N: CITY 1 -AND' Daily Illeeting-=-1Y6V12 1.2:80 o'clock at the Method' i st, duroi Fifth street, neat door to. GAF.ari, office. PROB/BLE ROffiCIDE A M an Willies life Wife onthe'llead with a Hatchet--Tbe ( Perpetrator Arrested. A most , brutall and fiendish attempt at niurder *ma made Monday evening by Peter Me,Po z ia n a t an Irishman, employed A the - K*3o:ton° Iron Works as a puddler, upon Ann. McFailand, his' wife, which in all probe: a binty, m in ,y,3t prove- Sited..., The lactainnectecTivith the iiffair,So far us we have 'been able to ascertain them, are as follov.vs: - McFarbuid's wife was a widow whe'nhe married her, some timesince, and Warr the mother of two childien. She owned a k anise and lot on Soho streeti „ l ater' the fki,ho bridge, in which she has resided elude 11 er marriage. The husband is said. to be 2. man': of intemperate' habits; i a . " violent temper when drunk, anis consti tutionally lam - and , worthless. Ho is a - puddler b3f — occupation, bat does not _work steady and , squandere Ilia money for whisky when at work, depending up on his wife to previderfor .hislamily;- and *- abusing her if she fails to furnish him with sacra Raid as he desires.- ; , , - -, Monday night, aboUt 'nine O'clock, he come hotnendrunk, and because the supper taei wife (who had been, out nearly, all day) et prepared for him was not' in exact ac rdance with his Unite, he began to abuse :her. She tolerated his abuse until forbear ance ceased to be a virtue, when she called 'Vie police , : The officers, being in the vicin- Ity;;heardher cries, and responded imme -diatelyhey were about to arrest McFar -4 .3and, al efrained Tromso doing at the re .quest o wife, he promising not so abase her artyJ ore. The officers then left, and liSclrarlatid followed . them to the- comer, - watching until they had 13assed out of sight. ,'lfe'then returned tone mom where his - virifewas and swore he would kill her,selzing a hatchet with which to carry his threat in -to execution. His wife to prevent him from striking her with the hatchet, took hold of him and endeavored to wrench the weapon from his grasp, but failed, and after scut'- , fling for some time he succeeded in strik - lag her a blow on thenght ear, almost Rev- ering it from her head. "She then cried loudly for help, whereupon -he struck her another blow on the back,part of the bead, theblade-of the' hatchet 'penetrating the skull its entire length. She then fell to the floor insensible, whereupon be struck her a third time over the left eye. Fearing 'that her erieetir help had been heard and that the police would return, he left the house. without his coat and hat, evidently thinking that he had killed the woman. ' This, it appears, occurred between eleven . and twelve "o'clock, and in perhaps half an ' hour afterwards the wife returned to con sciousness, got up, left,the house and walk ed-to Dr.Treit's office. whieh it some dis tance from, where she was injured. The Doctor, after dressing her injuries, had her conveyed-to. Mercy. Hospital, where she 'still remains under charge of Dr. M'Nally. The officers, it appears, had gone some dis tance from the house beibre the woman cried help, end consequently . did not hear her ' :cries. Offider McCurry, who Was off duty and had retired for the night, was informed of-what transpired by his son, who it ap pears works in a glass house in the neigh borhood and while on ' his way -home heard ' that a woman had - been murdered. The officer very prompt ly got up and started for the scene: On his way he met officer Timrnony, who was also T[ eff, deity ~arid going home,,but when in --formed of the case he accompanied Dicenrry to the house. On arriving there they found a number,af officers already around the house, the doors of which were fastened on .';_the: inside. Officer Timinony broke the door open, and in company with policeman McCurry searched the house. They found .. a hatchet covered with blood lying in one 'of the rooms, and discovered . traces of blood in several places. - They then went out and' searched for him, and about half - paet four o'clock in the morning arrested .Wmat the foot bf Soha street-hid behind a . pile of lumber. He was taken to the May .or's ofacewhere an information for felobi as assault and battery, was preferred agiiinsf hini.' liv. officer Tinunony, arid. the _Mayor ,committed him to jail to await the result of the injuries of Mrs. McFarland. 1' 7 1 ~_," •' . Rink,`--....."---.- -, -GO tethe go to the Rink ! Illaiket House Difficulty John Wrigley, one 'of the constables of The Pittsburgh markets, made information before Alderman Humbert, yesterday, a,gaihst Catharine Semarara, a country wo- man, for interfering with bim in the dis charge of his duties. It appears that ''",another countrywuman, named Elizabeth -.'Shaffer, had occupied a stand in the market on Monday, leaving her bench and other trappings over' night, intending to occupy - It again the next day. She was, however, Ibrestalled in this arrangement by Mrs. Semarara, who took charge of the premises early next -morning, throwing to one side „ithe- fixings. of of the former occupant. .Mr.