• ••tx--41,rds- ENE MESE II II #ilnitgt Rt r amen ami Household. Farm, Tax., n ReP(!sil447asyS a )lamil• tonsends ' 4 " 11 • „... 0 , us, the o °sting , - method of. deStreying • Cut-Vanua: the , .lOcrri , Ai* • Maims ibtryi the: ' Intrilate Ot the gro cut aldet bnebes and thipf.UvtYthtleld.abiatt a rod aParti' .11 1 1)4411g them ita'4lV., 'Orn lilts' INS pos-' a tha.iirordis ara,plerityvs in . a day'. or ; two syoti.ivill:fiiid them gatherCitabou;' the bushes whenou can destroV them. 'They the grourut and crawl un;• •• , *eller the; hider-bushes and: thelcorn will' es- ; ''::cape. , , remedy id•siraple and easy, and. :require/pill!' little time. ' air tan be done"dttr-. ' 1 • ifig • the tel • tours Which'lever farther sometimes I iti4e ; tried this • 'remedy aid found i very effective,, : Farmers would do well, 4. 410, to ; plow corn, greund in ' the fall whe the txposure of the soil to the *old of w' .ter will .kill the insects which produce the worm.. .• _ • • ' A GENT 4 in Salem; Ohio, thinks he , ~ , luks discov ed a met h o d 'of saving -plums , from being i estroyed, by the , cn rculio. If so; he has. , . , ferred a great benefit upon: the lovers o good fruit.- The Saleinfispub, Zits's states hat hut - year, he had_ n market' some of the finest plOtOti,-offered '-for , sale: , • He rea m. ~. - them IMM - the:sting : of: the ctireEdio by imply burning 'tar under, the ' trees at the. Ime,the l fruit was alugung. He continued t . ' -progessjor ,, three days, but thmks.itweekl have.: been still batter, had he commen a little earlier and burnt ied a few days-lo get:' „ The 'm ti eek. is simple • Oni!,filiti th p. ":BWerms'of the insecte'ifere seettleaving the trees as The fires wPrii /On' ',- died:" ' The result was ji large, healthy and lusclOntrcrtop of plums; While.neighb*g orchards nearly orquite failed. We corn.: • mend to our readers a trial of thismethod: Shying florae,. L. A. D. in the Sesentiffy American, said that'a horsenien should never "shy" him self when the horse shies, or show die least , stervcrtuniess, nor-notice it in 'his horses, and' • far kos to punish:them for it,' and-adds: ' Allevr , me, having'had atreitdeal of ex ' lierienCe managing horses, to' dd anoth er bit of advice 'to nervous horsemen. ;Whenever they'notiee their horse directing ears to.any,polnt wllstevef, or hull,ca :Ating the Slightest„ disposition to. become straw, let them, instead of pulling the rein to bring the horse towards the 'object .caus ing its nervousnesscpull it on the other side. This will instantly divert' the, attention of the horse from the object which is-exciting : his suspicion ' , and in . ninety-nine eases' out .of a 'bur dred the horse will pay no more at; - tention to the,object from _which he Will fly away if forcibly driven to it by pulling the wron_ rein. Hints to Potato!erg • 1, Secure yonrselves by keeping no more -stock than you can feed and care for in the best manner, and make choice • of 'the best 2. Beepltralimas, Dorking!, or Bolton. . 3. Feed your grain or vegetables hot. 4. Be sure , the fowls have gravel and Shell& and the shells half burnt are bettei than raw. One hundred fowls will' consume a peck a week, 5. Feed meat, if possible, it bell:kg very natural. - , 6. Choose perfect eggs for breeding pur pose& 6. Let your hands be free from grease while handling eggs to be set. - An egg be-, smeared with birokeii yolk will not batch. 8. Put a newspaper in the bottom of, the nest designed for setting eggs; chaff or fine straw on _top. . • " ".""; 9.- Brahma chickens need but little care; Dorkings more; Bolton or Creole most. 10. Smear the sides and breasts of the old mother with oil, composed of half whale and half petroleum; do -this the first night after leaving the neat. Thigh' a prevention for all the ills chickens are heir to. .. 11. , Give .clean water and small sized rain - (excepting ryel.--43- - ; A. L.,- is -Rural 2Feto Yorker. seasonable Reeeipts. (From the Western Rural.] STRAWBERRY .CHAR.Lorra Rtresz. l --Fill a glass or china dish with sliced sponge • cake., and poor on itinacient. juieelsfripe strawberries sweetened with white fukar, :to dissolve.the cake; cover it andlet it stand in' a cool .place." Beat to a stiff froth the .'. whites of two or three eggs, add gradually to it powdOetr sugar: till it is:very thick, and flavor with; strawberry juice When the cake is alkdissolved, pile the icing high upon it, smoothing-it meely,:witha broad bladed knife, frequently dipped in water.--:' Bet the dish, on ice. or in.a,...c00i, dry place till wanted. • .. , NiTheit the ieingia.partly dry, it may be ornamented with large strawber ries, stuck on in stairs, initial • letters or other designs. This is every pretty Char- Icrtte, inexpensive and easily/ made, as it re quires no cooking. Similar ones may be. nuldfi cLEMPtielrleaß.lod-ourrents. la - Citiii.'ntanit.- 2 evib dßfui . c.i white Sugar, two cups of.flour, ili eggs, two tea spoonfuls of cream tartar s one, • of 'soda diSkolited iiitval te aspoonfuls`of hot water. Stir, the flour; sugar and cream, tar tar well together; break the eggs in this. mixturw then.,;theoqdo;•asiut arXei'..rl Boil them well together about five minutes. • For the cream, take one pint of milk, one' and a half cups of ..sugar, half a cup of flour, two eggi. 