The Pittsburgh gazette. (Pittsburgh, Pa.) 1866-1877, June 16, 1868, Image 6
N U aB. 1411126311 n r, g s3 PM:311 40 3 , - pnvsniußGH FORGE. AND IRON CO., MAIIJTACIROKRZ OP Sas iron; Sallread Pleb Bars and Belts; Sallread Car Aides italbread Car Axles Hammered; lomeraotive Frames; lematettire Emma Shapes; site Soda Yokes; Straps; lleinalm iiiaallabOat Shartar, Steamboat Cranks•, Plateislieds, Wrists; - Pitomie "laws, Collar% a*. Onicie,. No. 177 PENN STREET,, rmlspußenr, 13aArr,,irimus 84 COI DLL NUPACTURERS OF Bar, Hoop and Sheet Iron, witouciii• IPONg /ran Welded Tubes far Gas, Steamy -Water, • ALSO, • 9/L Wita, TUBING Wee, 98 Water and 182 First Streets. PITTSBURGH, Pa. WID:eN KM! SINGTON IRON WORKS. L MACK; IAM3S.ACM=S OF Best Common, Refined, Charcoal JUNIATA BLOOM IRON. ifICRCHANT BAR, BOUND and SQUARE IRON HOOP BAND! , and ANGLE (E N. : BOILER , PLATE and SHEEVIRON. 'ROWER AND REAPER BARS. CYLINDER and GUARD or FINGER TROW. SHALLIP RAMS, 110 and 16 lba. to the yaw/. WROUGHT CHAIRS and SPIKES for tame. PLAT RAILS, Punched and Cmottersunk. SCREEN GCRE IRON. • NAILS AND SPIKES. • Warehouse at the Wor'ca, .1102 °UGH ST/MET, (a eoutbsuaticur of First stseet,) - adjoiningibectty Gas Works, Pisssimirgh..- ..... EVERSON, PRESTON & COy Iron Warehouse, Nos. 160 and 165 POUT STIUDET, gepooslte Monongahela Nouse, ao24:da PliriltBßUß6B. STEEL WORKI3. SHEFIFIELB STEEL WORKS. SINGER, NIMICK & CO., ETPTSEII7IIOII, PAL, 4, Manufacturers of every description of CAST AND GERMAN STEEL, RAILWAY SPRINGS, • ELLIPTIC AND PLATFORM SPRINGS, • AXLES, nun. TIRE, !Lc, Ac. Wankel: e, Water acid 100. First MI6 spicoa pITTSIIIISIGH STEEL li!ORILIL ANDERSON, COOK & CO., - 03IICCESSOREt TO MGM BOTD, • Mannbeterers of the • BEST < REFINED CAST STEEL, SQUaI7.I4.FLAT and OCTAGON of aft irises_ _,- rra Ho. PORK sad 5 CAST STZIOL; CAST 134'. - . , • Reaping "Mod P and Mow inw ing Machines. lo Wgs. • r Asirs, C.freVaza, £0• Cast and Common Plinti&SpitneSleal. Office—Corner FIRST AND ROSI3,STItZETS, blocks above the htonongeheht Howe. LL. MILLER, MUIR & Pte; PALTNLBS: WN. METCALF, REUBEN MILLER, BYO. W. BARR, • I CHAS. P.&BEIN. BrzcitAs.PArrxes.--.8. M. ELUL . CRESCENT STEEL-WORKS, ALELLT.Pat, BARB dr..I 3 AMEIDT,; Office, No. 339 Liberty St, *l4:d4i PITTSBURGH, PA. BLACK DLINIOND STEEL WORKS. I PARK, BROTHER &, CO., ititit4cturer Cf all discriqUons of I Office and Warehouse 120,129, 124 SZCOND . 1 sad 119 and 191 F BTKEZTIi, • . HARDWARE: - :' . ! i- r'• .' N EW HARDWAIIIE• HOUSE. LINDSEY, STERRIT & IUWI iisztqactsiers and importers or m 1 4. 33 w-ah-mt s E, cireLERY,&c. 887 I r.TRERTY STREET, • - •; , -,...,•;7.': - .-..i - ......:, s - ,-„;": .:....;-„!, ir.". ]:,...,- k CORNER Or W. 1 .1,1717,,, , ,, • , - . . H ....'. '. One Bomar, Below Tinton Bel**. PITTSBURGH. air Agents for PAIRDANICB' SCALZEI TOBACCO AND CIGARS jUIarAN ALLNV, DIALIMAN AIL MUMS OF tie TOBACCO AND BEGA.BB, 3ro. s BIZTH sTR,Err,, , Think =Nte * :-. Frit'TSBBRON. Branch ol:174-Water stret. _,N Ir.. apenn - DANIEL P. DINA:N. EXCEIIIIOII woens. • 4 MAJA-triT6ONIP • • Manaranar ars and pluderslik Tohaccii t eigan, Pipes, dko•i! Xo .o,rzpsam, BT., Azuwiarantv D,-.1 fo (Jr: ROBEIMON, ILEA & COy Successors to EmirEiOn, ffiurts & MlLLatasy WASHINGTON WORKS,- FOIDIDERSAND MACHNISTS, PITTVIURGH, Manufacturers of Scat sad Stationary Stems En guseitnisullaat 1447Alldfiesicir=t7tiTitikaillaga Stiils, er an Sheet Iran ork. Office, lie. Ls—earner ;Nest and ticulthtieldStreets. fewingtalLiarietrir. PETMNT INJECjia2r MORT BLANC weirs - Dim. Butter Street, Niatl& Ward, (Opposite Dram Iron lOUs,' • PITTSBURGH. Bolling Mfll and Bridge Courtings, THIMBLE SKEINS AND PIPE BOXES, KACHINBBY AND OASTINGS GXNKRALLY. Orders promptly and careihily executed. Charges reasonable. Minn & ousass 13ERLuriovaimay. t PRICE &SIMS. Mee GM Wore.hoofie, 29, Wood Street. Mentagaeture and keep anugantly Oil band and Pipe Beireei DOG mix% WAGON 80.13121, strum" KETTLE% tior.tow *Aura.' And Outings generally. ap23:76 T HOMAS curtrAnt:a: CO, : Fourth Ward Foundry and larkille Works, EULNDI79kIe BT., ALLEGHENY crry, PA.. Manntletnrele of steaiis Pni /eys, Shafting, Grist , and Saw /II 11.4f0r MW and Machine Castings, Grate Bars, Weights, Wagon! Spica.. Be.. Build to artier and have on nand Engines otallilzes. • - • me14:05 - CENTR4L FOUNDRY AND ROLL WORKS .. 880 ,Penn Qtl Det- BOINWAN BOYD & BAGALEY. Chill Bois. Mill Castlags, Rob Lathes, ite. 'FULTON MACHINE'wOI3II.B. • ESTABLISHED IN 1838.: , - lir.nufactory of STEAM ENGINES; an sizes and or the most approved patterns or_ stationary purposes ; ESTEA.GATEI aid IMAM PERRY BOATS. A variety at 10, 12 and VS hone xsawer prle ENGINES, wida be sold :as very : reduced . • P. V. GEISSZ• wausvms o . od the Ohlh4lieri sad line of O. P. R. no9:h2 prrisimmakt. GAS AND STEAM FITTING mom; '.. zotts.4Arn . ' - • irtintr in= _TOMIN Art " even Aestdeya:;teaters in 048-44.Fpw..!,:otAu , •wV.Polo „ . toni4i of Puce and li*ne . , PrrrsiantrAt. QAMVErti nzwiessasimm, fit • •.; -• • - 'WI •,3, • - 3 NILO 3 9 41 " 3,3 124 rizij_stireti,Pittsbi6th Pa. Artifortive of 3)041411X1ia, , lute! •Daneantein, don, and er Orso •of •Anthrsone, zouglitritherit Oaks and B. CI Mmrsael' ".• •3 - 4 •i. PIC4I: • ;'• cronipignmente and'orders re,yeetfially s‘fielted. x. sitw strpilewit wpm um MIDEMEETMeIft=k IbrTICISHIntaX3c. . • PARK, MoCIIRDY & Co. • - , .•., -0 - I Fantiftetureireai itritidersv Mitt Va.peftePreuriajeU7r juisti"tit'aull'igippylialseatqralLildBtlll-'Deal"""ersr 'Tiniletek Bbeet rrtiNt . tqw:be:--)42., ata Apo bee . TZ r atiteb net es -Mints; I iro nth. '" l 4 Nat.: 1 (111t8T.wax.e.c and sue _ STREET - ttebtycb. . ina.P"taersitenbt geressorlt' `~ tJ:'... 71R P. ~. :la 4 /, 1: 4 LI .u 4) - 41 MORTON STREET, Ninth want, - THOMAS N. MILLER, Presideirat. Theme Worts are among the lard sne aloe% oomplete establishhtenta in the WOB and are no w prepared to furnhih Engines, of every description. Boners, 011 Windt.. Sheet iron. Work. - - Enilroad Coatings. Rolling 11111 Coifing, Engine Tasting& Naeleinc Castings. Geinernl ()sittings. - oe:n4Nl ORDERSllol.lerrign • NATIONAL Pet**Re I. - AND . PIPE WORKS.' armor Carrell and Ronaßuins Stave ' es, <NINTH WAD DO • „ EPA.. . .I‘ll. Runt Ma.aufaotau•or of dem IRON 130 1 #14, ir 0 t GAB AND wATED. 'WORE:I3. • ' ..t,ParratAir hivini*b,l,3ll , 2zs , .4t . Generaleastbigs for Gas and 'Water Works.' 4411 trl .l :l . ke attt.,c. tezdenti 1516:01L --‘'n3.1.1 THE BAP NM MT FOUNDBY CO. Cl/Le iIiEES SNAP; 'President. WIMP, Vice President. O .METCALF, Seery and J. WILDE, Engineer. J. 0. WIMP; Deameral Manager. • • DlreaClOna: H. ISITERAY, of I.on, Sao' b . .t Co. A. E. W. PAINT" of J. Painter & Bona. C. B. STEHHON,of Rang, Chalfant & Co. THOS. S. BLAIR, o nnoenberger & Co. I inf.IET.TCALP, of Killer. Barr & Parkin. liuXvlPACTinualS.O. Rat and Blast Illachine It ry . . .BE *ad CASTINGS. of evert descalption. itesiostpsarsu. MACHINE& • fe4 1317112*. W. A. 9,oallllia s ra• sirrozi &co., L a IRO , • "rotatnEas , WANI7PACIIIPXB3 CH? 1 FINE LIGHT CASTINGS, deseriipidans, for Plinnbera and dis Mite_rs ,• rieultatral im.pleinents, Cottoct and Woolen =lll Ma- Al l 'promptly attended to. Office and Worte—WASHTNGTON AvaNtrii, neare Outer Depot, Allegkeny City, Pa. IRON' BROKERS COPPER 4 . 