- Wrigley, the constable being made ac quainted With the facts,-ordered Mrs. Sem - erara to vacate the stand in favor of Mrs. Shaffer, which she refused to do, and hence the infonnation. After a hearing the Mat • ter wafiadjtaitedby defendant vacating and paying costs ot tho case. Nude; ftnit•and•flowers at the Rink barrnational Bank of Franklin. .P. 41 0,9, .tit Bleakley . is President and Ns' Son. William J. Bleakly - is-Cashier of the International Bank, Il tc —II -pu4l>El tin ra on at - Fran In, Penn sylvan*, for-the -pt!rpose of dealing in' all Of tieddAties, exchange and for col - sections throughout the oil regions and ..elsewhere, pie well known integrity and amplantentis'of the men Who will conduct -the affairs of We new Institution, will ren- Piattt asverYgrret and Perfectivsafe public convenience, well calculated to facillate and extend therintercourse of this pity with Franklin and the 'oil regions gen ..erally. Such Instttutions ought to be more sprierallY Advertised in the Commercial • papers. This afternqon and evening., - Counterfeit Money Case.--Michael Murray bought a' quantity of strawberries from a marker dener, named Joh n Etchreierom d gave a twenty dollar bi ll in payment, which proved-to bets counterfeit. 'When informed of .its character Murray refused to take it back; aneSchrdieroot wishing to losO the money, brought suit for its recovery before ;Aidertnatillumbert. •The CaBo was 'heard - = ArKiMurray' diseharged after paying costs andalsiecitning the - bill. „ _ Vxakiklk*iisandinwalc at the Rink Temporary Tracki-ioNerk& entaie been engaged for a few days past in !hying_ a temporary track branching off from the rittab S i nlbi . RatiliVayne.funi ChilogP` • Rail road NYOstern avenue - to tne West Commons. It is to be used for the plirPose -of running.o9 410 *po l l, t am p alppg the lines - orraliroad over on the CoMmons to level them up to the grade required by the Park-Poawdsskqnata• • Strawberries and Ice Crami at the Rink.' Cosznarts—lnquest....Corotuai::-Zraireon. held an inkneS, veatectikyfinorni ng on the. _ . "body or Levels krttlz; who, was drowned .Sandray eveningltat klhAriukrillciatear Its junction yith the - Ohio river, an I npe etmt 4,1' which trdsterday. Th e 1 1. 7 ,IgeturneA 41 , ivpr_ 41 0. , = , 4i ,4 4 20 48f1t0t wain& ' • =dm if i er llo6 revinsiOvnifig• - F a i.n'.l w 't.,~..:a?•+. _'s»_:' ~.,,:a: sL:S+at'~,~.F4t,` ALLBIRENT A Special -Mgmtintr-4seirvilession—Elec lion' or cgs , trmitik roelltb. Eastern District. .A•Veci.al mOtt9g At4 I PgATTY G* lll ells was held Tuesday evening, the 16thinst., for the election of officers in the Eastern District of the city, and thWanstietion of other special business. Select council. • Membeispresent : Messrs. Black, iiittnn; (Aillery, English, Gwinner, Hall, Jahn, Krebs, Motheral, Myler, Patterson, J. C., Patterson, - - A., Phillips, tuttabi, Reiter, Smith, A. D., President, Mellrier. On motion of Mr. Brown, Councils organ ization by calling Mr. My/er to the Chair. Mr. Myler- *stated that the object of the meeting was to elect officers for the East ern,Division,(Duquesne Borough) and the Clerk • was instructed to notlfy Com mon Council that Select Council was ready to meet them in joint session. - -On motion•of Mr, Wow n, -Select Council took' up the following business acted on in CommenColincll: Atlast'nototing, and not reached in Select Council:: Remonstrance against paving an alley between Third and O'Hara streets, in C. C. read and referred to Committee on Streets. H. C. concurred. " Reportof the Committee on Markets; ac cepted in C. C. S. C. concurred. Resolution relative to the Allegh o ny and Perrysville Plankroad.. In C. C. read and adopted. In S. C. laid en table. Petition for water in the Seventh ward. In C.' read and - refiited to lkaninittee on Water. S. C. concurred. Resolution relatiye to ' fire - apparatus in the Sixth ward. In C. C. referred to Com mittee on Rugines. S. C. concurred. Remonstrance against opening. Sedgwlck street._ In. S. C. referred to ,Committait on Streets: S;C. eonettrred., Petition for water on Concord street, Sev enth warn. In C. C. referred to Commit tees on Streets and Water. S. C. conetuted. Ordinance relating to the gradiugof side walks on Federal street: 'ln C.' C. , referred to Committee ou Streets. S. C. concurred. „Report of Committee on Gas. with resolu tion. In C. C. report accepted and resolu tion adopted. S. a concurted. • Petition for change of grade on Hainblin street. In C. C. referred to Committee on Streets with power to wt.., In 8. C. /aid on the table. Select Council then adjonrnedl to Coin inon Council chamber to meet in joint ses sion for the election of officers ibr the Eighth ward. The joint 'session being adjoutnadSelect Council convened and resumed business. Mr. A. D. Smith offered the, following resolution: Resolved, That the Mayor be requested to withhold his commissions from the offi cers recently elected in the Eighth ward until such time as they shall settle up the accounts with Duquesne borough and pay ever the amount due said borough accruing from their offices to the City Treasurer. Read and adopted.. C. g. concurred. Mr. Brown offered the following resolu tion: .Resolved, That the Committee on com mon grounds be and are hereby instructed to comer with the Pittsburgh, Fort Wayne and Chicago Railroad in regard to building a stone wall from Western avenue to Ridge street or any other portion of West Com mons on which said railroad abuts. Read and adopted. Not reached in C.' C. Mr. Mcßrier submitted the following resolution: • - Resolved, That the Mayor be requested to rigidly enforce the ordinance against throw ing dirt and filth upon the common groutids, especially that portion. recently graded by the Park Commission. Notreached in C. C. Mr. A. D. Smith moved to amend by in cluding streets and alleys. The amendment was accepted and the resolution adopted. Council adjourned. Common Council Members present: Messrs. Comley, Dun