'Boli the milk,' beat together the' sugar, eggs and flour, stir in a little milk; when the milk boils stir in this mixture. Salt a little and flavor.to the taste. Let both tigrocake and crearwi perfectly cold, then cut the cake open smcspread the cream between. Erre E. REESE. • GUT TEA MM.—Take half.a teaspoo 7 Sul of tartaric acid, and the same quantity of bi-carbonate of,soda. alkd, rub them well • into a pmind of flour, through a hair sieve,. if leasure permit. Then work into the flour• two,c unces of butter s snd : "111 two.ounces of "criaslied' and 'sifted luillp Sugar; also a quarter of a pound of currents or resins,, and (if liked) a few. caraway-seeds. Etav- - ~' ine bilked all 'these Ingredients' Well to gether, maim a 414 in,the middle, and pour. i a half pint of ' caleng* ntik; inni: - cg ' g, . well treater!, mixed with the milk is a good t i impr vemeut, though' 'Vi :buns will do wit ut any. Mix quickly, and set your ,doig zith , a, fork, on ; -baking plus. i , The 'buns) NITI` take bout twenty minutes to bake! From these ingredients you ought to produce a dozen.' J.,•4oiTspiliiMir4oiroAlr,„ToMY Poo Tarn BUTTER, IF LIKED.--Stara cupful ofmelted. butter into-tivoimrpfulircif molasses. a table.; „ Ile ononftil, of ginger, and a teaspoonful of , ainamonfilit some flour, and stir in just aiiiii'uthitel nifitglivitif: bate; riiisfrO tri) a f ' , smolt piece of ottani+ the , vise- of a 4ki y. xvbeati,46 , half srcupthl 441,40 eater; . stir It , in, v",trid then: &a Tort liotif:' h rlit - r:lni.o l 4. oliti,aol Win - Inkke.',niAiligli 4 " : d4:10/1 :tiWilg4loll4•°,o** ,lo . ,l4-444:4, t 00 „i n go r pd, enA the oven ittlltomteilay; 42M e Ikumplngieaspoozatislarcods asithhalf.A.cup , t:sof:bolbrivatar,,,nntivatir *BA .ep quickly; .4.c put thecapes lothe oven.litmattosi . andnae kthetnolvben l . quite I-triply Thbrakeuld' bli cbintheditheii#lStriki iiiiiititaken cf . lf ig . ' the oven. '' ' -4. 44 ,, . ;" . 8 -..-.• + • +.l + YVON= HONEY.—Break one pound of itunp sugar into pisses; put it into a pan, 'Fa ~hti :1 , ''' 4 „ M=l==s9 12. ~% add the.xo . of di egwity4 the 374 • :tour, the jui oflo,ur1= 0 : 13 (nzur in: the rinds of o),ond iotwir4gr 0r,./tisiuuti of; butter . ,Sti r the -InVients'is!egk 9 Yer 11. . slow • fire tm theinixture.boaandaw#dek as honey.- It ill keep for s mi. if_ pinlido jam lied do a with paper, and -t e m) , atilt f cool, drx fii • 'Good . brown 'l,liiiii : Oilif be wail 'hat: ad Or l i/tate: t -li laxmisfaxtel:: , IVA tole wo l :qlA 4 t,ioetsd:tetteelf Tamirs t 3') _ - 8 ' firroryl.- Caler a dne mil of ; sour cream,-indt letadoom ! ...ei 'otiblida, -tont , anificient•i4 '•hke E •it 41alf-,do . ugt,. tionitc out iarke -- Cno . • .' to i plitel*,%iwpreim,'lndur. it Ili ; ti ckni iximi., Whe4' bak ed, ' 'apiit lit Opel and ". . . - iiik butter, 'WM npint i of , sir 6 iw ‘ b* . 'eB cOv,4r, them., 74* iosr.eet' cieuiv aWee • ' the= so.your testae , oPtelilt Mein.= thalftwez, crust . and put the mppe; erust.over them and you have a dish - . nt;for , a wedding. , :.• , , : • - AUNT MARL To WsititLA*lSl3.—To - wash lawns or prints which ; you stiiiitact., will. fade , in the ordinitrY proCess, tie tip 'ln a tower "three ,quarts of wheat hriin and boil a. half-hour to two pails of water. Use g . part of the Water to wash, and kpart to rinse the ,gar &dui, and dry in the shade. , You need . no starch. Elm LAJCPSON. )muzirr Lniziourr.-Talte` Ithe • o eggs, _beaten to a frotti,. a 'vinegar, a wineglass , Of . spirits e, and wineglass of alcohol, the time. Milk linement mutt titer t in' the' 'order mentioned • will,not be,thoroughy Moor ' e find ; this very superior M all • bruises; &.e., on man and Art Ex whites of t wineglass o of traria beating it lie put; . io , above or porathi cases of sp beast. SURE Cu cents wo a gill of' sof quently wii disappear h ...„,„„. FOB_ YirAsltTB.77-Take: 2. or .3 of sabammonian, dissolve it in water,. and wetAhe.warts fre. the solution, 'when they will a week or two. ' . . . ",e..l3citztit rzt Woon.&Eciat aid put it on',the taik of the ariinute, or . two . thea: use- the and you will e a s ily take it out, eit is warm. • - 'poker, area screw for a I screw4rive if done w Various Items. , Elt . rawbe . a rry Show at Pitts —Knox' burgh, Jun '—The st farmer raises the most hay; the poorest farmer sells it. ' —Trees in leaf, and. even with the fruit set, are said to be transplanted without in jury in.the night. . • . Hrt7 . /muff 'or tobar-do' dust on Striped bugs, Cut-WOl7llB, cabbage 'fleas; and all these creatures "of • "—The wheat 'harvest is! commencing in Middle Tenneasa.. The yield will be large anff.excellent in quality: - • • horse ' breaks' the ice with his foot; ,sheep; crowd .togethert holding down their . heads, and melt the weL ivith:.the,it breath. • —When there is a moon; • fish will bite :by night; when there is no moon by day. - This is because they cannot .sicirk'in - tne . dark. . • —lt is said that the best stmwherry plants come.fr,om the third and fourth sets of run ners, and .that the first. and second sets should be cut off. • • -• ' • —Be Who reads and thinks little must work hard, and the family pinch and"save. One who reads and uses skill may work less, and sleep on a spring bed. —We are constantly told that drunkards are rare in the wine growing countries of Europe. Our grapes 'must be superior, for