0 ;L:1•!.14- q r ~rtKs a . `t .n r~£~~~~3~.s'' ~.4....~ ,r~~~"~~.,"e s Via. Fz ~~ ~ -rt s r ~-~t 3`s.4~.&'s s:c^t ..•r 4 ~ - };ad.,''+,_.xA. %;'^t~. r~ ,Ix_l-:.a ; F k~3:>-4a' ~ ex ._.{ Y~ 3, ~'~. PITTSBURGH GAZETTE : TUESDAY, ,TITN.E 16, 1868. . . 1 '7.2 • Ilartrai;Snik`AND TMg WORKS CARROLL\ & SINYDER, Ttlainuut. pOUBLZ-FLUED TUBULA attur, BOX ARJ aruarr i ms. STEAM Bonaras, OIL STILLS I AND OIL TANKS, OIGIMETS, BREECHING AND ASH PAM% SETTLING PAM S , i.LT PANS AND CON BTH AR PIPES, eesomrraus AND IKON mem; DOORS AND omit. tlarrEa• Mike sad Warehommia, torizei 1443mu11, Third, Short and I.l!lnurty Streets, PITTSBURGH. Pa.' Ogden teat - to 'l e •: above teas will be Oronittiti attelibed pli7:110 W. SL'OBILOW....JAS. B. RA8N1Z1LL..4.1.43. BLAIR. OBLIR/MUIR S , NORIPAY: BL & CO ms.rvrAorpluins or I• • • ' .'"- EU= Boilers; Oli Btille, Agitators, vl7gH SALT PAN . .34;13034TEitt6 Y 1t GET EROIiBIitoGES Bincrtuzogr woun "•L'or. Liberty and Seamillits., PlT*ylltAriVPA. 'EtEi'ArRINH2 prozpßtly-,41e. WK. 1 1 4• 1 1•Muur4,4-.C0., BOILER -MAKERS. AND SHEET, MON..wortxzEts,.' • • - NOS. 20, 22, S 4 AND2OPIOISI3.P. Having secured a large yard and furnished It with the moat approved machinery..ivnareipircp_ared to lneaufacture every description of BOILERS In the best inanner..and warranted equal to any made in tim country. Chimneys,:: 'Breeching, Eire- I3eds, Steam Pipes, Locomotiveßolers, Gondensers, Salt Pun, Teaks 011 Stills, Agitators, Settling Pans, Boiler Irou, ' Bridges, Sugar Pans, and sole manu facturers of Barnlilll's Patent Bonfire.- Repairing done psi the shprteist Waite. 1454211 JAMES M. BITER, Nos. 55 and 56 Water Street, - PWITISIIIIIIGH, PA., • . • MAYMPAC2I7ELZBor Ikc.ON OIL TANKS . aIiTTLENG PANS. IcOPPER STA= PLPA, BOLLING FILL reacts, • - And SPICAT IRON WORK, • • • Poi Steamboats. JARED IL niansa ZDNITND D. DUO !111 ABED BLERvsna‘ SON,' XANDisiCTUDZIIS DIP Steam Boilers; Oil . Stills, Tanks SZEIET,I,RON WORE. &O. 61 Penn Street,_Pitt,lburgh, STOVES, CASTINGS, &C. COOK STOVES., • --- CET THE BEST. BISSELL & CO.'S TRIUMPH, FOR ItITUNINOUS COAL. Warranted to Cook, Bake or Roast as well as any other Stove in the Union. 'Mirror, 00., No. 285 Liberty Street. Aloo on band sad for solo. PAZIArd ma e lf A s imvnt VIO P IMG IS TUNiainI. r: ClialtauPEST. PLACE in the tit) To ipxy Tea rmol4 TRI , Is it No. 140 Glielgt 13fICIZT.' -' - WRING AND KUM, beiuziugoeiiierch lints ang Brokers la Petrolewn and its Products, DALZELL'S BUILDING, bUQUEBNE WAY, PITTSBURGH, PA. PELLADEraIizt ADDRESS, WARING, RING cik:co., TACT art,ontEns; COMPALSSION , MERCHANTS • AND' MeALP= IN Petroleum and its Products. Pitiaborgh Odife-DAZZEIGLI - SULIDERO, ofw.: nar of Ducialisio Way and Irwin airaati; OT.. anima) • • • JA VERy B WEAVE , 4' CO. • • Oa O4 4 mnisidon troNkeri; No. 3 DUQ and a UESNE WAY; bugandenli Crude Bepaedolla , Labrlosting.. Ur. Benzine and t O r o a pda e e c raems Our long experience 20 the Petroleum trade ega e bles us to oder aneenal ellualltlewand In dueenteras to orrators. Meretalbre, we are de. lerttunoo tq e ItNle_Antereer. at:yen endear ler. sod:Ts:ea malr perneelliarin Otte , are eo tally brvited bring - Med, DPW.. ape: al: it 'l4 11. • a a ..1 • • el. ... • . • Wfirgi AURNJIN , Brand--".PETEPIRA". clet i No. 2 DIDIVOgne ',War Pittehargh. a. cd n. volio