ham, Eyster, Fleming,Groetzinger, Hanna,' Hastings, Hoehnly, Kennedy, Afpgraw, M'Donald, M'l4lll, Reynolds, - Seinti, Sei dle, Tate, Iroeghtly, Warner and President Slagle. The Clerk was ii.struete4 .to , nbtify S. C. that Common Council . nrae . ready to meet them in joint session. The Chair said the object of the meeting was to elect officers for the Eastern dis trict of the city, or Eighth ward. For Wharfmaster August Duffner was nominated and elected by acclamation. The Chair stated that he was not aware of any ordinamie restricting the number of Board Measurers for each ward. The cus tom , bad-been to elect but one. Mr. Callery moved that two such officers be elected in the Eighth ward. Mr. Megraw thought It improper to give the Eighth ward the whole of the business incident to this office!. ' Mr. McNeil said this was timber measur ing, and if it took three - or four to do the work in former years, it would surely re-, quire two men. Mr. A. Patterson thought it required much experience to measure timber, - and he recommended that it be created a spiacial office, 'entirely separate from that of Board Measurer. Mr. Gallery thought it simple justice that the two men now acting as Measarers3 be continued in the position, as they have en tered ontheir duties for the present year. The motion to elect two Measurers hav ing been carried, John Williams and John McDowell were unanimously elected. The election of a Bark Measurer for the Eighth ward was thee taken up. Mi.' Hanna said there was no law author- , izing the election of such an officer. The law only allowed one officer for the whole ' name of Jesse Batton was then placed in nomination. On motion, Mr. Sutton was elected by no demotion. - Mr., Megrim. moved that Councils pro ceed to elect a Surveyor'for Duque:me Bor ough. The untinished business from Select Council was then taken up and concurred in,.except a resolution-for the election of a Bark Inspector for the Eighth ward. , Mr. Hanna called for the , yeas and nays on a motiOnt.o:oandur- ',•• • • •1' 'Mr; lilegrUw - tholiOt the resolution an insult to the sepse of Common . Council. The'yeas and nays were called With the following result. Yeasll, nays 8. 'The no tion of the Selegi Council was _accordingly concurred in. The following business of Select Connell' wit's!' in: The ,adoption of the profieles of Houderson and Fountain streets. The adoption of the grade' of Jalappa and Water street. The exten sion of the fire alarm telegraph. The adop tion 'of the reppoort of the Committee on 'Mitoses :of ..thiqUensw ,Borovgh; - The resolution relative to the•clairn agalust'the Pittsburgh- Fort Ways t Chteago - Railroad. Adtion on Sewatage question postponed until next meeting.' •Adjouriled. • • White Sacques, for, $2,25-Itates & Boll'o A Withaume.i.rThe Board of Health or Allegheny city are earnestly requested to. examine the condition of ,alO orr'.oanal street, at the tininlaurf of Arlmokles'ah3y r Fourih.ward, AllOghen i jr. The water 'from 06 , 04.110 Vil 6e' ratte `allcisdect to'rtui In: the let, making a large inud!puddle. which sends forth. odors of a very :Implement , 011112.309 r.. , • , th - • . lobeld..at.,Mob" , . Gro ve .atlittilliittio •aaWila , a rnd s4coaip,:itzl. _. , 0 ' a ded'art pisalnk fr o a t th:t ., , and - enjoyable ppne r i tt ,-.lt ~is 411 . 14 t. it netted to the 013 for - Will it a ,lcandr#104124 1 :1 111 , f) 14 10 . 1- , I 'il... 1 . 'lll llllllllll V i rinitich faig dv evenings for !turant .41.00 • : GI JOINT SESSION. MEE Itepu'bliosna of' ildiimbitintO;fElatur , twirl's:o)W orgaiandog,'l op, ,4. . . ~. ~.:„ - -_ -:•_-• -:-... f.'„7 .3' ,•: , , - ",T 7 '.-.,,, - ;',',',:.1.. .:., ,-;-•- . '- :-, • - ',.;,„ .'. -.„ ,i. - - _ .._ •,- - ••:;., ~ --,. ' .....,-,,. ,- , ---;--;,-- --,* _ la. 1 -,.., J - ... -, .. - • --,.., - r- - "' - P , 4"- - - - "-* - -----,-="--'--,-*-- 7* - ---77"777717- - ' :.' 'S' .'l.l :V. :,, : 4 'j' ^' ' .l:-,----j'-' ' '' ' ll' , l 'A:'::i4. , : ' Z:. ;,-- f 1 ;.i.1L 7 - ,, : ,-4 '' '---s '''. 2 ::j,:'2; ' ca.t. ' f6a?rr ', l :' c:' , .V ' ='; ''*- . , ' , L 4 :::` - : , Z , .'_.,:;' 1 ,1 , ' 1. , '-',::;,'' ~..4-', . .., -, '- . ' , ,-* 4 W .:-- !:•.4,, 1 1 'r 4, ,,'.. ,: ),- . I - 3-- - "2 - '. -- 4', ,, - - - - „,44,:i0 , - : : . ' kPZ-itig- I . 4.4.2" '''''' 4 ''''''''''''' I: ' - '"‘ '' -.- , ' - ' '''' '.14t'431:4-4.-z,i::::7::. Y. -i• ,- ' 41 , - - - ' 1 ' 2 V ; ;;;; , - . 5.' -, 4 '.: 1 '.!- , ? ; - 1 ' .4-4: %•;=:;. ' " - ;.ii-f.? :: • , : -. .A. ,: : : :::t1,7 ,11, •&• , 14W 4 '..e.,:.90 , .. 7 , k,,,e• t i= 1,; :q.5.11ft.:4 --- -,,--•,----,: .. fi.V..:, ,,- .i74.:‘4,• ,, , , X. 1 ‘f:e; , .. 1,,-- -, , 4 , e;,w,,%•, - ; , -,,; - ...-41-3 - .V. ,- •:c.cite 5'4.: 4 7 , ..' 4.-.. - ,, - ;.. - „ ,, `••;z„ , -9 ,, ,,,vp.,7„,Fe„ . .. - 3.1. ,, n,- , ., , •A ,- , tp.t 3,:, :f. -.,1,-, _••t• - . 6. .. - . „ ^;• 7 4w , rit 4 • 4 33-.A , '''''t -- ,- , I•t0• - •.: - , , . • • • 7•• •,,, •,•• • ..„,„-„ ,-- ,F,,,:2 , . ~';•, ) ,.,)?.., • _::-,.- . ,e,•-•4,..., - ' ', "f.'''' '' `wiWr• t lev.'ll=Wr*l" ,,, % ~'''' ,'"'", • ' . , BE c . TO-A2-EnEil ••• p A 're.,'nl ether Sid The „ 5t ykititraity " weititve Mt se a:Ma, obi the proatetgtion trtiNV -,- 8z1191# 11 4, la * Insurate SgqPl4-rck obtaining 19,0k meat - note for' Via under raises pretenees. The facts as claimed bithii tieferidaai are Bs follows: • - • -; . In '.lnne,'lBflt. while acting. as agent ibr Insurancethe American Life he ;effected an , insdrinell on theilife•of Chris tian Coleman for li;ONX: ,Wheri the poiley was.brought to Mr. Coleman he was unit- We to pay,the premium, and for some time prit lr. Hollis off in. various ways: lAt length as . Mr. Hollis was obliged to re p or t i o lil e company he;offered to, pay the pre i mium himself and take Mr. COIOIMIt'S pei - so nal note for the ,amount. The offer was accepted' arid Mr.