks are generally gate and steady. Miscellaneous list dull. '; '., 1, , The following are the, 5;30 prime I. Can ton, 49®48X; GiUmberland, 33©35; Wells . . Express * -261,1,1ig2,6%;• American Eipress, 521652 X; Adams Express; 66%®56%;• .Mer chants Union Express,•2B@2B%; • - ilJnited.: States Express, 63%@54; Quisiltsliver,4.s@lt, - 26%; Mariposa, WA; ' PaCitio - Milt, •1,7%(0 . 9 7.35; Atlantic, 31084;.Western Union Ible ;'Zlfigos.N; NewN00;c44,481034%. igyl6.l‘ ;, Erie, . 69X@VW, .' pieibirkid,, 75; Hudson; 140(4)141W • " ;tending,' 99 , 1415) 09%; .:..flartfbrd ` :and , . ...,-,l3irie* . 15406%; Ohio, And, ~Misibistlipt, 1 29%: , ,W.abash, • 411%(448%; St:' . .Paul, 65 . %®66;.:Keferred, '17,44 ®77X; M. 04 ' 121H10,122;:lbatchi gnu --Sauthern9os4@eoAft iliiiintiveettiral, , 150).)15541 Pittsburgh, sBloo)tidjf•i' .. Toledo. 107%®107,t; Rook Island, .. T 1 4.0 100 q: NorthWettiSrii- Ex. ; Ditt.; " 05%16' .IflFort, Wayne' s , 111 X 011%; Ootsniabils; 92: ChieliEP At 1.1,1t0n,i preferred - - ; 162:- rjiirte,iln Chime Ai*, prefwed. 105;. .Affsliono 3 : ' 93 t n ew Tennessees, 765 - : 04-diiiipc•l'itirertUaroli maii,.73i -. •". k . te,.'v - . z. , "•-; ,' - ,lfi . -11 !IQ,ING SHActigg. • ' ..• • + , Fining aharquiet; GregeltYflohtfhpitik, & 'Parmelee, ; ,s4tutria ,Jllll,, I'4sl,''' Edo* Bill, 880. ' • "- - •• ' ';-" ra ts() TREASURY MATTERS. llteelPta of 'Sub-TreasulrY *1,8520319; pay.- . reehte, $1,013,233; balance in the,74'eatil,..:kr3's 1594;918,7H9.- , •" ' '', " - ' ' '.' ' -••••••0110.------ I • r Buffalo Market. Br Telegraph to the PlttebenthAbahtte.X . ttuvoaz;o, Jutie.l7.—Rtelphq'C'Ata7 115,- 0 9 0 4u- ttsll l ltatellatt Whiat,..77,00k100412. Ild,ooo btu Oats; 47,000. i Freigtitit Wheat, 111"Corti;'714141CieW Terl;.` - mann quiet. Wheat; fair demand tand ; itisady; 5 4 1 e's' 1110194 atid 2 car loads `d o an i ,Oreen Bay, at P',l?t , • Coritr goad 'ilemind alfdPflittn; saletakmow bush, MoatlyScs„ I tird reiLareaternj V7o. Oats; inquiry fair; sales MOW beeh and 33,000 bush, to arrive,lat, same,. figure. Rya; none in the iniztfot,4 * MeiMPbTki sales 1484 . 243;40..11Lard;t5u1es ;UMW: 't Al t any Cattle Mar ket. ~ Illy Telegraph to the Pttuburgiiaisette.i OE* 17.--Tilix,rxteuranditbr eat ttla. heat teen 1414 withont,tt however...fttiny' apeoulative demand; receipts; 0f.4,201),-tisadt -over breeltotirtfis were goOd wehthl afl dha fine , marketable ronditinm; sales "oill/M0 ,t,t,lead, 637 9 sor,mookeni'444.Inferinr tight: gets to to and9ooo „p r . go to extraght' Mad-- titre; Sheepit gboa request at flaTce reCeiptalight.;..lloo4 3ll dell for the weck,Aueq for light to wahrbta,-antlB)o l9 )fe till* heart and extra. New Orleans, blavltett,...-. {ll3fTeleßrapi to tbC v1'111..7141%4 ORteititlt; 1 MidtlitPgat g 7 In .Te(4401;11.4 Intleßiffiales of 1115 es:. Storpßgexw o ge,ls,3alAtzefir '"lfinleilghelo minfit XlOld 44 1 mailid• AWOL ,Flour ~;#l 7% tiks, . .t 2 i4B 4 WfitEstio t i v ill4 . 2 . 4 44/ 4 0 . 8 f1 0 .47,„, -7' , bleiaphia Market. Ltßithileittpitiailite:rniehqro4ineete.i't- _ I , ; yjifigitralli, , einnalt , fro 443l ;toniVailt , ple iam. citing nomlaanie •• at 28alltio; . reoeiptsig bider, expo b i ' Xtle& 7 . . , Ii 4 . 0.• 111