wherever we make wine we make drunk ards. —.The Department of Agriculture and the scientific wing of farmers are teaching that wheat should be cultivated like drilled corn, and that it will yield one hundred to one. Let us try itinthe garden. —The cattle diaease, that lately made its appearance at Springfield, 111., has broken out m Quincy. Eight cows were seized on North Eighth street, in that city, on the 4th inst., and all died within a few hours after being attacked. —The Milwaukee Santini says : "Young men of small means, seeking for farms, will be glad to !cam that there are in the St. Croix valley, in this state, some 950,000 acres of land subject to entry under the . Homestead Act." —The last amusement of • those lovely people, the 'French, is to burn out the eyes of singing birds with red-hot iron's, confine them in a dark cellar fifteen days, theii bring them to the sun and air, and bet on the length of time they. will sing. SPECIAL NOTICES. WNIANHOOD AND TH E VIGOR YOUTH. restored in folic wockii. -. . Sue 'eels E ffuaroll teed. Nit. itieuNira ESSENCE AO' 'l;iF restores maidy powers, from whatever coos arising; the effects of Moly 'perniciase habits; self atusse,•lmpoieney and climate give way al once to this vronderful medicine. if taken regularly accord ing to the directions, (which are •very, illmtile. and. require no restraint fr om: business:or gleasitire,,), Failure Is impossible,,bold In oottles at sa. or four quantities in tine for kti; To be bad only of the sole, appointed agent hi America , tiERITZEN; 205 Second Avenue. New York. jel3:lB4-Trs - . . WrP HILO SOPII Y.' OF *AIR • • •nukoz, anew enure° of Lecf.ufts,,as de livered at the New York' Museum of Anatomy, .ina bracing the subjects:: How to• LLt. and what to live for; Youth, Maiurlty and Old Age; Manhood gener— ally reriewcd; the cause of indigestion.. Ilatulk.nee and serious diseases anemia ted for; Marriage 'ph Id toophically conkidered, Sc. Pocket volume* con taining then lectures will be torwarded to partiea unable to attendpon receipt of four stamps. by a - dtesslnk SEC RE IARY, New York filne.eurn of Anat. piny and Science; 018 Brow:limy, New York; ; . jelMl6l-118. ~ • _ • ~ • • „ • . liartiVlVE MARRIAGE.-=: 'Yotmg Mena Blade to Hippy.ldarrlage i and Conjugal Felicity, The burnout a - levant' tenet , ' nlent Phyitrlans. on the /Errors and Abases Incident to Ttouth and Early ManhoOd, sent In sealed letter envelopes. Babe of charga. A ddresa HOW ARO AS. BOCIATION. Box P.,eunadelphis, Pa. mylincOST lIATCHELOWS HAIR 'DYE. This splendid Dale Dye 1 the 'beat With° world; tins only true and. perfect. Dye; harmless. , reliable, instaohineoum . no disappointment; Do ridictslous tints; remedies the 11l effecia. Of bad Brim invigo rates and leaves the. Hair, soft and beautiful. bha or brown.. Sold by all Druggists and rerfumerm end yr/lushly applied at Phtebeior's Pliouoi,. No. Bond street, New Irork. LEG • , 4!ih • ' sitarEes . air- POiIiTMENT. • .4 Diliten Court Of the Enited'etates, for the . es u 3 r 7 4 . vistrict Of Penusylvula.. • In the matter of • 'SIMEON 8U.M116.0011,,, of.i espy township, Arm. strong 'county, Pa.,' Deukrupt.'' N0.'700, fit mink.- ru_ptcy We.terri District uf /kW:lnn:iv/DIN ss.---At:Pitti burgh. Ea.: the 16th of M ay . A. D. _.„ , tco' ittrom. ir itAt Cort Can.—tens undersigned 'hereby giros nottee of his amiOnitment as Assignee .of ansv,oN B LI M BALKM,', 'or s erry townibip., in thecorinty of Atuletrong,. and . tote of Penuaylva. said. distrlet, who as been adjudged a bankrupt upon his own 'petition,' by the District Court of mod District.. WM. BD/MELT, Attorney- at-Lew. myßulte , rit - street, Assignee_' ORIPELANW,COLIST SALE OR .!.. ' .• 'A lf g v en i y, c o o n a . i d n e n t e d : Mn4yb 3n o „A ; lle l n Bo3 nit tihContk orf signed will expobe to Publics ante, at ‘tharoOrinr II suttS, In the City or Vitteburg b. on 4une 19th, 15911.-st,lo o'clock...a.m.. & let ground aa)uate . ttilbe• Seventh' warn of' WO' eltyt' ht 'William A - t 4. ethurr: nrst plan of lota.' and , Wolf 3 5 rillet In Wont i l i • •QP ALth r ATIPInId..xt4IO,I traolt444 . l"et; ion :IA lb rth&Vratial li gi l i 4i of A'. iiiilliOltif , anst olalli Go AtA•Rliteg -of .0 J - . . , ,- ioi. it. ont.v.s,„-3 • 1. , , ' ii, zr yoga% • je2:rlll Antolnletrators of fear gareti Misery , . c_ • ... --- 11.' . .,,,, — I . -----I.l.77rr'lT'et---...''''. _At upon the estate of TH MoooTili .411111 bean grantedVarlap MOT . pone bikyksimallize 'tarititrigagebt. ,r 111" „ w =rayinent Adegomilvtllbra. Attorney-at-Lliw.llT Diamond 61.• rinsburgb. my4:o44i • ' ' "*:'"• - • • ' • • - - ~. ; c ,r,~ ~~ -1 . / • t: - 1` •.4 r , • ITISPATROIT GAZETTE : TVESDIgliri 'NNE le) 4868 iliiMil iVeliniu mitlatt' ''L,lST4Tion. AwiAii,o;;.•:. •••••,A.;:- -,,,:, ..--,..- , cm, au x. 414 To.-Lizi-gouses A . GREAT laws or . ASTHMA. I am Lou for side Ingibiles•nfthst cl i Zi mu' •r ."..'''''._,.. ' • —gas,44leveml in gm & p _ I feel roma imam obligouorMto you, a s well •Alio, damdff WOOLS'S 1. 