-Hollis did - *ollie pre mium and received from' Me.l.loleinan a' ' note at twentydays for 0126,50, which note was not paid at maturity, and in fact Mr. Coleman declined to pay it all. That note has not yet been paid. 731 r. Coleman died very Suddenly. The administrator, William , Coletain, made anxious inquiry of Mr. Hollis whether the insurance would be 'paid' Wean-Inch as the deceased had failed toy his note at ma turity. Mt.; }Maid 'in ruled himth -fthat it la would, as the Corian ' khad .iebeivedthe premium from him. hereupon Mr. C. ; feeling very generens over this imexpected accession to - the eititte,'old Mr. Hoffiaitud - hehad paid the' Preminixi and been it all t e expense and trouble in the matter ho would make him a handsome present, and thereupon gave Mr. Hollis a note, which i eluded the original note, for five hurt ! idteddellars, in the' presence of witnesses. He gave it of his own accord. The note was deposited with a third party, to be paid when the Ixollek'svriiis 'paid. L The note has since been fraudulently obtained and not paid. Mr. Hollis his'Since then left the `Ameri can Life Insurance Company and is new working for another office, and there is ev idently a strong flavor of malice in the prosecution thus commenced by the agent of the American, and Mr. Hollis is•deter mined to carry the matter further than the • oliginal prosecutor intended and has given bail for his appearance al,Coart, waiving a hearing before Justice Ammon. , ~ Black and. White Balmoral Skirts, for $1,25, fOrmerlY and ---- Itailway,RteUrsionTleirettr. We are-very frequently ask -Ito , some explanation. of, the onufortri , omission by the railway compandeslterniinatingi it - this .city, o furnish excursion tickets fur par ties . i . .„, , wishing to travel n the summer for health o r pleasure.- Why, for• example, cannot a Pittsburgher, dUring the season, obtain an excursion ticket to Niagara Falls,. Trenton Falls, Saratoga, Cape, May, the Springs and watering-places generally? When June comes in, the Eastern roads regularly offer facilities of this sort to pleasure travel, in cluding in their” arrangements nearly every" note-worthy place of resort In the United States or Canada, placing the fare at "about. half the regular rates, sometimes even less, frequently giving.. the . . option of a greater or less choice of routes, and good for say ten, twenty. or thirty, days. These facilities induce many people to make ex cursions, sometimes for health and more frequently only for pleasure, who could not afford to themselves the gratification except under a large reduction of the cost - . A large number of those purchasing such tickets would not otherwise .travel at all, and it is considered that the business thus obtained.by, the railways- is :really, there fore, an addition to, and net,' a Visa from their regular patronage.. It is, suggested 1 that such facilities, if supplied here, would be largely enjoyed. by _ a )pleasuro.loving 1 community like ours, and that the busi ness which Pittsburgh could be made in this way to yield would swell .a totalreally deserving of some effort 'on the part.'of companied to secure it. We submit the suggestion to all concerned. - • • Bates d.; Bell's for Bradley's Skirts from .50 cents. Fair and Festival Yesterday, In the Sixth street Cumber land' Presbyterian Church, was omned, tinder the auspices of the ladies of that congregation, a grand festival, which will be continued tcsday. The Lecture , room wherein is held the festival has been beau- Wally decorated with flowers, festoohs and evergreens, 'and presents an elegant appearance. At the central booth will be found cool and refreshing lemonade, and ice cream, while on either side of the hall are tables where luscious strawberries and cream and beautiful boqucts will be dis posed of ,to the visitors by fair lady attend ants. From -twelve o'clock to three a din ner, which would please the most fastidious epicure,will be spread to-day, and• in• the' evening, from"six to nine, supper will be served. The attendance yesterday and last evening was quite large, and we trust there. will be a general turnout to-day and' evening. All will be guaranteed a pleasant and enjoyable time, while their pleasure will be sweetened by the knowledge that they are contributing to a worthy object. Bate. is Bell's for French bone corsets, at $l,OO. 'The Festival at the Rink. What with 'the beautiful young ladies and fruit, flowers, music, fancy articles and plenty of room for the large. crowd in attendance, the Rink last night was as .attractive a place as could ho found in either city: It is a pleasure to. he' waited on by charming, ladies, particularly when they 8011 , 8130 h 'delicious articles, and' an especial .delight attaches to all who go to the Rink , now, for each cent spent goes to wards lightening:the burden which is bear ing on a struggling church, AU. who ;can, should• go, and all, who know what awaits them Ile g.o, and do enjoy themselves when there. l The Same attractions Will' be at the Rink this afternoon and evening. , I Shetland Shawls—all entera l -Bates & Bell's. , ILarceny.