pit; 'WORKS, - NO I Mlintulgetwx Pad bikv• fur 2 00 in NS. apt .UEIRICATINC OILS. Np. IST. OLiiiit : 1411'10T. t 01WPWWIE. HlLliggrak It 00. • rns .ipwxicAi.., -118 . .EIIiNITURE-141ANUFACTURERSivvL WHOLESALE AND RETAIL, LEN IIOI 4,I II ,,WPIP.Ft, r , ., mirfS: us 30 , 9044/4:0"47144141,W, • • Isa ar m etat i v wargwes z i ff i yonmeg retAkempi,ens or • vin fl arli Irult4re at reduced 4 14 WVOPr • jag y:obrv i.wzaw nta ,t 6.1 Xitiq' 4 ';'4 11.1 litua nil .1; 0., - i Was Obi ' wircrii. , Aqmsama cni INE3 12/7 Walnut, Street. a . MON - ) 1T it r lingrinar ... „ . N 0.169 Wood:a:met • , $ 200,000 STOCKHOLDERS INDIVIDUALLY LIABLE. ' liiituails ;2: 7 _ YERNNENT SECURETES, T ALLOWED ON MM DEPOOM !Ilel*ln made 011 all ieeeselble DWnte Iq . tha • States and Cana4aa. I , DrIXECTORS: - ifietetter,. • Nral? "4°ll ' Pslrcetts SAW - , D. _ ri ,' MICE, 11,4 - N0 z .29,1 . cos:q - - ,fmatzT, cT - . ...- cir"' •blI ''' 4 1 ,- , :c ~ tECTORS. ' ' H. J. Lynch, I WM7H. Hamilton. To iln Mojdoch..l7ll BeciT3°Cl"&" Wlliam= elT;,i Y . , ~ Hop. .3 7 / 1 11 .. , ant: . _ 1 A. GENERAL_ BANKIN G BUSINE SS ... EOM *Ransom, — " Collections made on all accessible poleta In the Milted InetesstidtOnnetin: • • Interest Allowed on Time Deposits. UttITEDSTATpi)Eill i tirtIDS Bp:pa AND ACK% H.J. LYNCH, President. GM Jr. iVelf-noBSA:ih. - . AI4.IIIi:S7OCKHOLDEIIB LNDIVIDIIALLY LIABLE NATIONAL` BANK Oil EC '; coratiVaol" eitt A.:DATTERSOh 111*estdent. Joel H. HILL Cashier. CAPITAL, : • : 4600,000., DIRECTORS: • A. Patterson. eleoriersl7,6Cass, Allen Kirkpatrick, Wm. Rees. W. S. Hares. . . zippeourrrs DAILY, AT 11 A. N. apettdi HART, CAlllolliF t ii 4 CO,, - BANKERS AND BROKERS, Corner Third find: - Wood- Streets; • io.rr'rsittritGazt, i. 0311CCHEISOH8 TO HANNA, HART i 70.,) xit - Exchange, Coin, Coupons, And Dammam attention paid to t 1 e 15,4*,,5e and sale at COVERNMENT BONDS. Sight Drafts on X..andon. mr322 N. 110 . LBIES & SONS, 57 Market Street, PITT'III7ICOII, PA. O:Minions made on all the principal points of the United Mates and Canada'. SU,clc)li p I,k*.guld ptheF,S4mtth'thm BOUGHT AND SOLD ONVONMBNON. alto Of arttiolai:atiticarse p aid to Oki INC is U4ited - States.l9itieg : TEEM ERN SAYINGS BANK, ::- ! i No.' 59 Potirtk , Shwa.' 1 • , ' _ CIIIA.RTE:-'IED 18643. Ilitearest paid on Time Deposits ANY SEW RECEIVED PROM ONE DOLLAR n DUP*ARD. t Dzeoli SUBJEC T TO crincit, wriasouT INTEREST. Dlseckati Dully at 19 &cloak. . Prerildent-THOMPSON BEI& • vice Preddent—A. 31; NA Itsimitia. ,_.:..........' Duirorli ksi _ _ -'- • t l'llwaraoN BELL, I A. hi. HAREH444 , JOS. DILWORTH. JOB. ALAREE. , • J. J. RILLEarIE, • Eitoc;ktkoldees to whom wemelte reference, Ta Forsythe, tePgliwue l l il.Pnrerk Willie Detect!, A. Lambert; ; D. 'ty C. Bldliell, . - A. M. Brown, Z. Ilf: Fulton. . .Thomas Ewing. ar ) ING ICE. • ' a undersigned *kw assoelatad. witbAlan in buslne dating, Ilathat . *ll Ist,: powkairtAxi. . • PtIED . WALL. bit son ABA B. GILLISPIE and ' LOllll3 NOLERT. The style •of-the flrm to be J. Qr.: OIL ESP= & CO. J. J. GILLESPI.4.. ReAmens to .the'sixtvei, the un4ersigai4= lake: pleasurf in.rutlnif,at,tbey7lll.,..uuntbayejlm ~.;, •,., t gio.ogris gust3./ND PICTURE BUSINESS, 4-7 n ' . 71 frt ;Ilk T.. Aiiiiii,'Weet trail i t a rb giblinkil hou se " t he dnorane nr f. -selato no the WWI pates* • J. T. GILLESPIE & co, higyfhp4 ,tl' ,, ir'6,fistil - i ..4:e. vt.