0 Erl i titlti s au is a auttl owe to Othetiwbo Ware been like suffer ef bad, and good treed,a, w I . g rs w i t h • ethed94M4 a! rews Fleshiest= 30 71 11 14 fas Orleithif.they nay know:l/Bare 4°leW ° Mr littet N , " I n a /14°111 1 /ta r V the y ; can IF l kettred.. " - tad OVA: Bubieeltl.7l ol ent. mita mese Or fttLe i i i ii .Ta entinnelk attacks 9F itirrggs for more *lieu di ' Mk' ,- ; •'/LlSaktritidert: . ' I-A=lW. i s 44/...a. 1126110 IWitetoirrekt eitMese end tdVarious • knedieSlMed id elperieked" iiittioist Mitaidhig hof ty•hollelgiirellidrrireibiT9dleitidip, 41Inli se bad Diet I pryer knewAltr i s WIM 10, be free 4fOlia: the tilias,' W. ;lbietto sit bp It Ned ever/ driflit Ihr Weeks and weeks, swinloitt iitepreepea br VA* bf 'euie:' Ai r totaltiortzlifas Nab tild I felt tub ii bertheteabO i When Z got an *Ulla It* , . flaneei of siiffoiniting eve/rimmed: doled-MIA lied - teen-My Wafering idarawy. Mother: air dist ii . has olio • mo fnMsrlweN : hc; lke 11661° : 40 // E ; . e•o. o,iejtipatlt ,11d nights,in' ilight:Wftir the doom and witisdows 'of the •• • akroWn 'ride omrti, in -urddttreblEeder the *prime • gdiseiger otstrongtda tion---11b ffido condition; h • tar lath Agfcretobdr , XXIX), baring beard at 1) • 1a§199111 , 14. Milt 14 •eurtag•this,disease..l.dall d on tifra,'lll comPori7 Withiny bush:add, Joseph °yen; bid I must cau -1 fen with s Vett deal of d • btiur to effecting a`per blastiehl cure.- PR, Sri- ER! examined se care. libilyi and •my :MUM all overt With hid • MING ' setilm, and told Tao .tha with care I would:get we I persevered wi th Is medicines for ore s a T , and em te.der t A VI ,• • tie health, and totally F X 91191,i Tax As'lll • , and its terribly dim g ible Attendants. . Ll.`l l bail, once in a while, a re li j tussock of the clizesse, •, but I regard:my health as entheir re.established, lid if Ido have any at. tack, a few doierof• tbe I • v'e medicine isnedi Weir relieves it. 'I cannot feel lee aerate' PO the exemption •!Toni k•disease wide% used to 004 me whole.weeks and months of. loss .ef sleep. ibesides suffering which none but those who Are subject to ibis diMase can fully appreetateor deagribe. . NANCY IKEYEitS, • . MARY MOUNT JOY, (her moth e r,)' GEOIaiIAN A FISHER. . , Biruilngh'am, Dec. 9, 1967. . ‘ . , • .. , , The'case of 'Mrs. Xeyers, melted above ‘ 3 l.s one of more than ordinary Importance, herause ef Die Tio- Unice of the -. attacks, .their ightlnued length, and the great r irostratlon of all tbe vital powersattend. big the discose. Any, man who - knew bee during,the lima she was a sufferer from, the 'disease of Width sbe wail cured, mad will look it her now the rery_ picture of robust health, cannot but iidnilt that. the tore Is oncef more than onlinsm character, Wu- Innen as we hear of Asthma everyday of Otte Hies, being a disease of an lecuraide nature.. Let these who doubt investigate for themselves. • .• • . . ~ , • t, '• . . MUM ru . :. •...we , i-.' . . - ..... fro tpa br4 v. h r wr ... .a: taw: - an .Bald las. Pa ': . ilatmaManssleC % LO a M m P a t t teisrs- p samaxCttteU ab l i .;k MitagfreileeVce*Y n,•d risii,4i rv- 10A.Bignitotingkeilgar : M are se ogried axle 4n tn,the . It Hiring village or stltetrtoein adjoin the - lrm• - , tughlierlinet and oWrilfteeitJahlusitlis 11111 k r the. end of site htorm e rilatb_ ridge.: . i growing - madly. 000 p Was realtor iota sold last seasod4 tint er litty neat dwelling* Were erected during the moos. As a special indecement. to mechanics. we areArtlllne to .cWethc.balsece of the lota thelow pride trf from h5lOO to $350 Mats' ' and on terms easier than paying rent 4. We are Olt the premises every-aneznoois from 3 to 7 o'clock; or apply at our oMoe, corner or /earth and -Smith. geld Streets. . - " McLAIBT, & CO. e 2,000,(XX) Aci,Es" CHOICE Limps toR sALE, Uniim Pact* Railroad Company, Lying jiltmkg thp. line of mete mad, &mama& dilatory or iros For further parttettlsis,nuipr, de., addreso SOW' P. DEvspur.vx, Or CIIAIL MEI REAL , ESTATE AGENTS. $2O 000 " "AN; ON BONto r .Wii MORTGAAGIM, ON WELL IMPROVED REAL ESTATE APPLE TO. STEEL & WILSON, Brokers and Real Estate /treat", No. 08 Smithfield Eltreet. Jell: JOHN D. BAILEY . & IBRO., • STOCK AND REAL..ESTATE BROKERS • . AND AIICTIONESIIIiI. • • Are prepared to sell at Anctioi STOCHSSONDS.,• and all hinds of SECURITIES, REAL 'ES T ATE, . HOUSEHOLD PURE - IEI7IIE. to., either on the premises or at the Boad,o( Trade . Rooms., . - Particular attention paid, as heretofore, to the •sale of Real Estate arivate sale. • • Palmist Real Es FOURTH countmattended. °eke. No. US S'PREET. 0e23 $lO.OOO ON BOND AND MORTGAGE. ' CEO. M. PETTY. 11205 Real Estate Ageat, BO Smithfield street fts V r REAT DISTRIBUTION 1W THE METIIOPOLITAN GIFT COMP ANT. Cash: ti to the amount of 11 .000. Every. ticket dra r a elill tilfts Each 1110,000 •• •• 5.000 10 " 000 1.000 40 '•• 50 06 " 10 300 •• • " 50 450 ' • 915, 600 30Elegant Rosewood Pianos. each $3OO W 43 0 0. 33 " Melodeons, • • 75 to 150 150 Sewing Machines. ...... „...ettett 00 to 175 .5150 Musical Boxes., ... .. 4" Itti to 5100 . 