—One of tbe gentlemen board ers Of Ann Shivelen on High street, be coming indebted 'to his landlady, 'lo.ft a parcel of wearing apparel, valued at 010, as s ecurity for the , payment of all arrear ages, Michael McGee, forgetting 'the in of .the eighth command ment,i and' 'Without consultation with any poson, .propriated the articles to' his own use, which fact,bicoming knowwto Mrs. , Shire lert;ShO very' promptly made infbrmation before Alderman .MeDiasters against' the gentlen4an: wasrantwas *nod, ~ , • - Assaillt and Battery..—The!domastio rangetnents of • John Mif, "ef 'the Ninth ward, are rather inharmonloWif tflit statement late ho ,rel led on. Ho appeared before Alderman Taylor ' yesterday °,. and lodged infermation ibr assault and , bat tary inethist, ide.wife, Eliza Meal, A:War - Eliza Dudleyi . stating=tlutt she had - attacked: and beaten himliretty severely -with her shut art and'otheradae abased, A. bearing was 14443.44110,ga5t0u1t1, agc)r_, pplAWLex_.- planatiOn.; the matter was 031PPTPail" and the suit withdrawn. • , I. Croix ' 9aits..-.lohn &vane:" /eot ard " hroOght suit - =against Joseph Hastings for surety of the peace before Alderman bie- Mikteii: This las arose suit' Mishit out of ; 4r - termer 4101aulty between lhe patties, which resulted in a snit astsinst SsosaaY by iloottogoltedelnlP , Ses, which we noticed in i",fOrtride *MO. ' Swaney states that got -3 4lieestesied to knock :his brains out Nrittels stowsooompanyini the threat with other.hostile„ derneestratlow A'sVarpult was issued.' - • ' ; ►mi B'oici,'taoe'nti+43itsis'a 1 ; • /V. ‘• $ I EIKC Great Semi-Annual ,Azkrabre ,Salo a t 3 W. Diktat '4 4 t ps., NO: it's Market .- 2 tr,ect. --' '''..' - - - • - • fhe letlid-ahritta l clearance sales ' of ,3'. W. 13 arker .d. Co., No. 59 Market street, • have ever been - regarded VV . thbie who can aripreciate taro opportunitiei for bargains in oboice -dry goods; as .-ectrnivals -forpur chificrni-itiing.— The Ilrin Oliiiijrs - carry an immense stock of seasonable dry goods, and never wishing, to 4 •CarrY over" from •• one semen 't o another any ooniaderable por • . don of theli goods. hive Afiszikarided this , s sale system, and generally, through :the sacrifice of-'goods,olear out the larger portion of their- stocand commence new seasons fresh andady for all competition with an: entirely ne • stock and now stades. Of late the fi rm ha e on hand a vary•rge and extensive stoc of foreign and domes . tic. dry. goodisottable for Spring and Sum mer, wear_, and w e their ordinary trade has been large; the still remains on hand T e an immensestock f choice gendswhiehit is proposed to sell out at greatly rednced prices at the present grand - clearance sale which commenced on Monday.' This sale may be regarded one of the most tempt ing and remarkabl everheld in the city, and nfiny of the Ode will' be sold at` feces less than ever be prevailed in this city. We cannot too ear estiy advise our readers to "Make. has%* a the'enn ,Shmes," and patronize the noise of Barker &Co. during the prevalence of the unusual- clearance. While`thcfsaleiEr Made specially to benefit the numerous retail patrons, of the house, 'wholesale purchasers will also - be permit ted toloartake of the advantages, great spec ial reductions having.been made in their favor ' The clearance , will continue until 'llich time as all the goods are disposed of, and the prudent and economical will ern b - .the rare. opportnnity presented to Pur racck l asegmig fro al m lea B d 7; dr e c alines4c-- - lkdes di Bell's. . A most brutal and - unwarranted assault uP01,114111,€, ro;'hSrtY) :head salesman in Rodelheim's grocery, on Smith field street, yesterday morning, by Thomas Hart, resigmen the cellar Splane's Court. It appears that Hart's son, a boy eight or ten years of age, went into the store on Monday evening, and wee stealing `dried peaches out of ' a Imrrel 'Which' steod near the door. Daugherty caught him at it, struck him on the head, and drove him out of tlier store: -• • ' About ten o'clock yesterday morning, Hart, accoinpanied by his wife, went, into the store, and the wife' pointing to* Daugh erty said :."that is the mane whereupon Hart picked up a two pound weight and struck him on the head three times. The fourth blow.felled him to the floor, and fractured the skull.. The other blows were on the bide of the head, and although each of them made a severe ga• h they did not injure his skull. Daugherty was alone in the store at the time, and was found a few moments after the act had been committed, lying utxm the floor insensible and bleed ing profusely. The proprietor sent for a carriage and had him conveyed to his resi dence, on Poplar Alley,6th ward, where' his injuries were attend ed to by Dr. Daily, who states that it is possible they may prove fatal; Hart, It appears, left the prem ises immediately, and had not been arrest ed at a late hour last night.' The.police searched -the Court, but the inhabitants of that delectable locality declined to aid the officers in , making the arrest:. Prints per stook' at 1234e—Bates & Bell's Mrs. Kate Joyce made information be fore,' Mayo • .Druvri, yesterday Morning, against Michael McNamara for disorderly conduct.. It see_ that Michael.ms fl who was -w, slightly under the ' influence of the ar dent last Sunday morning, made his sp . pearance at the residence of the Joyce fam ily, having in view !the castigation of the head thereof. Failing to . . execute; his design at the house, 'he laid in wait until Mr. Joyce left to take a stroll, and embrac ing the , opportunity, beat him to . his heart's content. The ease was heard yes lefilaY Morning, and 'it was floally. settled by Michael paving a fine of ten dollars. In 'return he made information against. Mrs. Cuff for selling liquor on Stinday.