-1,;•:c 1,2 rl DISMOLIITION,L-No tice is hereby •arfigiven that the / partnerehO i lemotor t easli t irtir fe. MILE Zit,Vilelhenanielit'anYeqlej of .1 . WILLI & CO., has been Oils tSY-All• I I solved by mutual cousent, and the books of the said arm have been left witllM.r.l.44geple H lOr rsh ollarr: man ouse. No•-11643t..eir St Plttab e‘ .11ettlement. The busloess intute latcaviled on by Ji B. WF.44.44* - WIXLIAMAi_IIRR , Plitsbptib.i7 30, Jeugef_t p!,,lttLge.iiiroo4l Jun. ,C. Bieber. 71.1[ang. Andrewzlller. AlTie,C.4. • Urnri iwo Vialer, oirscre OP THSYtTTBBtTRtiB flefeeiris, MONDAY. June 15, 1868, . V • Last Friday's statement of the -Weiss of Itew York, shOs6 a 'heaiY .decline 'in the sPeci i cife/ . 4 4‘ 4 4. 1 _.m4 1 41 7 " being the lowest point rikettecVier'ittatry 'Mfrs: - Tms; - . getter with the small stock now held by .private bankers, and speculators seems to beibe main reason for the advance, a more remote cause for the continued firmness 'however, seems to be to continuing heavy imports, bets:esti 54446 millienildolhil Goldlvsslue per Week; Gc4 , erment bonds have suddenly but not unexpectedly advanced to-day, about one per Cent. for the 186.51 and s 13675, five twenities, which are very scarce in the mar ket on account of the delay in getting -bond's from the printing office. The ad vance here is expected to have a favorable . influence- on :the nusrket Europe, and cause a sufficient rise there, to enable shipments of bonds to be made at a smargin to the seller. Very few bonds are offered for sale in the. market,. and the demand at ' present prices is en tirely confined to New York and Philadel phia. Parties who still hold some bonds now expired and on which the interest ceases are very slow in coming forward for either exchange or sale, over-loeking en tirely, that they lose a premium of about 9%-'per cent., and the interest on their modes . 1 d ? 7 9KT I PIC o c r av9rIsion• The stock market is firmer and active, but prices do not change materially except . for North Western common and preferred, and New York and Erie shares. Express shares are depressed, bat Mining shares are higher and very Money is scarcer,-:rnd - 12 per cent. is ,readily paidfor - even'well endorsed' ` of 4 or 6 nicaitlis, and per month nothing extraordinary.- • - tinting ituslgipous as peetvell by,Ph. Mort* were I* Mitoine . • 1 ": - 140 X; 188 1i:bonds...117; 2862 5-20 s, 112,4 1864 do, 110%; 1865 do. 110 X; Consols, rlarmx, ; 7-8 ob v ,01W - 4 veland'deanttaburgh;BB4l kort Wayns,lll%; NortA W.esterlsoonmon 703 i; NOrt4.W.esdertS4reibrr4B3,4; New- I York °liars!, . 184 , Rrie, ON; Old . .'south-1 ern, 60}trOhld ' & , Mtirelsidppt 2934; Mer=. chants Union 28% . ,: WestensUiskin-1 Telegkeph, - 37j4.- MID Stieres—Ooryolon, •34;.Quartis Hi l o 120. , ES, —A London-journal has the fblioiving re= marks tips!'-ilia_ failure, of, tke American banking house of Bcdding, Keith & Co., of London; - The disgraceful failure,of tide firm bee caused the Anieridan Community" both sur prise and indignation. - At first, about three ; years . back,' the title • was Keith; Wayne &. Eastman, but Mr. Belding joined it some two years ago, when Wayne and Eastman' withdrew, and the small sum brought into the concern by the'new; partn was suffici tide over t inf. rick' o fdepression whi c h followed o n the great crisis of May, 1866, the 'liabilities be- . g then:? inconsiderable, °thew _went% t m aken intotaistrd Street, and with an ex- , tensive circular; and all the publicity %hat - , posters, books' and advertisements. could I give, 'the house, as thus foraied, com menced its career as American bankerk and commission agents. It