300 Fine Gold Watches " 715 to 300 750 Fine Sliver Watches " 30 to •50 Fine OK Paintings, Framed Engravings, -Silver • Ware. Photograph Albums. and a large as - sortment of line Gold Jewelry. In all valued at 0.000,000, A ehanotto arose tap of t , 4 above Paine by Pur chasing a Sealed Ticket for 24 cents. Tickets de scribing each Prise are atair4 In Envelopes and thor oughly mixed. On receipt of 51.3cts. a beetled Ticket will be drawn without choice and delivered at our office. or. sent by mail to atiy address. The prise named.upon It wlll be delivered to the ticket holder on the payment of one dollar. Prises will be imme diately sent to any address. as requested, by express or return mail. _ Towles It know what poor Prize to Wore you lay for tr. Any 'vise 11% Archsneett for anoth•r of I. game eatue B - • SKrOur patrons can depend on fair dea ling. ltErxnExess. - We select the few following nitrite from the many wbe-bave lately drawn valuable prima and kindly permitted us to publish Goma 9. T. Wilkins. Buffalo N. Y. AL,10 0 ; Miss Annie Munroe; Chicago. ill:, piano,- vetoed at 6150; 'Retort Jackson. Dubuque, lowa, Gold, Watch 'ssx: Philip McCarthy, Louisville. Ky.., Diamond Clustee S King. , re : l 4 9.ll. A 4l l 7 . 4 t it e l t ir kri N d e nit -4111 1r wlih M . WIN., Platt% owwi Nov. T. W. Mt, Cleveland, 0., 'Melodeon, siis. - •We modish tm Oates Without permission.' OPINIONS OF TEIX PRESS.-!'They are.' doing ibe largestbasiness;_the Arm reliable:and, deserve their Saocess • ." -- WWI/ Ftb "We have-examined their Yystern..and ltnOw them to be affair flailing 90n."--.lVeto Sunk &rata, , 'Last week a Maul 'of ours drew. a IMO tithe which ryn a. promptly nicettred.—/Milp , Nage, Yards. Send for circular gtving many more references and' favorable notices from. t ae 'press: il.itteral Induce- Molts to Agents._ Satisfaction guartuttoed. Every, package el Sealed Envelopes contains - tel A C A airr. nizatF i ets liar :I; rorS2; El fords; lleforges.' All letters °old .he ,syldressed to.IiARP R,. i WILSON CO..II3NROADWAY, X. Y. ,:..•••• -7-T BYTES • EASTERN DIVISION. - $lO O I.O.IOO,OerrIAICR4 Laad Canlalmloner,.Topeira. Kauai. 80. tOntt, littitoutt. 11. i 1. 4 N'imic ', TO Owivittoi or „ • -Op TO. Nottce is hereby even to an . e of Drays, Carts. Carriages, Buggies, de.; Whether resident or non-resident in tile , City ofPittehergh, to paz their Licenses at the Treasurer's Office of the .Lity, of Pittsburgh YORTOWITH, 'ln accordance' with an Act ot Assembly. approved March apth4l3oo; end and an A ssembly of the Councils or the. City. Of. Pittsburgh, passed At 10, 1860. Al' Licenses not p aidon or before MAY. 15,1800. win be plaCed t o hands of the Chief of Police for collection, subject to his fee of 30 eel:Mirror the collection thereof. and All persons who neglect or I refuse to take out Licenses will be _subject toe pen alty, to be' reeovered before the listOrt denbie the_ account of the License., ; The old metal solaces of Pretibut Teen =tat be re" tithed , at the time 'Accuses art tatertenti'er'pay, ABdents therefor, . , • • ty , -.RATES OP LICNNIMPr , •, ~,•• „ • Zaeh.Onn _gorse Vehicle Bach Two nors6 ' ' we 00 ...Moen Tour Horse _I . ' . • ' •• *4 i* . Each Two Hone .. .. . ....t AID 00 OnuMbtaes end ,Wlttiber ;Wheels drewn Bono. Vollere "eneh - - • a I- MINIS Nor . • 'Mnir a nt r ii i ill24-7171111 ": 115 71 1e_._= 4 12 1 0qal 9 19 e "( glom mieLAlNlt..‘o. Met. . Ouly Ikeeftlakitto ° WNP3 Art.. szo.4 l lP o f arePterw i er "ltin Vain,M, NAV YORk% POB 91 47/10itk A I LVr: QuiverwelPe Ilarrisisalas." velegulleseaSs. isykiNlWT p:-r u o mta . t , DIV SEWER'S RESIDENT CONSULTING OF FICE FOR LUNG EXAMINATIONS AND THE 'TREATMENT OF OBSTINATE CHRONIC DIE,- EASES. No. 120 PENN STRZET.,Lrom 9 A. Y. until* P. Dearness, Hard Hearing, Discharges front the Ear,. Polypus of the Ear, Catarrh.. Baena, Blind Eyes Isidannid Eyes. ant every species of bo re Eyes and Ears sue. eessfully. Tresiteil. by Dr. Keyseri:No. 120 Penn Strait. The case to which we: allnded - some weeks ago, of Christiana Fisher. of Beaver county, is now eutlre ly confirmed by the appearance of Siles hither her- , self, who to-day called onlielt. KIITSIER-In'pentons: to thank him tor his kindness and skill' in restoring her to ENTIItE 4141.1 F'ERFECT SIGHT. , , Miss. Fithee'haabeen namely blind for - lour menthe. She. . WAS so blind that she couid not distinguish auroh ices so as to make Out what It wsa. -The easels re markable. as hundreds of cases like her's are doom ed to never4anding darkness, on alheillancy pretext that thereto no cure,iend nothing can be none. She was under DR. KETSRIVii treatment for two months, and before she applied to him,' through her brother, Simon Y. Fisher. slight' bones were enter tained of her ever getting her eight. Her case Is well known tu the:neighborhood where She resides, and has been regarded as one of-extraoniinsry re covery. W., the undersigned. kntgOr of the cure of Sties . fiber. and bear n Piing testimony to the fact above stated. CHRISTIAN ripmeo, Saint Y. £l5lllll, (brother.) ANNUS BRAubIY. - - Taylor Avenue; Allegheny; EL'OliNg BleCas MET, • LOUISA Fthitga..(ber niece.) September IStb, 1507. The cue above referred to was , entirely cured by medicines to purify the blood, and it is witnessed by Scores or Persons who have known Miss Fisher. and have a knowledgeof her total restoration to health sod the reeorell other sight, As the accompanying letter of her brother sets frail: Da. Harass This is the list of names that I hare to your ildrerMsenaent of the cure of. my sister, Christiana Fisher: They were all willing to put their names down, and were very much astotusned to toe that you brought bet sight so ern. My mother sends her thauas to you; she says 'you are one of the greatest men in the World.” 