- She oc cupies the front room of the Joyce man - Mon, and from hor he says he procured the liquor wtkiCh Caused him to.act eo.disorder ly4--. A hearing was had in this case yester day eveniug . , , which.multed in the defend ant'belitgiheld for her. appearatite:ateon.rt. Fine ReeachOgles—Bates & Bell's H. J. Lynch, the well known dry goods merchant, No. 96 "Sitirk.et street, announces a special closing out - sale during which ex tremely low prices Will , prevail. The stock at this house is full and complete, embrac ing a large lot ofarmure delaines, summer dress goods, ahem) poplins, black and col oredliipacclus, tine summer poplins„ Irish linen, table cloths. bletuabed tram line, unbleached muslin, dark and ,light pinto, bandlterablelb, &c., aro. 7i'hose de siring to procure great bargains should by all means attend trils sale. itsr.Qlol sll4 manteli- - --Bates & Bell ' • Fut-Mtn& *ate ° ° lTiu readers ah7ld reme mber that .to morrow ,•• ••• (Thum& ) the great furniture, • Sale takes Place at the. Masonic Hall Auc tion Rooms of Smithson. Vatthook & Mc- Clelland; Noel bs' Pifth a treat. They have est,. hand - n.splendid.aso,rtment of furnitdre and`` hbtute lutnishinggOds, which2voll, , . he ludo:I-militant ;reserve,' in which's rtriirchim'colbi - hitriains is pre-' seated.: At ;three, ,tiry, will sell thee 'first'class 'Seven octave pianos, The INN begin at t teu o'clock ; , „ frestival.—The lady managers connected With f gbe .diumn.lllissioniiry' society are making rapid haste in arranging City Hall ShrsAilkgro r rlNC tetOvahAhlehto o. ai on Thu day and continue for two day4,- - A-bO/4 otoriusia willlxtiusonstant attendance. Besides the evening festivi tkikproper, Wis• arranged - Ito servei lunch from noon until 10 o'clock P. M. at the low 'Pries ufltvantrilveollents. - /Let;our 'busi- Miss men bear this in mind, and patisitilze City Hall during Thursday an 4 FFI .f 4. The Luxuries of cold s rkling soda watowyeilete t , lc° cregoi ptii . lg straw berries arid - general - couf(ictiOnary and sweetnleata,- can no ivbereT else better -be obtained, than at P. B. McGulres' fleet class 'dlnlng,roonla, No. 105 Fifth Atreet. - Prices !cry, reasonable. `'[tie Haysylllo Rhierdale. Resent; afiver ti4giskip_anutlier column, is rapifily: filling up illtiigniiter,- sind "those -ittio s -wonld se cup 413,111p:a phould ~nuske ear,ly App_l_l434- lion to tile proprietor; q., Box 824 ,ritil.htltgti roatoince. The I.odlei, are respeetfully ,Informed thsi a fresh invoice of ;pure unadulterated lava, I® Ira and Rio Ntregs, new impor t tatiOnig rdneived at the old established tea mart of Josoph A. Robinson, No. 20 Fiftbehlreet t il . *lf .'I, A 1 the lateii tintatii in light slimmer ttlilluilipt,Onotqw, healonkiloves, 'elf ethlitoiit res 'he . litr: V' r ead'er hrb h) 4 4 l 4oo ll . 3 . l idngr,storPt -4Pl' 81 i ' "kir t: , _:- " jileittla4";'*l.4tirattiiiti the ler ri rands of choke green and black bargovattletn : at Robinson's old establliltiedVes ntsre;Tro: - Vitlindamirrr v-s ENE= U DA S ) I ~ t ' y.;, n ~1,t.~" j ~ Brutal Assault. Dlsordeily tagging ;kat l====2 Girdtker and Stewart, na~ treat co m er*, 4iriet a Ld Fourth streets, - 69, are n o o per4g i new geode at greatly, reduced prices, and the public will bear this in mind, and give Messrs. Gard ner and Stewart a call. = ' 9 10, 1235 C: Prints, been selling at 12% and 15c. 6 10, 1234c.-Musllns, been selling at 12% and 15c. ... -. • 12%c. Domestic Ginghems, . been selling 62340 Wool Cassimeres, been selling at 16c Dress Goods, been selling et 254. ' 250 Dress Goods, been selling at 3734 c." Illack Lusters ectiaordliittry cheitp, at a reduction'of 12X to 250. on a yard. Poplin' Mixtures 3734, 50 and 623yc. ) and airflow goods at reduced prices. . ;Stripe Silks Twists 25, 8735 and 60c., all reduced.. Silk Cheek Poplins, 750., reduced . from Dress Geodri t 25, 3734, po and 0234 c. Now goods all at' a reduction. EWss liitisllns,".Wainsixilie, Stripe bath brics, Tucked Colored Skirtings, Book Muslins, Dotted Swiss, liish Linens; Bird EYe, Linen Diaper. Large stock in new frestigoods at greatly reduced Towels, Napkins, Doylies, f , Hucks. Noir goods,and the cheapest lathe city. Table -Linens, all grades, some as low as 37;0 hit extra cheap in'new goods Linen Fronts, Blay Linens for , dresses, Buff Linens; cheap:' Slimmer , • ' Slimmer Shawls, Thibet S hawls, newatid cheap. 'Limit Lace Goodg, froM IX to $4O, all greatly reduced..., 'White P. R.; , a1l redriced and. extra cheap. in:new gceds. Quilts, large stock, prices greatly reduced. Hoop Slurs, great bargains in ; new styles, some for 50c., • • , Our , stock is 'fresh 'arid anew, all in the best makes of goods, and our prices : will'be less than those asked for inferior goods, to the extreme lo w rates at which they_ Were purchased, and the extra small profit which we ad& Remember, we are on the west corner of Market and •Fourth streets, Ne:69. . Gardner di Stewart. • Por Fine Oren Goode—Fates 73e1ils. Sanitary Preceutlons.—Cleanliness is highly conductive Whealth: A.n. unwashed body is prone to all forms of diaease ' and liable to attack ficifn sickness at any ma. ment... A 'bath tub should 'be In evory house,. for *den - ounce of prevention , is , worth a pound of cure.” At • the= well !knownplumbing and Ems fi tting establish ment of T. T.`Esvens, No. 165 Wood street. will be , found an admirable assortment of bath tubs,, ready to be put up anywhere on the slightest novice and.on the .most reason able terms.. Sinks, Wash , :Closets and all sorts of Water' conveniences put' in dwellings and stores at 'most reasonable . 