appears that Mr. Keith proceeded a sktiffrtline ago to New York, to:raise, if- possible,-.410,000, to float the company through its - difilctilties, ;- but;failin in this,. Belding, tfluppartper, wfict re ' al l adoii,': - .ieela loge' decamped with he could lay his hands upon. , He announced this in a laconione r tice, dated the *if ihatint, *herein • hii In- I formed those it concerned that Mr. Keith 1 having failed ~- t e:rxise now!' Iti, And% (G. W. Beldiffej Itad -6 1bund - it expedient to I take the smal l baltutasoff bash on hand i +to try lir he could do any better." The i ' 8"ll hi l an akor fe rV IP' r it Tlea 3l" " .have,b,ee .£1 O. 'I elk Plans that last Saturday he dre w' thabalanea: at the X& amounting to £3,000, having pre- SI obtaineitiguihfor.atibedli ferre.Aoo. A vat ble deposit of American gold lately ' New York CatilleAgrif.,f left with him for safekeeping , ' Was against - -,, :-. 1 1 -- mn .. rrxrtz.t.z .. • : t..,;) Ihe o ner's express instructions _ex- . iBY I'V c tstraPh 4° the Pitta . l .ifet.i.floAlies ; : .' '4 - (than for pp tractions NB Yon June 16. „ , futivatico n ti o l , g i d A, meeting ofhis,,,crettitors,wee. bald plf,,, ,for' the n,v Amopiite , 41.674;Afeeyea,,,,, Thar May, add` MI *Mit that IransPirea 1 4 948 . arOP., 44:141414. 4 6 1 1 Aw.. , were nut, of ansgeonalileguitiure. , •., . •Mitiue ope "a 6 praliri clime. armlir:'' • , .6,_ rit .....,_,_ k. _ 7,,,,,,,,- of,,mtui,,, under i Moderate offenngs, with a fair de akiny/Trurior":lo7,-7,='jiibutilingn, maild;fiXtri4lll79olMt Atiblearral2,7of faits .5. - , t ) , en _it is fount , . • -- Fr. f . o .- enion , to gook], f15,g6a16,75; inferior to ordinary, all balances it_r_iitrae, -.''. 1 114ae.1 Sheep and La are quiet mid aniquutalscpchesifoite jut ~ - .. 6 i 5 1 Wert ranglatin Prices•hetn 1 3 ,.50a7,75 ' cinlapnrbnid i iieTraGrid; ' e =lts general Tor` 9rior td extras, sheared; Sheep and/ 10$0,rniovever, on sleeks, .1a.4 tiz 6per vent. lainbe,!llloii4 1 . 1 1oisn,:Whi r eh became firmer It is somewhat anomalous that the prevail. et the latter part oflast week, oltssestiOsadyz : ..-. 4 N. initTOntreintibtsirtivitionavntibillii italktir today with rate s b eta made at Viao. , ~i '4l direct of stimulating speculation. The _• - --k 2 •40.1.:.--...- - -` ' 4 'i. ''' ' :, . - ' atimpig, of catftteiPiiiipearitscitelliedinniiiitg- '?- - Cattle ) !!a% * koti r,.* 4 , “, ~ _ rooskwicr i takko , tiZt iley le - NO tse-Pittibiwita Ctitattey '', .-% - ,•"t.. I, ~ ; adaMtrU*nalt o mark , A #-‘ LiKs4t 44141.44r-BeloPittik* 44181114C5419'3ft25T31N'15m, 11, demand, "P i ll s '''' 4 " 4le 4 • 4. nd: w e r 4 -! b- ' :: -r ,::. r,..13441: dtilii.lo3(all4),,,fara Irtsterii:•,;:.:::! is 1 40; u . El, w i lsiu% 004 14% . azsm et 4 ,... Po. eeArlitrittiter .10 1 . 1 45 W •t(Lir: •-•. ••• , , 90 6.2°14418549; %t. 1 4 1 f 8 ; -8 65• at 5116 a ft i l i d lwer"L ! les 6(KIG ; andloweMide l vf. tt W I ' r a . ' ' '4l, II 4 12 1 50 a 1.1 • 00 : the i bqt r ;dm (Kono ~ _ 1 14., ,,, i; it 1.., - II , , ; 1 % 4 1 • 1 - - 4 .- ~,,. ~...„,....,, ',•, ~,,,,,, • ‘, cl oolkt . # J.llO -D - • 'T.Htiiiititiliiiliali... F-• r 2 .t 1 ~........a.......... . Ihram t ....... 'pa :11 , t Vt cikt. 1124111 , 1 9, Pir_t .004.saPM15" ...wit ......,.,, 3 r ` !mo t ~, , Its. et aisvagissaiii.truetia.", - ri 'I VII; .# ...r.c rivrent„ „3,„.: .. ~ /T. Awe 16 . -- Vioiii' - iiiiditigaigiu', 4.1. ~'•- • eftimariteare... v i t lowerilsalessz pig, fot i llf6 14bit46: saith•it ~.1 .f3t. vr• , Alia " 11111 fit 011/4 . 