'She says if we had not come cites you she belleNes her cnild would nut be -at this time We adjoin in sending our hate an , respects to Too. - S. P. V.SLlER,•butir fiewickLej. ' S. H. Brown. Liule tolabeao, Philip Friday. Tillie Maimed. • Rachel Friday, T. hi. Mahead,, 11. N.Teckle. hos. Matiesd, A. H. Carob. ..Lean Allison; E. W. I.lercadorfer, • Mary J. Brown, Wnr. Jenkins, Jane A. Morton, ' Michael Harris, J. C. Weller." , Ja . A. Fien.ing, Mary J. Weller: C. S. bwinebarg, thtsan !Jemmy'. Nancy M. Haaert, hit= lijdo. : Meryl). Marten , Cm. A Irson, , Morton, llza L eveudorfer, ' Ears Hazen. ' T. G. Young, • Jennie Wits; If, • J. Lieeendorfer.. l imy E . J. F. Mitchel. limy E. ' A. M. Lievendorfer,, — Mary rotten. . Gardner. Jennie Pattern; • G. Lieeendorfer, Martha Patten, J. F. Morrison, James Patten. A. M.:Mortiton. ' " • Sadie E:THabbs, Robert Mahe id, Jennie E. Dobbs, Christiana Mihead, • J. Walobbs, • • • . Isabella Doabs„ .1: Dokhs, . ;, N. Fonkhouser, Wm. R; Pence; D. Wislier,, . • - J. 0.11•Hltero G. Fisher. Willarnina 1 * (fief hiwtner.)- (her Motlfer.) • • , KEYIEws coNBULTATION , ROOMS: No ;1510 PEN ETREET. corner er VANS ALLEY - OFFICE iioußS FltuK 8 A. kt. , TO IE g , IN. • . . --- T'ULlil9NAllY • CONSUlitrnOle2, jtESV . VTING rito3l PLEURISY, C UR I). I :Statement of G BORG E PORDecarpeuter.lot No.' `ll6 Sampson street, Allegheny City: I t3J:t • ' ;.took a violent attack of pleurisy,. lnillay.lll6ll, which, left sLe with Nsough Atoning all erflurperl wearing away' my strength and gradually: Crider- Mining my health. Denim , this sutsor of intirlby I bad aereratphystelato of :thithighost' reputation in the city., After khad partishi r ecoYerfl from the pleurisy. I - vas advise& to' ger Int& th e'country, which dle, and when rthere I called in' a doetor, who told me ay left laug,sras. allecte4,_ sad that if soMethlug werei hotdone oon f would Alta of CON SUMPTION: I lingered on Veal "tidal elute utiul about the middle of , J une,',lng Image aen a ireg I ease. Yre. t gradually growing worse, sod I r emery day,' and elmosl despairing of titer tett trg la Ole state of dettpou tune alittkeectitletad gen ; oral belief of th e, lucuraltetty,of,onsuumatorn and liming heard of cure. Made b) Vll, and seeing his adtertisement , ln , Induced In October kende call on the Doctor at Ills o ffi c e, 120 Perm street, and had then ittllamdte ter • lUUSI with his • "LUNG SOUND ." ' H eloans° the. Upper lone of my Will/ UM was very much diseased, but be thought,withltreat ncreand the.wysereeepce lathetie of hum edicine,l 'would getrrel E. Al 1 he time I called on Itr. Kepler/up +guise wits ov e r one, hundred spdAntrty beats, to a minute, and ,Imitagett *rally pro&trated, and had to- cough night ono nay. commenctel tbr Doennltt ;treatment ,IrO °Mbar, w ith a feble; hrokett calist.itelloll, Mel cotatetiell it ,fatthfUlly Ahe _Present y,trag..., me di e l oo . t. hoped ,from the very stars, and 141 , toutd grQually feet myself gettiat atroagero and my cough sod o,lipectoratiott jetareing. gainied•isteatty In 'milli And , dobeitter-mytelr.ti; all, the rattliug of my lung Pas coriscd.t audipy,gen brat health is in every `way good. - my reiallseis and Irian& know oft tee edvaemid atageoCtortfts esse and tiff eXtriordluart umoray, (Meier Ahe 'medicinesTen me y D 'KEYSER' watts meal- Clue m u e tango Oliftlit mitten t look in Manor •Aon,Yrith thcotheetresdnient.,.t. QE PQUD ,I:rit• •, 'tzt ' !.! rni ,o n w irio n t s ic t lsi g lireh uß :7 ll) .; ll4l o4 9 ;. licatemont In John • Ck , IVlShelar uf, Turtle COO, AaIfIP,MYW4II%/z , ',was dlactuirtmd flanstrytedratates anny,ln - 41InuarY, 11100, on'aecon . th e of *pawl' lu tho Ispad, • 410, - and a toed 'sr 'army 001- Aland pronounced UONSUbitinONlt'lv artanlerri- We cones, and fell ..way„aces , ngtb Acid A and "wits nimbi. • to do athlete . after Us re turn f „, the % rum 'madcap itealtunta a MI: Whin of mr li e llylEt t e i rvards to another In • ns t stiti r dil illy Int i live.giutithe r . l irifirafirgl e :of whatever. but rathre grow worse. and wasOd In flesh and strvngth ry,,day“.l,la August. /INK my mother took meld DR. Tileyellft, of 11.0 peon street, Whose akiltillkanela moan kk yatliue,iiacLbean ' i t*lly lota' of, and gar tuyie.nruntlik %Ls i.ha a “Settr irsVded h TIMM tu ti 1 4 /1 n _BOUM), and sold ma t atm/ plant hug vraireadir laLsedd. galtagsitiogg spot "V lt sa q fi lta ti rMruallor lowitit I. n d iffnrs /i gt9 / IMO tTAi: ,VelalledAo nikbesttitibas a T v g lisraik thlt• w MeAtietat - g. lehe•f af wwolll l . srfirtritanat. v to e • • ` N Oirl! • tr uo rigrovnall. eliNtUfatrailittis(y) ) es•nv Dli.diabilike r Ml i d r ial.jekitiii i El 'OM fl))” ailittincealvetram Otnia No. 140 WOOD STREET. Consultation Rocasasa r ovi o la LlO uta. PZ iL o an N ut lll l ll4ol . l.. K.: Lung exasklnatbass les MU3ll' ti I SIOD'T RESTORED. r imeAmpil. Fire hisurgute Company, =SE OF PITTSBURGH, e i ng% No. 42 En St, Second Poor, 17M; MiThrinfilt. XMAIT a stelows • • ..rsw.tram Efrolas. DELIIECTOrte Robert C. Schmertz, Louie Morganttern. Charles lleyran, • . Joseph Abel. Wtre.T. Lang. Adol_.pb Krebs, Nal. Carr, ' • • Cla.lsiebftsft, Pelee Bell,i,C. d, &WU, MlrtlliEts ROBERT C. spiENIERTZ; Presft. 