'prices and in best style. ' The Most Elegant silk. mantles''were exhibited by Messrs. • ' Bates ' Bell, the well known dry', goods dealers, No. 21Fifth street, wig: now be found on hand at that _house. Thei. assort ment is the most superb selection from among those c.xpressly imported for the New York City trade, and is well worthy the inspection of all. 'The firm will take much pleasure in shoWing the stock to vis itors whether they'are desirous of purchas ing or not. • .Chapped Hands, face and all roughness of the skin, certainly cured. by using the Juniper Tar Boap, made by Caswell,Efaz ard. .Co., New York. It surpasse , s all other remedies as it will prevent roughness of the skin if used during cold weather. It is easily aPplitid, avoiding all the trouble of the — greasy comporinde'now In tse. It can beriiied by ladiesiivitit the mist tender skin, without irritation or pain, making it soft Sold rby, druggists gen-. erally. SliatvlS•Liiiae variety, Bates it, Bell's. To Bakers.—We direct yonF attention to the aU4ditisetherif. , of tit& k'ourity:Control ler, headed "Notice to Bakers," asking for proposals to furnish the county prison with bread' for six months, front' July 15th prox. See advertisement on fifth page. • Ladies cairvisit the ice crearrrsaloon and „restaurant 0f.E..11. McGuire, No. 105 Filth street, unaccompanied, , as the house is visi ted by a first CRISS imrtion of the people, and as no liquor& ofany kind are, sold on the piemised the best of order iiriregemd. Were Eden compressed into a nut shell. or Homer condensmFin one canto, it would not be sweeter, more fragrant or neater, than a drop in your room, of that choicest ' perfume, called •"Flor del Santo." Try, it. , - 100;4:100 Bricks at Auction.—One hun ,clrs;,.thowamd; :Bricits:,:in 'the _port near Cemetery Mount Union will be's - old on the premises on to-morrow, - (Thursday)l at 3 o'clock. The special attention of builders ie invited. • - - Elsewhere Dr. ThomAS F. Dale announ ces that he has reopened his office on Stock ton'Avenne, Allegheny,, where he will .be_ found ready to attend to the dutlesof his profession during the larger part of the clabYr ; - • . At Robinson's old established tea mart, Wo. 20 Fifth 'street, will be found' a very line assortment of choice family groceries, which will commend itself to every Millie keerier.. Tht, prices:are very reasonable. you, want ft, get it at the Original ;Dia monda Fropt GroceryStbre, Federal street, Alleabenyerrowearilmy everything in the: eatable line, from a pickle to a barrel of flour. Oo get it, buy It 644 try It. ! ' ' 0 4 ~ ...„ , ... , „ . , . titie varest Woks' , ttie' -most' °attain fita tkmary, gte largesecollection of par i cala .. and magazines will be found at the store of 'Col. J. D. Egan,'Sixth ' street, near Smith- , field. Prices very' reasonable. • . + • 1 I Paptiture, at,Auction.—The, superb Fur= nature in ,residence of Lyon, 'Western' .I:vetnie l Allegheny, will be BON this morn. - ing at 106'clook, by A. Leggite, Auctioneer.. This will oe an attractive sale. • New anddeotmd-handed books of all de scriptions and of best standard authors, in Latin, English, Gained and French, at the , riP u triffliterazYrdePet of vot.AL.D...Ertgan, xth street, near Smithfield., Meals areaeived .ladles and gentle-' 'rnen at'all•honra during the day and pp to eleven Welook.in the, evening at. theAlrat elasadining andlee cream rooms of P. H.. - McGuire, 105 Fifth street.. • - • Guild lauttei•O' the brlg44 blit - mand Front drooery;store, No. 164 Federal street, Allegheny, yon can . get 'Splendid butter,.. fresh from the countryiand.intich lasi than in market. • ' " " org;. inal DianggyslrßA a44Federalts Allghony,nor_ytbng:ttthe cri-iin:4n,gootizpuli.loadpltenot.l Choice i t h o ‘ nd Front, 161 rndera fi t -litreetorAnekhenE # Allegheny; , ' will nd,the 1 304,',Tan brough t tpthilsi mark4.: - V4 l l.l.afreUrtillatiAt. ,' ''Party Kid moosmln*ltf444 *oft at. Moorhead's - fietkionable retail trimming 4ftgret ?O.` ;)o,l3tBtVOL' • ritasoti bi t listetitaiMan:ittleii(FQrde4i s~Bne t at IT: W 49.9t13e1gtPC1% cq,iftiOcet ,Beatoria. reriityleeett Shades At W. W; 1 , maorheadia, No. 81 Market street.' •12t1 AIL ,; vilevokelea ikad nee head's, M Mai'ket 'Mrett """ " •• • ' -- iiiceiti iiiiiii:e iethelneienil&Yikiit 64.' loudi s yl;p_uffed through .the nekwapapepi t i hatingi 'greld eitative;proPerties all! - einlifpoundei d and. baicilnapositions, cent ing no Medicinal virtues whatever, and are really ( Very poor whisky beverages, and, instead of acting - ,ite a'stimiiiiint and tonic, - have a.tendency to weaken the - stomach by entirely destroying thenoating. The publia 'shoald.:thetefore be very cautious and pai chase hone bilt Roback's Stomach ' , Bitter ,s which Ilhave, stood the,,test as a •remedial agent fin many years, and are really ae their name indicates, a stomach bitters arid not a beterage. They combine,the, prom. ties of the best tonic, and a stima.Un laxativeanefficient and anti-bilious agiiht And the 'best stomachic known tothe world, and when taken. in conjunction pith .4p.. hackLa 13tood Pills, are the safest and 1313 m% preventive against all bilious derangeMOAth, thorotighly • regulating, the whole system. . and giVing tone to the digestive orgapni. ,%. They .913 are highly recommended ,Milit. vigoratlng tonic to motherklithile *faint, • increasing the flow of milks 'and for aim'''. o lescents, to restore, the prostration . - whi always follows 'iong-contimied .. sickne they are unsnrpassed. • " No- Whim% -t should' i t consider themselves' safe - from the ordinary maladies without these invaluable Medicines. They, ban', be' Obtained -- of 'any ,drOggiet. , ' " ' l'iiimrli" . 