1 '/11.4 , .:tli l ' t A . ' . 4 ... n ' A' nP .... 1 *"314 'IA ' .00 41 0143.1.33 P "I - i ' ...- " 4- ' ' —/- " ,1 e. .1 (i(i .0 . • AN? at .I.ln Las d.tlit thylvt;l: ,it. ,, ,..1$ Lair 1 1731 0 10 eriAat I ..t. 4 -' F -77 7;7: '777 Tt-',44 a .- ‘ , a fse4tc-,„ 17.1 i. R. 31F7R.Prz 9 Corner' of Virooji And Streets. GOVERNMENT AND PACIFIC. B. R. BONDS, GOLD, SILVER AND COUPONS - ..rfOught'on the most favorable terms. Sells LET. TEES OF CREDIT and :DRA.FTB available In any .parti of Europe. DEPOSITS resolved subject to elle4.`or ENTER EBTALLOWED ON TIME DEPOSITA. j An i , 8B Rt , v a t T. Raw .P4'l 1 'Corner Fourth and Wood ASts, • 33 8 IV-31 is . , — BUT AND siriL zitais oP VERNMEN T A-'2IEOiTRIM3 OOLD, KU Ai — CON% - ON HOOT FAVO R AB LE TANN& N*h - R - tyro 1;14 " ZW 00irjr,,00244.' - ' mitered Agglied,oz(lieposita., mobTrx LOANED ON , 1301 , 111NXIMO" BONDS;' Other apiiroyetf market rates„ _ . . exititittig tbr the Puretiaile and sale 4:4f &TOM% mews eadmimmax , r: ; :, , JAMES .PiA4P1i.14,40, : ~ot littouto„ „ FINANOP3 A.;`TRaDI]: PITTSBURGH MARKErs. it ' ; " I49N PAT.Pi t t. I . I,4 ike l eg i • The geriorWirniiket Continue, dial, and deyclidtrdny:neWfasithres, worthy pC tioular notice. general: thing; the :de— mankforalltf the leielijfig ^oemmodities.W... very inucirreetricied, While tie Wei rahnue - are ISonoerned, there- are no important' BUTTER- Fresh packed Butter is demand, with' SaleBOatl2B. to „2.1;:„ No Roil Butter in market, the weather • being entire ly toe hot to move it in that shape. Efits4kentinne•tieurce and in fair de= '- Arland, and tending upward; sales reported 'li>dayat Sato 31! • POTATOBS—SaIes . of, Peach Blows in malt lots at #1,25 to '31;30 - per push: "New Potateea-tintMet,bit jki = DBIAD --Can nee eiceseivelir dull With a supplg largely in excess of the demand; small sales eXatto 7 c t tfor,kiit and '1134 1234 - ibi Peaches; - ' HAY—ls:doll but: unchanged 1115 , to, Iwo pe;I•on - , lie to quality. GRAp7--Therels tatrAetnand. ter Whearat .11,251444 1 80 for•R4 and 5 - 16'' -• 8o Maher for White; ft•mers growl very, muoiat •belitg - ciciurVeßed accept there *IWO% whmit,oceureto thent - .thate a few • ereke'tsince they_could luive • realized , • we continue to quote at 78 to 80e . -- on w °on w44and tcapkhapdAlto. adrioretz.l ibestdalt retlehr , 47o7 l l: B 4lk " ;r" tf 2 cats .13helleo, le _bulk, at 31, and' 20/Q.,,,,, ,sks Shellettand'Eskr- 11,05.' 1 'Rye; In th - er absenne of salea, may be'Anoted',:at. 691 , , ir, FE ED --.lB diill'hntiniehanged; We , oontinne to , "quoteat i $l,BO to ,for ; 41intta, lin:T*l,4o to $1,50 for Br - ofalatuburg an4dottac , at 15c. - ifinted at $1,23 to 31;2 for NN Aland 51,43 t 051,45 for 'No. I.' ` . `PRCTLSIONI3—. _Bacon. is, Aniet, and . thati&od« 1 3N 0 ,,f9r Shc.Vilers; 18340 to 1734* . Rlbbea and . Clear 'Sides; ,i7,‘o for , Plabi lectoi. Plain Sugar 'Cured; and 19% - t42Octor , Catrvessed-Aoi- Lard 18 18340, kettle ,:rendered, Bried,•.• - Best 22 to 2So. Mesa Pork, pa to 328, 4 59. FLOUR-7ThereAls. Ino impxoyemerit t . co; note in• the demand, and while, the market. is dull nudWk, prices are without quota— ble change. t ' We continue- to quote : at; • $lO,OO to $10,60 for Spring:Wheat; 511,59.t0. M , ier Winter Wheat, and $l4 to 515' Int• ( -' fancy brands. Winter Wheat, extra, 39,00.. AT% Fintul tam - - ~• ME PIITSI4 I URQI4PETROLKYJAI Omen or via Prrruntrort GAzumt, •j MoNnix. Junels, 1808.. ~ C KUBB -- Iliiiinarket4oUtintraifirin; with kxmaiderable inquiry and light offer ings,lprices havut;sillt4 -ally/inked. We canl 4 eport_one.sala.of 590 bbls, on spot,. at 134, add imailierots,oo.tibbls at 13xo, on . _•..4. ; spot; ithfe,lastieStßad° Stgi t OO.4 l Pleo.llkl ) .' ter. profit he having tu bse eri g bought. at ; Per Sell9Or or one ` dollar ti.rOotPOOrk per barrel .. 