211(iit6lANATZlik; "Vice! Pres't. f MEYIU.N, Trexisnrer 0. r..uliasoszo, tgeiretuir , The above Comjanrie now folly organized, and prepared to ,taite , Y/NEJIDS3I.B; Bf careful atten .tiOn to Deafness, prudence and fair dealing. this Company will' endeavor to merit a liberal share of the patronage of the comnunilty. • jegue INSURANCE,cciraPANY, OF UotaEGlONi r , . Moe In Franklin Savings Bank Buildings, No. 48 Ohio at.; Allegtheny.l A HONE COMPANY,' :managed by:Dlrectorserell klunra tO the eemmßuity..srho trust by Aar steulltur to merit auhure of yaut paroutps:' liatiltlr IRWIN • President. GNU. D. .... .. ...Secretary DtsacToßs!' ari neftwitio , D. I: Patterson; Henry fierwls. Gab. H. Riddle, Jacob Frans,,,,, GottLeibraas, Simon Thum. J. B. Breath, Jacob Beth, W. M. Stewart, Ok'P. Whlaton, Joseph Craig, Jos. Lentner, H. J. Zinkattl,* Jeremiab Eaten. ap10:05 . NATIONAL INSURANCE CO, or THE OITI or . Aliso min. OAlae In A.T.azonswt TBLIEM 'comrezrrs BUILDING. . . FEB - LIVSMItANCE ONLY. . , , w.w, MARTIZIti, PreslMmt. JAf3. 8. STILTENBOWEIscretary,:' A. H. Eil4gltsts. ,F.H.r.Willimasrao. Thompson, Jac. A. miler, as. Lockhart, Jos. 'Myers; Jas. L. Graham. Robt.'Lek C. C.' BOlts, Jao. Brown, Jr. Jacob Kopp. mh2S:all ri'S( TERN , INSURANCE COM• PAN OFF EL TPTSBURG• LEXANDER NERICE, President. . . WM. P. HERBERT ' Secretary.. CAPT. GEORGENEELD,. General Agent.. 8A Water Street, Co.ls. Wire; house, up stairs; Pittsburgh. , .W lll la Whist all . hinds 'or Fire and Marine Risks.. --A home inatitution., managed' by Directors who are well known to the community, and who an determined by promptness ,and liberality to unto!. lain the character which- they here' assumed, sa of. teeing the best protection to I,hose.who desire to be • • ,_ • " "L. • nistitCyorte: ,AlexanderNimick, • Jona R. McCune, B, Miller, Jr., , Ches. J. Clarke. - James McAuley, . William S. Evans, Alexander Speer, Joseph Kirkpatrick, Andrew /helden, Ileymer, David M. Long, Wm. Morrison, D. Bunsen. n 027 pENDISYLVANLIL INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTISBUR6H OFFICE. Al FIFTH STREET.. BANK. BLOCS. This is a Home Company, and mantel against. logs by Fire exclusively. _ • . LEONARD WALTER, President. C. C. BOYLE, Vice Preddent. ROBERT PATRICK, Treasurer. - HUGH Mc.ELHENY, Secretary. DIRECTORS Leonard alter, GeoriP_Wilson. • C. C: Bo ri c. Geo. W. Evans, Hobert Patrick. J. C. Lappe, Jacob Painter. • C. Plainer, Josiah King. . John Veegtle.y, Jas. H.. Hopkins ; Anunon. Henry Sproul, INDEMNITY ' • AGAINST LOSS BY FIRE. FRANKLIN INSUHANCE CO. be PHILADELPHIA. OFFICE, 433 & 43T CHESTNUT BT., Nwl Merles V. Banc.ker, Mot;foa li l H. Lott% Tobias Wagner, • Da dS. Brown, Samuel Draut, . Isaac Lea, - - Jacel? H. Smith, _ - 1 Edward C. Dale, f eorrre W. Richards, . L licorice Faies. CHARLES G. BAN KEE, President: EDW.' C. DALE, •Vice President. ' • W. C. STEELE, becretary,pro tent. J. OAILDNER (*FEIN', AGE2M, North West corner Third and Wood Streets. LLlEGrAlEivilir INSURANCE COT A . PANT OF , PIPPdBI3PAIH. ' • •• • ' OFFICE. No. 31 FAITH STIIEE'T s . 'Bert ittAxia Insures against all kinds Of Ftie and litatiiie JOHN 14WINi JR., President: - •. t• ' ••• • • "JOHN Di mccoitn; :Fite President. •••• , 0: DONIIELL4 &wrier'''. 1. • _ : , CAPT% WM. DEAN. aenc,isirttent. • - - ' z ' ,",, " • : DlnzCTenst•-• -. __Pr's - ..., John Irntn. Jr., , , - ~C rpt-7 9 DIL,P.eans John D: McCord . .' ' lit: I.,.'valinestoen. - C. O. Husater.: •r_ -, :: , .W.'111%, Everson. Harvey_Cbtlits, . , Aobert.ll. Davis, , T. J.lidoisklllsoil, ,- 'Yeauchrbelletsi Charles linTs. , , !.., 'Capt.: J, T. etookdale. :ro f inliTA r ';'WP l q•' . 2c° ,lll- ' . wxx 04010ai, AT. r...016441w0g0 A 1.00 sn. z tiozne ,424Ft11e Disracrress: , -,1 -, - t ; ' , *in. MUD* .. John Wotti * ; • a w a" . k. :ll Li Ver, 1 John 1r..: POW__ r:, t .- , , leo ..rtutokle,:, ,Coot,..James =le; ; , , ,-4,...ared M. Brush,: ~...-, - ' WEIL. Van Kirk; - . IV - m. F. Lott Jamul D. , Vernor, ' + ~B anitel Altoe , 4.tt, wU. PIEIVAP§, reejactims:r.:,Ult. :1, , ! tt, ,W Tl',.. vice rdenh t ,_ 7 .. +' ''''W. T.'EFA DINER, Seoretsry. .:-' ' - , DAFT: :JAEVIDOMDT:-.oOnlFll#l , ent.: ~.. t., 'l , ;MERCHANT TAILORS' i , :11~OABDLE _ . . No090)6 A.IIIIIIIFIELD STEZET, P1TT51317240. Reeitsiotuitantly fnitiled sistittwitifot . w u.l OLOTHSi 41* - iItSTI GS r. irjra.zosmitts . oLOlllitra ; (WAIL litestsOle: 4 - 3 } inn — Tittfl3ll) . "VohatinUilotiluml4 IftilliiscirttoientlitCLOTllB. • AS4 L. ...I: .• • GS:. • maga INUFFAACO6 .Ifferchant Tallaors 2 . Hive Just recelveka large anq well selected atackof rIDTEI SPISLNOI. I 6/0 1 0E18,;; ' Suitable fora flrstolasscualoah,trade. ,:A/w. al large alcylAl of ClEfitrli PURNII4IIII4% 61001:011i,f: '/:•il , u'l;elWifEßllki . . . • istilla..lo , A r'• 1,41 . . 112,f .215=rierre_41P14,4' %We GE VV IL:Sfi 9"Plk PiPtfPliftrs Err.: u,ve)4x4, 911. 44,64NEArtriftoularskieuritt4rdWritplorblik o rtOien:44l7llrieMt Virt. tioniu, 1 . . , , torgA %.11•!--.4dh • - • , - PENTER AND BUILDE R, innneemvittititikAtEstirat., l litgb street, Plttantulb. Ps. Redlrme. mia Grunt street. &Rados done • oil& bestow ea 4; An orders . prespitS attended' too did resaMttele - War• rented l4llkegiselr, :; 31; ;v kOll. _ . tgriiN f a r OPERA ' 1 1101Thri LUBA'S - dit t Meld* MANAGILE " Mar T Rag' ISONDAY, JllllO 15th, and ducil4*4oifri THE CHEAT.. HEBEI:WWII"; Or, wily. r-Als * .alrai § 4t 7444 PLAY. 'DBAXAMP3::OPSZIA.TIOBUBLZIKIIM 005039178,843E41q . '... _ ,t,. •••, - 33 17111111eLADIZEL SEle Or 11 Ina r rEld VS 1[ .---,,... .. „. MUSEUM siciltßlT- 1 9s'• ._....r •,,,,..