11 If the public would have good articles they have :only to ball at No. 112 Federal streeWAllegheny city;• where seletions.con .beculade, comprising the ; following articles, that will give entire satisfaction: Ileautlinl Cream Bon-Boni, one A lmonds, On Drops', Chocolates, 'various kinds tit' Cure Lozenges,' Marsh Mallows extra: fine alabria - and LiqOrice, Colts-Font, Rock, fine and common Astorted Ca3dhfs, new Dates, Garden Figs, Muscatel and Lay er Ragids -• Turkey Prunes, Fruit Syrups and Extrltets, Olive Oils, Foreign and Do inestio: Sauces, Catsups, Pickles, .Jellige, Fresetyps, Jams, French and English Mns tardsi Orange Marmalade, Fresh and SPiced ;Oysters,_.Canton Ginger, prepared East Cocoa Nid, Canned 'Peaches, Darnsen Mine, • - Raspberries, Cherries, Quinces, `Peira,', l Pine Apples, &c., &c. • • * jelket - • • • • GEORGE BEAVEN., 11:: , .1"Onward; rig ht 0111/11111, • • n i t t c a l lh v e a bli fi r n tid e :l l . l i Butr 'by hundreds multiplied , into millions, tan the doomed band who' 'rode to swift destruction in Tennyson's poem, - is the great cavalcade of unhappy men: who are rushing to untimely graves, follpWed by the drat spectre Dyspepsia. This all wron and should cease. ,Plantatiop.Blt ters, be great Stomach Pain Killet, burns Dyspepsia, Heartburn,' Headache Vertido, Dullness, and all symptoms of kindred character, Si if by magic. For Languor.. Lassitlde, • (heat WealEness and! Mental DepreSsion, they' have a: most Wonderfulk •effect .ii - • " • • _ , Dis.nwoms. WAKinn.—A delightfuVtoilet articlperior to Cologne, and at half the. Price. ivitc lP A Ng. 1 . Sugar.:—The original Diamond Front;Gr&kry Store, 164 Federal street, Allegheny; offers rare indticements to par-• ties wanting Sugar table use or, canning. fruit.'l:Theysell Sugar cheaper than any i other house n the two cities. _ . ' ADAMS- On Monday', June 15th. 1868, - si 3: •o'clock'i P. M.. .I}A.VIO W. ADAMS, at . big resi dence • s tlear Homewood Station, Collins towwidflPv in the Gth year of his age. • • - • • - . The fineral will take place from the realdeaco 0 his fathirdn-law, Samuel Allinder, No. 108 Wylie street,.lanWapPotshAP, June 17th , at 10 o'clOcic . A. st. 0 friends of the family are respectfully-in— ., in— cited attehd.. ~ ~ . • t GIL 'NF3NNEY.—In PhiladelPhia on Tdes— ;lt day mok•htur. Jolle lath. H. S. GILUENFIINNI3Y. father. .'O•W,A - aludenfettney.. •• • •7• '2.: ; k .Funoal on Tetuoshax, lath Inst., fionalda late , realdete, NO, 710 South Tenth St., philadelpAla. dAL tVitt.L.:--bti Mondriy,' Jane 15th; 408. MS. CATHARINE CALDWELL, -wife ot ltohert i •Caldwell, of3fillersville. Penn townshipf Alleghe- 1 ny comity, Pa., aged 05 years. 1 Funekal fro m her Tate residence, Pius' aoloorO, r June llth, at, 10 o'clock, to proceed to Plum Creek_; Chearchinurial Grounds. • 1 'jJ. UNDERTAKERS: •.'r A . AIKEN, UNDERTAKEE, t NM 168 Fourra STREET, Pittstiurgh,Pa. COlof all kinds, CRAPES, aLovie and ev ery description of Funeral Furnishing 'G4ods' -nishedr.gooms open day and night. Hearie ando Carriages ihrnlshed. RarimitE3rcEs=Rev. David Kerr, D. D.',:neri s . ,4 lf. . W. daeotins,.D. D., Thomas Ewing, Esq.; JacqtrEl. SQ.. - • .. HARLES & PEEBLES. IIESDEBR. TAKERS.AND DIVERT. STABLES, corner or 'S NDUSBY STREET AND CHURCH AVENUE, Alleglihny City, where their 'COFFIN - ROOMS um eoustsatly sauplied with resd and Imitation Ruse. Wood,'Mahogany and Walnut Coffins; at prices* ye, rying from a* to 109. Bodies prepared forinter ment. I , Henrses and Carriages furnished; also, alt. rands di* Mourning GoodS, if required: *Mee' open. 'at all.litiaxa. day • d night. • ,:• , ItOBERT . RODNEY, ENDER.- 1 4 14. KER AND , EMBALMER, No. 45 OIMO HIST Allegheny, and No. 80 D 1.4510. SQI.T.Sm.E, (by Jam Wilson A Bros.; keeps alma - on hands the best Metal; Rc.sewood, Walnut in& Imitation Rosewood COMM. Walnut, Coffins tom $25 upwards. Rosewood Coffins $2O upwards, all other _Coffins I proportion. Carriages audMe4isea thrnisnodat low rates, Crape. .Gloves. ,rloto in& Engrating furnished gratis. Moe open day led' (debt. . - . - r t A' NEW n - . : , 11. sPECTIL Otte ., „.. We hive jtecteeeived feaFttie mannteeturer, , • . A FULL ASEDETMENT OF 1 P RESCOPIC - CLASSES.- 1!. Pr.,LI 11i' FRAMES MADE FROM , F l' 10.131717. o lEE -STE E L. . ..y r the mot yet offered ta.our wide. Otitistivtti at HAStAI," L ~. . 11 'JEWEL/FIB AND OrnDlANati 65 IPTH ST.. OPPOSJIE . II6BOMi6 HMI': 1 wistv .1 if , , ,i iiSPRING•GOODs .13 HENRY G. HALF'S, • vi ConiOr of PellAaitilSt4ClidrWeeta. r WALK INZ • - 1,1 ANDORZ THIS NJaW, 1 1 . - • r e, „ 4111.tilG glllOll2l, 40004 . - Jun EiceErvED fiscrips Tailoring Mitid4lolllEl/4 Na MI irrLT; Bllll2 l` , --_Rogovimpi, _HE tgire4 .mut .7? , • - Attekt wo rn= cuts tittcnerr TAILOR,. I JUST OPENED, AT • . co a 0 1404-- - OE F 7 ..4 r , of deiripai t Lots, - ark:now Wendt Is l'illikti ilife, 'ad piy, oho deelroni at ilia tatildioli iiitekwinllf do vet to 11411 k s ic iIIdeOUOL. L Thi *lam,: i 6 / 0 e 4 061 Oa II bisikilfut and beatify ototi tiro lad • 4 tlartattitddigt likargotbosti oo' MI W estin t rian. 0 • brow& Italtraad, 'wet& rano Smut %ankh* ri 11010,0 11bno folairia ime NtrOoriori•lr.gArillity•_,__ 43 iornm***BAreviii,Ao4o44oF4R9o4l4llolF4_6l4 .1, , sfaltelatrbsonamm9 l ,l;saßTl l l l , " 1 " 4 irtihil.;bl,.....ftiocotAbeas too., , 4, . , iis ory supwae•iite:.. i.d,...ii4,44. .. .. 0 t , 4410. Inzt'a eittrrem" tvie, iteiii . •.' - is ra 110311:11 Allitirinit7tillinirAileifili. -. la .er.s4:•ro 61 1 - • ' ' r,I". Egli DIED; IMO MI EMI A II