'pus s , we believe, is the moat -extraordinary .adianCe wo had '-in - mkrket for ttinSvti:.,moriths,perhaper,- longer, and the' most ',noticeable featunr , • ": conneiedWitli'4i, is the fact that it generally unexcted. "Oil . City telegratmt : report the markit. firm and conaidearbly • : excited, and prices' have 'still 'further a&.., vanced, $5,40 to 10,50 being At( ruling quo- - tations. BEFINKD—The market . or .refined - also, continues very4 ll rtn; d; compared with SatUrday, prices have sll fttrther ad- ' vaned. The sales to-day ruached,-uearly eight thou sand barrels, " in 'the ' aggregate. as follows 1,000 bbls for last half of Au gust at 33lic; 500 each from July to De- I .. cember'atlB3c; 300 for September at 33c, the imer advancing $2 per, 4rrellsoo,lsth s4›, . - 31st July, trod 15th to-!sistiAnglist, 'On, , private - -terjair; WOO, spot;' - at - _ -. 31, and 1;004 August at 33c. We can also report a sale of 1,000 bbls Benzole, to be delivered be- I tween the 25th June and 'sty of July, at. AR RIVALS--The arrivals of oil re- ' ported today were as follows: - :. -4 Fisher &.43r0...35001 J. Ga11agher ........ 50;i0; Clark do 13' 300 I My& Piakertga. bb'' Total j• ,•' , • ;OM .4`, on: daapanterra - klatlA:y. 1 .7 .1 ° :iLockiiiiik; Frew - &,.Co.• 3 2 0 lAA ret4* - Warden, Piety it Co., Philadelphia. Brann&Wegfier;'lso'4do do to Wit#o& t .l' King;& Co., Philadelphia. I black & Sumruiri 466116 ao to P.'''Wrig4. di Son ,- Philadelphia. 4. • • - 4 ' lB 42 loll , s iMr/f?' C0.,8. 1 4 , 10111:. t • : , 1 F4weetti; treitv, i•!r,f ugail , B:04, td • sada., , • • Willaripiit'acCo.4ooado den, PreW Co., Worn:o4;4'l4MA Co.,'• 228 bbla,rehnor.••:,'''-..Ht Warden's Frew Co., Philadelphia. •• .1 bicCree,& Beattmont, 350 do do to ;;„( P. Logan dt ßio., Philadelphia. • Nat. Ref . . I Co., 100 do tar- kis 4 4 . 'worth, Philadelphia. • B , BIPALENTt3 1 / 1 1.011C 17011010111NN- DIPOIN 'lt 31. Long & Co.;188 bbho ref.-to Warden,. Pre* 'dr, Co.', Philadelphia.* . 1 .;"' G. W. Holdship;,2l.siia:•lkitojiraring,. Kingn ISt Co.; Philadelphia; 7- • . t • H. AL lion; dt c04c87 ;Chi 4.1 - tri Waring, King hiladelubia.. , _ Brooks, itallentine Co.;' do do to Warden,, Co., Philadelphia. Kirkpatrick &.I,you l 284-do do to W. . Logan & Brp., Philadelphia. blutchinsion 011 - Co. s 335 dodo to WaTden," Frevi& Co. ; Philadelphia. Flemin,g lit Co.; p h is; to • Waxing, King & Co., Philadeh - - - New York Dry Goods Dirket. .i . , [By "telegraph to the Pineal* tO Gazette.] AA A NEw Yoni, June 14.—The weather is de.; lightfut I tbedia a U - r blis - dlill niititd-ingithiV: . for dry goods, sod prices Amor buyers, al-' tliOukh no otherdeoline worthy of observa tion islnotionblevl4Dana,Vicandblurnatlw put out on protection; and tit s itillbli Wager to obtain la Ter discounts. In the mean time mills e' cr§ riwe reling..their„ .roduotitomkr . no pa . vig tip which. rants 'afelteDl a _c, extei) longues, which nre heid at 14; the Cocheco 2 4111 - 8 are 1 sellin some.4oo4,larmads f upoe s. st aft ,, r Tooke at M•WAVd -thermiklyileiVa.,...2A Amos nag; Greenwich prints are reduced , to 11X to-day; printing,:oloths, aretworth about I£l4c,vlsond hogivir„ibromn_,aheetiluo.„ 16,ia1834“---: 4 -t-'! . 4. 3. - 1- SZI iel. tr... 'Ni? ',',l