„,,, ,• mid inskrsil , i „ 00insitmot_WORIM.'th" Triti,,- , . - -- , ~,• :0 " - ^ '' '' I : IB4 L:LIWNV - Car r itan ~ .111/13.t. .:, AT; P. site Pittetreedurtmeire_, ' ' - llPlith' = t ar?" . - ee tt s ,...mai opal rem Carle of it 11l o'cleek aor. , ta.lo P. Ar. - E " _ - ' , • ' • •11 5 .1 I VOCAL AND INSTRUMENTAL - - • 1 ! CON' A (*RAND CONCERT WILL BE Bnittittl * MHZ _. ll , • iamesixmalmilimita3l6-Aap4ofenyi . ' ON ' THURSDAY AND FRIDAY EVENINGS:.., , • JUNE lens AIM Wysi 11168, • And a GRAND' MATINEE; on, EtATVEDAT AP -. TERNOON; JuneJnhe Allth, at . ago'clock.... 1 The ORCHESTRAwiII be loader the direettos of Prof. WElBS,_leader of the Oreat Westenzßaad. J AW*C. MOOD.r..Prinelipal ;of. the Sloan Ma 'steal Institute;' wilt recede It the - Piano; _ The services dfthe - ALLEGIIENIr QUART7L7TIZ haro.been. secured for ithoweessicro,, ,apoNui nailer sortie - Of their finest Bolls each (monis/. The whole' under the direction 'of 'Pre e =li. :BLACK, Tee he: of Music twilit Potato .... . .. . .... °Marla. llisideir tit Tellers of Age:: Sit Tl4etalabe /I;l,ot:that& . e OtofeetPittird e r ra; the Book ..and g torea, I lie head an a Oa Harflirare %tem bU Street, near B,Uroad Ddp The Bteinewyanot plapo,antt- bttlfear wished by B. weber d Broq. , Doorsouen - stif)iloicioe Coneett to edlolarie . a . 'sod rairch to tw:rst moodtoe f!atjf. 1111. jel2:r , Vr . exam} OrsTßAwAttit. t.wwwwiL CUMBERLAND PlEigtillft, lAN CHUM, , • • - On' TIIEBDAT AND I ' VEDNEtik4 %Mira 454n)17• - .. DINNRB 12 111.*TO 6 ri sorgg,a.,ll .PROMENADE TM TO ill orA. _• STRAWBERRY ! AID ICE =Alt FESTL 0: 0 Will be held in. EXCELSIOR RAU, iugheny ON THE I.Bm, 19ma i AIM 2015.1.10 T r. _ For the benefit of the Metibdist. Chiral. Home Mir sion Work. , _ - (Ayttthf4l3trkralito3.ode of .1 o'cletek.r.,3f e -canes of . lseioDQ . , ee - er— /Zany 0r74-T . 7 I MIU*t; , ; . STRAWBERRY ' FESTIVAL , FOR THE BENEFIT OF X.. 1, .•I :4 citugg, iffitiegEsTEß, ‘ • TUESDAY AND WEDNSDAY,AFTERDODNS JUL , / ! A" &.• 40th. Je104346:1'5i arBEWIT 0 THE 1 . 001011. Under the iiarplies alike Socletiof Sr. irlieest de.Peal. Wt. Peal , * Conteresee,) there will be held A CRANWCHARItY.PICINIC, ON "SATATJELIOWSZ".• . AMple arrangements .iiaTe been =data Bemire a. pleasant and etddyable der to all who attend f .wtdie -at the same time they wily feel conscious ofeuntrib~ utter,. to the miler-of the worthy po or : to InNat . Ticacts of admission,_ including 50 cents - can be procured from the members of thellocloty, Jar at George Quigiers Book -Motu, Grant • street, and at the gate, I . jell): WLINDIEN - GROVE. • • • • LINDEN-01VMM basingbeen fitted up In the most soperli stYle, with a:large and elegant Phi term, heauttrony,ahaded.l large: Dining; Mom ail.- - two excellent bat'ss_now ready to rent to PIC NIC% PA.P.TIE-S,'D.S.T•IICHOOL 40111.101111.,. TIONS, de, on tne most yeasonable terms. • 'Parties holding PiciliMae..s will dad tttotheir :advantage,to azure theqtrover :,-, • • -- • The Grote' is easily - ltetesaibl" being-bet a few steps fcom the Oakland Rahway station, whose we •ran regularly everldfteenlninutes, - . • ffar. For tents, its:, apply it the ; • - !OFFICE . OF -THR-0111AND , 1111Litir CO., igritivEtutA v s . ,•• ,f,A1P111141!?WIWA, , -.••- • r. 4.1 01101 :4r.'&C. IL U. eleven miles vont the rclt)q 1,060 w :bow rc.r the r e : eepel p ti l of jtav*ll 1 Adatege,,, .11 • M. Vt. n/ALVICIII, jekoit , , rittaburgh V': O. . . i Bib ' rUMßllltt' Lit Mill LIMBER/ AA 1 . iv , -,, iu Iv, a , , •.-., fi , , f.4I,ILIdIiDEIkPATEERSOIIIy -; ,YARDS No. BO rrablel3,finmerly Manchester. ' 'and No. - lb? ltebeoca lime pe littl_WOrts, f -,. :,,.) :1 1 - 41.1.T.EGIFININ vaTiti• .1 l g. s Ist , ' ,- 4444f15R , lATT ,:511.4i,D8: OP - , - : Rough - sii`. tied: I f liStmos lhookines .i-; :-.!...., A •-ii, c ,ii: ,:! , :l:i.:. i extribthostrdths. •:' !. tit,- s.. - VI i‘ ... :1 , ustM.,. , - - ~ “•J oul4tutillol 1 - .' 51...:::i - E - w apm Ltanber , , we hod Lomat roma, • th tad rattno,:t ' . Oak "and TellOw -Plot!, - . • AL-0 4 -7E4E BMONi Tilat:iusid OLLY. /Mae FowriPperTimeticerAtiparr4rir . ~,,1,-,•IJ '' - .1 . , ~ IN •• zr,,tt ..1.•• • • '' i•lVaillgtja; ',.;•.•••,„.1Hil SII/5•600'.;: :••• e . q 7-• -,-, - , ' '..• I: . :'• ii„. - ., , •'' - I,J , i '. , 1.••• Pit tt B etiort—T. A. W IDIII,II7.4MW•itraiDIT :$ - $ I !8. - „ , - , ,, , BzeRIGHT. Bursuntn:NDrarr - -Cmcpw.RA . i• •br. • ..,:..,..,-.: , ,- 2. , X , l-, .. ',,Lr.1. , :i. , ,: •4).. _ • Ea .?rAlx4)*. EIZEICTODSt Edward Dayiidn, I - L. pt uu t t " , • dcititi Mellon, — - L. 111 Pridge4" Dlthridte k .: •• • • ohnston i • LEEBEE , EKEE-.EdritertdEtrTifEEADTEPXl.. li Lizozivy., , STBEETS: Ninth Ward. I. *I. 4 Yrl g g *A l IW -T grifT 44;:uvio WOWES..4B4ab.. lon treet:„ • - • ;VO , nyER A °` fig9I:MBRI t i or 41",if1LANCE? : 4 -Le ' - DYER- AND- SCOURER. 41 . 1 - It 4;1 ,tt ~_l.rx NO. 9 , BILV , Cit4AXR :01TIELIEFT Y. us :. ,- 1 -11 )f1;1 , )v(ARCILITIC B! ' 4116 'MEW r'..l twr a5,E,•-14 1,4i1.411147i PROW HOUSE AII800IATIONST111;DIN8EI, lend 4 it. Clair Street, Pittsburgh, - • attention given to tho designing and building oouvr HOUSES gad Pima sinumlies. 1 O'CLOCK. AND DVS:KING% AT. liii'MI.Unii,CONDVE, 4 .51 .'~. VJ~Ti~~ .. il:: il',-:i at ~- And Nos. - 185 and-187 Third Minot, bilE:ll64re - thne, Atli A 44104731 4 1titeg. 'to t st -f EMI =I